#not saying that the movie should've been about kyle
jewbeloved · 1 year
When you feel left out (Stan x Kyle x Reader)💙💚💖
This idea came into my head and I wanted to write about it!
Warnings: angst with a fluff happy ending
Gender: Neutral
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💙 Stan and Kyle 💚
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You weren't really sure if you were ready to have 2 boyfriends they were dating before you came into the relationship.
I mean you liked both Stan and Kyle at the same time so a poly relationship happened between you guys, so now you're dating 2 boyfriends.
But lately you have been getting weird feelings that Stan and Kyle are ignoring you. Maybe like you being left out for some reason, you wondered if they were upset or mad at you for something. But when you asked them they didn't say anything to you, they just looked at each other before facing away from you.
You decided to ask your friends and their friends if you did something wrong to make them ignore you, but all of them didn't know.
You knew that Stan and Kyle were dating before you came into their relationship. But now you're starting to feel as if you're getting in the way with how they don't make eye-contact with you and ignore you like you're not even there.
You had confronted them when you found them sitting on a bench in Stark's pond holding hands.
"Stan and Kyle...?", You thought that they would just ignore you again but they actually faced towards you this time.
They gave you concerned looks when they saw your facial expression.
"Am I...getting in the way of your relationship?", Their concerned looks changed into a shocked one.
"Huh? What are you talking about (Name)?"
"Well...you guys have been quite ignoring me since last week and I saw you guys were always hanging out with each other...you both always seemed so happy...", You tried your hardest to not cry.
"The truth is...I feel left out....I'm not saying that I always want to be the center of attention...but it felt like I was always the third wheel who wasn't even there to begin with...", You couldn't hold in your tears any longer as you burst into tears streaming down your cheeks.
Stan and Kyle both looked at each other with guilt before they turned towards you again and wrapped their arms around you to form a big hug.
"Oh (Name)....you're not getting in the way of our relationship... we're sorry we made you feel like that...".
"But why did you guys ignore me...? I don't understand...".
"Well...me and Stan were still not sure about being in a poly relationship....but we should've told you how we felt instead of just hiding it from you, we're so sorry...", Stan and Kyle hugged you closer to them.
"You both did seem really happy when I wasn't there to join you guys...".
"We are happy together..but we also still want you.....you're our s/o...do you still want to be in a poly relationship with us? If that is still okay with you".
You nodded and that made them both smile at you.
They both gave you a kiss on both sides of your cheek as they continue to hug you into their embrace while giving you head pats and back rubs.
"Me and Stan were planning to go play some video games at Stan's house, would you like to join us (Name)?", Your eyes lit up in excitement.
"I would love to!", All 3 of you smiled as you all held hands while making your way to Stan's house.
"After we finish playing games together...do you guys maybe want to cuddle and watch a movie?"
They smiled at you.
"Me and Stan have cuddled before, but with you this time it will feel special! and also another way to make up to you for ignoring you last week".
They both gave you some more kisses on your forehead and cheek, and eventually your lips too.
You have never felt so happy in your life...💚💙💖
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I love poly relationships...sometimes I do wonder what it is like to have 2 partners or maybe even more...
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songmingisthighs · 2 years
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. xlvi - cake
wooyoung × reader, ??? × reader
in a school filled with the affluent, it would only make sense for birds of a feather to flock. but what if your new status doesn't immediately buy you a way into said flock? what if instead, it bought you sure rejection? to the rich and powerful, having different masks is a must. despite some people knowing your true self and your secrets
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You were so focused with the item in your hand that you didn't even realized that the class had cleared out to get lunch. By that, you didn't even realize that Wooyoung, Seonghwa, and Yunho had gone out without telling you.
After rereading Kyle's encouragement over and over again, you decided to will yourself and just do it. From under your desk, you pulled the bag you brought with you and produced a small box from it. You took off the lid of the box to check the cake you made. It wasn't much, it was just a small cake with whipped fresh cream and strawberries and the middle is decorated with hearts and a small "woo" just to get your point clear. You felt happy with the cake, you felt hopeful. You didn't care that you slept late because you were making the cake or that Mingyu kept bothering you, calling you names and saying how stupid it is, you wanted to take the leap with Wooyoung.
