#not me projecting the stupidest shit onto her
paula-donas · 3 months
I finally got time to draw for myself. It is not the best i could have made (I spent the whole process playing like a fucking kid, Edwin started off YELLOW i swear and the anatomy. Anyway) but i am so happy i had fun with it.
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Ngl, Edwin is 500 times prettier here and i played with colors way more than with Charles but that's art for you i guess.
Anyway. Queers doing goodnight kiss or whatever (i am so obsessed they are adorable)
And because I'm a lesbian bitch i had to do lil Crystal and Niko in the group sleep/cuddle apologies.
(I totally did the stupid cat/crow scribble amd meant to leave it there)
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Pay no mind to the fact that Niko's shirt is blood red 💕. THEY ARE ALL IN A FITTING COLOR PALETTE IN MY HEAD AND I AM OBSESSED.
Anyway, that's that.
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pedrospatch · 9 months
when i’m feeling alone, you remind me of home
Javier Peña x DEA Agent Female Reader
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summary: Spending Christmas in Bogotá, Colombia isn’t ideal. Javier knows you’re missing home a little harder than usual, so he comes up with a plan to cheer you up.
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI. minor deviation from canon timeline (had to make it work), reader is an agent for the DEA, NO AGE SPECIED, NO PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION, reader understands and speaks spanish but no mention of her race or ethnicity, friends to lovers trope, reader celebrates christmas, reader has a good relationship with her family, minor smoking and alcohol consumption (both reader and javi), reader’s a bit rough around the edges sometimes. fluff, soft javi, he’s a bit of a grinch in the beginning though. switches in pov’s and tenses.
word count: 2.9k
a/n: thank you to @hellishjoel for inviting me to join in on this fun project!
12 Days of Pedro Masterlist
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Javier Peña doesn’t do Christmas.
He especially doesn’t do Christmas in Bogotá.
He doesn’t see the point even acknowledging it.
There are more important things on his mind.
Capturing Pablo Escobar.
Dismantling the dangerous Medellín Cartel.
Living long enough to tell the fucking tale.
Those were his priorities while in Colombia.
Not decking the halls with boughs of holly.
And yet, there he is, fighting with a string of bright and colorful lights, wishing these damn things would put themselves on the tree. “Puta madre,” Javi curses underneath his breath as he tries untangling them from around his waist. Somehow, he only makes it worse. He grumbles, “This is fucking ridiculous—it shouldn’t be this fucking hard throwing lights on a goddamn fucking tree—” He pauses, spins around to find where he’d gone wrong and then continues grouching to himself. “Can’t believe people do this fucking shit for fun. Stupidest thing I’ve ever—”
Javi manages to free himself and glances down at his watch to see he’s running out of time—it’s past five now, and unless Messina’s in one of those bad fucking moods of hers and decides to dump some last minute paperwork onto your desk, then you’re going to be walking through the front door soon.
He pinches the bridge of his nose, exhaling a deep and frustrated sigh.
He’d been an idiot to decline Connie’s offer to help him when she had dropped off the decorations for him earlier that afternoon.
“You sure you don’t need my help?” she had asked as she handed him the cardboard box overflowing with festive ornaments and tinsel. “I have a couple of more hours before I have to be at the clinic, you know. I can help you set it all up for her, make it all nice and pretty.”
“Thanks, but I’ve got it handled,” he’d replied. “I’m sure it won’t take me too long to put some—is this fucking fruit?” Confused, Javi shifted the box over to his hip, pulling out a string of dried oranges and red cranberries. “Um, what the hell is this for? This supposed to be a snack for me while I decorate?”
She rolled her eyes. “It’s a homemade garland.”
“It’s a homemade what now?”
“Garland, Javier. It goes on the tree.”
Amused, he’d raised an eyebrow at her.
“Fruit going back onto the tree? That’s ironic.”
Sighing, Connie rolled her eyes at him once more.
“Last chance. Do you want my help or not, Javi?”
“I appreciate it, but like I said, I’ve got it handled.”
She’d shrugged. “Alright, suit yourself, then.”
Little did he know how he’d regret his decision. It’s a bigger headache than he thought it would be, an incredible waste of valuable time he could’ve been using to hunt down new leads, do the job he came here to do and find Pablo Escobar. Then again, the more he thinks about it, the more Javi realizes this isn’t a waste of his time at all—not really.
Because he’s doing this for you.
Because he knows you love Christmas.
Because he knows you’ve been feeling homesick.
The season you normally adored was bringing you nothing but heartache this year. There is a void—a hole in your heart that only your family could fill.
“Messina denied my request for time off,” you had told him, taking a drag of his cigarette—you’re not much of a smoker, but he’d learned that tended to change on occasion when you were upset. “Said it isn’t fair to let me go home for Christmas. That I’m not the only one who wants to be with their family. And I get it. I do.” Sighing, you took a second drag and then handed the cigarette back to Javier; he’d put it between his lips, the taste of cherry flavored lip gloss that lingered on the filtered tip prompting a craving stronger than his craving for nicotine. “It was selfish of me to even think of taking time off. I just—I miss spending Christmas in my hometown, you know? Waking up to snow outside my window in the mornings. Building snowmen with my sister, hurling snowballs at my brother. I miss my mother and her cooking. I miss my father and how even at our age, he still insists on pretending to be Santa.”
Laughing, Javier leaned forward on his stool.
You’d asked him to meet you at your usual spot—a quiet lounge bar right around the corner from your apartment. When he walked in and saw the scotch in front of you on the table, he’d known something was wrong. You’re not much of a drinker, either.
“Does he eat the cookies and drink the milk too?”
You nodded, crossing your arms over your chest, a little grin tugging at the corners of your mouth. He tried not to let his gaze longer there too long—he’s just one man. There was only so much strength he could muster to keep fighting the temptation.
“Of course. He takes his role very, very seriously.”
Despite your smile, he’d noticed it right away.
The unmistakable sadness in your eyes.
You were tough as fucking nails.
In this line of work, you had no choice but to be.
But Javier knew your family was your weakness.
His weakness?
His weakness was sitting there in front of him with a crestfallen expression on her pretty face, tracing around the rim of her glass with her finger.
“It’s stupid, isn’t it?” Your voice had thickened, the emotions you’re used to bottling up threatening to boil over.
“Of course not,” he assured you. “There is nothing stupid about wanting to go back home to see your family. There’s nothing stupid about wanting to be with them for the holidays. I promise you that.”
You snorted. “Peña, we’re trying to bring down the most dangerous man in all of South America. Last thing I need to be doing right now is dreaming of a white Christmas. It’s fucking stupid, alright?”
Hesitantly, Javier lifted his hand and placed it over yours—it wasn’t the first time he’d ever held it, not the first time he had shown physical affection, but this was the most vulnerable he had ever seen you and he didn’t want to make things worse. Once he realized it was okay, he brushed the back of it with his thumb softly, soothingly.
“Yo hablaré con Messina, cariño.”
“No hay caso para eso, Javier.”
“Maybe I can convince her to let you go. She’s got me and she’s got Murphy. We’ll handle things here while you head home for a few days, spend a week with your family for Christmas. Doesn’t hurt to try, you know.” Javi squeezed your hand. Knowing just how fucking stubborn you could be, he insisted on it. “Por favor, cielo. Dejame ayudarte con esto. Yo solo quiero verte feliz. Dejame ayudarte.”
You drained the rest of your scotch and swallowed it along with the lump that had climbed it’s way up your throat. Setting the glass back down, you then pulled your hand out from under his and stood up.
“Forget it. I’m here because I have a job to do—we both have a job to do. I’ll get over it, Javier. Always do.”
Before he could say another word, you’d picked up your jacket and purse, making a quick dash for the exit before he could see the stubborn tear slipping out from the corner of your eye and down the side of your face. But he had seen it, and that’s exactly why he knew he had to do something for you.
About an hour later, Javi places a glittering star on top of the white spruce and then takes a couple of steps back, hands on his hips. Cocking his head to the side, he observes the tree and makes sure that he hasn’t left a single spot bare. He decides to add more gold tinsel until he feels oddly satisfied—and once he is, he pulls out his pocket knife, using it to open the small sized box he had brought with him; two different addresses were scribbled on the side of it in your mother’s handwriting, his apartment’s address the destination, her address the return.
“I wrapped it well,” she’d said over the phone. “It’s her most prized possession, so I really hope it gets to you in one piece or she’s going to kill us both.”
Javier slowly unwraps the object inside and feels a wave of complete and utter relief wash over him to see it made it through customs without breaking.
He squints, taking a better look at the ornament.
The little blonde ballerina is made of porcelain and holds a nutcracker soldier in her arms—the skirt of her dress is white lace embroidered with teeny red rosettes that perfectly match the blush painted on her cheeks and the color of the bow in her hair.
“It’s Clara,” your mother had explained to him.
“Who?” he’d asked, stupidly.
“Clara. You know, from The Nutcracker?”
“Oh yeah, that’s right,” he’d fibbed. “Clara. Got it.”
He had no clue what she had been talking about—but if it’s special to you, then it’s special to him.
Carefully, Javi hangs it on tree just as he hears the front door open and then slam shut so hard that it causes the paper thin walls of your unit to rattle.
“Peña!” you shout loudly. “You fucking asshole!”
Lip rolling between his teeth, he stifles a laugh.
You must have seen his Wrangler parked outside.
Grinning, Javier steps out into the hallway to greet you. “Hola, hermosa. Bienvenida a casa.”
“So, let me get this straight,” you say, tossing your purse and unit keys onto a nearby table. “You offer to give me ride to and from work but then proceed to ditch me and leave work three hours early—you leave me with no other fucking choice but to call a cab to bring me home and when he drops me off, I see your fucking car outside of my apartment?”
Rubbing his chin, he hums, “Sounds about right.”
You approach him, your hands curled into fists.
“What the hell is wrong with you, Javier?”
Javi’s quick to hold up his own hands in defense.
He won’t put it past you to knock him out—he and Murphy have seen you bring down men twice your size before without a weapon. Neither of them can decide if it’s hot as hell or downright terrifying.
“Okay, put those away and let me explain,” he tells you, shaking his head. “I’m really sorry I did that to you, but I did it for a reason.”
You scoff, “Well, if that reason was to piss me off, I have some news for you—it fucking worked.”
“That wasn’t the reason. Not this time, anyway.”
Chuckling, Javier extends a hand, holding it out to you.
You peer at it. “What are you doing, Peña?”
“Ven conmigo, cielo. Tengo una sorpresa para ti.”
Suspiciously, you ask him, “What did you do?”
He laughs again. He knew it wouldn’t make it easy for him. “You do know how surprises work, right?”
You lift your chin. “I do and I don’t like surprises.”
“I know you don’t, but I think you’ll like this one.”
Javi continues to hold out his hand and waits.
He’s just as stubborn as you are, if not more.
“We can stand here all fucking night, corazón.”
Sighing in defeat, you place your hand in his, heart skipping a beat when he smiles and laces together your fingers with his own.
“Cierra tus ojos.”
“Javier, I don’t want—”
He quickly cuts you off. “Do you trust me?”
Of course. Hell, you trusted him with your life.
And not just because it’s a job requirement.
Huffing, you do as he says and close your eyes.
“Good.” Javier places his other hand on your waist and his fingers brush against the patch of smooth, soft skin peeking out from between the waistband of your jeans and the hem of your blouse. Ignoring his burning desire to feel more of you, he leads the way into the living room and positions you in front of the tree. Without dropping your hand, he moves to stand directly behind you, chest pressed lightly against your back.“Puedes abrir tus ojos, bonita.”
“Look Peña, I don’t know what you’re up to but—”
Your own startled gasp cuts you off mid sentence.
Squeezing your hand, he leans in, his lips brushing the shell of your ear and you can feel his grin as he whispers, “Sorpresa, preciosa. Tienes un arbol de Navidad. Qué tal te parece?”
You open your mouth to speak, then clamp it shut.
His surprise had left you speechless.
Pleased with himself, Javi nudges you towards the tree and then drops his hands down at his sides as he watches you gingerly touch the needles.
Closing your eyes, you inhale deeply, the delicious, woodsy smell of pine reminding you of your family and how you’d all pile into your father’s old pickup truck and head to the Christmas Tree Farm to find the perfect white spruce to take home. Your father took great care in the picking process—he wanted the tallest, fluffiest, most fragrant tree. “Need this place to smell like the farm!” he’d boom. You smile and can’t help but to think he’d approve of Javi—if not because of what he had done for you, then the choice in tree would be enough to win him over.
“Do you like it?” he asks, softly.
You open your eyes and whirl around. “Javi, I can’t believe you did this,” you say, breathlessly. Smiling brighter than the lights on the Christmas tree, you throw your arms around him. “I love it so much!”
He savors the embrace—and wonders if you know just how perfectly you fit right in his arms.
“There’s one more surprise,” Javier informs you as he spins you around to look at the tree once again. “Do you see it?”
“See what?” Peering at the tree, you frown. “What am I supposed to be looking for—wait a second, is that—is that Clara?” Your hand flies to your mouth and you look up at him in complete shock. “That’s the ornament my grandmother made for me when I was a baby! I’ve had her since my first Christmas. How did you—?”
“Santa no cuenta sus secretos.” Javi grins, pulling you closer against his side. “But if you must know, your mom sent it to me,” he confesses. “Actually, I have to be honest—this whole thing was her idea.”
Perplexed, you ask, “This was my mom’s idea?”
“I know you’ve been having a hard time being here during the holidays instead of with your family,” he says. “I called her up a couple of weeks ago, asked her what I could do for you. We started talking and came up with this.” He shrugs and touches a hand to the back of his neck, sheepishly. “I know it’s not the same as going home. But I thought it might be nice to bring a little piece of home here to you.”
Warmth blossoms inside of your chest as you turn to face him. You place a hand on his chest. “Javi?”
Nervously, his throat bobs. “Yeah?”
“Why did you do this for me?”
Javier lifts his hand and tucks a lock of hair behind your ear. “I told you. I just want to see you happy.”
“But why?”
You know why.
But you need to hear him say it.
You need to hear it from his own mouth.
Javi’s hand moves to cup the side of your face. “Is it not obvious?” he murmurs as he grazes the silky soft skin over your cheekbone. “Tú bien sabes qué yo siento algo por ti, hermosa. Aunque no sientas igual.”
“How do you know I don’t feel the same for you?”
“Do you?” His thumb sweeps your bottom lip. “Do you feel the same for me?”
Your hand curls around his red plaid flannel.
“I shouldn’t,” you admit. “We’re work partners.”
He feigns offense. “Ouch. And here I was, thinking we were friends.” He now takes your chin between his index finger and his thumb. Licking his lips, his eyes meet yours. “Breaking my heart, baby.”
Your breath audibly catches. “We are friends—and it scares me to put our friendship on the line.”
“But?” he prompts as he tilts your head up toward his. His opposite hand finds your hip and pulls you closer to him.
“But when you do things like this—it’s hard for me not to fucking fall in love with you, Peña.” You drag your hand down his chest, your fingers relishing in the softness of his flannel. “It’s so fucking hard for me not to fall in love with somebody who feels like home.”
Javier’s chuckles softly.
“For the record, this wasn’t a ploy to get you to fall in love with me, corazón. But if it worked—” Javier pauses, dropping his hand from your face. “Then I guess it’s worth pulling this thing out.”
He reaches into the back pocket of his jeans.
“Javi, what the hell are you—?”
He grins, holding the mistletoe above your heads.
“Connie said this might come in handy.”
Your eyes flicker to his lips, then meet his gaze.
“Ven aqui, Peña.”
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pull Javi in and crash your mouth against his. You brush his bottom lip with your tongue and he grants you the access you’re looking for. He tastes like spearmint and scotch, and something else too.
He tastes like yours.
And he feels like home.
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diver credit to @saradika-graphics ❤️
Yo hablaré con Messina, cariño. - I’ll talk to Messina, darling.
No hay caso para eso, Javier. - There’s no point, Javier.
Dejame ayudarte con esto. Yo solo quiero verte feliz. - Let me help you with this. I just want to see you happy.
Ven conmigo, cielo. Tengo una sorpresa para ti. - Come with me, I have a surprise for you.
Cierra tus ojos. - Close your eyes.
Puedes abrir tus ojos, bonita. - You can open your eyes, pretty girl.
Sorpresa, preciosa. Tienes un arbol de Navidad. Qué tal te parch? - Surprise, precious girl. You have a Christmas tree. What do you think?
Santa no cuenta sus secretos. - Santa doesn’t tell his secrets.
Tú bien sabes qué yo siento algo por ti, hermosa. Aunque no sientes igual. - You know all too well I have feelings for you. Even if you don’t feel the same.
Ven aqui, Peña. - Come here, Peña.
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talkfantasytome · 2 years
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Cassian receives kindness from a beautiful stranger, but that's not enough for him.
Warnings: None | Word Count: 1,067 | Read on AO3
Nessian Masterlist
a/n: Just a bit of a drabble for Day 1 of @sjmromanceweek! I've not actually written anything for it, and just busted this out quickly, so....😬
Prompt found on @meetcuteprompts:
A is standing at a bus stop and accidentally drops their last token down in the water drain! As the bus nears, A starts to panic, until B offers to pay their fare. A sits in front of B and turns around in their seat to stare them down until B takes off their headphones and A asks how they can repay B’s kindness. “You can leave me alone,” is B’s answer, but A won’t take grumpy-pants’ answer!
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"Oh, shit, no!"
Cassian huffed frustratedly at himself as he watched the bus token fall perfectly between the lines of the drain grate. It was his only way home without spending a fortune on Lyft. No cash, no bus card because he's just that stupid and left it at home, and the token wasn't even technically his. Az gave it to him so he wouldn't have to shell out for a car that would let him off exactly where the bus does. Gotta love living right by the bus stop.
When he remembers his bus card.
He cursed under his breath as he watched his last chance fall beneath the city streets. And right as the bus showed up. Frantically, Cassian began to search his pockets to find something he knew wasn't there. He stepped aside to let others on before him and nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt a light tap on his shoulder.
Turning, Cassian froze in place at the sight of the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. Golden brown hair pulled up into a large clip, strands falling out of the loose updo and framing her thin face. Her nose was just slightly tilted upward, sitting above full lips and situated perfectly between a pair of steely blue eyes that seemed to look right into his soul.
She wore earbuds in one ear, the other currently dangling from the cord - she must be the last person in this city to actually wear wired earbuds - and Cassian couldn't help but try to focus his ears to see if he could hear what she was listening to.
