#not really but i'll never find this post again to update it otherwise lol
neverhangd · 1 year
Belated Sinday? Questions for Anne:
1) Is Anne kinky? How is she kinky, if so. 2) What makes sex an enjoyable experience for Anne? 3) What's the best sex she's ever had in her life? If all of it has been shit - then what's her fantasy? 4) What's her energy in bed? (Top/bottom/switch/domme/sub/etc.) 5) Does she have a preference in partners?
BONUS I am tossing Marin and Westley's name in for the surprise. They're glaring at me. Too bad for them.
Only if you feel like it though.
orion gets me ♡ || the crowley show!
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Let me preface this by saying that I am still very much exploring Anne, so all of this should be considered at least somewhat mutable unless otherwise stated.
Well I can't imagine her vanilla, if that's what you mean. There's a sad combination of a dearth of experience and really shitty partners within that dearth that make the extent of kinds weirdly hard for me to parse through, but I've figured out a handful already. Anne is a sub, though she also service tops as needed (? - unclear). She really isn't into anything too painful--rough past experience, consider that mostly immutable--but I think she could try most things for most partners. Including injuring them to some slight degree, if that's what they're into and they ease her into, IZZY. Group sex is considered kinky and Anne's polyamorous and sometimes uses sex as an expression of social bonding. I can't say if the entire lifestyle is for her, but a lot of the trappings of BDSM--bondage, d/s themes, safe words > no, etc.--are very appealing to Anne. Fun bonus, as long as you don't almost die doing it, she's a great Battle Partner and will get frisky watching you kick ass. (...and other generally pirate things, we've learned, but I don't want the non-pirates simping for Anne to feel left out. ;P)
-laughs in backstory- Uhm. Sorry about that. So "enjoyable experience" has to here be taken as "why does she continue to have sex even with the trauma and the drama surrounded by it," the answer to which might actually surprise you. On the one hand, sex is a social bond, a moment in time in which Anne is able to give a piece of herself she'd otherwise keep locked away. Besides, it's an easy, she'd say "mostly painless" way to connect with somebody else and give them something they're lacking, at least in that moment. She's gone such a long time feeling that she has to justify her worth and using sex as an easy means to do that to anyone who "cares" for her. It's only recently Anne's begun to tell the difference between lip service and meaning that, though, and she's incredibly wary of anyone she can't immediately peg as lying to her--because she's come to assume most people are. And on the other hand, Anne wants to like sex. For all her usual reasons: it isn't ladylike, it's vulgar and crass and obscene, the people in her life have always enjoyed it and have always seemed to have an easy time with it, etc., and she has gotten herself off, thank you very much, so she knows its possible to orgasm and can take care of the issue solo.
She's finally getting some that doesn't suck now, does that count? Listen. The only reason the dash on the whole has been spared Anne's tragic fuckery is because I'm still splitting my time on other projects. To say it's been shit is the understatement of the year. The problem is...the worst of it happened during a developmental period for Anne. So on top of having really fucked up social/romantic relationships and a shit-ton of sexual problems to boot, her idea of a sexual fantasy just ends up being really sad and painful because she just wants something nice. Someone to say they love her and mean it. Someone to come back again and do it for her, not because she's convenient or willing or some shit. Before James and even early with him there were silly things almost like fantasies she wanted--the zing of a kiss before or after battle, while adrenaline is high; sex where they might get caught, laughing and shushing each other; a whole, wakeful night to themselves with only the stars to report back what happened; a cliche she'd now deny with her dying breath, but just being together with their feet in the wake and seemingly no one else on earth--but between him and Jack, Anne hasn't really let herself explore what there is to be wanted out of life. Because that means admitting that the freedom she found isn't freedom at all.
She would tell you she's a switch if she'd tell you she's anything, and she'd be lying to your face to protect her own ego. Mostly. Anne is a sub but there have been moments when it's occurred to me that in a...if not healthier than at least less-abusive?...relationship than she's ever been in before might open her up more to explorations. Like sorry to swerve hard to kink out of nowhere, right?, but there was an instance of knife-play between two people Anne has an interest in (...it's complicated), and despite almost having an identity crisis after realizing she really isn't a dom/top, she very quickly realized that with some patient teaching/adjustment time from/with a partner, she would absolutely do that. Especially, I think, in a situation with multiple partners, she could figure out how to dom/top in a switchy, fluid way. I honestly think the ideal for her would be a thruple with one person who is Normally Dom/Top and one who is Normally Sub/Bottom and her floating vaguely between bottom bitch and middle bitch. XD
I can't tell if she leans towards masculine slash androgynous people or if that's just been the majority of her experience, so like. There's that issue. I can say shit like this bitch weak for a commanding presence, yeet!, but that doesn't really narrow down her type since, like I keep saying, she's a sub and a service-happy one at that. Can I trade this question out for another? I'm gonna trade this question out for another.
