#not doomposting I promise
coinshotmisting · 2 years
thinking about The Garages, like, the fanbase. Cause Blaseball is so intrinsically ties to 2020. and listening to Fight Gods especially... it felt like anything was possible.
we're gonna fight gods, and we're gonna win
and the late discipline era/early expansion was so rough. the garages as a team were so principled that they refused to elect captains, instead giving everyone those discord permissions. But that wasn't sustainable, apparently. so they were required to elect captains representives on maincord.
and then I realized, nobody really talked about how we were gonna kill all gods. There were so many players now: The Reader, The Coin, The Monitor, Löotcrates, Parker. And despite being the biggest team by numbers, the garages as a team were really a presence on maincord.
there were great moments, where we remembered how it was. Whenever the Pies and Garages got together, celebrated the players we shared over the seasons. The energy remined me how summer of 2020 felt. Chatting with friends and allies, certain in the back of my head that something was gonna change.
and we will get our vengeance in the end
Humorous little one off moments became more and more frequent though, through expansion. Is scab a slur, supporting Parker, loving on The Monitor, Necromancy discourse. It was fun, don't get me wrong. I've stuck with it for years. I dont think it really changed all that much.
But I did. after the 2020 protests died down to a whisper, and all of the sudden Roe v. Wade gets repealled and no one even burns down a Judge's or Politician's house. there's been something I've lost that I had when blaseball started
and now here we are, in the second grand siesta. Nothing's happening, nothings changing, but at the same time, there's this creeping... something.
"Kill All Gods is problematic"
"Most Garages lore is racist at its core"
Reps are gone, but not in the same way they were when the Garages insisted "there is no second chair."
And now, as blaseball's starting up again, it feels like the slow process has finally reached some point. Everything before, the teams we've built both players and fans? I don't know how much it matters.
I love my blaseball friends. If The Game Band went bankrupt tomorrow and just gave up on blaseball, there's so many of them I'd still hang out with online, still chat with and check in on.
But blaseball itself feels so far away. Fight gods? I just want to try and make sure we don't get caught up in another round of disc horse. Putting out the Sun? I just want to know when play starts again, how many of the fans will I recognize? how many faces that I thought I would see in a month or two will I never see again?
And nothing will remain the same again
and our redemption arc is coming up
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this is literally how it feels
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backtochicago · 9 months
dream did not raise us to survive through the drought of 2021 just so you weakling dnfers doomposting about dnf deleted tweet. THE DROUGHT OF 2021 WAS WORSE THAN THIS YOU GUYS ARE WEAK
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prettyymafia · 3 months
sat out in my backyard and spotted some unique looking birds flying together. the trees are green again. children are screaming and laughing. the train passes on by. we're all gonna be okay.
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luminouslotuses · 6 months
guys its getting difficult to stay positive about this lol
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maideninorange · 1 year
Oh my, I am not feeling great tonight mentally. And because my brain is stupid, naturally that means I want to draw, but don't know what, because that makes sense.
So uh...If anyone would like to give me things to draw, feel free to send them in. Can't guarantee anything colored, but it would really help.
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walks-the-ages · 2 months
If I see one more post about "trump almost getting assassinated means its the end of the world he's guaranteed to win the election now" I'm going to scream.
First of all, stop doomposting. Get your head out of that mindset, and if you can't get out of that mindset, not filling your dash with doom will genuinely help.
Second of all, Trump was already almost guaranteed to win. If you're anywhere that is not on Tumblr, Biden's polling numbers are atrocious for individual states as well as nation-wide.
~60% of Americans disapprove of Biden.
~67% of Americans want Biden to step down and let another candidate run.
Instead of spending your time crying about how everyone needs to
"Vote for Biden, because even though he's actively commiting genocide right now, at least he promises that he will protect abortion rights and trans rights if he's elected into power for another four years!"
"Vote for Hitler, because while he may not like other people, at least he promises to not take away the rights of Germans here in our country!"
Instead of supporting a genocide (voting for Biden, and trying to convince people to vote for him which is the opposite of beating a dead horse) and thinking the world is going to end if Trump gets elected, you should be
1) Research your other candidate options for November. It takes a single google search of "Presidential election candidates" and it'll come up with countless polls and articles about who all of the independent and third party candidates are.
