#not saying a demon's been calling dibs but she's very obviously been calling dibs
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full name. kunio fuunji nickname. kunio-kun gender. male height. 175 cm / 5′7′‘ age. 18 zodiac. sagittarius, fire tiger. spoken languages. japanese, english
hair color. amber brown-- a rare natural tone for being japanese-born, and he refused to dye it black. eye color. amber skin tone. medium accent. none, though tends to speak in a harsher manner voice. his only english va, and a solid one at that, is greg chun, so no issues there. a fair couple of people have done him in jp (including Ragna’s seiyuu ironically) but, even though it was in the worst game, I’d take Satoru Murakami’s portrayal. dominant hand. right-handed. but do not underestimate the southpaw. posture. has a slight slouch, as he tends to be at rest with his hands in his pockets, or having his dukes up. scars. a single one on the side of his cheek, which he perpetually keeps concealed by a bandage. tattoos. none. birthmarks. none. most noticeable feature(s). nothing stationary, but he tends to carry himself with an unmistakable intense and intimidating facial expression.
place of birth. tokyo prefacture, japan
birth weight. ?? birth height. ??
manner of birth. hospital maternity ward first words. NAMEN’NAYO siblings. n/a parents. absent, of unknown status parental involvement. uncertain. though kunio was raised by them in an early life, at some point he transferred to nekketsu high school entirely alone.
occupation. freelance / unemployed current residence. fibonacchi ward close friends. hiroshi (first friend at nekketsu & protectee), riki (longtime rival & partner) relationship status. single by default financial status. damn near broke at any given time. kunio’s never had any sort of proper employment; he’s kept himself afloat by taking an endless slew of day jobs, as well as picking up whatever cash is dropped by the thugs he beats down on the daily. it’s been a...surprisingly sustainable model for him, if not exactly lucrative. driver’s license. believe it or not? guy’s got a motorcycle license, and a sweet bike to go with it. criminal record. oboy oboy oboy, the police are not fans of kunio-kun. this lad has got so many counts of truancy, property damage, and a record of assault and battery that numbers so high they just stopped counting altogether. once arrested on a hit-and-run charge, though that was a framejob arranged by sabu, so the charge has been cleared. vices. gluttony, wrath. you got any idea how many calories it takes to do the shizuo-grade nonsense he does on the daily? all of them. every calorie. five million calories. and they’re all devoted to the express purpose of kicking somebody’s ass.
sexual orientation. heterosexual romantic orientation. greyromantic preferred emotional role. submissive | dominant | switch preferred sexual role. submissive | dominant | switch libido. kunio has a healthy enough sex drive. he knows what he’s about and he’s not ashamed of it, but he also isn’t overtly open about it either. if speaking of practice, he canonically is known to have purveyed certain types of magazines in the past; that’s all I’ll say. turn on’s. fiestiness, athleticism, a body with definition, confidence in looks/sexuality turn off’s. conceit/arrogance, meekness, ugliness, laziness love language. being so rough and abrasive everywhere else, a gentle approach is how you know kunio’s fond of you. a regular immediate closeness is to be expected-- if walking around town, he’ll probably have his arm over your shoulders. this is also a bit territorial on his part; he’s not paranoid or overprotective, but the moment a boundary is remotely crossed he’ll retaliate with maximum prejudice. relationship tendencies. kunio is very much reserved in contribution. he’s not the romantic type, he doesn’t know if he can trust a girl enough to get serious with, and he also just doesn’t think he’s suited to it. as such, he usually won’t be doing the leading when it comes to dates and other occasions, but he’s very open-minded in turn.
character’s theme song. downtown nekketsu monogatari / river city ransom alternative / non-source alternative: the hero ~ jam project hobbies to pass time. riding his motorcycle, playing dodgeball, hanging out downtown, b u r g mental illnesses. none physical illnesses. none fears. getting others too involved in his business. he used to not have this, nor any particular fear to speak of, but after misako and kyoko were nearly-fatally shot by sabu when kunio and riki were attempting to clear their names, the reality that someone could be killed just for associating with him hit kunio hard. if he isn’t certain you’re not as risk and shit’s about to go down, you are not coming with him. self-confidence level. absolute. kunio genuinely hasn’t the slightest care for the law or societal norms, operating entirely on his own code of belief and values-- it’s just lucky that those things entail protecting his turf and viciously punishing abusers of all kinds. this also applies recreationally, as he tends to dominate any sport he involved himself in. vulnerabilities. kunio’s aforementioned values actually put his own well-being very low on the totem pole, beneath his ideals and those he cares for-- he’s prepared to die for either, not that he’d ever play the martyr. as also previously mentioned, kunio has hangups with intimacy. getting him to allow himself to show weakness or rely on someone is exceptionally hard, and if a relationship should fall through he’ll take it even harder.
tagged by: @brackenprincess tagging: @magicmusket, @muzuikashii, @suplex51, and if you haven’t done this but want to consider this an honorary tagging--
#Musings#had to put ''by default'' in the status there bc#not saying a demon's been calling dibs but she's very obviously been calling dibs
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Daminette headcanon time!
Okay. I'm a whore of "post-Hawkmoth" tropes so in this AU, Marinette will meet Damian just after they defeated Hawkboi.
Team Miraculous is in Gotham to unwind and temporarily avoid the drama. Queen Bee, or Chloe, actually picked the place because "I wanna meet Batman" and no one protested aside Adrien who really wanna go to Hongkong Disneyland.
Anyway, they are in Gotham so Chloe obviously won.
So one morning, three days after their flight landed, the girls— Kagami, Marinette, Chloe— decided its time they have their Girl's Only Time.
The boys— Adrien and Luka— have been left in the hotel alone. Actually, Chloe took aside Luka the night before and instructed him to meditate with Adrien specially seeing the stress of Hawkboi's identity reveal.
So the girl's are in the cafe and saw a group of boys.
Very handsome boys, to be specific.
Spotting them, Chloe smiled devilishly and leaned towards the other two girls and whispered conspiratorially: "I call dibs on the one with the white streak in his hair!"
Any other day, Marinette would ward off what seems like another of Chloe's silly antics, but this is not any other day. They have just been from arcade, bars (Chloe insisted) and spa.
In her surprise, Kagami spoke before Marinette could even say anything.
"I call dibs to the one holding a laptop."
Chloe and Marinette appraised the one Kagami pointed and laughed.
On the other side of cafe, contrary to the what the girls think, the boys in question can hear them. Dick smirked and subtly made fun of Jason when they heard Chloe.
"Not bad eh, Jay-bird?"
When Kagami called dibs on Tim, the boys— sans Damian who looks very disinterested— quickly inspected the fencer and laughed at Tim.
" Damn man, you sure coffee is enough to keep up with that?" - Jason, probably.
Back to the girls, Marinette inspected the boys and smirked. "Mine is that broody one who looks so thoroughly bored out of his mind! And oh, I bet you I can get his number!"
The boys quickly stiffled their laughter when they heard the bluenette's declaration. Dick inspected them a little closer and thought they must have been foreigners. Damian obviously heard the last girl too if his scowl is any indication.
Dick smirked. When Alfred insisted that the boys should bond over, he didn't know things would get this very interesting.
He looked just in time to see the bluenette approaching their table wearing a rather silly grin on her face. He felt sorry for the rejection that Damian is sure to give to the girl.
Dick thought that his brother's lack of reaction will deter the girl, but boy, was he proven wrong.
Damian scowled and seems ready to bite the poor girl's head off but Jason's grip on his arm restrained the demon spawn. So Damian settled on whirling to face the girl when he felt she pulled up a chair beside him.
Except, upon meeting the girl's full face grin, Damian swore he felt his insides melt on the spot.
The girl held out a hand and grinned even wider, if that was possible.
"Hi! I'm Marinette! You are?"
Damian stupidly stared at the hand in front of him and the boys held their breath, awaiting the rejection from their brother.
Except, what they got is:
"Damian. Damian Wayne." The boy muttered breathlessly.
To add to their surprise, the girl did not flinch at hearing the name 'Wayne'.
Marinette smiled. "Perfect! I'm here at Gotham with my friends over there," she pointed at the gaping Chloe and smirking Kagami, "...if it's not too much of a bother, can you give us a little tour of the City?"
Damian nodded wordlessly and Marinette took that as a cue to go back in her table. After a couple few steps, Damian blurted out: "Wait, I thought you want my number!?"
Tim and Jason crowed a loud bark simultaneously while Dick repeatedly pinched himself in the ribs to check if he is actually dreaming.
When he turned his eyes at the girls, he saw that she turned around and gave a smirk at his brother: "I thought you'd never ask."
She held out a small slip of paper at Damian before walking back to her friends.