Although I don't think sexlessness would suit her, especially after she starts moving away from dickbag partners, I do think Anne could have a contented and loving relationship with a primary partner even without sex. So that's nice. ♡
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danganronpa96 · 8 months
Chapter 5 Progress Update
Time is slipping away from my hands like the sand grains of the golden bed pouring between my open fingers. (aka yes I know it's been another 2 weeks without an update lol)
I'm going to be completely transparent here. I don't think I need to do these anymore? After all, like I said before, my only tasks left are the closing argument comic and the execution and I don't think it's very worth it making a post each week going "yea uh I did like a page or two uh"
As for Rexx, I've helped them finalise the plans for the Monotora files, so things are going fine.
Now, about the inbox. I haven't really been answering the rest of them purely due to the fact that the majority of them are art-based in some way. And, as I'm already so focused on art-based tasks for the chapter, I just can't find much time nor energy to get onto them.
So, again, I apologise if your ask is still sat in the inbox and will take some time to get to. I won't abandon any ask I am able to answer, so please don't worry about it like, never getting answered (as I won't be opening the inbox back up until I can get to the remaining ones).
TLDR: If I have a significant update about the fic, I'll most likely post it here. Otherwise, I don't see the need for these posts anymore. Thanks for understanding ^^
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coagulatedink · 2 months
Thoughts on my 1st* Art Fight!
Thought it might be helpful to write up what my (*mostly) first experience with Art Fight was like! Those who have participated in multiple years of AF may not find this helpful and thats ok! This will be going over my Goals, my Final Stats, why I tried AF and why you might enjoy it, who might not enjoy it, and any other final thoughts. If you're looking for more insight into the art I created (and everything related to that) you'll want to check out a future post that will be linked here! Now! Onto the words!
My Goals for AF 2024
As someone who very often takes projects and runs with them once I get momentum, I knew it was important to try to enforce (keyword try) some sort of limitations with AF. The hope was if I kept to these "rules" or limits, I wouldn't end up biting off more than I could chew and avoid burnout n bad feelings! My goals/limits ended up being;
Choose characters that seem fun
Don't start art without a concept
Some aspect must be experimental
Attempt to finish art in under 3 hours!!
No re-dos! Go with the flow!
Try to submit a total of 30 attacks
Attempt at least 1 revenge
Dang! That sure is a whole lot to keep in mind and work towards!! My logic behind "fun characters" and "no concept no art" was this; if I can't enjoy myself while drawing the character there isn't a good reason to be drawing them. This doesn't mean the character design is poor or boring- it just means that based on my restrictions already listed I needed to make sure I also was having a good time! Having a concept, even if it was just an idea, also guaranteed that I'd draw something vs nothin! Overall these goals/limits felt manageable and I'm glad I went with them. Now! How did it all go?
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My 2024 AF Outcome!
Here are my final stats as of August 3rd 2024 when AF closed its submissions (I'll update this post with any changes in the future);
Points: 1008.5 -- Attacks: 14 -- Friendly Fire: 2 -- Defenses: 7
As you can see; I didn't reach my goal of 30 attacks. 😔 I know, I too..think that was too high of a number LOL! When I wrote it down I think I thought I'd be doing simpler, smaller, less time consuming submissions! I also thought I'd be doing a lot of single character illustrations with minimal bgs, so composition and consideration of flow for a larger cast didn't enter my mind (at the time). Aaannndd then I came up with multiple concepts for art that had many many characters and that plan went out the window haha!! Even though I didn't submit 30 attacks, I did end up;
Fully rendering art of 27(28?) characters that weren't my own!
Drawing my new sona Guy twice!
Designed a whole new sona during AF!!!
Came up with roughly 20 concepts all together (5 did not get finished in time)!
Getting some AMAZING defenses/revenges from some lovely artists!!
Had all 5 of my characters drawn!!!
Spoke to/found a love of amazing artists I wouldn't have met/seen otherwise!!
