#not pictured: me crying my eyes out when rin leaned his head on haru's on the movie scene
chibashiru · 2 years
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Free! EP12 (2013) | Free! The Final Stroke - Part 2 (2022)
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eetherealgoddess · 8 months
ꨄExotic Troubleꨄ
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Oneshot - Yandere Hybrid Au
❦Y/n pet sits a rich owner’s exotic hybrids❦
Sano Manjiro, Hanemiya Kazutora, Sanzu Haruchuyo, & Haitani Brothers x Reader
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Not fully proofread!
Japanese language is red
I apologize if I get any Japanese etiquette or culture wrong, I literally have to research the culture for some of my fandom stories so if anything is wrong, please excuse my ignorance.
✩Y/n is 18+. I picture her as a black female but you can see her however.
✩Some parts of the story may not be realistic or factual. After all, this is a work of fiction.
✩Although it's a dark 'romance,' I do not condone any of the behavior displayed.
✩Dark content such as: gore, violence, triggering topics, graphic scenes, vulgar language, explicit sexual content, etc.
✩There will be scenes that involve non con and/ or dubcon so don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable
✩That being said, this story is for 18+ only.
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Exotic Trouble
“Rin, Ran! Goddamnit, what is this?!” Y/n exclaims after closing the front door of the mansion behind her. Glaring at the culprits as she waves her hands around the mess that lies everywhere, including the scratched furniture and fallen frames, glass shards all over the wood.
The oldest brother could be seen sleeping on the torn couch, his furry ears flipping down as his slumber is disturbed, turning his body to face the back of the couch as his tail drapes over the seat. The youngest simply sat on the floor beside his brother’s tail, leaning back against the bottom of the couch as he licked his hand, claws out.
“Explain yourselves, right now!” She stomps one foot as she places her hands on her hips. She throws her hands out as they slap against her thigh, dropping as she frustratingly sighs when she’s ignored.
“You’re getting paid for this, you’re getting paid for this, you’re getting paid for this.” She murmurs to herself as she walks past the mess, walking up the staircase in search of the others she’s been paid to pet sit.
“Mikey! Kazu! Haru!” She calls out. The door down the hall creaking open as the tiger hybrid walks out, strolling towards her.
“I don’t know about Sanzu, but Mik-.”
“Master!” A cheerful cry reaches her ears. A short, blonde lion hybrid dashes toward her as she holds her arms out, already knowing what he was about to do. He jumps on her, arms wrapping around her neck as she holds him up. He buries his face into the crook of her neck, causing her to lightly shiver as his warm breath reaches her skin.
“Mikey, you know I’m not your master. Where’s Sanzu?”
“I don’t know.” He whispers as he drifts off to sleep. She sighs as she eyes Kazutora.
“Y/n, can we lay down? I want to watch a movie.” Kazutora yawns as his fangs show, rubbing his eyes. She smiles slightly at the cuteness before her frown returns.
“It would have to be later, before I go home. Kazu, do you know who trashed the foyer downstairs?”
She has an idea that it’s the Haitani brothers doing, but she had to make sure so she could explain why the owner’s furniture is torn apart.
“No.” He shakes his head. “Can you spend the night, again?” He questions as he gives her a doe - eyed expression.
“Kazutora, I know you’re lying to me.” He flinches as her tone changes. He crosses his arms as he looks away.
“Fine, I won’t make you snitch. Perfect timing to have company over, great.” She sighs. His eyebrows furrow.
“Company?” She ignores his question as she walks from room to room.
“Damn, Haru hides too well.” She murmurs as she searches. A ring at the doorbell halts their movement. Kazutora sniffs the air.
“Here, take him for me please?” She hands him Mikey before he could respond, rushing down the stairs.
Before she could make it to the door, she gasps as she sees both brothers at the doorway, interrogating her boyfriend.
“Who are you?” Rin glares at the newcomer while Ran sniffs in suspicion, his hands in his pockets while Rin’s arms cross.
“Uh, Hi. I’m Tanaka, Akio.” He bows as he sheepishly smiles, nerves a little wrecked as he wasn’t expecting to be greeted by exotic hybrids. He underestimated the words ‘pet sitting,’ thinking of them being regular pet hybrids and not exotic which are known to be bigger and intimidating creatures.
The door slams closed as Ran became bored of the conversation, if it could be called that. Tanaka scratches the back of his head before the door opens swiftly.
“I’m so sorry about that Aki, they’re just grumpy.” She says, moving out of the way to invite him in. “Hence the mess that I recently came home to.” She chuckles. The hybrids frown at her use of a nickname.
“Don’t worry about it, babe.” She grabs his wrist to pull him as she shows him around.
“By the way, that was the Haitanis. The tiger carrying the lion is Hanemiya and the lion is Mikey. The jaguar is hidden somewhere, but his name is Sanzu.” She explains.
“How is it taking care of exotic hybrids? I heard it can be troubling.” He inquires, readjusting his glasses as they walk down the hall to the kitchen.
“It’s not too hard. Some of them are troublemakers, though. I’d say that’s the only ‘issue’ that I've had.”
“Who is that?” Mikey asks, crawling out of Kazutora’s hold as he raises a brow. They walk behind the two humans, along with the Haitani brothers.
“I don’t know, but I don’t like him.” Kazutora responds.
“He looks weak.” Ran chuckles, “What is she doing with him?”
“He better be a friend. It’d be humiliating for him to be anything else.” Rin says.
“He’s obviously her partner.” A soft voice says behind them. They stop in their tracks as they turn their heads.
“Sanzu, where have you been?” Kazutora asks.
“If you look at their body language, you can see that they’re in a romantic relationship. Especially with how she looks at him.” He frowns, crossing his arms.
They all turn to observe the couple, to their disappointment they glare at the way they hold hands and laugh together. Some of them let out small growls as they see the man rubbing her arm as they converse.
“We should watch a movie. Need an excuse to cuddle.” He suggests, chuckling along with her giggle.
“Yeah, let's do it.”
They headed up the stairs having grabbed a few snacks as they made their way to the bedroom. The hybrids watch as they close the door behind them, shutting off access to their view. They all glance at each other before nodding.
After thirty minutes of watching the movie, the couple began their make out session on the bed, her leg draped over him, her body nearest to the door. His arm draped over her waist. As they motion their lips together, he slightly opens his eyes, only widening them when he sees two pairs of glowing purple eyes in the doorway. In response, he wraps both arms around her waist and pulls her on top so he can ignore the presence standing by.
