#not being able to watch this game live was actual torture
oodegaardfc · 1 month
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Union Berlin players after narrowly avoiding relegation from the Bundesliga on the last matchday of the 23/24 season | 1. FC Union Berlin – SC Freiburg (H), 18.05.2024
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BONUS: Assistant coach Marie-Louise Eta after the final whistle + András Schäfer being hugged by a member of staff
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Hiii can i request jamil, idia, riddle and leona have to fight with their s/o that been brainwashed (like a gas that brainswash ppl in a gas mask yk srry i cant explain things ;-;) by unknown enemy so they have to fight each other
Idia Shroud:
Horrible situation. Idia hated this trope. That’s not entirely true, watching the MC feel conflicted about fighting their love interest actually added a bit of interest into a story, but reality wasn’t the same. Idia didn’t feel anything ‘fun’ about this situation. Ortho was ready to take you down in an instant but Idia had stopped him, worried about him going overboard and potentially hurting you more than he needed to. He had already started to formulate a plan to overcome the brainwashing to at least subdue you, the only issue is mustering the courage to potentially hurt you himself during the process.
Idia has to tell you about how annoying that situation was after. He started ranting about games that just fell back on popular tropes for the sake of torturing their characters but eventually sighed, saying he had enough for an evening. He didn’t want to leave your side as much as he did want to disappear back into his room, wondering if there was a way to have you just stay in his room with him while you recovered.
Jamil Viper:
Jamil is tired of his bad luck, tired of the only things that brought him joy being taken away from him and then thrown back in his face like it was no big deal. His surprise is clear and for a moment he does think he’s pushed you away too much, that you truly were sick of dealing with someone who would never be able to go after what he wanted. It’s your choice of using magic against him rather than your words (which would cut deeper than any physical wound to him) that showed him there was something more going on, with you being a puppet on strings for some other being. He wondered if his unique magic might steal you away from them but it would be a shot in the dark, since you were aware of his ability (while the ‘you’ in this brainwashed state might not be).
Jamil is frazzled but relieved the situation is over. Looking out for both you AND Kalim was an exhausting feat, and he didn’t know why he added to his never-ending workload. He’s glad you’re back to your normal self, which still seemed to regard him in a positive light, allowing him to push down his worries for the future of your relationship a little bit longer.
Leona Kingscholar:
There’s no one who knew your weaknesses better than Leona but he couldn’t assume this would be a walk in the park. He didn’t intend to hurt you but he’d do what he had to for the sake of this situation ending sooner rather than later. Apologies could always be given after but there’s only so much he could take, seeing you like this, invisible strings attached to your limbs as you’re forced to turn against him. If he had been quicker he would’ve saved you from the invasive feeling of having your body controlled while your consciousness is present, and he forced himself to focus on the task at hand rather than the hell you might be living in as it would only make him angrier.  
Leona didn’t want to talk about it when you were back tomorrow. He hit you with an ‘it is what it is’ and moved on to your wounds, minor as they were there was still some scrapes you couldn’t get away from. You didn’t blame him and he didn’t blame himself, but he’s still not happy about having you turned against him. You were his, after all, and losing your loyalty even temporarily dealt a blow to his ego that he was desperate to keep hidden.
Riddle Rosehearts:
Riddle is alarmed at how quickly the situation escalated, flinching when his words don’t seem to be reaching you. He’s not used to being on the other side of you in a fight, even if you were to practice magic with him it was never with ill intent. He finds himself fighting against being distracted, trying to think of you as a simple misbehaving student who needed to be collared. His unique magic did make it a little easier to wrangle you in but he’s wracked with guilt cutting you off from your magic when it’s not really your own actions that caused you to be punished.
Riddle is wary about talking with you after, until he knows the brainwashing is gone and you’re back to normal. He shuffled around the actual topic he wanted to bring up which was incredibly unlike him, a fact you pointed out before telling him in the kindest words possible to spit it out. He admitted seeing you brainwashed was disconcerted, and that he’d rather never see you as an enemy again. He knew it wasn’t your choice but he’d prefer you stick close to him in the future, just so he could stop the problem before it even began.
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simp4wom3n · 2 years
Only You
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Pairing: Jenna Ortega x fem!Reader
Requested: Yes/No ~ request @perfectartisanwerewolf
Summary: After Jenna overhears a conversation suggesting that Percy has a crush on her new girlfriend Y/n, her insecurities get the better of her, before Emma lends a helping hand. ~ Word Count: 3.092k ~ Warnings: one swear word otherwise nothing
A/N: HI!!!! my god writing again actually feels amazing it's not even funny. It feels so goddamn good to be back so I hope you guys enjoy this one <3
"Uno!", you slam your second last card down in triumph, slumping back into the couch with a smug smirk as an array of complaints and groans from your costars fill your ears. "How are you on uno already!?" Emma laughs in disbelief, looking at you as you shrug your shoulders.
It had become almost routine for everyone to hangout after a hard week of filming, often choosing to play uno in one of your apartments. In that time, you had established yourself as practically unbeatable at the game, only ever being beaten once by Jenna - and despite claiming that you let her win she will never let you live it down.
"She's just amazing, like she is at everything." Percy chimes in, looking at you with a small, almost suggestive smile. You give him a quick smile in return as you feel someone shift next to you, causing your head to turn, your eyes landing on your girlfriend. Cuddled into the side of the couch and staring blankly at the pile of cards in the middle of the table, the warm smile that typically adorned Jenna's features had disappeared - her current expression mirroring Wednesday's iconic deadpan.
You and Jenna had only officially been together for about a month now, and the cast were none the wiser - or at least most of them (Emma had her suspicions). Despite the cast being so tight-knit, you wanted to wait to share the news so you were able to just enjoy 'the honeymoon phase' of your relationship without any prying eyes.
That being said, a definite downside was that both of you were overly cautious about displays of affection in front of the others, so as you watched Jenna shift uncomfortably, you fought the urge to touch her, hold her hand, or pull her into a hug.
Deciding to gently nudge her with your arm, her eyes meet yours as you tilt your head in question, sending her a silent 'are you okay?'. Her lips quirk into a small smile as she returns a small nod, a reassurance most people would believe but one that you saw right through, noticing the somber and hesitant look in her eyes.
Your questioning eyes remain on her side profile as she turns away from you, returning her focus to the game you had almost completely forgotten about. You knew something was bothering her, but you were unsure as to what. 'She's just had a long week' is what you told yourself, your worried eyes still glued on your girlfriends figure.