2) Organizing within your local community, or at the very least, just. Get out there and get to know people. Get to know your neighbors, your cashiers at the local grocery store, join a local gardening Facebook group and start a small food garden, in the ground or in containers. Make some community connections, so if shit hits the fan, you have a local support network, and can help each other.
3) Listen to Palestinians. Listen to Indigenous people. Listen to Black activists. Listen to the marginalized groups who have been begging for years, decades, for people to see that there is no "Lesser Evil" if the side wearing blue hat continues to commit genocide, murders minorities, puts kids in cages, continues to put unlawful embargos on entire nations, and continues to commit war crimes and attempt to topple the governments of other nations.
Project 2025 has been the Republican plan for when they get elected for the last 40 years, they just so happen to have a fancy PDF to fear monger with this year.
The entire world is not going to end if Donald Trump gets elected, and if you truly do think it is, instead of attempting to convince people to vote for a man committing genocide that more than half the country disapproves of, how about you spend your energy on convincing BIDEN to halt all military aid to Israel and to use the troops HE stationed in Israel to actually give aid and prevent more war crimes?
Oh wait. He can't do that, he's already committed so many war crimes. they already dressed up as aid workers and slaughtered 300 innocent people for the "sake" of 2 hostages that Israel has refused all actual negotiations to return them, because Israel literally doesn't care about hostages, it just wants all of Gaza gone and under Israeli control.
You don't fucking bomb the place you think hostages are in, you don't go around slaughtering innocent people if you care about hostages, including slaughtering your own people you're supposedly there to rescue.
Biden literally said that if there were no Israel, America would have to invent its own. His opinion has not changed one bit, and you can see it every time he and his group call college students protesting genocide "outside actors", when he further militarizes the police so they can shoot, beat, and maim peaceful protestors. When he claims to have seen photographs of beheaded babies that don't exist and continues to spout claims long -debunked about October 7th.
"violence does not belong in our politics, but only when it doesn't involve me sadistically supporting crimes against humanity and genocide"
Anyways this post is long and rambling.
Tldr: stop acting like its the end of the world if Trump gets elected. Instead of screaming people need to vote for Genocide Joe, focus your attention on getting him to step down so another candidate can take his place in August. Look up third party candidates, and organize in your local community.
And, don't forget your daily clicks!
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hey-i-am-trying · 4 months
The issues in the server have not been fixed you just have faith they are going to be fixed.
I believe I have been trying to be very nice, to be very respectful of all sides. I have defended and criticized QuackityStudio, Quackity himself, and Léa whenever I saw fit to do so, and I tried to give equal treatment to everyone and be respectful to everyone except those who spread misinformation.
I have been called a Quackity hater, a bootlicker for Quackity, accused of not supporting the admins, accused of hating the project, being told my critical posts were doomposting, and now I am seeing people saying here and on twitter that me not wanting to support the project after the server reset is good. After all, I am a negative fan, I am one of those annoying brazilians that hated Quackity, so good ridence, right?
If you want to believe that the server reset will allow things to get better, that is something you are free to do. But what about not going to people's asks with a passive-aggressive attitude while hiding behind your little anon masks? And I don't mean just my asks  
And that is honestly fine, it is fine to believe things are going to be better. But you don't have to be brilliant to see the red flags that we are still receiving from the current management.
Let's talk about how the current management didn't even care to talk with CherryBee and Ryan properly and ghosted them for months. And don't come with the poor excuse of "they couldn't promise anything, they couldn't apologize", because hey, let you on a little secret, you can talk with someone without promising or apologizing. They decided to end the eggs arc, and nobody seems to know when they made this decision, does it hurt to send an email saying "Unfortunately, we weren't able to continue with the eggs characters". CherryBee and Ryan were not giving the most bar low etiquette that the most soulless corporation could give.  
