#not even happy with the result but im so sleepy i gave up
tmpttion · 1 year
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taehyun ♡ april's global mtv push artist interview
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ppnuggiex · 1 year
HIHII i see yoy dont have obey me content yet,, want me 2 change that😼😼 HOPE IM NOT DISTURBING U OR ANUTHINGF AND ALSO HOPE URE HAVING A NICE SUMMERR
but anywayy could i req hcs(and maybe a small scenario🙇‍♀️) of solomon and simeon(MAYBE DIAVOLO AND BARBATOS IF U WONT MIND,, IDM IF U DONT THO HUHU) with an insomniac/sleepy s/o that accidentally slept over at their place😻 IM SORRY IF U DONT UNDERSTAND,, BUT AS IN THEY WERE INVITED TO THEIR ROOM BUT COULDNT HOLD BACK FROM SLEEPING SINCE THEY HAVENT SLEPT😞😞
sorrei 4 making this so long,,im chatty asf for an introvert omg😭😭 BUT YEYESY THAT'S ALL🤍🤍 LOVE UR WORK VHAI VHAI🙇‍♀️
      OBEY ME x gn reader
    『 solomon ,, simeon ,, diavolo ,, barbatos ,, gender neutral reader 』
  -> side characters w/ sleepy or insomniac s/o
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, comfort
  — HIII OMG TYSM ♥️♥️♥️ glad to have my first obey me ask :) i am having a great summer 💪💪 though i start school next week 😭😭 so not too happy about that ,, tysm for requesting though :D i did all of them 😈😈 and its alr !! no worries abt being chatty 😝 i dont mind it one bit !! heres the request tho :) hope you enjoy <3
- solomon
| • he knows how the brothers run you ragged ,, and so he doesnt mind if you happen to fall asleep whilst staying over with him
| • if anything ,, it gives him an excuse to stay with you longer ,, stealing a few extra hours ,, and if one of the brothers do call he can say youre asleep
| • solomon did call you over so he can teach you more about a certain spell you had questions about
| • he'd pick you up from where you had fallen asleep and take you to his room ,, placing you under the covers so you'd be comfortable and warm at least
| • he'll place a kiss to your head and then go to the kitchen and make you something ,, until simeon stops him
- simeon
| • he wouldnt mind one bit if you happened to fall asleep ,, hes thankful for it really ,, since he knows how hard you work and how little time you get to yourself
| • he just wants you to be happy and healthy ,, and being well rested goes with that
| • simeon would make sure that youre comfortable ,, put a blanket over you and a pillow under your head
| • whilst your sleeping he makes you a little snack for you when you wake up ,, so you can have something to enjoy and refill your energy with
- diavolo
| • he had finally gotten some free time with his tight schedule and didnt waste a moment before he invited you over to watch some movies from the human world he's been interested in watching
| • barbatos helped to make popcorn and other snacks for you both ,, and even gave diavolo a quick tutorial how to use the remote and the tv 💀💀
| • diavolo isnt too upset that you fell asleep halfway through the movie though ,, hes mostly upset you havent been able to take care of yourself and in result its made you lose sleep
| • he keeps you under the cover and all cuddle up though ,, pressing many kisses to your head as he finishes up the movie
| • he might also nap with you when he gets a little too cozy
- barbatos
| • he already knew how tired you were before he invited you over ,, really it was the whole reason he did
| • having a little free time to himself for a bit ,, after finishing his duties for the hour that is ,, he invited you over with the intention of you sleeping
| • he made a special tea blend that increases melatonin and is meant to put people to sleep or make them drowsy ,, really just in general help them sleep
| • he'll coax you over to his bed and let you sleep whilst he finishes his duties for the upcoming hour
| • barbatos also has a few treats left out for you on the bedside table ,, with a spotch of tea to help awaken you and restore your energy
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gingerlee-holds · 3 years
Day One
The first thing you noticed about the prison was the smell: vaguely sweet, like lavender or maybe mint. You still can't put your finger on it a week after your great escape.
The second thing you noticed was the seeming lack of security. The wooden door of your cell, if you could even call it that, was unlocked, and you could ostensibly walk right out. However, you would soon discover that to be quite the malicious misapprehension.
On the first day of your captivity, you decided to test this. After eating the meal they gave you, you stood and walked to the door. However, the instant you laid your hand on the knob, you heard whirring behind you. You looked over your shoulder and saw a sizable android about a foot taller than you, dressed in an oversized hoodie and sweatpants. While you were looking away, you didn't notice the cords wrapping around your wrists in front of you. Unfortunately, it was too late, and the soft cables had your wrists bound above your head once you looked back, forcing you to face the door.
Hearing it step behind you, you heard it say in a feminine voice, "Nice try, prisoner~." You then felt its cold fingers lifting your orange jumper, making you blush and squirm a little.
"W-What are you gonna do to me-?" you asked.
"I am tasked with ensuring that you do not try to escape again. You must know the consequences of disobedience, hun~." You felt its metal fingers gliding up your tummy, and a volley of squeals and giggles erupted from your mouth.
"Nohohohohhohoho, wahahahhaahahit-!!!" You squealed with surprise and wriggled against the cords holding your hands.
"Tickle, tickle, little prisoner~," it whispered. The teasing made the tickling ten times worse. You writhed around like a fish, laughing hysterically as it tickled your entire upper body. It scribbled, squeezed, and poked every inch of your belly, keeping you from getting used to the sensation.
After what felt like an eternity, the android giggled and stepped back a few paces, the cables releasing you. You collapsed onto the floor in a happy, flustered heap, and the android picked you up in its strong arms. You nestled into its chest and giggled softly, the ghost tickles still present.
"Whahahahat kihihihind ohohohof ahaha prihihison ihihis thihihihis?" You asked it, looking up questioningly at the shockingly affectionate guard.
"Prisoners who commit minor offenses, such as yourself, get sent here, a research facility on the human nervous system!” it explained, carrying you to the bed. “The 'tests' only occur when a prisoner steps out of line, such as trying to escape." It booped your nose as it spoke.
"Soho thahat's whyhy sehecurity seeheems soho lahax!"
"Very good~! You are so clever~."
"H-hohow many tests are there?"
"We have taken every conceivable escape plan into account to guarantee the only way you get out is when we say so. Any attempt to escape on your own will result in... a much more adorable result~." it said, gently lowering you onto the bed.
You yawned and nestled into the soft mattress under you. All that tickling had made you incredibly sleepy.
The android giggled as it gently stroked your hair. "We love to make our prisoners as comfy as possible~. Goodnight, prisoner~." It spoke softly, turning out the lights and returning to its compartment on the wall, powering down, and awaiting the next time you'd try to escape. Fortunately, that may be sooner than you'd expect.
woooo i wanted to write something so i did here it is look at it
mhm that certainly is 584 words
man gee whiz not sure how i feel about it tho
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39. “If you don’t rest, you won’t get better/heal.”
39. “If you don’t rest, you won’t get better/heal.”
Scotland, 1981
“Paul?” He said with some confusion as he entered their bedroom.
“In here…love,” a weak voice replied from their en suite bathroom. Concerned, John asked, “You alright in there?” Paul had been sick for three days now - at first, they’d assumed it was only of a dash food poisoning, but when he hadn’t recovered by day two, John felt it necessary that he have a doctor inspect his partner.
“Is he alright then?” John asked in a dry voice that attempted nonchalance, but was so clearly underpinned with worry.
“In short, yes, he’ll be fine.” The doctor returned with almost indifference – there’d been a flu going around recently, so presumably he’d been asked the same question, with the same worried tone, a dozen times already. “He appears to have contracted a viral infection in the stomach – however, it should pass in a few days, although he may have to remain in bed for the next week or so, depending on the state at which his health returns.”
“Is there no medication you can prescribe him?”
“Well,” the doctor contemplated, “I could consider prescribing him something to treat the vomiting perhaps, but ultimately, the best thing for him is just rest.”
“Just rest?”
“Just rest, really.”
“Don’t think he’ll be too happy about that…” John muttered to himself – knowing his partner was a complete workaholic, he could already predict that for the next week or so he’d hear nothing but whines of ‘I’m bored’ and ‘I can’t afford to take a break’ (the latter being blatantly untrue).
“If his progress seems stilted, or he appears to be getting worse, call me. If his health appears to worsen, we will admit him to the hospitable – for now though, ill send a nurse over to do daily checkup’s on him.”
“Is a nurse really necessary?” the proposition had alerted more concern in him.
“Probably not – but why take the risk?”
“Suppose yer right, yeah.”
Pauls voice returned, “’M fine…” as he left the bathroom and crossed their room limply, “in fact, I think im virtually better – think I can go out by now.”
“I very much doubt that.”
“No,” his voice was exhausted and appeared to peter off, until he continued with a faux excitement cemented in exhaustion, “really John! Im…im fine…now.”
“Alright, well, why don’t we ask the nurse about it when she gets here, yeah?”
Whining like a small child, he pouted, “She’ll just say no.”
John joked back, “Tell it to the judge.” Defeated, he decided simply to disregard Pauls attempts in convincing him he was absolutely, unequivocally fine (despite having just thrown up for the third time today), “C’mon, come back to bed.”
“Ive been in bed for two bloody days now,” he whined back, “can’t stand another minute of it.”
“If you don’t rest, you won’t get better,” Paul mumbled a small groan at this, so John tried to console him a little, “c’mon now - we’ll play scrabble or something.”
“Okay…” he whined defeatedly. As he entered their bed again, he muttered, “I hate bein’ sick.”
“Not a particularly unpopular opinion...” John retorted with some disinterest.
“But I really bloody hate it - I can’t do anything. Can’t work-”
John interjected, “You work too much as it is, love.” He brushed a hand through Pauls tangled hair, then added, “I’ll go get you some water – do you want anything else?” Paul, dejected from being bed-ridden and ill, solemnly nodded his head ‘no’. “C’mon love, cheer up. You’ll be fine in a few days’ time.”
Unpromisingly, Paul replied, “Yeah, I suppose so…”
“Paul? You awake?” he half responded, since he’d been half asleep, with a groan that indicated an acknowledgement of their presence, but a reluctance to engage in any real conversation with him. “Nurse is here. I’ll bring her in, yeah?”
“Mhm…” he muttered back, still sleepy.
As the nurse awaited the thermometers results, she made polite conversation, “How’re you finding being bed-ridden?”
“It’s alright, y’know – ‘m goin’ a bit mad here though. There’s nuthin’ on the telly these days.” If there was one thing about being sick that he did enjoy, it was that it gave him an excuse to pause his seemingly never-ending optimism, and just have a whine about his truly first-world problems.
In her Scottish brogue, she continued, “Yer partner not keepin’ you entertained is he?” a part of Paul panicked inside, it was only his natural reaction to do so when a stranger would refer to them as ‘partners’. They tended not to feel so ashamed about their relationship these days, and if people did enquire into the very nature of their relationship, they’d now respond with the honest answer that they were lovers – but even still, a part of him had and most-likely always will panic inside, irregardless of how comfortable he might be with their relationship.
John interjected, “Nah, ‘m miserable company.”
“Well, im sure you’re jus’ fine, love.” She responded warmly.
As they exited the bedroom she passed him a container of pills, “If the vomiting continues, give him two of these.”
“Alright – there any side effects to ‘em?”
“Drowsiness is common, and decrease in sexual libido too. People who have taken them to excess have been known to experience symptoms of psychosis, so be careful to prescribe him no more than two a day. Other than that though, he should be fine – and he appears to be improving rapidly, so it seems he’ll be out and about in just a few days.”
“Thank you – you’ve been great love.”
“Alrigh’ then,” she said with a natural joviality, “ill be back to check up on him tomorrow, yeah?”
John returned to their shared bedroom, “Paul?”, he asked quietly, as not to wake him in case he was sleeping.
After getting into more comfortable pyjamas, he got into bed with his partner, wrapping an arm around his other half.
“John?” Paul asked confusedly.
“Yeah?” he replied tenderly.
Paul didn’t continue the question, it seemed he only wanted the reassurance that someone was there for him. And that was John. John was there for him.
Theres quite a few time jumps (not huge ones but still) in this fic, so if it seems a bit sporadic thats why!
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chefrat · 4 years
Trying my best to exist just for you
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pairings: reader x Levi
type: angst, fluff
word-count: 2.1k
warnings: cursing, mentions of a dislocated hip, mention of blood, death
A/N: I’m honestly so sleepy right now but really felt like finishing this so I hope its good enough :( my English isn't the best but Im trying also I really don't know what to title this just I’m gonna use a Lorde lyric lmao
Levi looked around anxiously, trying to get any piece of you into view. Even if it was your hair, or your shoulder, just something to ease him. Seconds passed and you still were no where in sight and it drove him absolutely crazy. Erwin passing by quickly and purposely not making eye contact with Levi pissed him off but it made him even more anxious. He was good at not showing it though but his eyes told a different story. ‘Where the fuck are you?’ Levi thought to himself, anxiously waiting seeing the group that had gone out earlier this week pass through, everyone was exhausted but civilians cheered. It was still not enough to lift up the spirits and Levi knew exactly what those looks were of. He tried his best to put the negative thoughts away, not waning to imagine someone telling him that you were gone. Just the thought of it made his chest tighten and his throat run dry. That’s when he saw the crate pulling in those who were hurt and another one following behind that carried those who didn’t make it but whose body were recovered. Hange could feel their friend tense at the sight of both carts occupied, they looked around with concern trying to see if you were in either of them.
The sigh that left their lips once they saw you were in the injured crate was enough to relief them from worry but to Levi it still felt like a stab to the chest. It hurt him seeing you there, bleeding but still trying your best to attend the wounds of others. “Make space!” Someone in the crowd yelled, rushing and trying to get those who were injured to the infirmary. Levi was quick on his feet, following behind trying to get to you. Earlier this week, Erwin had decided to pull you from Levi’s squad to join him for a quick expedition that was suppose to last much longer than four days but shit hit the fan. Everything was rushed, too much had blown up in your guys face and you couldn’t help but feel guilty for not doing enough. You had been one of the first ones to end up harmed, the titan sending you flying with a swat of his hand catching you off guard and immediately disabling you from being able to defend your squad. Some squad members quickly came to your aid but only resulting in fatality. That’s when you really let out a sob, seeing your friends die in front of you because they were trying to protect you. But you didn’t give up there, your left leg barely functioning and with tears in your eyes, you tried your best to get away. To try to avenge your friends but you were quickly swept off your feet by another squad member barely giving you the chance to catch your breath. 
