#not sge somehow
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discjude · 11 months ago
Sometimes playing Roblox is silly and goofy and just an alright experience and then sometimes you guide two identical bacon hairs through a horror game and you get so far and they both do so well and then one dies and you spend a minute waiting for him (with the other one) to walk through the door alive and he doesn't so you both begrudgingly move on because you have to keep going and then the other one dies not a few rooms later. and there is nothing I could do about it. they waited for me by locked doors because they trusted I'd find the key. We waited for each other if one got lost. my beautiful sons. the universe is so cruel to the innocent.
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scionshtola · 1 year ago
ahhhh i finally got the minion from ktisis 🥺
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filipofmounthonora · 7 months ago
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first year vs fourth year
aka im back in sge mode heyyyyy 😭 just doodling some (mostly soon to be featured) characters from my prequel / young callis+arthur series (i know its kind of old BUT. i AM working on the next installment which is probably going end up 3x as long 💀 stay tuned for wip posting. and callis posting 🥰)
ummm random ideas / explanations under the cut:
gareth and gaheris are arthur's cousins (gaheris is 15 (1 year older than arthur), gareth is 12) and both in his class. they generally dislike arthur for various reasons but mostly because they think he's cursed + stole the crown from his brother
callis is gareth's best friend. he is Not hers. he might also be in love with her but that is a tale for another time. you'll see
george (or grog) and alek are callis's roommates (alek is barely 16, george is turning 12). they both got into evil technically by nepotism. you'll see
it will be Ages before i can properly explain why lesso's name is completely different in this series so ill just say it here. its quite silly actually but its been this way for Years and Years so "leonora" is actually a portmanteau name of her first nickname (nora) and a second nickname (leo). the road to nickname 2 will be a long one paved with the power of friendship and not dying in the trial by tale etc etc. you'll see
emma is a surprise tool we will use later or something. she's not relevant after first year or so but im doing my own spin on her not being asked to the snow ball but somehow not being failed. what i'll say now is that callis and gareth are involved. you'll see
uhhh and if you're reading this have a snippet
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ashenmaw-if · 15 days ago
Working on the last bits of the bronze part and the start of ch2 atm.
Rhidiyope is still proving a tough case to write Dx
maybe make some suggestions to help my brain forward?
The other ROs are thus:
Vaelias: Skittish, aloof, bit of an ego without any self-esteem somehow, embodiment of "my devastating self doubt VS my unbridled God complex"
Phyron: Lots of ego, rake, but very loyal. Tried to kill the MC. 'friendly' bruiser once he warms up to MC
Teialumi: Studious wallflower, shy unless something piqued her scientific interest. then sge has no sense for the world around her or self-preservation
Nyrabra: Little scatterbrained whirlwind, nightmare-fuel station attendant.
I really have trouble finding a personality for Rhidi somehow. help?
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fourleafclovxr · 5 months ago
been thinking about last names in SGE. the only people with actual last names that we know of are the established, well-known families (sader, mistral, pendragon) and the professors.
do you need to have a certain level of fame or power to get a last name? do you need to, say, maintain that power over a number of generations? e.g. the saders and their generational seer abilities, the mistrals and advanced magic (? probably). pendragon itself is an epithet (for uther. not even for arthur) if we're looking at the myth, so. yeah. are last names a symbol of generational strength?
and does being a professor somehow just exempt you from all that?? like. when you become a professor does rafal just waltz up and give you a last name?? to establish your Place??
or was soman just being lazy???
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adaobiiii · 2 months ago
──────── I'm Not Scared ⋆。𖦹°‧★
Prompt : Hort and Reader are unable to sleep after watching a horror movie, but neither of them will admit that the movie scared them. 
Pairing : Hort x Reader (Can be read as platonic)
Warnings : None, Fluff, Crack, normalpeople!au
A/N : All characters are aged up (not because there's anything inappropriate but just cause i feel like it makes more sense that way) I will also briefly be mentioning the Saw movies but not going into detail as i haven't watched a single one lol. Hope you enjoy
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I will be having fun with this.
You and Hort had been hanging out one random day in October when he had gotten the bright idea of watching all the movies under the Saw franchise.
