#not bending over backwards to help people or thinking of her next move.. shes spiritually never taken off her goofy rubber boots ok
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starphenie · 1 year ago
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whenever i think of how nikki's personality has changed from her first game to her latest i get so emotional.. bring back silly lazy genki girl nik </3
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jaxsteamblog · 4 years ago
Click here to read the entire fic on AO3
The day after the eclipse, Katara still felt weak. But even as she struggled to walk very far on her own, she was still shoving Zuko to leave.
“You are the Fire Lord. You can’t be spending all of your time in the North Pole.” She snapped angrily. Her quilt was piled on top of her but still dragged behind her as she pushed against Zuko’s back. While he was a slender man, he was still taller than her and had been trained to not be pushed around by an invalid. 
“Katara, I can’t leave you like this.” He said.
“I have my family here, plus the palace staff, and the oasis. I’m fine.” She stated.
“That’s all well and good but I, your intended husband who will be caring for you the rest of your life, cannot leave you like this.” 
Katara stopped pushing and rested her head against his back.
“They’re going to overthrow you and, I don’t know, put Azula on the throne and I do not need that pain in my life.” She said. 
“You make a good point and I am slightly conflicted.” Zuko said. He craned his neck to look at her behind him. “I want to talk to Sokka first.” 
“And you go back to bed.”
Katara yelped as Zuko turned and picked her up, walking her over to the bed and dumping her onto the pile of blankets and pillows.
“The doctor put you on bedrest.” He said.
“I am the greatest healer in all three tribes!” Katara said.
Zuko turned and started to walk out of the bedroom.
“I healed my own wounds in an active battlefield!” She yelled after him. “No one can tell me what to do!”
Zuko said nothing as he left, shutting the door behind him. 
“I bet he’d change his tune if he were stuck in a bed.” Katara muttered, nonetheless burying herself in the warm nest they had constructed over the past few days. 
She must have dozed off, because the next moment had her startle upwards as her door slammed open.
“Shush!” Zuko’s voice was sharp.
“She’s going to kill you regardless.” Sokka said angrily.
Sitting up, Katara pulled her quilt back over her head like a hood. Sokka stood in the doorway with Zuko’s arm around his neck. Her brother held onto Zuko and Katara looked down.
His right leg was in a cast.
“Spirits above, what on earth happened?” Katara asked.
Sokka grumbled incoherently as he staggered forward, supporting Zuko, and led him to the bed. 
“I broke my leg.” Zuko said, easing himself onto the bed as Katara moved over. 
“I can see that, yeah.” Katara retorted, annoyed.
“This idiot got into another fight with our father, tried to do something stupid to prove a stupid point, and fell off a wall.” Sokka clarified. 
“You did what?” Katara exclaimed.
Zuko looked calm as he got comfortable on the bed. He then turned and looked at her, seemingly unbothered.
“I broke my leg.” He repeated.
“Zuko!” Katara grabbed a pillow and hit him with it. 
“Tui’s gills and La’s fins, I hope she beats some sense into you.” Sokka grumbled. 
“I can’t heal you right now!” Katara said. “I’ll exhaust myself resetting a bone.” 
“As you can see, the bone has already been set and I am in a cast. I can heal like the normal people that aren’t engaged to the greatest healer of all three tribes.” Zuko said. 
Katara hit him with the pillow again. 
The palace, remembering Zuko’s previous unannounced visit to the North Pole, was more prepared for his stay this time. A temporary space was made for him in Katara’s office, and Zuko made a call back to Caldera. 
The prime minister, having an irascible relationship with Zuko at best, inquired how long he would be away. Katara had forced Zuko to say three days, as she would have her full strength back and be able to heal his injury at that point. 
His assistant Toyo, a man Katara couldn’t totally pin down, was on a chartered flight that night with all of Zuko’s accumulating paperwork. 
In the North Pole, Arnook was doubly displeased. He had kept to himself after Katara’s coronation, but after Zuko’s own crowning, something had set him off again. 
Katara wanted to assume the former king would be pleased with the results, all things considered. 
Sokka kept Arnook away, yet Katara knew that stressed him out. Things had already been tense with the eclipse, and now it was getting worse. 
“What did you two fight about?” Katara asked as she helped Zuko get ready for bed. 
“It was something ridiculous, and not at all the point.” He said, moving awkwardly to assist more than he needed to. Katara swatted his hands away and gently pulled his pajama pants up over his cast. 
“What do you mean?” She pressed.
“Well it’s obvious they don’t trust me.” He said.
“Sure, but I do and so does Thuy. And we can beat you up if we need to.” 
Zuko gave a bark of laughter and Katara sat back to let him adjust his waistband. 
“Your dad isn’t worried about me hurting you, though that’s what he says. He’s worried about my people.” He said.
“They won’t do anything to me.”
“They already tried.”
“That was your father, you know that.”
“Katara, come on, you know what they’re saying.”
“And? They’re saying the same things about you here.” Katara laid back and Zuko held her awkwardly, the rough cast bumping into her legs. 
“Yeah but-” He started and she clapped her hand once firmly against his chest.
“You matter, stop it. You’re going to be my husband. You are going to be part of the tribe.” Katara stated. 
Zuko held her hand against his chest and looked up at the ceiling. 
“I just want them to know I’m not planning on taking you away. That I want to be a part of the tribe.” He said. Turning his head, they looked at each other. 
“They’ll get it.” Katara said.
Toyo arrived bright and early, immediately putting Zuko to work. Arnook, grumbling about the growing red stain, shut himself in his rooms with his wife. 
Suki and Thuy showed up with Rohan, mostly to make fun of Zuko. Whale Thuy and Rohan pestered both Zuko and Toyo, Suki slipped off to wherever Sokka was hiding.
As she felt better, Katara wandered through the palace, wondering where her family had gone.
Unfortunately, she ran into Malina.
“Oh! Katara!” Malina said, smiling brightly after the surprise. “Are you feeling better?”
“Much.” Katara replied, slipping her hands into her sleeves like a muff. 
“Are you looking for your father?”
“I think they’re together actually.”
“Wonderful.” Katara croaked and Malina’s smile fell. 
“You know, your father misses you terribly.” She said.
“He seems to be filling his time just fine.” Katara shot back. 
Malina sighed but didn’t fight back.
“I think your father and Sokka are in our rooms.” She said and walked away, leaving Katara to make her way alone.
Her family and Arnook kept their private rooms close to Katara’s and it wasn’t an arduous journey by any means. But as she approached the door, she saw Suki outside, leaning against the wall. 
“Hey.” Katara called out. Suki turned and stood up.
“How are you feeling?” She asked as Katara approached.
“A lot better. I might be able to heal Zuko tomorrow.” She replied.
“Don’t push yourself.”
“I won’t.”
The conversation died and Katara tilted her head.
“Is everything okay?” She asked.
Suki sighed and rubbed the back of her neck; a gesture she borrowed from Sokka. 
“Sokka hasn’t been here since before we all went to the Swamp. It’s making him anxious.” She said. 
“What about you?” 
Suki shrugged.
“Is Sokka with my dad?” Katara inquired.
