#not everyone by any means and it's totally okay for those who won't
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weatherman667 · 2 days ago
Part XX - Economics Still Applies
Capitalism could not work in a Feudal economy, and for pretty much the entire medieval period, Europeans were wholly ignorant to Economics, but
Economics still applies.
The except are the Jews, who understood economics. And the irony is that the anti-Jewish pogroms hurt the economy that did them.
Pretty much all of Economics comes down Supply and Demand.
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As demand increases relative to supply, you have the same quantity of products for a larger number of buyers. As such, some will go without. The simplest answer is those willing to pay the most money. So, as demand goes up relative to supply, price goes up.
As supply goes up compared to demand, more people can buy the same product. As such, boutique pricing will lower your total revenue. Ergo, as supply goes up, price goes down.
As the price goes up, more people are willing to produce the product.
As the price goes down, more people are willing to buy the product.
And now Capitalism kicks in. The goal of Capitalism is zero barriers to entry, and normal profit. I won't cover normal profit, as this is about world building. When the market changes, it has to adapt. Any government rule, and I mean ANY government rule, cannot survive a change in the economy.
If a shipment is delayed, the market will have reduced supply until the shipment can arrive. Say, your wheat shipment is late. Well, everyone still needs to eat, and most of their calories came from wheat (for starch) and butter or olive oil, (for fats). They will HAVE to switch to barley / buckwheat / oats, something. The local suppliers of these alternative crops will have their supplies quickly depleted.
And then wheat shipment finally arrived. But, everyone stocked up on the alternatives, so their will be more wheat on the market than usual. In order to sell all of their stock, the wheat sellers will reduce their prices.
There have been times when the king realized that the wealth of their kingdom was the wealth of their merchants, and tried to help them by restricting the economy. This might help some merchants in the short term, but in the long term, the economic restrictions will hurt everyone.
Let's say you are going into the city. Well, you have to pay a fee. If you have merchandize you have a pay either an additional fee, or just surrender some of your merchandise.
Wait-wait-wait-wait, how would the average peasant survive in a city?!
They wouldn't. Most people didn't live in cities until the industrial revolution.
Alright, let's say you have a big city, you have a Roma Aeterna, where most people live. This might be as simple as there are monsters, and living away from a city is suicide. Okay, you might not have a fee to enter and leave the city, or you might make food sellers exempt from this fee. Serfs don't have money, so obviously cannot pay the fee, unless they are away from town, so the fee might only apply to outsiders, or to free people.
But, isn't this a restriction on the market? Isn't this abhorrent to Capitalism?
It's a tax. Taxes are necessary for the function of the government. The only ones that think they can live without taxes are delusional Libertarians.
"...but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."
--Benjamin Franklin
While the Europeans did not understand economics, the Jews did. Tolkien deliberately made the Dwarves Semitic.
Not anti-Semitic.
And so I love giving the Dwarves knowledge of economics. They don't hoard gold, they mine and smelt it. They understand using money is more important than having money, (money only benefits the economy when it's changing hands).
I also made the Dwarves adamant bathers, both because they are Semitic, because they understand the importance of hygiene, and because Dwarves are more resistant to hot and cold, and so don't have to worry about hypothermia afterwards.
You Want to Make a Fantasy World: Part I - Magick
The first thing you need to decide when making a fantasy world is how magick works.
That might seem heady, but let's go over what you have to decide:
Who can use magick.
How do they use magick.
And how powerful can magick get.
Do you want 9th level magick, that can rip a giant hole in the world and summon unkillable monsters?
Because, honestly, you don't need it.
Can 9th level magick only be used by decrepid old wizards with one foot in their grave? Only it be used by chosen heroes? Only be by inhuman things, like Dragons and Daemons and Liches?
Low level but common magick can have a huge effect on the setting. Being able to light a fire can allow you to save the time and effort it takes to start a fire. Heating a rock can be used to heat a home, or even a bath, giving the equivalent of modern sanitation. Hand washing, bathing, and toilets have done the most for Human longevity. Can you go to a priest, give him a penny, and have him cure your cancer?
Sure, curing cancer isn't as cool as curing sword wounds, but the medical effects it can have on longevity are staggering.
Maybe magic is something that can only be done by a minority of the population, that dedicate themselves to the study.
None of them are wrong answers, so long as they are CONSISTENT.
If magickal ability depends on your bloodline, then someone, somewhere is going to think it's a good idea to selectively breed mages to keep the magics strong. The mages might become the noble classes, they might form their own class, which they breed endogenously, like Hindus.
If only inhuman things can cast upper level magick, and you see a seemingly ordinary Human cast that kind of magick, then guess what? He's not actually an ordinary Human.
Does magick need a physical catalyst? Does it consume reagents? How rare are these reagents? Do they come in one of a few types, or is every twig of berries a reagent for a different spell? Maybe upper level spells require expensive reagents, and that's the limiting factor? Maybe these spells use too much mana, and therefore can only be done by places of power?
Does teleportation require Line of Sight? Can you open long-range portals only if you have local knowledge? Can you target places of power from a distance?
We start with the simple, coarse questions, and get to the finer ones later on. When? When you come up with a good idea for how it works? Or, honestly, when you need to use it. It's perfectly fine to wait until the characters need/want to teleport to decide how it functions.
Another way to limit spells if by giving the heroes a rare magickal item. Why can they use portals?, because they have the Staff of the Herald. Why do they have the staff of the herald?
Given by someone important.
Monster loot.
They found it in an old, abandoned building.
They earned it by accomplishing some feat, or level of training.
Again, all you have to decide is how rare the item is, and maybe if you need some sort of innate/trained ability to use it.
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year ago
always a disappointment when you're reading a romance novel and they're getting down to it and the heroine is all "oh wait I'm sorry I'm on my period" and the hero's like "oh it's okay let's cuddle :)" instead of doing this
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miwiheroes · 2 months ago
okay time for my rant
i feel kind of upset that i know that a lot of people will be disappointed with season 5 byler because they have this one view: past byler moments need to be referenced.
assuming that it is endgame (bc yeah ofc it is), i don't think that will be enough for everyone, which i totally get <3 like if they do it in a poorly written way (i.e. no depth into mike's queerness or a cheating plot on el) i would totally get not being happy with it. but i know that some people will think that it's not that good because they may not reference past byler moments??
like some things that i've seen people hope for are understandable. for example, wanting a kiss with heroes in the bg, or wanting a mention of the painting. those make total sense because the writers set those things up in a way that implies it'll be referenced later on.
some things i just don't stand by. for example, wanting them to show ANY reference to them meeting each other for the first time, any reference to the crazy together scene. those are already canon moments. it's almost as if people needing these scenes to be referenced is a kind of insecurity in the existence of those scenes in the first place? like we need to them to be rehashed in order to make them like- double canon in a way?
now, i totally get wanting this to happen. for the reasons i have just expressed and the fact it would be really cool. but what i don't get is: saying that the new season's byler would be poorly written without a reference to a past moment.
i can almost see it now, post byler endgame, people getting mad there was no reference to their first meeting, people getting mad they didn't reference 'lets start a new party'. them saying it was poor writing. me going:
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honestly......... i think it would be better written if they didn't reference these. More specifically, if the miwi flashback isn't them meeting each other for the first time, i would be equally as excited, because it means a NEW THING for us to reference, a new thing for me to explore in analysis.
the writers will hopefully give us some new lines. new soundtrack songs. new things to analyse and make memes about. i don't neeeed them to say they're crazy together for the third time*.
so if i catch anyone calling writers who have made an effort to create new, romantic, beautiful scenes that deepen the complexity of byler's relationship bad writing just because they didn't reference old moments, i am going to have an aneurysm <3 and then giggle in heaven, because why ur working urself up over literally nothing, i'll be sat, positive and happy, looking at fresh and new things to obsess over.
if you feel attacked by the post, im sorry, i just want to get you guys excited because no matter what we are getting new byler content, new lines and new complexities. sorry for making u feel bad in the future for criticising writers for taking the hard way out, and writing new lines LMAO
and in the possibility that they do reference these old moments, i'll also be happy, i just hate the idea that some people won't be happy if they don't do it, if that makes sense
*if you're wondering what the second time is, it's when mike gives will that post it note with the line on it.
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thehorrorgirlstyles · 3 months ago
Brotherly Love
Eddie Munson x Stepsister!reader
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Summary: You move in with your mom's new husband, only to find out that he has an annoyingly hot son.
Warnings: Swearing, derogatory words, dark themes, hate kinda sex, 18+ content, Stepbrother!Eddie, sexual themes, a little Steve Harrington x reader, cheating, rich people stuff, kinda enemies to lovers
"Ugh this is so stupid, why do we have to move... he should be the one to leave his house" You groan out.
"I already told you sweetie, Dean has work in his part of town.. he can't leave his job to move over here" Your mom replies as she finishes boxing up the last of the kitchen utensils.