He hadn't seen any of the movies, though he thought they wouldn't be as bad as people said they were, and thought that he could comfort you when you got scared.
Turns out both of you ended up terrified.
You were only halfway through the first movie when the wind began to pick up outside. Thunder and lighting began crashing suddenly as the scene got more intense.
All of a sudden, you blinked as the TV screen turned dark. In confusion, you turned to look at Hort only to see him staring at the black screen completely frozen, remote in hand.
"We are never watching that again" he says letting the remote fall out of his hands and onto the floor. Before you could speak, a loud boom filled the room, causing you and Hort to flinch.
The boy cleared his throat before speaking, "That wasn't so bad was it?" he spoke, trying to seem fine even though he had practically stuttered through his words, terrified from what he had seen. "You scared?" he asked.
"I'm not scared," you answered immediately.
"Thats good"
The both of you remained in silence before he got off the couch, declaring he would go up to his room and change. As he went up, he had turned all the previously switched-off lights on to brighten up the room.
You got up and headed to his kitchen, planning on making yourself some hot chocolate to calm your nerves, doing your best not to think about the movie you barely made through.
Fast-Forward a bit. You and Hort are now sleeping on the floor in his room. He didn't wanna be alone on the bed and you didn't wanna be alone on the floor.
You'd both been tossing and turning for about an hour and every time you moved he would ask if you were afraid. At some point you kicked him in the leg to shut him up.
Anyways, right when you were finally about to sleep, this boy screams as loud as he can (probably sounded like a dolphin) which causes you to get up quickly.
Both of you are now on his bed shivering under the blankets you're using as shields as he he points his hook figurine at the strange black object near his window.
"It's a demon" he whispers somewhat in awe but also fear.
"Those don't exist idiot" you retort fighting the urge to smack the back of his head even though you were as scared as him.
Both of you bicker about it for a few minutes before the object began to sway and you backed up in fear.
"IT MOVES" he screamed, throwing his hook at it (which did absolutely nothing to help your situation)
The hook hit the light switch behind the object illuminating the room revealing the thing to be......
"Hort I will actually stab you-" you smack a pillow into his face. Turns out the monster was a bunch of clothes haphazardly thrown onto a broom stick that somehow managed to balance in the corner of his room.
You guys eventually fell asleep on his bed with all the lights in his room turned on.
That was the last, and only, time either of you watched horror movies together.
Borders are From : @dollywons
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liketwoswansinbalance · 10 months ago
CONSIDER: Shadows and Light
The Symbolism Surrounding Rhian, Rafal, and the Pan
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Fun fact: Under certain conditions, a flame will not cast a shadow.
As we saw in Rise, Rhian could turn into a golden glow, turn into light, his non-human form, just as Rafal could turn into a shadow.
And those facts bring me to how the Pan subplot and the brothers' main plot might parallel each other more than we may think.
That Hook had to kill the Pan’s shadow was probably no accident. It likely couldn't have been a coincidence—it has to be a casual quality of the magic system in SGE and Peter Pan lore in general, no doubt.
So, we have: killing the shadow (the Pan's or symbolically, Rafal himself).
Rhian killed the shadow to his light.
And besides, an excess of light eradicates all shadows, and fire, specifically, can cast very distorted shadows because it's always in motion, and therefore, it's restless. This could mean fire as a light source could affect the shadow's "power," its appearance, just as Rhian, like a fairy-tale Nemesis (perhaps?), might have weakened Rafal as Rhian became stronger, and that Rhian had been a force that changed or warped Rafal as a person, while also becoming colder himself. Meanwhile, Rafal's hair curled slightly and he gained more color and warmth to his complexion towards the climax of their tale.
I wonder if, in getting his magic back from Hook when it was released, Rhian had been further corrupted or overpowered enough, to overpower Rafal (while, all the while, the Storian had been stripping Rafal of the magic he held) because it didn’t dissipate by itself, with the loss of his immortality(?). Hook could have been acting like a temporary storage unit for that magic, until it returned, meaning the Storian may not have been able to rescind it from Rhian directly.
(And did Kyma release Rhian's magic when it was transferred to her? Or did it just disappear/dissolve without returning to its owner?)
Then, we can ask ourselves: what was the only move that could kill Pan? Somehow, magically killing his shadow. His life source. The apparent source of his immortality.