“Yeah. I wouldn’t bother them right now.” Suki said, glancing at the door. 
Katara followed her gaze and frowned.
That night, Katara tested her bending as she washed under Zuko’s cast. It didn’t tire her as quickly as she feared, and Katara knew she’d be able to heal him at the Oasis. 
“How does it feel?” She asked as she dumped the dirty water.
“It aches, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.” Zuko answered, hopping backwards onto the bed. 
“We’ll get the cast off tomorrow and you’ll be back on your feet by the afternoon.” Katara said, joining him under the blankets.
“Are you sure that’s not too soon?” Zuko asked. 
“It’s nothing I can’t handle.” She quipped and Zuko grumbled in annoyance. 
“I don’t want to leave you.” He said.
“It’s only a few more months until the wedding. Then I become Fire Lady and I’ll be in Caldera all the time.” 
“No you won’t.”
“Watch me.”
“No one here is going to let you be in Caldera for very long.” 
“No one else here is Queen of the Water Tribes.” Katara snuggled close to Zuko and she smiled as he kissed the top of her head. 
The next morning, the doctor arrived to cut away Zuko’s cast. He brought a wheelchair and Katara pushed him down the halls toward the Oasis. Thuy and Rohan joined them, chattering about the Oasis and other spiritual places in the world. 
To her surprise, a lot of other people were waiting for them at the entrance. Arnook and his wife, Hakoda and Malina, plus Sokka and Suki.
“This is a sacred place, Fire Lord.” Arnook said before Katara could ask about his presence. She frowned but Zuko nodded.
“Of course.” He said.
Katara ignored them and wheeled Zuko in, careful not to jostle his leg as they went over the bricked path. Stopping before the bridge, Katara walked around and started to take off her parka. 
“What’s going on?” Zuko asked.
“I’m getting in.” Katara replied. 
“I thought we were going to the pond.” Zuko said.
“No need.” Katara said, dropping her outer layers on the grass. “I’m close enough to La I can practically hear its weird, fishy thoughts.” 
Walking to the edge, Katara touched her foot to the water. It always surprised her when she found it warm. She continued into the water, slipping a bit on the slick mud under her feet.
When the water reached to her waist, she turned and looked at the gathered audience. 
“Can someone bring him to me?” She asked. 
Sokka stepped forward but Zuko held up his hand.
“Wait, I need you to promise me something.” He said.
Katara crossed her arms over her chest and eyed him.
“What?” She asked.
“You only heal the leg.” Zuko said.
“What?” Katara repeated, confused. 
“Not the lightning and not the burn.” He said.
“Only the leg.”
They stared at each other and Katara sighed when she gave up.
“Fine.” She said.
Sokka helped Zuko up and steadied him as he hopped to the bank. He sat at the edge and put his legs in as Katara held out her hands.
“Only the leg.” He said again.
“I promise.” She replied. 
Zuko pushed himself off the bank and Katara caught him as he sank into the water. 
Having him close and being in the Oasis, Katara felt her heart hammering in her chest. With every beat, light shimmered over the top of the water. Joy filled her and Katara squeezed Zuko. He hugged her tightly and they both started laughing. As he was still trying to hold himself up on one leg and with the mud offering nothing in return, they both slid as they held each other. 
Katara gasped when she went under but Zuko hauled her back up, sputtering and trying to shake her hair out of her face.
Blinded by her hair, she jumped when Zuko suddenly kissed her. Still, she relaxed and kissed him back, pushing her hair back after he pulled away. 
“I love you.” He said. 
“I love you.” Katara murmured. 
“You’re soaked.” Zuko said and laughed again.
“Well you’re…” Katara gasped and pushed on his chest. “You’re standing up!”
“Yeah, you healed me.” He said.
“I didn’t!” She exclaimed and Zuko frowned.
The glow on the water dimmed and they both turned to look back at the grass.
Everyone was looking at the pond past the bridges.
Sokka suddenly sat down and Suki crouched next to him, rubbing his back. Arnook and his wife held onto each other, while Hakoda and Malina walked to the water’s edge.
Hakoda held out his hand to Zuko.
“Welcome to the family.” He said.
Zuko hesitated but took the offered hand and Hakoda pulled him out of the water. As water streamed from his clothes, Zuko pulled up his pant leg to look at his injury. The skin was smooth and unbroken, without even a bruise to hint at the break. 
“What happened?” Katara asked, pushing herself onto the bank and looking around.
“When you went under the water, a black circle glowed where you had been.” Malina said and then looked back at the pond. “And the pond glowed white.”
“Yue?” Katara asked anxiously, taking a step toward the bridge.
“No.” Hakoda said. “But, it was Tui.” 
“It was her.” Sokka said, his voice thick. “She.”
He cut off and lowered his head, putting his hands on the back of his neck while Suki hugged his side. 
“She told him he didn’t need her forgiveness.” Suki said. 
“She said we shouldn’t seek forgiveness for falling in love.” Arnook corrected, finally turning around. “Still, I feel I should apologize to you, Fire Lord.” 
“Oh.” Zuko said, moving to stand beside Katara. “It’s okay.”
“Katara.” Hakoda said and Katara glared at him.
“Don’t ruin it.” She said. “I’m not Tui.”
Holding onto Zuko’s hand, Katara used her bending to remove the Oasis water from their bodies. After returning it, she bent down to grab her clothes and walked off. 
She had done the healing she had come to do and that was enough. 
“Hey.” Sokka said, grabbing onto the parka under her arm and forcing her to stop. 
Katara looked down at him and Suki.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“Can I have a hug?” He asked in reply.
Katara dropped Zuko’s hand and her clothes, falling onto Sokka. They hugged and Katara pressed her cheek against Sokka’s. 
Then again, she’d do anything for her brother. 
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pocket-luv101 · 5 years ago
Across Time || Chapter 13
Fandom: Servamp Ships: KuroMahi (main), LawLicht (side) Characters: Kuro, Mahiru, Hyde, Licht
Summary: Mahiru falls into a well and is taken to a new, fantasy world. He comes across a half-blooded cat demon trapped in a tree. After he frees Kuro, he helps him collect the shards of the sacred jewel. (KuroMahi, InuYasha AU)
Ch.1 || Ch.2 || Ch.3 || Ch.4 || Ch.5 || Ch.6 || Ch.7 || Ch.8 || Ch.9 || Ch.10 || Ch.11 || Ch.12 || (Ch.13) ||
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“I feel terrible for Licht. He lost his family and village in one day. I know food won’t magically make everything better for him but I hope this meal helps. Thank you for helping me gather ingredients. I would’ve chased that chicken for hours if you weren’t there.” Mahiru said to Kuro as they walked back to the demon slayer villager.
They came to the village to learn more about the sacred jewel but Mahiru wanted to give Licht time to recover before they asked him anything. While they went to collect food, Hyde stayed behind to tend to Licht’s injuries. Mahiru cupped the jewel shards in his hands and bit his lip. “I never imagined such tiny things could destroy a village. Touma targeted the demon slayers because we refused to help him collect the shards.”
