#not even itchy lately just hurts?)
astral-catastrophe · 10 months
I’m normal and mentally stable
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catchmewjsn · 2 years
I've put all the things i needed on my skin so why do i feel like i fail in caring for it all the time
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inkskinned · 11 months
it's just that there's a few more steps you have to take that other people don't have to take, but they don't see the steps, so they think you should be able to hop from moment to moment, a chickadee.
it isn't getting out of bed. it is the weight, the hook in your chest, the anchor. you have to move the anchor first. you have to silence your alarm, but your phone is in your hand, which means now you have to put the phone down, which is too-hard. you get stuck in there for a while, the white screen, mindlessly scrolling. you don't even like this activity, have tried a few other options but - here you are, and time is passing.
you've googled iron deficiency causes depression and if i drink enough water does it help with mental illness and anxiety but no caffiene within the last two weeks, like how you googled am i gay quiz at 17.
it isn't just calling the doctor back, it's the anxiety, it's these little moths in your lung cavities, furious and fluttering. you need to figure out how to capture your fingers from between their nervous bodies. you are an adult, you can say the words yes hi, i'm calling because i need - but you need to practice first. maybe write it down because what if you misspeak, wouldn't that be embarrassing. write it down, but you need to find a pen first. well, actually, your desk is kind of messy. you should get a new pen. you should get a new organizational system. you should try journaling.
your grades in school were always strange. the way teachers would say things like it feels like you're not trying. you could touch stars in the stuff you cared about. well, sometimes. god be willing. homework average zero. oops! your english teacher's wrinkled brow: i know you know this stuff. what the fuck are you doing?
it isn't the showering, it's the mirror before the shower and the soft horrible pull of your naked physique. you have to avoid eye contact completely or else it'll be 93 minutes later and you'll have picked at your skin until every little pore is bleeding. you have to stand up but standing is tiring and also you should have remembered to buy more soap but you never remember anything. maybe get out of the shower and while it's still running and you're still dripping wet, use your phone to take a note. make a note to get your groceries. let the shower run while you stand half-in half-out and get lost in your phone for a moment. come back out when the water runs cold and now you have to sprint to get ready.
your grandmother's frown. you're just being lazy. protestant work ethics in a house that isn't even protestant. she says she just learned different but she means learned better, doesn't she.
it's not that you can't send the email, it's that your hands have been hurting lately and the desk really is messy and also why the fuck would you even care about this thing? doesn't everyone else feel like they're drowning? hi brendon thanks so much for sending! will review and get back to you shortly. but now you're on the internet, close the tab with tumblr on it. go on, close it. feel the little soft vapor of boredom come up and over your eyeteeth and make everything overwhelming and itchy.
literally all you have to do is put on shoes to go outside. you're literally already dressed, that's the hard part of this whole thing. literally just put the shoes on. just... do it! do it! this shit is easy!
it's literally that easy. just stop taking all those stupid invisible steps. stop following your strange made-up rules. times like this, even you're positive you're faking. you just don't want to bother with the cleaning and the cooking and the being-an-adult.
but then - shouldn't you be able to put these stupid shoes on? nobody's even looking. go on kid. life is out there! just take the leap!
get moving.
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henry7931 · 4 months
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Babe It’s Okay, I’m Bi
This beautiful man right here is my girlfriend Chloe. It’s a very weird situation so let me explain, a couple weeks ago Chloe was in some strange science experiment accident that caused her to swap bodies with this guy named Derek.
And from what information we’ve collected this may be a permanent situation. As you can imagine she’s been pretty upset the last couple of weeks. And I’ve been trying to be the best to support her while she figures everything out.
It’s been a challenge for the both of us especially since we just moved in together a couple of months ago. We’ve been dating for a while but I think we’re at a point where I’ve been thinking about proposing which this just messed everything up. Well not completely I guess…
I have been holding on to a secret from her for years now and I don’t know how to say it. Not that I ever thought it really mattered until now.
The truth is really don’t care if she swaps back to her old body, I love her. Okay let just say it, I am sexually attracted to girls but I also like dudes. Specifically dudes like the body she’s in.
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She or he is so freaking handsome! He’s tall, tan skin, has this really sexy stash, and I can’t get over his tattoos. So hot!
But I’ve been trying to walk a very careful line with him. And we still low key flirt all the time but I can see his hesitation.
Which makes me sad, I just wish I can tell him without hurting his feelings.
On the flip side, it would so help since every time he asks me something about being a guy I get extremely turned on. Like why are his balls itchy from time to time, why is it easier to pee standing up, and the boners!
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I don’t know if he even notices but he’ll walk around with a hard on in our apartment and it’s everything in me not to reach out and dig into his briefs.
Which makes me wonder, when the hell does he jerk off? I know he’s been staying busy lately, I’m just curious how he makes the time.
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He’s been hitting up the gym a lot and when comes home. He’ll kick off his smelly shoes, workout clothes, and walk around sweaty in nothing but his undies. Which I can’t help but stare.
And the hardest part is at night, we still sleep in the same bed.
It’s my favorite part because he will cuddle with me in his sleep. I don’t think he even notices that I let him. But every night I’ll something poking my back and then his arm will wrap around me. He’ll start humping me in his sleep from time to time.
But I need to get this off of my chest. This is probably going to be permanent and I desperately want my relationship back!
So tonight I’m going for it. I’m going to let him know that I’m into him.
That Night:
I get off of work around 6 and the second I walk through the door I hear a light moaning coming from another room.
I walk to the outside of the door and peak inside.
That’s when I see Chloe stroking it on our bed with his headphones in. I don’t think he can hear me.
I hear his voice, “James..” so softly…
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Fuck, he’s jerking to pics of me.
“James… baby I want you so bad…”
I start unbuttoning my shirt and I kick off my shoes ready to jump in any second.
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“Holy shit! James!”
All of the sudden Chloe grabs a pillow and covers his massive boner.
I grin at him and say, “You don’t need your cover yourself I was enjoying the show babe.”
“Oh shut up you’re just saying that!”
“No, I mean it,” I say walking over and unbuckling my pants.
“Babe, you don’t have to pretend for me. I know this isn’t ideal but—“
I immediately grab the pillow and pull it away. His dick is fully exposed and he has this shocked look on his face.
Before he can react, I grab his junk and say, “does this look like I’m pretending?”
“But… but… I’m a guy!”
I start fondling his junk just lightly tickling his balls.
“Yeah and I haven’t been honest with you,” I say leaning in to his face.
“Yeah?” he says to me softly.
“I don’t really care what body you’re in, I’m attracted to you. And sides, you wouldn’t be the first guy I’ve been with.”
“What the hell James!”
I start rubbing his cockhead and he lets out a yelp noise.
“Can we talk about this later? I’ve been waiting to do this with you for a minute now,” I say right before kissing his neck.
“Oh my! James that feels so damn good.”
I kiss down his neck until I get to his nipples.
I twist one of them which makes his eyes roll back into his head.
I kiss down his chest to his happy trail until I’m at his thighs.
“God you have the nicest dick,” I say to him.
He grins, “thanks I think I like it too.”
“Well I think you’re going to like it more after this.”
I wrap my lips around his dick giving it a very sloppy kiss. I begin to take down my throat which causes him to moan even louder.
“Holy shit yeah I love having a dick!!” he lets out.
I stop for a sec to let out a giggle.
“You know this is going to change everything for our sex life right?”
“What do you mean?” He says confused.
“Well, I’m vers but we don’t know if you’re a top or bottom yet,” I say grinning.
His eyes get wide, “I mean I’m open to anything but will it hurt?”
“A little at first but we don’t have to try right now,” I say back.
I look over his fully naked lower half, it’s the first time I’ve gotten to see it this close.
I rub his thighs down to his feet. I look up at him and say, “hey can I do something?”
“Sure babe as long as you go back to sucking this,” he says holding out his hard cock.
I lift up his feet and bring them to my face. I take deep breath before inhaling them.
“Are you kidding me?!? You’re not just bi but have a foot fetish?”
“Well I wouldn’t go that far, you just have some sexy toes,” I say kissing them.
“Yeah they are nice I guess, even for a boy.”
I pull off my pants and boxers, we’re both naked now.
“Oh I’ve missed your dick babe!”
“Aw thanks!”
“Can I touch it?” he says reach out.
“I would love nothing more”
I feel his hands touching all over my junk. It feels so good. Thats when I got another idea.
“Hey since we both have dicks now? What if we 69?”
“I’m not opposed!”
Chlo gets on top of me and starts to lower his crotch towards my face. I can feel his lips touch my dick. That’s when I feel his mustache which makes he squirm at bit.
It takes us a second before we have a full rhythm down. I’m sucking and we start pacing faster before Chlo lifts his head.
“Oh my god! I’m about to cum!!”
And with very little warning, Chlo pushes his 10 inch dick down my throat and shoots so much cum out.
As he pulls out it’s dripping from my mouth. It takes a second to register but his cum tastes pretty good.
“That was amazing,” he says panting.
“Well I’m not done yet,” I say pointing at my eager boner.
“Well how a nice surprise for you.”
That’s when he does something I’d never expect. Chlo wipes a bunch of cum off my mouth and proceeds to rub it on the soles of his feet.
“Since you like them so much,” he says with a silly grin.
He takes both of his feet and wraps his toes around my dick.
He begins to move back and forth with them and it’s so hot that I can’t even take it.
His feet touch my dick for like 1 minute before I burst all over them.
I look at the cum covered toes and I can’t help myself from licking them clean.
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I go grab us a couple of towels and walk back in to see my beautiful boyfriend laying in bed grinning.
“You wanna go somewhere for dinner?” I say to him.
“Nah let’s do take out, I’ll be ready for round 2 here soon,” he says patting at the bed for me to come back.
“Fuck, I love you!”
“I love you too, even if you forgot to mention the whole liking guys thing.”
“Well babe, what can I say? I’m bi.”
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bigification · 6 months
Jealousy Jealousy
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Strong, loyal, dedicated. All words used by the boss to describe me, and every word seemed like a knife in the back of my roommate. I can hear it in the way he talks to me, ever since I joined the military all he ever seems to be is jealous. I've always been stronger and more dedicated than him, he's smarter but that doesn't even matter that much.
The walk back to our room is awkward. It is completely silent and I can almost see the steam coming out of his ears. I wanted so badly to be friends with him, but he makes it impossible. I've always worked out and kept my body in good shape, and apparently that's unforgivable to him.
We get back to our room and he immediately goes rummaging through his stuff. I pace back and forth, debating whether I should talk to him. It's hard living with him and I just want things to be civil between us.
"Hey man, I wanted to ta-" I'm interrupted when he quickly swings around and jabs something into my stomach. I look down and see a needle sticking into the side of my stomach. I feel frozen with fear, I can't talk, almost as if there is something stuck in my throat. I let out a groan as he pushes the end of the needle, injecting a green liquid into my body.
"I'm tired of being in your shadow, let's see how long you'll last after this." He monologues like some cartoon villain. What does he even mean by that, was that some kind of poison? Is he killing me just because the boss likes me more.
I stumble back against the wall, I feel weak but it hurts less than I thought it would. Although my stomach feels like it's boiling.
Am I dreaming... It feels more like a nightmare. But it must be a nightmare. I see a lump form under my shirt, and it seems to grow every time I blink. It can't be real, but it feels so real. The lump grows until it looks like I have a little belly. Do I have a belly? It's growing faster and faster until my shirt becomes untucked. It finally stops after growing into a sizable beer belly, making it impossible for me to see my feet. Maybe he gave me drugs, maybe this is just a bad trip. But it feels so real.
It doesn't end with the beer belly. Next my pecs start to swell. Something I worked so hard on is gone in seconds. I see them soften into a pair of man tits, growing until they press against my shirt. I always swore I would never let myself go like my father did, but I guess that's a lie. At least it took him until his thirties to get fat, I can't even make it to my late twenties without pigging out.
I still have no idea what's happening to me. It's getting harder and harder to think. I was thinking about... Something about pigging out. It must be because I love pigging out, that's how I got this belly.
As I'm trying to think, my body continues to grow. I hear the button on my pants pop off and feel the pressure release. I think my ass is growing, not that I mind. I feel my body being pushed further and further away from the wall as fat spilled into my ass.
Why does my crotch feel so tight? I could have sworn it didn't feel this tight a moment ago. I don't really care anyway, I can't even remember why I should care.
My pants strain against the fat filling my legs, I think I can even hear some rips tearing through them. My arms follow suit, softening up my defined muscles and fattening up my hands. Better off that way if you ask me, fatter hands means better belly rubs, and I like belly rubs.
I feel an itchiness engulf my body as a thick pelt of hair covers my skin. My arms, my legs, my chest, and most importantly my belly become a forest of sweaty hair.
My body finally relaxed and I let out a loud burp. Oh... I'm so hungry. I rub my belly trying to get any relief. It's all I can think of. Wasn't I stressed about something? What would I have been stressed about, maybe I was just hungry.
"How ya feeling big guy?" My roommate asks me.
"I'm so hungry." I cry out.
"Aren't you supposed to be on a diet?" He teases me.
"Why the fuck would I be on a diet. This is the mark of a true man!" I say as I slap my gut.
"Well I'm sure this box of donuts won't hurt your fitness assessment next week, and they won't eat themselves." He pulls out a dozen donuts. It feels like I lose control of my body as I instinctively ravage the donuts.
I lean back after finishing off the last donut and let out a loud burp. God I'm stuffed, but I want so much more. I rub my belly, trying to process the snack I just had, so I can make room for more.
"There's plenty more where that came from, big guy."