"I can cover you," she offered in the most amazing voice he'd ever heard. Az probably would've called it cold and distant, but Cassian found it mesmerizing. So much so that he didn't have a chance to respond before she was stepping on the bus and swiping her card twice, explaining to the bus driver why. The driver nodded, and Cassian stepped onto the bus and followed her down the aisle.
Not wanting to look too creepy, he took the seat in front of the woman, thanking the Mother that the bus was so empty. He then turned around to thank her, only to find she already had that second earbud back in and was very decidedly paying attention to her phone and not him.
So Cassian waited. His eyes fixed on her, watching how the loose strands of her hair swayed in the air as she bobbed her head to the music. On how her lips were moving ever so slightly, mumbling the lyrics to the song she was listening to so quietly he couldn't hear a peep. The pink of her cheeks, flushed from the cold, perfectly matched the pink of her lips that Cassian couldn't look away from.
Until finally they were projecting their words and the woman was staring at him with narrowed eyes as she said, "What?!"
"I was hoping to thank you," he explained, giving her a half-smile that always got him what he wanted. "Ask how I can repay you for your help."
The way her eyes and face scrunched together as if he'd just said the stupidest thing in the world took Cassian aback. That was not how people reacted to his half-smile. To throw salt on the wound, she added, "You can leave me alone."
She went to put her earbuds back in, but before she could Cassian said, "How about I buy you dinner, instead?"
"For a two dollar bus fee?"
"Two-fifty," he countered, grinning widely at his success of keeping her in the conversation for just a bit longer. "You have to let me do something."
The woman rolled those icy eyes. "I really don't."
That just wouldn't do. Cassian couldn't live knowing this woman existed in this city and he wouldn't get to see her again. "So, not dinner. Perhaps I can do something else?" Her face distorted into something like disgust and he quickly attempted to explain, stumbling over his words. "No, not that! I mean, like, I'm handy and could fix or build something for you. Or help you out with something else. Or walk your dog - if you have one - or-"
"I'm a cat person," she interjected. He sighed loudly and let his face fall into his hand.
This never happened to him. He didn't fumble. He didn't beg for attention. That was not his style. And yet, with this woman, and her apparent immunity to his charm, Cassian was ready to get on his knees to ensure a shot at keeping her in his life.
She let out a loud sigh and shook her head softly. "I do have a bookshelf arriving this weekend that will need putting together, and I hate doing it myself," she started, and Cassian looked up at her, hope swelling in his gut. "If I can't find another friend to help, perhaps I can take you up on your offer."
"Deal!" he exclaimed far too quickly. "I'll give you my number." She nodded and offered him her phone.
He typed his information in quickly, triple-checking that the number was right before he handed the phone back to her.
"Cassian Laskaris," she muttered to herself. "Nice name."
"Will I be getting your name?" he asked.
She smirked up at him and hit the button to request the next stop. "If I decide I need your help, I'll give you my first."
"And the last?"
The woman stood as the bus came to a stop and quickly stepped off it, ignoring his question.
Cassian groaned, resting his head against a window. It was better than nothing, he supposed. But now the ball was entirely in her court, and he had no way of finding her again.
His phone buzzed in his pocket. Pulling it out, he unlocked it and looked at the new message from an unknown number.
You'll get that if you do a good job Saturday. Eleven o'clock. I'll send my address that morning. - Nesta
Nesta. The name engraved itself on Cassian the moment he read it, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
A stupid smile spread across his face and Cassian didn't care. Grinning like an idiot, he stared at the message for so long he missed his stop and had to walk an extra two blocks home because of it.
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@live-the-fangirl-life @generalnesta @secretlovelybeauty @julemmaes @boredserpent @autumnbabylon @moodymelanist @sv0430 @nesquik-arccheron @gwynrielsupremacy @katekatpattywack @moonstoneriver77 @deedz-thrillerkilller16 @swankii-art-teacher @lemonade-coolattas @emily-gsh @my-fan-side @champanheandluxxury @sayosdreams @simpingfornestaarcheron @perseusannabeth @clemidansleschoux @meher-sumedha @labetenoir @vinylcryes @shinya-hiiragi @starryblueskies7 @a-court-of-milkandhoney @pintas3107 @embersofwildfire @superspiritfestival @aks18 @thewayshedreamed @lunabean @xstarlightsupremex @mis-lil-red @wannawriteyouabook @dealfea
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forevfangirlwrites · 1 year
chapter 6: play stupid games, win stupid prizes
He shows up by her locker once the final bell rings with his hands in his pockets and a slight frown on his face. There’s a distinct lack of an annoying quip or a “hey princess” and it’s actually surprising.
Seems like he isn’t quite over what she said to him in math earlier in the day (not that she regrets it saying all that to him, he deserved it and she was right) and now it’s awkward between them.
She knows it’s awkward because it’s unnerving that Percy hasn’t said some dumb shit to her yet. Not that she would ever admit that to him.
“Hey, Seaweed Brain.”
Of all the things she could have said to fill up the weird silence, of course she chooses the stupidest one.
“Seaweed Brain?” He looks genuinely confused and she refuses to give into embarrassment.
So she forges on ahead because what other option does she even have at this point. “Yeah, cause you’re dumb so your head is full of seaweed and your eyes…” she trails off making a random gesture in the air in front of his face.
The smile that makes its way onto his face makes her instantly regret opening her mouth. “My eyes?”
“They look like rotten seaweed,” she deadpans in an attempt to save the way the conversation is going.
But his smile just grows as he raises an eyebrow at her. “So you’re looking into my eyes?”
“Yes Percy, I’m drowning in them,” she rolls her eyes to further emphasize her point.
“It’s okay, princess,” he says with a wide smile as they begin to walk. “Most people do.”
She fake-gags because who even says that? As if she has nothing better to do then to look at his stupid eyes, anyway.
But somehow they’re back to where they were before this morning at math, and she wants to maintain it so she continues on.
“They must not have anything better to do.” She finds herself biting back a smile, and oh god, is she actually enjoying this?
“It’s ‘cause they want me to do them.”
Never mind, she takes it all back.
“Eww! Percy! That’s so gross!”
He just throws his head back and laughs and she smiles when he isn’t looking, but only because this is better than him sulking and not because she thinks it was funny.
Mr. Brunner calls them to his desk as soon as they walk in. “There you two are, I’ve got a project for you guys.”
“Sure, what do you need?” Annabeth asks immediately. And as he turns to retrieve some papers, Percy bends down to whisper in her ear.
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gay-little-bitch · 1 year
"Did you lie to me, Will?"
"What do you mean? What did I lie about?"
Mike's face is red with anger when he talks.
"The painting! El didn't fucking commission it!"
Shit. Shit shit shit. How is he supposed to get out of this?
"Um... I- I can explain."
"You don't need to explain! We never lie to each other! Ever!"
Will feels like shit. Maybe if he would have just told Mike how he felt then they wouldn't be having a stupid fight again. Why couldn't he have just told him the truth and left it at that?
"Please, Mike! Let me explain!"
Mike's voice gets louder now. Will has never heard Mike yell, even when things get bad.
"Then explain Will! Fucking tell me why you felt the need to lie about the stupidest thing ever!"
Fuck it... It's now or never.
"Because I love you, Mike!"
Mike's face softens and a smile starts to form.
"I lied because I thought that if I told you then you would hate me because you love El! I talked about how I felt and projected it on Eleven because you love her and not me! I knew that if I told you and you didn't love me back I wouldn't be able to be this close to you anymore! I've loved you since we were kids so for years I hoped and hoped that maybe one day you would tell me you loved me back."
Will notices that he's crying now. His eyes are overflowing with tears, his face is wet, and he just wants to crawl into a hole and die.
"When I came back and all you would talk about was El, I couldn't even imagine the possibility that one day you would have feelings for me because you loved her and never me! I'm sorry for-"
Mike plants his lips onto Will's and he freezes. After a few seconds, Mike pulls away and looks at Will with a hit of sadness in his eyes. Holy shit. Did Mike just kiss him? Will .puts his hands on Mike's face and pulls him closer, finally reciprocating the kiss. Their lips slot together like it was meant to be. Kissing Mike is better than he could have ever imagined. His lips are soft and sweet against Will's
They pull away and Mike leans his forehead against Will's. "I love you too, Will."
He loves me. He actually loves me. "But what about El?" Mike pulls his head away but brings Will closer. "We broke up. I couldn't bare being with someone that I thought I still loved... but it was you, Will. It was always you."
Will kisses Mike. "I thought I was going crazy when I brought that painting with us. I thought I was crazy for having hope for us." Mike lets out a breathy laugh. "I thought the same but then I remembered if we were gonna go crazy then we're gonna go crazy together."
"You remember that?" Will hasn't stopped crying but now it's because he's happy. "Of course, I remember that, I love you." Both of them smile at each other, lovestruck. "I love you too, Mike." Will turns his head away, the embarrassment definitely showing on his face. "That was my first kiss. I hope it didn't suck." Mike leans closer. "If it sucked, would I do this?" He presses another tender kiss to Will's lips.
A small giggle erupts from Will. "I guess not." Mike brings both of his hands to the sides of Will's face and wipes the tears away. "I love you so much, Will Byers. So so so so much."
"I love you more, Mike Wheeler. " Their lips crashed together again. The rain starts to pour but they don't care enough to stop. This is what they wanted for years, why stop? Will loves Mike. Mike loves Will. They love each other. They kiss in the pouring rain and they hold each other close, neither wanting to leave.
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cigaretterry · 3 years
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jewlibee · 2 years
lion heart - stan x kyle
cross posted on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40785183
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kyle grabbed a strand of his styled red hair, and stared back at stan, annoyed.
"what? is it my hair? does it look bad?"
"no. it's just that you literally never do your hair. it's always either way too frizzy or under your stupid hat!" stan exclaimed, shaking kyle's shoulders.
kyle grabbed one of stan's arms in return, putting on the way-too-happy smile he always does before he punches someone, that stan and everyone else (sadly) knew all too well. "number one, it's not stupid, and number two, my hair is like this every passover and hannekuh. you just never pay attention to anything besides getting wendy a present every december and you never visit during passover."
"well nothing. pay more attention to me, not wendy!" kyle almost, just almost, cried. maybe he was being stupid. it was a childish argument, he knew it. stan knew it too. everything stan said had been a half-joke. everything that he, kyle, had said before was a half-joke. now he's taking everything personal and he feels like an idiot for doing so.
he'd always been rivals with wendy, ever since preschool. wendy learned how to write her first name? kyle learned how to write his full name. wendy could read a full dr suess book in kindergraden? kyle could read how to kill a mockingbird in third grade. wendy spoke french? kyle asked his parents for hebrew lessons (with the excuse that he just wanted to read the torah in it's original form). soon enough, it had become a fight for stan. wendy started dating him the march of third grade, and kyle started seeing less of stan. stan only played with them every other recess, and instead of kyle 'tutoring' him (they only studied for thirty minutes before playing on kyle's xbox for five hours), he went over to wendy's house for "'actual' tutoring" (stan's words, not his), and that was when kyle realized he was maybe too codependent.
during the summer before sixth grade, kyle realized he like-liked stan. he remembers crying and sobbing for days, barely eating or leaving his room with only one thought left in his head.
"im a fag."
cartman had been right the entire time and it shattered his ego. he felt like he'd lost the game. he felt stupid.
he shook his head and looked up at stan, whom of which had a worried expression on his face. "are you ok? your eyes are red and-"
"i'm fine." kyle said shakily, wiping his eyes and pulling the cuffs of his tux down. his mom had gotten it three months prior, and it fit him nicely then, but within the last three months, he'd grown 4 inches.
still shorter than stan.
"if you say so.. um, lets go downstairs before your mom goes crazy from not seeing you in your outfit yet." stan mumbled, playing with the hem of his shirt.
kyle grinned at him, to lighten up the mood. "a little gta won't hurt." and stan looked up, grinning back.
tell me why
왜 맘이 맘이 자꾸 흔들리니
난 여기 여기 니 옆에 있잖니
정신 차려 lion heart
inviting eric cartman to his bar mitzvah was probably the stupidest kyle had ever had.
yet he still did it.
"your jew party isn't all that bad.. but the food is shit."
kyle rolled his eyes. "oh, shut up, fatass. not everything is about food. this celebration is about me finally becoming an adult-"
"i dont care. whats with you jews and explaining shit that no one cares about?" cartman mumbled, walking away from where kyle was standing.
'dickhead' kyle muttered under his breath, leaning back onto the snack table. he couldn't let cartman, of all people, bother him right now. this is supposed to be the most important day of kyle's life, so he can't let little things bother him. even if they were anti-semitic fatasses or his childhood best friend/crush. he should go hang with david or kenny for a bit, forget about everything else for just a few minutes. yeah, that's what he'll do.
finding david was surprisingly not hard. for once he wasn't working or translating, just sitting with jimmy and clyde, laughing at some joke jimmy told. he was wearing a worn-out red suit that was a bit too big for him, sleeves a bit over his wrists. probably his dads.
"hey david."
david whipped his head around doing that stupid smile he always does when he sees kyle or his favorite cousin. "yo, kyle! i've been wondering where you've been for the past like, thirty minutes." he said shaking his head, then looking up back at kyle and grabbing his hands, making kyle blush furiously. "i almost forgot- mazel tov, kyle!"
of course david pronounced it the english way, but kyle learned to not care about pronounciation of jewish words by non-jews, it's not like everyone spoke decent hebrew like him. plus david already speaks spanish and mazateco along with english, so more foriegn pronounciation would probably make his head pop.
"gracias, dude, it means a whole lot."
david laughed. "it's nothing, man."
"oh, of course it’s something." kyle said with a laugh, offering david a loaf of challah he brought with him from the snack table before he could get a word out. "challah? my mom made like, five hundred loaves, even though i told her that there's only gonna be a hundred or less people here."
david bit into the loaf. "your mom is an amazing cook. she should open a kosher restaurant or something."
"we're the only jews in south park, if we opened a restaurant only you and stan would go there."
내 맘이 맘이 더는 식지 않게
난 여기저기 뛰노는 너의 맘
길들일래 lion heart
crying in the bathroom during one of the most important days of his life was not something kyle thought he'd be doing.
but it seems that seeing wendy pull stan down for a kiss is a bit too much for him.
it almost felt like wendy did it on purpose, like she knew kyle was watching, like she knew this was a competition and not something kyle made up in his head.
sobbing over a toilet in the synagogue while everyone else seems to be out having fun at your bar mitzvah sounds sickening, yet there kyle is, sobbing over the god damn synagogue toilet at his bar mitzvah while half of his grade is out there, celebrating him, even though he's a fucking loser who's crying in the bathroom over his best friend/crush kissing his fucking girlfriend who he's been dating since the fucking third grade; it's not like he and stan have ever done anything even slightly romantic or sexual before, so why is he acting like a twelve year old girl who's ex found another girl a week after they ended things?
kyle gulps. there it is, the voice he's been trying to run away from all night. stan is here to check up on him because everyone just knows something is terribly wrong. stanley marsh. his best friend. his super-best-friend. why is he surprised? stan always checks up on him. it's not unusual.
"kyle, i know you're in here."
obviously. kyle doesn't have the balls to actually leave his bar mitzvah with all his friends and family out there, excited for him. happy that he's entered "manhood".
"go away, stan." kyle says, his words quivering, voice cracking. "i'm just- sick of toy by netta! they play it at every bar mitzvah.. it's just- so annoying, y'know?"
stan laughs. he laughs in a way that kyle would've actually believed he said something funny if it weren't the words that followed it; "you're so bad at lying. it's like when you ran to ike's room when we were watching human centipede and you said it was because the soundtrack sucked even though it was the part where the japanese guy shit into lindsey's mouth-"
"okay okay, i get it."
"so um-" stan paused, and through the small gap in the stall door, kyle saw him tap his foot against the floor and put his hands behind his back. "can you open the door? i think we should- we should talk. yeah."
kyle got up from the tiled floor, wiping his dirty hands on his tux pants, and unlocking the stall door slowly, like he was scared. was he scared? maybe. what did stan even want to talk about?
when he opened the door, he saw stan, hands in his pockets staring at the floor. though kyle was taller than stan by an inch or two when they were kids, by the summer before seventh grade stan towered over him by 3 inches. damn sheila broflovski.
"hi." is the phrase they both greeted each other with simultaneously. kyle's cheeks were red, he could feel it. stan too, was beginning to turn a warmer color, though it could be excused by the fact that kyle had turned up the heat in the bathroom because it'd been too cold.
kyle played with his hair, blushing. "so what do you wanna.. talk about?"
"listen, i'll cut straight to the chase-" that phrase already scared kyle, who knows how he'll feel after he hears what stan has to say. "it's just you've been acting really weird lately. i noticed it, david noticed it- god, even craig noticed it. everyone's worried kyle, and hearing you literally cry in the bathroom doesn't make your case any better. i just really- i really miss when you seemed genuinely happy, now everything you do feels like it's out of spite and you just seem not there? you’re just so different now.”
kyle was taken aback. he’s different now? he hasn’t changed since they were kids, he’s still the same person he was when he was eight, the same redhead who always gets in trouble, who’s the top of his grade, who’s overly conscious of his looks. nothing has changed, stan is just a stupid straight asshole who blames all his problems on everyone besides himself.
the next words out of stan’s mouth seemed like a dream, like a nightmare you can’t escape, like a horrifying realistic simulation of tusk.
“kyle, are you gay?”
and at that moment kyle wishes he were dead.
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길들일래 lion heart
stan’s shoulder has always been a safe place to cry.
stan is the only person (who isn’t his mother or ike) who has ever seen kyle cry, considering kyle doesn’t cry often.
stan’s shoulder is warm, his hand on his back is one of the most comforting things kyle has ever felt, but considering he’s only 13 and from a wealthy and loving family, there’s not a lot of things that he’s needed comfort for.
though telling his best friend that he was gay was probably the hardest thing he’d ever done.
the thought of saying “yes” to your best friend’s question which was “are you gay?” is something kyle would never dream of doing. yet, after a quivering sob and the horrifying revelation that he literally sucks at lying, kyle had indeed said yes.
one hiccuping sob, then the next. it almost felt as if he was dying. he couldn’t stop crying, no matter how hard he tried. no words he wanted to say came out. just more sobs.
kyle just wanted to die.
“dude- it’s-“ stan’s voice was quivering, but why? was it because he was gay? was stan homophobic?