Memories came flooding back and you tried your best to hold in your cries, trying to get others into the beds. You ignored your own pain and Levi’s calls to settle down. “Hey.” He said with a stern voice, reaching out to you but you were too busy helping the medic even when they were telling you they had it in control. “Please listen to me.” He pleaded and you complied, facing him with wet tears running down your face and dried blood taking up space of the face Levi adored so much. It pained him, he couldn’t handle seeing you like this. The way you winced while limping and the blood that came rushing from your leg that was most likely broken. Levi carefully swept you up and rushed towards an empty bed with a medic following behind. The tears wouldn’t stop coming, the guilt hurting more than your whole leg being dislocated. Your hand reached out for Levi’s which he gladly took, he brought it up to his cheek letting your cold hand graze his warm cheek. Those four days felt like hell to him but seeing you in pain and bleeding on the bed was on a whole different level. Oh how he wished he could take the pain away from you and let himself go through it instead, he just couldn’t see you like this anymore. It was obvious he was concerned, his emotions that he tried so hard to never show finally being put on display.
Hours passed and it was midnight all of a sudden and after many medics who had tried their best to help you, they finally came to the conclusion that you had dislocated your hip. The crying also stopped but you couldn’t help but feel numb, the only area in your body that was radiating heat came from your leg and from your swollen hip. Levi never left your side, still holding your hand and even cleaning up the blood from your body. Erwin walked in, catching everyone’s attention and to check up on the wounded. He would visit every two hours, the glares Levi would send his way made everyone in the infirmary uncomfortable. Levi was beyond piss, mad that he had taken you instead of him and mad that you had ended up hurt. “Levi, please.” You whispered to him, squeezing his hand trying to ease his anger. The black haired man listened though, his main goal being to keep you comfortable and to distract you from your pain. Erwin went to talk to you, asking how you were feeling but Levi continued to stare him down. This was something that he was not going to let go of so easily. 
It was night now, probably early morning and Levi still hasn’t left your side, sleeping on the chair that was next to your bed. Everyone else was sound asleep but you just couldn’t. You couldn’t sleep because of the pain but because of how it all went down. It just didn’t sit right with you and it was weighing you down. Your thoughts were much more louder than whatever was chirping outside of the infirmary. “Please sleep.” You looked over to see him with his eyes closed and his arms crossed, looking as if he was sleeping but not exactly. “I can’t.” A shaky breath left your lips, the events playing in loop. “Levi,” You brought your hands up to your eyes. “I have never felt so useless.” Hot tears ran down your face while you tried your best to express yourself to Levi with a gentle voice not wanting to disturb the other people in the room. He opened his eyes, looking into yours with his own pain. “I know you’re hurting but please, I want you to sleep.” But you didn’t argue, the sudden wave of tiredness and painkillers knocking you out. 
It’s been a week and you were finally discharged from the infirmary but ordered to be put on bed rest for the rest of the month until your next check up. Levi practically made himself your own personal nurse without you even asking, he would remind you about your medicine, not only that but he was also bringing you food, helping you stand and helping you with your daily tasks. Sometimes his overprotectiveness would clash with your need of being independent but you wouldn’t have it any other way. Lack of mobility made itself its daily reminder of what had happened and there was no escaping it. It made a huge impact and Levi took notice. You weren’t the only one affected, Levi was also pretty shaken up thinking he had lost you but that was the risk for serving in the Survey Corps and the both of you knew that. You sat up on the bed, wincing at the piercing pain on your hip that you still haven’t gotten used to. The thought about not being able to fully heal pained you. If it healed improperly there was no doubt that you would be stuck with a limp and then no longer needed in the Survey Corps. 
The sudden creak of the door opening caught your attention. A solid Levi walked in, the first few buttons of his white uniform shirt unbuttoned. His eyes met yours but quickly changed in appearance, burrowing his brows at you. “You shouldn’t be sitting.” You rolled your eyes, slowly getting off of the bed putting your good foot down first. “Welcome home, honey.” Levi rushed over to you, very against you trying to stand. “For fuck’s sake, please just lay in bed.” He swept you up and gently placed you back on the mattress of your shared bed, ruining your progress. You grabbed onto the collar of his shirt and pulled him down for a quick peck taking him by surprise. Levi gave you a small smile but quickly dismissed it, standing up and walking away to change out of his uniform. “Levi?” You questioned, sitting up on the bed again even though you shouldn’t, making him roll his eyes. “What if…” You could feel your tears start up but bit your tongue, trying your best to hold them back. “What if I never properly heal and I’m ordered to back down from serving in the Survey Corps?” 
Levi glanced over to you, he noticed that it had been a thought thats been gnawing at you all day. Even he wasn’t sure how to answer that, he made it look like he was more focused on changing. Just thinking about it made you burst out crying, everything you worked so hard for thrown away just like that. The way you tried your hardest to control your crying but you knew you couldn’t keep it in any more, it really did hurt Levi seeing you like this. He threw on a shirt and made it all the way over to you in a blink of an eye. Without thinking about it he dropped to his knees in front of you, taking in your hands. You could feel how his slightly trembled in your hold and you couldn’t help but scowl. 
“You have no idea on how I felt when everyone else walked through that gate except you.” He gripped your hands even tighter, staring into your own glossy orbs. “I am so so so fucking happy having you here with me right now. If I had to choose, I would pick this one hundred times over than you never returning to me. You risked your life out there and managed to come back alive and you’re still thinking about going out there again, that takes balls and I think if it ever comes down to it and you’re ordered to back down then that would be the dumbest thing that this military has ever done to turn away someone like you.” You couldn’t help but cry a little more, his reassuring words and warm touch making you more into an emotional mess. 
“Levi, I was scared. I thought it was over for me, it all happened so quickly but you’re right. I rather have this a hundred times over than never coming home to you. I thought about, about how it could have been to grow old with you and about if you would still be there for me after so many years. The only thing that went through my mind during those few seconds was you—“ The sob that you barely managed out burned your throat from how strongly your emotions were at the the moment.This has probably been one of the first times Levi has ever seen you completely breakdown besides that day when you returned. You talking about how the only things you were thinking about was him during what you thought would be your final moments of life made his own eyes water. 
He cupped your face, feeling his hands become wet from the tears that kept racing down your face. His own tearful eyes looking into yours, both completely vulnerable to each other and showing each others fears. “Let’s do it.” Levi said out of nowhere, confusing you. “Do what?” The both of you never breaking eye contact, his touch still making an influence on your rosy cheeks. “Let’s get married.” You gave a small raspy laugh but they way he never broke character made you think that maybe he was being honest.“I’m dead serious. Tonight, tomorrow, in a week, whenever you want but only if it’s with me.”  You studied his eyes, marriage has never been brought up before so for this proposal to pop out of nowhere, it really was a surprise to you. With a nod and loving eyes you ran your hand through his black hair. Levi inched closer, sealing the deal with a kiss. That was all he needed, even if your hip was never going to heal completely and you had to walk with a limp for the rest of your life he would still love you, no matter what. 
(not edited, also wrote this on like 38 hours of no sleep :( but still, hope its okayish enough)
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dripkingpetey · 4 years
ive been working on this for a few days and im kinda proud of it! would love some feedback from you or requests for other story lines, i promise i’ll stop doing the friends to lovers storylines haha. i also accidentally deleted this and i was so sacred i couldnt get it back but here it is! i hope you enjoy.
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*lowercase intended!*
2.2k words
he loves you, you know that right?
“why did you drag me here, i really don’t like hockey and you know that.” you said as you sighed to your bestfriend lucie while she pulls you down to your seats in rogers arena. 
“i know you don’t.” lucie said with a bright smile on her face. “but, you’re gonna learn to like it.” you look at her in confusion. “so, this is your way of torturing me as if you don’t already torture me enough by bringing me to parties.” you said while sitting down and looking at the players who are starting to get on the ice. “maybe.” lucie said with a wide grin and a mischievous look on her face before puck drop starts.
you’ve never been big on hockey, which is surprising considering you have lived in vancouver your whole life and your family is super big hockey fans. you also aren't the most extroverted person. sure, you’d go out to bars sometimes but mostly just with your close friends.
“what part of this sport do you even like?” you said as the game is going into the third period the canucks are now up 4-1 against the opposing team which you don’t even really know who they are. “well, if I’m being honest some of them are really hot but mostly cause of the sport.” you scoffed at her response. “none of them are hot from where i can see.” lucie looked at you with a shocked look. “oh you’ll get it once you get to know the players more.” you give her a confused look and put your full attention back to the game.
canucks ended up winning the game 5-2, lucie was very happy about it and you could tell cause she wanted to go out for a couple drinks and you didn’t want to say no so you agreed to go.
you had been at the bar for about twenty minutes and lucie was already gone which isn’t surprising, she was probably sleeping with some guy right now.
you started to panic a little when a creepy old dude came up to you and started hitting on you. “hey pretty girl, want to come home with me?” he started putting his hand on your arm which was resting on the table. you look around for lucie in panic but she’s no where to be found. 
you then feel a pair of arms sneak around your waist and you get even more freaked out. 
“hey babe, sorry i was gone for so long.” elias says to you with a smile but then proceeds to give the creepy dude the alien death stare which worked. after the dude leaves elias faces you and starts speaking. “sorry i touched you like that, it looked like you were alone and that guy was creeping you out so i thought you could use some help.” he shoots an apologetic smile at you. 
“its okay,” you give him a smile back. “thank you a lot actually, i have no idea where my friend went.” you take another look around the bar before looking back and him. 
“i’m elias by the way.” he smiles at you while holding his hand out for you to shake it. “y/n.” you say before shaking his hand. 
“so elias, what are you doing in this bar on a thursday night?” you gesture for him to sit down next to you. ���if i told you, you wouldn’t believe me.” elias lets out a soft laugh while sitting down across from you. “tell me, i wanna know.” elias sighs lightly before he starts speaking again. “i’m with them,” he gestures over to brock, jake, quinn, thatcher and troy. you look over to see them all waving at you and laughing at elias, you laugh softly and wave back at the before turning your attention back to elias. “ah, so i’m guessing you’re on the canucks?”
elias lets out a nervous laugh. “yeah, why don’t we go somewhere else where the boys aren’t up my ass?” you take another sip out of your drink. “i would love to.” he holds out his hand for you and as you guys walk out you can hear the guys chirping, but when you look over to elias you can see him giving the death stare to the boys and it makes you laugh. “you have a scary death stare jeez.” elias leads you to his car. “that’s surprisingly what the fans love me for.” he smiles at you before opening the car 
door for you.
“…and that’s all what led me to being on the canucks.” elias said to you while eating a chip out of the chip bowl you had prepared. it had been a couple hours since you guys left the bar and went back to your apartment, you don’t know why but it felt like you and elias had such a strong bond already that you both felt like you can talk for hours and hours and never get tired of each other, he felt the same way too. “jeez, i kinda sound like a douche. i’ve been talking about myself all night, please tell me more about you.” elias said to you while you laughed at his words. 
“it’s all good, i’ve been the one asking questions anyways.” you smiled while responding to him. “no seriously, tell me something about you before i have to go which i really don’t want to by the way.” 
you look at the time and realize its almost twelve am so you proceed to give him a quick response. “well, i’ve lived in vancouver my whole life. and i’m currently going to ubc as a nursing student.” you smiled at his now very amused face. 
“see, that’s something i wouldn’t have known if you didn’t say it,” he laughs a little before he finishes his sentence. “can i get your number? i have practice early tomorrow morning but i’m free for the rest of the day if you want to hang out.” 
you smile at his words and take his phone from him. “of course you can, i’m free tomorrow too just give me a call.” you said while handing his phone back to him after you’ve entered your number. elias gives you a wide grin and you both get up so you could walk him to the door. “goodnight elias.” you look up at him with a smile as he’s standing in the doorway. “goodnight y/n, sweet dreams.” he said and then started to walk down the hallway towards the elevator. “pettersson!” you called out at him and he turns around confused. “text me when you get home.” he gives you the thumbs up and you close your door and head to bed. 
no ones ever shown this much attention to elias before, at least no one he’s truly cared about. 
he smiled to himself on his drive home cause he was excited to text you again.
*contact name changed to “y/n<3”* 
text message to y/n<3:i just got home, thank you for the awesome night :).
it’s been a couple weeks since you and elias had met at the bar, you basically hung out with each other anytime you could. 
you were each others best friends at this point, sure the guys would make fun of elias for being in love with you but you couldn’t see it, elias knows he has some feelings for you but he wasn’t sure about it yet. he also didn’t want to risk the amazing friendship you guys had started.
“hey, are you coming to the game tonight?” elias asked over the phone to you.
you let out a sigh before you start speaking. “i’ll try, schools been really hard lately but i should be able to finish studying tonight.” elias could hear the tiredness in you voice and it hurt him to see you like this. “y/n, its okay. you don’t have to try and make it, focus on school its way important. you have many more games of mine that you can watch.” he left out a soft chuckle at the end of his sentence. 
“i’ll still try though, i’ll give you a text if i can make it.” you said to him as you looked at the last large text book you had to read through and look at the giant pile of coffee cups surrounding your desk. 
“okay, love you, i gotta go.” “love you too e, good luck.” you both quickly exchanged goodbyes as you started reading your last text book. you knew there was no way you were going to be able to make it to his game tonight and you felt really bad, you sighed it off as you put your attention back to studying and occasionally looking at the canucks game that was now playing on your tv.
the game had ended, canucks lost by one but petey is a sore loser so obviously he was sad, which made him show up at your apartment, he brought pizza from your favourite place downtown.
you were passed out on the couch though, which resulted in elias having to pull out his spare key and sneaking into your apartment.
“elias?” you mumbled out as you felt him sit next to where you were laying on the couch, he motioned for you to lay you head on his lap and you did.
