#not pictured is a giant ass palm that refused to die
smashwolfen · 3 months
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The most perfect picture of Soshi I may ever take! Noticed she was sitting looking out the window and I had to get up and take this so fast before she decided to move ;w;
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from the bottom of my heart
(Hi @dumpsteramy! I am your Secret Santa, and I have finally arrived with your Christmas gift! 🎅🏼 I hope you enjoy xx)
from the bottom of my heart 
For a detective that had - a mere five hours ago - participated in the takedown of one of Brooklyn’s most notorious killers, Jake Peralta knows that he is feeling way too nervous about the tiny parcel that is currently sitting inconspicuously on his kitchen counter.  
He reminds himself of this fact, hands obsessively wiping down each surface one last time in preparation for Amy’s arrival - running through his memory bank of various moments of bad-assery - but try as he might; every single time he glances at the box, wrapped in brown paper and too small to be anything but innocent, his heart leaps back up into his throat all over again.  
It’s possible, he reasons; as he grabs the last pair of dirty socks off the floor and throws them in the direction of the hamper, that it’s because this year is one of the few times that he’s actually had a girlfriend over the holiday season.  
(The reason behind that detail, he’s not entirely sure hasn’t been deliberate, however that’s just a little too much to unpack right now.)
But it’s also possible (and honestly, curse his impeccable detective instincts, because sometimes ignorance truly is bliss) that it’s because of who his girlfriend is this year; and how much he’s already hoping for a hundred or more Christmases together, that his nerves just plain refuse to take a chill pill for a minute or two.  (Or was it whom?  Seriously.  He cannot tell.)
And then, there’s also the minor fact that he’s kinda sorta already completely fallen in love with her - a tiny nicety that he cannot bring himself to say out loud just yet, because that really is a bell that one cannot unring.  But there were implications within that little brown box, connotations of many more years together that hasn’t yet been suggested but that he wants to imagine could actually be possible, and right now he could really do with Terry’s magic 8 ball to give him some kind of sign that everything is going to turn out just fine.  
Just be cool, Peralta.  No biggie if Amy doesn’t like it.  Jake winces, head shaking at his own thought; checking on the takeout keeping warm in the oven.  He really is a terrible liar.  
It’s only the sound of a key sliding into the lock - AMY’S key, because they are dating and have each other’s keys and it really shouldn’t make him this giddy two weeks later but it really does - that pulls Jake’s mind away from his slightly obsessive thoughts, and his face morphs into a happy grin as Amy lets herself in to his apartment.  
Her face is flushed from the cold, half hidden behind a layer of scarves and jacket collars, but then their eyes meet and she smiles and oh, he really is the luckiest guy in all of New York.  
“Hey!  Sorry I’m a little late.  Just got completely swept up in that last bit of paperwork, you know?”  Letting his front door swing shut behind her, she uses her free hand to unwrap the layers of wool, craning her neck to meet Jake’s welcome home kiss.  “But!  I made us some cookies for dessert.  Santa ones, with lots of icing.  You’re gonna love them.”
He gives Amy what he hopes is a convincing smile, helping her slide the last sleeve of her jacket off and casting it on a nearby barstool as her hands wrap around his waist.  “Sounds amazing, babe.”
“Mmm.  More kisses, please.”
It’s a polite request - honestly, he’d have responded the same even if it been a demand - and as a contented smile lifts Jake’s lips he leans in for another kiss, letting this one linger for a moment or two, purely because he can.  
She sighs against his mouth, shuffling closer and planting her palms against his hoodie; reaching up for the zipper as their lips press together once more.
His eyebrows raise as the zipper descends, pulling away slightly as her hands wrap around his now free middle with a secret smile.  She dips her head into his neck, that perfect mixture of flowers and ink that he’s come to know as Amy washing over him, and even though Jake’s technically been here for hours, finally it feels like he’s home.  
The hug continues for a beat, and despite the fact that he’d probably stand here for hours if Amy only asked, Jake breaks the comfortable silence to voice a nagging suspicion.  “Can’t tell if this is a sweet hug from my girlfriend, or a brazen attempt to steal all of my body heat.”
