#not just say 'biological = right' like dude what do you think people have been saying about real women this whole time????
novella-november · 4 hours
Is this fanfic friendly? I feel like an outlier.
I guess this is my sign it's time to throw together a FAQ post to link to lol.
Yes, every event for this blog is fanfic friendly :D
Though as I mentioned on my Ominous October post, for events that include multiple short stories, I encourage everyone to flex their creativity and take one of their planned short story fanfics, and at least *attempt* to turn one of them into something entirely original; rebuilding a character and story from the ground up to stand on its own two legs is no easy feat, and that is what makes it so fun!
It really gets your creative gears turning, to make an "au of an existing material" to be something entirely original, and you can be pleasantly surprised about the things you come up with!
As a few people say, its not just a matter of "filing the serial numbers off" -- you have to add in just as much *or more* as what you take out when you are turning a fanfiction into something that is original and completely divorced from its original source material / inspiration, and that is a hard, but very rewarding challenge!
Obviously, this is not a requirement (there's no hard requirements for any of the challenges, other than no cheating, including no using AI),
but if you would like an extra challenge for the short story events and you're planning on doing entirely fan-fiction, I highly recommend trying it out at least once, and seeing where it leads you--
you may find yourself pleasantly surprised by what you find down that rabbit hole!
#replies#novella november#long rambly tags to follow lol#including anti royalist / anti billionaire shit#ominous october#this is what my novella november is going to be#something that WAS a huge earth-shattering fanfic AU#but before I even got past a WIP Oneshot I'd already realized that what I was planning was going to turn canon so far on its head it would#be unrecognizable and it would be much better off and more coherent if I made it entirely original#so now it is!#not only does this involve changing every single characters name#everyone is now a completely different species other than human because thats always fun#and of course we're also tackling all the issues that had annoyed me in omega verse fics since I was like 14 and liked the#creature aspects but hated the biological essentialism and misogny / caste systems#if your fantasy people have an enforced caste system you gotta actually treat that like the horror and systemic oppression it is#not just say 'biological = right' like dude what do you think people have been saying about real women this whole time????#people literally insist women are biologically inferior to men do you really think supporting that idea is going to make you sound#progressive just because your main character is a tomboy independant woman?#also like she lost all her independence as soon as she found a man to marry so uhhhhh#what happened to being ready and willing to hit the bricks if people kept talking down to you and condescending you for being a woman????#why did you go from independant badass tomboy to fainting damsel who spends all her time worrying about failing to produce an heir#so her husband can take power#instead of just straight up telling your husband#'hey I don't want to deal with the bullshit from your father how about we do the-#- socially acceptable thing and just go off to make our own independant settlement with some of the villagers who are on your side'#like your husband would literally be escstatic about this idea of finally getting out from under his dad's tyrannical thumb#and its more like way more than half the villagers would go with you not just a handful#theyve been sick of the kings shit for years and only your husband's potential rise to rule kept them in check#cus he actually cares about the villagers and goes among them#while still clearly having some biases to work through when it comes to class and gender equality
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hijinxinprogress · 7 months
YJ playing never have I ever 
Cissie goes never have I ever been experimented on by the government so Greta, Kon, and Bart put a finger down “Bart?? Hello??” “The futures fucked” “Called it” “Are you good?” “I mean I like pizza and not being stuck in a simulation sooo” “the future doesn’t have pizza??” “I know! Not having pizza is the absolute worst” 
Kon goes never have I ever had a mentor disregard my safety and everyone except Anita, Cassie, and Greta put a finger down “The joys of not having a mentor” “Hal lost it when he found out about last christmas” “Every time Diana realizes we’ve gone off planet she goes nuclear” “middle child, no one’s looking for me in the first place”
Cassie says never have I ever been betrayed by family members (biological or otherwise) so there’s a small argument over whether or not you should have to put a finger down for each betrayal “I’m just saying there’s a lot of speedsters” “I have like nine siblings on a technicality” “Do alternate versions of alleged biological relations count??” “🤓👆🏾AlLeGEd BiOlOgicAl ReLaTIoNs ” “stfu” “Can I add someone else’s alt to my list if they killed me?? Wait, Thad tried to kill me again last week” “Are we counting each person or each betrayal??” “I don’t have enough fingers for that” “fuck, me either” “I don’t have enough fingers for each person much less each time I was betrayed” 
Anita goes never have I ever had a family member attempt or succeed in killing me and everyone puts a finger down “so fuck me ig” “does prime count for us??” “yeah?? we’re family, stupid” “I feel targeted” “me too” “what if it was an accident??” “It still counts”
Tim goes never have I ever had to screw with time to meet family member(s) so Anita and Bart put down a finger “technically I didn’t-“ “you’re a speedster put your mf finger down” “fair” “they were babies, I didn’t meet shit” “they were your parents put your fucking-”
Greta goes never have I ever befriended people that tried to kill me multiple times and Tim and Bart put down a finger “it’s how we bond! This is slander” “Bart we’ve been to like six other timelines and dimensions where Thad kills you” “wait you said friend do I-“ “Pru” “listen that’s different” “Anarky??” “Klarion” “Azrael” “Lynx” “I also tried to kill you” “My fucking finger is down are you happy?” 
Bart goes never have I ever had a family that doesn’t want me around and everyone puts a finger down “look at us! Bonding” “I don’t think I was invited to thanksgiving last year” “ngl they have no idea how old I am” “I was accidentally added to the family group chat” “dude they added you??” 
Tim goes never have I ever had mommy issues resulting in everyone putting a finger down “??” “You do know you’re targeting yourself right??” “Bart put your finger down” “wtf why my mom loves me” “Emotional turmoil bc you can never see her again ergo mommy issues” “eRgO” “stfu” “Kon?? You don’t have a mom??” “My choices are Superman or Lex” “Yikes…” “Put another finger down”
[No one wins especially not the jl that walked in halfway through the game bc yj was having game night in a briefing room and gave absolutely zero notice]
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phantom-0-writer · 6 months
what even is your life danny?
Danny had been shocked awake by Adam practically breaking down the door to Wes’s room as he barged in. “Wake up!” He yelled frantically. 
“What’s wrong?” Danny asked, sitting up at the thought of a ghost attack. 
“Wha-” Wes asked, bleary-eyed from his side of the bed, drool still wet on his mouth. Adam in all his everlasting energy, practically pushed Wes off the bed, making room for himself. 
“Y’know Nightwing’s recent case-” He started excitedly before turning around to face the two of them, his voice more serious, “You know about it, right?” Adam asked. When they both nodded- as if Tucker would have let them go this long not knowing about it- Adam continued in his original energy. “They finally released the names of all the kids that got switched.” Adam started in the same excitement someone would announce they won the lottery in a hallmark movie. “They made this mini-identity check thing, since, y’know it counts as personal medical history, and it legally can’t be free access to the public. It’s actually quite ingenious- yet simple.” Adam’s voice began trailing on the edge of mystification before snapping back to his original energy. “I thought we’d all give it a shot to see if any of us qualify!” He ended happily. 
“Dude, how can you have so much energy so early in the morning,” Wes asked, bundling himself in his blanket, his voice heavy in a sleepy drawl even though he looked much more awake now. 
“It’s 1:30. Regular people like me have been up for hours now,” Adam responded snottily, shoving a hand in his younger brother’s face.  “Also Danny, your phone’s been going crazy all morning. You left it on the couch last night.” Adam said, handing the device to Danny.
“Who was it?” Wes asked, looking over at him. 
“My parents,” Danny put the phone on speaker. Two rings echoed in the still anticipation of the room before the familiar voice of his mom came through the other end. “Hi, sweetie!” She said happily, “Did you just wake up?” 
“Oh, uh Yeah. I did. I was-”
“We got a call this morning and you’d never believe who it was.” Mom started, her voice only marginally louder than the loud work of whatever she was doing. “The FBI! Can you believe it? They said you were one of the children involved with Dr. Kilye’s case-” 
Danny looked up to share a look of shock with Adam and Wes, jaws loose, having pierced the puzzle together. 