“hey sleepy girl, i brought our favourite pizza.” he said to you with a smile. no matter how bad of a day elias was having, you could always make him smile.
you positioned your head so you’re now facing up at him and you give him a big smile. “thank you, can we snuggle and watch a movie?” elias starts rubbing your cheek softly. “of course we can y/n.”
the night ended with you and elias falling asleep on the couch together while watching a movie he had picked out, you both forgot about all the stress from today and just enjoyed the moment.
“he loves you, you know that right?” brock said to you as he came by and sat next to you.
it was the start of summer, tanev decided to host a little barbecue for the whole team before everyone left vancouver and went back to their home towns for the summer.
you were sitting in the backyard watching elias talk to huggy. “what?” you said to brock with confusion. “no he doesn’t.”
brock scoffed at your response. “dude, you can’t be serious. how do you not see it.”
you thought about what brock said for awhile before you gave him a response. “does he talk about me?” you looked at brock while taking a sip of your drink. 
“does he talk about you? of course he fucking does y/n, all the time. especially when you don’t show up to our games, it’s worse when we’re on the road.” 
you smile to yourself at what brock said.
you were quite tipsy by the end of the night and elias didn’t want to let you go home alone, so you spent the night at his place.
“elias?” you said in your sweet drunken tone as you both settled into his bed, and you faced your body in his direction. 
“yes?” he said while playing with your hair softly. 
“brock said something to me earlier,” you said while pulling your body close to his.
 “of course he did,” he said with a sigh. “what’d he say this time?” 
“apparently you talk about me a lot?” you said with a soft laugh and your fingers now tracing up and down his back.
“yeah, yeah i do. i talk shit about you all the time.” he says sarcastically knowing where this conversation was going.
“hey!” you said as you playfully punched him. “i was going to do something but i guess not anymore.” you said with a huff.
he lifts your chin up to face him. before you knew it you guys were kissing each other, it was a soft, long and sweet kiss.
elias pulled away with a big grin on his face and you did too. you talked to each other for the rest of the night, you ended up falling asleep before elias did but he did too shortly after.
you woke up to the smell of elias making waffles, you hugged him from behind and he didn’t even notice you were awake until you did that.
“it smells really good,” you said to elias before kissing his cheek and begging for him to hug you. 
he pulls you into his grip and whispers in your ear. “do you wanna go to sweden with me for the summer?”
you look up at him with slight shock. “yeah, why not.” you said to him with a smile and he gets very excited and spins you around, you kiss for awhile until you smell something burning and you pull away.
“shit.” elias mumbles as he deals with the burnt waffles and you’re both laughing your asses off.
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bbhyeoliskooks · 4 years
hey sweetie! Can you write a txt reaction to having a s/o that is an art/design student who always gets stressful with projects? , just as a reference, im studying industrial design and its a loooot of time-work. It'll cute to read something related🥺✨
✎... 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐔𝐬 ...✐
➶ TXT’s Reaction to Having an S/O who is an art/design student.
Genre: 4 cups of fluff and 3 sprinkles of angst coming right up !!
Warnings: None, except stress ._.
Song: Starry, Starry Night
(Awe, this was such a cute idea to do !! I’m sorry it took so long though :(( I’ve been working on a few projects at school, so I couldn’t get it done fast enough. And I’m sure you’ll do so well with these things !! )
✎ Yeonjun:
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__ you had been stressing about this project all day because it had to be done by eight the next morning
__ to the point where you would skip meals and drink breaks since you were adamant on getting the whole thing finished 
__ homeboi was very sad :(
__ he hated to see you neglect your health just because of stupid scool
__ kinda um... forced you out of the room by cooking some warm, delicious cookies with the help of his mom ???
__ from there, he would just treat you like his baby
__ aka peppering sweet kisses against your neck while you giggled about how cheesy he was being, squeezing your hand whenever he gazed lovingly at you, putting on your favorite movie as he gently played with your hair, ect...
__ you’d be whining about how clingy he was being, like if you moved an inch he would shout for you to come back
__ but you were only joking, adoring the attention you were getting after a long day of work
__ you’re so lucky to have him as the love of your life, otherwise you would’ve gone crazy by now
✎ Soobin:
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__ awwe, i feel like this boy would be totally sweet whenever you were feeling stressed about those tiring projects 🥺🥺💕💓
__ in the middle of working, he would most likely bring a plate of your favorite sweets so your energy would return and you’d get ideas
__ ++ a glass of your favorite drink !! 
__ he can’t ever forget that, or else you’d get dehydrated !!
__ and on those days, where you would feel distressed on finishing several of them in a limited amount of time
__ he’d be there with you every step of the way, giving helpful advice here and there whenever you’d ask him for it
__ even tenderly rubbing your shoulders when your back ached was the best thing too !! 
__ as if soobders wasn’t there doing that 🗿🗿
__ basically, he’d be so helpful and gentle towards you- gosh you love him the most because it seemed that he didn’t care for any benefit in return !!
__ after you finished with all of that crap, he would for sure spend so much time with you because he missed his significant other berry berry much :) !!
✎ Beomgyu:
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__ you had been up all night to finish a few projects
__ and when i mean all night, i mean ALL NIGHT
__ beomie here got wary of your health because you constantly slept late due to studying or huge projects like this that needed to be done a few days after
__ frankly, he had enough of this because
__ 1) you gave him cuddles before the two of you went to dream land together
__ 2) he never got to see your face that much anymore because you were stuck in your room all day, exhausting your brain
__ he went inside the room where you were finishing an outline, only to find that you had fallen asleep on your desk
__ waking you up would be the best solution so you could finish everything, but you had been so busy that you needed to take a break !!
__ knowing this, he just softly smiled at you
__ lifting you up from the chair so he could place you on the bed where the two of you could finally fall asleep together
✎ Taehyun:
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__ it’s always the little things that Taehyun finds pleasant about you
__ like the way you slide a pencil in between your lips because there isn’t room on the desk anymore, or the way your face would light up with a smile when you get a new idea !!
__ he’d want you to know that you’re simply amazing to anyone you encounter because they NEED to know you can do whatever they put forward in front of you
__ know that he’s supportive, of course
__ would fall dramatically on the floor when seeing the end result since it’s gorgeousss like how are you so talented
__ sometimes, he’d randomly wake up at 3 just to check up on you (it’s a habit now)
__ so when you finally finished a project you had been working on for a long time,
__ luring you to bed was the easiest thing because you were sleepy despite your protests to do some finishing touches 
__ this baby would always tuck you into bed late at night, probably even sing a few songs for you if you made the cute puppy eyes he’s weak for
__ like i said, it’s the little things that count
✎ Kai:
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__ there were a few though not many drawbacks of having an s/o who was either an art or design student
__ like you would always be stressed about these things 
__ and he wouldn’t know what to do because he thinks he’s terrible for not helping you with your stuff
__ when the time came for it though, his brain would just tell him what to do before he could worry about being a terrible boyfriend
__ little hugs and kisses are the way to go !!
__ as well as words of comfort, because that’s the truth
__ you’re extremely talented, he won’t ever think different even if you don’t like the outcome
__ if you’d like, he could give you some hints too !!
__ albeit he isn’t a student of the sort, he would know how to glam it up... well since we’re talking about hyuka here
__ basically anything to make you feel happy and loved ~~
Posted: 9/30/20- 10:12pm
45 notes · View notes
onceattwice · 4 years
TWICE’s Headcanon: Dating
Request: May I requested dating the girls of TWICE Headcanon, separately please? I really enjoy those and your writing, it’s really good for someone whom just started.
A/N: Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy this one just as much :) I didn’t include an NSFW for each girl because it wasn’t specified but if you would like one, feel free to send in another request! 
word count: 6,007
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she is the sweetest girlfriend ever! she tries her best to be the perfect girlfriend. sometimes, you wonder how you got so lucky. 
wakes you up by planting tiny kisses all over your face. she always gets super giggly when she sees your sleepy and confused expression.
she makes you take lots and lots of photos when you guys go on dates. they’re usually photos of her.
although, you aren’t really complaining because now you have a whole album full of pretty candid photos of Nayeon. there are also a handful of funny ones that you use for playful blackmail against her.
you usually end up in the middle of her disagreements with Jeongyeon, big or small. when this happens, she’ll expect you to take her side. when you don’t, she gets pouty and won’t let you touch her until you take her side.
her laugh is absolutely contagious and you really can’t stop yourself from laughing along with her. 
Nayeon loves to hit you when she laughs really hard so your shoulder is constantly sore from all her smacking.
she keeps a pack of muscle relaxants in her cupboard just for you. although, you can’t tell if you should be happy that she’s trying to take care of you, or annoyed because your shoulder is always sore, to the point where she feels the need to keep muscle relaxant stickers. 
she LOVES physical affection. 
when you guys are alone in your room, she becomes a cuddle monster. 
she doesn’t mind displaying PDA but will limit it to hand-holding, hugs, and cheek kisses. anything beyond that stays AT HOME! 
so many pet names/nicknames! she finds it super cute when couples have pet names and will bother you until you give her one. sometimes her pet names for you will spawn from a funny memory or it’s just something super sweet/basic. 
“Can you pass me my water bottle, love?”
lots of hitting and smacking when she hears your pet name for her: bunny. you say it’s because of her teeth but she whines that you're not being original enough and that her fans already call her that. 
is your biggest cheerleader in everything. literally will smother you with compliments and praise. 
you never doubt how much she loves you. she always makes sure to remind you and is not afraid to show you just how much she loves you. 
it’s always out of the blue, sometimes for no apparent reason. you can never pinpoint when she’ll say it next but you appreciate it nonetheless.
tons of back hugs.
sometimes you guys will argue due to her stubborn nature, but she will always apologize if it’s her fault and try to make it up to you. in turn, she expects the same from you. 
if you get mad or annoyed at her, she’ll bring out the aegyo. it’ll either be super ridiculous and make you laugh, or super adorable. either way, it always works on you. 
matching couple outfits. so many matching outfits.
you swear she has a problem and there have been many instances where you’ve had to physically hold her back from ordering dozens upon dozens of couple outfits.
“But it’s so cute!” 
she can be unexpectedly protective of you. whenever you get hurt, she’s the first one by your side. Nayeon can sometimes be overdramatic and will try to call an ambulance when all you did was scrape your knee.
you usually have to calm her down with loads of kisses and reassurance that you’re okay. 
can also be super jealous if you get too close with the other members. Sana once crawled onto your lap and Nayeon refused to talk to the both of you for days. 
it's not because she’s insecure or doesn’t trust you, it’s just that she likes to have you to herself. she also likes the feeling of seeing a side of you that others cannot. 
all you had to do was treat her to a nice dinner date, whereas Sana had to grovel for forgiveness. 
she smiles and laughs the most around you. the members all approve of you because they can see that you really do make her happy.
restaurant bills are always split because neither of you will let the other pay. the only solution would be to split 50/50.
she sometimes worries about not spending enough time with you. her job makes it difficult for you guys to meet up often. you have to reassure her that you love her and that you guys have all the time in the universe.
after all, you are each other’s forever.  
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although she’s known for her strong girl crush image, whenever she’s around you, she becomes a huge softie.
really cannot resist you in anything. if you ask for it, she will give it to you! although it’s mostly just you asking for hugs and kisses
she’s super protective of you and will literally fight anyone who makes you sad. you like to think of her as a big cuddly bear. 
she likes to spoil you with gifts!
most of the time, it isn’t something super expensive because she knows it can make you a little uncomfortable. but if she travels, she makes sure to bring back a small souvenir for you to keep. 
“Look! It’s a bear keychain!” 
loads of online shopping together. you have to physically stop her from checking out the hundreds of items in her cart. some of them are absolutely useless. 
you guys most definitely do not need a new welcome carpet. you already have a dozen of unused ones from previous shopping sprees.
it’s definitely a problem. but you kind of think it’s cute.
she always asks for your opinion when it comes to her hair. if she wants to cut it, she’ll ask you for permission first. you think it’s kind of ridiculous that she keeps asking you so you just tell her to do whatever makes her happy. if she's happy, then you are too.
she’ll blush and grin at your response. 
after that, she’d switch up her haircut every couple of months just to surprise you. 
“I kind of went for a new style this time. How do I look?”
you think she’s beautiful either way. 
her reaction to your enthusiastic response is always the same: a shy ‘thank you’ with a bright smile accompanying it. 
staying up late with her in the dance practice rooms and encouraging her to keep practicing even though she may get frustrated sometimes. 
she can be super competitive sometimes and when she gets into the zone, she gets super loud.
truthfully, you had to go out and buy noise-cancelling headphones.
whenever the other members come over, your house becomes a warzone. Jeongyeon gets super excited and basically forgets that you are there as well.
however, when all the other girls leave, Jeongyeon cuddles up to you and you guys spend the rest of the night just in each other’s arms.
the girls always love to tease Jeongyeon about your relationship. she’ll deny being whipped but you’ll tell them stories that show otherwise. 
she’ll get annoyed that her street cred is being ruined and claim that the girls won’t respect her anymore. 
“Say one more word and you’re sleeping on the couch tonight!” 
“But I can only fall asleep next to you.” You pout and pull out your famous puppy eyes.
“Whipped!” Sana screams. laughter ensues. 
she’ll be your biggest cheerleader.
when you went into a cafe for your first job interview, she sat in the table behind you guys and threw you encouraging thumbs-ups throughout the interview. 
she may have also been the one to send multiple plates of ‘anonymously paid for’ cookies to your table for you and the interviewer to enjoy. 
needless to say, you got the job!
she’s not big on PDA and will smack you lightly if you try to do something fishy in public. 
but at home, she loves getting cheek kisses from you even if she denies it. Sana pouts when she catches wind of this but eventually gets over it.
she’s practically glued to her phone whenever she’s away from you. she highly anticipates your texts and will stay up late just to talk to you. 3am conversations always result in some very funny inside jokes.
she won’t outright say that she misses you. instead, she’ll send you a photo of something with the caption: “reminded me of you”. 
you’ve learned to appreciate and love the little things when it comes to her. 
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you guys actually met through a mutual friend! she had invited you to her birthday dinner where she introduced you to Momo.
you two hit it off right away, bonding over your mutual love for food, and natural dorkiness. 
of course, you spent the entire night goofing off, trying to impress her and keep her attention on you. you would later find out that she thought it was absolutely adorable. 
you asked for her number at the end of the dinner and she shyly gave it to you, making you promise to text her the next day. the rest is history!
