#not counting abbie because she will never not be pooki
gh0str3c0rd3r · 9 months
i now have no pooki bears😔😔
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wosoimagines · 5 years
Scheming - Tierna Davidson/Reader
Guys, this is like my fifth imagine today. I don’t know if it has to do with the fact that I got almost 10 hours of sleep last night or that I had my ice coffee this afternoon, but I love it.
prompt: Could you do one where baby R is Rapinoe and Ashlyn (and by default Ali cuz those two are crackheads) are her team moms. They always get into crazy schemes and their latest scheme is helping R ask Tierna on a date. Fluff and crack, please?
warnings: Mentions of Anxiety
words: 2357
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I ducked my head as Tierna sent me a wink. Although I was normally flirty with everyone, Tierna was the one person I didn’t normally flirt with due to my crush on her. My face heated up and I realized my mistake as soon as my cheek was poked.
“Pookie, I think someone’s got a crush,” Megan announced to Ash. I quickly looked between the two. Both of them were grinning like a Cheshire cat.
“No, I don’t,” I denied. But it was no use. Both of them were convinced that they were right, and they weren’t wrong.
“She does,” Ash cooed. I groaned and swatted their hands away from me. I had drifted close to Ash and Megan when I first joined the team and it lead me to become their team daughter. Ali has also been considered one of my team moms cause her and Ash were together. I loved Ash and Megan, but it was times like this that they could get on my nerves.
It wasn’t the first time that they had found out that I had a crush on someone. I just hoped that they didn’t get involved this time. Last time didn’t end ideally. 
“You guys can’t get involved with it,” I immediately said. They both went to protest but I shook my head. “Last time it ended horribly.”
“This won’t be like last time,” Megan assured. I knew that she wasn’t honest about that. It would be just as bad, if not worse because they personally knew who I was crushing on.
“So, which of our teammates do you have a crush on?” Ash prodded. I shook my head at her and turned back to my textbook. It was the whole reason why everyone had left mine and Ash’s room. So that I could study. Ash grabbed the book off the desk. “No, you have to tell us before you can continue to study.”
“Hey! I have to study,” I complained. I reached for my book but Megan helped Ash from keeping me from my textbook. “Guys, come on. I have to study. I have to pass my tests.”
“Yeah, yeah, we know. You have to get your bioengineering degree because of tuition,” Megan rolled her eyes. There were times where I was happy that Ali was here to stop our fun because if she wasn’t then I would never get any studying done. “Tell us who you’re crushing on and we’ll leave you alone about it.”
“Ash, this is serious,” I said.
“I know,” Ash nodded but she didn’t go to hand me my book back. “You have a crush on one of our teammates. Do you know what that means? You guys are going to be the next Krashlyn.”
The door opened and we all looked at it because we had no idea who had one of our key cards. Ali walked in and I wasn’t too surprised to see her. Ali would steal Ash’s key card so that she could get into the room when she wanted. Ali took one look at us before she glared at Ash.
“What’s going on here?” Ali asked. All that did was cause the three of us to immediately start talking at once. “Hey! I can’t hear you all at once! Megan?”
“Okay, so, (Y/N) has a crush on one of our teammates,” Megan threw a wicked grin at me. I rolled my eyes because Ali already knew. “We’re trying to get her to tell us who it is.”
Ali turned to me. I smirked because I knew that Ali would set Ash and Megan straight. Ash’s shoulders dropped because she knew it too. I didn’t even have to open my mouth yet for her to know.
“I’m trying to study,” I motioned to my book in Ash’s hands. “That’s why everyone left, and now they won’t let me because I won’t tell them who I have a crush on.”
“Give her the book,” Ali glared at Ash. Ash handed me the book before Ali dragged Megan and Ash out to the hallway to talk to them.
I grinned as I sat at the desk to continue studying. I had admitted my crush to Ali after Tierna had decided to declare for the 2019 NWSL Draft. I was disappointed that we wouldn’t be back at Stanford together for our senior year since I decided not to enter the draft a year early. Eventually, Ash and Megan were let back into the room with Ali following behind them.
They turned on the TV and tried to find something to watch, but nothing seemed to satisfy them. Their attention turned to me and I could tell because they weren’t quiet when they mentioned my name to each other. I looked back at Ali in case she knew what they were talking about but she shook her head.
“Is it Mal?” Megan asked me. I glanced back at her. I wasn’t going to answer the question. “(Y/N), is it Mal? I bet it is because you aren’t answering.”
“No, I don’t have a crush on Mal. She’s straight.”
“I told you it wasn't Mal!” Ash cheered. I shook my head at their antics. “I know who it is. She has a crush on Sonnett.”
I rolled my eyes at that because while Sonny and I were close, I didn’t have a crush on her. Sonny and I tended to pull pranks together and we loved to goof off. I loved spending time with Sonny, but I didn’t have a crush on her.
“You’re both idiots,” Ali said. The forward and keeper looked at Ali in surprise. “She doesn’t have a crush on either of them. It’s none of the five dynamic best friends.”
“You’ve known and you haven’t told me?” Ash gasped. I knew that Ali could keep a secret and she would respect the fact that I didn’t want help to get with Tierna.
“Yeah, cause I don’t scheme a plan to get her with her crush,” Ali pointed out. Ash nodded in agreement.
“But that’s half the fun of getting a date for (Y/N),” Megan grinned. It wasn’t fun for me. It normally just gave me anxiety.
“Don’t,” Ali warned. She gave Ash a pointed look who reluctantly nodded in agreement. I had gone to Ali after their last attempt at helping me ask my crush out had been a bust and left me embarrassed. Ali had understood and she wanted me to tell the two of them, but I didn’t want to disappoint Megan and Ash.
