#not my usual flavor of drabble but yknow
uhohdad · 10 hours
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John Price & CringeFail Reader - One (1) New Message
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The text that illuminates your phone screen steals both your attention and your breath. A sharp inhale gets lodged in your throat and triggers a full on coughing fit.
“‘Ight ther’, bonnie?”
You blindly throw a thumb up in Soap’s general direction while your lungs stutter to regain control of its function, both your face and chest burning from embarrassment and overexertion respectively.
You look back to your phone to confirm through tear-blurred eyes, and yes, you read it right.
Captain Price: ‘Get me off please?’
Maybe your Captain really had returned your infatuation. It was just supposed to be a stupid little fantasy in your head, a safe schoolgirl crush on an authoritative man that’s meant to be unobtainable. It wasn’t supposed to -
Had he known all along?
And to be so forward about his return - Was it really as simple as a text message? Was that all it took? Four words. Four. Four words that trample over all the boundaries and put your very livelihoods at stake to give in to that tempting, alluring, forbidden desire.
It’s not unusual for him to be direct and to the point - but this, this is -
Your thigh is bouncing as quick as your thoughts are racing.
It takes you far longer than it normally does for you to respond to an order from your captain. When it’s clear your heart isn’t planning on steadying anytime soon, you make sure you look presentable, and move on shaky legs to his office.
You shuffling from foot to foot outside his door, having to work up the courage to knock. Your heart triples its already dizzying speed when he calls you in.
“I - I got your text,” You point to your phone and give it an unnecessary, awkward little shake.
His eyes flick to the side and his thumbs toss out from his loosely threaded fingers, a gesture that reads as confusion and annoyance.
“Is there a problem?” He asks.
“No!” You blurt, far too loud and far too fast. You catch yourself with a nervous laugh, “No- no problem.”
“Okay,” He draws.
His lips purse, and his eyes dart to the side. He gives a roll of his wrist that sends a clear message.
Go on, then.
“H-Here?” You squeak, “Now?”
Price’s face pinches, and he gives a scoff. Your eyes follow him as he slowly sits back in his chair - is that what he wants? For you to get under his desk, kneel between his legs, choking yourself on his -
“If it’s not too much trouble,” He adds after a careful pause.
“No! Not at all - I just - Well, I didn’t know - how you wanted me to - ”
“Black is fine,” He says with a tilt of his head, “You knew that, yeah?”
You blink at him.
“Black,” His leans forward onto his desk again, his eyes squint as he gives you a fullbody once over, “You alright today?”
“Black?” You repeat.
He raises his shoulders with a slow, patronizing shake of his head, “No cream, no sugar?”
“Coffee!” Your face floods with realization, a weighty breath of understanding on your lips, “You wanted coffee. Not-”
You freeze when you meet his eyes again, a mixture of bewilderment and genuine concern stitched into his features.
You’re not even sure if there is a way to recover from this that doesn’t either make you look like a total idiot or reveal that you were fully ready to pleasure him to completion - no questions asked, any way he wanted, right here right now. If there was the perfect combination of words out there, you certainly wouldn’t be able to string them together with those piercing blue eyes frazzling every thought you try to form.
You give another laugh that bleeds into a groan, shift your weight to one foot, and rub out your brow with your thumb.
Total idiot it is.
“I am, so sorry, Captain. Just- one of those days, yeah? Forget-” You abandon your useless efforts to save face with another nervous laugh and a point over your shoulder, “I’ll be- I’ll be right back. With that coffee.”
You try to slip out as inconspicuously as you can, even though you can feel the burn of his judgmental stare with every move you make to slink out of his office. As soon as the door clicks shut you’re folding in on yourself, an entire body cringe and curses riding every breath.
That could not have gone worse for you. Of course it was a typo. Are you that delusional? To think that -
It’s not even like you can avoid him the rest of the day. You have to be back in his office in minutes with that coffee.
As the first drips crack and sizzle at the bottom of the pot, you’re seriously considering asking one of the boys to deliver Price’s pick-me-up so you don’t have to look him in the eyes anytime soon. On a broader scale, you’re considering quitting and never looking back.
Your phone buzzes on the counter, your eyes darting to the text like second nature.
Captain Price: ‘Ah, I see now. My fault. Good to know how far you’re willing to go for the team, though.’
“Soap!” You squeak, “I need a favor!”
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Dividers: @saradika-graphics
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