Momo loves stealing your hoodies, especially if they end up looking big on her. she loves the fact that they always smell like you. 
More often than not, she’ll end up taking it home and you won’t see it for another week. it’s the main reason why ever since you started dating Momo, you’ve managed to lose half of your hoodies.
whenever you tell her that you love her, she always blushes before saying ‘i love you too’ back.
most of the time, Momo is the one to initiate physical contact first. it doesn’t matter where you guys are or what you are doing, she’ll always try and get as much skin to skin contact with you. 
this results in a lot of bear hugs and linked arms.
she’s super soft and gentle with you. whenever you get hurt, she has to resist the urge to start babying you. although you’ve told her that you don’t really mind it, she still tries to refrain from doing so because she doesn’t want to suffocate you. 
a lot of late-night texting. Momo doesn’t really know how to start the conversation first so she’ll just send you something random and hope you reply. 
she always manages to rope you into dancing with her. whether it’s uncontrolled party dancing, slow dancing, or hip hop, she’ll always try and convince you into dancing with her.
she told you it’s because dancing makes her happy and so do you. therefore, she feels the most joy when the two are combined together. 
and honestly, how could you refuse to dance with her after she’s told you that? 
she’s actually super shy around her members when you’re around. they love to tease her unstop, especially Jeongyeon and Sana. 
she always whines whenever this happens and tries to hide her blushing face by burying it into your body, whether it’s your arm, chest, back, neck, etc.  
you’d never tell her but you secretly love it when she gets teased and that’s why you’ve never once tried to stop the girls from doing so. 
“Stop teasing me or I’m going to move out of the dorm! You’ll never see me again!” Momo whines.
“Oh? Are you going to move in with Y/N instead then?” Jeongyeon wiggles her eyebrows as Momo groans in embarrassment. 
soooo much eating out together. whenever you have the chance to, you like to take her out to eat. she’s super appreciative of the fact that you always let her choose where you guys eat. 
she’ll try and get into your hobbies as well. you guys once went hiking and although she was extremely tired, she never once complained. it’s because she knows how much hiking means to you and she doesn’t want to bash on it or make you feel as though she’s not enjoying it. 
Momo wants to know everything about you. so, she’ll end up becoming super serious when you let her know about the things that you are passionate about.  
as long as she’s spending time with you, it doesn’t matter to her what you guys are doing.
so much cuddling. a tremendous amount of cuddling. it’s her favourite thing to do with you. 
she changes between little spoon and big spoon, depending on what she feels like at the moment. 
Momo is just the softest girlfriend ever. 
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contrary to popular belief, she actually likes to go slow with her relationships. she doesn’t ever want you to feel rushed, so she always takes extra care in making sure that you never feel uncomfortable.
kisses are either super sweet or super passionate. there is no in-between. 
her favourite way of waking you up in the morning is to place kisses all over your face.
you’ll often find her staring at you with a gaze full of wonder and curiosity. when you ask her why she’ll just say that she doesn’t think she’ll ever get over the fact that you’re hers.  
she’s not afraid to be touchy with you in front of the other members. sometimes a little too touchy. the members usually end up cringing and telling you guys to get a room.
she smiles and laughs the most around you. sometimes you aren’t even doing anything and she’ll look at you and smile.
Sana loves it when you call her ‘baby’ or ‘sweetheart’. she finds it so adorable and her heart flutters every time. 
it’s usually rare that Sana will get flustered, but around you, she’s always blushing and can sometimes become timid.
she just loves you way too much.
movie nights always end with her crying in your arms. it’s because she always insists on watching a heartfelt romantic film, even though you keep telling her that she’ll end up in tears. 
Sana feels too deeply, that’s just who she is as a person. this means that she loves you more than she could ever describe in words. however, this also means that when you guys fight, she’s unable to think properly and will become overwhelmed with sorrow.
she’s usually the first one to apologize, even if you were in the wrong. she just hates fighting with you and wants it to be over as soon as possible.
“Can you please come back to bed? I can’t sleep without you in my arms.”
you can also get jealous when she’s acting too flirty with other people. whenever you bring it up, Sana will understand where you are coming from and will try to be more aware of her actions.
the time that you two spend together is mostly spent cuddling, kissing, or goofing off. she’s super playful and that only gets amplified when she’s around you.   
whenever she can, she’ll drag you to the JYP practice rooms so that you can keep her company as she dances and trains. 
this usually starts off innocent but when she starts dancing to a sexy routine, you just can’t keep your hands off of her. this results in a LOT of making out and the occasional unplanned trip back home. 
let's just say that the security cameras at JYP have a lot of unnecessary footage of you and Sana in compromising positions. 
so much aegyo. you are bombarded with aegyo 24/7.
she’ll bring out the aegyo whenever you’ve had a bad day because she knows how much you secretly love it. 
however, she’s just a naturally cute person. so honestly, aside from the times where she will purposefully exaggerate her cuteness, you basically live with a human aegyo machine. 
one of her favourite things to do is to go shopping with you. she loves making you flustered when she comes out of the change room with a sexy outfit on. 
of course, she’s not allowed in the kitchen because you are seriously afraid she will burn it all down. she’s too clumsy for her own good.
and because of her clumsiness, she managed to break four plates in the span of two months. 
although you suppose it’s not too bad since next morning, you’ll find a brand new set of plates sitting outside of your front door.
you’ll band together with her to tease the other members. they’ll often joke about you being the 10th member of Twice since you end up becoming so close with all of them.
this makes Sana really happy because she loves her members and she also loves you. she’s always wanted to date someone who gets along well with her members, and ta-da, she found that with you. 
she tells you that making you her ‘forever’ was the easiest thing she’s ever done.
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she’s honestly such a softie when it comes to you. she’s so loving and cherishes you so much. when Jihyo is around you, it feels like she’s found her missing puzzle piece.
she’s a sucker for romantic gestures, and so your anniversaries are always so well thought out and heartfelt. 
you still have the poem that she wrote about you! you keep it in your desk drawer. she was so embarrassed when she found out and told you to throw it away. 
though secretly, she was glad that you kept it. 
she loves kissing your cheeks and forehead. Hand holding is also super special to her. it’s her favourite form of physical contact. 
with Jihyo, it’s the little things that matter the most. you don’t need to buy her extravagant presents or shower her with expensive dinners. as long as you show through small gestures that you care, she’ll be forever grateful. 
she never takes you for granted. in fact, she’ll always preach about how she must’ve saved the entire universe in her past life for her to have been so lucky.
you’re the one she rants to when it comes to netizens. she’ll almost always end up in tears and you’ll rush forward to comfort her. 
you’re the only one that she feels comfortable around enough to show her vulnerable side. 
she tries to make you feel as special as you make her feel. she’ll shower you with compliments and will melt whenever she sees your face light up.
anytime you shower her with your love, she’ll end up paying you back tenfold.
there is nothing in this universe that could keep her away from you. whenever she has time, she always makes sure to spend it with you.
she can sometimes get scared that you’ll find her busy schedule too much to handle. as a result, you always have to reassure her that you love her as much as she loves you. and unless she wants you to, you will always stay by her side.
“I choose you, forever and always. You will always be my first and only choice, okay?”
whenever she goes on a diet, you’ll go on the same diet with her. you told her that that way, you guys can go through it together. you hope that she knows she’s never alone. not with you. 
never with you.
she’s too embarrassed to say it, but she really appreciates it. it only makes her love for you grow.  
she especially admires how selfless you can be and really strives to become a girlfriend that you can be proud of. 
you think it’s a little ridiculous because really, how could you ever not be proud of her? 
she always pushes herself to be better and will take any of your concerns about the relationship seriously. if you think that you guys aren’t spending enough time together, she’ll start planning extra dates with you.
you told her that it’s not necessary to do that but she just waved it off and told you that you’re being ridiculous. you’re the most important thing in her life. of course it’s necessary. 
“I don’t want you to feel neglected. And even though I can’t guarantee that you won’t feel that way with others, the least I could do is make sure you don’t feel that way with me.” 
she loves eating sweets and you’ll try to indulge her every time you get your paycheck. it’s become a small ritual and routine for you guys to go out and eat sweets.
eating healthy is super important to her though. she kind of becomes a mother figure and will hound you if you develop unhealthy eating habits.
she’ll wake up earlier than normal and will personally cook you homemade meals as an attempt to get you to stop eating out.
she eventually had to stop because you kept whining about not being able to wake up with her in your arms. and honestly, you looked way too adorable to resist.
that and because her heart skipped a beat when you admitted that you love waking up to the feeling of holding her. 
you love her and she loves you. that’s a fact, not an opinion. nothing in this world could ever change that. 
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you guys met at a flower shop. you were picking up some lilies for your mother, and she was ordering some daisies for Chaeyoung’s birthday.
you couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was. thus, you mustered up all your courage and decided to make small talk with her. 
unexpectedly, you guys had so much fun that when it was time to leave, you found yourself unable to move. she felt much of the same. you guys exchanged numbers and the next day, you picked up a couple of roses on your way to meet up with her.
although she’s known to be quite shy, she actually becomes super talkative when you’re around.
Mina just finds you so interesting. you’re like a puzzle to her and she desperately wants to solve you. she wants to see the full picture.
during the summer, she’ll sometimes wake you up early in the morning so that you can both take a stroll in the nearby park. 
she just loves your presence. parks help to bring her peace and she secretly wishes that they do the same for you.
she can become surprisingly protective of you. at first, the members were skeptical of you. after all, they had no idea who you were and what your intentions were.
Mina kept on defending you and shooting down every remark that they made. she insisted that you were a good person.
in the end, she managed to convince them. she’s extremely strong-willed when it comes to protecting you.
she loves hand-holding. it’s her favourite thing to do with you. it always makes her smile when she sees how perfectly your hands fit together. 
you are the only one to truly witness the extent of her ballerina abilities. her fans have seen little bits and pieces, but when she truly gets into it, you are always awestruck by her skill. 
you’re her pillar of support. whenever she isn’t feeling well, you’re the first one she’ll call.
she really does depend on you for a lot of things. you have to constantly reassure her that no, she is not a burden to you. and that yes, you love her. 
her love for you is silent and strong. she doesn’t often express it in words. rather, it comes in the form of small gestures. 
sometimes, you’ll come home to a homemade dinner or you’ll find small encouraging sticky notes tacked to your laptop screen. 
it’s almost scary how well she knows and understands you. whenever you’re stressed, she just automatically knows and will bring you some tea.
you’ve asked her how she knows, and she just replied with: 
“Guess you really are my soulmate.” 
she’s such a soft girlfriend.
will have sweater paws even as she plays her video games. 
you guys play various video games together. to be honest, sometimes you’ll purposefully let her win because her entire face lights up when she does.
you’d never tell her that though. 
never has she ever taken you for granted. she always ensures that you know how much you mean to her.
she’s so cheesy. most of the time she isn’t even trying to be, but you just bring out that side of her. 
loves super romantic gestures. she’s never outright told you, but she really does appreciate it when you take the time to plan out a small and special date for the both of you. 
she cherishes every date that she gets to go on with you. 
she also has a habit of counting the number of kisses she gets from you every day. 
“I got 27 yesterday so I should get 27 or more today.”
you think it’s absolutely adorable that your kisses have now turned into a bargaining chip. 
she likes to whisper ‘i love you’s. you’ve always wondered why, so one day you decided to ask her.
she bashfully told you that if she whispers, it almost feels as though it can stay just between the both of you. it becomes something special, almost like a secret that only the both of you know and understand. 
her love should only be heard and felt by you, and you only. 
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you guys are the craziest couple ever.
no joke, whenever you’re invited to the dorm, it somehow manages to become 200% louder.
mostly because Dahyun gets louder when she’s trying to impress you. which, in retrospect, is probably 24/7. 
she’s really playful and likes to tease you a lot. the rest of Twice doesn’t even get the chance to tease you guys, Dahyun does all of it already.
“You know Y/N told me yesterday that-”
“I’m leaving.”
you like to tease her back by watching her old weekly idol videos. that always manages to make her blush. 
her laugh is so contagious. seriously, it’s your favourite sound in the entire world. 
she’s extremely outgoing but becomes even more outgoing when she’s around you. not to mention, she’s absolutely won over all your friends. they’ve threatened to break your legs if you ever hurt her.
which is unfair because a) they’re your friends and b) you would never dream of hurting her. ever.
she really is like a small ball of sunshine. she’s just naturally cute, but whenever you point it out, she likes to exaggerate it by drowning you with her dramatic aegyo moves.
when she gets serious though, she gets serious. this usually happens when you guys get into a small argument or disagreement.
she’ll try and isolate herself so that she can sort through her own feelings first before she blows up on you. when she comes out though, she turns into another person completely. 
you aren’t allowed to leave until you two fix the issue. you were extremely surprised when it first happened.
underneath all her smiles, she’s actually a really thoughtful and mature individual. 
she always puts your needs above hers. although, it’s usually through small unnoticeable gestures. 
she doesn’t mind that you don’t know half of the time. the only thing that matters to her is that you are happy and well.
due to her pale skin, she actually blushes really easily. whenever you say something sweet or romantic, her entire face will turn red. 
you think it’s cute but she sees it as a complete betrayal.
“My body has betrayed its owner!”
her skin is just super soft in general. you don’t know how she manages to get it that way but wow, it’s so soft.
how you found out? well, that’s a story for another time. 
she’s so energetic. not really in the mornings, but when afternoon hits, she’s vibrating like a generator. 
Dahyun really does manage to brighten your days. 
whenever you get sick, she becomes your very own personalized nurse. she will also search up puns and jokes to try and lighten up your mood. 
they really are bad jokes but you laugh because they’re from her.
also because she put a lot of effort into finding the jokes and memorizing them. 
her kisses are usually pretty short and sweet. she likes to keep the making out to the confines of your own home. PDA just is not her thing.
your text chats are filled with inside jokes. she’s somehow funnier over text. maybe it’s because there's a lot of emoticons to choose from, but she always manages to pick the perfect one.
she’s doesn’t really mind what you guys do when you hang out. as long as she’s with you, anything is fine. 
soooo cheesy. Dahyun is loaded with cheesy, and sometimes cringy, pickup lines. 
“Dayhun! Are you okay?”
“Woah. I think I fell for you again.”
