#not him flexing to cheer eri up
layingatyourfeet · 7 months
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honeybeefae · 1 year
A Court of Wings & Fire: Chapter One
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Summary// Eris had control of everything in his life. The war was over, he was planning to take the Autumn throne, and nothing was left to surprise him…until he met you. A mating bond with an Illyrian was like a spit in his face and neither of you could understand why fate had put you together. You both swore off relations to each other, refusing to even be in the same court, but you should have known that fate is not to be tested.
(Here it is, Chapter One of the new Eris series! I am so, so excited to get started on this and I cannot wait to take you all on this journey. I hope you enjoy!)
Chapter Two / Chapter Three / Chapter Four / Chapter Five
Chapter One
The sound of swords striking each other echoed off the House of Wind as two Illyrian warriors battled inside the training ring, another one watching from the side. You let out a triumphant laugh as you ducked below Cassian’s blow, swiping his legs out from under him. 
Azriel cheered you on, watching both of your forms as Cassian easily rose back up and landed a hit on your arm, grazing your shoulder. You hissed and glared at him, crouching and launching yourself at him with all of your body weight. He immediately stumbled, trying to shove you off of him as you furiously started to punch at his chest. 
You landed a nice hit on his jaw, sending his face flying sideways, to which he retaliated with a kick to your ribs. A wheeze left your lungs as you fell back, blinking rapidly as you stared up at the sky to try and regulate your breath.
Cassian appeared above you a moment later, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face as he held out his hand. “Did I take your breath away, Y/N?” 
A laugh rang out behind you and you growled, taking his hand and then planting your feet firmly on the ground, using all your core strength to send him flipping over your body and beside you. You shuffled up to your feet and smirked at him, walking to go pick up your sword on the other side of the ring. 
“Don’t flatter yourself, Cassian.” You taunted, wiping the sweat off of your brow. “Besides, we both know it’s not hard to take yours away. I could do it again right now, all I have to do is call for Nesta and-”
He shot up as quickly as a fox, glaring at you while Azriel snickered behind him. “I think it’s best if you do not finish that sentence.” Cassian warned, looking behind him at the door that led to the house before sighing. 
You held up your hands in surrender, flexing your wings behind you as you soaked in the last little bit of sun. “Yes, General.” You smirked, unwrapping the tape from your hands. “Are we still going to that meeting tonight?”
“Unfortunately,” Azriel grumbled, taking your sword from your grasp to put it against the wall with the others. “Is this your first time meeting him?”
“Who? Eris?” You ask with a raised brow, chuckling when Cassian made a gagging sound behind you. “It is. I wasn’t there the last few times you met with him, though I think that’s a good thing.”
“A very good thing. He’s a monster, a coward, and a bastard all rolled into one.” Cass said, his red siphons glowing from just the thought of him. “He’s just like his father. Both of them are better of dead as far as I am concerned.”
“A warning for you,” Azriel murmured, turning towards you. “Don’t let him know what he says affects you. It will only spur him on more.”
“What could he say that would affect me? He doesn’t even know me.”
“Eris has a deep hatred for our kind.” Cassian huffed, laying a supportive hand on your shoulder. “As do most high fae, now that I think about it. But he is much more vocal about it. Just keep your cool and take your anger out in training tomorrow.”
“Maybe we could make a target look like him.” Azriel added, smirking when the three of you laughed in agreement. 
You followed behind them, mindful of your wings as you squeezed through the door, and mulled over their words. From brief conversations here and there you knew how terrible Eris was said to be. With what he had done to Mor, or Feyre and Lucien, it was a miracle Rhys was still letting him walk around alive. 
They bid you goodbye as you opened your door, immediately stripping off your sweaty clothes and drawing a bath. It was still a couple of hours before you had to leave so you made sure to enjoy the water, letting your wings soak as you scrubbed off the dirt and grime of the day. 
Only after the water turned cold did you get out, dry off, and started to get ready for the trip to Hewn City. You despised the place and the people that dwelled inside. They were the worst of the wicked and reveled in it like it was some sort of medal, sneering down at anyone who they thought lesser than themselves.
This of course included you, though it was a mixture of disgust and intrigue. Female Illyrians were rarely, if ever, seen with wings at your age. They were all clipped after their first bleeding but fortunate enough for you, your clan was different. The way they looked at you, at your wings, it made you feel like an animal being hunted for your hide. 
However, you would never show them how uncomfortable they made you, putting up a mask that wasn’t that hard to maintain when surrounded by vermin like them. You grabbed the dress hanging off your closet door, holding the material between your fingers while admiring the beadwork. 
It was a simple black dress that hugged you seductively, accentuating your curves with a very low dip in the front and slit up the side. For all the terrible things that came from the Court of Nightmares, you had to admit their taste for fashion was…freeing.
You glanced out into your bedroom and panicked when you saw the sun almost gone, realizing you were probably going to be late. The dress slipped onto you easily, your wings sliding through the slits on the back as you quickly styled your hair and makeup.
A knock rang out just as you slipped on your shoes, Feyre appearing in the doorway. You gave her a smile and a slight bow, grinning when she rolled her eyes and ushered you out the door. She was like the sister you never had, the two of you becoming close friends as soon as you met. 
Everyone was already waiting outside as the two of you walked out, going to your respective places before Rhys gave everyone a rundown of what tonight would bring.
“Feyre and I have to do our due diligence to the court before the meeting starts but that shouldn’t take long.” He said, glancing down at his mate. “If you all want to wait in the room for us, we should be there shortly after you.”
“What about Eris?” You ask, crossing your arms. “Will he be in the room before you?”
Rhysand shook his head. “Doubtful. If anything he will be in the great hall with us, gathering information.” He looked around at your group, making sure everyone was on the same page. “Ready?”
“Let’s get this over with.” Cassian complained, making you chuckle before you all shot into the sky and made your way to Hewn City.
It was as evil and enchanting as you remembered. You wished your High Lord and Lady luck as they made their way down the winding hall, the rest of your group heading towards one of the many rooms off to the side.
“How long will this take?” You asked quietly, grateful no one is in the hallways with you. 
“It all depends on him,” Mor replied. “He could get what he needs and leave, or draw this out as long and painfully as possible.”
“With how much of a pain in the ass he’s in, it’ll probably be the latter.” Cassian snarked under his breath, holding the door open for everyone. 
It was a standard room, with a giant glass table in the middle with several chairs surrounding it. The decor was bleak, blacks and reds, however, there was a small bar in the corner that Mor immediately went towards. 
She grabbed the wine sitting atop and popped out the cork with no problem, taking a swig straight from the bottle. 
“Woah, woah.” Cassian said, swiping it from her hands much to her dismay. “Save some for all of us. We all have to deal with him too, you know.”
He passed around the bottle to you and Az, each of you drinking more than you should have until you heard the doors open. You were the last one with the bottle, the entire thing tilted upwards as you tried to grab the last drop as Rhysand and Feyre stared at you with amusement.
“Isn’t it a little early to start that, Y/N?” Feyre taunted, raising an eyebrow as you smiled sheepishly.
“It wasn’t just me!” You protested, pointing to the others. “They started it!”
And, as you knew they would, they all held their hands up in innocence. 
“We would never!” Mor swore.
“She’s obviously drunk already.” Cassian argued, shaking his head.
Azriel just smirked, watching you desperately trying to plead your case as the argument grew louder and louder.
Rhys finally put a stop to it, taking the now empty bottle and putting it back on the cart. “Will someone at least go fetch some more? It might make this night more bearable.”
You nodded and gave your friends your favorite finger, sticking your tongue out as they grinned in response before you walked out the door. It didn’t take you long to steal two more bottles from the room next door, figuring you were going to need more than one to satisfy everyone.
But by the time you knocked on the door, and Cassian answered with a very serious face, you realized the meeting already started.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw red hair, pale skin, and an unmissable arrogant aura surrounding him. You saw Rhys’s eyes glance towards you before he held out his hand, placing the bottle directly in front of Eris as you handed it to him before heading towards Cassian and Azriel.
“Such a gracious host,” Eris said, taking the wine and pouring it into his glass. “I’m glad you are using your Illyrian brutes for more than fighting, servitude fits them quite well.”
Cassian hadn’t been kidding about his attitude toward your race. You could feel your blood heat at his words, clenching the material over your dress as you stared down at the table. 
You refused to even look at him, not wanting to subject your eyes to the hideous sight of such a black soul.
“Watch it, Eris,” Rhys warned, reclining in his seat. “You are my guest but I have my limits.”
“Mmm.” He responded, taking a sip of the violet liquid. “As do I.”
Rhysand’s jaw ticked and Feyre’s eyes darkened at his audacity. “What information do you have for us?”
“I have heard my father talk about expanding his lands, though I don’t have a timeline on his plans.” Eris began, looking towards Feyre. “And if that is true, we need to talk with your ex-lover in order to make sure that does not happen.”
“I find it hard to believe that the man trying to take the Autumn throne isn’t just as interested in that,” Feyre said, her eyes icy with rage. “Do we really want to bring in Tamlin? After all that happened with my sisters, with Hybern?”
“His lands border the human realm, Feyre,” Eris explained, looking at Rhys. “If there is anywhere to expand it would surely be through there. May I also remind you how he saved your mate from death? I don’t really have a hound in that race but surely that would pay any debts that might still be lingering?”
Feyre’s mask cracked at the memory of her mate’s dying breaths, the way her heart felt like it was being shredded into tiny pieces. You recalled that day as well, sick to your stomach as you thought that Tamlin would turn her away.
“You didn’t answer her first question,” Rhysand said coolly. “Why aren’t you supporting your father?”
“My father is a fool. Any court trying to expand their lands would inevitably lead to an all-out war, something I wish to avoid.” 
“So what do you propose we do?”
“See if you can get into the Spring Court, or at least where their border meets the human lands.” He answered, taking another sip of wine. “I also have a reasonable suspicion about him reaching out with Briallyn.”
That piqued everyone’s interest. 
“What?” Feyre whispered, eyebrows furrowed. “The mortal queen that was working with Hybern?”
“The former mortal queen.” Eris corrected. “She’s in search of the Cauldron again, looking to restore the former beauty that was stolen from her. She also seems to have a vendetta against a certain sister in this room.”
Eris’s eyes cut to Nesta, who was next to Elain and staring down at the table. She glanced up at the mention of sister, her eyes immediately finding Feyre only to realize everyone was looking at her.
“Me? What have I done to her?” Nesta asked, her tone cold and lips tight. “The only time I saw her was when we were Made.”
“She went in after you.” Rhysand thought aloud, looking at Feyre before back at Eris. “The Cauldron turned her in a terrible way. Perhaps she thinks it’s your fault.”
“But I did not-“
“It’s not your fault.” Feyre agreed, cutting off her sister. “She’s just vengeful.” 
“How can we even trust a word out of his mouth?” Cassian argued, glaring at the redhead. 
“Did I lie to you during the war with Hybern? Have I not proven myself time and time again, despite that if I were to be found here, plotting, it would be death?” Eris countered, sneering down his nose at Cassian.
“Given your track record with the people in this room, I think it’s reasonable to have suspicions.” Azriel answered before Cassian could, standing to his full height. You remember them telling you not to let Eris know he got under your skin, but they were currently doing the exact opposite. You couldn’t blame them, the man was an arrogant asshole. 
You glanced at Mor out of the corner of your eye, who was gripping her glass as tightly as she could.
“I see Morrigan has not yet told the truth, though I expect nothing less from someone who fucks Illyrian bastards like the lot of you.” Eris snarled, taking note of a third pair of wings. “I’ve seen you’ve added another bastard to your rank. Does this one also need to be muzzled?”
The phrase set your blood boiling, unsheathing the knife that was hidden beneath the sleeve of your dress and finally standing to look at him with the fierceness that most men would cower from.
“Bastard or not, I don’t think it will matter when my knife cuts into your throat. You will die all the same.”
Before Rhys, Cassian, or even Azriel could react to your sudden outburst, Eris’s eyes widened in utter shock. You watched as the wine he was holding clattered to the ground, spilling over his outfit and the table. 
Your face twisted in confusion before you felt something, something deep within your soul open like a door with a key. Inside was a string, a glowing thread, that seemed to go directly to Eris. It was burning with emotion, making you feel as if you were on fire.
No, no, no…
A bond. It was a bond. He was…you were…Mother above.
