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irondadfics · 5 months ago
Yoo do u have fics that has the plot where peter gets send out in another universe because everyone is dead in his and in the universe he gets send out is everyone is alive but peter doesn't exist or they don't know peter at all I've seen one fic like this ( it's was Mysterio that killed everyone) and it made me want to read more🥹
hello, are these close to what you are looking for? They’re unfinished but still worth checking out ☺️
Home for Christmas by richieisgayforeddie
Peter Parker doesn't exist any more, well, no one remembers that he exists. After spending his first Christmas utterly alone and without any of his friends or May, Doctor Strange ask Peter for help to fight Wanda. Peter has nothing to lose, but getting accidentally thrown to a different Universe wasn’t on his holiday list The universe seems like his own at first but he soon comes to realise that the Universe just lost his Peter Parker in the final Battle, snapping in Tony's Place. Tony, that seems to be his biological Parent here. Will Peter find his Place in this Universe, or will the Parker Luck continue once again?
Broken Mirrors and Fragile Things by EvieNyx
(I am Peter Benjamin Parker, and I exist.) - - - Three months after his existence was erased, Peter Parker was not doing so well. His solace came from knowing that at the very least he had managed to save his city in the end. Apparently, though, Peter realized as Doctor Strange explained to him that he had to give up even more, losing everything-and-then-some just wasn't enough. OR The multiverse continues to collapse in on itself. Doctor Strange discovers the source of the problem as Peter Parker. The only viable solution is to remove Peter from his original universe so that no more entities will be drawn to his presence there.  Peter is sent to a world that lost its Peter Parker, and finds himself lost in a sea of people he'd grieved who had all grieved him in kind.
Welcome To Mysterio's Marvelous Multiverse by Grace_d
[Endgame compliant, Far from home AU (probably)] NO FFH SPOILERS  “Woah.” Spider-Man breathes. “Trip Advisor did not mention this.” In the middle of the room hangs a flat circle of energy, kinetic electricity twisting from the edges into the centre. Green smoke swirls around it. It's definitely creepy enough to be a portal to another universe. Peter Parker's trip to Europe was supposed to cap off his recovery from the traumatic events of the past (5?) years, kick off his summer vacation and celebrate his decision to return to friendly neighbourhood crime-fighting.  Instead, Nick Fury recruited him for some avenging. Not ideal, not relaxing, and definitely above this web-slingers pay grade. (Was he even getting paid?). So when Quentin Beck AKA Mysterio suggests an alternate universe field trip, it's a hard pass from Spider-Man. He's sticking to the mission. He's got responsibilities at home. Even if it means giving up the chance to see Tony Stark again. Too bad he didn't have a choice in the matter.
They’ll think of me kindly, when they come for my things by Ihearturdadtbh
“A year, nearly a year since he died and you’re trying to tell me he what? Didn’t? Who is doing this to me, who is trying to trick me, who? Who! I know fine well I was the reason for that kids death and so who is tormenting me with his fucking corpse!?” Peter opened his eyes blearily as the imagine of a man settled into view, one he recognised in an instant except for one thing. There was something terribly, terribly “off” about the man made to look like Tony Stark. (Peter accidentally travels to a universe where he died in his battle with the Vulture on the beach, leaving Tony guilt ridden)
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abcd-em · 1 year ago
talk shop tuesday: if you could do a remix of any of your fics,for funsies, what would it be and what is the main change you'd make in the plot?
There's a few I've thought about rewriting because I think I could probably do them better now.
Rewriting for funsies has never really crossed my mind, if somethings happened then its because I planned or was happy with the outcome when it came to posting, so this was question really had me thinking hard.
It would probably be Vagary. I didn't have the series as a whole planned out, and while writing These days of dust, I was debating whether I wanted to be Canon compliant with Tony’s death or end the series after that fic with him alive. Looking back, I really wonder what the rest of the series would have looked like if Tony had lived-- the ways that would have changed the FFH/NWH portions of the series. I think it could be fun to explore.
Talk shop Tuesdays
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ao3feed-petermj · 17 days ago
Face it Tiger
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/4iWytUX by The_Mild_And_The_Profound Months after his bad break up with Liz Allen, Peter Parker is still heart broken. Aunt May—being the doting and caring aunt that she was—is tired of seeing him sulk, so the woman has a plan to set him up with a friend's daughter. Although Peter is reluctant about it. Just who exactly was this girl anyways? Words: 3514, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Peter Parker, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Liz Allan (Marvel), Harry Osborn, Michelle Jones's Mother (Marvel), Madeline Watson Relationships: Michelle Jones/Peter Parker Additional Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Fluff, like stupid amounts of it, Past Liz Allan/Peter Parker, kinda ooc Liz Allan, at least MCU Liz anyways, comic/other media depictions it’s kinda lowkey accurate, BAMF Michelle Jones (Marvel), Zendaya with the red hair for the ffh tour you will always be famous, Peter Parker Deserves Better, yes it is MJ’s iconic line, no beta—we die like my will to live! read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/4iWytUX
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aire101 · 5 years ago
Ferrum Chapter 3
Something was wrong with the kid.  Other than the fact that they had just gotten locked into a death game, of course. Tony couldn’t put a finger on exactly what, but he didn’t like it.
Knowing who Tor was now, he also knew that this ‘something wrong’ predated Kayaba’s villainous monologue in the town square.  He could see it in the way he would sometimes catch Peter staring at him out of the corner of his eye with an expression as if he were chewing on glass, the way he reacted to being called ‘kid’ before their identities were revealed…
Then there was how the kid looked like he had seen a ghost after the reveal.  Or worse than that, considering the strangeness in their life and work.
It was obvious that something had happened in the last few years that he couldn’t remember.  Something that to Peter made it almost impossible for Tony to be here, stuck in this game with him.  But try as he might, he could remember nothing.
He could only hope that whatever it was he had broken this time, there was still a chance to repair it.
It didn’t take long for them to make it to the outer edge of the city.  And right inside the Eastern gate they found a small inn with a friendly NPC keeper who informed them that a double room would be 15 Cor for the night.  Tony quickly made the exchange and hustled them upstairs to their appointed room.
“Would you like dinner brought up?  It would be an additional 5 Cor for the both of you,” asked the keeper as they were shown to their room.
Honestly, Tony hadn’t even considered the concept of food since he woke up in this virtual world.  What was the point?
“Yes please,” said Peter, ever polite even to coded entities.
The keeper gave a smile and nod of confirmation before heading back down stairs.
“Is there a point in eating inside a virtual environment?” asked Tony as he closed the door behind them.
“Eating food in the game works like a placebo—it doesn’t actually help your body, but it makes you feel full.  Obviously our actual bodies will have to be put on a support system to be maintained, but if we don’t eat in game we’ll just go around being hungry sometimes,” said Peter as he plopped down onto one of the beds.
Shit… Tony hadn’t thought that far ahead yet.  And with Peter’s metabolism and mutations he would need care tailored to his physiology…
“Where are you?  In the real world?” asked Tony.
“I’m at Ned’s.  I’m actually on his Nervegear system.  He let me have the first run on the game.”
“I’m assuming at this point he would have heard about the situation.  Who do you think he will have called?”
“Probably Aunt May.  And if he called Aunt May, her first call would probably be to Happy,” said Peter.
Tony gave a relieved sigh.  If Happy was on the short list, he was sure Hap would get Peter squared away with Tony’s medical team ASAP.
“Alright, we’re here.  Now out with it, what did I do?” asked Tony
Peter stared at him with wide eyes, “Wha— What do you mean?”
“You’ve been acting weird since we first met up, and now that I know its actually you I’m even more concerned.  What did I do?  Did I take your suit away again?  Did I actually hit on Aunt May?  What?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” muttered Peter, not meeting his eyes.
“Kid, you’ve been walking on pins and needles around me.  Not all the time, granted.  It comes and goes.  Which is even more weird, to be honest.  So what the hell happened that you periodically can’t bring yourself to look me in the eye and can barely handle hearing me talk?”
“I’m not mad at you or anything… It’s just— it’s hard,” said Peter, looking away again with a pinched expression.
“What’s hard?  It’s me kid.”
“I know.”
Tony groaned, running a hand over his face in frustration.
Just then a knock interrupted.
Peter jumped up quickly, obviously eager to avoid the conversation. The same innkeeper from before stood at the door pushing a cart baring two plates of steaming pub fare and two pints of what Tony assumed was supposed to be water.
“Thank you very much,” said Peter, placing the food and drinks on a table against the wall of the room.