Seeing his brother flush in the brightest shade of red, Dick mentally noted that he needs to give Damian a few pointers on how not to act like a complete imbecile in front of a girl.
#daminette headcanon#daminette sort of fanfic#damian wayne × marinette dupain cheng#daminette#maribat#mlb x dc#i did this instead of sleeping
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further good omens fic recs
It’s been awhile since my last reclist post so here goes, please enjoy the rewards of my complete lack of self-control when it comes to this ship.
Please reach out if I’ve missed a tumblr tag, or drop a note if you have any recommendations I’ve missed! ( 31 recommendations underneath the cut )
(51k) Acts of Service by seekwill / @jasmine-cottage-uk
After receiving direct instruction from God, village reverend Aziraphale leaves his countryside congregation to serve the underserved and in-need at an urban church in London, a transition made all the more complicated by the mysterious and handsome Crowley, who always seems to appear when Aziraphale least expects him.
mood: pining, denial, secrets, idiots-in-love.
(Warning: Don’t start reading this one at midnight expecting to put it down. Learn from my mistakes.)
(44k) Mirror, Mirror by ImprobableDreams900 / @improbabledreams900
Crowley from an evil!au swaps places with our Crowley.
mood: butterfly effect, identity theft, Aziraphale!whump, badass!Aziraphale
(40k) The Strong Tower by BuggreAlleThis
After the failed executions, a vengeful angel takes it upon herself to neutralise the threat presented by Crowley and Aziraphale.
mood: aziraphale!whump, protective!crowley, hurt/comfort, pining and fantastic world building.
(23k) You Might Think I'm Crazy (All I Want is You) by soft_october / @soft-october-night
Since the next shop over closed down, Aziraphale's had a peaceful few months, barring those unpleasant interactions with the men in cheap suits who keep trying to persuade him to sell his shop. But now a (handsome) new owner has taken up residence beside him and, horror of horrors, he wants to open up a coffee shop.
mood: fledgling friendships, obviously-in-love-to-everyone-but-themselves, almost-letting-your-doubts-and-insecurities-ruin-things, if-only-these-dumb-bastards-knew-how-to-communicate
(23k) names in history by lagaudiere
Maybe he’d shown Crowley how to perform a few miracles, but that Crowley had taken to them so well was surely a sign that he wasn’t all bad. And maybe Aziraphale had let himself be called upon to perform a few temptations, but that was just testing the will of the faithful if you looked at it from a different angle.
mood: slow-burn, through-the-ages, beautifully written.
(22k) This Soul Outstreaming by Rend_Herring
Aziraphale constructs intricate rituals to touch the skin of other men (by “men” I mean Crowley).
mood: slow-burn, through-the-ages, forbidden love, UST, beautifully written.
(29k) 5 Times Aziraphale was Almost Discorporated and One Time He Actually was by charliebrown1234 / @charliebrown1234
What it says on the tin.
mood: Aziraphale!whump through the ages, protective Crowley, hurt/comfort, wonderful characterizations.
(20k) In Pleasure's Clothes by obstinatrix, wishwellingtons
Three Times Aziraphale Stalked Crowley In Gay Clubs And One Time He Moped At Wilde’s Grave.
mood: jealousy, pining, miscommunications, idiots-in-love
(18k) Soft (A Love Story in Three Bites) by mia_ugly / @mia-ugly
Crowley was an angel, once. Before she fell. Aziraphale was a warrior (she fell too. It just took a little longer.)
mood: ineffable wives thoughtfully done and beautifully written, pining, emotional vulnerability, hurting the ones you love, references to gothic romances that absolutely slay me, switching POVs between Aziraphale and Crowley.
(18k) On Earth as it is in Heaven by JMA
Aziraphale was at Crowley's trial...the first one.
For six thousand years Aziraphale felt like an angel who has fallen, waiting for Heaven to realise. His fear and doubt has shaped and defined him. Now, with the Armageddon over and Heaven and Hell off their backs it is finally time to come clean.
mood: betrayal, pining, misguided attempts at atonement, miscommunication and forgiveness
(15k) Through Every Door by darlingred1 / @darlingred1
After thwarting the end of the world, Aziraphale begins to avoid Crowley, and Crowley accidentally awakens his own repressed lust.
mood: mutually-pining-idiots, miscommunication, immortal-beings-taking-turns-with-their-single-brain-cell, surprisingly-Crowley-has-first-dibs
(16k) Least of All by stereobone / @stereobone
Every so often, Crowley talks to God.
mood: Crowley worrying after Aziraphale through the ages. Beautifully written, fantastic Crowley perspective.
(14k) Wine Fraud and Other Worthy Pursuits by ImprobableDreams900 / @improbabledreams900
When Aziraphale, rare book dealer and part-time wine collector, encounters a bottle of 1844 Château Lafite-Rothschild he suspects isn't all that it claims, he becomes determined to track down the truth.
Unfortunately, the finger of suspicion seems to point at fellow wine collector Anthony J. Crowley, whom Aziraphale is already well on his way to befriending.
mood: suspicious Aziraphale and fledgling friendships
(12k) Laugh When It Sinks In by Tenoko1 / @tenoko1
Crowley stopped them in their trek, slipping his arm from Aziraphale’s grasp to face him, hands on his shoulders. “Are you sure you’re alright? A-are you having, like, a mid-life crisis or something now that Heaven’s cut you loose? You’re worrying me. What’s next? Cherry red sports car?”
mood: making a home for yourself and your charmingly oblivious life partner
(10k) The Original Bar Joke by deathbycoldopen / @deathbycoldopen
The way Crowley saw things, it was all one big joke, with him as the punchline.
mood: drunk!pining, idiots-in-love, jealous!Crowley, straw-that-broke-the-camel's-back moments, drunk!confessions
(8k) did you open up your heart there? by weatheredlaw / @weatheredlaw
Aziraphale and Crowley meet over and over and over again. Aziraphale doesn't know what Crowley is, or why their souls can't seem to be parted, but he is a creature of love, and he's not going to argue with that.
mood: ready to have your heart broken over and over and over?
(7k) The Ark by rfsmiley / @redfacesmiley
We’ve all been assuming that it takes them 6,000 years to figure it out, but what if it takes 6,300?
Or: the ineffable husbands evacuate a dying Earth.
mood: ineffable dystopian sci-fi romance (and yes, I love that this is a mood I can use to describe a good omens fic).
(7k) Where Thou Art by Mottlemoth / @mottlemoth
A late-night bus to London, a few human comforts, and a long overdue confession... nothing will ever be the same for an angel and his demon.
mood: we-might-be-dead-by-tomorrow-love-confessions
(5k) Love Stories by goodomensblog / @goodomensblog
Crowley goes too slow, Aziraphale drinks copious amounts of alcohol, and the bookshop is (very nearly) set on fire. Again.
mood: drinking because you’re an idiot in love (or because you’re in love with an idiot), looking after your drunk mate (only he’s not your mate he’s the love of your life and he’s finally starting to get that)
(4k) A Metaphor Of Some Kind by copperbadge / @copperbadge
After the world doesn't end, Hell gets Crowley and Heaven gets Aziraphale, but not for very long.
mood: witty with great voices, loads of fun
(4k) One Sweet Moment Set Aside For Us by Arej
Tattoos are like stories you write on your skin, and they'll say things for you if you'll let them. Or perhaps prompt other people to say things.
Or, Crowley is just drunk enough to get bold and let his guard down, and it leads to something he never thought he'd be allowed to have.
mood: pining, touching, reverance, love confessions
(3k) Something To Talk About by iamtheenemy (Steph)
Aziraphale jumps to some very inaccurate conclusions.
mood: pining and misconceptions, let’s see if we can make Crowley have an aneurysm.
Wow! Thanks for scrolling this far! You’ve unlocked the secret “I’ll be in my bunk” section of the rec list! ;)
(That’s not to say the fics above don’t have their own hot scenes, or that the fic below are only pwp, but these are the fics where the plot is either focused mostly on sex or the build-up to sex.)
(4k) left with no trace, as if not spoken to by drawlight / @drawlight
Aziraphale's finger brushes against the edge of Crowley's hand. The theater is packed, it is dark. Everyone is watching the stage (no one is watching them). "Do you - ?" "Yeah, angel."
mood: Shakespeare may not have deserved this, but this reader is glad this exists.