“You know I’m an excellent multi-talker, Peralta.  Clearly, it’s both.”  Her soft lips press against the base of his neck as though offering payment for his services, and Jake’s grip on his girlfriend tightens.  “You’re just so warm, and Brooklyn is so cold tonight.”
“Oh, so this is like a two-for-one deal kinda sitch.”
Amy nods, the soft edge of her chin rubbing along Jake’s collarbone and truly, he could have a thousand more nights just like this.  
Her head lifts slightly, sniffing the air before turning her attention back to Jake.  “Can I smell Thai Guy’s Tom Kha Kai?”
“You can.”
She grins, giving his waist a quick squeeze before releasing him from her warmth-stealing hug.  “Wow.  You definitely win Best Boyfriend for today.”
“Best Boyfriend?  Noice.  If I’d known it was that easy, I would’ve ordered double on standby for future awards.”
Amy grins, chuckling softly before noticing the parcel (because she honestly is the best detective - even if he’ll never say it out loud), letting her hands run along the edges of his hoodie as she pulls away to make a closer inspection.  “What’s this?”
His heart has most definitely returned to it’s seemingly new home at the base of his throat, but somehow Jake manages to persevere.  “Oh, it’s some-nothing really … just something I picked up and it’s nothing really it doesn’t matter.”
Her right eyebrow twitches up, throwing him that look she gets whenever she senses a lead, and Jake sighs. 
“So … I know you know how my mom used to work a lot, since my dad was a leaving jerk who left like a jerk and whatever.”  Amy nods, remaining silent.  “Well, the holidays always paid really well so I spent a lot of them with Nana or Gina or sometimes just me and the tv.”
“And Die Hard.”
“Naturally.  It’s the only Christmas movie worth watching.  And we’d make our own holiday day, somewhere in the week, so the whole actual date thing really wasn’t that big of a deal.  But … we did have this one tradition, that actually started the first Christmas after my dad left.”   
He watches nervously as Amy rounds the counter, using the tip of her perfectly manicured fingers to shuffle the parcel closer to her position, and takes a heavy swallow.  “My mom would buy - and sometimes make - ornaments, and put pictures of us from throughout the year in them.”  Running one hand through his hair, Jake moves until he’s leaning against the opposite side of the bench.  “She said that way, we were celebrating the year that was and making wishes for more of the same.  As you can imagine, as time went on the tree had a bunch of photos of her and I.  It was actually kinda cool.”
“It sounds really lovely, Jake.”
Nodding, Jake points at the package Amy’s nimble fingers have begun toying with, silently encouraging her to lift the lid as he continues.  “Yeah, so … I sort of had this thought that maybe … this year there could be one with us on the tree.”
Giving Jake one last curious glance, Amy lifts the lid of the small brown box, chewing her lower lip as the contents come into view.  
With his stomach feeling like it’s dropped to his feet, Jake leans into the counter, waiting with bated breath for Amy’s response; and she lifts the tiny wreath ornament from it’s resting place, letting the trinket spin as a selfie Jake took of the two of them two months ago flickers in front of their eyes.  
It’s the silence that’s killing him, the need to explain and deflect and pretend everything is fine too strong, and even though Jake knows he’s rambling, the words just start tumbling out of his mouth.  “It’s no biggie, really.  Just something that I thought might be cool.  It’s okay if you hate it, we don’t need to bother next year, thats if there even is a next - ” The gentle press of two of Amy’s fingers against his lips throws Jake into silence, and she holds them in place as she rounds the corner of the kitchen counter again, only pulling away once she’s by his side again.  
“Jake.  I think it’s wonderful.  I could never hate this.”
With the sense of relief flooding through his veins, Jake manages a smile, tucking the strand of hair that’s fallen from Amy’s work appropriate up-do behind her ear.  “Yeah?"
