#not even sure if it's still about that one anonymous confession
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vionnette · 3 months ago
can someone tell me what is going on with Saku fandom today..cus what do you mean there's drama going on right now
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nervousimposter · 2 years ago
Eddie started finding notes in his locker his sophomore year. The first couple of them, he just tossed without reading. He didn’t need to read what those asshole bullies wanted to say about him. But curiosity won out after two weeks of constant notes and he finally opened one. It was the single most impactful thing he’d ever read. 
I think you’re the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen. 
He kept that note. And every other note he got from that point on. If anyone were to ask Eddie what he regretted most in his life, it would be those two weeks of notes he tossed without reading. Ten slips of paper with unknown writing that he wishes he could get back. Add them to his ‘mystery boys notes’ box. And he was a mystery, the note writer. Anonymous. Unknown. Impossible to catch. 
Eddie held out for a month. A whole month before he decided to stage a stake out. He watched his locker like a hawk. In between classes, during classes, lunch, after school and even one absolutely horrible day where he came in an hour before school started. But the mystery boy had to be invisible. He never saw anyone approach his locker but his daily note was always there. And Eddie; poor, unfortunate, infatuated Eddie dealt with mystery boys’ notes from ‘82 to ‘85. Four agonizing years of the most heart-warming, loving notes. 
I wish I was as brave as you.
Did you change your shampoo? Your hair looked so soft today.
God, your eyes have to be the biggest fucking eyes I’ve ever seen. So pretty.
I like how long your hair is getting. 
Saw you walking down the hall today and I’ve never wanted to kiss someone more. 
They started cute. Compliments here and there, even a doodle every once in a while. Hearts and smiley faces. But as the months and years went by, the mystery boy got deeper. Confessions and secrets. 
I think if I had a different dad, we would’ve been best friends.
Can you fall in love with someone you’ve never talked to?
I dream about us. 
I’m a boy. I’m sorry.
I want to hold your hand. Those rings are something else. 
I saw you trying to catch me. Adorable.
I wish I could take you on a date. Not give a shit what my dad would say or what people would think. 
I wish I could be brave enough to talk to you. 
You’re still the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen.
I’m graduating this year. I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you. I think I’m going to try to figure out a way to keep dropping these off next year. I don’t want you to forget about me.
The notes didn’t continue when the school year started. Eddie was embarrassed to admit he cried that first night. He wasn’t sure how the mystery boy was going to be able to get the notes to him but he fully believed it was going to happen. He went five weeks with no daily note in his locker. And then, it showed up on a Monday. He almost missed it, the tiny slip of paper. 
Sorry this took so long. Had to figure out how I was going to sneak these in here. I don’t think I’ll be able to call you pretty every day of the week this time around but I’m going to try my best! 
And mystery boy was right. The notes were always there on Monday. Just Monday. But Eddie didn’t complain. One note a week after five weeks of nothing almost had his heart bursting from his chest. It also narrowed down his search. Sort of. Mystery boy was either coming in on those Mondays to drop off the note, sneaking in on the weekends when the school was empty OR after school on Fridays. And look, he’s failed to graduate high school two times in a row now but he wasn’t stupid. Did it take him three months after the notes to start again for him to realize who it was? Yes but to be fair, for two of those months it was Eddie wallowing in denial. 
Five weeks into school was when he restarted Hellfire. Three weeks before that was when he brought in those new little freshman sheepies. The same freshman sheepies that got picked up by Steve Harrington. Steve Harrington who graduated last year. Steve Harrington who he catches staring at him from his beemer in the parking lot every Friday night before he takes the kiddies home. Steve who he categorizes as someone who is so far out of his league that it just couldn’t be him. But it’s been three months and there isn’t any other former Hawkins high student running around in or near the school. And now that Eddie’s almost certain Steve has been mystery boy these past few years, he can’t wait. He’s been in love with a figure made out of slips of paper for four years and his nonexistent patience has truly run thin.  
He calls for a break 15 minutes before they normally end their sessions. Tells the boys he needs to run to the bathroom and almost sprints out the door. His locker sits in the hallway just around the corner of the drama room. The door closing shut echos through the empty hallways, alongside the squeaks coming from his shoes as he hustles towards his locker. He freezes as soon as he turns the corner. 
Steve probably only had 30 seconds after hearing the door open and shut to process what he was going to do. He could’ve run or hid, maybe pretend like he just needed the bathroom while he waited. But Eddie watched him pause as they made eye contact instead. Watched as Steve looked him up and down. Watched him relax and lean back against the lockers behind him with a lazy smirk. His arm slowly moved up and Eddie could see a slip of paper held between his fingers. Steve didn’t break eye contact with him at all as he proceeded to shove the paper between the vents of his locker. They stayed like that for what felt like hours. Staring. Broken when Steve pushed himself off the wall and walked towards him. He didn’t stop. Side stepped around Eddie before they could collide. A faint brush of his fingers along the back of his hand as he walked past him. And Eddie just watched him pass. Just like he watched him slip that note in his locker, he watched Steve walk back down the hall and out the front doors.
He waited only five seconds after the doors closed behind Steve before he jogged over to his locker. Grabbed the note and shoved it into his pocket before running back over to the drama room. Told the guys that they stopped at a decent spot and would meet again next Friday. Walked with them to the parking lot to head home. To catch a glimpse of Steve. And there he was, sitting in his beemer, staring again. This time though, Eddie smiled at him. He smiled at him and pulled the note out of his pocket. Opened it right there in the parking lot while he stared back at Steve. It only took him a few seconds to glance down to read. And as soon as he did, he threw his head back and laughed. Cackled really. He looked back at the beemer and saw Steve with the widest grin. Watched him lift his fingers off the steering wheel and wiggle them at him before he started pulling out of the lot. He looked back down at the note in his hand and chuckled again. Who knew Steve Harrington knew DnD well enough to draw a perfect rendition of an eight sided dice?
Wanna go on a d8? - Steve Harrington xxx-xxx-xxxx
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chillentertainer · 1 month ago
thinkin' abt a little john wick conclave au where thomas lawrence is an aging assassin who keeps trying to retire but then is forcibly brought back for "one last hit" (first said to him half a dozen hits ago). lawrence is tired and depressed and he might be really good at his job (and that might be the only thing he's good at) but that Saddens him. because is his only purpose in life to be a Butcher?
not to mention he just recovered from prostate cancer and is now thinking a lot about the afterlife and god and sin etc etc. he's sure he's destined for hell no matter what he does now. is there even any point in changing?
one day he's in rome, surrounded by all these churches. and he enters one. he goes into a confession booth. every week, he confesses minor sins that turn into lovely but frivolous discussions with the anonymous priest, who lawrence can only identify through his gentle voice and bright, easily elicited laugh that reminds lawrence of morning birdsongs. over the weeks, this blossoms into a strange kind of friendship.
finally during a discussion about their favorite kinds of tea, lawrence interrupts the priest's recommendation of kahwah, which they had so often in their time in kabul, and was so delicious, and they just can't find anything close to what they had here, isn't that a shame, and i beg your pardon, what??
i kill people, lawrence repeats. all the time. i want to stop but i can't. i want to retire but they won't let me. i'm afraid being a murderer is how i spent most of my life, and i'm afraid it's how i'll spend the rest of my years, too. i'm the lowliest of sinners. i'm the evil that should be wiped clean from the earth. if god cast me down into the fires of hell for eternity, again and again, i would gladly welcome it.
and there is a heavy silence during which lawrence tenses, waiting for a horrified outburst or some rage.
but the priest says, with infinite compassion in his tone, you are still here on earth with us. and so god, in his mercy, has given you time to beg forgiveness and find redemption. make amends, however you can. take no more life, not for any reason. you say you want to stop. then stop. i believe you have good in your heart. you would not have come here if you did not.
thomas says, yes, yes i will, i swear on His name. i'm sorry for having wasted all your time these past weeks, i should not have done so.
and finally he says, goodbye. because there's no point in returning and attempting to continue this friendship, not when the priest must be so disgusted and would want nothing to do with lawrence any longer.
the priest says nothing in return and it hurts but lawrence knows he deserves it. he deserves far, far worse, and god, why can't he be punished now or just die and suffer eternal torment, and then, maybe, maybe, his soul could feel some bloody relief. but the priest said, make amends. can't make amends if you're dead.
so lawrence returns to his miserable apartment, to try and make amends, whatever that means. he decides to leave rome and begins to pack. he wanders the streets in a daze and gives all the euros he has on him to a beggar. on saturday, the day he would've gone to confession, he buys kahwah from a bemused shopkeeper.
he returns to find his next assignment on his kitchen counter in the form of a usb stick. he doesn't want to open it. but if he leaves it alone for too long, they'll send agents to track him down and he'll get an earful from aldo. better to open the assignment and fool them now. he'll disappear from rome right after.
lawrence plugs in the usb stick. there's a name he doesn't recognize. he clicks through the research on his next victim that ray had meticulously assembled. there is a video. he hits play. a voice starts speaking. and lawrence spills his hot cup of kahwah all over his keyboard and trousers but he doesn't care because fuck it all, he does know his victim after all.
it's the priest he sat next to week after week, chatting about the merits of herbal medicine and whether agatha christie or arthur conan doyle wrote better mystery novels and about the incompetence of world governments. it's the priest he just confessed to about his true nature, that he wasn't just some englishman adrift in rome, but a cold-blooded killer. it's the priest that heard this and offered him a way out, anyways.
it's vincent benitez.
the video continues, as benitez smiles and waves at a young child, his dark eyes luminescent and kind.
now he has a face and name to the voice, lawrence first thinks, in a daze. he’s even more beautiful than i imagined him to be.
his second thought: what the hell did benitez do to piss somebody off that badly that they want him dead?
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thepromptswhisperer · 1 year ago
Flower Prompts
“Did you pick them out yourself?”
Stumble upon a dried flower in their partner’s book/private stuff. (One, that looks vaguely familiar. Is that the one they gave them for their first date?)
Wonder if bringing flowers to the date is too much. 
“I’ve never received any before.”
“What did you do?” “What?” “You only ever give me flowers when you have something to confess. So, shoot. I'm listening.”
Know the other is well versed in the language of flowers, and spend hours trying to pick out the right one for them. 
Put a flower in the other’s hair. 
“What’s not to like about flowers?”
Gift the other flowers they are allergic to.
Only realize this is a date and not just a normal hangout when the other gives them flowers. 
“You spoil me.”
“You need to buy a vase.” “Why? This does perfectly fine.” “For now, sure. But what if I wanted to give you flowers every single day from now on?”
“Let me get this straight: You broke into [name]’s garden to pick some of their award-winning flowers for me? How are you still alive?”
Only realize how meaningful the flowers gifted to them are when the other explains why they picked those specific ones.
“They love me, they love me not,...”
See a vase of flowers at the other’s place and wonder if someone else gave them to them. 
“Flowers make me sad.”
Stare at a vase of flowers, gifted to them by the other just hours/etc. before their argument/breakup. 
Receive a flower bracelet/crown made by the other. 
“Do you give all your dates flowers?”
Place a flower on a casket.
“Did I forget our anniversary (again)?”
Receive gifts from an anonymous admirer. First a vase, then a new flower every day. 
Walk into a room that has flower petals strewn all over the floor.
“They smell almost as good as you do.”
“Don’t read too much into it. It’s just a flower. It doesn’t mean anything.”
Date someone who, contrary to them, does not have even a single plant in their apartment/etc.
They imagined lying in a flower field with their partner/etc. to be more romantic than it truly is.
“For something half dead, flowers sure are expensive.”
Think the other wanted to express something specific to them with their flower choice. Turns out, they simply thought they looked nice. 
“What’s your favorite flower?” “Huh? Why?” “One of these days, somebody might want to surprise you with some.” / ”No reason,” only for them to receive some a few days later.
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pucksandpower · 1 year ago
Head Over Heels
Charles Leclerc x Vasseur!Reader x Carlos Sainz
Summary: in which Charles and Carlos are head over heels for you and you’re still painfully oblivious despite their best efforts
Warnings: this is a poly fic, overwhelming amounts of fluff
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“Hey, Y/N! You’ve got a delivery!”
You look up, confused, as one of the mechanics hands over a beautifully wrapped bouquet. The vibrant pink roses and lilies contrast strikingly against the red of the Ferrari motorhome.
“For me? Who’s it from?” You ask, genuinely puzzled.
The attached card is simple: For someone who lights up the track without even racing.
“Must be from a sponsor or someone thanking Dad,” you muse aloud, inhaling the fragrant bouquet.
Your father, Fred Vasseur, chuckles from a few steps away, “A sponsor, you think?”
You nod, genuinely convinced, “Who else?”
Charles, emerging from his cool-down session after practice, spots you with the flowers. His heart does a little jolt, hoping you’d recognize his gesture. “Those are beautiful,” he comments, trying to sound casual.
“They are, aren’t they?” You beam, holding them out to let him get a better look. “I think they’re from a sponsor or something. It’s a nice touch.”
A small, knowing smile tugs at Charles’ lips but he just nods. “Very thoughtful of them.”
Your father watches the exchange with an amused smirk, clearly catching on to Charles’ hidden intentions. He leans in to whisper to the Monegasque driver, “You sure you want to keep it anonymous, Leclerc?”
Charles shrugs but there’s a hint of red on his cheeks, “I thought it’d be more … romantic? But I didn’t think she would be this oblivious.”
Your father chuckles, patting Charles on the back, “Give it time, son.”
The day continues and you go about your tasks, occasionally stopping to admire the flowers, still clueless about their real origin. Everyone around seems to be sharing knowing glances and subtle nudges.
Carlos, having heard about Charles’ gesture, approaches you. “Heard you got a surprise today,” he comments playfully.
You nod, beaming, “Yeah, a pleasant one. It’s always nice to be appreciated, even if it’s indirectly.”
Charles, overhearing, sighs from a distance. “I need to up my game,” he murmurs to himself.
“Morning, Y/N! I brought you something.”
You glance up from your paperwork to find Carlos holding out a steaming cup of coffee and a beautifully wrapped pastry. You can’t help but smile, already salivating.
“Thanks, Carlos. This is such a treat! How do you always know where to find the best coffee and pastries?”
Carlos shrugs, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiles, “Oh, you know. Just lucky, I guess.”
Your father watches the exchange from a distance, laughing softly. “Carlos sure seems to have a knack for pleasing your taste buds,” he teases as he approaches.
Rolling your eyes playfully, you reply, “He’s just being friendly, Dad. Everyone loves a good pastry, right?”
Your father just raises an eyebrow, sipping his own coffee, “If you say so.”
Carlos, seeing an opportunity, chimes in, “Actually, I’ve been exploring the local bakeries in each city. You know, trying to find the best treats.” He pauses for a second, cheeks reddening ever-so-slightly, “Glad you like them.”
It’s a small confession but enough to get a teasing cheer from some of the mechanics nearby. You just laugh, assuming it’s part of the team's usual banter. “You’re too dedicated, Carlos! Thanks for always thinking of me.”
Carlos chuckles, his eyes betraying a hint of something deeper, “Anything for a … friend.”
Later, as you’re engrossed in your work, Charles passes by, subtly observing the pastry and coffee by your side. He exchanges a brief, understanding look with Carlos.
“You know,” Charles says casually, taking a seat opposite you, “Carlos wakes up an hour early just to find these for you.”
You blink, surprised, “Really?”
Charles nods, smirking, “Ask anyone here. They’ve seen him race off, rain or shine.”
Your heart swells with appreciation. “I had no idea,” you whisper, truly touched.
Carlos, overhearing, intervenes with a chuckle, “Leclerc, stop making it sound so dramatic! I just … like to start my day with a good treat, that’s all."
You smile warmly, taking a sip of your coffee, “You’re such a good friend, Carlos. I’m lucky to have you looking out for me like this.”
Carlos nods, swallowing down a hint of disappointment, “Always, Y/N. Just looking out for a friend, right?”
Your father passing by, catches the tail end of the conversation. He winks at Carlos, teasing, “Oh, absolutely. Just a friend.”
Carlos shoots him a mock glare but there’s a smirk on his lips. “Exactly. Just doing what any good friend would do.”