“No problem, let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you,” said the innkeeper with a smile before he stepped out, closing the door behind him.
“Don’t think dinner gets you out of this talk.  I’m not afraid of grilling you over food,” said Tony, sitting at the small table.
“Yeah, yeah I know…” muttered Peter, taking the other seat.
“So spill, what happened?”
“You know, you’re not the only one that has questions.  And considering you don’t seem to remember much of anything, I’d say mine are more important.  How do I know you’re really Tony?  You don’t remember much of anything about this game, and there’s plenty of stuff I’ve mentioned that you should definitely remember,” said Peter.
Tony swallowed his food down hard, coughing a little when it almost felt like it stuck.  “Mmm… most delicious placebo I’ve ever had,” he said, taking a deep drink both to wash it down and to give him precious seconds to put off Peter’s very valid questions and concerns.
“Now who’s procrastinating…”
“Shut it, Underoos, old people need time to organize their thoughts.”
“Oh, so you’re ‘old people’ now?  Last time I called you old you informed me in no uncertain terms you were never old, only vintage.”
“I don’t remember that, but since it definitely sounds like my usual load of bull I’ll accept it,” grouched Tony.
“See, that’s what I’m talking about.  You’ve spent all afternoon saying you can’t remember stuff—”
“That’s because I can’t.  I can’t remember things passed a certain point, and that certain point is definitely way before whatever date this is for SAO to be in commercial release,” said Tony, his voice rising slightly with the panic he’d worked so hard to repress for the last several hours.
Peter went quiet, eying Tony’s expression.  Finally he asked the obvious question, “What’s the certain point you can’t remember passed?”
Tony pursed his lips in frustration, but eventually answered, “The last thing I remember is the meeting with Kayaba about moving forward with the AI development I was working on for SAO.  The problem was that in order to do further development and testing it would require me to deep dive into their systems, and for reasons I’ve discussed with you earlier today I was entirely unwilling to open myself up to that.”
“…but that was in early 2018?”
“Exactly.  So you tell me kid, what the hell happened?”
“Ok, but first I want you to tell me something that only Mr. Stark would be able to tell me,” said Peter.
“Other than the fact that I called you Underoos?”
“Someone could have overheard it.”
“Pft, unlikely,” scoffed Tony.
“Unlikely is not impossible, so cough something up.”
“Alright… the day before that meeting with Kayaba we were working on your webshooters and you told me about an incident you had as Spider-man with some asshole who apparently has the ability to harden his whole body completely and how you said to him—”
“’How did you get so HARD so suddenly?!’”
“Ugh, fine…” said Peter putting his face in his hands to try and hide the bright blush coloring his face.
“Kid, it’s me… what happened?  Why can’t I remember… anything?”
Peter sat with his head in his hands, clearly debating how to say what needed to be said.  Eventually, without raising his head, he spoke quietly but clearly.
“There was a battle… you won, but you took a lot of damage.  You’ve been in a coma ever since.”
Tony blinked.  A coma…
That didn’t make sense at all.
“If I’m in a coma, how am I here?” asked Tony, quizzically.
“I heard they were doing tests to try and use full-dive tech on coma patients to see if it was possible to reach them directly through a mental interface.  Perhaps there was some wires crossed in whatever system they are using on you and you ended up here?  Or perhaps the plan was to use SAO and interact in this world?  I honestly can’t tell you.  I just know that I haven’t been able to speak to you in a long time and today has been like a dream and a nightmare all at once.”
Tony finally took note of the tears dripping silently from Peter’s hidden face, glittering as they fell on to the table.
“I don’t know what’s going on, Mr. Stark.  I just know that I’ve missed you so much, and things have been hard and you weren’t there.  And it wasn’t your fault, I know that, but now you’re here and I just don’t know what to say, I can’t—”
Tony was starkly reminded just how young Peter really was, even considering how much time must have passed since his own memories ended.  When his own parents had passed he had been twenty-one and had been a complete wreck for months.  To have your parents and a guardian dead before fifteen, then… whatever Tony was taken away in every meaningful way only a few years later…
Awkwardly, Tony reached a hand over and rested it on Peter’s head.  Slowly Peter’s rambling quieted, though his breaths still caught audibly, clearly still fighting tears.
“I’m sorry, Peter.  I didn’t mean to put pressure on you.  I don’t expect you to have all my answers.  At this point, we’ll probably just have to wait for those until after we get out of this hell hole,” said Tony, eventually pulling his hand back after giving Peter’s hair an affectionate ruffle.
Peter continued to keep his face down for a moment, surreptitiously wiping at his face, as if he could hide the tears Tony had already clearly seen.  
“In any case,” said Tony, “How I even got here should probably be the least of our worries at this point. Better to worry about the immediate future.  So what do you think the plan should be?  I grant you, running down the road at twilight was perhaps not the best idea, but my point still stands— we’re better off getting the jump on this thing and putting some space between us and the angry hoards.  What do you think?”
“You’re probably right, I mean you usually are, but—”
“Ok, so I’m assuming we’re going to want to stick together for the foreseeable future, yes?” asked Tony.
“Yes?  I mean if you don’t want to I really wouldn’t blame you, but—”
“Then you are definitely going to have to learn to call me on my bullshit, kid.  We’re both geniuses as well as hero’s, and we both know that fuckups happen.  So whatever hero-worship you have left at this point is going to have to die a hard death right now.  I may be brilliant but I never really got into rpgs, and I hardly remember a damn thing about this game, so at this point you are the expert here.”
As he said it, what little color in Peter’s face paled.
“Not to put any pressure on you… or anything,” said Tony lamely.
“Uh… sure, right…”
“Seriously, kid.  What was your plan in this game, anyway?”
Peter sighed, and looked up at Tony for the first time since the talk had really begun.  His eyes were still red-rimmed and glazed from his bout with tears earlier.
“Honestly?  I just wanted to exist somewhere for a little while where I was just like everyone else.  Not just pretending to be like everyone else,” admitted Peter, looking mildly ashamed as he admitted it out loud.
“Hey, there’s no shame in that.  I used to occasionally put on a photostatic veil to go sit with a coffee down in Central Park.”
“I know, I know but it’s not the same.  When you wear a mask, you’re still you, just no one else knows its you.  I wear a ‘mask’ every day.  But in here there isn’t a mask— I’m just as weak as everyone else.  In here, I figured I could finally feel what normal felt like again,” said Peter.
“Kid, even if every one of your super powers was taken away, you still could never be the same normal as everyone else.  You are so much more than normal, and that has nothing to do with a spider bite,” said Tony with solemn affection.
Peter swallowed, his eyes filling up once again.
“But anyway, no real plan to speak of I guess,” said Tony, attempting to move on before he managed to make Peter cry again. “So how about this— we wake up early tomorrow morning and head out from here to go to the next town.  We’ll take the scenic route, hitting some encounters on the way and going over that beta file a little more thoroughly. Once we get there, we will reassess the situation and decide whether to camp out for a while or keep going.  Wash, rinse, repeat… until we figure out where we want to be.”
“About as good a plan as any, I guess,” said Peter with a nod.
“Alright then, now finish eating or I’m going to ground you.”
“Uh huh, sure… ground me from what?”
“I don’t know yet.  But I’m sure it’ll be petty.”
“You always are.”
“Shut up and eat your fake broccoli.”