So you cleaned up your desk a bit, putting the boxes and bag away as you calmed yourself down. When you checked the clock, you saw that you had spent over half of lunch time just trying to fix your nerve. "Holy shit," you muttered to yourself as you hurried out with the cake in your hand.
As you were walking towards the cafeteria, you saw Yunho, Seonghwa, and most importantly, Wooyoung on the stairs of the annexe building where the art major is at, about to arrive at the floor where the annexe bridge is on. Seeing Wooyoung made you instantly light up, there were butterflies in your stomach and you immediately felt something light up in you. So you changed course so you can meet up with them as soon as you can.
With steps so light and springy, you felt giddy and hopeful. Years of knowing him and you're sure that both of you are on the same page. Heck, he even had the idea to establish a romantic relationship in the first place. It must've been a good sign, right? After all, it makes sense that childhood friends fell for each other. There are TONS of great books written on the premise. Why can't your and Wooyoung's story be the same?
Sure, he has been pulling away these past few days, but that's normal. You might not have much experience romantically, or even platonically for that matter, but you're perfectly capable of using your logic. And logically speaking, having been best friends since before you could easily multiply 4 by 7, you know that Wooyoung is not the type to do anything to hurt you. He wouldn't have stayed with you for so long if he didn't want the best for you. To even doubt him is just idiotic. And you know idiots and idiotic moves, you've watched enough horror movies to sharpen your cognitive and logical skills.
Despite feeling so sure, you found yourself halting to a stop just as you stepped off the stairs on the annexe bridge floor. The butterflies in your stomach turned into a sinking feeling. You couldn't explain what it is exactly and you don't know if it's good or bad. Was it nerves about taking a step forward with Wooyoung? Was it fearing that the cake might be overkill? Or was it the internal awareness that this might not be a good idea as you yourself felt like something was not right? Maybe it was something as simple as you should've made sure that Wooyoung would be okay with this too. Or maybe it's something as big as you feel like you should make sure that Wooyoung isn't involved in anything shady. Either way, your gut was yelling for you to stop, take a step back. Yeet the cake out the window and pretend like nothing happened.
But how could you know for sure? For all you know, it could just be jitters. Positive jitters. People who are happy and sure felt nauseous and shaky as if the ground is about to open up and swallow them whole before making a life-changing decision, right?
Ignoring your inner turmoil, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes. "I can do this, this is what I want, this is what WE want," you mumbled to yourself repeatedly. Once you opened your eyes, you took a quick moment to look at your reflection in the nearby class window and cringed a little. While you don't particularly look like a hobo, you blame yourself for not combing your hair or even straightening out your uniform first. And it was such a genius idea for you to wear your Chucky socks for school knowing full well that your school slippers would make the creepy haunted doll very visible. If things go well, you don't think Wooyoung would appreciate starting your romantic relationship with a character that almost made him shat his pants in 8th grade. Lord knows Wooyoung has been trying to get you to get rid of the odd horror character t-shirts you own for a long time.
Finally, after what felt like forever, you carefully repositioned the cake and make your quick way ahead to catch up in the middle with the three.
As you saw them approaching, you could feel your heart beating so hard and fast, you thought it might punch a hole out of your chest. Once they were close enough, you could see Wooyoung looking at you so you stopped in your tracks. With hopeful eyes and a smile so wide, you proudly outstretched your hands to showcase your creation.
But for some reason, Wooyoung, fully seeing you and the cake, simply averted his gaze and walked away. Seonghwa and Yunho didn't even acknowledge your presence. You froze and panic for a second, not knowing what to do, unsure of why he just avoided you.
You immediately turned and took a rushed couple of steps to follow him. "Wooyoung!" you called out, effectively catching the attention of Yunho but unfortunately not Wooyoung. Thankfully, he tapped his shorter friend on the shoulder and he turned around with a raised eyebrow, cockily looking at Yunho before averting his gaze at you.
Before he could run off again, you immediately took a step forward and started talking. "Wooyoung, I..." you trailed off, unsure of what to actually say. The look he gave you was so cold, it made tears in your eyes. But you were determined, you didn't want to back down. It's about time you do what you want to get what you want.