“I’m never talking to you ever again.”
for some reason, she loves it when you call her baby. she will get extremely flustered and will give you a peck on the cheek as a reward.
it’s honestly the easiest way to get her to kiss you.
at the end of every day, she’ll send you a small heart. it’s become a ritual for you guys even though you’re still not too sure how it started in the first place.
she really has a knack for making you feel special. 
she truly does love you to infinity and back. 
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she actually approached you first and made the first move. 
so many cute artistic dates. she keeps mini canvases stored in her closet just for you.
you only recently found out that she has a whole notebook dedicated to little sketches of you. 
she’ll get little bouts of inspiration. and when she does, she’ll grab her notebook and sketch you performing your every day tasks. 
you’re still annoyed that you never noticed.
whenever she travels, whether its for vacation or for a concert, she’ll always bring back cute little trinkets for you.
it’s gotten to the point where you have a small drawer full of key chains, plastic flowers, toy cars, etc. 
she has sweater paws 24/7 and you think it’s absolutely adorable.
a lot of the time you guys spend together is either spent in silence, just enjoying each other’s company, or in absolute chaos. 
she’s becomes an A list comedian around you. Chaeyoung somehow manages to memorize an entire set of jokes and will tell you one every day.
seriously so cute though. you love making her smile and will stop at nothing to get a laugh out of her.
sometimes a small snort will escape if she laughs hard enough. that’s when you’ll know you have accomplished your mission. 
she’ll tie her hair up in ridiculous hairstyles and will always ask for your opinion.
“How does this look?”
“Chae I love you but you look like a clown.”
“That’s the point!”
before she dyes her hair, she’ll ask you which colour you would like to see on her. your opinion actually matters a lot to her.
post-concert celebratory dinners are almost always spent with you. most of the time, she’ll be the one to pay because she wants you to save up your money.
she’s super independent and doesn’t like to rely on you for too much. however, when things get tough, you are the first person she will go to for help and comfort.
she doesn’t really mind PDA. in fact, in some cases she will welcome it. she thinks it’s perfectly normal to show affection for her significant other. 
this results in a lot of cuddling, hand holding, and kissing around her members. 
they always tease her about how she’s basically whipped for you. she won’t say anything in retaliation because she knows it’s true, but she will definitely throw the nearest pillow at them.
Jihyo was the most skeptical of you at first. Chaeyoung is like her little sister and she didn’t want her to get hurt, especially since this would be her first relationship.
you ended up getting interrogated by Jihyo, but unsurprisingly, you passed with flying colours.
when Chaeyoung found out about this, she wouldn’t stop pouting. for the next couple of days, she ignored Jihyo as a way to show her disappointment in her elder’s behaviour. 
you had to calm her down and tell her that there was nothing wrong with what Jihyo did. you weren’t mad and you guys actually had a really pleasant conversation together.
after that, Chaeyoung stopped ignoring Jihyo.
you got a basket of wagyu the next day, coupled with a card that was signed with J. 
Chaeyoung can be so protective of you. if anyone hurt you, she would get super quiet. that’s how you would know that she was angry.
she would take steps towards ensuring that they would never be able to hurt you again. this usually meant utilizing her various idol connections to her advantage. 
when you guys had a fight, which was rarely ever, she wouldn’t exactly blow up on you. instead, she would be really levelheaded while trying to solve the issue.
she hates it when you guys fight and sometimes she’ll end up in tears. she can be really sensitive around you and she doesn’t ever like it when you raise your voice. 
so many cheek and forehead kisses. however, because of her height,  they’re only ever done when both of you are sitting down.
she gets embarrassed extremely easily. her entire face, up until the tip of her ears, will flush red. 
a lot of tickle fights will ensue. she loves being playful with you. 
she genuinely is at her happiest when she’s with you.  
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at first, you totally thought she hated you. 
you met Twice at a company event and she completely ignored and avoided you. you tried multiple times to try and talk to her but she always stared blankly at you.
eventually you gave up trying.
in reality, she was just too shy to try and talk to you. Tzuyu was absolutely stunned by how gorgeous/handsome she thought you were. whenever you were around her, she would freeze up. 
when the end of the night neared, she kept whining about how cute she thought you were. Jeongyeon eventually got fed up and asked for your number in place of Tzuyu.
that’s how you guys started talking.
she’s usually pretty quiet but she gets super excited around you.
she likes to go on small picnic dates with you. you guys would take turns planning it out, and at first, you guys would bring foods that the other person liked most. 
after a dozen or so picnic dates, you guys just started to bring weird and wacky food that the other persons never tried before.
the surprise element was what kept it interesting for Tzuyu. 
you most definitely got smacked for bringing fried scorpions once. 
she’ll rope you into starting a very extensive skincare routine with her. it has a total of 15 steps, lasting around 45 minutes.
whenever her mother sends her new skincare products, you suddenly become her guinea pig.  
“Stay still! You’ll get wrinkles if you keep moving.”
at first, she was really awkward when it came to physical affection. she was never one for cuddling, but once you guys started dating, it quickly became one of her favourite activities. 
she’s a really innocent person. you had to explain a lot of... things to her.
sometimes she’ll just sit and stare at you for no reason other than the fact that she loves you. 
you never pegged her as someone who was into romantic gestures, but she manages to prove you wrong.
for your anniversaries, she always goes full out. she usually spends 2 weeks planning the event beforehand.
when it comes to you, she’s incredibly patient and understanding. 
if you guys can’t see each other, she’s perfectly content with just video calling. to her, just feeling your presence is more than enough. 
although, when you guys are together, kissing is definitely a bonus.
you passed the ‘Gucci’ test.
aka if Gucci likes you or not.
to her, it is highly imperative that Gucci likes you. after all, Gucci is one of her best friends. 
every once in a while, you’ll bring Gucci some dog treats. you’ve also brought a couple pieces of dog clothing that you bought online. Tzuyu always appreciates the fact that you’re making an effort to show love to her dog as well. 
when you guys are at the dorm, she likes to spend half of the time with the girls, and the other half with you in her room.
she values personal space a lot so sometimes she will need a little bit of time off to herself. however, you’re the only person she doesn’t feel the need to distance herself from.
in fact, you’re the only person who’s allowed to enter her room without her permission first. 
she’s so appreciative of you. she notices every little thing that you do for her and will silently melt inside. 
Tzuyu just loves how attentive you are when it comes to her. 
whenever she sings “One in a Million”, she always thinks about you. 
You really are her soulmate. 
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 4 years
“Are you flirting with me?” last prompt. :3c
“Shigaraki! are you rescuing me? when did you get here?” Sako asked for the 3rd time that evening as Shigaraki gave up on getting Sako’s help in his own hospital escape.
Lifting Sako from the hospital bed took less effort than Shigaraki expected and they both almost ended up on the floor as a result.
“when did you get buff?” Sako frowned at him. Confused and sleepy from the hospital drugs he was no help in his own escape.
“uhh. i. im not?” Shigaraki distractedly awnsered as he awkwardly tried to jumble Sako’s taller and heavier form. He should have brought Shuichi or Jin with him but they were busy breaking out Kuroguri. The Hero’s thinking Jin was dead had given them the extra advantage for Shigaraki to risk it.
“Is he flirting with you?” Genten shrieked from the doorway he was supposed to be gaurding.
“What? no?” Shigarki sputtered as he finally figured out how to place Sako on his back like he’d seen video game characters and firemen do. 
Sako flapped his arm down, smacking it against Shigaraki’s chest who felt his face twitch in annoyance.
“You did. youve got muscle now.” Genten let out a noise like a dieing rat as he freaked out and their boss took a deep breath.
“He is. he’s definitly flirting with you. fuck, he’s ancient compared to you. thats gross.” the ice user screeched as they left the hospital the way the’d come in. A large hole in the wall surrounded by the remains of genten’s ice. Dabi sat on a smoking police car out side the enterence waiting for them.
“what’s got ice gremlins panties in a knot?” He rasped out and hopped down from the car, grinning when he saw Sako over Shigaraki’s shoulders.
“Dabi! when did you get here? help me tell Shigaraki he got sexy and buff!!” The magician was very obviously out of it, leading Dabi to laughter as Genten freaked out again. Demanding Dabi side with him.
“Sako, are you flirting with me?” the white haired male gave up and asked to shut them both up.
“Shig! im so happy to see you! when did you get here?” Sako started over again.
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xsugarysweetsx · 5 years
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OdaSaku x Pregnant Reader 2
So this really blew up quick so thank you all so much for reading my story and I hope you enjoy :)
As always my box is OPEN! Drop in a request if you have any! Wanna know what fandoms I do? CLICK HERE!!
1 2 3 4 5
Month 3-5
Finally after waiting for so long it was finally there! Your baby bump. You were only 3/12 month pregnant but it was there! You stood in the mirror with you shirt rolled up. You couldn’t stop running your hand over it. Of course the feeling of being pregnant was amazing but to actually see it now only adds to the feeling
“Oda! Oda come here!” You calles your boyfriend over. He came running into your shared room
“What is it? Are you hurt? Is the baby okay?” He said out of breath ready for anything.
“Oda we’re fine but look! I’m showing!” You said with the biggest grin. He shook his head with a small smile. You’re going to give him a heart attack one day. He walked over to you and gently settled his hand on your little bump. It was so small compared to his large hands.
“Wow...” he was blown away. That was his child growing in there. “It’s really there...so when do we find out the gender again?”
“Well my doctor said they’ll call so anyway now” you said smiling and placing your hand on top of his. “What do think it’ll be?”
“Well, I’m not sure but, I think I want it to be a girl” he brought you into his embrace.
“A girl? You’re going to spoil her aren’t you?” You smirked up at him
“I’ve already spoiled you what’s one more?” He chuckled
You and Oda were watching a movie when your phone rang. Looking at the number your eyes widened as you read ‘Doctor’
“It’s the doctor Oda! Mute the tv!” You said excitedly
“put it in speaker!” He quietly yelled
“Hello?” You answer
“Hello ms. Y/L/N? This is the doctor calling from the clinic with some results” she spoke
“Okay im how’s everything?” You asked. Oda sat closer to you anticipating the wait
“Well everything looks healthy and as it should be. As for the gender, we have it crystal clear would you like to know?” You both smiled widely at each other
���Oh yes please” you said eagerly. Oda held your hand with a firm grip just as excited as you were to know the gender.
“Congratulations you are expecting a baby girl!” You both let out an excited breath
“Oh wow thank you so much! Thank you for the update and gender” tears started to form in your eyes, you tried not to let your voice crack as you spoke
“You’re very welcome have a good night” and she hung up. Oda instantly scooped you up into a hug and kissed you all over your face. Looks like he really was secretly hoping for a girl
“A girl Y/N.. a beautiful baby girl” he sniffles as tears started to form in his eyes as well.
“Don’t you think *sniff* it’s a little early for us both to be emotional?” You said with a tear and a smile.
“No, I know I’ll cry more when she’s born” he emphasized the gender now that it was clear to you. Despite the wonderful news you got his face fell
“What’s wrong Saku?” You said the nickname you gave him whenever you wanted to comfort him.
“It’s just....we have this small apartment with just a single room. I want to give you both the house you deserve. Somewhere roomy, a cozy for the three of us. Where I can build the crib and we can decorate the nursery..” he said with a sad tone. You stroked one of his cheeks. You knew the baby needed her space but for now this is what you could afford.
“Oh saku...we’ll be fine you’ll see. Besides we still have about 5 months ahead of us so we have time to make changes” laying a kiss to his chin, a habit you developed, he sighed
“I guess you’re right but, I’m going to start looking for a better place even if it’s another crappy apartment. I’ll take it if it have two rooms for your both alright?” You nodded and he kissed your head.
“Now lets go to bed I’m getting sleepy” you stretched your arms high and your shirt rose up his hand reaching down to it
“You ready for bed princess?” He joked he pulled you close and you both went off to bed for a night of good earned sleep
Month 5
While asleep in your lovers arms you eyes blink open. His arm was wrapped around your belly holding you close. You’ve grown quit a lot in only two months. You baby was now visible to everyone who saw you and you couldn’t feel more loved or proud.
But something woke you this night. You turn in your back and that’s when you felt it. You wake up Oda before it was too late
“What, what is it? Are you okay? Baby? Hospital?!” He asked frantically. Maybe you should stop doing this to his poor heart...
You took his hand and rested it on your swollen stomach “feel Oda...she’s moving..” he waited a few second and then felt a light tap. He was now fully awake and alert.
Resting his head in your abdomen to try and get another kick or sound to happen. “Come on princess just one more kick for papa..?” He asked as gently as he could. As if she heard him, she kicked once more right by his ear.
His eyes then looked at yours full of wonder and excitement. Was this the affect that fatherhood had on him? Would he go too soft for his job? Could he be able to hold this job long enough to provide for you both...? Questions circled his mind but the only thing that he yo focus on was you and your baby. He kissed the top of it a couple of time and whispered an ‘ I love you’. He came up and kissed your lips
“And I love you baby” he smiled as he got comfortable once more
“And I love you more” he kissed your head once more and rested his hand protectively around you once more.
That morning you went with him to the port. You were already familiar with the place and people. And honestly, they all liked you. Even Elise. When the news came to them that you were expecting they were all happy for you. Oda got many compliments and congratulations from both his coworkers and the men.
They had secretly thrown a small party for you both. Not really a baby shower but kind of in that general sense. They all brought gifts and and things you may need. Even Chūya got her a small outfit, just by looking at it you could tell it was expensive. They all got a chance to feel your belly and her kicks.
Everyone in the room was fascinated by what your body was able to do. What it was able to make. Over all you could tell you child would come into a world that loved her.
Yes it was a dangerous world. Something you wouldn’t want her a part of but, you know they didn’t mean any harm towards you or the baby. Oda May not have been the perfect person to many. He may have been the outcast, the runt, but for you, he was nothing but perfect. And now he only added to your happiness. Your family, you, Oda, and baby...
I hope you like this :). Btw if there are any name recommendations plz comment them! (I’ll even take Japanese ones) THANKS FOR READING!!❤️❤️
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Okaaaay... Hi lovelies,
I gotcha an Dewey Finn x gender-fluid reader. Angst and fluff... mentions of sexy times... I hope its okay.
