#not even post breakup depression me could sit through the whole ep
neon-danger · 1 year
Who Hurt You reference in a oneshot title? It’s more likely than you think
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nnightskiess · 4 years
santana lopez imagine
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i kinda combined two requests together bc i thought they’d fit well!
a/n: this is for u elena. sorry you had to wait so long♡ 
also, i wanted to try and show that soft and nervous side of santana that came out at the beginning with dani, so i’m sorry if it feels out of character sometimes. (i did my best lol)
“So, what’s been going on with you? I haven’t seen you in a few months.” 
Y/N was having lunch with her friends from back home. It had been hard to keep in touch with them now that she had been living in New York for over a year. Not that she’d complain, since she gained multiple new friends and... well, a relationship. And not with just anyone— with Santana Lopez, whose singing career skyrocketed after a duet on Mercedes Jones’ album. She got a record deal a month after and her first EP was a hit. She went on tour with her first album but had vanished off the face of the earth after her very public breakup with her high school girlfriend and her backup dancer, Brittany S. Pierce. She stopped posting on social media, she wasn’t spotted by paparazzi anymore and her plans for a second album were now off the table. It was clear to everyone that the breakup had broken the girl. That was until she walked into the diner she used to work at and locked eyes with Y/N. Santana didn’t want to fall in love with anyone else and wasn’t completely over Brittany, so it wasn’t love at first sight. 
But the moment Y/N stole the show while taking the lead singing Shout by The Trammps, she knew there was something special about the girl. Was it her voice that Santana’s mind went to when she lied in bed that night? Or the twinkle in her eyes when she sang? Or perhaps the way her smile widened a tad bit more when she looked at Santana?  
Santana found herself go back to the diner on days where she’d rather sit in bed and cry. She’d forget her sorrow in moments they locked eyes but could cry again when Y/N wasn’t working that day. 
Santana had taken her notebook with her, the one she would never let anyone read— well, except for Brittany. It’s where most of her songs were born and where her most delicate and vulnerable thoughts were being kept. She’d never been too keen on sharing emotions with everyone, so writing them down was a great alternative. 
“I normally wouldn’t ask, but I’ve seen you here with that notebook now at least a couple of times... Are you writing a book?”
Santana’s head shot up. Y/N was standing next to her table, wiping her hands onto her apron.
Santana cracked a soft smile, “No—actually, I’m writing songs... a song... well, trying to, at least. My label wants-” She swallowed her sentence, she didn’t want this girl to know about any of that drama. 
Y/N seemed to ignore it.
“You sing?”
Santana nodded but furrowed her eyebrows when Y/N sat down in front of her. “Go on, then. Let me hear what you’ve got so far.”
“Oh, no no no-”
Y/N pursed her lips, “Did it happen not too long ago?” she asked after a couple of seconds of Santana trying to get out of this situation. 
She rose her eyebrows, unsure of how Y/N read the situation so well, 
“It’s actually been a while but it still hurts.” She caught herself confessing.
“Then I won’t pry. I’ll leave you to it.” Y/N slid out of the booth, “Oh, and— I happen to know that our strawberry milkshake is the best medicine to heartbreak. It’s on me.”
“Thanks...” Santana watched her leave into the kitchen and immediately rubbed her temples when the girl left her sight. No, no, no, no. Not again. But wasn’t this exactly the reason she had started visiting the diner more and more? To spike up a conversation with the girl? She cursed at herself, stood up, grabbed her stuff and left the diner. She wasn’t ready yet. She could take the short glances and attention, but that was the line. The only woman she had truly trusted was no longer with her, she couldn’t open up to anyone again. 
Through the window of the diner she could see the girl with a disappointed expression on her face the moment she realised Santana had left. But Santana didn’t turn around and kept walking. 
“Okay, stop crushing my spirit. I wanted a nice dinner with you.”
“Then you should’ve just asked Berry over for dinner. I’m sure she’d tell you all about her awfully cheerful day.”
Kurt put his hand on Santana’s so that she would stop playing with her food. She glared at him. 
“You can glare at me all you want, but we’re not going to brush things under the carpet. Tell me what’s wrong.”
Santana dropped her cutlery and sat back, crossing her arms. “We’re not talking about Britt again. You want to help me move on? Then fucking stop bringing it up.”
“No, not that. There’s something else. I can sense it.”
“Since when do you have a Mexican third eye as well?”
“Off topic.” Kurt waved her off. “You know you can tell me anything, right?” 
Santana lowered her head and slightly looked up at him, trying to decide wether to share or not. 
“Is the label pressuring you?” He tried.
Santana sighed, “Well, yes, that too.”
Kurt waited patiently for Santana to feel comfortable enough to share the rest.
“They were okay with delaying the start of my second album but now they’re starting to breathe down my neck. They say it’s been long enough and that i’m just deadweight they have to pay but get nothing in return for, which is fair— but still. I’m only human, I’m not some super song-writing machine like Mercedes.”
“I thought you loved writing songs?”
“Yeah... when I had Brittany.” Santana looked at her lap and started playing with her hands. “Now that I don’t have her... I can’t seem to even write one sentence... and when I do, they’re all just too gloomy or depressing.”
Kurt nodded in understanding. “Well, Adele wrote one whole album about her breakup which sold like Wonka bars. Who says you can’t?”
