#not going to wait any longer cause i doubt i'll have time to make anything else polished this year XD
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limesquares · 3 months ago
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2024 Yearly Art Summary
[all previous years]
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seramilla · 7 months ago
Someone asked for angst so here it is.
After learning who Emily is Carmilla is torn on the one hand she found she had another daughter and already loves her and wants to keep her but she knows she can't. 1 Emily wasn't born in hell and doesn't have the instincts she needs to stay safe as can be seen by how easy Clara and Odette caught her thank God it was them and not someone worse. 2 Sera needs here Carmilla knew Sera loved and feared for Emily and learned that Emily had only recently learned that Sera was her mother because Sera had told her growing up they were sisters to keep her safe and hadn't even let Emily call Sera mom. She would have thought that Emily going to hell would have caused Sera a lot of stress after getting more of the story she knew Sera had to be frantic. As much as she wants to keep her other daughter she loves Sera too much to take Emily from her. She already has two daughters that should be enough. Still she convinces herself letting Emily stay and night or two wouldn't hurt after all she can keep Emily here and safe and let her recover after her adventures in hell it would probably be the only time she'll see her third daughter so she should make it count. She plans to let Emily rest and recover that night and the next day tell Lucifer to let Sera know she found Emily and the girl is alright and maybe get one last day before she says goodbye for the first and likely last time.
For roughly 48 hours, Carmilla Carmine almost remembers what it's like to have Sera in her life again. Emily's resemblance to her other parent is uncanny. The way she laughs. The way she immediately warms up to her sisters, Clara and Odette. The way she asks so many questions, wanting to know everything about life in Hell, despite having witnessed so many of the horrors of this place just trying to find her way here.
Carmilla knows she should tell Lucifer of Emily's presence. And she does immediately...there is no doubt in her mind that Sera will probably be frantically searching for the girl, if she isn't already, and Carmilla isn't that cruel. She tells Lucifer that Emily is safe in her care, but goes against her better nature to make a very selfish request. One that she knows she shouldn't make. But as Carmilla is rarely selfish, she can't help but wish for it just this once.
"Tell Sera Emily is safe," Carmilla pleads with Lucifer over the phone. "But please...wait a few days before you tell her where she is. Tell her she's with you...or that she's resting. Something that will assuage her fears, but not have her rushing down here just yet."
"Why?" Lucifer asks, completely flummoxed. "Carmilla, she's at her wit's end with worry. I can't just not tell her! That's her daughter."
"She's my daughter, too! Please!" Carmilla begs. Very emotionally, which signals to Lucifer that she is serious. Carmilla rarely shows this side of herself to anyone, let alone Lucifer.
"Please, Lucifer, I just...I just need time with her. I don't know if I'll ever get this chance again. You know neither of them can stay down here long. Hell will warp and distort them. Like it did to our bodies. And I don't want to risk them coming down here more than once."
Lucifer goes silent on the other end of the line. He knows better than anyone the toll that Hell pays on a fallen angel's body over an extended period of time. A day or two isn't anything to fuss over. But after a week, their angelic essence will be sucked dry. After two, their bodies will start to transform, leaving them unrecognizable as Heaven's angels.
After a month, they'll never be able to go back. Those types of changes are permanent. Carmilla judges that a few days should be safe, at the absolute maximum. That's all the time she's willing to allow herself to spend with Emily. Any longer than that would risk her and Sera's immortal souls being trapped down here forever like her.
"If that's what you want..." Lucifer says, the hesitation in his voice indicating he does not like this idea one bit. "I understand where you're coming from. I do. And I will allow it. But 2 days is all you get, Carmilla. You'd better make it count."
Carmilla thanks Lucifer, and hangs up the phone. She will make it count. She will shove so much love and affection into the next 48 hours, it will be impossible for Emily to ignore how much she means to her. Carmilla vows to cherish the next 2 days always, and at the same time, steel herself for the inevitable end to their time together.
She understands that before all is said and done, she and Sera will undoubtedly come face-to-face one last time, and she needs to be ready for that moment. Needs to be strong for Emily, but also for herself. Carmilla Carmine has become an expert at not showing weakness. This situation, however...this will truly test her. It might even be what finally breaks her. But she will risk it. For a few moments of stolen happiness, and for them to ultimately be safe.
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sapphirepastries · 15 days ago
Chapter 61 What if...?
what it says on the tin. its a what-if scene for chapter 61 of "from one wonderland to another" xD i wanted to do something for valentine's day so i figured i'd write this! ;3c
so...here we go!
What if Empoleon and Pyroar were recalled to their balls and Grim was sent to crash in Jack's room...?
“If I lose this bet with Azul-senpai, my Pokemon will be under his command, not mine.”
They wouldn’t be taken away from her, but they would no longer be hers. And that thought hurt very much.
Leona narrowed his eyes as he could see how that could’ve possibly triggered a flashback to that Pokemon Hunter. Normally, he wouldn’t have given it another thought. It was Yuu’s decision that put her Pokemon on the line. If she just kept her nose out of the whole sea anemone business she wouldn’t be in this mess.
But she was kind. And that was a weakness, especially in this school. Yuu was much too kind, so she would never leave injustice be if it was happening in front of her. Azul probably banked on the fact that she would try to help her friends. That kindness was her biggest weakness and he exploited it perfectly.
Her voice, gentle and warm, echoed in his mind.
“A king I can be…”
He sighed internally.
“And? You’re gonna let him win?”
Yuu whirled around, determination in her eyes. “Of course not!”
He smirked. Now that was a better look on her.
“Then why’re you just sulking in the moonlight when you’re already gonna do that?”
“Can’t people just reflect on their thoughts?”
Leona snorted. “Pfft. Looks like you’re just overthinking to me.”
He wrapped an arm around her waist, and tilted her chin up.
“Hya! L-Leona-senpai?!”
“Hurry up and stop ‘reflecting’ and get to bed. I’m missing precious sleeping time because of you. I told you what I’d do if you disturbed me, no?”
Yuu’s eyes widened as he started to lean in and she shut her eyes, feeling a blush return to her cheeks as she could feel his breath on her neck.
“W-Wait a minute! L-Leona-senpai...!"
Leona huffed, his eyes narrowing in on the unmarred skin of her neck.
"You want me to wait? Maybe you should've thought twice about 'reflecting' on your thoughts then. I warned you after all."
"S-Senpai, p-please–ah!"
Yuu's shot open and her hands clutched Leona's shirt tightly as she felt a sharp sensation on her neck. She tried to push him back, but the sensation had instantly robbed her of any strength she had, and it only grew stronger when Leona started to suck on her neck and lick it.
"A-Ah, n-nngh...Leo..na...sen–hya!"
Leona smirked against her skin, his ears twitching at the rather sweet sounds she was making and his tail coiling around her leg as he felt her trembling in his arms. He pulled away to see his bite mark already turning scarlet. He smirked at the sight, licking his lips.
"Hmmm? Don't tell me that you've never been bitten or gotten a hickey before, little herbivore."
His smirk only grew wider to see Yuu's pretty blue eyes had become teary, and the blush on her face a deep crimson.
"O-Of course n-not!" she managed to stutter out. "I haven't even had my first kiss yet!"
"Oh? Then shall I take that too?"
Leona ran his thumb across Yuu's lips, marveling at how soft they were. His amusement grew when she shakily pushed his hand away.
"Please don't tease me, senpai," she said shakily. "Why did you do this...?"
"I told you. If you disturb my sleep I'll bite you," he replied as if it were obvious.
"That doesn't mean you had to...t-to...!" Yuu slapped a hand over the hickey. She can't believe Leona had the gall to do this to her! She didn't even have anything she could use to cover it up, and no doubt people would be wondering who bit her.
"I need to ask Trey-senpai if there's any paint I can use to cover this up..."
Leona's eyebrow twitched at hearing another man's name. His arms tightened around Yuu's waist, causing her to squeak.
"Of course I had to mark you," he said with a dark chuckle. He leaned in close to Yuu, so close that their lips were just centimeters apart. "Rather than letting that octo-punk or some club suit card soldier have you..."
"I'll make you mine."
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skyeeuphixia · 2 years ago
𝚕𝚒𝚙 𝚐𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚐𝚑𝚎𝚛 // 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐
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lip Gallagher x girlfriend OC (Delilah) summary: in which lip and delilah give fiona a break and have the kids to themselves  or in which debbie and delilah get some 'sister' time
warnings: n/a word count: 3.2k
"Ok, Bottles are in the cupboard, formula and milk are in the fridge, but Lip knows all that," Fiona informs Lip's girlfriend, showing her where everything is as if she hadn't been dating Lip and coming over to the house for 7 months now. 
Today Fiona was stepping out of her comfort zone by spending the night away with her boyfriend, Jimmy/Steve. Jimmy/Steve had somehow managed to book a room at The Langham Hotel, meaning that Lip was now in charge of babysitting his younger siblings, minus Ian as he was having a sleepover with 'Mandy'. She had done it once before Lip and Delilah were dating, but that ended in Frank having to fake his death. So Fiona had managed to convince herself that everything would go to shit if she left for another night. It took a lot of convincing from all the kids, Kev, V and Jimmy/Steve to convince Fiona to go, let alone leave them with Liam alone. So she compromised, she would leave Lip in charge, if, his girlfriend Delilah helped out, because in her words "She will actually keep some order in this house." 
"Lay off my girlfriend Fi," Lip sighs trekking down the stairs to the kitchen, having already gone through the same lecture, twice, hours earlier, "It's not like she's not been here a million times, besides she's better with Liam than any of us."
Fiona sighed and placed the bottle she had picked up back in the cupboard before rubbing her forehead, "I know, I know it's just last time everything went down with Frank and-"
"-and that's different to any other day how?" Lip asks, standing next to his girlfriend, placing his arm around her shoulders, Delilah nudging him slightly giving a look that tells him to listen to his older sister. 
"Just, don't let the house burn down, don't let Frank in but I doubt he'll show up, uh what else, oh you two," She suddenly snapped pointing a finger between the two of them causing them to raise their eyebrows in surprise, not expecting the sudden change in attitude. 
"The moment I exit the house you two are "working", you're not hanging out, not on a date, your focus is on the kids, so no funny business." 
Lip opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted by Fiona pointing at him once again, "Including after they fall asleep," she snaps, Lip's mouth promptly shutting. 
"Don't worry Fiona, I'll keep everything together." Delilah smiled at her, causing the older girl to give her a grateful smile. 
"Yeah besides we're going to have a fun time, won't we buddy?" Lip asks picking up Liam from his place on the sofa, making funny faces at him, "Oh and you mean we'll keep everything together?" Lip asked, looking at Delilah expectantly.
"I meant what I said," Delilah teased, leaving no room for Lip to argue as Jimmy/Steve enters through the front door and makes his way to the trio.
"Hey ready to go?" He asks Fiona, wrapping an arm around her waist.
"I just-"
"She's ready," Both Lip and Delilah answer at the same time, knowing that Fiona was just going to try and stall for longer. 
"Great, let's go," Jimmy/Steve smiles at her, slowly guiding her out of the house as she continued to call out orders to the two teenagers. 
"Lip, don't do anything Delilah wouldn't do! If I come back and everything has gone to shit I swear I will-" She didn't get to finish her threat however as the sound of the door shutting cut her off.  
Lip and Delilah looked at each other for a few seconds, waiting to see who would suggest what to do first, this was new to the two of them, normally, when they hung out together, there was a goal or purpose; just being in each others company, Homework, Sex. Sure they had a purpose, babysitting, but what are you supposed to do when none of the children need anything? 
The two of them swiftly make their way over to the living room, Delilah grabbing a blanket and sitting on the couch, settling Liam next to her, Lip flipping through the selection of DVDs the Gallaghers owned. The Gallaghers had a few really good selections of films, the only issue was Delilah and Lip could never agree on what to watch. 
"Uh we got, insidious, Top Gun, IT-"
"You're just picking the ones you want to watch!" 
"Ok, you pick something out then,"
"Mean Girls" She answers picking up the movie with no hesitation and starting to open it before Lip snatched it out of her hands. 
"No way that movie's shit!"
"Oh yeah, how do you know that? Seen it before?" 
"Beyond the point! Look I just don't see what's so entertaining about watching dumb teenagers talk about how big their hair is," Lip argued back, smirking at her slightly. 
"Yeah well if we watched a horror film there's the risk of the kids coming down and traumatising themselves! Not to mention Liam is right here!" Delilah argues back, not wanting to risk the wrath of Fiona the following morning if she finds out that Debbie and Carl are all of a sudden too scared to fall asleep. 
"Ok fine, you pick, anything but mean girls," Lip groans, taking a seat back on the couch, swiftly joined by Delilah.
"That's a kids film,"
"Harry Potter!"
"I've watched that series with you three times now!"
"Angus, thongs and perfect snogging!"
"Take out Angus and that's my kind of night,"
"Bullet Train!"
"And listen to you drool over Aaron Taylor Johnson for two and a half hours again, no thanks,"
"Why don't we watch the next episode of blue planet? Everyone likes that!" 
"Yeah I guess, let's just watch that," Lip sighed, turning on the most recent episode of blue plant the family had recorded. The Gallaghers, Kev and Veronica, Jimmy/Steve and Delilah often watched different shows together, having episodes upon episodes of the different shows they watched recorded, however, it wasn't uncommon for Delilah and Lip to be an episode ahead of the rest, often watching the next episode in secret when no one's around. 
Lip and Delilah settled down next to each other, huddling up for warmth, Liam's head resting across Delilah's lap, as David Attenborough's calming voice introduced them to the wonders of the world's oceans. 
They watched in silence as a fish miraculously jumped out of the water and grabbed a bird midflight when from nowhere Debbie and Carl appeared in front of the TV.