You laugh, completely missing the underlying tension, “Well, here’s to more coffee-filled mornings. Thanks, friend.”
Carlos raises his cup in a mock toast, “To friendship.” But there’s a certain longing in his eyes, a silent hope that someday friendship might evolve into something more.
“Y/N, have you ever thought of getting behind the wheel?”
You glance up from your notes, finding Charles leaning against your desk, a mischievous glint in his eye. You laugh, “Of a race car? Surely you’re joking.”
He shrugs, an inviting smirk on his face, “Who better to teach you than a Ferrari driver?”
Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Are you offering?”
Charles nods. “Why not? It’ll be fun and maybe you’ll get a new appreciation for what we do.”
You consider it. “Alright, when?”
“How about after tomorrow’s practice session? The track will be free.”
Carlos, overhearing the conversation, interjects, “Planning some secret training without me?” His tone is playful but there’s an underlying hint of jealousy.
Charles grins, “Just thought I’d offer our friend here a little taste of the track life.”
You chuckle, “Don’t worry, Carlos. If I crash, I promise I’ll come to you for my second lesson.”
Carlos smirks, “I’ll hold you to that.”
The following day, after the practice session, you find yourself clad in a racing suit, helmet in hand, feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves. Charles approaches, looking much more confident than you feel.
“Ready?” He asks, voice full of anticipation.
You nod, gulping down your anxiety. “As I’ll ever be.”
The next hour is a blur of acceleration, sharp turns, and the roar of the engine. Charles proves to be a patient and encouraging teacher, guiding you through the intricacies of handling a race car. The adrenaline, the rush, and the sheer power of the machine are intoxicating.
At one point, as you glide around a particularly challenging curve, Charles whoops in delight from the passenger seat, “That’s it, Y/N! You’re a natural!”
Your laughter rings out, pure and genuine, “Maybe I’ve found my new calling.”
As the session comes to an end and the two of you climb out of the car, Carlos approaches, clapping. “Not bad for a rookie,” he teases.
You playfully shove him, “Thanks to my excellent instructor here.”
Charles laughs, ruffling your hair, “You were great, seriously.”
Carlos nods in agreement, “I guess I’ll be out of a job soon.”
You roll your eyes, “One lesson and suddenly I’m a pro? You flatter me. But seriously, this was amazing. Truly. Thank you for sharing this with me.”
Charles grins, “Anytime. And remember, there’s always more to learn.”
Carlos smirks, “And more instructors available, just in case.”
You laugh, “I’ll keep that in mind. For now, let’s celebrate me not crashing the car!”
As you all head off, you link arms with Charles, “You know, for a moment there, I felt the thrill you must feel during races. Thanks for being such a good friend and showing me that world.”
Charles smiles softly, a pang of both happiness and a touch of disappointment at the word you used. “Of course. Anything for a friend.”
Carlos, observing from a distance, shares a knowing look with Charles. The message is clear: the race is far from over.
“Hey, Y/N. Can’t sleep?”
You’re startled to find Carlos waiting by the hotel lobby, a charming smile playing on his lips. The clock on the wall reads just past midnight.
You rub your eyes, yawning, “No, not really. Jet lag, I guess.”
Carlos gestures toward the entrance, “How about a midnight stroll? I know this beautiful spot nearby.”
You hesitate for a moment but then nod, intrigued. “Sure, why not? Lead the way.”
The two of you step out into the cool night to find the quiet city bathed in soft light. The silence is comfortable as you walk side by side.
As you amble along, you can’t help but wonder, “Why are you up so late?”
He glances at you, “Couldn’t sleep either. And I thought maybe you’d enjoy some company.”
You smile, touched by his thoughtfulness. “That’s really sweet of you.”
He points to a quiet park with a pond, its surface shimmering with the reflection of the moon. “Here we are. This place always helps me clear my head whenever we’re in town for a race.”
You settle on a bench and Carlos quickly sits beside you, shoulders brushing lightly.
The night unfolds with shared stories and laughter. Carlos opens up about his journey in racing, the challenges he’s faced, and the moments of triumph. You listen intently, feeling a newfound connection.
As the hours slip away, Carlos admits with a soft chuckle, “You know, I’ve never brought anyone here before.”
You raise an eyebrow, “Really? Why me?”
Carlos smiles, the moonlight illuminating his face. “Because you’re special. You’re different from anyone I’ve met on or off the circuit.”
A warm feeling washes over you. “Thank you. That means a lot.”
He turns toward you, his gaze intense, “Y/N, there’s something I’ve been wanting to say. Something I’ve been feeling for a while.”
But just as he’s about to speak, you yawn loudly, unable to hide your exhaustion any longer. “Sorry. I guess jet lag finally caught up with me.”
He chuckles, disappointment flickering in his eyes, “No worries. Let’s head back.”
When you reach the hotel entrance, Carlos bids you goodnight, his voice tinged with a hint of longing. “Get some rest. We’ll have a busy day tomorrow.”
You smile sleepily, giving him a friendly hug, “Thanks for the midnight adventure. It was nice.”
He holds you for a moment longer than usual before pulling away, “Anytime. Sweet dreams.”
“Another one? Seriously?”
You chuckle, pulling out a small folded note from your jacket pocket, the fifth one this week.
“The world’s fastest circuits are slow compared to how fast you make my heart beat.” You read aloud, your cheeks warming at the words.
Carlos, seated nearby, smirks, “Someone’s clearly smitten with you. Any idea who?”
You shrug, “I figured they’re just motivational notes from the team. You know, to keep spirits up.”
Charles joins in, trying to keep his face neutral, “They’re quite poetic for just team motivation, don’t you think?”
You ponder his words, tilting your head. “I guess? But who would be sending them?”
Carlos snorts, “Oh, come on! It’s so obvious.”
You shoot him a confused look, “It is?”
Carlos and Charles exchange a glance, silently communicating. Charles, deciding to have a bit of fun, teases, “Well, they’re definitely from someone who admires you. And since they’re always hidden in places only the team has access to, it’s likely from someone here.”
Carlos nods in agreement, “Sounds about right.”
You laugh, shaking your head, “You guys are just trying to rile me up. It’s probably just one of the pit crew playing a prank.”
Charles, a touch defensive, says, “You might be surprised. Maybe you have a secret admirer closer than you think.”
Your father, passing by, overhears the conversation and chuckles, “It’s about time she figures it out.”
You stare, completely baffled, “Figures what out?”
He just winks, patting Charles on the shoulder, “Keep trying.”
Your day is filled with speculation and curious glances, with everyone seeming to be in on a secret that you aren’t privy to. The notes, while touching, become a source of playful teasing.
That evening, as you prepare for bed, you find another note tucked inside your notebook: Your passion and dedication make even the toughest races feel like victories.
You can’t help but smile. “Who are you?” You whisper to yourself.
Little do you know, just a few rooms away, Charles is scribbling down another note, his heart set on winning yours, one word at a time.
The night is electric, the post-race party in full swing, music thumping and lights reflecting off the crystal-clear waters of the pool.
“Y/N! Join us for a dance?”
You turn, finding Carlos standing there, his hand outstretched and a playful smile on his face.
You laugh, “You’ve seen me dance. You sure you want to take that risk?”
He chuckles, pulling you closer to the dance floor, “For you? Always.”
As the music shifts to a slower, more intimate tune, you feel a bit self-conscious. But Carlos guides you gracefully, making you feel as if you’re the only two people in the world.
“See? You’re a natural,” Carlos murmurs, his dark eyes locked onto yours.
You chuckle, “Or you’re just an excellent lead.”
Carlos smirks, “Could be both.”
Throughout the night you share more dances, both with Carlos and a few with Charles, who also proves to be quite the dancer. Each time you’re spun, dipped, or drawn close, there’s an electric charge, a connection that’s impossible to ignore.
“Enjoying yourself?” Charles asks during one dance, his voice soft and sincere.
You nod, “Very much so. It’s not every day I get to dance with Ferrari’s finest.”
Charles smirks, “Glad to be of service. You’re quite the dancer yourself, you know.”
You roll your eyes, “You’re just saying that.”
He leans in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper, “I mean every word.”
Before you can process his statement, Carlos swoops in, teasing, “Mind if I cut in?”
Charles sighs, releasing you, “Go on but save the next one for me.”
Carlos, dancing you away, smirks, “He’s quite smitten with you.”
You laugh, “Oh, stop. We’re just friends.”
Carlos raises an eyebrow, “Are you sure about that?”
You nod, “Absolutely.”
Carlos, holding you a bit closer, murmurs just low enough so only he can hear, “And he’s not the only one who’s smitten.” The hint of longing in his eyes remains hidden to you as the dance continues.
“Welcome to the local side of my home!” Charles exclaims with an open gesture, Monaco sprawling before you in all its glory.
You gaze around, taking in the sights of the city. “It’s beautiful. The tourist traps and casinos really don’t do it justice.”
He grins, obviously proud. “I thought you’d appreciate a personal tour. Ready?”
You nod enthusiastically, “Absolutely.”
Charles leads you through winding streets, each corner revealing another story, another memory. “This is where I had my first gelato,” he shares, pointing at a quaint little shop. “And over there,” he gestures to a narrow cobblestone lane, “is where I learned to ride a bike.”
You chuckle, “Really? These streets seem a bit treacherous for a kid on a bike.”
He laughs, “Let’s just say there were a few scrapes and bruises.”
As you continue, Charles points out his favorite viewpoints, cafes, and even his childhood home. It’s an intimate glimpse into his world and you feel honored.
“You know,” you say, pausing to gaze out over the harbor, “it’s one thing to know someone as a colleague and it’s another to really know them. Thank you for sharing this with me.”
Charles looks at you, genuine warmth in his eyes. “I wanted you to see where I come from, the place that shaped me. Who better to share it with than you?”
You smile, touched. The two of you continue, with Charles occasionally slipping his hand into yours, guiding you along.
Towards the end of the tour, you stop at a cozy café overlooking the sea. As you sip your drinks, Charles leans in, his tone serious. “Y/N, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
You look up, curiosity piqued. “What is it?”
Before he can speak, his phone rings. Glancing at the caller ID, Charles sighs. “It’s the team. I have to take this.”
You nod, understanding. “Go ahead.”
When Charles hangs up, he looks apologetic. “I’m so sorry. Duty calls.”
You smile, reassuringly, “It’s okay. Today was special. Thank you.”
Charles nods, hesitating for a moment, as if wanting to say more. Instead, he simply leans in, planting a soft kiss on your forehead. “Until next time.”
“Oh, this doesn’t look good,” you mutter, noticing the looming dark clouds as you hurry through the paddock.
Before you can take another step, raindrops start to fall, quickly morphing into a torrential downpour. You’re caught in the middle, water soaking your clothes and making your paperwork soggy.
From a distance, Carlos notices your plight. “Y/N!” He calls out, already running towards you with an umbrella in hand.
By the time he reaches you, you’re thoroughly drenched, strands of hair stuck to your face. “Took a sudden shower, did we?” He teases, even as he huddles you under the umbrella.
You chuckle, shivering slightly, “It seems so. Thanks for the rescue.”
Carlos slips off his jacket and wraps it around you. The warmth of it, combined with his scent — a mix of cologne, fresh rain, and something uniquely Carlos — is comforting.
“You’re getting soaked!” You protest, noticing his wet shirt clinging to his toned body.
Carlos just shrugs, “You needed it more than I did.”
As the two of you find shelter from the storm, the tension between you is palpable. The rain has created a sudden intimacy and you’re both acutely aware of each other.
“Better?” Carlos asks, his voice softer than usual, noticing you inhaling the scent of his jacket.
You nod, cheeks heating up. “Yeah. Smells like ... well, you.”
He smirks, “Is that a good thing?”
You glance up, meeting his gaze, “Definitely.”
There’s a pause, a shared moment where neither of you needs to speak. The rain pattering outside creates a rhythmic backdrop to the charged atmosphere.
Carlos breaks the silence, his voice barely above a whisper, “Y/N, I …”
You lean in, “Yes?”
Just then, a gust of wind blows the umbrella out of Carlos’ hand, startling the both of you. The sudden distraction breaks the intensity of the moment and you both laugh at the absurdity of it.
Carlos, trying to chase the runaway umbrella, calls out, “Rain check?”
You laugh, trying to calm your racing heartbeat, “Quite literally.”
“You won’t believe what Carlos did this time,” Antonio, one of the lead engineers, whispers to Paolo, a senior mechanic.
You’re nearby, checking the equipment for the upcoming practice session, but their hushed conversation catches your attention.
Paolo chuckles, “Can’t be crazier than what Charles tried last week.”
Antonio smirks, “Trust me, it’s right up there. Both of them, head over heels, and all for the same girl.”
Your curiosity piqued, you edge closer, feigning interest in a nearby tire. “Who is it?” You wonder internally, trying to think of any new female team members or journalists that might have caught their eye.
Paolo, clearly enjoying the gossip, leans in, “You think she has any idea?”
Antonio shakes his head, “Nope. She’s completely in the dark. It’s actually kind of adorable how clueless she is.”
You bite your lip, even more intrigued. “Who could it be?” You muse.
Deciding to join in the speculation, you casually approach, “Hey, what’s this I’m hearing about someone making our drivers lose their heads?”
Both men look up, surprised to see you so close. Antonio stammers, “Oh, hey Y/N. Just, um, some silly paddock rumors.”
Paolo, trying to divert the topic, adds, “You know how it is. People love making up stories.”
You nod, playing along, “Of course. But, come on, spill. Who’s the lucky girl? Anyone I know?”
Antonio and Paolo exchange glances, trying to gauge how much to reveal. Antonio finally speaks, “Let’s just say she’s someone who is always around but seems to be missing all the signs.”
You laugh, “Sounds like she’s got her head in the clouds. I can’t wait to find out who she is.”
Paolo grins, “Oh, it’ll come out eventually. These things always do.”
The meet-and-greet in Maranello is packed to the brim. Fans from all over the world have gathered to meet their favorite drivers and the team uniform you’re wearing means you’ve gathered a considerable crowd around you too.
As you sign autographs and chat with fans, you notice a group of them exchanging knowing glances and excited whispers.
“Y/N,” one brave fan begins, “we’ve got a question for you.”
You raise an eyebrow, “Sure, fire away.”
The fan clears their throat, “We’ve been following you and the drivers closely, and, well, we couldn’t help but notice something.”
You exchange a curious look with them, “Notice what?”
Another fan chimes in, “You see, Charles and Carlos, they ... they seem to be really close, you know, off the track.”
You nod, “Yeah, they’re good friends.”
A third fan interjects, ‘It’s more than that, though. We think they’re totally into someone.”
You chuckle, thinking they’re just indulging in the typical gossip. “Well, they are both very passionate about racing if that’s what you mean.”
The fans exchange disappointed glances. “She really doesn’t get it,” one of them whispers.
But they’re not giving up that easily. Another fan seems to have a plan. “Okay, Y/N, hypothetical scenario. What if these two drivers were in a race not for points but for something else?”
You’re intrigued, “What do you mean?”
The fan grins, “Imagine if they were trying to win someone’s heart and that someone is right here, oblivious to it all.”
You laugh, amused by their playful scenario. “That would be quite the competition.”
They exchange triumphant glances, “Exactly! So, who do you think this lucky person is?”
You shrug, genuinely not knowing who they’re referring to, “I have no idea. Probably some lucky girl out there.”
The fans let out an exaggerated groan, “She really has no clue.”
Another fan leans in, conspiratorial, “What if we told you that this lucky person is not some random girl but someone they work closely with?”
“What do you mean?”
The fans exchange sly grins, “We mean, what if the person they’re vying for is ... you?”
Your eyes widen in surprise and you laugh, thinking they’re just pulling your leg, “Me? That’s crazy. They’re just my friends.”
The fans share a look of exasperation and one of them sighs, “She’s hopeless.”
“Alright, everyone, gather around! Intervention time!” Your father announces, drawing you into the center of the group of staff that were gathered on the first floor of the Ferrari motorhome.
You look around, bewildered. “What’s going on?”
Paolo, chuckling, pats your shoulder, “You’ve got the observational skills of a goldfish.”