Santana shook her head, “You don’t get it. I don’t want to sing about her anymore, even though it might help me move on. But the thing is...” she bit her lip, “I can’t. I don’t want to.”
“Then write about how you can’t write. Write about how you want to feel instead of feeling like your heart has been ripped out. Write about conquering this heartbreak, like a powerful song?”
“How?” Santana looked up, tears in her eyes. 
“By remembering who you were before.”
“But I’ve been with Britt for as long as I-”
Kurt shook his head and waved his hands around, “No, think of the Santana in high school. You were fierce, strong, not afraid to speak your mind but you also had a big heart. You didn’t want to show it often but we all knew yours was just as big, if not bigger, as ours. Remember how it felt every time you got a solo and when you stood on the stage? Write about that feeling. Write about feeling on top of the world again.”
“Thanks, Hummel.”
He smiled at her and squeezed her hands, “Anytime. Now eat before it gets cold. I didn’t spend two hours in the kitchen for nothing.”
Santana walked out off the apartment she had rented after her breakup with Brittany and crossed the street. She needed some fresh air and a distraction from her song-writing. Spring was around the corner but it was still very chilly in the big city, so she held the collar of her coat while walking through the tiny park close to her block. She started humming the melody she’d just come up with. Something just didn’t feel right yet.
Santana saw people look at her as they passed by but hoped that the big sunglasses on her face would keep them guessing of her identity. No matter how much she loved the attention from her fans, she sometimes just wanted to be normal and not have to pose for selfies every damn day.
“Hey, you!”
She sighed and stopped to turn around since she’d look like a real ass if she didn’t. She half expected to be met with a group of teenage girls with their phones ready to snap a picture, but instead she locked eyes with the girl from the diner.
“I think you dropped this.”
The girl apparently didn’t seem to recognise her thanks to the shades, and she handed her a crumbled piece of paper.
“Oh— um, thanks.” Santana gave her a tight-lipped smile. She stared back at the girl.
“I know you.”   (weren’t you in a movie with my sister? lmao sorry i had to, let’s continue)
Oh, no. The girl couldn’t find out that Santana was the woman who had basically stood her up after their talk in that diner.
She let out a breathy chuckle, “Do you?” 
“Yeah, you look familiar.” Something in Santana hoped that the girl recognised her for being a celebrity, not for what happened a week ago.
Y/N shamelessly looked her up and down before snapping her finger.
“Milkshake girl. I recognise your voice.”
Santana smiled awkwardly. Great, now she definitely looked like a douche. 
“Sorry about that, by the way... I-”
“No need to apologise. I probably came on too strong, sorry for giving you the wrong impression. I only wanted to cheer you up.” She smiled back, “It’s a shame though, it was a great milkshake.”
Santana’s expression softened, relieved at how well the girl had taken it. 
“I don’t think I’ve seen you again after that... You used to come in every few days. Is it my fault? Gunther would kill me if I lost him a customer. Wait— Don’t answer that. It’s none of my business.”
Santana smiled and removed her glasses.
“If he ever gets mad at you, just give him a box of Yeast-I-Stat. That’ll pretty much shut him up.”
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, “How do you-”
“I worked there for a long time when I first moved to New York.” Santana shrugged, “I was pretty desperate for any kind of job when I landed that commercial.”
“Oh my God, you’re the Yeast-I-Stat girl!? I knew I recognised you from somewhere else, too.” The girl gasped, “I like yeast in my bagel... but not in my muffin.” She mocked and laughed afterwards.
“Oh, shut up, will you?” Santana shook her head in amusement, kinda glad those days were over.
“Is that really what you know me of?”
“Yeah, what else should I know you of? Any other embarrassing first-job commercials I should know about?”
Santana was about to mention her career but stopped herself. Clean slate. She wasn’t a celebrity in her private life. Besides, she didn’t want the girl to think she was bragging.
“No... thank God.”
They looked at each other for a few seconds before smiling.
“I’m Y/N.” She held out her hand for Santana to shake.
Y/N smiled at her with the most adorable smile ever. Santana didn’t miss the twinkle in her eyes. 
She blinked a few times before shaking her head, “So, yeah. I should get going.”
“Oh, yeah, of course. I have to go, too...”
Santana waved softly as the girl turned around and walked off.
Clean slate, Santana.
“They’re doing a Gloria Estefan night at the Spotlight Diner. We should totally go.”
“Not that I’m complaining, but that sounds out of character for the diner.” Rachel shrugged.
“I guess they finally had a cultural awakening.” Santana was mindlessly scrolling through her phone. “They’re probably too white to sing her Spanish songs though, bet they’re gonna butcher it.”
“So that’s a no for reserving us a table?” Kurt turned to the two.
“No, I wanna go.” 
“Count me in, too. I love ‘Conga’.”
Santana rolled her eyes, “That’s the only song you know of her, isn’t it?”
“Keep next Friday night free.” 
They walked in as ‘A Bailar’ by Gloria silently played over the speakers in the background. Santana scanned the room, shamelessly trying to find the girl she was looking for. Unfortunately, she was nowhere in sight. 
Kurt waved his hand and one of the waitresses came to take their order. They talked a bit as they waited for their food. Every time Santana saw a girl in the red outfit walk by from the corner of her eyes, her head would shot up, only to be disappointed again when it wasn’t Y/N.