"What the hell get out of the way, it was getting good!" Lip called out in frustration, pausing the show the couple was undoubtedly fascinated by. 
"We're bored," Debbie says matter-of-factly, placing her hands on her hips. 
"So? Entertain yourselves," Lip says, leaning back convinced that that simple sentence solved all their problems.
"You're the babysitters, you're supposed to entertain us," Carl argues back.
"Well, what do you guys want to do?" Delilah asks, sitting up so she could see them properly past Lip. 
"I want some girl time with Delilah," Debbie says smiling smugly at Lip, knowing she would be ruining the alone time he hoped to have with his girlfriend. 
"Ok, I'll go with Debbie, and you entertain Carl and Liam," Delilah announces standing from the couch, patting Lip's shoulder, and making her way towards the stairs with Debbie swiftly following her. 
"Wait, what!?" Lip exclaims, turning towards her, holding his arms out slightly, shocked by how willing Delilah was to listen to the demands of some 12 and 10-year-olds.
"We're here to babysit Lip, this is part of the job," Delilah shrugged before walking up the stairs, Debbie in tow, and walking to the room the younger girl shared with Liam. 
"So, what do you want to do Debs?" Delilah asked, sitting on the girl's bed, noticing how hard the mattress was. 
"I don't know, girl stuff and girl talk,"
"Girl stuff and girl talk?" Delilah smiles amused by the younger girl.
"Yeah, Fiona's busy and so I try not to bother her with girly talks, besides Fiona is a lot...rougher than you, and you're closer to my age! And you're not a Gallagher, I think it would be good to get an outside opinion," Debbie declares.
Delilah chuckled at the young girl, "Ok where do you want to start?"
Delilah watched as the younger girl made her way over to one of her shelves picked out a CD and swiftly put it into a pink CD player, which Delilah and Lip had gotten her for her birthday, the sound of Madonna's; Like a Virgin coming from it, causing Delilah to smile a little as she had been the one to introduce Debbie to 80s music.
"Hmm, wait here," Debbie swiftly made her way out and into the hall, leaving the older girl alone, Delilah let out a long breath as she waited, pulling a confused face as she heard the sounds of drawers opening and slamming shut. 
Before she could call out to Debbie, the redhead strutted back into the room with a small vial and a little bag in her hand. 
"Nails and makeup," Debbie said, putting a vial of baby pink nail varnish and Fiona's make-up bag on her bed.
"Debs," Delilah sighed, "This is Fiona's stuff we really shouldn't do this,"
"I'll take it all off before we go to bed! And Fiona will probably assume the nail varnish is yours 'cause you wear this colour all the time," Debbie reasons. Delilah puts her head down, noticing that she was, in fact, wearing the same baby pink nail varnish at that moment. 
"Ok, ok, let's start with the nail varnish then," Delilah smilies, picking up the vial and shaking it, before taking Debbie's left hand and starting to paint her nails, the two girls sat in silence for a few moments. 
"Do boys ever stop being gross and annoying?" Debbie asks out of nowhere, as Delilah finished off her left hand, painting the pinky finger and taking the other hand.
Delilah laughs and shakes her head, "Nope, never will, but you come to realise that girls are just as annoying as boys just in different ways, so one day, you'll find a boy or girl who's annoying compliments your annoying. Can't do much about the grossness though."
"Ugh, can't boys just be...better?"
"You come to realise as you get older Debbie, not everyone is perfect, you learn to tolerate the bad things, and love the good things, but if the bad things really bother you, then, if that person can't change it, they're not right for you."
"How do you know someone's right? How did you know my brother was the right one for you?" 
Delilah thought for a moment holding two different shades of blush towards Debbie's face, deciding the lighter of the two was more her colour, before beginning to apply some and answering the younger girl's question, "When he blocked Karen's number,"
"I never really liked Karen."
"You wouldn't be the only one,"
"Why did that do it?"
"At that point, we had been dating for around three months, and although he had been nothing but amazing, because of his past with Karen and Mandy, I had my doubts, and I'll admit, I was prepared for something to go wrong," Delilah admits. "I remember Mandy breaking up with Lip cause he was still in love with Karen, so throughout the first three months I was just looking for signs he still loved her because I just felt immensely insecure about my place in the relationship-"
"Wait what?! You? Insecure?"
"Oh yeah! I was so insecure, still am sometimes, I thought I was a huge downgrade, I wasn't as exciting as Mandy or Karen in...ways that you don't need to know. And so I thought he would get bored pretty quick and go back to Karen. And then one day while we were hanging out, his phone started ringing and it was Karen, and I was so prepared for him to drop everything and go running to her, I guess that showed on my face because, Lip looked at me, declined the call and deleted her number, nothing else had to be said, he told me everything I needed to know through his actions. It doesn't sound like much but, I know how much he cared for her so, it meant a lot to me, " Delilah retold, smiling thoughtfully. 
"I hope my future relationship is like yours and Lips,"
"Thanks, Debs," Delilah smiled, moving on to apply a light shade of red lipstick to Debbies's lips. 
"How did you and Lip even meet? I just remember you slowly spending more and more time here and I never really questioned it." Debbie asked, trying not to move her mouth too much.
"To be honest, I don't really know how it happened either, we sat next to each other in English for Sophmore and Junior year, but never spoke unless it was work-related, we only started talking as friends when Mandy and I got close, I'll be honest, we were so different we didn't like each other, but the more time we spent together, the closer friends we became and, I don't know, here we are." Delilah reminisced, brushing Debbies's hair and putting them into two neat plaits, which is how Debbie liked to wear her hair at night. 
"What's going to happen when you guys go off to college? You're not going to the same one," 
"Well, we'll cross that bridge when we reach it, listen Debs if you have one foot in the future and one in the past, it means you're pissing on today," 
"Basically don't worry about what's to come and what's going to happen, live in the moment Debs you'll be happier that way, and right now, what you have to do is get to bed, it's 9:30." 
"What no!" Debbie complained.
"Sorry Debs, Fionas orders, now, go take a look in the bathroom mirror, brush your teeth, get the make-up off, and get ready for bed, I'll put away Fiona's stuff," Delilah says, packing away the makeup as Debbie agrees, trudging out of the room, saying a quick thank you on her way out.
"Tell you what," Delilah says, "Next Saturday, you and I head off to the mall together, go to all your favourite shops, and we can play mine and Mandy's favourite game, we pick a clothes store and pick out clothes for the other person without showing them and we have to try them on." 
"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" Debbie repeats, hugging the older girl before running back out of the room to get ready for bed. 
Delilah chuckled at the younger girl's actions, turning off the CD player, before grabbing all of Fiona's stuff and bringing it into Fiona's room, managing to step on one of Liam's squeaky toys, which she was positive was actually a dog toy, on her way. 
As she exited Fiona's room, she was greeted by a very unimpressed, dishevelled-looking Lip, his hair was all over the place, parts  of his white tank top were ripped, and he had an already sleeping Liam on his hip, "What happened to you?" Delilah tried not to laugh. 
"Turns out Carl's idea of fun is hunting me down with his Nerf gun, and when I asked how I'm supposed to defend myself, the little shit laughed at me - Don't you start!" He accuses her, noticing her face contorting slightly as she attempts to hide her laughter. 
"Sorry, just didn't think you'd get the shit beat out of you by a 10-year-old," Delilah teases, taking Liam from Lip, pushing past him and going back into Debbie's room. Lip rolled his eyes rather and went in the opposite direction to his own room to make sure Carl went to bed.
Delilah gently put Liam in his crib, before turning and watching as Debbie tucked herself into bed, "Goodnight Debs," She said, turning the light off as she made her way out of the room. 
"Goodnight," She hears in reply as she shuts the door, Lip shuts the door to his room at the same time, walking over to join her. 
He was about to open his mouth to say something, but Delilah raise her hand, noticing the bottom of Debbie's door was illuminating a small pool of light.
"Debbie no reading under the covers, you know the rules," She calls out, the light immediately vanishes as Debbie turns her torch off, listening to the older girl. Delilah smiles smugly at Lip, causing him to roll his eyes at her, but he didn't try to hide the smile on his face. 
"You're good with them,"
"I know. So tell me," Delilah starts, heading down the nearest staircase to make her way back to the living room, being followed by her boyfriend, "How did you allow yourself to get chased around by a child?"
"Ok I did not 'allow myself' I was taken by surprise, I watch you go after Debs and when I turned back around the little shit was pointing the fucking thing in my face, so I did what most people would do if they had a gun pointed at them, I ran!" 
"And what was Liam doing during all this?" Delilah asked as she sat back in her original spot on the sofa, Lip sitting a few moments after her, putting his arm around her.
"Little fucker just sat and laughed the whole time." Lip grumbled, looking back at his girlfriend, whose mouth was twitching slightly, "Don't even," 
"I'm not saying anything!" 
"Yeah well, how you feel about that is written all over your face, you're an open book love," Lip states, reaching forwards slightly to grab the remote to the TV, unpausing the show to continue where they left off. 
"Am not!" 
"Whatever you say, babe, whatever you say," 
Delilah rolled her eyes at her boyfriend before snuggling up to him so that they were both more comfortable. As the night drew on the teenager's eyes slowly drooped as they both fell asleep in each other's arms, which their backs would hate them for tomorrow, as the lumpiness of the sofa would for sure cause them some aches, not that they cared right now though, they were far to content and tired to care about that. 
After a relaxing night, even though some lingering worry stayed in the back of her mind, Fiona returned home in the early hours of the next morning to find the house not in complete chaos, but instead, the two teenagers still snuggled up close to one another, the TV now playing some random news channel in the background. 
The sight of the two teenagers made the older sister smile, it was rare to see the two of them so relaxed, considering they were often stressed with either work, school or job-wise, chores or general teenage stress. This was the most relaxed she had seen the two of them in a while, which surprised her, as she thought the kids would have made them reconsider all of their life choices by now. 
"You did good guys," she whispered, as she slipped one envelope into Lip's favourite hoodie, which was hanging off the side of the couch, and one into Delilah's jacket, which was hanging up on the coat hanger, each one containing $25 for their efforts. 
They deserve it. 
■━■━■ (fin)
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darkx-the-dragon-kn1ght · 4 months ago
Pokémon Reborn Screenshot Let's Play: Chapter 41
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Wow, my writing muse has just not been with me this past week. I can't even fully blame it on work, I think it's more to do with other stuff happening in my life the last few days (nothing super tragic or anything, but rather stressful all the same) that's sapped away at my motivation. I wanted to finish the writing phase of this in two or three days- and it's taken me almost five. Sure, I'm assuming no one minds a longer wait for updates as long as the updates actually happen, but I don't like being late on new chapters! 
Not that there's much I can do about that- a schedule’s a schedule, not much I can do to change it, even if I really wanted to. But I've still persisted, and so…here we are!
So what is happening in this game now? How's the story progressed thus far in this second third? I'll tell you one thing, the bad guys and the plot as a whole have not wasted any time causing chaos in the life of our local protagonist- and I'll explain how right now!
Xera returns to the Belrose Manse to deliver the Herbal Extract to Anna. Despite the girl pouring it all over Nostra the doll instead of taking it herself, Anna appears to make a rapid recovery anyways.
Anna claims that Xera is going to need all the Reborn League Badges very soon, and to that end she urges Noel and Charlotte to battle her, being Gym Leaders themselves. Charlotte is still a bit too strong for Xera’s current skill level, but Noel (reluctantly) agrees to battle Xera.
To prepare to battle Noel, Xera returns to a certain area in Rhodochrine Jungle. On the way, she encounters Victoria in Beryl Cemetery, paying respects at Kiki’s recently-made grave. She tells Xera about how she was closer to Kiki than her actual mother, and how Kiki in her will left everything to her and her alone- apparently, she had no other family or loved ones, which Victoria was unaware of due to never asking her. Victoria laments how she missed out on her and Kiki being family rather than just student and teacher, then leaves without another word.
Xera returns to the totem pole in Rhodochrine Jungle, where she encounters and catches Bastion the Golett.
Xera returns to the Belrose Manse; with everyone gathered in the front garden and Charlotte acting as referee, the time for the Gym challenge against Noel seems ready to get underway. However, just as Charlotte as readying the battle to begin, she spots someone approaching from the distance…
A woman flies in on a Dragonite- the eldest Belrose sister, Saphira. She greets everyone and learns from Charlotte about the Orphanage escape, and responds with dire news: Dr. Connal and Team Meteor are on their way to the mansion as they speak, no doubt intent on recapturing the kids yet again,
With Team Meteor traveling across the lake and Connal on the land, Saphira plans to attack the former group while Xera and Laura protect the kids inside the mansion- as the only two other legal adults, they would not get into as much trouble as one of the kids might if they fought (like Charlotte). With the plan set, Saphira and Dragonite fly off into battle as the rest of the group rushes inside.
The group decides it would be best to split up hiding places- Anna and Noel hiding upstairs and Laura- who is revealed to be an Elite Four member- on guard, with Shelly and Charlotte hiding in the kitchen downstairs and Xera on guard.
As the group disperses, Connal arrives with several of his orderlies. True to his word back at Yureyu HQ, he is not going to grant Xera any further mercy, and engages her in a battle. Despite Xera having little time to prepare, she manages to defeat him yet again.
Just as Connal is defeated, a haggard Sirius enters the mansion, informing Connal that Saphira attacked him and his soldiers on the lake, likely killing several (or all) of them. He’s also furious at Xera for her and Cain blowing up his office, wanting to take revenge on Cain in particular. As Connal explains his own situation, Sirius remarks on Xera now being outnumbered…
Sirius plans to search the upstairs area, while Connal will search downstairs- and Xera cannot stop them both, so she is forced to choose. She decides to stick with the plan and stay downstairs to continue holding off Connal, and so Sirius goes upstairs. 