And, Rhian killing the source of his former immortality (his brother, and as a result, their bond along with Rafal's death)? Well, that’s killing a shadow, too.
Thus, the two plots line up exactly.
Rafal was once Rhian's shadow, in a sense, the person who stayed by him, who saved him again and again. Thus, Rhian destroyed himself, to an extent, by killing that shadow. He not only killed his life source, the love that kept him alive, by severing the twins' bond, but lost a part of his identity when he killed Rafal. Thus, he ages. Like the Pan as he died, Rhian was no longer a perpetual youth, no longer a young "lost boy."
And sometimes, Rhian's shadow strayed too far and left him (Rafal deserting the School at the start), just as Pan’s shadow isn’t always right by the Pan himself. The Pan's shadow had a life and will of its own, seemingly, like Rafal did.
Rafal getting his own life, by venturing out, beyond the School, was one step away from having his identity always tied to Rhian. Maybe, just maybe, Rafal wasn't inseparable, inconceivable without Rhian (the light source), his other half. But, Rafal always did revolve around Rhian (when Rafal had his few, less selfish moments). Because, he simply can’t be brought up or thought of alone, at least not in the tales, in their world. One brother's presence always summons the other's to mind, when you talk about them. That’s how locked together, how insoluble their combined identity was, or plural roles were. The shadow was tethered to his object. They can’t be torn apart, not even in memory, which makes the nature of the tales themselves all the more reductive, dehumanizing, even.
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atropinenightshade · 3 months ago
sge characters playing video games [could be horror or anything]
Ooo thanks for this!
I think the main three would play a game along the lines of Zelda or maybe even Genshin. Anything fantasy based. Somehow, I think Agatha would be a pro at video games and very hard to beat. She'd always be at the highest levels and have great strategy in battles. Tedros mostly loses to her. Sophie-- I'd imagine she would love to cosplay maybe? More than the game, she'd like the character designs and the aesthetics the most. However, she wouldn't miss a chance to beat Teddy. Hort doesn't strike me as a video game player, except maybe the internet crash dinosaur game.
Oh and Nicola would be great too! I think she would be excellent at puzzle games or Tetris. Candy Crush and games of that sort don't faze her. She knows how to maneuver around the harder levels. The coven would use it for bonding time, but I think they are definitely more horror people. Like FNAF? I think Dot would feel bad for the animatronic due to the... history of the games. I can see them loving post apocalyptic games like Fallout too.
Rhian 2, Japeth, Kei, and Aric look like Roblox kids. There would always be roblox drama. Aric would bully and kill other players, and those Adopt me stuff with this gang would be WILD. Lesso and Dovey would tell them to stop and touch grass, Evelyn maybe, but I think she'd find a way to make Japeth upset by allowing Rhian 2 more Game Time. Aric would be the bratty child that bites his mother when he doesn't get robux. Japeth and Rhian 2 would also love building your empire games, though.
The prequel kiddos- they would meet up one day to play Among Us and Rhian is a surprisingly good imposter. Rafal will never admit to Rhian winning. Midas would cheat somehow. Rafal would love horror, but also shooter type games and war games. Or building your empire type game. (Not a video game that I know of but I hc that Rafal would be good at Cataan!) Rhian would like those cuter games like Animal Crossing too, maybe try to be a streamer.