“Yeah.  It’s amazing, actually.”  Her hands come to rest on either side of his neck, the sheer familiarity and comfort of the move subsiding any linger nerves as she looks up at him with the softest gaze.  “A really special tradition, that I cannot wait to continue.  And honestly, I just feel so lucky that you’d want to share it with me.  Thank you, babe.”
Her lips press against his as she pulls him in for a grateful kiss; and even as his hands slide along the smooth edges of Amy’s back, Jake can’t help but think that if there’s anyone in this kitchen that’s lucky, it is most definitely him.  After all, not only does Amy love the tradition, she cannot wait to continue it - and what could be greater than that?
He wraps his arms around Amy completely, pulling her in for a tighter hug as the kiss breaks, and with her chin resting against his shoulder she takes in the rest of her surroundings.
“Hey.  You cleaned!”
Feeling a tiny glimmer of pride at her observation, Jake nods to play it cool.  “Well, you know.  Tis the season, and all that.”
“The cleaning season?”  Gasping, Amy tilts her face back up to Jake with a giant smile.  “Oh my gosh, can you imagine!?  There could be a different cleaning method each day!” 
Her eyes are bright, taking on that special sparkly quality that just takes her beauty levels from one hundred to one thousand as she describes all the different products that could be used, and he is most definitely, absolutely, totally and utterly, head over heels in love with Amy Santiago.  
“Look, all of that sounds amazing, Ames, and I’m sure one day if you wish really hard it might even come true.  But … for now, how about we eat this Best Boyfriend Award winning dinner I ordered and watch some top quality movies on the couch?"
Amy nods, raising one finger in a friendly reprimand.  “But no Die Hard, we watched it just last week.”
“It’s a vintage classic, babe!  The kind of movie that never grows old.”
Her responding eye roll is good-natured in it’s delivery, a gentle slap landing along the line of shoulder.  “Vintage or not, I get to choose the movie tonight.”
Letting out an exaggeratedly defeated sigh, Jake decides that a pre-dinner commiseration cookie is in order, and he lifts the lid to the container as Amy removes their food from the oven.
“Uh, babe … are these the cookies you made?”
“They look … neat.”  Jake smiles, one that he knows isn’t very convincing, but he’s also not entirely certain that the lumps he’s discovered in the container are actually cookies - even out of technicality.
Amy’s eyes narrow, abandoning her serving of rice to gaze over Jake’s shoulder, jabbing a finger into his spine.  “Out with it, Peralta.”
“No, it’s nothing, it’s just … have you ever seen that show, Nailed It?”
Her jaw drops, brows raising in obvious indignation as she reaches for one of the lumps.  “Hey!  Eat your damn cookie, detective.  Or don’t go expecting anything to happen with your candy cane tonight.”
“My candy ca- oh!  My ‘candy cane’.  Ha.  Nice euphemism, Ames.”  Winking, he snatches the cookie out of Amy’s protective grip, snarfing it down in one bite.  “Mmm, yummy.  Don’t mind me, just standing here enjoying this deliciously amazing cookie that my incredible girlfriend made for me with her bare hands and doesn’t taste like a salt lick at all.”
Casting a side-eyed glance at Jake as she returns to serving their dinner, Amy mutters something about how she really thought the extra icing would hide the salt taste; and even though it’s probably completely insane, he feels strangely excited at the thought of many more years pretending to enjoy his girlfriend’s cooking.  
The idea of it all - of a mixture of Christmases, Hanukkahs and Noche Bueanas alike filling up their years - makes Jake’s face break out into a stupidly wide grin; and without thinking he reaches for another cookie, this time making no complaint as the salty sweet combination begins to grow on him.  
And truly, there could not be any greater sign that he is completely in love with Amy if he tried.
(A few or so years from now, there will be a Christmas tree standing tall in the living room of the  Santiago-Peralta home, covered in ornaments and memories alike.  Their son Mac will place the very last decoration on the tree - a tiny little sonogram of his soon-to-be-born little sister - and Jake will ruffle his hair and remember a time when all of this had only been an unspoken dream.)