Stayed true to the majority of my goals/limits!
Again, I'll go into the art side of everything in another post (with pictures) but I will say I love everything I made for AF. Its a very nice feeling to set goal and surpass them- esp after a very long period of art block/fatigue! I went in expecting 0 revenges or attacks/defenses and was delighted at what I ended up reviving. To those of you who drew me something- thank you! If I get your permission I would love to show off your art here as additional thanks!! So, after all that- was it worth it? - - - - - -
Was Art Fight "Worth it" to me?
Yes. LOL! Art Fight was def "worth it" to me. Sorry to jump to the end of it haha- let me go into it a little more like I said I would!
I joined Art Fight the second week of July- partly bc I wasn't sure if I really wanted to take part. As I mentioned, I had attempted to take part in Art Fight in the past! The first time I completed 2 attacks, but never ended up posting ether (if memory serves) or writing down the artists name (so I dont even know who they belong to). A couple of years ago I tried again, but those attacks were aimed at my partner at the time and mostly just an excuse to draw something for them-- it wasn't really made in the "spirit of Art Fight". In both cases I wasn't very familiar with the interface, the point system, the submission system- you get the idea. So when I started fresh and began the process of uploading characters, and later attacks, I was pleasantly surprised! Everything was simple enough and the things I was unsure about (mainly how to rate my works) had articles or answers on the official Art Fight Tumblr that helped a ton! These factors + the encouragement from friends who had already taken part gave me the push to set my goals/limits and give it a try!
At first I was a little discouraged- I didn't think anyone would like my characters or my artwork. I worried I was creating for no one but myself, which isn't bad!!! HOWEVER! This can feel isolating when you're submitting it to a place they're literally a hive of active artists, and as someone who hasn't posted a whole lot of art publicly in the last two-three years I was nervous to put myself out there!! Thankfully I got a lot of love and kind comments from friends, mutuals' and even complete strangers! It was immensely gratifying!!! My submissions were a little sporadic the rest of AF- if I felt up to working on something I'd work on it. If I didn't..I didn't! That did mean there was a lot of last minute attacks haha, especially after going over the top with a sona-centric illustration. Still! In 22 days I managed to make 16 fully rendered works- each one unique in its own way! Thats great!!
My reasoning for taking part in Art Fight is pretty simple; I enjoy drawing other folks characters and I love to experiment with my artwork. When I was younger I spent a lot of time on Deviant Art, specifically in clubs/groups. It was always fun to flip through groups and see all the different character designs, all the different styles and settings, and soak it all in. Now-a-days art based RP groups aren't really a thing, and finding places where you can easily flip through a varying range of artists and hobbiests works isn't as easy as it used to be. AF brings back a touch of nostalgia and a lot of good vibes from me! Its nice to feel like you're not only being acknowledged, but seen as an artists, esp online where its so easy to get lost in the massive sea of creators. To me AF didn't feel like I was going against anyone, but working alongside a ton of creatives- and that is an amazing feeling!! Its the same feeling I got from those old DA groups, from working on zines and even the fabled OCTs. Collaboration is beautiful and amazing and I hope other folks left Art Fight feeling as good as I did!
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Should YOU try Art Fight?
Are you older? Younger? New at art? Been doing art for a while? Tall? Short? An alien? Well! Art Fight may just be for you! No but seriously, AF isn't just for teens or people in their early 20s- its for everyone at every skill level. When I looked for characters I wasn't thinking "oh how talented is this artist" I was thinking "would this character be fun to draw". If you can approach AF like that you will most likely have a lot of fun! Well that and making sure you set yourself up for success. For those who have never taken part, or took part but feel like you had too much slack/creative freedom I suggest the following (in no particular order);
Use the tag system and find types of characters you KNOW you will enjoy drawing. If you love clowns look for clowns! If you would prefer object heads look for object heads! The tagging system is new, and I encourage everyone to use it, so it won't have EVERYONE but it will have options! This can help narrow down your choices vs just looking at the newly submitted or random characters.
See if any artists you admire/are friends with/are mutuals with are taking part! Sometimes the total unknown can be daunting! It can be easier to draw art for a friend, or someone you admire- and it gives you an excuse to do so.
Give yourself a limitation of materials you will use! Maybe you'll only use color pencils, or GIMP, or everything can only be down with blue ink- limitations like that can help establish a through-line through your submissions that can add a little stability.