Azriel gripped onto your arm when you stumbled back, hitting a tall vase behind you and sending it clattering to the ground. But even that doesn’t break your gaze from Eris, his hand over his heart. The room was silent for a moment, everyone watching the two of you until a loud, angry snarl ripped through Eris’s throat.
He looked you up and down, staring at the wings on your back, before making a disgusted face and winnowing away. It broke whatever spell had happened, sending you spiraling back to reality with whiplash. You glanced at everyone, tears pricking your eyes at the realization before you shoved Azriel away and ran through the doors.
You found the exit as fast as you could, gulping in the night air as you took off into the night sky. You had to get away from here, had to find somewhere safe, and try to wake yourself up from this horrible nightmare.
“What the hell was that?” Cassian asked, completely bewildered. “Should we go after her? Or him?”
Rhysand shook his head and sat back down, running a hand over his face in exasperation. He knew exactly what had happened. He knew because the same look Eris gave you almost mirrored his reaction when he learned about his bond with Feyre.
“This just got so much more complicated.” Rhys sighed, rubbing his temples.
“Why?” Mor asked softly, terrified that she already knew the truth.
Feyre sat down next to Rhys, looking at him for confirmation. He nodded, his jaw tensing as she closed her eyes and exhaled through her nose. She took a second before looking up at everyone, frowning.
“They’re mates.”
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littlestar222 · 2 years
Prince Shinso (Shinso x femreader)
About: This is basically a scene from Aladdin when Aladdin comes to the town while playing Prince Ali in the background, but make it Shinso
It was all your fathers idea, to get some men to propose to you, which you didn’t like at first. But you were a dreamer of love, so that idea kinda was interesting to you too. Getting ready for the new proposer, you slowly put on a dress and made your hair, listening to people’s cheers from outside.  “(Y/N)! It’s time!”, your father announced. 
Slowly getting up you went with your father to the main balcony of the palace.
There were lots and lots of people, all cheering from the miles away. You suddenly felt anxious, slowly sitting down and watching the parade came closer and closer. When it was close enough you saw a man with yellow hair in front of the parade, telling something to the people. Everyone cheered again. 
“It’s king Mic!”, someone yelled. 
You watched as the king twirled around while throwing money at the people, behind him was a charriage, showing the other king, known as Aizawa, with his younger daughter Eri. They were both sitting on purple cussions, smiling and waving at the crowd. You watched as people adored them, they seemed nice too. Altrought, you didn’t really liked the money flexing. 
“They seem good, and they’re rich, what do you think?”, your father asked you.
You looked at him, your eyes going a bit wide, “I wanna see the prince and talk to him”, you said, “This is about him, not them”.
Your father nodded going back to watching the servants bringing out lots and lots of gifts such as golden plates, jewerly and God knows what. 
“When is the prince coming?”, you heard one of your servants ask.
And as on cue, a huge elephant came, on top of him was a handsome purple haired man smiling at the crowd. This must be him.
“So, what do you think? He’s quite handsome, isn’t he?”, your father chimmed in, earning a gasp from you.
“Can I talk to him later?”
“Of course sweetheart”
You watched as king Mic and Aizawa entered your palace with Eri, and Shinso going down from an elephant, making his way to follow his family. They’re here.
“Let’s go and meet them!”
“We are thankful for your acceptence”, king Aizawa kneeled in front of you and your father, who was smiling like there was no tomorrow.
“It’s nice to have you, my daughter never really cared for this stuff until now!”
King Mic laughed, showing Shinso to the front, “Well we thought it would be nice if they meet! Our Shinso couldn’t stop talking about her beauty since he saw her at one of your balls!” “Dad!!”, Shinso wisper-yelled.
You laughed, which made Shinso turn his head and look at you, a small blush forming on his face.
“Well if you would let them, lets leave them alone to talk”, your father got up and showed the kings and the princess the way to the dining room, “You two join us when you’re done”.
And with that you were left alone with a handsome prince, who silently looked at his feet.
“Nice parade”, you commented while smiling at him.  He looked up confused, “You liked it? I thought it was a bit....overdramatic”
“I love overdramatic things”
“You do? That’s cool”, he showed his beautiful smile, while bowing down, “I’m Hitoshi Shinso by the way”
“(Y/N) (L/N)”, you followed his action.
“I think you’re really beautiful”, he said while shyly looking away. 
You blushed, smiling even brighter.
“And wow your smile....I’m sorry I’m going too fast”
“No no, it’s alright”
You two stayed silent while looking at each other. 
“I’m sorry if this seems weird, but I’ve liked you since the first time I saw you and I was wondering if I have a chance?”, Shinso asked while rubbing his neck, expecting a rejection.
“Sure”, you said, “Why not”
“Wait really?”
“Yeah, you actually seem nice unlike most of the princes that came here”, 
He looked at you with a smile. He bowed once again, “Well I’m thankful that you think so highly of me, and I promise I’ll make sure that you remember me that way forever, and that I will give my everything in order to make you mine”
“Then, shall we go to dinner?”, you offered your hand to him. He gladly accepted it, “We shall”.
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miitgaanar · 2 years
@soartfullydone asked: You/Tamlin: a kiss after one muse has killed for the other
This turned out to be MUCH LONGER and more involved than I intended.  Oops.  So it gets its own post lmao
The halls of the Spring Court were still and quiet.  Almost desolate, as they were wont to be as of late.  The quiet chatter of the guards no longer echoed the halls, the brilliant birdsong muffled to distant musical notes on the breeze, the vibrant colors of spring that once sparkled in the sunlight dulled to muted shades of green and pink and blue.
Life itself seemed to have been leached from his home, leaving Tamlin bereft of the usual comforts that helped to quell the racing thoughts overtaking his mind.  He was alone, isolated, even—though he knew this to not truly be the case.
Tamlin stood facing the windows of his study, the ever-present cool breeze of his court drifting gently through the curtains, making the translucent fabric dance to a song he could no longer hear.  A lock of hair fell out of place, displaced by an especially strong gust.  He quickly reached up to tuck it back behind his rounded, mortal ears, unable to bear the sight of the now dull, near caramel shade of his once golden hair.
It had been months since Eris had stripped him of his immortality in exchange for Cassandra’s life, and yet, above all else, it was the quiet that left him the most unsettled.  He felt both blind and deaf to the world around him, vulnerable in a way he never thought possible.  He knew his guards still roamed the grounds, chatting idly as they went about their rounds; he knew the birds still sang, cheerful and careless as ever; and he knew that his court remained vibrant and bright, the magic that sustained it holding fast despite his folly.
He was the one who was different, he was the one who had freely handed over his immortality—relinquished the magic that came with being the High Lord of Spring—and left his court leaderless and defenseless.
Tamlin sighed heavily, his hazel eyes staring out at the manor grounds unseeing.  It was bad enough that his people were left without a High Lord, but those closest to him now had to take on the burden of ensuring the Spring Court did not suffer any more than was necessary.  Lucien had stepped in to share the burden of leadership, hopeful that at least the presence of a High Fae would help to deter Eris from launching his invasion just yet, as well as quell the unease that rippled through his subjects.  Elizabeth was hard at work searching through their oldest texts for a way to reverse Eris’ spell, determined in her entirely human way to unearth the secrets of the old, dark magics Eris had utilized.
And Cassandra…
A sharp pain wound through his chest, tightening like a noose around his newly human heart.  He had sworn that he would protect her, that she would be safe in his lands from any and all who would seek to use her powers.  He had failed her, completely and utterly, and Eris had used her to usurp his father, to draw Tamlin out of the confines of his court and into the land of eternal Fall.
And then Eris had killed her, and in his desperation and rage and grief, Tamlin had paid the ultimate price to bring her back.  Just as the son of Autumn had wanted.
Another sigh escaped him, his hand flexing out of habit as the embers of his rage sought an outlet.  Claws no longer lingered beneath his flesh, ready to rip into the nearest threat and rend skin from bone.  Instead, his nails were now short and fragile, all in various states of broken and chipped.  
He scoffed softly.  Useless.  Even as an immortal and powerful High Lord, he had been unable to protect the woman he loved, what could he possibly do now to protect her from the other High Lords?  Rhysand remained only too quiet, sequestered in the north where Tamlin’s scouts were unable to reach.  And Tamlin could not rely on the other seasonal courts to stand by him, not with Autumn’s open declaration of war.
He had failed his siren, his people.  And they now stood alone against the might of whatever court decided to move against them first.
Tamlin finally moved from the window, the joints in his knees cracking from being locked in place for too long.  He frowned, but tried not to dwell on it.  He didn’t need another reason to despise his newly mortal existence.
The floorboards were quiet beneath his boots as he left his study, though he knew anyone nearby likely heard each step as clearly as if he stomped on the aged wood.  He hated being unaware of his own presence, unable to tell what was truly inaudible and what was as loud as the crash of thunder.  He was a hunter by nature, and yet he now walked through these fae lands as their chosen prey.
The halls were mercifully empty as he wandered aimlessly, his eyes downcast.  He couldn’t stomach how the manor’s staff would pointedly avoid his gaze as they went about their duties, choosing instead to offer him a cursory bow before returning to the task at hand.  It broke something in him each time, and a part of him knew that it was pity that left them unable to meet his eyes as they passed.  He wished that they hated him, wished they cursed his name and his mortal existence.  He deserved it, after all.  He had failed them as surely as he had failed Cassandra.
But pity?  To know they pitied him and his shortened life was a worse fate than death.  Eris knew that, and had likely hoped for it.
Tamlin turned a corner, his eyes catching on the faint flutter of a cloak at the end of the hall before it disappeared around the bend.  He raised a single eyebrow, a frown pulling at his lips.  It could have been a shadow—his eyes played many a trick on him these days, seeing things in darkened corners that simply weren’t there—but the sun was bright today, and the shadows were few.
He followed on silent feet—or at least what he deemed silent—avoiding what floorboards he knew creaked at the faintest application of pressure.  He reached the end of the hall, unsurprised to find no one there.  He paused for a brief moment, listening.
Tamlin straightened, a frustrated scowl pulling at his lips.  He was acting like a fool, prowling through his own manor like a thief in the night, intent on catching prey that did not exist.  That hunter’s instinct he had prided himself on seemed to have left him utterly.  What use would he be in battle if he was reduced to chasing shadows and phantoms through the halls of his home?  
He was about to turn back the way he had come, despondent and dispirited, when there came the soft creak of a door being opened from somewhere behind him.  He spun around, prepared to see one of the maids exiting a guest room with linens to be laundered, only to see a fae he decidedly did not know slip through the doorway and lock eyes with him.
The fae had the appearance of a bat, with a pushed in, flat nose and short snout that revealed rows of sharp, needle-like teeth, but stood tall and hulking, rivaling even that of Tamlin’s build.  
With a flap of his great, black wings, the beast rushed Tamlin.
Instincts that Tamlin had feared left him kicked in, and he dropped into a roll, barely dodging the creature.  The fae shrieked in frustration, pulling a long blade from a sheath at his side.  
“I was sent to find the siren,” the fae hissed, “but the fallen son of Spring will do.”
The creature swung his blade, his movements almost too fast for Tamlin to follow.  He managed to duck the first swing, but the fae fluidly transitioned into the second, and cut upward from the hip.  Tamlin stumbled back, but the tip of the blade pierced the flesh of his stomach, cutting a long line from the center of his abdomen nearly up to his right shoulder.  
A pained yell was ripped from his throat as he fell back onto the plush, forest green carpeting that lined the hall.  The impact knocked the wind out of him, and he struggled to take in air as he attempted to push himself back to his feet.  Searing agony ripped through him at the slightest movement and his arm collapsed beneath his weight, leaving him broken and bleeding upon the floor as he stared up at his attacker.
“Rhysand has yet to make his move,”  the fae spat as he advanced, those bat-like features pulled into what Tamlin could only assume was a derisive sneer.  “But Eris grows impatient, and seeks to hasten the pieces on the board.  The siren behind the Night Court’s borders would do nicely.”
Horror flooded Tamlin, his blood turning to ice in his veins.  No.  Not again.  Not now.  Not after everything he had done to get her back, to bring her back.  
Please, no.
The fae raised his blade, those sharp teeth glinting in the afternoon sunlight, as he made to finish off the disgraced and forgotten High Lord of Spring.
A voice broke the heavy silence, and both Tamlin and his attacker looked to the end of the hall.  Cassandra stood there, a gown of the deepest ocean blue pooling around her feet, her burgundy hair a wild halo around her pale face, her brilliant green eyes widened in horror.