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onestickiboi · 6 years ago
so here's the thing. what if tony survives the snap? but it fucks him up. like really bad. he completely loses his right am, major nerve damage, he can't walk unassisted, things like that. so his iron man days are over - which is probably for the best, except for peter.
he can't protect peter anymore. and so he dives himself into his work, trying to figure out how to be there for peter when he's no longer the man that peter knew. and well - peter comes back, and he sees a world that moved on without him. he sees a tony that moved on without him. why would he need peter when he's got his own kid?
so iron man's gone, and everyone's asking spider man if he's going to take over the mantle. and peter doesn't want to say yes because he knows he doesn't deserve that, but he doesn't wanna say no either. he doesn't want to let tony down any more than he obviously has (because tony would talk to him, right? if he really wanted peter around?)
so when he goes on the europe trip, and he meets Beck, he thinks this is the way things used to be before the snap. before morgan. before tony almost died.
and maybe, just maybe, peter could get some of it back.
he's not expecting EDITH. especially since he hasn't talked to tony - well, he hasn't talked to tony since he saw him struggling to lift a glass of water with his good arm.  but he takes the gift, and he thinks maybe tony's not done with me yet
but that can't be right. because the more he talks to Beck, the more Peter's sure that he's just the messenger - the only superhero that pretty much everyone talks to. so of course he would be the person to pick out the next iron man, of course he would be the person who finds who’s worthy
when he calls happy in the flower fields, he begs him not to tell tony - makes happy swear it, actually. he begs him not to let tony know unless Beck is about to win, because after everything he's done to let tony down, he can't add one more thing to the pile. besides, mr.stark doesn't deserve to be bothered by peter. mr. stark has his own family now.
what peter doesn't know is that tony watches the entire battle, and he curses himself for not creating a personal override code to EDITH. there's little he can do - he can't even walk unassisted yet, and there really is no backup on earth at the moment. besides, peter doesn't want to see tony. he wants to be his own man, spider-man, not the next iron man that everyone wants him to be. tony realizes that he should have never asked peter to become the next iron man - no one should want to be tony stark. least of all peter.
tony only breaths easily, only steps away from the video feed when he hears peter regain control of the system. and he's so, so proud of him, but he knows better than to reach out to peter. peter doesn't want an old, bitter, disabled mentor that isn't good for much anymore. peter deserves someone better.
but when happy texts him in all caps TURN ON THE GODDAMN NEWS and he sees the video feed of peter's face being broadcast live across times square, he can't help himself. he goes straight to his phone, and he calls the number he hasn't contacted in seven months
peter webs up to the tallest building he can find, running away from the square, from the questions, the shouts of murderer, and from the increasing panic in his own lungs. he feels his phone vibrate, and he looks down, sees the name Mr. Stark across the caller ID and knows he really fucked up
he doesn't want to answer - doesn't want tony to know about his latest fuck up, after everything he tried to keep from him, after trying so hard to be better, to be good enough, good enough for tony, good enough for iron man. but he knows it'll be worse if he doesn't answer, and so he picks up
tony doesn't give him a greeting, he just jumps straight into it. "Listen, I know you're mad at me and don't want to talk to me, but this is bigger than you and you need to let me help you. this is on me, pete."
peter can't even begin to form coherent thoughts, his breath is coming out in short gasps that don't seem to do anything to actually give him oxygen. he says the first thing that pops into his head. "i'm not mad at you? "
tony sounds annoyed. "kid, you've been ignoring me since you came back. it's okay, i understand."
peter doesn't know what to do with that sentence, head swimming and vision blurring. "you don't need me." he whispers. "you deserve to be with your family. not around a stupid charity case kid that always fucks up whatever you do for him."
peter feels the need to explain himself against the crushing silence he hears on the other end of the phone. "i just wanted to make you proud. i wanted to show you that i could be who you wanted me to be. i didn't want to ruin your life again. but I just made everything worse, and...and maybe things would be better if spider-man had just stayed dusted.”
there's still silence on the other side, and peter manages to choke out a few more words, trying desperately to fix this, even though he has no idea what this is, even though this feels like his whole world is crashing down around him, louder than even when Ben died. "you don't need a teenage screwup around. you deserve better, you - you deserve morgan. it's okay, i understand." he closes his eyes. "i'll - i'll take care of this.  i'll figure it out. i'm sorry to bother you."
and that's when peter hears a voice behind him, one he hasn't heard in person for so long
"underoos, if you keep talking like this, may and pep are going to have to fight it out over who gets to kill me first."
peter looks up from the phone and sees tony in a suit unlike any he's seen before - wrapping around his legs and helping him walk, with a gleaming metal prosthetic arm. even tony's right eye glows with a mechanical light. peter's jaw drops. "you - you shouldn't be here. you're recovering."
"considered me recovered." tony drawls. "whatever happened to 'if you actually cared you be here?’ can't believe there would ever be a time where i would miss spider-brat."
peter says nothing, and tony's face softens, guilt etched on every line in his face. "that asshole really did a number on you, huh kid?"
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badmcuposts · 6 years ago
Concept: An au where Tony is an actor playing Dewey in a broadway production of School of Rock and all of his adopted and biological children are kids playing the Horace Green students (Harley as Zach, Peter as Freddie, Morgan as Summer, etc)
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sensesdialed · 2 years ago
as of 11/22/22, the majority of replies (asks/threads/starters/etc) that are NOT explicitly set during a specific timeframe will default to peter’s post-trilogy/college verse. depending on who/what the interaction is, this could be nwh compliant or include my alternate version of the ending where the memories of peter stay intact. the point is they’ll automatically take place while peter around 18/19 years old, enrolled at esu, and living in his own apartment 
of course i’ll still be writing plenty of stuff that takes place during and in between the trilogy, especially if i feel it fits the prompt better, he’s just no longer being automatically placed somewhere in that hoco-ffh area 
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joyful-soul-collector · 4 years ago
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❄️Week 1: December 9-15❄️
stars in the city ch. 10 by @parkrstark (Pt. 3 of constant as the stars above)
Summary: Peter and Steve are finally settling into their new life with Tony. Recovery isn't always a straight line, especially with a four-year-old, but they're trying their best. Their newfound fame has Steve juggling between his private life and the one plastered on the front page of every tabloid. He shouldn't have been surprised that the public didn't believe in his rags to riches love story. Tony usually makes it easier for him to handle it all. Until he starts to distance himself from Steve, as if now he's the one hiding something. And Steve is left wondering if he's about to lose Tony for good this time.
Relationships/Tropes: Stony, Irondad, Papa Steve, Homeless Peter Parker, Homeless Steve Rogers, No Powers AU, (Coffee Shop AU??? Sorta)
Review: This fic just always makes my heart ache in the best way. So much fluff, so much angst, it's a perfect balance that I'm just absolutely in love with!
Devils Roll The Dice ch. 9 by @ephemeralstark
Summary: “I miss you Mr. Stark,” Peter admitted as he stared up through the leaves overhead at the stars that twinkled promisingly at him, “I wish you were back here. I would give anything to fix things, I would give anything for you to be alive today.” What Peter didn't know, as he made that wish and closed his eyes, letting the tears fall shamefully, was that the Universe was always listening, and it was dangerous to make a wish and offer up anything. - Tony Stark wakes up in his bed one morning, not realising that months have passed since his death - that's going to be awkward to explain to the world. Peter Parker has been living on the streets, trying to hide his identity as the entire world wants Spider-Man dead, and dealing with the trauma that Beck left him. To make things worse - it's now his fault that yet another bad guy thinks they're entitled to owning Earth.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Spideychelle, Pepperony, Happy Hogan/May Parker, Homeless Peter Parker, Post-FFH, Post-Identity Reveal, Tony Stark Comes Back To Life
Review: Oh man this fic is so sad and so sweet, I love it so much! I love how it combines Peter's trauma after Mysterio with his reaction to finding out that Tony is alive again, it's just so creative!
His Heart Bloomed Sunflowers (and he wore them on his skin) by @littlemissagrafina (Pt. 24 of Comfortember 2020)
Summary: Peter honestly didn't know how no one had discovered his tattoos yet. He wasn't broadcasting them but he wasn't exactly being the most subtle either. Although he was partly grateful for it since he was dreading what would happen when May on Tony saw them. But he was pleasantly surprised at the reactions that he got when he was found out. Peter had expected anger, disappointment, maybe annoyance at the very least. What he got was far from that. (A sequel to Comfortember Day 4. Anxiety) Comfortember Day 29. Make/Build/Create Something Beautiful
Relationships/Tropes: Minor Spideychelle, Tattoos, Comfortember
Review: I love this fic so much! I loved the description of how the flowers wilted when the ones he'd drawn had faded, and how the ones he got tattooed never wilted again :']
I’ll drive all night (to keep them warm) by @littlemissagrafina (Pt. 23 of Comfortember 2020) 
Summary: For the next hour they tried to calm Morgan again but, just like the rest of the day with Tony and Pepper, nothing was working. No teething rings, gel, nothing. The little girl was just well and truly grumpy, tired, and sore.
Suddenly an idea came to Peter and he turned to Tony and Pepper. 
"Can I try something?"
They both nodded at him, prompting him to continue with his idea.
"Can I take her for a drive?" He asked. "I'm not sure if it'll work but Ben used to do it for me when I was younger and it always calmed me down."
Comfortember day 28. Car Ride
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Peter & Morgan, Pepperony, Baby Morgan, Car Rides, Comfortember
Review: This one was so cute! I love Peter being a good big brother to baby Morgan, and I relate to finding trips in the car relaxing and nice :D
It’s What Brothers Do by @littlemissagrafina (Pt. 22 of Comfortember 2020)
Summary: Morgan was somehow full of even more energy than usual that day and wanted to see if she could do the monkey bars that were attached to the jungle gym herself. Before Peter could stop her, she had already grabbed hold of the first one and let herself swing towards the next one.