(4k) I Tempt, You Thwart... Right? by AEpixie7 / @knightofthesevenfandoms
Crowley accidentally-on-purpose roofies Aziraphale and then feels bad about it because Aziraphale is so high that he can't remember how to sober up.
mood: serious wing kink, drug-induced-loss-of-inhibitions
(6k) Appetite by spunknbite / @spunknbite
Crowley places the macaron against Aziraphale’s lips with more reverence than the angel had thought him capable. “It’s alright, angel. Just take a bite.”
mood: drunk sex, overcoming inhibitions, first time, hand feeding
(6k) The Better Part of Valour by obstinatrix
Said I, a few weeks ago: "I feel there’s also room for e.g. bedsharing fic where the apocalypse has Not Happened and they’ve fallen into queerplatonic (or so they think) bedsharing and Crowley thinks he’s alone in being driven slowly to distraction by it, so he says nothing. Then one night he wakes when it’s still dark, and at first he doesn’t know why, until he hears Aziraphale’s breathing a little raspier than usual, and feels the very slight trembling of the bed."
mood: bed-sharing-with-serious-insecurities-and-misunderstanding
(7k) a treatise on your fingers in my hair by Nimravidae / @tooeasilyconsidered
Crowley sleeps for two days, his hair is a mess, and all it takes is a touch. Like a catalyst. Like striking flint, like a matchstick, like touching fire to gunpowder
mood: all that pent up UST has to go somewhere
(9k) Released by vaguely_concerned / @vaguely-concerned
After they get together Aziraphale has some lingering Ideas about his brief stint in the Bastille; Crowley is happy to help him explore them. Hijinks, as they say, ensue.
mood: french revolution era role play w/ feelings, fantastic dialogue.
(17k) One Night In Bangor (And the World's Your Oyster) by Atalan / @seaskystone
Heaven and Hell share a corporate party once per millennium. This time someone's had the bright idea of issuing a challenge to the demons of Hell. Crowley has no intention of missing the opportunity; Aziraphale's just enough of a bastard to make him work for it.
mood: flirting and first times
You’re still here? Can’t get enough? Well check out these amazing WIPs!
Slow Show by mia_ugly / @mia-ugly
The Ineffable Pining Showmance AU that no one asked for.
mood: a more accurate summary would be the: ineffable pining showmance AU that no one knew to ask for, and everyone wanted more of. The characterizations in this are amazing. Crowley as a fallen film star is perfection.
Shifting Heaven and Earth by BuggreAlleThis
For most of history, since he narrowly avoiding Falling from Heaven with Lucifer, Crowley has been working for the Angelic Corruption Unit. This ended up being far more boring than he hoped it would be, but things change when he is assigned to go undercover on Earth. His mission is to investigate Aziraphale, an infamous angel who has been on Earth since its Creation, and whom Heaven is sure is guilty of corruption or dereliction of duty.
mood: slow-burn, betrayal, regrets, aziraphale!whump, bamf!aziraphale
the bucket list by darcylindbergh / @forineffablereasons
If you’re going to go native, you might as well go all the way.
mood: saying the absolutely wrong thing at the wrong time, reaching your breaking point, miscommunication and heart break.
Still here? :)
My previous good omens recs post can be found here [x]
#good omens fic#good omens recs#good omens fic recs#my fic recs#good omens#ineffable hubands#ineffable husbands fic#good omens fic rec
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For the first time
Chapter 5
His siren was insistent.
Azriel reluctantly left his bed and walked to the door.
Duck his siren said as soon as he opened his door.
' duck? What do you mean duck? '
A stream of fire headed straight for him and he barely had enough time to dodge it. The next one headed for him almost immediately and before he could duck, it caught him in the gut. Pain laced through his body. His siren manically laughed in his head. Azriel swore and slammed the door close. He tried to sense what attacked him. There was no scent nor a presence. Whatever attacked him was cloaked.
You're pathetic his siren voiced.
'And you're really helpful'
He closed his eyes and tried to sense the intruder again. There was a crash and the door shuddered from the impact. A second later it was ripped clear off the hinges.
Azriel could see the outline of something larger than six foot and wings billowing behind. Definitely not a witch.
"Which circle of hell did you crawl out of? " Azriel muttered.
It was a demon Azriel was sure now . It walked into his house as if there were no wards. Azriel stared into the firey red eyes of the demon. It was a seven foot tall nightmare. Vaguely humanoid. Expect for the wings. Azriel didn't know if the wings were functional or merely a show. He hoped it was the latter. It's hide seemed thick. Any physical attack wouldn't do him much good. He sunk his power into the demon's mind. The demon staggered a few steps and grimaced.It shook it's head as if flinging off his power.
He tried to stare down the demon.
Two seconds passed and the demon took a running start.
Shit shit Shit.
Azriel ran to the kitchen and threw a knife at the demon. The knife hit the demon square in the chest and fell to the floor with a clang. He threw another knife and the demon caught it. Oh well . Azriel smirked at the challenge. He ran straight towards the demon and it threw a punch straight at him. Even from the distance, that fist looked like it could smash him. He dodged and went straight for its head. Perfect. He locked his hands around it's head and slammed his full power into it. The demons grip tightened and went lax. He jumped to his feet and thought about what to do.
You ruined all the fun. It's not often you get to fight a demon. Not fair. The demon could have lasted for another hour his siren whined.
Azriel sighed and took a pan form the kitchen and hit the demon until the pan dented, while his siren cackled.
" This one's for the door " Azriel said as he hit the demon for one last time.
Azriel dematerielized along with the demon to amren's house. He landed just in front of the coffee table and saw his friends sitting around it. He heard the satisfying sound of glass shattering and concluded that the demon had arrived. Unconscious though. The shock on his friends faces made it worth it. After all he had a reputation to uphold.
" I had a visitor " Azriel said.
Amren recovered first and sneered at azriel " You broke the damn table. Was that really necessary? "
" Maybe " Azriel replied.
" What the hell is that? " Rhys asked " it's a demon obviously " amren answered.
" It looks ugly " Cassian said with a scrunched nose " it smells even worse" cassian made a gagging noise.
" You can smell it? " azriel enquired. " oh my god azriel , what do you mean can you smell it? It smells rotten. You can smell it from a mile away" Cassian asked incredulously. He could also see the others scrunching up their noses. " It was probably cloaked " Azriel said as he tried to figure out why he couldn't smell it.
" Demons can't cloak their powers or their presence. It didn't try to kill you?" amren asked " Well it did throw balls of fire at me. But other than that it didn't seem all that excited about killing me. It just stood there, like it was stalling. " Azriel shrugged. He hadn't encountered many demons to know about their behaviours. Demons this caliber was rare.
" we need somewhere to store this thing " Azriel mused.
"Dibs " cassian called out.
" What the hell are you gonna do with that? " mor seemed outrageous .
" You seem way too excited about a demon" rhys commented.
" is it dead?" cassian asked .
" No" Azriel answered.
" Sweet " cassian said with a manic grin which earned him disgusted looks from amren and rhys . Mor looked at cassian like he had grown horns.
" Amren do you know anything about it? " rhys asked pushing the demon with his foot.
Amren who already was prodding the demon answered " It's a gaki demon. Second hierarchy. Very Powerful. Whoever summoned it must've been more powerful than the demon so as to control it. These things are hard to summon and tricky to deal with. "
" Just what are we dealing with? A witch? " Rhys asks staring accusingly at amren.
" What are you implying rhysand ? I'm not the only witch in velaris that can do this. If you think only witches can summon demon , then you are wrong. "
" Do you know anyone powerful enough to Summon this demon? " Azriel asked.
"I know a total of three powerful people who can summon this demon within this town and none of them are stupid enough to do this " amren said .
Not three but four . Why do they always leave us out of it. His siren crooned.
" Let's have a conclave meet" Rhys said.
" Why? " Azriel asked
" Because a gaku demon just attacked you. In your own damn house. The place where we usually have a conclave meet. So yeah we do need to have a conclave meet. Can we do the meet at my place this time? " cassian asked excited at the prospect of hosting a conclave meeting. Azriel would never understand why cass wanted to put that many hostile creatures in his house. Probably the werewolf thought it was fun.
" First of all it's a gaki demon. Not gaku. Second, we have the meet at my house because I'm a neutral party. You are not exactly neutral " Azriel said.
" How am I not neutral? " cass said, feining hurt.
" Do you really wanna let beron in your territory? " Azriel grasped at the only thing that came to his mind. Even he wasn't all that excited to have beron at his place.
" Well you got me there " cassian nodded thoughtfully.
" We can have it at the Gemini, they have a soundproof room at the back which is big enough. " azriel suggested. The Gemini was a bar, owned by nuala and cerridwen, it was usually quiet during the day .
" How do you know they have a back room which happens to be soundproofed?" Cassian asked.
" Any other questions?" Azriel continued over cassian as if he hadn't spoken.
" Isn't it too open?" Rhys wondered aloud .
" Maybe then you'll try to be civil" Azriel shrugged. -------------------------------------
Azriel and cassian dragged the demon to amren's dungeon.
"I can't believe she didn't tell us about the dungeon " Cassian remarked .