The fae turned from his prey to face Cassandra, and the blood drained from Tamlin’s face.
“Run!” he cried out, his voice cracking as desperation flooded him.
The intruder twirled his blade, fully intent on his new mark, and Tamlin struggled to get to his feet once again.  Pain lanced through him, his blood pooling beneath him at an alarming rate, and he fell back to the floor in a heap.
No.  No, no, no, no…
Tamlin looked towards Cassandra once more.  She had not moved, her eyes rapidly flickering between himself and the monstrous fae that now advanced on her.  Why wouldn’t she run?  Why was she still here?
“Cassandra, go!” he tried once more, but she remained rooted in place.  She did not move an inch, simply holding her ground.
He thought it to be shock, the horror of the scene keeping her locked in place, but then he saw her eyes, and he realized that the horror he had seen in them had fled.  In its place, a fiery anger he had seldom seen in his wild halfling had taken root.
She breathed deep, her features a mask of deceptive calm, like a sea in the moments before a raging storm.
She opened her mouth, and a voice of the most ethereal nature filled the halls of Spring.
Tamlin froze, watching, distantly noting that their attacker had also stopped in his tracks.  It was difficult to focus, to keep a hold of himself, but through the haze of her song, he watched as the fae dropped his blade, seemingly in a daze.
Cassandra continued with her song, keeping the fae under her thrall.  Each note seemed to echo eternally, evoking images of lone ships lost at sea, seeking safe harbor from the crashing waves.  He watched as she walked forward, approaching the bat-like fae, and bent to pick up his discarded weapon.  It seemed so much larger in her hands, so out of place.
And without once pausing in her continuous, haunting melody, she lifted the blade, and slit the fae’s throat.
The intruder fell to the ground with a dull, wet thud, his head only just barely still attached to his body, and the song abruptly ended.
“Tamlin!”  Cassandra was suddenly at his side, her green eyes wide with panic, her skin spattered with fresh blood.  “Tamlin, look at me.  Hey.  You’re okay.  Just hang in there.”  She ripped off a piece of her lovely blue gown, the fabric already bloodstained and ruined, and pressed it to his wound.
His eyes drifted to the now dead fae and the still growing pool of blood that ringed his body, before he once again met her gaze.
“I’m so sorry,” he breathed, his hand weakly lifting to brush the blood from her cheek.  He simply succeeded in smearing it, like a macabre imitation of human cosmetics.  “I’m so, so sorry.”
Cassandra’s face twisted into a look of utter befuddlement.  “What?  Why?”
“I should have protected you,” he said softly, each word laced with grief.  “I promised to protect you.”
Her confusion morphed into a grief of her own, and she shook her head.  “I’m only here because of you,” she said.  She leaned forward, pressing her lips to his.  It was a gentle kiss, one born of a quiet promise whispered into the dark.  As she pulled away, she pressed her forehead to his own, looking into his dull, hazel eyes without hesitation.  “It’s my turn to return the favor.”
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faulty-writes · 4 years
Could I please request a scenario with Mirio performing a strip tease for his fem SO? But not actually a nsfw request; just really spicy!
[ I have no idea what this is. But, Mirio takes almost all his clothes off, so enjoy. I know little to nothing about strip teases, still. I like how Mirio goes about doing it, certainly not performing it in a traditional way. Lots of grinding and such. ] 
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“Heh, are you sure you want this, sunshine?” The question came out with some uncertainty and you weren’t sure why considering the fact that when Mirio had his quirk. He wasn’t the least bit ashamed to engage in combat in nothing but his birthday suit, but you imagined that was a slightly different situation. Considering the fact he loved heroism, it was a shame that Eri couldn’t quite master her quirk to help him. You didn’t blame the young girl, considering her quirk was very powerful, and learning how to control it would take time.
You were thankful that UA had allowed Mirio to graduate, though you were a year behind him. In addition, you were in the Department of Support. Something that took as much dedication as the hero course, given heroes got most of the credit for saving lives and whatnot. But, no one ever stopped to think about the weapons and suits behind the hero and just how long it took for a member of support to craft them. Still, you couldn’t complain. The reason Mirio and yourself had met was that he needed an improvement on his suit, of course, no one could have predicted the boy would lose his quirk altogether.
But, you were happy he was taking it well and you were grateful you still had him in your life. He stood at the front of your bed, hands curled around the waistband of his sweatpants and he was wearing a loose tank top that showed off every bit of his muscle. Something that you enjoyed, Mirio was physically attractive. However, his appearance wasn’t the only aspect you fell in love with. His personality was certainly something worth mentioning, his sweet and caring attitude. Whenever you were having a bad day, you could always count on Mirio to cheer you up.
Not to mention the fact he had a heart of gold, it made you proud to say such an incredible man was yours. Given, you hadn’t gone all the way in your relationship. Which was fine considering Mirio had made it clear he didn’t want to do anything you weren’t comfortable with and he always asked for consent when the mood changed into something spicier. But, when you had come to him suggesting this, well, it took him by surprise. Though he would do just about anything to make you happy. Which included taking off his clothes.
Your legs dangled over the footboard and your toes just barely scraped the floor. Your eyes were locked on Mirio and you partly wondered if he actually felt comfortable enough to do this. Then again, you knew he’d push through any obstacle that was laid in front of him. "I'm sure," you replied with a smile before you slid off the bed and playfully walked over to him. Your heart sped up as you wrapped your arms around his neck which was somewhat of a challenge considering Mirio was at least a foot taller than you. "After all, you're handsome," you pulled him into a kiss, "cute," you pressed your lips against his neck. "So damn sexy too," you purred before kissing along his collarbone.
He shivered at the sensation, your lips felt so warm and it almost made him weak in the knees. "Sunshine, ah!" he cried out when you leaned up and gently sank your teeth into the soft flesh of his ear. You could feel the pressure of his hands on your hips and the small pain that came when he dug his nails into them. You chuckled softly and released his ear, “Is that enough of a motivation for you?” the playful look in your eye made Mirio’s throat go dry, you were just too much for him sometimes.
Not that he didn’t love feeling a little lustful, just the urge to lose control was there and well, he had to be careful. Still, he nodded. “You always drive me wild, sunshine. Don’t worry! I’ll make sure I do the best uh, striptease ever!” he grinned happily and you almost missed his determined glance as you turned to sit back on the bed. “Hm, hm, hm,” you hummed as you kicked your legs, the heels of your feet hit the footboard a few times before coming to a stop. Mirio raised his arms up, hands folded over and fingers spread apart.
You could see his eyes were closed and a deep breath sounded. He looked like he was on the training ground of UA again. When he opened his eyes, you shivered at the way he looked at you. This was accompanied by a smirk as he curled his arms, “Oh,” you leaned forward as he flexed his muscles. You were happy he hadn’t stopped his workout routine, even without a quirk. He still looked the part of a hero and that’s all you saw as he walked over to you. A gasp escaped as he laid his hands on your thighs.
His hands were warm and you resisted the urge to squeak when you felt his thumbs graze along your inner thighs. Damn, he was always good at teasing you. Mirio could tell your eyes were focused on his hands, so he reached up and gently cupped your chin. “Uh...” the warmth radiating from your cheeks only told him one thing, that you were blushing profusely. It was a little embarrassing, having your head forced up and when you looked into Mirio’s eyes. You felt your heart accelerate, still, he smiled at you. “Blushing already? But I haven’t even taken my clothes off, you’re adorable, sunshine,” he commented which made your lips form a pout.
You were about to protest when he leaned back and you instantly missed his warmth. You tilted your head, a little confused as to what the former hero student was doing when he turned around and arched his back. Though you were rather distracted when his hands reached back, cupping the curve of that thick backside of his. “Oh,” you latched onto your bottom lip as his hands ran over those firm cheeks and you couldn’t resist reaching out. You had a strong desire to touch the treasure in front of you, but Mirio caught onto you.
He dropped his hands and turned around once more, he did it so quickly you barely had time to register his action. The next thing you knew, his hand clasped around yours and he roughly pulled your arm. Not enough to pull you off the bed, but enough to get his warning across. “Don’t be naughty now,” he said with a playful wink and you groaned, feeling your face grow hotter. You knew your cheeks had to be bright red by now, all your prior confidence seemed to have vanished. “If you really want to touch me,” your eyes widened at the tone of his voice and you cried out when Mirio straddled your legs.
He then reached over, taking your other hand and pressing both to his chest. You could have sworn you felt his heartbeat, but whether that was out of excitement or maybe even embarrassment, was unknown. Though Mirio didn’t look ashamed in the least bit, especially with that smile of his. “Why don’t you help me take this shirt off?” your jaw dropped and you shook your head, “W-What?!” you squeaked which made Mirio chuckle, he hadn’t seen you this nervous in a long time. It almost gave him a feeling of power, but he’d have to make sure it didn’t go to his head.
“Cutie,” he purred before guiding your hands to the bottom of his shirt. “It’ll be easy, but if you want to feel around first. I don’t mind,” you knew Mirio had an impressive build, but your hands were shaking as he guided them underneath his shirt and applied pressure until your palms were laying flat against his stomach. “Go on,” he encouraged as his hips thrust against you. It was rare to see Mirio giving an order, considering he was more about pleasing everyone and his partner. Still, you were more than happy to obey, even if you were nervous beyond all hell.
Your hands slowly traced up and down his stomach, your fingertips faintly brushing against his pecs. Which you noticed caused him to squirm a bit and you shifted your legs. Partly thankful you were sitting on the bed, else your legs might have collapsed under the weight of Mirio. Still, your hands continued to explore the upper part of his body. But, yet again you were reminded the man was full of surprises and paused when his hand came to caress the side of your head. Brushing a few strands of hair away in the process, “Uh…” you glanced to the side which caused Mirio to chuckle. 
“Come on,” he said before leaning down to your ear, you could feel his hot breath as he whispered, “Don’t stop now,” it almost sounded like a threat, but you continued moving your hands. You latched onto your lip when Mirio sunk his teeth into your ear, the subtle pain combined with the warm moist feeling of his tongue had you squirming. You curled your fingers, allowing your nails to dig into his chest, leaving behind faint red lines that would more than likely heal with little to no problem. You didn’t break the skin thankfully, but you were tempted to lean forward and leave bite marks all over his torso.
But, that’s when Mirio leaned back, yet again. You could feel his saliva dripping from your ear, but you ignored it and focused more on how Mirio took your hands again. Squeezing each one gently, it was amusing how large Mirio was in comparison to you. His hands completely engulfed yours, which would normally cause panic. But, his palms were always so warm and when it came to you, he was gentle and considerate. Even during something like a striptease. “Of course, if you already want my shirt off. I don’t mind,” you glanced to the side, “Uh...w-well, I…” you trailed off which caused Mirio to chuckle.
“Don’t be scared, after all. You’ve seen me without my shirt plenty of times, right?” that was true, but somehow this felt different. Still, you swallowed, “Y-Yes?” you replied, though your response sounded uncertain. Regardless, you hesitantly reached down and pulled his shirt over his head. “Ah, that feels better. What do you say, sunshine?” he questioned, you placed his shirt off to the side and allowed your eyes to scan his torso. “You look...um, g-good, amazing!” your words came out a little panicked, it was hard to think at the moment.
“Aw,” he smiled and reached up, securely grabbing the back of your neck before he leaned down to kiss the top of your head. “Thank you, but I think you look amazing all the time. Especially now, with your cheeks all red and rosy. You also have that shy glance in your eye. You’re too cute you know, I guess I’m pretty lucky that I’m the only one that gets to see this vulnerable side of you. Of course, I’d never abuse it. I hope you know that. What kind of man would I be if I made my sunshine cry? Certainly not a good one, but enough about that. How about we get around to taking these itchy pants off, hm?” your eyes widened at his words and you couldn’t help but glance down.
He was wearing sweatpants, so it wouldn’t be much of a challenge to get them off. But to your surprise, you felt the pressure of Mirio moving his hips again. Grinding himself, more specifically his lower half against you. “Uh...w-what are…” your words trailed off as Mirio’s hands made their way to your shoulders, steadying himself as he continued to move. “Lost for words? Heh, I hope this is okay. I think part of a striptease is to well, arouse your partner or well, whoever you’re performing it for. Just let me know if it’s too much,” he said, and despite you being red in the face with your heart ready to burst out of your chest.