He closes his eyes as he continues, his hands making their way to her ass, giving her a gentle squeeze before moving them back to her waist. When he opens his eyes, he jumps as if he wasn't expecting a pair of icy blue eyes or even the dark voids to be staring directly from his side, stoic facial expressions that give him the chill.
“Hey, are you okay?” She questions, not realizing the reason for his halted movements.
“Um.” He points at their audience.
“Mikey, Haru! What the fuck are y’all doing?” She exclaims.
“We wanted to watch the movie, too.” Mikey pouts.
“Fine. Let’s all move to the den.” She says, moving from her position as her bottom hits the mattress.
“No, I want to be comfortable.” Mikey whines as he hops on top of her, burying his face into her chest.
“Mikey, we can’t all fit on the bed. Let’s go.” She says as she carries him downstairs, her boyfriend and the other hybrids following behind.
Tanaka can feel the hatred radiating from the group, not only by the glares coming from every which way, including Mikey who’s staring at him from the crook of her shoulder, but also by the Haitani brothers bumping into him as they walk side by side. The tension in the room is thick, intimidating him.
When they all make it to the den, her boyfriend sits on the end of the sofa as she sits next to him, Mikey sitting on top of her with his face still buried on the crook of her neck. Sanzu sits on the floor, leaning his head against her leg farthest from the boyfriend as Kazutora sits near her other leg that’s nearest to Tanaka. Rin sits beside her, wrapping an arm around hers. Ran stands in front of the boyfriend.
“Move.” He demands, nonchalantly, eyes heavy lidded with a stoic expression, his tail swaying. Although there was no tension in his face, those lazy eyes pierce through Tanaka, causing him to immediately get up.
“Wait, Ran that wasn’t fair! Aki-.”
“No, Y/n. It’s okay.” Tanaka responds. She continues to eye him as Ran sits down, using his tail to wrap around her waist as he leans his body onto hers.
“Are you sure? Ran come on don’t be mean.”
“It’s okay, baby.” Tanaka says, sitting next to Rin, although not too close.
“Alright.” She sighs, turning the tv on and another movie on display.
Thirty minutes passed once more as Mikey’s head rested on her shoulder closest to Rin.
“Master, can you rub my back?” He whispers, hot breath on her ear. She nods as she uses the hand closest to Ran to begin petting his back. Tanaka side glances. His eyes widen when he sees a wet tongue come out and glide up her neck.
“Mikey, I know you’re affectionate, but not right now, okay?” She whispers, knowing that he licks in content often like a normal hybrid pet, though she doesn’t want to freak her boyfriend out considering he has barely any knowledge of these creatures.
“But the movie is scary and this relaxes me.” He whines. Tanaka hears everything as he grits his teeth. Rin and Ran snort as they know what Mikey’s doing and they’re not against it.
“Fine.” She sighs. “Just try to chill out okay. It’s not real.” She rubs his back.
He continues to give her little kitten licks, to Tanaka’s disappointment, though he didn’t dare say a word. Finally, he and Mikey make eye contact, the lion hybrid staring intently as he uses his tongue to give a long lick before sucking the sensitive skin. His ears pull back as he gives another long lick, kissing her neck before nibbling.
“Mikey, stop that.” Y/n whispers, shivers going down her spine at the newfound sensation he gives her. He begins to purr as he continues his suckling, ignoring her as he continues to stare Tanaka down. He smiles when he stands up.
“Hey, babe. I’m gonna go, okay?”
“What? The movie isn’t even over.” She says, unknown to his real motives of leaving.
“It’s fine, I have work in the morning anyway and this was a distant drive.” He says as he walks near the exit of the den.
“Okay, let me at least walk you out!” She says as she begins to try and move Mikey, though she’s plastered in her seat by all of the hybrids holding her.
“It’s fine. It was good to see you. Text me.” He waves goodbye.
When he disappears from the room, Sanzu and the Haitani brothers hop from their seats.
“Where are y’all going?” She questions.
“To lock the door and get food.” Ran answers.
She nods as they disappear, Mikey’s tail wrapping around her waist as a sleeping Kazutora subconsciously rubs his face against her leg. Mikey’s grip tightens as he continues assaulting her neck.
“You must be overstimulated. Do I need to grab one of your toys?” She asks as his fangs lightly pierce her neck when he nibbles. He shakes his head no and continues his licks and kisses.
As Tanaka walks to his car, he fails to notice the figure before it jumps on him from behind. His glasses fall, shattering as he looks into crazed blue eyes. Before he could react, large claws scrape against his chest as he screams. Ran shoves a cloth into his mouth before moving to his arm, tearing it clean off using his mouth and claws. Rin grabs his leg, using his strength to break it, slicing the skin with his claws as he pulls it completely off. Screams muffled as Sanzu wraps his mouth around his neck, using his sharp teeth to take a chunk out of his body, killing him as the blood splatters out.
They continue to slaughter his body for fun before contacting the butlers and maids to clean the mess before their pet sitter could see.
“Guys?! What’s all this blood from?!” She exclaims when they enter the den. Kazutora wakes up as her yelling brings him from slumber. Mikey eyes the other hybrids in content.
“Food.” Rin simply responds.
She sighs, feeling sorry for the poor animals they fed from.
“Let’s get you guys bathed and ready for bed.”
As they walk to one of the bathrooms, the men converse in their own language, knowing she can’t understand anything that they’re saying. After all, she only just moved to the country, this being her first and only job considering the pay.
“How’d he taste?” Kazutora questions, smirking as they walk.
“I would never eat disgusting scum. We tore him apart and the employees completed the rest.” Sanzu states.
“Good.” Mikey smiles.
“It was too easy. I wanted a challenge but he just laid there.” Rin pouts.
“What else would you expect from a weakling, brother?” Ran smiles.
“Alright, let’s run this bath.”
She turns on the huge tub, adding soap as the hybrids undress. She turns away to block her sight from their human genitals as they hop in.
“Can you bathe us, master?” Kazutora teases.
“Stop calling me that. You can bathe yourselves, I’m just here to clean the mess.” She responds, crossing her arms.
“Please?” Mikey pleads, giving the signature doe eyed expression.
“What kind of pet sitter are you?” Rin taunts.
“Fine, fine, but you’ll have to wash your own balls.” She states.
“First, I’m gonna drain this bloody ass water and remake the bath.”
She does just that. As soon as the tub is full, she grabs the shampoo.
“Alright, who’s first?”
After everyone is done, they head to their designated bedrooms. Her walking each of them to make sure everything is okay. Finally, putting Sanzu to bed last, she tells him goodbye.