Credits to bulkgainer92 for the video and for inspiring this story.
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You come home with nits
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Sometimes, Magda has bad days at training.
Sometimes, none of her passes connect and she can't defend to save her life.
Sometimes, they're just all around bad days from the moment she leaves the house to the moment she gets back.
But she knows that a bad day can turn good very quickly once she calls Pernille.
It's still difficult to deal with the distance even through all the years and it's gotten even more difficult recently now that you've come into the picture but, still, Magda's day can go from bad to good by just calling you both.
So that's what she does today.
For a moment, the call goes unanswered before Pernille's face fills the screen.
She's smiling but it's a little tense but Magda's just glad she picked up.
She frowns though. "Are you in the bathroom? I thought bathtime would be over by now."
Pernille laughs, adjusting the phone to be propped up on the side of the bath by the taps.
Magda grins. "Hi, princesse!"
You're the one in the bath, hair dripping wet as you perk up.
"Hi, Morsa!"
"Hi!" Magda says again before addressing Pernille again," Did you guys get in late tonight? I swear bathtime is usually earlier than this."
Pernille grimaces. "We had to pop out to grab some stuff. I picked her up today to find out that her nursery had a nits outbreak and the princesse got caught in it too."
Magda's heart drops as Pernille drags a nit comb through your hair.
"She's got nits," Pernille says," Or, she did have nits. They're dead now. We're just combing the last ones out and then one last hair wash to check, isn't that right, princesse?"
You giggle. "Morsa, nits go itch-itch-itch."
"That's right," Pernille nods along," Nits do make your head feel itchy but not anymore."
"Not anymore," You repeat," 'Cause Momma goes pew-pew-pew to the nits!"
"I sprayed stuff in her hair and waited," Pernille translates, separating out the last section of hair to comb through.
"Did they hurt her?" Magda asks, feeling utterly hopeless on the other side of the phone," The nits? Did she cry?"
"They're just nits, Magda," Pernille says," They made her a little itchy but we caught them early. I'll keep her out of nursery until they send out an email giving the all clear and I'll start braiding her hair instead of keeping it loose."
Magda's a little sceptical. "What's a braid going to do?"
"It'll stop her hair coming into contact with other kids' hair as much," Pernille replies. She unhooks the shower head and turns it on, gently running the stream of water against your arm so you can tell her when the temperature is warm enough for you.
Magda raises a brow. "Can't we just take her to a new nursery? I don't think we should send her back to this one."
"Magda," Pernille says with an eye roll, getting to work with lathering up your hair with shampoo," She barely goes in. It was one day."
"One day too many!" Magda insists," Look at her! She should be in bed by now! She'll be exhausted tomorrow!"
You don't feel tired at all. In fact, you're very excited to be staying up past bedtime and you let Morsa know that.
"That's nice, princesse," She says," But I think you'll still by tired tomorrow."
"Tha's okay!" You reply," 'Cause I get to stay up late today!"
Magda sighs at that and Pernille just shrugs behind you, a soft smile on her face.
"Close your eyes nice and tight, please," She says to you," And close your mouth!"
You take a big gulp of air and squeeze your eyes shut as the spray of the showerhead runs over you.
Momma washes out the shampoo thoroughly before putting the shower down to condition your hair.
You open your eyes again to see Morsa on the screen and you giggle at the silly face she's pulling.
"I still think we should move nurseries," Magda says.
"Magda," Pernille rolls her eyes," That's too much hassle. Do you know how long waiting lists are? There's no point if she only goes in a few times a month."
"But she could get nits again!" Magda insists," It's not safe!"
"Children get nits, Magda," Pernille explains as she drags her fingers through your hair," It was bound to happen at some point. Look, she's fine, I'm fine. The nursery will tells us when it's over and then she can go back."
Magda sighs, tabling this discussion for when she's in Germany in person.
"Should I read her story before or after you dry her hair?"
Your eyes light up at the prospect of your bedtime story. You start bouncing in the tub.
"Story! Story! Story! Momma! Momma! Momma! Morsa's storytime!"
Pernille laughs, rinsing out the rest of your hair. "That's right. It is Morsa's storytime." She lifts you out of the bath and wraps you up tight in a towel before reclaiming her phone. "Do you want Morsa's storytime now or when you're all snuggly in bed?"
"Now, please!"
"Okay," Magda says," Why don't you and Momma grab your copy of the Jolly Postman and I'll grab mine?"
"Okay! Momma! Momma! Jolly Postman, please!"
Momma laughs as she lifts you up. "Alright, let's grab your book."
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literaila · 3 months
can we get one of those scenarios where gojo does go to reader's dorm at 3am to go get sweets?
before you came to jujutsu high, you were a very patient person.
your temper was long, if anything. a stretchy sort of thing that was folded in the hands of people who didn’t deserve it.
it took a lot to get you worked up—some might even say that you were a people pleaser. if you had a certain… distaste for anyone or anything, well that was between you and your brain.
before you came to jujutsu high, that is.
because now it takes less than a knock on the door for your irritation to rise from your chest into your eyes. stress headaches have become a newfound acquaintance.
“what?” you hiss, opening your door to be met with—to no one’s surprise—a giddy grin and a sliver of eyes so bright it makes you want to puke.
so yeah. things have changed.
it wasn’t even one knock this time, though, but at least four different pounds, each one luring you even further into the cloud of homicidal thoughts.
at least no one will blame you in jail.
“is that how you answer your door?” satoru asks, leaning against the jam, so tall it hurts your soul.
“gojo,” you say, sweetening your rough, still-sleeping voice. “unless you’re here to tell me that someone’s dead, i’m going to break your nose.”
you didn’t used to be this violent, you swear. there’s just something about him—
satoru pinches your cheek fondly. “you’re such a joy to be around. even with your bed head.”
“did someone die?”
“yes,” satoru adjusts your shirt for you, kindness a silly thing he likes to wear occasionally. “my stomach. its rotting away.”
“good for you. goodnight.”
and you move to close the door, but satoru has always been faster than you. his foot is there, and you could break it, but you won’t.
god knows why.
“c’mon, sleeping beauty,” he whines, “i want bad ice cream.”
“then go get some.”
“i want company while i eat it.”
“don’t you have other friends or something? it’s..” you turn, blinking in the dark. “1:34 am.”
gojo grins. “snack time,” he says, simply.
you groan, missing when life was simple and no one talked to you unless you were making a mistake. “i’m tired. you woke me up, and i was having a good dream, too.”
“about me?”
“about something i don’t remember because,” you scowl at him, “you woke me up.”
“i didn’t want you to miss out.”
“if you keep smiling at me like that, i’ll—“
you stop, mostly because you don’t know what you’ll do.
“are you trying to sweet talk me? because it’s working.”
gojo laughs. “get dressed. unless you want to wear your… care bear’s shirt.”
“go with geto,” you say, trying to shut the door again. it only succeeds in making satoru flinch just briefly.
which is enough to feed the vicious animal in your head.
“he’s just not as cute as you, though.”
you scoff. “stop trying to manipulate me.”
“but it always works so well.”
and is he wrong?
…no. but who can blame you for falling victim to his whims? satoru has spent his entire life being waited on, being given every little thing he could possibly want.
and he seems to want you.
it’s such a unique, bewildering feeling that you have to follow through. you can’t let something like affection go to waste.
the girl you were a year ago would scream for this very moment. she would be at satoru’s door, hugging his leg like a child.
(and if he’s a little bit… okay to look at. well. at least there’s one plus to this arrangement).
“i’ll even wait for you to get dressed,” satoru says like it’s a generous offer. “can’t you hear the ice cream calling?”
and then he leans in, eyes peering into yours over his ridiculous shades.
his hair is a bit messier than usual this late, his mouth a terrifying pink.
some small part of you wants to desperately to lean a little bit closer. to push this even further. so what if you need more convincing? so what if he owes you something?
so what if you can’t say no to him?
it has nothing to do with the itchy feeling in your chest, or the giddy fog in your brain.
(god, satoru makes you feel… something else. different than a human, but nothing more than a prize. he makes you feel like you are something other—like you’ve been the problem this entire time—but in a good way.
satoru sees you as something to behold.
you’re the god of this small thing.
and it’s wonderful. its infuriating and painful, and still you’d rather die than attempt to let it go.)
so what?
“fine,” you almost gasp. “but you’re buying.”
gojo clasps his hands together in satisfaction. “we’ll see,” he sings.
“ten minutes,” you tell him, trying to shut the door.
“five,” he whispers back, so sweetly.
and then satoru flashes his teeth at you, so different from anything else.
your responding nod is just unconscious at this point.
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loaksbitch · 2 years
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jake sully is angry okay? furious from your stupid actions that almost got you killed and he makes sure you won’t do it again by fucking your brains out and teaching you a lesson — wc 1.2k ( this one was requested )
warnings (18+) - angry sex, rough sex, p in v, p penetration, clit stimulation, licking, jake calling you “forever my girl” UGH, doggy-ish, jake is pissed LIKE PISSED, dom!jake, overstimulation if you squint, degrading turns to praising, crying, oc is overwhelmed and sensitive, jake panics that he dicked your soul down. i think that’s it but lmk what i missed
“fück your brains out” — jake sully (⨳)
you’re pressed down to the rocky ground, skin itchy due to the strong and rough grass pressing to your skin.
but that wasn’t the case, the real itch was between your legs where jake has his balls plunged deep into your tight cunt
“jake,” you mewled, knees hurting from being all in fours for half an hour now. jake was squatting behind you while roughly thrusting and knocking your breath out.
“i fuckin’ told you to wait for me in the village, didn’t i?” he was breathing hard, one hand holding onto your tail and pulling your hips to fuck him back. your jaw hurts from being wide open and you scream when jake coils your tail into his palm and pulls you.
“answer me you filthy minx.” he hissed and you only helplessly cried out.
“not gonna talk?” he chuckles, pretty much annoyed with your bratty self. “alright, imma fuck your brains out so you’ll start to talk.”
you feel jakes hand that was holding onto your tail come to your waist instead, then you’re suddenly pulled up from the ground and fully knelt while he grips under your breast tight.
“you almost died not listening to me.” he says, pressing your petite body to his gigantic self. jake huffs in pain just thinking how the sky people almost shot you. “i was trying to hel– ngh!” your words are cut off
pain and pleasure strikes in you when jake fully bottoms out before pulling almost fully out which his tip only ghosts your opening. “help? that’s how you fucking help, princess?”
it’s not surprising how jake is scolding you in the middle of sex, after all it’s jake sully you’re talking about.
you’re too silent with forming words, only hiccups and cries leaving your dry lips. but you’re very thankful when jakes other hand turns your face to his to his and lean to give your dry lips a bold lick
he doesn’t miss how your inside tightens around his fat cock and grits his teeth.
“do it again.” he demands before giving your lips another bold lick, “fuck” he growls when your pussy swallows him and grips onto him tight.
“you haven’t answered me, pretty girl.” his dark voice causes your heart to tremble in fear and excitement.
“you to-told me! you told me!” you gasp when he palms your breast, tweaking your nipple with the ough pads of his long fingers. “and what did you do? disobeyed me.” his hand wrapped under your breast pulls you close to him more
your back pressed to his sweaty chest.
“what happens when you disobey me, baby?” your eyes roll into your head when he bites to your flattened ear, a long moan leaving your lips. jake groans when you don’t answer him.
“are you fuckin’ lagging on me now?”
he is suddenly pulling out from your tight soaked cunt and pushing you down to the ground.
“i get punished, when i don’t obey i get punished.” you quickly say, afraid you’ve pissed your mate but it was already so late. jake sully was beyond pissed.
he doesn’t even give you a second to get comfortable as he drapps himself on you, trapping your body when you’re still laid on your side. “open your legs, put your left on my shoulder.” his cold voice orders.
on eywa, he’s gonna fuck your brains out.
you silently obey, slowly bringing your left leg to his shoulder. “you’re so slow.” he was now tugging your leg to his shoulder while he straddled the other one. there is no way out now.
“JAKE!” you scream as he parts your swollen and sensitive fold with his long fingers before pushing his girth-y tip to your tight opening. “jesus, you’re so tight.”
you try to buckle your knees when the pleasure hits you but jake grips onto your ankle and yanks it back to his shoulder. you’re literally spread for him and he happily looks down where you two are connected and how your cunt openly sucks him in
“you know why you’re getting punished?” you nod before telling him your fault.
“good girl, shit, tighten on me again.” he loves how your pussy clamps on his cock, your gummy walls holding him tight like it’s his original home and cave.
“you’re gonna cum?” he kinda got why you’re not vocal anymore right now. jake literally made you cum three times in a row and he knows how your throat is sore from screaming.
“fuuuuck” he curses when you keep squeezing him.
“you’re gonna cum for me? gonna cum for your jake?” you’re desperately nodding, too tired to even mutter a word. the way your body twitches makes jakes heart swell. “i’ve got you princess.” he leans down, bending your left leg which helps him sink deeper.
the new position helps him stimulate himself as well, one of his strong arm hold you close while the other brushes the strand of your hair away from your sweaty forehead. “my girl, forever my girl.” he was now comforting you
“jake,” you call for him, your hands reaching out for him. “i’m here, right here.” he smiles down at you, “it hurts, i can’t.” you’re shaking your head as tears freely sprang out of your eyes.
“yes you can,” he frowns before sneaking his hand between your bodies and meeting your warm clit with his rough pad of his thumb. “yes you can give me the last one baby, i know you can.”
you whine, pushing him away and crying. “i’m sorry, i won’t do it again.” you apologize for your actions that almost cost you your own life. “i’ll forgive you once you cum for me, yeah?
you gulp down your sob down and winch when your throat hurts.