The cage, that cassian liked to call a dungeon was located in amren's basement. Azriel noticed the bars were made of iron. They put the demon in and locked it.
" You are staying at my place tonight " cassian said to him .
"I don't need a babysitter . I'm more than capable of protecting myself"
Azriel pushed open the door and quickly shut it behind him. He walked in and saw everyone was present expect beron. Apparently beron had more pressing matters to attend to. In his stead, Eris had come and was glaring at Lucien with a scowl . Lucien did his best to pretend like his brother did not exist. He took the seat next to Rhys.
"Finally. Now that everyone's here, let's cut the chase, yesterday there was a demon attack in the siren's territory " Amren said flatly.
Azriel had to admit that their reaction was priceless. Tarquin had look of disbelief. Eris had a face that said ' That concerns me how '. Thesan seemed doubtful. While Helion was looking at azriel with concern.
" Hence the new venue. It was a gaki demon. We know neither it's intention nor it's origin. " Rhys started "I think whoever's behind this might be targeting the alphas. Azriel barely survived the attack---"
A startled noise left azriel's mouth as he stared at rhys in disbelief. A laugh broke out from cassian.
" Where is the proof ?" Eris asks .
"We have no proof. We have no proof that the demon exist. Hypothetically, if the demon did exist, we can't be sure that it was targeting the alphas. For all we know, he had done something to piss off that demon before. " Thesan said . Cassian threw a stack of photos on the table.
" Is this the same demon that killed tamlin? "
" This proves nothing. " Eris said, not even bothering to look at the pictures. Azriel wanted to pummel him. He refrained himself. His siren gave him mental picture of how satisfying that would be .
" Why are you even here? " Cass asked Eris. To which Eris shrugged. They argued some more which Azriel tuned out. He decided it was not worth his while. His siren seemed to agree. Cassian was in a heated argument with Eris and Lucien. Azriel thought he should intervene. They were getting too loud. Azriel opened his mouth to say something. But decided to leave them to their own devices. Azriel wondered what Elain would be doing right now.
You could call and ask her his siren said.
He decided to text her. He pulled his phone out and sent a text to Elain's number which got from cassian.
'Hello' Azriel couldn't remember the last time he texted anyone.
Sure Cassian had texted him a lot of times but Azriel never replied. Probably because his powers didn't work through text. Now Azriel wondered if she knew his number.
He sent ' it's azriel ' just in case. He checked if his phone was on silent. It was. So he put it back in his pockets.He noticed the curious glances rhys kept sending him. But neither he not rhys voiced anything. Cassian and Eris were still going at it. He noticed tarquin was conversing with Thesan.
"Can we leave now? " Azriel asked rhys, his voice was low but when you were in a room full of vampire and shape shifters it's hard not to be heard.
"You were attacked in your own territory but you don't seem so concerned about it? It makes one wonder why." kallias asked with a questioning stare, speaking up for the first time.
" Is that question or an accusation? " Azriel wanted to be clear before he started throwing punches.
" What if it was? " Eris challenged him with his gaze. Azriel was more than ready to meet it. The demon didn't prove much of a fight. His siren was practically begging for some chaos. Eight pair of eyes turned to look at him. He could see the outrage on Cass's and Rhys's eyes. Azriel knew they would defend him if it comes to that but they would let him fight his own battles. Besides the question was directed at him.
Azriel laughed. Because he really found it hilarious. His siren wanted out and for once he didn't object. " Do not forget that I'm older and more powerful than you. Besides I had you in my territory for more than two centuries now and if I wanted to kill you, I would have done it ages ago." Azriel knew this wouldn't ease their minds but he didn't care. He had to give it to Eris because he held his stare even though even though he knew he was no match for Azriel. But Azriel could see the fear in his eyes.
" Az" Rhys said it casually but it had hint of urgency to it. Azriel realized he was practically glowing white. Of course his siren had gone the extra mile. He knew without a doubt his eyes had gone white. His hands grew scales and claws. He hadn't fully shifted . He had only done this twice and it was long time ago. Azriel looked at Eris and saw that there wasn't going to be a fight. Azriel smothered his siren's request. At this rate, his siren would probably kill someone just to prove it's power . He had grown tired of their alpha bullshit nonsense a long while ago. He noticed everyone was on the edge waiting for his next move.
" I'm out " Azriel said and made to leave .
" Maybe you might wanna wait till you stop , you know....." Rhys trailed off, giving him a knowing glance.
" I agree . I do not want to walk into an orgy on the way out . As amusing as that would be. Humans are still loitering around. " helion suggested with a wink. At this cassian howled with laughter as rhys said " I thought you'd be interested in that " Azriel looked around and then at himself . The glow has reduced and the scales retracted. The tension in the room turned down a notch. The alphas began to leave the room.
Azriel stared at the demon face. Amren's basement was poorly lit. He had to squint. It did look like a dungeon.
" Here we go " amren said as she lifted the sleeping curse. The demon groaned. Azriel looked at it and it stared back.
The eyes. Azriel knew that there was something wrong with the eyes. He expected rage. Gaki demons were violent . The eyes were blank . The silence beside him indicated that amren thought the same thing. The eyes might be the demon's but the one looking through those was something else. The demon smirked as it's skin started glowing and cracks formed emitting fire. Before azriel could figure out what was happening it burst from the inside out.
Sorry for the late updates
If you are still reading this , thank you so much. ♥️♥️♥️
#for the first time#chapter 5#acotar#acomaf#acowar#acofas#azriel#elain x azriel#azriel fanfic#elain and azriel#rhysand#cassian#supernatural
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Wynonna Earp 1x03 Leavin’ On Your Mind
Spoilers disclaimer (please read before sending messages or writing comments.)
Stray thoughts
1) I already ship this… Is this a thing? Please, don’t tell me!

I can’t really tell if Wynonna is truly being flirtatious or if this is her way of figuring him out because she doesn’t trust him. I mean, you can be attracted to someone who you don’t trust, so there’s that.
2) Oh, wow, don’t you just hate it when you’re fumbling with your bag and a bloody chopped off hand falls and everyone sees it? #awkward

So what do these guys need Dixon’s diary for? And why are they carrying a chopped hand around as if it was a freaking tampon?
3) So… revenants just have a thirst for murder? I haven’t seen them feeding off anyone, but they do seem to get off on killing people right?
4) Sounds like Giles…

5) Ha!

6) Oh shit indeed!

DOC: “Bravery” is just a fancy word for “stupid”.
I predict I’ll see him do tons of stupid things, then.
8) Yep, Doc is definitely giving me Spike vibes…

9) The guy’s hand is being chopped off and all Wynonna can think is that he’s going to miss his bus!!
10) Okay, so these revenants need three things – the voice of a mute, the hand of an innocent murderer, and something else paradoxical – to perform a spell that will let them out of the limits of the Ghost River Triangle. Cool, cool, cool.
11) Waverly is quite clever, actually. She has figured out “Henry’s” fib, but instead of calling him out on it, she’s playing along to see what else she can get out of him. Like, why is he pretending to be someone he isn’t?
12) Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, how convenient… Wynonna decides to visit her dad’s and sister’s graves at the same time the revenant is trying to find something for the spell…
13) “Look at that body. I call dibs!” I’m guessing he’s not talking about fucking him, right? So, he’s either going to kill him or eat him. Or… Can revenants switch bodies?
DOLLS: Give this to whoever's in charge. And…
WYNONNA: Never get into a vehicle, never move to a second location.
DOLLS: You've been in a hostage situation before?
WYNONNA: Sort of…
What does this mean? And why is she smirking? Was she a hostage or did she hold someone hostage? I need to know!
15) Dolls keeps giving me Giles vibes, but then again, Giles would never do this with Buffy…

16) I’m guessing Waverly is going to get super pissed at Wynonna putting herself in danger without even considering how this could affect her sister… (edit: Never mind, she didn’t get pissed because of this, she just wanted in on the action.)
17) They’re not releasing all the hostages because they need three of them… Three humans? For the spell, right?
18) Oh… so this is why Bobo is the Big Boss…
DOC: See, unlike your type, I can roam far and wide. Although from what I hear around your little enclave, some of your cronies, oh, they're itching to wander too.
BOBO: Well, they can try, but the only way out of the Triangle is with me.
19) So, this “Stone Witch” is the woman Doc was trying to find on the newspapers? And knowing her name gives you some sort of power? Is that why Bobo can walk out of the boundaries? Was she the one who put the spell that set the boundaries in the first place? So many questions!
20) So the Stone Witch chose these three backward revenants to perform the spell… They said they needed three of them… are they going to switch bodies with humans so that they can walk outside the boundaries of Ghost River Triangle? Could that be?
21) What kind of life has Wynonna been living, though? How does she know how to open a fucking safe?