Pick a theme for your attacks- maybe the first week everyone is drawn as Spooky Monsters, and the next week everyone is painted like they're from a Picasso painting. Just make sure to respect any character rules listed on character profiles!!
Stick to characters who have rules and suggestions! Personally I found these characters to be much more appealing (or unappealing) bc it automatically told me what I could or couldn't do from the start. If it felt too restrictive I'd say "no thanks" and keep looking! And if they had prompts I was more likely to use them bc it gave me a jumping off point.
Set a time limit. This can be the amount of time you will allow yourself to work on an attack, or it could be how much of Art Fight you're willing to take part in! Its ok if you say "I'm only going to work on weekends in July" or "I'm only going to attack the second week and thats it" ect! You do not need to take part every day! Do what works well for you!! Its your time and you should be having fun!
Art Fight should be FUN and if its not fun for you I'd suggest stepping away and doing something else that will bring you joy. My biggest suggestion for anyone who wants to try it out is to go in with low expectations and do what feeling good to you. If you have a hard time with any sort of competitive atmosphere, major anxiety about time restrictions, or just don't enjoy showing you art publicly, you most likely won't enjoy Art Fight. This doesn't mean you can't try!!! You can!! It just might not end up being your cup of tea.
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Final Thoughts (I promise I'm almost done)
Art Fight is, to me, what you make it. Setting limits, creating prompts, "gamifying" the event; that made taking part manageable even with everything else I need to juggle on a day-to-day schedule in my personal and work life. I think not taking too much of it too personally also helped- and I did struggle with this at the start! But then I saw I could draw a literal sock and was like "I think maybe I should just have fun" LOL! And I super did!! Drawing that sock was fun! Drawing a lot of what I made for AF was fun- I'm sad I didn't get to finish everything but I'm glad I was able to share my art with new people and get some cute stuff in return. I feel like I keep repeating myself with my positive comments, and I probs am, but I can't help it! The internet gave me a cool thing! And it ended well! Thats the total opposite of what I've experienced online LOL!!! To see people come together, see them create and gush and just be full of mirth n joy is very VERY nice during these not so nice times. I'm not sure if I'll be able to take part in next years AF, if I can though I totally will! Thanks for taking the time to read my lengthy write up! Did you take part in Art Fight? If so, what did you think? Would setting limits for yourself help you out, or would you prefer going loose-goosey? If you haven't tried might you attempt next year? Lemme know! I'm curious!!
Till next year-- Happy Art Fight yall!!!
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evocationwriter · 3 months
[I can't really access my pics of Clover atm, and if I keep putting this off until I do I swear I'll never post it! I added a description below in lieu of pics lol (although, I think it would be fun to see how everyone describes their Tavs themselves, too!)]
This "meet my Tav" is brought to you by the wonderful @galeorderbride, who tagged me! I tag @thecurlyginger and @silent-words :)
This is my first Tav, so there will forever be a special place in my heart for her. Where it all began! Description: Imagine a constantly dirty lil wood-elf with olive skin, brown hair that glitters green when it catches the light, cut functionally to the scalp with a hunting knife. Her lips are naturally tinted green, and a customary tattoo of pale green vines snakes up her neck and frames her face - an empty space at center of her throat for when she earns the symbol of her ranger conclave. She has big, dopey forest-green eyes. Smol. Doesn't really sit down - just sort of perches herself precariously. A very serious-looking raven is always either on her shoulder or perched nearby (though, if you have "speak with animals", his voice is SUPER goofy and it's clear that he's just a silly little friend). Catch this shy bean in the shadows drawing all the cool plants and creatures she's encountered during their travels - after she's hunted and hung a wild boar to drain to keep everyone fed, of course. I have, as you can see, thought about this a normal amount.
Name: Clover
Age: 170-200ish, she doesn't know for sure, exactly.
Race: Wood elf
Class: Gloomstalker Ranger
Alignment: Started neutral good, but this whole mess ground her down to true neutral.
Deity: Simply, the land of whatever Plane she's on. But will send an occasional prayer to Sehanine Moonbow.
Favourite spells: Find familiar! (always the raven - naturally lol - his name is Eugene)
Armour act 1: Oak Father's Embrace, then hide armor +2
Armour act 2: Yuan Ti scale mail
Armour act 3: Helldusk armor (plus the helmet. Dyed it all green. She looked like a cute little swamp creature - I WILL update this with pics!)