Kuro recalled the previous two times the faced the spider demon. A few worries crossed his mind but he didn’t know if he should voice them. He didn’t want to frighten Mahiru. At the same time, they needed to be prepared. “I think it’s more than that. Touma wanted Licht to fight you since your powers won’t harm a human. He mentioned a woman named Hanako as well.”
“Hanako was my mother’s name.” He told him. The hatred in Touma’s voice when he said made Mahiru wince. “I don’t know why he resents my mother. Well, the Hanako of this time. This is likely a similar situation with my uncle where they appear identical and have the same name. But, in the end, they’re different people. Toru said she died already and she didn’t have me— I mean, a child.”
“She was a priestess who protected the sacred jewel. I can imagine the reason he hates her is that he tried to take the jewel and she stopped him. Before I was pinned to the tree, many demons knew of the Shirota family.” Kuro reasoned. While his words were logical, Mahiru couldn’t help but think that there was more behind Touma’s anger.
“Whatever the reason, I doubt we can simply stop Touma by talking with him. We have to gather more shards than him or else defeating him will be impossible. Hopefully, Licht can tell us something that will help us gather the shards faster. He wants to fight Touma as well so we have a new member to our group now.” Mahiru tried to be positive. “I can make several different dishes out of these ingredients. Which do you think would cheer Licht up the most?”
“Everything you cook tastes good so it doesn’t matter what you make him.” Kuro said and the compliment made Mahiru blush. He was a chef and people often praised his food. Yet, it meant more when he heard it from Kuro.
They stopped in front of the house they left Licht to rest in. He lifted the paper drape for Mahiru and they walked inside. After a few steps, they found Hyde collapsed on the ground and Licht missing. Kuro instinctively dropped the food he carried and raced to his brother’s side. He knelt next to him and lightly shook his shoulders.
“Let me see him.” Mahiru checked his vitals. He only started to learn medicine and healing but Kuro trusted him to tend to his brother. “I don’t sense anything strange with his spiritual energy and he’s breathing fine. There’s a nasty bump on the back of his head though. Do you think a demon came and attacked him?”
“A regular demon wouldn’t be able to knock out my brother so easily. The house doesn’t smell different from when we left it so someone didn’t come while we were gone.” He said. Licht wasn’t in the hut and Kuro wondered what happened before they arrived. The best way to learn was to wake up Hyde and ask him. He lightly shook him again and said: “Time to wake up, Hyde.”
“I never thought I’ll ever find a deeper sleepier than you but it must run in your family.” Mahiru joked. His teasing caused a small chuckle to escape him before Kuro returned his focus on waking Hyde. He was worried for his brother but Mahiru’s presence kept him calm.
“Shit,” Hyde cursed as he opened his eyes. He started to sit up but Kuro stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. He glanced around the room and he couldn’t see Licht. Finally, he looked back to Kuro and Mahiru who appeared confused. “I told you that it was a crazy idea to work with demon slayers. The moment he woke up, he tried to leave. Then he kicked me when I tried to stop him!”
“Licht wouldn’t leave so suddenly like that. He agreed to tell us about the jewel and he wants revenge for what happened to his village.” Mahiru glanced out the window to the ruined homes. As they returned to the village, Licht fell unconscious. He could only imagine what he thought when he woke and saw his home. An idea came to him and he stood. “I think I know where he went. I’ll go get him.”
“I’ll stay here with Hyde. I doubt he’ll want to talk with two demons after seeing what hundreds of them did to his village.” Kuro had the same thought as Mahiru and he agreed it was best if he talked with him alone. They nodded to each other before Mahiru left.
He wasn’t familiar with the layout of the village but he knew where Licht would want to go first. Mahiru walked to the east side of the village and found Licht sitting in front of the graves. They had buried the villagers after they found the village. He wished that they discovered the village sooner so they could’ve helped them.
Mahiru hesitated to approach Licht. He wanted to give his condolences but he didn’t know how he should phase it. When his mother died, he felt alone and words from strangers didn’t help him. He stepped forward and his footsteps made Licht turn around. Silence passed between them until the small cat nudged Licht’s leg.
“Thank you for giving my family a proper burial. You marked their grave as well. Our village is small but it must’ve been a lot of work for you to bury everyone.” Licht bowed his head slightly to Mahiru. He turned back to the graves and picked a flower. He twirled the flower between his fingers before he placed it on the grave. “Do you recall burying a woman with blond hair? Which grave is hers?”
“I believe she was buried on the far right.” Mahiru gestured to the grave. Licht walked to the mound and knelt in front of the dirt.
“She was my mother. My father went to Touma’s to help slay a demon plaguing their castle. We didn’t question that it was a trap. His body is still there likely. I want to bring his body home and bury him next to my mother. Angels fight together because… That’s how we survive.” He echoed the words his family lived by but the sight before him dulled the sentiment.
“We’ll do everything we can to help you.” Mahiru promised. He placed his hand on Licht’s shoulder and smiled warmly. “If there’s anything else you need, tell us. Kuro and Hyde are demons but they’re good people. Once your wounds have fully healed, we’ll go to the castle for your father and the other slayers. Are you well enough to walk back to the hut?”
“An arrow isn’t enough to stop an angel.” Licht brushed aside his concern. He stood but his legs were unsteady beneath him. When he fought them, he pushed his injured body further than he should’ve. The jewel shard suppressed his pain but he lost a lot of blood. He swayed on his feet until Kirara grew large enough for him to lean on it.
Licht climbed onto the nekomata’s back and scratched its ear. He whispered, “We’re the only ones left in the demon slayer village.”
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“This was where the jewel was born?” Mahiru stood at the mouth of a cave and peered inside. His spiritual abilities weren’t refined but he could still sense the intense power within the cave. He moved closer to Kuro’s side and lightly gripped his sleeve. Kuro placed his hand over his and squeezed his fingers comfortingly. There was a faint glow within the darkness. “I think a shard is inside.”
“Our luck is finally turning around then. We can get answers and another shard of the jewel at the same time.” Hyde said and walked forward to enter the cave. He didn’t notice how Licht stopped Mahiru and Kuro from doing the same. An invisible barrier stopped him and sent currents of electricity through him. He fell backwards and groaned in pain.
“Are you okay, Hyde?” Mahiru and Kuro rushed to help him sit up. “What happened?”
“There’s a barrier in front of the gate.” Hyde turned his glare from the entrance to Licht. “You could’ve warned us first, Angel Cakes.”
“I’ve studied barriers but I don’t see the talismans often used to create them. If I can find them, I might be able to bend the barrier enough for us to pass.” Mahiru scanned the mouth of the cave for markings. He stood where Hyde did before he was stopped by the barrier. Hesitantly, he stretched out his hand to touch the barrier and purify it.
He passed over the line with ease. In shock, he turned back to the three and walked back to them. Kuro was confused but he walked over the line the as well. As they tried to make sense of the barrier, Licht watched them silently. Mahiru worried his lips and tried to remember the different barriers that existed. “Maybe this is a barrier that keeps demons out.”