For every beautiful soul out there, you are loved, you are real, and you are valid.
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You smiled to your reflexion in the mirror. The bit of fuzzing around was worth the result. You heared Dewey hum with a tune on the radio in the kitchen. How you loved that voice... That boy made you so happy...
You ran your fingers through your hair for the last time, before you disgarded from the bathroom. You fixed your shirt when you approached Dewey, to make sure the lacy bra wasnt showing through the fabric of your T-shirt.... The anxiety of his reaction never let you out of its grip. You've had too many small minded boyfriends over the years to get that out of your system. Not all of them had been equally chill with your fluently in gender.... some of them handled it better then others.
Today was a girly-girl day, for sure.
Your nervousness and doubts spread in your chest when you approached the kitchen with a frown on your face.
You stood in the doorway, and glanced down towards your bracelets. Your nervous hands fumbled with the fabric of your maxi skirt. You let out a shakily breath when you heared Dewey whistle at you appreciatively. A smile ghosted on your lips and you brushed a strand of hair behind your ears, still feeling a bit awkward and you let your eyes dart around the room. Looking anywhere accept for your lover. Dewey quickly stood up and made his way over to you. When you glanced up at his brown eyes, all you could see was happiness and excitement.
He slowly leaned into you and let his lips brush softly against your own, when he kissed you sweetly. His hands wrapped around your waist and brushed your sides when he pulled back from the kiss. The sweetness that man posessed still suprised you, every day. But it also gave you courage... you finally gazed into the eyes of your sweet sweet HoneyDew and smiled when his morningvoice croaked out: "Morning beautifull... Did you sleep okay?"
You reached out to brush your fingers against his scruff and let out your remaining anxiety with one, last, deep exhale.
You nodded yes and gave Dewey a shy smile.
His hand found the back of your neck and he tickled the hairs in the nape of your neck. "Morning Dew..." you whispered back to him.
Dewey's other hand glided upwards on your spine and he stated softly: "Today is a skirt-day, huh?"
You nodded quickly, and muttered a "Yup..."
Dewey pressed a gentle kiss on the tip of your nose and cupped your cheek. He gazed deeply in your eyes and muttered through his adoring smile: "You look really pretty today, princess."
It always amazed you how naturally the rockstar got your pronouns right. Even when you weren't exactly sure about them yourself, somedays.
You blushed and batted your eyelashes when you reached for his brown curls. Your fingers combed through is and Dewey purred in appreciation.
Deweys hands wandered from your neck, down your back towards your but, and he patted your ass playfully. You squeeled and jumped back a bit, laughing at his goofiness.
Dewey chuckled too and hummed when he pulled you against him again: "Cuddles and coffee for the princess?"
You grinned into his neck and hummed appreciatively.
Dewey pressed a last kiss on your hair and told you: "... Coming right up!"
You woke up at the sound of the alarm the next morning.
You grunted and fought your way out of Deweys embrace, leaving the warm sheets for him. He muttered a bit in his sleep when you escaped his warm arms around you and you smiled. What a dork... but it was your dork.
You glanced one last time upon his adorable sleeping form and grinned when you heared him snore loudly under the blankets. He was spread diagonally on the bed, his left arm dangled out of it and his messy hear was everywhere....
You snatched Deweys red baseball-cap from the nightstand and stole his boxershorts as well. Quickly putting on your sports bra you found the way to Deweys closet.you With squinted sleepy eyes you peeked inside his wardrobe and thew on your boy's favorite ACDC shirt and some of his sweatpants and headed to the bathroom.
You frowned in doubt when you started tying your hair up in a ponytail. Thoughts brought you back at the day before. Deweys reaction when he saw you in that flowery skirt... the boy had been *so* happy... maybe he liked it better if you dressed like a girly-girl every day... maybe he didnt like it that you changed your clothes, appearence and pronouns every day... your former boyfriends always let you go after they figured that out about you. Some of your friends left you too. They thought it was weird, and you only craved attention...
You splashed some water in your face to clear some of your fogged mind and repeated to yourself: "Dewey loves me for *me*... Not for my appearence... He doesn't mind. He doesn't mind. He doesn't mi-..."
You repeated your mantra when you put on your boyfriend's boxers and sweatpants. Only deodorant would do it today. No sweet flower-perfume... Hell no, no jewelry today... you didnt feel like it.
You put Deweys cap on and skipped downstairs to make your Dew some good-morning-coffee on bed.
You grissed your phone out of your pocket and put on "Highway to hell" when you headbanged and took the coffee and bagels upstairs.
You threw the door open with little to no grace at all and flopped on the bed unceremoniously with a loud thump.
"Morning Dewdrop..." you hummed in tune with the sound of your phone.
Dewey grunted and wiped his hands over his sleepy face before opening one eye to peek at you.
A smile crept up at his lips and he smugly awnered: "Moooooorning handsome..."
You grinned and leaned down to kiss Dewey on his scruffy cheek before stating: "Sunday-bagel-time!"
You held out your fist for him to bump and he yelled: "Hellyeah!!!" when his knuckles touched yours.
You took a sip of your coffee and Dewey dug his teeth in one of the bagels hungerly. Dewey hummed in delight when he finished it and with a scruff full of suger he pulled you into him, pressing small pecks on your cheek and his warm hands crept under your (his) shirt to caress your body there.
You chuckled at his movements and heared him mutter against your neck: "You look verrrrrry charming in my shirt. And youknow it drives me crazy when you wear my boxers, bro..."
You smiled and your hands crept up his warm, sleepy chest. You felt his steady heartbeat calm your mind. His words seeping in your anxious brain. Your eyes shot to his when he continued: "And my baseball hat..."
You looked at him, with a worried smile on your face you replied: "yeaaaah Dew..?"
Dewey smiled and mischief gleamed in his eyes when he continued: "My baseball hat, looks nice on you lad..."
You scoffed and pressed your lips on his to shut him up from making those awfully sweet rhymes.
Dewey breathed between kisses: "i... like you... in my clothing... it... looks better on you... then on me..."
Later that day you made lunch with Dewey and anxiety crept its way up in your chest again.
You knew this feeling. It was off. Again.
Dewey felt you tense up against him, you were chopping vegetables and suddenly he felt your back tense up as you slowed your movements and glanced down.
You unconsciously grabbed your t-shirt tightly and ruffled your hair in a frustrated way out of your face when you threw the cap of. Your shoulders rose with a huff and a frown appeared on your earlier carefree face.
You suddenly didnt feel comfortable in what you were wearing anymore.
Should you tell him? Should you not? Would he understand? You didn't want it to seem like you were overreacting... it just... didn't feel... good... anymore.
You took a deep breath and started with a shaky voice: "Erhm.... Dew... I... uhm...."
Dewey pressed his warm body against your back, and his lips kissed your hair. His hand brushed your belly soothingly and he murmered: "Its okay... Go chance... I'll wait for you..."
Tears gleamed in your eyes and you stuttered in disbelief: "Mister Finn... how... c... ca... can you... be... that chill? With... all... me?!"
Dewey put his knife down and turned you around slowly. You felt his arms wrap around you with all the care in the world and he let out a huff when he pressed you flush against him. He squeezed you as close as you could be and you revelled in the warm, comforting and safeness that Dewey provided.
"Well..." you heared him hum with his voice muffled against your shoulder: "That's because... I. Love. You."
Dewey kissed you sweetly, trying to let the words seep in your soul through his kiss.
"I love ALL of you. No matter what you wear. Or feel. I love ALL that you are. Every vibe that you have. Or dont have. I can handle all the vibes. ALL those imperfections... are perfectly fine with me..."
You chuckled through your tears. Tears of happiness. Dewey wiped them of your face with his calloused thumb and stared in your eyes with adoration.
"Now... get your pretty ass changed, my love... I'll wait..."
With a last encouraging smooch from your Dewdrop and a last WHOOW! from him you turned to head towards your closet.
You walked away from Dewey and you heared him whisper before you turned the corner: "...I love you even when you dont love yourself sometimes."
"Loveyou DewDrop!"
You waved to him before you walked out of the kitchen.
Dewey blew you a goofy kiss and waved back at you with a wink.
"Loveyou too, my lil chameleon... Suprise me..."
You peeked across the livingroom to see Dewey relaxed on the couch. You gingerly called to him: "Dew! Honey! I got a suprise for you! Close your eyes!"
Dewey groaned mockingly and replied with a grown: "But babyyyyyy! Im afraid in the daaaaaark!"
You rolled your eyes yelling back: "I'll count till 10, and you can open them again okay?"
Dewey hummed in response and closed his eyes: "Okay. 1... 2... 3...."
You chuckled and rushed to Dewey and plopped yourself on the ground before him.
".... 5... 6...."
You adjusted your tie and blazer once more and spread your arms in a *ta-daaaaa* move.
"...9... 9 and a haaaaaaalf..."
You laughed and told him: "10!!!! Open open open baby!!! Seeee!!!"
Dewey laughed at your enthausiasm and opened his eyes.
His eyes found yours. His cheeks flushed at the sight of you and he let his eyes roam your body hungerly...
His eyes darkened and a half smile appeared on his features. He growled appreciatively: "Ohhhh... baby... you. Look. Adorable!"
You squeeled a suprised high pitched note when Dewey scooped you up on the couch with a swift movement.
He put you on his lap and tugged at the blazer you were wearing. his blazer....
"Babe... did you... steal my... blazer?"
You nodded.
"... AND my shirt?"
You giggled.
"AND my tie?"
You chuckled when you saw Dewey clench his jaw when he inpatiently tugged at your tie to kiss you passionately.
You pulled away from him and smugly teased: "Who knew...? Dewey Finn... With a tie-kink?"
Dewey growled heavily when he replied: "Okay. Guilty..."
You smiled and ruffled his messy brown locks. He continued with a gentle but needy voice: "... but it isnt my fault. My girlfriend just... looks amazing. In ANYTHING... and everything..."
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Hey guys. Love you guys.
@ironmansuucks @bugdrinkss @paxenera @heknowshisherbs @hoodoo12 @large-unit @thats-specific @vicunaburger @go-commander-kim @stranger-strings @gegehaddock
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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Im getting to writing this a little later then normal. Not wildly later. But I felt like I lost a lot of energy after work and am just feeling a little better right now. Thankfully sleeping last night after James brought me home juice and a donut knocked out my headache. And I slept pretty well for the most part. Waking up is still hard but it wasnt so bad today. 
I got up and washed and dressed. I felt a little off but not to bad. Dasia let me know she wasnt going to be in and that was alright. We had someone else coming today anyway so it just worked out. James drove me to work and I was happy about that. 
I was a little upset though because I had seen a dead cat on the road yesterday and I didnt want to see it squished today. So when we got near there I told James I was going to close my eyes because it had upset me so bad yesterday. And he let me know we had passed it but then was about to tell me what it looked like!! I literally just closed my eyes to not see!! He didnt tell me but it threw me off that he would do that. 
But soon I was at work and I had to focus on the kids. And they were a little tougher today. The two newer girls lied to me a lot today. First about classwork, then about their actual classes. And they figured out a work around to get on youtube (which is supposed to be blocked on their chromebooks) and we caught them on them multiple times today. To say I was stress about this would be an understatement. I dont like talking to the kids so sternly but I was not happy. And after having such a nice day yesterday. Ugh. 
Then I went to have a snack and discovered that my bunny grahams tasted like tomatoes sauce because of the container they were in and the actual lunch of leftovers was spoiled and I just sort of spiraled in upset.  Texting James and being upset and frustrated and so to try to help me feel less grossed out he promised to clean out the fridge and he did and that made me feel a little better. But it didnt help my food situation much. Thankfully I still had grapes and cashews but it was just a weird food day. 
We had some fun though. Sewing. Working on things. Skateboarding at lunch. It was a beautiful day and that helped my weird feelings. We only got outside once though because the kids had a lot of afternoon stuff. Though the sisters told me they didnt have anything for almost 2 hours and when I insisted on looking at their schedule I discovered they both had a whole class that they may have never gone to?? Like ever?? I think their parent, or the people at the other daycare they had been going to,  dont know how to use the schoology site and so they had gotten used to being able to show them a page and be like "See! I did everything Im supposed to do!" but I opened up like two things and found they havent actually completed anything. So I made them complete a few of them at least. I hope mom comes in tomorrow morning so we can talk about it. I know she knows the one was behind but I dont think she is aware by how much they both are. Im trying my best for sure but man. Frustrating. 
Soon the day was wrapping up. And James was on his way to come get me. I finished cleaning up my area and was about to leave when I remebered I left the ipad in the class so I went back in and found that the two girls who I know had class for another half hour were on youtube again!! I told Mr Burns, who takes over after me, and so he went in to watch them closer. So frustrating. 
But James was here and off we went. We stopped at tacobell since I had no lunch. And then we drove out to Timonium so I could meet up with an guy I bought James a christmas gift from. He was having shipping issues and because we were so close I was like. Its all good Ill come to you and he was really nice. The building was the Pay Pal office and it was really pretty inside, all marble. Plants. And the guy was really nice and I think James will really like the gifts. The guy gave me another free thing for driving out there. 
We headed home after that. But made a pitstop for a milkshake. Which was good but I think zapped my energy. 
We got home and James went to play video games and I went to pack up some orders. Be proud, I surpassed $800 in sales today. In my first month!! Im pretty proud of that. But I packed those up and took them down for drop off. And then I felt weird and tired so I went and laid in bed and watched a video until James got off the switch so I could play for a little. I just did some clean up and some christmas decorating. But then I got off and got back to laying in bed. Being mopey. 
Eventually James came and laid with me. But he had been cutting peppers and touched my face and them my face was burning from the peppers!! Rude. So we had to run to the bathroom to wash my face and his hands. 
I did mope around a little more but then we got to work on decorating our tree and that was fun. James had dried an orange and I strung those slices with cinnamon and anise stars. We might add cranberries but I am really happy with how it looks and it smells like black licorice but its so cute. It was a fun activity for sure. 
Once that was done I got to work and made some more bears that Im really proud of. Im going to have to get more fluffy fabric even though it sucks to sew because the results are just to good. Just entirely to cute. So I worked on those until almost 930 and finally called it a day. 