“i know what you’re probably thinking. “oh, stan hates me now, he’s homophobic and shit” but kyle trust me- it’s nothing like that because, well, i like dudes too.”
well fuck him.
kyle sat up, wiping his eyes and grabbing onto stan’s shoulders, shakily. “what?! b-but you’re dating wendy-”
“bisexuality exists, kyle.” stan said, rolling his eyes.
“maybe this night won’t be the worst night of my middle school career” kyle thinks to himself as he hugs stan tighter.
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fedonciadale · 3 years
Few last asks here reminded me when I was anti-sansa (yeah, shame), just when books came out. Let's be real, I was projecting mean girl stereotype onto Sansa (+I believed she bullied Ary@). I was hoping "she will learn her lesson" and apologize to her sister(back then my fave). All in all, I didn't straight up hated her, I was just (REALLY) annoyed by her behaviour (now I love her more then Ary@). Aand then all the shit happened. (1/2)
(2/3) Eleven y.o. girl abused and molested by whole court? I felt so uncomfortable that I had to stop reading after her chapters and take a deep breath. And this awful assault by Hound. I still prefered Ary, but I was just hoping for Sansa to get out of this court of psychos and be(and feel) safe. Years later I found Tumblr and started reading how people were HAPPY that she was MOLESTED, that she DESERVED it. I quit fandom for almost twelve(!) years. And now I've blacklisted them all.
(3/3 sorry, it's so long) I must say: I don't understand this level of hate. I'm not bashing individual blogs. I'm just curious why general audience reacts so badly to girly kid that dreams of true love. If it was, idk, 2%, 5% I'd be cool. But it's sth around 40% of fandom that hates her dearly. Why? Pov trap wasn't THAT deep. At worst time she was insensitive not downright cruel. I can't quote anything, I block this kind of blogs at once, but I don't get this vitriol at teenage girl.
Hi there!
Sorry, this was sitting in my drafts and I sort of forgot about it over Christmas. 😳
I fell for the PoV trap as well and I liked Ary@ more at first as well (I honestly vibed with her because I was never very girly).
By the end of AGOT I pitied Sansa though. I mean regardless what she had done, Joffrey forced her to look at her dead father’s head. In that moment I felt bad that I had ever been annoyed with her, because surely you wouldn’t wish that kind of experience even on your worst enemy? And at that point I was  still convinced that Sansa played a role in Ned’s capture (which is not true).
Sansa grew much more on me during ACOK. I think I really appreciated her when she saved Dontos despite her own fear. That was when I began to like her. I was also a Jon fan (although season 7 and 8 Jon can rot for all I care), but the amount of hate Sansa got for the stupidest things made me defend her actions.
There are so many people in ASOIAF who are really vile but somehow a teenage girl who fought with her sister and called her names is somehow the worst.
As for why she gets so much hate? The answer is rather easy and frustrating at the same time: It’s the dudebros who only like “badass” women and the misogynists. Both are not necessarily male. I won’t name anyone but there is one blog with particularly astonishing Sansa takes and they are as far as I know a woman, but in my head they are always “dudebro” because they reek of internalized misogyny.
The answer is so frustrating because the misogyny comes so natural to some of them that they never question why they can excuse Bobby B for hitting “that bitch” Cersei (and Cersei is a villain, but that does not mean that it is o.k. that Robert hits her), or Jaime for being slightly condescending or Theon for how he treats the captain’s daughter (because he is so in pain, uwu - I mean, he is in pain, but in ACOK he clearly has a long way to go yet), or Tyrion for exploiting his sex worker Shae (and killing her), or.... you get it.
But somehow, a girl that dreams of a husband who is nice to her and takes her on a pleasure ride on a bark with puppies - that girl is somehow the worst character of ASOIAF.
Apart from the misogyny I think it’s also another effect that happens: GRRM forces you to live through Cat’s and Sansa’s uncomfortable and horrid experiences and their suffering from the patriarchy but there is no way out. No secret power they can activate, nothing. It’s just their wits and survival instinct. You cannot read Sansa chapters and be comforted by the security that she will escape that. It is as if GRRM shakes his readers and forces them to look at it, and apparently that is - especially for some men - very hard to swallow. It is uncomfortable because the readers are forced to look at that experience. And that is why some of them refuse to acknowledge it by victim blaming Sansa. She was a brat, she deserved it. She bullied Ary@, she deserved it. She betrayed Ned, she deserved it. If you look at Sansa’s suffering and tell yourself that she deserves it you can avoid admitting that the system as such is flawed.
It’s the knee jerk reaction of “not all men” or “some women profit from patriarchy” or “feminine women should just be less feminine.” If you blame the victim you don’t have to think about the fact, that it should not be like that. In a way you protect your own mindset from going to deep into how fucked up it is that women are supposed to dress appropriately and stay at home so that they won’t get assaulted instead of that men are supposed to just behave decently.
Thanks for the ask!
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Uppast's Cats Tour Comments: Act 1
note: i'm referring to the cats by their show names, however I may use the actor's name for a specific comment!
They did this SO well! I definitely missed seeing the cast in the aisles, but they projected the green eyes onto the stage, and it was the perfect amount of creepy/weird/hypnotizing.
I absolutely love the lights slowly being raised while shining all the spotlights, it sets the vibe PERFECTLY
also saying this now: the orchestra was incredible!
Prologue: Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
right off the bat, we’ve a super sweet Demestrap moment, with Munkustrap checking on Demeter after the car! It was adorable!
Devon's voice is SO good for Munkustrap, also the man is TALL OH MY GOD
Tugger didn't get his "can you say of your bite that it's worse than your bark" line, which I was a little disappointed about. However, Zach as Bill Bailey is absolutely 10/10.
Brianna… the babiest Sillabub… so precious... so small...
There were some Victor and Gus moments, with them either standing near each other or sharing looks/touches, so if anyone ships them, y'all got your rarepair moment!
They use the set so well!
The Naming of Cats
creepy, wonderful, everything I want from this number
A handful of the cats got right to the edge of the stage where the lighting was, so they were all glowing, and it was the BEST vibe.
Taylor was staring into my soul during the last verse so now I can say I've been vibe-checked by Coricopat.
Invitation to the Jellicle Ball
Hyla is the PERFECT Victoria!!!!! She's so incredibly graceful, she had the sweetest expression on her face, and ugh it was flawless.
Paul is also just an amazing Mistoffelees.
Munkustrap had literally the sweetest moment with Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer and I almost started crying. Right before Jennyanydots' song, when everyone's getting into place, Mungo and Rumple immediately went to Munkustrap and were cuddling his legs, and he gave them pets, and just oh my god T_T
Gumbie Cat
When everyone's setting up for Jennyanydots' song, after the nuzzles, the lights start to switch, and the kitten squad was trying to catch the lights on the ground while Munkustrap was looking at them with the fondest expression and i swear i cried a little bit over how cute they were.
Plato, Alonzo, and Mungojerrie were great cockroaches, 10/10
The Gumbie Trio was so good! Their voices sounded amazing together, and they were all just having so much fun!
I'm going to go more in-depth in my Kitten Squad post!
Rum Tum Tugger
The way Zach said "Who will it be?" was absolutely amazing, i loved it, 10/10 character introduction.
Jennyanydots stomped off when he interrupted her accolades, she was very upset.
Zach and Devon nailed Tugger and Munkustrap's sibling dynamic PERFECTLY, Devon was the best Tired Older Brother Munkus.
Yeah, this number pretty much confirmed Zach as my favorite Tugger.
Mistoffelees and Cassandra did some lounging together in the background on the car.
Chelsea's Bomba is absolutely *chef's kiss*, I adore her
Obviously Tugger and Mistoffelees did their little dance, and it was wonderful. I'm not sure if other shows had Mistoffelees do this, but he went between Tugger's legs at the end of his little solo and Tugger was just vibing.
MY FAVORITE MOMENT THOUGH had to be near the end of the song, Munkustrap was 100% getting into it, and Tugger went over to him and was teasing him, poking him, and it was the cutest brother interaction.
They did have the camera! Zach did some very Tugger poses, and it was great.
Grizabella the Glamour Cat
haha Tugger went to hide behind the metal bars on the furthest side of the stage away from Grizabella, I'm in ✨pain✨
Sillabub goes to touch Grizabella, Grandpa Skimble pulls her back and starts scolding her, I want to hug the baby.
No, but I did really love that moment. It's off to the side, but you can see him giving her a talking to, and she's trying to say something back, but he's very firm.
Mungojerrie egged George on to scratch Grizabella, George sweetie don't be mean.
Taylor has such a perfect voice for Grizabella, and I loved her look!
Lauren's voice is so smooth and suave, and Chelsea's voice has a little growl that almost made me pass out, like ma'am i'm in love? But their voices mixed together, as well as how slightly different they are was such a great choice, and I kind of hope that other future productions take note and have two actresses with vastly different vocals for Demeter and Bombalurina.
Bustopher Jones
Mistoffelees and Victoria go to great Bustopher together and it was the cutest thing, they were so excited to see him!
Munkustrap immediately grabbing Mungo and Rumple by the necks and steering the gremlins away from the Very Important Cat.
Tugger was keeping watch so Munkustrap could be silly with everyone else during Bustopher's number, and that's not something I'm forgetting. Usually, obviously, Munkustrap's sort of in the background, standing, watching, and not really interacting. But Tugger switched places, and was up on the scaffolding watching, and it was CUTE!
My Tuggandra crumbs, thank you Zach and Lexy, I'm indebted to you both.
Tugger literally was just lounging on the car during the end of Bustopher's song, just waving his arms around, and I love him.
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer
Elana (Teazer for this show) had the PERFECT Rumple giggle!
They're so silly, I love them
They made the best facial expressions, especially when Mungo "stole" Rumple's pearls.
Very dramatic gremlin twins, jumping all over the place, not caring about anything!
They were so confident at the end of their song when they went to walk off, and immediately went into "oh shit" mode when Munkus, Plato, and Alonzo came out.
Run through the legs of Munkus! See Munkus, this is why you need to not stand with your legs apart when you're attempting to control kittens.
Old Deuteronomy
Saying it again, Devon and Zach are SUCH a good Munkustrap and Tugger.
The babies were so excited to see Old Deut! They could barely contain themselves, and then got cuddles! (Also Tanto was with the kittens and i love that for her, let her be a kitten!! I definitely got "big brother Cori/little sister Tanto" vibes)
Everyone's getting Deut nuzzles!!
Tugger did a VERY dramatic shimmy at his dad, and Deut laughed, and I cried.
Tugger and Munkustrap standing on either side of their dad!!!! He's so proud of them!!
Jellicle Ball
Sillabub was hiding on top of the oven before the Ball, sweet baby T_T
George got to sing with Old Deut!! Happy boy!!
Jennyanydots and Skimbleshanks being the Supervisors!!
There was a really sweet Jellylorum and Alonzo moment (def going to talk more about it in the Alonzo post), but my "Jellylorum is Alonzo, Tumble, and Pounce's Mom" hc is feeling SO VALIDATED TONIGHT
I've said this so many times, but I adore that Plato and Victoria get their own little solo before their Big Solo. It's so sweet, and Hyla and Adam have wonderful chemistry!
Tugger chases Bomba offstage before The Moment, and I love that for them
Munkustrap and Demeter cuddled together in the corner away from the pile and I want to sob because they were just so sweet, her head was on his shoulder, and he was holding her, and literally everyone in this show has such good chemistry with each other.
Tugger looks up with the psychic twins during Grizabella's reveal, once again making me think that Tugger and Munkustrap have magic like their brother.
ouch ouch ouch
Jennyanydots blocks the stairs up to Deut's tire so Grizabella can't go to Deut, my heart
steering the babies away from Grizabella even though Silla wants to give her a hug.
Taylor you hurt me in the best way possible
I always get emotional over Grizabella's dance before her song, it's such a telling moment, but unfortunately I don't think everyone understands that it's supposed to be a serious moment and not funny.
Deut sits on his tire the entire song and it's HEARTBREAKING
At the very end, Grizabella does the reaching back, and Deut reaches forward, and if you're sitting in the right spot it looks like they're touching and i'm NOT OKAY
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sevlgi · 4 years
don’t want to see you
requested: yes
group: blackpink
pairing: jennie x fem!reader
genre: angst, questionable fluff
contents: fashion designer!au, rough breakup
warnings: none
synopsis: After your terrible breakup 4 years ago, you’re the last person Jennie wants to see at her dream job.
a/n: I accidentally did 4 years instead of two but eh... I’m glad you enjoy my writing!
word count: 2.4k
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“This is it, huh?”
Jennie laughs as Jisoo wipes a fake tear away, pouting as she opened her arms for a hug. “Stop pretending to be sad, unnie, you know you’re glad to be rid of me.”
“Never!” the older girl protests, arms wrapping around Jennie. Under the cold winter sky, Jisoo is a source of familiarity and warmth that’s all too hard to let go of. “But I am glad you got this position. It’s been your dream for such a long time, and you gave up your first opportunity for… her.”
As soon as the mention of you slipped out of her mouth, Jisoo winces; she knows that over 4 years after your breakup, Jennie’s still not over you, not in the slightest. The younger girl forces a smile, hitching her designer bag up her shoulder a bit as she detaches herself from her friend. “Yeah. Thanks for sending me off, I’m off to be a successful adult now.”
“Rude!” Jisoo calls out, hands on her hips but a smile beaming across her face. She hopes that Jennie isn’t too affected by her words, and that nothing spoils the day her friend has been looking forward to for years. “I’ll have you know I’m a perfectly successful actress!” She continues waving until she’s just a tiny dot, her younger friend passing through the building’s gate.
Even the air smells fancy, Jennie notes as she steps through the revolving doors. She’s glad she wore an expensive outfit, no matter how cold the skirt is-- name brands are practically glued onto every person in the building. Filtered sunlight shines off of silk scarves and glimmers over fine dresses, heels clicking on the glossy marble floors. Various colognes and perfumes mix in the air, and Jennie inhales with a grin. This is her new life, the one that she’s wanted and worked for ever since she was a child.
The elevator ride up is lonely, of course, but she recognizes the frosted glass door she passes through to reach the office of the man who interviewed her for the position in the first place. “Ms. Kim,” Taehyung greets her, his voice deep and gentle. “Good to see you.”
“You too, Mr. Kim,” Jennie bows politely. Despite the fact that she’s only a year younger than him, he’s interestingly intimidating. “Ah, I thought you said my partner would greet me today?”
Taehyung nods, hands fidgeting with the Gucci blazer he wears. “Yes, we decided your new partner yesterday. Y/N’s just a bit busy, though, so she sent me to greet you first. Come with me to the elevator, your studio’s on another floor.”
Y/N. Jennie’s blood runs cold at your name even as she scurries to keep up with the man’s long legs, memories of screaming and slamming doors suddenly fading into her mind. She does her best to shake it off, though; it’s not like you’re the only person ever with that name. The world doesn’t revolve around her, never mind her shitty relationship from years before. “Oh. I see.”
Professional chatter about work fills the elevator ride; Taehyung’s already a senior at the company and a prodigy with fashion. Honestly, he could be a model as well as a designer, Jennie thinks as he smiles politely, opening her new office door for her. “Please.”
To no surprise, the studio is gorgeous, with floor-to-ceiling windows and sparkling modern furniture. Gorgeous swaths of fabric are displayed on benches all over the room, golden mannequins draped with clothing. Jennie doesn’t stop an exhilarated gasp from escaping her lips as she reaches to touch one of the designs splayed out on the table, and she also doesn’t stop the horrified one when she recognizes the signature on the paper.
Just in time, Taehyung’s deep voice sounds behind her. “Y/N, glad you could make it.”
Jennie turns quickly to face the doorway, and her heart leaps up into her throat as a far too familiar face greets her.
You look a hundred times better than the last time Jennie saw you, she has to admit that. The fancy outfit, probably something you made yourself by the looks of it, suits you perfectly, and your makeup is probably professionally done.
At the sight of her, your jaw drops, though you recover quick enough that your shared supervising officer doesn’t have a reason to suspect anything out of the ordinary. “Hi. Y/N Y/L/N,” you introduce yourself as you stick a hand out to shake. “You must be Jennie Kim.”
“That’s me,” she breathes, still a bit horrorstruck at the sight of you. It’s so difficult to pretend not to know you when Jennie still remembers every inch of you; she almost shudders when she remembers the way your skin felt under her fingertips. “You’re my new partner?”
“Yep,” you nod, biting down on your lip. Jennie remembers that habit of yours; it got annoying sometimes, when you tasted of blood. “I am.”
Taehyung smiles, “Y/N, I expect you to take care of Ms. Kim. I think the two of you will get on well. For now, I’ll leave the two of you to become acquainted, and Jennie, take all the time you need to become comfortable. Please, ask me if you need anything.”
As soon as the elevator door closes again, Jennie relaxes and you go rigid. Her eyes widen as she hisses, “What’re you doing here? Since when are you a fashion designer, Y/N?”
“Oh, good to see you too,” you scoff, turning away and plopping into your desk chair. To her annoyance, you’ve already occupied the side of the room with the better lighting. “I see you’re just as rude as when we broke up, Jennie Kim. No tact or professionalism at all; how did you even get hired?”
“For my talent,” Jennie scowls, crossing her arms defensively. “And you really expect a hello after that disaster? Remember when you got me evicted from my apartment, and we fought for days in a row?”
You sigh and pinch the area between your eyebrows. “I told you time and time again, that wasn’t my fault. It’s just like you to blame me for your own failures, no wonder I got your dream position years before you did.”
An incredulous gasp escapes Jennie’s lips as she tosses her bag down on her desk. From the start, it was an insecurity of hers that you were more accomplished, more successful than her, and she still never expected you to throw it back in her face. “Real mature, Y/N. Did you really usurp my position just to spite me? How childish.”
“I didn’t usurp anything, Jennie.” Standing suddenly, you’re eye-to-eye with Jennie, and she can smell the familiar perfume you’ve always worn. Your eyes are narrowed in anger, nose scrunching in anger. “I have my own dreams too, aside of you, but you’ve never seen that. You’ve always seen me as an object, without my own capability of thought.”
“That-- that’s not true.” She curses herself for stuttering, drawing her chin up. You’re barely inches away from her face, nails digging into your biceps with your arms crossed. “You know what, Y/N? I hoped you changed in these past 4 years, and I hoped that we could stay civil, but you obviously have remained just as much of an asshole as you always were.”
Rounding her desk and sitting down in her chair with a huff, Jennie pulls her computer closer to her. It’s just her luck to see the person she never wanted to see again on her so-called perfect day.