“There isn’t a barrier at all.” Licht finally spoke. He stood on the line and stared into the darkness. “This isn’t a cave either. It’s a grave. The soul of a powerful priestess lingers inside and her grief keeps most out. You must be one with a pure heart and value life for her to allow you entry. It appears that only two of you are true angels.”
Licht stared pointedly at Hyde as he spoke. He pouted and argued, “But I made a vow to protect humans and I’ve kept it for over fifty years.”
“Hyde has his quirks but he’s a good person.” Kuro defended his brother yet his words didn’t seem to change his mind. He agreed to help them though he had to question how much Licht trusted them. “Maybe you’re wrong about the barrier. Is there another way we can enter the cave?”
“Grief and revenge eat at the heart and they taint even the most honourable intentions. I know an incarnation that will ease one’s pain. It should allow you to enter. Kneel, Shit Rat.” He ordered and pointed to the ground. Hyde muttered in irritation but he knelt on the ground. Licht stood behind him and wrapped his arms around his neck. “Okay, let’s go.”
“I’m a proud oni but you’re treating me like your pet with these orders. I hope whatever’s in that cave is worth it.” He adjusted his grip on him as he stood since he was mindful of his wounds. Licht was slightly surprised by how lightly and carefully he carried him. He was strong yet there was a subtle control beneath that strength.
Licht took out a flute from his sleeve and lifted it to his lips. With practised hands, he played a tranquil song and the notes echoed through the cave. Hyde almost fell to his knees as the song washed over him. His heart squeezed but he managed to stay on his feet. Even after he stopped playing, the song lingered in the air. His breath brushed against his ear as he said, “You can enter now.”
Hyde walked forward but he braced himself for the thunder he thought he would feel again. He stepped over the line and let out the breath he was holding. He created a cluster of sparks in his palm to light the path before them. Mahiru and Kuro entered the cave as well and followed behind them. On Hyde’s back, Licht guided them through the cave.
“Hey, Lichtan, I have a question.” Hyde whispered so only Licht could hear him. “How did you know that grief and revenge was the reason I couldn’t enter the cave?”
“The priestess’s broken heart is what keeps people out so I played to quell her soul.” He explained. Hyde realized that his earlier words were referring to the priestess and not himself. Licht continued and said, “My father says that prolonged mourning is wrong but I don’t think it makes one impure. People sometimes lash out when hurt. I pity the priestess. She lost the person she loved.”
“So, you do have a heart.” His sarcastic tone earned him a swift kick from Licht. While Hyde winced, he didn’t drop him. He brought the light closer to them so he could see Licht’s expression. “I was saying something nice about you, Angel Cakes. Don’t be so harsh.”
Licht rolled his eyes and said, “Go into the tunnel to your right. We should reach the birthplace of the jewel soon. My village passed down the legend for generations but I’ve only seen the grave once. When I was eight and completed my training, they showed me her grave. She fought to purify demons and demon slayers continue to do the same.”
They saw a light ahead and Hyde let his thunder dwindle. Mahiru’s eyes widened by the amount of demon corpses in the cavern. As they approached, he realized that the bodies were cast in stone. There was a woman in the midst of the swarm with her arrow raised. “This is where the shard was created?”
“Yes.” Licht nodded. “The priestess’s name was Midoriko and she fought to protect humans from demons. This was the final battle she fought. In the fray, a demon killed her lover and she unleashed all of her spiritual energy in her grief. She and the demons were turned to stone but their powers were combined to become the sacred jewel.”
“That must be why it carries the power of both.” Mahiru lifted the shards in his hand and it felt heavier than before. “Yesterday, you said that you didn’t want the jewel to corrupt you.”
“The souls still fight within the jewel and their will can influence its bearer if they have a weak heart. Overtime, we realized the reverse was true as well. A pure hearted demon may use the jewel for good and purify it. But a evil human can corrupt it. My village tried to keep it safe but many lives were lost in the battle.” Loss was common in a demon slayer’s life but it still hurt.
Licht took a deep breath and continued. “The jewel passed through the hands of many people and demons. We were afraid that it would fall into the wrong hands so we gave it to the Shirota family to protect. After a few generations, the found a way to seal its power. I don’t know how the shards reappeared last month.”
Mahiru’s eyes dropped to the ground but only Kuro noticed the guilt that passed over his face. He wanted to comfort him but he didn’t know what he should do. Kuro lightly brushed his fingers over his hand. He didn’t look up but Mahiru weaved their fingers together and held on tight.
“You said that there’s a jewel shard here.” Hyde scanned the cave but he couldn’t find it.
“It’s in her arrow.” Mahiru stepped forward but he didn’t let go of Kuro’s hand. The jewel shattered but it was nearly impossible for one to fly across the land to embed itself into the arrow head. Since he came to the past, he learned that nothing was impossible. “The priestess keeps out people so Touma can’t come inside easily. This is the safest place to keep them.”
He stood on his toes and placed his pouch of jewels over the arrow. Then, he bowed respectfully. They weren’t able to learn a way to find the shards easier but he was glad Licht told him about its origin. It became more important that they keep Touma and others from using the jewel for power. “We should head back to the village. I can get dinner started and then we can talk about what we should do next.”
“Okay.” Kuro nodded and placed his jewel pouch next to Mahiru’s on the arrowhead. He returned to Mahiru’s side and they started to leave. Behind him, he heard a string snap and he instinctively pulled Mahiru protectively against his side. They were both shocked when an arrow struck the wall next to them. Their jewel shards dangled from the arrow.
For a moment, they merely stood in shock. He knew that the arrow wouldn’t have hit them from its path. Mahiru eased the arrow from the stone. He held the arrow in his hands and stared at the priestess. While he was confused, Licht stepped forward. “I think this means that Midoriko trusts you two with the jewel shards. You should take them with you.”
Kuro took the pouch and slipped the necklace over Mahiru’s neck.
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“Shouldn’t you be asleep?” Kuro asked when he found Mahiru sitting on the roof. When he woke, he wasn’t asleep with the others and he went out to find him. He could smell him nearby so he thought he went on a walk. He jumped onto the rooftop and carefully moved beside him. Mahiru patted the spot next to him and he sat down. “I thought cats were the one who liked sitting in tall places.”
“No matter what time we’re in, the night sky hasn’t changed.” He said softly. Mahiru stared up at the stars and hugged his knees to his chest. “I’m sorry if I worried you. I wanted to come out here and think. After everything Licht told us, I need a moment to absorb everything. I haven’t felt overwhelmed like this since the night I came here.”
“Do you want to be alone?” He wanted to help him but he understood if he wanted to be alone. Kuro took off his robe and draped it over Mahiru’s shoulder. “It’s cold so you shouldn’t stay out too late. Be careful when you climb down. I’ll be inside so you can call me if you want to talk.”
“Can you stay?” He placed his hand on Kuro’s arm. He nodded and they shifted closer together. Mahiru rested his head on his shoulder and closed his eyes. His familiar warmth was comforting. He wanted to speak with Kuro but he worried about troubling him or that the others would overhear them. “My mother sacrificed herself to seal the jewel but I brought it back to this time.”