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katsukis-sad-angel · 5 years
Come Back Part 1
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Pregnant!Reader Military AU
Word Count: 1.3K
Summary: It’s the year 1970 and your doting husband has been summoned to fight in the last leg of the Vietnam War
Contains: Cursing, MEGA angst, mentions of pregnancy, did i mention angst
Sadness under the cut!
You were going through your mail, casting aside ads, bank offers, and coupon books when you came across a letter that made you want to scream.
You stared at the title, your trembling fingers wanting nothing more than to rip it into dozens of pieces, grind it up in a blender, drink it, and shit it out so so one would ever find it.
“Vietnam War Draft; All Men Above Age 21 Must Report To The Nearest Military Base.”
You whimpered unhappily.
Really? Now? When you’d JUST become pregnant?
Hanging your head, you stood and moved to where Katsuki was sitting on the couch and handed him the piece of paper.
He saw your expression and took the paper from you, straightening his glasses.
He paled.
He set his glasses on the table and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Don’t go Katsuki… We… I… I can’t raise a baby alone! What if you die? What if the baby dies? What if you lose a limb or something? What if-”
Tears soak your pale face and shirt.
Your voice cracks and you cover your face with shaking hands, breaking down as the crushing ‘what if’ possibilities flood into your mind.
Katsuki brings you into his arms, trapping your shivering body in a tight, comforting embrace.
“I can dispute it… I am the old hags only son. I doubt they care. This fucking war has been going on for 14 long-ass years and I bet these soldiers they’re bringing in will help stop it.”
“But, what if you die?”
“I’m not gonna die! Who the fuck do you think I am?”
You sniffed loudly and wiped your face on your sleeve.
“I know you’re strong Katsuki and I don’t doubt you’ll try not to die, but still! It could happen to anyone and I don’t want it to be you!”
He exhaled and then took a deep breath.
“I have to go do this, angel. I swear I’ll come back to you in one piece to see our baby. I’ll write you lots of letters! Don’t worry ok?”
He was doing his best to find the silver lining in this situation.
Unfortunately, there wasn’t much silver to line it.
He was leaving you alone.
For who knows how long.
In a different country.
Across a body of water.
Phone service was expensive so possible communication (written letters) would take a bit to go back and forth.
You would probably have to have the baby by yourself, all alone in the hospital.
Not much.
“Please say you won’t go.” You whimpered, gripping his tank top.
That look in your sweet (e/c) orbs… It broke his heart.
“I have to. It’s mandatory. I’m so sorry sweetheart.”
He ran his fingers through your tresses, watching as your eyes welled up again and fat, hot tears dripped down to your chin and plopped on to the swell of your chest.
You couldn’t stop shaking.
Katsuki continued to try and comfort you, saying that he had a week before he had to leave, and he would send you pictures and letters, and that ‘the old hag’ would be there if you needed anything.
You barely listened to him, too focused on all of the terrible things that could happen to your precious Katsuki.
All of the things that could happen and you wouldn’t be there to help him.
The airport.
The place you feared would be that last time you saw your husband in one piece.
You physically could not stop crying and Mitsuki and Masaru had to hold onto you so you didn’t collapse.
You stood in the airport lobby gripping Katsuki’s calico jacket, your hands refusing to let go of the coarse fabric.
“Come on darling,” He murmured, “Let go.”
“No-” You choked, “I feel like I’m never gonna see you again. The baby’s never going to see her father, I’m never going to hear your voice again, I can’t kiss you, I can’t yell at you for buying me stuff, the bed’s gonna be cold-”
“I have to go.” He whispered, pushing your hair back and kissing your forehead.
“Katsuki, please!” You begged.
Others around you had noticed and were beginning to stare.
Some started crying as well if they weren’t already after listening to your pleas.
Katsuki managed to pry your hands off his shirt, taking your trembling palms and kissing your hands.
“I’m coming back, I promise.”
“D-Don’t make promises you c-can’t keep! How do you know-”
“I promise.”
“... R-Really?”