22) Waverly has figured it out, right?

Is this the name of the Stone Witch? And why is she called the Stone Witch?
23) Doc is acting all tough and trying to humiliate and scare Waverly, but I bet her words will resonate with him…
WAVERLY: I know what you're supposed to be. You're supposed to be a hero. You're supposed to be Wyatt Earp's best friend! You're supposed to be here to help us!
I don’t want my instincts to be wrong about him. I really hope he turns out to be one of those morally ambiguous characters who eventually choose to fight the good fight.
24) So a loveless heart was the third item… Rather poetic…
25) Okay, so they needed the three hostages to use them as shields, forget all my previous speculation.
REVENANT: You know Marty here's been put down three times?
WYNONNA: Third-generation revenant?
REVENANT: Three times down south, you'd go a little psychotic too.
I really like this tidbit of mythology, how the revenants get more evil with each reincarnation. It makes sense, too. Spending that much time in Hell, and then being back… I would also be hella pissed at those who sent me down there. I also wonder if we will meet revenants who’ve been put down more than three times. How evil can you get, you know?
27) Okay, so they’re only doing the spell for the Stone Witch so that she will let them out of the boundaries. I guess I suck at predicting storylines, good.
28) Well, I didn’t mention this before but I swear on my dog that I did know Wynonna would be carrying a GPS device or a microphone or something…
REVENANT: The old man's not gonna make it. Cowboy's the only good one left.
WYNONNA: That's why you need Champ's body? For some sort of, like, possession?
CHAMP: What? In my body?! Wynonna, I don't even put gluten in this!
WYNONNA: Then you can walk across the line in human form.
(BTW, I loved Champ’s gluten line)
30) I DIED!

31) I’m sorry, Shorty, but it totally made sense for him to be the one to suck in the revenant’s “soul” or whatever. He was about to die, after all.
32) “Give me straight-up death instead of being sent to hell and back over and over.” This totally makes sense. I wonder if there are revenants who actually feel like this, who would prefer to be put down forever – even if forever means forever in hell – rather than being brought back every few years or so only to be sent back to hell again, rinse and repeat. I mean, being teased with life on earth – even if you’re an evil demon – only to have it taken away from you time and again…? It somehow seems more hellish than hell itself…
33) Dolls tried to shoot Sam but the gun didn’t work. Does that mean that Wynonna is literally the only person who can shoot it? And what made him think he could use it?
34) I guess we’re not meeting the Stone Witch today…
35) Ouch, my feels…

36) When will Waverly dump Champ, though? It doesn’t make sense for her to be with this douche?

37) Hmmm, Dolls is sounding more and more like Giles… (and Wynonna is sounding a lot like Buffy, btw…)
WYNONNA: The hell took you so long?
DOLLS: I was always there. But I just needed to see if they could actually do it.
WYNONNA: Even if it meant Shorty had to die?
DOLLS: Collateral damage. This is a war. You want to avenge your sister and your dad, right? And this is what victories… might have to look like.
WYNONNA: And what about our failures?
Hmm, this also raises another question. Not only was he waiting to see if the revenants could pull off the spell, but he also tried to shoot Wynonna’s gun. Given his pragmatical mentality, I’m guessing he was testing out if Wynonna was actually dispensable. If he could use the gun himself, then Wynonna was expendable. If something were to happen to her, then he could carry on without a hiccup. I wonder if these different views will make them collide.
38) I’ve got to say, I’d be disappointed if this hadn’t been her response…
With all the shit I've done in my life Dolls, working with you I don't think I can look in the mirror.
This is the hero mentality, heroes need to believe wars can be won without “collateral damage”, they need to believe they can save everyone, that is what drives them. But I’m sure that this won’t be the last time this mentality is tested, and I’m guessing Wynonna will need to make other sacrifices or be forced to walk a grey moral line...
39) Ugh, fucking Doc…
DOC: The fact is, I have not properly introduced myself. You can tell your sister she is right. I am… was friends with your great-great-grandpappy. My name is John Henry, but most people just called me Doc.
WYNONNA: "Doc"? Doc Holliday?
DOC: Wynonna Earp, I am at your disposal.
WYNONNA: Well, shit.

He’s a conniving son of a bitch, isn’t he? He only came clean because Waverly had already figured out who he was, but he did it in a way that made it look like he beat Waverly to the punch (that’s why he tells Wynonna to tell her sister that “she was right.”) Besides, introducing himself as a friend of their great-great-grandfather automatically establishes a bond between them, even some trust. He is saying, “hey, you can trust me, I’m here to help you.”
However, he’s obviously doing Bobo’s bidding – this is exactly what Bobo asked him to do. I do have a feeling Doc is the type of character who would do what others tell him if it’s beneficial for him but who can also very quickly switch sides if it suits him better, you know? I think, for now, he’s playing it by ear to see what and who will benefit him more.
The thing is, for now, he’s playing Wynonna. So I feel I’ll have to hate him a little bit before he makes me love him.
Who am I kidding? I already love him, but you know what I mean, right?
40) This episode definitely felt more Monster-of-the-Week than the previous two, but I still felt enough things were introduced in order to build the season arc – the Stone Witch and Doc’s identity being revealed. Can’t wait to watch the next one!
41) Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
#Wynonna Earp#Waverly Earp#Doc Holliday#Melani Scrofano#Tim Rozon#Dominique Provost Chalkley#WE recap#WE 1x03#mine#MTVSwatches
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Meeting At A Gala

This beautiful fanart
This fic includes Bruce Wayne (Batman), Alfred, Dick Grayson (Nightwing), Jason Todd (Red Hood), Tim Drake (Red Robin) and Damian Wayne (Robin).
Your PoV
Gotham was not the most beautiful city I have been to. Not to mention the crime rate here. However, helping out The Dark Knight once in a while was comforting in a way. How did I meet him would you ask? Well, I saved his life a few times, yes believe it or not, and blurting out that I know his real identity, giving proof of my theory etc…
My thoughts were interrupted by little amounts of cold liquid falling from the sky. Looking up, I saw more and more raindrops falling from up above, falling on the streets and cars i was walking by. Shit I don’t have my umbrella, I thought. I paced faster, towards my apartment. Taking out the key before arriving at the front door, making sure not to slip, I bumped into a man. “Wach where ya goin’!” He howled before walking away. Wow that was rude, I thought, still looking at the figure disappearing into an alley. Unlocking the door, I made my way upstairs. After arriving at my apartment, I took a quick shower and put on some comfy clothes. I started walking towards the kitchen when a sound of metal hitting metal spread in the hallway. Looking towards the front door, I saw a few letters lying on the floor. Picking them up, I started opening them. Sighing while skimming through my electricity bills and my rent, I stopped at a fancier looking envelop. My name was inscribed on the front in cursive. Gently opening it, it looked somewhat like an invitation.
Bruce Wayne has the pleasure of inviting you to the official 2017 Wayne Gala. Each member present will increase the amount of money funded for charaties, most noticeably Gotham’s orphanage.
This gala will include an all-you-can-eat buffet, champagne and much more.
P.s. Come in a fancy dress not your vigilante suit ;) was written in a scrappier handwriting.
Batsy getting all fancy for a party, I thought smirking.
—————Time skip to a couple days later—————
Tonight was the night of the famous Gala and I decided to put on a fancy yet not too complicated red dress.
I’m ready, how do I get there again? I sent by message to Bruce.
Alfred is coming to pick you up! he replied.
Since when do you know where I live? I asked, making sure to add a smiley face.
I needed to make sure you came home safely, wouldn’t want a teenage vigilante getting hurt do I? He asked adding a smirking smiley face.
Wow I never knew you would be so sarcastic! I texted.
Well I do have sarcastic sons, some more so than others, but I have picked up a few things along the way. You will be meeting them by the way! He wrote.
I suddenly became nervous What if they don’t like me? I thought. My train of thought was interrupted by a black limousine parking in front of my apartment.
Gotta go, my ride’s here! I quickly sent Bruce
Making sure that I had locked my apartment and taken my purse, I hurried downstairs.
“Hello Miss (Y/N)!” A elderly man with a British accent greeted.
“Hello Sir!” I greeted back.
“Oh please call me Alfred” He said warmly.
——- Time skip to arriving at Wayne Manor——
It’s beautiful I whispered to myself, awestruck, upon entering the front gate.
Alfred kindly escorted me towards the large staircase to the immense mansion in front of me. I was welcomed by Bruce Wayne himself.
“Hello kid!” He smirked.
“Ok so first of all hello to you too, second of all do not call me that! How many times do I have to tell you, are you losing your mind old man?” I asked smirking back.