Your mom met some guy on one of her work trips and now they're getting married. You think she's totally lost it having only known this guy for three months. Ever since your dad left with some skank a year ago, your mother has been absolutely devstated and wanting a new man. It's not because she missed your dad, but because she's afraid it will look bad to all her rich and snobby friends.
Now she's agreed to marry some guy she barely knowns to gain back the respect of her colleagues. Which is a HUGE mistake. She's totally ruining your life, making you move an hour away to live with some complete stranger who she thinks she loves! You built a life for yourself here, I mean an hour away isn't that far..you could always drive back, but still your boyfriend lives here!
"So its okay that Dean has work, but what about me?... I mean all my friends are here and what about your job too?" You saying sealing the box with tape.
"Honey its only an hour away I'm sure your friends can spend a few weekends with us.. Dean has a very huge house... Oh and I'm quitting my job" She says picking up the box and walking away.
"What the Fuck?.. What do you mean you're quitting, I mean isn't this to show that you have another husband and you're better than everyone else?.. You did this for your job.. Did you not?!" You follow after her.
"Honey, watch your language.. Steve won't want to marry someone who has a filthy mouth" She looks at you and sets the box by the front door.
"Dean has more than enough money to take care of us I won't need that job with those snobby little whores anymore" She smiles at you and walks upstairs to grab the last of the boxes.
After saying your goodbyes to your friends and your boyfriend, against your will, your mom insisted that a taxi drive you to your new house, saying that she didn't want to ruin her nails..whatever that means.
"Why can't you be alone mom, do you seriously need another man ruining your life..this is like what the fourth one?" You say looking out the window of the car.
"Sweetie I'll have you know that I actually love Dean, he is everything that we need to become the perfect family.. now hush were almost there" She pats your leg, motioning for you to sit tight and be quiet. Perfect family my ass.
When you arrive at your new house, it's just what you'd expect from your mom. A gated mansion with three floors. The bushes are neatly trimmed and the grass is mowed. There are fountains out front and rose vines litter the walls.
"It's a little old fashion don't you think?" You look at your mom who is bursting with excitement. You roll your eyes at her.
The door opens up and Dean comes out to greet you both. "Darling you look beatuilful...oh and Y/n lovely to see you again" He gives your mother a kiss on the check and smiles at you. You nod your head and walk into the house.
"Your welcome to pick any room on the second floor, your mother and I will be on the third..Oh and just don't go into the room by the first bathroom, that's my son's" He motions you to follow him up the stairs.
This guy has a son?! Your mom didn't tell you about this. Fucking Great!
"Some of your things have been shipped over already, but the other ones are still in processing, if you need anything there's a small shop just about a ten minute drive from here.. my driver, Ted, can take you" He says while showing you and your mom the second floor.
"Thanks." You reply, not looking at him.
"Okay, well then dear... shall we?" He takes your mother's hand and leaves you on the second floor to pick out a room.
A couple hours later, you're left alone to fix up your new room. It's big, VERY big. There's a king size bed in the middle and a full size walk in closet, with a bathroom that has a tub, a FUCKING HOT TUB. While you could get use to this life-style, you miss your actual home.
It's around ten at night when you decide to call your boyfriend. "Steve, I miss you this place sucks, there's like literal fucking maids and cooks and shit, I feel like I'm living in some old timey palace and not the good kind, the one where there's a dungeon with blood splattered on the walls."
He laughs at your response, "Babe, I promise I'll see you soon and when I do, we can try out that new toy I got you."
"Oh yea.. and what exactly would you do to me with that toy" You say, moving your hands toward your panties.
"Well first, I'd get you nice and wet.. using my tongue. Then I'd stick a finger or two inside, if you could handle it." You hear him unbuckle his jeans.
"Which you can because you're my dirty girl, aren't you Y/n?" He asks.
"Yes, I'm your dirty girl" You moan out toying with your clit, as you envision him sucking on it.
"That's right baby, just for me..moan my name pretty girl" You hear him jerking himself off over the phone.
"ahh~ Steve!" You yell out, working your clit faster.
"Then, after your wet enough, I'd stick the little thing inside your hole, putting it on the highest setting..You'll be begging for me to let you cum, but I'll make you wait until I'm finshed fucking your mouth" You hear his breathing increase as he goes on.
"Please, please Steve I want it arghhh~" You finally cum, clenching down on your fingers. You hear Steve moan out your name with a finally pump as he cums.
"That's my girl"
You hung up the phone after saying goodnight and go to wash off your hands, when you see something from behind your cracked door. You stop your movements, only moving your head to look through the crack from your spot by the bed. As you try to move toward the door, the dark figure runs off. What the fuck? You open the door and look out the hall, seeing the door by the bathroom shut close. It's Dean's son.
The next morning you get ready and head downstairs for breakfast, when you collide with a hard figure. You look up and see a long-dark haired tattooed man with piercings. The complete opposite from Steve.
"Watch where you're going" He scoffs going to walk in the opposite direction. Who the hell does he think he is?!
"I know you were watching me" You speak up, turning toward him.
He stops in his tracks, his back facing you. "I don't know what you're talking about" He turns around and faces you, his arms crossing.
"Don't play dumb with me, you were watching me last night, when I was touching myself.." You lower your voice.
"Now I don't know how much you saw, but I have a boyfriend so don't get any ideas" You cross your arms back.
"Trust me, you're not my type princess" He laughs at you walking away.
"Excuse me I'm EVERYONES type and YOU were the one watching me!...YEAH YOU, I bet you liked it, perving on me like a freak!" You yell after him. What an asshole.
For the next few days he purposely annoys the shit out of you. He used one of your nice shirts to wipe the sweat off his back after he worked out. He threw his dirty underwear in your basket of CLEAN clothes. And he bought home some chick the other day and she was so fucking loud you couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. You swear he's annoying you every chance he gets, like he's getting off on it and it's completely working, which is annoying you even more.
"Mom I cannot live here anymore, Dean's son is a child, a literal fucking child, I hate him!" You yell out.
"Shhh, lower your voice." Your mom says grabbing your arm to pull you outside, just when Dean walks in.
"I heard what you said and I'm sorry that Eddie hasn't been the most welcoming..I will talk to him" He apologies and walks away.
Your mom shakes her head, "Please Y/n do not ruin this for me..for us" She lets you go and follows after Dean.
So that little shits name is Eddie, you think to yourself.
A few weeks go by and both you and Eddie have been messing with each other. You hate him and he hates you, which isn't ideal for your mother's "Perfect family", but you cannot stand the guy, even if you tried.
Steve, however, is finally able to come over this weekend and you need to make sure that Eddie won't do or say anything to ruin it.
You knock on his door, but he doesn't answer...so you walk in anyways. You're going to tell this idiot to stay away whether he chooses to listen or not.
When you walk in, you find Eddie with his back turn to the door. He must've just gotten out the shower because he is completely naked, except for the towel around his waist. He shakes his hair out and you continue to stare in silence. His back is dripping water and you wonder if he has ever looked this good.
He finally turns around and spots you. He notices the way you're staring and the bastard smirks at you.
"Enjoying the show princess?" he chuckles.
"Wha-What No, I-I was just.." Fuck, why did you come here again?
He walks closer to you and you take a step back. Your back hits the door as he closes in on you.
"What were you saying?" he grabs your face, your lips inches apart.
"I hate you!" You blurt out.
He smiles at you, "I hate you too." he closes the gap and forcefully kisses you. You gasp, what the fuck, why is this dickhead kissing you?! Still, you lean into the kiss anyways, kissing back harder.
He picks you up without breaking the kiss, his towel dropping at the movement. You feel his cock growing as it touches your ass over your jeans and you can tell that he is big, bigger than you've had. He sits you down on his bed, starting to unbutton your jeans. When he finally pulls your jeans off, he starts to feel up your body, with his hands, reaching down to where you need him the most.
You stop his movements and break the kiss, "Wait, I'm... this is wrong" You say trying to catch your breath.
"If this is so wrong, then why are you so wet for me?" He asks, touching you over your panties as he starts to move his hands in a circular motion.
You moan his name. God, was he always this hot?
"B-But you're my stepbrother and we both are taken" You try to reason, but it comes out as a breathy moan.
He smirks at you, "You jealous of what you heard the other night?.. had to get you back for all your late night calls" He confesses.
"Wha- But you have been watching me, you asshole" You slap him and he laughs in response.
"Your whines are too pretty for me to just ignore" He says, starting to kiss around your neck. "Beside with how loud you were being I'm pretty sure you wanted me to watch".
"Eddie I-"
"Shhh, let me take my time playing with your pretty cunt"
You lay back on his bed, spreading your legs open for him. This is so wrong on so many levels, but it feels too good to stop. You think you'll just get off from him just this one time, you won't even let him fuck you... Who are you kidding, you want him to fuck you.
"This doesn't change anything, I still hate you." you speak in labored breaths as he laps your pussy with his tongue.
He pulls your thighs closer to him in response, making you gasp as he speeds up his motions.