I went and showered and washed my hair. I found sweetP sleeping in the towel basket in the closet. So cute. And now I am in bed. I have to dry my hair still. But I feel a lot better. Just sleepy. 
I hope tomorrow is a good day with less lying and more just hanging out and enjoying the day. I hope you all have a nice night and a great day. Goodnight everyone!
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mollydollyjournals · 4 years
I weighed myself earlier and I was 157.4, which I thought was pretty low. I haven't eaten since then but I tried to drink a bit, all I'd had otherwise was coffee so I can't have been well hydrated. A couple of hours later I weighed again and was 157 which is great but I figured it's going to go up again. I finished my drink then a couple of hours later (just now) weighed in at 156.8. I don't remember the last time I was that kind of weight at the end of the day. I was really shocked and I don't know if I even trust the scales so I weighed myself again while holding an exercise weight, then did it again to check, then again with a different exercise weight, then again to check, then with both, then with both again to check...all the numbers came up accurate. Then I weighed myself without any weights just to check and it said 157.2. I can't exactly have gained 0.4lbs in that time so I'm not sure if that means the scale is inaccurate overall or it just was off because I'd been standing on it holding weights.
But either way, I did think my jeans felt looser again earlier. And I know I haven't eaten a lot today. I didn't get to go to the supermarket and had to make do with the local shop so there wasn't as much choice, but the food I went for was a lot lower calories than I thought so that was good. I know my jeans felt a little looser, like they did when I first hit 156 in early November, and my waist is currently at 29.5in which is almost where it was then as well (29in). My hips/butt are about the same. So it's possible the scale was accurate earlier.
I don't know. If my body picks today to start adhering to the overnight 2lbs again, then that's...really amazing. I'd be 154.8 tomorrow. That's immense. It makes me excited thinking about it and I want to go work out. I'm exhausted and I really need to sleep so it's a miracle I even get the urge to exercise at all right now.
I'm wondering exactly what this weight loss is. It's not much (obviously, I'm only talking about the past few days) so I can't really tell for sure. It could be the result of my fast the other day just being delayed, or it could be muscle wastage due to liver issues. Seeing as I'm so sensitive to the slightest bit of alcohol and did feel a little bit hungover today, it's entirely possible it's that. I hope not. As much as I want to lose weight, there's not much point in just losing muscle. And I'd like to have a functioning body. I hope it's from fasting and having salads etc. I'll be really glad if it is.
Either way, looks like that's my regime for now. I think I said this before. My memory is so bad. I ate a few hours ago so I put it into Zero and I'll let it tell me tomorrow how long it's been. This is why I don't usually count intermittent fasts - it's not really fasting to me because it's just what I do. I sleep a lot, and I don't eat within a few hours of going to bed, so I end up fasting at least 15-17hrs a day anyway. But it is kinda motivating to see it add up. And I guess it's possible I'm breaking my fasts by having a particular sweetener or something. So I'm still gonna monitor. This one will be somewhere in the 18-20h range - I want a 24+ but that'll be in a few days.
I'm just...really amazed. I guess really this probably is just a delayed response to the fast the other day. So in that case I'm owed it, I did this myself. I'm just really used to things not working out for me. This after I finally got to colour my hair in a way I really like and haven't been able to do for years, and it's all super long and soft and shiny and feels so nice, and it actually gave me some confidence and I don't feel so terrible about my appearance, and bf also said it looked really good and was complimenting me loads and it felt almost like we were pre-pandemic, and I spoke to my friends a bit, and my mood is just better. Im also taking extra antidepressants because I felt so horrible, so it could be that. But this little slew of nice things. I like it.
I wish I didn't feel so suspicious. I feel like something bad is about to happen. It often does when I'm happy. But thinking about it isn't going to help. That's what I hate. Just because I think something bad will happen, even if I'm right I won't be able to do anything about it. I wish I could just focus on this and be happy about it. But I feel like I have to kind of look over my shoulder a bit.
I don't know. I'm also super sleepy. I really need to stay awake. I'll just look for more thinspo. Just it's the first time in a while I've really felt glad to be alive
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
good evening my moonlight~!! 💫🌛💕 how are you today my dear?? i do hope you've been taking care of yourself!! i actually managed to finally have a day off, which i was so happy for! i was able to sleep in more too, which helps for some of my lost hours!! ✨ (1/7)
"and before i go into my day, i must say,, that fic was so lovely!! it was adorable, beautifully written, everything under the sun!! i'll have to question my friends and see who wrote it,, since they did such a wonderful job,, i'll thank them for the both of us when i find out!!! 😊 oh, and when we do meet in the future, i'll make sure to give you such hugs,, if you wish of course
and one other thing,, thank you all for your kind and funny asks that you sent in today, they gave me a good laugh, not to mention they also really cheered me up after such a rough night! you all are super amazing, each one of you 💓 (and frankly, i think the idea of a rest day together sounds nice ❤) (3/7)
anyway, onto my day! the friend that stayed overnight went to a café with me today!! it was nice and cozy, and also very peaceful! i was able to have a nice affogato, it's been so long since i last ate one... and they bought me a cannoli!! ahhh it was so delicious~ we bickered over who would pay, and sadly they won 😖 they wouldn't even let me pay them back!! i'll have to treat them out when i earn enough money.. (4/7)
i'm also helping my neighbor catch his pet bunny, who ran off one night and keeps appearing in my garden,, it's been quite difficult, but i think we're making progress! though i must say, the bunny is adorable!! he's fluffy and has floppy ears and likes to eat our wildflowers hehehe!! i bet we'll catch him soon, then little bun bun can be safe and sound 🌠 (5/7)
oh,, and i got to spend the night making fresh pasta!! i absolutely love it, it's lots of fun and the results are normally delicious! my mamma and i made huge batches ravioli, lorighitte, and linguine, so we're gonna have enough pasta to last us for a while!! maybe someday we could make some pasta together hehe 😘 (6/7)
awaaa it's now time for me to go for the night,, i have quite the hectic day tomorrow!! goodnight caro, sweet dreams! and remember amore, you do deserve me, in fact you deserve so much better!! 💗 - lots and lots of love, a very sleepy waifu 💌💞 ps: to be fair darling, you are so much cuter than i am 😉💌 (7/7)"
Before anything else lemme just say i dont think there's "better" dear, i really do not deserve u and thats a fact like what tf did my clown ass ever do 🤡🤡🤡 and im quite the opposite of cute actually (skeletor voice) I A M N O T N I C E🤪🤪
B u t y e s that fic was god tier and its scary how well ur friend nailed everything considering they dont even know me and im also glad to see u had a day off even if u still cooked pasta and busted ur ass trynna catch a runaway rabbit djdhshs tbh i love making pasta myself its prob the only food i can cook besides omlette/fried eggs cuz its hella easy🤡👊 as a matter of fact i ate pasta 2 days ago and we W I L L make some together one day so-
Also i must say i feel extremely weird if a person that isnt like related to me wants to pay for me like why would u dxhdj i usually just pay for myself bc i like feeling independent even if sometimes i may ask a friend for a penny if the situation so called for it but u shouldnt sweat it, its just coffee darling😤 speaking of which, what if i treated u to ur fav coffee one day haha jk u n l e s s👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️
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headoverjojo · 5 years
that meeting-their-newborn-kid scenario post you made with risotto and bruno was so sweet omg im dying also your writing is terrific. can I ask for the same kind of thing but with abbachio? he’s my fave and I just love goth dads.
Hello!! Awwwww, thank you so much for your kind words, darling :,) I hope you’ll find enjoyable this scenario too!
Leone Abbacchio meeting his just born baby
(Under the cut for length!)
It hadn’t be easy, for Abbacchio, since the very start. He needed a lot of time to convince himself to try to have a child, as he didn’t think he was suited to be a father. Just your gentle patience and your constant words of encouragement in the end convinced him that, maybe, it would have worked. You always reminded him all his progresses, how many steps forward he made in the years you spent together, first as friends, then as lovers and then as wife and husband. You always reminded him how more patient he was, how the light that always was inside his heart now could shine with more strength. You brought out the sparkle of that young policeman full of hopes and dreams that still was in his heart, under layers and layers of guilt, self-hatred and bitterness. You gave him a reason to live, a reason to choose for real what he wanted, instead of just following others’ orders. You gave him again hopes and dreams for a happier future, together. And so, the idea of a child, of the product of your love, wasn’t so bad. Maybe… with you at his side, maybe he would have made it.
He perfectly knew he wouldn’t have been the perfect father, but, all in all, who was so? He was human and humans make mistakes. But he would have learned from his mistakes and, oh, sure as hell he would have given everything he had to offer to be the best father he could be. It was one of the few things he was sure about, with the immense love and devotion he felt for you.
And so you tried. Maybe fate wanted you two to finally have a kid, maybe the universe was finally sighing in relief as it could finally proceed with its plans for Abbacchio, but not many attempts were necessary to conceive your baby. You took at least a couple of tests every week and, finally, after the second week of attempts, it signed a positive result. In that moment Abbacchio was out of the city due to a mission, but you couldn’t wait: you called him, rambling excitedly until Abbacchio told you to calm the hell down and speak slower, as he couldn’t understand a world of what you were babbling. You took a deep breath, still giggling in a total, overwhelming happiness, finally managing to communicate in a human speed. As the words left your mouth, a long silence replied to you. You were starting to grow worried, when a sigh reverberated in your ear, followed by Bruno’s voice, his partner for the mission, that informed you that Abbacchio just left back the phone to run to the car and drive back to Naples without one more word, leaving, well, him behind. You couldn’t help but laugh, as you wiped a couple of tears, shaking your head. Of course, you had to imagine it…
And so, in this flamboyant way, your pregnancy started. Abbacchio never left your side for more than few hours, accepting missions just in Naples or, mostly, around the city. In any case, he didn’t accept anything that could bring him far from you for more than half a day. You were surprised by Abbacchio’s total protectiveness and care! Yes, he always was protective and caring, in his a bit harsh way, especially due to the work he did: more than one time he woke up in cold sweat after dreaming about you dead in a dark alley, hit by a stand of an enemy gang or shot down in crossfire. So you never complained about it: you knew it was a feeling born from his sincere love for you and, now, for your baby. He couldn’t even bear the thought of losing you two.
You chuckled, even if you were crushed by regular waves of uncomfortable pain from the contractions, remembering how Abbacchio was so careful, with you, as he was scared to break you with his strength. You often had to take his hands and place them on your belly, smiling brightly when he slowly caressed it, gentle, delicate, starting to chuckle too when the baby started to kick back, as to reply to his caresses. It was obvious that Abbacchio was enamored with your baby, totally overcoming the doubts he had before his conceivement. Sometimes he still had a setback, but you never got angry or annoyed at it, as you knew this was a major change and event in his life and he was still healing. When he was feeling again full of doubts, you just took his head, making him gently lay down, his head on your lap, and you softly ran your fingers through his silver locks, murmuring again and again how proud of him you were, how good he was, and what wonderful father he would have been… and, as to confirm your words, the baby gently kicked where his father was caressing your belly. It always made him smile and, oh, Leone had such a beautiful smile, in those occasions… it was serene, a sparkle of joy lighted up his eyes. He seemed the young man he was, for once.
“We’re here, finally, eh…?” you said to your husband, a smile on your face that twisted in a grimace of pain as another contraction, nearer to the previous one, washed over you. Abbacchio tried to smile, but his eyes remained full of worry and concern. You couldn’t blame him; you too were a bit scared by this all. Still, even if he was dying inside, he was holding tightly your hand, giving you the breathing rhythm, as supportive as he could, and this was giving you the strength you needed to go on and overcome the fear.
“It will go all well, Y/N. You’re doing great now, you’re doing great…” he murmured to you, not to make you hear the tremble in his voice. Seeing you in pain was… difficult. He wanted so, so much to do something, everything, to soothe your pain, but he couldn’t. This wasn’t something he could help for. He could just hold your hand and stay at your side during all the labor.
“Signora Y/S, now you have to push, ok? A good push, good.” the doctor said, with a clear and calm voice, and you obeyed, gritting your teeth and squeezing Abbacchio’s hand, as you did as the doctor said. Abbacchio let you squeeze his hand as much as you need, without a single complain, holding back your hand, to make you feel he was here with you.
“You’re doing wonderfully, tesoro. It’s going all well.” he said to you, managing to gather enough calm to talk a bit louder than before, making you wobbly smile, as you pushed again, following the doctor’s words. You were doing good… And soon you would have held your baby. You had to go on.
“Last push, tesoro. Last one, you have been so good, tesoro, perfect, the baby is fine…” you whined, giving the last push, encouraged by your husband’s words. And, finally, a good and blessed baby cry echoed in the room, making you sigh in relief, as you plopped down the pillows. Your baby was here…
You smiled at Abbacchio, tired to the bones, giving his hand a last, gentle squeeze, before letting go of it. Abbacchio, whose eyes were glued on the, oh, so small baby who was moving in the nurse’s delicate hold, turned to you, blinking, as he was waking up from a dream.
“Go to our baby, caro…” you murmured, smiling again, relaxing on the pillows. Finally it was ended… you cracked open one eyes, smiling softly, when you saw the nurse gently putting the baby in their father’s arms, fixing a bit his hold and then smiling, nodding in approval. You eyes filled with tears of happiness, seeing how Abbacchio’s face was filled with pure awe and love, it seemed almost out of character from him, but… it just filled your heart in pure, blinding joy. You finally had the confirmation that that had been the right choice. And now you knew that Abbacchio was seeing it too.
The baby, now cleaned, was wiggling their small arms and Abbacchio chuckled a little, softened, as he bent his face on theirs, softly kissing their forehead -he hadn’t on his lipstick, so no marks- and gently rocking them back and forth. You smiled, when he lifted his head to turn to you and his eyes glimmered in joy and stupor. It was so wonderful to see him so… enraptured, enamored with his child…
“It’s a boy, Y/N. It’s a wonderful, perfect boy, he’s beautiful as you…” he murmured, with a watery chuckle, as he neared you, to let you see your son. You softly smiled, sighing in happiness, when Abbacchio sat near you, lowering enough to let you see and caress your baby boy. He was right… he was truly beautiful. Few strands of raven hair covered his small head and, now that he was opening his eyes, they revealed to be a stunning blue. But his eyes’ shape, his nose, even his lips… it all promised to be right as his father’s ones. He was the perfect mix of you and your husband. The fruit of your love.
