#not explicitly a ship but im posting the tag anyways LOL
icedragonlizard · 6 months
DMK and Daroach friendship headcanons
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I headcanon these two being close buds. Heck, I'd actually even go as far as to consider them these two shadowy bozos to be best friends.
Dark Meta Knight doesn't have a lot of friends in my headcanons... he's really only friends with Kirby and the rest of wave 2, as he couldn't care less about the rest of the dream friends. But he's grown to be quite endeared to Daroach. And Daroach genuinely thinks that DMK is the coolest person in existence. These two are literally bros.
They met during Star Allies. Even when they first met, they... were already drawn to each other? Daroach was very intrigued to meet a shadier counterpart of Meta Knight, and figured that he'd go and hang around with the guy. Fortunately for him, that ended up working, as DMK ended up being drawn to the vibes and style that Daroach had, something he didn't do for most of the other star allies.
When the star allies split up into groups, these two were in the same group alongside Adeleine and Ribbon. Wave 2 as a whole was a group adventuring together during a lot of the time in Star Allies' events.
DMK and Daroach enjoyed kicking the asses of the cult's forces together. Daroach was generous enough to give elemental powers to DMK's sword on many occasions, beating up enemies in new ways.
They both also protected Adeleine and Ribbon from the cult's forces.
The wave 2 quartet bonded more closely after Star Allies, as they had a fun road-trip together (wave 1 also had a fun road-trip together, as did wave 3). Adeleine and Ribbon were already besties before Star Allies, but the road-trip made Daroach and DMK become besties.
Post-SA, Daroach and DMK visit each other regularly. DMK has set up a dimensional mirror somewhere in Sacred Square that Daroach uses to get to the mirror world to visit him. The first few times DMK attempted to vacation on Popstar, Daroach was the guy that helped show him around on the planet, and the squeaks' hideout is the place that DMK resorts to whenever he sleeps in Popstar on vacations.
The entire squeak squad likes DMK. They think he's the most badass dude ever. They ask him to show off by destroying random things.
What friendly activities do DMK and Daroach to together? Many things, in fact. Daroach has dragged DMK out of his comfort zone to do fun stuff. The things they do together include board games, truth-or-dare games, drinking beer, and some mischief during nighttime.
When Daroach visits the mirror world, DMK joins him in robberies in random places there. It's just some stupid fun they have together.
Daroach knows that DMK is still devoted to Dark Mind, but that doesn't really bother him all that much. He's able to keep DMK in check from going too far in nefarious plans with Dark Mind, even.
Overall, these are shadowy partners doing shadowy stuff.
Adeleine and Ribbon also come by sometimes to hang out with them.
Another big thing is that Daroach puts in effort to increase DMK's sense of humor, which was rather low at first. Daroach keeps cracking bunches of bad jokes. DMK at times can't admit but have dumb giggles to some of those terrible jokes every now and then.
They're also just about always right beside one another during star ally meetings that happen four times a year. This is partially because DMK is unpopular in the group and is prone to getting into fights with some of the other star allies. Daroach sticks right beside him to be emotional support and to help ensure that he doesn't get into fights.
The statement of DMK being rather unpopular in star ally gatherings is not an exaggeration, by the way. He fails miserably at getting along with the other ex-villains, with Daroach being the sole exception.
Dark Meta Knight does not at all get along with Marx, Taranza, Susie and Magolor. He despises all four of them. He's very prone to getting into fights with any of those four by just simply being nearby them.
And he doesn't really get along that well with the mage sisters either. He doesn't necessarily hate them as much as Marx + Wave 3 as they don't quite bother him as much, but he still doesn't care about them.
This means that overall, DMK has a rather poor track record in how he interacts with most of the other ex-villain dream friends. But Daroach is the pure exception to that. DMK and Daroach are buddies.
Daroach knows and understands that certain people do not like DMK, but that doesn't deter him. He himself thinks that the guy is super cool regardless, and he's not trying to get everyone to like the guy. He understands that DMK has moral issues, but he still sees the good in him and lets him know that he's appreciated. He believes in him.