You pout, “Hey! I notice things.”
Antonio snorts, “Oh, really? Do you recall Monaco? During the team photo?”
You nod, confused, “Yeah, we were all there.”
Antonio grins, “Carlos was standing right next to you. Instead of giving a thumbs-up like everyone else, he made a heart sign with his hands right behind you. Literally, right behind your head.”
Eyes wide, you protest, “He did?”
Your father chimes in, “And remember in Silverstone? When you lost that bracelet your mother gave you?”
You nod, “Yes, I was devastated.”
He continues, “Charles spent the entire night searching for it. He found it at 3 am and then hand-delivered it to your room.”
Antonio adds, chuckling, “Wearing those ridiculous race car pajamas, I might add.”
You blink, processing the information, “I thought I just dropped it while getting dressed ...”
Paolo, shaking his head in amusement, recounts, “During the team BBQ, Carlos grilled those vegetarian sausages especially for you. Remember wondering why we had them?”
Your cheeks turn a shade redder, “I just thought he was being considerate for the vegetarians on the team.”
Your father laughs, “We don’t have any other vegetarians on the team, darling.”
Antonio recalls another incident, “In Spain, during that heatwave? Charles, out of nowhere, had a mini fan delivered to you. Said it was team equipment.”
You gasp, “That was him?”
Paolo, grinning, continues, “Ever wonder who leaves those freshly peeled oranges on your desk every race day? That’s Carlos’ handiwork.”
You shake your head in disbelief, “But … why?”
Your father steps forward, placing a comforting arm around you, “Sweetheart, it’s because they’re both completely smitten with you. And while it’s entertaining for us to watch, it’s also driving the entire team bonkers with every passing day that you don’t realize.”
You look around, taking in the nodding heads and amused expressions, “I ... I had no idea.”
Antonio chuckles, “Clearly.”
Paolo adds, “It’s like watching a rom-com unfold right before our eyes, only you seem to have missed the entire plot.”
You laugh sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck, “Okay, maybe I’ve been a bit oblivious.”
Your father smirks, “A bit oblivious? That’s like saying Ferrari is known for being a bit red.”
Antonio gives you a friendly pat on the back, “Welcome to the real race, Y/N. Buckle up.”
Carlos clears his throat, his usual confidence replaced with a rare nervousness, “Y/N, can we talk? Like, really talk?”
You drop what you’re doing, “Of course. What’s on your mind?”
Charles, appearing from the shadows, adds, “Actually, I’d like to be part of this conversation as well.”
You’re taken aback. “Alright, you both have my attention.”
Carlos begins, running his fingers through his hair, “You know, racing isn’t just about speed. It’s about timing, making the right move at the right moment.”
Charles nods in agreement, “Sometimes, you wait too long and the opportunity passes you by.”
You squint, trying to decipher their cryptic words, “Are we talking about racing or ...?”
Carlos exhales deeply, “This isn’t about racing. This is about ... us. You, me, Charles.”
Charles interjects, his gaze intense, “It’s about feelings. Ones that have been growing and evolving.”
You swallow, your heart pounding, “I think I know where this is going.”
Carlos, his voice laced with vulnerability, confesses, “Every time I do something hoping it will make you smile, every time I go out of my way just to be near you ... it’s not just because of friendship.”
Charles adds, “And every gesture, every moment we’ve shared, it’s been my way of trying to show you how I feel.”
Your eyes well up with emotion, “I ... I gained an inkling just recently but I still wasn’t sure.”
Carlos takes a deep breath, “We’re not just talking about individual feelings here. What we’re trying to say is we both care for you and we’ve discussed it. We both want to be with you and for the three of us to explore this ... together.”
Charles nods, “We want to navigate this track as a trio. If you’re willing.”
Carlos steps closer, his eyes searching yours, “We just needed you to know. Whatever you decide, we’ll respect it.”
Charles nods, “Just ... take your time. We’re here, no matter what.”
You take a deep breath, “I need some time to think, to process all of this.”
Carlos offers a soft smile, “Of course, Y/N. We understand.”
Charles gently places a hand on your shoulder, “We’ll wait, however long it takes. Your feelings matter to us. You matter to us.”
“Safety car deployed, safety car deployed!” The voice over the radio jolts you into high alert.
“What happened?” You ask anxiously, watching the large screen that displays the race.
Your father’s voice shakes slightly, “Multi-car collision at Turn 4. I can’t see which cars are involved yet.”
Your heart races, thinking of Charles and Carlos. “Please, let them be okay.”
Paolo, eyes glued to the live feed, mutters, “This looks bad.”
The images on the screen show plumes of smoke and debris scattered across the track. The safety car slows the procession of vehicles and you can see marshals running toward the crash site.
Suddenly, Charles comes on the radio, sounding strained but intact, “I’m okay but Carlos ... I can’t see Carlos.”
A weight settles in your stomach. Panic floods your veins. “Please, no.”
His race engineer’s voice cracks with urgency, “Carlos, if you can hear me please respond.”
What feels like hours pass but in reality it’s only seconds before Carlos’ shaky voice breaks through, “I’m here ... I’m okay. Got a bit shaken but I’m fine.”
You slump in relief, tears pricking your eyes. The reality of how precious life is and how quickly things can change hits you like a tidal wave.
Once the chaos subsides and both Charles and Carlos are confirmed safe, you rush out to the pits, needing to see them with your own eyes.
Charles, spotting you first, rushes over, his race suit smeared with dirt and sweat. Without a word, he pulls you into a tight embrace, the tension and relief palpable between you two.
Carlos joins, wrapping his arms around both of you, his breathing still slightly labored from the shock.
You pull away, tears streaming down your face, “Don’t you ever scare me like that again.”
Carlos musters up a hint of a smirk, “Didn’t plan to, trust me.”
Charles adds softly, looking deep into your eyes, “It makes you realize what’s really important.”
You nod, your decision clear. The events of the day, combined with the confessions of the previous week, cement your feelings. “Life is short. Too short not to be with who you care about.”
Carlos raises an eyebrow, “Does that mean ...?”
You smile, nodding, “Yes. I want to be with both of you. We’ll figure it all out together.”
“France in winter is so enchanting,” Carlos muses as you all stroll through the snow-covered streets of your hometown, having flown there right after the end of the season.
You laugh, “You should see it in spring.”
Charles wraps one an arm around your waist and the other around Carlos, “With you as our guide, I’m sure every season is beautiful.”
The moment you all step into your family home, the familiar smell of your favorite dish wafts through the air. “Ah, maman’s coq au vin!” You exclaim.
Carlos looks intrigued, “What’s that?”
“It’s a traditional French chicken stew,” Charles explains, revealing his fondness for it too.
At the dinner table, your father raises a toast, “To family, old and new.” It’s a nod to Charles and Carlos, welcoming them into the fold.
Throughout the night, more wine is poured and stories are exchanged. Heading about your childhood misadventures makes Carlos chuckle and Charles smirk as your mother brings out the photo album no matter how much you beg her to save you the embarrassment.
Your grandmother pulls you aside and whispers, “It’s beautiful, cherie, how the heart can expand to make room for more love.”
Next stop: Monaco. Before you can even ring the doorbell to Charles’ family home, Lorenzo swings it open, his grin wide. “Ah! The infamous new trio. We’ve heard so much about you.”
You laugh, “All good things, I hope?”
Arthur, joining Lorenzo at the doorway, smirks, “Mostly just about how our dear Charles here can’t stop talking about you.”
Charles rolls his eyes, a hint of red tinting his cheeks. “Can we not start with the teasing five seconds in?”
Carlos chuckles, elbowing Charles lightly, “It’s what brothers are for, right?”
Lorenzo nods, winking at you, “Oh, absolutely. You should’ve seen Charles when he was younger. Always getting into mischief.”
Arthur, with a gleeful glint in his eyes, adds, “Remember that time with the go-kart?”
Charles groans, “Do we really have to bring that up now?”
“Oh, but now I’m curious.”
Lorenzo, not missing a beat, narrates, “Our dear Charles decided to modify his go-kart engine. Let’s just say it ended up in the neighbor’s pool.”
Carlos bursts into laughter, “I wish I’d seen that!”
At one point, when Charles steps out to take a call, Lorenzo leans in, “In all seriousness, we haven’t seen Charles this happy in a long time.”
Arthur nods in agreement, “Whatever you two are doing, keep it up. It’s good for him.”
The three of you touch down in Spain to ring in the New Year. The evening is filled with laughter, traditional music, and the tantalizing aroma of home-cooked meals. As midnight approached, Carlos’ mother brings out individual bowls filled with glistening grapes.
“You know about the Spanish tradition, right?” Carlos asks.
You shake your head.
Carlos explains, “At the stroke of midnight, for every chime of the clock, you eat a grape. Twelve chimes, twelve grapes. It’s said to bring good luck for the coming year.”
You chuckle, eyeing the bowl, “Sounds easy enough.”
It was not easy.
The first chime rings out and everyone pops a grape into their mouth. By the fourth chime, you’re struggling, laughter bubbling up around a mouthful of the fruit as you desperately try to keep up.
Charles, equally struggling, shoots you a wide-eyed look, grapes nearly falling out of his mouth.
Carlos, on the other hand, seems to have mastered the art, smoothly munching away, though his eyes reveal his suppressed laughter.
As the twelfth chime rings out, you finally manage to swallow the mouthful, gasping for breath air rounded by the hearty laughter of Carlos’ family.
Carlos’ father claps you and Charles on the back, “Well done! You two are practically Spanish now.”
You laugh, wiping away a tear, “I think I’ll need a few more years of practice.”
Carlos grins, wrapping an arm around you, “Don’t worry, we will have many more New Years for you to perfect it.”
The sun casts a golden hue on the beach, the waves gently lapping at the shore. Your feet are buried in the soft sand and you lean back, enjoying the feeling of warmth on your skin.
Taking a moment to appreciate the surroundings, you sigh, “The view is so breathtaking.”
Charles, reclining beside you with sunglasses perched atop his head, follows your gaze. His eyes, however, are not on the horizon but on Carlos, who’s emerging from the water, droplets glistening on his toned body. Without missing a beat, Charles replies flirtatiously, “Yes, he definitely is.”
Carlos laughs as he approaches, water dripping from him, “You two are impossible.”
You smirk, “Well, can you blame him? You do look quite ... impressive."
Carlos, towel now draped around his neck, grins, “Is that so? Maybe I should spend more time at the beach then.”
Charles mock pouts, “And less time with your car?”
Carlos pretends to think about it, “Tough choice. But I think I can find a balance.”
“Look who’s back and glowing!” Paolo greets as the three of you walk into the paddock together for pre-season testing.
Antonio joins in the teasing, “Carlos, you’ve got that sun-kissed tan going on and Charles ... did you forget the sunscreen again?”
Charles laughs sheepishly, touching his slightly reddened nose, “Apparently, I just burn.”
Carlos smirks, “We tried but some people are just destined to be crispy.”
You laugh, nudging Carlos, “Don’t be mean. But … we did have that one day when he turned a shade that matched the Ferrari.”
“Here’s to the dream team!” Antonio raises his champagne flute, his eyes shimmering under the bright lights of the party.
Charles, holding his second-place trophy, grins, nudging Carlos who’s proudly holding his first-place one. “Feels pretty good to have another double podium, doesn’t it?”
Carlos laughs, “Only because I’m one step higher!”
“Hey! It was the other way around last weekend,” Charles pretends to sulk.
You roll your eyes playfully, “Children, children. Share your toys nicely.”
Paolo chimes in, “It’s not just about the podium finishes. The energy this season ... it’s been different, more vibrant.”
Charles takes a moment, his gaze flitting between Carlos and you. “Well, happiness does tend to have that effect.”
Carlos wraps an arm around you both, pulling you close. “I couldn’t have said it better.”
“You would think that after all these years, I’d have gotten the hang of it,” your father laments, eyeing the bowl of freshly washed grapes in front of him.
Carlos’ mother laughs, patting his arm, “You’ll do just fine this time, Fred. We’ve all been practicing.”
Charles smirks, glancing at his brothers, “Oh, trust me, they’ve turned it into a competitive sport. Last year, Lorenzo managed to eat an extra grape by mistake!”
Lorenzo rolls his eyes, “One time! And I blame Arthur for distracting me.”
“Okay, it’s almost time,” Carlos says. “Remember, the key is not to rush.”
You chuckle, “Says the man who’s been acing this since he was a kid.”
Carlos winks, “Natural talent.”
The clock begins to chime, marking the impending arrival of the New Year. Everyone takes their positions, holding their grapes, waiting for the signal.
As each chime rings out, laughter fills the room. The past mishaps with the grapes only make the current attempt all the more entertaining.
When the twelfth chime fades, everyone erupts in cheers. Even your father, much to his delight, has successfully completed it in time.
Charles wraps an arm around you, “Another year, another challenge conquered.”
Carlos steps up to kiss both of you, tasting distinctly of grape, “With many more to come.”
You smile, looking around at the blending of families, the fusion of traditions, and the love that fills the room. “I can’t wait to spend every New Year together with you for the rest of our lives.”
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elodieunderglass · 2 years ago
Can you re-describe your flight rising lying story? I’m afraid I don’t know it and I can’t find it on your blog anywhere
Ah sorry you can’t find anything on this blog! But when I tricked Flight Rising, it was about birthday dragons.
At some point before the 2millionth dragon was born, I noticed that dragons were being hatched with IDs like 19890902. That’s a birthday!
So naturally I went and submitted a post on the anonymous tumblr confession blog DramaRising, where unhappy people complained about dragons. This was my only post on this blog, which I did not even follow or read. I simply went in to a random dive bar, dropped an explosive, and left.
The post was something like, “I’ve just found my birthday dragon. Be sure to get yours quick!” I believe there was no further explanation of what a birthday dragon even was? I was just momentarily possessed of a spirit of mischief.
Carnage ensued.
Everyone assumed that it was an established new trend, and they were FRANTIC to secure theirs. They posted their birthdays online, threads sprang up, and there was a surge in activity. Cheeky people were exalting birthday dragons to the great woe of the dozens of players sharing these birthdays.
Eventually one of the mods posted that it was now dragon-illegal to post a dragon ID with reference to it being a birthday.
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Many of the threads have been deleted, but for example in 2018 people were still talking about it.
Here’s a Reddit thread in which a better historian than myself recalled them selling for 20 million coins.
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Nobody could figure out how the trend had started … but by the time they were chasing their birthday dragon, it was already well under way. The trend was a trend! It was trending! It made sense! You only had one chance (or two, if you used USA/UK style dates) to get it, you were competing with others, it was unique and random and could never be repeated… the conditions were perfect for a wild frenzy. It was very funny and good.
There is another punchline: I do not own my own birthday dragon. Someone else has it. It would have been SMART to secure my own birthday dragon before setting off an illegal stock market surge in birthday dragons, but i did not, because…
… i have never cared very much about dragon IDs.
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suugarbabe · 2 years ago
sunshine and ducks | m.r x reader
prompt: was wondering if it’s possible for me to request a Slytherin reader who doesn’t typically go out with guys at hogwarts since she’s got high standards and Mattheo gets dared to try to get a date out of her, leading to them liking each other but maybe there’s like some twist where they both have been writing back and forth in an anonymous journal they found and they eventually plan to meet and they’re shocked it’s them or something?
an: I took a little artistic liberty, so its basically the prompt but with my own twist
warnings: fluff, mention of parental death
Word count: 4.6k
Mattheo shook his head, “There’s no way.” Theo grinned at his friend, “No way because you know you could never do it, could never get the job done.” Mattheo set his fork down, glaring across the table, “That’s not what I mean.” 
“What’s not what you mean?” Blaise and Enzo joined the two at the Slytherin table, packing food onto their plates before morning classes. “Theodore, here, dared me to ask y/n out on a date.” 
Enzo snorted, “Y/n? Like Y/n Y/l/n? Good bloody luck with that, mate.” 
“Thank you,” Mattheo turned back to Theo, a smirk on his face, “Y/n doesn’t date. I don’t even think I’ve seen her go out with anyone in the entire seven years we’ve been here.” 