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Weeks pass without you and Jennie holding a real, full conversation; to be honest, she knows that any single word out of your mouth would sound rude and conniving, even if you didn’t mean it that way. You fight over the stupidest things- did Jennie take your stapler? Did you take hers? What about that nice sweater you left in the office overnight?
Suffice to say, it’s nothing less than miserable.
Jennie finds solace in Joohyun, who was the one to recommend her for the job. The older woman knows plenty about the disastrous breakup years ago, and is a perfect source of good advice.
“Are you sure you’re not still harboring feelings for her?”
Okay, maybe not-so-good advice.
Spluttering, Jennie coughs on the sandwich she was eating for lunch, Joohyun’s gentle taps on her shoulder not really helping. A few other coworkers stare as they pass by in the cafeteria. “What?”
The other woman shrugs, delicately sipping at a cup of coffee. “You’re obviously not over her, and she you, if you’re still fighting over stupid things. If you didn’t like her anymore and simply hated her, you’d just ignore her existence.”
Jennie scowls, patting at her lips. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. We were miserable in our relationship, Joohyun unnie, and she broke my heart.”
“That doesn’t mean you can’t still love her.” The brunette sounds sage, as wise as the demure blue silk blazer she wears. “You need to have a good talk with her, without shouting or arguing. Get your feelings out in the open, no matter what they may be.”
The younger girl pouts, chewing contemplatively. It’s highly unlikely that you’ll ever agree to a talk with her, as hostile as you are. Maybe Jennie’ll just have to survive like this, arguing with her partner.
She can survive anything for her dream job.
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Jennie stares in shock at the huge pieces of fabric missing from every single one of the 5 dresses she was working on, skirts and bodices alike ripped to shreds. “What. In the hell?”
She slams her coffee down on one of the desks, not caring of the brown liquid splatters all over the papers that just happen to be yours. Her eyes sweep the room, narrowing in rage when she finds all of your projects completely untouched.
“Holy shit,” she hears behind her, and swirls to find you standing in the doorway, mouth agape in shock. “Um, that’s an… innovative design?”
Lunging forward, Jennie’s hands connect with your chest, pushing you into the wall. “Did you do it?” she shouts, barely noticing that you flinch when she raises her voice. “I thought you were better than this!”
“I…” You’re lost for words, seeing the sheer anger in your ex-girlfriend’s eyes. “I didn’t! I swear! You have to believe me, Jennie, I wouldn’t stoop so low.”
Her forearm slams into your chest again; you wince, not at the pain, but just at how evil of a person you must be in her eyes. “I don’t.” Her voice is flat and cold as she seethes, “I get it if you hate me, but don’t sabotage me like this. You know better than anyone how important this job is to me.”
She lets go, stumbling back a bit as she stares at her hands. Your sound raw when you ask, “Is that what kind of a person you think I am? Jennie, I may have hurt you, but I’m not evil.”
The other girl bites her lip; some part of her wants to apologize, and another part of her- damn. Maybe Joohyun was right after all. “I don’t care. Stay away from me, Y/N. It doesn’t matter if we’re partners, I don’t want to see your face.”
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“Ms. Kim?”
Taehyung knocks on the open door of the studio, stepping inside. His eyes widen at the sight of the fabric shreds that Jennie sweeps into a dustpan. “Ah.”
“Please, call me Jennie.” The girl bows and attempts at a professional smile, though she’s sure that anger still twitches in her eyebrow. “What can I do for you, Mr. Kim?”
“Taehyung, then,” he says kindly. “Someone reported that your designs were destroyed? I came to take a look and evaluate what should be done. This is much more serious than I thought it would be.”
Jennie frowns; she doesn’t believe that it wasn’t you, but she also isn’t the kind of person to be so petty as to ruin your career. “Yes. I’m not sure who did it, and I’d like to know who.”
Holding a shred of fabric between his forefinger and thumb, Taehyung raises an eyebrow. “You don’t have any suspicions at all? Not… your partner, perhaps?”
“Why would you say that?” Jennie lowers her dustpan, schooling herself to look expressionless as she says, “Y/N is just my partner. I have no history with her whatsoever.”
Sighing, the tall man turns with his hands in her pockets. “Jennie, Y/N came clean as soon as Joohyun suggested you for the position. She told me that you two have… a past, and that she feels terrible about it. She requested you to become her new partner, actually.”
Silence falls between the two designers, Jennie stepping back as if to shield herself from information she doesn’t want to know. “What? You must be mistaken. If Y/N told you that she’s my ex, you must know that she hates me.”
Taehyung walks a bit closer, a soft smile on his face when. “Look, Jennie, I know her. She regrets hurting you, I promise, and she’d never want to sabotage you like this. You need to talk with her.”
His shoulder just barely brushes up against Jennie’s as he walks out, pausing at the door to reassure her, “We are reviewing security footage, though, and I promise we’ll have an answer for you soon.”
Once he’s gone, Jennie’s left alone, staring at the shredded remnants of her projects on her desk.
Can it really be that you don’t hate her?
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Jennie stares at the bowing employee, Taehyung smiling cheerfully at his desk. You avoid her eyes, counting ceiling tiles where you sit. “This is him, Jennie. He sabotage you. Would you like to tell why?”
The employee looks almost scared as Jennie crosses her arms, eyes flicking to yours and Taehyung’s. “I… was jealous. I wanted to be Y/N’s new partner. I should’ve been the first choice, not someone random that a senior recommended!”
Even as he explains himself, Jennie can only find herself staring at you; when your eyes meet, Jennie’s struck by just how much she’s missed you in the past 4 years. A soft smile from you elicits a feeling she hasn’t known since you left her, a feeling other than heartbreak or anger.
Taehyung fires the employee on the spot, and Jennie feels like she’s in a daze the entire time. After being kicked out of the office so that Taehyung can work, she avoids meeting your eyes in the hallway. “So…”
“I hope you don’t still believe that it was me,” you interrupt, stepping a bit closer to Jennie. “I know I hurt you, Joohyun told me how heartbroken you were. I’ve changed since then, Jen.”
The nickname’s nostalgic, and Jennie is startled when she feels a tear pricking at her eye. “I… I know. I’m sorry for thinking it was you in the first place, I should’ve known.”
Your hand brushes under her chin, tilting Jennie’s face up so that she can meet your eyes. Your expression is soft, no longer guarded, and emotion pulls at the corner of your lips. “I don’t blame you. Breaking up with you was the worst decision of my life, Jen. If you’d let me, I’d like to make it right.”
“What, you want to be together again? It doesn’t work like that, Y/N.” The other girl wipes furiously at her eyes with her hand, not caring if her makeup smears. “You might regret it, but you really did hurt me.”
“Yeah. I did. And I’m not asking to be together again.” You inhale, the corners of your own eyes a little bit wet. “I’m asking for you to forgive me, with time. Give me a second chance, just let me become your friend again. That’s all I want.”
A second chance. Do you even deserve a second chance? Jennie wonders. After everything you did to her, do you deserve to be let in her heart again?
But as you search her eyes for an answer, suddenly so much older and wiser than she remembered you, Jennie knows.
Her hand reaches for yours, soft fingers curling around yours as she smiles, “I’ll try.”
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moonlitwings1 · 4 years
Pumpkin Patch
“That one’s too small, Billy,” Max huffs, turning her head back to focus on the pumpkin in front of her. “You can’t carve on that.”
“The fuck you know about pumpkin sizes?”
“Ms. Cris said it has to have a large enough surface so it’ll be easy to carve.”
“Then get that one,” Billy says, pointing to a large yellow pumpkin. He was getting impatient, it’s been ten minutes now, just waiting around for Max to choose a fucking pumpkin. They’ve been looking at row after row of pumpkins. Not to mention that he’s freezing his ass off. He’s wearing a button down with most of the buttons popped open, so that’s not helping his case, but if he’s going to freeze to death, might as well look hot while doing so. 
Max turns to look at the pumpkin he’s pointing at, and sighs like she’s tired of his shit, which pisses him off immediately. If anyone’s tired of anyone’s shit, it’s him. “That’s the ugliest color, Billy.” She’s not wrong. It was an pasty yellow color. 
“Don’t care. You’ve got 10 seconds to chose a pumpkin or we’re leaving without,” he says, already starting to push past her. 
“Wait! How about this one?” she asks, pointing at the one she was just examining. Without hesitation, he grabs the pumpkin and holds it under his arm like a football. 
“Great. Let’s go.” 
After paying for it, he takes Max by the arm and leads her to the car, hitting the gas before she even closes the door completely. 
“You’re going to help me carve it out, right?” 
His head snaps over to her. “What the fuck? No.”
“Mom said-”
“I don’t care what your mom said. I’m telling you no.”
From the corner of his eye, he sees her toss her head up in frustration, banging it against the headrest.
“I’m not allowed to carve it without an adult, Billy!”
“You’re 14. I’m sure you can handle a knife fine.” 
“Tell my mom that!”
He doesn’t bother to reply, choosing to focus on the icy roads ahead of him. Dangerous to speed on, but that’s not going to stop him. He hears her let out a high-pitched noise that sounds awfully like a whine. He can’t help the snort that comes out. This is a dumb thing for her to get frustrated about. 
“Please, Billy. I need it for school tomorrow. I promise it’ll be fun. We can decorate it and stuff. I’ll even give you part of the prize if I win.”
“Yeah! They give a candy basket each year to the winners. I’ll give you all the chocolates if you help me.” She’s talking faster now that she realizes she’s gotten his attention, only a matter of time before he loses interest. 
“You’ll give me all the chocolates and I don’t have to drive you anywhere for a week if you win.” 
She hesitates at that, mulling it over. “Deal. But you actually have to help me, not just sit there.”
He snorts. “We’ll see.”
They started with gutting the pumpkin first. Billy had pulled a large, white sheet over the table so Susan won’t blow a gasket when they inevitably spill pumpkin guts all over it. 
"Go grab a knife, Max,” he says, watching as she rushes to do what she’s told. It’s amusing watching her scramble for it. He’s pretty sure she’s scared that one wrong move will get him to ditch the project. She’s not wrong. 
He grabs the knife from her and starts carving out the top. Max stands there silently while watching, ready to do anything he says. His little apprentice. Ironic since this is supposed to her project. 
“You know what you’re going to carve this into?” 
Max shuffles her feet. “Um, I have a skull stencil we can use. I wanted to make one that looks like your tattoo.”
He grunts at that, too focused on cutting the top open.
“It doesn’t have a cigarette tho,” she presses on. “I was thinking we could stick one of yours in the middle of it.”
“So you want me to help you with this dumb shit and give you one my cigarettes that I paid for with my own goddamn money?” 
“Not a chance in hell,” he smirks, pulling at the stem. 
“Got it open,” he says triumphantly, holding the stem out in front of her. “Go get some ice scream scoops.”
She clambers away and comes back with two in hand along with a bowl. He takes the bowl from her and gets to work, nudging her to do the same. In 10 minutes, they’ve gotten the pumpkin pretty scraped down. 
“Ew. Look at all the guts,” she says, poking at the bowl. 
“Save them. Maybe Susan’ll want to make use of it.”
Max nods. “I’ll get the stencils.”
He’ll let Max do the tracing herself. If he’s being honest, his arm hurts from all that scooping. Getting the top off the pumpkin put strain on his arm. It's harder than it looks, ok? 
He hoists himself up from the rickety chair under him and pulls out a cigarette and his lighter. “I’m going out to smoke,” he mumbles as he passes Max in hallway. He doesn’t wait for her reply before pushing the door open and slipping outside. 
“Billy!” he hears Max shout from the inside. “I’m finished!”
Ten minutes pass too fast, he thinks. Sighing, he flicks the cigarette butt onto the driveway below him. He’ll probably get shit for that later. He walks back in to see Max focusing with her tongue sticking out from between her teeth, fixing the messy edges with a marker. He reaches out to ruffle her hair, chuckling when she tries to shove his hand off of her. 
“What’s next, shitbird?” 
“We have to carve it now, dumbass. What do you think?” 
He scowls at her for a long moment before flicking her nose. “Lose the attitude.”
“Ow, Billy!” she whines, rubbing her nose with one hand and pushing him with the other. “That hurt.” Whiney bitch. He didn’t even do it that hard. 
“Hand me the knife.” She gives him a glare before shoving the knife into his hand. He has zero experience in pumpkin carving so this won’t turn out well. Especially since Max didn’t want to help him by choosing an easy design. The skull she had drawn on seems simple enough, but it has way too many teeth to carve individually. He’s not too worried about it though; he’ll just make some adjustments. 
Max sits beside him and watches him, her chin resting on the table. "Do we have candles?” 
“Probably. Why? You can’t bring them to school unless you want to start a fire.”
“I know, but I want to put one inside the pumpkin when halloween actually comes,” she says. “It’ll look spooky to trick or treaters.”
Billy looks up at her. “You’re still allowed to go trick or treating?” Max got grounded a couple days ago for sneaking out when Neil was home. For all his talk about respect and responsibility, he can’t even watch his own step-daughter. 
“No,” she sighs. “I wish. That’s why I wanna win this. So I can still have more candy than all my friends without even going trick-or-treating.”
He stares at her for a moment. There’s no way she’s serious. When she just glares at him harder, eyes squinted, he laughs. “That’s why you want to win? So you can have more candy than all your little friends? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard today.” Sometimes he forgets that Max is just a kid that stresses about dumb kid stuff. 
“’s not stupid,” she mumbles, but it sounds weak. “I just want candy.”
“Couldn’t tell,” he chuckles, bringing his focus back to the task at hand. One wrong move, and it’ll turn into shit. 
...many wrong moves later...
“Maybe we could put a hat on to cover it up?”
The pumpkin looked horrifying and not in the intended way. The eyes and nose were ok, a little too boxy, but they weren’t terrible. But the teeth. Oh, the teeth. He could say it was  an artistic choice but even that wouldn’t be able to excuse it. 
“Hat’s not going to do shit to cover up the front, dumbass.”
“Well it’ll distract from...all that,” she says, hands motioning towards the pumpkin. 
“You know, this is your fault for making the stencil so detailed.”
She turns to look at him, mouth agape, indignant. He wishes he could take a picture of that face and frame it. “Wha--my fault?! It’s your fault for not being able to follow the stupid stencil!” 
“Who puts teeth on a jack o'lantern, Max? Jack o'lanterns don’t have teeth. They have fucking gaps in their mouth.” 
“Well, it wasn’t supposed to look like a jack o'lantern. It was supposed to be a skull but you botched it,” she huffs, crossing her arms across her body. “Now it looks like a skull that needs braces...or dentures. You made a grandma skull.”
Normally, he’d see red with an ungrateful, bratty attitude like that, but even he has to agree with her. Laughing, he replies, “True. Ya got me there, but why the fuck did you think I’d be able to carve tiny fucking teeth?”
“I don’t know,” she sighs, dropping her arms. “I guess I thought you had potential or whatever.”
“Now why the fuck would you think that?”
She laughs. A genuine one too, and try as he might, he can’t push aside the pride that fills his chest from making her laugh.
She shrugs, “Good question.” 
They sit there in silence for a minute, admiring their monstrosity. Billy reaches into his pocket and pulls out a cigarette. 
“Go get a piece of tape. If we’re going to have a grandma skull, might as well make it a badass one.”
“I thought you said you weren’t going to give me a cigarette that you paid for with your own ‘goddamn money,’” she snarks, putting words into air quotes. 
He scowls at her. “You better get that tape quickly before I change my mind.”
She rolls her eyes before leaving in search of tape. Ungrateful brat. She comes rushing back with a piece of tape on her finger that he snatches up. He sticks the cigarette on the lower part of the mouth and tapes it down. Still looks shitty. 
“Wait!” Max says, looking like she just had a lightbulb moment. “I could say this is what happens when you smoke.” 
“Maxine, what the fuck.”
“What? It’ll be a lesson to all the students, and my teachers’ll will be impressed. Isn’t teeth rotting a side affect of smoking? That would work for this. Also, just so you know, rotting teeth isn’t the only side affect. There’s also the risk of bad breath, lung damage, yellowing eyes...” she goes on, counting on her fucking fingers for God’s sake. 
“You’re a little shit, you know that?” 
She grins at it him. “What? I’m just saying how it is. You should quit. Maybe that’ll help your bad breath.” 
Billy scoffs. He does not have bad breath. That little bitch is making shit up, and she didn’t look a bit remorseful. That’ll change soon enough. “You gonna apologize for that?” 
She snorts, “No.”
Ok then. “You better start running, Max.”
“Five, four...” Max looks at him in horror, eyes wide. 
“Billy, it was just a joke.”
“I’m sorry?” Well, too late for her apology now. 
He stands up, looking down at his watch for dramatic purposes. “Two...” The count down seems to be working because right as he was about to say one, she sprints off towards the direction of her room. He cackles before chasing after her, but it’s just for show. Her reaction made it worth it. Max is squealing like a little kid, reaching for her door and closing it right before letting out a final high-pitched scream. 
“ASSHOLE,” she yells. 
“SHITBIRD,” he yells back, holding back laughter.
The next day, he drives Max to school with the pumpkin held securely in her lap. 
“You think you’re gonna win?”
“No,” she laughs. “Have you seen it? It’s too ugly to win.”
“No candy for you then, huh?” 
He sees her shrug from the corner of his eye. “Probably not. But I don’t really care anymore. My friends’ll give me their shitty leftovers.”
“You’re still sharing with me, though. And I don’t have to drive you anywhere today.”
“Yeah, yeah. I remember.”
High school ends 30 minutes before the middle school so that leaves Billy sitting in the car, waiting for Max. He looks at his watch. If he leaves now, he’ll be able to make it to the convenience store and back in about 20 minutes. He wants to pick up some candy. Not for Max. No. Halloween’s tonight. It’s best to be prepared. Neil was probably going to go tell him to pick some up anyways. 
Mind set, he starts up the car and heads off to Melvald’s, grabbing two large packs of candy. The labels listed different types of chocolate. He thinks about Max always begging him to pick up a chocolate bar for her when he goes to get gas. Max likes chocolate...but he’s getting chocolate because it’s popular, not because of her. Everyone likes chocolate, right? He’s sure the trick-or-treaters will be incredibly delighted.  
He tosses the two bags of candy into the backseat before heading off to pick up Max. 
“Any luck?” he asks, pushing the passenger side door open from where he’s sitting since Max’s hands are full, holding the pumpkin in one hand and her skateboard in the other. 
“No,” she grumbles, getting into the car, and shutting the door. “Some prissy girl won first place for her stupid princess pumpkin.”