He laughed lightly at me and brought me inside. He guided me through numerous corridors made of marble towards a colossal ball room “Woah” I whispered. “So the drinks are in the far corner, the food on the opposite side and the bathroom in the room behind seating area” He directed me.
“There is so much food” I squealed excitedly.
“I know, hence why you are here, I know how much you love food”, he said cockly.
“Ooouh I’d say that hurt, but it didn’t!”
Laughing, “Well I better get to welcome my business associates and other important guests!” he said, walking away, leaving me alone. I decided to wonder around a bit.
Jason PoV
“Ugh all of these people are so fake!” Tim moaned from across the table
“Shhhh! Don’t say it so loudly, people will here you!!” Dick shushed him.
“I hate to say this but Drake is right” Damian stated
“I’m bored” I pouted playing with the butterknife that was neatly placed on the table. Looking back up towards the crowd, “and there isn’t any decent looking wo–” I stopped when my gaze locked onto a young women in a red dress. My brothers looked back at me when I didn’t finish my sentence, then followed my gaze to the same young women.
“Woah” Tim and Dick said at the same time.
Snapping everyone out of their thoughts, I chirped up “I call dibs!!!” Before standing up and pacing to the women, my brothers quickly following behind me.
Your PoV
Looking at the men and women dancing in the ballroom made me feel sad and insecure. I finally decided to go get a drink.
“Would you care for a dance?” a voice spoke up.
Slowly turning around, a tall yet not too muscular man in a nice balck tuxedo and red tie was smiling at me. He had black hair and a white streak. Wow he’s handsome, I thought smiling. “Sure” I answered enthusiastically. Proposing his hand to me, I gladly took it whilst he guided me to the dancing area. Putting his spare hand around my waist and mine on his shoulder, we started dancing in sync. After a few minutes of dancing and looking deeply into each of our eyes.
“I’ve never seen you around here! Have you recently started working with Bruce Wayne?” he asked.
“Oh um no I don’t work for him, I’m a bit of a private detective and I’ve made a few investigations about him. It happened to be a misunderstanding. Nothing too serious and since then we have been friends.” I lied, suprising myself of how convincing I sounded.
He hummed in response. Putting his forehead to mine, he mumbled “I never got your name!” He said looking straight into my eyes, the closeness making me blush.
(A/N: If y'all thinking I’m taking Paul Wesley as a Jason Todd then you’re wrong, wow that sounded violent, I’m sorry. It’s just the gif that shows what I am describing.)
“It’s (Y/N)” I smiled looking at the ground.
“And are you single?” he asked, hopeful.
“Are you trying to seduce me?” I asked shyly.
“Depends, is it working?” he answered looking for an answer in my eyes.
“I barely even know you and you’re already making a move on me?” I questioned.
“Well I can’t think logically when the most beautiful girl I have ever set my eyes upon is right in front of me!” He smirked.
Taking in a breath, I blushed a deep red and I looked at the ground with a shy smile.
3rd Person PoV
Jason examined (Y/N)’s actions Damn that’s cute!, he thought smiling back at her.
Back at the table, Dick, Tim and Damian observed the whole scene unfold before them.
“I can’t believe Todd got the girl before any of us, well except for Drake.” Damian argued.
Tim glared at his younger brother and retorted “Doesn’t suprise me you didn’t get her!”
Dick interrupted the raising fight by standing up.
“He’s leaning into her!!” He warned before racing towards them.
Your PoV
The man in front of me started leaning into me. What are you doing!! You don’t even know this guy’s name!!, I scolded myself. I suddenly put a finger to his lips to stop him from kissing me, making his eyes shoot open. Suddenly he was pulled away from me and I was met with a shorter black haired man with a blue tie. He had a similar body structure.
“Hi!!” He said with a goofy smile. “I’m Richard, or Dick for short (A/N: Short eyy!?).
”(Y/N)“ I whispered.
“Sorry about the quick change, that was my brother, he’s always looking for one night stands and stuff” he lied, looking everywhere but me.
“Riiiight” I agreed, unconvinced.
“So a dance?” He squeaked out.
3rd Person PoV
Jason joined the table pouting like a little baby whilst staring at (Y/N) and Dick.
“You look more like a kid than you usually do Todd!” Damian pointed out.
“Why would Dick do this to me!! I had the girl!” He criticised.
“Dick obviously wants the girl to himself” Tim stated.
“No shit!” Jason said sarcastically.
“Anyway he isn’t going to get her!” Damian informed.
Both brothers looked towads the youngest curiously.
“Obviously I’m the best suited to be with her. Being the blood son of Bruce Wayne and the best Robin” he said, whispering the last part.
“Riiight, whatever helps you sleep at night Demon” Jason mumbled whilst Tim rolled his eyes.
Your PoV
After half an hour of dancing and having a nice conversation chatting with Dick, I politely asked to leave, which he accepted.
Sipping some champagne from my glass. Truth be told I bribed Bruce into letting me drink, at least no one knows I’m underage.
“Aren’t you underage?” A younger man, if not boy asked, also with a glass of champagne, as if he read my thoughts.
“Kinda ironic coming from you don’t you think? You don’t exactly look 21 either.” I smirked.
“Touché!” He acted while raising his hands in the air. “A secret for a secret?” he asked.
“Sure!” I chuckled.
“Sooo, do you have a name?”
“(Y/N).” I said for the third time tonight.
“Tim!” He said enthusiastically.
A younger boy pulled up a chair next to me. I looked at him suspiciously.
“I’m Damian Wayne! I excuse the behavior of my brothers, they have always pursued women, except for Drake over here, no one would go out with him, which doesn’t surprise me. So don’t bother with him!” He informed.
“Oh no, you are all brothers?” I facepalmed.
“Yeah!” Tim said.
“God, I didn’t expect Bruce to introduce his sons this way!”
“You know Bruce? Personally?” Tim asked.
“Well not very personally, I work a night shift!” I said.
“Oooh! But-”
“She knows about us!” A familiar voice interrupted abruptly. Turning around I saw Bruce and the two men I danced with.
Dick and his brother sat at the same table as we did whilst Bruce explained who I was.
“So you lied to me?” The red tied man asked, acting hurt.
“Well, I didn’t know who you were did I? And I still don’t know your name except for Dick’s brother!” I teased.
“Todd, Jason Todd” He smirked, sounding like 007.
“No offense but you’re not cool enough to be a James Bond!” I teased again.
He gasped exaggeratedly.
“Wow (Y/N) I didn’t think you could get even sassier than you already are!” Bruce sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Get over it!” I mouthed. He chuckled before strolling away.
“So you’re going to work with us?” Tim asked.
“Maybe, well I don’t really do teams, maybe a partner but not much more than that! I’m willing to help out once in a while though!” I explained.
“Can I be your partner?” All four boys said simultaneously, then glared at each other.
I laughed, flattered by their interest.
“You can take turns?!” I suggested.
“Yes!!” They agreed.
Looking at my watch, wide-eyed, I said, “Yikes it’s getting late for me, I need to go, see you guys around!” I marched away.
“Wait!! I didn’t get your number!!” Jason yelled. Dick looked at him smirking as if to say why would she give it to you? “Well, how are we going to contact her?” He stated like the rest of his brothers were complete idiots. Soon enough, the three brother’s eyes widened and started running in the direction I was in, only to discover that I was gone.
A/N: First one shot up!! Let me know what you think about it!!
Tagging: @lumifuer
#batboys#batboys imagine#batboys x reader#dick grayson x reader#dick grayson#nightwing#nightwing x reader#jason todd#jason todd x reader#red hood#red hood x reader#tim drake#tim drake x reader#red robin x reader#damian wayne#damian wayne x reader#red robin#robin#robin x reader#bruce wayne#bruce wayne x reader#batman#batman x reader#meeting at a gala
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A/N: had this little dream and needed to put words to it. the feeling i got from the embrace was everything i’ve ever needed and maybe that was my subconscious giving me the comfort i actually need. It’s obviously an AU where Jensen and Jared are in it as well as JJ. Mentions of Megan Padalecki as well.
Characters: Jensen, Jared, JJ, and Reader
Triggers/Warnings: fluff, comfort, those are triggers ya’ll because i usually angst the shit out of stuff
The sun was beating down on you as you ran along the beach, the tide slowly ebbing and flowing over your bare feet, sending chilling but refreshing stimuli to your aching joints. You loved the beach this time of morning, it was nearly empty, sea gulls dipping and diving to catch some kelp along the water. You were sure Jensen was up with a semi sleepy JJ and while Jared usually took this morning runs with you, he was back at the beach house, packing.
He was leaving to visit his sister, Megan, and you loved his family with all your heart, but these past few weeks, you’ve needed your best friend more than ever. Every lilt in your voice, your lidded eyes, the long nights watching the ocean, wrapped up in one of Jared’s sweatshirts, your knees hugging to your chest, a warm cup of tea or an iced beer, barely sipped; signs that you were headed towards a dark place. He noticed; he tried to persuade Megan to come to him, but she was in town for a book signing, back in Austin.