Blaise nodded in agreement, “Yeah, her standards are way too high, especially for you lot.” Theo and Enzo looked like they’d been wounded, but Mattheo looked intrigued, “What do you mean ‘especially for you lot’, I’m sure I’m exactly what y/n’s type would be.” 
Theo perked up, “So are you accepting the dare?” He held his hand out, ready to shake it, quickly letting out a hiss as Mattheo smacked it away. “I’ll think about it,” Mattheo gave his answer for the moment, reaching into his pocket and pulling out what looked like folded parchment. 
Pansy snatched the parchment from his grasp as she sat next to him, Draco on her other side. “Still playing with this, Matty?” Pansy went to open it before Mattheo grabbed it back, “Leave me alone, Pansy. It’s none of your business.” She sighed, rolling her eyes and looking to Draco, “Will you please tell your cousin that it’s a little pathetic to write back and forth to a mystery girl on enchanted parchment like we’re third years?” 
Draco shrugged his shoulders, mouth full of sausage as he spoke, “Don’t ‘ive a fuck who ‘e ‘alks to, Pans.” Pansy pouted, crossing her arms. Theo, however, took this information and ran with it, “You’re still talking to mystery woman? I thought you gave that up weeks ago. Is that why you’re not taking my bet? You’re waiting on parchment Patty to confess her love to yo-” Theo was cut off by the sausage that was thrown at his face by Mattheo. 
Mattheo got up front the bench, grabbing his bag and the parchment, “I’ll see you guys in class.” 
His first class of the day was ancient runes, a peaceful moment in the morning where none of his friends were. Much to everyone’s surprise he usually got there early, just to have some time to himself. He also looked at it as a good excuse to be late to nearly all of his other classes, since he spent extra time in his first.
When he got to his table, he pulled out the parchment, a grin spreading across his face when he noticed writing was already on it. He found the parchment in the library about two months ago. It was left on a table that he and a girl he convinced to tutor him sat. At first it just appeared like free parchment, until he opened it one morning seeing your scrawl across the page asking if anyone had found it yet. 
There had been an agreement made between the two of you to not reveal your name or any major identifiers. Mattheo was actually thankful to have someone to talk to that didn’t know who he was. As confident as he displays, it was nice to be able to talk to someone without fear of being judged simply because of who his father was. 
It had become customary to write each other in the morning, doing a little check in. Over the last two months you two had built a connection, entrusting each other with information you hadn’t even told your friends.
Any advice on how to get through Divination at 830am?
Mattheo laughed to himself, you were a saint for suffering through Trelawny’s ramblings so early.
Make something up, say you saw a werewolf in your crystal ball, see what she says he wrote back. 
He watched as your response appeared in front of him, Good thinking, Duck. I’ll just tell the crazy woman I see a predator in my future, that’ll get her off my back
He could tell she was being sarcastic You’re right, Sunshine, best keep quiet and just survive the morning
Professor Babbling walked in, causing Mattheo to stash the parchment in his bag again. He sat through class, surprisingly distracted. His thoughts drifted back to breakfast this morning and Theo’s dare. It couldn’t possibly be that hard to get you to go on a date with him, sure you seemed stingy with the guys, but Mattheo couldn’t blame you. 
The pickings were slim, but he knew he was attractive. If he were going to get you to go on a date with him, he had to take a different approach than normal. He couldn’t do lingering looks and winks across the room like he usually did with other girls. He had to be straightforward. 
That’s why when lunch came around Mattheo told his friends he would talk to them later and found you sitting at the end of the table, like always. You had your mix of friends, but it was known you often ate meals alone.
Some people thought it was because you were stuck up, the rumors about you having high standards had been swirling around since you denied golden boy Potter in year four. He had asked you to the Yule Ball, being a Triwizard Champion people were shocked you denied him. You had no interest in being paraded around like arm candy, especially by a Gryffindor. 
When Mattheo sat down across from you, you didn’t even look up from your meal. You at first assumed some first year was scared or nervous from a different part of the table and came to sat by a singular person, being in Slytherin could be intimidating. When Mattheo cleared his throat you finally looked up from your plate. 
You stared at him, eyes piercing directly into his, and suddenly he felt himself get nervous. You stared at each other for a moment before you spoke, “Can I help you with something Mattheo?”
That caught him off guard, “You, erm, know my name?” You laughed lightly at this, “You, sir, are Mattheo Riddle. Heir to the Dark Lord’s throne.” Your tone was teasing, “Everyone knows you.”
“Well I know you, too, Y/n Y/l/n.” You raised your eyebrows at this, “Do you now? What exactly do you think you know besides my name?” 
Mattheo was nervous again, “I uh, I know you like to eat alone.” 
“And yet here you sit.” 
Mattheo let out a low chuckle, “Right, erm, I was, uh, I’ve been watching you.” You snorted, “That’s not creepy at all.” 
“No! I mean, I’ve, erm, seen you around. I mean, we’ve gone to school together for seven years. We’re in the same house, it’s hard not to notice you.” Mattheo was grinning now. He was actually kind of cute, nervous like this, “Do you know anything about me that a first year couldn’t figure out?”
Mattheo smirked now, “I would love to get to know more about you, if you’d let me.” You leaned back now, lacing your fingers in front of you, “And why should I do that, sir?” 
“Got a habit of calling me sir, there something you’d care to share with me?” Mattheo’s lips tugged at the corners. He was teasing you, but he had no idea who he was playing with. You leaned in on your elbows. Mattheo, intrigued, mirrored your position. There was now mere inches between your faces. 
Mattheo had his classic smirk, the one he wore nearly all day, but it faltered when he saw a similar smirk appear on yours. You sat up now, leaning in  to whisper in his ear, “You’ll never be lucky enough to see what a good girl I can be.” 
With that you left the table, leaving Mattheo with his mouth slightly agape. He watched as you left the great hall, hips swaying a little extra as you walked away. 
A hand was clasp on Mattheo’s shoulder, “Well, cousin, that didn’t look like someone who said yes to a date.” 
Theo sat down next to him, “Malfoy’s right. You fuck up the dare already, Riddle?” Mattheo shook his head, “I’m just getting started.”
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You stared at the parchment in front of you, unsure of how to respond. 
Are you going to the Slytherin party tonight, Sunshine?
You weren’t really one for parties, you’ve been to a couple in your time at Hogwarts but it usually just led to unwanted advances from boys you had no intention of giving the time of day to. 
You scribbled back your answer, I’m not sure, parties usually aren’t my scene. 
“Oh come on, y/n, go to one party,” your friend Darcy was leaning over your shoulder. You folded the parchment quickly, “Salazar's sake, Darcy, can you let me just have one thing.” 
Darcy shrugged her shoulders, “You’ve been chatting with this guy for months, y/n/n. Isn’t it time you met him in person? Getting kind of pathetic pining after him like this when you don’t even know what he looks like.” 
You tugged on your bottom lip with your teeth, “I mean, that’s the problem right? He seems so perfect right now but he could be a total tosser in person. I don’t know if I’m ready to take off the rose colored glasses.” 
“Then tell him to find you then.” 
You looked up at her, “You’re brilliant, you know that?” You open the parchment again, writing ferociously before your pen pal can reply again.
I think it’s time we met, what do you say? If you can find me that is
You waited a moment before seeing his response
What do you mean if I can??
You smiled to yourself
You’ve talked to me for two months, Duckie.  I’ll be at the party. If you know me as well as you think you do, you could find me
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“Gonna tell me why you have that stupid grin on your face, cousin? Finally get y/n to agree to that date?” Draco was leaning on his elbow, trying to get Mattheo’s attention. 
“What? No, I’m going to do that at dinner.” Mattheo scribbled on the parchment in front of him.
Can’t wait to finally see you, sunshine
“Sunshine? Has Riddle gone soft on us now?” Draco was smirking, eyes on the parchment. Mattheo grabbed Draco by the collar, “One word. One word of this to anyone, cousin, and I’ll color your hair to match Weasley’s.” 
Someone, Draco’s face became paler, “Okay, okay. Merlin.” He straightened. “You don’t even know what this bird looks like. She’s kind of interfering with your plan for y/n is she not?” 
Mattheo shook his head, “I’ve got it handled, cousin. Don’t you worry.”
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You set down your book, letting out a deep sigh as you now stared right at Mattheo sitting across from you, “Two meals in one day? Did I win the lottery or something?” 
Mattheo laughed, “What? Can’t I just sit with a pretty girl at dinner?” You gave him an incredulous look and his shoulders slumped. He leaned towards you, elbows on the table and hands flailing on he spoke, “Listen, if I tell you the truth you promise you’re not gonna freak out?” 
You nodded curtly, encouraging him to continue. “Okay, so this morning Theo may or may not have dared me to ask you out on a date, more so get you to go on an actual date.” You scoffed, “And why would he do that?” 
Mattheo shrugged, “I may or may not have been staring at you, it’s fine, not a big deal.” You raised your eyebrows at this, but Mattheo only rolled his eyes, “Don’t act like you don’t know you’re hot, y/n, okay?”
You laughed, putting your hands up in defense, “So what, I just go on a date with you and you win? Why is that even a thing?” 
Mattheo wore a look of disbelief, “You’re kidding right? You- Y/n, you never go out on dates.” 
You pouted, crossing your arms, “I’ve dated!” Mattheo shook his head, “Name one boy from Hogwarts you’ve been on a date with.” You sat there a moment, gnawing on the inside of your cheek while you thought.
“Now think of how many boys you’ve denied a date from,” Mattheo was smirking now, you just glared at him. 
“Okay, Riddle, fine. I’ll do it. But just one date.” You pointed your finger at him. Mattheo’s mouth opened and shut like a fish before he found the words, “A-are you serious?”
You nodded, “Now, tell me what it’ll be before I come to my senses and change my mind.” 
“Tonight. There’s a party in the common room. Be my date to the party.” 
You twisted your hands, bottom lip tucked between your teeth. Merlin, if you kept that up, Mattheo was going to lose his mind. “Tonight?” you repeated, looking nervous now.
“Something wrong with that? Just figured it’d be the easiest place for us to be seen together.” Mattheo was waiting for your response. 
You let out a soft sigh, “I…I was supposed to meet someone at the party. No one knows about it, well, except you now. I just, no offense to you, I just don’t know if I want that to mess it up.” 
Mattheo smiled, “It’s okay, I’m supposed to meet someone at the party, too. So we’ll just show up together, say hi to my friends so Theo can eat his words and then go our separate ways.” 
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, “Perfect. Okay. So, how should I dress? I never really paid attention to the girls you hang around, since they’re basically a revolving door.” 
Mattheo held his hands to his chest, “Ouch, you wound me, y/n.” You laughed together. “But, really, wear whatever you want, Sunshine.” 
You froze at his words, “W-what did you say?”  If you could see yourself you’re sure that all the color drained from your face. Did he really just call you that? It had to be a coincidence, right? It was a common pet name, wasn’t it? It doesn’t mean he’s who you think he might be.
“I said you can wear whatever you want,” his smile was genuine, no sign or any give that he may know or be someone other than what he presented in front of you. You nodded at him, “Right, erm, okay. Well, I’m gonna go now, go get ready I guess. I’ll…see you later?” 
You started to stand and he grabbed your hand, kissing the back of it like a knight, “See you later, Sunshine.” 
You pulled your hand back, maybe a little too quickly, holding your books to your chest and rushing out of the great hall. Your mind was racing, not able to untie the knot of thoughts that was forming in your brain. Mattheo could not be your secret parchment person. He simply could not. Sure, he was handsome. But he was a jerk. He was a manipulator, that’s what he did with women, manipulated them, swindled them, sweet talked them until he got to bring them up to his dorm. That was the Mattheo Riddle you heard about. 
But he was nice to you all day today. But that could just be him being nice to get in your pants right? No, he agreed to leave you alone, said that he was meeting someone too. But what if who he was trying to meet was actually you? 
Your head hurt. You groaned as you belly flopped onto your bed in your dorm. 
“Y’alright, there, y/n/n?” Darcy was picking through her closet, presumably looking for something to wear to the party. 
You mumbled, words muffled by your pillow. “Come again, dear?” Darcy was sat on your bed now. You turned your head to the side, not even bothering moving your hair from your eyes, “I think I know who my secret parchment man is.” 
Darcy jumped up from her position, bouncing on her toes, “Brilliant, brilliant, that’s so wonderful, y/n/n!” 
Her bouncing slowly came to a halt when she noticed you didn’t move from your position, “Why are you not happy? Oh no, is he ugly? How bad is it? Like Filch bad? Y/n/n, talk to me, don’t sulk all the way until the party.” 
You groaned again, “The party. Merlin…I have to get ready for my bloody date.” 
“You’re what?!”
You sat up, “It’s no big deal, Darce. I just…told Mattheo that I would accompany him to the party tonight.” 
“Mattheo,” Darcy held her hands out in front of her, “Like…Riddle?” 
“Do you know any other Mattheo?” 
“Well what are you gonna wear? Oh my god, Mattheo?! Really? God, are you gonna snog him? I heard he was bloody amazing with his tongue,” Darcy was now throwing the slinkiest, tiniest dresses on your bed, continuing to rant about how much you should try and shag Mattheo by night’s end.
“You know I am trying to meet someone else at this party, you know that right?” You held up a dress before tossing it on the floor, “Absolutely not.” 
“Okay well what about this one?” She held up a silky green number, corset style back and a deep v-cut in the front, cups like a bra for the bustier, “And you looked downright miserable at the possibility of who this person might be, might as well look hot with a hot person until you decide if it’s really him or not.”  
You held up the dress she offered, flipping it back and forth before deciding to try it on, “I guess you’re right. I can’t really decide to have a bad time unless I know for sure that I’m right about who it is.” 
You shimmied the dress over your hips, tugging a little at the hem, “S’not too short?” Darcy shook her head, “Absolutely not, now…let’s do your hair and makeup” 
You rubbed your lips together after Darcy applied the gold and glittery lip gloss. You put on your old Doc Marten boots, in your mind you had to keep a little authenticity with your outfit and you thought it gave you a little ‘bad girl’ flair. 
You did a twirl in the mirror. “Please tell me those aren’t the shoes you’re wearing,” Darcy had a displeased look on her face, both of you so focused on your outfit you didn’t notice the door opening. 
“I think she looks breathtaking, honestly.” You both turn at the sound of Mattheo’s voice, your cheeks instantly aflame. 
“We’ll I’m going down, I’ll see you two later?” Darcy shot you a wink and you waved her off before she left the room. 
You turned back to Mattheo, “So really, how do I look?” 
Mattheo walked toward you, tentatively placing his hands on your hips. You felt like your skin was burning where he touched. He twisted your hips, forcing you to spin around and give him a full view before you faced him again. 
“I was being truthful earlier, you look incredible.”
You looked at the ground bashfully. Mattheo grabbed your chin, forcing your eyes to meet his, “Hey none of that now, Sunshine. Shall we go give ‘em hell at the party then find our real dates, yeah?” 
Your cheeks burn further at the nickname. I think we’ve already found each other, you think to yourself, but nonetheless, you nod and allow him to guide you down the hall and to the party. 
He’s respectful as he does so, keeping his hand on the small of your back. When you walk through the silencing charm barrier it feels like everyone’s eyes are on the two of you. 
As you maneuvered through the crowd Mattheo’s hand gripped your waist, pulling you closer to him. You turned your face towards him, only for him to give you a wink before seeing his friends in front of you. 
Theo’s eyes were nearly popping out of his skull, while Enzo basically choked on his drink. 
“They always like this?” You ask no one in particular. One of Mattheo’s friends comes up to you, “Blaise, very nice to meet you, Y/n. And yes, those two are always like that.” 
You shake his hand, smiling. You’re introduced formally to the rest of the group, though you know all their names by simply being in the same house. 
Mattheo offers to get you a drink and then leaves you with his friends. Theo and Enzo each scoot over, making room for you to sit between them. 
As you sit on the couch, Theo leans back, slinging his arms over the back and manspreading his legs. “So how’d he get you to do it?” 
You turn your head to the dirty blonde boy, “How’d who get me to do what?” 