But the little girl had misjudged just how heavy swinging your own body weight was and almost immediately started falling. Peter shot forward from his place on the ground, jumping and diving, just managing to catch her before they both hit the grass of the park grounds. Comfortember Day 27. Park
Relationships/Tropes: Minor Pepperony, Peter & Morgan, Irondad, Peter Protects Morgan, Comfortember
Review: Another cute Big Brother Peter fic! I love that Peter was really protecting Morgan in this one, he loves her enough to put himself in harm's way to protect her
The Burger Debate by @littlemissagrafina (Pt. 21 of Comfortember 2020) 
Summary: Tony and Peter shared a lot of similarities, there was no doubt about it. A lot of their mannerisms were the same, personality quirks (especially in the lab), occasional recklessness, selfless hero personas, etc etc. However, one thing they didn't share was their taste in burgers. Whenever the topic came up there was a friendly, yet heated, 'disagreement' as Tony called it. No matter what anyone ever told him, Tony thought that a cheeseburger was the holy grail of burgers. And Peter, well… he happened to think the same only for chicken burgers.
Comfortember Day 26. Junk Food
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Peter & Morgan, Pepperony, Infinity War Compliant, Not Endgame Compliant
Review: This was so sweet and so sad, especially the part where Tony couldn't eat burgers while Peter was snapped because it hurt him too much. It showed his grief really well
Career Day Drabble by @jen27ny 
Summary: uncle happy and uncle rhodey come to peter’s career day
Relationships/Tropes: Happy & Peter, Rhodey & Peter, Happy & Rhodey, Minor Irondad, Career Day
Review:  I loved this story so much! I really appreciate seeing some nice Uncle Rhodey and Uncle Happy content!!
Gifts by @wayward-fairchild (Pt. 5 of Holiday Collection 2020) 
Summary: Rhodey and Tony have been together to the point Rhodey sees the kids as his own. Maybe that is why the kids agree to help with Rhodey's biggest gift to Tony yet.
Relationships/Tropes: Rhodey & Tony, Irondad, Rhodey & Peter, Christmas, Kid Peter
Review: This was just absolutely adorable! I love some Irondads content and this was very sweet
evermore by @lyssismagical
Summary: Just a Solid Vent Fic. I wanna do 30 days of Taylor Swift-inspired fics (folklore and evermore) lmao but idk yet we’ll see lemme know tho
Relationships/Tropes: Spideychelle, Irondad, Peter Overworks Himself
Review: I loved this one a lot! I definitely relate to Peter with tending to overwork myself during school and letting other things fall away, and then feeling quite exhausted after it's all over haha. I'm glad MJ and Tony were able to help him <3
Two Hours Spent Cuddling by @skeeter-110 (Pt. 2 of Twelve Days of Christmas)
Summary: A giant snowstorm takes out the power in the tower. While waiting for the backup generator to come up, the Stark-Rhodes family finds a way to stay warm.
Relationships/Tropes: Ironhusbands, Irondad, Papa Rhodey, Kid Peter, Christmas
Review: I. Love this story. So much. I haven't seen very many stories that center around Rhodey being a father-figure to Peter, and this one definitely filled all my desires for such a story! It's so fluffy and sweet, and I loved every word :D
Three Stark-Rhodes’ Decorating by @skeeter-110 (Pt. 3 of Twelve Days of Christmas)
Summary: Tony, Rhodey, and Peter Stark-Rhodes begin decorating for the holiday season.
Relationships/Tropes:  Ironhusbands, Irondad, Papa Rhodey, Kid Peter, Christmas
Review: This story was absolutely adorable! It was another featuring Papa Rhodey and Dad Tony with Little Peter, and it was so well done! I love that Tony's robots and JARVIS each get a stocking hung over the fire too, and the way Peter pronounce ornaments as "orminents" was so cute!!!
Four Poorly Wrapped Presents by @skeeter-110 (Pt. 3 of Twelve Days of Christmas)
Summary: Peter has two presents each for his Daddy and his Papa. The only problem was, he had no idea how to wrap them. He figures the Avengers could help.
Relationships/Tropes: Ironhusbands, Irondad, Papa Rhodey, Avengers Family, Kid Peter, Christmas
Review: This was so sweet! Clint, Nat, and Steve treat Peter with such sweetness, and it made my heart all fuzzy and warm <3
If you look at any these stories, be sure to show the author your appreciation with a comment/kudos/reblog where applicable!
Click here for more fanfic rec lists!
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ao3feed-petermj · 18 days ago
Face it Tiger
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/0lsUbuf by The_Mild_And_The_Profound Months after his bad break up with Liz Allen, Peter Parker is still heart broken. Aunt May—being the doting and caring aunt that she was—is tired of seeing him sulk, so the woman has a plan to set him up with a friend's daughter. Although Peter is reluctant about it. Just who exactly was this girl anyways? Words: 3514, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Peter Parker, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Liz Allan (Marvel), Harry Osborn, Michelle Jones's Mother (Marvel), Madeline Watson Relationships: Michelle Jones/Peter Parker Additional Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Fluff, like stupid amounts of it, Past Liz Allan/Peter Parker, kinda ooc Liz Allan, at least MCU Liz anyways, comic/other media depictions it’s kinda lowkey accurate, BAMF Michelle Jones (Marvel), Zendaya with the red hair for the ffh tour you will always be famous, Peter Parker Deserves Better, yes it is MJ’s iconic line, no beta—we die like my will to live! read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/0lsUbuf
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sadachmesarthim · 4 years ago
wow i woke out of a dead sleep thinking about this. like sat straight up hyperventilating- it's not even 6 am yet so bear with me this probably won't make sense. endgame compliant, NOT ffh compliant.
i need more peter working through his grief in a negative way.
people never tell you that grief is ugly. they never tell you about the bad side of it, how it can turn literally everything you know upside down.
i need more of peter dropping out of college because he can't focus on school anymore, or at the very least taking a gap year. need more of him withdrawing from his family and friends - social isolation is one of the biggest symptoms of grief.
i need more of him going to the cabin. i need more of him sitting at the foot of tony's grave, not a single tear in his eye. crying is actually kind of rare, depending on how intense the grief is. it took me over 6 months to cry after my uncle died, and he n i were closer than ben & peter. grief is interesting.
i need more of him screaming at tony. need more of him losing his shit in the middle of the fucking forest.
"i put my life on hold for you! i gave up my passions for you! i lied for you! i died for you, mister stark!
"you could have done anything else! you could have left it, for bruce or for thor or for carol- literally anyone else! but you had to go and be the hero.
"you left the entire world behind, you know? they haven't moved on yet, but they will. they'll have their parades and their murals and their stupid tv broadcasts. you know who won't?
"pepper. your wife. morgan. your daughter.
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aire101 · 5 years ago
Ferrum Intro
My brain absolutely, positively refuses to focus on romance atm, which means I have made no progress on my WIP and instead my brain ended up producing this concept which I will probably continue at least until I get it out of my system.  So here’s the beginning of a post-Endgame MCU/SAO Irondad fic that I went online to read, discovered it didn’t exist yet, and so could NOT GET OUT OF MY DAMN HEAD.
It had been a long day.
Then again, every day seemed like a long one lately.
It had been a relatively beautiful November day for New York City, and with the approaching holidays Peter was starting to see the usual uptick in petty crime begin this season. Within his five hour patrol he had helped eight lost tourists, found one lost pet, caught two armed burglars and tied up a ridiculous number of petty thieves. Nothing too problematic, just another day in the life of our friendly neighborhood Spider-man.
Peter sat crouched on a roof looking over the newest Iron Man mural to pop up, this time right on the edge between Queens and Brooklyn. There were several around town already, but this one was especially heart-wrenching. Most were either of the armor mid-action or of Mr. Stark in his trademark press look. But this one was different in the best and worst way.
In this art, Mr. Stark was still in his armor, but the helmet was retracted, allowing the viewer to see the blood crusted on his face, the lines of worry even deeper than they were before everything had gone to hell. There weren’t many pictures of Mr. Stark from the five year period now known as the Blip, but in the ones there were Peter knew he had looked like this— tired and worn in a way Peter had never seen, but could well understand. All in all, it looked uncannily similar to the last time Peter had seen him. When—
And on the shoulders of this mural’s Tony Stark rested an enormous orb holding dozens of galaxies spiraling around a central point— a tiny arc reactor in the shape of a heart.