"Ow!" you grunted as you received an elbow in your side from Emma, your trance broken as you shifted your gaze to the other girl sitting next to you. "It's your turn" she laughed at you as you muttered a meek "sorry", turning towards the table.
"A plus four are you kidding me y/n?! ugh I give up." Emma groaned as you placed down your final card with a small chuckle. There was a mix of groans and laughs around the group before, once again, Percy spoke up.
"See I told you, she's amazing"
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It had been a long night.
What started as a typical games night among the cast had turned into pure torture for Jenna - and unfortunately she didn't enjoy it as Wednesday did. For you and Jenna, being each other's girlfriends was still fresh, the two of you still solidifying your relationship as not only friends, but lovers. So having to watch Percy shamelessly flirt with you all night had her heart aching beyond belief.
It wasn't jealously she felt (ok maybe she felt a little bit), it was more just pure insecurity. She trusted you. Of course she did. But she couldn't help but feel like she wasn't good enough for you.
You were so infuriatingly perfect.
Everything about you was perfect. Your smile, your laugh, your warmth - and not to mention you are disturbingly good at Uno. But as lucky as that makes her, it also means that everyone else sees how amazing you are. Without people knowing about your relationship, Jenna felt as though you could easily be ripped from beneath her, leaving her on her own as you inevitably find someone who is better for you than she could ever be.
So as she walked towards your trailer, her insecurities plaguing her thoughts, she takes deep breaths as she rehearses how she's going to ask you to tell your friends about your relationship. She understood it was a big step, and there was still a part of her that didn't want to tell anybody, to keep you all to herself, but if it would make her feel better, she knew she had to ask.
Walking through the cast's trailers, passing by Emma's, Joy's, and even Percy's, all she wanted was to see you again, to hug you again, to kiss you again.
Her journey to your trailer was a short one, just having to walk past a few of your other costars trailers in order to get there. She had been craving intimacy with you all day. All she wanted to do was to hug you and to kiss you.
Her steps, however, were halted when she heard a particularly loud conversation coming from inside one of the trailers.
Percy’s trailer.
She wasn't typically one to eavesdrop, but in her current state, her curiosity got the better of her. She just couldn't help herself. She took a slow step closer to said trailer, her eyes scanning her surrounding to check that no one saw her rather suspicious position before listening in.
"Dude she totally likes you! it's obvious" a male voice spoke, possibly Georgie but she wasn't sure. "See I thought so too! she's been giving me all these signals lately I just don't know when to make my move." Another male voice replied, one which Jenna quickly recognised as Percy's.
Her heart simultaneously swelled and sunk, the thought of Percy possibly liking someone else filled her heart with hope that maybe she could keep her own little world with you for just a little longer. To be able to keep her love for you private, something she treasured with all of her close relationships. Just the thought of that chance had a small smile creeping its way onto her lips.
"Y/n totally likes you dude. Make your move, don't be a pussy."
Her world had come crashing down, the rest of the conversation falling on deaf ears. Her breath had caught in her throat as the world started to spin and her heart sunk with her smile quickly dropping. Her eyes blurred with unshed tears as she frantically looked around, needing to get away from this conversation as fast as physically possible. Her quick steps eventually take her in the opposite direction of your trailer, unable to face you after what she just heard.
Did you like him back?
Did your relationship mean nothing to you?
Was it all fake?
Her mind was moving just as fast as her feet, putting as much distance between you and her as she possibly could. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she had lost track of where she was going, that was until she bumped into something.
Her head rapidly turned in the direction of her obstacle, not knowing what she was going to be met with but knowing that whatever it was was stopping her from running away, so she wasn't happy about it. What she definitely didn't expect was for her eyes to be met with Emma's confused expression.
Her rapid breathes began to ease as Emma firmly gripped her shoulders, scanning her face, which, unbeknownst to Jenna, had fresh tear tracks running down her cheeks with tears consistently falling.
"Jenna oh my god. Are you ok? what's wrong?"
Unable to find the words, Jenna responds with a rapid shake of her head as her warm tears continue to roll down her cheeks. Emma says nothing else as she grabs Jenna's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze, before dragging her towards her trailer.
Once inside, Emma quickly closes the door before bringing Jenna into a crushing hug. Jenna gripped onto her shirt as if she would float away if she had let go. Her tears began to pool on Emma's shoulder as she gently rubs Jenna's back, allowing her to sob quietly for as long as she was able to.
With her cries finally ceasing, Emma pulled away slightly and pulled Jenna over to the couch, softly placing her down before taking a seat next to her. Jenna's face was bright red, her eyes bloodshot as she remained silent and still, now only sniffling and hastily wiping away her tears.
"Is this about y/n?"
Jenna's head whipped towards Emma's voice with furrowed brows, a new wave of tears pooling in her eyes at the mention of your name. "How... how did you know?" she brokenly whispered, her heart once again pounding in shock.
"Oh come on Jenna." she smiled softly, tilting her head as she gives her best friend a knowing look. "I know both of you better than anyone. Did you really think I wouldn't notice." she lightheartedly chuckles at Jenna's shocked expression.
Jenna just sits there, mouth agape as she is unable to comprehend what she has just heard - and here she thought you were both subtle. Broken out of her trance by Emma's hand slipping into hers, she felt a stray tear roll down her cheek as Emma squeezed her hand reassuringly.
"Do you want to tell me what happened?" she asked gently, not wanting to pry or make Jenna uncomfortable. Sucking in a breath, she exhaled shakily as she felt the familiar burn of tears resurface.
"Last night... Percy was flirting with her and she seemed so unbothered that... I don't know it just made me feel so... insecure? I guess" Emma nodded in response as Jenna continued. "And then today...I-I overhead Percy talking to Georgie in his trailer and-and they were talking about how 'y/n definitely likes him back' and how he should 'make a move'."
With tears now streaming down her face, Jenna struggled to find the words to describe how she felt. The pure heartache that she was experiencing was something she had never felt before. She could feel her heart slowly breaking with each word she spoke, painfully reliving the events she had desperately tried to run away from.
"A-and now I'm questioning everything. We've only been d-dating for a month a-and... I don't know, what if she doesn't like me anymore... w-what if she really does like him back." Before she could continue rambling, Emma interrupted her, "Hey, hey, look at me."