"Fuckkk Eddie, your gonna make me cum~" You moan out clenching your thighs together. He stops you, pushing his hands against your legs.
"Keep them open!" He growls out. You smirk and defy him on purpose, squishing his head between your thighs.
"Or what?" you ask.
He pulls away from you quickly and in one quick motion he flips you over, making you gasp in shock. He pushes your face down into the sheets, keeping your ass in the air. You hear him move behind you, his hand on your neck, keeping you from getting away.
"Or I'll stick it in your tight little ass and no matter how much you scream for me to stop, I won't until I cum inside you." You feel him rub his dick along your hole., you clench in response. Fuck why was this making you so turn on. Your never done anal before, telling Steve that you rather not experience that pain, but fuck it you want to experience it with Eddie.
"You like the way I speak to you baby.. like your a slut, my toy to play with?" He slaps your ass, making you jolt forward.
"Yes Eddieee please~" You whine out.
"Please what?"
"Fucking fuck me already Eddie" You whine, pushing your ass back against him.
He grabs your hips and aligns his cock with your soaking hole.. when a knock sounds on the door.
You both freeze and you turn around to look at him. He meets your eyes silently telling you to be quiet.
"Yeah!" He yells out, his hand still on your hip.
"Hey Eddie Y/n's boyfriend is here, so be nice to him and to Y/n" His dad speaks from the other side of the door.
"Oh also, Have you seen Y/n by chance, she wasn't in her room?" he continues.
"Nope, haven't seen her" Eddie lies.
"Alright well let me know if you do son, her boyfriend was so excited to see her and looks like she isn't even here". Dean laughs and you hear him finally walk away from Eddie's door.
"Fuck" You move out of Eddie's grasp and pick up your clothes from the floor, starting to put them back on.
"So your boyfriends here?" Eddie asks you.
"Looks like it" You say, finishing putting your pants on.
You turn and look towards Eddie, not knowing what to say. You were literally seconds away from fucking him and now your boyfriend is here. This should have never happened with Eddie, but God did you want it to so badly, you can tell by the wet spot forming in your underwear.
"Well sneak out tonight when he's sleeping and we can continue where we left off princess" He says, putting his clothes on.
"Are you serious?" You ask him in disbelief.
"Yeah, I know you want me, figured I'd make your wishes come true." He looks at you with a dumb smile.
"Fuck you"
"I will tonight" He smirks at you.
You roll your eyes and leave his room, slamming the door shut.
You seriously hate the guy, but oh were you so going to meet him after Steve falls asleep.
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psychelis-new · 1 year ago
pick a pile: "You are..." - Loving and encouraging words for you
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read some loving warm words about you. it's always nice to hear about our positive traits, right? here you can find yours and some encouraging words about your next steps/healing. keep going and take care of you! and also, be ready to let love in, you deserve it :)
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
You are sunny, cheerful, bright and warm. You're also pretty welcoming and you like to hug people or generally enjoy physical displays of affection. I think people like to be around you, you basically cheer up everyone and "set the mood for the evening" (I just heard that, IDK). You have a lovely smile, everyone is in awe with it and you in general; maybe you also have a particular way to laugh? Like you maybe make a strange sound, and everyone is fond of it. They love to make you laugh honestly just to hear it. I feel like you take emotional care of others and you may feel like a sip of fresh water to many. You're extrovert (or at least seem so in specific context), confident and you know exactly what to do or say to make the day of the people you are in contact with. I think you may share smiles with people on the street and even help them if they need (eg. like if they drop something you may pick it up for them, especially for older people or you may leave your seat to them). I think you are very funny and smart, and like to joke a lot. Okay for some of you you may have changed after something happened and keep this sunny side of you a bit hidden (or maybe you occasionally fear being judged about it, or you have been), but honestly I think you only need to reconnect with it and let it flow from you. It's hurtful when some things happen but it's also something that... just happens in life, sadly (I'm not trying to invalidate your experience/pain, at all). We don't have to let those negative things change us so much, especially if we still feel that flame/desire inside. I mean... don't feel guilty for being happy, if that's what you feel. You can be happy no matter what happened. You have to be happy. Find new ways for that happiness to flow within but reach it "and let it rain" out of you. Enjoy it, let it be there and help you heal what hurt as well, if you need. You can find new happiness anytime. New reasons to be happy, too. This is also true for the few of you who tend to hide pain behind a smile, pretending it's all good. Toxic positivity won't solve it, as avoiding problems. Be more balanced (maybe you were called by pile 2 as well) and accepting of what is wrong: it doesn't mean you let it take over you (ask for help if it's too scary), it means you're not being blind to it but you're listening to it and trying to make it better (ofc you can wear a smile while you do that, you totally have to! Healing happens also with taking breaks to enjoy life and hobbies/passions...). You are such a beam of light for everyone, confront your problems (if there's any) and then keep on shining!
song: chicken noodle soup | j-hope; wake me up before you go go | wham! (I channeled the first song while doing your reading, anyway the mood for you is: jitterbug!)
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pile 2
You are strong, pure and very special. You stand out, and honestly you don't even have to do much to stand out. I think it's your energy: it also has something healing for those that comes near you, something comforting. You should be more confident in yourself: maybe you also doubt about your looks or how you may be seen/perceived by others but honestly you have/are nothing less than anyone else. You are caring and have a good heart; maybe you have buildt some walls around yourself out of past traumas, and this is blocking you a little when it comes to sharing with others or creating deeper relationships. It's okay take your time to work through those walls. You have beautiful eyes, and maybe you like to look at others in the eyes too? I think you are also sincere, honest and humble, at times also to a fault: please do stand up for yourself when you need, and set your boundaries. You may also be a bit too strict on you, especially when you make some type of mistakes or something? Maybe it's the fear I mentioned in the beginning of being perceived as you're not or in a bad way, or maybe... at times you may be scared of your thoughts somehow. It's not just the anxiety you may get from them and how they may make you spiral so you tend to stop them (it's okay to do this and distract your mind when you start feeling overwhelmed, but please come back to those thoughts when you feel calmer: to avoid thinking about a problem won't help you solve it at all, it will come back stronger. And please ask for help if you need), but there's also something else. Remind yourself usually the first thought is what we learned, our instinctive first reaction to a situation (usually comes up to "protect us") while the second thought we have is the one that comes from the heart, it really expresses what we think with a calmer and more balanced mind. I mean, eg. let's say someone says they got something you always wanted and this triggers you: your first reaction could also be being envious of them and feel not enough compared to them and potentially say or think something negative/feel resentful or angry, but if you stopped and thought about it again, you may just be really happy for this person and see yourself as on a different path: your time will come too. Be more kind with yourself, more patient: you're unlearning a negative mental pattern and that's not easy, it will take time and practice and lot of patience. You are so lovely you have no idea, please try to see and show that yourself too.
song: a little bit yours | jp saxe (indeed come back to your core self and show yourself love, and accept it too; closing chapters, changing and unlearning stuff is hard, but you can make it)
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pile 3
You are multilayered. You have lovely rosey cheeks, people may want to squeeze them lol. You are sweet and cute, you probably are also a little shy or maybe you feel anxious in social settings and you may end up blushing a lot. You may also be stubborn occasionally (not too bad tbh) and can be determined or at least you reach good results in job/school. I think you tend to hide a part of yourself though or find it hard to deal with it/not like it. There's something you fear showing or that you don't want others to see about you, probably your pain, probably something from your past that you keep inside (also cause you can't accept/understand it -it could be abuse for someone, I hope you are safe now). Maybe you're also "scared"... of being loved/seen for real (having your "mask removed"?) or feeling vulnerable... Your energy feels younger or maybe just unexperienced in some fields or situations (maybe you also feel uncomfortable in some situations or you felt so in the past and you avoided joining them so now you feel a little behind maybe: honestly, there's nothing bad in this. You're not behind, you just did what was better for you and you still have time to make more experiences. You have all the time you need and want). I think there's indeed something about time here, it could be you are nostalgic about something that now you are missing/lacking, maybe feelings you could experience in your childhood, or you want to delete something from your past, or it could be that you fear running out of time, as mentioned, as you want to experience many things still but maybe you are scared you won't make it or you don't know where to start from. Just take a break: the moment you'll feel more grounded, it will come to you. Focus on taking care of you and also do take naps if you need and can. If it's about your childhood, eg. if people taught you have to "grow up" or have dimmed you in any way (or you had to, in order to gain their approval), remember you don't really have to forget about your inner child nor to be someone you're not. You can be an adult and still be in touch with your inner child. It's not that one thing excludes the other. And you can be yourself without any fear (it's hard to believe it but you won't be pushed away by everyone if you aren't as they wish). Maybe your inner child now really needs you to be closer to them, they need your appreciation and support, probably also after something you had to go through in your past: your inner child totally did great back then with all they had. Hug them and show them love. I think some of you may also love to work or be around children or pets as they may help you feel more in touch with your own inner child and more grounded. Again, be attentive to your needs, and meet them: maybe you were *unwillingly* taught you don't deserve that much (you had to accept crumbles in relationships) but it's not so, you deserve the moon: remember this. You're already perfect, there's nothing about you in your past or present that you need to fix, my love. Heal your fears about being yourself, receiving (love in particular) and don't run away from it, don't run away from yourself: you'll get all you wish for. Give it and yourself time. And, if you need this: it wasn't your fault, you were not responsible for that event/decision for which you feel like you were (and maybe you didn't even had to take). Whatever it was. You were trying to win the approval of someone who couldn't love you as you wished. Build boundaries around people (adults) and remember you are not responsible for them and what they do/their mistakes: you're not here to save them from anything. You have your own self and life to care about now.