There was still a little while before he would be expected at Ned’s tonight, but the more he tried to convince himself to hit the streets again, the heavier his limbs felt.
He couldn’t do it. Not like this. Experience told him it was a recipe for disaster, likely to get himself or someone else badly hurt. Himself he could handle, someone else… his conscience couldn’t take another body added to its count right now. Besides, he had promised Ned he’d be there tonight.
Peter sighed and swung away from his rooftop perch to head back towards Ned’s, not sparing the art a backwards glance.
No matter how good it was, no reproduction could ever duplicate what he had lost.
“Whoa, you’re early,” said Ned with a mild tone of shock. Which honestly… was probably fair. “I wasn’t expecting you for at least another thirty minutes.”
“Yeah, I decided to call it a night early. It was actually pretty quiet tonight anyway. Didn’t want to get too wrung out on the web considering we have plans tonight,” said Peter as he stepped into the Leeds’ apartment, slipping off his shoes and hanging his coat on the rack. “Where is everyone?”
“Dad has to work tonight, and mom and Angelica went to Laser Bounce earlier, but they should be back before too long. I stayed home to finish some stuff up before the launch tonight. Plus, I wasn’t sure when you’d be getting here, so…”
“Sorry, I should have messaged earlier.”
“You’re alright man. Like I said, I had some stuff to wrap up. I plan to be in-game as much as possible tomorrow,” said Ned as they moved into his bedroom.
“You sure you don’t mind me getting the first run tonight? They might have some secret opening event planned for the first few hours…” asked Peter.
“I am absolutely positive. I am going to have plenty of opportunities to lose unhealthy amounts of sleep to this game. Besides, between the two of us I think you need the break more than me.  On a related note— you look terrible man. Have you been sleeping at all?”
“I sleep,” said Peter defensively. “I don’t really need much though, you know?”
“Physically, sure. Mentally? You’re still just as human as the rest of us Peter. Have you talked to May about it? Or Happy?”
“Can we please drop this? It’s just been a long day, alright?”
“What happened? I thought you said it was mostly quiet?” asked Ned, confused.
“I meant it was quiet for New York, I was still busy pretty much all evening,” said Peter, falling backwards onto Ned’s bed.
Ned sat down at his computer, spinning around to face Peter. “Fine, but I’m definitely going to harass you later, and you better actually sleep after we trade off in a few hours. Anyway, I am SO PSYCHED or this! God I hope its worth all the hype.”
“I can’t imagine it being a flop. The tech behind it is revolutionary, and the head developer has been working on the game for like a decade,” said Peter, as he scrolled through the GameSpot special coverage from that day.
“Wasn’t SI contracted to consult on it, too?” asked Ned.
Peter felt his throat begin to constrict. The nails of his right hand bit into the flesh of his palm as he forced himself to take a slow breath—hold—and release…
“Yeah, Mr. Stark consulted on it himself. Some of the engineering on the headset is similar to the BARF technology. I think he might have worked on a couple system AI’s as well.”
“That is so cool man. So this is almost like his last tech contribution? Last gift to the world…”
“I doubt that. It was just a consult job, most of the work was done by Argus. Plus, Mr. Stark had years worth of projects and updates on file. We’ll probably see things he had a hand in being released for the next ten years at the least,” said Peter.
“Still pretty cool though,” said Ned with a shrug.
At that moment, Peter heard the sound of a key being inserted into the lock of the front door.
“Looks like they’re back,” he said, continuing to scroll, this time through discussions on Reddit.
“Have you had dinner yet? You know if you haven’t she’s going to force you to eat before you dive.”
“Nah, I didn’t get a chance to stop off earlier. What kind of leftovers do ya have?”
“I think there’s meatloaf and some chicken adobo left at the moment.”
“Yaaasss… Chicken adobo…”
Just then Ned’s bedroom door opened, and Mrs. Leeds poked her head in, a large smile on her face.
“Peter! I thought I saw your coat by the door! I’m glad you were able to make it tonight! Edward has been excited about the sleepover for weeks,” she said.
“Oh my god, mom! It’s not a sleepover! I doubt we’ll even sleep much!”
“Isn’t that what sleepovers are about?! You’re ridiculous… Anyway, have you eaten?” Mrs. Leeds asked, looking at Peter.
Peter had to bite back a smile, but shook his head.
“Hala ka, you’re going to waste away into dry bones! I don’t care how busy you are these days, you shouldn’t be skipping meals. You’ll blow away in a strong breeze. Come, I’ll heat something up. I know how bad you boys get about eating when its a normal game. A full immersion VR? You’ll forget you even have a real body that needs sustenance.”
“Yes, ma’am,” said Peter, dutifully following her into the kitchen.
“You are in luck. We have some leftover chicken adobo from last night. I know you like that recipe. Did May ever give it a go?”
Peter flashed back to the gloopy, slightly charred mess that was May’s attempt at cooking the dish. “Eh… Yeah but it wasn’t quite the same. Still needs a bit of work.”
“Huh,” Mrs. Leeds said, sounding confused.
“Peter!” shouted a voice from behind him.
“Hey Angie,” said Peter, before he felt arms wrap around him from behind in a bear hug.
His heart throbbed in his chest. His breath caught and wouldn’t come.
Thanos was coming for the gauntlet he couldn’t let him have it he had to run the aliens were grabbing him he had to—
“You never come around anymore! It’s been months—!”
“Stop that Angelica. It’s been a crazy year, and Peter stays very busy between school and an internship. Shouldn’t you be getting ready for bed? It’s already way passed bedtime.”
Angie rolled her eyes dramatically but stomped back off towards her room to do as she was asked.
“Sorry, dear. She just missed her big brothers, you know.”
Peter did his best to force out a grin, but he wasn’t sure just how well it came off because the next thing he knew Mrs. Leeds was giving him a tender kiss on the head and muttering about making some cups of cocoa.
It was moments like this that he truly felt the strange reality of the fact that he had lost five years of his life. On the surface level everything felt mostly the same— Aunt May along with the majority of his friends had also been snapped, as well as several of his teachers. But while they were gone, Ned’s little sister aged from an innocent five year old, to a ten year old girl who had grown in a world in more confusion, pain and desperation than Peter could really comprehend. Freshman he had helped tutor in school had graduated. Families he had known were irreparably torn apart, seemingly overnight.
It felt like while he was still the same, the rest of the world had tilted slight to the left, leaving him unbalanced and unsure where to step next. He’d always felt a bit out of place anyway after the spider bite, but now it was so much worse. Sometimes Peter wanted a taste of what normal used to be like, without freaky spider powers, world protecting responsibilities and the guilt of looking around him and wondering if he deserved to be here at all.
He glanced at the clock that hung on the wall— fifteen minutes till midnight.
“I should probably go brush my teeth too and get settled in. The server will open soon,” said Peter as he stood.
“Yeah, though there shouldn’t really be much to do other than to actually connect since we calibrated your account the other day,” said Ned.
Within ten minutes Peter had taken care of his nightly necessities and given Angie and Mrs. Leeds both a hug goodnight, settling in on the upper bunk of Ned’s bed.
“Last time I’m asking— are you sure you don’t mind me giving this the first run?” asked Peter.
Ned sighed and spun around from his computer to send Peter an exasperated look. “Do you not want to take it on its maiden voyage?”
“That’s not what I said,” Peter rolled his eyes.
“Then stop worrying.  Just have a good time for once.  Also, I downloaded a couple files to the gear.  Not sure how reliable it is yet, but a few beta testers put out some first floor tips on the DL as a downloadable in game file, so check that out once you dive.  It might help out a bit.”
“Will do.  Thanks.”
“No problem.  Now get going, and be sure to take plenty of notes in your journal to send me later.”
“See you around, kid.”
“I am older than you are by two months.  Shut up and dive, loser.”
Peter smiled as he fitted the Nervegear onto his head, laid back and said, “Link Start.”
In a remote, nondescript server room a certain file kicked to life.  It’s programming had been remotely accessed, a mere accident of oversight.  The digital pathways that connected it to the Argus servers, while known about, had been forgotten in the chaos of the last few years.  The file was not one created within the system, but one created to interact within it.  The Cardinal system downloaded the precious data, implementing it in the category that best described its form and function.
Program designation: Client
System ID: Ferrum Vir
Administration level: GM
. . . .