“Tana, stop ogling everyone. Your food’s getting jealous.” Rachel pointed at the untouched plate in front of her. 
A few minutes later, their heads shot to the door as Y/N bursted through it. She quickly fixed her hair that was messed up by the wind and quickly tied a white apron around her waist. Gunther came from behind the counter. Though they couldn’t hear what he said, it was clear she was in trouble. He kept pointing his finger at her chest before snatching the apron off her waist and sending her into the back. 
“Oh, I bet she’s on cleaning duty now. Remember when I got an hour late because I was held up at an audition?”
Kurt and Rachel started talking but Santana wasn’t paying attention. 
Santana furrowed her eyebrows until she got a call from her PR manager. She declined and a few seconds after, she got a text.
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Santana’s stomach sank and she froze. New relationship? Brittany had already moved on? Yet she still spent every day moping around, overthinking everything that had happened, unable to write any song that wasn’t about the blonde. Brittany was already giving someone else all her love? How was that fair? How was she even able to do that?
“You alright?”
She snapped out of it and gave them a tightlipped, fake smile. There was no time for them to question her any further as Rachel let out a startled yelp when suddenly the first notes of ‘Conga’ blasted through the diner. The lights flickered and changed colour on the beat. Santana rolled her eyes, of course they’d start with that song. 
Girls started dancing through the pathways and tried to hype everyone up. Kurt was shimmying along and Rachel was nodding her head to the beat, a big smile on her face. Santana tried to blend but she was busy biting her lip to stop herself from crying. 
The percussion band on the little stage started playing ‘Cuba Libre’. A girl danced her way onto the stage and sang the Spanish verse. She was clearly hispanic since her pronunciation was great. Two girls started dancing on the counter and another helped someone up—Y/N. 
‘Cuba Libra’ faded into the chorus of ‘Turn the Beat Around’ to which Y/N took the lead. Santana’s frown softened at seeing the girl perform, but she still couldn’t shake the thought of Brittany off.
Santana sank back into her seat and crossed her arms, wanting to go home and crawl into her bed and not leave it for the next couple of days. She hadn’t even realised that another song was already playing and that the girls were pulling people out of their seats to ‘Get on Your Feet’. 
Y/N spotted Santana in the crowd and walked over to her, but Santana wouldn’t crack a smile. Y/N kept singing to her until she’d turn around. Kurt softly shook his head at the girl, telling her that she should leave Santana alone. But what he didn’t know, was that the girls already knew each other. Y/N noticed how Santana pursed her lips, not giving in to her. 
Y/N grabbed her shoulders, bent down to her height and slowly made the girl turn.
She sang to her,
“Deep in your heart is the answer. Find it, I know it will pull you through. Get on your feet!”
She leaned over to grab Rachel and Kurt’s hands, helping them stand up. Almost everyone in the diner was up and dancing right now, except for Santana. Kurt gave her a look, telling her to suck it up. 
“I think it's true that we've all been through some nasty weather,” Y/N turned to dance with one of her co-workers. She felt Santana look at her and walked back up to her. She danced around her. “Let's understand that we're here to handle things together.”
Y/N stuck out her tongue at Santana’s stoic expression, trying to break her. And it worked, Santana let out a soft chuckle and shook her head in amusement. Both Y/N and Kurt held out a hand for her to take. She rolled her eyes and stood up. The four of them danced together for a few seconds until Y/N walked back to the other girls. They ended the song on the stage, where everyone left but Y/N. They went back to eating their dinner as the next few songs would be slow and easy on the ears. 
Y/N sat down on the stool next to the guitarist. He started playing the soft notes of ‘Wrapped’. Kurt and Rachel went back to eating their food but Santana was too mesmerised by the girl to engage in their conversation. The soft light that was shining down on her made her look like she was the only one in the room. And judging by the look on the girl’s face while she sang, she felt like she was the only one in the room too. She hadn’t once opened her eyes the first minute, she was just so indulged in the song. 
A small smile made its way onto Santana’s face at the sight. She knew how good it felt to be so into a song that you could just forget the world around you— to find your corner of the sky. It was very obvious that Y/N felt at ease, even while performing in front of people. It was rare to see people be so clearly in love with what they were doing. 
Santana grabbed her phone, opened Instagram and decided to film this moment. Y/N’s face wasn’t recognisable from the distance where Santana was filming from so she decided to just put it into her story. Everyone deserved to see this. 
Was this positive and uplifting enough?
‘What we know of Santana and Brittany’s breakup...’
‘Read what Brittany S Pierce has to say about her ex’
‘Santana’s social media silence over?’
‘Santana Lopez still in love or in love again?’
And many more headlines had been posted after that Friday. Santana got a lot of followers after her first post in over a year. She had also gotten a lot of hate, which was something she hadn’t missed. Brittany hadn’t said one bad word about their relationship or about Santana but for some reason she still received backlash. Brittany spoke so highly about Santana and all the questions were answered with respect. But Santana wasn’t surprised about that at all, that was just how Brittany was.
There were still people—mainly Brittany fans—who blamed Santana and made all kinds of crazy assumptions about what had happened. 
“Just delete the app. You don’t need that kind of toxic energy around you.”
Y/N was filling the ketchup bottles while she sat in front of Santana. 