Enzo leans over then, “How’d Riddle get you to go on a date with him? You never date anybody.” 
You laugh a little, “You’d be surprised.”
Before you could explain much further, Mattheo returned, saving you and pulling you to sit with him on another couch. At this point a few other girls joined. You knew them from your house and classes, Daphne, Astoria and Pansy. 
Theo suggested playing a game. Mattheo leaned down, breath fanning your ear as he offered you to leave, “You can go find your date now if you want.” You shook your head, “S’okay, I can stay for one game. Makes the date more believable, yeah?” 
Mattheo smiled at you, a real soft and genuine smile. You could tell it was a thank you, so you both scooted your couch closer to the table for a game. 
The game was adolescent, truth or dare. However if you refused to answer or do a dare you had to drink. The rules were simple enough and you were fine with participating. Blaise and Daphne snogged, Theo was dared to take a shot from Pansy’s belly button and Enzo had to admit he had a crush on Astoria second year.
When Enzo picked you for truth or dare, Mattheo gave him a warning look. You assumed this meant to go easy on you. “Erm, truth or dare, y/n?”
“Let’s go with truth.”
Enzo sat for a moment, tapping his finger on his chin, “If you were to date someone, like a proper boyfriend,” he paused to wiggle his eyebrows at Mattheo, “what kind of pet name would you give them? And why.” 
You thought for a second. You could take a drink, no one could force you to answer. But it was also such an easy question, Enzo really did go easy on you. You could lie, say any pet name in the world. But you wanted to test your theory. See if what you speculated was really true. 
You looked at Mattheo, who gave you a warm smile. Then you looked back around the circle. “I guess, erm, I would call them duck or…duckie.” 
You could feel Mattheo stiffen next to you, but you couldn’t bear to look at him. “That’s kind of adorable,” Daphne cooed, “Why Duckie?”
You shifted a little, “Erm, because that’s what my mum called me dad, and they were so in love, like, proper love that you read about or see in movies.” 
“Were? So they’re not in love anymore?” Draco asked. 
“Cousin.” Mattheo scolded him, but you waved your hand, “S’okay. My mum died a few years ago. She was a brilliant witch, loved experimenting. Then one went awry.” 
You felt yourself tear up a bit. You didn’t talk of your mum much. Mattheo rubbed your back, but your skin felt on fire. “Sorry I’m just gonna…take a moment.” 
You got up to leave, heading toward your dorm before tears could fall, you didn’t want to embarrass yourself. 
You could feel someone following you but you didn’t care, you just needed to get to your dorm, needed to let your emotions out because after everything that occurred today you felt like you were overflowing. 
You burst through your door, someone catching it before you could slam it closed fully. 
“Y/n, talk to me,” Mattheo’s voice was soft, but you kept your back to him. The tears were coming and you couldn’t let him see. 
“Sunshine…” he pleaded. You turned slowly, eyes at his feet when you finally faced him. “That’s you right,” he took a cautious step forward, “You’re my Sunshine, aren’t you?” 
He held his finger under your chin, tilting it up softly until your eyes met his. He cupped your cheek, thumb wiping away the tears that fell. 
“You’re my duck,” you whispered. 
“Is that a bad thing?” He spoke softly, as if he used his regular volume you’d shatter into pieces. 
You shook your head, “S’not a bad thing. Little surprising. B’not bad.”
Mattheo laughed lightly, “Well I’m glad to hear that.” 
“When did you know? Or when did you suspect?” Mattheo had his hands on your waist now. 
“The first time you called me sunshine,” you smiled a little, “I thought maybe it was a mistake, or you called all girls that.”
“I don’t,” Mattheo replied quickly, “call all girls that. Before I said it to you I only ever wrote it down to…well I guess you.” 
You both laughed a little at this, “Why do you think you said it to me? I mean, you didn’t know, did you? Or suspect it?” 
Mattheo shook his head, “Dunno, after lunch and how you responded to me, it just came out. Guess maybe subconsciously I knew?” He laughed a little, “But I didn’t know for sure until the game, when you said you’d call your boyfriend Duckie.” 
“Is that what you want?” You asked him, causing his head to tilt, “To be my boyfriend.” 
Mattheo was smiling so wide his dimples popped out, you never noticed those before. However now you were going to make it your personal mission to make them pop every chance you got. 
“Is that what you want, Sunshine?” Your cheeks heated at the nickname again, but you smiled at him through your shyness, “I think we’d be fools not to try, yeah?” 
He cupped your cheek again, running a thumb along your bottom lip. He leaned in slowly, prepared to stop at any moment. 
You lifted to your tiptoes, closing the gap for him and allowing your lips to melt together. He pulled you in by your waist as you wrapped your hands around his neck, deepening the kiss. 
He kissed you hungrily, eager, intent on making you dizzy. He held nothing back, and neither did you. Your lips collided in a mix of gasps and groans, fingers clawing at each other until you finally separated, much to each other's dismay. 
 “That was…wow,” for the first time in his life Mattheo didn’t know what to say. 
“I agree,” you laughed, still holding on to his shoulders, “did you…wanna go back to the party or..” you trailed off, eyeing your bed. 
Mattheo followed your gaze, “You gonna show me what a good girl you can be, hmm?”
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chrollogy · 7 months ago
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iwaizumi hajime x f!reader
next | masterlist
synopsis: The sudden popularity over your first confession gives you the confidence to share more about your feelings for a certain someone. Meanwhile, Iwaizumi seems to be in deep thought, especially after reading the second confession—thanks to Oikawa.
chapter content warning: college au, fluff, mutual pining, iwaizumi is more lovesick than he lets on, oikawa is a lil shit, iwa has dimples!, not beta read.
word count: 2k
notes: divider: cafekitsune. ch 3 may be a bit late since i’m still in the process of writing it :> but enjoy !!!
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The confessions page never piqued Iwaizumi’s interest, not that it wasn’t interesting per se but he just didn’t have the time to read about other people’s lives unlike you, and Oikawa. Sure, he’d spare a minute or two whenever it’d appear on his timeline but he never sought them out.
If Iwaizumi were to think back on the last confession he had read, it’d be about a student TMI-ing, and confessing how they did the deed with a random stranger in a park near the campus. As expected, the post blew up, and was the talk of the campus for a few weeks straight due to its bizarreness.
Of course, just like every other student, you, and Oikawa gossiped about it during study sessions—safe to say it absolutely drove Iwaizumi nuts because of how much he’s heard that same story over, and over again.
Whenever he came across a confession on his timeline, he’d scroll right past it but oddly enough, the recent post Oikawa read aloud earlier might or might not have piqued his interest.
For starters, Iwaizumi knew he was in the same predicament as the anonymous sender. As he mentioned earlier, it was not easy to have feelings for your best friend, especially if one’s day to day life included said person. He could only act nonchalant for so long before he’d finally break—though, with the long period of time he’s harboured feelings for you, it might be sooner than expected.
Iwaizumi has always wondered how he’s even holding up in the first place every time he remembers how long he had kept his feelings for you. 
It’s just that every single time you’re around him, it does nothing but test his sanity. Everything about you was just so loveable that it wasn’t a surprise when Iwaizumi found himself loving you more than a friend—the lingering glances, his crimson-painted cheeks, the softness of his voice, the warmth of his palms, all those were reserved for you.
And Iwaizumi wished that at least somewhere down the line, you reciprocated his feelings too, even if his love for you outweighed your love for him. At least then, he would experience the feeling of your beating heart against his palms. Oh, Iwaizumi would do nothing but treat it with the utmost care, as though it was a fragile flower—not too much water to drown it but also not too little to starve it.
Pulled out of his trance, Iwaizumi blinked up at you, confusion growing on his face with each passing second. Fuck, he was deep in thought, wasn’t he? One minute the two of you were exchanging a conversation, and the next his mind wandered over to uncharted waters—a place he’s been dying to dip a finger into for the longest time.
“Now, you’re the one who seems stressed. Still thinking about your big assignment?”
“Yeah.” He lied.
In all honesty, Iwaizumi wanted nothing but to wrap his arms around you—be as close to you as possible, as though any moment away from your warmth would instantly end him. But Iwaizumi’s arms remained by his side, fingers drumming on the wooden bench beneath, a way to distract the annoying itch of wanting to be near your skin.
The late afternoon breeze blew past, a gentle caress of cold wind against his crimson-painted cheeks, as if mother nature herself cupped his face, and reminded him that everything was going to be alright. The trees danced as the wind intertwined with its leaves, forming a melodic sound to calm the mind.
Both of you were currently passing time before retiring to your rooms, as usual, Iwaizumi had waited after your late afternoon lecture but this time, it felt different. You found him leaning on the side of a vending machine, phone in hand while the other shoved in his pocket, an indifferent expression was plastered on his face—it’s a sight you’ve seen a thousand times, a sight you’re more than familiar with but why did it make your heart flutter so much now
It didn’t help how the subtle smile Iwaizumi sent your way had your knees buckling, and fingers curling tighter around the strap of your bag.
“Can I—” Iwaizumi started.
You noticed the way his fingers drew random shapes on the fabric of his pants, a nervous habit he’s picked up, one that you’ve learned from observing him. Though, you remained silent despite the slight worry in your chest, urging him on to finish his sentence; somehow, what was to come next may or may not have had your heart pounding. The hint of softness in his voice was enough to send your heart into overdrive.
“Is it okay if I lean on you a bit?”
Iwaizumi had shifted closer, you knew because you were shielded from the cool late afternoon breeze, instead, the warmth of his body greeted you like a calm embrace. From the corners of your eyes, Iwaizumi looked at you, his dark emerald gaze was intense enough to burn holes through the side of your face—a searing gaze you didn’t know how to return. Yet.
So, you simply nodded. A subtle dip of your chin, eyes fixated on the distant tree line of the park as though it piqued your interest, funny how it's dark green hues reminded you of his eyes.
That was all Iwaizumi needed before closing the distance between your bodies, and leaning his head on your shoulder. You sucked in a breath, closeness was never foreign in the friendship but the feeling of his body flush against your own was enough to torture your poor, poor heart.
Speaking of your heart, you at least hoped that Iwaizumi couldn’t hear it violently pounding against the walls of your chest—how it aggressively wanted to jump out of its confines, and onto his palm.
Unfortunately for you, Iwaizumi heard just fine—he swore your heart stuttered.
Were you nervous? He wanted to be delusional, and think that he was the one making your heart race like this, even though he clearly saw the empty can of energy drink you threw in the bin earlier. Though, on the back of Iwaizumi’s mind, despite the low possibility of his reciprocated feelings, he was oddly confident that it’d never be zero. 
Maybe he was just purely delusional.
“Sorry for inconveniencing you like this, I’m just a bit stressed.” Another lie.
Oh, Iwaizumi wasn’t stressed at all. In fact, he was actually kicking the assignment’s ass that he’s almost a whole week early in submitting it before the scheduled deadline. If anything, it was all child’s play to him. The real reason he was doing this was to simply have you closer to him, nothing else.
He felt kind of bad for lying to you like this since it was a purely selfish reason but could you really blame his heart?
The two of you stayed in complete silence for a moment, basking in the afternoon glow of the sun. The park was now deserted, students, and other park goers opting to head home before the sun fully retired behind the horizon; it was peaceful, as though you, and Iwaizumi were in your own world—something you could both get used to.
Back in his dorm, Iwaizumi unceremoniously plopped onto his swivel chair, he hooked an arm over his eyes, recounting memories of earlier, he could still feel the warmth of your shoulder on his cheek, and the calming tune of your heartbeat.
“What’s got you all in a mess like that?” Oikawa spoke from his bed which caused Iwaizumi to jump from his friend’s sudden voice. “What the fuck, Oikawa?! Don’t do that.” The latter turned his chair to face the brunette, an all-too-familiar scowl written all over his handsome face. Oikawa could only shrug in response, amusement painted on his face at the state of his friend.
“You’re probably not gonna tell me about it so I’ll take it upon myself to talk about something else,”
Before Iwaizumi could even mentally pray that it’s not some stupid gossip, Oikawa was already sitting up on his bed, and clearing his throat to speak.
“Do you remember that confession I read out loud a few days ago? They posted another one, look.” The brunette hastily peeled himself from under the ivory covers, and within a second, he was in front of Iwaizumi, phone shoved abnormally close to the latter’s face, causing him to jerk back a bit.
Clearly, he had all the time in the world with how updated he was with this goddamn confessions page. Iwaizumi wasn’t going to lie, he remembered details about that particular confession from a few days ago far more than the contents of his lectures. Not on purpose, though, moreso out of his own will.
Every hallway he walked, every lecture room he entered, every café he studied at, and every bathroom he used, at least two students were talking about it. Iwaizumi couldn’t care to listen in on their conversations nor did he want to, it wasn’t like talking about it more would somewhat reveal the person behind these confessions.
Iwaizumi couldn’t even escape it even in his own room. Though, this was normal, as if the whole campus ran solely on juicy gossip.
Of course it was about that damn confessions page, Oikawa was practically it’s number one fan at this point, Iwaizumi bets the former probably has a ‘Top Fan’ badge with how much he interacts with each, and every confession they post. He wouldn’t be surprised if the brunette openly admitted to sending in submissions to the page.
He grabbed the phone off Oikawa’s hand, and read it. Iwaizumi figured entertaining his friend’s antics would be much better than resisting it since he could get extremely annoying at times—all the time, even.
‘Today, I asked him if he was stressed and he agreed without hesitation. It pains my heart to see him beneath grey clouds; I just wanted to wrap my arms around him and hold him until all the stress drains from his body, until he’s smiling again and a subtle dimple forms on his cheeks, until he lets out a hearty, melodic laugh that I’ve grown to love but don’t be mistaken, I’ll love him whatever version of himself he presents. Wholeheartedly. Maybe—if only—he’ll let me be his safe space, not just a best friend but something more.’
Huh, how weird. Why did his heart flutter? This wasn’t even for him.
Iwaizumi’s eyes shifted back, and forth, back, and forth over each sentence until they reached the end. He did this for a total of four times, and each time—without fail—his mind wandered back to fifteen minutes ago where he was sitting on a wooden park bench with you, his head on your shoulder. It was like the confession described exactly what happened earlier.
He recounted your words, and how you were talking about how stressed he was. From this perspective, everything fit in perfectly like a puzzle piece but was Iwaizumi reaching too hard? Was his mind playing tricks on him just to convince himself that these two confessions came from you? As far as he knows, you’ve never even sent in a submission yourself but that didn’t mean you couldn’t.
Okay, maybe Iwaizumi was being delusional. All those years pining after you had finally gotten to his brain, and turned him into nothing but a yearning, pathetic man.
Though, the confession easily could have been from anyone. Not to mention how it's been such a tough semester so far, it made sense for the anonymous submitter to write about their best friend being stressed about something. Right? Right. Iwaizumi was getting way ahead of himself for assuming such things, he blamed it on his mind stubbornly shaping reality into things that benefited his situation.
He was looking too deeply into this.
See, this was the consequence of letting one Oikawa Tooru get inside one’s head, clearly, it’s the brunette’s fault for even showing something that didn’t concern Iwaizumi at all. And it could only get worse from here.
Oikawa impatiently pulled his phone away from Iwaizumi’s hold, reeling the latter back into reality. The brunette read the paragraph once more before letting out an amused hum, catching his friend’s attention.
He puckered his lips, brown eyes narrowed, and brows subtly knitted together as he stared at his phone. Oh. Iwaizumi didn’t like that expression at all, and he sure wasn’t going to like the words coming out of Oikawa’s mouth next. He knew that face all too well, it screamed nothing but mischief, and a thirst for chaos.
“Say, Iwa-chan, you have dimples when you smile just like the post mentioned. Haha—won’t it be interesting if these confessions were for you?”
What the fuck?
tags: @stunie @akumakitsune21 @boosyboo9206 @khfviq @avis-writeshq @elliesndg @1929sleepdeprived @wakashudou @lillycore @viscoolreal @lialia3945 @softpia @anqelkoz @tar0sw0rld @nwhaerin @kiyuwumi @seroh @eggyrocks @jellysupremacy @songofgratitude @gsyche @haikyuusunsalad @smellysluna @amoosarte (lmk if you wanna be tagged and don’t forget to turn your mentions on :3)
affiliated with @houseofsolisoccasum & @the-all-stars-network !