“-Apparently the child they swapped you with, mine and Jack’s biological child, had been born with an undiagnosable fatal condition, and hadn’t been able to make it. His name was… Philip. We were quite sad about the news.” The sound of the drill echoed through the room. “But apparently the agent- the FBI agent!- had already talked to your biological parents - you know Jack and I always wondered who it was you took after, and I thought it was my Great Aunt Sally, but Jack always said his late Uncle Bob. Oh right, what was I saying? Oh! Your parents- right! They seemed pretty eager to meet you. Or at least your father, I think -or was it your mother, I can’t remember. The other one went missing a while after you were born. I don’t remember all the details. I sent you the phone number they gave me, I figured you’d want to talk to her.” And before Danny could even get a word out she hung up. 
There was a palpable silence, “I’ll make us some food,” Adam said, being the first to leave his spot. 
Wes jumped up instantly at the declaration, “No!” 
“How about I make us some food.” Danny offered, making his way to the kitchen.
“Yes, that is the better option.” Wes nodded sagely, plopping onto the barstool as Danny took inventory. Adam hauled himself onto the counter, letting his long legs dangle right above the floor as he watched Danny cook. 
“You got your bio mom’s number, right? Are you gonna talk to her?” Adam asked his hyper attitude from the morning replaced with a still-eager yet more restrained and slightly somber one. 
Danny let himself consider it before responding. “I don’t even know her name or anything though. What would I even say?” 
“We could look it up on the thing Adam was tellin’ us about.” Wes offered. “I’ll grab my laptop.”
“Your call,” Adam added. 
“Yeah… I think that’d be good.” Danny looked up from the food he was preparing, “Thanks, guys. I dunno how I would’ve taken this without you.” He smiled softly. 
“You’re the one cooking for us, man. We should thank you.” Adam laughed. Plates wiped clean and in the sink, they all huddled around Wes’s laptop as Danny put his information to the FBI’s server. 
“Dude,” Wes gasped reading the file, placing his hand on Danny’s shoulder as he leaned in closer from behind him.
“Your dad-” Adam spluttered, “Your dad is Bruce Wayne?” He practically yelled, turning to look at Danny for confirmation. As if he had any idea what was going on. “Bruce Wayne.” He said, again amazed. 
“What even is your life Danny?” 
“Did my mom just casually send me Bruce Wayne’s personal phone number?”
“Tucker’s so going to lose his mind.”
except from regular boy: daniel wayne (chap 6)
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aftonfamilyvalues · 2 months
how women on here are reacting to the boxing situation is the final straw for me with radblr tbh.
like imagine this scenario for a second: people are making false claims about you that you not only can easily disprove with a simple, uninvasive test, but you've ALREADY DONE said test in the past so you'd just need to ask them to publish the results. you can debunk these claims with the same amount of effort required to push a button.
but you don't. you have Literally The Easiest Option In The World to prove you're right and you don't do it.
and yet because women have created their own OC for this guy in their heads who is a female with androgen issues they'd rather defend their self-made blorbo as a way to peacock about how "yes all women" and/or "not racist" they are than do 2 seconds of research and critical thinking to realize "hey maybe this situation that fits literally all the criteria for the dude being a male, including the fact that he's been previously disqualified from competing in the women's league TWICE yet shows up for the Female Olympics anyway, means he's actually just a liar and cheater"
i'm open to having some sympathy for him if his parents (tried to*) raise him as a girl but like. he's a fucking adult. he took a sex test. he knows who he is now. he's making his own decisions. one of these decisions is choosing to hide who he is.
*idc how misogynistic his parents are in believing "no vagina??? but no penis. no penis = female. because female = non-male.", if they knew he had a male-specific dsd that coloured how they raised and treated him, even if they tried to hide it. the act itself of hiding it from him and trying not to raise him that way makes their treatment of him already inherently different from how they'd raise him if he were actually female.
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link here
im going to try to go about this in the most respectful way possible.
i cant say i agree with everything youre saying here. theres still a lot of misinformation about this and i cant say a slatz tweet is very satisfying for me given the racist and homophobic things ive seen from her. but, if what you say is true, that this boxer is an intersex male who was assigned female at birth, i think its completely unfair to treat her entirely as a man. the community tends to regard itself as a place for intersex women too, those with this particular dsd were not spared misogyny just because they unknowingly had xy chromosomes. learning they are biologically male with a dsd doesnt mean they have a desire to completely restructure their lives and identity around being men, i think thats kind of insane to expect.
that being said, i think there needs to be a reevaluation of fairness in sports and how intersex people fall into it. what advantages or disadvantages do intersex women carrying a y chromosome have over those that dont? what male charactistics (bone density, for example) still exist in these women? do they pose a danger to other women in their sport? what about other intersex conditions? at what point does it become unfair? unfortunately it could lead to their exclusion, and if that happens will there be another place for them? theres a lot to consider and things will have to change as we learn more. its not really a black and white situation in my opinion.
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jurassic-girlie · 1 month
My Contribution to Benji Week 2024
Very rushed, but oh well. (Search 'Luckyisshe' on Ao3 for more notes)
tw for eating issues
Day 1 Prompt: Dork Pouch
"I Go Hungry"
Mae had given them a simple assignment: collect a large quantity of loose branches and shrubbery, in hopes they could create a makeshift hideaway for Angel, Rebel, and Firecracker, so they would be less likely to draw the attention of the Brad-Xs. It was the easiest task in comparison to the others, after all, as Brooklynn was assigned to sneak into the Brad-X warehouse for some extra reconnaissance, and Sammy and Yasmina had the chore of gathering heavy stones for the aforementioned dino shelter. Ben wasn’t stupid, he knew what Mae thought of him in terms of strength. He just couldn’t figure out why Kenji volunteered to go with him. He wasn’t complaining though.
As the two boys walked away from their secret camp, Ben asked the question that had been bothering him. “So, why’d you want to come with me? I mean– I’m not complaining or anything, but I figured you’d want to show off your strength by lifting a bunch of heavy rocks and being all… manly and stuff,”.
Kenji smirked. “What if I said I wanted to spend time with you? Like one on one bonding time. Call it a date, maybe?”
Ben felt himself blushing. “Yeah, yeah let’s call it a date!” he laughed, somewhat in disbelief from Kenji’s forwardness. “Oh wait, I think I see a clearing up ahead, let’s look for branches there! And we can continue our hot date while we work,” he joked.
“I’ll race you there!” Kenji challenged, getting a headstart as he took off. 
Ben followed him, though he quickly fell behind. His throat burned, and he felt as if his chest was about to explode. Ben’s insistence on a berries only diet was not helping him, as he felt a hollowness in his legs, unable to carry him faster than a light jog. By the time he had reached Kenji, he was out of breath, bent over and panting. He briefly gagged, and Kenji rushed over to him.
“Oh my god are you okay? I totally forgot about the no intense exercise rule, I’m so sorry Ben,”. Regret filled Kenji’s expression, as he stared at the smaller boy, hoping for some signal that he was okay.
Kenji was right, after Ben had fainted in front of the group, Mae forced him to make a promise. If he continued to deny himself of nutrients, he would no longer be allowed to exercise beyond walking. No running, jumping, heavy lifting, or other physical activity unless it was an emergency. Ben had reluctantly agreed.
“Yeah,” Ben gasped for air, “I just need a second. I’m not built for running. Obviously,”. He didn’t stand all the way up, but he did attempt to offer a thumbs-up.
“It’s not that you’re not built for it…” Kenji muttered.
“All I’m saying is it’s not a biological reason you’re bad at running, you know who’s at fault,”.
“I don’t want to get into this right now, Kenji, let’s just collect the branches,”. His voice turned bitter.
Kenji sighed, but he saw no use in arguing. He began to gather the materials, and Ben did the same.
Once his arms were full of branches, Kenji looked over to see how Ben was doing. The boy was bent over, still picking up sticks and leaves from a large pile on the ground. “How much you wanna bet we’ll get back before Sammy and Yaz?” He hoped he had given Ben enough time to cool down – physically and emotionally.