Saphira reappears just as Sirius leaves, and wastes little time confronting Connal about the torture he put her and her sisters through at the Orphanage. In the name of taking revenge, she brings out her Dragonite once more and orders it to use Hyper Beam, sending Connal flying out of the mansion. 
Saphira’s victory is short-lived, however. Sirius, freshly defeated by Laura of the Elite Four, returns downstairs and ambushes Saphira with his Seviper, knocking her out with Poison Jab and taking her with as he escapes.
Laura and Charlotte are the first to emerge after the raid, Charlotte explaining that they’re not just going to leave Saphira in Team Meteor’s hands…even though she’s more than capable of breaking out on her own. Laura agrees, but due to Charlotte being among Team Meteor’s intended targets to begin with, Laura does not allow her to go with, instead opting to head in herself with Xera’s assistance.
Laura explains that Team Meteor was responsible for putting up the strange metal structures in Tanzan Mountain, and thus they must have a base there. With that, the two set out for the mountain on their rescue mission.
So yeah- we're not getting a new Gym Badge that quickly, we're instead having to deal with Team Meteor yet again after all, which I really should have expected but alas!  So it's another rescue mission, not unlike Yureyu HQ- though, to be frank, Saphira seems so powerful she probably doesn't need any help, but it's probably still a good idea to go in and assist anyways, if only to make sure she doesn't pop a vein from Laura going in alone. Besides- no doubt, this'll lead to some answers about the mysteries of Spinel Town, the teleportation, and the earthquakes…all of which I'm still blaming on Team Meteor! And I will continue to blame them until I'm proven wrong! And the only way to see if I'm wrong or not is to go into that mountain, so let's go!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
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amethystroselilith · 2 years ago
Intertwined Fates (Chilumi/Zhonglumi)- Chapter 8
Can be read in ao3
SUMMARY: Lumine finally chooses.
"You've been scrubbing that plate for a long while now, do you want to talk about it?" Lumine asked softly as she placed a plate on the rack, waiting for Ajax to pass her the last one.
Dinner was just pizza they ordered so there isn't much to clean up, but Ajax is taking way longer than usual with washing the dishes.
Zhongli was watching a movie with Qiqi in the family room, the man not having any problems spending time with his daughter... who knows when's the next time he'll be able to spend time with her like this.
"Lumi, are you feeling fine? I mean... physically fine?" Ajax sighed, he'd been so distracted in thinking of how to ask her about the possibility of being pregnant, especially at this time when everything is very complicated. Ajax is surely adding another major factor that will further make this difficult, "Did Baizhu not tell you anything?"
Lumine frowned, "He didn't seem to say anything alarming?" she bit her lip before adding, "Er, well... he suggested taking another medical test, but I'm really fine, so I didn't see the point of it. Did he tell you something else?"
"...No, not really... but... maybe you should go back and take that medical test?" Ajax suggested.
"But I'm fine, I just need to take a break. This thing is just really taking a toll on me." Lumine argued.
"And that's why we should have it checked." Ajax calmly countered, "Lumine, please. I'm anxious about you, I don't want anything bad happening to you."
"Baizhu already said-"
"Lumine." Ajax stopped her, "Please." he looked at her with pleading eyes.
And just like that, Lumine relented, "Fine. I'll give him a call to schedule me tomorrow."
Ajax seemed to have relaxed a bit, "Thank you, love."
It was one of their usual nicknames, but somehow they suddenly felt something heavy in their chest.
Though they didn't mention it as they finished cleaning up.
"Qiqi likes him, he went all over the ocean to find Nemo." Qiqi pointed at the clown fish on the screen.
"Nothing's more precious to a parent than their child." Zhongli agrees.
"Yeah, Papa said he'll also look for Qiqi all over the universe if Qiqi goes missing." Qiqi said proudly, "And the universe is big!" she thought of the moment, "Qiqi thinks it's bigger than the ocean and this building combined! So that's very big!"
Zhongli gave her a smile, yet sadness looms over it, "It is bigger than those two combined. Your Papa and Mama will no doubt go through all that for you."
"Yeah." Qiqi nodded proudly, "Uncle Aether and Uncle Xiao said they would too!" she added.
"Oh?" Zhongli smiled a genuine one before adding, "Then I will too."
Qiqi's eyes brightened, "Really? You'll look for Qiqi too?"
Zhongli nodded, "Of course, I promise."
Qiqi giggled, "Good! Because Qiqi's worried that Uncle Aether and Uncle Xiao will get eaten by a shark while they look for me."
"Really?" Zhongli chuckled.
"Yeah, cause Mama said she's afraid of sharks and Papa said he'd save her. But Uncle Aether said he's also afraid of sharks and Uncle Xiao said he'd also save him, but they're both small so Qiqi doesn't know how they'll survive."
Zhongli flinched as he tried to stifle a laugh, "I... I can assure you that even with their... height... they can defeat a shark."
Qiqi thought for a moment, "Can they...? Cause Qiqi watched them move furniture around here and they looked like they're dying moving that shelf over there together."
Zhongli looks at the tall shelf at the corner, he doubt he could move that without difficulty himself but he just chuckled, how entertaining is a child's perspective at times.
"But that's okay now, you can help them defeat the shark." Qiqi nodded, satisfied with her possible rescue plan she affectionately named 'Finding Qiqi'.
Zhongli couldn't help but release a laugh, Qiqi laughing along with him just cause he looks so happy, her little giggles melting Zhongli's heart, how much of this did he miss out on?
Tears start forming at the corner of his eyes as he thinks about how he missed watching his daughter grow up; the milestones he couldn't celebrate with her, the proud feeling he missed as he was supposed to watch her say her first word, take her first step, fear her first tantrum.
Soon he couldn't help but begin shaking, even as hard as he try to swallow the pain, things are starting to get to him as he faced the fact that he has indeed lost 5 years of their lives...
Zhongli bent down, hiding his face with his hands as he tried to stop his sobs.
Mocking voices of his parents taunts him in his head again.
They were going louder... louder... louder...
Until suddenly it just... stops.
Zhongli's eyes widened as he felt a tiny hand patting his head.
"Are you okay?"
The tiny voice silenced the voices in his head.
Zhongli wiped his eyes before facing her, "Of course. I apologize, little Qiqi. Something just... came into mind."
"Is it because you're afraid of sharks too? Well, don't worry, Qiqi will do her best not to get lost in the ocean so you don't have to save Uncle Aether and Uncle Xiao from sharks," she promised.
Zhongli chuckled before sitting up, "Don't worry, it's not that. I'm just sad about other things."
"Like what?" Qiqi tilted her head in confusion.
"Nothing, just grownup stuff." Zhongli laughed it away, "Anyway, would you like to watch something else?" he changed the subject.
"Yeah, I wanna watch animals now," Qiqi said as she pressed the button on her favorite channel.
Zhongli took note of how Qiqi watched the animal channel with interest, the show is a kid version of some animal documentary. Zhongli then started noticing the animal books for kids lined up on the shelf.
So his daughter has a fascination with animals.
He took note of that.
Zhongli may have missed her early years, but now he would like to be as involved in raising her.
He just hopes Lumine will let him, even if she left their home and made a new one with Ajax.
As they watch, Qiqi would ask questions to which Zhongli unsurprisingly know the answer, he loves reading books of all kinds from when he was young and probably up to now if given the chance. He felt proud of himself as Qiqi listened to him with fascination.
Soon Lumine and Ajax joined the room, a glass of milk in Lumine's hands.
"Thank you." Qiqi accepted the glass, "Mama, Mr Zhongli knows a lot about animals." she said excitedly.
"That's wonderful." Lumine smiled as she sat next to her daughter, "He loves to read books just about anything."
"Qiqi wants to be like that too! Qiqi needs more books," she said.
"Haha, we'll get you some more books, don't worry," Ajax said as he made himself comfortable from beside Lumine, giving the same space as Zhongli had between her from the other side of the couch.
The attention was solely on Qiqi as the grownups avoid the tension between them.
But soon Qiqi had fallen asleep on Lumine's lap and that's when they know they were done for the night.
"I... I think I'll stay with Qiqi for the night." Lumine cleared her throat as she gently move Qiqi from her lap to carry her.
"I could carry Qiqi for you." Ajax hurriedly volunteered when he saw Lumine struggle a little in shifting positions to avoid waking up the sleeping girl.
"I got it don't worry." Lumine said as she successfully stood up with Qiqi in her arms, "We really had a long day, so maybe we should all talk tomorrow afternoon? Qiqi has no school and takes naps at that time, I should be home from a quick hospital visit. Ajax will be on leave, would that be okay, Zhongli?" she asked.
"Yes, my employer's son is staying with her so there shouldn't be a problem with me not being there, but I would like to visit there in the morning and inform them of what happened," he answered.
"That's fine, I'll be home all day." Ajax nodded.
"Though, can I ask why you'll be in the hospital? Is everything alright?" Zhongli asked in worry.
"Everything's fine, to be honest, I'm just going for Ajax's sake." Lumine sigh.
"It's better to be mindful, Lumine." Ajax frowned.
"I would agree with him. Health is really important." Zhongli added.
"Alright, alright, I already set up an appointment so everything should be fine." Lumine sighed in defeat. "Well, I'll be taking Qiqi now. Good night."
They said their goodnights before Ajax begin to lead Zhongli to his room.
"If you need anything else, just go through that hallway and you'll see our- my room." Ajax corrected himself.
"I see. Thank you." Zhongli said.
They awkwardly stood in silence.
"Zhongli... I..." Ajax hesitated.
Zhongli sighed, "I hope you understand Ajax that I won't give them up easily." he said, "Although of course, Lumine still needs her input, I just need you to know that I'm not going to disappear in their lives. At least Qiqi's. She may call you her Papa but... she's still my daughter, and I know you understand that it won't be easy for me to simply walk away when I've now met her."
Ajax stayed quiet before answering...
"Of course. It is your right to be with your family after all." he said, 'And so will be mine if Lumine is really pregnant...'  he added in his head.
"We should take a good night's rest. Tomorrow will be another heavy and long day for us." Zhongli nodded.
"It will be." Ajax said, "Goodnight."
When morning comes, Lumine and Zhongli left for their own errands after they had their breakfast. Qiqi is currently at the dining table, her animal picture books scattered on the table when Ajax just finished clearing it.
"Papa, can you also tell me more about this one?" Qiqi called.
Ajax turned away from washing the dishes and looked at the bird she was pointing to.
"Uh..." Ajax tries to remember what he knows about it, unfortunately coming up with nothing, "Sorry, princess, Papa isn't too knowledgeable about that." he chuckled, though feeling a bit bad.
It was an unusual feeling, he doesn't feel bad when he couldn't answer Qiqi's questions like that. Usually, he would learn more about it with her through other books or through the internet, but after seeing Zhongli flawlessly answer Qiqi last night, Ajax feels... threatened? He's not sure how to describe the ugly feeling, but he really hates it.
"I'll ask Mr Zhongli later then." Qiqi hummed, which just made Ajax feel worse and strangely competitive.
"I don't really know a lot about birds, but I do love marine animals," Ajax said proudly.
"Sea animals?" Qiqi repeated.
"Yeah, your grandpa used to take me with him before when he goes to the ocean." he recalls the fond memory, "Besides fishing, your grandpa is also curious about marine life and he loves to talk to me about it."
"Tell Qiqi too!" Qiqi said excitedly.
Ajax smiled, "How about you clean those books up, get the ones about the sea animals, and wait for me in the living room, yeah? I'm almost done with cleaning up."
"Okay!" Qiqi said excitedly before doing her little task.
Ajax smiled and hurried cleaning up.
His whole morning was then spent with Qiqi and sea animal facts.
Zhongli soon came home with a box of tea from his employer. He immediately made one for himself when Ajax declined. Qiqi had asked for a glass of juice instead.
They all waited for time to pass by. Ajax and Qiqi still talking about sea animals while Zhongli texts Xiao, Lumine gave him her old but still functioning phone earlier for communication purposes. Zhongli sighs as Xiao bombarded him with texts about what happened yesterday, Xiangling had told him out of worry, and while Zhongli prefers not to tell Xiao that he already knows about Ajax and Lumine, at least until they have their talk, he couldn't really blame Xiangling. Zhongli tries to distract Xiao by asking him what happened with his life instead. Zhongli would also want to know how his brother had been when he was away. Thankfully, Xiao can still sense if Zhongli wants to avoid talking about something, and so he let it go and just talks about himself. Xiao would prefer talking in person but the bakery is a bit busy and he and Aether have to take on Lumine's work as well. Zhongli doesn't mind the long wait for his reply though.
It was peaceful and soon Lumine came home.
"Mama!" Qiqi immediately runs up to hug her.
"Is everything fine?" Ajax can't help but ask already.
"Yeah." Lumine gave him a tight smile as she picked up her daughter.  
Ajax just noticed she's holding an envelope with a hospital logo and he can't help but start to get anxious about what's inside. He was about to ask about it but Lumine gave him a pleading look. Ajax swallowed a lump in his throat but nodded either way.
Meanwhile, Zhongli can't help but sense the tension between the two.
He wonders if this has something to do with the bad omens he encountered on his way home.
Three adults sat across the table.
Qiqi was in her room taking her afternoon nap after their lunch.
Everything was cleaned up and it was time for the main event of the day.
However, no one seems to know how to start the conversation as they stare at the mug of steaming tea Zhongli made for all of them.
"I..." Lumine tried to start but her words died down.
"Er, what if we start about your... medical results?" Ajax made the first move, he knows that this result will have a huge impact on their situation.
Lumine bit her lip as her fist clenched on the envelope.