Installation Complete
At 12:00 am EST on November 5th, 2023 (1:00 pm JST), Peter Parker joined 10,000 others in the world’s first full dive MMORPG— Sword Art Online.
And so did a very confused Anthony Edward Stark.
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fragilefangirl · 6 years ago
you knock me out, I fall apart (and I thought I was so smart)
By Daisy_Anne
“Wh-What?” Peter spluttered.
MJ took a deep breath, shakily. “Pregnant.” She said, vaguely gesturing to her upper body. “y’know. Bun in the oven. Baby on board. All the euphemisms.”
If he focused hard enough, he could hear the baby's heartbeat, going a fast thump-a-thump-a-thump that was perhaps twice his own.
“We’re—” Peter choked, emotions clogging his throat. “we’re going to have a baby.” He said, shakily.
And then they were hugging, and MJ laughed—a wet, teary laugh, but a laugh nonetheless—as he whispered sweet nothings to her ear.
He didn’t tell her about the inescapable fear that interlaced with his joy.
That was his first mistake.
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rocinantescoffeestop · 3 years ago
Tagged by the lovely @foxesandmagic <3 Thank yeee, friendo!
Rules: •Post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. •send me an ask with the title that intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet or tell you something about it! •and tag as many people as you have wips.
Sooooo many folders to sorta through, whoops! Below are a mix of drabbles, one-shots, and multi-chap WIPS but to label them specifically would get much wordier than it's already turning out. Also! This is a great way to organise things in my head and prioritise (bc jeezus i really do need that). Feel free to interact through asks or DMs to ask questions about any of the following!!!
Fandom AUs:
"Across State Lines" - Parks and Rec (oc)
"Adrian's Legacy" - MCU (oc)
"bc the parallels are too great" - Cobra Kai/Star Wars
"Circumstantial" - Psych/Lie To Me
"Cosmic Symphonies" - Arrowverse
"Denney Canon-Integration and/or Soulmate AU musings" - Scrubs
"Doctorhood" - Psych
"Encyclopedia Shawn" - Psych
"FFH Tony Rewrite" - MCU
"Go Big or Go Home | Shawn/Peter/Tony | genius brunettes AU" - Psych/Fringe/MCU
"In Need of a War" - Doctor Who (oc)
"Infiltrated" - MCU
"Locked Up" - MCU (oc)
"Meta-Kids" - Arrowverse
"mobsters + hospitals + Eo/Ana + Mel" - Arrowverse
"Orphan Triple Cherries oops" - Parks and Rec (oc)
"pub hopping & screenshot" - Ted Lasso
"rainbow road" - Psych
"Self-Reliance" - Psych/DCAU
"Shawn in the Arrowverse" - Psych/Arrowverse
"Shules coffee shop skiej!nnn!!!!" - Psych
"The Reinvention" - Cobra Kai
"Triple Trouble and Space Woes | Knope-Wyatt Triplets" - Parks and Rec/Lost in Space (oc)
"xmen apocalypse genderbent!scott rewrite" - X-Men (duh :P)
Canon-Compliant Fandom Stories:
"50 Ways to Leave Your Father" - Psych
"A Very Spidey Christmas" - MCU (post-No Way Home)
"All The Way Home" - MCU (also post-No Way Home)
"Colin/Isaac combine their fam xmas visits together, the more the merrier, eh?" - Ted Lasso
"Conforth and Lassiter" - Psych
"dancing 'round the ambiguity" - Psych
"divorce impending nooooo not really" - Psych
"endgame takes longer" - MCU (oc)
"Family Matters" - Psych
"hungry hungry speedsters" - Arrowverse
"Jake + Rosa's Academy Days" - B99
"Mr. Yin Presents the Aftermath!" - Psych
"Shawn's House of Memories" - Psych
"shawn preseries whump - on the lam" - Psych
"The Only Thing You Know" - Arrowverse
"The Worst Mistake" - MCU
"Want It to be like ~Messy~" - Arrowverse
"Wonderland" - Arrowverse
"worried" - MCU
Original Stories:
"Bitter Ends" (main piece to companion "Deja Vu")
"Follow Through"
"past the moon - rework to plausibility"
"Six Years in the Making"
"werewolf mania"
"zombie world - too many zombie fandoms i need to pick one"
There you have it! A lot of my current WIP document titles lmaooo. Not seen are the WIPS where I only have a title for and a vague idea of what to include. If I added those, the list would never end. Hope this gives you a kick of enjoyment on a fine, dandy Sunday! And remember, you're welcome to send asks or dms asking about any one of them! (I'd love to ramble my heart out)
Tagging: @karenvvick @someonefantastic @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle @bluejay-in-flight @eddysocs @roadlesstraveledby and anyone else who wants to do this bc i'd end up tagging everyone on this site if I "tagged as many people as I have wips" like the rules state lmao
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petermj-week · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
Introducing the Spideychelle Recathon!
I really appreciated all of the hard work and dedication the Spideychelle fandom showed during this year’s Spideychelle Week and I really wanted to find a way to celebrate all of those fantastic creators in this fandom, including those who didn’t participate in the week but contribute to the fandom outside of it. A lot of fan events that are hosted on Tumblr focus on content creation and I wanted to create an event focused on content appreciation.
Then it hit me—a recathon, taking from the words recommendation and marathon; an event that encourages people to rec many fanworks over the course of the event. I’m surely not the first to come up with the idea, but I haven’t seen it in the Spideychelle fandom yet. I hope this event will be a success like Spideychelle Week has proven to be in the past and it becomes a staple for the fandom.
The event will take place in October across all thirty-one days. You do not have to participate for every day, however, and you can pick and choose based on the daily themes that have fanworks that you are passionate about and wish to reccomend to others. I’d like on the chosen day for particpants to create a rec list (it does not have to be a list if you only have one fanwork to rec) and tag this blog (@spideychelleweek) so that I can reblog the rec list. It’s also encouraged that you tag the creators’ you’re reccing and let them know you love their work! If the original creator has already posted the fanwork on Tumblr then you can also choose to reblog their original post and tag this blog, letting me know you’re reccing it.
I hope most of the prompts are self-explanatory, but if not then below the cut I’ll try to simply explain each one. If you have any questions about the prompts or the event then please send in an ask and I’ll answer as promptly as I can.
Day 01 | Classics: Older and beloved fanworks; the type that every fan should read/watch/see and is introduced to every new Spideychelle fan someway or another. These fanworks should have been posted before the release of Spider-Man: Far From Home.
Day 02 | Crossover/Fusion: Crossover is when two fandoms combine, such as a fanwork where Peter Parker meets Robert Patterson’s Batman, while fusion is where the fandoms are merged by implanting the characters of one setting into another, such as the ever popular Hogwarts AU.
Day 03 | Kiss: Fanworks involving kissing, such as a one shot about their first kiss or a fanart of a passionate kiss. Kissing doesn’t have to be the main focus of the work. For instance, if you think a 100k word fanfic has the best kiss scenes then rec it away even if it has 95k words where no kissing is involved.
Day 04 | MJ Backstory: In the MCU’s canon we don’t know a lot about MJ’s family or her life, but the fandom has explored and delved deep into MJ’s character so this slot is for fanworks that explore MJ’s backstory whether it be a down-to-earth depiction of her family or exciting backstory where MJ is a spy.
Day 05 | Fluff: A fanwork that is pleasant and makes you feel good, such as fanworks depicting cuddling or other affectionate actions though fluff isn’t limited to that.
Day 06 | Identity Reveal: Fanworks that explore Peter Parker’s secret identity and it being revealed to MJ (who may already know) or other characters.
Day 07 | Post-FFH: Fanworks that take place after Spider-Man: Far From Home and explore what happens after Mysterio revealed Peter Parker’s identity to the world.
Day 08 | Vids: All kinds of fanworks can be posted for each day, but I imagine most will end up being fics so this day is devoted solely to vids which are video edits often set to music using clips from the films.
Day 09 | Fix-It: For fanworks that “correct” canon events that are not liked by the fan(dom), such as fanworks where the Snap/Blip never happened, Tony never died, or whatever else that fandom seeks to correct through fanworks.
Day 10 | Favorite Creator(s): Spread the spotlight to specific creators whose fanworks you love.
Day 11 | Domestic: Fanworks involving the characters living everyday lives. Often involves marriage or children, but domestic fanworks don’t have to include that nor does domestic mean that Peter can’t have powers, since being Spider-Man is a normal part of his everyday life.
Day 12 | Angst: Fanworks that hit you in the feels by making you feel negative emotions, particularly saddness or fear.