song: heart attack | demi lovato
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kykyonthemoon · 8 months ago
hiiiiii i love the stories you make. Can you please make rafayel x ballerina reader where reader gets taken care of by rafayel after accidently twisting her ankle during practice?? tyyy 💗💗💗💗💗
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Dear Anon-san,
Thank you so much for your request. I also apologize that it took a while to finally get to you. Hope you enjoy this piece, and I'm looking forward to your continued support <3
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His Little Ballerina
── .✦ Rafayel x Female Reader|MC
── .✦ Tags: soft, sweet, physical hurt/comfort, fluff, healing, reader is a ballerina
── .✦ Word count: over 1k
── .✦ Ky Ky's note: This is also my first fic after being accepted into oracleofstars network. Yay!!!
── .✦ Masterlist ♡ Request a fic
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When he came to pick you up at the hospital, Rafayel's face was already so pale.
Long story short, he had just received a text from you stating that you were at a hospital near your place and needed a ride home. You had accidently fallen while executing a simple pirouette, causing your ankle to twist. Rafayel crossed his arms as he watched you sit there with a swollen ankle, his countenance confusing..
"You can yell at me after you drop me off, okay?" You said. But he did not seem any content. You knew he was genuinely concerned about you, especially after he told you over and over that you were unable to practice ballet right away since you were still a bit unwell.
He had met you for the first time after your play. While everyone was praising your charm, Rafayel was the only one who pointed out the problem with your ankle.
For a Lemurian, witnessing your struggle while dancing reminded him of the agony a merman must go through when he abandons his tail to learn to walk on land. 
Therefore, you totally understood his response when he saw you were constantly getting injured on the practice floor. You did not defy Rafayel, but you felt awful for causing him so much tension.
“You only listen to me when you're in trouble, right?”
Even though he grumbled, Rafayel helped you up, holding your bag and pointe shoes on one shoulder. When he saw your few struggling steps, he winced. Then, he leant down and picked you up. 
"Eh? Rafael?! Put me down.”
Your face turned red. However, Rafayel continued to carry you in his arms and walk away. He said:
"You heard what the doctor said; from now on, you must rest and let me care for you. That means I shall become your legs.”
“But… Is it necessary to carry me like this? You can just give me a piggyback ride…”
Rafayel shook his head: “I won't do so. Carrying you like that would make me seem no less like a turtle!”
You sighed and gave up. You allowed Rafayel to take you to the hospital gate in front of a large crowd. You felt so embarrassed while he kept that serious expression on his face.
You expected him to stop carrying you after you left the hospital, but Rafayel walked instead of calling a taxi. You rolled your eyes and asked:
“Are you going to carry me all the way home?”
Rafayel took a short peek at you before returning his attention to the road ahead. “Your place is nearby. We can walk home.”
You shifted your body somewhat uncomfortably. Rafayel's arms closed around you even more. You nestled myself into his neck and whispered: "People are looking..."
At that moment, a child who had just left the candy store noticed you and Rafayel. She asked:
“Miss! Are you a princess?”
Rafayel's footsteps slowed down a bit so the child could keep up. That was when you discovered you were still wearing your tutu with a flared skirt. People from the studio took you to the hospital; however, because they were busy and knew Rafayel was on his way, they departed right away. 
"So, you must really be a princess to be carried like that, right?" The small girl inquired innocently again. 
Rafayel came to a complete halt. He grinned at her and said:
"Correct, kiddo. She is a princess.”
You used a hand to hit him on the shoulder and said to the child:
"No, no. It's not true. I'm not a princess..."
But it seemed that the child ignored those words. She noticed your twisted ankle and asked:
“Is Her Highness injured?” 
"Yup." Rafayel responded on your behalf. “She just fought a terrible monster, and it injured her ankle.”
The child's eyes were glowing, as if she really believed Rafayel's narrative. She spoke again:
"What a pity! So you came to rescue the princess? Are you her prince?”
Your cheeks felt heated. Perhaps it was because the sun beamed in this way. You were ready to urge Rafayel to stop teasing the child, but perhaps he, too, was caught up in this fabricated setting. 
“A prince? I am not a prince.”
“So who are you?”
Rafayel smirked, he said while looking at you, as if those words were just for your:
“I am the God of the Sea. I am her God of the Sea."
“Whoaaaaaa!” The child cheered, and you held your breath as you caught Rafayel smile at you. The sunshine appeared to cast an aura over him. You could only adore him silently, fearing that a single breath might cause him to vanish. 
At that moment, the girl's mother summoned her back. She placed a little bag of sweets on your lap, atop your flowery skirt, and declared:
"For you, Your Highness. Perhaps you need them more than I do. I pray Your Highness gets better soon!"
After saying that, she ran away. You just had time to say thank you, almost like a shout behind her.
Rafayel grinned all the way home, and you felt happy with simply a bag of sugary treats. You poked his cheek.
"See how delighted you are. She handed me candies; you won't be getting any of them!"
“So unfair!” Rafayel yelled as he kept strolling down the pavement while holding you in his arms. “I'm having a hard time carrying you home. How come you're so blind to see it?”
“Then why did you walk home instead of taking a taxi?” You softly pinched his face and noted the way he pouted.
“I'm exhausted, and dehydrated. Yet you're far from being gentle with me after all!”
You giggled and replied, “You just told that kid I am a princess. So you must serve me in the next few days, right?”
Rafayel did not respond. You figured he was reluctant to confess you had him in the palm of your hand, even if this was not something new for either of you.
“If you stay silent, it means you agree.” You said cheerfully. “Come on, my God of the Sea! I want to go home and have seafood for dinner!” 
Rafayel exhaled. “I give you an inch, you will take the whole yard.” However, he still smiled pleasantly. The afternoon sun imprinted both of you on the road, while your shadow just kissed his, on the cheek.
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Mood board from my photo in game & Pinterest.
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gatitties · 1 year ago
Hiii! Can I please get a s/o who has a big butt, but she’s naturally oblivious about it unless she’s in battle? Like she knows her butt is big but she doesn’t know it’s THAT big, (p.s.: she likes wearing wearing regular shorts!)
─Strawhats, Heart Pirates & Kid Pirates x fem!reader
─Summary: you have a big ass, nothing more, nothing less
─Warnings: none
This is so unserious lol, sorry 🤣 oh and I assumed this would be for one piece bc of your profile since you didn't give any further indication 😅
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─ Everyone knows it, you are semi-conscious, it's not a big secret that you have more meat on your buttocks, it's obvious just like Zoro's tits are bigger than Nami's or Robin's.
─ It's not something that affects the rest since it's something normal, they are used to it, however you can get different types of reactions from other parties.
─ You're a total distraction to the most shameless people, but at least you can hit them for being distracted.
─ And you'll just make the situation worse if you wear those jeans, you didn't know the power that 'mom' jeans have over some people.
─ Seriously, you wouldn't think it was that exaggerated, you are aware of your body but not to that level, you could really kill someone if you fell on your ass on that person.
─ Sanji probably made some comment about that before…
─ You'll have to hit Brook more than once so he doesn't bother you with your underwear, he's more persistent with you because he wants to know what size you wear.
─ Nami will hit your butt when you're off guard, you know, girly things, you'll have time to hit it back when she's focused on working with her oranges.
─ Once you played guess who and Luffy put a pillow on his butt to imitate you.
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─ They try not to look seriously, but Shachi and Penguin's eyes go away accidentally, you don't blame them, you look at the butt of every person you meet, the problem is that yours is not small by any means.
─ Law will probably scold them just like Bepo because doing that is impolite, but his eyes will also take a look, it's okay Ikkaku will be the one to hit them.
─ You are still a distraction for the most morbid people when you wear those tight jeans, Law probably uses you to distract enemies on more than one occasion without you knowing.
─ He also gives you scientific proof that you could suffocate someone with that.
─ And you tried it on your next mission, yeah, you killed someone with your buttocks.
─ You were more aware of the power you carried, whether hypnotically or as an oxygen-depriving weapon, you were a complete danger.
─ Sometimes you have competitions over offensive comments with Shachi and Penguin and they are definitely using your trunk as insult artillery.
─ You get a lot of praise from Ikkaku and comments that you should share some ass for her.