CherryBee was only contacted recently, she has been hopeful things would get better until being contacted, she and Ryan spoke openly about wanting to return, they didn't even release any statement until this moment. Why were the admins for Richas, Pepito, Leo, Lullah, and Chayanne allowed to say goodbye to the players but Ryan and CherryBee weren't? The only distinction was that they both were openly friends with admins who were fired, let go, or resigned. I am not saying that is the reason why they both weren't contacted but I could tell what that looks like, it looks like retaliation for showing public support to the other ex-admins. God knows what is happening with 춘식, just know they also didn't get to say any goodbye to the players or audience.
Also, let's talk about this clown show here:
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Using the Ricardão(not Richas, Ricardão) farewell for the ghosties as marketing for a figurine one day after Richas officially died is definitely a choice, a dumb one, an incredibly insensitive one, but a choice nonetheless. 
But let's talk about how this shows they didn't stop to exploit the admins even the ones that they fired already. So, Elks(he/it) used to be the head writer of qsmp, but he also was responsible for creating concept art and models for characters. He created the entire design and models of Pomme and Richas, it is the intellectual owner of their designs, seeing as part of its TOS was that he was not relinquishing the rights of the designs for the client. Quackity Studio doesn't have the rights over Richas' and Pomme's designs, Elks was not consulted about the figures, he didn't even know they were being made. 
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The only reason QuackityStudio didn't receive legal consequences for keep selling the figurines is that Elks doesn't have how to at the moment. 
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So is very fun to see QuackityStudio will keep exploiting artists even after firing them.
Believe what the fuck you want to believe will happen next, but don't come to me and act as if your beliefs are based on facts and mine are born out of hysteria.
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sarcastictissy · 4 months
I have a lot of lovely asks and messages from people that I'm not able to respond to yet, but I just want to genuinely thank all of you for it ❤️ I was worried I was letting people down, but I'm so very thankful for everyone that reassured me otherwise. I will respond to you all. I'm not ignoring any of you, I promise.
Now onto something more serious. This is tagged as qsmp neg because I'm about to get really really angry with a certain part of this fandom.
Since Maxo unofficially confirmed qsmp is ending after the event, I've seen so many posts and reblogs along the lines of "the people upset because they had hope are in denial/ delusional/ crazy" or "the people thinking qsmp wasnt dead brought this upon themselves" which, basically, people are making fun of those who've had hope that the server will server. Now, don't get me wrong, we aren't exactly logical by having hope, and you're nit in the wrong for having a joke about people being "in denial" about the server closing.
That being said, the people blogging this only started doing it when Maxo unofficially confirmed its closure. So, technically there was still a small part of you that had hope, too, huh?
Not to mention, we are not in thr wrong for having hope or wanting to hold onto something that brought us so much joy, love, passion and creativity this past year. Leave us be. Let us be "in denial" or "delusional" or whatever you want to call us. It's fun over here. It's bright and positive and we all share the best memories of the past year. We don't WANT to look on the downside because it doesn't help us. It doesn't make sense to be consumed by all this negativity. It's very damaging to people's mental health if all they're seeing is "qsmp is dead" "quackity is cancelled" "all CCs hate qsmp" and other untrue statements.
As long as the fandom lives, qsmp lives. So why are you mocking us for seeing the qsmp in a positive and fun way? We're celebrating its life, not its death. This is a celebration, not a funeral.
I have had so many people message me, send asks, and tag me in posts to thank me for being positive about this situation even in the worst of times. And it's not that I'm saying "the admins are being mistreated? Oh well!" Because I'm not. What I'm doing and what I've done the past 3 or so months is remind people to take a breather, remind people to care for themselves and offer a place for them to vent to. I've shared my favourite moments of qsmp as a way to relive the best times whilst we go through the worst.
Can you not see that? Do you really think it's worth mocking me and others for?
If you genuinely believe I'm crazy or other insults because I see qsmp as a good thing, despite its faults, then please, unfollow me. Block me. Block the 'qsmp positivity' tag.
I will continue to spread hope about qsmp because I need it as much as others do. I owe myself to stay level headed and clear on qsmp because its done so much for me this past year. And so so many others see it the same way. I'm very grateful to be a place of positivity and safety during these trying times. I'm so thankful to everyone who has messaged me, sent me asks, followed me or even became my mutual because of this server.
