My fingers trace your alabaster skin
This has to be the ultimate sin
A simple cut along your neck
Producing just a speck
My tongue finds its mark
The taste is such a spark
Crimson red
Too much and you are dead
It coats my lips, iron and sweat
I don't want to stop not just yet
I can feel the pounding of your heart
Beging for this to really start.
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Is it the depth in your eyes
Or the ink on your thighs
Is it the tone of your voice
Or that you made the choice
Is it the way you bite your lips
Or something in the sway of your hips
This was something unplanned
But now I await your command
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Coffee Shop Girl.
The ink dances down her arms
As she sips on her coffee
I wonder if I can resist her charms
She smiles ever so slightly
Making the room a little brighter
Her hair the color of toffee
My heart began to wonder
Could I ever deserve such a girl
But she is nothing but a stranger
My coffee shop girl
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A girl with a broken heart
Her mind won’t settle
Even if she is a work of art
A love gone dull
Her heart is simply broken
His actions hurtful
She wonders how it could happen
Did she do something wrong
Can she shake this demon
Like a phoenix she is strong
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Will you say?
I long to tell you
Every time I see you
That you are beautiful
That your smile is a drug
I long to tell you
Every time I see you
That you are a dream
That your touch is a drug
But I will keep it locked away
Hopeful that one day you will say
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Her hair long and flowing
But more importantly a frame
A frame, for a work of art
I could look at for hours
As if she were a Rembrandt
And yet no brush could capture
The brightness in her eyes
No paint could equal
The softness of her skin
Not even Mona Lisa
Could rival her smile
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Terza for Her.
It only took a second
A single glance your way
I was completely stunned
Would my smile betray
What my lips were thinking
And what might they say
Yet there you were smiling
And I  really could have sworn
For a moment it was inviting
Then reality stabbed me like a thorn
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The whiskey stings
As he sips it
Burning away his pain
He remembers her
Every blemish and imperfection
The whiskey stings
As he sips it
Clouding his mind
She starts to fade
As the room starts to spin
The whiskey stings
As he sips it
Flooding his veins
Making him forget
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The Bridge
He stands on the bridge
Looking down at the water
It’s as smooth as glass
The stars reflect back at him
He takes a drag from his cigarette
Thinking about his life
It’s spiraling out of control
The hope never finds him
He climbs over the railing
Longing for the waters embrace
It’s calling to him from below
The urge slowly consumes him
He lets go of everything
Falling down into the water
It was as smooth as glass
The ripples cradle him 
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He stands in the dark
Eyes shining with pain
The sky burns around him
The mistakes have been made
The battles have been lost
The war has just begun
They are trapped now
Alone but together
In a world they once looked down on
They cry for help
The two huddled together
He longs to answer them
But the angels are falling
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So Beautiful
The sun was streaming through the window
Her eyes were held tightly shut
I have never seen anything so beautiful
As the way she cuddles in her sleep
I kiss her cheek and roll out of bed
The dog runs around my feet
I have never seen anything so beautiful
As the way she spreads across the bed
My shirt all buttoned my shoes tied tight
Ready for a day of work and
I have never anything so beautiful
As her smile when  she wakes
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A Perfect Dream
Her heart beats in my chest
The way she smells is intoxicating
The way she feels invades my mind
If I wake tomorrow and she is gone
I will be happy to have dreamed a perfect dream
  Her skin is as soft as silk
The way her eyes shine melts my heart
The way her lips taste is addictive
If she is nothing more than a dream
I hope I never wake
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Edge of The Abyss
He stands alone in the dark
At the edge of The Abyss
His hands shake with fear
His heart pounding in his chest
He falls to his knees
Grabbing a had full of earth
The air is cool as it feels his lungs
The darkness closes in
He has but one choice to make
Take the leap or stand here waiting
Chills run down his spine
Her voice fills his mind
Words of love dancing in his head
He wakes up alone and in his bed.
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Forever stained
He sits at the end of the bar
Wondering how he got this far
A life he lived so full of sin
Hidden behind his glass of gin
He stirs the ice with a wrinkled hand
Life had not gone as he planned
It all seemed to be in vain
Filled with nothing but pain
He takes a sip of relief
Trying to drown the grief
The memories fill his head
All the things he should have said
A glass now drained
A soul forever stained
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I see that tear in your eye What I said was no lie I wish I could make you see Just what you mean to me I know it all happened fast But I don’t want it to be the past I am scared to death  I don’t think I can catch my breath I know you need space Just please don’t vanish with out a trace But if you stray away  I’ll just pray you will make it home one day
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You sit next to me  I think this is meant to be Your eyes shine like the sun I have never had so much fun The way you smile when I joke with you now and then  Makes my heart race I know I am in the right place Your lips so close to mine I wish you would give me a sign Just one small kiss Would send me in to utter bliss
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Fairy Tale Dreams
She lays her head down
Visions of pixies fill her head
Her heart no longer frowns
As she ventures from her bed
In to a land all her own
Where the sun shines golden
She hears the sound of a musical tone
It calls to her like a beacon
She dances in to the distance
Glowing with her innocence 
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