There was a pause before Lumine slid the envelope to him.
Ajax took a deep breath before opening the envelope, eyes eagerly searching for the answer he needs.
And when he saw it...
"Oh..." was all he could say before putting the results down.
Zhongli's eyes naturally went to the paper, and he froze at the familiar results.
It was the very same one that told them they were having Qiqi.
"I... I see." Zhongli breathed out, "That's... that's another thing to heavily consider as well." he stated.
"I was really overwhelmed with... us... that I didn't realize I didn't get my period." Lumine said, "This is really big news for me... er, all of us." she bit her lip.
"...So what now..." Ajax sighed, "I won't leave you alone with this, Lumine. I can't." he said, "I'm sorry, but I can't." his eyes met Zhongli's.
"You can't expect me just to leave, do you?" Zhongli frowned, "I really apologize for this, Lumine, Ajax. You may have moved on from me, but I still love you and our daughter." he pleaded Lumine, "I'm sorry, but I never intended on letting you go. I may not have your heart anymore, but you can't just cut my ties with Qiqi, that's too much."
"Don't say it like that..." Lumine said with hurt in her eyes, "You... you always have a place in my heart, and I've always wanted Qiqi to know you're her father. Ajax and I tried, but she won't be able to understand it yet."
"You're carrying my child." Ajax said, "Letting go is impossible for me." he added firmly.
"I guess... it'll be your call, Lumine," Zhongli stated.
"You can't just overwhelm her like that, pregnancy in this stage can be delicate," Ajax argued.
"Well, it's obvious that I vote for myself and you vote for yourself. Lumine's the one who breaks the tie." Zhongli stated, "I don't want to burden you, and I wish I could say that you can take your time... but..."
"With everyone around us, we don't have time, yeah I get that." Lumine bit her lip, "Waiting any longer would complicate things more... especially with my mother." she said, "And I don't want her influencing me in any way when deciding this."
"Then... what's your decision?" Ajax asked though he was not sure if he was ready for her answer.
"If... if you do choose him, then... I have no choice but to respect your decision. Choosing him is the logical choice, he already engraved himself in Qiqi's mind as her father, and it would not cause a problem with your mother. But I do wish to see Qiqi. I want to be there and watch her grow up. Even as 'Mr Zhongli'." Zhongli finally decided. When they made their vows, he promised to carry the burden with her, married or not, Zhongli will always keep that vow in his heart.
What Zhongli said stunned Ajax, while what he said does lead to a less complicated outcome, Ajax can still see the love Zhongli has for her, and Ajax knows deep inside that Zhongli still and will always have a place in Lumine's heart.
Zhongli is... Lumine's first choice after all.
"I... I guess if I could let you go before, I could... try my best to do it the second time." it was a lie and Ajax could feel the bitter aftertaste when it left his lips, "But I too want to be there for my child."  
The first sentence had both alarmed Zhongli and Lumine, but they didn't comment on it right now.
The two men are willing to sacrifice their future for her, and Lumine is just as torn.
"This doesn't make this any easier." Lumine sighed in frustration.
"Just say the first thing that comes into your mind..." Ajax tried to help, "Might as well rip the band-aid off."
"The first thing that comes to my mind, huh..." Lumine repeated.
"It is known that whatever first thing that pops in your head is what you truly desire." Zhongli said, "When envisioning your future, who do you see standing with you?"
Lumine answered quietly.
"Who?" Ajax tried again.
"...th..." Lumine tried again, face heating up.
"I'm sorry, Lumine, but we can't hear you." Zhongli said, "Perhaps you can think of this until tonight."
"Yeah, I guess you really need to think this through."
"...of you!" Lumine said louder.
"Uh...?" Ajax and Zhongli looked at each other, "You need to be a bit specific-" Ajax chuckled awkwardly.
"You." Lumine said, "Both... of you."
"Yes, what about both of us?" Zhongli asked.
"That's it," Lumine said in embarrassment and frustration.
"I'm a bit confu-" Ajax was cut off.
"I choose both of you." Lumine made it clear, "I... I was thinking about it the whole night. And I just tried thinking of who pops in my head, but... it's both of you... I'm sorry, but I can't seem to let go of either of you." she bowed her head in embarrassment, "You want me to break the tie, but I can't imagine myself without the both of you by my side."
They fell into deep silence.
"Well... you seem to have chosen the most complicated path." Zhongli broke the silence, "But I can't say I'm not relieved." he added with a relieved smile, "If sharing with him is the only way to be by your side, then I'm willing to accept this choice." he smiled at her.
"I never really imagined a future with sharing you with him, but it's a whole lot better than being alone." Ajax smiled at her, "It's... going to be difficult explaining this to other people, but I know I'll overcome anything with you by my side."
Their smiles lifted the heavy weight off her shoulders, "I was worried that it'd gross you two out, that I'm being selfish."
"Oh, you are greedy, but I don't mind a greedy little princess, but please keep it to the two of us. I don't think I would share with any more than with him." Ajax smiled but Lumine can feel the seriousness.
"I... I'm not planning, don't worry." Lumine promised.
"Then I have no problems with this." Zhongli said, "But we need to think about how the others will react."
"Eh, if anyone gets a problem with them, I'll punch them." Ajax shrugged.
"I mean our family and friends, Ajax." Zhongli sighed, "Although I feel like they would respect our decision, I'm more worried about your parents, Lumine. And explaining this to Qiqi as well."
"I could explain this to Qiqi." Ajax volunteered, "We already explained about Zhongli being her real father before, I think we just need to make her realize that that's you, Zhongli. Qiqi's already warmed up with you so I don't think it'll take too long for her to accept you as her father, but you should expect questions about your disappearances." he said.
"She doesn't know about the plane crash." Lumine said, "We were warned that it might give her some sort of trauma or fear with planes, so we just said you were in a better place."
"I suppose I could just make a story about being asleep for too long and forgetting things? Er... I'll think of an excuse so leave that part to me." Zhongli said.
"Well, I guess your parents... well, more like your mom, will be hard to convince," Ajax said.
Lumine rubbed her temples, "We can think of that for another day, Dad said he and Mom will be out for a vacation with her friends and they'll leave tonight. I think I need to rest for a while." she said tiredly.
"Of course. I could make you some snacks to eat. Do you have any cravings?" Ajax asked.
"I'm still full from lunch, but I would appreciate some sweets right now." Lumine hummed.
"Alright, I'll see what I can make." Ajax hummed as he thinks of something light and sweet to make.
"Would you like to lie down by the sofa?" Zhongli asked.
"I would appreciate that, thanks."
Lumine and Zhongli made their way to their living room, the blonde woman immediately sitting down to relieve her sore back with the soft cushions. Zhongli sat beside her, making sure she was comfortable as he remembered the times when she was pregnant with Qiqi. Usually, he would cuddle her as he play with her stomach, even if it was still flat, but Zhongli decided to give her some space first, Lumine may have decided to take him and Ajax but Zhongli knows they have yet to talk about boundaries or rules about it. So for now, he settles with just sitting right next to her.
They were enjoying a movie when they suddenly heard a loud crash in the kitchen.
Lumine immediately stood up to check on Ajax with Zhongli following her close behind.
"Shit..." Ajax cursed as he dropped an empty bowl, his eyes however did not leave his phone as he try to read the simple message all over again, hoping it would change.
"Is everything fine, Jax?" Lumine asked with worry.
Ajax gulped and looked at her,
"Your mom's coming here soon."
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okaeri-ossan · 3 days ago
God bless you and your posts! I'm super=>happy there are still people like you who can freely talk about the retro eroge stuff without the need to deny all of it's mighty aspects someone is afraid about🙏
If you could give a top 5 games for those looking to get into the PC-98 genre, what titles would you include?👀
omg HIIII!! thank you for popping by (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ yay, this is a passionate hobby of mine and to look away from any of it-- the good, the bad, or the ugly-- would cause it to lose some dimension. Eroge is made by people and people are messy. (‾◡◝) So thank you for understanding that. Ahh, I feel like I'm not qualified somehow... I've played a lot on the pc98 as theres plenty of short (very stupid, very goofy) games, and I have a habit of skipping the greats in chase of random things that I think looks cool. I'll try to compose a list anyhow. Folks reading this, these are adult games with adult content, and a lot of it is "anything goes!!" Rarely do they surpass the wildness of modern day eroge (some are rather tame), but warning still stands!!
💎Toushin Toushi
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A classic Alicesoft game with an english patch. Play as a swordsman who enters a tournament... and then things fly off the rails in the last quarter. Its one of those top-down RPGs so if you're an ancient gamer you'll be right at home, but be sure to get the Happiness Bell for a boost of EXP or you'll be grindin' all day and night! It's a cute, quaint (until the end) game with a good sense of humor and a few surprisingly tender moments. It was one of the first pc98 games I'd ever played, and it helped me form my thoughts on the medium. At several points you are presented the choice to be an evil creep or respect other's consent and for being a creep you get punished by the game mechanics. Not enough to really make a huge difference but the fact that its even there gives you something to think about. In the end, it's a game about consent. The sequel game has reached legendary status and you can go ahead and play that one instead, but I still find some enjoyment with this old crusty thing.
💉Amy's Fantasies
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This is one of those OFFICIALLY english translated eroge with a pumped up to the max ridiculous Himeya Soft scripts that you can play RIGHT NOW USING THE INTERNET LETS FREAKING GOOOO!!! It's so. It's. Well. Dare I say it's the most pc98 pc98 game to ever pc98 on the pc98? Nonsensical balls-to-wall stupidity, outrageous ero, is that guy her brother, her step brother, her half brother, a clone, what is he, the characters don't even know. There's a chapter where they go to the Ass Hospital for Butts. There's a bajillion ashita no joe references for some reason. The suspicious looking mansion burns down, because "all suspicious looking mansions burn down". It's one of those "anything goes" type beats, so please keep that in mind. But when I think of the pc98, this is the first thing I think of.
🌼Doukyuusei 2
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The first entry (which has an en tl of the amazing remake) is already one of my favorite games ever. But this? It somehow surpassed it. The story goes deeper, the characters hit harder, and the art is MWAH! Because the focus is more on the pure(-ish) romance this time around, there's less of a scummy perv feel than the first game (I need to make clear the scummy perv feel was why the first game was good, btw. It's 90's schlock at it's finest. The protag has ruined all other pc98 schlock protags forever, woe is me, he's just too amazing). This is one of those "must play" games even if you're not into eroge. The exploration system and relationship mechanics are what set the stage for future dating sims like Sakura Taisen, Tokimeki Memorial, and countless others. Ah, it's just too good. Youko is my wife. If you wait a little while longer, I'm sure the remake will be getting an english translation as well.
⚔ AmbivalenZ
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I admit I haven't finished this one yet at the time of writing this, but I doubt there is anything that will sway my opinion of it now. It's PEAK CHUUNIGE, HYPER VIOLENT PURE LOVE DEMONIC REINCARNATION ACTION. Play as a badass immortal knight whose true love's soul was shattered centuries ago on a quest to fight a sexy demon lady with a blood sword. There's an ensemble cast of bold, lovable characters and a compelling story to boot, just talking about it makes me excited! After playing Diabolique and falling down the rabbit hole I have come to be a bit of a Tori fanboy. She's very good at hurt and comfort. The exploration system is the slightly frustrating oldskool Alicesoft affair but it's not enough to ruin the experience. I would recommend this edgy, bloody, quirky yet pure hearted story to just about anyone.
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This is a very short game about getting trapped in an elevator on Christmas Eve with one of three different girls, all named Mari and all written different ways. The game is meant to be replayed several times over with your choices drastically changing the scenario. The story can be a relaxed romance, a sentimental tragedy, or it can even get a little spooky. It's a game that's creative with the resources it has. The song, 17 year old Farewell, is probably one of my favorites on the whole system. There is supposedly and english translation in the works but it's been in limbo for a long time now.
~~~ Aaaaand that about does it, I think. Again, i feel like I'm not a good source for this thing but these are the games that I would pick. I hope you find something you like. I feel like a playthrough of Amy's fantasies with some beer and very open-minded friends would be a fun way to spend a night. ☆⌒(*^-゜)v
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definitelynotafurinasimp · 3 years ago
I love yelan and shinobu im a simp already. I’ll ask for how they are when they have a crush on reader and how they would confess.
How they confess to you
characters: Yelan / Kuki Shinobu x gn!reader (seperate)
warnings: none, just fluff
a/n: There aren't too many things known about Shinobu's personality yet, so I'm sure once she actually releases we will be able to look back to this fic and say "kinda ooc, ngl", but until then I'll have to use my gut feeling.
This is, of course, my first time writing for either of these two characters, so I'm sorry if I'm making a few mistakes when it comes to their personalities, but I think it should be fine
Also, this is kinda long, at least for my standarts
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Yelan knew about you long before you had even met her, she had to make sure that the new hire at the Liyue Qixing didn’t have any ill intentions after all, but once the two of you finally met, you instantly got along with each other, her relaxed and easy going attitude a welcome change from the stress inducing one’s your bosses seemed to have around them all the time. While your friendly and open attitude, that made even strangers reveal small secrets to you from time to time, being too busy enjoying their drinks to care, coupled with your willingness to tell Yelan about them if asked, made hanging out with you both a nice way to procrastinate while getting enough information to technically be considered part of her job.
Even after the two of you had become, what you would consider, good friends, there were still a lot of things you knew she wouldn’t tell you about, most of them about her job. You had asked once about why exactly she needed information about a citizen of Liyue, assuming of course that her job required her to do so, she made it very clear that, since it was part of her job, she wouldn’t tell you. You completely understood, never asking about such things again, while simply enjoying spending time with her. But there were things you knew about her that most others, who even knew about the existence of a woman called “Yelan”, wouldn’t even dream about knowing.