I am so sorry for anyone that has been incredibly negative and doomposting excessively these past few months. It's very sad you felt the need to bring others down because you were sad too. But the there's a difference between being negative and actively ridiculing others for not being negative. And for those that have been doing the latter, stop. Stop trying to make us feel small for having hope for a server that has been our home for over a year.
If anyone feels like I'm being harsh, it's because I am.
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missycolorful · 7 months
i think the internet within recent years has annihilated actively online people's patience and has rewired their brains to immediately take things at 100% face value without any critical thinking. it's fascinating in the worst way possible.
just. fucking stop with the misinfo and the doomposting and acting like we're in the final stages of the reconstruction of the qsmp team. none of us will have any idea of what's going on until we get actual concrete proof, not word of mouth. you aren't helping anyone by jumping to conclusions
step away from social media for, like, a day, at least, for the love of god. draw in a notebook, go to a yoga session, read a book, do sudoku puzzles!! literally anything else, I promise, you will feel so much better from it.
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rhiaarrow · 7 months
may i say something? i'm starting to get the feeling the qsmp fandom (secretly) enjoys these recent terrible events.
the outrage at wilbur is justified, but at a certain point it became about hating him instead of supporting shubble and other victims of domestic abuse. so many people felt they just had to add their 2 cents even when it was not necessary and did nothing to help the situation.
and now we have this situation with quackity studios. it had only been a couple of hours since the story broke and no one knew the extent of quackity's awareness of the behind the scenes situation and people were already bringing out the torches and pitchforks.
even now that quackity has quickly addressed the situation and apologized and promised to remedy it, people are still posting speculations and nitpicking/doomposting.
It's just the unfortunate part of social media which allows people to gain attention by adding on to already shitty situations. A lot of social media platform algorithms are based solely on interacts meaning people have figured out that rage baiting people can ultimately boost their audience.
It happened with both forever and wilbur where everyone started pitching in their own opinions.
Having an opinion on a situation is totally fine and sharing your opinion on situations as severe as these is totally fine.
But if it's obvious you're doing it for the sake of creating hate or gaining attention through interacts then it's not help anyone. It's just aggravating the situation and taking attention away from people who are actually trying to spreading awareness or provide important information as it gets buried by hate.
With the current situation, it's one that will be sorted behind the scenes and we will be told once it has reached a resolution. In no world does the community have the right to demand immediate results from the team or get upset when we're not given all the information. It is an in-house issue which will be sorted to the best of their ability after the investigation is concluded.
There's no use doom posting or sending mindless hate when we will never truly know what goes on behind the scenes.
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especdreamy · 1 year
MAKING IT CLEAR. i am not trying to doompost about the lore doc not existing i just got reminded of the docs existence (or more like the existence of the promise ranboolive made over the doc) and got hit with such strong psychic damage that I literally started shaking and heavy breathing and cackling like a maniac‼️‼️
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asiogie · 1 year
asia ily i don't feel for doomposting but have a wip i'll probably never finish <3
George might miss the easiness of a hookup and the blended pleasure of bodies moulding together, but in reality, he knew none of it was even comparable to the heady tension bubbling between him and Dream, together at last in person.
Unspoken in the distance yet so loud in the silence, they were an inevitability. Every murmured promise, harsh stolen breath against mics, George’s desire to touch, touch, touch, and only a screen to clutch onto. Dream’s love was forever obvious even if he tried to be quiet about it, as he tried not to feed into George’s awning desperation to finally be allowed to move country. George was grateful, because if he could be allowed to love back whilst unable to cup his cheeks, trace spirals into his skin, kiss until bruised and wanting, he didn’t know what he would have done with himself.
Rub himself raw in discord calls, probably.
Together at last in person, that inevitability was a promise laid bare in golden gazes and lingering touches and twining fingers across the couch cushions. They couldn’t stop laughing, couldn’t stop smiling, and Sapnap was cuddled into George’s side, but it felt right as rain, even as his longing never left.
His eyes couldn’t bear part with Dream’s pretty face, even after they put on his favourite movie for him. His soft curls, his sharp jaw. Pale expanses of neck that begged for imprints of lavender and sea foam green. Long fingers and big hands he knew would fall so heavy on his waist. The blue of the projecting movie cast Dream in a heavenly light and George wanted him. Soon enough, he could have him.