Despite DMK being rather detached, he genuinely really likes Daroach. DMK really likes his fellow wave 2ers, but Daroach can be considered his best friend. He's let his guard down around Daroach.
And so that basically sums up the friendship of these dark dudes.
Yeah. I know that I portray Dark Meta Knight to have poor relationships with certain other dream friends, but he and Daroach are genuine pals. Although it's a little funny how much they differ in personality, as Daroach is very chill and laidback while DMK is bad-tempered and brutal. But Daroach is very easily capable of putting up with assholes, in my opinion. He's got all the patience in the world.
See y'all on the next one.
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ectobio · 8 months
whos crudae??
Omg... Im sgo old and withered... People don't know crudae anymore....
For contextamundo: crudae netkin is the ectobaby between karkat and nepeta and they were kinda my unofficial fav they were made exactly 3 days after the start of biologically-ectoplasm
I consider them to be a sort of culmination of the early days of my ectobiology career up there with the lolas, kularns and dreaded jambons simply because they were kind of a trailblazer
they were the first explicitly queer ectobaby, first to have a little note in the tags, first to have actual research put into their name instead of mish mashing names together or just naming something i already knew about, first to be of a ship i actually really liked, first to have me really mess about with outfits instead of just slapping together the predecessors outfits together with slight editing
Sorry 4 getting off track im just maybe a wince nostalgic for the hay days of this blog lol
Anyways in their post they were described as Calliope's protégé, so it was just a simple callback to ye old times... An easter egg for long time enjoyers
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basslinegrave · 4 months
make your own post this and that so i am. so i dont spam ppls tags and what not
thinking about how snm would realize they got feelings for one another and i feel like for sam the realization would come much later like. into their 20s at least but for max i think hed crush on him on and off since they would be like teens or something? im a sucker for stories about my ships realizing their feelings and getting together so its hard for me to just pick One to go with. if i was a writer i would make like 80 different situations a week 😭 but with these two since theres no canon, there doesnt have to be a set timeline anyway and there can be a morbillion of them. like if i look at the cartoon that is a married couple with a house and all. so it narrows it down to getting together much sooner... then in ttg you just have them perhaps not fully in it, maybe they talked about it, maybe not yet at all, maybe s3 could be where sam realizes his feelings, etc etc (i dont see them as a couple yet there though) and so on
anyway my fav idea is that max just has feelings for sam but hides it (maybe even forgets about it from time to time and then falls in love with him all over again) and this goes on for years and years but he thinks sam wouldnt be interested at all so he lets it be (maybe except one time drunkenly fooling around back in like college, or at least during the one week before they got kicked out lmao)
sam realizes it much later, in their 20s or early 30s (not even early middle age man yaoi.... weak...) and i think he would be a bit "afraid" of it all, i do think hes bi but not having experience with men especially and it would be a scary and unknown area for him plus he wouldnt want to somehow hurt max and ruin their friendship and all that. reassuring himself that would never happen and no matter what they will be best friends even if he told max but he would still try to bury those feelings at first. big on "try", they would still slip out in other ways like caring for max and just the usual (how they talk, touches, stuff like headpats and throwing max etc), thats also the thing that would be like "oh yeah. whats there to be scared of", the fact that once they would get together, nothing would really change at all? they already have their own love language of sorts and are always together anyway etc so it would just go from "partners" (work) to "partners" (work and life and everything else) i think. i also like how in ttg you can look at some things as "oh hes deep in the closet" even if its not written like that..