Favourite dye: sage green
Weapons act 1: Gandrel's Aspiration (rip Gandrel, it all happened so fast)
Weapons act 2: the Joltshooter
Weapons act 3: The Dead Shot
Buffs: Longstrider. All day every day
Love interest: Lae'zel (her primal, aggressive flirting had Clover swooning in an instant), Gale as her bff
Favourite NPC: Malta, that prophetic cat in a random alley in Act 3 (I hc that they reunite again in a few centuries, as was prophesized)
Favourite enemy: Raphael. She marked him as prey since Act 1, so the kill was *so satisfying*
Favourite battle: Orin. Smoke powder arrows were the MVP of that fight.
Favourite dialogue: "Will you stay with me, for good?" from Lae'zel, which was said with the biggest puppy dog eyes known to man.
Decision about the Absolute: Chose Orpheus (what kind of gf woud she be otherwise!?), ended the brain and killed the tadpoles, let Lae'zel go off to fight a revolution - Clover hatched and started raising their child while she awaited Lae'zel's return. HC the three of them stay on Toril until Xan is of age, roaming about the wilds of Faerun and visiting their friends at random and without notice, and now they bounce between the Astral Sea, Toril, and all kinds of new planets and places like a cute lil happy space pirate family.
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perexcri · 1 year
Hello!!! You said you have been reading a lot of aus, could you please tell us about your favourite ones?
ahhh hello!! i would love to, because i've been really enjoying aus lately :D i haven't been reading as much fic as in the past because i've been trying to get through some books on my tbr list (of which there are too many, though i did finish one today!), but when i have been reading fics, it's been aus mainly!!
like i said in the other ask, you can always feel free to check out my bookmarks on ao3!! but here are a few of my current favs:
[hiding beneath the cut because it got way too long :) ]
tip-toeing on lily-pads by my beloved @cherryisgone. you might think i'm biased because it was given to me, and you would be correct in thinking that, but also, it's just?? so good?? the pining is off the charts, plus it's a kind of princess and the frog concept with prince Will and knight Mike. the writing is beautiful and has this lovely water imagery woven throughout it that i absolutely adored. idk what more someone could ask for tbh (except maybe a pt. 2 👀👉🏻👈🏻)
a new fight series by tea_for_one_please. this is a wonderful star wars au that does a fantastic job of weaving the main party members into the star wars universe and lore. i read it intermittently while i was visiting friends last month and really enjoyed my time with it. also, it's so well-written that i didn't realize how long the whole series was? apparently the entire series is the length of a book and i just. didn't know this until a few days ago lol. so yes, this one's fun for star wars/sci-fi vibes!!
fireball him! (cast protection) by @willow-lark. i'm a sucker for fantasy aus and this one is soooo so good!! again, maybe i'm biased because one of my stories is listed as inspiration, but i loved this thing. i saw it was posted last week while i was at work, and the second i got to take my lunch break, i flopped onto my couch to read it and was not disappointed. wonderful writing and an ending that left me with my jaw dropped. not that i'm still thinking about it :')
the manuscript by whereyouare. i'm humbly begging everyone to read this one because it's premise is just too good to pass up. it's an au where there's no Upside Down/supernatural stuff from the actual show. Will is a sci-fi author, and his publisher tells him his upcoming book is too cynical and the ending needs to be changed. it's such an interesting study of Will and refreshing take on his character, mostly because he's just...so cynical in this one? idk, maybe that's not for everyone, but i've enjoyed seeing a potential future Will where living in a small town and being in love with his (supposedly) straight best friend have hardened him more. it's fascinating and fun, so i highly recommend it!
warm by @notebooknonbinary. this one's a short fantasy au, but it's so sweet and soft. like i said, i'm a sucker for fantasy aus and have been writing with them a lot lately, so i always enjoy when i find a good one, and this one definitely fits the bill!