“You couldn’t have known that the jewel was in your body. You were dragged through the well by that centipede too.” Kuro wrapped his arm around his shoulder and squeezed him gently. There were unanswered questions but he already knew the type of person Mahiru was. His heart was kind and rare to find in his time. He didn’t want Mahiru to blame himself. He was the kind of person who took on responsibilities out of a sense of duty.
“I’ll turn you into a human once we reform the jewel. But what should we do afterwards? We can try to seal it again but that spell took my mother’s… Priestess Hanako’s life. We can try to find someone to give it to someone but that’s dangerous. Even if they have a pure heart and won’t be corrupted by the jewel, their life will be endangered.”
“We can use the cave as a test to find a strong warrior with a pure heart. I don’t know how accurate her method is when she allowed me in but shocked my brother.”
“Your brother is a good person and so are you, Kuro.” Mahiru looked up at him. He didn’t know what was ahead of them but he wasn’t scared with Kuro’s support. With Hyde and Licht joining their adventure, fighting demons was easier as well. “Kuro, can we stay like this for a while?”
“As long as you need.”
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waytoomanyinterests · 5 years ago
Christmas calender day 2
Prompt: Traditions
Fandom: Lok
I will be stepping away from canon in this au (probably in all christmas prompts about Atla and Lok) so don’t chew me out for not getting it correctly
Random info so you can understand this au (hopefully);
- christmas = celebrating the winter solstice (since christmas as christmas doesn’t exist)
- biggest in the poles because it’s the longest night of the year and waterbenders (they celebrate both the spirits and waterbending)
- it’s around 21-23 december in the north
- around 20-23 june in the south
- other nations celebrate it, but it’s because of the spirits
- so this was a big thing for the air nomads
- earth is kinda like meh
- some take it seriously and some don’t, but that’s mostly depending on conditions and how you were raised etc
- fire just downright despises it, because longest night = shortest day and hardly any sun
- they instead celebrate the summer solstice because that’s the longest day (maybe that’s like Easter or something? Midsummer?)
I think you’ll understand how I thought, but it’s not 100% done yet - anyway, enjoy this! (and the name for the holiday is also in progress, just saying)
“Wow, I’ve never seen the winter solstice this celebrated” Asami says in wonder, looking around the market.
“Yeah, me neither!” Bolin chimes in while Mako settles for a nod in agreement.
“Well, that’s probably because you’re all half fire nation and half earth nation; the fire nation kind of despises the winter solstice since it’s the shortest day of the year while the earth nation is indifferent to it. In that kind of family combination it more often than not results in Spiritiem not being celebrated” Korra explains with a shrug of her shoulders.
“Sorry, the what now? Spritem?” Bolin asks confused.
“Almost - Spiritiem. Freely translated it means ‘day of spirits’, which is what we in the water tribes call it. Or at least I think that’s what my mother said it means” Korra ponders, her eyebrows pushed together. “Oh whatever, something like that. To me, that’s not the best part! The greatest part about Spiritiem is the waterbending, hands down. And maybe the presents too” the almighty Avatar grins in excitement, and Tenzin whom just walked by frowns at his pupil. 
“Korra! You of all people should appreciate the spiritual part of Spiritiem” he scolds her but Korra ignores him.
“Sure thing Tenzin, but do you know where Katara and my mom is? Katara’s in charge of the waterbending and mom’s fixing the presents”
Knowing it’s useless to try and convince Korra otherwise right now, Tenzin just sighs and points the way. 
Quick as a rabbit-weasel she grabs Asami’s arm and speeds away, intent on shaking presents and try to guess what she’s getting.
“Uhm Tenzin? What’s this about waterbending?” Mako inquires, the first words he’s spoken all day. In all honesty, he does not want to be here - this day is usually spent inside, not doing anything but maybe exchanging a present with his brother. The solstice makes his body shut down to preserve heat, meaning he’s about as strong as a five-year old with a cold and a fever.
At the question a soft smile lits up Tenzin’s face and he looks toward the town square.
“You’ll see. But I can assure you it will be worth being here for”
Once Korra and Asami rejoins them, the group spends the next few hours wandering around the market, stuffing their faces with food, trying all the different games and just enjoying the holiday.
All of a sudden lights go off around the town and Korra gasps in excitement. 
“Come on, the show’s starting!” 
Without further ado she grabs ahold of her friends and tears off towards the square, the friends in question yelping and stumbling to not fall.
Once they reach the square she stops short, makes her friends sit down and then tears off again.
Dazed and confused Asami, Bolin and Mako glances at each other.
“So what now? Do we wait or...?” Bolin asks, scratching his head.
“I suppose we do” Asami answers and makes herself comfortable.
Korra could sometimes have a few wierd antics, and while they often managed to surprise her Asami has long since gotten used to them and knows it’s best to just wait; the explanation will come eventually.
More and more people come to the square, talking animatedly and looking excited.
The 3/4 of team Avatar spend the time waiting just looking around and enjoying the warm and happy feeling of the festival.
After a few minutes a hush settles over the crowd, and soon it’s so quiet you would hear an otter-penguin out on the tundra.
Small movements in her peripheral vision catch the attention of Asami and when she turns her head she sees people in what she guesses is traditional clothing, slowly wiggling their gloved hands.
She rises an eyebrow at the people, wondering what exactly they’re doing. 
They slowly start to increase their movements, catching the attention of the others in the audience as well. While everyone looks fascinated, they also look confused.
What are they doing exactly? Nothing’s happening.
Soon the wiggling has turned into a full waving motion, and the first gasp is heard. It is however soon joined by others as everyone notices what looks like crystals, shining and shimmering in the air.
“Waterbenders!” Asami exclaims, looking on with curiosity. She feels intrigued. She has watched Korra practice many times throughout the years, but this isn’t a move she recognizes.
“Wow, it’s so pretty!” Bolin breathes out in awe, and Asami and Mako can only nod as they continue to watch the shimmering crystals.
With everyone distracted, the waterbenders slowly slip away into the shadows to prepare the next part of the show.
Bolin on the other hand leans closer to one of the crystals, wanting to have a closer look, only to yelp and fall on his butt when it suddenly explodes into snow.
More yelps and shouts of surprise is heard as tiny ice spikes implode the crystals, turning them into snow that’s gently falling down.
Well, until it starts to swirl at least - faster and faster.
Entranced the audience follow the snow with their eyes, eventually landing on the waterbenders on the stage whom are beckoning the snow to them.
Once they have it where they want it they turn it into water and begin a set of bending forms that are so fluid it looks like a dance.
With their faces hidden behind a mask and their hair under a hood, all that is visible is their ceremonial clothes and their movements.
The sound of a beating drum appears next, the tempo slow and matching the benders. It goes on, the drums beat almost being reflected by the water pulsing and moving, the tempo going faster and faster and the benders following suit. Other instruments join in, bringing an ethereal but joyous feeling to the bending performance - perfectly representing the feeling of Spiritiem. The tempo increases even more, reaching it’s crescendo and all that is visible is a flurry of blue from the ceremonial coats and the water moving around them. Then they take a step backwards, their hands and water following and suspension hanging in the air as they linger a millisecond before they jump forward with a shout.