Pushing the cake towards him more, you willed yourself to let whatever it is in your head to pour out. "I-I know that you said we shouldn't do anything publicly yet like we shouldn't put ourselves publicly yet. But I don't want to wait anymore, I'm so sure of us that I want to be official with you. We communicated that one of our main concerns is not wanting people to judge us or even affected our decision and relationship, but I believe we both are strong enough than that. I believe that when we're together, we can support each other and actually be better than anything else. We work better together and I know you know it, Wooyoung. So, what do you say?"
Wooyoung was taken aback at your confession. The way you spoke, it was so confident, so sure. It was as if he was talking to the version of you he had always known you have. But the oppression given by your environment forced you to bury that side away. He liked it though, he liked it a lot. For some reason, his eyes zeroed in on you as you spoke, all of his focus was on you and the way you were equally focused solely on him made his heart beat fast. When you called his name, he could feel himself blushing because he liked the sound of it in the romantic context a lot. He wanted more, he wanted to hear more, he wanted this level of dedication and commitment to each other.
Sadly, the focus bubble that Wooyoung was in was popped too abruptly and too short. His eyes began shifting away from you, darting back and forth from one person to another. People's whispers grew loud in his ears, it was starting to become deafening to him. Maybe it was his mind playing tricks on him, but he felt like people were laughing at him. When he looked at Seonghwa and Yunho, he was sure that he saw them staring at him with judgement and disgust in their eyes.
Wooyoung felt his palms become sweaty. This is what his parents have always warned him. Over and over again, they reminded him that people keep a very close eye on the affluent and put a ridiculous amount of judgement on them. Everything that his parents had ever warned him about slowly flooded his mind. The voices of his peers and the warnings from his parents were jumbled up together. It felt like everything and everyone was closing in on him, trapping him. The wide path of the annexe bridge somehow narrowed, ensuring that he wouldn't be able to run away should he want to.
You looked at him, worried. Wooyoung is seemingly stuck frozen in his own spot, not doing anything and not responding. Your eyebrows furrowed in both confusion and worry. The last time you saw him in such a state was when you both were little and his parents put him in the spot at a charity event for the less fortunate, asking him something about what plans does he have to ensure the longevity of the charity so that the less fortunate will always find support. Wooyoung was 11 at that time and had just gotten the whooping of a lifetime from scoring so low on his math test.
"Wooyoung?" You called out, reaching to touch his arm softly.
This seemed to jolt Wooyoung awake as he immediately reacted to you touching him.
Your eyes widened and you stood frozen as you watched Wooyoung take hold of the cake board and smashed it on the ground. People gasped at the suddenness of his action while you stared at your work in horror, not even caring that the cake splattered everywhere, even covering the front part of your socks. Even Yunho and Seonghwa could only stare in complete shock.
For a while, silence took over the place, no one dared speak. One could assume that everyone was trying to comprehend the situation, thinking whether or not THAT really did happen in front of them.
You were no better. You don't know how to react first. Do you ask Wooyoung why he smashed your cake? Do you clean your sock? Do you clean the cake up first? Do you take care of your broken heart first?
Suddenly, Wooyoung took a step forward, getting as close as he can to you but you couldn't even muster the strength to look up at him. "I don't know what's going on in that hollow head of yours that led you to believe that I want ANYTHING to do with you romantically because I absolutely don't. Get that idea out of your delusional brain and stop embarrassing yourself. I'm regretting pitying you to the point of helping you out. You should know your place," he spat out. Each word was like swords plunged into your chest.
As if on cue, the bell rang indicating that lunch was over. Not seeing any point in staying, Wooyoung quickly turned around and walked towards the other building, presumably to class. Seonghwa followed suit, not even bothering to call Wooyoung while Yunho spared you a glance without you realizing.
Once the three were out of sight, people started to disperse, whispering among themselves. Though they were pointing, snickering, and even taking pictures, you couldn't find it in yourself to run away. All you could do was slowly drop to your knees in front of the ruined cake. Your hands hovered above the mess, not knowing what to do and you couldn't find it in yourself to be hurried. At that moment, going to class was the last thing on your mind. If you had the option, you would opt to disappear completely.