daydream by disaster_energy. this is a really fun d&d au where Will gets chosen by the moon goddess and Mike chooses to pledge to her paladin order. i especially loved the world-building in this one because it kinda reminded me of the percy jackson series - it was a perfect melding of a fantasy world with a modern one. plus it had plenty of pining, and i'll never complain about that lol
the vale of shadows by sevensided. another fantasy au!! this is the third installment in the dark mirror trilogy, which is one of my favorite things i've read ever in my life, fic or otherwise. i'm in love with this third installment and the recent update it got - the most recent 4 chapters have the perfect cottagecore vibes that made me melt. i love this whole series with all of my heart, and i'm so glad to see it in a fantasy au setting now
and it's not byler, but just for grins and giggles, i'm once again gonna rec sevensided's ronance one shot, nothing sacred / all things wild. i love this author's writing style, and she takes such an intense and interesting approach with these two characters by putting them in an FBI setting: Nancy is an agent recovering from a particularly traumatic mission, and Robin is her psychologist. they have a conversation and. well. Things Happen.
idk if you're specifically looking for recs anon, but if you're interested, i also have 2 fantasy aus and a vampire au i posted a few weeks ago!! they're some of my favorite things i've written and posted, and i really liked how the writing came out in them, so if you're interested, here they are:
fantasy aus: A Flower That Resembles You, the truth beneath the rose
vampire au: come to me again (in the cold, cold night)
happy reading!! if you have any recs, feel free to send some my way - i go through phases where i'll read more books than fic and vice versa, so it's only a matter of time until i'm glued to my phone burning through fics again lol
thanks for the ask, and thank you to all the lovely authors for creating such wonderful works for us to enjoy :D 💜💜💜
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annbourbon · 8 months
I decided to give this a try because I love writing on my diary (I stopped a while ago but maybe I'll start again, tho I'm not going to post it here ofc.) but... I definitely feel too exposed by doing this so it's not going to happen again. I have no filter.
These weeks have been hectic to put it kindly lol
I've been sick. I made a quick recovery. Went to the hospital like, three times. Will be back to the hospital tomorrow. Another check up and study. I'm so glad it's free because otherwise idk how I would be paying for all those things.
Last week - From January 7th to January 14th
I'm so angry... and embarrassed too because I actually bought a $5 bucks green tea but it tasted like cheap boiled water or smth 😭😂
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Most expensive crap ever bought. Emphasis on crap. Yeah that's the most relevant thing 🤣 ahh and...
I'm writing.
Highlights: I'm now on Ko-fi! >< so excited!! Plus, I started selling soaps and I'm definitely starting strong this year.
This week - From January 15th to 21
I'm back to my ballet classes though, and I lost some weight~ *happy dance* and I'm selling my soaps ✨😌✨ I feel like I'm achieving some kind of superpower. I'm definitely becoming the person I want to be.
... ..........
Uh... almost lol
I'm reading the Bible. I swore to never touch that book again once I went out of school (went to catholic schools during a long time) but I'm back and I'm reading it. Literature skills and all that. I was advised several times that I should read it. So I'm back to it. My parents though... 💀 they're looking at me like I grew out two heads or smth... which is funny AF. Understandable though, considering how much I'm against it.
Genesis it's kind of heavy. I have had to put it down several times to not get bored and sleep on it. Probably for the best because I would end up drooling and the Bible is too pretty for that....
I'm not used to take that long reading a book. I went through the Catholic version first because it's the one I have at my disposal but downloaded a couple of apps. One NIV skipped several things through the Genesis. So many things it pissed me off because I thought Genesis was all about people being born and living way too long like if they were vampires or something. Turns out it's because of the version I'm reading. I tried the CBS but it was insufferable. I'm sorry. Finally I went through the KJV and found myself enjoying it so much I could spend the whole day reading it.
That's when I realize I need a physical copy of it. So I'm buying one. Went through Amazon and found a pinkish Bible. I can't wait to receive it and fill it with my studies~ meanwhile I find myself... bewildered because I'm actually enjoying something I thought I would never (?) Watching it as mythological stuff is different. Even my notes are really random and funny. But I don't want to offend anyone beliefs here so I won't be posting them. I am a firm believer in the good messages that the Bible has, just not, into it as religion.
Anyways~ one of my doctors is such a hottie... I feel like I'm in middle of a KDrama around him... even my mom likes him and calls him "handsome" lol
And there's a good reason for that... he's such a sweetheart around me. 🥺 I know he's only doing his job but I can't stop liking him. He's so touchy it makes me nervous but not in a bad way... it's just new... hope he never reads this lol
Highlights: The yellow dress I asked for has arrived. Finally.
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Week from 22 to 28
I'm skipping ballet classes this entire week 😭🥺 I'm back with hospital appointments. I probably won't be here long enough and won't have enough energy to write. These appointments make sure my energy is drained. Like, completely.