“I love you Y/n.” He breathed, planting a kiss on your lips.
Then he turned around and walked into the plane terminal.
“He doesn’t make p-promises he d-doesn’t keep.” Mitsuki stuttered, pulling you into a hug, “He’s going to come back to you. I know he will. He’s a stubborn piece of shit, but he’s our stubborn piece of shit. He’ll survive.”
The first letter you received from Katsuki went something like this;
Dear Y/n, I hope you’re not still crying. If you are, stop because I’m not dead yet. Right now I’m at boot camp so I’m safe. Boot camp sucks. I’m forced to bunk with a bunch of pussies and none of them leave me alone. I guess Dumb Hair is manageable, but Deku, Canadian Flag, Soysauce face, Glasses, and Defective Pikachu are all annoying and weak assholes. If it wasn’t for them this shitty camp wouldn’t be so bad. The sergeants know I’m not a weakling so they don’t do a lot of bitching towards me. All except Sergent Aizawa. He seems to enjoy being hated and making people’s lives shitty and miserable. Yesterday, Sargeant was in charge of my squad. I’m not the only one who doesn’t like him. He makes us do so much dumb shit, it makes this boot camp a total waste of time. Yesterday, my fucking boots wouldn’t stay tied so I had to tie them in a bunch of knots. Later, Ass-zawa made my squad get undressed “by the numbers.” The first order was to take off our right boot. My fucking boot decided to stay tied in 18 knots and I couldn’t get the shitty thing off. Aizawa grabs my foot, tipping me over the other side of the bench and onto the floor, plants his giant ogre boot on my chest and pulls it off mine. Then he threw it at my face. Fucking asshole. Dunce face and Shitty Hair wouldn’t shut up about it and I had to lay on the floor cuz his size 11 boot knocked the wind out of me. Enough about shit. How are you? I miss you so damn much, know that? You better be eating enough. As a ‘bunk strengthening exercise,’ we were forced to talk about our lives before camp. I was the only one married, even though the guys are the same age as me. Losers. Send me a letter back as soon as possible. I’m gonna go insane if I don’t have something that reminds me of you to look at while I’m surrounded by all of these failed abortions. I love you, angel. Stay safe.
Hope you enjoyed/cried
Part 2 coming soon!
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tabbysgotclaws · 5 years
In My  Line of Work - #Throwback
Wrote this shit a thousand fucking years ago (not literally, I think it was about two) but hey, figured it’d be a good way to pop this place’s cherry. Enjoy the sex and bloodshed, babes, it’s what you’re here for, right? <3
I've always found it funny that people like to call prostitution "the world's oldest profession." It doesn't speak all that highly of the human race's priorities, does it?
Paint on cave walls.
Discover fire.
Pay someone to fuck you senseless.
Get that in Latin, and we could engrave it at the base of every statue the world over - or better yet, build new statues, all shaped like giant brass cocks at full salute. That's the human mission statement in a nutshell right there: here, we have two types of animal, the ones with the dicks, and the ones getting fucked by them. And we will always - I repeat, always - be the ones with the dicks.
Yes indeed, the world's oldest profession.
I can think of an older one, but we'll get to that later.
It's outside of a motel called Restin' Easy that we lay our scene. Picture this: a gorgeous woman stands up against a sand-blasted brick wall, dressed to the nines in designer silks and a leather jacket. She's taking a long, sincere drag off a slender cigarette, and leaving blood-red lipstick rings on the unburnt white paper of the shaft. She's got the good looks of a 1960s movie star - a regular Audrey Hepburn in the making. Her black hair falls just above her shoulders, and sways gently in the night's breeze.
That's me.
The balding middle-aged man in the tan jacket with a face like a slapped ass, that's Dave. Yeah, Dave with the greasy skin that tosses back the neon rays of the glowing "VACANCY" sign above us. Dave the big spender, flashing the wad of hundreds in his faux-leather wallet.
Dave the asshole. Dave the John.