Too far deep in your own mind, you didn't realize that someone was kneeling in front of you. It wasn't until you saw a hand reaching to swipe the frosting from the cake that you look up.
Choi Yeonjun was sitting in front of you with his index finger in his mouth, tasting the frosting while nodding in approval. "Some good cake you made here," he said, finally looking up to look at you straight in the eyes.
You wanted to ask what he was doing, and why he was there. But your mouth felt dry, you couldn't muster anything out of your mouth.
Yeonjun then casually reached forward to pluck a small spoon from your uniform pocket. Your eyes followed his movements along as he took a piece of the cake and began eating. "You know, this would go terribly well with an ice-cold americano," he said, pausing his bite, "I mean, this is the type of cake some fucker could get if they have a sweet craving, it's amazing," he nodded along as he scooped up more of the cake. Well, floor cake.
Somehow, seeing Yeonjun eating the cake triggered something in you. Without you realizing it, you began tearing up. One by one, tears escaped your eyes like rain. As more and more droplets hit the back of your hand, the more emotional you become. Soon enough, you were crying freely, loud sobs and sharp intakes of breath echoed the empty hallways of each building.
Yeonjun's shoulders slumped seeing you crying like that but he didn't waste any time moving to sit closely next to you. You didn't react when he plopped down so close, but his presence only made your heart hurt more. The only thing you were thinking about was how could Wooyoung do that to you? How could he say those things about you? How could he publicly humiliate you and disregard your feelings like that? How could he proudly claim that you both had nothing when you spent years believing and being assured that you both had something? You hated feeling like that, you hate the hurt. All you wanted to do is to rip your heart out of your chest so you wouldn't have to deal with anything.
Just as you thought you should run away somewhere, you felt Yeonjun gently placing his hand on top of yours on your lap. Through the tears in your eyes, you looked to the side to see Yeonjun, but he was simply still eating the cake that you're sure shouldn't be eaten anymore.
Neither of you said anything and it didn't seem like either of you would. But at that moment, having Yeonjun next to you felt so comforting, his presence was warm, contrasting his choker, turtleneck under his uniform, multiple piercing, and what you now realize was some dark-coloured eyeshadow under his eyes to make him look brooding.
Slowly, you turned the hand that he was holding onto slightly to grasp at his pointer and middle finger tightly. The gesture surprised him, but he did well to hide his surprise, barely reacting. Instead, he readjusted so that his hand would still envelope around yours, his thumb running on the side of your hand in an attempt to soothe you as he kept shoving cake into his mouth.
As ridiculous as it sounds, sitting in an empty annexe bridge, crying as the enemy of your best friend (are you both still?) attempted to both comfort you and finish the floor cake is not ridiculous at all.
After the rain stops, however, where do you go next?
taglist :
@paralumanniluna @rdiamond2727 @miaatiny @baguette-atiny @kpopnightingale @dear-dreamie @potaeto-writes-on-wp @kwanisms @qghosty @charreddonuts @noonaishere @bbymatz @maddiebabyxoxo @kawennote09 @woo-stars @treasure-1117 @starjoongie1117 @cutie-wooyo @linhyyboo12 @kodzukein @dreamlesswonder86 @glitterhongjoong @kitty4hwa @ateezourstars @starlight-channie @jo-hwaberry @yla-aira @hyuckilstan @phenomenalgirl9 @flamingi @tannie13 @gxlden-bxbyy @kirooz @leagreenly @memorymonster @purenjuniverse @meowmeowminnie @star1117-archives @ilsedingsx @kkayfan @ckline35 @jaxavance @yoongiigolden @jayeonnature @hwanchaesong @rubberduckieyourtheone @forapollosol @multihoe-net @jwnghyuns @moon-gyus
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spillingteawitht · 4 months
Recently Rob Schneider was doing an interview on "the Kyle and Jackie O show" during this interview Rob told us all how he really feels about wWill Smith, and the slap at the Oscars.
Two years ago at the oscars Chris Rock mad a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith and her having a completley bald hair style (if you'd call it a hair style) after the joke Will Smith was famously quoted as saying "keep my wifes name out your f*cking mouth".