“Oh they don’t even have a chance!” Ben smiled, and stood up to face Kenji. Unfortunately, he stood up too fast. He had barely registered the blood pooling in his head as he continued his branch-gathering posture. His head spun, and he watched Kenji’s smile fade as he stumbled backwards, ultimately falling to the ground.
“Ben! Ben, oh god, oh my god! Dude are you okay?!” Kenji rushed over to him.
“M’m fine…” Ben groaned. “Just a little dizzy ‘s all,” he mumbled. 
“No, Ben, no that’s not all,”.
“What are you talking about? I stood up too fast, that’s it,”.
“People with regular, functioning bodies don’t just faint when they stand up, Ben!”
Ben remained silent.
“You weren’t at breakfast. You haven’t eaten today, have you?”
“I was going to when we got back…” Ben replied sheepishly.
“Jesus Christ, you don’t realize how serious this is, do you? We’ve survived so much so far, do you really want to waste it on this?”
Ben grimaced. “I’m sorry, it won’t happen again. Just please, save the lecture? I know it doesn’t seem like it but I’m trying, I really am,”. 
“Okay fine,” Kenji sighed, “but let me help you. Give me your dork pouch,”. 
“What? Why do you need my bag?”
“You haven’t taken anything out since you got it back from me, right?”
Ben shook his head slowly.
“Then trust me, just hand it over,” Kenji said, taking a seat next to Ben.
Ben reluctantly gave the fanny pack to Kenji, who quickly started rooting through it.
“Wow this thing is roomier than it looks – ah, found it!” Kenji pulled out a metallic package. “Who knew these carob bars would actually come in handy? Here,” Kenji unwrapped the bar, not letting Ben see anything written on the back (though he assumed he already had it memorized).
Ben took the bar and stared at it. He hesitantly took a bite. And another. 
“You thought I died and your first thought was to look through my things?” Ben scoffed in a playful manner.
“No, I thought you died and my first thought was to sob, then I went through your things,” Kenji corrected. 
Ben laughed, and took another bite of the bar. Kenji thought about making a comment about it, but instead he opted to hug the boy. “I don’t want to lose you, okay?”
“Okay,” Ben hugged him back.
Ben pretended not to notice Kenji whispering something to Mae when they returned from their adventure. He pretended not to notice the frown that overtook her face when he finished speaking. He pretended not to notice the increased surveillance towards him during meal times.
Ben smiled when the next food shipment that came in included a new box of organic carob bars.
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lunatic-pudge · 26 days
What do you think postal dude would be like as a dad
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I've technically done headcanons of Dude as a dad but I'm always down to talk about dad Dude.
Now Dude as a dad would be a little difficult, for a few reasons. One is that he had a rough childhood. Abuse and neglect was all he ever knew. The only kindness he ever received was from Doe and Uncle Dave. But that's not enough to reverse the damage his and Doe's parents made. Drugs, alcohol, sketchy people, filth, and the threats of burning in hell for eternity if they don't repent can mess a person up pretty badly, especially when as a child.
Another thing is his drug habits and mental illnesses. While Dude's mental health has gotten "better" over the years, it's still not in the best shape. It could be better if he wasn't so hopelessly addicted to drugs. This man has tried almost every drug he can get his grubby hands on. And it has a habit of making his psychosis worse than usual. This man has had some of the worst religious psychosis yet (looking at you Postal 1). So he would need to learn to quit the drugs, which will be a very tough battle for him. He's gonna have to either quit the drugs, or start using some not has harsh stuff like weed and only use it every now and then (away from the kids!)
If the kid is his biologically, the poor thing is getting that oh so beloved generational trauma and mental illness. Dude doesn't mean to pass down his problems onto his kid, but he isn't necessarily doing anything to break the cycle. And, to be honest, he might even add onto the trauma, especially if he's having an episode or attacks someone in front of his kid. If the kid is one he took under his wing, they get the same experience minus the generational trauma. How the hell did he end up with a random child? Who knows? Think of the one part in Bayonetta where the little girl claims that Bayonetta is her mom and is attached to her hip (I haven't played the game so bear with me plz)
Dude is trying, he really is. He would be protective of the little one. Refusing to let them wander out and about Paradise alone. Teaching them how to use various weapons so they're prepared in case someone tries anything. And they also get Champ as a guard dog also! He's also a pretty chill dad, not caring if his kids want tattoos or piercings, just as long as it isn't anything stupid. He's kinda a bad influence as well, but I feel like we all knew that.
He's trying, he really is. He's no where near being a perfect dad. His kid is either gonna end up like him and continuing the cycle, or they will break it by getting help to overcome everything. I'm sorry this isn't some picture perfect headcanon of Dude as a dad. This is a man who has been through Hell and back (literally) and doesn't do anything to overcome his trauma other than through self-medication (which can make it worse at times). I'd say it'd be a little better if he has a partner to help steer him in the right direction, but Dude can be overwhelming at times and things slip through the cracks.
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astrowaffles · 1 year
Lights, Camera, ...Action?
General Audiences | Fluff, Chaos
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"Megumi-seaurchinhead – that’s a really good name – asks, ‘Why do you have different last names?’”
“Do you know how hard it is to get a name change?” Megumi asked. “Especially if it’s a name you’d already had for ten years?”
“Hard both financially, legally, and emotionally,” Gojo listed. “Plus Megumi Fushiguro has such a ring to it.”
“I guess you could’ve become Satoru Fushiguro.”
“Yah, but I’m famous.”
“Point taken. Megumi Gojo is an okay name I guess, it’s just weird. I’ve been Fushiguro all my life.”
“It’s his mom’s name,” Gojo added. “It would be a shame to swap your mom’s name for your adoptive dad’s. That’s not very #feminism, is it?”
“Did you seriously just say the word ‘hashtag’?”
“Hashtag feminism, dude.”
“Don’t ‘dude’ me. You’re old and wrinkly, and cringe. Next question.”
OR: the jjk actor/interview au we all wanted
“Sometimes people ask me if you’re, like, actually mine. And first of all, what do you mean, ‘actually’?? You’re literally my son? And second of all, if they mean biologically, how old do they think I am?! I was ten years old when you were born. And when you were conceived-“
Megumi coughed violently and nodded his head towards the camera. Gojo immediately stopped talking.
“We were rolling? Oh. Well. ….Shit.”
The screen fuzzed out with a loud BEEEEP.
“Hey, I’m Megumi Fushiguro, and I’m in Jujutsu Kaisen 0 this March.”
“I’m Satoru Gojo! I’m also in Jujutsu Kaisen 0 this March. What a funny coincidence.”
“We’re here today to read your most frequently asked questions-”
“And it’s Father’s Day! So there’ll be lots about our relationship.”
Megumi hummed. “I feel like we should probably explain that first.”
Gojo inched towards Megumi, closing the gap between them on the couch. Megumi, engrossed in trying to find the right words, didn’t notice until Gojo managed to get an arm over Megumi’s shoulders. Megumi jumped.
“Holy fuck, don’t do that,” he scolded, hand over his heart. Gojo snickered and turned to the camera.
“We’re father and son! Hence the Father’s Day interview.” Megumi opened his mouth, but Gojo quickly put a hand over it. “Don’t sweat the small stuff. Peace and love, Megumi! Onto the questions!”
A member of the crew placed two small bowls, full of slips of paper, on the table in front of them. They also handed Megumi a clipboard.
“So, these’re the rules,” Megumi announced, shrugging Gojo’s arm off. “We take a question from that bowl-“ he pointed – “and answer it. Truthfully,” he added, staring at Gojo. Gojo put his hands up in surrender.
“Hey, I never lie! Just bend the truth sometimes.”
“Yeah, whatever. Once you’re done with the paper, put it on the table – and not back into the bowl.” Another stare. Gojo looked away. “If you don’t want to answer the question, you don’t have to, but you do have to do a forfeit.” Megumi pointed to the other bowl.