Jenna's broken eyes meet Emma's as she gave her a sympathetic smile. "Look... I may not know a lot about this kinda stuff, but one thing I do know is that y/n loves you. Every time she looks at you she gives you literal heart eyes, every time she walks into a room, she doesn't care who else is in there, she goes straight to you. She's a love sick puppy if I've ever seen one."
"Really?" "Yes really!" A small smile had spread its way onto Jenna's lips at the thought. She really hoped that what Emma was saying was true because she would be lying if she said she wasn't head-over-heels in love with you too. "As for Percy, he's just an idiot with a blind hype-man." This caused Jenna to chuckle, the seed of doubt that was previously growing in her mind slowly but surely dying.
"How about this. To prove it to you, how about I invite everyone over to mine when we've all wrapped tonight and you can see for yourself?" At Emma's suggestion, Jenna nodded enthusiastically, thrilled by the idea of possibly destroying all remnants of doubt left.
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Entering Emma's apartment, soft music playing over loud speakers as everyone was gathered around her living room, you were the last one to arrive which wasn't uncommon for you. You greeted everyone as they noticed your arrival, making an immediate beeline for an empty spot next to Jenna on the couch.
Percy, who seemed to have a new air of confidence, threw a comment your way as soon as you were in his line of sight. "There she is! My favourite girl is finally here!" You inwardly winced when you heard what he said, choosing to focus on Jenna in an attempt to ignore his obnoxious remark.
Jenna had been studying your face ever since you entered the room, her watchful eyes making sure that every subtle change in your expression didn't go unnoticed. Her jaw clenched when she heard Percy talk, a comment that could be interpreted platonically, but after the conversation she overheard, she knew his intentions and it made her feel sick to her stomach.
She did however notice how you slightly flinched at his words, your posture straightening as you walked faster in her direction. She inwardly sighed in relief at your reaction, knowing now that Emma was right. Maybe you really did love her - or at least you clearly didn't love Percy which was good enough for her.
As you took a seat next to her and turned your head to meet her eyes, she gave you a soft smile, one that was laced with sympathy, and greeted you. "Hi", she said softly. "Hi" You chuckled lightly, your thoughts disappearing as you get lost in her eyes, completely forgetting about your surroundings as the stress of your day practically melted away into an abyss.
You stared into each others eyes for what felt like eternity, each of you with matching giddy smiles. Even though you had only been dating a month, you could easily see yourself looking into these eyes for the rest of your life - something you would do with absolute pleasure.
Sadly, your own little bubble was burst when someone cleared their throat, causing both of you to look in the direction of the sound. "Are you playing or what?" Emma smirks at the two of you, well aware that she had interrupted something. Shaking your head gently out of your thoughts, you quickly replied "Yeah, yeah of course", giving Jenna a quick glance and smirk before settling into the couch.
As the rounds of Uno went on, with you unsurprisingly winning all of them, Jenna had been barely paying attention. She lost just about every round because she had been solely focused on you. Her eyes studying every detail, learning all the quirks of your different expressions - she also decided that your concentration face was incredibly cute. She was surprised you hadn't felt her eyes burning into the side of your head but she wasn't going to complain.
After practically memorising every little detail of your face, Jenna gently leant over towards you, her head stopping inches from yours, finally drawing your attention. She quietly whispered in your ear, "Can we talk?". You gave her a confused glance but quickly agreed before excusing yourselves and leaving the room.
"Is everything ok?" you were quick to ask, growingly worried as to why she was pulling you aside. "Emma knows". You blink in confusion. "Knows?..." "About us". Your eyes widen slightly in realisation, your lips forming a small O before you exhale in relief, relieved it wasn't anything worse.
"And... is that a problem? How did she find out?" you question hesitantly, knowing that Jenna really valued your relationships privacy and you weren't sure how she had taken the news. You saw Jenna take a deep breath, seemingly trying to calm herself which concerned you slightly.
"Basically... earlier today... I overheard Percy talking about how he liked you." She watches as your brows furrow slightly, obviously somewhat confused, but also upset about the news. "And when I heard him say that... I kinda panicked and ran away from the conversation... that's when I ran into Emma who took me to her trailer and comforted me, and immediately asked me if it was about you."
"Of course she did", you scoffed playfully, reaching to grab Jenna's hand to offer her some support. "I know... but she calmed me down and told me that you clearly loved me and Percy was stupid." You laughed at that before pulling Jenna into a gentle hug, her arms wrapping around your waist and squeezing softly.
"Who knew Emma could be so wise" you joked, earning a soft chuckle from your girlfriend. "She was definetly right about Percy being an idiot though... my god he can't take a hint" You gently pulled away from Jenna so your eyes could meet hers, your heart racing as you felt the weight of three heavy words on your tongue.
"And... that I love you." You saw Jenna's gaze soften, her eyes becoming glossy as she shows a giddy smile. "Really?" "Really" you reply softly. She sniffles quietly as you wipe away a stray tear that had escaped her beautiful eyes. "I love you too" she whispered even quieter, just loud enough for you to hear her.
You gently cup her cheeks as you pull her lips onto yours in a soft kiss. Jenna's hands slipped around the back of your neck causing a shiver to run down your spine, both of you gently caressing the others skin as you lips moved gently against one another's. Once your lips separated, you slipped your hand into hers, gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, pulling her back into the living room.
Walking through the doorway hand in hand, only two people appeared to take notice. Emma and Percy. Emma sent both of you a giddy smirk to which you both returned as you made your way back to your spot on the couch.
Moving you eyes away from Emma, you noticed Percy's bitter glare. Making eye contact with him, you threw your arm around Jenna's shoulders, pulled her closer so she was snuggling into you, and sent him a sly wink.
You watched as he scoffed and looked down at his phone, evidently trying to distract himself from what he had just seen. You chuckled softly at his reaction, knowing that you were definitely going to make the most of this after his ignorance had caused your girlfriend to question your love for her - payback is a bitch.
Jenna obviously had the same idea as she leaned into your side, gently whispering,
"This is going to be fun"
Tag-list:@nitchxhdc @emeraldevan @looseheartedlady @the-night-owl-blr @badassjaguar @txmxav @oh-thats-cute @blckrwidow @cacciatricediartemide @flaiire1805 @rainbow-love4ever @fall-08 @simp4nat @natashadeservedmore @livingforwaddams @alexkolax @ssinfulprayers
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albaskies · 5 months
But Daddy, I love him!