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some-gurl-idk · 1 month ago
This is just what I think would happen during the seamstress shop scene if my oc Ezra was in Castlevania: Nocturne, there's one scene during that I want to focus on but I'm just doing the whole thing for fun
"This will do" Annette said as the group walked into the seamstress shop, no one was here
Richter, Alucard, and Ezra picked up the fabric and other stuff off the floor to make enough room while Annette looked for some chalk to draw the symbol
After Annette finished making the symbol on the floor, she sat down in front of it, mentally preparing herself
"My soul might be away from my body for a while" She said. In response to that, Richter grabbed a blanket from off a nearby chair and folded it behind her, making a makeshift pillow
"Just in case" He said, giving her a smile, Annette looked at him with a smile of her own, then looked back down at the floor
"Cecil always warns of our souls mustn't get lost in the spirit world" Annette said with a solemn expression "What happens if they do?" Alucard asked
Annette stayed silent for a moment "...I will never wake up" Richter and Ezra both gasped in shock and worry, Richter put his hand on Annette's, assuring her "All three of us will be here. Don't be afraid"
Richter gave her a reassuring look "Maybe it'll help you find your way back"
Ezra gently put a hand on her shoulder "We'll all be here for you" He gently reassured her
Annette looked up at him and gave him a look of gratitude, and turned back to the symbol, ready to begin. Ezra stepped back while Richter scooted away as Annette started chanting
It took a few seconds and the symbol started to glow a golden yellow, then Annette fell silent, so only looked ahead of her, sge didn't even respond when Richter tried calling out to her
"It worked, she's in the spirit world" Ezra noted, looking at her he couldn't help but worry for Annette, the very girl he viewed as his own daughter
"I'll be here" Richter said, holding her hand "Remember I'm here"
Alucard gazed at the two with a solemn expression, seeing the love Richter had for Annette. He looked next to him at Ezra, the very angel he loved, who was looking at Annette and fiddling with his locket
Alucard placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort him, the Angel put his own hand over it, not taking his eyes off the girl
Ezra setting on window bench, looking outside in deep thought, his eyes would occasionally glance at Annette or the other two men leaning on the table on the other side of the room
"I've seen her take down night creatures and vampires in one move" Alucard stated "She can handle herself" He said as if trying to reassure Richter and Ezra. The Angel only gave a huff in response
"But the spirit world is a different battle field" Richter argued. Ezra decided to stay quiet, letting the two talk
"You want to go after her?" Alucard questioned "Do you think there's a way I could?" Richter asked, ready to go and somehow help Annette
"No" Alucard simply said "You weren't born worshipping her gods or using their powers. You'd just probably get in her way"
Ezra rolled his eyes, though he liked Alucard's bluntness, sometimes he wished the Dhampir was more gentle with his words
"I'm not as useless as you think I am" Richter muttered, looking away dejected "I never said useless" Alucard clarified "Sometimes careless" He quickly added
"Oh excuse me for not having three hundred years to perfect the art of war" Richter sarcastically replied. Ezra chuckled at that while Alucard gave a short breathy chuckle "What?"
"Nine generations later and sarcasm still runs in the Belmont blood. Trevor would be proud" Alucard smiled fondly. Ezra too smiled fondly, remembering the time he spent with Trevor and Sypha when they walked the earth
"I don't need some distant relieves pride" Richter remarked "My mother would be happy with who I am" he muttered
Alucard walked across the room to look out to the sunset, Ezra looked up at the Dhampir who stood across from him. He couldn't help but admire the way Alucard looked out in the window in thought
"You're Mother and I never met, but.." Alucard paused "When you live as long as I have, you start to understand....we're all part of the same story somehow....and these connections run very deep"
It was nighttime already and Annette was still in the spirit world, Ezra was kneeling beside her, wiping the sweat off her face, after he was done he stood back up and looked over at Richter
Richter was still standing, but he looked quite tired "Get some rest Richter, we'll take the first night's watch" Ezra said, gesturing to the stool behind the young man, taking a seat on the bench "I'm fine" Richter insisted
"You can't keep your promise to protect her, if you're too tired to fight" Alucard stated, he was sitting on the bench looking out the window with his arms crossed, left leg proped up with the right one on the ground
"We'll watch over you both until morning" Alucard said "Night and day are much the same to me. Thanks to my lineage" He said as he looked at Richter, his lip quirked up a bit
Richter looked at Alucard "Would you change it if you could?" He asked "Being Draculas' son?"