You all were in Maryland.
You hated the distance. Not the mileage, nor the drive, but the physical absence of Jared’s proximity. His warmth, his calloused hands, his encompassing embrace. It was as if you had a third appendage and it was suddenly torn from your body- it was that painful when he was gone.
That’s how you knew.
You knew that he was and would always be a part of you, no matter if things were platonic as they were or if you made that step. A step you were too afraid to take. For if you tripped, you knew he’d be the one to catch you, but would he want that responsibility for the rest of his life?
You felt as if you were a crutch, a burden, your depression and anxiety masked by jovial playfulness, plastering a smile to your weathered face, makeup hiding the circles under your eyes, the excess baggage that your face always seemed to keep, whether you checked in or checked out.
Jensen noticed your shift in mood when Jared had announced his departure. Even JJ could tell that her Auntie YNN “wasn’t smilin’ like she used’ta”. You pulled her in close and kissed her honey colored hair and promised you’d be back to your normal self in a bit and she smiled up at you, holding out her tiny pinky.
“Promise?” she offered it to you and Jared had walked in on the exchange.
“What are you two promisin’,” Jared let out a sigh as he fell into his spot next to you on the couch, “no more ice-cream before dinner?” His laughter fell flat as he took in your appearance and JJ’s quirk of her trembling lip.
“Just some girl stuff, right Bug?” you winked in her direction, patted her bottom, suggesting she hop on off and Jensen called her over for a walk on the beach.
“Catch you two later,” Jensen gave you those father eyes, you know the ones, where they were stern, unwavering, but full of promise? Yeah, you wanted to punch him in those damn eyes. Which caused an unwelcomed chuckle to emerge from your lungs.
“What’d I’d miss,” Jared shifted in his seat, crossing a leg under the other, facing you.
Your silence was deafening.
You sat there, picking at your cuticles, a nervous habit that if you were a poker player, your tell would be all over the circuit. Jared pulled your hands into his massive mitts and squeezed them encouraging you to look him in the eyes. You hated with a passion when he would stare into your temple, boring holes, until you turned to him, grunting out a “what, Jare?”
“You know what, YNN,” Jared rubbed his thumb over your wrist, just his touch comforted you and it nearly broke the dam that you had been building like a god damn busy ass beaver before winter struck. You held it together, mostly, because your demons were not his. He didn’t need that extra stress, not when he was about to visit his sister at her newest book signing.
“Talk to me, please,” his voice cracking like butterscotch brittle, “don’t push me out, not now, YN, please.”
“I’m not, Jare,” you finally looked into his eyes and it was almost blinding. A stark contrast to your murky ones and he took notice of them too.
“Tell me what I can do,” he begged, “just say the words and I’ll do whatever I can, YNN, but you have to tell me, you can’t keep bottlin’ this stuff up,” he ran his thumb across your cheek wiping the rogue tear that betrayed you.
You ripped your hands from his, palms inward, you rubbed at the dryness of your eyes, the nights of sobbing have made them raw, like the sand from the beach outside the windows, infiltrated your lids. Exhaling all the pent up emotions you held close to your ribs like a warrior’s breastplate worn into battle, you stood up abruptly and Jared jumped up pulling you into his chest. Your head barely reached his pecs, but just enough that you could feel his heart beating; as much as yours was, maybe even more.
“I need you, Jare,” your words were muffled into his cotton t-shirt and your breath raised goosebumps on his skin.
“You have me,” Jared kissed the top of your head, embracing you as tightly as he could, your arms wrapping around his neck, your bodies flush against one another.
“Pack an overnight bag,” Jared kissed your lips, chaste, timidly, afraid anything else might just break you into shattered pieces of glass that he could never mend.
“You’re comin’ with,” his hands encompassed your fragile face, “and we’ll get though this together,” he held up his pinky waiting for your reaction.
A soft smile finally graced your features and you wrapped your very own pinky around his.
@uniquewerewolfsuit @wheresthekillswitch @oneshoeshort@hiddenwritingsintheworld @mrswhozeewhatsis @growningupgeek@meeshw777 @sandlee44 @xtina2191 @faegal04 @sis-tafics@smoothdogsgirl @iwriteshortstuff @dorky-and-i-know-it @hexparker@riversong-sam @atc74 @ruprecht0420 @20secspnfam4 @me-a-unicorn@chelsea072498 @skybinx-blog @d-s-winchester @deandoesthingstome @moonlitskinwalker @mamapeterson@feelmyroarrrr @impalaimagining @sassysupernaturalsweetheart @roxy-davenport @becs-bunker @evilskank-inthemegacoven @spn-fan-girl-173@there-must-be-a-lock @emilyymichelle @tiffanycaruso@curliesallovertheplace @meganwinchester1999 @emoryhemsworth@supernaturalismylife @lessons-of-red (Can’t tag you) @myfand0msandm0re @thing-you-do-with-that-thing (TFW/J2M) @deductions-in-time-and-space (DSTB) @daughterleftbehind (Dibs) @maddieburcham1@poemwriter98 @iwriteshortstuff @teamfreewill-imagine
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He has a crush on Jessica and maybe even dated her before this.
Rick cares for him and is very critical of whoever he (Morty) expresses feelings for.
Mabel is playful and flirty with him which makes Morty feel good and laugh, they would have fun together. They probably won’t wind up dating in the end.
Dipper is very critical of him (Morty), he (Morty) tries to act like Rick in front of Dipper in defense of these criticism.
Steven is very hyper and sweet, he’s seen some dark shit and has worked through it unlike Morty. Steven helps him (Morty) come to terms with what he’s seen and done and makes him a more positive person.
He (Morty) never met any smart girls before (for some reason he’s been surrounded by idiots his whole life, well other than his Grandpa Rick) He thinks it’s nice to get to know a pretty and smart girl like Connie. He doesn’t care if they like each other in a romantic way or not, he could live with either way.
Morty can’t really talk to Wirt even though they should be able to get along just fine he’s just too awkward around Wirt. He ends up just getting Wirt to buy him alcohol and shit.
Morty is shocked by how active Gregory is. He tries to brush it off and treats Gregory as a child. Gregory doesn’t really care but Morty feels like he’s somehow lying to himself as he tries to act as a mature role model.
Morty does not know how to approach Frisk, they have a sort of silent bond however bonding secretly other cute things (like unicorns and music)
He is inspired by Dib’s knowledge on aliens and such and shows him some other worlds so they can bond. That sadly is all they have, they can’t really bring themselves to talk about anything else.
Finn and Morty don’t really talk, they kind just awkwardly smile at each other and stay quiet when they have to walk together or something.
Marco has nothing that brings Morty attention to him. Morty doesn’t care to waste his time on Marco.
Star reminds Motry oddly of Rick. He kind of follows her quietly because of it.
He was dating Jackie but they stopped seeing each other. They’re cool about it and are still friends but they have grown apart and don’t talk that much anymore.
He and Heckapoo are casually dating. It’s really chill and they are really playful with one another. When he brings her up he doesn’t seem too invested in the relationship.
Marco and Tom have such a love hate relationship.
Janna still treats Marco like a punching bag with her jokes. She likes him not that he cares, he doesn’t really see it.
Star is still his best friend, she is more honest with herself now and let him know how she feels. They aren’t as close because she’s very busy as a Princess but they are reconnecting now. He still thinks Star is the coolest girl he knows.
Mabel is very forward with flirting with him. He doesn’t mind and will even humor her with almost flirty replies.
Dipper and Marco nerd out together, girly boy bands, nerdy movies like star wars, and other crap they share a love for.
Steven is a little too goofy for Marco’s taste. He thinks that Steven is like the worse parts of Star.
Connie is cool. He doesn’t have any real feelings for her but he thinks she’s a cool person to talk to.
He listens to Dib rants and thinks Dib is smart.
Finn and him practice sword fighting and talk about past relationships and such.
Frisk weirds him out at first, he kinda gets into Frisk after awhile though.
He doesn’t really care for Morty. It’s nothing personal just doesn’t really Morty. He also thinks Morty is kind of a creep.
Wirt and him talk sometimes, both being actually matured unlike everyone else.
Greg is just a normal dude to him. He doesn’t really think of Greg as a child.
Tom and her use to date.
Janna and her have some weird sort of feelings that they have played with a little bit before.
Marco is probably the love of her life, but she’ll be fine with just being Marco’s best friend.
Mabel is sort of a mirror of herself so they get along pretty well doing some crazy shit together.
Dipper acts sweet to her but she doesn’t think much of it.