“you’re so good fr’me, my girl.” his sweet praises while his cock penetrating you and his thumb flicking your clit was your last push to burst and milk your nectar all over him.
“that’s it, give it to me all” your eyes are screwed shut, overstimulation winning and having you whine for a billionth time. “almost there yeah? i’m gon— fuck!” jakes pupil dilated from the sudden sting of pleasure.
he wasn’t expecting it this soon, yes he felt his balls tight, heavy and painfully stimulated. but never once he thought he would be cumming right unexpectedly. “oh fuck, oh fuck.” he laughs when finally back to his sense
his vision gets clear and he looks down at your state, you’re almost gone. your eyelids barely open while your chest heaves up and down fast. “princess, you okay there?” he really did fuck your brains out.
jake panics for a second when you don’t answer him and lean close to you, hand gripping your jaw and turning you to face him. “baby, answer me.” surely jake knew his heart was gonna stop if you hadn’t smiled at him and blinked.
he was almost convinced he fucked your soul out and not your mind.
“what the fuck, you scared me.” your soft giggles make him laugh and he places your leg down to the ground. “don’t ever do that again, i thought i got your soul dicked down.” you burst out laughing with your energy left.
“jake!” you keep laughing when his words keep repeating in your mind. “c’mon let’s get you home and all cleaned, mhm?” he helps you up, both of you smiling foolishly.
“and please don’t ever go against what i tell you, i almost lost you.” you hum, obviously unconvinced.
ok so i love how this turned out, low key becoming a fan of my own works lmfao— thank you for reading! like + reblogs are super appreciated i love each and every one of you sm!
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ghostbustting · 2 months
Going on vacation with current james and he is always horny because he is seeing you in a bikini all the time soooo (maybe Marathon sex??) ☺️
kinda short, but mmgmtmdhdjsns 🤭 (also, happy late late birthday to semaj)
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╰┈➤“𝑩𝑬𝑨𝑼𝑻𝒀„ ๋࣭⭑
Current!James Hetfield x Reader
Contains Smut.
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My body felt terribly weak, limp, tired. As well as my throat feeling sore from all the filthy noises I have let out for the past.. two hours, possibly, or three. I couldn’t even tell how long have we spent our time on this vacation just in our hotel room, bedsheets messy, our minds completely forgotten about the seconds ticking on the clock, not even noticing when rain starts trickling down onto the hotel room balcony, not even stopped by the time the rain stops.
His body was all I felt, his soul connected to mine. My eyes couldn’t help but gaze up and down the beautiful man in front of me, bare. Meanwhile I had to give in to his request, my bikini set staying on my fucked up state of a body, sweat all over my skin as I let the older man take great care of me— or rather, himself.
The whole morning, as we spent our time at the beach, my skin weren’t so oblivious to the eyes that rakes up and down my body, the only thing covering me being my bikini set that James seems to adore on me, his eyes never leaving the way the bikini top desperately try to cover up my breasts as I play around the beach, or the way my bikini bottom almost failed to cover up my ass, never failing to make his tongue dart out to swiftly lick over his bottom lip.
No wonder he was stuck on that damned deckchair the whole time, the towel we got from the hotel draped across his lap, a pathetic attempt to hide his hard boner that’s seeking freedom from behind his swimming trunks, one of his hand tucked under the towel and the trunks, desperately trying to get off before the boner gets worse, thinking I wouldn’t notice the quiet fucking moans leaving his lips every now and then, it was so obvious. And it was obvious as well that jerking off at this point did not work for him.
I supposed that was what led us here, on the hotel bed, fucking for what I remembered is our seventh round by this point.. or was it eighth?
James had me on all fours for him, his hands on my hips as he was on his knees behind me, his fucking jerk of a dick leaving and entering my numb and swollen hole, weak and desperate whimpers leaving my lips as I try to hold onto my position, my legs and hands shaking.
”Fuck.. so nice.. so good..” He groaned, fingers on my ass cheeks, nails digging into the soft skin ever so slightly, red from the countless times he had hit me there previously. Not that I mind.
Several parts of my body felt itchy, especially my neck, chest, and thighs. Those are from what I suspect are his teeth bitten marks, always hurts yet always make me feel so good, wanted, needed. The moment James loses control of himself, he was always like a puppy that’s been let out of his cage. Wild. Mean. Uncontrollable.
Tears were streaming down my red cheeks, pouring down onto the pillow below me, now soaked from my salty tears. I couldn’t quite feel my body completely, feeling several aching, yet the way his cock fill my desperate hole up is just way too irresistible, feeling him move in and out of me, the tip of his cock hitting every spots I didn’t even know exist in me before he showed me.
My breath came out in gasped heavy ones with every thrusts he made, fingers clutching onto the sheets below me tightly, trying to hold onto something desperately, cause it truly feels like I’m about to fall and drown into a sea of unbearable lust if I didn’t hold onto anything.
”J-James.. please..” I gasped out, panting as my hand gave up on keeping my position up, my body falling from being on all fours, limp on the bed, flinching every time he thrusts into me as small sobs leave my lips, “A-ah.. mm..” I whimpered, biting into the sheets to prevent myself from letting out more noises.
I just felt so weak. I can’t even release anymore, my body was aching so much. But at the same time, he felt so good. He make me feel so loved.
James grabbed my hips and pull them up, making my ass perk up on display for him as he held onto my waist, his cock thrusting in and out of me like there was no tomorrow. “Shit.. one more, princess.. okay? Can you do that for me?” He breathed out, shaking his head as he try to focus on his movements.
Despite being terribly weak, I force myself to nod and whimper out a silent, “Y-yes, James..”
He let out a breathless chuckle, stroking my skin as he whispered out in that goddamn seducing voice, “Atta girl..”
My eyes were as wide as they can get, almost popping out of their sockets as his thrusts make my mind swirl, losing control of myself as all I could do was just lay there underneath his big body, voicing out the pleasure he make me feel, eyes rolled to the back of my head.
”God.. fuck.. you’re so fucking enchanting.. that fucking bikini.. it makes me go insane.. what did your parents do to create you?”
His endless compliments only increased the tightness of the knot that was yet again appearing in my stomach for what felt like the thousands time now, my moans coming out in between my choked sobs, my fingers grasping to any part of the bedsheets I could hold onto around me.
”Let go, princess.. let go..”
And that’s what I did, my release this time gushing out fast, squirting all over his cock as I screamed out his name like my life depended on it, my walls clenching around his cock one last time as he pumped in and out of me and let go of his own release as well, groaning loudly.
I feel the sticky cum of his coat the inside of me, making me whimper at the feeling, overstimulated by how many times he had done that for the past two hours, not even able to feel anything now. Just numb. But so fucking pleased by the way he treated me.
Slowly, I begin to relax into the mattress below me, my chest heaving up and down, the breath coming out of me were unstable and shaky, my legs still shaking somehow. “You’re fucking crazy, James..” I shook my head with a huff.
James leaned down to my face, his fingertips coming to touch my cheek, his thumb darting out to wipe away my tear and stroke my cheek lovingly before he whispers, “Too bad we’re not done yet.”
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littyhoney · 1 year
Right Person,Wrong Time (part 3)
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(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Earth 42 Miles Morales x Reader
Chapter summary: One last heart break...will you ever get enough of it?
Warning: Spoilers for the movie Across the Spider-verse, slight angst
ps: If yall have any request for one-shots and imagines message me im open up for requests! <3
You been avoiding Miles ever since the incident happened betweent the two of you… not that you are being petty but it just hurt your feelings to see someone you care looking at you thinking it be someone else instead even after you give your all to him.  You still went on to the patrol with him at night but separately,only come to help him when the situation is overwhelms him but nothing more than that.
You are sitting in your dorm room at  Vision Academy currently finishing up your essay, music blaring in the background. But your focus got disturb when a ring come from your phone on the bed, you use your web to pull it towards you to see the caller ID.
Coco Head calling…
You sigh contemplating you want to accept the call or not,your thumb hovering on the red button but your guts is screaming at you to accept. “Oh what the heck…” you mumble to yourself before accept the call and put the phone againts your ear hearing a panic screams from Miles reach your ear and a few groans here and there.  You shot up from your seat.
“Miles? What is going on!?”  You panic as you hear Miles struggle againts or with someone over the phone,in your head maybe he is fighting againts a criminal when he is supposed to be in the principa’s office “you heard Miles  scream one more time before he manage to let out a loud “I NEED HELP HERE THIS GUY IS OUT OF CONTROL!” before another scream is heard.
“Where the hell are you Miles! Im coming to-” you start to walk towards the window before you see outside of the window makes you stop talking. Outside the window you see Miles is struggling to catch a guy…in a cow outfit? Or a dalmation,what a weird taste in costume for a criminal but you shake your head and tell him through the phone “be there in a minute!” you shed off your school uniform underneath it is your spider suit,believe me it gets itchy sometimes through out the day to wear this many layers of clothes to cover the suit man.
You put on your mask before jump out through the window and catch yourself using your web start swinging towards Miles and the weird criminal on top of the bus. You shot out a web towards the hand and foot making it fall on top of the bus as you land besides Miles,who is currently try his best to respond to his dad’s message.
“So uh what are you exactly?” you look down at the white with black spot guy as he struggle againts your web. He grunts around before answering “Im the spot! And no im not a cow OR a dalmation! I’am your nemesis!” clearly the guy is pissed off,but why? You tilt your head “Oookay?”
You turn towards Miles with your hands on your waist with a slight scowl shown on your mask “and you cant even handle a guy that looks like a cow?” Miles turn towards you slightly feel offended by you “That guy is a pain to catch! He can create portals and im late my mom is gonna kill me!” you shake your head slightly “That is a you problem with mama Rio” you turn your head back to the guy to shot a web at him so that you can give him to the police and finish the job easy,but instead of the web get on his body it goes through one of the holes and a black portal open up besides you as the web shot to your side “what the!-” you pull your web resulting to you catapul yourself into the portal resulting to you slam againts the street vendor “No way im getting my ass kick by a cow” you mumble to yourself before catching up on two of them.
Somehow you and Miles finally get a hold of this guy as he is now In a tangle mess mixture of you and Miles web to his limbs in his own portal that he made. You let out a big sigh before turning to Miles “You gotta go now man,don’t want mama Rio to go T-rex on ya” Miles let out a small shoot and look at you “Thanks for helping me with this uh criminal of the week” you nod your head “anytime man…anytime”
Miles look guilty as he contemplating wanting to reach his hand out to you “look, you been avoiding me for few days and I-I understand but-” you stop Miles sentence with your own “Look man,how about you go back to the academy first then we talk about this…after the party” Miles let out a defeat sigh before nodding his head and start to swing his way to the academy “I owe you one!” he shouted.  You turn your attention back to the cow looking guy “You stay put right there alright? The police gonna come by any minute” you start to walk backwards as you talk to the edge of the building
“Wait where are you going!? im not done yet!”the ‘cow’ guy screams as he struggle agaits the webs. “I have a class to catch up man, see ya never!” you fall backwards from the edge of the building and make your way back to the window that leads to your dorm room,but you’re still late for the class anyways.
(small times skip as miles got to face with his angry momma bear and stopping the spot with his dad)
It is later in the evening after a long day of classes youre making your way to Miles apartment to attend the party that mama Rio invited you to come,instead of swinging your way from place to place like Miles you love the simplicity to just walk down the sidewalk, looking at the people around you minding their own bussiness completely oblivious as the person that is walking among them is a spiderman/spiderwoman. Youre walking through the alleyway for shortcut before suddenly your spider sense goes off, huh that’s weird. Your hearing sense did’nt hear anything other than the busy street down the alley so you continue on walking.
You went up the stair leading to the party opening the door and see a lot of people are there enjoying themselves with foods and drinks and the music played by the DJ,wow the Morales really know how to throw a party. You make your way to Mrs Morales wanting to greet her first before doing anything else tap her shoulder “Hey mama Rio!”
The woman turn around and smile widely as she lay her eyes on you “(Y/N)! you finally made it welcome dear,we have lots of food and drinks help yourself out” you smile back at her “Thanks mama Rio” you were about to ask where Miles is before a voice came from beside you “Hey (Y/N)!” you turn to look at Mr Morales before held out your palm for a handshake “Congrats on the promotion captain Davis”you smile up at the man happy for him. The man chuckle shaking your hand “Thank you (Y/N),glad you could make it to the party It be a shame for you to miss some of Rio’s cooking”. You laugh lightly before asking where their son is,mama Rio nudge her head looking towards the water tank “Hes’s right there,with his friend”she put one of her hand on her waist looking at her son hanging out with the girl she never seen before.
Mama Rio voice drown away as you stand there,stunned to see who is standing beside Miles and chatting away happily together…It’s Gwen. Your heart starts to beat fast as you clench your hand to a fist on your sides,pursing your lips not believing that she’s there in person. Your heart seems to squeeze itself and you fight the urge to just storm away from the party,not only that Gwen didn’t come to see you but Miles didn’t even call or message to tell you that Gwen is here! Your brows start to turn upside down as your eyes are pierce to where they stand.
(Mama Rio’s POV.)
“She looks old enough to vote does’nt she?” Rio told her husband and the her son’s bestfriend before looking at the child who is beside her,who is clearly in distress. Rio is not blind or a fool,clearly she can see how much the child likes her son,deep down she is hoping Miles would see it but over the years it does’nt seem to grow past that point. Rio put her hand gently on the child’s shoulder giving it a light squeeze before speaking softly “I know you like him my dear,he needs some time to see that”
The child look down before speaking in a such soft tone it almost a whisper “I did give him time mama Rio…but…im giving up on it,maybe it’s better to be there for him and be happy for him you know…”
Rio sigh move herself to where her son is at not before giving her last words to the child “You are a good kid (Y/N), Im sure,one day you will find someone just as selfless and have so much love to give to you” she give the kid one last smile before make her way to where her son is.