Written for @corneliaavenue-ao3's The Tortured Potters Department - Several Sunlit Daylights Fest | Also on AO3:
Ginny is extremely pleased with herself for having somehow managed to turn the candles in her room back on. She hasn’t done it on purpose, of course, nor has she premeditated it - she simply squeezed her eyes shut, wishing so very hard that she didn’t have to go to sleep, and upon opening them, she found her room dimly lit again. She’s started to display her first signs of magic lately, and she’s very proud of having caught up with her brothers in that regard, of being one step closer to them. Sometimes she finds herself dreaming that, if she keeps up with this pace and maybe if she manages to practise a bit, she’ll receive her Hogwarts letter early and she’ll be able to join Bill and Charlie there…
A gentle knock on the door distracts her from her thoughts, and her father enters the room, his glasses slid down the tip of his nose, his smile drowsy. 
‘Ginny,’ he sighs, but still looking at her fondly. He seems to have decided to ignore the candles that are inexplicably lighting the room. ‘Shouldn’t you be asleep already?’
Ginny shrugs, a wry smirk painted on her face. She’s relieved that it’s her dad who’s found her still awake, rather than her mum. Her mum would hush her back to bed, not wanting to hear a single word - but with her dad, she knows she has more leeway, she knows that he’ll sit with her and watch her until she falls asleep.
‘Can you tell me the story of the Boy Who Lived?’
Her father sighs again, as he approaches her bed and sits down next to her. She scooches over, trying to leave as much space as she can for him to be comfortable.
‘Why do you like that story so much?’
‘Because,’ says Ginny, taking a big breath. ‘Well, because I love him, Daddy!’
Her dad’s eyes are bewildered as he lets out a hearty laugh. ‘Oh, do you now? And why’s that?’
‘Because he’s all alone, his Mummy and Daddy died and he doesn’t have any brothers or sisters,’ replies Ginny, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. ‘Mum said that he needs everyone’s love, so maybe I can give him some, too.’
Her father looks at her tenderly, almost in disbelief, as if he’s wondering how they’ve managed to raise such a kind and loving soul. 
‘You know what, Ginny, I think you’re quite right. I’m sure he could use some love from everyone.’ he tells her, gently stroking her hair. ‘Come on now, lay down properly and I’ll tell you the story.’
She beams at him, and soon falls asleep to the sound of words she knows too well; words about a dark-haired boy, a lightning scar, and the sheer power of love.
The storm has finally ended, and now a thick, shiny blanket of snow covers the orchard at the Burrow like a layer of frosting on her favourite desserts. She’ll be able to play outside tomorrow - building snow wizards and witches or snowball fighting with her brothers, and hopefully someone will enchant the snowballs just to add a little more fun to the game. But Ginny - elbows on her desk, head held between her hands, her eyes fixed outside the window - isn’t particularly excited about the prospect, or excited at all for that matter. Quite the contrary, actually - she is really, really furious with her brother for spending his second Christmas in a row away from home, leaving her alone once again. It was bad enough, last year - but, at least, her parents had taken her to Romania to visit Charlie, and she had become used to Ron’s absence anyway, so she had stopped holding a grudge relatively quickly. This year she’s home, and everyone else is home too, but Ron has chosen to stay at Hogwarts. He was not forced by the circumstances, or else - it was his conscious, deliberate choice.
The truth is that she’s not just angry about Christmas, but about the whole stupid term, too. After spending every single day of their lives together for ten years, and after waiting for twelve exasperating months just to join him, Ron has barely ever spent any time with her at school. She’s quite sure that he’s even tried to avoid her intentionally on a couple of occasions. To make everything much worse, it’s been rather challenging for her to make new friends this year - which is odd, she reckons, considering that she’s normally very outgoing and fun to talk to. She’d hoped that Ron could’ve helped, that’s all. But his new circle of very important friends doesn’t seem to have a spot for her now, and certainly it doesn’t help that one of these friends is -
Her heart sinks in her stomach. Somehow, she can’t shake off the strange feeling of disappointment over Harry not being here, either. She’d wished she were able to spend more time with him outside of school; she had even rehearsed a couple of things to say in his presence, and she was sure, so very sure, that she wouldn’t have blushed this time. Well, it hadn’t been her idea, actually, but she’d been positive it would’ve worked. The only friend she’s been able to make this year has assured her of that.
A casual knock on her door startles her, but she doesn’t turn around to check who’s entered her room. She knows all too well that only her father would bother to knock on a door that’s been left open anyway. 
‘Ready to come down, Ginny?’, she hears his voice say, confirming her suspicions. ‘Or do you intend to keep sulking up here for a while longer?’
She feels a little embarrassed by his question but, when she turns around to look at him, she finds with slight relief that his glare isn’t harsh or judgemental.
‘It’s not fair, Dad!’, she complains. ‘Why did you let Ron stay at Hogwarts for the holidays?’
‘He wanted to keep his friends company. I think that’s actually very nice,’ her father calmly replies. She knows that by his friends he really means Harry, because she reckons Hermione has a nice family to go back to. Although, it’s rather weird that she decided to stay, too - maybe she also wanted to keep Harry company? She bitterly concludes that she doesn’t know, nor she ever will, because nobody tells her anything, nobody includes her in anything, she’s always left behind.
‘Harry could’ve come over too, couldn’t he?’, she then asks without thinking.
‘Well, of course we would’ve been happy to have him, but I’m afraid it’s a little more complicated than that.’
Not knowing what he means, she feels suddenly irritated, almost as if her father intended to suggest that Harry didn’t want to spend Christmas at the Burrow because of her. That would make sense, actually, given that she hasn’t been able to behave like a normal person every time they’ve been in the same room. What if she’s annoyed him beyond repair? What if he… hates her now?
‘But I really don’t understand why Harry wouldn’t want to -’
‘Maybe we should leave Harry and his business alone for the time being, don’t you think?’, suggests her father gingerly.
Another wave of humiliation rushes through her body, as she feels that her father’s just simultaneously exposed and dismissed one of her deepest secrets. But she has to defend it, doesn’t she, she has to stand up for herself -
‘But Daddy, I love him!’, she shouts, yet flushing, feeling more ashamed than ever.
Her father gives her a puzzled look, his lips pursed together in a thin line. ‘Don’t be silly, Ginny,’ he says matter-of-factly. ‘Come on now, go wash your hands, dinner’s almost ready.’
Ginny gives him another sheepish look as he leaves the room without uttering another word, but she doesn’t obey straight away. Instead, she quickly grabs her diary like it’s a magnet, suddenly feeling the urge to let out all her frustration, shame and dejection. 