Steven and her just will sing and dance together, having personal parties and fun conversations.
Connie doesn’t really talk to her, must Star can get out of Connie is an “okay” here and there.
Wirt has the ID that provides her with her crazy desires.
Greg A fun kid in her mind.
Finn is a blonde adventurer who dates princesses, she’s kinda wondering what it’s like to date someone like that.
Frisk and her have silent nod conversations that are very deep and helpful.
Morty is cute and shy, nothing like other people she’s been around. They bond over cute shit and maybe share a kiss or som’thin’.
Dib is funny to her. She does like hearing about his love life though, but she likes hearing about everyone's love life.
She became like besties with Pacifica, but then kissed Pacifica during a sleepover and everything became awkward. She claims she just kisses all her friends and kissed Dipper because he’s “her besties besties friend”
Bill after being rejected by the Pines boys makes a move on Mabel, who’s all like “fuck no”
She and Dipper do this fake flirting because they think it’s funny.
Morty is really cute, she kinda likes him. She’s open though.
Marco is super hawt, she flirts with him like crazy.
Star is super cool and she likes acting dumb with her.
Steven is super sweet and cool and she likes crafting with him.
She calls Connie Candy’s and Dipper’s child because she thinks that’s what a mix between the two would be like.
She ships Wirt and her brother.
Greg is sweet fun and cute, she let���s him have a crush on her.
Finn has long lovely hair that she likes to play with. He’s a doll.
Dib is nerdy and doesn’t get how to be social and she thinks that’s really cute (because it’s different from the awkwardness of the other nerd boys here) she likes to poke him.
Frisk is her sweater buddie.
Wendy was his crush over the first summer.
Pacifica had a total crush on him. He kinda was cool with that, but back off when he saw Mabel liked her.
Candy and him would just be such a cute couple, but I probably won’t do anything with it.
Bill is a lusty jerk face demon. Dipper was going to fall for him till Bill’s proposition for a three way of him(Bill), Dipper, and Stanford.
Mabel is his beloved sister, he’ll put her above all else, especially after all his fuck ups in the past. He trust no one around his sister and her heart.
He thinks Morty is faking his nervousness so he can hook up with girls like Mabel. Dipper doesn’t like him at all. (He’s just protective and jelly~)
He looks up to Marco, like how he looked up to Stanford, because Marco is so cool.
Star reminds him too much of Mabel for him to bring himself to really like her or want to get to know her. But he also wants to write about her and her people in a journal because magic mystery stuff.
Steven is a little too friendly for him. However they can relate with having trouble trusting people.
He can talk to Connie for hours and not feel weird about it.
Wirt is a sexy mature dude, Dipper likes those older tall people out of his league, what can I even say more about that?
Greg seems to not like him(Dipper) drooling over his(Greg) older brother.
Dib and him mix what they know, sharing notes.
Finn has cool stories that Dipper records happily.
Frisk is a cool kind in his eyes.
Peridot and him had a short thing.
Connie and him are just friends, no longer having romantic feelings for one another. Or maybe they still have romantic feelings, who knows. (reference/show off fusion)
Louise gets a crush on Steven and wants to slap his face.
Morty and him play video games together and enjoy the simpler things. (possible fusion)
Marco seems like a player to Steven but he likes everyone, he just feels a little awkward about Marco hanging around Connie.
Star is like a reversed him in ways, which is obviously a good thing relation wise. (possible fusion)
Mabel teaches him things like how to make sweaters and such. (possible fusion)
Dipper is a bit of a downer. They seem to only be able to talk about said things.
Finn senpai.
Frisk is cool, they show each other some pictures and talk a lot. Well maybe not really talk but you get it.
Low key crushing on Wirt.
Thinks it’s funny that Greg shares a name with his Father. Also rocks. (possible fusion)
Dib reminds him a little of Ronaldo.
Peedee and her had a small thing.
Steven and her are just friends, no longer having romantic feelings for one another. Or maybe they still have romantic feelings, who knows.
Morty kind of is the first to make her realize that she can have more friends and be more herself, seeing as Steven had been her first and only friend she never had a chance to think of branching out before.
Marco and her get almost a brother sister type bond.
Star is cool, she guesses.
Dipper has some nice books.
She kinda wishes Mabel wouldn’t hang around Steven so much, but says nothing about it.
Wirt is really chill and it’s easy for her to talk to him.
Greg is like a little Steven in her mind.
Frisk is sweet but weird.
Finn helps her with her sword fighting.
Dib kind of freaks her out but they’re cool.
Beatrice and him got into a little thing after meeting again.
Sara and him were dating.
Greg is his little brother, he cares for him very much even if they’re only half brothers.
Morty is a cute kid.
Star is a little freaky.
Marco is a little intense.
Mabel’s cute but uncomfortable to be around.
Dipper is just some nerd. Wirt worries about Dipper literally drooling on him at times.
Connie is cool, someone he could get along with.
Steven weirds him out a bit.
Finn is his tall buddy.
Dib has a big head, good arm rest, not that he ever actually means to use Dib’s head for that.
Frisk weirds him out a bit.
Louise and him may start dating after her crush on Steven dies down.
Wirt is his awesome older brother.
He has a crush on Mabel and her awesomeness.
Dipper is funny to him, low key ships him(Dipper) and his (Greg) older brother, Wirt.
Star is cool, he wants to play with her magic wand.
Marco also funny.
Morty hilarious and fun to tease.
Frisk is kinda cute.
Dib is weird.
Steven is like a cool role model.
He wants a Connie of his own.
Finn takes him to do dangerous shit.
Flame Princess was his GF, till they fell through. It still hurts.
Princess Bubblegum was his long time crush. He still keeps her hair like a creep.
He has faint memories of being married to Roselien (pillow) and having kids and all of that. He misses that life.
Huntress Wizard and Finn had that moment, remember, from that one episode?
Star is a cool princess, what more is there to say?
Marco and him swap knowledge.
Mabel is like a cute kid in his eyes.
Dipper is the same as Mabel to him.
Steven has a cool magical shield, Finn wants to figure out how to get that kind of power.
Connie is a cool lady who sword fights, clearly he wants to be friends with her.
Wirt tall buddy.
Greg low key reminds him of Jake.
Frisk and him will adventure silently sometimes.
Dip is funny.
He thought Morty was a girl for awhile.
Tak is his alien girlfriend.
Mabel actually listens to him, he really enjoys that.
Dipper is really cool, he also listens and will share notes and ideas.
Morty tells him about aliens and stuff Rick has made.
Finn doesn’t really talk to him.
Frisk is used as a test subject sometimes.
Marco hears out his rants.
Star is a little on the crazy side in his mind.
He bugs Steven the way Ronaldo does.
Connie is whatever to him.
Wirt pisses him off most of the time.
Greg frustrates him.
Sans is a bae.
Flowey is forgiven.
Chara some ghost kid who follows them around.
Monster kid a close friend they fan out with.
Morty is kinda cute.
Mabel is sweet, sweater buddy.
Dipper is curious.
Steven is sweet.
Connie nice to be around.
Finn and them have cool adventures.
Marco is a little awkward.
Star is super cool.
Wirt is interesting.
Greg is cute.
Dib is weird.
Gideon (GF)
Will show up for Mabel to have a time where she shows a different side then her cheerful self.
Summer (RM)
Morty brings her up and shows everyone a picture on his phone of her. Her redheadness is very much appreciated.
Jake (AT)
Finn refers to him as his best friend and is show as busy with his family in the beginning.
Zim (IZ)
Dib gripes about him alot.
Lousie (BB)
Is a bonus character I added last minute she just happens to be there. She doesn’t interact with the others as much. Her brother and sister are also there.
The Gems (SU)
Steven talks about them a lot.
Steven’s Dad (SU)
Steven will talk about him every now and then. Also referenced in relation to Gregory’s name.
Stanley and Stanford (GF)
Dipper and Mabel talk about them a lot. Morty expresses hearing names like that before from his Grandpa Rick.
Notes/Other references:
Adventures moments.
Finn, Connie, and Marco sword fighting buddies.
Something about fusion: Steven and Connie show off their fusion to everyone. Steven then starts fusing with other people. This will show more fusions than the listed possibilities. Possibilities means they show up on their own.
Wirt is the tallest, the second tallest is Finn.
Bill will take over Dib’s body at some point.
Some crappy FNAF reference.
Shows Chara being an annoying ghost now and then.
Pokemon refrence which leads to Pocket Mortys being referenced.
Legend of Zelda references.
Songs to make things more fun.
Sleepover party moments.
Dance party moments.
#notes#rick and morty#pocket mortys#adventure time#undertale#invader zim#steven universe#fusion#gravity falls#ships#star vs the forces of evil#over the garden wall#bob's burgers
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