Dream’s eyes met his again and he gave a slow smile, squeezing his hand. Sapnap’s head leaned heavily against his chest, his arms wrapped around his middle as if George were an oversized teddy bear.
He let out a breath and smiled back. He was home.
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bonesandthebees · 11 months
I call blue text, gotta stay on brand.
Sorry for all the doomposting though!! I was just thinking of possible options, I didn't mean to start an entire series of texts about how Tumblr is doomed etc etc, sorry!!
And thank you for the love, Saturn <33 I promise I'll do my best!!
oop you might have to fight icy for the blue text lol
and dw you're fine!! you weren't the only one asking me about it and I did make the post in the first place so it's on me
take care snowflake <33
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warmcoals · 2 years
well i just found the first edm artist that made me feel something in ages, just totally lost in her sound, and im reading thru the track titles like oh no the way these are titled i wonder if theyre dedicated to someb- and it was literally the last album she released. another incredible trans musician killed by this world. just sorta sent a shockwave through me. i dont want us to keep dying, being abandoned or exploited or suffocated or murdered in cold blood. i want to believe theres some small permanent forward progress, not just for those to come, but for us girls in the older (god to even call it that) generation, that we might get to live like, a full life, a life that’s remotely fulfilling and reaches something like old age. is that totally fucking insane? is it any wonder i doompost when everything beautiful is thanks to trans women and every trans woman i know is inches from the edge? what fucking ever dude. girls, i beg you, i plead with you. you dont owe anybody anything. but please. keep living. there’s so much left. i promise. i promise.
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amber-main · 2 years
i've seen many comments about people complaining about dehya's reception, saying that she's "fine" or "good as-is" because they don't really care about "the meta"
and i'd like to ask you, reader, to ponder the following... what is there to be gained if people accept dehya's kit as it is right now? call it a write-off and sit happily wondering when their favourite character is going to release, fully expecting Hoyoverse Almighty to not make them an even worse, less-useful character than dehya at release (pinky promise?)
because dehya Has Problems. a lot of them.
like jump-cancelling her burst ("why are you jumping during her burst?" why do YOU care???? i'm sure you've encountered terrain in your genshin overworld? or perhaps an enemy that freezes you and mandates you mash the jump button to get out of it?)
or her skill uptime, which makes her basically inferior to any shielder at providing interruption resistance for extended periods of time. not to mention that her dmg mitigation still means your characters take damage... just less of it than before ("wow so it's just like beidou or xingqiu, except they also can provide meaningful amounts of damage too?")
or her damage. which is just not good at all compared to basically any character made to Actually Deal Damage. putting aside your hu tao or raiden or ganyu, she does not out-dps a xinyan with similar investment... not to mention that xinyan can actually perform a useful role in other teams without being as clunky as dehya is
and then people say "well the damage is good enough for me, and i really like the way she looks, so i'm fine with it"
okay??? well consider the following.... what if.... What If she was just as pretty and, oh i don't know, Also Did Damage. Or A Useful Role... wouldn't that be nice?
the raiden and alhaitham simps have it nice, 'cause their waifu/husband totally looks amazing and OH WAIT, also does considerable amounts of damage WHILE ALSO contributing to their team.
given the choice, wouldn't you also want your favourite character to be the coolest, most overpowered character in the game?
wouldn't you like it if the way that they're talked about in the story, being a fierce fighter with formidable skills and lots of experience, be reflected in the gameplay?
wouldn't you love it if the character you like was not getting doomposted over by other players? as in... wouldn't there just be MORE to enjoy about dehya if she did do Actual Damage, or provide Meaninful Amounts of Utility to her team?
so what's the point of bootlicking a multi-billion-dollar corporation's crappy decisions, and telling them it doesn't matter if a character is almost entirely useless as long as you think they're pretty?
because other people DO care whether their favourite character does damage, or provide some tangible benefits in gameplay, and who's to say they don't deserve a likeable character with damage and utility?
because that's what the kazuha mains have. that's what the zhongli mains got.
and you should deserve that too.
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