“Are you staying over?” He asks. She nods her head.
“Yeah, it’s gotten too late to drive home. Sweet dreams.” She says before walking out and closing the door behind her.
When she makes it to her room, she gets ready for her own shower. When she’s done she completes her night routine and hops in bed. Her brows furrowed in confusion when she didn't receive any routine responses from Tanaka. Suddenly, her phone rings. She answers the call.
As she talks with her friend, she reveals that their owner will be back either late that evening or tomorrow morning, indicating that this is her last night at the mansion, unknown to the prowling ears listening to her conversation. Once their call ends, she puts her phone down, falling into a deep slumber.
The moonlight shines through the room as the bouncing of the bed wakes her up. Sweat falls down her body as she feels cold air hitting all over her heated bare skin. Heavy breathing could be heard as moans and whispers filled the air.
As she comes back to her senses, she realizes the sensations brought to her skin, including her body rocking up and down. Opening her eyes wide when her thoughts click, she eyes in horror, a strangled gasp leaving her mouth as she sees Rin naked above her form. His hand is wrapped around a chain that connects to a collar around her throat. His other hand balances himself above her as the skin’s smacking sounds echo.
His forehead is leaning on hers as he thrusts hard, pulling his hips back and slamming it against her propped up thighs. His lips are slightly parted as his eyes are closed, breathing heavily as she feels his warm breath hitting her face. His ears flipped back as his tail wrapped around her leg.
“R-rin! Stop, right now!” She exclaims, breathlessly as her nose scrunches from the intense beating. He ignored her, continuing as he released a moan. Her hands reach up to push against his chest, his hand blocking one of them as he uses the balancing hand to hold her wrist down, claws scratching against the sheets.
“No. It’s my turn.” He breathes, sitting up as he faces her, smirking before accelerating his thrusts.
“Your t-turn?” She questions, still attempting to push him off with one hand on his chest. He nods as he motions his head to the side.
On the bed, the other hybrids, naked, are kneeled some palming their own erections while the others pump themselves, watching the display. She wails in humiliation.
“You have to stop! Th-this is not okay!”
Ran crawls toward her as he leans over to steal a kiss, shoving his tongue in her mouth as he grabs her cheek, caressing with his thumb. Sanzu comes to the other side of the bed, bending over as he latches his lips onto her neck. Mikey and Kazutora, on opposite sides, latch to her nipples, playing with them using their fingers as well as sucking.
Rin leans over as he thrusts into her from a deeper angle, causing a grunt to come out of her as he repeatedly hits her g-spot. Her toes curl as her head falls back. She pleads for them to not continue this madness, half way hoping she was still dreaming.
“My my, what a welcome home.” A familiar, sultry voice says. Y/n turns her attention to the doorway as the men continue their assault, not shifting their attention at all.
“P-please! Ah! I didn’t-! Fuck! Mean for thi-!” She tries to explain, tears falling as her eyes squint.
“Yes, I know. My boys have taken quite a liking to you so you’ll be staying here for now on. Isn’t that great?” The owner walks in as she strolls to the side of the bed, closest to Y/n’s upper body.
“B-but I can-! I can’t stay…! Ah! Here.” She responds before Ran grabs her chin and forces another kiss, tired of their conversation.
“Oh, but you can. You will. Everything has already been set in motion and you know how I spoil them. They’re good boys after all.” She walks towards the door before turning on her heel.
“Also, you won’t be hearing from, what’s his name? Tanaka, right? Don’t worry about it, everything has been taken care of. Even the damaged furniture.” She smiles before walking out and closing the door. She pulls back from Ran.
“G-guys! What h-happen-?!” Ran bites her lips as Sanzu nips painfully at her neck. Rin pulls her chain roughly, causing pain in her neck as the two fondling her breasts pinch her nubs. She shuts her eyes in pain as blood is drawn from her lip and neck.
They continue, Rin thrusting sloppier as he reaches his climax, her head dropping back as her eyes roll in the back of her head. Her body convulses as her hips buck, creaming on his bare cock. With one deep thrust, he orgasms deep inside of her.
Rin moves off of her as everyone pulls back. She lies weakly as she catches her breath, attempting to face her new reality.
“That must’ve felt great. My turn!”
“You already went, Mikey.” Kazutora responds. “It’s my turn.”
“No, I’m going next.” Sanzu says.
“Doesn’t matter who goes next. She’s going to be bred full of our cubs.” Rin hisses.
Ran ignores all of them as he crawls above her, placing his head at her entrance before shoving himself all the way in. He lifts both of her legs and leans over her with his hands wrapped around them. One of his hands moves to the chain and pulls. He smiles with amusement.
“You look so pretty all worn out, Master. I’m glad we’ll get to have you like this all the time.” His thrusts harden, steady as he hits her cervix.
“Fine, but I’m after him.” Sanzu calls dibs.
“Hey!” Kazutora hisses.
Juice oozes out of her hole as his thick girth stretches her pussy. Once again, her nipples caught in fingers as well as her neck planted with kisses. Her lips caught as she’s once again, bredded. Ran slows down as his skin slaps against hers as they make eye contact. A red hue takes over his face as his fangs tingle.
“I’m ready to mark her.”
“No! We have to wait until we all get a turn.” Kazutora says, only because he wants to mark her while he’s inside.
“Why? Let’s claim her now.” Rin says.
“You only say that because you’ve already fucked her.” Sanzu growls.
She eyes them in confusion as she tries to decipher what they’re going back and forth about. Mikey rolls his eyes as he bites her side, causing her to flinch at the pinch.
“Damnit, Mikey!” Kazutora exclaims before grabbing her arm and biting her wrist. Rin bites her neck as Sanzu bites her other side. As she orgasms, Ran leans over to bite the other side of her neck.
She yelps as Ran accelerates drastically, thrusting his hips back and forth as the meat on her thighs jiggle. Her mouth drops open as she tilts her head back once more, her core overstimulated as she arches her back.
“That’s so hot.” Kazutora states as he drops her wrists, some of the others nodding as they watch.
Eventually, he releases deep inside of her with one hard thrust, the pressure pushing against her g-spot as it’s held there causing her to cum again.
She attempts to catch her breath before Ran moves and Sanzu climbs on her.
“Haru, please don’t.” She whispers, completely spent as she holds no more strength. He smiles warmly as he grabs her palm and places it on his cheek.
“Be good for us, okay Master?”