Day 13 | No Spider-Man: Fanworks that depict Peter Parker as a normal human being without superpowers. Other characters can have superpowers, but Peter Parker cannot.
Day 14 | LGBT+: Fanworks that depict LGBT+ themes and/or characters such as Trans!Peter Parker or Bisexual!MJ. Those are just examples, so feel free to rec works that don’t fit those specific parameters as long as they are LGBT+ focused.
Day 15 | Underappreciated: Fanworks that are underappreciated, such as not having that much engagement from the fandom. I’ll let you determine what counts as underappreciated, but please don’t rec fanworks that have 1000 kudos and 50 comments. This day is about praising fanworks that get barely any praise.
Day 16 | Alternative Universe: Fanworks that alter elements of canon, such as College AUs, Coffee Shop AUs, Vampire AUs, Omegaverse AUs, Historical AUs, Soulmate AUs, and so, so, so many more.
Day 17 | Spider-Man 3: Fanworks that make you go, “this could be in the MCU’s Spider-Man 3,” whether it be fanart depicting an epic fight scene, a long fic plotting out a huge overarching narrative, a vid with a tight story, or whatever else you can think of. 
Day 18 | One Shots: Fanworks, typically fanfiction but it can include other mediums such as comics, that are standalone stories contained within a single chapter.
Day 19 | Hurt/Comfort: Fanworks involving a character(s) being hurt either emotionally or physically and then being comforted by another character(s). 
Day 20 | Self-Rec: Recommend a fanwork or fanworks that you created! Don’t be afraid to be proud of your work and I want everyone to shamelessly rec their fanworks that they’re proud of on this day.
Day 21 | Comic Elements: Fanworks that include elements from the Spider-Man comics that have yet to appear in the MCU, such as the Venom Symbiote or a reimagining of a classic scene/panel/storyline using the MCU’s version of the characters.
Day 22 | Art: A day to recommend your favorite pieces of fanart. This doesn’t just include drawn/painted art, but it can also include cosplay, sculptures, paper craft, and any other medium.
Day 23 | Missing Scene: Any fanwork that fills in a “gap” in the films and could reasonably be seen as canon compliant.
Day 24 | Five Things: A story structure that includes multiple scenes that are related to each other using a common theme. An example is “Five Time Peter & MJ Almost Kissed & The One Time They Did.” The story structure does not need to have exactly five and can have any number as long as it follows the typical structure.
Day 25 | Humor: Fanworks that are humorous and make you laugh.
Day 26 | Smut: Fanworks that depict sexual material of either a Mature or Explicit rating. 
Day 27 | Drabble: Fanfics that are exactly one hundred words long, but for this day I’ll accept less words or slightly more. And I also would like to see other mediums for this category such as vids that are less than thirty seconds. Generally, just fanworks that are fairly short in length.
Day 28 | Mental Health: Fanworks that depict mental illness, mental disorders, or neurodivergent headcanons. Examples include, but are not limited to, ADHD, Autism, Panic Attacks, PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, etc.
Day 29 | Meta: Essays or analysis discussing the characters and/or relationship in the context of its portrayal in canon or fandom. 
Day 30 | New Fanwork: Fanworks that have only been recently posted. I won’t give an exact hard timeline for you to follow, but as a guideline I’d say it counts as new if it was posted in the past two months.
Day 31 | Free Day: Reccomend fanworks based on any theme (or no theme) that you want.
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starkravinghazelnoots · 4 years ago
So, I saw your post about Sam finding out that his least favourite coworker is now his nephew and lemme tell you, it is l e g e n d a r y. Yet, I offer you a counterproposal: Sam and May or Sarah and May are dating and neither Sam or Sarah know Peter is Spiderman. So at the first joint family dinner with Sarah, Sam, May and Peter, Peter is super quiet and awkward because he knows he annoys Sam in the suit, he doesn't want to annoy Sam out of the suit and mess it up for May. Cue Sam being confused bc he's heard so much about Peter, either from May herself, or Sarah, depending on who's dating May. (May just loves bragging about her incredible nephew okay?). So he tries to bond with Peter, who opens up a bit, but is still super shy and awkward. Obviously, Sam grows fond of him, because how couldn't he? Eventually, he finds out that Peter Parker and Spiderman are the same person, and he's shocked bc they're so different? Like Peter is shy, clumsy and oblivious and Spiderman is witty, even in the face of Danger - once he saw him crack a joke with a gun pointed in his face. He's just unable to connect the two in his head. But then Sam takes him out for ice cream one day and suddenly Peter just throws himself in front of a kid, pushing him out the way before he could get run over. Peter's injured, and that's when Sam realised. It's not so weird that Peter Parker and Spiderman are one and the same. Spiderman is loyal, selfless, kind. That doesn't come from the suit - that's all Peter. He gets on with him much better after that, even if he never lets the car incident go.
MY FRIEND WE ARE ON THE S A M E WAVELENGTH!! YOUR MIND!! because - mild spoiler alert for my upcoming sarahmay // sambucky fic - in my sm // sb fic, sarah is not going to learn peter is spider-man by the end of the story (sam already knows his identity because i like the hc that he and bucky kind of look after peter in the field/training when they can now that tony is gone; the fic is endgame-compliant and ig either set before ffh or just not compliant with ffh, lol). why have i done this? because i want to explore in future fic(s) how sarah discovers that peter is spider-man, not dissimilar to the process of realization for sam you describe here!! great minds think alike!!
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tonystarkbingo · 4 years ago
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TSB Mark V Roundup - Week 8!
We had a great party this weekend, thanks to our Discord and Party mods, so all the thanks and love to them!  Now go have some fun perusing our excellent content this week, and leave some love for the creators.
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Collaborator : Momothequeen Card Number: #5093 Square Filled: S1 - Wish Title: Yours Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony Stark/Peter Parker Word Count: 7775 Rating: Mature Major Tags/Triggers: SIM - Dubious Morality - Past Unethical Experimentation - Dead May Parker - Post FFH - Soulmates - Fluff Summary: After Far From Home Peter lost everything. Now he's running from SHIELD and has no intention to go back into custody. Ready to die Peter makes a last wish, he wants Tony Stark, his mentor back. To his surprise, the man appears in front of him, but is he really the man he once knew?
Collaborator : Beck Card Number: 5059 Square Filled: S4 - Art Format: Digital Medium Title: Smooch ♥️ Link: Tumblr Pairings: Pepperony Word Count: N/A Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: pepperony Summary: N/A
Collaborator : Momothequeen Card Number: 5093 Square Filled: A3 - Free Title: Hot Sand Link: AO3 Pairings: Peter Parker/Tony Stark Word Count: 5921 Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Triggers: Au /No power - Unrealistic Pool Sex - Fluff - Beach Summary: When Peter wins first place in the September Foundation's annual contest for youth and science he doesn't believe his luck. His prize? A month-long vacation in a luxurious house for 4. Unfortunately, MJ, Ned, and May are all too busy that summer to go to Malibu, which doesn't stop Peter from going alone. The people he meets there will change his life.
Collaborator : RoseRose Card Number: 5032 Square Filled: R4 - Writing Format: Stream of Consciousness Title: Spiral Link: AO3 Pairings: Steve/Tony/Bucky Word Count: 104 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Poetry, Time Shenanigans Summary: Poem where time shenanigans change a sad ending to a happy one
Collaborator : deehellcat Card Number: 5018 Square Filled: S1 - witness Title: To Come Down Where We Ought To Be Link: AO3 Pairings: background Pepperony Word Count: 1444 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Iron Family, Tony Stark Lives, Not Endgame Compliant, the Russos whomst, idk them, Dad Jokes Told by Non-Dads, Precious Morgan Stark, Peter Parker & Harley Keener Friendship Summary: post-Endgame au--The Keener kids visit the Stark family after the world is put to rights, and Tony is reminded once more how fortunate he is.
Collaborator : oluka Card Number: 5101 Square Filled: R3 - Extremis Title: What You Wish For Link: AO3 Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Word Count: 2868 Rating: Mature Major Tags/Triggers: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, suicidal thoughts Summary: Tony sees the glint of the rifle just as Steve shouts and lunges for the U.S. Marshal in front of him.
Collaborator : iam93percentstardust Card Number: 5063 Square Filled: S4 - Handle with Care Title: Tell Me a Story Chapter 5 Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony & Rhodey Word Count: 1298 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Past Abuse Summary: Tony grows up hearing bedtime stories, told to him by the people who love him. Now an adult, it's his turn to share his stories with his children.