You had finally managed to get a few days off, deciding that it would be a great opportunity to visit Yelan, and while her house laid well outside of the city, you eventually arrived in front of her door, knocking on it, only to have to wait much longer than you expected before it finally opened, revealing your friend giving you her usual smile.
“Well, what a surprising visit you decided to pay me”, she greeted you, the thought of how you had managed to surprise the usually so informed Yelan, making you smile, only for you to remember what an unhealthy sleep schedule she seemed to have whenever she didn’t necessarily have work to do.
“Did I awaken you from your sleep?”, you asked teasingly, only for her to shoot back immediately in a similar playful matter.
“That’s confidential, I could tell you, but sadly wouldn’t be allowed to keep you alive afterwards”, after shooting you another smile, she finally let you inside, and it wasn’t long before the two of you started playing a game of dice against each other. “I could use this chance to win a few Mora from you, but how about we spice it up a bit? The winner gets to ask the looser anything”, she offered, causing you to give her a look of suspicion. When she said “anything”, did she truly mean it? Probably not really, since you doubted that she would tell you anything about her work even if you won, not that you wanted to know anyway. But you decided not to voice your doubts, instead giving her a nod.
Well, it wasn’t like you even had to think about what to ask her, since no matter how much luck you seemed to have, Yelan would always top you, and while her questions started out standard, asking you about things like work, they grew more and more personal with each question.
“What’s your taste in women?”, she eventually asked with as straight of a face as ever, and while the last question had already seemed a bit too personal for your taste, this one made your heartbeat faster than usual whenever you thought about what would come next.
“Well, I don’t really have one… I’m not that picky, if they are entertaining to hang out with, I guess”, you answered truthfully, well not completely, since there was someone you had eyes for.
“Then what about me?”, she asked, topping all her previous questions while making your face as red as the Jueyun chillies she loved to eat.
“T-that’s more than one question”, you stuttered out, frantically trying to buy your brain enough time to figure out any reasons she might have said something like that, baring the obvious of course, since that was too good to be true.
“Of course, how silly of me”, she stated, only to immediately get the highest possible score, making it unnecessary for you to even try and beat it. “Well, what about me?”, she stated once more, leaning forwards before putting her head in her hands while resting her arms on the table.
After seeing you fail to form a coherent sentence more than once, she leaned back before speaking again. “Fine, let me a different question”, when you heard her words, you finally managed to calm your nerves down a bit, only for all your blood to shoot into your head once again immediately afterwards.
“I like you as more than just a friend, do you feel the same?”, before you even had the chance to think about it, your body immediately went into autopilot, nodding enthusiastically without delay, causing the woman in front of you to smile at you once again.
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Kuki Shinobu
You had known Shinobu for a very long time, having been friends with her long before she and her family got on rather… difficult terms. But when she had gone to study in Liyue for a few years, the two of you lost contact, only for her to come back and become part of the Arataki-gang, something you couldn’t help but find odd. Sure, you hadn’t seen her for years, but her joining that group of rather unusual individuals, wasn’t something you had ever expected from her.
But when the two of you met again, you somewhat rekindled your old friendship. Sure, the two of you had changed a lot, and instead of wearing the shrine maiden clothes you had expected an adult Shinobu to wear, she had found a different way to dress, most notably wearing a mask to hide her face even though you had never thought that there was a need for her to do so, but at the core you were still the same people as back then.
You couldn’t pinpoint exactly when, but at some point in your friendship Shinobu had stopped acting entirely professional around you, acting far more friendly than before. It may have been far from the friendliness others, like maybe that Naganohara girl, seemed to offer, but still a big enough change for you to notice, not that you had anything against it, since you were just happy to have your old friend back. And while she still insisted on wearing her mask most of the time, she wouldn’t seem as embarrassed as the first time you accidentally caught her taking it off.
You had plucked a few lavender melons since you seemed to remember Shinobu having told you about how they tasted better when roasted and decided to pay her a visit to ask for a few tips, only to encounter what seemed to be the rest of the “Arataki-gang”, but without their name giving leader.
“Hey, I’m sorry to-”, you looked at what they were doing, only to find them stand around two beetles fighting each other, leaving you with more questions than answers, but decided to continue anyway “…interrupt you, but do you know where I can find Shinobu?”, you asked, causing all of them to immediately turn their heads around.
“You’re looking for Kuki Shinobu? Why? Do you need something from her?”, one of them immediately started questioning you, approaching you while making you feel as if you were in some sort of trouble, like you had broken an unspoken rule, but before you could continue, the man in front of you suddenly had a look of realisation on his face. “Oh, you’re her friend! The one she always spends time with after work”, he almost shouted, catching the attention of the rest, making them gather around you as well.
What followed was them bombarding you with one question after another, not leaving you any time to answer any of them, but seemingly not even minding. You had long lost the ability to even register any of their questions, since they would be interrupted in the middle of it, causing you to have to hear a completely new one, that was, until you heard a question that stood out.
“Are the two of you a couple? You must be, you always hang out with each other, and she even mentioned you a couple of times”, all other members fell silent, as all their gazes were focussed on you, awaiting your answer.
“She was talking about m-”, before you had the chance to finish your sentence, another voice rang out, this one clearly being Shinobu’s, but instead of sounding professional like usual, or relaxed like when you spent time together, this time it was filled with rage.
“You have ten seconds, whoever is in my line of sight once they are over won’t live to regret it”, in an instant, the mass of men around you were gone, all of them scattering into different directions, leaving you and Shinobu alone, she finally having calmed down somewhat. “I hate those idiots sometimes”, she stated bitterly before letting out a big sigh, her choice of words somewhat surprising you.
“They seemed… friendly”, you awkwardly stated, trying to make her forget what had just happened, but instead earning yourself a nervous stare from her, only to hear her sigh once more.
“You heard what they said, so I guess there’s no need to deny it. I like you, and I hope you do the same, do you want to go out with me?”, her confession caught you even more off-guard, leaving you frozen in place for a couple seconds before finally mustering enough working braincells together to answer.
“Sure, I feel the same”, you answered, only to find it to be an underwhelming reaction, searching for a way to continue. “Do you want to roast lavender melons together?”, you awkwardly asked while lifting the basked full of them that you held in your hand, earning yourself a small, rare chuckle from Shinobu.
“Of course”
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simpliao · 2 years ago
Hii! I absolutely love your writing, could you possibly do an imagine of shlatt and the reader waking up in the morning like all fluffy and cute ? Thank you 💗
the world's bullshit can wait ; (irl) schlatt x reader
summary : rainy monday mornings never set the mood to start work, and despite her protests, schlatt is convinced to take the morning to sleep in (and possibly even the whole day off entirely).
info : sweet fluff as requested, mild swearing, sweet nicknames and she/her, afab reader. very short drabble.
a/n : sorry this came a little late ! i do really hope you enjoy, thank you for requesting ! it's kind of different from what you might expect, just cause i already wrote this kind of idea in this oneshot. still hope you enjoyed my interpretation !
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Usually she found herself awoken in the mornings to intrusive sunshine and her lover who tended to wake up earlier than her (they both had the bad habit of sleeping in past noon); today was different. The rhythmic pitter patter of heavy rain rung her ears, as she slowly awoke, and in an attempt to sit up she was held down by larger arms wrapped around her smaller figure as if she was some kind of teddy bear. She felt slightly sticky, having been sweating during the night due to the heater that insisted on heavy comforters and being glued to her back the whole night. His soft snores reverberated in her ears, the more she tried to wiggle away the more he tightened his grip.
"Schlatt..." She murmured his name, "it's Monday, I have to start streaming soon." She was known for her weekly morning streams, it was a habit she picked up when streaming late meant that she'd no longer have any more time for sleep. "Mmmmm, a few more minutes..." He snuggled up closer to her, soft whines left her, "cmon, Schlatt... You can keep sleeping, you just have to let me go." "Hmm, how about no?" Her constant wiggling was waking him up too, but the sublime comfort of holding his beloved under the warmth of a heavy comforter was his little slice of heaven. His head snuggled into the back of hers, her scent consuming his senses and mind. "Mmmm, it's your fault you know? You know how much I love this shampoo... Or is it the hair oil?" He loved her, he loved everything about her, and just briefly blinking his eyes open to see cloudy skies gave him no motivation to let her go.
"And besides, weather is bad. That basically a sign from god to not do anything today." A soft snort left the shorter female who laid with crossed arms whilst her lover clung onto her for dear life. "But I have to work." "I'll apologize to your viewers on Twitter for keeping you later, just... Don't leave me." She let out a soft exhale, turning her body to face him instead of away; she was a sucker for when he'd put on his pleading voice. She'd closed her eyes, he moved in closer so his chin could rest upon the top of her head. "I knew I could knock some sense into ya." She attempting to look up at him but due to the lack of space between them, when he looked down all he saw were those large doe eyes he so desperately adored. "Are you even going to fall back asleep?" "Nah, but neither am I going to let you go anytime soon sweetheart." He barely managed to reach his lips far down enough to plant a chaste kiss upon her forehead.
"The world's bullshit can wait, and you know just how much I hate to share. Your viewers can miss out on a day." He chuckled softly, "because if I remember correctly, you're my pretty girl. And this gorgeous girl deserves a break to sleep in with her terribly handsome boyfriend." She hummed softly in agreement, "I suppose if it's only today..." "I'll make sure to make it up to them." And although she doubted that, he'd probably make some vague tweet about her absence. But little did she know Schlatt was very much a man of his word. And when she inevitably fell asleep in the comfort of his arms, Jambo ended up jumping into their bed after waking up himself. It was the perfect.
So he quietly snaked his arm away and reached over to his cellphone that's been sitting at his nightstand. Making sure the stupid ass sound effect the phone made when taking pictures was off, he took a selfie of them all in bed.
Sorry guys she's mine now, no more stream. Family time is important.
The tweet practically went viral considering it attracted her audience and his; Twitter had an absolute field day as shippers rejoiced.
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biillys · 3 years ago
oh ohhhhhhh ohhh wait. wait a fucking minute. listen. listen!!!!
flayed!billy and neil having an run-in a few days before The End. flayed!billy not scaring as easily, actually not scaring at all, compared to actual real!billy. turning right back on neil. except the mindflayer has a soft spot for his host becos the mindflayers fucked like that, so instead of just killing neil, the mindflayer decides to play with it's food for a bit.
real!billy doing his Thing and managing to get that one tear out. becos his dad may be a piece of shit but surely, surely, out of everyone, he would be able to figure out something's wrong. that billy's not billy. the desperation and the hope that maybe this is it, maybe this is only option, maybe making him just that little bit stronger. maybe him getting a 'dad, help, please' with a few more tears out before the mindflayer takes over again. but neil's a fucking coward at most and a piss poor excuse of a father at best, so he takes one look at billy crying, begging, and shakes off any doubt's and worry's, and treats him like he always does when billy turns to water under his weight.
he makes his voice harder, his grip tighter. his words crystal fucking clear.
and then flayed!billy is shoving him off, stronger than neil's ever felt him, and he's laughing, but not in a way neil's ever heard him laugh. and then he's turning to walk right out the door, camaro keys in hand, even though neil just grounded him for the entire fourth of july weekend, except he turns around just before he makes it outside, face completely blank and familiar, but neil's never seen this person before in his life, and says 'when billy and i have finished what we started, i'll come back for you.' and then he's gone.
and neil picks himself up from where he was crumpled against the kitchen counter, shakes himself off, and denies everything that just happened in the past 15 minutes. grips the bench to stop his hands from shaking, and promises himself that next time he sees billy, then he'll really let him have it. that just because billy thinks he's old enough to throw his own weight around, doesn't mean he's gonna get away with it under this roof.
except billy never comes home, and then it's the fourth of july, and neil and susan are trying to enjoy a nice dinner at home, a dinner that both their children were meant to be home for but aren't, but at least him and susan are having a lovely night. they enjoy it right up until the phone rings late that night, and then they're speeding to starcourt mall, and there's smoke and flashing lights and fucking military everywhere, and max is distraught, hugging susan like she's the only family she has left, and no one will tell him anything about billy except for a brief 'billy didn't make it, we're sorry for your loss.'
they won't let him identify the body. won't even release the body to be buried. won't tell him why all those people were in the mall after opening hours, what max and her friends were doing there. what started the fire. why there was fucking military clearing the scene. won't even give him a cause of death.
and every single time he closes his eyes, he hears 'when billy and i have finished what we started, i'll come back for you.'
he starts hearing it when his eyes are open, too, when he's trying to put together the funeral. when he tries to go back to normal life, back to his job, where his boss pulls him aside and gives him time off until his current family situation can stop effecting his work, back home, where there's no longer loud music shaking the doors, no car flooring it up the street, no fourth place set at the table for dinner, no shitty attitude and lousy excuses and brave backtalk.
everything's suddenly so fucking quiet.
so he fixes it. overcorrects. takes his sleepless nights and his workless days out on susan, is loud and brash and a constant immovable object. makes sure it's never quiet again. susan kicks him to the curb within a month, threatening police involvement if he doesn't leave quickly and quietly.
so, he leaves.
(then, susan and max leave for the trailer park, becos neil Left. and that's all susan will say on the matter. and then the upside down comes back with a new big bad, and max is right back in the thick of things in a way she never was before, but then suddenly billy's back. billy's alive, and he's back, and he's pulling himself with his bare fucking hands out of the upside fucking down before reaching around and helping her pull herself out and he's covered in blood and black goo and scars and injuries for days and, honestly, she probably doesn't look much better, but he's coughing and bleeding yet his heart's still fucking beating. and they somehow fucking found and saved each other.
and max is sitting by his bedside in hospital after every single surgery, and she keeps him company and puts headphones over his ears to listen to music and picks out the comic books that she knows he likes to read and she does her best to just never mention anything home related.
billy makes it a week after being back from the dead before he asks about neil.