its also hard for me to separate canon and fanon at times and hard to like. work with some stuff, its always a mess in my head but a good chunk of the fans ship them and take them as a couple. me personally i would see it only in the cartoon but even there its more of a joke (but if you show some things as facts it can be easily viewed that way) but for the rest of the media it stays vague (which i do like, except ttiv, you know what you did ttiv *shakes fist*) but there i keep thinking about how max is sort of shown as gay but not really. like its more of a 'if youre gay or a shipper etc you see him as gay, otherwise not' situation to me. if you say hes gay online, there will be people telling you that hes not, its never been explicitly said (true) etc he just doesnt like girls.. and i noticed the irony of how this is a time where people that normally are against aro/ace characters they will paint him as such just so that he isnt gay, lol. like "no he cant have anyone if he can only have men 🤬" anyway. that said yeah they can be aroace best friends, just for me personally id prefer to be more romantic - in their own way. ofc they dont go to romantic dinners but they can go blow up a shooting range or go to a burger joint and see which one of them can eat more burgers before throwing up, but they can also smooch when the player/reader/watcher isnt watching, you know. max hates kissing though, which can either end in they dont kiss much Or they do, its just on the same page as with them hating when others touch them but theyre glued to each other 24/7 (or like the case with max hating seeing naked ppl but he himself being naked normally) so like he hates seeing it, but is fine with sam and sam only?
derailed strongly there, i wanted to talk about how they would also tell each other, thats also something i cant decide on but me like a little bit of angst of course so it would have to come with either a little misunderstanding or going "too far" -> realizing it wasnt too far but what the other very much wants etc etc. actually i have nothing here, moving on
uhh and i also think about them proposing? i think they both would want to. theres also so many ideas but my fav is that sam gets to propose first, but max just goes fuck! beat me to it. and he pulls out a ring as well and they get to propose at the same time (with sam perhaps getting emotional, max would call him a sap but then get a bit emotional too for once) but then theres also something silly for the comics/htr where i can imagine it more like max mentioning marriage, as a joke or not, and sam pulling out a comically oversized ring pop for him (then they have the """"shotgun"""" wedding lol) then for ttiv which is my dearly hated storyline. they maybe proposed in the past, but idk if they actually got married, they ended it because it got rocky. perhaps sam got cold feet but max would be the one to end it (then make harsh remarks about sams dating life and all that, but deep down being glad its not working out for sam cause max has always been the jealous type) and maybe they finally get therapy (or max contacts sybil after ages and she gives him some advice and such) and perhaps after splitting up for a bit like in the cartoon (insert snm divorce gif) they get back together now that theyre like in their 50s and realize its no use, theyre not really holding each other back as they would be worried maybe but that they truly want to be with each other and they get actually married after trying again. i think its silly for them to get married like youd expect maybe sam to think about that but not max but i think hed be very excited about it mainly cause of the food at the reception
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yomiurinikei · 2 years
wait what did the dub team do? i’ve heard some stuff but i don’t know how much is true
it’s always the dub team people r surprised about- well. actually no i mention the dub team a lot more than i mention like. isle of nowhere + most formerly popular accs are defunct now. people only know the dub team. this makes sense nvm.
the biggest thing that always jumps out to me is that emmas voice actor is… i wanna say pr0 ship? sorry for censoring but i don’t wanna end up in that tag lol. but no iirc emmas va had a ton of nsfw of characters who were very very explicitly under 18, on their socials- they didn’t even have anything saying their acc was nsfvv, they had 0 warning and would send links to their acc for people to check out. im also 100% sure they had minor/adult ship content (like. high schooler confirmed to be <18 x adult in their 40s) on their page. the team was aware of this and… did not care
then, a few? years back? before they had released anything playable, back when all they had was VA intros, they said that sora was confirmed to be het by linuj- this was back when the game wasn’t even fully released, let alone fully translated, i could explain. how horrible the word of mouth culture was back then because of this, but with the dub team being in contact with linuj to begin with, people heard this and 100% believed it. they said this in response to people shipping… iirc it was specifically a reaction to some soruko stuff, but anyways, the intent was “so u can’t ship her with girls cuz that’s het erasure, sorry :(“ they later. straight up admitted it was a lie, that they had chosen to not tell the truth, that linuj had never said anything like that
those are the two most… reputable? well documented? things against them- the sora straightbait stuff used to be common knowledge, and i saw the stuff with emma’s va first hand (im just not certain about if they had straight up nsfvv, or if it was just. f3tish stuff which people might not have realized was. s3xual just scrolling through their page- and again, they def had minor/adult stuff). there’s also been reports of harassment by the adults on the team to minors in the server and stuff, and people have said it was just overall an uncomfy environment, but those are the two things that i can personally verify happened
it’s ur choice if you wanna support the dub, and i know some people are 100% fine with emma’s va even knowing the stuff they’d post- im not telling u how to feel, pls don’t come argue with me abt morals, these r just. the things they’ve done which i have an issue with!