You knew one thing, you did not want him to stop. Maybe you needed to show him that, given you hadn’t done much other than help him out of his shirt. Still, would he welcome what you were about to do? Maybe not, but you’d never know until you try. With that in mind, you reached around and grasped onto that luscious backside of his. Giving it a firm squeeze which seemed to capture Mirio’s attention, he looked rather surprised which made you happy. “Mm, grabbing already? Heh, how does it feel?” he questioned as he continued to move on top of you, his large thighs squeezing your own and there was a hint of a bulge in his pants.
But, you chose not to address it. At least not at the current moment, but it was a tad distracting feeling it brush against your chest every time Mirio thrust forward. “Uh, g-good?” you said, lightly slapping each round cheek. Enjoying the way they jiggled in your hands, “But you’re still a little shy, right?” Mirio replied before wiggling his backside. “I think I can fix that,” he said as he reached back to remove your hands which made you pout. Despite the fact he was right, you were still feeling a little shy, maybe a tad uncertain about this.
You were a little curious what Mirio was planning next as he lowered himself to his knees, the sight alone made your heart accelerate. You knew he couldn’t be planning anything too dirty considering he hadn’t asked your permission to do so. Still, you weren’t sure if you could trust that grin on his face as he reached up to grab your foot. You instantly tried to pull away, but he kept a firm grip on you. “It’s okay, sunshine. Just let me try this,” you looked at him with a clueless expression, but much like before. You were more than certain that he was going to surprise you.
So, you leaned back. Your arms behind you and hands sinking into the mattress, you nodded and watched as Mirio leaned close. A squeak escaped when his lips pressed against the top of your foot. That was new, but Mirio continued. Kissing up to your ankle, he paused and looked up at you before continuing. You were surprised he didn’t bother pushing your pant leg up, though he seemed content kissing over the fabric and when he reached your thighs. You couldn’t resist threading your fingers through his hair.
He teasingly pressed his lips against your inner thigh which had you spreading your legs, though he took note of this and chuckled. “Hinting at something?” he questioned before standing on his feet, you almost felt like whining. But, your eyes focused on Mirio as he reached down and ran his fingers across the waistline of his sweatpants. He hitched his breath and reached up, allowing his hands to glide over his bare chest. You watched as those muscles flexed with each movement. He then smirked and motioned you over with his finger. You swallowed the lump in your throat and cautiously slid off the bed.
“There’s my beautiful sunshine,” he said as he pulled you close, “Mirio!” you cried out, feeling the way his hands slid across your hips. “Hm, yes? Did you want something?” he asked in a teasing tone as he once again began to thrust his hips into you. Though you tried to pull away, Mirio made sure you had no method of escape. You placed your hands on his chest as he continued to move. He leaned forward and a soft hiss escaped you as Mirio playfully kissed down your neck. “Keep still,” he said before releasing his hold on you, he then turned around.
You didn’t expect him to press his back against you, but it felt wonderful all the same. Despite the fact, you were yet again reminded how much bigger Mirio was compared to you. Still, feeling that round backside grind against you caused your knees to grow weak. “Better hold onto me, sunshine,” he said before guiding your hands around his waist, you couldn’t resist brushing your fingertips across his V-line. “Are you sure you don’t want to go lower? It’s okay!” he assured and though you opened your mouth to protest, he lightly took hold of your hands and you tried to take a step back when you felt him guide them under the waistline of those sweats.
“Uh M-Mirio?” you questioned and he turned to look at you from over his shoulder. “Yeah? Don’t worry, just relax and enjoy,” he said, it was a bit odd feeling the man move against you. Your hands slipping in and out of those sweats, though you enjoyed the slick feeling of the boxers he was wearing. Though you partly wondered how long he’d have them on. You knew you shouldn’t be thinking that dirty, but in a way, you couldn’t help it. But considering the fact your hands were literally down his pants, you took the opportunity of squeezing his equally thick thighs.
“Whoa there, better be careful or your hands will end up grabbing something else,” Mirio said with a chuckle before slowly turning around, you couldn’t help but frown as the action forced your hands to retreat. You were half tempted to reach back into those sweats when Mirio cupped your face, you blinked. “Your cheeks are so warm, it feels nice,” he commented before leaning forward. Your breath hitched when you felt his lips against your own and that weak feeling came over you once more. “Hm?” Mirio broke from the kiss and securely reached down to take hold of your waist.
“You okay, sunshine?” you reached up to grab his shoulder, looking a little dazed. “Maybe you should lie down, I’m sure I can think of something to do to continue to tease you,” he replied before leaning down to scoop you up. A surprised cry left your lips as you found yourself being carried back to the bed, your arms were wrapped around Mirio’s neck and you couldn’t help but find yourself in awe as you noticed the look on his face. He seemed so confident and the way he was holding you, so securely yet loose enough to know that if you wanted to.
You could tell him to lower you and he’d do so without a fight. Of course, you didn’t fight him. No, you allowed him to lower you back onto the bed. You laid your head against the pillows, your eyes were directed at the ceiling until you felt the bed dip. You leaned up, seeing Mirio proceed to crawl on top of you. “W-What are you doing?” you questioned, those nervous butterflies beginning to fill your stomach. “Exactly what I said, sunshine. So lean back and relax, just enjoy the show,” he encouraged as he reached over and pushed your shoulder.
Something that signaled you to lay back down, “Mm,” you nervously nibbled on your lip, but did as he wanted and laid back down. Laying your hands across your stomach, your eyes were locked on Mirio however, and the way he straddled your hips again. You squirmed a bit when he reached down and pushed your hands off your stomach. You laid them by your sides as he placed his hand on you. The other was resting on your thigh and once again, he proceeded to grind against you. Your jaw hung open as you watched him, the way his stomach rolled and how his pecs slightly jiggled every time he arched his back.
You wanted to reach up and touch them, but Mirio had your hands held in place by his knees which squeezed your waist. He was certainly keeping his word of teasing you, but that didn’t stop you from wiggling underneath him. “Heh too much?” he questioned as he retracted his hands and you paused as you watched him tug down those sweatpants, exposing his thighs. “I caught your attention huh?” Mirio questioned as he leaned down to claim your lips once more. He resumed grinding against you and almost smirked as your moan became muffled within the kiss.
He pulled away and proceeded to kiss down your cheek, slowly turning his body so he fell beside you. He continued to move his hips, the feeling of him thrusting against your side was strange. But not unwelcome, he reached up to grab hold of your chin. Tilting it to the side so he could have better access to your neck which he proceeded to sink his teeth into. You resisted the urge to cry out when he began to suckle. He then reached for the waistband of his sweats, pulling them further down to expose more skin. He managed to wiggle one leg out before he proceeded to straddle your hips once more. 
Releasing his hold on your neck and sure enough, there was a visible bruise. Though he didn’t enjoy the thought of hurting you, when it came to hickey’s it was a little different and maybe he was greedy. Considering he enjoyed knowing that the mark he made essentially meant you belonged to him and while you could always hide it, there wasn’t really a point. Still, he smiled as he looked at you and took note that you were panting, he must have done a good job riling you up. But, he wasn’t done yet. “I guess I should completely take these off huh?” he said, referring to his sweats.
“H-Huh? Hey!” you got a little nervous when Mirio rolled back which caused the bed to move. But, you were quickly distracted by the way his legs came up. The empty pant leg swayed back and forth. But, when you saw him reach up to pull the other off, you half expected him to slide off the bed. Instead, a cry left your lips when the bed violently bounced and Mirio was once more straddling you. The only difference was this time his crotch was in your face, something that made your cheeks glow bright red. But, Mirio once again smiled and brought the sweatpants around his neck.
He proceeded to move his body, gliding his sweats down his chest and you held your breath as you watched him slide them between his legs. Those short boxers giving little to the imagination. But, what Mirio did next caught you off guard. He leaned down, pushing your shirt up. You let out a soft whine as those lips pressed against your stomach, followed by that tongue which teasingly swiped across your pelvic area. "Sunshine," he said as he reached down to tug on your pants, "I think it's your turn," your eyes widened, maybe asking for a striptease was a bad idea.
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darksunrising · 5 years
Sola Gratia (6/?)
Rating / Warnings : General audiences, no particular warnings.
Fandom : Bram Stoker’s Dracula, BBC’s Dracula, various Dracula and vampire lore.
Part 6/? (3370 words)
Author’s notes : After a small break, here is part 6 of Sola Gratia ! It’s technically the first chapter of the second part, but I’ll number them continuously to not be confusing !
Hope you all enjoy !
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“Thank you for your compelling conclusion to this seminar, professor Rieder. I would like, once again, to thank all whose interventions have made these few days a most instructive and enlightening event. Now, for the part all of us have been waiting for since this morning, I will see you at the buffet next room over.”
Scattered laughter and clapping closed my statement. A growing buzz filled the room, and I contained a sigh of relief. Turning off my headset, I laid it on the table next to me, giving a few awkward smiles to the eminent researchers still at my side. I focused my attention on the familiar face sitting front row, shoving her scattered notes in her bag. One smile of hers would have stopped a cyclone, and thus I melted inside when she hurried to meet me, pulling me in a bear hug. She was so tiny she couldn’t raise me past tiptoes. I closed my eyes, hugging her back. Her hair smelled like coconut oil, and lavender. She pushed back, still holding my shoulders.
“That was great, see, told you you’d kill it !”, she exclaimed, eyes glimmering with joy.
“Leaaaaah, stop it, you’ll make me believe it”, I replied, letting my head fall back. “I still have to hear from Laurent.”
“Heh, speak of the Devil !”, she taunted, her eyes set somewhere over my shoulder.
Laurent, my thesis coordinator for the past two years, was not a cheerful type person. He was six feet tall, salt more than pepper hair, neatly trimmed, the mustache always curled at the tip, and small, golden rimmed glasses. On anyone else, he might have looked like a nice grandpa. However, his strict demeanor and constantly furrowed eyebrows denoted an uncompromising attitude, which had proven a challenge in my research and field work. I was all the more taken aback by the huge grin plastered on his face as he came over to firmly shake my hands in his.
“Excellent work, Eris. I couldn’t be more satisfied !”, he bellowed. “You will have to come take a drink with us now, I won’t have you escape this time !”
If you weren’t used to his manners, he might seem a bit blunt, even abrasive, but his comment made me smile. I nodded, and he left me after a friendly pat on the shoulder, still having me stumble. Leah was almost vibrating with excitation, as per usual. Where she found her energy, I’d never know. She took hold of my arm, and practically dragged me to the reception room. The committee spared no expense, as the whole seminar had been financed by an anonymous donator, who had been more than generous with his funding. As we got in, we were greeted by a groom, holding a plate of champagne glasses. A bit over the top, if you asked me. Still, I was  on par with the standing of the venue, the National Museum of Natural History. It was huge, old, and honestly, so stuffy in the scientific department I had to think twice before I accepted to coordinate the seminar.
I had taken a million years finding an outfit that wouldn’t clash with the tone, and wouldn’t have me looking like a talking toad in a bowtie. Leah looked great as always, her long, strawberry blonde locks bouncing freely on her shoulders, wearing a perfectly tailored bustier pantsuit. she could have worn a sack of potatoes and looked better than me, still awkwardly trying to walk in a straight line with the pair of stilettos she bought for me. Still, I’d rather suffer the little mermaid’s martyr than disappoint her.
She grabbed two glasses for us, and had a few steps back, guiding me further into the center of the room. She handed me my glass, and held up hers.
“To the first of many symposiums saved from death by your exceptional organizational skills”, she stated.
“To the only reason I didn’t panic and make a fool of myself for three consecutive days, Leah Fox”, I threw back at her.
We toasted, and took a sip. The room was packed. Still enough room to actually breathe, but I never were one for social situations of that type. Of any type, really. As soon as that glass was empty, I would beg Leah to get back to her place, which was, thankfully, close-by. I’d have to almost get across the whole city if I were to go back to mine, and in the state of exhaustion I was in, no way that was happening.
“Hey, don’t look- Do not ! - but there’s a guy looking at you from over there”, Leah told me.
I kept my eyes on her obediently, as she seemed to study said man. She had a look of mischief in her eyes that  announced trouble with a thousand golden horns. I indulged her.
“Well, will you at least tell me what this Mystery Admirer looks like ?”, I enquired.
“He’s your type, I gotta say. Tall, dark and handsome, you know ?”, she started, being less and less discreet about her staring. “Oh, and he knows how to dress, I have to ask where he found his tie pin- Oh, fuck, he saw me, abort mission !”