Everything stops abruptly. The music cuts off, the benders freeze and the water is back in the air as crystals.
Then in a last synchronized move the benders relax, wave their arms backwards in a large circle and the crystals are once again snow that’s gently falling.
The cheers are defeaning and the benders all take a bow, removing their masks in the same second and throwing them to the audience as they go up again. 
Seeing one that’s heading her way Asami reaches up and manages to grab it, triumphantly looking to the stage again.
Only to stare Korra right in the eyes.
Her girlfriend is shining with sweat, and her face is redder than ever but with the huge smile lighting up her face and eyes gleaming with happiness she has never looked more beautiful to Asami.
Asami can’t help but snort and chuckle. 
She should have known Korra would be in it. 
It’s just a Korra thing to do.
So she claps and cheers with the rest of the audience, showering the benders with her praise.
A quick look with Mako and Bolin whom are looking as amazed and happy as she is, confirms what Asami has already concluded.
It’s time for a tradition change. 
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lovehaswonangelnumbers · 6 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/mercury-retrograde-march-forecast-follow-the-heart/
Mercury Retrograde March Forecast ~ Follow The Heart
Mercury Retrograde March Forecast ~ Follow The Heart
By Kathy Biehl
  The last month of winter has a Janus vibe that has us looking both backward and ahead. And up and down and all around, come to think of it.
A nine-year process wraps up as the month begins. The personal revolution that’s been waging in you since April 2010? The hard-won sense of self that’s emerged out of the chaos and turmoil and foundation collapsing since then? All that has been ramping up in recent weeks as Uranus nears the end of his time in Aries.
It hits a breaking point on March 1, when Venus squares Uranus and puts desires and relationships through a graduation exercise. Situations simply cannot go on any longer as they have been. Tectonic plates lurched when Venus met with Pluto and then the South Node just after Valentine’s Day. Now the seismic activity completes. Continents reshape. Locks break; hearts open. Perhaps vice versa.
Almost on impact, everything hurtles into detachment as the goddess of love, money, and creativity immediately leaves Capricorn for Aquarius, land of the friend zone. The social mode responds with perspective and breathing room and scientific attempts to make sense of what just happened.
That philosophical vibe takes us into March 6, when the backward-forward action kicks in That day hosts an astrological triple-header: (1) the phase-launching Pisces New Moon, with illusionist Neptune hosting the cruise, which would be reality-bending by itself, but wait, we’ve also got (2) Mercury stationing retrograde in Pisces and (3) Uranus finally leaving the impulsive fires of Aries for the solid, steady ground of Taurus.
Neptune conjunct the Sun at the New Moon may deliver forgiveness of the self. With expansive Jupiter insisting “more, more, more,” visions of what’s possible for your life could fly off the charts. And, of course, we may all be walking around dazed, confused and unhinged from reality.
Mercury contributes the backward piece of the event. His retrograde takes him from 29 to 16 degrees Pisces and lasts until March 28. The starting point is critical. It’s the last degree of the zodiac, called the degree of ultimate sorrow, and the place where Chiron bided his time from the end of January till the middle of February.
This retrograde returns us to the issues, themes, and wounds that Chiron stirred. (Don’t everyone cheer at once!) It promises to immerse us in a non-logical understanding of what Chiron was up to. It also heightens sensitivity and telepathy, not to mention confusion and susceptibility to deceit.
Fly on instruments instead of what your eyes are telling you because fog is obscuring the true nature of what’s around you. The atmosphere is an elaboration on the warning on some car side mirrors: Objects may be closer than they appear. Only this time it’s more like: Objects may be further than they appear. Or not there at all. Or there but not reflected in the mirror.
Learn more in my Mercury retrograde guide here at OM Times.
And in the midst – or is it mists? – of this misdirection, radical change agent Uranus re-enters Taurus, which he first dipped into in mid-May 2018. Something is moving into a tangible, practical form that we’ve been processing and tweaking since November 6, when Uranus retrograded into his final sweep of Aries. A new mode of interacting with physical reality has arrived. Probably affected areas: money and finances, food production and consumption, expression of creativity, aesthetics, forms of relating and technology.
Look for a connection between the events of mid-May 2018 (particularly startling or unexpected) and situations changing and blossoming now.
From there we’re feeling our way forward, feet tapping the ground ahead of us and taking the occasional chance on faith. Mid-month brings the paradox of tightly refocusing our sense of self while simultaneously blowing out walls that have contained our personalities and possibilities. Practical action flows amid a meeting between the Sun and retrograde Mercury (on March 14), which could inspire letting ourselves off the hook, or bring home the personal meaning of Chiron at the end of the zodiac, or blur understanding of ourselves.
Mercury’s trickster ways hit critical mass when a square from Jupiter pumps him up on the Ides of March. Hard truths may get you through it. The messenger god’s sextile to Pluto puts ruthless candor (especially with yourself) on tap if you take advantage of it.
The Sun clears out of the water, moves into Aries and ushers in the equinox on March 20. The day sets the tone for the next three months. It offers opportunities to cut back on the fog and to stabilize and impose structure and practicality on thinking, information, and communications, with Mercury sextiling order-loving Saturn.
The day also challenges relationships, Thank a Full Moon at 0 Libra, with the Sun conjunct Chiron and Uranus in a tight adjustment aspect to the Moon. The relationship seesaw has the masculine wounded and acting out and allowances having to be made for the feminine, emotions and the role of women. The Moon’s ruler Venus has Jupiter whispering, “Go for it!” into her ear.
She’s not wasting time. The action comes the next day when she squares her counterpart, Mars. Push comes to shove; something’s gotta give. The pyrotechnics might be heavy on the verbal, screwball comedy style, but with Mars in earthy Taurus something more physical is likely.
The impact could bring bliss, or romance, or understanding, or magical thinking. Retrograde Mercury meets Neptune on March 23, and no one is likely to be rectifying bank statements. At least not with any accuracy.
The sweetness carries on till April 20, after Venus slips into Pisces on March 26. She’s exalted in this sign, which orients social interactions to the kind, compassionate, spiritual and artistic. She and Uranus offer a deal the next day – perhaps love does have the power to heal the fractures from the month’s start?
As she sails off into the sunset, the woozy atmosphere begins to lift. Mercury stations direct and begins his final pass over the waters Chiron stirred so. (He’ll clear them mid-April.) On the month’s last day, Mars leaves Taurus for freewheeling Gemini. Heaviness lifts. People are inclined to chatter, to gambol and frolic, even to multitask. Enjoy the freedom of movement.
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cedarrrun · 6 years ago
After a summer filled with retrogrades, eclipses, and supermoons, September is bringing an invitation to settle in—and make yourself useful. Here’s how to use what’s happening in the stars in your yoga practice.
According to astrology, new moons open us to our potential, making September a great time to set new goals. Here's how yoga can help.
September is a transitional month, as the natural world shifts in preparation for the seasonal change from summer to fall. The fruits hang heavy on overgrown vines, ready to be harvested—so there is work to be done, but a slowing has also begun.