Back to you POV.
Mama rio’s word ring through your head…your eyes trail back to where Miles and Gwen are before mumbling to the air “Maybe…in another universe…he would” little that you know…that universe exist,and it's called Earth 42.
To be continued....
tag list:
@dazecrea @i-love-milfs2 @usernamepassowrd-blog @frissy @musicownsme @randomhoex @dystop4in14nd @coldlamaspersonspy @repostingmyfavs @lovefks @wingedghostpepper @bath1lda @baku-boneless @biggestmacsstuff @milesquaritcheswife @mmst4rz @jasontoddsfavoritechair @jadyn-is-kinda-gay-ngl @manduse @angelbunnyboo @bbootyyyshaker9000 @thymom696969 @camilo-uwu @duckwithsunglasses @arlipooh
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bear-remn · 2 months
—shu headcanon's!
hi! I've been thinking a lot lately about the Sakamaki brothers and I came up with some headcanons that maybe you guys can enjoy too, the first one in this series is shu so enjoy! also a little art piece i make during maing this post.
tw: there are some nsfw headcanons!!! if you dont like that content dont read it!
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his looks and selfcare
i do think that shuu is very, good looking, shu has that kind of elegant beauty, with his fine face and a straight nose, clearly his eyes are what attract the most attention when you see him for the first time, also shu has a very penetrating and fixed gaze, in addition to the fact that his blue color makes him have a captivating look and sometimes makes people nervous without realizing it, just because of his natural gaze.
even so, shu does not realize how attractive he is, at least not entirely, mostly bc he doesnt take care of his face, like he dont put any cream or special soap on his skin, he is totally the guy that barely wash his face and has a perfect skin.
but i do think that when he wants to, he definetly put sunscreen bc thats what he thinks is makeup for men.
and maybe this is a little... dirty? but i truly belive shu does'nt shower too often, maybe three times a week? or sometimes two, and he does not smell, like too bad, bc he dont sweat for some reason, but does sometimes stink with that smell, when somebody is for too long in a bed... that kind of smell.
and the times he showers he truly takes that shower like if it was his last, ofc is a bubble bath and he puts some candles and music while he just rest in hot water. is shu's private moment with himself. and he loves vanilla and chocolate candles.
and about shaving, he has a happy trail, but cant grow a hole beard, for some reason it just grow under his chin and it bothers him so he shave it right away. and about his body hair it is very thin and not so visible.
talking about skin, something shu needs, is to feel soft things to the touch, like his sheets, he makes his bed all the time and loves the smell of vanila or lavanda the bed has when its recently done, and its the same with his clothes, he needs cotton clothes, if shu feel something that is minimally rough or that makes his skin itchy, he never wears it again or throw it away.
shu does not brush his hair too often, mostly bc its not hard to control and he likes how he looks with messy hair.
i like to think that shu has a wide body, big shoulders and a thick waist, he has a prominent v line, his arms are a little thick too, and his hands are big, but his fingers are more thin and long, as he use to play piano. and he takes care of his nails, doesnt put nail polish but do cuts them and keep them clean.
random stuff
sometimes shu doesnt realize his shirt is inside out, and he realize just when somebody else point it out. but shu dont care.
shu is actually a goosip, so he puts one of his earphones bad just so he can hear what people are talking even if it had nothing to do with him.
and a little secret of him, when shu cant sleep and is alone, he looks at cute/funny (mostly shitpost) videos, memes and photos of animals, shu is totally an animal lover.
on his vacations shu loves to watch a reallity shows, he loves drama of famous people, but ofc shu doesnt talk about this with anyone. and definetly watch them when he eats. not too often tho, it has to be a really good show.
shu has a record collection in his room, next to a wall full of vinyls of his favorite music, he doesn't use them much but enjoys collecting them.
and bc of his childhood he is actually really smart but bc he is miserable and lazy he just dont show it nor in his life or in the academy. and also as a little revenge to his father (who punish him by sending shu to alaska lol).
shu actually dont like human food, he find it boring, but do enjoy eating meat, almost raw, but not too much, bc after that his stomach hurt a little. he does like coffe or hot chocolate sometimes and better when it has milk.
and my favorite little thing about shu, i think shu dont play in consoles, not play station, not xbox, not nintendo, nothing like that. so he only play games in his phone, but not anygame. shu either playes puzzles games or play subway surfers, or both, who knows. and he loves the music of that game, it always stick into his mind when he hears it.
so, shus dick... is great, maybe too dirty of me to say but u truly belive that shu has a pretty dick, like maybe more thick than normal, with two prominent veins and heavy balls. and its a little biger than average, probably like 19 cm. i had to say it.
also, i belive shu is a switch, ofc loves to be dominant but also enjoys being dominated, with a limit.
shu loves to tease people in any chance he gets, like, when someone (specially a girl) find out that he likes to hear woman moans as music, he tease them to make them nervous like "what? would you prefer me to just hear you? want me to make you moan? hehe". or when a girl is wearing something too revealing too close to him, like he sees someone underwear or a little peak of her chest shu be such an ass "wanting to show me something? how lewd of a woman you are huh" all of that with his sly smirk.
he flirts in a very... one of a kind, like he teases but also like to make physical contact, at firts he just do it in a way to make the other person nervous but with the time he craves the physical contact, he loves feeling his skin touch another skin, what makes him sleep naked.
shu is more perverted than laito canonically, but i think that shu is more romantic about it, like put passion in it, you can feel the conection with him when having sex. specially bc he loves making eye contact and touch everything he can. he craves to melt into your skin and its really intense. he holds you with possessiveness, hard and intense. almost needy, but shu isnt like quick and fast or desesperate. he is more the kind of sloow and deep, nice and steady. kind of guy.
and bc of his intense desire, he loves foreplay, and best of it, he knows how to do it right, i just know he can read people to know what someone like to make them weak. he also loves kissing, tongue. theeth and lips, he have to kiss at every moment, and if you moan into his mouth he just gets worked up. he would definetly make you grind on his leg while kissing. clearly he does the leg thing, he know things.
shu is a big fan of 69, like he loves to get sofocated while you suck him, and he does it right, loves to play with your clit like crazy, but he isnt rough, but if you ask for him to be more rough he get into it, until youre fucking trembling. and he expect you to cum in his face, afterwards he is happy just to be there.
and his favorite position in bed is either cowgirl or spoonign, firts bc he like when you take control, and seconds, he gets to hold you and be close to you and not making too much effort.
in the case of cowgirl, he loves pushing up to go deeper, and all of that while watching you face, damn he loves it. also likes to hold you waist, and watch you support your body with your hands on his legs, that way he can see better your boobs as you move. when he is close he bites his bottom lip so hard just bc he wants to see you how you cum as well, literally make you look into his eyes while doing it. and if he can, shu will sit up just to kiss you and and look into your eyes up close. he loves to intimidate you with his gaze.
"cmon... keep looking at me... dont take your pretty eyes off mine..."
and if you refuse to lok at him, shu would hold you face to make your eyes meet his.
and in the case of spooning, he grabs you close, like if shu wants to get into your skin, would hold onto your tits or your belly with one hand while he other is in your neck, making you look back at him while he trust into you deep and nice. would kiss your shoulder, your neck, your back, any little part of your skin that is close to him, he would kiss it gently, and if shu speed up a little, you would hear his hot breaths in your ear, occacionally biting it.
"fuck... you're mine, you know that?... only mine.. say it..."
"you're my woman... hear it?... say it... i want to hear you..."
the aftercare is another story to tell, basically he would be either too lazy to get up or just by luck he has something to clean up in his drawyer. he is the kind of men, that would prefer to stay dirty for a while just to hold you a little longer, definetly tease you for another round or just kiss you softly as he carees you hair or skin.
this man craves you with passion, and its touch starved.
── more of my content here!
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dvchvnde · 2 months
Your grogginess lingers in the days after. A side effect of the painkillers, he says, but when you check—tucking the pill against your inner cheek when he leaves to go fetch something from the kitchen—it's just Tylenol. Prescription, of course. Extra strength with codeine. It shouldn't make you feel this sluggish, this out of it. 
Exhaustion clings to you like a second skin. One that doesn't quite fit; tight, constricting—an artificial veneer that leaves you feeling itchy and uncomfortable where it rubs into your flesh. Sinking anchored hooks into your consciousness that tug you down into a permanent state of hypnagogia. Suspended in a constant fever dream. 
Threads of fatigue weave through each eyelash until keeping them open becomes an arduous task. It's easier when you just give in—
“Need tae rest,” Johnny says when you tell him about it. About how much it worries you. “Ye’ve been injured, doe. Need tae sleep an’ heal.” 
Adds: trauma, maybe, when your skepticism shows over dinner of caribou burgers, rice pilaf, and more bannock. The way he says the word—so nonchalant for all its ugliness, cruelty—nudges inside your chest, and you waver. Flickering toward the striped scar on his temple. He'd know, wouldn't he?
The unsettled feeling in the pit of your stomach lingers, mouldering inside of you. Festering. Fed by the stretch of days that bleed into each other; of waking up to the same sequence, a new routine, over and over again without any escape. 
This new perspective hurts. Aches. But you adapt—change shape—until your days are spent languishing away in bed reading the books he gives to you, or listening to him putter around the house like a restive bird searching for an escape. 
This cabin is too small for his wings, it seems.
But despite having a stranger impede in his space, Johnny cares for you with an intensity that makes you feel smothered. Claustrophobic. He tends to everything, rarely letting you lift a finger. 
The embarrassment of that, of it all, fades at the end of the first week when he puts you in the tub, and slowly washes away the grime from your skin with a tender touch and eyes that bleed sin. 
(“Ah’ll take care’a ye,” he rasps, voice thick in his throat. “Donnae worry about a thing, doe.”)
It's fine, you think. It's fine in the daytime—
Your nights, however, are awash in seafoam. 
Clips, snippets; disjointed and broken. They flicker past like scenes of a movie you're unfamiliar with but never linger. Never stay long enough for you to find some form of comfort within the hazy silhouettes. 
Moments of waking up on a bed with a hand on your forehead, murmuring to you. Words eliding together in the slurry of your mind, incompressible. Unknowable. A warmth against your skin. A rough hand on your jaw, thumb brushing across your cheek. 
The most jarring are the ones that come late at night when you remember the phantom weight of something slung over your waist, knotted tight between your breasts. Scorching heat glued to your spine. 
You think he's been crawling in bed with you. The thought alone makes you want to sob—
“Pretty wife ah go’ fer ma’self.”
Morning comes, and the worry from the night before is dissolved into an uneasy pinch in your guts. He’s normal—intense, dizzyingly so—but. Just a man. An odd one with a white, jagged grin. All teeth. Charming, you know. The sort of thing you'd fall for back home in a bar. Boyish. Simple. 
But he's—
Touches you a lot. Fingers tucked in the crease of your elbow, hand on your shoulder. Your knee. It moves higher up, planting itself on your thigh. Much too high to be appropriate. To be anything else outside of—
You can't think about that. Not when your safety is tucked between those even, white teeth. With a broken ankle, negligible survival skills, and no sense of direction—
Thinking about that will crush you down to fine powder. 
You bury it around an unease smile. Polite and distant and edging slightly in hysteria when he leans down, eyes burning, burning, and murmurs something under his breath about his little doe. All his. 
It's a mistake. His accent is thick. You've misheard what he said. Don't panic. Don't scream. Don't offend him. He's nice. Nice, nice, nice. Just a nice man in the middle of nowhere who has a scar on his temple that looks like a shooting star, and madness in the back of his eyes that blooms when you catch him staring at you. Always. Like he can't bear to tear his gaze away. 
He's a puppy. A dog. A good fucking boy. Stop being so crazy—
He brings you bread with fresh, homemade jam. Blueberries that grow along his property line. Juice. Water. He sits in the chair beside the bed and eats with you, tells you stories of his life back home. Scotland. Where he played football (an’ no’ tha’ shite ye call soccer) with his friends when he was home from deployment. An avid runner. He'd pace the streets of Edinburgh until his belly ached too much to continue. 
Tells you of this place he'd go to after. Eat his body weight in eggs, hash. 
His life feels like an improbable adventure sometimes. Deepening into dangerous territory when he admits, at your gentle prodding, that he was in the military. Secret sect. A taskforce. 
(“Need’tae know,” he wags his finger at you, a toothy grin tugging on the corner of his mouth. “Or ah’d ‘ave tae kill ye.”
You convince yourself he's joking, and offer a weak chuckle. It tastes of madness in the back of your throat.)
In these moments, there are three elephants in the room with you. So smothered are you by their presence, that thoughts of loneliness dwindle down to nothing. A faded memory haunting the hollow of your throat. 
The most obvious one is the mangled scar on the side of his face, slashing across his skin like a shooting scar. He touches it sometimes. Fingers pressing tentatively to the lumpy, misshapen mess of pink flesh. 
It's soft most of the time. A tender pat, like he's reminding himself it's still there. 
But sometimes, sometimes, he digs his fingers in so hard, they turn white. Like he's trying to chisel through flesh to scoop out everything inside. These moments are usually accompanied by bad days. Ones where he disappears outside for hours on end, only slinking back inside when the sky turns black. Haggard, knuckles pulpy mess of red. 