“How am I supposed to remember which one is which?”
“Does anyone have a pen?”
A woman quickly handed Megumi a marker.
“Thanks.” Megumi picked up the first bowl, and scrawled QUESTIONS on it, and then FORFEITS on the other.
“Woah, Megs, your handwriting is awful,” Gojo commented, inspecting the scribbles.
“Thanks, I got it from you,” Megumi replied. He put the marker down on the table and finished scanning the rules. “That’s about it, I think.”
“You wanna go first?”
“I guess.” Megumi carefully pulled a slip from the bowl. “This is from fishbowlbrain on twitter. ‘Do Megumi and Yuuji actually get along, or is it just acting?’”
“Do they get along? You have no idea,” Gojo groaned. “They’re such menaces.”
“He’s only saying that because we convinced the publicist to sell stickers of Satoru,” Megumi confided to the camera.
“Yeah, stickers of horrible freeze-frame moments!”
“We caught him mid-sneeze,” Megumi cackled. “Ahh. Good times.”
“That was last week.”
“Good times.”
“Seriously, I wish they were just acting. They do literally everything together now. Saw them at the nail salon a few days ago.”
Megumi held up his hand to reveal his green nails. “Aren’t they cool? Yuuji got red.”
“Very cool.” Gojo crossed his arms.
“He’s also mad because we didn’t invite him,” Megumi told the camera. “Come on, Satoru. It’s your turn.”
“Oh, hell yes!” Gojo shoved his hand into the QUESTIONS bowl and rummaged around, spilling a few. Megumi rolled his eyes and collected the spilt questions, putting them back in the bowl once Gojo had removed his hand. “Ooh! This is a good one!” He cleared his throat. “This is a question from … gojosxrayeyes? … on twitter. ‘Did you audition for your roles in Jujutsu Kaisen because of your characters’ relationship, or was it a coincidence?’”
“Satoru didn’t actually audition properly,” Megumi sighed. “They kinda wrote the part for him. I didn’t know he was in it, since I didn’t run in to him during audition week, so it was complete coincidence.”
“I do sometimes wonder if they wrote Megumi’s part for him, too,” Gojo mused. “Why does it fit him so well otherwise? Why are our characters father and son otherwise?”
“I mean, they’re not really father and son,” Megumi countered. “What did they call it? Oh yeah, you’re my ‘benefactor’. You just pay for stuff. Like rent.”
“I love being rich,” Gojo nodded. “And Tsumiki – she’s not related to us at all. She’s really lovely though.”
“It wasn’t hard to act like she was my sister,” Megumi agreed. “It would be nice to have a sister. Someone who can distract Satoru before he drives me insane.”
“No comment,” Gojo said. “Anyway, yeah! Coincidence, although I swear Megumi was a muse for someone involved. Your turn, Megs!”
Megumi picked another piece of paper out. “Yuujislefteyebrow wants to know why you always wear sunglasses.”
“What, in Jujutsu Kaisen? Only time will tell, my friend,” Gojo answered, wiggling his fingers mysteriously. “But in real life, I’m just susceptible to migraines.” He shrugged. “My turn!”
This time, Megumi put a hand to the edge of the bowl to prevent spilling. Gojo grinned and purposefully knocked their hands together as he took a piece of paper. Megumi punched his arm.
“Ow, Megumi! That hurt!” Gojo turned to the crew. “Did you see that? Did you see that? My own son-“
“Please read the question, Mr Gojo,” a woman’s voice said. Megumi sniggered.
“Yeah, Mr Gojo. Get on with it.”
“I am, I am! Ahem. Megumi-seaurchinhead – that’s a really good name – asks, ‘Why do you have different last names?’”
“Do you know how hard it is to get a name change?” Megumi asked. “Especially if it’s a name you’d already had for ten years?”
“Hard both financially, legally, and emotionally,” Gojo listed. “Plus Megumi Fushiguro has such a ring to it.”
“I guess you could’ve become Satoru Fushiguro.”
“Yah, but I’m famous.”
“Point taken. Megumi Gojo is an okay name I guess, it’s just weird. I’ve been Fushiguro all my life.”
“It’s his mom’s name,” Gojo added. “It would be a shame to swap your mom’s name for your adoptive dad’s. That’s not very #feminism, is it?”
“Did you seriously just say the word ‘hashtag’?”
“Hashtag feminism, dude.”
“Don’t ‘dude’ me. You’re old and wrinkly, and cringe. Next question.”
Gojo opened his mouth, then closed it. “You got me there.”
“I know I do. Here’s another question: ‘how do you get yourself to cry at sad moments?’”
“I am an emotional wreck at the best of times,” Gojo laughed. “I just think of a Mitski song or something.”
“Personally, I just get really in character. As Satoru said, my character is very similar to me, so if he’s crying, it’s probably a situation where I’d cry too. That’s sad enough as it is.”
“I don’t think you’ve cried in JJK, though?” Gojo thought for a moment. “I suppose even if you did we couldn’t mention it. It might be a spoiler. Wait, have I even cried?”
“Your character doesn’t really show emotions, does he? I might have cried once, or something. But I’ve cried more in other parts, and the same method worked for them. It’s always a sad moment anyway, so you just have to feel the mood and the emotions of your part, I guess.”
“Of course you have the perfect, actor-y answer,” Gojo sulked. “Now I just look stupid.”
“Listen, I just think Mitski’s more cathartic than sad,” Megumi shrugged.
“Bonus question, what’s your favourite Mitski song?” someone called from the back.
“Call me basic, but I like Francis Forever,” Megumi answered.
“Oh, that one is cathartic. I’m more of a Liquid Smooth man myself.”
“That one’s good too. But is that really one that makes you cry?”
“Nah. Have you ever seen Fruits Basket?”
“Well. Now think of First Love/Late Spring but with Hatori.”
There was a pause while Megumi tried to focus on the image.
“…….Oh my god.”
“Yeah, exactly.”
“Yeah, yeah, I can actually see how this would work,” Megumi laughed shakily, fanning his face. “No, literally, this is working too well-“
“Wait, actually?” Gojo handed Megumi a tissue, obviously fighting a giggle. “I didn’t take you for someone who easily cried.”
“I’m not, I just really like Hatori, okay? They were in love, Satoru!”
“I know, I know. Shall we move on before this gets worse?”
Megumi blew his nose. “Please.”
Gojo rustled in the bowl for a bit. “Sunshineyellow says ‘how does Satoru feel about the possibility of their being a ‘real’ father for Megumi’s character in season 2?’ Woah, one step at a time, sunshineyellow! We’ve only just done season one – and the movie’s not even out yet!”
“Also, there’s a whole thing about what a douchebag he was,” Megumi interjected. “Yeah, the guy would be a biological father, but my character absolutely despises him. Why would we feel upset by that?”
“True, true. I think you do have to bear the context in mind. Also, they’re just characters! Separate real life from fiction, guys. I personally have a fabulous work/life balance.”
“So true. He forces me to lock my scripts away when I get home.”
Gojo gave Megumi a high five. “That’s how it should be!”
Megumi picked another question. “Toadinthehole asked ‘Why did they pair you up to do this interview? Surely Megumi should be with Yuji and Nobara?’”
“And then who would they put me with?” Gojo pointed out. “Most of the adult characters have minor roles and as a teacher, I interact most with the kids. If they put me with Kento or Suguru, it might actually be weirder.”
“Also, it’s Father’s Day. I’m here with my dad.”
Gojo immediately snapped his head to look at Megumi. “Did you just say what I thought you said?”
“Awh, Megs!” Gojo launched himself at Megumi, wrapping every limb around him. “You’re so cute sometimes!”
Megumi said something, but Gojo was squashed over his microphone. Eventually, a crew member came to peel Gojo off.
“Sheesh, it’s not something to overreact over,” Megumi huffed, attempting to straighten himself out.
“It totally is.”
“I say it all the time.”
“And it gets better every time!”
“Would it deflate you to know that Yuji is doing this interview with Mr Nanami?”