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rinharuweek · 6 years
Floating, Fading, a Tiny Spark
prompt: rin and haru as witches! bonus: they have cats or can turn into cats
The door to the small cottage slams open as Rin stalks inside. He unlaces his boots, yanking his feet free, tossing the sodden footwear carelessly to the side. One sharp heel clatters against the metal coat rack with a resounding clang. Haru appears in the hallway, Rin’s black familiar nervously weaving around Haru’s bare ankles, tail puffed and twitching. They stare at Rin as though he’s lost his mind. On another day, he might humor both Haru and Sousuke, lowering his voice and apologizing for throwing his boots and creating a ruckus.
“What is it, Rin?” Challenge laces Haru’s tone, fists firmly clenched by his side. Rin eyes him cautiously, irritation diffusing as quickly as it had risen once he takes a moment to really see Haru and the air pulsing around him. The aura that usually surrounds his partner in business and in life a calm deep blue, ebbing and flowing around him like the ocean tides. At times, it lightens, practically glowing, when Rin’s own radiant joy infuses itself into Haru, bringing rays of orange and red fire streaking through the rippling air.
As Rin studies Haru’s aura, he forgets about his soaked socks, his chilled feet, and the unexpected lake he had to wade through once he passed through the gate onto their cozy property. He takes a step towards Haru, tentatively, followed by another one, hands up in a pacifying gesture, until he is directly in front of Haru. Sousuke stands between them, guarding Haru from Rin’s previous display of anger. Rin scoffs and nudges the cat out of the way with his foot, earning a soft hiss, though Sousuke moves aside slightly.
Rin grasps Haru’s hands, thumbs pressed firmly into his wrists as he attempts to read what’s ailing the other witch. Magic thrums under his thumbs, sluggishly, as though it actively attempts to hide from Rin’s assessment. “What happened today?”
Haru averts his gaze, wrenching his head to the side to stare at the wall.
Rin gives a light squeeze to Haru’s hands. “You can tell me.”
“I still can’t control it.” Haru’s voice is tight with stress and disappointment. “I don’t know what’s happening to me.”
“But you said-”
“I know what I said!” Haru roars, uncharacteristic and at odds with his steady demeanor. “I can’t fix this. Why is my magic so weak? Why isn’t it free anymore?”
Rin’s eyes tingle with shared frustration, except he can’t cry right now, not when Haru is the one dealing with magic deviation. He moves his hands up to Haru’s shoulders, this gesture hopefully interpreted as more supportive, more calming.
“Can I…will you let me try and help you?” Rin feels overly cautious, usually jumping into anything with both feet and then some, but he desperately longs to be of assistance, especially because this is Haru. He can’t sit by doing nothing as his partner’s magic grows weaker and more unpredictable by the day.
Haru scowls, though his posture uncoils a little, and the near-black cloud surrounding him brightens enough for Rin to read easily, allowing him to detect traces of the innate, beautiful azure that engulfs Haru.
“Haru. Please.” Rin’s chest is heavy, a band sitting across his lungs as he watches the myriad of negative expressions play across Haru’s face, each one more painful than the last. Finally, his eyes sharpen, the blue practically glowing as he schools his features into something fierce, something determined.
Haru takes a deep breath, one that Rin perceives not only in the hands still resting on his partner’s body, but inside him, as he sees the fire rekindle inside the stubborn, black-haired witch. He slips his fingers inside Haru’s shirt, pulling aside his collar as he trails his hand lower, until it rests directly over the other man’s core. The magic is there, fluttering under his palm, struggling to break free and be released from where Haru desperately restrains it, battling back its current chaotic state.
Rin guides Haru over to the couch, laying him down and unbuttoning his shirt, while settling his own breathing into as relaxed a state as he can muster given the circumstances. He kneels on the floor, peeling off his damp socks.
Haru frowns. “I’m sorry. I was trying to gather water to do something simple. Kid stuff.”
Rin nods in understanding - if Haru cannot direct and shape water, he cannot utilize his magic for their business. Rin has been carrying their joint load for months now, ever since Haru’s magic started deviating and his reliability as a Healer began to plummet. However, they are both aware that Rin lacks the capabilities of physical cures beyond herbal recommendations and simple tinctures. Rin heals auras through channeling his energy to restore spiritual balance and mental equilibrium, while Haru heals bodies by controlling the very life blood within. Together they can solve almost any malady of the mind, body, or soul that crosses their path. Alone, Rin is sinking.
“I couldn’t even conjure rain.” Haru whispers, shame coloring his face with an ashen pallor. “I could do that when I was seven years old.”
Rin hums, rocking forward on his knees, laying one palm flat on Haru’s abdomen, the other smoothing black hair off his forehead. He gazes into blue eyes, swirling endless depths, turbulent and dark, like the sea after a storm.
Haru blinks in confusion. “There was nothing, no matter how hard I focused or urged my magic up towards the surface, I called for it with everything I had. And then it snapped, it started thunderstorming, right in front of me, and the rain only stopped because I almost drained myself.”
The air hitches in Rin’s throat, lungs burning and heart aching when he pictures Haru passing out, alone, cold, and frustrated in an unwanted pool of water outside their front door. He has never been so grateful for natural protection from their own power, each witch’s core shutting the body down before it can consume itself entirely. It can be overridden, however it is dangerous and only possible under extreme emotional duress. He forces himself to relax when Haru flinches from how hard he pushes his hand down on his partner’s body.
“I’m sorry, Haru. I’m so sorry, I should have been here, I shouldn’t be seeing patients when you aren’t able to be at our practice. I should have been here, healing you, helping you. I saw it, saw what was going in, but I thought…I didn’t. Haru. I'm…” Rin finally stops babbling out his scattered apologies when Haru rests a cool hand atop his, their joined hands rising and falling gently with Haru’s slow, stable breathing. Rin shakes his head, and attempts to match the rhythm.
“It’s okay, Rin. I didn’t want you to know how bad it had gotten. I thought I could fix it.” Haru smiles softly at him, a slight quirk of his lips that shines like the sun.
Rin combs his fingers through Haru’s hair, willing the trembling to stop, before settling his palm back on the other witch’s forehead. He leans down, pressing a tender kiss to Haru’s mouth, coaxing him open, running his tongue along soft pink lips. He loses himself in Haru, breathing him in and flowing back out, a simple exchange of energy through means he doesn’t utilize in his professional life. As they connect together, he senses Haru’s core pulsing under his palm, expanding and growing with every throb of his own core that Rin shares.