“It wouldn’t be Julie, Crystal, Sam, or Moe because they all have husbands,” Megan counted off. She was still trying to figure it out. “Alex is the youngest you would date, but you know that she’s taken. You don’t like A.D. like that. Maybe Abby?”
“No, it can’t be Abby. Remember? When she told us about her crushes on Christen and Kelley, she told us that she could never be with someone who went to UCLA,” Ash said. It took Ash a moment but she gasped. “It’s Baby T. Oh, that’s adorable. You have a crush on your Stanford roommate.”
“I can’t wait to tell Sonnett!” Megan cheered. She jumped up onto the bed and danced a little before pointing at me. “She’ll say ‘And they were roommates,’ every time she passes you.”
I groaned because I knew they weren’t going to drop it. I looked at Ali for help. Ali put down her book and turned to Ash and Megan.
“You two know,” Ali said. Both of them turned their attention to her. “Now you don’t get to do anything about it. (Y/N)’s 20, she can handle it herself.”
My phone lit up with a text. I looked at it and it was from Tierna. She was asking if I wanted to go out with her to get some ice cream. I grinned and texted her that I’d be there in a minute. I shut my textbook causing the others to look at me. I ignored them as I threw my shoes and a hoodie on. I grabbed my wallet and phone off the bedside table.
“I’ll be back before curfew,” I said as I headed out the door. I heard them call out to me, but I ignored them. I didn’t want them to know that I was going to see Tierna.
Ashlyn POV
Once Ali left the room, Megan turned to me. Megan gave me a smile and I knew that she was planning something. Usually, that smile meant that I would get in trouble.
“You know, we have to get (Y/N) together with Tierna,” Megan said. I nodded in agreement, but I also knew that Ali had been serious about letting (Y/N) handle it. “Our kid is not gonna get anything done. All she will do is let Tierna stay oblivious to (Y/N)’s crush.”
“So what’s the plan then?” I asked. It would have to be something that would actually work this time. Ali would let it slid if we successfully got (Y/N) with Tierna. “If I get in trouble with Ali again, she’s gonna make me sleep on the couch. It can be comfy, but I wanna sleep in my bed with Ali.”
“It’ll go great,” Megan assured. I was a little reluctant, but this was important. We had to get (Y/N) and Tierna together. “We can even get Sonnett to help us. She can help us drop hints to Tierna and run interference with (Y/N) if we need to talk to Tierna.”
“All right, let’s do it.”
I could tell that Ash and Megan had something planned, but I couldn’t tell what it was. I had a feeling that I would be the one who would be getting pranked today. I stayed closer to Tierna as we talked to each other. I was surprised when Sonny walked past us.
“And they were roommates,” Sonny smirked. My eyes narrowed at her as Tierna gave me a confused look. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Tierna asked.
All Sonny did was raise her eyebrows at me. I clenched my jaw because I knew that it meant that Ash and Megan had told her about my crush. I glanced at Tierna and sent her a sorry look. I rushed after Sonnett and grabbed her arm.
“What are Ash and Megan planning?” I asked.
“Don’t worry about it,” Sonny assured. She nodded to Tierna. “You’ll have a date with Tierna by the end of practice.”
My anxiety shot up immediately. I searched her face for any indication that she was lying. But there was none. I groaned and looked for Megan and Ash, but I couldn’t find them. I looked for Ali but before I could say anything to her the whistle was blown for practice to start.
“Just relax, (Y/N), they’ve got this,” Sonny said. She patted my shoulder before running off. I sighed before following her.
I was anxious throughout practice and it threw off my game. Jill had gotten onto me a couple of times, but nothing was helping with my mind focus on whatever Ash and Megan were planning. Tierna seemed to notice and she tried to help me out, but it didn’t help me much.
I finally allowed myself to relax at the end of practice. However, I did decide to hang out on the field longer than the others to get some extra practice in since I hadn’t done that great. Tierna hung back too.
“Want some help?” Tierna asked. I nodded and we really just played 1v1. I was still a little distracted, but it felt nice to be the only one out here with Tierna. I didn’t have to worry about Ash or Megan just blurting it out to Tierna about my crush.
“Where’s your head at?” Tierna asked. I sighed as I looked at her. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to tell her or not. “Normally you’re focused and nothing can distract you.”
“Do you wanna go on a date with me?” I asked. Tierna was taken back by the question. I looked away from her. “That’s it. I just need to ask you before Ash and Megan ask you for me in some embarrassing way that I will die from. It’s fine if you don’t. I would completely understand-”
“Hey, no, I’d love to go on a date with you,” Tierna cut me off. I looked at her in surprise. “I’m actually a little surprised that Ali didn’t tell you.”
“Tell me what?”
“That she’s had a crush on you since you guys were sophomores,” Ali’s voice said. We both turned to look at her. “I’m actually really disappointed that it took you two this long to go on a date. With that being said, you guys have reservations tomorrow. I planned it ahead for you guys. Or well, I helped Tierna plan it.”
I looked at Tierna in confusion. I didn’t even realize that she had a crush on me. But I was really surprised by the fact that she had Ali help her plan a date with me.
“I told Tierna that she should ask you out before Ash and Megan set you up with Sonnett,” Ali admitted. I was confused about that because I knew that they both were aware that I had a crush on Tierna. “Just be wary when you guys walk into the locker rooms. Ash and Megan are gonna try to lock you guys into one of the utility closets.”
“Thanks,” I said causing Ali to nod her head at me. I watched as Ali headed inside before I turned to Tierna. “So, you’ve had a crush on me?”
“I could say the same about you,” Tierna pointed out.
“What do you say we go get locked in that closet and pretend to have sex to freak my team mom’s out?” I asked Tierna. She laughed at the idea but nodded in agreement. It would be the perfect way for me to get back at them for putting me on edge all day.
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