'he left,' she says, because that's all that matters.
and billy fucking remembers. he remembers how hard he fought, how it took everything within him to overpower the mindflayer, even for those brief few seconds. how the only thing on his mind was this is it. this is my only chance. this is all i've got. and he remembers neil's eyes, wide, scared, fearful, but the second billy broke through, the moment billy shed a tear, fucking begged for help, his voice cracking over the word 'dad', neil went from speechless to loud. his eyes going from uncertain to cold. how the one time billy remembers asking his dad for help, probably the first time he's asked his dad for help since he was a kid, neil didn't even take even a moment to think about it. just took one look at him begging and crying, and steamrolled right over him, fucking sentenced him to death. all because he asked for fucking help.
billy closes his eyes and nods, doesn't think he could ever face neil again without falling apart for good.)
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despair-to-future-arcs · 13 days ago
[Part 3]
*As Nagi walk to a certain location...*
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I...I think this is the place; this was where Hiyoko was going to kill me before Hajime show up and we ran off.
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I'm still not sure what happen to him, he look so different and acted different; there's still a lot I don't understand but I know that standing here and asking questions I won't get the answer to won't solve anything... I need to find my phone...
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I think I remember going down this path, it should be right over here...
*Nagi walk down the path Hajime went which then she notices something...*
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Wait, is... is that...? *It was her phone, thought it was dirty; the cover was there*
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My phone, oh thank god my phone is safe! *Nagi rush over as she grab it*
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I guess I drop my phone when Hajime was carrying me, at least it didn't fall into the river, that would seriously suck. Now let's see...
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Oooh, it's nearly dead and there's a lot of messages from mom and dad, yeah that... that makes sense why mom was upset.
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*dials her dad's number* Dad...? It's me, sorry if I had to call you...
TENMEI: Hey there, I guess you found your phone then?
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Yeah I did, it was the path I took to escape. It didn't fall into the river either but it's nearly dead. I saw a lot of missed calls from you and mom so I'll need to hang up.
TENMEI: Well alright, me and Masuyo are still searching for Yukio; we are at the Izuru Kamukura statue so meet us-.
MASUYO: Yu-Yukio...? Oh my god, I found him!
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Huh? Wait did something happen...? I didn't catch that.
TENMEI: Seems Masuyo found him, quickly head over!
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Right okay, I'll head over there right away... *hangs up*
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Well... at least they found Yukio, that's good to hear and I got my phone; it has all the evidence what Satoko did, that's good. I better see if Yukio is okay but I'm not sure... he was wounded heavily so I doubt he's alive right now...
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Still... given how young Masuyo and Hotaru are, I can't imagine those 2 are gonna take it well.
*Nagi walk away as heading over to the location...*
*As then Nagi arrive which the others came to what appears to be a makeshift grave*
DoB - Sept 29th, 1993
DoD - April 1st, 2013
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That's... that's a grave stone, right? That has to be...
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I'm sorry... but looks like he's dead...
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*holding his wife* And given the time of death and the wound, he wouldn't have made it, right?
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Sadly not, his body has likely become black putrefaction by now since it's been a few weeks...
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Still... the fact that he had a gravestone made for him means that likely his class made this for him.
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Looks like it but suicide? I don't think Yukio would of done that, I know that he isn't the type to end his life like that.
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Yeah I can't accept it either, something must of happen so let's dig up his grave and see what's going on!
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Wait you mean we should dig up his grave, but isn't that bad? Won't that be disrespecting the dead...?
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It might be but suicide? Seriously sis, do you really think Yukio is the type to commit suicide like this - hell now, I can't accept that! We need to see what happen so let's dig it up!
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I suppose... it's a good thing we brought shovels along but let's hurry and see what we can find.
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Indeed so let's get going and see what happen, c'mon!
*As then the group got to work on digging up the body which Harumi check it over, which then he walk over...*
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Well... I check the body and looking at the markings of the neck and even his face, it's clear this wasn't a suicide, it was a strangulation.
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So Nagi and Hotaru are right, someone murder him and frame it to be a suicide and I think we can safely assume that Class 77-B did this.
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Yeah I knew that it couldn't be possible, so someone must of lie but why.
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Not sure either, but at least we know that Yukio didn't get killed today and he was bury properly before all this.
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But still... I think we should bury him again and take our leave, I don't want to stick around any longer in this area so let's get back to the car.
[DESPAIR SIDE EP. 12] The Flaws Of The Future
[Part 1]
Date: April 28th, 2013
Time: 1:45 PM
Location: ???
*At a random apartment in Tokyo, A news station was showing the fall of Hope's Peak Academy...*
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NEWS REPORTER: 'With the tragedy had continue which as of April 28th, 2013. Hope's Peak Academy, a school for humanity's hope has finally fallen; the Reserve Course had all committed suicide after they had killed all Main Course students and then killed themselves - their reasons to why still remains a mystery - will update you all on the situation...'
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... (I can't believe it, looks like Hope's Peak Academy had finally fallen; it's hard to imagine but I suppose after everything I witness, it feels deserve...)
*As then Masuyo walk over*
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Hey... Miss. Nanami? Is it okay that we search the school now?
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Huh? Oh uh, search the school...?
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Yeah... the news stated that the everyone died, right? That means we should head to Hope's Peak Academy now and see if we can find Yukio.
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And look, I know your going to say it's far too dangerous or whatever but we are going and that's final.
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Right... I suppose you 2 still want to come along, well alright but let's wait until Kyoji gets back, I told him to get those 2 here then we can start our search.
*As then Hotaru rush away from the window*
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Miss. Nanami and Masuyo, I saw the car! He's back with 2 random people!
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Wait, there back?! Oh god, that was quick!
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*Nagi rush over and look outside* Wait, that's mom and dad! Looks like there safe!
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Wait... were you waiting for your parents? What made you assume they were alive?
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Well before I escaped, dad call me and say he was going to be getting mom at the hospital and given that Hospitals were being left alone that meant they were safe havens so meaning that they are alive right now.
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Riiight, I suppose that is to be the case; still we should be careful...
KYOJI: Okay we're here, now we can-Wa-Wait hold on ma'am, take off your shoes before you enter!
???: I-I know but I need to see if my daughter is okay!
*As then Harumi rush inside as heading towards the living room*
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Nagi, there you are! Oh thank god your okay!
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Hey mom, I'm doing good; I was able to escape weeks earlier before things went bad so I'm okay now so you don't need to-.
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Are you insane, do you realize that me and your father try to reach you for weeks! We got no response and it went to voice mail? I swear I was scared that you died, where were you?!
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Oh... right... (I don't think I've seen mom this mad before, well I suppose that does make sense...)
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Well the thing is that I dropped my phone when escaping and the lines were out so I couldn't reach you, sorry about that...
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Wait so you lost your phone? I see...
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*As then Harumi hugs Nagi* I'm sorry for yelling, when me and your father saw the school fall; we assume the worse and thought you died with the rest but when Kyoji appear and say that you were alive - I wanted to check and see for myself, at least your alive...thank god...
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Ye-Yeah... I'm happy to see your okay, but is dad with you as well?
???: Don't worry, I'm here as well and Kyoji did explain everything... Seems like you had to deal with a lot, huh?
*As then an older man walked in...*
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Still, there was no denying what your mom say; we did try to contact you but we couldn't reach you, we saw the building fall and assume the worse...
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*walks over and hugs Nagi as well* It's a good thing Kyoji arrive when he did and told us you were alive, sorry we couldn't come sooner, still at least your safe.
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Dad... yeah, thanks for coming... *As then Nagi started crying as hugging both her parents as Kyoji walked in*
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Well... seems that takes care of that, I suppose you'll need a moment before we go explore the school and see what we can find.
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Exactly... maybe we should start tomorrow?
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I don't think it's a good idea, there probably be a bunch of those guys in mask roaming around the area so we need to do this right now.
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Indeed... I know that there's a lot we need to discuss but given the news reported that, we don't have a lot of time.
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So let's head there and see if we can find any survivors, just to be sure.
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Mom's right... we need to investigate the area and make sure we aren't spotted then return back here, let's get going.
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wonie-not-wony · 2 years ago
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PAIRING. yang jungwon x gn!reader, mutual lovers to ex lovers
SYNOPSIS. despite their shared affection, they were never referred to as anything more. a story of youthful love laced with bitter ginger and sweet honey.
GENRE. fluff, angst
WARNINGS. none :)
WC. 1.3k
A/N. AAAAAABWIABAKANQ this is my very first oneshot so pls take it easy on me. i thought i would make it up to y'all for not uploading a lot. hope you enjoy! :)
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The lunch hour was announced by the sound of the bell.
Students began to flood the hallways like a mob of zombies. Along with dismissal, it was always the craziest time of the day.
Although every time you look at him.
Yang Jungwon
Chaos is non-existent
The entire universe simply goes into slow motion. There's just something about him that's so breathtaking.
Perhaps it's because of the way the wind tangles his lovely, fluffy hair when he plays soccer on the field. Or perhaps it's those stunning brown eyes that never fail to leave you speechless as they stare at you with such adoration. Or perhaps it's that charming smile of his, which causes your heart to pound wildly. Or perhaps it's just the way his sweet, honey voice always reassures you and makes sure you're okay.
You're whipped for that man.
You've been seated next to Jungwon ever since you first transferred to this school.
He talked to you first, you shared most of your classes with him, he showed you around the campus, he looks out for you. He waits till your classes are over before walking you home. When you forget your lunch, he shares his with you and holds your bag while you make your way home.
Who wouldn't fall in love with him?
"Y/n!.. Y/n?.. Hello?? Earth to y/n??" Jungwon said while waving a hand in front of your face.
"Oh! sorry." you said quickly snapping out of your trance to focus on him.
"Staring at me again? Do you like me or something?" a smirk starting to appear on Jungwons face as he leaned closer to you.
"No? What are you talking about? It just so happens that i spaced out looking at your direction. Stop fuelling your ego." You talk back hiding the fact you were staring at him and that you do like him. You rolled your eyes sarcastically and smacked his shoulder.
"Ow! Y/n don't you think you're being a little insensitive." he says dramatically clutching his shoulder pretending that it got dislocated or something.
After English class, the health break has finally started. tapping the end of your pencil on the table, leaning forward, and resting your cheek on the palm of your hand, your gaze falls upon him.
To your shock, he turns to look at you. "Hey y/n!" waving before going to your table. "I need to talk to you," he says in a soft voice, a little nervous.
He motions for you to follow him outside the classroom to the school garden.
You gaze at him confused because of how fidgety he is and ask, "What is it?"
He asks, "Can I hold your hand," and when you agree, he slowly takes your hand in his and gives it a light squeeze. “I don’t want to sound cheesy, but I need you to know how I feel. “
He takes a deep breath, "I am only going to say this once, so you better listen."
"I like you.. I really truly like spending time with you, and you really have become someone very precious to me. I know this is not how we do things, but I just can't ignore my feelings any longer.
“Why do you like me? I could be a loser or not treat you right or what if you become dissapoin-”
He tucked your loose hair strand behind your ear, which stopped you from speaking. “Stop thinking so much about the future. I’m here right now and I say that I like you. If you give me a chance, I won’t make you doubt yourself like that. You’re too good for that.”
You smile softly at him, drawing tiny circles on his palms.
“I'll wait for you, but you don't have to feel the same way if you're not ready.”
There was was a sudden urge in you that just wanted to fling your arms around him and kiss him.
“You’re too good for me, Jungwon” you sighed, “But, sure. I don’t mind being courted.”
His eyes twinkled and he pinched himself, to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. You noticed the red mark it left and quickly took his arm, blowing cool air onto it. “Don’t go bruising yourself, now.”
When the bell sounded, it was time to leave for class. Your hand remained entwined with Jungwon's as he led your class. Your morning and Jungwon's confession had barely passed. But you couldn't get that moment out of your head.
Jungwon grinned and said, "I'll see you after class, yeah?" he easily put a ring from his finger onto yours.
“What’s this for?”
“so you don’t miss me too much.” he gave you kiss on your forehead and walked to his class. You stood there, melting internally.
After that, everything remained the same with the exception of the occasional handholding and flirting. But after a few months, things started to seem strange.
Your relationship dwindled down to waves in the corridor, then to small talk, then to brief glances. Due to the nearing deadline for college applications in your junior year, you are aware that the two of you were buried in work. However, it wouldn't hurt for him to stop acting as though you two didn't get along.
In an effort to try and mend your relationship, you walked over to Jungwon to share a meal.
“Hey Jungwon! ” nudging his shoulder, "Let's go to the cafeteria before there are no more seats.
He quietly remarked, looking at you with regretful eyes, "Sorry, y/n, I'll eat with my friends today."
"What are you apologizing for?”
He murmurs in his head, ‘Everything.’
"It's okay, see you after lunch!”
It's not okay. He couldn't possibly face you again. He doesn't want to break you like this. His relationship with you will be ruined.
But he has no choice. You deserve to know.
He wishes he didn't fall out of love. He wishes that it could've lasted. But things don't work like that. He can't just make himself fall in love with you again when he's already fallen out of love with you.
You made your way out of the classroom with your friends to look for a spot to eat in the cafeteria.
You and Jungwon have a mutual friend named Sunoo. He came over to you. It looked like he had something important to say.
He typically eats lunch with his buddies at this time, so you were puzzled as to what he wanted. Nevertheless, you approached him and gave him a warm greeting.
"What are you doing here; don't you have lunch?"
He has an expression that makes you uneasy. His face is mixed with sadness, guilt, and worry.