Ezra was caught off guard the question, and he could tell Alucard was surprised by the question as well. Admittedly Ezra thought about it too a few times, but he never thought to ask
Alucard didn't say anything for a few seconds, and Ezra wondered how he would answer to such a question
"Everything is connected Richter, I can't remove one name from my story without erasing other" Alucard looked down at his lap
"Like your Mother?" Richter questioned. Alucard only looked out the window, staying silent for a moment before he spoke again
"When I was traveling in Japan, I learned that family are not only made by blood" Alucard said "Ancestors and offspring are linked together, by a shared bond"
Alucard sighed and looked down to his lap again "For centuries I've been fighting to save humanity with a Belmont by my side" Alucard smiled "Isn't that a family too?" Alucard looked over and paused
That's when Ezra heard snoring coming from Richters' spot, looking over to see the young Belmont fast asleep
Both Alucard and Ezra chuckled at the boy, and looked out the window. Well Alucard did, Ezra tried to look at the night sky but he kept looking over at Alucard, admiring how the Dhampir looked in the moonlight
He looked angelic, the way his hair shined in the moonlight, the way his gold eyes were almost glowing, he was the most beautiful man Ezra had ever seen
"Beautiful..." Ezra whispered, not realizing he said that out loud "What's beautiful?" Alucard asked
Ezra snapped out of his dazed and saw Alucard looking at him with a smirk, as if he already knew what, or who, the Angel was referring too
"O-oh! Well well...um" Ezra stammered "I-i was talking about the moon!" Alucard raised an eyebrow "The moon?" He asked in a fake curious one, seeing through the excuse
"Yep! The moon is quite beautiful tonight!" Ezra said a little too quickly for his liking. Alucard gave breathy chuckle, finding the Angels' flushered expression amusing and quite cute
"Yes, the moon is beautiful tonight" Alucard agreed as he looked back out at the sky, deciding to leaves the poor Angel alone
Well...not before saying something at least "You're quite beautiful yourself Ezra, especially in the sunlight" Alucard shifted his gaze to the flushered man sitting across him
Ezra felt his face heat up "I..." He clears his throat "Thank you" Ezra gave a shy smile and looked away, facing the window
The pair sat in silence for a good while, just enjoying each other's company, till they noticed Annette starting to....float?
When Richter woke up it was nearing the evening. He looked out the window for a few seconds trying to wake up, that's when he noticed the reflection
Richter gasped and turned to find Annette floating, still in the same criss-cross leg position she was in yesterday
"She's been doing that for hours" Alucard, who was now standing and staring at Annette, informed Richt
"Why didn't you wake me?" Richter asked, still in shock "What were you going to do?" Ezra asked, still sitting on the bench
Ezra had left a few minutes ago to check on the people and how everything was going along
Richter was walking in circles around Annette, growing antsy. Alucard was leaning on a table near the door, watching Richter
"You should tell her" Alucard said out of the blue. Richter stop and gave him a bored expression "Tell her what?" He questioned
"I'm pretty sure she loves you too" Alucard stated, catching Richter by surprise
The young man cleared his throat and tried to act nonchalant "Oh, did she....say something?" Richter questioned
"Yes" The Dhampir said, twisting a strand of his hair around his index finger "Yes she confessed it when we were braiding each other's hair and talking about you" Alucard sarcastically replied
Richter didn't look amused "Funny" Alucard gave an amused huff
"She laughs at your jokes, she debates your ideas, she understands what you have lost" Richter looked down at floor in thought
"You should tell her, preferably before you get old"
"What're the chances we'll live that long?" Richter murmured. The Belmont was in silent thought before he said "You must of been in love, over all that time?" Richter pondered
Alucard looked down "Countless times" He then looked towards the door "Even now"
Richter was confused for a moment, till he connected the dots "Ezra? You're in love Ezra?" Alucard chuckled a bit
"Even after all these years, I could never shake off the feeling" Alucard had a fond smile on his face at the thought of Ezra, before it fell and he looked at Richter
"Show her who you are beyond the Belmont bravado" Alucard said "You said you'd be here. Make her feel it's true" Richter turned to look at Annette "That she can always come to you"
Richter thought about for a moment "I'll tell her, when the time is right" Alucard nodded in understanding
They stood in silence for a moment before Richter spoke up "When will you tell Ezra?"
Alucard thought for a moment, truthfully he had thought about confessing to the Angel over the years. He thought about what he would do, what he would say, even how he would react if Ezra rejected him
But with trying to find Sekmets' body and finding a way to stop Erzsebet, the thought hadn't crossed his mind in a long while
"Maybe, when all of this is over" Alucard voiced "Maybe I'll finally tell him then"
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yurikaxiv · 7 months ago
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Last day of July so it's practically a month after Dawntrail launched. It's weird how this was supposed to be the biggest thing for me in 2024 but somehow it's not. It's not to say that Dawntrail was garbage but it didn't leave as much of an impact for me as Shadowbringers or Endwalker especially since I only cried in the scenes on the final map.