This month, there’s an invitation to take a deep and centering breath in order to fortify as you cast a reflective eye to the aftermath of summer’s excitement. In the same way you must process the literal fruits and vegetables grown from the alchemy of summer sun and rain, you’ll truly thrive and grow if you process the season’s emotional work, too.
If you’ve been awake and aware to your personal development, you’ll have plenty of evidence that the eclipses in July and August have pushed you to new extremes. If you’ve been shown some deep emotional insecurities, any secret desires to be more outspoken have accelerated—and hopefully discoveries about any complicity in any ugly things around you have pushed you to a state of self-examination. After all, taking personal responsibility for what you do, say, and feel makes you truly powerful.
Saturn went direct on September 6
As a result of this, you should have more support in integrating revelations into your everyday life, as Saturn comes out of retrograde and begins moving forward again. Retrograde periods mean revision, review, and rectification. So, over the past five months as Saturn has traveled backward in the sign of Capricorn, there’s a good chance you’ve been modifying your ideas of what standing in integrity really means.
It’s not enough to put in a small effort and expect a reward. It’s not enough to say you want change, but make no effort to realize it. Saturn has called you out on that kind of corner-cutting, and now that he goes direct, you’ll have the chance to prove what you’ve learned and practice being truly competent.
A new moon in Virgo happened on September 9
This Moon should be helping to solidify any obligations you’ve made to Saturn (and yourself). Virgo empowers through self-improvement, and new moons open us to our potential. So, if you haven’t done so already, this month is a great time to set goals that include being of service, and then take note of ambitions that include the promise of receiving something in return for your efforts. And may I offer a gentle reminder here that “giving to get” often puts you on a fast-track to feeling unappreciated.
See also 18 Reasons to Practice Self-Care
The Full Moon on September 24 is in Aries
With close connections to Chiron the Wounded Healer and Saturn (he’s still here!), this Full Moon gives you the opportunity to release fears around asserting yourself. The trick here is to know that being decisive and candid are good things that help your overall vitality, but also that you’ll need to reality-check yourself when it comes to your intentions. Sometimes, you might think you’re standing up for what you believe in—but when you go deeper, you’ll see you’re actually defending yourself or looking for approval.
If you find this happening, don’t criticize or condemn your motives. Explore them instead, and then make a conscious choice to do better next time. This is a learning process, and Pluto comes out of retrograde to support this very progression.
Pluto goes direct on September 30
Pluto directs us to examine our dark shadows and motives in regard to our built-in defenses during his retrograde journey. To that end, Pluto expects that you’ll make use of what you’ve learned over these last five months and use it to transform yourself. Change comes from a willingness to name your imperfections and see your unhealthy attachments to things like approval and being right.
In a nutshell, while September isn’t going to be so wild and crazy, it will likely challenge you to really dig in and continue to invest effort in your personal growth. The good news about all of this work is that it will be a useful labor of love, because like other work done in the fall, it serves to prepare us for the season to come.
See also Diaphragmatic Breathing: The Best Way to Breathe to Advance Your Yoga Practice
September Yoga Astrology: 2 Poses to Support You This Month
These restorative yoga poses invite the physical body to open and relax. They also remind us that we need to give to ourselves before expecting others to give to us, and help us to witness our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies opening with gratitude and abundance.
Allow these poses to support you in your seasonal transition. Consider practicing each for 5 minutes a day, for at least one week, without pushing or seeking any specific outcome other than to receive rest and open to the possibility of abundance.
Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)
According to yoga astrology, Reclining Bound Angle Pose can support you in the transition from summer to fall.
Lie down on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your knees up toward the sky and take three deep breaths into your lower back. Imagine your inhale beginning at the small of your back and ending at your collarbones. As you exhale, envision your breath emptying from top to bottom, leaving your upper chest first and your lower back last. When you feel at ease, begin to let your knees slowly open and bring the soles of your feet together. If you find the stretch in your inner thighs distracting you from your breathing, place blocks under your knees for support.
If you’re distracted with racing thoughts about any changes in your life and you’re having a difficult time relaxing, place a blanket or two on your abdomen. If your neck feels strained, place a partially folded blanket under your head so your cervical spine stays in its natural alignment. Adding an eye pillow or scarf over your eyes may help your eyes settle and increase your inner vision.
Stay here for 10 slow, deep breaths, or for as long as 10 minutes. Use as many props as you need to fully relax and sense the space of your heart and hips opening as your eyes rest. When you’re ready to transition out of this pose, get up slowly, rolling first onto one side and pausing there as long as you need before coming up to a comfortable seat.
Savasana (Corpse Pose), variation
This Savasana variation will help you anchor the light qualities of both summer and fall, and of change itself. 
At the end of a practice or long day, or when you feel inspired to rest deeply, lie down on your belly. If possible, practice directly on the earth, or with just a blanket between you and the ground. Being in contact with nature helps to anchor the light qualities of both summer and fall, and of change itself. After all, change is movement—and stillness provides nourishment for change.
Once on your belly, turn your head to the right, placing your left ear on the ground. Support your neck with a blanket if needed. Bring your right arm out to the side and bend your elbow so that your upper arm points straight out from your shoulder and your forearm points up in the direction of your head, parallel to the length of your body, palm down to ground.
Bring your right knee out to the side as well so that your leg mirrors your arm. You may need a folded blanket or blocks under your knee and lower leg to get comfortable. Close your eyes or let them relax and settle softly. Stay here for up to 5 minutes, then switch sides.
If you feel overwhelmed or unsettled, consider imagining your breath entering you from every part of you exposed to the sky, and exiting through every part of you touching the ground. You might repeat a phrase or mantra that reinforces your intention to take personal responsibility for your actions and release your need to be right: “I am here, and I let go.”
When you are ready to transition, do so slowly. Press up and back to Child’s Pose and deepen your breathing, perhaps releasing your breath with an audible sigh. Pause in a seated position before moving on with the rest of your day.
See also 5 Practices Energy Healers Use to Clear Themselves
About Our Writers Natha Campanella is a Certified Life Coach and professional astrologer. More than just analyzing astrological archetypes, she gives dynamic interpretations of entire life stories by opening windows straight into the personal, family, and relationship dynamics of her clients. She aims to transform the people she works with by helping them make meaning of the gifts, burdens, and various complexities of being human. You can find her on nathacampanella.com, Instagram, and Facebook
Andrea Catherine supports overwhelmed, highly responsible women boost energy, sleep better, and fearlessly love their bodies. Are you committed to being an active part of your own transformation, eager to step into a life you love? Check out the Fearless Self-Love Podcast, Fearless Self-Love Retreat and Body Bloom, a 3 month self-care course, for actionable next steps toward a flourishing life and body you love. Andrea holds recognized certifications as an Ayurvedic Health Counselor, Yoga Health Coach, 500-hour Professional Level Kripalu Yoga Instructor along with BA in social science with a focus on Youth Empowerment Studies from the University of Michigan.
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amyddaniels · 6 years ago
Your September Yoga Astrology Forecast: How to Make the Most of Your Practice This Month
After a summer filled with retrogrades, eclipses, and supermoons, September is bringing an invitation to settle in—and make yourself useful. Here’s how to use what’s happening in the stars in your yoga practice.