I love him, but nobody believes me, she writes, warm tears filling up her eyes. Nobody understands.
Within a few seconds, her words made of ink sink into the rough paper, and new ones slowly emerge in that all-too-familiar fashion.
I do understand you, Ginny, they read. I am the only one who does.
It almost feels surreal - to be home. To eat properly, to rest, to finally lower her guard; to escape from all the secrecy, the plotting, the sneaking around, and, well, yes, from all the punishments, the physical strain, and the emotional abuse. 
She hasn’t realised how drained she’s felt until she sinks in her favourite plush chair in the living room of the Burrow, surrounded by her family, feeling warm again. She even manages to avoid the prying eyes, quietly dozing off for a little while. But then she’s awakened by a soft thump - something small and smooth has been thrown into her lap.
‘Is it true, then?’, asks George, while she examines the familiar coin he’s passed on to her. ‘Have you reinstated the D.A.?’
Before she can answer, her mother glares at her with fire in her eyes.
‘I should hope not, Ginny.’
Ginny feels a sudden rush of annoyance tingling her body. Always the last, always protected, always underestimated. Always meant to be left behind.
‘Of course we have,’ she says mildly. ‘They’re torturing children for fun, you know.’
‘And what do you do when that happens?’, argues her mother sharply. ‘Do you take their place?’
As she does not reply, her mother’s expression changes from indignation to pure horror, her gaze darting quickly between Ginny’s face and that faded blue turtleneck jumper she’s wearing for the first time in years. She’s noticed, then.
‘Take off that jumper, Ginny.’
‘I said,’ her mother pleads, now shouting in fury. ‘Take off that jumper, now!’
Ginny isn’t really sure whether her refusal stems from her desire to spare her mother from further suffering, to protect her from the cuts, the bruises and scars she carries on her body like medals; or whether it comes from her own pride, her will to show that she, too, can fight. 
She storms off to her bedroom, slamming the door, and she’s surprisingly left alone long enough for her to lie down and enjoy some quiet, exhausted by her own anger. Her bed feels softer than she could remember, her room like her only sanctuary in all the chaos.
The knock on the door she’s been expecting is weak and hesitant, and her father enters the room cautiously, almost as if he expects something to explode at any moment. She takes advantage of the silence to observe him, to register every new line around his mouth, every new wrinkle around his eyes. He seems to have aged years in the span of just a few short months.
She raises her back and sits on the bed, still saying nothing. He breaks the silence first, watching her gravely, cutting straight to the chase.
‘Has your brother asked you to do this, Ginny?’, he asks, unable to fully conceal the bitterness in his voice. ‘Or Harry, for that matter?’
She shivers at the sound of his name, her eyes are now burning, but she doesn’t lower her gaze.
‘No, of course not.’
Her father exhales heavily, as if releasing a tension he’s been holding in his chest for Merlin knows how long, and sits down next to her on the bed.
‘Why do you do it, then?’, he asks her plainly. There’s no judgement in his voice, no resentment. ‘Why do you put your life on the line like that?’
This is when she immediately looks away, feeling a strange lump in her throat.
‘Why do you do it, Dad?’, she barely manages to say, her voice shaking. 
He sighs again, defeated. ‘You should lay low, Ginny. You’re already very much in danger as it is, being a Weasley. No matter all the stories we’ve made up to cover for Harry, Snape knows that our family is close to him, and that means you as well.’
Ginny scoffs. A few months ago, she would’ve found such a comment insulting, belittling, maybe even a little heartbreaking. But now she’s so full of it - she’s so full of having to endure people passing judgements on what she is or isn’t for Harry, so full of having to pretend that they are nothing, so full of being scared to death that she’ll end up convincing herself, too. She can’t resist the urge to laugh at the absurdity of it all - or, even more so, the urge to let it all out, to say it exactly as it is, because she doesn’t owe it to anyone to remain on the sidelines, not her mother, not her father, especially not Harry.
‘Oh, it’s much worse than that,’ she hisses, her sarcasm tainted with pure spite.
Her father gives her a quizzical look. She fixes her glare on him now, her voice no longer shaking, her eyes no longer stinging with tears.
‘I love him, Dad,’ she says, then lets out another high-pitched laugh. ‘It’s sickening, isn’t it? It makes me fucking sick.’
He looks at her, transfixed, too appalled to scold her for her language. After so many years, it still surprises him. But there’s something different in the way she’s said it now, something that wasn’t there when she was five or eleven years old. Disillusionment, anger, sadness. Maturity. Acceptance.
His eyes glimmer as if he’s just finally laid the final piece in one of his Muggle puzzles, and the full picture finally comes to life. He seems, somehow, to understand it all at once. 
‘And he loves you too, I suppose?’
Ginny feels a familiar, but long forgotten heat creeping on her cheeks. For a short moment, it feels good to blush again.
‘I reckon he does, yes,’ she whispers. Those words feel weird exposed to the real world - she’s never acknowledged it out loud, and Harry certainly has never told her. Hers is just a hunch, a gut feeling, maybe an innocent hope, something she’s never dared to question. Now that she’s said them, those words don’t lose their meaning, as she feared they would - rather, they resonate even stronger in her, they just click, everything falls into place, but they don’t make her nearly as happy as they probably should have.
‘Don’t worry,’ she says bitterly, before her father can say anything. She reads it all over his face - the doubt, the concern, the suspicion. She shrugs. ‘He’s already taken care of it.’
For a short moment that seems suspended in time, they look at each other - a daughter that’s had to grow up way too soon, a father who’s understood that there are things he cannot shelter her from. 
He then awkwardly pats her on her back, stands up, and leaves her room in silence, at a loss for words. 
She, for one, is grateful that he hasn’t doubted her heart this time.
Their wedding is a rather small affair. 
The marquee that had been previously used for Bill and Fleur’s wedding feels bigger than ever, now hosting barely thirty of them between their massive family, a handful of grandchildren, and their closest friends. 
It has been Ginny and Harry’s desire to throw a modest party in the orchard, without making too much fuss, avoiding lavish and crowded celebrations. After all, the saviour of the Wizarding world marrying an internationally renowned Quidditch player is exactly that kind of event a horde of journalists and curious onlookers would throw themselves at, like a swarm of bees on a honey jar. So they’ve decided to keep it low and simple - just like their whole romance, after all.