Rin’s hand tingles as his magic escapes and enters Haru’s body, everything is so warm. His fingertips, his skin, his heart, his core - the longer the exchange goes on, the more Rin burns. He doesn’t care, he’ll give Haru everything if it will just fix him. All he longs for in this moment is Haru’s magical health. He senses himself shaking, something within him sputtering like a candle being snuffed out. He’s coming down. His head is heavy like lead and his vision fades at the edges. The fire is dying and it’s getting cooler.
Rin idly wonders how fog enters their cottage.
He’s cold.
His hands are numb but can still feel Haru’s energy surging underneath his skin.
It looks like it’s snowing inside…
Or maybe the white spots in his eyes are something else.
Rin reaches for his core, but his magic feels out of reach somehow. He should be concerned except he’s exhausted and cold and his eyes won’t stay open.
He’ll just rest for a minute, and then he can keep assisting Haru, finish balancing his spiritual energy.
Rin fades out, curling in on the void within him, accepting the darkness as it opens its gaping mouth and swallows him.
Rin is floating, fading, and so cold. He sinks into it, his mind empty, pulling him down into the swirling depths. Up above him he sees a tiny spark - though it’s small, it’s stunning and bright, and he can’t help but stare at its brilliance. Like the sun breaking through storm clouds, the light steadily grows as Rin rises to meet it. He’s tired, yet he is compelled to follow this shining beckoning energy above him, warm and comforting, like home, like life. It’s blue and it soothes him, undulating around him as he drifts towards it, until he is surrounded by a beautiful blue ocean, caressing him from the inside out. He’s awake, his mind alert, and he absorbs the water, allowing it to revive him as it washes away the haze and snow.
With a shuddering gasp, Rin’s eyes fly open as he breaches the surface and heaves for breath. His head feels as though it might float away and he clutches at it. He’s face down on top of Haru and so confused. Rin peers up at his partner, who is pale and trembling, yet looking healthier than before Rin collapsed. He glances to the side, the gleaming eyes of Sousuke watching him carefully, tail switching off the edge of the low table.
“How do you feel, Haru?” Rin’s throat is scratchy and dry, as though he hasn’t used his voice in hours or even days. “Did that help?”
Haru glares at him, equally horrified and proud. “I’m not worth burning out for. Don’t do that.”
“What?” Rin is lost, gazing helplessly at Haru, unsure when he became the one under scrutiny. He scrambles off Haru, except he’s unsteady and almost falls off the couch. Haru grabs his upper arms and maneuvers him securely between the cradle of his thighs, pulling Rin’s back flush against his chest. His embrace borders on too tight, but Rin settles back into it, tipping his head onto Haru’s sturdy shoulder.
“You pulled too much. You almost used all your magic Rin, you must have surged past the block. I’m not… you can’t do that.”
“I just wanted you healed, Haru.”
“Well I wasn’t sure if I was healed until I had to reach in and drag you back, and Sousuke helped ground me when I was getting frantic and struggling to control your blood, regulate your water. I almost couldn’t find you, Rin. Promise me you’ll never do that again.” Haru’s voice betrays him, words quivering with hurt and fear. Rin laces their fingers together where their hands rest over his heart.
“I wasn’t trying to do anything stupid,” counters Rin, though it’s weak. Sousuke hops into his lap, nudging his head against their clasped hands. Rin pets him mindlessly, regretful for frightening both his partner and his familiar, yet beyond grateful for them both. “I’ve never lost control like that Haru. I was so worried about you, I’ve been so worried about you, I didn’t know how to stop, I couldn’t tell it was too far. But you saved me.”
Haru runs his nose along Rin’s ear, light, tickling breaths shifting the loose strands of his hair. “We saved each other. Let’s never have to do that again.”
Rin swipes his thumb along the thin skin of Haru’s wrist, feeling the fluttering beat of his energy, the blue of Haru’s aura bright enough to engulf them both. He sighs. “Thank you, Haru.”
“Don’t thank me, just stay with me.”
“I will.” Rin closes his eyes, relaxing into the strength of Haru behind him, as a comforting wave of water flows through him and washes over him, cleansing him, nourishing him. “I love you, Haru.”
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free-pool-trash · 7 years
Cuddling with the Free! boys:
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- Bath cuddles. (Obviously while wearing swim suits god guys)
- He isn’t the biggest fan of cuddling so consider yourself blessed
- Will 100% be holding your hand the entire time
- Hand holding is his favorite form of physical affection so you can bet he’s going to incorporate that into the cuddles
- Likes if you play with his hair
- Like a lot
- Cuddles with Haru will usually lead to really deep talks
- Imagine it’s 2am, your heads on Haru’s chest, staring up into his eyes, you’ve got one hand in his while the other plays with his hair, his free(!) arm wrapped around your waist tightly to keep you close, all is quiet, until…
- “Do you think we’ll love each other as much when we’re 80?”
- Anything along those lines is common with Haru
- People usually get the wrong idea when you tell them you didn’t get much sleep that night
- The cuddles are surprisingly warm and tight, they happen as often as possible because as much as Haru hates to admit it, he needs you close more than you know
- He’s not apposed to being the little spoon every once in a while
- If his days been hard you’ll get a very needy text from him telling you to meet him at his place, if you’ve had a hard day the same applies 
- Makes you feel special type of cuddler
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- He’s a literal heater, by far the warmest person in the world to snuggle into save me
- Wraps his arms around your entire body because the height difference between you is ridiculous, you’re the height equivalent to Nagisa compared to him
- But that means that you fit together like pieces of a puzzle, an amazing warm cuddly puzzle… 
- Imagine your back tucked against his chest, his long arms wrapped securely around you while you both talk softly about what you’ll do with your futures
- Ren and Ran 1000% get involved at least 4 times a week, it’s no question that they absolutely adore you and you them, like sometimes when you go to visit Makoto you just end up playing with those two little rascals 
- Makoto thinks the cutest thing ever is seeing you and his siblings asleep all cuddled up together basically using him as a bed.
- The formation is: Mako’s arm around your shoulder as you lay beside him with your head in the crook of his neck and one of your hands in his hair (you were playing with it before you fell asleep). Ran in the same position as you on the other side of Makoto only she was laying on his chest then finally Ren squeezed between you and Makoto, his head nestled into your stomach and your arm wrapped tightly around his waist while he hugs you like a teddy bear
- You end up in this position every time without fail
- Makoto definitely has taken a billion pictures of this, it’s without a doubt his phones wallpaper
- You have a thing about leaving butterfly kisses on his neck while you cuddle because it makes him giggle and that giggle lemme tell you– damn
- He loves it, he’ll never admit it, but he loves it. Y’know what? Love isn’t even a strong enough word.