Gojo paused. “They’re not related, are they?”
“No, but they do have a similar dynamic to us in the show, don’t they?”
“I guess so….”
“Yuji literally said that Mr Nanami is his TV dad.”
“He kinda is! That’s so sweet. Does that make me and Kento dad friends…?”
Megumi sighed heavily. “Maybe they should let us do an interview together. Like, the four of us.”
“Let Nobara join too! Wait, she doesn’t have a TV parent. What are we gonna do?!”
“Give her Shoko and let her join…?”
“I like it.” Gojo turned to the crew behind the camera. “Are you writing this down?”
“Don’t be rude to them,” Megumi chided. “But you know what would be cool? One of those interviews where you play with cats.”
“Oh my god, yeah! We could…”
Their voices faded as the screen turned to black. Text appeared in the centre of the screen: they got a bit distracted, so we have to cut out this bit. It’s just them talking about cats for fifteen minutes. Let’s get ourselves back on track …
The image returned and the audio faded back in. Gojo had shifted so he was sitting with an ankle crossed over his knee, arm slung casually over the back of the sofa. Megumi rooted in the bowl for another question.
“Oh, here we go! ‘Beside your own character and each other’s, who’s your favourite character in JJK?’”
“Ooh! Ooh! Nanami! I think he’s really cool. He’s just got a knife, maths, and the power of refusing to work overtime.”
Megumi laughed. “I’ve never heard it put like that before. Personally, I like Yuta – you won’t really know who he is since you haven’t seen the film yet, so I won’t say much. I just think it’s awesome how he keeps winning with the literal power of love.”
“Hell yeah! Peace and love!” Gojo beamed. “Can we do some forfeits now?”
“What, without the questions?”
“Yeah, I’m curious as to what they’re gonna make us do.” Gojo pulled one out of the bowl. “’Do ten star jumps.’ Well, that one’s boring. You can do that one for me.” He tossed the paper to Megumi, who grumbled something about it being Gojo’s idea, but stood up and started doing it anyway. “This one’s better. ‘Tell us the worst thing you’ve ever eaten’.”
“Isn’t that just another question?” Megumi puffed, on his fifth star jump.
“Yeah, but it’s an embarrassing question. And the answer is earthworms, when I was seven.”
“I know! Don’t I seem far too elegant to ever eat worms?”
Megumi collapsed onto the sofa, breathing heavily. “Don’t ever make me do exercise again.”
“Oh, you big drama queen. You and I both know about your 5k before bed.”
“Listen, it’s just relaxing-“
“Yeah, yeah. Pick another forfeit.”
“’Chug a bottle of sprite’. Uh, no.”
“What do you mean, ‘no’?”
“I mean no. I want another one.”
“How about ‘tell us your most embarrassing dream?’ Don’t tell me about your sex dreams, though.”
“You’re my dad, why would I ever do that.”
“We have a close relationship and we’re really close in age, you know. You might feel that I am a safe space-“
“Yeah, no. My most embarrassing dream was the time I dreamt I tried to do a skateboard trick but landed flat on my face.”
“That wasn’t a dream, that happened when you were nine.”
“Was there an audience of mermaids laughing at me?”
“Then it was a dream. A very bad dream.”
“You only have time for one last thing, either a forfeit or a question,” a crew member called out. Gojo pouted.
“Is it because we wasted all your time talking about cats?”
“Yeah,” the cameraman said.
“My bad, sorry,” Megumi apologised, reaching for QUESTIONS. “Let’s do one last question, shall we?”
“Yeah, these forfeits are bad.”
“Don’t be rude. Satorusshinyslipper says, ‘Tell us one thing we probably won’t know about making Jujutsu Kaisen.’”
“What, anything?”
“Anything, I guess.”
They both thought for a minute.
“Oh! I have one. My demon dogs are my actual dogs.”
“Ohhh, that is a good one,” Gojo agreed.
“They’re called Toast and Maple and they are absolute sweethearts,” Megumi smiled. “And they love Yuuji. It was so hard to stop Maple from just running over to him whenever we were filming.”
“Or me,” Gojo added. “Obviously, they live with me and have for ages now, and I’m like their bestie-“
“Keep dreaming.”
“I am! Anyway, it was worse with me because I usually wasn’t on stage during their scenes, so they kept trying to run off camera. We are so lucky Megumi is a master dog trainer or whatever.”
“’Or whatever’,” Megumi mimicked. “You’re so kind.”
“I know.” Gojo turned to the camera. “I guess that’s it, folks! Thanks for joining us-“
“And remember to catch Jujutsu Kaisen 0 ASAP. It’s actually a really good film, even if I do say so myself.”
“He’s right, you know. Like, subscribe, hit the bell – do whatever you gotta do. Keep watching JJK, and keep up with your favourite actors! Peace out!”
“What he said.”
The credits rolled.
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corneliathekate · 1 year
Why does every Evil Shanks Theory sound like a bad callout post? Spoilers under the cut so idk, if this happens to spread, you're protected.
"Why would he meet with the Gorosei??? Sus???"
Bro, maybe the one Yonko that isn't a Capital Letter War Criminal has some interest in maintaining balance? And as far as diplomacy with the enemy, this man straight up BDE'd his way onto Whitebeard's ship to tell him to mind his own business. They're not friends. Same with Marineford. He's got a habit of trying to stop fights.
"Well, his brother/father/uncle/moon man cousin, that guy's a Celestial Dragon, and he might be one! He's gotta be evil!"
You right, dude, in fact, I'm gonna let you continue and tell me how many people in this bitch are defined by their shitass biological family and not the people that love them. Go ahead. I'll wait.
"Why did he give up his arm for Luffy? If he says he bet it on a new generation, doesn't that mean he chose to do it? Pretty manipulative???"
Narrative. Eat my ass. Also I'll explain this in-world in a bit, give me a second.
"Why'd he have the Nika-Nika Fruit??? Why didn't he tell Luffy all about it???"
Would you tell the kid that stabbed himself in the face that he just got an all-powerful fruit that makes him God if he dies? 5 year old Luffy was already gonna cowabunga into the nearest bottomless pit to see how high he can bounce, let's not make it worse. The most you'll get is him deciding it's a mystery fruit. And as for why he had it, if he has it, that means the Government doesn't have it. If he was working for them, wouldn't he have it under lock and key and not stop to bone ram Makino and stay for a vacation?
"Well he can't be all that good, he abandoned the One Piece! He betrayed what Roger and Buggy believed in him!"
Bro, sue me for this, but if everybody's gonna suck Buggy's detachable dick for deciding to try to be the King, that means he didn't want to be for a longass time. Despite the power scaling, Shanks is still human. Just as human as his clown ex-boyfriend. You lose your dad in a public execution and see what the world will say about him for the next 20 years and tell me you feel like slapping Kaido or Whitebeard when you're (at the time) half the Him that Roger was. And this ties back to losing his arm. He's a fucking human being. Haki takes concentration and control. And Shanks, emotional wreck he was, wasn't exactly in his top game when Luffy got thrown into the sea. By that point, he was ready to risk everything for Luffy. Whether you believe he's been looking for the real Joyboy or not, he obviously loved that kid. He had his own kid by then, no wonder he dropped everything for this child that reminded him so much of the greatest man he ever knew.
Anyways. I like to think Shanks is who we want him to be, but I could be wrong by the end of the story. Shanks may end up being the disappointment Buggy decided he was. I just think it's funny that we're trying to define the morality of a pirate emperor in the first place like there's an easy answer here. Shit's complicated. He's doubly divorced, never married, and is likely racking up biological/adoptive kids like pool balls. I don't think there's a clear way to define him or his relationships with anybody.
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chekov-in-a-dress · 8 months
I saw a post and now I’m like, do you ever think about how Jason is the only robin that Bruce willingly chose?