─ Bepo uses it as pillows, please.
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─ It's not a mystery, it's something shouted out loud and admired here.
─ Get ready because if you weren't aware of the size of your ass you will be after spending half a day on this crew.
─ No one wants to offend you, far from it, but they will let you know that you have a couple of generous weapons with you.
─ You won't be saved from the stares, but you also have eyes and you observe too…
─ In fact you have a podium for the best ass of the crew and you and Killer always compete for first place.
─ They definitely use you as a distraction for the nastier guys, but they'll be the ones who take the worst beatings.
─ You will also receive a lot of praise from Heat and Wire, they look like two proud moms seeing how you are not ashamed of your body and you continue wearing those pants that enhance your figure even more.
─ You and Kid have a little competition about who hits the other's ass the hardest and you go completely wild.
─ You've suffocated more than one person and the others time it to know what your best time is.
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busket · 8 months ago
I've been seeing posts discussing the terms MTF and FTM saying stuff like "that's how cis people understand our experience, not trans people" or "what do you mean female to male, I've never been female" and I think that's a totally valid stance to have, but I take issue with the implication that those terms should be done away with entirely and that no one can relate to them.
personally, I do believe I was a woman before I transitioned. I lived as a woman, I believed I was a woman, I told people I was a woman. I did all the same when I came out as nonbinary, and I do all the same now that im a man. I don't consider these stages in my life to be any less real. Just because I'm a man now doesn't mean I wasn't a woman then, and just because i was a woman then doesn't make me any less of a man now. I don't relate to the notion that I have a true gender, inherent to my soul. maybe someday I won't be a man, and that's okay. this is all my own life, something that only I know for myself.
honestly I wonder if some trans people feel the need to say "I was never my birth gender" to validate their experience to cis people. you can't be a faker if you've known this all your life. but some trans people, like me, do not share that experience. I doubted if I was a trans man because I didn't relate to it. I find more truth in the term "ftm" than I do to "afab" because the latter defines me now by something that happened to me at my birth, and not an active process I am undergoing and a set of choices I've made to bring joy into my life.
and truly we will never find a set of terms that resonates with everyone, because every single person has a different experience with their gender and not one is more or less correct than another. I'm no less of a man than a trans man who knew all his life he was a man and we are both no less men than a cis man who was born a man and lived his whole life as a man. everyone is different and everyone is going to find truth in different acronyms, and some of us just simply aren't meant to be defined.
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pigcowboys · 2 years ago
Hi I hope you're having a wonderful day <3
I was wondering if you could maybe do percy jackson with a daughter of nyx where they are basically the same person personality wise and have a lot of common interests ( sorry self indulging here🤭). They basically both kin each other lmao
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pairing: ꒰percy jackson x nyx! female! reader꒱⋆·˚
summary: general hcs for percy with a nyx! s/o
warning(s): mutual pining, nonsensical bickering, mentions of injuries & kisses
a/n: HIII OMG THIS REQUEST IS SO CUTE :)) i tried my best to do what you requested!! i hope you like it!!
request are closed!
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literally off the bat i can see the two of you at each other's throats all the time.
you're just too alike there's no way there's not gonna be bickering man.
"i think we should use a different design."
"who put you in charge?"
"the voices in my head, actually"
"literally what."
i imagine percy kind of being put off by you when he'd first get to camp half-blood like
who are you.
i mean it isn't like he's TRYING to be mean, you're just so annoying sometimes yk.
then i feel like one night he'd sneak out of camp to go stargazing and find you near the shore in his spot.
lowkey annoyed by your presence at first but still proceeds to gaze with you silently. you'd strike up a conversation with him and it'd actually go a lot better than he expected it to go.
okay, maybe you're not that bad.
he'd start to approach you more at camp but like not for any reason at all yk. he just enjoys talking to you, i guess.
probably would be overjoyed when he finds out you have similar interests as him.
you two probably stay up all night talking about the most random stuff.
honestly, those talks are probably the moment when he realizes he..like likes you.
you're just chilling and talking about random shit and he laughs at one of your jokes and has to take a moment because he realized that you're honestly just the best person ever.
and then from that point on he's honestly kind of a mess.
you're so cool to him for some reason?? you'd just be living life and he'd probably just be in the background observing you with big ass heart eyes.
"is there something on my face, perce?"
"huh? uh no, what?"
he knows he likes you but just doesn't know how to say it?? i mean, do YOU even like him back..??
aghhhh it's honestly so draining to him.
he's not shy. just kind of stupid when it comes to feelings.
probably tried to "woo" you somehow by buying you ocean related stuff whenever you go out together.
played it off as him just having some change.
he is willing to go bankrupt for you.
i feel like one day he just got tired of dropping hits and just decided to go for it cause like, you've known each other for a minute.
he'd meet you at that star gazing spot and literally just spill all his feelings for you.
"don't say anything but what if i told you you're an amazing person and probably the coolest person i've ever met in my life and that i'm literally head over heels for you because you're smart and funny and pretty and you're just the best?"
and you start dating!! woo!!
once you start dating he def gets a bit more of a confidence boost.
always boasting about the fact he's dating you like everyone else doesn't already now from the way he's always clinging to you.
and if you're not into physical touch no worries!! he's completely and totally fine with it!! probably asks permission to give you hugs and hold your hand.
beach dates.
you'd be that one sappy couple who interlocking hands and walks down the beach together UGHH
he would def be the type of guy to go to you after every quest so you can patch him up. do you even know how to patch him up?? probably not! can't he just use some ambrosia?? yes.
doesn't mean he won't stop.
"percy, what the fuck happened!?"
"what do you mean?? :)"
kind of scared of your mother but would never admit it to your face.
i feel like he'd make some kind of big plan to try and kiss you but it'd ultimately fail.
he'd pull up to you with some beautiful ass flowers with a big grin on his face.
would take you to some really secluded spot that he'd decorated with a bunch of different things and homemade food!! (sally helped him.)
things would be going good till it starts to rain.
not that it's a problem for him at all but it kills the freaking mood.
"i'm so sorry.."
"for what?"
"how this turned out, it was supposed to be this big and..romantic thing."
"it's okay, we can have other dates."
"no like..i wanted us to kiss."
"who says we can't right now..?"
he's in heaven when you finally kiss for the first time!! you're literally so amazing like wtf he got so lucky.
from that point on you two are locked in for life.
he's everywhere you are, you're everywhere he is NO MATTER WHAT.
he's so in love.
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hazbin-a-helluvamagines · 10 months ago
Can you do the sfw & nsfw shy!male!reader headcanons again but with Loona and Millie if that’s okay??
"Good Boy" ; Loona, Millie
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Totally understands insecurity! All her life, she's felt like she wasn't important enough to be her own person, so she'll be the first to try and quell those worries in you.
"Oh, don't worry, S/O, you're cute as a button, y'know that?!"
Probably maims anyone who makes you feel insecure, not gonna lie.
She'll try to help you come out of your shell, but if you can't? That's okay, she's got enough energy and outspokenness for both of you!
She'll at least try to get you integrated with I.M.P., though, since after all, those are like her found family.
Speaking of, her actual family... probably think you're a wuss.
Except for Sallie May, though she teases you a little, too, but it's more lighthearted.
Don't worry, though. You got a badass girl who will stick up for you, no questions ask. And Sallie will go right behind her out of love for her sister.
She's a very sweet dom!
She'll be checking every few minutes that you're comfortable, not in any pain, etc.!
I say this because, based on Moxxie, we know she likes pegging, so... be ready for that.
She won't do it if you're not comfortable, though, of course. Everything she does needs EXPLICIT consent, none of the "reading between the lines" that others could do.
"Don'tcha worry, honey-bun! We got all night for this stuff!"
She's very patient, and makes sure to praise you repeatedly.
After all, she understands that your self-esteem is already low enough and your shyness can lead to insecurity, she doesn't want this to be another for you.
She's always very cautious introducing new things into the bedroom and always very slow-paced. After all, she doesn't want to scare you, and wants you to know you can stop at any point and trust her to do the same if you tell her to.
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She won't make fun of you as much as she makes fun of everyone else, at the very least. And for you, it'll always be miniscule things.
While she's ridiculing Moxxie for his weight, she's teasing you for the jewelry you have on, for example.
Jewelry she gave you, mind you.
But that's because she knows that won't affect you as much, since if she really hated it, she wouldn't have bought it for you.
She also won't let anyone else talk shit. I mean, she's an assassin, anyone who tries has a nasty surprise coming for them.
"Excuse me? Do you have something to say? Or are you that pathetic that you think mocking someone who can actually manage to have what you don't is attractive? Didn't think so. Get the fuck out of my sight. Don't ever look at me or my boyfriend again."
Will let you mess with her ears or tail if you get overwhelmed in public or just need a distraction. Do be gentle though, it isn't like those aren't a part of her!
Matching outfits, too. No need to feel insecure in your relationship with her. <3
She's kind of a lazy dom, to be honest.