- Makes you feel protected type of cuddler
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- Oh mY G0D,,,,,,, This B0Y,,,,,,,, this,,,,,,, boi
- Hugs you as if you were a literal teddy bear, his hold on you is so tight but in the most comfortable way imaginable 
- You two don’t spoon, you hold onto each other in a bear hug but it’s not your typical bear hug, you both refer to these types of hugs as ‘extra special Nagi-(Y/n) snuggles’
- Alright so,,, imagine you’ve both had a really tiring day at school (everyday with this ball of sunshine to be honest) Nagisa invites you over to his house to ‘study’ which is usually true for about 5 minutes before Nagi starts nuzzling his head into your shoulder complaining about how boring studying is.
- And since this boy has made you soft you give in in about 0.2 seconds
- He’s taller than you so when you guys cuddle he wraps his legs around your waist and arms around your neck, like a koala, a blonde, happy, adorable, sunshine filled koala
- As a couple eskimo kisses are like,, your thing. Some couples hug or give kisses on the cheek, you two? You do it all + an eskimo kiss because you’re extra
- His hugs could end wars if we’re being honest here, if you’re having a hard day Nagisa is there and he will give you the warmest cuddliest hug in the universe
- He’s just so pure and soft and joyful keep him safe the world does not deserve him
- His older sisters take pictures of you both cuddling and post them online 
- ‘Baby bro and his girlfriend are the cutest awww!
- Makes you feel like nothing else matters type of cuddler
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-  Rei is a whole different story alright hold on tight kids
- He is absolutely ridiculous when it comes to cuddling 
- “(Y/n) I can’t I’m studying.” 
- “(y/N) i CaN’T i’M STuDYiNG.”
- This gets on his nerves so you do it until he agrees to give you the snuggles that you deserve for being the most patient girlfriend ever
- One time you got sad because sometimes he stresses himself out with studying and school work that he barely spares you a glance and your mind straight away jumped to ‘Okay he hates me. Great going (Y/n)’… sad bean.
- Rei’s super smart but oh my god he’s so blind, this boy loves you, he loves you so much and that day when he saw the look on your face he was destroyed, he was so worried when he asked what was wrong and you told him he hugged you so tightly
- That was the start of hug tolerant Rei. He discovered he loved your cuddles. He now wants them all the time. You’ve created a monster.
- He’s an old soul and it’s the cutest, when you hang out he wraps one arm around your shoulder and keeps you close then in the other hand he hold up a book and reads to you
- He lives for sleepy (Y/n) trying to stay awake while he reads to you, he loves the face you make to show how interested you are in what he’s reading but at the same time he’s been waiting to snuggle up to you and sleep since he opened the book because lets face it this happens all the time
- You guys cuddle weirdly, he lays on his side, arms around your torso facing you while you wrap your legs under his knees and your arms circle around his neck with your forehead against his chest
- It’s insanely comfortable don’t even question it
- When you guys lie like that he’s constantly kissing the top of your head and it is the bestest thing in the world
- When he falls asleep he nuzzles his nose into your hair but he doesn’t believe you when you tell him because “nuzzling is illogical” but you know he loves it
- Makes you feel complete type of cuddler
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- Did someone say cuddle monster?
- He is lowkey the softest boy oh my god he makes me weak send help, he loves cuddles, he’ll deny it to the guys but when you’re alone there is 0 shame
- Buries his face in the crook of your neck, he thinks the smell of your hair is so comforting- he’ll notice if you change shampoos
- protective bby boy
- He holds you a certain way that I don’t think words can describe correctly because it makes me way too emotional, 
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So basically he lays like this and your head is rested on the arm he has behind his head, his other arm is around your shoulders while his hand plays with your hair
- He loves just staring into your eyes, it makes him less stressed about being the captain and helps him forget his responsibilities for a little while
- Gou thinks it’s the cutest thing ever seeing her big brother all mushy with you, oh god he gets the goofiest smile on his face just looking at a sleeping you in his arms it’s too much I’m dead
- You let him cry on your shoulder and give him your undivided attention because god knows he’s got a lot bottled up
- When he’s upset like this you end up just cradling him against your chest while his arms are holding onto you for dear life
-  So before a big race you lie in your usual position (The one I mentioned^^) and if you fall asleep he’ll kiss your forehead and whisper to you
- “I’m gonna win this one for ya, babe”
- And he does
- You can get him to do anything if you promise him cuddles
- a n y t h i n g
- Makes you feel at home type of cuddler
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- He has a playlist specifically for cuddling 
- It’s full of cute duets and slow songs, A+ for this boy because he makes sure to add in your favourite artists
- Alright down to business
- He hugs with his entire heart, it’s not his favorite thing to do but he doesn’t not like it either
- You lie your head on his chest and one of his arms is around your waist and the others under his head
- He shares an earphone with you, awwwwww
- He plays with your hair constantly, it’s actually his favorite part of cuddling, another is the fact that he can sleep without getting called lazy by Rin
“I came into the dorm today and you were asleep.”
“It was like 2 in the afternoon, what the hell man?”
“Yeah my girlfriend wanted to cuddle, I was just being the amazing boyfriend I am.”
- You always always always give him little shoulder massages, he sits in between your legs while you do this
- He also secretly lives for when you leave little kisses on his injured shoulder 
- “Feels better already”
- He’ll always lean down and peck you on the lips before you fall asleep because it always makes you smile and you end up falling asleep with a little smile on your face
- Rin can lie to himself all he wants but when he comes back to the dorm and sees you two all cuddled up and asleep his hard-ass facade fualters a little bit
- Sousuke will sometimes sing along to whatever song is playing and that is enough to melt your heart
- Makes you feel like you belong type of cuddler
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- Littlest of spoons
- Hold him tight please
- We all know this baby boy wants to be the best swimmer he can be but sometimes that means he overworks himself and spends longer in the pool than is good for him
- Hence, as his girlfriend it is your duty to drag him away from the pool, get him warm and fed then haul his ass to bed and show him through warm secure hugs that you care about and love him very very much
- He’s so amazing and it hurts you so much how insecure he can be sometimes like I’m sorry bby I love you so much
-When this happens you get all sad and just kind of wrap yourself around him as if you were a koala on a tree and rest your chin on his shoulder until he accepts the fact that you’re in love with him and most likely always will be
- Once he realizes that you aren’t going anywhere he kisses your cheek and thanks you for being so amazing
- You’re a little bit taller than him so when you cuddle his heads in the crook of your neck while his arms are circled around your waist, one of your arms in under his head usually playing with his hair while the other’s thrown over his waist
- He is the most gentle human being and he has softened your heart by 100000000000%
- He deserves the world and to him that’s you
- You kiss his beauty mark and he gets all blushy and smiley
- He gIGgLeS, it is the actual most cutest thing
- He’ll always take charge of the cuddles if you’re upset. He is hands down one of the best comforters ever.