© chrollogy 2024 | don't plagiarise, repost or steal my header.
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saerins · 2 years ago
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+ itoshi sae x f!reader | wc 2k | content: fluff, slight angst, college au, best friends to lovers, mentions of alcohol/jealousy
note: for @luvjiro who gave me the suggestion !! i have a hc that he’s slightly possessive so i had fun with this >:) i hope you like it bae muwah <3
summary: just when you feel like giving up, sae pulls you back into him.
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it’s new year’s and sae’s actually fucking bewildered.
no, not at oliver’s over-the-top party (with the girl to guy ratio being totally off, by the way), although it deserves a spot in sae’s hall of fame for being way too much for a college party.
what’s even more shocking than that is how bold you’ve gotten. you’re not even drunk, not even tipsy. but here you are, hands on his chest and that shit-eating grin on full display.
“you know the saying?”
sae sighs, wondering what bullshit you have ready for him this time, but he resigns anyway. such is the duty of a best friend or whatever. “what?”
“i think they say, if you want to savour the moment, you should totally kiss.”
if he can look even more unamused, he would. because who on earth says that? people wanting to get laid? he can imagine oliver saying that, for one. it’s a big surprise that you’re the one using it though.
“sounds shitty,” he retorts, looking away, though his arm stays glued around your waist, locking you in place. only because he’s seen the way some of the guys here are eyeing you. he’s protecting his best friend, that’s all.
his best friend who’s had a crush on him for as long as he can remember. it really is your fault for not having the competence to be subtle. you’d intended to send him an anonymous email confessing your feelings for him back in high school. but then it’s easy enough when you forget to use a burner email and use your personal one instead—full name and all.
and to think, you somehow became best friends with him after he rejected you back then. sae’s teal eyes shift from the view outside to you, head buried in his chest, probably pouting because he knows you like that now, familiar with all your tendencies.
how long has it been since then? five years, according to the math in his head.
now, in this position, sae wonders if this is just you being cheeky, or if it’s you still having feelings for him. he wonders what if he didn’t know you had feelings for him—would he be treating you any differently? would he just go fuck it and just agree to kiss you at midnight? or would he still be this cautious about stepping over the line?
but then again, if you hadn’t been such a klutz about your anonymous email, sae wouldn’t have spoken to you in the first place, wouldn’t have found you in that lecture hall and went if you wanted to confess anonymously, you suck at it. if it weren’t for you being classic you, the both of you wouldn’t have been friends. sae would’ve stuck to himself and probably would’ve deleted that mail anyway, thinking it was spam.
what was it that made him become friends with you? in part it was probably your shamelessness, your misplaced anger at him calling you out. since then, you’d told him that you’d make him regret rejecting you, that one day you’d get over him and he’d miss you. it was pretty funny, admittedly, looking at this girl he barely knew spouting all this nonsense.
he’d taken you up on that challenge, and somehow his guard slipped, let you in just a little, telling himself one day you’d be over it anyway.
yet now here he is, wondering why his heart is beating faster and faster.
it better not have anything to do with the fact that this is the first time you’d ever been so forward with him. sure, you’d spoken about how you felt on various occasions. sae’s always listened. but you’d never been this… transparent.
even when he tried to agitate you that one time by agreeing to play spin the bottle (which ended up with you sulking the whole night because every time sae spun it landed on some other girl and you always somehow got stuck with the other guys on his team).
until now, sae wonders why it irked him watching you kiss otoya or oliver or karasu.
“itoshi sae,” you call to him through gritted teeth, definitely still pouting when you tilt your face up to look at him. “it’s almost midnight, you gonna kiss me later or what?”
sae sighs, you’re such a brat.
before letting him say a word, you take that sigh to mean yet another rejection—after all, the way he first rejected you still burns fresh in your mind; how he looked at you with barely any empathy while muttering a nah, i don’t like you that way, probably would never.
you’re just another one of those girls who got rejected by itoshi sae. even if you are his best friend. doesn’t really give you any edge, so it seems.
so you sigh this time, pulling away. “nah, it’s fine.”
this time, sae’s confused. “huh?”
you wink at him, compartmentalising your feelings—any sadness didn’t deserve a place here during new year’s. it’s going to be a good party for you and you’d fake it till you make it.
“just joking, i’m gonna find someone else to entertain me,” you giggle, just to make sure you throw him off because somehow, sae is weirdly perceptive to your actual feelings every time.
before sae gets any time to respond, you crawl off the sofa and bound off in a random direction, trying to shake off your disappointment.
you find yourself at the balcony a few seconds later. wow, oliver’s apartment is actually fucking huge, because you realise he has several balconies and this is just the one at the top floor.
“hey, what’re you doing up here alone?”
by your side, quick as a flash, is otoya eita holding a beer bottle in his hand, offering it to you and then taking a swig after you shake your head.
“am i not allowed to be?”
he smirks. “just thought you’d be with sae after all,” he shrugs, mirroring your position, forearms resting on the railing and looking out at the scenery below. tokyo’s beautiful at night. “so what are you doing out here, princess?”
you roll your eyes at the sarcastic way he calls you that, but you chuckle all the same. otoya’s surprisingly good at being a distraction.
“fishing for a guy to kiss at midnight,” you tell him, before you pull back at the sight of him grinning. “and i don’t mean you, eita.”
his bangs cover half his face as he pulls back in faux shock, hand to his chest, “what’s wrong with me?”
you nudge his shoulder playfully, laughing along. “don’t you have like, six other girls at this party you slept with who’s looking for a kiss too or something?”
otoya sticks his tongue out, “ha ha very funny, y/n.” he takes another swig of his beer. “you’d beat them hands down, though. no contest.”
this time it’s your turn to stick your tongue out. “thanks eita, still not gonna sleep with you though.”
“damn it,” otoya plays along. “fuck, maybe when you get over sae then.”
because everyone knows you have a hopeless crush on itoshi sae.
“when will that be?” otoya asks, taunting you, closing the gap between you. but then a hand on his coat pulls him back and away from you, effectively ruining his moment.
“that’ll be never, so back off.”
you can only blink in confusion as you realise it’s sae here, telling otoya off for flirting with you. the same sae who reaches his hand out and waits for you to take it before leading you back into the house. the same sae who’s never interlinked fingers with you before who’s doing that exact thing now.
“um, what was that for?” you ask him once he lets go of your hand, situating the both of you at the corner of the house, near oliver’s room.
sae doesn’t respond, only holds an index finger to his lips and telling you to shush before he quietly, carefully, unlocks oliver’s room, peering inside to make sure the coast is clear before getting you to follow him in.
it’s only a minute left to midnight and while you’re slightly miffed about not having someone to kiss when new year’s hits, you think it’s fine anyway. sae’s always who you spent this occasion with, somehow, so maybe sticking with tradition is enough for you. even if it’s just as normal friends.
even if it’s less than what you want.
“this is nice,” you coo as he leads you out onto a private balcony—just for the two of you. you’re guessing oliver doesn’t know, but it’s better that way, having secrets that’s just kept between you and sae feels more thrilling anyway.
“better here than up there with all those other idiots.”
there’s a bitterness in sae’s voice that you can’t help but fixate on. “you haven’t answered my question earlier.”
“about what?”
“why’d you stop eita?”
“that guy? he’s kissed so many girls, who knows what type of sickness he’ll pass on to you.” nonchalantly. like he doesn’t give a shit. too bad for him, you know him too well by now to believe that.
you sigh. “be serious, sae.”
ten seconds to midnight and the both of you can hear everyone else counting down.
“i don’t know.”
“you’re so confusing, sae.”
“i don’t think i am.”
then you get what you asked for from the very person you wanted it from. from the same person you’ve wanted since you were seventeen.
sae’s lips are soft and gentle on yours. so are his hands around your waist, although the pads of his fingertips dig into your sides, the side effect of having seen otoya so nearly get to kiss you and your perfect lips.
no, you can’t be with anyone else. sae doesn’t want to see you with anyone else. and maybe he’s a dick for not fully realising his feelings until now and for not doing anything about it, but he’ll treat you better than anyone else, he’ll make sure of it.
god, kissing you is addicting. especially with your soft murmurs against his lips and your hands around his neck.
“sae,” you breathe out when he finally pulls away, your foreheads connected. “what was this for?”
at this moment, sae recalls your email to him way back then.
[ one new email from: [email protected] ]
hi itoshi sae!
i’ve been watching you play soccer and you’re really cool on the field!! i get why people call you the prodigy now. but my favourite thing about you would be that even though you look scary, you’re actually kinda nice. maybe… i kind of like you. but you probably don’t even know i exist, so i’m gonna keep it that way hehe i’ll still be rooting for you though!!
all the best, xoxo <3
sae can’t stop from smiling against your lips when he recalls that confession, “maybe… i kinda like you.”
you pull back, stunned, thinking maybe your delusions have gotten the better of you. “itoshi sae, what did you say?”
he leans back against the railing, hands in his pockets, repeating himself, but slower. “i. like. you. yn.”
you break out into a grin before he even finishes his sentence, jumping onto him and wrapping yourself around his body, sae instinctively catching you and holding you up.
“so you were being jealous earlier?”
sae’s expression deadpans as he looks at you, “shut up or i’m taking that confession back.”
“like i’d ever let you do that,” you giggle, still in disbelief that after all these years, turns out that sae does have feelings for you after all.
before either of you can say any more, you hear a very exaggerated sigh from inside the bedroom. both of you whip your head around to find oliver there, arms crossed, probably judging the both of you.
“y/n, i’m happy for you and all that that blockhead finally admitted it, but you guys better not fuck on my bed.”
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4ranghaes · 1 month ago
leehan as hearthrob????
drop that leehan x f! reader! angst/fluff reader kind of running after leehan 😝
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kim leehan x reader [fluff, fem!reader]
a/n - this may be a bit different to my usual blurb structures but i had an idea IMMEDIATELY after reading this and i had to see it through…
warnings - use of real name, mentions of reader getting bullied
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16:08 - “y/n.”
you furrowed your eyebrows, turning around, “donghyun?”
he smiled, “wait up.”
you looked around for anyone else around you who might’ve had the same one - there was no one at all, let alone name twins. you paused, watching the boy jog slightly until he reached your side, “are you walking home? i’ll walk with you.”
“uh..” you faltered, donghyun smiling kindly as he placed his hand out, indicating you to walk. “look, if this is some sort of prank, or if your friends are waiting round the corner to laugh at me just save it - i’ve had a really long day.”
now it was donghyun’s turn to be confused, furrowing his eyebrows and grabbing your arm as you brushed past him. “what? no. my friends all went home hours ago. i was at dance practise. it runs the same hours as your club,” he explained, beginning to walk along side you, “and no this isn’t a… a prank? i just wanted to make sure you got home safe.”
“why?” you scoffed, looking up at him. god he’s handsome.
i mean, of course, that’s why he was as popular as he was. that and the air of mystery he had about him. the way he never spoke to anyone except his very select few friends, even in class, despite getting the top grades. he kept to himself even though he was part of several extra curricular activities, and showed little to no emotion for any of them. you supposed that’s why the girls were obsessed with him - with the idea of him. why they fawned over him at break or secretly filmed him in p.e. or even confessed by giving him extra desserts at lunch or leaving chocolate and letters in his locker.
“because i like you.”
you choked on air, stopping in your tracks, “wh-what?! donghyun – we don’t even know each other!”
he smiled, stopping after a few paces and turning around to face you, “i know, but we’re in the same classes, right? and i’m always watching you… that sounds creepy, but– i just mean that you’ve always intrigued me. i love watching when you fall asleep during the teachers explanation o-or when you bitch to your friends about the teacher or even other students. and when you chew on your pen when you don’t understand!”
you were still confused, but there was sincerity behind donghyun’s eyes, and a glimpse at a personality you’d never seen coming from him before.
“it’s like–” donghyun continued rambling, “corydoras. in their natural habitat they have to come to the surface to breath in oxygen because it’s so murky where they live along the bottom. for me, school is like the bottom of the river, and whenever i need oxygen i look… at… at you.”
“what?” you breathed, shocked at his sudden confession and confused at his sentiment, “what’s corydoras?”
donghyun’s mouth dropped open, as he contemplated his whole speech, “it’s a– uh… a fish.”
you bit back a smile, “a fish?”
he nodded, “can i at least walk you home? i’m sorry for taking up your time, i just wanted to let you know how i felt.”
you nodded, beginning to walk again, remaining close to donghyun’s side.
“i… i don’t know you very well,” you started, “but you’re lovely, donghyun. and i’m willing to get to know you.”
“really?” he asked, breaking out in a smile as he looked down at you, nodding in response, “well then, let’s do that. i’ll– we can eat lunch together.”
you thought suddenly of the crowds of girls, eyes on only him in the cafeteria. you hummed, “o-or, outside of school!”
“you don’t have to mind them, really,” he smiled, slightly saddened, “i don’t.”
you sighed, the realisation suddenly dawning on you that maybe it was better to live your high school years in the shadow of anonymity like you did, than be the one who everyone threw themselves at constantly, “so tell me about these corydoras, then. surely it’s counterproductive to live on the bottom if they can’t breath.”
“well no, because they play a very active role in the ecosystem! even in a tank. i have ten in my fish tank at home if you want to meet them one day.”
extra? ->
the next day, 12:13 - you clutched the lunch tray tightly as you turned around, scanning the hall. all you had to do was follow the eyeline of most people. lunch had only began not even 15 minutes ago and he already had three trays on the table beside him, fruit and yogurts left over as though given as offerings.
“y/n!” he smiled, standing up and smiling. you smiled at the action, you don’t think you’d ever seen him displaying that much personality in school.
now, though, all the eyes turned to you. you took a breath, smiling politely as you started to weave through the tables, reaching donghyun’s when he finally sat back down.
you sat opposite, putting your tray down and climbing onto the seat. the angry and confused stares of the majority of the school - same age, younger, older, girls and boys was on you, but donghyun just continued to stare at you and smile.
“you’re seriously pretty,” he murmured, reaching out and tucking some stray hair behind your ear.
you blushed, smiling. he knew just how to get your attention back on him.
“donghyun!” you suddenly exclaimed, looking at his tray, “you barely have any food!”
he shrugged, “don’t eat much.”
“please,” you exclaimed, exasperated as you picked up some of the noodles you had on your tray, passing them over to his.
he smiled at your caring face, “thank you.”
“and don’t eat any of the desserts,” you said, sudden jealousy passing through you as another one got put on the table with a hair flick and a ‘hi donghyun’, “you can have mine.”
donghyun chuckled, picking up and holding your hand as it rested on the table, “yes, princess.”
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lani-heart · 10 months ago
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|| series masterlist || next // previously
parings -> ( eventually ) enhypen x reader genre -> soulmate au, fantasy au, angst warnings -> angst word count -> 1.2k
abstract -> dear snake... you're just being stubborn and self-destructive
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y/n’s perspective
“So people can ask anonymously for a date? How does that make sense?” Wonyoung asked as Soha explained to everyone her idea. “I think it's romantic… being able to win someone’s love. And it's a masquerade ball, doesn’t anonymity make sense?” she asked and it kinda did. 
“Besides it’ll make more money for our budget” I whispered to my vice president and she sighed. “Okay, any other suggestions?” Wonyoung asks. “Should there be a dress code?” EJ asked and Wonyoung nodded. “Masquerade is our theme–” “Wouldn't it be fun to have a different dress code per school?” K asked and Wonyoung glared at him… most likely for cutting her off.
“What are you thinking about?” Wonyoung asked. 
“Well, Riverfield’s colors are navy blue and gold,” Maki said and I was curious. “Our colors are gold and orange,” Wonyoung pouted and I chuckled. “I think the color theme isn’t the best for us choosing what we’d wear but… we could do that with our masks” I suggested? “Hmm… like werewolves have big furry wolf masks,” Wonyoung teased, making us laugh. 
“Like having different masks being our school's colors. Or at least some accents of our colors” I said and she nodded. “That can be done,” Wonyoung said. 