How had this happened, you ask? One of Y/N’s coworkers had recognised her on Santana’s story and pointed it out to her. When Santana visited the diner again, Y/N had jokingly apologised about not knowing who she was before, to which Santana had replied,
“You knew who I was. You knew the real me. Not the celebrity or crazy hot girl from the Yeast-I-Stat commercials.”
After that, Santana made sure to come round when Y/N was done or only doing little chores. 
Y/N loved that she got a new friend and Santana was glad that she finally had someone who she could start over with. Someone who didn’t know her from back in high school and someone who didn’t become friends with her solely for the fact that she was famous.
“I can’t. They want me to post at least once a week.” Santana groaned, “I don’t even know what to post. All I do is sleep, try to write and go here.”
They worked in silence for a few minutes until Y/N opened her mouth again.
“Why are tomatoes the slowest vegetables?”
Santana furrowed her eyebrows, giving her a look. 
“No guesses? Well, they can’t ketchup.”
Santana snorted and shook her head. “Wow, okay. I’m going to pretend you didn’t just make an awful joke.”
“Yeah, you go do that while I bring these to the back.”
Santana watched her leave and sighed. The past week had been hell for Santana. She yearned for every little bit of attention from Y/N and her insides turned to mush whenever the girl smiled at her. But something held her back. She didn’t want to fall in love again. Not yet, not when she still held her high school sweetheart in her heart. But it was so hard to not stare at Y/N or freak out whenever she called her on the phone. 
Santana laughed at the huge guitar in Y/N’s hands. She seemed so small now. 
“What’s that for?”
“You said you didn’t know what to post. You should post a little acoustic cover of that song I helped you finish last week?”
Santana looked at her, contemplating if she should agree or not. 
“Can you even play?”
Y/N smiled sheepishly, “Only that song. I practiced the chords all week. But hey, if I mess up— just know that i’m willing to publicly embarrass myself just to help you out.”
Santana smiled at her in adoration. “Fine. Okay.”
They walked to the vacant stage and put Santana’s phone on the sheet music standard.
“Oh-I... I’ll scoot out of the frame if me being in it makes you uncomfortable.”
“Why would it make me uncomfortable?”
Y/N laughed, “People might assume we’re together after all the assumptions about you in the magazines. That would be weird.”
Santana’s expression faltered. “O-Oh...yeah.. it would...” She faked a smile.
Y/N started strumming the guitar.
(radio silence by naya rivera)
Santana closed her eyes as she started singing. It was clear to everyone that this song was about Brittany and she wasn’t ready yet to let them hear the whole song. It felt too personal to give it away just like that. Which is why they decided to do just a snippet. 
She opened her eyes and looked at Y/N when one chord sounded terrible. You could hear Y/N giggle from behind the phone. Santana smiled wide and had a hard time singing without laughing. Y/N stuck out her tongue as she seemed focused on getting the next one right. Santana unintentionally looked at her longingly the last few notes but broke out of it when Y/N stopped playing. 
Should she be thanking the tabloids? No, never. However, she couldn’t deny that they had been the reason why Y/N had even brought it up. 
“Do you like me?” 
Santana widened her eyes.
“And I don’t mean as friends. I mean like-like. Do you like-like me?”
“I-uh, I-” Santana stammered. 
“It would be really embarrassing if you didn’t, to be honest.”
Santana gave her a wary but panicked look.
“Because I do... like-like you, I mean.”
“Wow, wait— what?”
She opened and closed her mouth until she saw the honesty on Y/N’s face who let her statement linger in the air, hoping that Santana would say something. But the silence only heightened her nerves
“I can’t... I can’t do this, I’m sorry.”
She quickly grabbed her stuff and left the diner, just like she had done the first time. 
She rushed home, biting her lip to prevent the tears in her eyes from falling. The second she unlocked her front door, she let them go. Santana tried to control her sobs as she sat on the couch, holding her head in her hands. 
Her safety net whenever she felt lost or emotional— Brittany — was gone, what was she supposed to do now? She let out another sob as she missed Britt’s arms holding her close. 
She reached for her phone without a second thought and dialled the woman’s number. Brittany picked up after a few seconds, much to Santana’s surprise.
“Hey, um, Santana. What’s up?”
Brittany decided to break the ice, but all formalities were thrown out the window when she heard the Latina let out another sob.
“Santana, are you okay?! What’s happened? Where are you?”
Was she okay? No. But what was she supposed to tell Brittany? That it was partly because of her?
“Please, say something, Tana. I’m worried.”
Santana held the bridge of her nose and let out a big, shaky sigh.
“Please forget that I called, this was a mistake. I’m sorry for bothering you.”
She hung up. But the phone rang after a few seconds. Santana tossed it next to her on the couch and rubbed her forehead. How could she have been so stupid?
It rang again. And again, and then another three times. Santana stared at the screen long and hard before picking it up. 
“Don’t shut me out, please. You know I still care about you when something’s wrong.”
Santana let out a huff and Brittany knew exactly what that meant.
“Santana, listen— I am so, so sorry for what happened. I too thought that we would be the happiest and sappiest couple forever but... some things just... happen. And I still completely understand how hard it was for you to stay friends with me without being with me and I’m so terribly sorry for that they brought you up in that interview— but I meant everything I said, Santana. You were the best thing that happened to me back then. And to me you still are my best and most incredible friend but... that’s just it.”