"Crystal recommended you to me," He says in an unbearably cocky tone, like I'm a new brand of aftershave he's been meaning to try out for a while, "She said you do things no other girl will do. That right?"
"More or less." I say, feigning a provocative grin.
When you've been in the business for as long as I have, you get pretty good at sizing up your customers with a glance. Sometimes, it's necessary to survival - you look the wrong way in this line of work and you've got a seven-inch stiletto buried between the links in your spine. Sex does weird shit to people's heads.
Dave, for all his faults, is easy to read. He wears a look of contempt, like he's too good for the situation he's putting himself in. He's wealthy, and entitled. He doesn't know why he's paying for sex - a man of his stature should be beating the ladies off with a stick, surely.
He probably sells used cars for a living, I think, suppressing a smirk.
"What can I do for you that Crystal can't, sugar?" I ask with an innocent flutter of eyelashes,
He grunts, one side of his mouth curling into a sneer.
"She was a little too...safe, for my taste."
"Too safe for you, huh? Ever considered trying to fuck a bear?"
"No, not like that. I mean, she was too vanilla. She wasn't comfortable with the things I wanted."
I raise an eyebrow and place a well-manicured hand on my hip, cocking my pelvis slightly to the side. Guys like Dave are almost like video games: once you know all the cheat codes, you're in the clear.
"Tell me, honey," I whisper to him in my most sultry drawl, "What is it that you want?"
What I expect is an answer, what I get is a grubby hundred dollar bill fumbled into my palm. Dave keeps scanning from side to side throughout, as though he's afraid of someone seeing him.
That's always a red flag.
"How about we go somewhere private, and then I'll tell you." He says, his voice oozing disdain.
I breathe a plume of smoke into his face and snuff my cigarette against the wall. On one hand, his rudeness pisses me off, on the other, I want it over with sooner rather than later.
The interior of Restin' Easy is everything that the facade would lead you to believe - old and chintzy, but with a certain charm to it, if you can look past the fine layer of sleaze. Think off-white shag carpeting, lamps that haven't been replaced since the seventies, and a pencil-moustached manager picking particles of cocaine from underneath his dirty fingernails. In short, it was my kind of place.
"Hey, John," I call to the manager with a playful smirk, "You got a room for me?"
His name isn't John, I know that much. But he reminds me of John Waters, so the name stays.
Not-really-John flashes me a grin back and fiddles with the lapel of his velvet suit, the lacquer in his hair rendered iridescent by the fizzing halogen tubes that hang above.
"Same as always?" He asks, his lisping voice softer than coffin-lining, "Number Seven's available."
I nod and he tosses me the keys, keeping Dave in tow. He's scowling like I've just spat in his face.
If anything's clear to me, it's that Davey-boy is used to better. He's a pervert with standards.
Smash-cut to room seven, an amateur porn set if ever there was one. In a certain sense, all hotel rooms - big and small, expensive and dirt cheap - feel like the same place, the same liminal area between destinations. They have the same walls, the same beds, the same dusty bibles in the bedside cabinets. Nondescript art of ports never visited and generic forestry grace the walls, and a minibar sits in the corner looking shameful, almost like it knows what it is. A shitty little robber with a conscience.
Dave looks out of place here, like he's being doctored into this image in real-time. He's still wearing that I-can-smell-rot-in-here scowl and avoiding eye contact with me for whatever reason. It doesn't exactly do wonders for my self-esteem, I'll tell you that much.
"So, uh, you ready?" I ask him, searching for an answer buried in the creases of his face, "I hope this doesn't take too long, honey. I'm hungry and the McDonald's closes at ten-thirty."
"It'll take as long as I need it to." He growls, loosening his tie.
I figure the uptight bastard would come-out a handful of sand after a perfunctory screw. He's never made love in his life - just fucked, and fucked badly.
In that moment, my hopes of having any fun tonight die on their asses.
Before I know it, he's pushing me onto the bed and starting to disrobe, revealing to me his fleshy, pale frame. There's a kind of solidness to him - not brick shithouse solid, but drying clay solid. As though with enough warmth, you could start twisting him into the right shape again.