According to astrology, new moons open us to our potential, making September a great time to set new goals. Here's how yoga can help.
September is a transitional month, as the natural world shifts in preparation for the seasonal change from summer to fall. The fruits hang heavy on overgrown vines, ready to be harvested—so there is work to be done, but a slowing has also begun.
This month, there’s an invitation to take a deep and centering breath in order to fortify as you cast a reflective eye to the aftermath of summer’s excitement. In the same way you must process the literal fruits and vegetables grown from the alchemy of summer sun and rain, you’ll truly thrive and grow if you process the season’s emotional work, too.
If you’ve been awake and aware to your personal development, you’ll have plenty of evidence that the eclipses in July and August have pushed you to new extremes. If you’ve been shown some deep emotional insecurities, any secret desires to be more outspoken have accelerated—and hopefully discoveries about any complicity in any ugly things around you have pushed you to a state of self-examination. After all, taking personal responsibility for what you do, say, and feel makes you truly powerful.
Saturn went direct on September 6
As a result of this, you should have more support in integrating revelations into your everyday life, as Saturn comes out of retrograde and begins moving forward again. Retrograde periods mean revision, review, and rectification. So, over the past five months as Saturn has traveled backward in the sign of Capricorn, there’s a good chance you’ve been modifying your ideas of what standing in integrity really means.
It’s not enough to put in a small effort and expect a reward. It’s not enough to say you want change, but make no effort to realize it. Saturn has called you out on that kind of corner-cutting, and now that he goes direct, you’ll have the chance to prove what you’ve learned and practice being truly competent.
A new moon in Virgo happened on September 9
This Moon should be helping to solidify any obligations you’ve made to Saturn (and yourself). Virgo empowers through self-improvement, and new moons open us to our potential. So, if you haven’t done so already, this month is a great time to set goals that include being of service, and then take note of ambitions that include the promise of receiving something in return for your efforts. And may I offer a gentle reminder here that “giving to get” often puts you on a fast-track to feeling unappreciated.
See also 18 Reasons to Practice Self-Care
The Full Moon on September 24 is in Aries
With close connections to Chiron the Wounded Healer and Saturn (he’s still here!), this Full Moon gives you the opportunity to release fears around asserting yourself. The trick here is to know that being decisive and candid are good things that help your overall vitality, but also that you’ll need to reality-check yourself when it comes to your intentions. Sometimes, you might think you’re standing up for what you believe in—but when you go deeper, you’ll see you’re actually defending yourself or looking for approval.
If you find this happening, don’t criticize or condemn your motives. Explore them instead, and then make a conscious choice to do better next time. This is a learning process, and Pluto comes out of retrograde to support this very progression.
Pluto goes direct on September 30
Pluto directs us to examine our dark shadows and motives in regard to our built-in defenses during his retrograde journey. To that end, Pluto expects that you’ll make use of what you’ve learned over these last five months and use it to transform yourself. Change comes from a willingness to name your imperfections and see your unhealthy attachments to things like approval and being right.
In a nutshell, while September isn’t going to be so wild and crazy, it will likely challenge you to really dig in and continue to invest effort in your personal growth. The good news about all of this work is that it will be a useful labor of love, because like other work done in the fall, it serves to prepare us for the season to come.
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September Yoga Astrology: 2 Poses to Support You This Month
These restorative yoga poses invite the physical body to open and relax. They also remind us that we need to give to ourselves before expecting others to give to us, and help us to witness our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies opening with gratitude and abundance.
Allow these poses to support you in your seasonal transition. Consider practicing each for 5 minutes a day, for at least one week, without pushing or seeking any specific outcome other than to receive rest and open to the possibility of abundance.
Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)
According to yoga astrology, Reclining Bound Angle Pose can support you in the transition from summer to fall.
Lie down on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your knees up toward the sky and take three deep breaths into your lower back. Imagine your inhale beginning at the small of your back and ending at your collarbones. As you exhale, envision your breath emptying from top to bottom, leaving your upper chest first and your lower back last. When you feel at ease, begin to let your knees slowly open and bring the soles of your feet together. If you find the stretch in your inner thighs distracting you from your breathing, place blocks under your knees for support.
If you’re distracted with racing thoughts about any changes in your life and you’re having a difficult time relaxing, place a blanket or two on your abdomen. If your neck feels strained, place a partially folded blanket under your head so your cervical spine stays in its natural alignment. Adding an eye pillow or scarf over your eyes may help your eyes settle and increase your inner vision.
Stay here for 10 slow, deep breaths, or for as long as 10 minutes. Use as many props as you need to fully relax and sense the space of your heart and hips opening as your eyes rest. When you’re ready to transition out of this pose, get up slowly, rolling first onto one side and pausing there as long as you need before coming up to a comfortable seat.
Savasana (Corpse Pose), variation
This Savasana variation will help you anchor the light qualities of both summer and fall, and of change itself. 
At the end of a practice or long day, or when you feel inspired to rest deeply, lie down on your belly. If possible, practice directly on the earth, or with just a blanket between you and the ground. Being in contact with nature helps to anchor the light qualities of both summer and fall, and of change itself. After all, change is movement—and stillness provides nourishment for change.
Once on your belly, turn your head to the right, placing your left ear on the ground. Support your neck with a blanket if needed. Bring your right arm out to the side and bend your elbow so that your upper arm points straight out from your shoulder and your forearm points up in the direction of your head, parallel to the length of your body, palm down to ground.
Bring your right knee out to the side as well so that your leg mirrors your arm. You may need a folded blanket or blocks under your knee and lower leg to get comfortable. Close your eyes or let them relax and settle softly. Stay here for up to 5 minutes, then switch sides.
If you feel overwhelmed or unsettled, consider imagining your breath entering you from every part of you exposed to the sky, and exiting through every part of you touching the ground. You might repeat a phrase or mantra that reinforces your intention to take personal responsibility for your actions and release your need to be right: “I am here, and I let go.”
When you are ready to transition, do so slowly. Press up and back to Child’s Pose and deepen your breathing, perhaps releasing your breath with an audible sigh. Pause in a seated position before moving on with the rest of your day.
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About Our Writers Natha Campanella is a Certified Life Coach and professional astrologer. More than just analyzing astrological archetypes, she gives dynamic interpretations of entire life stories by opening windows straight into the personal, family, and relationship dynamics of her clients. She aims to transform the people she works with by helping them make meaning of the gifts, burdens, and various complexities of being human. You can find her on nathacampanella.com, Instagram, and Facebook
Andrea Catherine supports overwhelmed, highly responsible women boost energy, sleep better, and fearlessly love their bodies. Are you committed to being an active part of your own transformation, eager to step into a life you love? Check out the Fearless Self-Love Podcast, Fearless Self-Love Retreat and Body Bloom, a 3 month self-care course, for actionable next steps toward a flourishing life and body you love. Andrea holds recognized certifications as an Ayurvedic Health Counselor, Yoga Health Coach, 500-hour Professional Level Kripalu Yoga Instructor along with BA in social science with a focus on Youth Empowerment Studies from the University of Michigan.
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