She winced, knowing full well we couldn’t just run away like schoolgirls. Not if we wanted to keep some form of good reputation among the dozens of career-relevant academics chatting all around us. Seeing her head gradually lift up, I sighed, and prepared myself to get some human interaction. I put on my best fake smile, and turned around.
“Eris Cetero, I have been dying to meet you again.”
All sounds faded. Heart sinking into my stomach, I barely even heard the crystalline sound of the champagne glass as it broke between my fingers. I barely heard Leah’s cry of surprise, or felt the warmth of the blood gushing from my palm. I only saw the red around ocean blue eyes, and a split-second, sharp smile.
My knees gave out under me, his arm slipped around my waist, catching me before all lights faded, blown out like candles in the wind.
Muffled sounds of chatter were my first perception. Then, right after, a burning sensations from my nose to my lungs, that made me choke. 
“Eris ? Are you awake ?”, Leah’s worried voice came to my ears before the golden halo of her hair above me. I could only respond with a pained groan.
“I should hope so, this is very potent”, a silky, deep voice commented outside my limited field of vision.
“I know, but no offense, who carries smelling salts on them in 2020 ?”
“I do, and they proved useful, did they not ?”
She sounded cheerful, as she always did. Every sentence he uttered had the effect of a sledgehammer to my chest. I tried to sit up, and leaning on my had me crying out in pain.
“You’re injured !”, she exclaimed, laying me back down, a hand over my chest. “Just rest a little, will you ?”
“Leah, you have to leav-”, I tried to warn her, too faintly for her to even notice I spoke.
She turned her attention back to him. “Tell me, Professor Balaur, you were about to tell me how you met our faint-hearted friend ?”
Professor ? That didn’t sound right, by all accounts. I couldn't get rid of a faint ringing in my ear. Spots of light danced before my eyes. I had to do something. My heart was almost beating out of my chest. The back of his eyes caught the light just a second. Sharp teeth flashed before my eyes, as they had been embedded in my brain for the past two months, every time I spent too long, staring in the shadows.
“Please, call me Vlad. You do well to remind me, it is a good story.”
His voice was sickeningly sweet. Leah didn’t mind, seemingly genuinely interested in what he had to say, leaning into the palm of her hand, propped up on her elbow. Fighting through the numbness, I decidedly sat up.
“Leah, we have to leave”, I snapped, ignoring her protests. “Now.”
“You don’t seem well enough to go on your own”, the Count stated, his silky voice not helping with my nausea. “I could give you a ride, I have my car parked here.”
“Well, I live nearby, so we can manage”, she began. “But... Considering her state, I would love the help. You’d have my eternal gratitude, and I’ll invite you in for a cup of tea !”
Invite you in. No. No way. Not her.
“I have to go home !”, I blurted out. “I… haven’t fed Zardoz this morning and he’ll- he'll wreak havoc if I don’t.”
Leah gave me a puzzled look. She knew I was lying. She could always tell. She didn’t understand why, but she wouldn’t ask. She trusted me. I promised myself I would tell her, at some point. If I had no other choice.
“Well then, you can’t take the bus in that state”, the Count commented. “For my peace of mind, would you let me take you home ?”
No, absolutely not. He kept his gaze locked on mine. I couldn’t let him anywhere near Leah. Never mind me, she had to be safe.
“Alright”, I yielded. “Go home, Leah, I’ll be fine. I just need a second to get my bearings, I'll be fine with...” I felt like I had to swallow bile. “With Vlad.”
She hesitated, and I gave her the best smile I could muster. She agreed to take her leave, after making me promise to call her as soon as I got home. Scribbling my address on the back of her visit card, she handed it to the Count, and planted a kiss on my forehead. With a last wave, just like that, she left. I couldn’t contain a sigh of relief. A gloved hand appeared in my field of vision.
“If you think I’m coming with you, you’re even more insane than I thought”, I snapped at him, not giving him the satisfaction of eye contact.
“Oh, Eris. Let’s not pretend like there is any other outcome to this situation.”
No matter how much I hated it, he was right. I gave him my arm, and saw his hand twitch as it brushed against the bandages. Leah had gone so overboard I could barely flex my fingers, but on the flip side, no blood seeped through. I wondered how he managed not to go feral when the cuts were still fresh. He took hold of my briefcase, and we left.
Trying to dissociate myself as much as I could from the situation, I barely could make sense of my surroundings as the Count guided me to the outside. I heard myself say goodbye to Laurent as we passed him, giving a bullshit explanation as to why I was leaving with him. The word “date” was thrown around, which I’d have to be angry about later. I focused on not snapping my ankles on the stairs. Curse high heels and feminine fashion standards.
We crossed one of the side doors at the entrance, and stepped outside. For a second, the night’s fresh air made me feel better. The large street, occupied only by a grassy railway, was lit by the orange glow of street lamps. In my fuzzy mind, It looked like a Van Gogh, a blur of light and colors, and the faint sound of the wind rustling into the trees. A welcome silence, after the noise of the inside.
We stopped near a car. Black, sleek, elegant design. A step up from the creepy old van I rather imagined, if I ever got abducted. He opened the passenger door for me.
“I’m not getting in”, I told him, a bit stubbornly.
“Listen, I have told your friend I would get you home safe, and I will. I behaved myself even though you… Well.” His gaze lowered to my injured hand, which I instinctively hid behind my back.
“Why, why on Earth should I trust anything you have to say ?”
“Because, dear, I may be a monster, which you seem so adamant to believe, but I am not, and never have been, a man to go back on word given.”
Looking at the situation objectively, I didn’t have much of a choice. No tram anywhere in sight, no people to scream to, and anyway, the Kitty Genovese thing made it clear that witnesses don’t do anything for your survival. And in her case, she was murdered by a human, which I wouldn’t be so lucky about. If he really took me home, that would bring him further from Leah, which was a substantial advantage. Taking a deep breath, I nodded, and got in the passenger seat. After making sure I was settled, he closed the door, and went around to sit behind the wheel. He typed up the address on the screen, and turned on the GPS. The car’s windows were tinted, and the interior was lit by a soft band of red led lights. Fitting.
“Seatbelt”, he commanded.
“Since when do you even know how to drive ? I would have expected a hearse, drawn by undead horses”, I sneered.
“I am not the Grim Reaper, Eris. Also, everybody knows how to drive, these days, it’s an easy skill to pick up.”
“Huh, pick up, is that what you call it ?”
He laughed. As soon as I went back home, I had spent every waking hour I had to spare researching things like him. That proved to be a difficult task, given that 90% of the hits were either literature, were it good or bad, conspirationist websites with very disputable sources, or witnesses with incoherent, horny accounts of their meetings with seductive succubuses. I figured I had to not be the only one, but there was absolutely no way of finding anything credible, as truth often makes a worse audience than embellished fiction.
At this point, I only had random bouts of legends I classified by percentage of credibility. Silver burned his skin, but didn’t seem necessarily lethal. It did seem to leave a scar for a long time, I thought as I watched the thin, white circle on the back of his hand, relaxed on the wheel. Antlers didn’t seem to be efficient either, or at least, not in a permanent manner. I wasn’t sure about direct sunlight, but cloudy weather seemed to be just fine to him.
“What are you thinking about ? I can sense it’s a tad violent”, he teased, keeping his eyes on the road.
“How are you here ? How are you alive ?”, I jabbed at him.
“Are you disappointed ?”, he replied in a slightly mocking tone.
“Well !”, he laughed. “Strictly speaking, I was not alive to begin with. Don’t be too hard on yourself.”
He tapped on the wheel as he drove. The rhythm reminded me of something, though I couldn't quite place it. He had his hair cut, and was clean shaven, I noticed. Overall, he looked pretty much like a normal man, late fourties, more handsome than the usual, maybe, objectively speaking. He looked sharp, intelligent. Dangerous.
“Are you going to kill me ?”, I asked, turning my attention to the road as well, trying not to have my voice shake as much as I physically was.
“Kill you ?” He seemed to think a few seconds. “No. Not yet, at least.”
“Then why are you here ? How did you find me ?”, I blurted out.
“I tasted you, I’ll always know where you are”, he softly replied. He glanced at me, lingering a little. “As for why, let’s say that I am… curious. No one even tried to stake me since that funny little man Van Helsing.”
I huffed out a laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Among all who could have taken interest in me, it had to be an immortal, bloodthirsty creature, who could smell me to the ends of the earth like a hellhound.
“Stalker”, I laconically commented.
“Stalk- What ? I’m not a- How dare you even-”
He sounded genuinely offended. My sudden fit of quiet laughter cut him off. His outraged expression softened, and he let out a sigh, taking back his composure. He took a right into my street, and parked in front of my buiding. After turning of the engine, he leaned back into his seat.
“Before you leave, I have something for you.”
He reached behind my seat, and handed me a wooden box, wrapped a red silk ribbon. I gave him an inquisitory look, to which he didn't respond. If he wanted to kill me, I ventured he would find a more dramatic way than a booby-trapped box. I mean, he wasn't an Acme character. I untied the ribbon, noticed a lock. The Count handed me a key, attached to a thin, golden chain.
“I’m more of a silver kind of girl”, I teased.
“Very funny, but also a lie”, he replied, sliding a finger along my ear, and the three golden rings piercing it.
A shot of electricity ran through me. He was about to lower his hand, yet I felt his touch, barely grazing along the small scars I knew were still swollen, still red, under the foundation I used to cover them up. Dozens of them, little cuts. Broken glass is something sharp. I heard him take an inspiration, as if to say something. I took the key, worked it into the lock. The lid opened on red velvet, in which was incased a colt. A gun. A gun ?
“That is a gun”, I flatly stated.
“Not just any kind of gun. This one is loaded with custom-made white oak bullets.”
I remained speechless a moment, taking it from its case. The metalwork was intricate, and the handle, distinctively polished antler. I wonder if…
“It is. I thought it would be… appropriate”, he told me, as if he had  read my mind.
Appropriate. I scoffed. None of it was appropriate.
“It’s simple of use, really, cock the hammer back, point, squeeze the trigger”, he explained.
“I know how a colt works. I’m more concerned of the reason why I now have one.”
“I would like for it to be a token of trust.” He shifted in his seat to face me. “I want to know that I am no threat to you. Should you not believe it, you now have this.”
I tightened my fingers around the grip. “Will it kill you ?”
“To the best of my knowledge, yes”, he nodded. “I have never died before, however, so this is brand new territory.”
He laughed at his own questionnable joke. I cocked the hammer back, and set the barrel against his chest. “Give me a good reason I shouldn’t do that right now.” He didn’t seem phased in the slightest, which had me doubt the actual usefulness of his gift. He leaned in, his face inches from mine.
“Curiosity”, he whispered, tilting his head to the side. “Everything you study in literature, I lived. Everything event you try to make sense of, I witnessed. Every battlefield you excavate, I have bled on it.” 
I lowered the gun, and looked away.
“As for myself, you have made me curious of this world again.”
“Why me ?”, I muttered, feeling heat rise to my cheeks. His cool breath had the fine hairs of my neck rise up.
“Well, what can I say, except that you have touched my heart ?”
“Dear God.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, and groaned. “I’ll shoot myself.”
“What do you say ?”, he whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I could almost feel his lips brushing against my cheek.
“Won’t you invite me in ?”
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
Taglist : @carydorse @angelicdestieldemon @bloodhon3yx @thewondernanazombie @battocar @moony691 @mjlock @thebeautyofdisorder @my-fanfic-library (tagging you if you wanna take a look !)
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wakandascrystal · 5 years
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Erik x Black Reader
Summary: Erik finds an old picture of you and an Ex. He recognises him and tells you about the man that saved his life in Afghanistan . 
A/N - Warning⚠, I’m going to make this as emotional as i can. please ignore any errors
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“Are you on your way here?“ You mother asked over the phone.
“Yes, we are. We might take a pit stop and buy something, do you want anything from the shop?“ You asked polity.
“Yes, get me some milk and cookies. The ones I like. The ones they dip in chocolate.“
“Okay, Ma. No problem. We’ll be there in 20 minutes okay?“ “Yeah yeah. Is my beautiful son in law coming or are you coming with Jade“
“Ma you are on speaker!!“ You were tempted to just hang up but you knew she would kill you. Erik was of no help. He just grinned foolishly.