Like, she'll tell you what to do, but she won't actually do anything, herself. That'd be preposterous!
The "slight groaning, will muffle her moans" type. She won't be overt about praise, but she'll definitely still give it so you don't feel bad about it.
"Fuck- Stop. Right there, what you just did. Keep doing that."
She's not the meanest, but she's also far from nice to you. She'd have you eat her out while she's on her phone, and if you satisfied her, she'd let you fuck her.
But honestly, she doesn't really mind anything you wanna try on her, and won't shame you for the idea, just some light teasing.
If she sees that her teasing upsets you, though, she'll stop.
Probably the type to make you wear a collar and take a picture for... later use.
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months ago
Can you acknowledge me as a trans person? Even if I act and look like a girl and have a hijab? in my religion, It's a sin and, I don't look like anything masculine. I just, want someone to tell me I can still be trans even though I never come out or transition, because, I can't. Even after being away from my parents (I still live with them) I won't come out. I don't think it's worth losing everyone, and I don't think it's worth it because in the end I will just blame myself for ruining everything.
Everyone has sinned at least once, and being a sinner doesn't mean I still don't have that belief. But people say I am either not Muslim (there isn't any force in my religion, no one can decide if you believe or not, but somehow some people still loves to talk for god) or I am not queer because I mostly act upon my beliefs (ofc nothing hateful! I hope you or anyone doesn't get prejudiced about us because of some people who claim to be religious but still judge and hate)
And I am bi. And I feel shitty no matter what. Like in the middle, not accepted in anything. Like if I am one, I can't be the other, and I know I can't, I know I need to choose something, but I can't because I love my religion, it helped me much, I felt happy each time I pray, but I also want to feel comfortable in my skin and,
I need someone to tell me I am worth something, anything, even though I am the way I am.
If that makes sense, I am not American, sorry for shitty sentences.
And now I am crying. I am sorry.
And i would appreciate it if you answer or acknowledge this ask at least, because, I was very nervous and scared to ask this even in anon, because I wear hijab and religious in a sense and I can't help but feel like you would judge or not like me at all, I know you can't hate someone anon because you don't know me, but I still feel so bad because of this, I am sorry. I know I am just someone in Tumblr and nothing that important but, you helped me a lot and I don't want to say anything wrong that could make you feel bad.
You don't have to answer if you don't want to, I am sorry.
First, I want you to know that you are absolutely valid <3. Even as you are right now, even if you never choose to do anything differently, you are trans and you are bi, and that's totally okay and perfect. You are always loved and accepted and important here.
Second, I know that I will never fully understand the turmoil you're experiencing. I can't even imagine how difficult it is to feel like you're caught between two worlds- your religion and your queer identity. But I do want to gently remind you that there are Muslim people who are religious who are queer. I don't pretend to know much about the Muslim faith, so I don't know exactly what is taught about sin and queerness, but it might be helpful for you to look online to see if you could find some of those Muslim and queer people to see how they feel about sin, and how they approach it.
Whatever you do though, please know that you are valid just as you are <3
Naming you leaf anon!
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year ago
Is it possible to do head cannons for digital circus characters with a reader who's too nice for their own good
Like they get in danger when trying to talk to the bad guy npc thinking that they could persuade them to the good side
TADC cast x reader whos too nice!
Anon I'm so so sorry that it took me so long to get to this <\3! I gotta admit I've been in like, a bit of a burn out recently and I'm still recovering from my baking spree last week so I'm WOOOooOoooooO
That said I hope you enjoy!
Written ambiguously, if you want to see this as romantic or platonic, is totally up to you!
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Literally puts a pause on the IHA when he sees you being dragged away by the big bad guy, all while still trying to insist that the NPC with no chance to gain sentience can be good.. caine finds it endearing in it's own way, its sweet, you see the best in people... and non-people... but reader, this is exactly how you get hurt..! Keeps a close eye on you during IHA
While I dont think pomni fits the "too nice for her own good" vibe, I feel that shes... what word am i looking for? Submissive? She kind of just goes with what others are doing; asides from her initial freak out we dont see much pushback from her in the pilot, though that could be thanks to shock... perhaps shes still feeling it during IHAs given how random and intense they can be..? Point is I think pomni would give a meek resistance before scurrying off after you, trying to save you from the clutches of the baddie
Shes loves you so much, dont get her wrong. She loves that you're so sweet to everyone, even to those who dont deserve it. Actually if anything, Ragatha is also a little too sweet for her own good.. but shes not as trusting and naive as you are. Frantically pulls you away to the side when you try to make your way to the days villain, gently scolding you and asking what you were thinking. She doesnt mean to make you feel bad, but she doesn't want to see you hurt!
One of the only two characters that might get a little mean with you. Not like "mean as in berating you for being so naive" more so "I'm upset that you seemingly have no regard for your safety, I care about you and I cant see you continue to throw yourself into danger" way that can come off as mean, since jax isnt really.. the best as saying this softly.. immediately cuts through any "what ifs" you might bring up to him, you're the only person in this circus that he actually enjoys and hes not going to let you get flung around.. can his tone be softer? Sure, but can you blame him if this is a regular occurrence?
This poor man nearly has a heart attack when he sees you about to be absolutely demolished (but not really thanks to the digital world), probably ends in him getting hurt too.. but that would be mean.. but also can you imagine the angst? The guilt? He probably pushes through the pain to get to you and hes just. Feverishly pulling you to him and patting you down to make sure you're okay... he won't tell you to stop being so nice; in fact I dont think the thought crosses his mind ever.. but he does ask to never do that again, the getting into danger thing
The other character that might get a little mean when confronting you about it, but given zoobles general attitude as well as their tone of voice, it seems like they're more angry with you than they actually are. They think you're too nice for your own good, truly. While the others may find it sweet and endearing, they're constantly thinking about how one day you'll be in over your head and wont have a way out. This might actually result in an argument, thanks to zoobles tone and way of going about things.. but you guys eventually communicate and make up, at least I would like to think so
Very similar to pomni in the regard that she doesnt have the spine (haha) to tell you not to do whatever you're planning on doing. "I don't think... oh.. oh wait, reader-" as she scurries after you so you dont get lost. Gets legitimately sad and beats herself up if you get hurt. Similar to zoobles, you guys are going to need to communicate and work together on this because gangle cannot handle the fact that you're constantly getting hurt thanks to your kindness grating on her mind all day every day
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tbb-appreciation-week · 2 months ago
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Info, Rules, and F.A.Q.
Tomorrow, I'll send the first batch (no pun intended) of prompts to those signed up (join here!). This is how I picked them.
In one word: randomly. I made several lists (with over 70 prompts in total), divided by types and ratings, and put them in a picker wheels. I left everything to chance. Specific lists aren't that long (about 6 prompts each).
It means that two (or more) people could get one repeated prompt. But like most of you selected a unique combination of prompt types, nobody got both prompts the same. And it wouldn't matter if you did; y'know, the "Two Cakes!" scenario.
Once received, you have a month to work on the prompt(s), and will be due on February 14th, 2025.
When uploading your content to your Tumblr blog, be sure to mention this blog and add the event hashtags: #pabu's festival of love 2025 and/or #PFoL 2025.
Any relationship is acceptable (platonic or romantic) among the Bad Batch, as well as other clones. Of course, original characters and readers are acceptable.
PLEASE BE DILIGENT WITH YOUR TAGGING (both by mentioning the blog and putting on the necessary tags, especially concerning NSFW). That'll ensure that your post will be reblogged on this blog.
I'll do my best to reblogged everyone's posts, but if I miss yours, please let me know. Just give me a few hours before you panic 😆
If you want, you can also add your work to the Ao3 Collection (closed at the moment, but I'll open it in due time). Use the same event Tumblr tags when posting to the archive. When adding the tags, it might appear tbb-appreciation-week's Pabu's Festival of Love 2025 (Star Wars) on the dropdown. That's the canonical tag for the event. You can click on it, but it's way too long and complicated for anyone to remember, so don't worry about it. By me, being connected to high places, I'll make sure that however you tag it as, it'll be attached to the right place.
If you are posting NSFW fics or art on Tumblr, I ask that you use the Keep Reading break to hide the NSFW portion of your work; and please, give the proper warnings. On Ao3, please use the correct rating and warnings as well.
In this place, we're all for minding our own business, Ship And Let Ship, Kink Tomato, and all that, so everyone is free to create whatever they want. Participants are expected to hold judgment of others and their works to themselves, even if they don't agree with or find it repulsive. This event isn't for you if you disagree. Harassment to participants for any reason is NOT TOLERATED!
Show support to other participants by reblogging, leaving likes/kudos AND comments. If an author or artist has asked for constructive criticism (not the same as a comment, and with constructive being the keyword) you may give it. However, refrain from giving any of the unsolicited kind, as it is discouraging for the author or artist.
But most of all, HAVE FUN!!! This is a lay-back event, to show love for our favorite characters.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!