A long pause.
“And I kind of really miss hanging out with you and so does Lord Tubbington so if you’re comfortable with the idea, would you want to get together sometime soon? Wait— not get together-together, just... argh, you know what I mean.”
“How did you do it?” Santana broke her silence. “What changed in your mind for you to get the closure you needed? Because I never fucking got it.”
Brittany kept quiet, knowing there was more to follow.
“I have spent a whole year feeling like absolute shit, but I knew... that there was no way that we’d ever get together again. But the closure? Nope.” She furrowed her eyebrows in frustration. “And lately there’s been this incredible girl in my life and guess what? You two are fighting for first place in my head and I can’t help but want to push her out because I’m not ready to let her stay there until you are completely out of my thoughts.”
She heard Brittany let out a breath.
“Oh, no, no, no. I don’t need a pity-party. I don’t-”
“Santana Lopez, listen to me.” Brittany raised her voice. “If your plan is to sabotage your own happiness, then congratulations— you’re well on your way. It’s no wonder that you’re having a hard time moving on. I mean, one— I’m a catch but two, we were together since high school, that’s a long time. We were each other’s first loves and truth be told, you never really forget those. You’ll compare every following relationship to that one, even if it was full of flaws. Truth is, you’ll never be able to move on or get the closure until you open yourself up to idea of loving someone else again. And I know how you work— you don’t ever want to open up to someone again but... if you give this girl a chance, who knows? She might be the one to change your mind. And I’ll cross my fingers she will. I hope she’ll kick me off first place like a rugby player.” Brittany snorted at her own joke. 
“Because you deserve a special someone too, Santana. And if you still don’t have the closure you need... I loved you, I cared for you, and in a way I still do. But we won’t ever get together again. That ship has sailed. I want you to be happy and I want to see you flourish in every aspect of life, just... without me being your special someone. I’d still very much like to be by your side, though, but as a friend.”
Santana let the words sink in until she suddenly widened her eyes. 
“I am such a fucking idiot.”
“Um... are we having the same phone call? Because I’m lost...”
“She told me she liked me and I ran out.”
“Was that metaphorically speaking or did you literally run out?”
“Like a chicken, Brittany.”
“Santana!? Be Chicken Little and run back!” Brittany exclaimed, “But watch out for the traffic, please, because that would be a tragic end to the story....and it would be animal abuse...”
Santana smiled softly, missing this side of Brittany.
“Okay, okay!” She laughed. 
“Keep me posted?”
Santana hummed, “Thank you, Britt.”
“Of course. You’re still my best friend, even if we haven’t seen each other in over a year. Go get the girl.”
Santana hesitantly walked back into the diner. It wasn’t rush hour so there were only a few people having a drink.
“See you guys tomorrow!”
Y/N walked out of the backroom and froze in her spot when she saw Santana looking at her. A tightlipped, awkward smile appeared on her face and she tried to walk passed her but Santana grabbed her hand. 
“Wait, I-...I need to tell you something.”
Santana looked the girl in her eyes, seeing the anticipation and worry in them. But then she saw something else, she saw the same twinkle in her eyes when Y/N sang so beautifully that night. Only this time they were twinkling because she was looking at Santana.
She grabbed the girl’s cheek and planted a chaste kiss on Y/N’s lips. Y/N widened her eyes at first but kissed back. They parted when a bell coming from the kitchen interrupted them.
“So much for needing to tell me something...” Y/N chuckled heartily, “But I guess I got what you were trying to say.”
“You guess?” Santana shot back.
“Yeah... I’m still slightly confused...”
“How’s this?” Santana grabbed her by the waist and kissed her again. Y/N slowly tapped the girl on her chest when things started to get heated.
“Let’s keep it PG, we’ve got an audience.” 
Santana bit her lip in embarrassment when she saw that all eyes were on them now.
“But your message was loud and clear this time.” Y/N whispered in her ear and gave her one of the most adorable smiles.
“Oh...” Santana let out a breathy chuckle and looked at the ground. Being nervous was so out of character for her, but whenever it came to her and relationships she was always a simp for her significant other.
“But... can we take it slow? Because-”
Y/N nodded immediately. “I know, you don’t have to tell me. We’ll take it slow.”
Y/N sat on Santana’s bed, reading a book while the Latina was trying to write a new song for her album. She heard yet another paper being ripped apart, followed by a loud groan. 
“Baby, you okay?”
Y/N bent over the couch and hugged Santana’s neck from behind, planting a kiss on her temple. Santana sighed and sat back, feeling more relaxed the second Y/N’s arms wrapped around her.
“It’s not working. I can’t seem to get my exact feelings onto paper and what I have now doesn’t even do it a little bit of justice.”
“The break-up song? Let me see-” Y/N went to reach for the notebook but Santana immediately turned around and smiled.
“You know what? I’m starving, and I want to take you out.”
“Oh— are you sure? We just had-”
“I’m sure. I need a break anyway.”
“Okay...well, let me get a jacket.”
Santana watched Y/N walk into the other room before quickly hiding the notebook behind the couch pillows again. She’d feel so embarrassed if Y/N ever read any of her love songs to her. Truth be told, ever since their first kiss in the diner, Santana had found her new muse. She had written a lot of songs since then but not one seemed to be good enough or do the girl justice. Besides, if Y/N read the lyrics to this song... Well, it would make or break their relationship and Santana wasn’t going to lose someone again.