I take off my leather jacket and shirt, and kick off my jeans, until I'm just in my bra and underwear. Without sounding too arrogant, I can tell by the look in his eyes that I'm better than he's had in years - but he's not appreciative, oh no. He looks at me the way I'm assuming Christopher Columbus looked at America - the look of a man ready to fuck shit up royally to assert his limp-dicked dominance over something beautiful.
I'd go into more detail as to what I look like without all those pesky clothes, but it'd cost you, sugar. And I don't come cheap.
Hell, with most of these guys I don't even come at all. See? Little bit of on-the-job humor, just to lighten the mood. What happens next is a little grimmer.
Once he's down to his underwear, Dave starts opening a briefcase he's brought in with him. I start wondering whether he expects me to sign a non-disclosure waiver or some shit, until I realize what he's producing from the case is a leather paddle covered in metal studs.
Naughty, naughty Dave.
"That looks painful," I giggle, fluttering my eyelashes, knowing the absence of fear would emasculate him, "I can see why Crystal turned you down. For a second, I just thought you must have had a funny-shaped dick."
For the record, his dick was of a relatively average shape and size. Nothing terrible, but not exactly remarkable either.
He just grunts, and runs his big, rough hands over the studs.
"You can't get this kind of action at home, huh?" I ask.
"Never in a million years," He says, finally turning to me, "My wife wouldn't allow it. But, then again, my wife isn't here."
He chuckles like a bad villain from a sixties movie would chuckle.
"Y'know, I've seen a lot of hookers, but none of them have been quite as mouthy as you," He says, taking tentative steps towards me as his erection began to bloom in anticipation, "I like that. Breaking you is gonna be a challenge."
I climb further back onto the bed, edging towards the pillows. The quilt feels cheap and rough on my skin - though I don't exactly have any high expectations for Restin' Easy. I don't come here for the comfort, after all.
"Word of advice, Davey-boy," I say with a salacious wink, "Take me before you break me. It'll make the beating more satisfying, don't you think?"
He doesn't say a word, refusing to concede to me, but he agrees. There's a soft thump as the paddle falls to the ground, and he crawls across the bed to me like a goddamn puppy.
I'd have laughed if I wasn't so excited for what comes next.
As expected, the sex is boring. For a man who carries a spiked paddle around in his briefcase like Patrick fucking Bateman, he's got a surprisingly dull preference for the missionary position - a position I'd always thought of as the mayonnaise of sex: good when you're in the mood for it, but too much of it and you lose the will to live.
He does tug my hair, though. I find that a little annoying, especially considering the price of having your hair done these days.
Once he's done and his body practically coughs into mine (thank god for condoms, or I would have caught his cold) he just collapses onto me, gasping and exhausted. It'd take another hour before the sad bastard would have enough energy to beat me.
And I've never been all that patient.
"Wow, slick," I find myself saying, with all the enthusiasm of a text-to-speech generator, "That really was something."
"Y'think?" He asks, wanting me to stroke his ego.
"Well, normally good sex can leave me satisfied," I muse, "But that just left me hungrier."
He gives an annoyed grunt and tries to hoist himself up, still awkwardly straddling me while he does it.
My painted lips are pursed into a tight grin, while my teeth begin growing from my gums and sharpening into vicious points. I have a mouth full of scalpels, and poor, ignorant Dave is none the wiser. This is something I've done before, so I know how to keep it hidden right up until the moment it all ends.
That moment, my dear readers, is now.
Without warning, I grab Dave by the fat folds on the back of his big, sweaty head and pull his face down towards me. My lips curl up over my teeth into a manic, open-mouth smile, showing him the piranha thing I had going on inside.
"Carol sends her regards." I hiss through my fangs with a cruel giggle.
There's a glimmer of terrible recognition in his eyes when I say that name. The universal look of "oh fuck, I've been caught" is plastered liberally across his face. The vain little turd looks terrified before he's even noticed my fangs, or that I've cribbed my one-liner from Game of Thrones.