"I need to talk to you about something."
"Sure, go ahead."
He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.
He hesitates a little before continuing.
"It's just-"
"If you don't have anything to say to me, I'll just be on my way." You mentioned being irritated by how long it took him to say something to you. I mean, what would take him so long to say someth-
He quickly interrupts you before you can go by saying, "He doesn't like you anymore."
Confusion is written all over your face.
Who doesn't like me anymore?
You say, still confused, "Sorry, who?
He murmurs gently, "Jungwon."
You feel a pang in your chest. Your heart just felt like it was shattered into pieces.
You weren't even labeled in the first place. It wasn't even real in the first place. He wasn't even truly yours to begin with.
So why did it hurt so much..?
You know why.
You gave all your love, all your time, and all of yourself for a silly mutual love between two teenagers. It's also because you had hoped for it to last. The fact that you had that hope and expectation made your heart swell in pain.
They were right; first loves don’t last. If your first love did last, then it wasn't your first; it was your last.
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© wonie-not-wony. all rights reserved. please don’t repost, plagiarize and translate.
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reds-ramblings · 3 years ago
The Heist - Chapter 16
You can find the rest of the chapters here.
We both step out, and I head to the right just as Jake instructed. I walk past the food trucks and come to the parking lot. I turn around to see Jake is no longer behind me. I scan the area looking for him, but he's nowhere to be found. I walk a little further into the parking lot and crouch down between two cars so that I'm not in plain view of everyone. After a few moments, I can feel the panic start to set in, and I wonder if Jake has been captured. The horn beeps on one of the cars, further down causing me to jump. I look back towards the festival and see Jake walking towards the parking lot and straight for the car that just beeped. I get up and quickly walk in the same direction, meeting him at the car.
"What happened? I thought they found you?" I ask.
"I had to go get our bags."
He unlocks the car, and we quickly get in and make our way through the parking lot and away from the festival. Once we are on the freeway, I breathe a sigh of relief. After a long, awkward silence, Jake grabs my hand and squeezes it. "I have a plan, but you're going to have to trust me."
"Care to share?"
"Not yet, that's why I said you'll have to trust me."
"I trust you, Jake. I've never doubted you before, and I don't plan on starting now."
After an hour or so on the road, Jake pulls into a small convenience store. He turns to me, "I hate to ask this, but do you have any money? We need a few things." I nod and pull out the wad of cash I took when we left. He gives me a questioning look. "Do I even want to know?" He asks.
"I keep cash hidden away for emergencies. I figured this would be considered an emergency." I start to get out of the car, and he stops me.
"No, you stay here. I'll go in and get what we need." He says, and I hand him the money.
After a few moments, Jake comes back with a bag full of stuff. He reaches in the bag, pulls out a burner phone, and hands it to me. "How much do you trust this lawyer of yours?"
"Jake, I trust him with my life."
"That's good enough for me. From this point on, he is the only one you are to contact. When the time comes, you will need to reach out to him and let him know what's going on. Only give him basic details. He only needs to know enough to keep us from running into more trouble. You understand?" I nod, and he continues. "We can't trust anyone from the FBI right now. Master is a very powerful man with a lot of powerful people working for him. He may not have the whole FBI in his back pocket, but I can assure you Michaels isn't the only rat. We're almost there, but we are going to have to ditch the car pretty soon. We will go the rest of the way on foot. It's not far, I promise."
After another half an hour, we approach a motel. Jake parks in the back and tells me not to leave anything behind. After gathering our things, we walk down the road a little way and slip into a narrow alleyway. After going through a maze of alleys, we end up at a small road at the edge of a dense forest. "This way," Jake grabs my hand and leads me into the forest. We've been walking for quite some time, and the sun is now starting to set. I'm beginning to wonder if we are just walking in circles when we suddenly reach a clearing and, on the other side, is a small house.
"We wait until it is completely dark, and then we make our way to the house. My buddy James lives there, and he is going to help us carry out our plan."
Sure enough, once it is completely dark, Jake takes my hand and leads me out of the forest. We quickly make our way to the house, and before we reach the back door, it opens, and a tall, lanky man stands in the doorway, motioning for us to come in.
"Thank you so much for letting us come on such short notice," Jake says.
"No problem, we both have the same goal. It's time we put an end to master. Come on, I'll show you to the guest room." He walks off down the hall, and we follow. "The shower is down the hall. We will talk once you two have a chance to freshen up." He walks out, closing the door behind him.
"Ok, now would be a good time to tell me your plan," I tell Jake.
"James works for master but he's been trying to find a way to bring him down for years. He's the last person anyone would suspect would flip so he can get inside his house and get the information we need to do just that. Even though Michaels is a dirty agent, we do still have a deal in writing that says we get to go free if we bring him down, and with Christopher's help, they will have to honor that agreement."
The door bursts open, and James runs in. "They're here." He whispers and reaches down, pulling the rug off the floor, revealing a hidden door. He opens it and motions for us to climb down the stairs. I look at Jake for some kind of reassurance. Jake does not seem disturbed by this in the least, so I follow him down the stairs. James throws our bags down to us.
From this hiding spot, we can hear everything that is happening. There is a knock on the door.
"Michaels, what are you doing here? I wasn't expecting a visit."
"Jake and that bitch he's with made a deal to help the FBI capture master and we can't let that happen."
"Of course not! Are you sure? I never thought Jake would be one to flip."
"I was there when the deal was made. One of our guys followed them for a little bit, but they lost them. They seemed to be headed this way. I thought maybe he might take a chance and stop by here."
"No, I haven't seen him. Now that I know what he's done, I know what I have to do if he does show up."
"It's not that I don't trust you, but do you mind if I look around just to make sure?"
"No, not at all come in."
They continue talking, and their voices get louder. I hear their footsteps and the floor creaks above us. I start to panic, knowing they are in the room. Jake moves closer to me and puts his finger over my mouth to keep me quiet. I try to control my breathing to keep from being heard.
"Really, you're checking the closet?" I hear James say.
"You never can be too sure." Michaels laughs.
"Well, I hate to rush you out, but now that you're convinced, I do have somewhere I need to be."
We hear them leave the room, and I start to breathe a little easier.
@layanasstories it's you're turn.
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candiedsour · 4 years ago
How Genshin Impact characters would react to someone flirting with you || (Liyue)
Hello everyone! I apologize for the wait but I finally finished the Liyue version ٩( ᐛ )و I was originally supposed to divide it into 2 parts but then I decided against it ( ͡°³ ͡°). Part 3 will probably be uploaded in 3 days. But in the meantime, enjouy reading! o(〃^▽^〃)o
-E <3
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Zhongli ❌💸
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How he'd react to someone flirting with you really just depends on his mood
He doesn't really interfere because he knows you can handle it yourself
You two have had the person flirting with you pay or discount something you both bought on more than one occasion and he's not even ashamed of it
"Ah, my lady. Your beauty is simply etheral."
The shop owner said as you examined the jade.
You looked up from the Noctilucous Jade and met Zhongli's eyes. Completely ignoring the owner.
Zhongli's put the Jade onto the table and reached into his pouch for Mora.
Though, once he opened it; he grimaced. Once you saw his expression you realized that neither of you had enough Mora to pay for the Jade.
You cringed as you saw the amount of Mora in the pouch and looked back at the shop owner to apologize.
That was, before an idea clicked into your mind.
You then berought forth the most charming and flirtatious face you could muster and smiled at the shop owner.
"My deepest apologies Sir, but I don't think we'll be able to buy from you today. " You sighed.
The owner widened his eyes at your statement and quickly replied with
"Oh no, it's fine your can just pay any amount you have now and come back to pay for the rest! "
"Thank you so much Sir, I am forever in your debt for this. " You said as you grabbed his hands.
The owner was completely smothered by now, he had completely forgotten Zhongli's presence and was looking at you with completely entranced eyes.
If it wasn't for Zhongli's years of experience in concealing his expressions, he would probably be laughing out loud by now.
"That was quite the show my dear, I doubt that he would have noticed anything even if we had robbed his whole stall. "
Beidou 🏴‍☠️♀️
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Just like with Kaeya, no one would really flirt with you since they know about your relationship with the captain of The Crux unless they're clueless
And Beidou being Beidou, would not take shit from anyone. Clueless or not
If the other person is being persistent, she doesn't really mind throwing hands
"It's a shame that you have a lover, otherwise i'd have made you mine by now. " The creep said as he grabbed both of your hands.
You leaned backwards, trying to get away from the man. You desperately scanned the area for anyone who would help you.
You then met Beido's eyes with a look that clearly read "please help me".
Once she saw you, Beido walked over and tapped the man on the shoulder.
"She's mine, now let her go." She said as she glared at the man who was holding onto your hands.
"And if I don't?"
The person didn't even register anything before Beido's fist collided with his jaw.
"I ain't scared of fines, I'll fight whoever disrespects my partner"
Xiao 🔪👺
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Doesn't really care if the other person is flirting with you or not
If it gets to the point of harassment he will give them a whack with his polearm
He looks like he doesn't care about you but that's just because he knows who you're going back home with
"Would you like to accompany me on my travels, my fair lady? " The traveler said as he loaded his belongings onto his cart.
"I'd have to decline the offer. I already have a lover I am devoted to. " You said with a smile as you passed him the packed food you had bought from the inn.
Xiao watched you two from the distance, he sat on the balcony if the Inn as he waited for you to bid him farewell on his missions as well.
"Were you watching me? " You said you peek at him from behind.
"I was simply making sure he was not a dangerous individual. " Xiao replied, stotic as usual.
"Are you here to bid me goodbye?" He asked as he gazed at you.
"Goodbye? Oh no, I'm going with you! "
"Even though you are hundreds of years old does not mean you are invincible. Therefore, you should refrain from fighting recklessly. "
Xingqiu ⚔📚
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He usually just tells the person bothering you to back off, politely. Of course
Though, he doesn't really mind if the other person is rude or persistent; it's just an excuse for him to have a little 'fun' behind the scenes
If they're rude, they'll most likely find themselves having a number of minor inconveniences
"Sir, please let go of my partner." Xingqiu confronted the creep.
You quickly ran to his side. Not wanting to be near the man for a millisecond longer.
"And what's the pretty boy going to do to me?" He jabbed at the blue haired boy.
Although he was slightly irritated. Xingqiu paid no mind to him and walked you back to your house.
"Y/n do you recall the creep from yesterday afternoon? Yes, I received a notice that he is trying to buy brass for his stall. I convinced every merchant selling fish in Liyue to not sell him any, I also bought some brass. Would you like some? "
Chongyun ❄🍦
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He doesn't really like confronting people so he'd just make up an excuse to take you away from them
If the other person decides to be start an argument, he'd try to keep his cool. Not wanting to go into the manic state he usually gets into once his body overheats
Sadly, on more than one occasion; he has lost his cool and completely and ends up causing chaos to anyone who's unfortunate enough to be nearby
It's been at least a solid 15 minutes since the guy sitting next to you have been pestering you about going with him to the Lantern Rite festival.
And for what felt like the 30th time, you declined.
You really wanted this person gone before you meet up with Chongyun but he kept following you so you just plopped down somewhere on the stone ground.
Unfortunately for you, the other person did not take the cue for him to leave but instead; had taken it as an invitation to sit down and talk with you instead.
At some point, you considered kicking him in the face but refrainwd from doing so. But now, you're regretting that decision.
"Y/n! Me and Xingqiu were looking all over for you. " Chongyun said as he ran over to you two.
The guy looked surprised as the two boys walked over you where you were sitting.
"Who are these people? " He said. As if they were the ones invading into someone's personal space.
Chongyun instantly realised the situation and whispered something to Xingqiu. He then gave you the hand signal for "Run for it" And pointed to behind him.
Almost in a flash, all of you three started sprinting away, leaving behind a very confused person.
"Thank Rex Lapis we didn't actually get into a fight this time"
Hu Tao 👻🔥
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Whenever she sees someone flirting with you, she'd ask them about their health
She'd then weird them out by introducing her as the 77th director of Wangsheng funeral parlour
The person flirting with you would probably be very uncomfortable at this point and leave, but if they don't Hu Tao would hand then one of her buy 1 get 1 funeral coupons
"I simply cannot resist your beauty. " The man said as he leaned in closer to your face.
"Hello there good Sir! How is your health? " Hu Tao asked as she appeared seemingly out of nowhere and before you.
The man seemed confused at her question.
"Pardon? " He asked.
"Ah, I have forgotten that I have yet to introduce myself. Please call me Hu Tao. 77th director of the Wangsheng funeral parlour! " She introduced herself and took out her hand for him to shake.
He seemed a bit uncomfortable at the mention of funerals but nevertheless he ignored Hu Tao and went back to your conversation.
"What do you say to dinner at Wanmin Restaurant? " He pressed on, flat out ignoring Hu Tao's whole existence all together.
"Here's a coupon, it's buy one funeral, get one free. I hope I'll see you soon! " She said as she dragged you away. Leaving behind a very disturbed man.
"I should've said 'I hope to see you again businesses-wise. ' "
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x688plsloveme · 4 years ago
I Took A Sip From My Devil's Cup, Slowly, It's Taking Over Me
Kim Dokja asks for Yoo Joonghyuk to accompany him to a Demon King's ball as his "faithful servant" to rack up notoriety for their nebula and Yoo Joonghyuk is far too soft for him to say no.
Posting the first lil chapter here. I wanna wait to have more written before I post to ao3. This is set a little before the Great Saints and Demon War but just think of it as canon compliant cause even that placement is a bit iffy. Oh and here's the art that inspired this whole thing. It's by one of the official artists for the novel @/1L9l2Aa8UCL0IGJ aka gumnem
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Yoo Joonghyuk didn't know if he heard quite right.
