#not putting the usual munnyapp tags
(Comic hyperbole about a mental health break from t button hell, but also genuine request I'd make good on)
With my last breath on the tumblr deathbed, my make-a-wish foundation request is as follows:
Could someone with ok editing chops make a Dilf×Pussy version of the Milf×Pussy Hunter×Hunter thing that's as clean as the og one? I had a cool bootleg print idea in some madness feuled rambling, I took notes on my phone about it on a file called (in)sanitytimecapsule.txt (looking through it. it's weird, but not "Hitler had some good ideas, actually" weird, there was actually a lot of genuinely cool creative ideas in the mix with the cry for help stuff)
(Ok, somehow I cannot find the original. I know it exists, and the term "Mandela Effect" gets misused a lot...anyway, all I'm saying is I'm weird and my memory sucks, but I don't think it got THAT bad yet)
Anyway, point is I'll throw 20 bucks at someone in the usual tumblr ways if they can do that without hangups about artist credit on single letter anime meme editing jobs.
I'm not saying I won't uninstall some apps if I know what's good for me but, nah I can't type that with a straight face, you know the drill, we're in gay superhell for the long haul, we'll be here in spirit after the capitalism-induced internet implosion, we know that.
See y'all when I'm dumb enough to push the shiny t again. Hopefully it'll be a while lol
(It won't, see you in 5 minutes maybe)
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