Collaborator : Momothequeen Card Number: 5093 Square Filled: R2 - Soulbound Title: Mine Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony Stark/Peter Parker Word Count: 1681 Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Triggers: Public sex - Anal Sex - Light BDSM - Minor Character Death - Summary: After Peter’s kidnapping by rebels, Tony has to lay a claim on His beloved soul. What better moment than a video meeting in front of millions to do so?
Collaborator : Beck Card Number: 5059 Square Filled: R5 - Multiverse Shenanigans Title: Multitasking Link: Tumblr Pairings: Pepper/Tony/Stephen Word Count: N/A Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Triggers: nsft, drpepperony, nudity Summary: N/A
Collaborator : Beck Card Number: 5059 Square Filled: A2 - No Modesty Title: Untitled Link: Tumblr Pairings: pepperony Word Count: N/A Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: nsft (ish), butt Summary: Tony's favorite superhero
Collaborator : rebelmeg Card Number: 5001 Square Filled: A5 - Pepper Potts / Rescue Title: Icarus and Apollia Link: AO3 Pairings: Pepperony Word Count: 1166 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Greek Mythology AU, happy ending Summary: An Iron Man twist on the myth of Icarus and the sun... who just happens to be his lover.
Collaborator : AriaGrill Card Number: 5035 Square Filled: Adopted - Cock Rings Title: Growing Old (And It's Problems) Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Word Count: 783 Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Triggers: Smut, Erectile dysfunction, minor angst, hurt/comfort Summary: As Tony got older, his sexual prowess wasn’t what it used to be. Now in his 50s, he had to be much more careful in what he ate, he didn’t retain any muscle, and worst of all he started to develop erectile dysfunction. So, they compromised on Tony swallowing his pride and using help to get hard. He couldn’t use pills due to his heart condition, but ‘primitive’ penis pumps and cock rings really did the trick.
Collaborator : Caiti Card Number: 5013 Square Filled: K5 - Natasha Romanoff Title: A Slow Evolution Link: Tumblr Pairings: Tony Stark/Natasha Romanoff Word Count: n/a Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Moodboard, Alternate Universe Summary: Distant and suspicious at first, there is a slow evolution in the relationship between these two, but eventually they make a strong connection. A thought that should worry more than a few people . . .
Collaborator : AriaGrill Card Number: 5035 Square Filled: Adopted - Tony/Thor Title: Asgard Ball Link: Tumblr Pairings: Tony/Thor Word Count: n/a Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Drinking, moodboard Summary: Moodboard of an Asgardian mascarade
Collaborator : Caiti Card Number: 5013 Square Filled: Adopted - GRRRR: Drinking Title: Neighborhood Party Link: AO3 Pairings: n/a Word Count: n/a Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Moodboard, Alternate Universe - No Powers Summary: When Darcy first suggested celebrating the fall equinox, most people thought she might be crazier. Or crazier, as the case might be. But then Tony decided to run with the idea and got Pepper on board. And that, as they say, was that.
Collaborator : Tonks Card Number: 5026 Square Filled: Adopted - Kink: Fisting Title: Don’t Believe Everything You Read on the Internet Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony/Bucky Word Count: 1598 Rating: Mature Major Tags/Triggers: first anniversary gifts, Fisting, This Is STUPID Summary: Bucky needs to find the perfect gift for his boyfriend Tony. Luckily for him, he has google at his disposal
Collaborator : deehellcat Card Number: 5018 Square Filled: T2 - sober Title: dressings of a former sight Link: AO3 Pairings: background Pepperony Word Count: 2402 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Shave and a Haircut, Not Endgame Compliant, the Russos whomst, idk them, Scott Lang is a Good Bro Summary: Tony goes for a different look, with some amusing and enlightening results.
Collaborator : Tonks Card Number: 5026 Square Filled: R5 - A battle/fight/confrontation Title: Roomba roomba roomba You fill my heart with (dread) Link: AO3 Pairings: Bucky/Tony Word Count: 100 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Vampire!Bucky, Human/Vampire Relationship, human!tony, Drabbles Summary: Things are dropped, but Tony’s got his little robots to clean.
Collaborator : RoseRose Card Number: 5032 Square Filled: Adopted - Writing Format: Past Tense Title: Taps Link: AO3 Pairings: Rhodey & Tony Word Count: 109 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Major Character Death, Hurt No Comfort, Poetry Summary: Post-Endgame poem from Rhodey's POV. Definitely sad.
Collaborator : DarthBloodOrange Card Number: 5049 Square Filled: Adopted - Amnesia Title: Farmer Rogers Link: AO3 Pairings: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Word Count: N/a - Moodboard Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Amnesia, Canon Divergence AU, Farm/Ranch AU, Shrunkyclunks Summary: Steve wakes from the ice with no memory of his past. He moves out to a farm, where he falls for the farmer next door.
Collaborator : Chel Card Number: 5012 Square Filled: S3 - Ironhusbands Title: Please Know You Can Come Home Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony x Rhodey Word Count: 8173 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Alcoholism, attempted strangulation, trauma Summary: childhood friends James Rhodes and Tony Stark have never met in person. Instead, they use what Tony calls the Shine to communicate with each other. As they grew up, their Shine diminished and they lost touch with each other, and in time assumed the other was nothing more than a figment of their imagination. After countless fuck ups and tragedies, Tony ends up as a hospice worker in a small town. He uses his Shine to ease people into death and soothe their worries, earning him the peculiar title of Doctor Sleep. It takes just one more tragedy for him to be reunited with his childhood friend, James Rhodes.
Collaborator : 27dragons Card Number: 5036 Square Filled: K2 - Holding Hands Title: Cleanse Me (of My Sins) Link: AO3 Pairings: Winteriron (Bucky/Tony) Word Count: 1533 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Pre-Relationship, Bathing/Washing, Shaving, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Soft Tony Stark, Non-Sexual Intimacy, no plot no porn no point, just softe feels Summary: It didn’t happen as often anymore, but once Bucky had found himself slipping down the slope of whether he deserved to feel good and be healthy, he needed some help pulling himself back up out of the pit.
Collaborator : deehellcat Card Number: 5018 Square Filled: S5 - arranged marriage Title: Through many a fen where the serpent feeds, chapter 1 Link: AO3 Pairings: pre-winteriron Word Count: 1019 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Bog Boyfriends, Prince Tony Stark, Assault, Alt Universe—Fantasy, Monsters (?), Body Horror Summary: A rebellious prince finds himself lost in a swamp, menaced by animated plants, and rescued by a strange and fierce being.
Collaborator : Shadowstar Card Number: 5061 Square Filled: S2 - Hot Water Title: Forgotten Link: AO3 Pairings: Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson Word Count: Chapter: 14, 081 Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Triggers: Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Hurt/Comfort, A/B/O Dynamics, Self-lubrication, Omega Sam Wilson, Alpha Steve Rogers, past-Sam/Riley, past-Steve/Bucky, Consensual Somnophilia, dirty talk, anal sex, oral sex, knotting, porn with feelings, unexpected heat, trope subversion, wet and messy, no refractory period, trope subversion/inversion, POV Sam Wilson, friends to lovers, explicit consent Summary: A miscalculation has Sam in the hot seat.
Collaborator : Shadowstar Card Number: 5061 Square Filled: A2 - Vulnerability Title: Forgotten Link: AO3 Pairings: Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson Word Count: Chapter: 12,945 Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Triggers: Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Hurt/Comfort, A/B/O Dynamics, Self-lubrication, Omega Sam Wilson, Alpha Steve Rogers, past-Sam/Riley, past-Steve/Bucky, Consensual Somnophilia, dirty talk, anal sex, oral sex, knotting, porn with feelings, unexpected heat, trope subversion, wet and messy, no refractory period, trope subversion/inversion, POV Sam Wilson, friends to lovers, explicit consent Summary: A miscalculation leaves Sam in the hot seat
Collaborator : Shadowstar Card Number: 5061 Square Filled: S3 - Sam Wilson Title: Forgotten Link: AO3 Pairings: Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson Word Count: Chapter: 4041 Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Triggers: Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Hurt/Comfort, A/B/O Dynamics, Self-lubrication, Omega Sam Wilson, Alpha Steve Rogers, past-Sam/Riley, past-Steve/Bucky, Consensual Somnophilia, dirty talk, anal sex, oral sex, knotting, porn with feelings, unexpected heat, trope subversion, wet and messy, no refractory period, trope subversion/inversion, POV Sam Wilson, friends to lovers, explicit consent Summary: A miscalculation leaves Sam in the hot seat
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