If it were for Ginny, she would’ve got married wearing Muggle clothes somewhere deep in a forest, standing on a random rock, for all that she cares. But she didn’t want to rob her parents of the joy of walking their only daughter down the aisle, or her brothers of the opportunity of celebrating their only sister on one of the happiest days of her life. And Harry has happily obliged - ultimately, it is his family, too.
‘I just want to marry you,’ he said once, grinning madly, his green eyes flashing like the day he kissed her for the first time, that tenth of May of exactly five years ago.
And so here they are now, under the marquee, everyone either dancing, running around or mingling, champagne bubbling in their goblets (‘I’d still fancy a posh drink at my own wedding, thank you very much’), married at last.
Ginny smiles as she watches her (she feels heat all over her body to even fathom the word) husband trying to dance with her mother, his new mother-in-law, who is sobbing rather uncontrollably on his shoulder, dampening his new elegant robes. Harry has the most loving look in his eyes as he gently pats her on her back, and Ginny can’t help but notice that he’s a little choked up, too.
She’s so mesmerised by the two of them, so full of love, that it takes her a while to notice that her father has joined her, and is now staring at her with a knowing look painted on his face.
‘What?’, she laughs.
He grins at her tenderly, putting an arm around her shoulders.
‘You love him, don’t you?’
Ginny lets out another laugh. ‘Oh, d’you reckon? Whatever gave it away?’
Her father smiles again, wider this time, squeezing her tightly. 
‘You might have mentioned it, you know, once or twice.’
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mothwingwritings · 1 year
Pls G and O for *ahem* the man who shall not be named ( yuujirou)🙏
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I decided to do all the Yujiro asks in one fell swoop, so we can all suffer together as a family. :)
Warnings: I should only have to mention Yujiro Hanma at this point for you guys to know what you are getting into TBH but-mentions of abuse, noncon, reader being demeaned, beaten, and generally treated like garbage.
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Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
The way Yujiro sees it, everything on this planet is for his amusement, and your existence is not exempt from that. In fact, you are arguably one of his favorite amusements, though he’d never tell you that himself.
That being said, that is all you will ever really amount to with the ogre-an enjoyable distraction to be used for his own pleasure. Everything he does to you, every way he tortures and fucks with you, is very much a fun little game to him. His affection for you only goes as far as you can keep his interest, and once/if you’ve lost all your charm, from that point on you are dead to him.
Yujiro is kind of a special case when it comes to ‘escaping’ him because he lets you roam free, so it’s not like there is any actual physical confinement you would need to break free from. The imprisonment comes from his overwhelming power and the fact that there is no place on earth that is safe from his reach, nowhere where his influence hasn’t extended. He can get through any security measure, travel easily to any country, and gain access to any information through his vast network of contacts. You have no way of competing against that, no way of taking security measures against someone so impossibly strong who has the world at their fingertips.  You are a sitting duck, biding your time till he inevitably strikes again.
And yes, Yujiro does enjoy watching all the precautionary measures you take and safeguards you try to set up to protect yourself from him. It’s hilarious seeing the look on your face when he easily plows through each and every one of them to come and claim you.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Honestly, none of them. One of the absolute worst things about Yujiro is that you have no clue when or how he will strike next. The man comes and goes as he pleases and does whatever tickles his fancy at any given time. It’s one of the perks of being the most powerful being on the planet, no one has the power to stop him from doing anything he sets his mind too.
Those whims translate over to you as well. You could go months or even years with nary a peep from Yujiro Hanma and then the next thing you know you’re being pulled off the street into some back alley to be brutally assaulted by the man himself. It may end there and you won’t see him for another long stretch of time (if ever again), or he may keep you by his side for several days to sate his boredom. You are constantly at his mercy. There is no way to protect yourself, no way of knowing when to even prepare for his arrival. Your entire life revolves around living in a constant state of dread, never truly knowing when, where, or how this man will come for you.
So all that said he doesn’t really take any rights away from you simply because he doesn’t need to. He’ll have you when he wants you, and when you’re with him your only concern and purpose is to please him in whatever way he desires. All the other side shit you have going on is inconsequential to him.
(The only time I think he may impose any kind of iron clad law on you is when you are with him, if you let your mind wander from him he WILL get pissed off and WILL punish you by keeping you quite literally locked by his side. How dare you be in his company and not show him complete reverence and respect? All your freedoms will be taken away the moment you lose focus, you won’t even be able to feed yourself or go to the bathroom without his consent/assistance. It’s horrific and demeaning, humiliating in ways unimaginable. Every moment of your life will be under Yujirou’s scrutiny for however long it takes until he’s satisfied. But even when his tyrannical presence is long gone, the mortification will linger indefinitely).
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Every waking moment of everyday with Yujiro is the worst experience. If he’s not physically hurting you, he’s mentally abusing you. If he’s not touching or handling you inappropriately, he’s full on sexually assaulting you. Even when he is showing moments of ‘kindness’ it’s all just a ruse, another way to mess with you before he inevitably fucks you up in some way. The mental gymnastics this man puts you through on top of the physical duress he keeps your body under is horrendous and unbearable, he is a literal nightmare 24/7.
Never trust any praise, compliments, or benevolence he awards you-he’ll ultimately turn it against you and make you regret ever being so stupid to believe he could and would show you kindness.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He’s almost always condescending and pompous. Yujiro is superior to you in every way and is not shy about reminding you of that.  He expects you to do what he says when he says it, and doesn’t tolerate any lip or complaining about it (though he will sometimes find it humorous if you give a little back talk, depending on his mood). You feel like you are under some sort of regime when you are in his presence, his dominant presence leaving no room for debate. You are on constant alert, riddled with worry that you may say or do something that will set him off and begin the pattern of abuse all over again.
In certain rare instances he may open up to you or have a normal conversation where he isn’t being a smug jerk, but those are few and far between. He holds little to no respect for you and it’s painfully apparent in his mannerisms and way of speaking to you. You are his forced companion, glorified sex toy/punching bag, and your opinions and feelings don’t really matter. Just serve your purpose, know your place, and he will leave a satisfied man and you will (possibly) leave unscathed.
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
I honestly don’t think Yujiro has the capacity to truly or selflessly love somebody, and as such he doesn’t experience affection in any normal sense of the word. At best he would have a warped sort of infatuation with you, any ‘affection’ he may direct your way a result of his twisted attraction to you (which is on par with most yanderes, but it’s a whole other level with Yujiro).