I need to properly think about this. So with Dick I can see it because Bruce felt like responsible for his parents' death? Tim, yeah he kinda decided he was gonna be Robin and semi-blackmailed Bruce into it. (no hate don't flame me I love Tim as much as all of us do ok)
Steph kinda just happened I guess? If we're talking pre-52 at least. Since she kinda sorta stepped in for Tim (I'm afraid to say I don't know enough about her canon to be 100% sure here)
Carrie literally just yeeted herself at Bruce and went 'I'm Robin now' and Bruce was like wtf ok (I love her so much ok)
Damian and Helena are Bruce's kids, which I guess he didn't have that much of a choice in letting them join the family business. Especially considering Damian would've possibly turned into a murder gremlin otherwise.
Which leaves Jason. Now let's ignore pre-crisis blond baby Jason who was just a carbon copy of Dick with his parents having been killed by Killer Croc at the circus they worked for.
But post-crisis Jason, little street rat who thought calling Batman a big boob and whacking him with a tire iron was an excellent life decision. Then refused to play along with Ma Gunn's schemes...
I do see what you mean. Bruce seeing Jason's potential and righteousness despite his circumstances and then deciding to pick him up for this reason rather than being more or less pushed into it.
And genuinely I don't see how anyone paints him as 'the violent Robin' or anything like that because he was a literal fucking sunshine?? Selfless to a fault, willing to throw himself in front of Bruce, to protect civilians with his life... fucking baby who drinks milk with prostitutes, who only got 'violent' with people who decidedly deserve it. (Hell, it's literally not even confirmed that the dude didn't slip rather than being pushed by Jason)
And then still trying to save his biological mother from the Joker after being sold out by her... Bruce was so right when he looked at that skinny little baby in that alleyway and went 'this one is PERFECT for Robin'.
I'm sorry, I'm rambling lmao this is what happens when you talk to me about my precious firstborn son ok let Jason thrive ok yes good thank you
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hard--headed--woman · 9 months
i hate to break it to you, but you aren't actually a feminist if you refuse to include trans and intersex people in your activism, you're just a terf. it's really great that you call people ignorant when you won't even acknowledge that words and their definitions change with time. the definition of the word lesbian has changed because we know that gender doesn't always exist within a binary. NOT ONLY THAT, but trans people have been around for forever, dude. it's insane that people like you still exist within our community.
but i don't think that that is even the worst thing. just from skimming your blog, it's glaringly obvious that you are completely uneducated when it comes to the topics you like to preach about, and your opinions are based upon bias and prejudice rather than actual facts-- and, of course, basic human empathy and compassion are both things that exist. you should try them.
anyways, i do have an actual question for you. you say that biological sex is a neutral reality, and your genitals help determine your sexuality to some degree, right? i'm just going off of your pinned post, where you say that lesbians can't have dicks. my question is, what would you call an intersex lesbian? or someone who identifies as a gay man, but is intersex?
also, i'm curious about your response to the previous ask you answered. maybe if you could explain the ignorance in that post, we may understand your point of view a little more, and i'm being sincere when i say that. it's not your job to educate any of us, and i'm not saying you have to, but you might get less hate if you actually explain why you think the way you do.
It's not your job to educate me, a lesbian feminist, on what lesbianism and feminism mean. Go read some books because you are only saying bullshit. I would get less hate if you people were less hateful, pathetic and stupid. But you are just proving me right. Have a good day.
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distant-velleity · 6 months
🍦🍝💘🧡 for all your skrunklies pls! (Or just some if you don't want to do all of them <3)
🍦 SOFT ICE CREAM — what is/are your oc's favorite ice cream flavor(s)?
chrysos will eat any ice cream flavor, pretty much. no favorites. i can imagine santiago enjoying any fruity (haha) flavors, and davis is basic he just enjoys plain ol vanilla or chocolate
on any given day you can find yu favoring either mint chocolate chip, raspberry sorbet, or cookie dough
🍝 SPAGHETTI — what is/are your oc's favorite food(s)?
i made davis' favorite food sandwiches as a reference to a certain song from newsies. even if he doesn't sing that line. i have no regrets
yu and santiago are both fruit enjoyers, so anything light and fresh like that,
and i dont think i need to talk abt my favorite "carnivore" chrysos who craves fish/meat
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
sorry this might go into angst territory <3
chrysos - at least until he goes to nrc, and even then it remains somewhat of an internalized mindset, his most important person is rielle--for better or for worse. definitely for the worse. his life so far has just revolved around rielle, whether it was protecting him or wanting to be better than him or wanting what he has
santiago - he'll say it's himself, and he certainly acts like it sometimes, but he really considers the people around him the most important; and it's hard to tell if that caused his periods of low self-esteem or vice versa. um also you could very much look at the way he's supposed to covet material riches like his movie counterpart buuut
davis - i think what's always been most important to him is justice or fairness, basically doing what's right... he grew up believing that lying was bad, so of course he didn't do it, but it wasn't so much about lying itself as it is about his conscience and very strong sense of morality, so. i mean we get to see that degrade but he still cares a lot about justice
yu - himself, or rather the perception of himself, because his self-worth is literally non-existent and he ends up putting his relations with others and their views of him above all else since. he absolutely despises what he is without those things to cushion himself... dude you have serious problems
🧡 ORANGE HEART — does your oc tend to prioritize family or friends?
chrysos - friends (he has no family for a long time)
santiago - friends (his family is blatantly neglectful and try to appease him with material presents)
davis - family (they're very close, for the most part)
yu - friends (aside from having no family in twst -- at least at the start -- his biological family did not get along very well)
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blackbird0blog · 2 years
Avatar Fanfic Rec
In which the rumour mill is thriving, Zuko is ready to give up, and Toph won’t stop laughing.
Also, the citizens of Caldera City might be a bit concerned about how quickly their Fire Lord is apparently going through partners.
A snippet from my favourite chapter, chapter 4:
It's funny, Zuko thinks, how a single letter can ruin your whole day.
In this case, the letter is a piece of unassuming yellow paper, with the words To Fire Lord Zuko written on it in a neat, formal script. It looks like something a noble would write, except it's not tied with silk ribbon or sealed with wax—it's tied with simple brown twine. And the hawk definitely isn't Fire Nation; it's a mottled brown-and-black, with darker eyes than the hawks Zuko's used to.
He opens the letter and immediately chokes.
Did you fuck a dragon? 
xoxo your favourite bounty hunter 
p.s when you send a reply, send it to the blue moon inn in Garsai. It's where I'll be staying for the next few weeks. 
What. The fuck.
He glances down at the baby dragon snoozing in his lap. Out of all the unexpected things that have happened to him, and there have been a lot, Druk might be the most unexpected. Zuko kind of wishes he could go back and tell thirteen-year-old Zuko that, in twelve years' time, he'd be Fire Lord with a baby dragon at his side, because apparently the baby dragon had imprinted on him when he grabbed its egg by mistake.
That...is what happened, right? Like, Druk's just imprinted? He's not Zuko's biological kid?
Oh, spirits, now Zuko's starting to doubt himself. He didn't sleep with Ran and Shaw, did he? That whole day is kind of a blur. Do dragons have the power to hypnotise people? Do they have the power to erase certain memories?
"Hey." Aang nudges him in the side, startling him out of his unwanted reverie. "Are you okay? Was the letter bad?"
Oh, right. He's at a dinner. With his friends. 'Friends' includes Aang, who was at the temple with him and knows what happened.
"Aang," he says, mentally steeling himself for the onslaught of teasing, "you know that day, when we went to visit the dragons? I didn't, um. I didn't fuck them, did I?"
All conversation dies, immediately.
Aang stares at him, his eyes so wide Zuko can see a full ring of white around the grey pupil. "What."
Zuko closes his eyes. "Please tell me I didn't sleep with one of the dragons. Or both of them. I don't know how dragons work."
"I—why would you—?!"
"So I didn't do it, right?"
"Oh, thank Agni." He lets his head fall forward into his hands.
"Dude," Sokka says, "you've got issues."
"Zuko fucked a dragon?" Toph asks, sounding entirely too gleeful about it, that little shit. "Is that why he has Druk?"
"I didn't fuck a dragon," Zuko snaps. "I think we've just established that."