Or when he stays inside, despondent. Solemn. He stares at the wall without blinking. It takes him a long time to respond, as if the words are stuck inside his throat. And when he does, they're stilted and hollow. Monosyllabic. A broken amalgamation of incomprehensible colloquialisms and shattered English. 
When you ask what he said, he gives you a strange look. Like you're the one speaking in tongues. 
“Ahm jus’—” he makes a vague motion, and says nothing else. 
The pity is intense. You ache for this odd, broken man. To suffer so much—
It draws your attention to the second elephant. The one who pushes back into the corners, trying to hide. This growing thing that crackles in the air between you. Unfathomable. Intense. You're not sure what it is, or why it's here. It feels intimidating. Infinite. 
It crawls into your lap in the dark, this twisted, hideous babe, seeking comfort from the person who viciously pushes it away. A dog coming back to lick the hand that hurts it because it knows no better. Bad dog. Good boy. The wires cross, spark. 
What else do you do when pain and comfort come from the same hand? It whimpers this question out as it cries itself to sleep curled up on the lap of a person who refuses to touch it back. Cold comfort. 
You think of baby chimps and mothers with cotton skin and metal bones. 
Loneliness, you find, makes you desperate. It aches, a pulsing wound, spread over the whole of your pericardium. What do you do when the armour that is meant to protect you breaks? Cracks.
You don’t like to think about it too much because this path, this looping trail, leads you right into everything else you refuse to acknowledge. Particularly, the third elephant. 
Or rather—
The fact that the other side of the bed is always warm when you wake up in the morning. 
Johnny tells you he sleeps on the couch. 
Sometimes, when you press your face into the pillow, you can catch the lingering scent of pine, cloudberry. 
(You fold it up into a square, and shove it between the metal bars of your mother's ribs.)
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itstheghostofmypast · 4 months
His Little Cowboy
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(College AU) Choi San x (f)Reader
Summary: It turns out that beards aren't as bad as misinterpreting a text, especially when you want to introduce your lover to your friends. Or maybe don't plan on doing that in a themed college party?
Genre: Hurt Comfort
Word Count: 2.8K
Est. Read Time: 15 min
Warnings: mentions of alcohol
Rating: PG-17
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels @san-network
Linked With: 22.59
A/N: Shout out to @yessa-vie straight up digging up the cowboy pics for me. The number of times I listened to this song- @edenesth , is to be blamed.
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Moving past the sweaty bodies she groaned, inwardly grimacing at the stench of alcohol, cheap perfume and oh god please don't let that be puke. This is not how she wanted to spend her weekend, but ever since that dinner where the two had confessed to each other, San had been persistent about them making a public appearance together, slight problem though- he was popular, Mr. Charming, Mr. Optimism, Mr- WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE!?
With a scoff she jumped over some knocked-out dude, really leave it to Choi San to call her to a party and then not answer his phone- even so, he had wanted her to meet his friends, a very...very intimidating group of loud, popular, good looking guys, truth be told most of them already were in a relationship, which would explain why San was more persistent in giving them an official label, not that she would mind that, she loved him unconditionally, a feeling that had blossomed ever so slowly but hit her like a truck once it began to flow over, which is why...she had agreed to this stupid idea...which is why she had agreed to this...to coming here...to wearing such an outfit. 
Standing on her toes she tried to spot her lover, who was supposed to be dressed as a cowboy in black; leave it to college parties to have the weirdest theme- it wasn't even Wild West, well, it was, but they called it 'Outlaw themed'. The theme itself was off-putting due to several historical events but who was she to say no when he had asked her so politely, so quietly, with his face buried in the crook of her neck in the late hours of the night as her fingers played with his short locks, humming when he mumbled against her skin, squeezing her closer as he asked her to attend this party with him, he'd even tell her what to wear, which was odd for when she had read the text the next morning really did confuse her, but agreed anyway- God her face was so itchy- OH SAN!
"SAN!" She called out, smiling when he turned around, eyes scanning the sea of bodies for her. Waving her arm in the air she walked closer to the man in the black cowboy hat, though his eyes never landed on her, instead, he was still looking around. With a huff she squeezed past a couple and almost tripped, only to collide with his chest- bare chest? Her eyes widened at the man, hands instinctively gripping onto the attire- a cropped leather waistcoat? Staring up at him she licked her chapped lips, tugging on the coat gently as he frowned down at her, why did he look...confused? Was he...upset she actually showed up? To be honest, she didn't have time to divulge her insecurities because the vest was distracting, the tussles were caressing her face and the bandana just made her Sannie look like-
"You lost there, buddy?"
"We thought you were dating someone? What are you collecting little boys for- oh wait the beard means you're a big boy right, partner?" Her head whipped in the direction of the voice, is that Wooyoung? Wait, little boy...my god.
"Sannie! It's me!" She squeaked cupping his face as he stiffened, before she felt him gently squeeze her waist, moving closer to her face before his expression morphed into pure disgust- "What the hell are you supposed to be!?" He whined, ignoring the way Wooyoung had burst out laughing, not stopping when his own partner slapped his shoulder, asking him not to embarrass San and his girlfriend even more.
"Like you said! A cowboy!"
They had moved to a quieter area of the house, one with proper lighting and- kitchen, all of them had crowded the kitchen, with her sitting on a counter as San glared at her, arms crossed over his chest.... how could someone look so nice in such poor lighting.
"What are you supposed to be?" He asked in a low tone, ignoring how his friends were still snickering behind him. It amazed her how he was still towering over her, like that, kind of making her feel smaller than usual, twiddling her thumbs she mumbled "A cowboy...Sannie...you said let's go as a cowboy couple."
A deep laugh resonated from behind the man as she peaked up to find one of them, Seonghwa, who chuckled when their eyes met, only for him to give her a gentle smile, though she could see the glint in his eyes, a little teasing swirling within his orbs, but the angel, his angel, sitting next to him squeezed his hand, begging him to not make it worse.
"What- I? What!?" He gasped, arms flailing around to emphasize whatever the hell he was trying to say as she shrugged, "I SAID A COWBOY COUPLE!?"
"Yeah, and I am one."
"That usually means a guy and his girl!"
 "You realise the actual number of cowgirls was less, if not nonexistent, and usually they did all the work but got little to no credit. This is exactly why these parties confuse me, are we glorifying misogyny?" She deadpanned, pointing to her fake beard causing him to facepalm, never had he met someone so smart yet so stupid- and to think he loved her? Who's the bigger fool here?
"I love how both of you are majoring in communication but aren't able to communicate with each other."
Her lips quirked downwards at that statement, feeling the weight of it hanging in the air- oh- so he wanted her to dress up like those sexy cowgirls...well he should've just said that! Even though she would want to say no, she would have done it anyway because it was for him. That's when it hit her, he wanted to introduce her to his friends too, and while all their significant others were dressed for the occasion, she looked like a hobo, with her baggy cowboy outfit, giant hat and well...the beard. Shit. This was not good, this was not good at all, she misread the situation again- what kind of girlfriend chooses to look unpresentable? What if he thinks she did this to embarrass him- hell he has every right to be upset with her-
The sharp tone of his caused her eyes to flicker up from her lap to his face, gut twisting at the way he had turned back to stare at Wooyoung, his cold glare making the other one let out a nervous chuckle, wait no, he shouldn’t take the anger out on his friend, especially when it is her fault for just assuming what he meant- man this beard was itchy.
“I’m just saying…” Wooyoung shrugged, before looking around at everyone, most of whom were now engaged in talking to each other or on their phones, then back at San, who was still glaring at him. Sure, he wanted them to meet his girlfriend, and sure he was upset that she chose the wrong time to misread the situation, but that did not give anyone the right to humiliate her more than she already had done to herself-
“San-ah…” she whispered, gently nudging his leg with her foot, trying to talk to him, whispering, “I can go back and change…” Nah, she was just gonna dip and not come back, probably telling him how she got abducted by aliens by leaving him a note and disappearing because this was a moment of peak embarrassment-
“Your beard’s really cool, what did you use?”
“Huh?” moving to the right her eyes met a certain blonde man’s- she’d never heard Hongjoong speak before, well that’s because in any class the two shared he’d be sitting quietly at the back, “Oh um…facial glue.”
“Woah, you glued it?” He asked, moving closer to inspect it then hummed, “Dedication.”
“I mean she did fool Sannie here,” Seonghwa added, his angel sitting next to him nodding as she hummed in agreement, “It's an A for effort, I kind of wished I went for something similar.”
“I know right!” the girl who had been glaring at her idiotic boyfriend- the idiot was Wooyoung- for upsetting San added, “I was impressed- we should’ve done this, would’ve been so cool.”
She only smiled at their kind words, a bit upset about how she let him down, but hey, at least they were enjoying it. That was all it took for the awkwardness to fade though, perhaps with the help of the other women involved, the conversation had begun to flow smoothly, each one slowly introducing themselves, most men did constantly talk about the beard, but when it came to Jongho, San’s gym buddy – who she wanted to thank because, lord bless, the way her man had beefed up, she’d make sure Jongho and San never quit being friends- he did point out how “They’re all jealous they can’t grow beards as thick as yours- you pulled it off better than most of them could too.”
The causal chatter thus turned into loud, yet fun banter, her laughter causing San, who had been quietly standing next to her, back leaning against the counter she was sitting on, to look at her, chatting with the rest of them like they had been friends for years. Truth be told he found it amusing, no he loved it, how even at this point, knowing she made a mistake she was honest enough to tell him her opinion, about how she felt about the whole theme parties- communication was never really the problem if you ask him, perhaps it was the intent to make the other happy, that would cause problems, the fear of disappointing the other. No one really said that the girls should come dressed as sexy cowgirls or cowgirls at all, and the effort she had put into the outfit made him realise how this was the first party she had ever attended. He remembers how in the earlier days of their relationship, she had mentioned how she’d never been invited to a party, themed or not, not that she would ever go to one- though he had shushed her and promised to take her to one, but for almost four years she had been avoiding it- well perhaps she said yes, this time because they were an official item now, and not just a fling. That made him feel worse, he had spent 20 minutes of her ‘partying time’, arguing with her over something so stupid. He could only sigh at the way he ended up with someone who was only book smart but an idiot otherwise, someone who was so stubborn yet so caring, someone who would try their best to meet his expectations- even if it meant glueing a beard-
“Ow! San!” she hissed, rubbing her cheek before slapping his hand away, causing everyone else to stop talking and look at their friend, who held a tuft of black synthetic hair pinched between his fingers.
“You okay, dude?” Wooyoung asked as San frowned at the hair and then back at her, mumbling, “My god, this really is glued isn’t it?”
“YAH THINK?” she yelled before snatching the torn piece from his hand as she pouted at it, “What is wrong with you~” she whined only to be cut off by Mingi, who she had learnt was one of the noisiest and nosiest friends, spoke up, “The real question is, is San going to kiss her with the beard on?”
She looked up at him eagerly, batting her eyelashes at him, his eyes widening at the realization of how she was still able to look so cute; this was the exact same look she’d give him every time she knew she was winning, when she knew he’d give into her every whim, the look that would make him feel like he was the most important thing to her in the entire universe- maybe he really was- and for this very reason his head jerked to the side as he broke eye contact, knowing if he kept looking at her for a second longer, maybe he would’ve kissed her right there and then, in front of everyone, even though he knew how public display of affection was not her cup of tea. Even if touch was his love language, he knew she’d bask in it and ask for it behind closed doors, so the kiss right now was more of a way of satisfying the people around them, a way of satisfying him, as if she were trying to make it up to him, for misinterpreting the situation, for which she would choose to come out of her comfort zone just for, just to let him know how much he meant to her- god, he really did love her. The group broke out in laughter, causing San’s face to turn red, almost the same colour as her shirt.
She reached for him, fingertips brushing against his arm, causing him to stand up straight clearing his throat as he mumbled, “I’m gonna get you something to drink, stay with them,” as he left the kitchen, ignoring the ‘boo’s’ he was receiving from his friends- he was desperate to introduce her to his circle of friends, but he also forgot how bloody annoying they could be, teasing him at any moment given, hell they had even made a big deal out of his outfit for today, claiming how he ‘was trying so hard to impress her’, adding the ‘Sannie, you know she likes smart guys- oh wait, no maybe that’s not true since you’re in the picture’.
Sighing he looked at himself in the mirror, why was his face so pink? He had been washing his face for God knows how long, trying to calm down, trying to not think about how now everyone knew about his secret little lover, how they’d steal her attention, how they’d make sure she’d be involved in every activity, which was a good thing, but he was her Sannie! How could be her Sannie with them always around- oh my god, get a grip-did he turn redder? All he did was drink apple juice- shit, he had to get her something to drink!
Slamming open the door he stumbled out only to halt at the sight of the bearded cowboy- oh his bearded cowboy who was frowning up at him, causing him to pout at her, somewhat guilty for leaving her hanging and-
“Is the beard really bothering you this much?”
“No, they’re bothering me.”
“Huh?” she looked up at him as if he had spoken French, “What do you mean? I thought they liked me?”
“They do like you.” He sighed, reaching for her hand as he began to walk towards the nearby terrace, knowing it would be empty since the party was downstairs, sliding open the door he slipped outside pulling her out with him as he made her sit on one of the outdoor chairs, kneeling in front of her on the ground as he held her hands, looking up at her, “I’m afraid they like you so much that I won’t get to be myself around you, you know?” he mumbled before placing her hands on his cheeks, causing her to giggle and squeeze his face.
“Aww, Sannie, you don’t have to worry about that, I’m just glad they don’t think I’m weird.”