How he presents these feelings to you depends entirely on his mood. If he is feeling gracious he may take you out somewhere nice, like a classy restaurant or a high end hotel. He may even take you on a vacation somewhere exotic and exciting. While this may come off as a selfless act of benevolence, don’t get it twisted-Yujiro isn’t doing this as an act of charity. The only reason he’s letting you tag along on these outings is because he either expects something in return from you or he’s just bored and thinks having you around may help alleviate that. Either way, don’t expect smooth sailing when he shows these rare glimpses of goodwill, he will lord them over you and get payback for gifting your something so nice.  
Most of the time though he’ll just show up out of the blue to terrorize you, have his way with you, and then leave. In his mind, that is a form of affection. He’s making time for you, isn’t he? He’s going out of his way to see you and give you his undivided attention, if anything you should feel grateful for that. It’s not his problem if you decide to be a little bitch and not appreciate that.
(I will say this though-I feel like if you proved yourself to Yujiro and he did grow to truly respect you, he would treat you much better. He wouldn’t be ‘nice’ by any stretch of the term, but he would take your opinions into account and speak to you on more equal footing. He would still do what he wants with you, but he would be much more willing to work with you and possibly even take into account some of your boundaries (though that is an incredibly large maybe). Your relationship would not get to this point quickly or easily, it would take years of abuse, torture, and anguish to get there. And I think half his new found respect would come from the fact that you survived all of his bs and made it that far. Congrats! You get the tiniest amount of appreciation as a reward for all your suffering. :) )
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
Sat down and was like "What's the dumbest, most out of pocket crossover I can think of with Naruto." Then remembered that one guy who just went "Madoka magica" under my TMA crossover post and started giggling
So yeah, @thr33dogsinatrenchcoat this one goes out to you, I hope ur happy
So my first thought was just Homura in Naruto, but then my brain said no. Kyubey in Naruto. And then I really lost it
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I present to you,
✨️ magical girl Kakashi ✨️
Major Spoilers for Madoka Magica below the cut
(Funilly enough, this has been in my drafts for a while now, well before I started getting really into my magical girl izuna AU)
A quick explanation for those of you here for Kakashi content who have no clue what Madoka Magica is;
Kyubey is a pink immortal rat thing from space who offers specifically pre-teen girls contracts to become magical girls. The girl will be granted a wish as their payment for the contract, then have to fight monsters known as Witches.
How big the wish that they can have granted (wishing for a cake vs wishing to revive the dead for example) depends on their potential as a magical girl. The girls magical girl theme and power will revolve around whatever wish they made— ask for someone to be healed and you may be able to heal faster, ask for happiness and maybe you get to be an empath, etc. As long as you can somehow connect the power to their wish, anything is fair game.
It's later revealed that a) the "soul gem" every magical girl is given when they become a magical girl is literally their soul in physical form. Kyubey just straight up removed their soul from their body and put it in a ROCK. Yes this does mean you can torture a magical girl via her soul gem, and yes if the soul gem gets too far from the girl she will collapse like a puppet who's strings were cut.
And b) witches are actually magical girls who fall victim to negative emotions and have their soul gems consumed by darkness either because they were swallowed by grief or from using too much magic without being able to clean their soul gem (which they can only do by killing witches)
Kyubey does all this because magical girls specifically within the age range of a middle schooler, give off a specific kind of energy when they transform into the witches that Kyubey's race farms for reasons I don't really remember anymore but I'm pretty sure has to do with it being mandatory for their race to live? Dunno it's been years since I watched madoka
Ok context over now for the fun part:
Something about the way humans are made in this world means Kyubey is not restricted to prepubescent girls in offering contracts. It's probably related to their chakra coils or something; Which also translates interestingly into how your amount of chakra and your chakra control affects your power as a magical girl.
Both of which Kakashi has in the bag.
I've read a few different takes about how Kakashi's chakra reserves are actually really big, he's just always running dangerously low bc of the constant drain of the sharingan. (I think this was actually confirmed in one of the novels? Which is neat) And since the overall 'potential' of his maximum chakra reserves is what wins out when it comes to the magical girl contract, he's our ideal customer.
Now, for this set up we aren't going to be using the "Kyubey and the magical girl system have just been around for a long while" but instead we're going with the "kyubey is new to this world and, seeing all of this potential energy, is looking to take a few of these bad boys on a test drive to see how well they work."
(Though there's a very interesting fic there with the angle of kyubey as maybe the equivalent of a 10th secret biiju, maybe locked away somewhere, and maybe released by forming a contract with someone— His junchuriki perhaps?)
This brings up an interesting question! A world where theyre havent been any magical girls yet made means that its a world without witches. And in a world without witches, what is Kyubey's explanation for why he needs magical girls when asked?
In the show we are shown that if pressed and asked the right questions, Kyubey will often tell the truth of the matter — that eventually a magical girl will self destruct and Kyubey farms the energy they release when they turn into a witch.
I can't see any shinobi worth their salt just accepting a suspicious contract for even more suspicious power from an impossibly MORE suspicious little magic rat thing. Kakashi especially. Questions WILL be asked and I do think it wouldn't actually be that hard to get Kyubey to give up the truth. Honestly, knowing the things personality and how it likes to take the logical approach, he might see that just telling the truth may actually help convince some people.
Because yeah, horrible fate aside, it's a lot easier to buy into promises of power when you know exactly what the catch will eventually be, and when it'll probably start kicking in.
There's a lot of people in Naruto who would can and have traded a LOT more than just their soul for power and a free wish. I can see people taking Kyubeys deal as is, Kakashi included under the right circumstances.
And besides that, there are plenty of times when the situation is last minute and intense to have the time to ask questions. Kyubey appearing in some life or death battle offering a miracle would probably be able to get a "fuck it what's the worst that can happen" from pretty much anyone
Anyways there are a few different paths we can take with the how's and why's Kakashi becomes a magical girl, and it largley depends on when exactly Kyubey approaches him about it.
1; Minato Route
Wishes for Minato and everyone to please just stay safe during "Madara's" attack, saving them and trading his soul for it in the process. He has no regrets tho, he refuses to.
This path I think would be fun if Kyubey shows up for the first time super last minute and Kakashi is pressed into a rushed contract and rushed wish. But I can also see if maybe he'd been approached by Kyubey beforehand, it's just that he was trying to sort out whether he trusted the rat enough to make a deal and sort out the exact wording of his wish. But oops no more time for that Kyubey please just keep his family safe!