- It’ll be the same way you both normally cuddle only the roles are reversed and he just strokes your hair so gently it’ll make you instantly calmer
- Makes you feel like you’re important type cuddler
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- Energetic to the max
- Okay he has a lot of energy but that won’t stop him from being the sweetheart he is, you wanna cuddle? Okay let’s cuddle.
- Cuddling usually starts off with a tickle fight followed by some rolling around trying to find a comfortable position
- Never one designated position 
- You could be spooning, one of your heads on the others lap, sometimes Momo just flops down on his stomach and you just kinda lie down on his back and neither of you will move for like 3 hours
- He’ll talk to you about his beetles, you don’t really care but it makes him happy so you listen intently watching the dorky little smile on his face
- You being half asleep by this point
- “Mhm, that’s great babe… really really great, I love you.”
- He just laughs at you but then starts to gush about how cute you are
- After he’s sure you’re asleep he gets really sentimental and he talks to you 
- “Maybe I’m the lucky one, ending up with someone as great as you, huh?” Then he’ll brush the hair from in front of your eyes away behind your ear and kiss you ever so softly on the tip of your nose before he finishes “Yeah, I’m definitely the lucky one.” 
- I’m not dying inside
- He’ll probably drool on you once he falls asleep.
- Makes you feel loved type of cuddler
Wow this took me so long so I’m putting it up, yeah I know nobody asked for this but I want these boys to cuddle me, writing this killed me inside a lot, anyway hope you like it!
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macbetha · 7 years
hey uhm I know this is really strange but I've been pretty... out of it since we put my dog down today.... and I just... if it's okay with you could you please tell me some headcanons you have for the soumako brotp? it's just that reading your work- especially their familial bond- always ALWAYS makes me feel better and I was just wondering if you could maybe tell some cute headcanons? or things about echo? I just don't know what else to do right now.
Oh my gosh, this honestly shattered my heart. I’ve had my family dog for twelve years so I can’t even imagine. Of course I can do that for you! Please feel better soon.
SOUMAKO WAR BUDDY BROTP HEADCANONS (P2) | (P1)+ possible spoilers for Eyes Wide Open All the Time.
Sousuke lowkey getting into Makoto’s soap operas. He just so happens to be sitting in the living room while Makoto and his mom are enraptured with the show, and Sousuke insists that he only watches it with them because nothing else is on TV. Two weeks later, Makoto is in the living room watching his soaps and Sousuke is in the kitchen. With the biggest shit-eating grin, Mako calls, “Sousuke, Lena and Dom just broke up on the show.” There’s a crash from the kitchen, like someone drops the silverware tray, and Sousuke shouts, “THE FUCK? Who’d she get with?” / “Security guard’s evil twin.” / “That’s HORSE SHIT, Dom gave up everything for that little -”
Gun range bets. Vehement ones. Ones that get way out of hand. Haru and Rin are watching it go down, Haru pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation and Rin leaning forward to watch with the hungriest excitement. Makoto can hit a target from a mile away, but Sousuke can work pure magic with his desert eagle and shoots his closer mark in rapid fire succession, so there’s no clear winner, therefore, wrestling for the winner ensues. Haru heaves the longest sigh and grumbles about going to the vending machine while Rin waves him away and shoots the scene on Facebook Live. The screen floods with WOW faces and hearts from Nagisa and Kisumi.
Eating MRE’s in the field. Makoto takes a slow chew of his and his face drains green with a vague look of nausea. He asks Sousuke, “What’s yours taste like?” / “Dirt.” / “Mine tastes like mud. But maybe with like, tiny flowers in it. A hint of flavor.” / “Wanna trade?” / “God, please.”
They go on a mission where they have to wear those camouflage suits to blend in with landscape with twigs and branches glued on. Sousuke is trying to focus on finding coordinates and he’s on pins and needles when Makoto comes up next to him and accidentally scares the life out of him. His scream echoes through the mountains. Echo howls along so he won’t feel lonely. 
 When their at home on leave, Ran is constantly sneaking up on Sousuke with a cute snapchat filter at the ready and steals a pic of Sousuke with cat ears, dog ears, the whole shebang. Makoto always smiles for the pictures. Ran makes a collage of the pics and keeps it as her phone wallpaper when they’ve gone back to war. 
Sousuke and Makoto having bro time in Iwatobi and talking about their significant others. Sousuke asks, “What’s the craziest thing Haru’s tried to buy with the military discount?” / “That’s easy, a lion fish.” / “…” / “Has Rin tried to use yours before?” / “Yeah, just last week at a sex shop. It didn’t take.” / “Well, damn.”
On their second tour, they decide to surprise Makoto’s mom about getting early leave, so they don’t tell her their coming home. They surprise her at work and she’s a vet so like, they’re waiting in the room and she has no idea why all of her coworkers are staring at her with these excited smiles and their phones discreetly pointed at her. She’s had a really overwhelming day and she’s just tired and her chest aches because she misses her boys so much so she goes in with her head down at her clipboard, greeting whoever in that monotone everyone uses to just get through the last hour of work, and when there’s just this grinning silence she looks up. Stares for five complete seconds. Then her clipboard goes falling and she nearly flies apart with joy, screaming with it, collapsing on the floor because her body cannot physically contain it. They both wrap her up in the fiercest hug and she just can’t stop crying and literally the entire vet’s office is in tears and it’s probably something like this, literally one of the happiest days of everyone’s life. 
