#not chao
lets-raise-chao · 8 months
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All of the design polls are concluded, and here's what I came up with based on the results! "Cute" fashion turned out to be harder to figure out than I anticipated, so I hope this met the mark lol
I was originally going to run a name poll also but I wasn't sure if I'd get a decent amount of suggestions and didn't want to drag this out anymore, so I decided to name them myself.
So, introducing the caretaker of this garden...
Aura the Firefly!
They love chao for their versatile nature, and love to experiment with different ways of raising them. They also just think they're super cute and fun to play with!
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catchymemes · 1 month
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daily-spooky · 6 months
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wellthatschaotic · 9 months
yes trans people can be hot and sexy and cute but most importantly they're normal. yes fat people can be hot and sexy and cute but most importantly they're normal.
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calista-222 · 1 month
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I always kinda thought Chip looked a little like a chao... then this comic happened! (Not a reincarnation situation or anything, just a chao that looks like Chip in the same way that some chao can look like Sonic, Knuckles, Amy etc.)
Probably brings back some memories for Sonic!
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vulcan-moon · 1 month
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realised i never posted these comic pages for my chaos user amy headcanon oopsie
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lily-s-world · 4 months
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It was Jensen!!
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epiph-annie · 5 months
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find me where the wild things are
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ancientpersacom · 5 months
“They made them a conveniently attractive twink omg ruined design yap yap”
I will defend this design to the ends of the earth. Yes they’re hot, that’s merely a bonus.
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1) that’s not a shirt that’s a fucking Galaxy under that suit. Mf has no body, just a vaguely body shaped void. Meaning floating head and hands that aren’t attached to anything. You take those clothes off and it’s the fucking void. They’re non binary AND sexless. Beyond any physical body, just shaped like it for fun.
2) the old bodies head dead in their hands and simultaneously birthing a foetus. That’s the circle of life, a rebirth, a metamorphosis. Chaos is above a god, they’re primordial. They don’t have a permanent appearance or identity. They’re ever changing. They look like this now, but if there were another game, they’d change again. They’re always changing, killing their old self and reshaping it. The wings have also moved and grown from the head to the back. Chaos expands indefinitely, bigger and unable to be contained in any way. They don’t even need wings, they can float. But they decided to have them anyway, just because. Because they can.
3) this is Ancient Greece. Suits don’t exist yet. Chaos took clothing from thousands of years in the future. They’re beyond time itself, they’re not effected by Chronos in any way. They’re in their own realm outside of time an space, they know things from the past, present and future.
4) the hair being the same colour as and long like many of their grandchildren, family resemblance there. Almost like they’re,,, missing them. Despite being this omnipresent being beyond human emotion, they still care in their own way. Copying them to feel some form of deeper connection.
5) the earth is an earring now. That’s how inconsequential it is to a being like chaos. It’s just there, an accessory, nothing special.
I could go on. Maybe I’m reading too deep into it but given the fact all the designs in the first and second games tend to have symbolism in them based on the myths the gods come from and what they represent, I don’t think I’m too insane for seeing symbolism here.
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lets-raise-chao · 8 months
Two things I'm considering:
Thinking of skipping the egg hatching poll for future chao. It was kind of funny at first but considering there's already a lot of polls to run for baby chao it feels like it's unnecessary
Thinking of posting primarily in-character once the character polls conclude (unless marking a post as OOC)
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danidoodels · 4 months
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They're twins your honor
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daily-spooky · 3 months
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Pastel colored moths 🌸
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bats-and-the-birds · 2 months
Been thinking about a Batfam meets the Justice League situation where Nightwing has been in the League for a bit a no one knows how he's connected to Batman. And for one reason or another, the League grudgingly needs Deathstroke's help for a mission. And Deathstroke agrees to help, but specifies "no Bats".
And the Justice League assumes he just means "no Batman". So the bring Nightwing with them, and also do not tell him about this stipulation.
-the justice league approaches Deathstroke on a rooftop-
-Deathstroke immidiately turns to leave-
Green Arrow: Wait, I thought you agreed to help us!
Deathstroke: And I thought you agreed no Bats.
Flash: We did! We left Bats back at the Watchtower.
Deathstroke: No. No Bats. Plural. Not only did you disobey me, you brought the worst of the bunch.
Nightwing: Aw, and here I thought I was your favorite.
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catchymemes · 3 days
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