“Sounds lame.” He didn’t expect her to win. That grandma pumpkin was mediocre at best. 
“It was.” She lets out a sigh and tosses her skateboard in the back without looking, pausing when she hears the loud crinkle of plastic. Shit. 
“Is that for me?” she gasps, already turning her body around completely, reaching into the backseat. She’s kneeling on the seat, hunching over the shoulder of it.
Billy swipes at her hands and pushes her back into the seat before she can get her dirty hands on the bags. 
“No,” he says, starting up the car, and pulling away. “They’re for the trick or treaters tonight.”
There definitely weren’t going to be enough trick or treaters to actually take all two giant bags of candy. They don’t live in a very popular neighborhood. 
“Oh, but there’re two bags of candy,” she pouts. 
“So? Dad told me to get two.” Lies. 
“How come we didn’t give out candy last year? I thought Neil said it was the devil’s holiday.” 
Billy snorts. He forgot about that. “How the fuck am I supposed to know? Go ask him.” He prays to whatever God out there that she doesn’t actually go and bug Neil about it. That won’t end well. 
“There’s gonna be leftovers,” she muses. He can feel her staring at him with wide eyes. It’s making him uncomfortable, and he squirms in his seat a little before turning to glare at her.
She’s pouting obnoxiously now, giving him a puppy dog look. That shit won’t work on him. “Can I have the leftovers? Please?”
“You still owe me candy,” he says. “I should be the one eating them.” 
“We can split it! 
He pretends to mull it over. “Fine.”
“Yes!” she squeals, triumphant, pumping her fist up in the air, but it hits the car ceiling.
“Watch it, you bitch,” he snaps, but he’s not really mad. He’s just trying to cover up the smile that’s tugging at his lips. This is stupid. He can’t believe he’s smiling over this shit. 
“Ooo, can we get dressed up?”
“Hell fucking no, Maxine. Don’t push it.” 
“But it’s Friday! Neil and Mom will be out on dinner and I have an extra eye-patch. We could be pirates!” 
Ok, being a pirate didn’t sound like the worst idea. It could give him an excuse to walk around shirtless. Plus, he could show off to all the mom’s taking their children trick-or-treating. Maybe Steve’ll come with his gaggle of kids...
“Fine, but I’m not driving you for two weeks now.” 
He laughs when Max lets out a dramatic sigh. Tonight’ll be fun. He expects stomach aches and candy wrappers everywhere. Maybe even smashed pumpkin bits, if she’ll let him. They have an axe in the shed. He could put on a horror show for her. The victim? A grandma pumpkin. 
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hopes4gf · 3 years
Thievery and Mischief (a marvel/ descendants crossover)
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TW: (applies for series: discussions and mentions of rape, underaged sex, cheating, suicide, mental health)
AN: hi! this is a work in progress fanfic i’m uploading in advance of 15 chapters, so please show this some love, also sorry in advance for typos and spelling errors, my grammar is shit ;/ please enjoy!
I was so young. Too young. I didn’t understand why anything happened. I grew up in Agrabah with my parents and my brother, Aziz. But it wasn’t the dream vacation destination everyone in Auradon sought it out to be. It was a wreck. Jafar and Hades had invaded Agrabah and fought against my parents for revenge. Agrabah was damaged after their attack and our government had struggle to repair itself. So we had to live in a semi-permanent safe home for quite some time. By the way, I was also cursed by Jafar as a kid and I could shape shift into a tiger and develop other powers in the future. In my home, Mom was always stressed. Yelling and screaming how we needed to be better than they were to protect our city, especially me with my powers. My brother and I both took fencing classes, martial arts, learn how to shoot, every survival skill in the books before taking boys and girl Royal etiquette classes. Mom was the one who was particularly hard on me and my older brother throughout our childhood. Dad, not so much. He spent a lot of time in meetings in Auradon City. That’s how my first friendships began. He was great friends with King Adam and Queen Belle, elected leaders of Auradon. Ben, their only child was shy around me at first. He was intimidated by my mature stature. He like horses, painting, books, and food. I liked singing, fencing, and dancing but I also had a love for food and books so we got along through those things. We would always talk about the different ingredients in our cultures foods. His French pastries and my Arabian comfort foods. We were an inseparable pair of friends. And then I was introduced to Audrey. She joined our group soon after King Adam and Belle has decided to promise my parents and Audrey’s parents to a trust bond. A promise that would have one of us marry in the future. 9 year old me definitely didn’t want ANYTHING to do with dating my best friend. Neither did Ben. But Audrey, she was so persistent. She would constantly try to grab his attention. She was such a cheeky little girl. Raised to be such a lady compared to my more loose and carefree attitude. Somehow, Ben was happy around her. Our group soon expanded, and I met the greatest person ever. Li Lonnie, my greatest friend ever. Daughter of Fa Mulan and Li Shang, she was like me. Mature, strong, intelligent, and such a beautiful kid. Sure, she didn’t have my hazel eyes but she was such a pretty girl. She spoke so intelligently and when she spoke it was law. She was one of my inspirations as a kid. And still is :)
Time passed and we realized we weren’t kids anymore. My brother had to go away to a school in Auradon. And I was alone soon again. But I had my friends. But my child-like manners went away when I realized it was soon my turn to go to Auradon. So, I ran away. But you’ll hear more about that in the future.
Freshman year of high school. Audrey and Ben has broken off from our group and started dating in High School. Audrey has changed so much. She was such a sweet girl with a big heart but had begun to morph into a self-absorbed teen. Lonnie was still the same kind-hearted best friend. When I arrived in Auradon, I had a familiar face to help me. My cousin, Jordan. Daughter of the Genie. Everyone in that school was so nice that it hurt. My mother had raised me not to believe everything in front of me. But one particular thing or something changed that. A blonde boy with short curly hair and beautiful blue eyes had captured my attention. I still remember when our eyes had locked for the first time in the school courtyard. It was a whole new experience for me. I suddenly felt happy inside. Like a new found confidence in me was discovered. But my cousin Jordan advised me not to approach the boy. Chad Charming, son of Prince Charming and Cinderella. The most popular boy at Auradon Prep. Every girl would fawn over him endlessly. One day I had found a note from him on my lunch tray to meet him in the gardens. I swear we talked for hours about everything. We talked about our dreams, our experiences, our hopes. He made all my dreams happen. I wanted my first date to be at a carnival and he made that happen. I wanted something from the mall and he got it for me. I thought everything with him was just fine. Until that party. Ben had thrown a party for all his friends at Auradon Prep and Chad and I were there. Everyone was drinking except me. Imagine, prestigious kids of Royalty breaking illegal drinking laws. I didn’t know at the time but the punch was spiked heavily with Vodka. I never drank Vodka after that damn party. Jane, the headmistress, Fairy Godmother’s daughter had come to my dorm crying. She kept saying “I can’t take this anymore”. She had gave me the worst news of my life. She had seen Chad take me upstairs while I was drunk and touch me in explicit manners. Essentially, my boyfriend decided to rape me at my best friend’s party. I was sickened by that. And when my family pressed charges and got a restraining order on him, the case ended in a settlement. He didn’t even serve time. Because the judge was a family friend of the Charmings. I was devastated. I cried for weeks. I didn’t eat. I didn’t sleep. I just cried. Lonnie visited me every day while I was out of school. She had told me that Chad had moved on and was doing perfectly fine. I was miserable for all of Sophmore year.
By the way, my name is Adri Ababwa and I’m the world’s stupidest masterpiece. But you’ll see why later.
“Adri,” My best friend, Ben called out.
My eyes widen, suddenly alarmed from my name being called.
“What’s up?” I say striding over to Ben’s side as he looks out the window of his parlor.
”I spoke with my parents about the proclamation,” Ben says.
I roll my eyes, realizing what’s about to happen.
”I told you your idea was stupid. Your dad would never let you bring Villain kids over-“
”They approved it,” Ben says, stopping me between my sentence.
My eyes widen in disbelief.
“Oh. Oh! I guess that’s good for you I guess,” I say nervously.
Ben takes both of my hands in his.
”Listen, I know things were rough for you last year, but this year we need change in this world. And I’m gonna be the one to establish that change,” Ben says.
”Even if that means bringing the daughters of Maleficent and the Evil Queen and the sons of Cruella de Vil and Jafar to Auradon Prep?” I ask nervously.
”What did I say about that?” Ben asks cheekily.
”They’re not their parents,” I reply in a mumble.
”Right,” Ben says, patting my shoulder. Ben opens his mouth to say something but hesitates.
”What?” I ask.
”That‘s why your going to be my advisor,” Ben says.
I take a step back.
”Your crazy but okay,” I giggle.
Ben chuckles softly and goes to the phone to ask his secretary if Audrey is on her way to the room for her Coronation fitting.
I walk through the door and wish Ben good luck.
As I stride down the hall, I hop onto my sticker filled skateboard and race down the halls. I greet the guards surrounding the castle and slide the down the handlebars of the stairs. I see Audrey and stop to walk the rest of the way.
”Adri! It’s a pleasure to see after so long. Out of your depression, I see,” Audrey says snarkily.
”Sure! I’m fine. And I see your makeup is looking as creased as ever,” I reply in the same fashion.
Audrey huffs and rolls her eyes.
I strut off.
”Fucking bitch,” I mutter to myself, hopping on my skateboard and skating back to my dorm.
As soon as I reach my dorm, Fairy Godmother is standing by my door.
“Can you please give me the board?” Fairy Godmother asks.
”Can’t have any fun around here, can I?” I ask, giving her my board for the fifth time this week
“Not for the first week of school. Remember we have-“
”Press coming in to report on the school, I know Jane told me,” I say at the same time as Fairy Godmother.
“Good. Then I’ll see you soon,” Fairy Godmother says dismissing herself.
I turn around and head for the courtyard where I spot Jordan under our gossip tree.
”What’s new, pinky-Lou?” I ask.
”Hey, cuz. Just doing some newspaper projects. I writing about the secret camera web series of our school and the new kids coming to the Isle,” Jordan says.
”Damn, news does travel fast,” I scoff.
”Ben posted an announcement a couple minutes ago,” Jordan says.
I roll my eyes in disbelief.
“What if one of them is cute? You gonna go for it?” Jordan asks cheekily.
”HELL NO. I am never making the same mistake of opening up to a person ever again,” I yell.
”It’s gonna happen...” Jordan says in a song-like manner.
”Shut the fuck up!” I say.
The night I sneak out of my dorm and go to the kitchens to get a snack for Roxie, my baby tiger.
”Insomnia?” A voice says behind me.
I’m startled by the voice and I turn to see Lonnie standing over the counter.
”Yes, you asshole,” I sigh.
Lonnie laughs silently.
”You know someone’s gonna find out that it’s you recording the videos at lunch,” I say.
”Stop it. That’s top secret,” Lonnie says.
”Who cares? Everyone knows that they’re asshole and dickheads anyways. And your very lucky that I haven’t ratted you out to Jordan. She’s persistent,” I say, grabbing some bacon from the fridge and putting it in a pan
”That’s for Roxie, right?” Lonnie asks.
”Maybe not,” I say.
Lonnie laughs and I take a piece of cooked bacon and put it in my mouth.
I hum softly at the taste.
”Hey. Don’t be afraid to talk to me sometimes. Especially after what I saw,” Lonnie says.
Ah. The thing. After some time in my self-quarantine of Sophmore year, I decided it was time for everything in my life to end. So, I grabbed some pills and I did something I regretted. Lonnie saved my life that day. That’s why I love her so much.
“I know, mama,” I say softly as I cook the rest of the bacon.
”You have no idea how much I care, Adri,” Lonnie says, hugging me from behind me.
”Thats probably why I love when you’re around,” I chuckle.
Lonnie lays her head on my shoulder.
”By the way I signed ya up for the welcoming comitee with Audrey,” Lonnie whispers.
”What!” I yell.
Two weeks later...
Someone starts banging heavily on my door. I open my eyes and the sound in my ears clears.
”ADRI! Wake up! Your late for the Vk’s welcoming,” Audrey screams from behind my door.
Maybe I should have stayed asleep. Damn you, Lonnie.
I put on this:
And I walked out my door.
“Ben shouldn’t have made you his advisor if you were gonna sleep in,” Audrey says.
”I’m here aren’t I?” I reply.
”Shut up, let’s go,” Audrey says, grabbing my hand and dragging me down the stairs to the courtyard.
Oh god this is gonna be terrible.
Ben sees me and Audrey coming up next to him.
”What happened to you?” Ben asks.
”Slept in,” I mumble.
Ben chuckles and Audrey takes his arm.
”It’s fine by the way, it’s actually the first time in a while,” Ben says.
Fairy Godmother begins to greet everyone in the small group of band kids and cheerleaders until she reaches our trio.
”Ben, Audrey, Adri, how are you?” Fairy Godmother.
“Good,” We all say.
The limo pulls up and the band starts playing. The limo stops and two boys pop out fighting over a scarf.
My eyes glance towards to girls who come out of the other side of the car. One has short plum hair with a plum leather outfit to match. The other girl has long wavy blue hair with two crown braids at the front.
“Why do you want whatever this is?” One of the boys with gray hair says.
”Because you want it,” The other boy in a red beanie says.
Right off the bat you notice who’s who. And the boy in the beanie is definitely Jafar’s son.
“Leave it where you found it! And by that, just leave it.” Fairy Godmother says.
”Just cleaning up!” The boy with the red beanie says.
He puts the scarf back in the limo and his eyes immediately catch mine.
He catches me as I stare at his frame. His brown hair, his dark brown eyes, his muscular form and his leather outfit all catch me off guard.
His frown turns into a smirk and he strides towards me.
”Hello, foxy~ The name’s...Jay,” The boy introduces, attempting to flirt with me.
I laugh softly at his action.
”Your quite the catch aren’t you?” I remark with a smirk.
“Welcome to Auradon Prep,” Fairy Godmother says, stepping between us.
I whisper a little thank you to her and she nods.
”I’m Fairy Godmother, the headmistress,” She curtsies.
”As in, the Fairy Godmother? Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo?” The girl with plum hair asks.
”Bibbidi-Bobbidi, you know it,” Fairy Godmother says.
“Does she ramble like this much?” I ask Ben.
”All the damn time,” Ben says.
We snicker in unison.
Audrey nudges Ben.
”It’s so nice to meet you all. I’m Ben,” Ben introduces.
”Prince Ben. Soon to be King, right Bennyboo?” Audrey interjects.
I fake-vomit at the nickname and roll my eyes.
”You had me at Prince. My mom’s a queen so that makes me a princess,” The blue haired girl says, fawning over Ben.
”The Evil Queen has no Royal status here and neither do you,” Audrey smiles cheekily.
”Yes she does, otherwise Snow White would cease to be Royalty and she is her step-sister,” I comment with a smile.
Audrey raises a brow to stop me and I wink in the girl’s direction. She gives me a smile in return.
”This is Audrey. My-“
”Girlfriend. And future queen,” Audrey says.
”Last but not least, this is Adri. My advisor and my best friend,” Ben says.
”Your new wickedly cool best friend,” I say with a smirk.
”These three are going to show you all around and I’ll see all tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut! Except library hours are 8:00 to 11:00 and you know I have a thing for curfew,” Fairy Godmother says, excusing herself.
”She tends to drag things out of proportion. Don’t mind her,” I say.
Ben chuckles and Audrey nudges his arm.
“It is so, so, so good to finally me... meet you all,” Ben starts as Jay hits his chest with a light punch.
“ This is a momentous occasion, and one that I hope will go down in history... Is that chocolate?” Shaking the gray haired boy’s hand that is covered in chocolate.
”As the day our two peoples began to heal,” Ben finishes.
“Or the day where you showed four peoples where the bathrooms are,” The plum haired girl says.
“A little over the top?” Ben asks her.
”More than a little,” She says.
”So much for my first impression,” Ben says awkwardly.
“You're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you? Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff. Oh, my mom's Aurora. Sleeping...“ Audrey starts.
”Beauty! Yeah I’ve heard the name. You know, I totally do not blame your grandparents for not inviting my mother to their stupid christening,” The girl responds.
”Water under the bridge!” Audrey fakes.
”Totes!” The girl replys in the same tone.
They laugh together pathetically.
“Jeez, can we get this over with?“ I scoff.
” OK. So how about a tour, yeah?“ Ben starts.
We start to move towards the front of the school.
“Auradon Prep was originally built 300 years ago before my father turned it into a high school when he was elected King,” Ben says, clapping his fingers to morph the statue.
The gray haired boy jumps into Jay’s arms.
”Carlos, it’s okay. My father made the statue to remind us that anything is possible,” Ben addresses.
I laugh at the boy’s banter. Jay sees this and drops Carlos to the floor. I can feel him lurking by me as we continue inside the school.
“ So do you guys have magic here? You know, like wands and stuff?” Mal asks.
“All that stuffs pretty much retired. Most of us are just ordinary mortals,” Ben says.
”Unlike me. I was cursed so...” I say clicking my tongue.
”And you happen to be kings and queens?“
“That’s true. Our royal blood goes back hundreds and hundreds of years,“ Audrey says, placing an arm around Ben.
”Doug,” Ben calls Dopey’s son down.
“Doug, will be showing you to your dorms. If you have any questions-“
”Ask Adri or Doug,” Audrey says, whisking him away.
“Um, hey guys. Hi, guys. I'm Dopey's son. As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and... Heigh-ho.,” Doug starts, his eyes landing on the blue haired girl.
I take the clipboard from him and read their names.
”Mal Bertha. Evie Grimhilde. Carlos De Vil. Jay Farr,” I read to myself.
I interrupt Doug as he talks about classes.
”I’ll be showing you to your dorms,” I say, walking up one staircase.
”Guys, it’s actually this way,” Doug points towards me as the go in the wrong direction.
They follow me until we stop at their dorm rooms.
”Boys, you have the larger dorm here,” I point.
”Sweet!” Carlos says, hopping inside.
”What’s in it?” Jay asks, me
”Two full size beds, a flat screen tv, mini fridge, 3D printer, gaming console, a bathroom for two, fireplace, and double closet,” I say off the top of my head.
”Thank god, that’s enough to keep them busy for hours,” Mal says.
Me and the girls turn away from their room but someone places a hand on my shoulder.
”Hey, can we talk after?” Jay asks.
”Why?” I ask, raising a brow.
Jay gives me a pleading looks and I roll my eyes, walking away.
”Girls, this is your dorm. With roughly the same things as the boys except a bigger closet and bathroom and no gaming console,” I say.
”This room needs more-“
”Purple? I supposed you would agree. Love your outfit by the way,” I compliment.