If you have questions, send me a message to the ask box or a DM, either in this blog or my fandom blog @nimata-beroya.
Thanks for reading, and happy creating!
Mod Mare ❤
PS: There's one person who signed up on Jan 10 and didn't leave their URL. I don't know who you are but I need you to contact me ASAP! Otherwise, I won't be able to send your prompts. HINT: You requested songs!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is [fill the blank] allowed?
When in doubt:
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And how about…?
Yes, that, too. Give total freedom to your creativity, and don't worry about whether or not it's allowed. Most things are okay, barring anything inciting or glorifying harassment, hatred, or discrimination of any kind.
Do I have to use both prompts?
You can use one or both. It's up to you.
Can I post late?
Yes, that's totally fine; I understand that real life gets in the way sometimes. I'll also reblog posts from latecomers.
So, when should I post?
According to your time zone, during the day at the most convenient time for you, on February 14th.
Will you reblog my post?
Yes, I'll reblog everyone's posts during the day. If I miss yours, please let me know (but wait a few hours before you do).
Can I combine PFoL's prompts with other creation challenges?
Absolutely! If you have a bingo card to fill or another event to complete, go for it. That’s like shooting two mynocks with one bolt, using one of Crosshair's reflective disks!
Can I upload/repost my work to other social media platforms?
Of course! You can post your own content wherever you like. Additionally, I’ve created an AO3 Collection to archive any work posted there. (It's closed right now, but I'll open it in due time)
If any of the prompts fit well for an existing fic/art I am currently working on, can I use it?
If you are currently working on this fic/art with Valentine's Day in mind, the answer is yes. In the case of using a work retroactively (meaning: already published and complete), then please, don’t.
Where can I post my work?
Post where and however you want. You don’t have to cross-post it to Tumblr. Just keep in mind, if it’s not on Tumblr, I won't be able to add it to the blog archive. You can post a just link to anywhere else you've posted if you don't want to put the entire work in your blog.
Do I have to finish a fic I started? Can I post a work in progress?
Yes, you can post WIPs. And you’re not obligated to finish it. It'd make me happy that this event prompt you to create something longer. Let's appreciate the Bad Batch all year around!
Is co-creating allowed?
Yes, absolutely! Encouraged, even. Not just the usual writer-artist or co-writing collaborations, also any kind of medium combos: fic-podfic, fic-playlist, art-art, etc.
Is there a min/max limit on word count?
None. If you want to write a 100-word drabble or a 50k fic or anything in between, it's all up to you. You're the only one who knows how much time you can dedicate to it and how high/low your level of inspiration/energy is. You can even write a snippet for a fic you'll write later when you have the time/energy. Remember that this is lay-back-type of an event. Do as little or much as you want/can.
How do I tag triggers?
Just tag the word/phrase, e.g., blood; main character death. (DO NOT add "tw" either at the beginning or at the end. That makes it harder for readers to block the right tags). Here it's the list of the most common warning tags you should use when appropriate.
Also, it would be prudent to add warnings in the post's body, giving the readers another layer of protection before they do the actual reading.
Can we @ you?
Yes, please DO! It's the safest way for me not to miss your posts. I'll also be following the #pabu's festival of love 2025 and #PFoL 2025 tags, just for good measure.
What are the forbidden topics for our writing?
As I said before, anything goes, EXCEPT anything inciting or glorifying harassment, hatred, and discrimination of any kind against anything or anyone. THAT WON'T BE TOLERATED. For anything else, please tag your trigger warnings properly. And keep in mind Tumblr’s policies if you are posting it here (or the policies for whatever other site you use).
Can I cross post on other blogs?
Yes, sure. That's fine. You can also post different works to different accounts under different names, without posting them everywhere at once.
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iridescentdove · 1 year ago
Helloo, I was thinking about a scenario with Nikolai and a twin sister reader who’s similar to Lynette if it’s possible. Tyy 💕
Nikolai Gogol x Lynette! Reader
Hello anon! I'm back ... again. I'm an on and off person in this app at this point lmfao. By the way, requests are closed for now everyone! But you can still ask me questions and other stuff. Let's start.
Lyney is a more reserved girl. She rarely talks to others out of her own accord, letting Lyney (in this case Nikolai) do the talking for her, and dissuades essentially any attempt to speak with her by saying bizarre responses. Whenever she needs to talk, she speaks briefly and frankly.
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Both of you are literally the polar opposites, it's kinda funny. Nikolai is that one fun dude at parties and you're just the one sitting in the corner watching him like 🗿
Nikolai: dumb bitch
You: dumb bitch's caretaker and sister unfortunately but whatever
Honestly he's not annoying, he's actually just cheerful around you and loves to hang around you. He's one of those rare actual good big brothers! <3
Often you're very reserved and prefer to keep to yourself, so he does most of the talking.
He doesn't let you see Fyodor, or even breathe in his direction. We all know why. And i'm pretty sure even Nikolai is sane enough to know he won't let anything happen to you. You're his precious little dove, aren't you?
People find you two a fun duo ngl
Like, you're also his assistant when he does magic and you both are unintentionally goofy as hell.
It's not even a coincidence at this point, I can totally see this guy being Lyney. Imagine he's just being down bad for Fyodor and you have to drag him away like "not again bitch"
He fr needs to chill. Like we know you want to kill him but tf that light skin stare for 🤨
I'd like to think that both of you take the time out of your day to have some fun together. Given BSD is just death, death and more death.
I totally headcanon Nikolai to love amusement parks.
He cannot stop trolling. The moment you're not looking he's out here making children CRY
You have to drag him away to stop him from getting kicked out or something.
Nikolai isn't overprotective, but he's not chill either. I'd like to believe that he trusts you, but at some point if someone even so much as looked at you weird–
They'll be in the seventh circle of hell pretty quick.
He honestly loves how chill and seemingly reserved you are, the fact you're so patient with him, he appreciates a lot.
But will be very dramatic when it comes to showing love to you. Come on now, he's a clown. what did u expect
"My dear sister says she is on her period. I am too. It's uterUS." "That doesn't mean you can wear my PADS"
... 😐
Okay nevermind, sometimes he does get overbearing. But you guys are the perfect siblings anyway.
Sorry if I couldn't do a scenario, I had no idea what to do. Writers' block still has me.
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rederiswrites · 1 year ago
I don't see how trump turning America into a christofacsist state is any different than the norm? like it's been like that for native and black people since it's creation like we inspired the nazis in the first place so like what the point? oh trumps gonna kill everyone who isn't a white cis male! and? that's what america's best quality since day one
Okay I'm actually going to respond to this Edgelord Supreme bullshit, because as absurd as it looks written out like this, I actually do think a lot of people are feeling some half-articulated version of this despair and cynicism. Let's kick that in the ass.
First, let's get one thing straight. History has been terrible awful bad always and forever. There have been a thousand genocides and a million wars and a billion brutal, inhuman war crimes. Back in the days of the earliest civilizations, wiping out entire cities when you defeated them was basically just how things were done for many societies. The fact that we have international laws and international bodies of justice, however obviously toothless they remain, is the result of thousands of years of extremely mixed progress.
So at this point, you pretty much have to say either that a) humans are an incurable blight and don't deserve to live, or b) that we've done amazing, beautiful things and experienced billions of moments of happiness and created art and fallen in love despite all this, so we're still worth working on. Personally, I am very strongly in camp b. I see things worth living for a hundred times a day. There's really no comparison.
Second, the USA is not uniquely bad. It is terribly damaging to people both within its borders and all over the world. It is build on genocide and slavery. Many of its foundational institutions are deeply corrupted by these things. And guess what, that's uh....pretty common. No, really. The US is currently a big fucking problem. It's our turn with the big stick, for sure. But even then, we're not alone.
So how the fuck is this encouraging? It isn't. I'm not encouraging you, I'm telling you to fucking GET GOOD, because when you say shit like the above, what I hear is "Oh I SEE, I'm a TERRIBLE PERSON I guess I should just kill myself to make your life easier." I hear someone who would rather give up and call their country morally bankrupt and irredeemable than to PUT IN SOME FUCKING WORK.
Cynicism is so comfortable. It doesn't ask anything of you. "It's always been like this," it says. "Nothing's going to change."
Except things do change, and things have changed, and your entire premise is in fact absolute dogshit. The two presidential candidates are not remotely the same, and we are not, yet, a Christofascist nation. I could, as many before me already have, enumerate the million concrete ways in which your premise is just not true, but honestly I won't bother, because it's not a premise in good faith. What I mean by that is that even a cursory examination of the actual facts would totally trash your expressed beliefs, so you're not really interested in the facts.
Change for the better can happen. Change for the better has happened. It's just not as EASY as you want it to be. There are more steps. For example, you can't have viable independent candidates until you have campaign finance and voting reform. So you have to push for those things. For years, probably decades. Many people have died without seeing the realization of things they fought for, and yet those things have come to pass. You may die fighting the good fight and not see the victory. I may too. Meanwhile, you make the choices that will hopefully get the fewest people killed.