"You shouldn't have to establish that!" Katara looks more than a little disturbed. "Why would you even think you did it in the first place?"
Zuko waves June's letter. "It's from June. She asked me if I fucked a dragon."
Toph snatches it out of his hands. "What's it say?" Sokka asks, leaning over the table.
"How many times do I have to say it, Snoozles? I'm blind."
"Oh, right." Sokka takes the scroll from her and clears his throat.
"The letter says, 'Dude, did you fuck a dragon'," he declares. "And...that's it." He looks at Zuko. "That's it? That's all it took for you to start wondering if you fucked a dragon?"
"I don't know!" Zuko defends. "Maybe I did fuck a dragon and I just don't remember it!"
"How do you not remember fucking a dragon?"
"Dragons have been almost extinct for a hundred years, Sokka. For all we know, dragons have the ability to erase memories."
"I think we're all ignoring the big question here," Suki pipes up. "Which is: why does June think you fucked a dragon?"
Zuko points at her, inadvertently jostling Druk. "Yes! Thank you! That's what I—"
He doesn't get to finish his sentence, because Druk does not like being woken up before sunrise. He makes this very, very clear, by climbing Zuko like a goddamn tree and tearing his outer robe to shreds.
"Hot," Suki says, as the tattered remains drift to the floor. "You should show off more, Zuko. You've got a sexy bod."
"Fuck you all," Zuko announces. Druk curls up on top of his head.
Toph grins and leans back in her chair. "Nah. That job's reserved for the dragons."
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slothspamsstuff · 1 year
On your sexuality post. Can you elaborate on why cass and tims interactions would prove shes into dudes, id get it if you used kon but TIM?? TIM AS IN HER BROTHER TIM?? I hope to god your not implying what i tbink 🤢
They're not related by blood you know... How is that kind of shipping disgusting in anyway if one does not think of them as brother and sister since oh, you know? They're not actual siblings! The only thing that's closest to them being siblings is Bruce adopting them and he isn't even their biological dad. I don't personally ship them fyi, but I just don't understand what is not right about him into her or vice versa if they are not related by blood?
I sincerely hope you do read the comics and I'm not saying for sure or if it's even a fact that they're into each other cuz you can never be so certain, but the hint is there. Fandom can be fun and enjoyable but sometimes maybe you're just forcing yourself into the headcanon that they're something like blood brother and sister which is not true at all. They're simply close in age, are colleagues in the comics and even if the relationship was retconned later on, it was still a thing written by DC so idk, it's official?! Like okay, maybe by that logic you implied right there, shouldn't Steph and Cass be siblings too, since Steph is literally Robin no.4 or do gods forbid them to be like siblings since they're quite often shipped together and they're best friends? Yeah I just don't understand what you're trying to tell me here.
Though the reason I don't ship them is because the idea of Cass dating her best friend's boyfriend just doesn't sit right with me but that doesn't mean it wasn't implied she might have been into guys too. And admittedly, I haven't caught up on Cass and Kon so I still have a lot of reading to do.
Okay, since you've asked, first off: Batgirl #18, their first platonic interaction after No Man's land.
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Then secondly, War Games and Identity Crisis, Tim losing Steph and his father, Cass losing her best friend, and so they bonded over mutual trauma and loss. And they bonded in Batgirl/Robin: Fresh Blood.
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Then we have these:
Batgirl #58
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Red Robin #25
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Ok to be fair, she stabbed Tim on that one.
And this one, idk which comic it's from but there you have it.
Also, Solo (2004) #10, a married couple.
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Like come on, are you really gonna tell me I'm problematic when the comics do be drawing them interacting like this? If this isn't enough then I dunno, maybe you should spend more time researching on each of their interactions, or take time to read the comics then go back and tell me what is wrong with everything I said, honestly. And yes, I will read up on Cass and Kon to see more, but you really need to understand that the batfam is a found family and not strictly related by blood, except for the case of Damian, so let people ship whatever they want, even if it's not your thing, because they. are. not .related. by. blood!
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soulsxng · 1 year
I don't think I've ever posted much info about Misne, now that I think about it. Other than the fact that he's JJ's son. So! Here's an info dump about the lil' dude.
JJ found him while he was helping Kadios, Koza, and Sirci out with some things in the Aifaen Plains of Brinnela. He got back to his little camp site, and found Misne digging through and eating his food. Once he realized he was caught, he posted up like he was going to try to attack, and then...got too scared, and ran off. This continued off an on for a few days, until the point when Mimi was comfortable enough with JJ to sit around and eat with JJ there. Eventually, JJ was able to bring him to Kadios, who took Misne to what is essentially a foster. Mimi didn't like that, and he'd run off to find JJ whenever JJ was in the Plains. Evidently he's a really good tracker. JJ, when found, would hang out with Mimi for a little while, before bringing him back to the foster. ...JJ got attached, Mimi got attached, within a month, JJ had adopted him as his own. That was about a year ago now!
Misne is about 5 years old, but because he never really spoke any non-beast languages, his speech makes him sound a little younger.
He's also pretty small for his age, from having to essentially fend for himself for who knows how long. It's taken some work, but he's finally starting to catch up a little.
Nobody knows for sure what happened to his biological parents, though JJ has since met people that knew them. Apparently, the three disappeared out of nowhere one day-- most people thought that Misne had disappeared with them, though he was just kicking it around the forest by himself.
He's an Aifaen! One of the 'original' 4 species along with the Ahniri, Setana, and Vasyrus. Aifaen are essentially a species made up of animalistic shifters of various types. Lots of mythical beasts, or chimera-like beasts that are more or less a big mix of different animals and such that are around today. Misne in particular has traits of bears, otters, some various big cats (though in very trace amounts), aaaand...
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^^^^ This buddy ^^^^ Particularly a paralyzing bite, spiny tail, and two extra sets of arms (though the latter is usually only present in his beast form)
He's a very snuggly little buddy. JJ picks him up, and Mimi immediately plunks his head on his dad's shoulder and is out like a light within minutes. Commonly sleeps on and off over half the day, and then has big, but short-lived bursts of energy when he's up.
Likes to climb things, swim, roll around in the grass, "stalk" little frogs and things that he finds when rolling around in said grass (he doesn't really have much of a hunting instinct beyond that yet, though), and laying around in the sun.
Greets people he doesn't know by doing a lap around them while sniffing them. If they move during this process, he'll get nervous and go hide behind JJ, or whoever else is with him.
Has a very good sense for people. If they have bad vibes, you can bet he's bristling up immediately and growling at them as he backs himself behind whoever he's with.
Refers to himself in the third person (as "Mimi"). Has a hard time with saying names (JJ is "Dayday" or "Dada Dayday" most of the time, for example), but he remembers them really well!
Lots of things given to him still go right in his mouth ^^;;
Gets hurt a lot, but he's pretty durable tbh, so it hardly fazes him.
Doesn't fully understand how to shift yet, which is something that JJ has been getting help from some of his Aifaen friends for. Because of this, sometimes Misne has a hard time shifting on command, and it's more of a random chance thing. Sometimes he gets stuck partway through, and that's painful, which is why JJ jumped on getting help for him really quickly.
Knows around when JJ usually comes home when he's been working. Will grab Jas, or Rouri, or whoever is watching him, and just start pulling them outside, because Mimi knows he's not allowed to go out alone, but he's gotta go find his dad!
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justinvis · 1 year
Theseus-Newly Recruited Villain (DSMP fanfic)
(Supervillain/hero au)
Prompt:  The villain gives their customary "join me and we can be great" speech. The hero accepts.
“Do you like what you see, Theseus?” Icarus smiled menacingly, looking down upon the so-called ‘beloved’ hero, watching them writhing on the ground, while the chaos around them grew, to what looked like no end.
Theseus watched in helpless horror, as the city, the city in which he had dedicated his entire life to protect, in which he grew up and cared for, was engulfed in hungry flames. His city, his home, was gone. Only rubble and ashes remained: the now only proof that this city had ever existed in the first place. The former citizens watched from a distance, knowing they could do nothing, had nothing, and were nothing against the infamous Syndicates: Icarus, the mind manipulator. Zephryrus, the crow father. and Protesilaus, the blood god.