“So we have to ask through these telegrams who the date will be?” Jungwon asked while he smirked at me. “I think if we have the anonymous options then it should be completely anonymous…” Wonyoung muttered. 
“Well, make sure to find your dates! And everyone in Stuco still needs to pay!”
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“I don’t want to have to send you a stupid piece of paper… you’ll go with me won’t you?” Jungwon asked only to get smacked by Sunoo. “Yah! Quit trying to hog her! I will gladly buy one to win a dance with you” Sunoo said while switching tones and smiling sweetly at me. 
“Like she’d choose you,” Jungwon said as they argued. “Well boys, she does have six mates,” Wonyoung said and they groaned. 
“I’ll win your heart!” Sunoo said determined, causing Jungwon to scoff. “Yeah right! I will!” They argued, making me laugh. If they're arguing I can only imagine Niki sabotaging them. I don’t think Jay and Jake will jump onto this and Sunghoon… he’s a 50/50 for me. 
They were gonna be set up later this evening all the way to the end of this week. Everyone in the student council went back to their rooms to prepare. 
“You think this is a good idea?” K asks me and I smile. “Why not? Worried you won’t get a date?” I teased and he smiled softly. “I’m not too worried about that,” he said. 
“How about you? You’ll have to choose between mates?” he asks and I sigh. “I know… but I'll choose whoever gives me the most butterflies,” I said and he laughed. 
“Careful y/n, you might end up choosing someone who isn't your mate” he suggested. “I mean it is a possibility you are a little miss popular in Bright Sun, Riverfield, and IST Academy… Declis not so much” EJ said and I scoffed. “But she will have six just from their council,” Wonyoung said, which I truly didn’t believe. 
“Just watch, we’re gonna be swimming with confessions”
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“So, how’s it going?” I heard him jumping a little. “Niki! Give me a warning next time!” I yelled and he chuckled. “Organizing?” he asked and I sighed. 
“How many people is this for anyway?” he said and I was worried about how he’d react. “All of them are mine… so far,” I said and his eyes widened. “It's barely the first day! Why do you have so many!” he yelled. 
“Oh! I did find yours though!” I said and he groaned whilst his cheeks reddened. “How’d you know?” he asked and I smiled. “You’re the only one who steals my pens,” I said and he laughed. 
“Recognized more of them?” he asked and I nodded. 
“This is Jungwon’s,” I said and he opened it and laughed. “He needs help with flirting,” he said and I rolled my eyes. “It's cute,” I said and he gagged. “How’d you know it was his?” he asked as he looked through more. “I’ve seen his handwriting everywhere,” I said and he chuckled. “Makes sense,” he said and got another one. 
“This is Sunghoon” he said and I opened it. “It can't be?” I asked and he chuckled. “He’s the only one who will mention himself being king, he’s running remember?” he asked and I sighed
The King and Queen would be nominated and voted for… Sunghoon is one of the competitors who have been campaigning. 
“This is Jake, he’s a messy guy,” he said while pointing out the blood-stained card. “He was also complaining earlier that he was eating whilst making you a telegram,” he said and I chuckled. I didn’t expect him to try…
“I don't recognize this one, '' he said while showing me a riverfield card. It was the only hint we had… each school had to write on their own assigned school cards. 
“You have quite a few from the riverfield,” he said and I chuckled as I stood up to hug him. “Jealous?” I asked and he smiled. “Why? You’re already mine… I just didn’t think you’d get this many” he said and I chuckled. 
“I wouldn’t choose anyone else but my soulmate”
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heeseung’s perspective
“Why did he choose her?” she asked me and I knew the answer to that. “I don’t know Sooha” I lied. The truth would hurt her too much.
My oblivious princess…
“Hey, Hee? Why’d you reject y/n? She’s your soulmate… you're no better than K'' she said and I scoffed. That werewolf and I were not on the same level. He rejected you because of his little crush on MY soulmate. I met her first… before any of them. “Don’t ask that” I said and she sighed. 
“I just don't understand… I'm glad Jay, Sunghoon, and Jake all changed their minds but why won't you–" "Sooha shut up! What I do about MY soulmate is MY business, not yours!”
I didn't mean to yell.
“I… "I'm sorry I didn't mean to–” “Heeseung… you like her, you just don't want to admit it,” she said and I scoffed. 
Of course, I like her… but… truth is I don't have an excuse anymore. They all accepted her, I thought they wouldn't. So I didn't want to tie her soul to mine when I knew I was responsible for the band of misfits…
“Heeseung… you should send her a card!” she suggested and I scoffed. Bold of you to assume I haven't Sooha. “And you have a chance! What if she chooses–" "Sooha, don’t mess with me” I said and she sighed. 
“I sent one to K… but I heard he sent one to her,” she said and I sighed. That Riverfield wolf was getting bolder each time… She accepted six soulmates and he still tried?
It's pathetic and desperate. 
“It hurts…” Sooha said as she silently cried. I know how it feels… I miss them, and I'm jealous of them. 
Truth is… it's lonely. 
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taglist -> @sunus-sun @loumin908 @on-1ce @shinkenprincess-oh @b-a-nshee-blog @bnnyniky @sakuxxi @chiiiiiiiiis @cncreams @pre1ttyies @justanunstablefrog @graythecoffeebean @starzniiky @singlepringle4you @chirokookie @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @imtoanonymousforyou @lovgfrd @ilovecheese09 @sousydive @pink-but-rosie @kyleebob @jihyosgf @in-somnias-world @jilxxasu @bee-the-loser @mitchikeli @cyberpunksunwoo @lhspeachie @loafsunshinesworld @vixensss @zhenya109 @luumiinaa @rosas-in-the-garden @b3tt7boop @moony-mari @vixialuvs @ilovecheese09 @capri-cuntz @emma2black @skzhoes
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please don't be a silent reader !! reblog, comment, and like <3
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donat-senpai · 13 days ago
Yandere!Maomao X Reader X Yandere!Jinshi Please don't read this if you are uncomfortable with the yandere! tw: Jealousy (nothing special anymore)
Part one
"New day – new achievements," you thought as you stepped into the pharmacy at the start of the day. Maomao greeted you. Jinshi and Gaoshun were there as well. You flashed a sly smile at everyone present. Today, you were going to do something that would change your friends' lives forever.
The presence of the harem overseer today was nothing unusual. Once again, Maomao was assisting him with an investigation. You didn't bother with the details. Their cases usually involved deaths and had a rather gloomy air about them.
Maomao was silently jotting down notes when Jinshi, who had been watching her, decided to break the silence. "Are you always this serious?" he asked with a faint smirk.
You perked up your ears.
"Unlike some people, I prefer to work rather than waste time on idle chatter," Maomao replied without looking up.
Jinshi chuckled. "Maybe you should finally try taking a break? They say it helps keep you from going insane with your own thoughts," he mused before shifting his attention to you and winking. Your breath hitched. He smugly thought himself charming for managing to fluster you without even trying.
But you weren’t thinking about him at all. You were busy coming up with a name for the kitten they would surely get once they ended up together.
"Better to go mad from thoughts than from stupidity."
You barely hold back a laugh, covering your face with the wide sleeve of your robe. Watching them is better than any romance novel all the harem girls are obsessed with these days.
Maomao notices your strange expression. She’s about to ask if you’re feeling alright but gets distracted by a servant entering the pharmacy. Not the one you had secretly made arrangements with the day before. But in his hands is the letter.
So, everything should be fine… Right?
He hands the letter to you. The letter that was meant for Maomao.
"This is for you," the servant says obligingly.
"Are you sure?" you ask, alarmed, trying to send him a desperate signal with your twitching eye in a Morse code that has yet to be invented.
But the man nods coolly, shoves the letter into your hand, and leaves—abandoning you to the hell of your own making.
"It must be something important," Maomao says, setting her work aside as she approaches you with interest.
"Oh. No. I'm sure it's something silly," you laugh nervously, trying to hide the letter. But Jinshi gently—yet insistently—plucks it from your grasp.
"I shall read it!" he declares grandly and begins reciting the love letter aloud.
You are utterly mortified, wishing you could burn to ashes on the spot.
"…You have captured my heart."
Jinshi finishes with far less enthusiasm than he started.
"An anonymous love confession," Maomao summarizes dryly.
"Who wrote this?!" Jinshi exclaims, unusually agitated.
"Why are you so flustered?" Maomao glares at him from under her lashes, looking as if she's already considering which poison could take him out without raising suspicion. "Were you planning to confess yourself?"
"I just want to know who dared to write this to my— I mean, our… dear acquaintance," Jinshi barely corrects himself, too upset to choose his words carefully.
"It’s probably just a mistake," you blurt out in panic. Because if Maomao decides that this letter was meant for you from Jinshi… your days are numbered.
"This could be a conspiracy," Maomao concludes, finding her own logic perfectly reasonable.
"A conspiracy?!"
"Yes. To lure them into a meeting and rob them. Or interrogate them. She's connected to you, after all."
At this point, Gaoshun decides to step in.
"I still think… it's just a letter."
You're this close to bursting into tears. Here he is—your savior, the most reasonable of men. But, of course, no one except you is paying him any attention.
"We should interrogate that servant."
"We’ll wait for the sender to reveal themselves."
"NO ONE is going to reveal themselves! Because this was obviously not meant for me!" you shout at them in pure desperation.
The two paranoid lunatics finally fall silent. But not for long.
"Fine. But I’m still going to keep an eye on you. For your own safety," Jinshi says, reaching out in an attempt to touch your face.
A loud slap echoes through the pharmacy. Maomao has smacked his hand away. You feel your soul leave your body.
"Watch over them? What are you, some kind of pervert? I will be watching you—to make sure you don’t do anything stupid," she declares, wrapping her arms around you protectively, shielding you from the dangerous man.
"Enough!" Gaoshun’s patience finally snaps.
This time, the sheer authority in his voice forces the pair to pay attention. The room settles into silence.
"I’ll take the letter to confirm whether it was truly delivered to the right place. You all—get back to work. We don’t have all day, Master Jinshi."
Before leaving, Gaoshun casts a disapproving look your way.
You realize—he knows. You don’t have to worry. He’s got your back. But that doesn’t make you feel any less mortified. You should get him a gift to thank him for the trouble. Maybe then, the emperor will take pity on you and have you executed for something.
"Haha… funny how these things happen," you laugh nervously.
Neither Maomao nor Jinshi are willing to let you go just yet. They seat themselves beside you, one on each side, and begrudgingly return to work.
"The letter idea wasn’t so great after all," you admit to yourself in silent defeat.
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msschemmenti · 3 months ago
girl next door 🏠 - 5
a/n: sorry bout the delay-- very busy week at work and had a bunch of singing engagements this weekend. but here's this!
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“Can you stop thinking about fucking our neighbor so loudly? I can practically feel the wheels turning over here.” Emily groaned as she turned to face JJ. It had been days since their girls night and of course they’d been whisked away on a case. As morbid as their job was that wasn’t stopping either of their minds from lingering on the conversations they had in their living room.
“Oh don’t act like you haven’t been thinking about it too.” JJ poked, leaning back in the hotel room’s office chair. “And I already know we’re going to discuss it when we get home– I’m just getting a head start.” JJ shrugged.
“And how are you so sure we’re going to discuss this? It’s not as if this is a normal scenario for us.” Emily tried (and failed) for disinterest.
“Which is all the more reason to discuss it. She said it herself– we’re depriving the women-loving women population as is. We might as well indulge ourselves, at least once. Plus it’s not like it’s the first time we’ve invited a woman to bed before.”
“But it is the first time she’s been more than a passing acquaintance.” Emily reminded.
“Well yes, but doesn’t the longing of it all kind of appeal to you a bit? It’s not like we haven’t been consciously and unconsciously thinking about her since we met her. And like I said it only has to be the one time.”
“I hear you but I highly doubt either of us will be satiated after taking her to bed once.”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. But even then, so what if she becomes a repeat guest? It’ll be pretty convenient at least. We’d be cutting a large part of the leg work, and still coming out pretty well in the end. No more fishing for good submissives across DC after a draining case. No more layers and layers of anonymity. We could even enjoy her company in the comfort of our own home. Sounds like a list of pros to me.” JJ listed.
“Logistically, yes it makes sense. But are we sure this is a step we want to take with someone we’ve already got a friendship with?”
JJ pondered briefly before leveling Emily with a shrug, “It’s not like were asking her to marry us. She’s obviously in the market for at the very least an orgasm and I think we can provide that. You heard her, she’s open to experiences– long or short. What’s the harm in giving her the option?”
“I guess you’re right.” Emily nodded.
“Of course I am. I don’t know why you’d ever doubt me.”
With classes started, there really wasn’t much time for Y/n to feel embarrassed about her drunken confessions on her neighbors’ couch. She’d always been a bit loose-lipped when alcohol was in the mix, but it was always things she 100% meant—just something she wouldn’t typically say aloud soberly.
“Diana– that was good. I can tell you’ve been working on this piece for a while. We’ll keep it in your repertoire this year but I think I’ve got a few other songs I’d like to add too.” Y/n smiled up at the sophomore from the piano bench. It was Friday afternoon and this was her last lesson before she could head home for the weekend. In week two of classes, she finally started to get into the groove of her schedule. Her students were all excitable and respectful. The work they’d turned in so far looked good. All the signs were pointing toward a very enjoyable first semester.
“Awesome, how do you feel about adding a little Anything Goes to the list? I’d really like to master the Patti Lupone belt and Professor Calkins wouldn’t let me even look at it last year.” Diana pleaded. It was only her second lesson (the first one she’d actually sung in) but Y/n could tell she would be fun to work with.
“Sure, why not? These are your lessons. Just let me know, and we’ll get the music.” Diana grinned and nodded before heading out of the office. With Diana gone, Y/n packed her things and headed home. As soon as she made it in the door, her phone was ringing as it typically did on Fridays. Grayson, a true creature of habit, called almost every Friday to debrief but they’d missed each other the last couple weeks and there was much to discuss.
“You’d be very proud of me.” Y/n smirked as she propped the phone against the toaster in her kitchen.
“I’m always proud of you, but your smirk is leading me to believe you got between your sexy neighbors.” Grayson beamed in anticipation.
“Not yet— but here’s to hoping!” Y/n laughed before continuing. “They invited me over for a girls night with their co-worker and you know how I get when I drink. I think I may have complained about them being together and leaving the rest of the lesbian population to date crazy people.”
“Oh, that sounds like you when you drink gin or tequila. You know gin makes you sin.” Grayson laughed.
“I know! I do think it was tequila though. I got a little silly towards the end. So silly I freaked when their friend said they have some sort of open relationship.”
“Open relationship? Shut up, no way.”
“I honestly think it’s a sexual thing. They look like the type to menage a trois.” Y/n explained.
“You say that like you, yourself would not also be the type to menage a trois for the right women.” Grayson teased down the phone. “Or should I remind you of that one time–”
“No! I don’t need you to remind me anything. I’m just saying, I feel like they’re the one and done type. With their job, they probably wouldn’t have the time for a consistent lover outside of each other.”
“Well you haven’t had a consistent lover in months, I don’t see the issue here. One orgasm is better than no-gasms.” Grayson urged.
“You’re such a bad influence.”
“Yes, but you love it. You know you want them, I know you want them. They even know you want them. I just think you should be open to anything that may come to your doorstep. At least once!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I hear ya.”
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lovingksuki · 1 year ago
— highschoolers bakugo x fem!reader
synopsis: an anonymous love letter appears in your locker on valentine's day. surprised, you and your best friend start an investigation to uncover who was that person observing you from afar. meanwhile, a flushed bakugo tries to ruin your plans on the undercover alongside his shitty-haired buddy
cw: sfw; mostly fluff; lil angst; very insecure bakugo; romantic comedy; puberty; silly jokes; little swearing.
a/n: this is part one of three. let me know if you want this mini series to be continued :) and pls be patient since english is not my first language hehe ;;
word count: 1k
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"oh c'mon! what if there's a heart shaped letter in your locker? you never know..."
"there's not."
"you can't be so certain about it. my girl is never looking her surroundings, who knows if someone got their heart pierced by an arrow?" mina pointed.