I do like the animations of a few of the jobs at max level. Some have nothing to write home about (SGE) but the MCH one is cool as hell to me. 😎
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The Scholar one is cool but I prefer to heal on Sage so outside of gpose I can't see myself using it lol. Summoner Bahamut is neat but then I remember how SMN does like 40% less DPS than Pictomancer and I throw my book into the recycle bin. 🚮
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discjude · 9 months ago
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Yeah this is about right (as always my thoughts are in the tags so there's actually kei content there lmao)
#Hester I adore you they could never make me hate you. Seriously the first chapter in 6 (bad candy) is like my favourite opener#Kei they could NEVER EVER make me hate you. did nothing wrong ever. rhian when I CATCH you#its so funny how my two favourite characters just like. hate each other. like japeth literally kills him#sad cause they're so SIMILAR. theyre both victims of Dog Metaphor its so sad that kei does Not like japeth in the slightest#personally if they had a good long discussion about their emotions at like 3am they could've probably stopped TCY from happening#but alas. Aric. somehow its all his fault again. why do I have an aricposting tag but not a keiposting one.#Hester easily has the best overall characterisation arc I love love love the way soman writes her#I remember when I read 6 for the first time#before japeth insanity happened#I used to anticipate her chapters over like everyone else's. Hester the 1 lesbian in the series you are deeply loved#I could write whole essays about japeth and kei's characterisation it is so sad that soman forgets kei exists#like he's meant to be rhian's eagle. that's his job. that's what he's spent a Long Time anticipating becoming#but rhian refuses to acknowledge it. instead he calls Japeth his eagle in book 4's ending#He eventually falls in love with Sophie#he only ever cares about the crown#how he GETS to the crown#and bringing his mother back. he lies more than japeth#and never once does he get to be the eagle. There's only three spaces - lion/eagle/snake - and he doesn't get to be any of them#dont even get me started on how he dies. surrounded by white swans. being purely good#god rhian II try not to fuck EVERYTHING over challenge. and also Aric. its all arics fault as well#keiposting#japethposting#actually not really jposting. didn't do it that much#sge#tsfgae#school for good and evil#the school for good and evil#sfgae#the school of good and evil#as much as I adore Hester I dont think I will talk about her much in detail ever so no hesterposting yet
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heyo-428 · 1 year ago
What book are you currently reading? How are you liking it? What book are you going to read next?
I’m reading “Good Girl, Bad Blood” by Holly Jackson, the sequel to AGGGTM! Also, re-reading the SGE series and Six of Crows, simultaneously. And also reading “All the Bright Places” and “We Were Liars”
I have a bad tendency to read multiple books at one time, I somehow can multi task with books but nothing else in life.
I’m liking GGBB, i’m actually going to Barnes & Noble so i’m getting the final in the series. I’m liking All the Bright Places, it’s a more difficult read for me rn just because the beginnings a bit slow. We Were Liars is also good I am excited to read it! I have had two friends who have so they said the endings sad, but I love sad books.
After these I think I will read “Girl in Pieces” and “How it Feels to Float.” By the time I finish all these it will probably be Christmas and I will probably get a lot of books from friends and family so not sure what I will read after! Might attempt to make a schedule to finish all my books in 2024 lol.
Thanks for the ask I love answering them!! <33
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harmonyvarnes · 1 year ago
I saw the light ~ Rhian Mistral ( The Journey To Redemption ) [ Rise. / Fall SGE ]
Title: I Saw The Light / The Journey To Redemption
Pairings: No Romance, but will have mentions of couples.
Tags: Time Travel, Past-Romance, Character Death, Etc.
Warnings: Strong Language! Violence! Character Death! Blood and Gore!, Etc.
Characters: Rhian Mistral, Rafal Mistral, and others.
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Rhian let out a snarl as he lunged at Sophie and tried to kill her, but it was too late.
He was no more.
His body begins to age rapidly and falls to the ground, turns to ashes, and blows away in the wind.