“Yes. The son in law is driving.“ You slurred
“Hello, Mrs Johnson.“ Erik’s deep voice filled the car
“Erik? What did I tell you about calling me, Mrs Johnson? Call me Mom.“ the was a pause
“Alright, Mrs Johnson.“
“I’m nothing going to tell you twice now. Come on Im your mama.“ Your mom pushed.
You could see Eri wasn’t ready to do that. He had nothing against your mother. He actually liked her but Erik was still working on the emotions he had with his own mother. Even though he lost her along time again the issue was still sensitive and sore.
“Okay, Mrs Johnson we are about to enter the highway so we will see you. Bye“ You hung up and sat back in the leather seat.
“I’m sorry about that?“
“Nah it’s cool.“
You didn’t believe him.
“I’m sure she didn’t mean to make you uncom- ”
“I said let’s drop it Y/N“ His voice was stern and hostile. You saw how his hands tightened on the wheel, the muscles under his skin expanding with the pressure. He was tense. You feared that your mother might have triggered him. You quickly put on some music to calm him down. You put on your favourite lo-fi playlist. You knew it would calm him down and it did. 
Driving 130km/hr you rest your hand on his thigh. You wanted him to slow down, doing this was much better than telling him to slow down. Gently moving your fingers on his inner thigh he slowed down. 
It was raining and Erik had no business speeding on the highway. 
He was driving to your moms. He had agreed to help your mom clear out your old room and the attic. She lived in the countryside, the other side of the state but with Erik’s mustang and driving skills, he could get you there in no time. 
“I’m sorry for snapping at you.“ He took your hand and kissed it. 
“Don’t be, I understand.“ 
You pulled your hand from his placing it on his thigh again. This was the best part. When you were comfortable enough to talk and be okay with him. It took a long time to understand him, the way he showed himself and the parts he didnt want to show. It took some time to understand that Erik was more than just some nigga from Oakland. He was different.He loved differently and you were ready to be with him no matter what. 
“It’s a good thing you didn’t take out your braids yesterday.“ You didn’t hear him until he nudged your shoulder.
“Yes?“ You pulled out of your train of thought.
“What are you thinking about there.“
“Nothing. I’m just sleepy.“
“You should have slept earlier. 11 o'clock is too late.“
“I had work Erik…but if somebody didn’t wake me up for some action in the middle of my sweet slumber then I would have had my eight hours.“ you folded your arms across your chest.
He was smiling again. 
“What did I tell you about sleeping naked.“
“Erik I always sleep naked cause cloths tighten and roll up on me when I move ….they make me feel uncomfortable. “
“Okay ..but you could have stopped me at any time though…“
“…Fuck you right“ You laughed a bit as he pulled into a petrol station thinking about last night’s events.
 You offered to go buy all the things you need for the weekend but he didn’t want you getting wet. So you told him what yall needed and he left. After a couple of hours, you were very close to your Mother’s house and Erik pulled into her driveway.
“My favourite people!“ She closed the space between her and Erik with a welcoming hug. His head fit in her collarbone. She really liked him. 
Disappearing into your old room, you left them behind in the kitchen. 
Your room looked the same. Nothing was changed or moved. The double bed with all your TLC, Destiny’s Child, Aaliyah, Ashanti and most importantly the Tupuk poster were still up.
You could tell your mom still came in and cleaned once in a while. There is no way your white bedding would still look so fresh and clean after 2 years and no dust. Yes, she did. You looked under your bed to find a box. It was filled with your all memories. Old letters and bracelets. Erik hugged you from behind as you looked at through the objects. You kissed him and sat on the bed.
“Look at this stuff. She still kept it.“ Erik started to look through with you.
“Your mom said we will start cleaning up tomorrow cause your tired and its late .“ You agreed while you read your high school report cards.
“I Was getting B’s and C’s like it was nobody’s business.“ you smile
Erik was interested in all the objects in the box. He wanted to know you better and when an opportunity showed itself he would grab it with both hands.
“You used to play…what the hell is this.”
You looked over him to the picture of you holding a bat.
“Oh, first-team badminton… it’s like Tennies..a bit .”
You let out a high pitch scream.
“Damn Y/N what the hell.”
“I’m sorry but look. I remember buying this lucky packet thing and finding this ring in it. Then I saw a shooting star and wished a handsome, intelligent nigga would marry me.”
“Did it work.” “Yes, it did.” You gave him a kiss on the cheek and went back pulling things from the box. A few minutes went by and you notice how Erik went quite. He was holding the stack of photographs that didn’t make into your photo album.
“What’s got my baby’s attention.”
He carried on staring at the old photographs, you lean up against him again to see what picture had his attention. It was an old picture of your ex-boyfriend giving you a kiss on the cheek. You rolled your eyes.
“Oh come one E. You know your girl was fire back then. I …was bringing all the boys in the yard.” He stayed very serious, focusing on the picture of your Ex planting a kiss on your cheek.
“What was his name?” He asked
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous…You married me ..You won nigga" You giggled
“‘I know….but I think I know him.” Your eyebrows shot up
“`From where?… His name is Flex..”
“What…what’s wrong?”
“Was his surname O’Brien..”
“Yeah, I think so…It’s been so long though. After graduating I don’t know where he even ended up.“
He didn’t move, just staring at the picture.
“You alright?“ He worried you. His whole aura had changed.
“I know him…He served with me.“ The sorrow and pain in his voice made you pay full attention to him. 
If he did know Flex he must have done something terrible for him to be so emotional all of a sudden. But flex was not like that. You remembered him to be soft and kind. Sure he likes to cause tribble but none that could hurt anyone.
You placed the diary you held and sat next to him. taking his hand.
“You want to talk about it.“ 
“Nah. It’s late you should get some sleep.“
“You sure? I would much rather hear you vent.“ He smiled 
“Let’s get ready for bed.“ He left you to grab your luggage from the car. By the time he got back from the car, Your dad had arrived. He loved Erik.
‘The son I never had’ he always says. You found them in the kitchen talking about the upcoming game. He seemed much happier then he did before. He could cheer up anyone, to be honest. 
“So you came to help your mother with moving?“
“Yes, Sir. Me and Y/N can handle it don’t worry yourself.“ 
“What do you mean me, Erik? I only came for emotional support“ You played along with your husband.
“Nah we are going to put all them pilates and squats into good use tomorrow. Remember to leave with your back.“ Both your father and husband laughed holding onto each other.
“Daddy!!“ they both looked at you. It made you smile that Erik would respond to that even if your real father was present. You fixed your face and pouted to get him on your side.
“Dad. Erik is bullying me.“ 
Adorable Erik though
“I’m sorry sunshine. I was lucky that Erik was free to help. You know since my back kicked in I can’t do anything.“
“-except eat my pies and cooking” Your mom came into the kitchen holding a basket of laundry.
“You got that right.” shocking her head and called you over.
“Y/N why don’t you make the table. I’ll be back to dish up the food for dinner.”
You agreed and did as told, after dinner. You all got ready for bed. For the first time, you didn’t get weird looks from your mom and dad when it was time for sleeping arrangements. Before the wedding, Erik was just some nigga trying to take advantage of their only baby but after the wedding, Erik was the beautiful, nigga angel who was sent to protect their only child from the world. It was strange, and the funny part was Erik didn’t change he was the same chilled guy. But your parents didn’t want you sharing a bed with him. The Christian side of them just couldn’t let that happen. You wondered if they ever figured out that you would just pull him from that uncomfortable, couch around midnight to sleep with you in your bed and end up fucking. It would be weird if they did.
“Before you get up and leave. I would just like to say something..don’t be shy. Do what needs to be done” You knew exactly where this was going.
“Mom please.” You begged
“I need to say this Y/N…Erik I would like to have some grandchildren.”
Erik spat out his wine. It was too funny. It seems like he had not gotten used to how open your mom was. You helped clean him up and left before she said more embarrassing things.
You started getting ready for bed. Brushing your teeth in your silky pj’s. Erik was already in bed. He looked beautiful. He only had his bottoms on, hair all the way back in 3 cornrows. He could see that you were checking him out. Even though he was scrolling through his emails.
“You want to take a picture, Love?“ You giggled. His favourite sound in the world.
“I already have a ton of them, but the real deal looks much better.“ You climber in bed with just his bed lamp on. 
“You don’t say. Are you not cold?“ 
“No. You?“
“No?“ He gave you a kiss and laid down on his back so did you. He turned the lap off and in the silence, you asked.
“Do you think we should fuck so we can have kids ?“ Your voice was little
“What the hell“ Erik let out a laugh, his whole body shook.
“You being pressured by your mom baby?“
“No. I’m in no rush..like at all but we’ve never really spoken about it, Erik.“
“I want to have kids with you, but when the time is right. We still working on us right now. 3 years of marriage that is not a long time. I’m planning on being with you for the longest, like your mom and pops. 57 years.“
“I want to be with you for longer than that.“ You sounded corny and cheesy saying that. Erik smiled thinking you were. But you were his cheesy and corny girlfriend.
“Period…But I do want kids…I want to show them Wakanda and shit. I would love that. “ He said it confidently leaving no room for you to doubt him. ”Plus we live in a great area. They got a good school. You know his ass is practically going to live in that outreach centre. “
“What makes you think it’s going to be a boy?“ you smacked his chest.
“…what ..it could be a girl…or better twins.“
You gasped. “Like Beyonce,” you whisper dramatically. 
You laid on your side so you can see his profile. The small light that comes from the parted curtains helped you see that his eyes were closed. You left for the bath. In the dead of night is when you insecurities seemed to be the most active.
They questioned why Erik liked you, why he married you and if you were worthy to even carry his children. They told you that there were much better girls out there. Who were more attractive. Who could make him much happier than you could ever? At night, when everyone was asleep. The mirror was your worst enemy but somehow the Wakanden gem on your ring fingers reassure you that you were right where you belong.
“Are you asleep?“ you whispered to Erik when you came back from the bathroom. He didn’t answer but he pulled you close to his body. Your head laid on his chest and your arm on his stomach.
after a few minutes of silence, he spoke.
“I was drafted with Felix.“
You didn’t say anything still trying to process the fact that your high school ex-boyfriend somehow knew Erik.
“You still listening..?“ You nodded your head against his chest still in shock.
“We didn’t train together but he was put into the team that left….long story short…i served with your Ex In Afghanistan.’‘ He gave a silent laugh. You felt his body shake.
“What are the odds.“ He said
“-It was crazy. I came in there. Young kid, trying to prove to everyone that am the shit. I had no idea what the fuck I was doing. He was…how do I put it…he lost his shit every time a gun went off. I guess he was there to prove he was the shit too.“
Yep, that’s definitely him. You remembered him to be funny and witty and non-violent. You wondered what made him join the military.
“His bed was next to mine. He Latino so he was super chilled and super talkative. Won’t lie he annoyed me at first but we ending up being …kinda close.“
“Omg, this that is so adorable….. I should invite him over and have like a reunion some time. I’m sure I can find him on facebook or something..“
His head shot down at you with an unreadable expression. You thought you might have offended him, maybe he thought the idea was stupid.
“Chill E. We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.“
“You don’t know don’t you?“ His voice was hollow and soft.
“Know what?“
“On one of the last days….we were coming back in 3 days. We had to patrol around the wrecked city. We had done this many times. The locals just went about their way…but that day Felix just ….he told me like 10 times he wasn’t feeling it…He knew something was off the second we left the base. And he was right. In the middle of the city, we were ambushed. ..Young kid from Oakland…I thought I was going to die. “ He gave a weak smile
“The base got word of what was happening and they sent help. We lost so many good soldiers but Felix and I made it out, as we ran out……all I’m thinking is I can’t wait to go home….but from a distance window Felix sees a sniper and jumpers in front of me when he heard the shoot….I’ve heard stories of what a Lapua Magnum bullet can do to a human body…seeing it in real life was something else..I didn’t have time to hold him ..close his eyes. He saved my life. But bet… after a few seconds I got the shoot. There was no way I wouldn’t avenge his death….right here. “
He raised his right arm and pointed to one scare on his arm… That scar was for the shoot. Erik had told you what the scars were for and it clicked. You felt heartbroken and angry for so many reasons but you couldn’t tell Erik immediately because he was still speaking. In all honesty, your brain stopped taking in information when you figured out Felix died. Your eyes water and a throbbing pain soaked up your heart. He was a good guy. He didn’t deserve that. You thought about his mother and his sister. They must have lost it when they found out. But that could have been your morning a death if Felix didn’t do anything..if he didn’t jump in Erik’s way. Maybe with how the universe works and timelines, you would never even have met Erik; that was a dark thought you just didn’t want to dwell on for too long. 