He watched as Kim Dokja took a deep breath and said - slower this time but no less strained, "Be my plus one for the ball and act as my servant."
Yoo Joonghyuk's eye twitched.
"Please!" He hurriedly adds, throwing his hands up in a hopefully placating manner.
Yoo Joonghyuk sighed. "And why would I want to do that?" He sees Kim Dokja light up. No doubt the man had already thought up a dozen ways to convince him to go along with whatever scheme he cooked up this time.
"If it looks like the great Yoo Joonghyuk is my faithful servant, then it'll turn the heads of the demon kings! It's basically free status for our nebula." He finished with his trademark scheming smirk. 
Yoo Joonghyuk was annoyed to find that he found it kind of endearing. He crossed his arms. "Fine."
"Now before you say no, just know that-" Kim Dokja stopped suddenly. He tilted his head. "What did you just say?"
He knows he's too soft for him. Nevertheless, "I said fine. I'll go along with your stupid plan."
Kim Dokja's smirk morphed into a genuine wide smile. His eyes seemed to sparkle in the same way they do whenever he gets a particularly rare item. Yoo Joonghyuk couldn't stop his heart from skipping a beat at the simultaneously smug and joyful look on the other's face. Which annoyed him.
So of course, his face naturally turned murderous.
Kim Dokja backed up from where he was about to pat the other on the shoulder and hurriedly turned away. He walked out of the other's room, but not before giving a final smile and a, "Thanks Yoo Joonghyuk!"
Yoo Joonghyuk had to grip his sword before he did something stupid like run after him and kiss him... He really was too soft.
The night of the Demon King Banquet, Kin Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk met outside of the specialized portal that would take them directly to their destination. 
They both had their signature coats on but wore formal clothing underneath. Kim Dokja was clad in a black turtleneck underneath a white suit and white slacks. He completed his look with shiny (just bought from the dokkaebi store) dress shoes. 
Yoo Joonghyuk was a perfect compliment to Dokja with his white button-down and black three-piece suit and tie. He had shoes similar to Dokja's but without the laces. He also wore black leather gloves to match his coat.
The company went to send them off and all of them raved about how good they looked. Even Lee Jihye admitted that Kim Dokja looked all right tonight. The kids gave their adoptive father a hug and the two were off.
The portal they went through must've been an expensive one if the lack of dizziness was any indication. They were placed in the garden leading up to the grand hall where the main event was. There were demon kings and their plus ones scattered about and mingling. Kim Dokja thought about taking the time to enjoy the rare flowers and maybe make some connections, but thought better of it. He didn't want Yoo Joonghyuk to have to do this any longer than he has to and harbor any ill will as a result.
While they made their way up the stairs leading to the building, Kim Dokja could feel many, many stares on them. There were those who looked on warily, and others with contempt and greed. Only a couple with anything close to respect. No one missed sizing up the newcomers. He just smiled. It was about time to start their strategy.
[Joonghyuk. Get the door.] He commanded with his true voice, loud enough to be heard by some of the participants below them in the garden. 
Yoo Joonghyuk bowed sightly and did as he was told. Immediately, whispering from the guests got very loud and they entered without another word.
Step one, done.
They entered the foyer and were greeted by a "friendly" face.
"Demon King of Salvation! I didn't think this was your scene." The man said, sweet acid dripping from his words like usual. 
"Asmodeus." Kim Dokja nodded to him, then shrugged. "I don't particularly like parties, but you know how these mandatory things are. Not even Agares would want to pay the probability for skipping a special scenario like this."
"True enough." Asmodeus then gestured to the perfectly still man sightly behind the other demon king. "Now... Care to explain this? Potion? Ability? Or..?"
Kim Dokja just smiled. "None of the above. I just asked him politely."
The other demon king caught on quickly to what he was planning. He laughed. Oh, this was going to be good. But first...
"What will I get in exchange for keeping your secrets Kim Dokja?"
The man in question tapped his chin. "Hmmm. I wonder?" His grin was as fake as always when he answered. "I guess you'll just have to find out later."
Asmodeus' eyes flitted between the two before a thought popped into his mind. Why wait for fun? He quickly slunk close to Kim Dokja's right side, the one that Yoo Joonghyuk wasn't near, and pulled the man close. He leaned in to whisper against his ear, "I can think of a way you can pay me back right now, Dokja." Lust was in his modifier for a reason and he knew how to get a rise out of someone. He grinned at the involuntary shiver from the other.
Kim Dokja's smile turned a little sour and he stepped back enough to loosen Asmodeus' grip and quickly said, "Trust me, there's something better I have planned so there's no need-" He was cut off by Asmodeus suddenly getting pulled away by his collar by none other than Yoo Joonghyuk. He practically growled at the demon king. "Hands. Off." He emphasized the last word by harshly pushing him away. 
Kim Dokja would be a liar if he said he didn't find that tone much more shiver-inducing than what Asmodeus was trying to do earlier.
Instead of being perturbed, he just laughed. "Looks like your pet is protective, Demon King of Salvation."
Kim Dokja shrugged. "He's just doing his job today, nothing else. Now, if you'll excuse us." He beckoned Yoo Joonghyuk to walk with him and the two left for the banquet hall, the latter sending one last glare over his shoulder.
Asmodeus just sighed and thought to himself, "Poor guy. Getting with someone as dense as Kim Dokja would require much less subtlety." Of course... This also meant that he actually had something to look forward to at this banquet for once. He couldn't wait for all the drama that was sure to unfold.
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killerskillercaptain · 4 years ago
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pairing : Levi Ackerman x Reader
wc : 1.8 k
themes : the ceremony honoring Levi's squad (including you) after the reclaim of Shiganshina went wrong, angst, hurt, comfort.
warnings : angst and hate
A soft light drenched your silhouette standing in front of the mirror. Inspecting yourself, you flatted out any crease on your long army jacket while arranging the collar of your shirt. You stood there staring at the image reflected to you : you looked put together, but your face still reminded you of everything that happened just days ago. Retaking Shiganshina didn't feel like a victory at all. With all that was lost, there was no praise, no glory, no nothing, only a bitter sweet sense of accomplishment, more torturing than satisfying.
You looked at the bags under your eyes, at the cuts lacerating the side of your face, even though you've been granted enough sleep and medical care to recover, you were still exhausted, and you could still see that dark cloud veiling your eyes, images of hell still flashing in front of you.
You heard a small knock on the door of the quarters you have been assigned to. It was time to go, the ceremony was about to start.
You shouted a weak but audible "yes" before heading out of the room. When you opened the wooden door , you were met by two even more tired eyes.
"They're waiting for us"
You walked side by side in the sumptuous corridors, you were in the capital and inside this part of the walls, everything looked so lavish that you felt out of place. You didn't exchange any word for a long moment until Levi broke the silence by asking if you were able to rest.
"Not really no"
By the way he stayed silence after you answered his question, you understood that it was the same for him.
The reason you weren't able to rest was the anticipation, no, the dread you felt in regards to this ceremony. With the suicidal charge Erwin commended causing the death of so many soldiers, both young and older ones, all of you who had survived this, felt sick to your stomach, you were all eaten by a sentiment that vastly resembled guilt. You, the rest of Levi's squad and Levi himself being the ones always coming back alive started to sound like a bad sonata to the ears of the population, they would rather see their sons, daughters, cousins and husbands coming back rather then the ones who always manages to make it, so eventually, you were expecting the worst to come out of this ceremony, and you felt that this honoring event was gonna put you all on an unwelcoming spotlight.
Approaching the great doors of the ceremonial chamber, all of you hesitated to to enter as the guards invited you in.
You were totally right, the moment the heavy and palatial looking doors opened to welcome you, you were met by very concerned looks. Soldiers and other various members as well as government big heads were undressing you with disapprobation, you felt your heart tighten, all of you already felt horrible enough that you cursed those blaming looks for adding more weight to your already busted shoulders.
Levi's name was called first to be given his medal, impassive as usual, Levi climbed up the stairs to where Historia stood solemnly, each one of his steps followed by a horrible comment directed at him, sometimes in a low voice, sometimes not.
"How come they're always the one coming back"
"Yeah, nothing ever happens to them how come ?"
"I bet they throw the young recruits and the less competent ones right into the titans mouths so they can protect their lives"
"I guess they don't put their lives on the line so much to be able to always come back in one piece".
"This is Levi, he can take on anything, heh, must be nice to be invincible"
Some of the comments being whispered were down right nasty and they were all directed to Levi.
Of all the people, the captain was the one to whom was directed the messiest of remarks. Everyone knew he was the strongest soldier alive, and they hated him for this exact same reason.
Seeing how Levi manages to stay composed and be able to dismiss these comments made your heart ache, you realized he must have heard them so many times to be able to ignore them like this. You knew the captain, you knew that he actually cared but had to learn not to, you felt bad realizing that this became familiar to him.
You felt so bad for the fallen ones, your heart was still mourning them to this instant but you couldn't possibly describe how gut wrenching you felt seeing Levi having to bear all the weight of the culpability people unrightfully put on him.
You clenched your fists, closed your eyes and told yourself that it was going to pass, like all the other times.
You haven't been this targeted by hate yourself, but now you were put on this unwanted pedestal and everyone could see who were the usual lucky ones, and you could feel yourself being put on the the condemning spot as it was your turn to be called and climb those cursed stairs.
You kneeled before Historia, feeling her hands ghost over your head as she put and secured the medal around your neck, repeating the same careful but solemn gestures for the second time.
"They don't deserve the medals !" shouted a particularly angry red haired youngster.
More whispers could be heard now from different parts of the ceremonial room, enough to fill the spacious chamber. Small groups started forming, their chatter was now all you could distinguish. Some were agreeing while others were quizzical, you could hear the people's subtle judgements but all you could feel was your hands becoming sweaty and an incredibly uncomfortable heat, filling your head. You already felt bad enough, you already felt undeserving enough, you already felt guilty enough, why did they have to be so-
do they not know what war is like ?
"This Arlert recruit shouldn't have been the one to be saved ! Levi's duty should have been to keep the commander alive !" spat the red-haired young man, emotion seemingly making his blood boil.
You could only stand where you were at the top of the stairs, looking at this seemingly unsatisfied and outraged human, making you doubt every single choice you made back there, you wrapped your hand over the medal holding it tightly, trying to ground yourself.
"Enough !"
It was Levi who spoke this time, putting a hand over the boy's shoulder, understanding yet firm enough for the young soldier to turn around and face the shorter man.
"A lot of tough decisions had to be made back there, if there's anyone who wants Erwin to be present with us today more than anyone, it's me."
You felt yourself trembling listening to the captain instill some sense of understanding to the soldier who seemed to try and contain his rage, even if he didn't look convinced with Levi's words. He seemed to have already judged you all as guilty.
"It wasn't an easy choice to choose Armin, it was an even harder decision to let Erwin go, but his woman out there, you say she doesn't deserve that medal, maybe, maybe none of us do, but she and all the others faced hell back in Shiganshina and had to make the toughest of choices. You're still young, but if you ever make it, you will be met with the same inconceivable decisions we did, so the least you could do is show some respect."
Levi ended his speech with a firm tone that made everyone observe a ponderous silence and just like that, every person in the room understood that the talk was over.
Soon everyone made their way to the great halls, you were informed by some subordinates that honorary soldiers would be awaited at the great dinning hall, this news made Jean and Connie start chatting vigorously about how this was the least they could do for them, both of them trying to cheer Armin up, the poor boy looked beaten down and quite affected by the guilt tripping going on in there some minutes ago.
He wasn't the only one affected by what happened in the ceremonial room, you were still trying to calm your beating heart and your pounding head, still feeling quite light-headed. The crowd, the heat, the mischievous and unforgiving gossiping, even though the ceremonial chamber was one of the largest space you've seen, you felt almost claustrophobic in there, surrounded by so many people who blamed you all for getting a chance to live longer. Your already blood-shot eyes were all watery, they stared watering when the ceremony got interrupted and you could swear Levi noticed it when you were heading towards the halls because he kept looking at you directly
"I'll be back, i'll go breathe some fresh air outside" you waved at Jean, Connie, Armin and the others, Levi had long disappeared from your view and you didn't see which direction he went so you assumed he was with Hange.
You turned around and took the opposite direction of the hall, where there were two massive gates. They were opened on an incredibly well maintained garden. When you sat foot on the marbled path you were met with gigantic and well kept trees, all sorts of trees, with even more gigantic walls guarding the property. Each wall had an impressive amount of lush greenery drapped all over them.
You walked to the wall that was the further away from the gates and stood there, your back against it. And right there, once you were sure no one would observe you, you let it all out. Within seconds, you felt heavy damp pearls making their way through your burning cheeks before landing everywhere, your shirt, your jacket, your leather boots, the soil beneath you. You weeped silently, your head suddenly empty from being too crammed seconds ago. You were ready to weep some more if it wasn't for a light touch that brushed you.
Levi was standing by your side looking at your burnt cheeks, swollen lips and red eyes.
"Don't let it get to you" he said.
"Your guilt doesn't justify their anger" he added, resting against the wall. "Yes they're angry, that's what wars do, they stir anger, pain and resentment. Everything humans don't like to be reminded of"
"Let's honor their death with the decisions we will make" he added putting a comforting hand on your shoulder, at which your heart fluttered a bit to your own surprise.
He pushed himself off the wall, hands in his pockets and headed for the gates as the familiar smell of food being cooked started filling the air, only here, even the food smelled expensive. You followed Levi into the hall, walking by his side as he silently invited you to. Heading for the dinning hall, you felt a great amount of solace being in his presence, and right now, he would never know how thankful you were to have each other's shoulders to lean on when the whole world was up against you two.
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