“Let’s go.”
“But I can tell my friends, right?”
“Baby, of course you can.”
“Sweet! I’m going to see them again next week. Can’t wait to see the look on their faces when they see you.”
“Oh, I’m... not sure if going with you is such a good idea.”
“I forgot— we’re taking things slow.” Y/N nodded to herself, “Sorry, I get too excited sometimes.”
Santana caressed the girl’s head and planted a kiss on it, “It’s okay. Soon.”
“So, what’s been going on with you? I haven’t seen you in a few months.”
Y/N took a sip of her drink, “Well, i’m still working at the diner, that hasn’t changed. And-”
“You’re in love.”
“I can sense it. Also, you've posted a lot of cheesy and soft quotes on your twitter so that was a dead give-away.”
“Well, yes. I’m dating someone.”
“Boy? Girl?”
“Girl, duh.” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Oh my God, Y/N!” Her friend squealed, “Who is it? Show me a picture, let me approve.”
“It’s Santana Lopez.”
The two friends fell quiet.
“The famous singer?” One of them asked.
“Hun, she’s hardly famous anymore. Are we sure she still even exists?”
“Hey!” Y/N pouted. “But I’m telling you the truth. It’s Santana.”
“Real funny, she doesn’t even live in New York.”
“Uh, yeah, she does.”
“No, she doesn’t. TMZ said she moved back to Ohio after the break-up.”
Y/N shook her head, “They also said she started dating a 80 year-old billionaire and bought a pet alpaca, which I think is ridiculous. You’re too gullible.”
Her friend shrugged, “Perhaps, yeah. But hey, it’s okay if you don’t want to tell us who it really is yet.”
Y/N rolled her eyes when they switched the topic.
“How did it go, babe? Were you happy to see them again?”
“You’re not going to believe me but they thought I was joking.”
“Joking about what?”
Y/N sat down next to Santana on the couch, immediately cuddling up to her. “Well, they didn’t believe I was dating you.”
“Why would they not believe you?”
“I think you forgot that you’re kinda famous.”
She rolled her eyes, “I’m hardly famous.”
Y/N mocked her, earning a playful punch in the shoulder from Santana but her smile soon disappeared.
“No bad news, please!” Y/N immediately noticed the change in Santana.
“No, no, don’t worry. I mean, I don’t think it’s bad news— it’s just... a lot...to deal with right now.”
“Just rip the bandaid off.”
Santana grabbed her phone and showed Y/N the post.
Tumblr media
“Oh...” Y/N swiped and saw that she had been photographed as well.
“I know we said we would take things slow so I’m so sorry that the media is trying to fuck that up again.” Santana examined Y/N, who was difficult to read. “This is exactly what ruined everything last time. Fuck! Here I thought it would be different this time around. I should’ve never-”
“Santana, sshh.” Y/N grabbed her hand, trying to calm her down. “Stop thinking.” 
Santana looked up like a sad puppy.
“Nothing is getting ruined again. Not on my watch.” She put the phone on the coffee table, “Let’s just ignore that. Let them start rumours, let them guess, let them make up drama but the only two people who really know the truth are you and I. It’s our life, not theirs. So no matter what they will say, I will love you unconditionally for as long as you want me to... and I will never feel differently... about you.” 
Santana's head shot up, looking puzzled and panicked at the same time.
“W-Where did you get that from?”
Y/N smiled at Santana and caressed her cheek, “You need to find better hiding places, babe.”
Y/N suddenly looked worried, “Unless that song wasn’t about me... then... well, this is awkward. Just-”
“I love you.” Santana cut her off, tears in her eyes. She felt the urge to pinch herself but decided it would look silly. Was she really in love again after all that she’d been through? 
“I love you too, unconditionally. And... you better make that song your first single.”
“Guys, I’m literally in the pictures with her?!”
“Yah, but you look more like a fan of her than her girlfriend, look at you... swooning.”
“I mean, yes, I adore everything she does...”
Y/N’s friend leaned over and smiled, “So you’re really dating the Santana Lopez?”
“I mean, I sure hope she does...” Santana walked up to their table in the little cafe, startling Y/N’s friends while the girl just looked at them with a smirk on her face. Finally.
Santana sat down next to her and gave her girlfriend a kiss before turning back to the two friends sitting in front of them.
“Is that enough proof or do you need me to bend her o-”
“That’s enough!” Y/N gave Santana a playful slap across the head. 
“Oh my God, no!” Y/N’s friend exclaimed, “Speak for yourself! Imagine the money I’d make with a tape of that! I’d finally be the rich bitch I’ve always been deep down.” 
Y/n rolled her eyes at him and it earned a laugh from Santana, “I like you.” 
“Why, muchas gracias.”
“Wow, thanks for completely taking my spotlight. Hi, i’m her best friend, he’s just our accessory.”
“Excuse me?!”
Y/N shook her head at the two of them. 
“Are you regretting you came along?” Y/N turned to her girlfriend.
“We wouldn’t judge you if you said yes, to be honest.” Her friend laughed. 
Santana smiled at them, “No, it’s been a while since I met new people and you two seem fun and well, you mean a lot to this one over here so I’m happy to be here.”