“They definitely think you are weird.” He mumbled out, only for her to squish his cheeks harder, leaning down to peck his puckered lips before letting go, though he pulled her back, his hand resting at the back of her neck, giving it a gentle squeeze, holding her still as he brushed his lips against hers, “This beard is really annoying.”
“And here I thought you wouldn’t kiss me with it glued to my face.” She whispered, grateful to finally have a moment of peace with him, a moment where they could just be themselves, “Next time, just come over and tell me what to wear.”
“Nah, I think I like this look on you,” He perked up, pecking her lips once more, causing her to let out a giggle, arms wrapping around his neck, about to ask him about the reason behind his choice of clothes when she was cut off, by a very noisy Mingi who’s hollering could be heard as he ran away,
Shaking her head in disbelief, she stood up, helping him up as well as she squeezed his hand, causing him to look at her, a pout already present on his face, dreading what was to come next, “Ready for a shit ton of teasing?”
“Not really.” He mumbled as he sighed, causing her to let out a chuckle as she dragged him back downstairs to the noisy group who was oh so ready to tease the hell out of their ‘Sannie’ and his little cowboy.
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Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @spooo00oky @mlysalt @the-kpop-simp
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its-all-stardust · 4 months
Sugar || 8
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Masterlist || Part Seven || Part Nine
Steven Grant/Sugar Mommy!Reader
Word count: 4.6k
Series Summary: You meet Steven in a museum gift shop and feel an instant connection. Before you walk out the door you decide, perhaps against your better judgment, that you need him to be your sugar baby. Now you just need him to let you treat him right.
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“What’s that look for?” Steven asks when he walks into your apartment.
You greet him with a grin, almost bouncing on the balls of your feet. You couldn’t wait for him to get here.
Your hands are on his chest, his on your waist, and you’re leaning into him before the door is even closed. “How do you feel about getting dressed up and being my date in two weeks?”
Steven seems to catch on to your excitement, realizing something is up. “This isn’t a regular date, is it?”
You shake your head. “Charity auction. I just got word today that I have an opening for my plus one, and I want you to come with me.”
He frowns, his hands twitching against you. “You had another date?”
“Just Dan. He had to cancel. He’s having a surprise party for his son that day.”
Somehow, Steven’s frown manages to deepen. “Who’s Dan?”
You feel him start to pull away, but you slide your hands up and lock them behind his neck, preventing his escape. There’s an elated tingling in your chest, and you soften your expression.
“Dan is my CFO. He always goes with me to these things to handle all the schmoozing because I don’t like talking to people.” Steven’s shoulders relax under your arms, the lines easing from his face. You press a reassuring kiss on his cheek. “Is that an acceptable answer?” you tease.
Steven sputters, though his hands are pressed more firmly against your waist, pulling you closer.
“If you wanted to be with other men, who am I to stop you?” he says. Though you can hear the relief in his voice, you also detect a lingering nervousness.
Your lips move to his jaw. “Too bad I don’t want to be with other men.”
Steven’s breath hitches. “No?”
You shake your head, inadvertently yet wonderfully nuzzling into him. “I only want you.”
A bold statement to say to a baby, but that’s how you’ve been lately. It started before your vacation just two short weeks ago, but it’s grown since then, and so far, you haven’t had reason to stop.
You only want Steven, which may be more than a little dangerous for you. You have sugar babies because they’re not like traditional relationships. They’re easier for a number of reasons, and generally, you don’t develop…certain feelings for your babies. They dutifully fulfill their role as companions, and you’ve always been fine with that.
But Steven has become more than just another baby to you. If you’re not careful, you could end up hurt.
“Oh,” Steven breathes, apparently all he can say. He’s practically vibrating against you, though, telling you all you need to know about how your words affected him.
Then, he says, “Good,” and kisses you. Steven is holding onto you like he can’t bear to let you go, and you return the intensity in kind. Your hands are in his hair, nails scraping along his skin.
He nips at your lips, drawing a gasp from you.
He’s been getting bolder, too.
When you finally part, Steven’s pupils are blown wide, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen him so… possessive.
“I should make you jealous more often,” you tease, trying to hide your elation that Steven seems to only want you, too. You’re not the best at reading people, but unlike some, Steven has never tried to hide how he’s feeling.
“No,” Steven says softly before burying his face in your neck, his hands roaming along your back. “I don’t want to hear about you with other people.”
Your heart is beating so fast; it’s a wonder it’s still in your chest.
Maybe, with Steven...
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You didn’t pick this dress for Steven. That’s what you tell yourself anyway. You liked it because the fabric isn’t itchy, and the fit isn’t too tight. Nor did you pick it because you know it gets you lingering stares.
No, you chose it because you thought it was pretty. That was all.
The lie only worked until Steven saw you coming down the stairs.
His eyes are wide, his mouth hanging open. You saw him nervously playing with the cuffs of his jacket, endlessly twitching, until he spotted you.
The dress isn’t flashy—this is a classy fundraising event, after all, not a film premiere—but it exudes a quiet power.
It’s floor-length and midnight blue, with a shallow v-cut neckline that provides only a hint of cleavage. The sleeves are long, trailing a mere inch above the hem of the skirt, your heels saving them from touching the floor, and split just above the elbow for ease of use of your arms.
The finishing touches are the silver jeweled appliques on your shoulders in the shape of starbursts. They square out your shoulders, giving the illusion of perfect posture and fierce demeanor.
Not wanting to do the work yourself, you visited a salon earlier in the day to get your hair and makeup done. Steven saw that before the completed look, and even then, he was stunned by you. Your hair is pulled into an elegant bun to show off your neck, not a single strand out of place. Even the pins are carefully hidden, making your hair appear magically held in place. Your makeup isn’t heavy except for your eyes. Dark lashes and liner pulled into sharp angles, softened only by silver shadow across the lid. A deep wine-red lipstick completes the look.
Your only accessories are silver earrings to match the appliques and a clutch made to perfectly match the fabric of your dress. That way, you can carry it as your side without drawing the eye too low.
The only flaw with the whole ensemble is that you can’t wear the bracelet Steven gifted you. The gold makes it clash with the silver on the dress. You probably wear the bracelet too much, anyway; pearls are too soft to be worn every day, but you can’t bear to part with it. It was a struggle not to pick another dress entirely to match the bracelet or even take the dress in to have the appliques replaced with gold versions.
You’re afraid that would have been too much, though, and decided against it.
Even without the bracelet, Steven is still in awe of you, and that’s all that matters.
“I think I forgot how to breathe,” he says when you reach him.
Heat builds in your face as you say, “I could say the same about you.” You can’t help but reach out and smooth a hand across his right shoulder and down his chest.
Steven’s suit is black with the bowtie, of course, custom-made to match your dress. It is, admittedly, a little uninspired in terms of men’s fashion, but the norm for events like this. But even still, the suit is cut to Steven’s body perfectly, showing off his figure in the way only fine tailoring can do. His look is complete with artfully slicked-back hair, a style typically reserved for special occasions, leaving him looking a little less like your Steven. The Steven you’re used to.
After your many dates, you already know he cleans up nicely, but it’s still a sight to see every time.
“Only the best for you, love,” Steven says with a simple, offering his arm.
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Though any event attended by the wealthy is used as an informal business opportunity, they are also for showing off. The nouveau riche tends to do so by wearing fancy clothes and jewelry. They make a show of how much money they have, bragging about mansions and vacation homes in foreign countries.
Old money falls into quieter luxury. The things they show off aren’t objects but rather something intangible. They talk of things such as new business dealings or proudly state that a spouse or child has a new position within a corporation or even the government, displaying not just their wealth but their power.
You, though, do neither of those things, not now that you have others to do the talking for you. Now that Dan isn’t here, you don’t have to listen to yet another round of your accomplishments being listed to potentially interested parties who could be convinced to invest or point your company toward more lucrative dealings.
You already did your time playing the rich man’s game at previous functions over the years, learning and avoiding all the faux pas typically done by those who haven’t learned to act like they were born to this. Some of the others forget your money is just as new as the overly flashy crowd. You know how to blend in; you’ve had to do it all your life. Things aren’t much different now, even though the crowd has changed.
And even though you tend to dislike these functions for the most part, you still have your own showing off that you want to do. There’s a reason you can fit in around here, after all.
You want everyone to see Steven on your arm.
Some, if not all, of your peers may suspect what he is to you. You don’t care, and chances are they won’t either. Some of them will likely have their own sugar babies in attendance with them. But you want to show them that none compare to your Steven.
None of them are as free or as open as he is. He doesn’t have to pretend to be air-headed to keep your interest, and as handsome as you think he is, he’s more than just a pretty face who fawns all over you.
You don’t plan on staying for long. A brief appearance usually appeases the more judgmental crowd. You’re not so renowned that you can decline all invitations with a small six-figure apology for your absence. It isn’t so bad, though. You do like dressing up on occasion, and it’s the perfect excuse to get Steve dressed up, too. You’re always looking for an excuse to make him into a model for your personal photoshoots, pictures tucked away in a folder on your phone.
After a flute or two of champagne, a respectable bid on something that isn’t terribly ugly, and enough people seeing—and admiring—Steven at your side, you’ll head home. The night will end at your apartment with your baby wrapped around you and a healthy transfer into Steven’s account for the pleasure of his company.
Ever since you and Steven returned from Germany, he’s been sleeping in your room with you whenever he stays the night. His bed has practically been untouched for the last couple of weeks; his own apartment even less so. These days, his room is just extra storage space for Steven to toss his clothes onto, and you couldn’t be happier. You’ve come to look forward to your new nighttime routine.
“So, do you get a paddle? Will there be a man talking so fast you can barely understand him?” Steven asks as the two of you enter the venue—a gorgeous art gallery, the host of the event.
“As fun as that would be, I’m afraid this is a silent auction,” you sigh. “You’ll only see this crowd at an auction like that if the lots are full of less-than-legal items.”
“What, really?” Steven asks in disbelief. “Aren’t those for, I dunno, shady people?”
“Oh, Steven,” you say indulgently. “These will be some of the shadiest people you’ll ever meet.”
Glass in one hand, Steven’s arm in the other—with him dutifully holding your clutch—you make your way through the gallery. Many of the pieces up for auction are paintings. They’re usually donated by some of the night’s guests looking to redecorate their homes. This way, they can get rid of the old paintings and find something unique for their newly refreshed foyer, all the while pretending they did it in the name of a good cause.
A few sculptures are scattered about, but those are usually never quite as popular. You also spot different memorabilia, either for some sport or another, or even items from a particularly beloved movie or actor.
Tonight’s selection also contains vintage handbags and jewelry. You’re sure there are other items about, but you’ve always had particular tastes and have rarely found items at an auction that you’re genuinely interested in. You only look because it’s expected of you.
A call of your name makes you pause, searching for the source.
Coming toward you is Daphne, a wealthy widow in her fifties. Like you, she doesn’t have the pedigree of some of the others, having “married up” after meeting her husband. Because of that, she’s never been as uptight as some of the other people you’ve interacted with, and as a result, you’ve always liked her.
“It’s good to see you,” you say, giving her a quick hug, mindful of your glass and hers. “It’s been ages.”
“You’ll need to squeeze me into your busy schedule for dinner some evening,” she teases. When she pulls away from you, she turns to Steven and says, “This isn’t Dan.” She looks him up and down, a knowing smile on her face.
“I’m Steven,” he quickly says, tensing beside you, apparently still a little jealous about your coworker.
“My date,” you provide without needing to as Daphne and Steven shake hands. 
“Is he good?” Daphne asks you after introducing herself. She can guess that Steven is your sugar baby. She knows that’s your usual relationship, and she often has one of her own. She’s one of the few people you’re comfortable talking about babies with.
You glance over at Steven as if evaluating him. His nervous twitching has returned, and you’re unsure of the exact cause. A frown threatens to pull down the corners of your mouth, but you don’t let it succeed.
“He’s good,” you tell Daphne, giving Steven’s arm a reassuring squeeze. His cheeks darken.
He’s still responsive and isn’t blocking things out, a good sign that he’s not about to shut down.
“Where did she find you? I’ve been looking for a new man,” Daphne says, turning back to Steven. She always treats babies like people, unlike some who treat them like shadows, inconsequential, and best left seen and not heard.
“At the National Art Gallery,” Steven replies, a little strained, unsure what he’s allowed to say. “I work there and she was enjoying the exhibits.”
Daphne’s eyebrows raise slightly. She was likely expecting him to give a website. You usually prefer your babies to go through a screening process, so she knows picking up one at random—in person, off the street—is unusual for you.
“How serendipitous!” she exclaims with a genuine smile. Daphne then leans in toward Steven. “Now, tell me, Steven, how do you like your job?” she asks quietly with a pointed glance toward you.
Before you can say anything to try to reign Daphne in, Steven looks at you, his expression softening, the nerves falling away.
“It’s not really a job, though. Not to me. I just…like being around her.”
Your face starts to heat up as Daphne’s eyes flit back and forth between you, a knowing smile on her face.
“Good! Well, I won’t keep you,” she says, stepping back. “You two enjoy your evening. And I’ll be calling your assistant next week about dinner.”
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After your goodbyes to Daphne, you and Steven continue walking around the gallery hall. You point out some rather dreadful pieces and make some talk with some of the other guests. As time goes on, you notice Steven steadily getting more quiet. You don’t think much of it. Putting on a show, even a minimal one, can be draining. His uneasiness has been following him all night, so you remind yourself not to stay longer than needed and keep moving.
“What do you think of this one?” you ask Steven, looking at the least ugly of the handbags. You’re still trying to find something to bid on that you could stomach the thought of taking home.