"shut up, every year the same thing..." you rushed and right after turning the corridor you captured by distance. "ok. maybe you were right." you said finding the metal compartment half closed.
then you grabbed the red paper in your hands, paying attention to the almost dry daisy taped lazily on the front; glanced around not spotting anything or anyone suspicious about it, then turned to your best friend.
"i got a feeling you're part of this." spurred.
"whoa, i was joking just now! even i am shocked. who's the sender?" the pink colored girl held her hands up in protest.
"i don't know, there's only my name." you stated carefully sticking the little flower out.
"let me search for a hint." mina took the letter from your hands suddenly, mumbling while quickly skimming through the words looking for something useful. she gasped before smirking at the content and then continued mumbling.
"enjoying yourself!?" you sighed waiting.
"mkay, done." handed the letter. "nothing between the lines. who wrote this sure is smart enough to not leak their identity."
"that's for me to decide. you ain't the smartest kind." you chuckled.
"more like the pretty girl type."
"you sly thing! you received a love letter, who's the pretty girl again?" both laughed at the statement and headed out to the cafeteria. "not reading it?"
"can't think when i am this hungry. we should hurry."
at the lunchtime the subject was the same. you two were discussing with your mouths full, sitting by yourselves on a table far enough from eavesdropping.
"hear me out. there's this line that seems to be rewritten over and over, it's a bit tattered." you mentioned. "it says: 'i'm still hesitant about what you think about me' and thanks to the pressure they put on paper seems to be 'afraid of who i am' underneath."
"adds a lot of nothing to our investigation. that's what everybody would say in a confession, i mean, nobody likes being dumped." pinky pointed out unfazed.
"yeah but, i don't think it's meaningless, what if this person is truly insecure about themselves." you pondered.
"or they're just ugly." mina chewed on her meal.
"i don't think that's the case... remember when you told me that thing you read about pretty boys' handwriting?" you brought up.
"did you actually believe that!? was just a discussion in a girl's meme forum." the pink one remarked.
"but there's some truth behind it. if you consider that people with a smaller hand can grip on a pen better when writing, also means the ones with big hands tend to have a sloppier handwriting!" you stated confident about your theory.
"girl, you're tripping... does this mean we're going across the school measuring boys' hands?" mina smirked unconvinced.
"what a fucking waste of time..." said raging.
"dude, calm down. at least you poured your feelings out..." eijiro reassured his bestfriend trying to point out the bright side of things.
but while he's the bright side, katsuki was the dark side. they say a good relationship is based in balance, in this case it makes total sense.
"you even checked if she read it?" asked the red haired.
"when she and mina walked by me at the corridor they were whispering and giggling like little lambs. probably laughing at that letter though." pouted.
"you're being paranoid, they're always like that."
"they're up to something..." bakugo murmured.
whilst the two struggled to put up with the 'plan cupid', the other two were constructing the 'plan pretty boy's handwriting'.
"as i was saying, a pencil has six inches approximately, we're looking for a hand as big at least. if we measure our hands we can compare with theirs without them noticing." stated grabbing a pen off her case.
"you're truly a genius. i refuse to accept you failed strategic test last week." mina complimented.
"i was in a really bad mood that day... anyway!" justified while traced her own hand in a empty page of mina's notebook. "fifteen centimeters. do yours and we're good to go!" demanded agitated.
when looking for friends of theirs, the girls pretended to just have a walk around the school.
"what if it was a girl?" mina asked suddenly.
"i doubt. how many girls with large hands do we know?" claimed.
"mmm... asui-san?"
"you've got to be kidding...!" pulled her phone and dialed quickly a number. "hey!" you smiled. "no, nothing really urgent, i just wanted to ask... are you perhaps in love with me?" questioned without any filter.
"girl you gone mad?" mina whispered holding back a laughter.
"uh, ok. anyways, thank you. we talk later, kisses!" you hung up. "see? that's not her."
"woah you're so straightforward! it scares me sometimes..."
the boys exited the restroom still discussing, but when the blondie heard a certain voice he stepped back. pulled eijiro's tie to hide behind a pillar with him. "shut it!" mouthed.
"i just wanted to ask... are you perhaps in love with me?"
"uh, ok."
his face started to burn as he became more anxious. could only hear a few words, enough to bring the boy into complete state of panic.
after the girls left he released his breath.
"stop overthinking! she just received a love letter, of course she's curious!" kirishima said.
"i didn't say anything, shitty-hair!"
"your face shows!" sighed. "seriously, how can she be so oblivious? just look at you! you're terrible at hiding."
"i- i... she doesn't even talk to me that often..." katsuki pitied.
"bro, you're not the friendliest around here. but she doesn't seem to be afraid of you." kiri pondered. "have you ever tried to smile?"
he looked at the red spiked guy and opened a shy smile.
"a bit more."
every time bakugo tried to put on smiling face it looked creepy. "be more genuine." said eijiro.
trying his best, but even with so much effort... his buddy analyzed. "ok. it looks absolutely terrifying."
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golden1u5t · 10 months ago
vaginismus | a.h x fem!reader
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ꨄ requested: anonymous
ꨄ genre: smut
ꨄ summary: you tell aaron about suffering from vaginismus right before having sex and you’re expecting a bad reaction but instead aaron comforts you and tells you that he'll take his time.
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"I don't think i can do this." you blurt out right before aaron can get your pants unbuttoned, your hands tight around his wrist to make sure his hands didn't keep moving.
aaron pulled his hands back and nodded, he moved off of you and opted to lay beside you instead. he wrapped one arm around your waist and propped himself up using the other. "that's okay, we can just cuddle instead."
you turned to face him with your eyebrows drawn together and a frown on your lips, you weren't expecting him to be so calm about you backing out. every other guy you've ever tried to be with always got upset over it because they weren't patient enough to wait for you.
though, you knew aaron was different than any other man you've every met but still, it was shocking to you. often times you'd sit and wonder how you managed to attract aaron, how he was attracted to you out of all the women lining up to be with him.
"you're not mad at me?" now it was aarons turn to frown, he realized that you weren't used to someone being so understanding and patient with you.
"why would i be mad at you? it's okay that you're not ready, i won't force you into doing something you don't want to do. there's no rush, sweetheart." he moved his arm from around you and started to get off of the bed. you caught his arm before he could fully stand up and pulled him back down.
"i do want to do this. i want to be able to have sex like a normal person and i don't want you to leave me just because i can't have sex. it's just- i have this thing and it's so stupid!" you let go of his arm and pulled your knees to your chest. aaron reached out for you and pulled you into his arms again. he wasn't sure what to think about your confession, he would never leave you over something as silly as sex.
he could hardly believe that the thought even crossed your mind. aaron twisted you around so you were facing him, he spent a moment to admire you before opening his mouth to speak
"what do you mean you have this thing?"
there was a moment of silence, you both just staring at each other while you mustered up the courage to explain to him why you couldn't have sex. eventually you let out a sigh and pulled away from him, you swung your legs over his and slid off of the bed.
aaron watched as you walked back and forth in front of the bed. pacing was something you did only when you were extremely nervous so aaron knew it had to be something you'd been keeping from him for a while. you stopped and turned to him, opening your mouth before closing it again and started back pacing. you groaned and bit down on your lip.
"i have this thing called vaginismus and that's why i can't have sex with you." you blurted, turning around to face the bathroom so you didn't have to look at him. a moment of silence passed and when you realized that aaron hadn't said anything you start up again. "i'm-i'm not crazy, aaron. trust me, i've heard great things about sex and i would love to experience it with you. i'm sure you're great in bed, i mean i've felt you up before-"
you hadn't even heard aaron get off of the bed, too caught up in your rambling. aaron placed his hands on your shoulders, causing you to startle. he turned you around and walked you both back to the bed and placed you in his lap.
"would you like me to help you? we could ease into it until you're ready to go all the way." he noticed the way you were hesitant to the idea so he stood up and carefully laid you on the bed. his fingers looped into the waistband of your shorts but he looked up at you before he did anything. "can i?"
you nodded your head and lifted your hips so aaron could get your shorts down your legs. he laid down between your legs and put his arms around your thighs so he could keep them open.
"i'm going to put my mouth on you, is that okay?" aaron looked up at you and waited until he heard you voice your permission. he started by placing a gentle kiss on your clothed clit, to which your hips jerked upward.
aaron pulled your panties to the side and placed another kiss to your clit before running his tongue through your slit. your body tensed as you felt his tongue touch your entrance.
"relax, sweetheart. i won't do anything without asking you, okay?"
"okay." you breathed, doing your best to relax back into the bed and letting your hands fist the sheets. he looked up at you to make sure you were fine before letting his tongue trace over your clit. your hands found their way into his hair as pleasure rushed through your body from the way his tongue moved over your clit.
aaron continued his ministrations on your clit until your whines and moans become louder and your grip on his hair tightened. he pulled back and replaced his tongue with his thumb, rubbing over 
your slick clit just how he did with his tongue.
"can i try to put a finger inside of you?" your eyes shot open and your thighs tried to close around his head, your heart starting to race again at the thought of anything going inside of you. though, you knew that if you didn't try then you would never get over the fear so you let out a barely audible 'yes.
although you have him permission, aaron didn't make a move yet. he didn't want you to be expecting it so he continued to play with your clit until he felt that you were back to being relaxed.
when you were least expecting it aaron eased his finger into your entrance. but with the pleasure already coursing through your body from his tongue on your clit, you hardly felt it when he did push his finger in.
"you're doing so good, angel." he mumbled, slowly dragging his finger out of your cunt and pushed back in. your head dell back and your eyes fluttered close, a soft moan falling from your lips. you realized that it wasn't so bad, vaginal penetration, and you're glad that it's aaron you're experiencing it with.
aaron eased a second finger in and that's when you felt the pain, your eyes squeezed shut and you let go of his hair to grip the sheets instead. a few moments passed and the pain eventually subsided, pleasure invading your senses once again.
you didn't think you'd cum so quickly but aaron knew all the right spots to touch. your thighs closed around his head and you gripped his hair to pull him closer. aaron eventually pulled back, careful not to overstimulate you on your first time.
aaron sat up and leaned over you, he stared down at you lovingly before pressing his lips to yours. "you did so good." he muttered before moving off of you, getting ready to head to the bathroom to grab a warm cloth to clean you up but you stopped him by pulling him back to you. he didn't need you to say anything, he laid back down with you and pulled you into his chest.
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shall-we-die · 10 months ago
Hey! I have to say I love your work. Especially your weekly letters. I just love them❤
Secondly can I request "who fell first and who fell harder" between the reader and the JJK men. You know the one with the you fell first and he fell harder or you fell first and you fell harder.
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{Who fell first?
Who fell harder?}
☰[Main list]•⊰ Jujutsu Kaisen
↬[A/N]•⊰ Thanks for your kind words lovely anonymous 🧡🧡🧡
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[He fell first and harder]:
Itadori Yuji
Yuji definitely seems like the type of guy who would fall in love hard. He'd probably focus a lot of attention on you, constantly worrying about you and thinking about you. How he'd show those feelings is up for interpretation but I'd imagine he'd be pretty caring and maybe even a bit possessive. He tries to keep his cool but he can't help but feel excited inside. It's like all of a sudden the world seems brighter, and everything is just a little bit more exciting. His heart is pounding in his chest and he can feel butterflies in his stomach. It's a feeling like no other. He'll be your sweet puppy forever.
Gojo Saturo
When Gojo falls in love, he would initially be quite conflicted about his feelings. On the one hand, he would be excited about the prospect of being with someone he's attracted to and who is attracted to him in turn. On the other hand, he'd be very nervous and anxious about risking your friendship and potentially causing the relationship to become awkward if things don't work out. Gojo's feelings would be a mix of joy, excitement, and nervous butterflies in the stomach. He would be constantly thinking about you and fantasizing about your future together. Although it is possible that he will never tell you anything so that you are not in danger and will keep your love in his heart forever.
[He fell first, you fell harder]:
Nanami Kento
Well, when it comes to falling in love, he always keep it to himself. He's not one to express his feelings outwardly, especially if it's something as complex as romance. However, if he was to fall in love, he would feel a sense of warmth and contentment. He would be content just being in your presence and would want to protect you at all costs. However, his emotions would remain hidden, as he believes it's important to focus on being a responsible and dependable individual in all situations. He is a man of few words, so he does not express his feelings outwardly. However, he can still show his love through actions such as protecting you from danger and providing for you financially. He is also a very loyal and dependable partner, so he would never betray your trust. You know for sure, seeing his charming face, the way he talks, the way he treats you and is a true gentleman, your heart is melting every moment. Sometimes you feel that he can also hear your heartbeat. After you confess and show him affection, he will finally warm up a bit and show more feelings. He makes you fall in love with him more with his every move.
Inumaki Toge
Inumaki Toge usually acts calm and composed. However, when he falls in love, he becomes very shy and his heart beats faster. In the beginning, he may not understand his feelings completely, but he gradually becomes aware that he has a special feeling for you. He may get nervous when he sees you and try to avoid eye contact. He may also try to hide his feelings in his facial expressions and may seem aloof and distant. As he gets more comfortable with his feelings, he may become more open and start to smile more around you. Seeing the person he likes, he's excited and happy. He's not good at expressing his feelings very well, so he often uses his gestures and other methods to show his feelings. He might be shy at first, but after he gets used to it, he can be very outspoken. Even though he knows expressing his feelings is not his strong suit, he will try his best to show his love and devotion to his partner. After you notice the feelings and signs that he gives, you feel that you are interested in him. He is funny and kind and always treats you well. However, sometimes he gets frustrated and depressed because of his communication problems, and it hurts your heart. He is the sweetest part of your life that you get addicted to after a while. Just like an addiction to sugar and sweets.
[You fell first, he fell harder]:
He cannot believe your feelings easily. First, he thinks you are crazy and ridiculous. He doesn't want to kill you for some reason though, and tries to put up with you. Even though if Sukuna really fell in love, he would never admit it. After a long time seeing your stupid smile, when faced with a love situation, Sukuna's heart would race, his face flushed, and he would become extremely defensive and angry. He would try to hide or mask his feelings with bravado and aggression. He would act as he didn't care about you, and he would hide his true feelings behind his ego and arrogance. When Sukuna finally falls in love, he feels confused and unsure about how to express his feelings. Initially, he may try to ignore or deny his emotions, but gradually, he starts to open up and express himself, though often in a very aggressive and assertive manner, as is typical of him. However, underneath the intimidating exterior, Sukuna experiences a range of emotions including tenderness, love, and vulnerability that he doesn't often show.
Geto Suguru
When Geto fell in love, he felt like all the sadness in the world has descended over him. Everything in the world became darker than before. He's... angry. Sometimes, when he thinks about you, he loses control and starts daydreaming. He doesn't know if he wants to confess or not, but he definitely knows that he loves you. Geto was just passing by the window and saw you reading a book with your hair gently swept by the wind. It was something as simple as that. At that moment, there was no reason why he should fall in love with you or even notice you. But he did. And it was a deep fall. Geto's eyes widened at the sudden realization and his face flushed. As he saw you again, the only thing he wanted to do was to touch your hair. But you were definitely the one who fell in love with him first. You were the one who blushed when you saw his dark hair or even hid yourself from him. You weren't going to confess to him. Your world was completely different. But now, he has feelings for you too… although it's not clear which of you will admit it first.
[You fell first and harder]:
Megumi Fushiguro
You develop feelings for him at the first meeting. A mysterious boy who has a pleasant face but is cold. You must have had a secret crush on him for a long time. And definitely, when he realizes his feelings for you and accepts you, you will feel like you are over the moon. I must say, he loves you too, but you're the one whose heart melts with his every move. As someone who is typically reserved, Megumi may not openly portray his feelings when he falls in love. However, when he truly cares for someone, he may show subtle signs of compassion and consideration for them. For example, he may go out of his way to protect or support the person he loves, or simply spend more time with them. As he gradually develops deeper feelings for someone, he may become more expressive with his emotions, sharing his thoughts and feelings in a way that is meaningful to both him and the person he loves. Overall, Megumi's reaction to being in love is one of caring and protection.
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