“Leone… how would you like to call him?” you murmured, resting your head on his shoulder. Abbacchio kissed your temple, sweetly, while lulling the baby, who was safely nestling on his father’s chest, relishing in your soft caresses. Abbacchio remained silent for a while, his nose sunk in your hair, as he thought about it. A name for your boy…
“I… I’d like to call him Damiano.” you looked up, curious. Damiano? It was a nice name… Damiano Abbacchio. It sounded good…
“It is… was his name.” he explained, noticing your interrogative gaze. You widened a bit your eyes, as everything became clear. So his name was Damiano… Abbacchio never said it, before. The sporadic times he talked about him, he was always a “he” or “my partner”, but he never had a name, at least until that moment.
You smiled sweetly, nodding, bending to give to your little Damiano a small kiss on his chubby kiss, earning a slow and sleepy blink that made you softly chuckle. He was so cute…
“I love it, tesoro. Damiano is perfect.” you murmured, resting your head on Abbacchio’s shoulder again, softly caressing Damiano’s little hand, while he was pressing himself on his father’s chest, searching for warmth. You smiled again, softened by the tenderness of the moment and by Abbacchio’s soft, soft smile. Yes… your Damiano was perfect, as this moment. 
It was all perfect.
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joonshadow · 5 years
"i'm not straight"
being in the closet isnt that much fun
namjoon comes out to the other members after hiding for so long.
/namjoon-centric fluff/
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namjoon knew he wasn't straight for quite a while now but never told anyone, neither his family or his members. not because he wasn't sure about it, heck no, he knows for a hundred percent.
but coming out to yourself is really hard and coming out to everyone else in your life is even harder sometimes.
the leader always is open and accepting, never judging anyone. he has some not straight friends and loves them so much, couraging them to be open and happy. but being not straight himself is a bit different.
first, he could never be open about his sexuality to the whole world. its just the sad truth that an idol isn't supposed to be gay, they should be "normal" and appealing to their fans, who are mostly female.
which leads to the second reason; the hate.
as the leader of the group its his job to hold the members together and look after them. if he came out as gay, the media would go crazy and not just attack joon, but probably the whole group with hate and drama.
so no, being out and about isn't really an option for him. but for a while now he thought about telling his little "secret" to his members, his best friends who are like a second family for the boy.
turns out that trying to come out is nerve wracking as fuck.
all seven boys are cuddled up on the couch, watching a movie yoongi choose called "love simon" and eating popcorn.
namjoon is squished inbetween jungkook and hoseok, the youngest laying his head down on joons lap while his head is on hoseoks shoulders.
namjoons hands are sweaty, his heart is bumping hard in his chest and his throat is dry as hell. the blonde boy kept thinking over and over how he should say it but everytime he wants to say it out loud, he gets too scared.
its weird because he knows he will receive nothing but love and support from his friends, so he doesnt know why its so scary to actually tell them.
probably because his whole life, it was his little secret just for himself that no one else knew. so telling it someone else who obviously isnt him, is scaring the hell out of him.
and the time passes, the movie almost over and jungkook asleep on his thighs.
the first one to speak up wasnt namjoon, it was taehyung.
"i love this movie, its awesome. the two boys are so cute together!", the blue haired boy said with a sleepy voice and smiled at the other members, everyone agreeing with him instantly.
which makes joon incredibly happy. he doesn't know if its just something he feels or if its common among lgbt people, but everytime someone whos important to him says something accepting or nice about the community, his heart secretly bursts full of happiness in his chest.
"its late, we should sleep.", hoseok mumbled while carefully standing up, trying not to wake the youngest member up.
"youre right, hyung. do we have any schedules tomorrow?", asked jimin, who also was almost asleep next to jungkook.
seokjin told them all that they dont have anything planned for the next week since promotions are over and their tour starts in three weeks. everyone smiled because that means they would all be able to sleep as long as they want tomorrow.
namjoon brought some blankets from his room for jungkook who will sleep on the couch today because everyone is too tired and lazy to wake the youngest up and bring him to bed.
he carefully put them over him and tucked the sleeping boy in, kissing his head before turning off the tv and going out of the living room as quiet as possible.
seokjin and hoseok already dissapeared in their rooms, tired from practising their newest choreo all day long, while jimin and taehyung were in the bathroom and getting ready for bed.
namjoon did the same, telling the younger ones to sleep well and not to stay up too late before going to his room as well.
yoongi was his roommate, the two rappers sharing their room for quiet a while now.
the older boy was already in his bed when namjoon came in and crawled into his bed after changing into his pyjamas.
namjoon thought he was already asleep so he tried his best to be quiet and not make any noise to disturb the other. he almost fell asleep too before he heard some footsteps coming near his bed, his big blanket being held up and yoongi going under them.
it wasnt surprising since the two of them cuddle almost every night. but namjoon still got surprised as yoongi began to talk in a soft, calm voice.
"whats wrong, joon? i know somethings on your mind. you can talk to me, you know?"
is he that obvious? okay maybe he is a little bit tense lately, trying so hard to act normal but at the same time trying to find a good moment to tell his members about his sexuality.
after the movie was over today, he was kinda pissed at himself because he wasted such a good opportunity to tell them.
"i dont know what you mean, hyung. im just like always?"
yoongi sighed but besides that he just stayed silent. he softly caressed joons hair and waited for the younger boy to speak up when he is comfortable with doing so.
namjoons heart started to pound faster and he felt his hands getting sweaty again. maybe this was better than telling it everyone at once.
so he took a deep breath, tried to get his shit together and with a voice that yoongi almost wasnt able to hear, he finally said it out loud.
"im gay."
namjoon couldnt see yoongis reaction, wasnt able to read his face because it was pitch dark in their room and his back was turned towards the older one.
he started to breath faster, anxiety rising up in him because yoongi didnt say anything and for a second namjoon thought that he will hate him now.
but all his fears went away as yoongi wrapped his arms around namjoons waist and pulled him a little bit closer, giving him a soft kiss on his shoulder and smiled against his neck.
"arent you gonna say anything?"
"what should i say, joon? its no big deal,
i still love you. youre still the same person as before, you know?"
namjoon fell asleep a few minutes later with the biggest smile on his face.
"so for how long have you known?"
yoongi decided the morning after that just the two of them should sit together and talk a little bit. namjoon was more than okay with that which resulted in them sitting on yoongis bed, both with a cup of tea and surrounded by soft blankets and pillows.
namjoon told him everything, about how he found out and if he ever had a boyfriend, to which he sadly answered with a no.
"i dont know if anyone would every truly love me for who i am, you know what i mean?", namjoon said and looked down at his cup.
yoongi looked at the other boy and smiled softly, hitting his shoulder playfully.
"i bet youll find the perfect boy soon, joonie. dont worry too much about it."
this same afternoon namjoon decided that he should tell the other members too. it was unfair to just tell it yoongi and keep this big secret from everyone else.
its kinda hard to plan this kind of stuff since he is the type of person to back out on the last second. but after feeling so relieved from telling yoongi about his sexuality, he figured it wont be that bad to tell the others as well.
he went to seokjins and hoseoks room, knocking on the door twice and letting himself in after hearing a tired "yes?" from the inside.
there they were, sitting on their comfortable beds while probably scrolling through social media and stalking fan accounts. neither of them looked up, too concentrated on their phones and whats going on on the internet.
both of them looked up after they heard namjoons quiet voice filled with anxiety, instantly putting away their phones and just focusing on him which, to be honest, didnt make this any easier.
"whats wrong, joon?", hoseok asks curious while standing up, taking his hand and pulling him over to seokjins bed.
hoseok sat right next to jin, which meant that namjoon is right in front of the two older boys.
nervously he was fiddling with his hands, taking a deep breath and thinking about what yoongi told him.
its no big deal,
youre still the same person as before
"i have something to say that i feel like you two should know, okay? its nothing big, at least thats what yoongi hyung says, but i just wanted you guys to kno-"
"are you gay or what?", hoseok said while letting out a small giggle, stopping the moment he saw namjoons surprised face.
"wait, youre really gay. holy shit, im sorry namjoon, i didnt mean to-"
"oh shut up hoseok, dont make this even more embarassing for yourself.", seokjin insisted and then just focused on namjoon, who was just hella surprised and a little bit shocked to be honest.
"yeah, im actually gay. thanks for ruining my big surprise", namjoon joked and smiled at hoseok, who still feels kinda bad and tightly holds joons hands in his.
the two older boys gave namjoon a big hug, telling him that theyll love and support him no matter what and reminded namjoon that theyre always here if he needs someone to talk to.
everything they said means a lot to joon and he is so happy to hear it, especially from the oldest member in the group. the two were always really close with each other so to know that seokjin still loves him just the way he is, means a lot.
namjoon looked up from the pot with boiling hot water in it, making pasta for everyone or at least trying to. taehyung came into the kitchen and just silently started to cut the vegetables that joon already put out for cooking.
"whats up, tae?", joon asked while taking out spices from the cabin, tasting the sauce for the noodles before adding some more salt and pepper. hes not the best cook but still able to make simple pasta with tomato sauce without making everyone sick or burning down the kitchen.
taehyung put away the knife for cutting the veggies, puts his hands on joons shoulders and turns him around so that the two boys are facing each other.
"uh, taehyung? what are you doing?"
the younger one just hugged joon tight and buried his face in the taller ones neck, pulling him close. to say that namjoon was a little bit confused was an understatement.
taehyung began to speak quietly with a shy, almost embarassed voice against joons soft skin.
"i heard you, hobi hyung and jin hyung talk in their rooms. i shouldnt have listened, but i was so curious about what you guys were talking about. im so sorry, hyung."
he was a little bit confused but understood after a second whats going on.
"so you know?"
the blue haired boy nodded quickly and promised namjoon that he doesnt mind it at all and that hes still the best leader of the whole world to which namjoon just responded with a soft "thank you", a big smile and an even bigger hug.
the day is almost over, no one really did anything besides sleeping and eating all day long. days like these are much needed after stressful promotions and exhausting award shows.
the boys ate joons pasta for dinner, complimenting him on his "amazing" cooking skills and after that they all just dissapear in their rooms or somewhere else in the house.
it was already dark outside as namjoon sat down on their big couch, pulling his phone out and scrolling trough social media.
most of the fans dont know but all of the members love to look at all the different fan accounts and see what they say about their group. its fun.
around five minutes later he got a message from jimin.
jimin: hyung
jimin: do you want to watch a movie
jimin: just jungkook, yoongi and me
namjoon: sure
after hitting send, he made his way to jimins room, already hearing their voices and the tv playing in the background. he just went in there without knocking and got greeted by the sight of jimin making little ponytails with yoongis grey hair and jungkook eating leftover pasta from dinner.
"wow, looks like you guys are having a lot of fun without me", namjoon said laughing and just laid down on the bed next to jungkook.
"its boring just with yoongi hyung, most of the time he falls asleep during the movie and thats-"
"oh shut up, its not my fault that the movies you guys choose are always so boring."
both of them laughed after yoongi jokingly hit jimins arm, which hurt not even a little bit since he isnt really the strongest.
"what movie are we even watching today?"
"probably a bad love movie which jimin found on netflix after feeling lonely and sad again"
the next second jimin just deadass jumped on jungkook and both of them tried to push the other one down on the bed. jimin gave up a bit after since its unfair because jungkook is "way stronger and hes tickling him which is fucking unfair".
namjoon just laughs and sits a little bit closer to yoongi, the older one putting his arm around joons shoulders and pulling him even closer.
"guys, come on now. if you dont want me to fall asleep during the movie, we should start now and not just in a few hours when you two decided to calm down.", yoongi murmured kinda annoyed, he would probably rather be in his bed now.
after a few minutes the movie was playing on the big tv screen and all four of them cuddled up on jungkooks big bed.
namjoon couldnt hold back a small giggle after seeing that jimin chose 'titanic' and hearing yoongi and jungkooks annoyed sigh.
to be honest, it was actually really nice. a few minutes after the movie started, taehyung decided to join them too and just snuggled between jungkook and jimin.
yoongi couldnt hold back and after a while he was softly snoring on namjoons lap with messy hair and parted lips.
the younger one of the two just caresses the older ones hair, loving the way it feels between his fingers.
"did hyung fall asleep again?", jimin asked with not even a little bit of surprise in his voice.
namjoon just nodded without saying anything, he didnt want to wake up yoongi and taehyung, whos also sleeping in jungkooks arms.
maybe now is the right time to tell them too since they are the last ones who dont know about joons little secret yet. jimin is still looking at namjoon with sleepy eyes, smiling a bit.
"jimin, jungkook, i have to tell you guys something", namjoon whispered as quiet as possible, hoping the younger boys would understand him anyways since he would rather not say it twice.
"what is it?", asks jimin, now wide awake and looking at namjoon full of curiosity.
from jungkook he just heard a tired "hm?".
"im gay", he whispers softly.
he honestly expected to be more calm now considering he came out to so many people in such a short time. but hes still nervous, his heart beating fast and waiting for a reaction he already knows will be the same as all the others before.
"not surprising, hyung"
wait, what? namjoon was confused.
"what do you mean, jungkook?"
jimin just giggles and shrugs his shoulders. jungkook told him that it isnt really that big of a surprise since hes not that stupid and knows his hyungs well. namjoon wanted him to be a little bit more clear, so he explained why he always kinda knew that joonie isnt that hetero.
"you never had a girlfriend and neither do you really talk about girls the way, for example jimin, does. and since there were never any signs that youre straight, i just assumed you arent."
namjoon just laughs and sarcastically congrats jungkook on his smart brain and his skill on finding out peoples sexuality. jimin joins in too and after a bit they all just cant stop laughing.
both, taehyung and yoongi woke up from the noise, confused and tired.
"whats going on?", yoongi said so quiet that namjoon and the others almost didnt notice.
"namjoon hyung likes boys!"
after that, the three boys just started to laugh even harder, not even knowing whats so funny about the whole situation.
but theres one thing namjoon knows for sure.
and that is that hes genuinely happy right now, feeling so good after knowing that he doesnt have to hide anymore and that hes so so loved.
you can find my other stories on wattpad @ smolouis
please leave feedback!!
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