Edit: (cw: adult showing nsfvv stuff to minors)
forgot about this one, but yukis past va straight up read nsfvv stuff to minors in voice chat. he was a full blown adult, and im not aware of all the ages involved, but at least one of the minors involved was 15. again! full grown adult on the dub team doing this. i didn’t witness this one personally but multiple people (who i trust/don’t think would lie abt smthn like this) have verified this, and it checks out for dub team to do smthn like this.
Edit episode 2: The incident with Yukis va was in 2018, and as of 2020, yuki has a new va! i wasn't aware there had been a change in va, but! yeah, the current va didn't do this, the va that did that is no longer yukis va
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cosmicangst · 2 years
So, so glad I discovered your page because it had such good psycho pass content and kougino lives rent free in my head! Why?? aren't they more popular?? Anyway, those posts with quotes tagged of them are absolutely the end of me.
You know, there are so little of them in S3 reunited that who knows is they didn't meet for the first time in dad's old bunker house accidentally and totally had to make up and Kou professed his love? And they've been shagging ever sin-Anyway, I'm writing that fanfic soon
Cheers, let's stay in touch
thank you! happy to provide 😌
kougino is so underrated. ive always been a fan of people with shared complicated history esp when they live in that really interesting tension of knowing each other the best while also knowing very little at all. i always hc kou and gino as kind of being each other’s unspoken first love that never came to fruition—in the sense that they never explicitly spelled it out but the potential was always there until they were too estranged to acknowledge or really do anything about it. like one of those things where they’re young and getting drunk with each for the first time and in a vulnerable moment gino confesses that he’s never been kissed and kou drunkenly states that he can fix that. gino’s reluctant at first, they get a little too into it, nearly cross a line but kou passes out and then the morning after they pretend it didn’t happen. until it happens a second time. then a third. but they NEVER talk about it once. yknow… basic platonic best friend activities lol
and you are so right. in my ideal kougino world they are definitely friends with benefits and wearily pretending they don’t love each other until they both realize they’re too old and tired to continue playing an insecure young man’s game and are finally honest in a very soft way that’s completely opposite to how they’ve treated each other in the past. the alternative is that they are very toxic and refuse to be vulnerable with each other and i just like that for the angst factor
realistically, im hoping that the upcoming new movie does spend some time exploring their current dynamic. as with many of my ships for this show im not daring to hope for anything explicitly romantic but i do want to see some genuine care in how their characters and relationship are treated. doesn’t have to be much lol i can do plenty with just subtle implications alone but the worst thing the writers can definitely do is paint them as indifferent to the other. i don’t think i can abide by that
if you ever write any kougino fic i’d be very happy to read it! we need more
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mitcheemarns · 6 years
hey guys, i just wanted to put out a little disclaimer to my followers. this is partly a hockey rpf blog -- ill post stuff that im working on, my fics that ive uploaded on ao3, and occasionally (lol more like frequently) ship stuff in the tag.
that being said, everything i write is COMPLETELY fictional. i dont write any nsfw (anything thats explicitly sexual) and i DONT do imagines. at all. my ask box is always open, so you can send me a request (although it might take me time to work on it) anytime you want.
im also kind of particular about ships (lol) in the sense that i usually wont multiship people unless its willy. if you guys would like me to elaborate on ships that im willing to write, just send me an ask and ill talk about it.
thats it, thanks guys :)
(oh yeah my ao3 is @ cardiac_arrest, gotta get that self-promotion)
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