Y/N snuggled up to Santana and put her head on her shoulder.
“Alright, go and make me jealous. It’s fine.”
“Shut up! Now tell us how you two met, please!”
Santana couldn’t stop playing with her fingers and the bracelets on her wrist as the hours passed. Only a few more minutes now until her new song ‘My Unconditional Love’ would go online, for the world to hear. There had been a lot of speculations about the two women the past few months, but they had tried to be more discreet when they were outside. Much to the dismay of the paparazzi and tabloids. This song would basically be a dead give away to their relationship but she didn’t care. This song already meant so much to her and Santana hoped she could write plenty more songs like these about Y/N.
“Are you having second thoughts?”
Y/N’s voice interrupted her thinking.
“Wh- No, never! It’s probably my favourite song I ever wrote... it’s just... nerve-wracking, is all.”
Santana walked into Y/N’s open arms and let out a big sigh at the feeling of her arms around her. 
“You’ve come a long way and I am so proud of you... but most of all, I’m happy to be on this ride with you. I know this song will point a lot of fingers to us dating but hey, like we said before— no one needs to know but us and our friends and families. Capiche?”
Santana nodded and grabbed the girl’s cheeks, “I’m so happy with you.”
They both beamed from ear to ear until the bell rang. Santana opened the door. 
“I’m so excited!” Kurt squealed and dragged Rachel along inside.
“It’s time, guys!” Y/N sang as she appeared from the kitchen, trying to balance a tray with four champagne glasses on it. 
“Hook your phone up to the speakers!” Rachel grabbed a glass. Santana’s new song started playing which earned raised eyebrows from the three others.
“This isn’t the same song you sent me?!” Kurt exclaimed.
“No, it is. It’s just not the slow version. I’m keeping that version for us.” Santana grabbed Y/N’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “It felt too special to share.”
“Well, damn, I’m digging this one, too!”
They started dancing together to the upbeat song. Y/N kept staring at Santana, who seemed too excited and happy to notice.
Her unconditional love.
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saintkimora · 7 years
ok……..here is the long awaited post of what happened on saturday night! (Last Saturday night btw not yesterday night) ive been too busy to post about it until now but it is juicy
so as i said on saturday, joel and i were texting on and off that day but it was weird as usual. so after i showered i wrote out a text to him saying that even though we havent been communicating much recently i still miss him and think about him all the time and that i appreciate the chances i do get to talk to him. so i sent this message but literally the second it sent i got a message from him. like we sent our texts at the same time. so i started reading his text and it started with “perry……im really sorry but what we have isnt working out” skafjhkajdhfkjads so i felt like a jolt in my legs and had to sit down. so he sent this long ass breakup text and here are the basic points that he used
he isnt ready for a relationship/exclusivity (even though HE was the one who literally deleted all his dating apps the day after we met bc he wanted to focus on pursuing me)
he hasnt been making the effort and i deserve someone who does
he hasnt been opening up and he is aware of that bc he knows he isnt ready
i deserve someone who is in a better place in their life than he is rn/someone who has their stuff together
i dont deserve what hes putting me through
he wants time to be single and make mistakes and regret them (stupid ass reasoning btw)
he knew using texts was the wrong way to end it but he wasnt strong enough to do it in person
he apologized if i feel like i wasted my time on him/if i regret anything ive done w him (since the last time i saw him before this was when i had sex with him)
hes sorry that he isnt treating me better
not my fault at all
so yeah that was the text! i didnt even read it fully until later on like i skimmed it and called him immediately and asked if we could talk in person (ofc i got all choked up trying to ask and almost started crying over the phone) so he said yes he owes me that much so i grabbed my tissue box, tried to put on my shoes (my mom had to help me bc i was shaking too much) and drove to his apartment and then sprinted to his apartment from where i parked a block away. i got there and his roommates werent home so it was just him. he opened the door and i said hi and he let me in and it was v solemn so we went into his room and sat on his bed and this is where the drama really started
so i was like “can i have a hug” and he was like “yes” so we hugged and i started crying. so we hugged for a while and then we separated and i was like “ok so explain why you want to end this” so he started explaining it to me. i was crying and he was crying too but i was crying more obv! i was like bawling. his eyes were red and tears were falling and he was sniffling but he wasnt like crying hard
so he just explained that he was in a bad place when he met me and he still is in that bad place (in reference to his depression) and how its not me its him and how i deserve someone who puts in the effort and doesnt distance themselves from me and actually has the time to see me and i was annoyed bc caleb did the same thing and i am sick of other guys telling me whats best for me like *vicki from rhoc voice* how do you know whats best for me? and like obv just bc you have depression doesnt mean you dont deserve love, like he said he still liked me and wanted to be with me and how it was breaking his heart to have to do this so i did not want him to end something just bc he felt he didnt deserve me or that he wasnt worthy of my love or anything like that 
so he also explained how he wasnt ready to settle down and i was like sis we arent even officially boyfriends yet, its not like im asking you to marry me and have kids lmfao and he said he wasnt ready for exclusivity so i was like “does that mean you wanna fuck other guys?” and he was like “i dont know” so ????? and he was like “im feeling conflicted” so i was like wtf is going on in here on this day
also i asked if his roommates were home and he said no he was home alone tonight and that was part of why he was feeling so bad and its like sis…..if being alone makes you feel worse then making yourself even more alone by breaking up w me doesnt seem like the best way to fix that! and i told him that i was free tonight and he couldve just invited me over if he was feeling lonely and he was like “i thought you would be busy” like sis literally the only times i am ever busy on saturday nights is when im with him!! lmao