Erik saw your face. The light passes him and lands on your downcasted face. You looked distressed but he doesn’t regret telling you this. Your eyes are glossy with tears that are about to fall. You stop trying to fight the boiling emotions in your chest. They are hot and they sting and they want out. You push yourself into Erik and let out a cry. On his chest, your head laid visibly shaking.
He had never seen you cry like this in the past. 6 years of knowing you and not once. It wasn’t like the crying or sobbing you did when you watched romantic anime or kdramas or when he surprises you(cause you’re easy to please). This cry was deep and dark. It reminded him of pain and devastation. He wrapped his arms around you so your parents would hear. He hated your reaction. It also showed him how empathic of a person you were. 
“Can we go…” Your voice rough and small. “- Can we go see his grave?”
Erik’s face pulled up in confusion and you saw.
“Erik! He was my friend. I know …it sounds like we were was just dating and fucking…He was my actual friends and I’m so angry and hurt…I thought he was in Austria with his father. That’s what he always told me..that when he graduated he would move there…”
You wiped your tears that had wet half your face.
“-…i ..I also want to thank him…He also saved you..” You laced your fingers with his. Yours were tiny against his. “I want to thank him for that.”
Erik didn’t push. He simply agreed. He wanted to make you happy. So anything you wanted was a comrade. 
You stayed in that position, his hand over your waist and your head just by his chest, He heard your body try to recover. The rain had picked up, hitting and creating a calming noise. you fell asleep in his arms grateful and depressed. 
You thought about how hard destiny has been fighting to make sure Erik ended up with you. You thought about all the fights, his past, your past, the shit that went down in Wakanda, the girls and boy the nasty ass girl that wanted him. He was meant to be there. you were meant to be there. And the thought of that and the low humming of the rain sent you to sleep.
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ichigopanhpff · 5 years
BNHA Fic: Blink! Ch. 16
Read Ch. 15 | Masterlist
SPOILER ALERT: I’m sure S4 will at least cover the U.A. School Festival Arc before ending it. You’ve been warned!
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With the Hassaikai incident behind them, the day to days at U.A. lulled on. But today was an exciting day: Snipe-sensei announced the school’s annual culture festival and wanted everyone to brainstorm ideas. The usual tropes of a maid café and haunted house had already been thrown out there, much to everyone’s excitement and chagrin. The period went on with a few more scattered ideas left and right from students until the bell chimed.
“We’ve narrowed it down these three categories and will discuss more back at the dorms tonight,” 2-A’s class rep, Miyake, stated before letting everyone head out. “Takahiro, be sure to stop by before going back to the first years.”
“Got it, Class Rep,” she replied with a mock salute.
As the three girls made their way down, she passed by some third years from the General Education department grumbling about the first years in the hero department’s live music show and how conceited they were because they were doing it for “them.” Ren and Seri couldn’t help but stop in their steps to glare at the two who walked passed.
“What are you looking at?” the black haired girl stared with disdain before walking off.
Ren gritted her teeth, trying her best to hold back her rage. Seri clapped a firm hand on her shoulder, making her look straight at her owl friend.
“They’re not worth it,” Seri remarked. “They don’t understand.”
Letting out a hard breath through her nose, she followed the rest of her class to the 2-A dorms. The discussion went well into the early evening and finally decided on something completely unique and exciting. All was left was to make the reservation for the gym and then the real work will start. Ren walked back and stretched her arms upward, groaning aloud. Feeling the chill set in, she bundled herself into her uniform jacket and sped walked the rest of the way back.
She opened the door to welcome the warmth to defrost her bones, only to see a crowd and heard someone’s strong and sultry singing voice.
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“It’s unanimous!” Everyone shouted. “Jiro’s gonna sing!”
The R.A. smiled to herself as she removed her outside shoes to place into her locker before entering the common room to greet the class.
“Welcome back, Ren-senpai!” Ochaco warmly acknowledged. “Did your class decide on what you’re gonna do?”
“We’re doing a Cirque du Soleil inspired performance.”
“We don’t know what that is but it sounds exciting!” the girls cheered.
Ren looked around the room and saw a bunch of instruments scattered around. At the far end, Tokoyami could be heard strumming a guitar that captivated those nearby.
“Whoa, Tokoyami! You play?!”
“I had to free myself from the F-chord first,” he lamented.
“Sweet Les Paul,” Ren commented with her eyes sparkling in excitement. “And you got it in the classic sunburst color too. Nice.”
“Senpai, you play too?” Jiro enquired.
“Well… I dabbled. I’m more of a bassist, really,” she sheepishly replied and suddenly found an electric blue Explorer guitar in her hands.
“I wanna hear your sound!” the purple haired girl exclaimed. “Please!”
Sucking in a breath, she placed the strap around her shoulder and made small adjustments so it fit in her hands. The instrument was heavier than she expected, given how big the lopsided body was. Taking the pick nested in-between the low E and D strings, Ren casually played a simple blues riff that rang out the entire room. Swaying her head to the motion, she closed her eyes and let her feelings momentarily take over. Reopening them, her shoulders lightly jumped at the entirety of 1-A staring in awe.
“That was freaking awesome!” the rocking girl praised with fire in her eyes.
“How did you play that?!”
“That was such a bittersweet melody!”
“Gah, why couldn’t you be a first year?! Our show would kick so much butt with you in it!” Kaminari lamented.
As the barrage of comments and admiration continued, Ren couldn’t help but let out a light chuckle. For the first time in a long time, she felt like her age doing normal high school things instead of worrying about the doom and gloom in the world.
“Can you join our band and help us?” Jiro pleaded, to which their R.A. gave an apologetic look and placed her hand on her shoulder.
“No can do. I got my own thing,” she answered. “You’re all gonna add your own flare to it and knock ‘em dead.”
With everyone’s parts finally settled, class 1-A’s rockin’ performance was set to go. Ren smiled to herself and picked up the bass guitar resting on a chair. It’d been about two years since she last picked up any kind of instrument. It was one of the many hobbies she casually picked up to relieve mental stress from her investigations then. Giving it a quick tune, she warmed up her fingers with some basic scale progressions before jumping right into bass slapping a riff at a quick speed. Jiro immediately recognized it.
“That’s one of the songs my dad composed!” she exclaimed. “You’re a Screaming Death fan?!”
Ren’s hazel-green eyes widened little by little in excitement and did a small hop with the bass dangling on her body.
“Your dad’s Kyotoku?! No. Freaking. Way.” The pink-haired girl geeked out at the earphone jacked girl.
The two girls grasped hands and eagerly chatted with one another about music and all the bands Jiro’s dad composed and produced for. They ended up taking the conversation into Jiro’s room and chatted into the night. The two overslept the next day and ended up being late to class. Ren had to run to 2-A’s dorms after classes to discuss the story line for their performance along with costume ideas and stage setting, with many arguments thrown in between.
It was a mad race to put a production together given the amount of work needed. In the end, she was put in charge of writing the story due to having the highest grade in literature composition. Those who weren’t performing worked on props, costumes and staging. The poor heroine dragged her feet back to 1-A all sloth-like and groaned like a zombie. Angling her head up, she saw Togata’s side profile walking with a little girl in tow.
Before she could hide, he already spotted her out.
“Hey! Ren-chan!” the tall blond boy happily greeted and waved his arm madly. The child hid behind him, clutching to his pant leg. She hesitantly greeted him with a weak wave and walked up to them, not expecting to see the two so soon.
“How’s your body doing?”
“I’m all better!” Togata strongly replied and posed with flexed arms. “I’m taking Eri-chan around U.A. so she won’t get scared with all the crowds for the festival.”
She looked down and saw a small girl with wavy silver blue hair shyly peeking from around his leg and jolted back upon making eye contact with her wide carnelian eyes. The horn that was once protruding out of the right side of her forehead looked like a bump now. This was the first time Ren got a good look at her.
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Eri, the child who took away Mirio-senpai’s quirk.
As much as she wanted to get angry for it, the third year made her promise she wouldn’t when they were at the hospital. He reasoned saying Eri’s suffered enough and should be allowed to live a normal life, considering how blessed his was before losing his quirk.
As expected of the senior she admired.
She couldn’t argue against that.
Ren had to dig deep to find the better version of herself and find forgiveness to this child.
To fight through the dark lingering animosity in her heart for taking her pillar away.
Letting out a light sigh, the second year got down on one knee to meet the girl face-to-face with a small and warm smile.
“Hi, Eri,” she softly greeted. “I’m Blink.”
The light blue haired girl gingerly peeked out again and was met with welcoming hazel-green eyes.
“You were there too…” she shyly uttered out. “With Lemillion and Deku. I remember you.”
“I was, but I’m okay too. See?”
Ren flexed her left arm up with a toothy grin, trying her best to hide her fatigue.
“Shall we get going before it’s too late?” Togata suggested and the three made their way over. When they got close enough, they could see class 1-A doing dance rehearsals outside. The tall third year immediately hid behind a bush and dragged Ren with him by her hand.
“What are you doing?” she whispered.
“They haven’t noticed yet,” he snickered and saw a glimmer of mischief in his beady cerulean blue eyes.
“Oh no…” She groaned out and placed her hand on her forehead. “Mirio-senpai, please…” she begged.
“What sort of sudden entrance will get a laugh out of them…?” he uttered to himself and popped his head out of the bush.  
Not realizing Eri already came out of hiding, Togata pushed his butt through the bush and shouted, “The peach is ripe!” with no one noticing. Ren couldn’t do anything but face palm with embarrassment.
This. This is the guy she admired and had feelings for. Ladies and gentleman, Togata Mirio. At least his sense of humor was still intact.
“What are you doing?” Aizawa suddenly came around and saw the two of them crouched behind the shrubbery.
“I just got dragged along the way,” Ren let out tiredly and got off of the grass. “I have to start working on my part of the festival.”
“I heard you guys are doing a play of some sort?” the tired homeroom teacher of 1-A asked.
“A mix of dance and performance. I’m in charge of the script.”
“I look forward to seeing the final product!” the third year beamed.
Eri hid behind Togata again as class 1-A came up to greet her one by one while Aizawa explained why she was here. In the end, Midoriya and Togata took the young girl around the school grounds to see the preparations being done for the culture festival. Ren greeted everyone and made her way up to her room to work on the story line.
After two hours of solitary confinement, she couldn’t take it anymore and decided to get some fresh oxygen into her brain and took her notebook along. Exiting the elevator to the common area, the band team of 1-A was taking a short break from practice.
“How’s it going down here?”
“Ren-Ren! Just in time!” Jiro called and quickly walked over with some sheet music in hand. “I need your help with an arrangement for the bass and guitar.”
“Without honorifics already?” Yao-Momo noted with a smile. “That was quick.”
“I could do away with all that, frankly,” Ren stated and rubbed the back of her neck uncomfortably. “I get it’s a sign of respect in Japan and all, but it really freaked me out when I started school here. I thought I was in trouble when my classmates called me by my last name with –san.”
“Well that’s understandable,” Jiro let out a small laugh. “The way you carry yourself doesn’t exactly scream Japanese either.”
“Hey now, watch it,” their upperclassman playfully warned and gently poked the girl on her arm. “I know I don’t have a lot of the fine etiquette of the culture down, but I can at least speak it close to fluency. Although, the slang is super* hard.”
Yao-Momo, Kaminari and Jiro burst out laughing, while Tokoyami coughed trying to conceal his. Bakugou just sat back quietly watching everyone and let out an amused smirk.
“The way you said that was super* cute, senpai,” Kaminari complimented between his giggles. “It’s almost out of character for you.”
Since the electric blond boy was out of her reach, all she could do to retort was by lightly throwing a couch cushion at him before looking at Jiro’s sheet music, not caring whether or not it hit.
“This was the part I wanted to try rearranging.” The purple haired girl pointed to a specific bar. “It’s hard for me to sing and play this part together. And here’s the guitar’s…”
“Jesus, Kyoka,” Ren groaned out and stared at it wide-eyed. “This is way too hard for a beginner to play. Tokoyami and Kaminari’s fingers must be throbbing like hell.”
“It’s nothing compared to the fruit we bear in the end,” the dark raven poetically drawled out and closed his left hand in a fist, only to let out a sudden “ow.”