He doesn't get a chance to respond. Within the next second, I've pulled him down further and clamped my jaws around his thick, piggish neck. He thrashes, but I wrap my legs around his waist and grab his arms, completely immobilizing him.
When I'm not hiding my strength, he's nothing to me.
Dave thrashes weakly while twin geysers of blood evacuate his throat, giving me a warm, refreshing drink - like coppery cocoa, that's always made me feel a little better about it.
It doesn't take him long to die, and when he does, the real feeding starts.
I'll admit, I have a tendency to black out when I'm in the middle of a good meal - like a premature food coma, you see? But, when I come back to the land of the living, I can see by the radium-green numbers on the bedside alarm clock that it's only taken me about fifteen minutes to do the damage I'd done.
When I looked down onto the remains of Dave Whatshisname, I see there's only bones left, and that I'm wearing a stylish, crimson apron courtesy of my meal.
Then, it hits me how full I'm feeling, and I collapse back onto the bed.
Cheap quilts. Easy to replace when there's spillage.
"Dave, you irritating fucker," I say with a groan, poking my bloated stomach, "If I can't button my goddamn jeans after this, I'm charging your wife extra."
Crap. That reminds me.
I lean over, feeling another pain deep in my belly as I do so, and grabbed my phone out of the pocket of my discarded jeans.
Carol. Carol. Carol. I've got her on speed dial.
When she picks up, she just says, "Is it done?"
"What? No 'hello'? Most people are polite to their hired killers, lady."
My indigestion is so bad that I barely have the strength to be sarcastic - oh, who am I kidding? I always have the strength to be sarcastic.
"Just tell me if my shitbag husband is dead."
I give an agonized groan as my stomach gurgles, as though dearly deceased Dave was protesting.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dead, devoured, digesting. Whatever. You paid me yet?"
There's a long sigh down the receiver. Most people have that reaction when they find out I've murdered their husbands, but - to my credit - I never do it without being asked.
They need people dead, and I need to eat. Seems a fair trade to me.
"The money should be in your account."
"Sweet! And it couldn't have come at a better time, Carol. After your lard-ass husband, I'm probably gonna go up a fucking dress size. You owe me for my new wardrobe."
"You don't have to eat them, you know." She says, trying to pretend she's above it all.
"You're saying that from a human perspective. I'm not human, and ergo, we have different dietary needs," I say, wincing again from the pain, "But if you're satisfied with your service, I'm gonna save the biology lesson for when your husband isn't killing me from the inside. Okay?"
"I guess..."
"I need to hear you say it, Carol."
She sighs. Again.
"I am satisfied with my service. Thank you."
"You're welcome. Bye."
I hang up on her unceremoniously and collapse back onto the bed, throwing my phone to the side.
"Ten thou isn't enough for this shit." I groan again, my stomach ache ebbing and worsening as though on some kind of nonsensical schedule.
"Jesus Christ, look at this mess you've made!" I hear a shrill, effeminate voice ring out from the doorway, "I thought I told you to lay down a plastic tarp when you're doing your weird, hitwoman stuff!"
It's John. Not-really-John.
I find myself rolling my eyes at him, as he sashays into the room with a plastic bag and starts picking up the bones.
"That'll blow my cover, John," I say, like it's the most obvious thing in the world, "I'm posing as a sex worker. You know that. And nobody wants to have sex in a room that looks like the interior designer was Dexter Morgan. It's a pretty major boner dethroner."
John just shrugs and carries on picking up the bones. I always give him a little cut of the proceeds, so he doesn't mind doing some of the cleanup - I ate most of the mess, after all. And now, I'm just laying there, on the precipice of an actual food coma.
I love a happy ending, don't you?
Like I was saying earlier, I've always found it funny that people like to call prostitution "the world's oldest profession." After all, it's not just corny, it's patently untrue.
Before people even dreamt of paying to fuck someone else, they were paying to have them killed. And that, my dear readers, is why I'll always be in business, and why cheaters never prosper.
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