“Are you happy? Do you see what you’ve done?” Theseus cried in anger, sorrow and grief, for the place that he once called home, and the place that was now no more, “Are you PROUD of what you have done?”
“I mean, yeah mate. I mean, that’s been the whole point of this, we ARE anarchists after all,” Zephryrus responded, while flying towards his direction with his signature majestic crow wings on his back. It was a forever mystery to all of the people whether those wings were real and biological, or if they were simply just another part of his villain attire.
“And isn’t it truly a work of art? I mean, you can’t see THAT and say it isn’t beautiful!” Icarus exclaimed. 
And call Theseus insane, but no matter how much he could deny in, it truly was. There was something, SOMETHING about the chaotic mess that made it look so tragically mesmerising is a way. In a messed up and wicked way. Maybe it way the way the flames danced so gracefully, as it were alive and free of reign, so childish and playful. Or maybe it was the comforting glow from the fire seemed console, as if it filled the warmth missing from Theseus’s childhood: being hugged or embraced, the passion and smothering he never got.
Finally, Protesilaus joined the scene, snapping Theseus from his spiralling, guilty thoughts.
“You know, Theseus, it didn’t have to be this way.” Protesilaus stated in his monotone voice. And he was right.
Theseus glanced at the citizens that were once a part of this city, and can’t help but feel a sinking sensation in his stomach, that HE had let them down, and it was all his fault. The shame returned to him.
Protesilaus continued: “You truly want to be a hero? Then learn how to die like one.”
Silence, as Theseus let those words sink in.
“Dude, you can’t just say that!’ Icarus whispered, not so discreetly, “That totally contradicts my cool villain speech!”
“Not sorry. You have to admit, that line sounded awesome.” Protesilaus smirked
“I hate you,” Icarus replied
“You love me,” Protesilaus contradicted
“You’re lucky you’re my brother,” Icarus gritted his teeth in frustration. Then, switching to normal voice volume, he then looked directly at Theseus.
“Or, you could join us! It’s your choice!”
“…what?” Theseus looked at Icarus as if he were insane, because let’s be honest, he probably is.
“Think about it! Join us, and you’ll possess all this power! Think about all the great havoc you could wreck, and the shenanigans you could create! Why spend your life attending to the poor? Overrated! You could accomplish so more by joining the dark side.” Icarus exclaimed “You’ve failed! Failed to help all these citizens? What’s the point in anything anymore? YOU care so much about them, but do they care about you?”
Icarus had touched a nerve. Because he was right, wasn’t he? All his life Theseus had spent his time protecting the peoples. He had sacrificed so, so much. And no one cared. No one appreciated him.
Icarus continued. “Join us, Theseus! Together, we could rule the world! With your intelligence, Protesilaus’s strength, Zephrurus’s knowledge and my-“
“Okay.” Theseus agreed.
The world seemed to have stopped. The citizens watching gasped in terrified shock. The Syndicates stared at him in jaw-dropping suprisement.
“…I’m…sorry?” Icarus finally asked, having finally found the ability to speak once again.
Theseus look a bated breath. “You heard what I said.”
Icarus took a couple seconds to process those words. “Wait, wait, wait! What? That’s not what happens! You’re supposed to say no, and go on this huge heroic speech about how no matter what happens, you’re never giving up, and pull out that last sly move, like, I’ve watched movies! I’m not stupid!”
“…do you WANT me to reject you?” Theseus questioned, with genuine curiosity.
“I mean, no! BUT-“ Icarus began
“Then okay then, I accept your offer.” Theseus stated, as if he were merely saying 1+1 equaled 2.
Everyone stared at Theseus with a dumbfounded look.
Theseus sighed. “Look man, like, I’m never appreciated. No one really cares and just takes me for granted. And have you seen those memes? I’m so done! Plus, your costumes look way cooler, and having a GROUP of supers is so much more fun that just being a super of one! It also doesn’t help that all those photos of me on media suck so much, like hello? Get some better photographers.”
“Well…um…okay then mate. Do you want to, like, come with us then?” Zephrurus asked, seeming to be the only human who had at least semi-recovered from the shock.
“You kidding?” Theseus asked, “heck yeah! Let’s do this!”
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rubylarkspur22 · 6 months
You wanna know one head canon I don't understand with Demon Slayer? The Blue Spider Lily Soup head canon. What is this head canon? It's the head canon that Tanjirou and Nezuko are immune to sunlight as demons because their mother(Kie, who knew the location of the Blue Spider Lily on Mount Kumotori) fed them and their siblings a soup made from the Blue Spider Lily.
I have one question. Uh, where did this come from?
Because nothing in canon indicates this to even be remotely true. It is stated nowhere on the wiki for the blue spider lily, there's nothing in the manga, and I feel like someone would have mentioned if it was in the fanbooks or any other official material. It only says that Kie and Tanjirou are the only people who knew where the Blue Spider Lily bloomed, that the Blue Spider Lily was a key ingredient in what turned Muzan into a demon, and that Muzan seeks the flower to(supposedly , but we're gonna come back to that) conquer the sun.
What about this told fans, "Yep, Kie made this rare flower into a soup she fed to her kids!".
Aren't spider lilies poisonous?! The blue ones probably are, too, if you don't process them right! Even if the Blue Spider Lily wasn't poisonous... What reason would Kie have to even pick them? Much less use them for soup? Especially with the knowledge that regular spider lilies are poisonous. Why would Kie take that risk with her own children?
Not to mention that whole "Turned a Dude Into an Immortal, Man-Eating Monster Back in the Heian Era" thing. We don't know what exactly was in Muzan's medicine aside from the Blue Spider Lily, but we can assume it was all organic materials because I'm 99% sure antibiotics didn't exist in the pre-1000's Muzan was born in. Hell, it may have just been the flower, processed a certain way if it was poisonous, and crushed into a powder to be consumed. That's another reason why the theory falls apart. With the Blue Spider Lily being such a key component in turning Muzan, if Kie gave her kids the Blue Spider Lily Soup, why doesn't Kie have a bunch of accidental demon children running amok?!
And then we come back to Muzan wanting the Blue Spider Lily to supposedly conquer the sun. Plain and simple, and correct me if I'm wrong, we don't have concrete knowledge that the Blue Spider Lily would actually do that. Only Muzan's word, and I am not trusting that guy as far as I can throw him(Which isn't far. I am not a strong human, what makes you think I'm yeeting Muzan?). So without being certain of its effects, aside from turning a person into a demon progenitor, we can't guarantee that's why Nezuko and Tanjirou conquered the sun.
But you know what we do have, canonically, that could allow our intrepid heroes to conquer the sun?
Oh, I don't know, maybe Sun Breathing?!
Because Nezuko may not canonically be a practitioner of the techniques. But she is descended from a long line of them. And Tanjirou is a practitioner, and he conquered the sun about 30 seconds into his time as a demon!
Not to mention, Muzan specifically mentioned that he was sure Tanjirou would conquer the sun because Tanjirou and Nezuko are of the same blood.
In my opinion, this makes more sense than Blue Spider Lily Soup. It's simple, it makes sense, and I'm doing a lot less mental backflips to figure out how it works. Nezuko and Tanjirou have direct biological relation to a long line of(albeit unknowing) Sun Breathers. That's bound to influence the genetics at some point. Easy as that.
That's the one problem I have with this fandom. Some of the head canons are great, and I love them. It's when fans start acting like their head canon is canon to the point they ignore the actual canon that I get frustrated. It makes it confusing as to what is canon and what is not.
Of course, if there is an official source for this, key word official, I am all ears and eyes.
And this isn't to say headcanons are bad, per se. Just that pushing your headcanon as official canon, and accepting nothing else, is not good. Please keep that in mind. I have a few headcanons of my own, and mine to do with as I please, but I simply share them, and will note if they're headcanons. Or at least try to.
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