Now in this interview Rob Schneider said he believes that Will Smith is an a**hole and a t*at, and said he exposed himself to be that way, basically showing his true colors.
Rob Schneider went on to say the slap was a deep dark thing for Will to do in such a public setting. My personal view is that it was essentially a work event and was completely un professional and should've been handled privately, but thats just my opinion, let me know if you agree.
Rob Schneider said that it was a deep dark thing to do on a world wide stage like at the oscars. He also said that Chris Rock is hailed as one of the greatest comedians of our time.
In response to what Rob had to say Jackie O was schocked after thinking Rob was nice at first.But Rob shut that down really quickly and called Will a liar and a fraud.
continuing that by saying he felt like the joke was a mild one and it definitely didn't call for any type of viloence, and Rob was saying he feels like the academy was tiptoeing around being "politically correct" during this event, which got Will Smith a 10 year ban from attending the Oscars, and he released a public apology. Now I know that whole thing was very widley spoken about when it took place, I was definitely thinking at the time it could've been handled way better, I also felt like it was staged.
I remember one interview where Will Smith said he only swears when he's acting, so that was why during that time I felt like maybe it was staged, but thats only one opinion and doesn't hold much weight. But I definitely want to hear what your opinions are on this.
Rob Schneider has been in many movies, mostly known for the ones he's been in with Adam Sandler, as of now no ones asked Adam Sandler what he thinks about this interview Rob Schneider has done recently but I'm sure at some point they will. Personally I'm not a major fan of Rob Schneider but the ones I have seen have been pretty good. Now my opinions are just opinions and nothing more, I'm excited to hear your take on all this and hear your opinions. Do you like Will Smith? or Rob Schneider?
Since this is ending with personal opinions on this, it's kind of normal and un shocking that Rob Schneider had something to say on a topic literally everyone had something to say about, I thought the slap was staged but I mean it may have been real and many people believe it was.
So comment and let me know your take on the whole situation and what you think, was Rob right? or is this a played out topic and no one should talk about it anymore? I think it's played out and we can pick other things to talk about, but I'm just a gossip page and I'm just yapping and going on about everything, like this, or other things,or celebrities. But yeah
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lylethewaterguy · 2 years
watching the new green lantern movie and I’ve never been an expert on glc stuff but did they just... do kyles story almost beat for beat but with john instead?
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not sure if you've done these before but the list, crack baby athletic association, and super school news! <3
Thank you!!! I'm not sure, but it's been so long that I wouldn't mind redoing any that I've done before. [:
The List (S11E14)
★ Do I like this episode? Why or why not?
I do! It's not one of my favorites, but I'm always up to rewatch it. It's a Kyle episode... so that automatically makes it superior /hj. I also find the dramatics funny - and it's nice to see more of characters like Clyde or Bebe.
★ Favorite moment?
★ Least favorite moment?
If I had to say something, I would probably say the parts with the "ugly" kids? I don't know, it just makes me feel bad that there's an entire group of kids who have to feel like that. Like, that one kid gave Kyle the idea of burning down the school - Kyle only felt like that for a little bit, but these kids have to deal with it 24/7. Why am I feeling bad for background characters that are only in One (1) episode of South Park </3.
★ Do I have an unpopular opinion about this episode? What is it?
My negative opinions surrounding the episode are focused on the mimicry of a high school setting and in that... I do not like high school AUs. Perhaps it's me being done with high school and never wanting to visit any fiction surrounding it again, but it seemed out of character for some. I assume this episode is what kind of made fanon Bebe and Clyde the way they are... like, stereotypes of something out of a 2000s teen movie. I won't get into that, though, so let's just leave it be that I'm not fond of high school mimicries.
★ Something I would change?
Kyle should've burned down the school. /srs
★ Rating out of 5?
3.5/5! Closer to good than bad, definitely. Like I said, it's just not one of my favorites.
★ Anything else I want to say about this episode?
Love how Sheila was so doting on Kyle. Good mom <3 He is a perfect little man.
Crack Baby Athletic Association (S15E5)
★ Do I like this episode? Why or why not?