He opened his eyes to see himself in some weird place, his eyesight was blurry and he could hardly breathe. He grabbed and grasped at his throat, and a dry cough left his mouth and lungs.
Rhian struggled to make sense of his surroundings, the blurred images and unfamiliar environment disorienting him further. As his vision slowly cleared, he realized he was standing in what appeared to be a desolate wasteland. The air was heavy with an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of his raspy breaths.
His confusion turned to unease as he took in his own appearance. Rhian's reflection revealed a gaunt figure, weathered by age and exhaustion. He could hardly recognize himself, but there was no denying that he was somehow different, altered from the moment of his demise.
Cautiously, Rhian began to explore his surroundings, hoping to find some answers in this strange place. With each step he took, the ground beneath him seemed to shift, as if mocking his attempts to find stability. The sparse vegetation crumbled to dust as he brushed past it, replaced by lifeless remnants scattered in the wind.
As he ventured further, Rhian's senses heightened, picking up faint whispers on the breeze. They were barely intelligible, but their urgency fueled his determination to understand. Pushing through the mounting weakness in his body, he followed the intangible voices, desperate for comprehension.
Suddenly, he stumbled upon a gathering of apparitions. They appeared to be shadows of their former selves, their bodies resembling faint echoes of life. Their voices grew in intensity as they noticed Rhian's presence, their hollow gazes fixed upon him. With great effort, he tried to speak, but his voice came out as a mere whisper, barely audible.
As if sensing his struggle, one of the apparitions approached, its eyes reflecting a glimmer of recognition. It extended a ghostly hand towards Rhian, urging him to join their circle. Although apprehensive, he grasped the outstretched hand, and an intense surge of energy coursed through him.
His vision cleared, and his body regained strength as he absorbed the ethereal essence flowing from the apparition. The whispers around him became more coherent, revealing fragments of forgotten memories and hidden truths. Rhian realized that he was no longer confined to the mortal realm; he had entered a realm between life and death, where time held no sway.
Embracing this newfound clarity, Rhian focused on the apparitions, communicating without words, absorbing their knowledge and experiences. He discovered that they were all souls who, like him, had met their demise and now resided in this ephemeral realm.
As time continued its elusive dance, Rhian's understanding grew. He realized that this realm was a place of reflection, a space where souls were given a chance to confront their past and reconcile with their choices. Here, one could find redemption or be forever trapped in the purgatory of regret.
Rhian chose to embrace this opportunity, vowing to seek forgiveness for the darkness he had once embodied. Energized by his newfound purpose, he set forth, determined to find a way to make amends. However, he knew that this journey would not be easy, for the path to redemption was as treacherous as the one that had led him here.
Armed with the knowledge and strength borrowed from the souls he encountered, Rhian embarked on a soul-searching odyssey through the realm between life and death. This ethereal journey would test his resolve, his resilience, and his capacity for change. But Rhian was prepared to confront his past head-on, to atone for his actions, and discover the true purpose of his existence in this in-between world.
End Of Part 1, In the next part you'll see different and new people and scenarios.
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fourleafclovxr · 2 years ago
seerposting (aka saderposting)
i've always been so interested in the idea of seers in sge (if we've been mutuals for a while you would probably know). because the idea of someone being able to see how the story ends (which is like, a Big Thing for literal characters in that story, and also in soman's writing) also implies the possibility of them being able to manipulate that story. to go against what was set out by the story.
i mean, august sader's whole thing in tlea was... weird? like the man is soman's eternal deus ex machina but he has his limits. if i remember correctly, he told sophie & agatha that he Saw himself telling them their backstory (sister twist etc), but that he couldn't See any further than that, and that the story depended on their choice- which he couldn't predict. but the fact that he knew to tell them that at all (even after his death) means that he could also, theoretically, choose not to do it, right?
and that element of choice itself also implies that the future, the ending of the story, is a changeable thing. that you can influence it. and if even characters can do that, why not seers? who arguably are even better equipped with knowledge to do it?
in the school years, august sader acted as an enabler to the story. i think he also appeared in otk? it's been too long since i read the books :[ actually if he appeared in otk that makes things More Interesting because at that point they were in the middle of the man vs. pen conflict. fun! tells us more about how seers work! except i don't remember if that was a thing! but basically the whole idea of Sight was so integral to the series. and then soman didn't explain it at all. (thanks soman!) so what role do Seers really play in a story that's never fixed?