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macbetha · 7 years
Preview of Eyes Wide Open All the Time: Chapter 22
Makoto’s front door flies open with the dramatics of a full-blown military invasion. He lifts his eyes from the television as Sousuke bursts into the house with a frazzled cry of, “I’m freaking out, Makoto.” Makoto blinks at him from the couch, at a loss for words because Sousuke looks like he just got electrocuted with his tugged hair and too-wide eyes. “Uh –” “I’m freaking the fuck out.” Makoto studies him. Realizes. Smiles. “Aw, is this about Rin?”   “Don’t you dare ‘aw’ me, Tachibana, I am your superior officer –” Makoto nearly rolls his eyes into the back of his head. “You’re being dramatic.” He pats the couch cushion beside him and Sousuke slumps down in the chair across from him out of sheer spite, all crossed arms and pouts and furrowed brows. Makoto breathes a laugh. “It’s okay to be nervous for your date with Rin.” “I never said I was nervous.” Makoto slumps his head on two fingers against his temple with an exhausted look. Sousuke fumes a sigh, rubbing his hands down his thighs, the armrests of the chair, restless. “Look, I’m shit at this.” Makoto nods solemnly. “True.” “But I don’t want to be shit at this,” Sousuke insists. “It’s just that I – fuck, I don’t know anything about – about dates.” He shudders like the word makes his skin crawl. All at once, he lunges into Makoto’s space. “Help me do this right or I’ll tell Haru about Baghdad.” The realest kind of panic races through Makoto. “Bullshit,” he says, bluffing, threatening, God, he needs to grow just one menacing bone in his body right now. “We promised to never talk about Baghdad.” “I can talk all I want about Baghdad,” Sousuke scoffs, leaning back with crossed arms and a smug smirk. “You chickened out of the blood oath.” Makoto’s cry echoes through the house, “Who wouldn’t chicken out of a blood oath?!” The shout wakes Echo up and she noses open his bedroom door, glaring sleepily. Makoto winces. “Sorry,” he tells her. Echo comes out to sprawl across Sousuke’s lap and he glides his fingers through her fur, waiting for Makoto with that damned smirk. He sighs and steeples his fingers, thinking. He rolls his lips in to hide a grin. “I know what to do.” Casually, Makoto grabs his cell phone off the coffee table and dials a number. Sousuke narrows his gaze on the wicked sparkle in his eyes. One ring later, there is an answer. “Mako-chan!” Sousuke’s ears flex and horror dawns on his face. “You mother –” He flares to life and lunges but Makoto dives around the couch before he can be grabbed. “Hey, Nagisa,” Makoto greets with all the delight in the world, hurdling over the kitchen island in a breeze. “Are you busy? Sousuke needs help with –” He dodges the spoon Sousuke launches at him in a flash of silver. “You see, tonight he’s got this thing –” Sousuke surges for him and Makoto whips a chair into his path. “And he really needs your help.” “Oh,” Nagisa breathes, oblivious to the fact that Makoto is very much running for his life in his own house and loving every minute of it. “What kind of help does he need? And why is Echo barking her head off?” “Oh, don’t worry about that! You see, he’s going –” Makoto wheezes under Sousuke’s weight as he’s tackled. “Hang on.” He snaps his head back into Sousuke’s chin, making him wrench away. The split-second falter is enough time for Makoto to reverse their positions, or at least come out on top even if their limbs are tangled. “You see, Nagisa,” Makoto coughs, speaking around the heel shoved against his throat. “Sousuke here –” He tucks the phone between ear and shoulder so both arms can pin Sousuke better. “Has got a date with Rin tonight and he’s a little stressed.” Dead silence. Makoto’s grin nearly splits his face. Nagisa’s voice is hardened with the resolution of a warrior going into his final battle. “I’m on my way.” Nagisa has already hung up when Sousuke snatches the phone. He stares at the black screen for five whole seconds before attacking in wild fury, roaring, “Why did you do that?!” “Listen,” Makoto says calmly from his spot pinned against the carpet. “Nagisa’s actually your best option because I’m really not the person to ask about dates.” Comfortingly, he pats the forearm digging into his collar. “Most of my dating I did in high school, and those weren’t elaborate because I was doing it behind my dad’s back, but even in college, I was pretty miserable at it.” His smirk curls slowly. “Nagisa, on the other hand…” Sousuke mulls it over, unsympathetic that Makoto is trapped under more than six feet of pure muscle. “He had a reputation,” Makoto strains. “And it wasn’t a bad one.” Eventually, Sousuke relents, and he eases off Makoto to flop back against the wall. Makoto sits up and beams. “He’ll take care of everything. You won’t have to worry about a thing when he’s done with you.” “Nagisa is something to worry about,” Sousuke grumbles. Makoto inclines his head. “True, but he’s willing to help.” Sousuke sighs. “Fine.” He glowers at Makoto. “I smell coffee.” Makoto rolls his eyes in fond exasperation and pops to a stand, heading for the kitchen with Sousuke dragging his feet like a man headed for the guillotine. Sousuke’s fingers are twitching around his second cup of coffee when Makoto’s front door flies open with a grand air. “Oh, Sou-chaaaan~” “Kill me here,” Sousuke says to Makoto, reverent and unwavering. “Do it now.” Makoto grins behind his mug as Nagisa glides forth, breezing in with fabrics flowing from the cradle of his arms, bags hanging off his elbows, and Nagisa throws his arms around Sousuke to snuggle into his chest. “Look at our Sou-chan, Mako, going on his first date!” “I never said it was my first –” “And Mamibana made me promise her pictures when I’m through with you,” Nagisa says over him, brushing Sousuke off with a critical eye. “Now then. Have you made reservations for tonight?” Sousuke blinks, craning back. “Um, no. I haven’t, actually.” “No worries,” Nagisa beams. “I did that on the way here. Is Veleno all right? It’s super ritzy, real impressive.” He wiggles his brows. “That’s fine,” Sousuke says. “Thanks for doing that.” Makoto sends him a pointed look. Sousuke kicks him under the table. “Of course,” Nagisa smiles. “Have you exfoliated?” Sousuke stares. “Have I what?” Someone staggers through the open door, hair product and cologne flying from the mountain of boxes in the person’s arms. “Nagisa,” Rei calls, voice pitching high with distress when Echo tugs at his shirt, making him stumble. “I think this might be a little unnecessary –” “Nonsense, Rei-chan,” Nagisa admonishes, throwing a tell-tale brown paper bag up on the counter with a clang of glass. “Mako-chan, you’ll make the mimosas?” He blinks at the clock on the wall. “Nagisa, it’s eleven A.M.” It flies right over Nagisa’s head. “That late already?” Makoto sighs in defeat and goes to the cabinet for glasses. “Can he put vodka in mine,” Sousuke muffles, face buried in his hands. “Like, all of it? Can it just be a glass of vodka and we call it a mimosa?” “Now, now, Sou-chan,” Nagisa coos, petting down Sousuke’s mess of a bedhead. “It’s perfectly natural to be intimidated by things like this, but alcohol will make you dehydrated and your skin wouldn’t like that, no, no. Matter of fact –” He snatches Sousuke’s coffee and pours it down the sink. “That will make your breath stink and we can’t have that either!” Sousuke lets out a broken noise like what is left of his soul just went down the drain with that coffee.  
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