So stop acting like we're all just too shitty to bother about, and put in some fucking work.
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thelastdeadgirl · 1 month ago
A couple of fruits (Part 6)
the sixth and final part of my bullet train prequel fanfiction (or at least the first act) all other parts on my profile!
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notes: i have had the most amazing time writing this fic, and the support i have received has been so lovely and i am so grateful for it all. unfortunately, this is the end of the teens' stories, however- an epilogue along with some lovely fanart by @katkandi will be posted on sunday. i would love to continue this story and hope to do so, as i already have a plot for when the group meet again as adults, but it is even more upsetting if i'm being honest, but enjoy lovelies <333
TW: mentions of death + alcohol. violence and strong language, gut wrenching angst, white girl tears (ref)
for one last time, a name reminder:
lemon- toby
tangerine- michael
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The second they both entered Ashley's bedroom, Michael shut the door and leaned against it, sighing before he spoke.
"You have to leave."
"What? Why?" Ashley exclaimed at him, rather offended that she was been told to leave, when they were in her apartment.
"I'm being serious, Ash. Those vans- i think they're here for me and Toby, and i don't want you getting hurt." He tried to explain it to her, his gaze unwavering as he stared at the girl in front of him.
"I'm not a damsel in distress Michael." She huffed, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes- she couldn't understand why he was so passionate about her going away somewhere.
"No, you're not. But i care about you, and i won't let you get dragged into my mess that i put myself in. I need you to go."
"Who do you think the people in those vans are- huh? If you are oh so insightful and full of wisdom."
"I don't know, okay? But what i think, is that they somehow know about...the incident... I don't know how, or why- but i just have this sickening feeling that they do."
"It could always be pest control- i mean, next door had a spider problem last week-" Ashley tried to insist, she didn't like what he was telling her one bit, and was desperate to change his opinion.
"It's not! I- it can't be, bloody hell Ashley, just piss off okay?." He snapped at her, glaring at her with an anger she had never seen before, she stepped back.
"Don't fucking say that to me, if i leave, you aren't helping me- you'd just be abandoning me like everyone else in this shithole of a place. You and Toby are the only people i have- what am i supposed to do if you get taken away- work in the bar until i die from addiction? No, i ain't doing that, i'm coming with you."
They stood in silence for a bit, neither one looking away from the other's stare, truthfully, the teens didn't know what to do, or how to fix the impending problem. Luckily, they didn't have to dwell on it for long, as Toby started banging on the door.
"Let me in- bloody let me in will you?! There's some proper diesels trying to get in the apartment!!" He sounded desperate, and awfully scared as he ratted his fist over and over against the wood of the door before Michael finally pulled it open, sending Toby plunging forwards onto the floor. "You could've warned me-"
"We have bigger problems, mate." Michael rolled his eyes as he watched his brother stumble, grabbing his shoulder to steady him.
"The people outside the apartment- are they the same people who were in the vans?" Ashley perked up, sticking her head around the door to see into the front window at the end of the hallway and kitchen.
Staring right back at her, was a group of men and women in suits, all lined up against the front of the apartment, it was absolutely terrifying and there was nothing they could do about it, Ashley's mother wasn't even home.
"Don't do that-" Toby insisted and pulled her back from looking out the door, dragging his hand over his face in frustration before looking at his brother. "Do you reckon they know?" "About the incident? Totally, I can't see any other reason why a bunch of people who look like reject men in black agents would come looking for some teenagers." Michael shrugged and crossed his arms, tilting his head in the direction of the door.
"But- who are they? Like realistically, what are they going to do? They don't look like police." Ash pointed out the obvious, what would these people do to them?
"If i'm being honest- i don't know, but i don't exactly want to stay in here and wait for them to barge the pissing door down, so i suggest we go." Michael responded and sighed, he didn't want Ashley nor his brother getting hurt, and he looked at the window with a raised eyebrow.
"No- no we are not climbing out through the window- C'mon Ash back me up-" Toby's eyes went wide at what Michael was insinuating and shook his head profusely.
But it was too late for that, as Ash had already grabbed a hoodie for her to put on, and did so before she clambered over onto her bed and unlatched the window, climbing through it and beckoning the others to do the same.
"This is stupid!" Toby exclaimed as he stumbled out of the window behind the other two who were now running down the street that was only dimly lit by a few flickering lamps.
"SHUT UP TOBY!" The other two in question yelled in unison at Toby's whining, and each grabbed one of his wrists as they started to properly sprint away from the apartment, to anywhere that could be deemed as safe for them.
They seemed to run for what felt like miles, the party seemed like a blur from yeas ago, when in reality, Michael had cut open Ted's head less than an hour ago, and he was probably on his way to the hospital with his hysteric parents whilst everyone else got picked up by their overly caring families who loved them so. But these three teens didn't live like that. Toby's biological parents both died in a car accident when he was a baby, Michael's mum had gotten sick and passed away, whilst his father had been killed in a rigged boxing match; and to make it worse, the two had murdered their adoptive father and let their mother spiral. Meanwhile, Ashley's father was in prison and her mum was an alcoholic. Their parents didn't care about them, the three damn well knew it, and they were pretty sure these people in suits knew it too.
"Where are we going?" Toby yelped as he almost tripped, stumbling as they dragged him, the three were running to try and get as far away as possible from the people as they could, but they had been at it for a good while now, and they were all beginning to slow down and get tired, panting as they ran, but Ashley wouldn't give up, she couldn't lose her friends. "I don't know! Just somewhere they can't find us- we'll go to the church- they used to hide people there!!" She was being unreasonable now, and they all knew it, but would they admit it? Well Michael would.
"In the medieval times! Look, we have nowhere to go, they're gonna get us Ash, you need to stop." He came to a halt and grabbed her by the shoulder, causing her to get sent flying back slightly and her shoes scraped against the floor.
"What?!-" She exclaimed in annoyance, looking back at him with an annoyed and infuriated expression, why wouldn't he let them run. "But- the people will find you both!"
"Then let them. Let them find me and Toby, they won't rest until they do." He sighed, the moment would've arguably been much more emotional if his brother wasn't heaving in breaths beside them both.
Ashley was about to protest before bright yellow lights practically blinded her, the vans had found them. She lifted her hands and covered her eyes from the beam coming from the vehicles, and bit her tongue, shit.
The three stood in a circle like formation, their backs all to each other as they stared ahead at the multitude of black vans parked around them, fundamentally stopping them from getting away.
A man in a suit, followed by a few other people, stepped out of the vans and approached them, his hands clasped together. He spoke slowly and calmly, and didn't seem affected in any way by the lights.
"Toby Davies, Michael Davies, Ashley Edwards, I was wondering when i would finally to meet you all face to face. I must admit, you don't look as threatening in person, except you, Michael, you seem like a fighting force."
"Who are you?" Michael lunged forwards to the man, but both Toby and Ashley grabbed his shoulders, as the other people raised guns at the three teens.
"Ah ah- no need for weapons now, put them down." The man glared behind him at the others, before stepping forwards and turning to the teens. "As for you, my name is Agent Sasco, we want you and your brother, to work for us. We've been following you both since the unfortunate passing of your foster father, and we believe you have great potential."
"Shove it up your ass, you diesel." Toby rolled his eyes at the man's words, which seemed to aggravate the people more, they raised their guns again, and weren't told to lower them that time.
"I wouldn't do that if i were you, at the agency you will learn to, control, your anger, something you and your brother must learn to do better." The man nodded, before looking to Ashley.
"What?" She glared at him, her gaze cold and unforgiving, there seemed to be tears forming in her eyes, she was usually so strong and put together, but not anymore she wasn't.
"Nothing, I just hope you've said your goodbyes." He said simply and raised his hand, signalling to his people.
Suddenly, it all seemed to happen in slow motion. A tranquilizer dart was fired directly into her neck, which caused her to pass out and fall onto the ground almost instantly before she could even react or try to stop it, her head hitting the gravel with a thunk. Michael yelled in anger when he realized what had happened, trying to run to be beside her, but was pulled away by a rather large man. Meanwhile, Toby was trying to fight off another man, but ended up getting punched directly square in the jaw, knocking him out too.
Ashley was lifted up and carried into one van, the two boys into another, Michael writhing and tears spilling out of his eyes as he watched her get taken away from him.
"You can't! You can't do that!! You wanker- let me out!!!!" He yelled, over and over again as they took her, and pushed him into the back of a van with Toby. The door was slammed shut and locked within seconds, leaving the only source of light the small window in the back, the people started to drive, putting up the window that blocked the front from the back of the van so they didn't have to listen to Michael's muffled yells of anger.
He eventually stopped, realizing there was no luck or reason in doing it, he instead turned to stare out the window, and watched the van with Ashley in drive the other direction, bleak music playing on the radio, it was the universal, the same song that played after he killed his foster father.
'Well, just let them go.
Just let them go.
Just let them go.'
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