Before he can answer, the sound of shattering glass and a startled yelp fills the hall. Suddenly, Steven steps closer to you, his arm thrown protectively across your body as he searches for the source of the disturbance, his body tense.
“It’s alright,” you reassure, gently placing a hand on Steven’s arm. “Someone knocked into one of the servers.”
The tension leaves Steven, and his arm falls. You’re a little shocked. You’ve never seen him react like that before, though you haven’t exactly been in any situations where he would need to try to protect you.
“Sorry, I just….” He trails off, his voice sounding lower than usual. He shakes his head, confused. “I don’t know why I did that.”
You squeeze his arm. “Steven, are you alright?” you ask softly. “You’ve been a little off tonight.”
A slight frown forms on his face as he looks at you. “I’m fine. I promise,” he says, his voice mostly returning to normal. Then he gestures to the handbag you were evaluating. “You were thinking of this one, yeah?”
“I was,” you agree, looking Steven over. You don’t think you need to pull the plug on the evening quite yet, but something is going on with your baby. You chat about the bag for a moment, both of you pretending everything is fine.
As the night goes on, Steven starts becoming more and more withdrawn. You could have sworn you heard him mumbling to himself at one point, but when you asked him what he said, he claimed it was nothing. Though he was hesitant at the beginning of the night, he at least still made polite, though limited, conversation with the other guests you stopped and spoke with. Now, even you can barely get a word out of him.
“I think this will look lovely in your room,” you say to him as you come to a stop in front of an abstract painting that’s nothing more than splashes of various shades of a questionable yellow. You’re trying to get some reaction out of him, trying to gauge his feelings.
Steven doesn’t look as nervous as he did earlier in the night, but his brow still holds a slight furrow, and his posture, though perfect, is rigid. When you lean into him, he’s not as soft as he usually is. He doesn’t return the favor, leaning into you as he always does.
Steven doesn’t react at all to your suggestion of the hideous painting. It’s like he didn’t even hear you.
“Steven, look at me.”
He inhales as if preparing for something and finally turns to face you, though he doesn’t quite meet your eye. You take his chin and gently tilt his face toward you, making him look at you.
“Tell me what’s wrong.” Though you keep your voice soft, gentle, there’s no mistaking the order in the words. He stares at you, mesmerized or lost in thought—you have no idea.
“I don’t…feel like myself,” Steven finally says, his voice sounding…wrong. “Can we go?”
Your hand falls from his chin down to his chest. “Baby, why didn’t you tell me something was wrong?” Usually, if Steven wasn’t up for something, he would tell you immediately. This isn’t like him at all.
Steven takes a second to answer. “I didn’t want to ruin your night.”
Your gaze softens, and any irritation, however mild, leaves you. “You could never ruin my night,” you tell him, filling your words with admiration.
You quickly turn around, typing in a random amount on the tablet for the ugly yellow painting, placing your bid, and making your mark for the evening. Then, taking Steven’s hand, you start heading for the exit. “Let’s go.”
As you wait outside, you start mentally running through everything you have at home that might help Steven. If tonight just made him anxious, maybe even overstimulated, then you can have him change into something comfortable, dim the lights, and make everything nice and quiet. You can even brush out his slicked-back hair if he’ll let you touch him. Whatever he needs to makes him feel more like himself.
If he’s feeling sick, you’re sure you have something in the cupboards to help. If you don’t, you’ll just have someone deliver it.
“Can we go to my place?” Steven asks suddenly as your driver pulls the car up to the curb.
“What?” you say automatically, pulling from your thoughts and leaving you momentarily confused. “Are you sure?” To say that you aren’t a little hurt that he doesn’t want to be at your apartment would be a lie.
“Yes, please. I…need to be there,” Steven says, again, not looking at you.
You ignore the slight wound and focus on your baby’s needs instead. If he wants to be at his place, then that’s what you’ll do for him. After instructing your driver to go to Steven’s apartment, you take his hand again. It’s limp in yours, but he doesn’t pull away.
When the car stops in front of his building, Steven practically leaps out, pulling his hand from yours and leaving you behind.
You sit there, absolutely stunned and left unsure of what to do. Steven didn’t technically invite you up to his apartment, but neither did he bother to say goodbye.
Confused and more than a little hurt, you gather your clutch and sleeves and follow Steven out of the car, telling your driver to wait for you. You don’t exactly have a plan as you follow Steven into the building, narrowly catching the door before it closed and locked you out, but you hope to get some sort of answer from him.
Steven does a double-take when you slip into the elevator right behind him. Apparently, he wasn’t expecting you to follow. As the lift slowly grinds its way upwards, you and Steven are again silent, with him steadfastly avoiding eye contact.
Too stressed, too focused on Steven, you don’t process anything about the building itself. Any other day, you’d be thrilled to finally be allowed into Steven’s private space, but right now, you can’t think of anything other than what’s going on with your baby.
A dark part of you starts to whisper that it’s you. You did this to Steven and he wants out. But then a more rational part of your brain argues that he never would have looked at you the way he did just a few short hours ago if that were true. You’ve known Steven long enough to realize what a terrible liar he is. He couldn’t have faked his awe.
Whatever is happening, it’s something else. Something happened to him after you arrived at the gallery that caused him to act like this. You just need to know what so you can fix it.
The doors to the elevator open, on which floor, you have no clue, and Steven leads you off toward his apartment, no longer rushing to get away from you but notably keeping his distance.
Pulling his key from his pocket, Steven unlocks his door, allowing you into this part of his life for the first time. You had always wanted it to be under better circumstances.
The first thing you notice is the books. It’s not that you didn’t believe Steven when he told you how many he has, but hearing about it and seeing it are two very different things.
They are stacked everywhere. Shelves are overflowing, and neat piles are littering the entire apartment. There are even some spilling into the kitchen, gathered around the shelves that serve not only to separate the space from the rest of the flat but also host the tank for Steven’s pet goldfish, Gus. Before you can take in much else, Steven is moving away from you, taking off his jacket and hanging it on the back of one of the chairs at the kitchen table.
Then he grips the back of the chair, the jacket bunching under his fingers. When he still doesn’t say anything, you do what you always do: take care of him.
Spotting a kettle on the stove, you make your way toward it, glazing at the wall immediately to the right of the door, taking note of the map and various postcards.
From his mom.
You suppose it’s something since, as far as you’re aware, she’s yet to return any of Steven’s various calls. Steven even told you this apartment is technically hers, but you’ve wondered more than once if she’s ever returning to London.
Grabbing the kettle, you take it to the sink, fill it, and put it back on the stove before opening the cupboards and hunting for a mug. Thankfully, the teabags are on the counter, left in their original tin. Steven’s eyes follow your every move. Only once you set down a mug and patiently start waiting for the water to boil does he finally speak.
“What are you doing?”
“Making you tea. Sit.”
Steven takes a step toward you. “You don’t need to do that.”
“Yes, I do,” you say sternly, turning to face him. Steven pauses, a little taken aback. “Sit,” you repeat more gently and return to your task. He pulls out a chair, the legs scraping along the floor, and obediently sits.
As the kettle whistles, you take it off the heat and pour the water into the mug. The silence is overwhelming as the tea steeps.
“Is it me?” you ask after a couple of minutes. You keep your back to Steven as you move around the kitchen again, hunting for sugar. Even though you don’t believe it is you—not entirely, anyway—you need to know what it is. You need to be delicate and the best way is to ease into it.
Steven doesn’t answer you until you stand across the table from him and set the tea by his hands.
“No. It’s not… it’s not you.” He shakes his head. “You’re… you’re good.” He goes silent again. He doesn’t touch the tea.
You wait for a moment before moving around the table to stand at his side. Sucking in a breath, you’re about to speak but hesitate. Maybe you should let it go and let Steven work out whatever’s wrong in his own time. Ultimately, though, you continue.
“Is it something you don’t want to talk about, or is it something you don’t want to talk to me about?”
Steven’s posture stiffens even more as he keeps his gaze on his hands. After showing no signs of responding, you reach out, taking his chin and turning his face toward you for the second time tonight.
“Steven.” Nothing else. Just his name and the unspoken plea for him to give you some sort of answer.
His eyes search yours for a moment before he takes a steadying breath. “I can’t tell anyone,” he quietly admits. “I’m sorry.”
You nod. Some things are too hard to share. You won’t begrudge Steven that. “But you’ll be okay?” Steven nods, your hand still on his chin. Leaning down, you kiss his cheek. “I’ll be here to listen if you can tell someone someday.”
When you pull away, Steven’s face is redder than you’ve seen in months.
“O-okay,” he breathes, his voice a touch shaky.
You hate to do it, but you know you should leave. Whatever Steven’s going through, he’d rather do it alone. You have no right to intrude upon his personal life as much as you have tonight. You’ve done all you could and can’t blame him for not wanting to open up to you.
You’re just his sugar mommy, after all.
You step away from Steven without another word and take the agonizingly short yet still too-long walk to the door. Swinging it open, hand on the knob, you glance back, catching Steven’s eye before he quickly looks away. For a moment, he looked like a complete stranger staring back at you.
Shaking the thought from your head, you pull the door shut softly behind you.
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We Don't Have to Dance |Part two| Worst Logan
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Buy me a Ko-Fi! It helps keep the story running
My requests are Open and my masterlist is here
Cw: accidental, anxiety induced self harm, poor mental health. Soulmate AU! mentions of Althea's drug use, kinda short.
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It was another day and you were once again poking around with your breakfast on your plate, fiddling with the fork. Colossus, Elle, and Yukio had already finished, leaving you behind. You were too deep into thought to even try to break out of your trance. You spent the whole time thinking about the logan you'd seen yesterday. Everybody knew about how your late husband ended up rescuing his daughter, and ended up losing his life In the process. You were distraught over the revelation that his daughter was the same woman you'd seen with this new Logan. This soulmate that seemed to have found his way back to you.
You knew it wasn't the same man. Biologically, sure. In every sense, technically. But not emotionally. Not truly. This wasn't the Logan that you'd spent so many years with. This certainly wasn't the Logan that married you. This man hardly knew you, or so you thought. Your gaze had drifted to the name scrolled along your forearm and you grew restless. It became itchy and you grew disturbed, stuck in your mind as you stared. Gingerly reaching your other hand to scratch at the words, the sensation didn't Seem to stop. Your ears rang as you tried scratching harder and harder, desperately trying to rip the tainted skin from your arm. Tight silver hands grasped your wrists and quickly separated your now bloody nails from bloodied words and you felt wet drip down your cheek.
“No,” you cried. “No it hurts, he's gone-No, he's gone,” you thrashed in Colossus’s hands, not hearing the words he was grumbling. You tried ripping your hands from his grasp but stilled when you felt a canceling collar snap around your neck.
The world changed and you slumped, staring ahead of you, finally processing the words that you were hearing.
“If your mind keeps getting caught up, [Name], we are going to have to keep the collar on you. You can't be present otherwise. You're loosing control.” You shifted to look at Collosus and Ellie behind You.
“I,” your brain calmed down but you had to take time to find your words. “I'm sorry. What happened?” Your now free hands felt at the collar around your neck and you paled, snaping your whole body around to look at the destruction you caused. The wall behind you was charred black with an outline matching your body. Colossus frowned.
“You've lost your mind again, and you're hurting yourself, too.” He motioned towards you arm and you looked at the skin that you tore. The skin with Logan's real name. The pigmentation ran down, as deep as the skin existed, bit parts of it were marred and scabbing over with rash-looking scrapes.
“It was hurting,” you murmured. “I don't know what happened it was just hurting, it was itching. I wanted it to stop.” You sounded confused, and Colossus's look softened.
“You need therapy. You need to return to work on the team, to give yourself an outlet.” Your lips pursed as you looked towards him. Ellie placed a hand on your shoulder.
“It is a good stress reliever.”
“I haven't worked since he left,” you mumbled. “Since he ran away with the professor. I don't know if I can control them now, and without the professor to shut me down?” you watched the scabs heal and flake off, the dead skin falling into your lap. Your arm looked as pristine as it was before, as if it was never marred by your anxiety riddled fingers.
“I will just gently knock you out,” Colossus put out his palm and degenerated by gently putting his fist into to, imitating a much gentle version of his punch. “No trouble, no pain.” You swallowed.
“I'm intimidated by what could happen.”
Distantly, Yukio’s cheerful voice rung through the halls as she skipped towards the group. She was waving Ellie’s phone back and fourth above her head.
“Wade texted, Althea and him are having a picnic. They want us to come!” Ellie moved, removing her hand from her shoulder and opening her arms for her girlfriend. She asked Yukio if she wanted to go and Colossus leaned, looming over you.
“We go to that picnic. Getting out is good for you, no?” You blew a hor breath out your lips, grimacing.
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You’d just arrived at the park with the girls. Your signature look was on, a basic pair of black shoes, khaki pants, and a random long-sleeve shirt underneath Logan’s old jacket he'd left behind. You were talking with them about the latest season on Botox Baby, one that they'd yet to see. They were eagerly absorbing what you had to say, relishing in the fact that one of the twins had received her third round of lip filler.
“oh my GOD look at you guys,” Wade squealed. He cherrily clapped his hands and he kicked his feet out onto the massive blanket under him. You wrinkled your nose as his bare feet, cursing him for not wearing his socks that were stuffed into his crocks.
You looked at him and noticed that Logan, Laura, and the dog were further in the grass playing fetch behind him. You focused your attention on Althea.
“Al,” you separated from the girls as they beelined towards the pink-pajama clad man. “How are you doing?” She was sitting neatly under a tree. Her face was shockingly bitchish, more than usual. Her glasses sat on her nose as she held her face up towards the sun.