I'm also on a sprint to create as much soaps as possible 😉 Valentine Day here we go!!!
Highlights: The transporter for my cats has arrived!
/^♡^/ I have spent all week training them to go on walks together. Soon I'm updating with pictures ^^
Week from 29 to 4th February
I was going to take bus routes... part of me refuses to feel like it's a downgrade. I'm feeling like taking buses will enhance the feeling of an MC on a kdrama or a Ghibli character (depending on how I'm dressing up) but instead I downloaded Uber lol because I'm spoiled and I would say lazy but nope! I have time to read or study while I'm in the car. That's why I haven't learned how to ride yet.
I finished with the soaps and I'm selling them at my school. I'm already making some money with this but expecting to make some money with my stories too. Which is why I've been working so hard on this. To go back to write again while the soaps are selling themselves. And before you ever think about me making a promo on my stories, mmmm yeah i'm not sure because I'm too busy. But maaaybe?
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Anyways one of my teachers stand me up this week without notice. I got really pissed because I lost money and time because of that. I never felt so bothered by something like that but now I understand what my nom was talking about being punctual and responsible. Guess I'm an adult now since I'm the one paying for the uber *sighs* my mom also got stand up by one of my classmates. And it was raining. A lot. I don't hate rain. It made me feel nostalgic, but my annoyance was huge so I didn't get to enjoy.
Highlights: Nothing really. Ohh~ we're finally buying a treadmill.
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katedoesfics · 2 years
Kate, as you know i love you stories! i read in your Bio that you have been published, i would really love to read them also, how do i find them? feel free to contact me by email
I honestly stared at this message for a good 5 minutes just speechless. To whoever you are - I have no idea when this was actually sent and I so apologize if there was a delay in answering this!! Clearly I have not been active on Tumblr and don't get a lot of messages 😅 But I was excited to see this one so thank you! It means so much to me that you enjoy my silly writing and actually took the time to send me a message ♥ And if you ever see this - tell me who you are! An AO3 follower I'm guessing? 👀
Anyway, to answer your actual question! Yes, I am published! Over the years, I've had poems published in various magazines. My novel Calliope was available on Amazon until Amazon took it down for some reason - I never knew the details. The publishing company that it was published under ended up closing, it was a small press, so I'm thinking maybe that had something to do with it. I ended up putting it on Lulu and selling copies in my area, and recently I listed it myself on Amazon again. That being said, I've been working on trying to rewrite it since the novel is honestly like, 10 years old and my writing has changed drastically since then. I cringe reading it and I know it's worth rewriting and eventually getting the whole series out there. So, I set up a Patreon for people to follow my rewrite progress where I'm going to try my hardest to post a chapter a week. Though, I might need to change that up and post monthly instead as I am currently working on a publishing deal with Mythrill for a serialized version of my other work in progress novel, The Zodiac Chronicles. I don't have a link to share to that yet, but once I do, I will definitely post it!
I have a few other projects in the works and I'm still trying to figure out a way to best communicate with people. AO3 obviously doesn't really let you do that unless you write notes in your chapters and though I can put things on my profile, they do NOT like when you post things like Patreon links. Hence why I thought I could use Tumblr as a way to blog / keep followers up to date. But that never really took off hence why I haven't logged in in forever xD
I did recently set up a mailchimp account thinking maybe I could try the newsletter route, so if anyone is actually interested in getting maybe a monthly update from me, you can sign up for that here: http://eepurl.com/idp7mL
Otherwise, I do actively keep my website up to date with all my projects, so you can always take a look at that to find all my links! kaylynx.carrd.co
And if you'd rather just check out Calliope on Amazon, here ya go!
What the heck, I'll share all the things. I'm also on Fictionate. They recently released their own version of Patreon (it feels more limited then Patreon at the moment, so I might stick with Patreon, but you're always welcome to check me out there.) The Fictionate tiers are slightly lower than what I offer on Patreon since it's more limited. But you can find my rewrite of Calliope on there, too, as well as some other things.
And if you'd rather go the Patreon route, that's here :)
I am slowly rebranding myself to Kaylynx, so that's mostly how you'll see me from now on!
Anyway! This was a very long answer to a question that probably no one will you read. Can you tell I'm desperate to talk to people? LMAO! I don't see an email, so I apologize that I do not reply via email, but please feel free to message me any time! I clearly LOVE to get messages and talk to people lol <3
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