”You don’t look to horrible yourself,” Mal smirks.
”I made it by the way,” Evie adds.
“Fashion Designer, huh? You could make some bank with that,” I comment.
Evie smiles.
”If you need anything, I’m the first door down the hall,” I say.
I close the door to the girls dorm and turn to see someone completely unexpected. My smile turns into a frown as I see Chad Charming at the end of the hall. As I try and stride down the hall to Jay and Carlos’s room, his gaze meets mine.
”Well, well. Look who it is. Little miss court case,” Chad says, his lips curving into a smirk.
”Your lucky my restraining order is expired, Charming,” I snark as he draws near to me.
”You know, you’re lucky Ben and Lonnie are friends with you. Otherwise, everyone here wouldn’t give a damn about your little charity case,” Chad says cockily, running a hand through my hair.
My body tenses and my teeth clench as he touches my hair.
“Don’t do that,” I say through my clenched jaw.
”Or what?” Chad says, pinning me against the wall. His frame towering over me.
”You gonna sue me again just so that I could give your pathetic ass more money?” Chad asks.
”Get your fucking hands off of her,” A voice says from behind Chad.
I look over Chad’s shoulder to see Jay standing behind him with a scowl on his face.
I can practically feel my eyes change shape, pleading to Jay to help me.
Chad gets off of me and walks towards Jay confronting him.
”Is that a threat?” Chad asks.
”You gonna punch me if it is, Princey? You know, you probably shouldn’t mess with someone you barely know. I’m sure it’ll have serious consequences,” Jay growls.
Chad backs off, intimidated by Jay.
”Whatever, man,” Chad scoffs, taming a step back.
He turns to me, his smirk returning.
”I’ll see you later, babe,” Chad says, winking at me.
He walks away and I can practically feel the tears coming to my eyes.
”Who the hell does he think he is?” Jay scoffs.
My legs start to move down the hall, trying to get away.
”Hey! Where are you going?” Jay calls behind me.
”Leave me alone!” I choke.
Jay’s footsteps chase after me and he grabs my wrist.
”Stay out of my business and leave me the hell alone,” I say in a serious tone.
”What was that about though? And why do you look like your about to cry in any second?” Jay asks deliberately.
I growl under my breath.
”Because he’s my abusive ex-boyfriend who raped me while I was blacked out at Ben’s party! And now everyone pities the hell out of me and treats me like a child because I tried to commit suicide. Is that what you’re so desperate to get out of me?” I yell.
Jay is taken aback by my words. His brown eyes widen as he looks at me. Searching through my eyes and seeing the pain in them.
”Shit, I’m so sorry. Look, I will never ever do that to you ever again,” Jay says, concerned by my action.
”Listen, don’t make promises you know you can’t keep,” I say.
Jay turns to leave but I grab his wrist.
”You forgot you tell me what you wanted to speak about,” I say with a smirk.
Jay scratches his neck nervously.
”Sorry. I was just so concerned about the way that guy was talking to you that I didn’t even realize,” Jay explains.
I chuckle lightly at his concern. How is he so chill after that? After I just yelled at him?
“I was just wondering if I could learn a little more about you. I mean-since we know a little bit about Ben and Audrey so,” Jay says.
I giggle lightly at his question. Then I hesitate, remembering this is the son of my parent’s enemy. But suddenly, my new found confidence tells me “Fuck it”.
”Well, I’ve lived in Auradon for 3 years. I like Art a lot. And um, I’m the daughter of Aladdin and Jasmine,” I say shyly.
Jay erupts in a light chuckle. My brows furrow at his actions.
”Did I say something wrong?” I ask.
”No, but that does explain everything,” Jay says with a smirk.
”Explain what exactly?” I ask, confused by his action.
”The comebacks, the way you roll your eyes, the outfit, and the way you act around danger. You have that “I really don’t give and shit sometimes attitude”. I’m assuming it’s family trait,” Jay laughs.
I roll my eyes at his banter.
”Sure, dipshit. And you know wanna know what gives you away?” I ask cheekily.
”What?” Jay says, playing along.
”The fact that you prance around me, eyeing me just like your father did to my mother when she was my age,” I say with a smirk.
His eyes widen, catching him off guard.
”And I promise you, your little concerned or flirtatious act isn’t gonna always cut it with me, pretty boy,” I say, tapping his shoulder and turning to leave.
I look behind me and see him smirk behind me as I walk to my dorm.
That boy is gonna keep trying to win me over. And I’m in for the long game...
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babybottlepop96 · 4 years
A/N: just a cute little story about my favorite superhero!
Warnings: fluff... Pinning...... Attempted rape (but nothing actually happens so no graphic shit happening cause that's just terrible but thought I should put it in there)
Who would've thought being the new kid would be awkward and weird? Every new kid, that's who and it was no different for (y/n) as she entered her new school. Moving from Pennsylvania to New York hadn't been a drastic change, only a few hours drive, but the change from being in amish country to the hustle and bustle of New York, was very different for her. When she entered the school, all eyes were on her. She felt self conscience, wrapping her arms around her torso. Her (h/c) hair was up in a high ponytail, her thick black framed glasses sat perched on her nose as her (e/c) was cast down towards the floor, avoiding the stares of the other students. She was wearing an oversized black sweater that ended just below her ass and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with her black converse.
She made quick work of finding her locker, looking at her schedule and grabbing the books she needed, throwing into her Star Wars backpack. She closed her locker once she had everything and made her way towards her first class. One thing though, she had no idea where any of her classes were.
"Hey, you look a little lost. Need any help?" A male voice spoke to her from the side, she glanced towards the boy with short black hair and a friendly smile. 
"Y-yeah, thank you." He looked at her schedule.
"Hey, you got the same class as me!" He smiled and (y/n) returned it. "My name is Ned." 
"(Y/n), it's nice to meet you." The two soon arrived at the classroom and Ned waved to you as he walked towards a couple of other students as (y/n) made her way to the teacher. 
"Hey Ned! Who was the girl you were talking to?" A girl with curly black hair asked.
"Her name is (y/n), it's her first day and she looked lost. Why yabask, MJ?"
"Because, Peter has been staring at her ever since you two walked in." She smiled and sure enough, the blonde haired boy next to her was still looking at her. "Hello, earth to Peter!" Mj snapped her fingers in his ear.
"Hmm? What?" Peter looked at his friends, both having smug looks plastered across their faces. "What?" 
"Ok every, take your seats…." The teacher then began the lesson, something about basic acids and solvents and shit like that. Basically a review of basic Chemistry, but Peter couldn't focus, he was too busy looking at the (h/c) hairs girl sitting in front a few rows over. Suddenly the bell rang and Peter was snapped out of his daydream. The class gathered up their things and exited into the hallway.
"Hey, Ned?" A female voice sounded behind the three amigos.
"Oh, hey (y/n)! What's up? Ned asked as he turned to her.
"I have no idea where my next class is." She said shyly, a small blush tinting her cheeks. Ned took a look at her schedule and smiled. 
"You actually have class with Peter next." He smiled at Peter, whose face was also starting to grow a blush.
"Well, we will see you at lunch Pete." MJ put her hand on his shoulder and MJ and Ned left, leaving Peter and (y/n) alone.
"So… uhmm.. c-can you lead the way?" She asked.
"Oh, umm.. Y-yeah! Follow me." Peter then turned and started to walk, (y/n) following behind. What neither of the two new, was that this was going to be the start of a wonderful friendship.
Time skip to two months later, Peter and (y/n) were at his apartment, working on their photography assignment. "Peter, (y/n)?"
"Yes Aunt May?" Peter called from his bedroom.
"I'm heading out, I'll be back in a couple of hours."
"Ok! See you later! Have fun! USE PROTECTION!" Peter called and the sound of May's heels stopped for a moment accompanied by a sigh and stifled  laughter. Then the door opened and closed and (y/n) and Peter were left alone.
"Really, Parker? Use protection?" She laughed and Peter just smiled that dorky smile that (y/n) grew to love. Actually, she grew to love everything about the boy sitting in front of her. His laugh, his smile, his love for StarWars and just everything.
"What can I say? She told me the same thing before you came over." He laughed and then froze. She stared at him, face frozen in a state of shock. His face grew redder and redder with passing second. 
"She…. " 
"Yeahhh…." He said drawing out the word. Neither of them said anything for a moment until (y/n) started laughing. 
"Oh my God! That's hysterical! Best aunt ever! I mean, seriously! My family barely remembers my name and if anything like that is said, I'd be looking for a new place to live! Oh my God I love your aunt!" Peter's face grew hotter, though he began to smile even more. As the night came closer, the two decided they had enough of school work and decided to watch a movie. StarWars, obviously. "Come on Peter! How can you say that Revenge of the Sith is better than Rouge One!"
"Because this is where Vader comes into play!"
"But Rouge One has so much more plot and the story is just amazing and it's one with a sad ending! Most of the others have happyish endings!"
"Why do you like sad endings?"
"Because it's a nice change from the usually happy ending most movies have." She shrugged and Peter sighed and put on Rouge One. "Aww! Thank you, Peter!" She kissed his cheek and snuggled close to Peter's side. Peter on the other hand, couldn't pay attention to anything, she kissed his cheek. (Y/n), kissed…. His cheek! "Ok, I should probably get home." (Y/n) when the movie ended. 
"Yeah.. probably, don't want ya to get into trouble." She smiled at him and grabbed her things.
"I'll see ya tomorrow. To finish our project." Peter nodded in agreement, to say he was excited was an understatement. He had grown feelings for this girl since that very first day she arrived. She was funny and kind and sweet. Always knew what to say when he was stressing about something, mainly about his Spidey duties, but she doesn't need to know about that.
(Y/n) walked down the dimly lit streets, taking alley ways to make the long walk home shorter. Suddenly, a large hand was on her shoulder, pushing her into the grimy wall. "Keep quiet and this will all go smoothly." The deep voice spoke, every word dripped with malice. (Y/n) whimpered a bit, scared out of her wits, with no one around to save her at this time of night. One of the man's hands gripped at her throat, slightly squeezing as if he was saying, "I'm in charge and there is nothing you can do about it." His other hand roamed her hips and sides. She let another small whimper.
"P-please! Don't do this!" She struggled a bit before his grip on her throat tightened, leaving just enough room for her to get some small breaths.
"I would let her go if I was you." A voice sounded from behind the man. The man turned and (y/n) got a glimpse of the person who spoke. A tallish figure adorning a blue and red suit and mask, a spider in the center of the chest. The infamous SpiderMan that she heard everyone in school talking about. The brutish man laughed.
"And what are you gonna do about it, wannabe superhero?"  Suddenly a web was shot out, covering the man's mouth and the man let out a muffled scream, letting go of (y/n)'s neck. She drew in some much needed breaths as she began to run away, suddenly the man grabbed the hood of her sweatshirt and tugged her back harshly. She fell backwards and her head smacked against the concrete.
Her vision started to go in and out as she groaned and went to turn over onto her stomach, muffled screams and sounds of bodies being thrown against dumpsters could be faintly heard through the ringing in her ears. Suddenly, a hand was coming towards her and she screamed and scooted back. "Hey, it's okay. It's me, SpiderMan." She looked at the hooded hero and threw herself at him, hugging him tightly and thanking him over and over again. Then, Spiderman held her and whispered, "hold on." And the two lifted from the ground, swinging through the city. 
Soon they landed on the roof of her apartment building and she let go of him. "I would like to thank you again, for saving me." She blushed.
"Anything for a pretty lady." 
"C-can I kiss you?" She asked and he nodded. She walked over and gently tugged the mask just above his mouth and gave a sweet kiss on his lips. He gently kissed back, placing his hands on the small of her back. Once they pulled apart she smiled and rolled his mask back down. "I'll see you tomorrow, Peter." She smirked and began to walk away.
"Wait!" Peter called after her, taking his mask fully off. "How did you know it was me!?"
"I didn't, not until I saw those lips, the lips I fantasized about kissing for months." She giggled and walked through the door leading inside her apartment building, leaving a dumbfounded but smiling Peter Parker.
"See you tomorrow." He waved at the door, he pulled his mask back on and jumped from the building, swinging away with the stupidest smiling face. At least he wasn't the only who fantasized about kissing the other one.
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The Angel Among Us (Cordelia X reader) part 6
Two posted in one day? what? Never heard of her. Its a short one. Like 2000 words. I considered saving this for the next chapter but I can’t  without slipping up that one and I don’t really want to at the moment. Could change later.
Warnings: Murder
Parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 , Part 4,  Part 5 , Part 6, Part 7 (will be added when done)
Upon heading upstairs and to the woman’s office, the three had fled. The man got enraged, claiming this was unfair. They're gone! Where would they have gone?
Michael spoke to Mead, who told him to forget about the witches and change plan.
You walked around the room getting a good whiff of the air. Your hand glided across the backing of one of the chairs located in the middle of the room. They heard the gunshots and the screams of their students dying. The two older ones rushed to the doors to lock them. Mallory complained telling her that they needed to save them but Mallory wasn’t ready.
“They teleported out of here.”
“Obviously.” Michael spat. “Where would she go?”
“This was the only place that she had. I can’t predict this.” The man huffed. “Ms Mead as a point,” you looked over at the woman. “Not like it matters but isn’t the world meant to end in flames or something. Are witches really worth your time? End the world before she can end you.” You make your move over to Cordelia’s desk chair. Now that she was gone, you could sit there. You’ve never been compelled to sit there until now. Maybe it was the hyperthecial power of it, it is only hers, the Supreme’s. You ran your finger of the grooves of the armrest. Resembling the woman towards the end of her life cycle, the arms had indents from being dug into. “Life is a game of, I don’t know chess- never played but that’s beside the point. You got all your pieces laid out and you go back an forth knocking each other’s out. Some pieces have a power to end the game if you get rid of them, but you don’t have to. There are other ways to end the game if that’s what your wish.”
“I don’t think you understand chess.”
“And now I hopefully never will.”
“You got aboard this really quickly.”
“You promise answers, something these witches couldn’t.”
To test your newfound loyalty to him, he schemed up something that would kill two birds with one stone. The two of you reached the warlock school in record speed. He refused to explain your purpose for being there until you stood outside the sculpture that hid the entrance of the underground school.
Your task was simple and if you chose to accept it would grant you a spot beside his side in the end times. “Kill them all,” was his instructions. “In the name of my father.”
You smirked, “Why not for us? Doing it for someone else seems better than for selfish reasons and I thought we needed to be as bad as possible.” The boy handed you a dagger. You removed it from it’s sheath and ran your finger along the edge of the blade. “A knife?”
“Make it a pure massacre.”
“A bloodbath,” you said chipperly. “Let’s go, Michael.”
There was no way you could fake this.
“Ladies first,” the boy said using his magic to open the door. You skipped onto the grounds. No one was guarding the entrance allowing the both of you to easily slip in. “I should warn you I’ve never killed before.”
“What about all those women- Oh~ I forgot. You’ll do fine.” What women? You shook your head and removed the knife form its cover. “You don’t need to be clean. The messier the better.”
The two of your stormed the school removing anyone who crossed your paths. At first, you had to hide your pained expressions as you had to stab the students. As time went on, it became second nature. Screams filled the air, students crying out for help. Soon you ditched the knife and used your powers figuring out tricks that Michael did and copying him.
The two of you strutted into the last room. Your joints was loose like a ragdolls. You would have toppled over by now you didn’t force yourself to finish the job.
“Who are-” The staff’s eyes shifted from you to your associate. “Michael.”
“I’ve got to thank the both of you, I wouldn’t have found my kin without the both of you,” Michael said. “I would thank the other two as well but sadly there gone. I guess you’ll have to thank them for us.”
John’s eyes flicker back to you. He analysis your face. It was Behold that said your name first, “Y/n?” it came out more of a question unsure due to you ghastly appearance.
“Bingo.” You cackled yourself to insanity. The man found you to be nothing but nice to him when he had his short stay at the school.
“The She-devil,” the other man muttered out.
“Hey! That’s mean,” you squeaked out getting up close and personal.
“You don’t kill men-”
“-I kill whomever I like.” You stabbed him in the chest. Michael made quick work of the other man.
“I warned Cordelia-” the man crocked out. You got into his face and dug the blade deeper into him.
“She’s dead. All the witches are dead-” you ripped the blade clean out of him. “and so too are you.”
You watched the man’s life fade from his eyes. Michael clapped and congratulating you on passing his test with flying colours. The man worked on his little display piece as you cleaned your blade on your skirt.
You caught a glance of yourself in the mirror, your skin paled revealing noticeable veins in your face. Eyes pitch black, covering the white of the eyes. No wonder they didn’t recognise you. The ‘you’ was gone. The colour came back into your skin and your eyes settled down by the time Michael was done with his inverted pentacle of human corpses.
“We should head home.”
The two of you ended up at mead’s house. The three of you rested at Meads dinner table. In the short time you were there you’d gotten along well with the woman which shocked you since she was a Satanist and that went against everything you had stood for… You guess a lot had changed today. You spent half an hour in her bathroom reliving what you had done. Crying didn’t solve your problems. You didn’t cry because of what you had done, you cried because you enjoyed it. You wanted your old life back and if you had the chance, which you were well aware you didn’t, you would have to burn for your sins. You played your part, slowly loosing yourself in the act.
Mead ended up suggesting going to the men that rebuilt her after all of Michael’s terrible ideas of how to end the world including the plot of omen 3.
 You asked about these men she spoke of, and Michael filled you in about these two coke heads with bad hair that ran a robotics company. You said you wouldn’t mind meeting the men who played god by creating a replication of a life. Worse case, you waste a day. You asked Mead to call them up and telling them you were heading right over. You grabbed Michaels and asked him where it was located. A second later you were outside a tall white building with the company’s logo pasted up the top. “Not bad,” he complemented. You told him you would stay by his side and make sure he didn’t accept any stupid ideas and just introduce her as a business partner or something.
The men hand him a list of names and all of them were members of the Cooperative which was really the Illuminati but with a new name. All members had they've sold their soul to the devil and therefore, Michael controls them. Jeff and Mutt encourage him to use nuclear weapons to end the world, You second the idea. Michael agreed but only if it'll also destroy the witches. Jeff and Mutt reassured him that it will, but he needs to talk to the Cooperative first.
“Will it kill them?” Michael asked you. You had stolen one of the desk chairs and you were now playing with a robot part. You looked at them like they asked you’re the stupidest question on earth.
“They’re human, of course nuclear bombs will kill them.” You wouldn’t allow it; you’ll find them before the bombs go off and save them. Then you can warn them of what’s to come.