“Oh, [Name], dear. You have no clue. I've run outta crack trying to deal with the loud mouth fighting with silent and broody. They are driving me up the wall and I'm ‘bout ready to sting them from a ceiling’ beam and dry ‘em like bacon.” You snorted.
“So they've been home two days and you're already done with them?”
“Oh HELL yes, I CANNOT keep dealing with them keepin’ me up at night. That surely little girl been sleepin’ in the room with me but thoes two keep going at it in the living room. I went out there this morning and it smelled like enough blood that an elephant was slaughtered on the carpet. I swear, that stain will never come out, n I can't even see it!” You cringed at the imagery on a hanging elephant.
“That… isn't pleasant sounding.” She nodded her head in agreement.
“What about you, baby girl? I can practically smell the blood underneath your fingernails. She waved a finger in the air. “You're not back to work are ya?” furiously shaking your head you mumbled. “No, I just had a little incident at home. I guess I forgot to wash my hands. Colossus wants me to go back to work though.”
You cocked you head to the side as heavy footballs padded your way. Logan was walking towards you. You sucked in a breat and a fire of anxiety settled in your belly. Your throat suddenly burned and shifted away from him, hardly noticeable, but enough to help you conceal your inner turmoil. It was like putting your back to him, as if you were making a wall to keep him at a distance, safe for your heart. He knelt down next to you and Althea and cleared his throat. Al’s hand jutted out and jabbed towards him, but he was just out of her reach.
“You scared the fuck outta me, Logan. Why don't ‘chu wear a bell or somethin’?” a tiny, nearly invisible smile quirked on the aides of his lips.
“Sorry, Al.” He turned his attention towards you. “You're [Name], yeah?” you side-eyed him and swallowed thickly. “I know Wade kinda Introduced me last night but Im’m Logan.”
“I know who you are,” you muttered. “You don't have to talk to me. He sucked on his teeth and then took a deep nose breath. “I know I don't have to. I want to,” he cast his look down to the grass thinking about something. You turned sour, your anxiety peaking.
“Sorry, ‘m not in the mood.” Your looked away thing your face away from him. You didn't want him to see it, incase he could see your tell. Logan always told you that he could tell the way you felt, just by looking at you. You wondered if he could, or if he did imagine your face when he abandoned you the year before his death. You wondered if he knew your heart would break when he took the professor, but not his wife.
Logan could smell The sour emotions reeking out of you. He felt heated, and angry with Wade that he'd even suggest him coming to talk to you. Before you died in his world, you were about to get married. It was only a week away. He just wanted To get wasted. He had a nasty fight with you and came back to a dead body. He never got to make things right, and Wade talked about you as if you'd jump into his arms with just the chance to talk to him.
He swallowed And took the defeat. Be wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. Not in this universe. He's just grateful that you're alive. He pushed himself up and turned, walking away. He didn't want to push you to talk to him, and by the smell of your emotions, you were to far into your mind to talk, anyways.
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Taglist: @spideybv28 @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @callsign-ember @bontensbabygirl @scorpiosaintt
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scara-writes · 1 year
Knight! Reader x Y! Prince
(gender neutral for readers)
No proofreads. Forgive me for not answering y'all ask/request! I will do them once I'm done publishing the other ocs! (Y'all wilding for yandere gold digger and omega! Lol) this one is short tbh and has another part but I'm unsure about posting it because it was too long. Let me know if you wanna see it.
Warning: hints of death, yandere, psycopath
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You woke up groaning. Your throat hurts, confused at yourself. You never had a problems with your throat. Always hydrated before going to sleep, So why the hell that it feels like its dry at the same time it's not?
It's kind of like itchy.
You went down the staircase, hearing the bustling sound of your subordinate roommates.
"Captain! You look pretty tired today. Did you perha—woah! What happened to your neck?" One of your members looked shocked, their eyes looking at the said neck. The other members in the room looks at you in confusion before their face was the same as the person who asked you.
You raised your eyebrow at him. "What about it?"
You let your calloused hands caress your neck, feeling if there was out of ordinary. "Can some of you hand me a mirror? I am confused as to why everyone looked shocked right now."
One of your subordinates quickly ran around to find you a mirror. When they found it, they immediately handed it to you.
You look yourself in the mirror. Just like their reaction, you were shock to witness it.
"What... How...?"
"...It looks like a deep wound from one of our melee weapon, specifically a knife. Captain. No wounds can someone survive that!" The person sitting at the dining table said as he observe it."How did you got that?"
You shook your head,"I don't know.... I only woke up feeling my throat feels dry and fine at the same time. Itchy I would say, it doesn't hurt. It feels irritating."
"I think you should consult a physician or a doctor for that."
You trace the scar on your neck. Thoughtful, of where had you gotten this. "... I might."
You strolled up to the palace, not getting any breakfast—even dinner last night—and skipping your schedule to train as forgetting the fact that you are late to see your master, so you immediately went to the palace of your prince. The one you serve in your whole life.
Maids greeting you a good morning, and you greet them back. One of them offered you a sandwich, it looks pretty neat and delicious to eat. Drooling at the thought chewing on it. You tried to refuse but they insisted on giving it to you, seeing you didn't get a breakfast and dinner, you looked a little dizzy for someone who trained to endure without food for months. You accepted it along with a water, thanking them, feeling a little hungry and quickly gobble up the food making your way from hallway to the kitchen with them before anyone can scold you for eating around the halls. Parch from the food, you drank the water from the glass and put them on the sink before going back to your task to check up on your prince. You bid the maids a good bye.
Once you reach the room of your master. You saw there was no lady in waiting nor a butler on his doorway. So you knock on the wood, announcing yourself, waiting for your master's response to let you in.
"(Y-y/n)?" You heard a whimpering voice behind the room. It sounded like he was crying. You asked him if he was alright, but before you could get any answer from him, you saw the door being pulled opened and then finding yourself engulf by an arm around your shoulders.
"Mmm sorry—shouldn't doubt you!—my own fault!... Was supposed to trust you—love you so mmmh–much!I-I— don't l-leave m-me—hicc!" The prince cried on your shoulder, babbling incoherent words that you didn't understand. You look bewildered at his sudden burst, not expecting for someone who always smiles and befriend anyone regardless of their status. You slowly went to embrace him, comforting him, feeling him wrapping his legs around your hips and you let him, crying on your now wet uniform full of tears and snots continuing to blabber incoherent words.
You tried to let him lay down to his king sized bed but his grip on you wouldn't let you. So here you are awkwardly patting him on the back as you sat yourself on the edge of his bed instead. You were hesitant to touch his hair, it is against the rules that a lowly life like you has the audacity to touch them especially in their hair, it's a sign disrespect and could lead to a treason. But you decided to do it anyway, he needs your comfort right now and that rule doesn't apply to you if the prince needed it anyway—plus you already broke the rules when you hugged him back.
He freezes up when he felt your hands on his head before slowly taking a deep breath, sniffling, calming down from your touch. He buried his nose onto your neck, shuddering before planting a small kisses from you, whimpering.
"sssorry—hic-!ssorryyso-sorry... louvv you too..m..much.. shouldnn't...leea-hic-!leave me..."
You cannot comprehend what he was trying to say but his action made you surprised, but you let him be for now, continuing patting his back awkwardly because this isn't what you expect first thing of the day when you work.
Prince Rylle must have a nightmare for him to act like this.
"... Your highness?"
You heard him whimpered before leaning himself away from your neck, slowly looking at you. His eyes were puffy, some tears were spilling. Prince Rylle was sniffing and hiccuping from his tears.
You looked away from his eyes, indirectly obeying his older brother's words to not look straight at him. You carefully wipe away the water droplets coming out from his orbs, waiting for his nerves to calm down.
He stayed there at your lap for a few minutes, until he recollect himself.
After wiping his tears, one of your hand went to grab a handkerchief from your pocket trying to rid of the snot that was clogging his nose.
But before you can do that, the tanned male squeaks and tried to push himself off on you, falling down from your lap. Head first colliding on the floor. Thankfully, he didn't bleed.
"Your highness! Are you alright?" worriedly you went to assess his head from the impact.
"I-I'm fine!" He quickly got up, wincing from the slight concussion from his head.
"I apologize, it was my mistake for startling you. I shall be careful next time."You got up from the edge of his bed before stroking his head gently.
He looks at you, the way he gaze up to you seems like he had seen a ghost.
"... Are you really..here?" He whispered. You were puzzled by his question. "... I'm here your highness." Quickly bowing down to his level.
He walk up again to you, requesting if he could hug you again. You stood up and saw in your peripheral vision his eyes were starting to become teary again. His snot were starting to clog his nose, but you let him hold you.
You felt his arms around your waist. Hands firmly grip on your sides.
"... God, I t-thought I lost you." He whispered. Whatever nightmare that was. It must have traumatised him. You felt his tears running down again to your clothes.
"... I'm here your highness.."
"... You're really.. h-here." He whispered.
You patted his back. "... I am here."
"Today is 7th of May, Year..890." You uttered before jotting down the notes for your report. The prince was beside you, silent at his own office. He too is jotting down his report or at least he is, but you felt his gaze on you. You weren't used to the prince Infront of you being silent. He would always filled this room with his chattering, sharing his knowledge to you on what he learned from his teachers—since a commoner like you doesn't deserve education—and sometimes he would always complain about the other nobles being rude to their servants and how obnoxious they were.
So you broke the silence filling in the room. It is unusual for your master to be this silent.... And staring at you for quite some time."Is everything alright your highness?"
He didn't answer. He was still gazing at you.
"Your highness?" You repeat.
The prince snapped back to reality.
"O-oh! Yes! Yes I am! I'm-I'm still recollecting m-my thoughts about my nightmares haha!" His fake laughter died down when his gaze stayed to your neck. He frowned. He was contemplating whether or not he should ask. But he did.
"... Where did you get that? The... Scar on your neck."
You cleared your throat before feeling the scars again. Just like earlier, you didn't felt any phantom pain from it.
"... I would have tell you the reason behind it but I have no idea, your highness. I must have slip a knife drag it on my nec—" You wanted to jest about it but you got a sullen look. His face was frowning even more.
"Please, do not do it again."
"...I... Yeah. I am jesting your highness... I had woken up with a scar already imprinted on my neck." You didn't get a response after that, he avoided his look from it.
You look back at your finished report. Organizing them, putting them aside the table, before standing up. "Umm.. As much as I would like to accompany you all day, your highness. I have business to attend to with the crown prince." You didn't particularly give him the detail why you need to leave, you walked away. His brother technically assigned you on something dangerou—
"... Were you going to assassinate the southern duke who was accused of embezzlement of the empire's treasury?"
Your boots stop clacking on the tiled floor of the room, quickly turning your head back to your master. Whose eyes were blank as if he just absentmindedly told you what he said.
"... How... Where did his highness learn this... Information."
You were supposed to make him believe that everything around him is perfect. Is what your master's psychopath family told you to do. He doesn't need to know everything.
He was supposed to be completely utterly away from it and only focusing on the bright side of the kingdom.
The tanned male before you gave you a nervous smile. You realized that today he is acting weird."No! Nothing I-I was just speaking something ill! It was a mere jest, my sweet!" His hands were wavering as a sweat formed down to his cheeks, when he talks.
He was lying.
"Where did you get that information, your highness?" You looked at him, your body turning to him. Repeating your words.
He gulped, one of his hand pulled his collar a little as if he was sweating from his clothes. You noticed how his eyes were looking everywhere except your figure. He mumbled something before turning back to you, stammering."... Forgive me... I ... I overheard your meetings with my older brother that n-night."
You thought about the meeting he was talking about. It was Prince Rylle's birthday that time and he was at the very center of the attention so none of the nobles or slaves have witness you left to the garden when the his older brother, the crown prince commanded you to follow him there. You made sure before you left, the last time you saw him before you had gone to follow his highness, Prince Rylle was dancing with one of the noble ladies.
So it is not possible that he might overhear your conversation when he had to take turns on the ladies that lining up to have a dance with him.
"But you were in the middle of dancing with the lady Rub—"
"N-no! I wanted to-to find you to accompany me by the garden when you were not in your post! I found myself walking alone in the garden and then I saw with my brother! I promise I did not mean to eavesdrop on your conversation with my brother!"
That wasn't the only thing that his brother ordered you to kill someone. You would have refused if it weren't for the fact that your mother's expenses for her health wasn't increasing. But the crown prince promised salvation to your mother as long as you do what he told you. It was tempting deal but you did it, feeling pressured as if refusing that bastard's command would give you penalty of death. Was that even a deal? Plus shedding someone's blood by your own hands wasn't your forte. You are a knight that was supposed to protect Prince Rylle. You can only immobalize your enemy but you cannot bring yourself to kill.
The duke was not the only one who you need to assassinate tonight and you weren't even sure if he really did try to embezzled the treasury. You witness that old man to be strict, intimidating but he took a great care the people who serves under him and the villagers who were residing in his property. All you heard from his rumors was that he was a good leader and a good provider.
"Was that all you heard, your highness?" You were internally panicking. Not wishing to meet your punishment if one of his family heard about this. Prince Rylle needs to be pure from this world is what his family told you. He needs to be away from these secrets.
"... Can I ask you a favor?"
His soft gaze wanders around your lips before slowly nodding. So you asked him a favor to never let his family knows about him finding out about this.
He frowned as if he realized something. The white haired male stood up from his seat and walk towards you, as he softly grabbed your hands to his. Clasping it.
"Now that Gods favored me, this time I will protect you."
" Of course, darling... I will not let them." He unclasps his hand from yours before giving you a hug. You can't quite hear the last sentence he said.
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