he also said he wasnt opening up bc he couldnt/wasnt ready for it yet, but like i wasnt asking him to open up like all i wanted was for him to put a modicum of effort into our conversations just to show that he cared, like we can just keep doing fun things like im not asking him to get all deep and vulnerable with me (although i would love that too)
so we just had a very emotional time, i was crying my eyes out nonstop and he was lightly crying as well, there was lots of hugging and holding and stuff so like i was really really REALLY losing it like i was so MESSSSSSSSSSYYYY like i was just getting all in my feelings and saying all the things im gonna miss about him and like apologizing for anything i did wrong/apologizing for not being enough for him and like it was really really bad. but i was still also cracking jokes like a dumbass throughout the whole thing lmao bc i like to find the humor in things
i decided to mention that i was originally planning to ask him to be my bf officially on our next date (that plan had changed since he became cold and distant the past week or two but originally i was planning on doing it on the next date after i got back from the retreat) just bc i was being emotional
at one point he was laying on the bed and i was sitting on the edge of it crying (and covering my face bc im an ugly crier even though he’d already seen plenty of footage of me crying at this point) and he held out his arms and was like “come here” and i was like “no” and looked away and he was like “please” like that was very satisfying bc it showed that he needed comforting as well at that moment
at one point i was just laying on my side rolled up in a ball scream crying into my hands now THAT was messy. it was nice though bc joel moved in behind me and tried to hold me and calm me down. speaking of calming down! there were some points where i got like………REALLY bad like i was breathing so hard and fast it was troubling but whenever i had a wave of that joel held me and tried to soothe me and help me breathe
i even offered to have an open relationship if he wanted (bc this was during the exclusivity convo) bc i was just trying to grasp at any straws i could at the moment in the hopes of reaching an agreement or just stalling for time so i could move past his walls and get through to him. in reality i would never even consider it bc it is definitely not for me but at the moment i was desperate. he said no though bc he knows i wouldnt want that and he said he didnt want me to compromise myself for him
so then this is when we reached the turning point. so joel was laying down and i was like half sitting on the bed/half laying on him. and i said something along the lines of “you dont have to go through this alone, i wanna be there for you” and like when i said alone he lost IT! like we had a breakthrough he started bawling just like i was this whole time!! obviously it was hard for me to see him in that state but it was also kinda nice to see how much he cared 
but then he started breathing really fast and he was like “i think im having a panic attack” so i was like uh oh so i was like omg do you want me to get off of you or something but he was like no stay here so i kept holding him and tried to help him ride it out. but then he choked out the words “i think im making the wrong decision” like !!!! i have never felt such a strong feeling of hope in my life! but i was just like its fine dont worry about it just breathe and btw during this event he was laying on his side so he was looking to the side while i was kinda on top of him so i was like at him. so then he turned to look me directly in the face and………………………
he said “I love you!” like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hearing that made me SO so happy so i was like “i love you too!” and we hugged and kissed and then he was like “ask me!!” and i was like “ask you what???” and he was like “ask me what you were gonna ask me before!” and i was like “OH! joel……will you be my boyfriend?” and he was like “YES!” and then we hugged again and laughed and made out and it was really really passionate even though we were both gross with tears and runny noses, like it might have even been the most passionate kissing ive ever had! it was a very emotionally intimate moment and i loved it
so then he was like “im sorry” and i was like dont worry about it lmao so then we just continued cuddling and kissing and stuff for a while. he told me that he knew i loved him back bc during my breakdown i said “i really really really really liked you” and he said he knew i wanted to say i loved you lol
he also said hes gonna try to open up more and put more of an effort in so!! that was nice
so it was hot in his room and we were all sweaty on top of being gross from crying so we showered together which is always fun. and during the shower he was very touchy and he would like press his body against mine and give little kisses on like my chest or my back which i really loved. we also did some sexual stuff too
then we got out and dried off and he finally said he would watch flavor of love with me!! so we watched a few eps and it was super fun. then we cuddled until we fell asleep holding each other which is always one of my fave parts of our dates. he was very affectionate and sweet and i really liked it. then we fell asleep and in the morning i had to go home bc i had work or something
so yeah thats it! it made me really happy that he said i love you (and that he said it to me first!!) and i made sure he knew that he could always ask me for anything he needed if he was feeling down again or something. so now fast forward to today he is back to texting me every day and being an active and engaging texter! and i went over to do homework with him on monday night which was fun! and then on friday night he invited me over at like midnight and we got checkers and then we hung out and cuddled and watched more flavor of love. and then we did some more sexual things which was really fun! he was really really into me again and he literally is the hottest guy ive ever met so i enjoyed getting to make him feel good and stuff
on friday the 13th i am taking the gsa eboard + jami w me to go see the addams family musical at his school since he is part of the pit orchestra so that will be fun! i am very happy to have joel back and i am even happier that we are officially boyfriends now! and its so so so nice to get i love you texts again!! overall i am very happy with how things turned out and i am glad i fought to make it work instead of just seeing the text and being like ok bye
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