and for another thing, what do seers actually work for? to continue the story or do they have their own free will? like, august sader gave rafal that whole reader prophecy about sophie. did he know he was supposed to do that, or did he just want to? i remember theorising that he did it for his sister to enter the school, not sure if that was a book thing or a fanon thing.
because it resulted in a whole shitshow (ie the entire sge debacle because sophie was marked as Special from then on), which. if you think about it, just really served to bring good and evil back together, and stopped the trend of good winning. (for the school years at least. whatever. the camelot years were not storian-approved and therefore not as relevant to the idea of seers working for the story.) so did august sader set that in motion or did he know he Had to set that in motion?
+ the whole thing about seers aging ten years if they told anyone about the future. obviously that's kind of a rule against changing the future through influencing others. but what about their own action????? wouldn't it be an interesting thing to explore, being able to write your own story? maybe even control the storian, like japeth and his man vs pen conflict?
and doesn't that make seers somehow greater than good and evil? like, the man vs pen conflict basically disregards good and evil completely. logically japeth is evil but evil was also working against him (the coven), and i really don't think he fits into the categories of good and evil set out in the school years. i think he's something even more fucked up than that. something More Than The Story. hhh soman your camelot years had so much potential to explore that don't make me do it for you
+ sader's weird seer ancestor in rise of tsfgae. i forgot what he said. he existed ig. rise of tsfgae was not a very good book so i mostly ignored what happened
tl;dr: can seers in sge go against the future (the ending of the story) or can they act independently? wouldn't it be cool if they could act independently? Wouldn't It
i know this isn't what soman's books were about, and that this is an incredibly niche and odd idea, but. seers. (august sader)
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liketwoswansinbalance · 10 days ago
i always giggle when i see you liking my posts bc im not sure you even realize that we are in the same very niche fandom (sge). like you started following me for entirely unrelated things and somehow only like my posts that are Not about sge. and yet sge is the reason i joined tumblr way back in 2018!! and i rly enjoy seeing parts of the fandom still alive in 2025, so when i see your blog in my notifications , i take a second to smile
Thank you! I always knew. At the very start, I looked for SGE accounts to follow since I wanted to consume what was out there. So, your perceived coincidence wasn't real. But, I followed so many accounts at the start that I must have forgotten to read or look at them by some point, meaning they're just languishing in my Following list.
Also, I had liked your other posts because the content intrigued me, despite the fact that I don't recognize the vast majority of the fandoms you reblog or post about.
I often like posts purely for their aesthetic value or to make a note of a piece of media I might one day want to consume, even if I have zero context with which to read or look at any of them... so, well, this is awkward, but I can't really say much about any of the things I've liked from you, aside from the fact that some are entertaining, visually-appealing, striking in some other way, or simply something I just wanted to save to read for some indeterminate future date since I frequently use the "like" function as a "save" feature. That way, I can trawl through everything I've liked. I'm not an anime fan, to anyone who's seen me like anime posts, sorry. I just appreciate the art itself when it appears on my dash. That's it—the extent of my knowledge at the moment.
Basically, I consume a lot on the peripheral that conceptually fascinates me.
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atropinenightshade · 2 months ago
Masque game ask: blood
magic or resurrection involved? Could be related to Blanche 'dancing' with death?
Yes, there's a lot of magic involved and forms of resurrection! I'm not sure if I would say it's directly related to her dancing with death, but Death kinda uses the situation to trick someone into her somehow being with him (not romantically but if Blanche chooses this other person she will die eventually, her significant other lives forever unless he chooses to, and bad things happen to her kids the more her significant other makes choices that counteract a life-death balance. In fact, bad things happen to HER, involving a resurrection...)
Blood is a form of magic and is considered heavier and usually associated with dark rites, child sacrifice or creating one, stronger spells, etc. (In my fic, not necessarily SGE canon as flying was considered a form of blood magic)
If you have any more questions, don't be afraid to spam me!
Edit: also if y'all want post fic spoilers go ahead. I don't plan on writing another continuation fic
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