“‘This pain is nothing’ huh?” she teased with a smirk and an arched brow before going back to look at the music tabs.
“I got a little overzealous when it came to the original arrangement,” she timidly replied and tapped the tips of her headphone jacks together shyly.
Scanning over a specific riff again, Ren took a mechanical pencil out from her pant pocket and scribbled on the sheet music before handing it back. “If this arrangement works out, the drums and synth will have to change too.”
She stood and walked up to the band set up area. Re-reading the sheet music once more, she approached the crow-headed boy.
“Tokoyami-kun, your guitar please,” she requested. “I’ll play the arranged version with Kyoka so we can make adjustments on the fly. Let’s start four bars before it. Bakkun, count me in.”
“Don’t call me Bakkun,” he blurted out and tapped his drumsticks and hit the snare.
Jiro played her part on the bass and sang while Ren played what was written on the sheet. Then came the arranged part, mixing rhythm and melody to near perfection and continued playing a few bars after before stopping.
“How’d that feel?”
“A lot better already,” she confirmed. “The bass definitely works out, but the guitar can have more flare.”
“How about this instead?”
The pink-haired girl played a simple melodic riff and ended with a vibrato on the sustaining end note. The two girls continued their discussion.
“It’s like watching two pros work,” Kaminari remarked with admiration to Bakugou, leaning against the wall with crossed arms. “It’s pretty amazing considering all the stuff senpai went through.”
The ash blond boy continued watching their resident advisor. He couldn’t help but respect the tenacity and personal strength she had for going through what she did and still manage to smile like she did. Compared to himself, he was still weak in that aspect.
Watching her call Tokoyami over, she reviewed the changes with him and gave him a few pointers in playing the edited part. He nodded and wrote the advice down on the sheet music before observing her hand position so he could play it efficiently.
“Well, your hand’s much bigger than mine, so you’ll be fine with this arrangement,” she chuckled before turning to the rhythm guitarist. “Kaminari, your chord progression should go like this.”
The pink haired girl played the electric blond’s part with a rhythmic strumming pattern with some chord cut offs.
“Remember you’re keeping the groove of the band together with Kyoka and you don’t have to play every note in the chord. That should be easy enough for you. I’ve marked it down on your sheets too.”
“You have my thanks, Ren-senpai,” Tokoyami humbly replied.
“Thanks senpai!” Kaminari cheerfully replied. “You’re always helpin’ us out!”
“It’s fine. Don’t sweat it. Just put on a good show,” Ren grinned and turned her head. “Bakkun!” she called. “Think you can keep up with the changes?”
“Of course! Who do you think I am?” he grumbled out.
“Uh huh,” she flatly replied to tease him. “Anyway, I’ll leave you guys to it. I have a manuscript to finish up,” she lamented.
She made her way to sit in the common area and set her notebook on the table as the band team finalized the new arrangement. Thumbing through where she left off, Ren read through the bulleted story plot she had in mind and pouted with knitted brows, twirling her writing tool on her fingers.
The concept she came up with the performance was “air” and “freedom.” It was to be a very whimsical and fantastical theme, but how was she going to ground it? There were too many things going on with what she wanted and began crossing out unnecessary plot points.
It needed to be so simple even a child can understand it.
She felt a sudden light bulb pop off in her head.
It had to be that.
Quickly turning to a fresh page, she madly scribbled down the new concept and primary plot points like Midoriya would with hero quirks and all its details, sans the muttering. Reading it over again, she was satisfied with the general structure. Ren quickly took her phone out and took a picture of the notes to send to her class rep via group text. Within three minutes, she got a unanimous approval from everyone.
She changed the concept of the performance to “hope” instead and it will be nearly entirely of no dialogue. From the performance aspect, it shouldn’t be too much trouble with the choreography. The costume team, however, was going to kill her with some of the ideas she had in mind. From there, she gave a more detailed outline of the story plot and whose quirk to use for staging effects.
Any free time students had were eaten up with rehearsals, wardrobe fittings and fleshing out every little detail. There were times people were so exhausted, they ended up having a makeshift sleepover in the common room. Tonight it was some from the band and staging team with Ren.
“How’s everything coming on your end, Ren-Ren?” Jiro asked and leaned her head on her left shoulder like a pillow. Todoroki was on her right.
“We’re moving along,” she sighed out and stifled a yawn. “Choreography’s halfway there and the costumes are down to the accessory making and adjustments. Still testing out quirks for staging effects though. Thank goodness I’m not performing.”
“Really? I was looking forward to seeing you on stage,” Yao-Momo expressed slight disappointment.
“Even if I could, I wouldn’t have the energy to rehearse. The scene changes for the story are eating up most of my time,” she explained with an apologetic gaze. “Maybe next year.”
“What’s the performance going to be about?” Todoroki asked, looking up at her.
“It’s a surprise.” Ren put her index finger up to her grinning lips.
“Ehh? Not even a teeny tiny clue?” Kaminari begged.
She shook her head.
“I’ve been sworn to secrecy because snitches get stitches.” She dramatically splayed her hand over her forehead, making everyone chortle.
“Aw, c’mon! Just a teeny tiny little clue!” Kirishima tried coaxing their R.A.
“My lips are sealed.”
“What can we do to unseal them?” Sero asked almost seductively.
“Absolutely nothing. I am an unmovable rock,” she replied with a finalized tone and changed the topic. “You guys are sounding very solid based on the rehearsals.” “That’s because we have a great teacher,” Kaminari gave a thumbs up at Jiro.
“All you have to nail down is rhythm, Kami-kun. You’re still playing a beat ahead of everyone,” she gently scolded.
“That’s ‘cus Bakugou keeps improvising!” the electric blond complained.
“It’s not my fault you’re a dumbass who can’t count to four,” he shot back defensively. “I’m gonna teach you basic rhythm tomorrow.”
“I kinda wish my class did the battle of the bands theme.” Ren looked up at the Takamine acoustic guitar laying about on the couch and gently stroked the neck with a small smile. “I do miss playing.”
Deciding on a whim, she grabbed the guitar and casually strummed it. Jiro and Todoroki moved their heads from her shoulder and scooted back.
“Normally, I get really nervous playing in a crowd,” she revealed. “But since it’s just a couple of us tonight...”
“Oh what a rare treat!” the rocker girl squealed out and clapped her hands excitedly.
She strummed a rhythmic melodic chord progression and started singing in English.
With the amount taught to them at U.A., they managed to understand a good amount of the lyrics as Ren sang. It was a song about always letting your fears take over your life and having the courage to take control back from it, no matter what happens**. Unlike Jiro’s voice, her’s was soft and breathy, complimentary to an acoustic. Even though her heart carried all those heavy feelings from her past, she was still able to produce such a gentle and warm sound to lift other’s burdens and bring them tranquility.
With the strum of the last chord, the small audience erupted into quiet cheers and whistles.
“My voice isn’t as good as Kyoka’s since it’s more suitable for harmonizing and I don’t sing properly from my diaphragm,” she shyly confessed and lightly grasped her throat.
“Oh you’re fine,” Jiro disregarded. “You can at least do vibrato better than I can.”
“Senpai, I think I might be falling for you...” Kaminari gushed like a school girl half jokingly.
“Sorry not my type,” Ren deadpanned at lightning speed with a poker face.
“Oof, shot down immediately,” Kirishima chuckled and patted his friend on the back. “Tough times, buddy.”
She sang in Japanese this time. It was a popular song from a few years ago that left an impression on her. Jiro knew the song and joined in with her doing the harmonics, with Ren letting her sing some of the verses. The song ended with a gentle note and everyone applauded once more.
“Okay, that’s it!” She forcefully removed the guitar from her hands and handed it to Jiro, squeezing her eyes close and puffed up her cheeks. “No more! I got it out my system.”
“Ren-senpai and Kyoka-chan should do a duet together next time,” Yao-Momo suggested. “It’d be so much fun to watch!”
“A future collab huh?” The pink-haired girl turned to the rockin’ girl of 1-A. “Interesting.”
“I’m down to give that a try.” The two girls bumped fists with a smirk.
Carrying on idle conversations a bit longer, the students fell asleep one by one in the common area; Bakugou went back up to his room, who much preferred his own bed. The next morning came and those who were already awake were snickering. Jiro sneakily took out her phone and snapped a picture.
“This is too freaking amazing,” she tittered out and sent the photo to the girls’ group chat.
“I thought they had somethin’ goin’ on, but this really takes the cake,” Kaminari offhandedly commented.
With all the commotion going about in her ears, Ren winced and slowly stirred from slumber. Fluttering her eyes open, she saw the figures of Jiro, Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, Sero and Kirishima crowding over her.
“Oh, sleeping beauty’s awake!” Kirishima confirmed with a toothy grin.
“Sleeping—what?” she mumbled and turned to see Todoroki’s resting face extremely close to hers. Her sleep-ridden eyes widened gradually and was now fully awake. She also felt his arm loosely draped around her waist under the blanket and immediately threw the covers over her head as a feeble attempt to hide. Gingerly sliding away from him, the sleeping boy let out a small groan of protest and pulled her into his chest, cuddling her. She felt her cheeks grow warm.
“Oh my God, this is not happening right now,” she quickly whimpered out in one breath as she struggled to break free only to have his grip tighten. Suddenly feeling the ill intentions permeating through the blanket from outside, Ren inwardly panicked as she felt the corners being lifted.
“You can’t hide from us!” Jiro shouted as the whole group made an effort to lift the entire sheet up, only to see a sleeping dual-hair colored boy by himself.
Ren teleported back into the darkness of her room just in time. Her heart was pounding and her face was completely flushed from the commotion. Letting out a small sigh of relief, she rested her back against the door and breathlessly chuckled to herself in disbelief.
“Senpai! That’s not fair!” muffled voices shouted below and jeered.
Her peace was short lived when she heard her phone buzzing uncontrollably.
Curiosity and nervousness getting the best of her, she walked over to her desk and unplugged it from charging. Ren physically choked on her breath upon seeing the photo and exploding messages sent from the girls demanding all the answers. The sudden ring of her phone scared her and almost made her drop the device. She picked it up after looking at the caller ID.
“Ya wanna explain what’s goin’ on?” Tomoe’s voice asked over the receiver.
Ren stammered.
“The photo Jiro-chan sent to us.”
“Shiiiiitttt!!” she hissed out in English. “Now, hear me out–”
“I didn’t know you were into younger guys now,” she teased and slowly failed to hide her laughter.
“It’s not like that!!!” the flustered girl whisper shouted. “We were all–”
“Oh it’s a ‘we’ now?”
The accused girl groaned aloud in frustration.
“Well, it doesn’t matter. Seri and I are coming over in a few hours to pick you up and go over some performance stuff anyway. You can tell us then. Bye~”
She heard the receiver click and all she could do was stand in the middle of her room completely dumbfounded. She took a breath and threw her head back.
“Words, Ren. Use. Your goddamn words,” she said to herself aloud.
This Sunday was going to be the longest day ever.
* “Very” in Japanese slang is 超 (ちょう) “chou.” Kaminari uses it often in the way he speaks. The kanji also means “super.” So if you were to say “This is super hard (これは超ムズイ) (Kore wa chou muzui)“, it’s still grammatically correct in more colloquial terms.
** I thought Incubus’ “Drive” would be fitting for Ren’s character, considering recent developments.
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layingatyourfeet · 7 months
still not over Aizawa doing his best to be there for Eri in his own awkward way.
his wardrobe is nothing but the same black and grey items that won’t be too much of a hassle to sort and wash copy pasted ten times. and yet he goes to the store and buys the brightest gankiri neko sweater for her because kids love cute cats, right? that must cheer her up. (he loves cute cats. they cheer him up.)
he claims to be horrible with kids because they are irrational yet he musters the biggest grin he is capable of when she is trying to heal him. she just needs to train a bit more, his leg was pretty big to begin with after all! she’s going to get there someday, no doubt about that. and hey, he is still a strong hero that can fight, just look at his huge biceps! (his arms are trembling afterwards because even simply flexing is not that easy after days of recovery and bedrest.)
his ways of showing that he cares may be awkward, but we all started somewhere, right? it takes a lot of training to turn the power that was just enough to restore the lizard’s tail grows into mastery that can save lives. and it takes just as much to grow from a rough loner into a father who cuts an apple into star shapes first thing in the morning for kid’s breakfast.
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