Oh, I LOVE it. I have a list of my favorite episodes and I cannot tell you how close this was to being on it. It's a good episode. Oh, man. If I had to say why it's probably... uh, the fact that Cartman and Kyle worked together in this episode? And at the end of it, Kyle was happy - he got his orphanage built at the end. It's really such a rarity to see episodes where Kyle genuinely gets a good ending.
★ Favorite moment?
Butters singing Boom Boom Pow has to be up there. I can't listen to the song without thinking of him now.
I said this before, but it was just so pleasant to see Cartman and Kyle interact in an episode and work together. This episode also brought out a lot for Kyle's character, in my opinion, dabbling in his morals and whatnot. His beliefs aren't set in stone and he is tempted from time to time - I like how this episode showcased that.
★ Least favorite moment?
I'm not even sure if I have one. I think this is just an all-around pleasant episode to watch. It's nothing extraordinary, by any means, but it's just an enjoyable episode to watch. :)
★ Do I have an unpopular opinion about this episode? What is it?
Stan was so mean! I'm specifically talking about the moment where all the kids are finding out Slash isn't real and Stan's quite mean about it, in my opinion... The boys are obviously upset and Stan ridicules them for not knowing already. I don't know, it just made me angry at him.
★ Something I would change?
Butters Boom Boom Pow full version when
★ Rating out of 5?
4/5. Quality stuff.
★ Anything else I want to say about this episode?
I'm probably going to wake up in a cold sweat three days from now remembering something, but as of now... I think I've said everything.
Quest For Ratings (S8E110)
★ Do I like this episode? Why or why not?
I do. I feel the same about it as "The List". It's not one of my favorites, but it's an episode that I don't mind rewatching.
★ Favorite moment?
I cannot express how much I love the fact that Jimmy is canonically into journalism. And!!! It was started in this episode, but brought back in season 19 - I love that.
★ Least favorite moment?
I'm not sure if I have one. This is an episode that I just don't have strong feelings for either way, so I can't think of a moment off the top of my head that I would consider my least favorite.
★ Do I have an unpopular opinion about this episode? What is it?
Is this unpopular? The plot is very cliche, it's been done a million times before and is so common that it's even something my sister and I used to play with our Littlest Pet Shops. I don't know, it just seems like a bit of an average plot for something like South Park.
★ Something I would change?
I'm not sure if there's anything I would change. Like, it's a good episode to rewatch - I don't have strong opinions on it either way.
★ Rating out of 5?
★ Anything else I want to say about this episode?
I liked Craig's show <3
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the wacky molestation adventure for the ask game :)
Thank you! I had to rewatch this one because it had been a while since I'd seen it.
★ Do I like this episode? Why or why not?
I do. It's a good episode!
★ Favorite moment?
- I like Kyle's little song parodying Blue Christmas. Kyle needs more songs... His voice is so cute. Very good for songs... - "Molestered" - I loved the horror vibes of this episode, primarily the kindergarteners who "already played with their parents"; it's so much fun. - The John Elway statue... - The wife getting her tubes tied the next day is always so funny to me.
★ Least favorite moment?
- Butters almost being sacrificed </3 - It also makes me sad that the parents were led to believe that they did sexually abuse their children.
★ Do I have an unpopular opinion about this episode? What is it?
I'm not sure if I have an unpopular opinion about this episode. It's a pretty normal episode. Maybe my unpopular opinion would be that it doesn't stand out...? I don't often see this episode talked about, so maybe that's popular, I'm not sure, haha.
★ Something I would change?
Why is Stephen's voice at the prison so goofy sounding - like, why did he sound like that in that one line, but normal at the end of the episode?
★ Rating out of 5?
Maybe a 3/5? It's not a bad episode by any means, it's just one that I wouldn't consider a favorite.
★ Anything else I want to say about this episode?
That one part of the episode reminds me of the Jimmy Neutron movie where all the adults in town disappeared and the kids just started going wild. Good stuff... Also, I always mix up this episode with "Child Abduction is Not Funny" - I'm not sure why. And?? Gerald and Sheila smh... Kyle offered up his end of the bargain, so he should've been allowed to go. You can’t just make an agreement and not hold up your end of the bargain when it doesn’t go in the way you want… #LetKyleGoToTheRagingPussiesConcert2k22
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