The idea for the end of the world was simple, a few hotspots full of people will be saves. The richest of the rich, and some others to help work. But all, the best in their fields. Michael placed you in charge keeping Jeff and Mutt in line as well as overseeing the project. You had managed to gain the antichrists trust by then.
You sat in the corner of their lab reading one of their occupant leaders strange requests. “God this woman is a riot,” you chuckled to yourself.
The clicking of heels signified the entrance of their secretary/Human resources person along with everything else important. For someone who walked with a can, she was quiet with it, her heals made more noise than it did.
You never bothered to turn around and look at her, too busy working to care about the likes of her. Your back was always facing her, so she never got a good look at you either. She gathered you worked there now even though it was never passed through her. One day you didn’t work here and now you did. The men the woman worked for acted like you’ve been there for years, they didn’t even call you by your name anymore but by an assortment of nicknames, none of which you were fond of.
“Thanks Ms Venable. Oh, that minds me, you will receive an email about the purchases for outpost… which one again?”
“3 and 4,” you answered.
“Yes, 3 and 4 by the end of the day, we need to you place the orders today before you leave.”
“Can you also order some cigarettes? I’m out. Order a lot please.”
“Is that all?” The woman was dismissed.
“Wait? Is that Venable?” You spun around to see the woman, but she was already gone. “You gave your secretary a job as outpost leader?”
“That or she would quit.” You nodded before going back to work.
“Hmm~” After sending your email, you decided to go one break. You groaned, your eyes aching from the constant strain they’d been forced to endure. You tossed your glasses of your head and rubbed your eyes furiously. “Stupid piece of shit doesn’t even work,” your eyes were better off without the stupid eyewear. It was probably time for a new pair you thought. You swung your chair around notifying the two you were popping out for a bit. One of them men notified you that a packet of cigarettes had been brought up for you. They tossed it to you as you walked towards the back exit.
When you returned you noticed a change in the air immediately. A presence that didn’t belong here entered when you were gone. Light. “Did you two have client while I was out?”
“No. We did however get four tickets bought for outpost 3.” You hummed, walking up to the board to see who bought it. St. Pierre Vanderbilt. Oh, those witches, they are good.
“All good. This works with my order. Everything’s good.” You were happy at the knowledge that at least one of your students was alive.
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caps-lockdown · 5 years
Sweater Weather Part Three
Alrighty everyone, as anticipated here is part three of this crazy fic that I hope everyone is enjoying! 
Pairings: Steve Rogers x PottsRelativeFem!Reader
Ratings/Warnings: 18+ (Not smut but just to cover my ass)
For everything from language, crude jokes, ADULT situations/impure thoughts, booze (because it’s pretty much a staple in my fics at this point.), arguments, and an extremely overprotective Tony Stark. Very little angst, as I try to keep most of my fics light humored. But of course there are some insecurities/unsure feelings, as well as sad feels from everything with endgame/ the decimation. Also dead parents.
Also AU in the fact NO ONE DIED during Endgame/Steve didn’t go back. Also as much as I adore Morgan Stark, she isn’t around yet. I didn’t know where this would fit timeline wise, so just ignore the timeline. Kay? Cool.
Words: 4,178 (Ish)
Summary: You’ve just moved to New York after a long 3 year stint travelling the world and helping with various charities, taking a new job with Stark Industries thanks to your cousin Pepper. A trip out to surprise Tony and The Avengers for the weekend turns from good to terrible when the a/c at the compound breaks. How will you beat the heat for the record breaking weekend?
It’s in Y/N Y/L/N format, any pictures, outfits, gifs, and marvel characters just assume I don’t own them. Also no Beta, as I don’t ever have one, so the mistakes and reader are all my own. Enjoy!
Part Three
Ten –thirty am came with an unapologetic sun glaring into your room, the air slightly hot around you. You sat upright, bringing the phone to your face to look at the temperature. Ninety-nine degrees already. Rubbing your face and stretching your legs you forced yourself from your bed, grabbing your duffle bag and slowly opening your door to the hallway. You halted as you nearly stepped on the lone coffee mug that sat in front of your room, a smile gracing your lips as you inhaled the scent of freshly brewed coffee. You didn’t waste a moment of time, taking a drink from the overly-sweet drink with a happy sigh as you began to pad towards the showers of the Compound. Blissfully ignorant to the eyes that sought you out from behind a corner.
“Schk…Chocolate chip cookie has taken the bait and is moving west. Over.” Sam’s voice came in patchy as he held the large, old walkie talkie to his mouth, Bucky rolled his eyes from further on in the building.
“I thought we were going to call her French Toast? Over.”
“We’ll save that for later. Cookie is headed towards showers. Over.”
“Copy. Sending in Agent Star Spangled and Sexy. Over.” Rogers huffed in annoyance at the nickname as Bucky gave him a playful nudge towards your location.
“I’ll keep an eye out for Captain Cockblock. Over.”
“Why did I agree to this?” Steve asked out loud, slowly making his way towards the showers. This was absolutely one of the stupidest things he’s ever had to be a part of. And he had been in some stupid things. But he was crazy about you, and couldn’t wait to see you this morning, even if he had been a touch disappointed that you hadn’t snuck into his room last night. He woke up to Sam and Bucky smiling at him from the edge of his bed, and had almost gone into cardiac arrest upon opening his eyes. He most definitely would have preferred you, but he had to admit the two men using old walkie talkies from the eighties so Tony couldn’t hack into them was pretty damn clever. If this worked out with you then he’d be sure to thank them for their efforts.
He could hear your humming mixed with the sound of the shower as he rounded a corner, opting to lean against the wall holding the door that led to you. It was already warm in the compound but thinking about you in the shower wasn’t helping him keep his cool. He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to chase those thoughts of you away. He hadn’t slept much last night to begin with, mostly due to the dreams you had invaded that woke him up in a cold sweat. He couldn’t get you out of his mind since the moment you got out of your truck yesterday afternoon, and he was done not going after what he wanted. Tony be damned, you were going to know how he felt.
“I feel like a creep.” He said to no one, trying to steady his breathing as he heard the water shut off, your movements nearly silent as you continued to get ready for the long hot day.
You were still humming as you changed into your outfit for the day, the cool shower helping you wake up and prepare for whatever lay ahead. A quick look in the mirror and you felt pretty damn cute.
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You were towel drying your hair as you walked out, now empty coffee mug in one hand as you ran the fabric over your head with the other.
“Your shorts get any shorter Doll and we’re going to have a problem.” You jumped at the thick voice coming from your right, almost dropping and shattering the coffee mug on the hard floor. You hadn’t even noticed him standing there in a tight gray tank top and jeans. The bulging muscles of his arms and shoulders were quick to distract you, your eyes gazing at his body in appreciation. Well damn.
“No one asked you to look Rogers.” You replied curtly, throwing the towel off your hair and catching the smirking blonde in the face as you turned to leave. Casually swaying your hips you fought to contain the smirk as he caught up with you. You continued to stare ahead, gathering your hair up into a messy bun at the top of your head. Maybe Pepper had made breakfast.
“But I am looking Sweetheart. And I have to say that it’s going to be my new favorite past time.”
You turned your head to smile at him, his blue eyes never leaving yours as you stepped closer to him.
“Well then that makes two of us.” You breathed out, reaching a hand to brush away a stray strand of hair out of his face.
“Oh really?” His eyes closed at your touch, your fingers skimming down his face to rest on his cheek, feeling his own hand coming over to grip your waist.
“Duh. I’m pretty sure I could kiss you all day and not get tired of it.” You whispered, watching him take in a shaky breath.
“Then what are you waiting for Doll?” You grinned when you found him nuzzling his face into your palm and you moved to stand on your tiptoes, beginning to close the distance.
The two of you groaned in frustration as you broke apart from your almost moment, Tony giving you a cheeky smile as he waved you into the kitchen. Your eyes flicked to Steve’s in a silent apology, stepping away and heading into the dining room where Pepper had set up nothing short of a feast for everyone. You chose a seat on the right side of the table, hiding your elated smile as Steve sat next to you. Well, until your cousin in law decided to take it upon himself to drag his own chair in between the two of you, causing everyone at the table to glare at him.
“Hope you like pancakes. Cap be a dear and pass the syrup will ya?” Stark settled in at his new spot, taking a plate and piling on four giant pancakes. You gripped your fork tightly as he beamed at you while drizzling the sugary liquid over his breakfast, Pepper looking ready to murder her husband and hide the evidence. “Maybe a couple for you Y/N? HA! A short stack for short stack!”
“We can make it look like an accident.” Sam murmured to Bucky, who was nodding enthusiastically at the idea as he shoveled eggs onto his plate. Steve looked absolutely fed up. Everyone ate in a tense silence, you nearly choking the life out of Tony when he would ask you questions about your day that hadn’t even started yet. You were too sober for this. And too short on caffeine. You had missed your cousin too, but if you had known any better you would have guessed he was purposefully getting in between you and Steve. That shit was going to get old real quick.
“So what’re your plans for the day Y/N? It’s supposed to be a hundred and five by noon.” Nat asked cautiously, trying to defuse the obvious tension. You smiled at her.
“Actually I planned on working on a small project. Speaking of which, you don’t mind me raiding the supply rooms around here right cousin? After all I was mostly inspired by you for it.” Stark’s eyes softened as he made his second plate of food, stopping to hold his fork over his heart.
“Not at all Y/N! I’m touched at being your inspiration.” Pepper let out a bark of laughter at her husband, him turning to look at her with a blank expression. “What? At least someone appreciates me.”
“Great! Then I’m going to get started. Steve you mind helping me out? Some of the things I need are heavy and I’m going to need all the muscle I can wrangle up.” Tony’s face of annoyance didn’t go amiss to anyone as the blonde man matched your stunning smile with one of his own.
“’Course Doll, lead the way.” Both of you pushed from your chairs, Nat smiling into her bite of pancake as the two of you strolled away.
“I told you Tony, she isn’t going to let you get in her way. You might as well just give up. They look cute together. It could be what they both need…after everything.” Pepper tried patting his hand soothingly, the older gentleman glaring at his plate before sliding it away from him. Standing from his seat, he gave a small nod to his teammates and began to walk after you.
“Not on my watch.” He grumbled, guided by your melodic giggles as you and Steve entered the elevator together. “Friday, please inform me of Y/N’s whereabouts when she gets to a stopping point.”
“Of course Mister Stark.” The AI responded cheerfully.
“That was pretty smooth back there Y/N.” Steve admitted, chuckling at you as you pulled open the doors to the main supply room. You nodded, beginning your search wordlessly for the things you needed. “What, uh, what is it you’re looking for exactly?”
“I’m sorry that information is classified.” You watched the man before you quirk an eyebrow, before putting his hands in his pockets and admitting defeat. One of the best qualities of Steve was that he always dropped the subject when he needed to. He never pried into your life, but he also hadn’t really been a part of it for at least the last three years.
“So what am I doing here?”
‘”Just stand there and look pretty for right now Rogers. You are exceptionally gifted in that department.” His lips fell in a flat line as he playfully stared you down, you blowing him a kiss before turning back to the task at hand.
It didn’t take you too terribly long to find what you needed, maybe an hour. You managed to gather several old oscillating stand up fans, a bunch of small desktop ones, a couple Styrofoam coolers, and PVC pipe. You began piling it up at Steve’s feet, his curiosity peaking as you brushed the dust off your hands.
“I got a drill set in the truck that should work, you think Snark has a small portable jigsaw somewhere?” You knew Steve wouldn’t have the answer, but he didn’t have time to think of a response anyway.
“Of course I do Short Stack!”
“Snark are you making it a point to creepily follow me everywhere? I know you missed me but damn give a girl a break to breathe.” You ground out, anger flaring up in your veins as Tony only met the two of you with a grin.
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I know Capsicle here can only do so much. He’s got the brawn, but not all the brains I’m afraid.” The dig only seemed to piss you off more, noticing Steve’s jaw clench and his fists tighten.
“Steve sweetheart, do me a huge favor and take what you can and drop them off at my room? My cousin and I need to have a chat.” You didn’t have to ask him again as he gathered pretty much everything in one arm load and left the room, walking back towards the elevator. After making sure he was out ear shot you fixed your face in a menacing glare at your target.
“What in the hell was that Tony?!” You nearly shouted, your cousin crossing his arms over his chest in defiance as he refused to back down.
“Don’t act like I’m dumb Y/N. You and Steve have been on each other like shit on Velcro since you got here. I’m not letting someone close to me get hurt, especially after everything that’s happened over the last couple years!”
“Are you talking about me, or Steve?” You demanded darkly, noticing how he flinched as you took a step towards him. “Because either damn way, we’re grown adults and can make our own decisions. You don’t get a say in the matter! I don’t know why you seem to care so much anyway.”
“BECAUSE SIX MONTHS AGO HE ALMOST WENT BACK TO PEGGY!” Tony yelled, your face dropping as you took a step back. Was that true? What the hell was he still doing here then? You knew Peggy Carter and him had an unfinished history, but you had no idea he was considering actual time travel to be with her. The brunette sighed deeply, lowering his voice and you could feel his concern as he went to reach for you, you drawing your hands back as if he would burn you.
“He sat there and debated for weeks about it! You’re more than a convenient piece of ass Y/N, and you deserve better. Better than a man who hasn’t spoken to you in over three years! Or are you going to choose to ignore how easily he forgot about you during the accords situat…”
Your slap on his face echoed through the room, your eyes glistening with tears as you pulled your hand back. “Don’t you dare. He isn’t the only guilty party in that equation Snark, and you fucking know it. You know my feelings for him have never changed, and I lost one of my closest friends because of your bullshit. Don’t you dare say that to me.”
“I’m sorry I just…”
“You want to look out for me? How about you let me off the invisible leash so I can live my damn life!? You’re making me start to regret coming back at all!” You spat, pushing past the man and grabbing the small desktop fan on your way out, making sure to slam the door. You inhaled sharply, turning to find Steve waiting for you patiently, the elevator door being propped open by one of the large fans. Neither of you said anything as you stepped in, Steve removing the fan and allowing the door to close. The bell tone as you descended was the only sound. The walk to your room was silent as well, besides the shuffling noise of the fan cords across the floor. It was torture for both of you.
“Thanks for the help Rogers.” You said, your voice void of any emotion as you opened your door, helping the blonde put the things in your room before leaving it again.
“No problem Y/N.” He avoided your gaze, your sad expression too much for him. He hated seeing you upset, and although he hadn’t heard much of the conversation you and Tony had, he knew you had found out about Peggy. With your cousin’s yelling, he was one hundred percent sure everyone in the compound had heard it. “Listen, uh about your talk with Tony.”
“Don’t.” You warned, eyes turning into daggers as you began to walk away. True to his nature the blonde Avenger didn’t press, only nodded and left you alone to gather the things you needed from your truck, including the giant orange rectangular cooler that you hadn’t used. Nat watched you struggle, angrily wiping at the tears that had begun to fall and rushed to help you. She didn’t ask, she just helped you lug the large chest back inside. When you returned once again to your room you found the small saw sitting against your door.
“What else ya need Y/N?” Nat inquired gently, touching your shoulder as you got out the last of your sobs.
“Do we have any ice in the walk in freezer? I need all that we have. Also if you can find me any tape, plastic water bottles, and rock salt.” The red head nodded, disappearing shortly from view as you shut your door. “Friday, do me a solid and do NOT allow Tony Stark to enter this room?”
“Alright miss Y/N.” You set to work after the confirmation, beginning by measuring and cutting two holes in each lid of every cooler you had acquired. Yours took a minute to get through, the Styrofoam no match for the small but powerful saw Tony had left for you. At least he did something useful today. When Nat returned with Thor and Sam you smiled brightly at them, already in a slightly better mood. You graciously accepted their supplies, the two men leaving as you and Nat continued to work under your direction. You pulled up your phone and dialed Kate’s number, needing to hear her voice.
“Hey Y/N. How’s it hanging?”
“I’m about to murder my cousin.”
“Ohh. Is it Tony? I got a shovel and an alibi you just tell me where to meetcha!” You chuckled at Kate, Nat’s own laughter music to your ears.
“Who else is with you? Are they in on the murder or will we have to take care of them later?”
“Hang on I’ll video chat you.” You hung up and brought up the facetime app, your best friend’s cheesy smile coming to life shortly in front of you. “Ok Kate. Meet Natasha.”
You were regretting your decision less than ten solid minutes later, after you brought both women up to current knowledge on what had taken place. The two women were laughing and getting on like two peas in a pod and you were starting to feel replaced. You huffed, dumping the ice into the coolers after securing the small fans and PVC pipe to the lids. Nat worked on filing the bottles with icy salt water, sealing them up and taping them to the large stand up fans, Kate “Oooh” and “Aww”ing when everything was finished.
“Look at you Y/N! Should start calling you MacGyver. Where did you learn this stuff?!”
“Picked up this life hack while helping out a small village in Brazil. We lost our AC in the van for a week. There should be enough for everyone to have something in their rooms for the rest of the weekend.”
“My babe you are a SAINT and none of those assholes deserve you. Not including you Natasha.” Nat waved off Kate’s comment, knowing full well it wasn’t directed at her. “I still can’t believe Tony had the audacity to say that to you. He better hope to fuck I don’t see him, or that cooler you jury rigged is going to become his damn casket.”
“This is why I love you Kate. Thank you. I just don’t know what to do about Steve now.” You let out a shaky breath, both the other women looking at you with sympathetic eyes. “I don’t want to believe Tony, but if it’s true…”
“Listen Y/N,” Nat leaned in to wrap an arm around your shoulder, “He didn’t leave. Steve doesn’t just want you as some kind of tension release. All the guy has talked about since you got here is how much he’s missed you. I’ve been his friend for a long ass time, and I know he’s cared about you for most of it. Just talk to the man.” She squeezed you in a half hug, Kate nodding in agreement.
“What Nat said. And after you have a heart to heart, jump on his dick.”
“KATE! You are the worst influence!”
Your best friend’s face feigned innocence. “Y/N! I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m the best worst influence you got. You need to get laid. You might be less uptight after…”
“God. Goodbye Kate. Talk soon.” You went to rush her off the phone, face ablaze and Nat laughing to the point she couldn’t breathe properly.
“Bye bitch. Go get some!” She waved, you hanging up the app and clutching your forehead.
“I like her.” Nat got out between breaths.
“Go get the others please. Except Stark. ” You demanded, the red head giving you a half-assed salute and jumping out of the room. You had plugged in the large cooler for you room while she was gone, relishing in the cold air that was being pumped into it. You’d have to refill it after nightfall, but it would be the thing that saved you this weekend.
“What is all this?” Thor’s voice boomed as the door opened, you only acknowledging him with a large fan.
“Your redneck air conditioners. You’ll have to replace the ice to keep it going but it should help you all some in your rooms. Figured the coolers can go in the kitchen and living areas. We can move them around as need be.”
“You accomplished all of this in a matter of hours Y/N? You sure you don’t have super speed or something?” Sam stated, you beaming at him and coughing when Bruce threatened to hug the life out of you.
“You are an angel Y/N. Thank you.” You awkwardly patted the large green man on the back, letting him put you down before designating who took what. They filed into your room, all grabbing the appliances, each offering thanks before leaving. It did amazing things for your self esteem, knowing you could be of use after all this weekend.
“We’re going to grill tonight, keep unnecessary heat out of the compound. Meet me in the kitchen in an hour for prep?” Pepper asked cautiously, no doubt knowing about your fight with her husband earlier.
“Sure Pep, just make sure your husband stays away from me for right now. I’m not particularly fond of his existence currently.”
“You got it.” You laid down on your bed as your cousin left, shutting the door behind her. There was so much to process, and you really just wanted to nap, the temperature of the room slowly becoming more comfortable. A soft knock kept you from drifting off, you turning to your side as it cracked open to reveal a shy looking Steve Rogers.
“Can I help you Rogers?” Your tone was glass cutting sharp, the blonde wincing as he timidly stepped into your room.
“I just wanted to say thank you, for the uh, whatever you call that contraption you made. You’re a life saver, and uh, thanks.” He stammered, and you found your anger quickly melting away as he stood, shuffling his feet and not daring to make eye contact with you.
“You’re welcome Steve.” You caught the small upturn of his lips at you using his first name again, that little motion all you needed to melt into a puddle.
“I thought you were mad at me?” His whisper you nearly missed thanks to the sound your cooler was making, you leaning to sit up and giving him a head tilt. “About Peggy.”
“Ah.” You sighed, standing up to pad across the room, meeting him in your open doorway. “I want to be, but no matter how much I try I can’t. You didn’t go back, and it would be rather terrible of me to not understand where you were coming from. You’re here now. That’s all in the past, along with the years we haven’t kept in touch. Can we please promise each other to just leave it there? Start over?”
“I can do that.” He took your hand, pulling you into a gentle hug that warmed your body. You stood there for minutes, not saying anything but holding each other so tight it almost felt like the broken pieces of who you were started to put themselves back together. You didn’t want to pull away, and wondered if you two could make life work as permanently joined mass of limbs and brains. After all, he was always so warm and you found yourself freezing. Not to mention it would make getting things on the top shelf so much easier.
“I should go help Pepper with meal prep.” You uttered regretfully, forcing yourself to part from him.
“Yea, she’ll kill both of us if you’re late.” His statement forced a giggle from your lips as you went to leave, shutting the door behind both of you. “Save a seat for me?”
“Well I sure as hell ain’t sitting next to Tony. And if he sits in between us again I’ll just have to sit in your lap.” You teased, his eyes sparkling as he chuckled at your fading figure.
“Shck…Love Muffin is headed towards kitchen after brief rendezvous with Agent Sexy. No physical contact beyond a hug was initialized. Beginning to suspect agent is a complete punk who won’t man up. Over.” Bucky spoke confidently into the large black brick, Steve whipping around to glare at him murderously.
“Man, he don’t make a move soon imma be pissed off. This walkie talkie is heavy as fuck. Over.” Sam’s voice carried down the hall as Steve gave chase to his best friend.
“I’m going to put my foot so far up your ass Buck you’ll be spitting out leather for a month!” The blonde shouted, only getting a grin from his target in kind.
“Oooh kinky Captain. You gonna let Y/N in on your sadistic nature t..OW!”
The winter soldier found the compound walls to be super thick. And almost painful when pushed into them.
Tag List: @kaytizzle @cuffski @giggleberts @chrisevansfanfic @pies-wands-and-more @evanstush
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xserpentlife · 6 years
I hate you, I love you
Requested: Anon - Tumblr hasn't been working properly so not sure if my request went through so here it is again: sweet pea x reader imagine, where sp and the reader have a love-hate relationship ( not dating) and for some reason they have to share a hotel room with only one bed. reader gets embarrassed and says 'i'm not having my first time with you'. And then the reader blushes and it's ends with fluff and them dating. (Reader also has never kissed anyone) thanks!
A/N: Hope you like it Anon
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Cursing
Word Count: 3409
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Sweet Pea and I were not that close. We had a love-hate type of relationship I would say. I have been friends with Fangs, Toni and him for years but he always pissed me off. I don’t know if he meant to but somehow some way he would always end up being a dick. At first, he hated me because I came from the Northside. Then it turned into him hating me just for being me and it made absolutely no fucking sense. But it was also a friendship. He was there when no one else was, we talked about some things like how hard it was losing my dad, things I didn’t say to anyone. He even defended me a few times, kicked some guys ass when he saw me pushing him off of me at the bar one night. We would tease and push each other, it is light-hearted, but other times the fights turned into saying hurtful things.  At this point, I kind of just ignored him and dealt with it.
I walked into the Wyrm where we all planned to hang out and Toni was working at the bar. I sat down she handed me a beer and Fangs came over. We talked for about 20 minutes before I realized Sweet Pea was nowhere to be found, which granted was very odd because by this time he was usually playing pool. That's when I saw the new recruit push him against a wall and kiss him. I turned around, not wanting to see him tonguing down some bitches throat. He came up to us then.
“What’s up guys?”
“What? Actually decided to come hang out? Did you choke on the recruits tongue for long enough?”
“What about you little miss fuck everyone she sees”
“Excuse you, you don’t see me pushed up on some asshole”
“No, but you usually are”
“I don’t know what your eyes are seeing Sweet Pea” he walked away. It started as a rumor that never really stopped, some new recruit wanted to gain ground with the older members. He told people that he got in my pants, then others said the same. I tried to get people to believe me but it was me against about 5-8 other guys. Nothing I said worked people just automatically assumed. I saw Sweet Pea walk out the Wyrm with the girl probably taking her to his place to fuck. A few minutes later we all headed off in our own directions.
School the next day was good for the most part except I knew when I saw Reggie Mantle walking down the hallway it would get a lot worse.  He tried flirting, like always grabbing my wrist and lightly pushing me against the locker. I pulled him off not wanting to deal with it and ran away to the bleachers, pulling out a cigarette. Of course, the day got worse.
“What running from your problems again precious”
“Seriously Sweet Pea I am not in the mood for you right now”
“Oh your always in the mood for me Y/N”
“Disgusting, get over yourself”
“Serpents not enough had to get in Mantles pants to”
“You know nothing Sweet Pea so go fuck yourself”
“Glady” he winked and walked off. He was such a jackass. He thought he was right about every little fucking thing. I was tired of the day at that point I wanted to get out of school but Jughead made me help him with a project. That meant I didn’t get to the wyrm until fucking 5 I needed a drink or to talk to someone I couldn’t deal with him, I did not want to see him but I wanted to talk to Toni. We started talking about random shit. I was having a really good time and of course, fucking Sweet Pea had to come over and ruin it. He said hey to Toni and bumped into me backing my beer spilling it slightly onto my shirt.
“Seriously Sweet Pea!”
“Oh calm down”
“I’m not going to fucking calm down, why do you always have to do the stupidest shit”
“Why are you so pissed off Y/N. It was a fucking accident chill out”
“I am not going to chill out you always do this” I pushed him back not that it did much but FP saw walking down the stairs and over to us telling us to calm down. And then told me the worst news I have heard in a long time.
“Y/N, Sweet Pea grab your bags you gotta go on a run for me. Take the truck out back the stuff is in there, the address is on the dash. When you get there, check into the hotel it’s under your name Y/N. The guys for the trade will switch out the stuff in their truck and ours in the middle of the night. You can leave with it in the morning” Sweets looked unfazed, but annoyed at the same time.
“Woah, woah, woah… wait a minute you're telling me I have to drive with him somewhere and stay in a hotel with him!”
“It’s an order, leave now its a 2-hour drive” you gotta be kidding me I thought to myself. I had one of the worst days and now my night is ruined too. I walked out the back door getting into the passenger side of the Truck. Sweet Pea hopped in next to me, throwing a duffle bag in the back.
“Did you know about this?”
“Not really FP told me there was a job I was going on, not that it would be with you, and not that it would be overnight. He apparently didn’t want me to back out so he had Fangs get my shit from my trailer without even telling me”
“That’s rich”
“What is your problem with me”
“Nothing, just drive” It was complete silence for an hour other than the hum of the tires on the road and the light music coming through the radio. I started drifting off to sleep before I felt a hand touch my leg.
“What the fuck are you doing get off of me!”
“I was putting a blanket on you”
“Why would you do that”
“I was just trying to be nice”
“That's ironic” I turned my head out the window again, He went to speak but he stopped himself. Silence filled the truck once again. I could tell he was pissed, but I didn’t know what about. The most logical answer was me, my mere presence tended to annoy him as he told me oh so many times. I was tired I just wanted to get to this motel and sleep. We pulled in and I grabbed my backpack out the back Sweet Pea grabbing his duffel bag. We walked in, I told the guy at the desk my name and he handed me a key. A KEY, ONE.
“Uhm excuse me is there another key for the other room?”
“Only one room is reserved under your name” I heard Sweet Pea from the other side of the waiting area. You've got to be fucking kidding me. I was pissed to say the least. Why the fuck did FP only reserve one room. Whatever, I walked over signaling for Sweet Pea to follow and handing him the key as we walked up the stairs to the third floor. He opened the door to the room stepping in. Sweet Pea turned on the light and audibly again I heard a
“You've got to be fucking kidding me, I have to fucking sleep in a bed… with you”.
“What?” he pointed to the bed THE ONE SINGULAR BED, NOT TWO SINGLES, ONE. “this day keeps getting worse and worse, you know whatever I’ll just sleep in the chair you can take the bed Sweet Pea. I am not in the mood for this not today, and I am tired of dealing with you”
Before he could protest I walked in putting my bag on the ground and then I walked into the bathroom and sighed I needed to shower. I still had beer on me from earlier. I took the shower and got out forgetting that I left my bag in the room. Walking out with myself wrapped in a towel I saw Sweet Pea sitting on the bed scrolling through his phone. I walked to my backpack to grab my clothes, I started grabbing them out. Bra, Underwear, shorts… oh no, I forgot a fucking shirt. I screamed goddamnit and Sweet Pea shot up.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing” I walked into the bathroom slipping the clean clothes on and then slipped the disgusting beer stained shirt over my clean bra. I walked out and he looked at me.
“Why did you put your dirty clothes back on?”
“Does it matter”
“I guess not, just asking”
“Well, I forgot to pack a fucking shirt. You know today has been nothing but fucking bad luck”
“Here,” he walked to his bag taking a shirt out and handing it to me. “Just put it on I have extra in my bag, it's my fault yours is dirty anyway. I slipped my shirt off after I turned on and slipped his on. I turned around again grabbing a pillow and walking over to the chair.
“No, what Sweet pea”
“Sleep in the bed I’ll take the chair, get up your not arguing”
“No, your two times my height you’ll be more comfortable in the bed the chair is fine for me”
“I said no arguing”
“Oh fuck off” He stormed out, I imagine he had a smoke. Of course, he had to open his mouth again when he came back in”
“Really get in the fucking bed and off the chair” I glared at him, I really didn’t need his shit, I was getting tired of it. “I am just trying to be nice Y/N”
“I don’t need you to fucking be nice. You know you say we are friends but we fucking aren't all you ever do is try to constantly fight me. We’ve had these deep conversations and then the next day it is like I barely exist, so what the fuck is your problem. You know you were the only one that truly stuck by me when my dad died and then… and then you left me, you barely talked to me for weeks and then when you did it started with sly remarks, more than we ever had before. Then the sly remarks turned to rude ones why? I am tired of your shit Sweet Pea. I am tired of always trying and getting nothing in return from you. Can I even call you a fucking friend at this point?  All you ever do is say rude shit to me, or say shit to make me mad, what's the point does it get you off or something does it make you happy when you make me feel like I want to storm out of a building and never come back. I am done tryi…” He cut me off pressing my lips to his. I thought I would have hit him pushed him away, but I didn’t I melted into it something was… different. He disconnected our lips, but within seconds I pulled him back to me. I pushed him onto the bed so I was straddling him and made the kiss deeper. His hand slipped up my back and I stopped him, I got off and I ran outside. I couldn’t do that, I was a fucking virgin, hell I never even kissed someone before that moment. I stood over the railing looking down at the truck and watching the rainfall. I felt the linger of the head his lips had on mine. But of course he probably was just horny and needed some action because he didn’t have any other options right now, It probably meant nothing. I got knocked out of my thoughts by him coming outside.
“Y/N, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that”
“Sweet Pea. You are mistaken if you think I am going to have my first time with you of all people”
“That's not what I was… wait, first time?”
“Not important” I could not deal with him not now. I was tired, angry that I didn’t pull the kiss away. A tear slipped down my cheek. All I wanted was to be close to him again. Something that kiss made me feel deeper, but I knew it was just a game to him. I heard the door open and shut I figured he would sit in the chair and leave me alone. I closed my eyes trying to hold back the tears that wanted to flow before I felt a dip on the bed next to me. I looked up and over at him he looked down at me his thumb coming and brushing the tear away.
“Stop! Sweet Pea”
“You can’t just do that, You can’t just be an ass and then think everything is going to be okay”
“That isn’t my intention. I just… I’m sorry, I am sorry that I pushed you away and I am sorry that I have been such an asshole to you. You don’t deserve it. You never deserved it.”
“Then why Sweet Pea”
“I… I can’t tell you” he looked soft almost like the hard exterior he always held at completely subsided, almost defeated. I put my hand to his cheek. “Tell me” he looked down shaking his head. “I don’t want to ruin anything, but I guess…. I guess I already did. Look Y/N. I… I like you”
“Wh… what?”
“I have for a long time. I didn’t like you at first coming to the Southside. The Northside and I never saw eye to eye. That passed when I got to know you. I grew close to you, fast. And then… and then your dad died and I was there through it all. The nights at the hospital, the funeral, the aftermath everything. I hated seeing you in pain. It made me angry. Not being able to help made me so mad, so when I got you to smile or even laugh I felt so happy. I started being with you 24/7 and we grew so close it scared me. I just… I was rude thinking that maybe if I was rude I would start to not like you again. Then you were rude back I could see I was hurting you but it was the only way to keep you away. I couldn’t, the feelings I had for you were so strong, they came so fast, it hit me like a truck. It was new for me. I never felt like that… ever. But it backfired clearly or you wouldn’t be in here crying. My intention wasn’t to make you hate me it was just to push you far enough away so that the feelings would go away… but, they didn’t. I’m so sorry I didn…” I stopped him kneeling up so I could connect our lips I understood him. I mean it killed me how much he had hurt me, but he was scared. I couldn’t blame him for that.
“It’s okay”
“It isn’t Y/N I said terrible things to you, I called you names so many times and did such stupid shit. Some of it out of jealousy but some of it out of just trying not to get close to you again”
“Jealousy? I never even dated anyone how could you… oh.” the rumors.
“The guys who had you and I couldn’t it made me mad, angry, I wanted to kill them, but I would never. The best I could do was push you further away, and I am so sorry about that. I thought they were true. I should have believed you when you told all of us they were rumors. My judgment was clouded though. I was so angry, angry that I couldn’t have you. It was my fault and it was stupid. I was so, so terrible to you”
“Stop… Pea, it’s okay” I kissed him again. I wanted to feel his lips on mine. It was a need, I loathed for his lips. He Released pushing me back on the bed. I grabbed his arm pushing him over slightly and climbed on top. I connected our lips once again. I wanted him… all of him. I was in love with him. It’s why I was always so mad, why the shit he said affected me more than anyone. I knew what I wanted. I started to undo his belt, wanting him fully. I needed him I wanted to feel our skin touch. I knew what I wanted, but he swatted my hand away, sitting up pulling his shirt off, our lips only disconnecting for a second. I pushed him back down my hips grinding against his, and again I started to unbuckle his pants, but he stopped me. Pushing me off to the side of the bed and him standing up grabbing his shirt off the floor. I felt… rejected was what he said all a lie.
“I can’t Y/N” I didn’t realize a tear rolled down my cheek. I never cried, why did he have to have such an effect on me. He saw it sitting on the bed in a quick motion taking my hand in one of his and his other cupping my cheek. “No, Y/N please don’t cry I didn’t mean it like that I do want you, a lot actually but”  I interrupted. “You clearly don’t. You would have kept going. You never stop,  you constantly take girls to your trailer, you clearly don’t want this”
“That is not, true”
“Don’t lie, you literally did it the other day when we were hanging at the Wyrm. I mean the girl did throw herself on you but you took her to your bike and headed to your place”
‘Yeah… she kissed me but she was drunk out of her mind. I took her to my place but nothing happened. I am not like that. She is the first girl I took to my trailer in months, and we didn’t even do anything. The only reason I’m known as that guy is because I let the rumors go. I wanted to see if it made you jealous but it didn’t. I tried being with girls to get over you but it never worked. I am not the guy everyone thinks I am”
“I… I’m sorry, I”
“Don’t apologize you don’t need to but, now can I explain myself and why I stopped you?” I shook my head. “I stopped because you deserve so much better than this. And god I would want nothing more than to fuck you right now but… I can’t.  You don’t deserve to lose your virginity in a nasty ass motel room. You deserve the fucking world” I kissed him. I needed to. I knew deep down he wasn't an asshole. I was falling for him more and more by the second. I pulled away smiling up at him. “Hey, why don’t we get some sleep we have a long ride back tomorrow” He stood up walking over to the chair. I wanted him next to me. “P… Pea”
“Could you come sleep with me, It may sound cheesy but I want you close… Please, of course only if you want to if you don’t I mean it's fine I…” I got cut off by him climbing in next to me and pulling me close to him. My head landed on his bare chest and we laid there. At that moment everything was… perfect. I started drifting off to sleep and the last words I heard were “I love you so much Y/N, I am so, so sorry that I was such a dick to you. I will never do anything to hurt you again and I will never let anyone hurt you either” Before I fell into a deep sleep I whispered at him “I love you too” I knew everything would be okay then. The guy who was my best friend, who I ended up hating, I was madly in love with, and he was in love with me too.
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