It'd be fun if that was his exact wording actually. "I wish to keep my family safe"
Maybe it'd mean that even in the future, if he finds someone he considers to be his family, the wish will grow and apply to them? And then ""safe"" is such an abstract concept, especially to shinobi. What does it mean to be safe? Maybe it can end up backfiring in some way eventually, idk
2; Obito Route
^ Like he considers obito family, so maybe Obito is out there reaping the benefits of this wish as he tears shit up bc Kakashi never considered his wish could protect someone who might wish him harm.
This'd also mean Minato and Kushina are around!!! That'd impact a fuck ton of stuff for sure. I feel like without them dissapearing as his final push off the edge, Kakashi for sure wouldn't be the same guy we see in canon. He at least has some form of safety net to catch him, even if he's deep in depression and might not realize that net is there.
After either Kanabi bridge or Rin's death, Kakashi is approached by Kyubey, reads the terms and conditions of the contract, and then wishes for Obito and or Rin to come back to life. This, specifically with Obito, I see going one of two ways;
Kyubey, a bastard, who somehow magically knows Obito is alive: "Are you sure this is what you want to use your wish for?"
Kakashi: "fuck you yes I am"
Kyubey: "I mean if you say so lmao" (Less work for me)
Kyubey, somehow magically knowing Obito is alive and not wanting to have Kakashi waste this wish because say what you will, he's fair about this shit (to a degree anyways): "Unfortunatley I can't revive people who never died!"
Kakashi: "What."
*queue Kakashi going on a mission to find Obito and becoming a sparkly magical girl along the way wooo we love to see it*
3; The great dilemma, aka TIME TRAVEL !!!!!!!!!!!!
He failed Itachi, leading to the deaths of the entire Uchiha clan.
I'm so sorry you guys time travel is like 90% of what I do and I don't think it's gonna change any time soon
So, Kakashi is approached by Kyubey after the Uchiha massacre. At this point he has a whole fucking list of people he might want to try to revive or save, but he can only make a wish so big. He has enough power to wish one or two people back from the dead— an honestly incredibly feat in itself —but not everyone.
He failed his team, leading to their deaths and Naruto's sad orphan life.
He failed countless mission partners over the years, watching shinobi's fall dead left and right because of a wrong call or knife thrown a second too late
Now for his relationship with Kyubey—
He can't wish them all back. But he can wish for a second chance.
And yeah ok as I'm writing this I'm realizing we've turned right back around and started a fr Madoka magica AU I didn't mean to do that actually, oops.
But yeah time travel magical girl Kakashi !!! Given the time to really think about his wish and too many people to save, he wishes for a second chance.
Does he end up in his kid body or does he stay an 18 year old?
Is he alone or does Kyubey (having learned his mistake from Homura and Madoka) make sure to come along with?
Does his sharingan somehow pull Obito back with him or is he really alone?
Fuck ok actually as I write this one I think this might be The One, The AU, so we're gonna shelve this for another post on its own so we can keep just talking ab the set up.
So disclaimer, I haven't actually watched Madoka in forever, but I think it's safe to say that Kyubey is honestly pretty decent when it comes to guiding his magical girls? I mean, up until they fall off a cliff of despair and turn into monsters, but till then he holds up his end of the contract really well? He'll generally come when they call, answer their questions when asked, check in on them to make sure they're adapting to the lifestyle, sometimes even help keep them informed about local magical girls or witches or just give out free advice.
Don't get me wrong, Kyubey is a fucking rat and not to be trusted, he tricks little girls into literally selling their souls, but he has a clear work ethic and method. He's just also incapable of feeling human emotion and seems genuinely confused at why people would be alarmed or upset at, you know, everything.
But I think that's what would make him work so well in a shinobi world! Especially if he looks at the world and it's people and decides that upfront honesty would be the best play in recruiting someone as his magical girl test drive.
I think it could be interesting if Kakashi and Kyubey could have an actually somewhat positive relationship. Well, as positive as it can get for a traumatized ninja boy and a space rat with no real concept of human emotions outside of what it's read in a textbook about manipulating little girls.
They have an alarmingly functional workplace relationship. Kakashi signed a contract knowing what kind of death it'd probably lead him to (and it's not like it's that different from the end he already knows he'll face one day) and Kyubey is contractually bound to stick around and lend a helping hand and a bit of companionship when applicable.
Also, with Kakashi being his first magical girl test run in this world, he's just kind of monitoring the project? He wants to see it to the end before he gets started on widespread magical girl contracts, because again, logical emotionless little rat thing who knows better than to assume that since it's gone well so far it'll end well too. He wants to collect ALL the data before settling in for good.
Kyubey is giving Kakashi weirdly reaffirming (and much needed) positive reinforcement in all of this. He's impressed with how well the project is going! Kakashi is going through so much constant misery that despite somehow not turning into a witch out of despair, he's still giving a near constant output of that same energy Kyubey farms that usually only comes out when a magical girl witches out. Maybe that's also actually something related to the chakra coils— instead of giving one big explosion of energy when they turn into a witch, the people of this world are able to give a continuous stream of it just by existing and being miserable. Which also gives Kyubey even more of a reason to want to see Kakashi keep living! This guy is a one man army when it comes to energy! It's great!
Also it'd be kind of fucked up but in a funny way if Kyubey straight up told Kakashi this (Maybe Kakashi actually asks to be kept up to date on all of Kyubey's little project notes of studying him?) And it being somewhat of a comfort to him. Like. Yeah, he's a failure cursed to always have those he loves die in his arms or at his hands, but at least his suffering is helping the universe in some way! That's something, right? Right???
Anyways, power and appearence time
So like, obviously there's a VERY large chance that Kakashi would end up with some sort of healing power as a magical girl. Because yknow, there is basically no universe where Kakashi doesn't use his wish to either heal someone, protect someone, or bring someone back from the dead— which lines up pretty directly to a healing based power.
But just normal healing is too boring so lets get spicy with it! Let's lay out some power options!
1) Blood healing
So my favorite twist on a normal healing power is a simple one; He regenerates stupid fast, to the point that he can even reattach limbs, but it's all in his blood. As long as his blood is touching a wound, it's healed in seconds to minutes.
This is also means his blood can also be used to heal others! For good or for bad. Fights can get a lot more complicated when your enemy realizes that they can use your own healing methods on them— even if the blood does only work on what it can touch, so they gotta risk shoving that shit in there if the wound is too deep.
If you want an extra bit of spice on top of that also, you can say the blood doesn't just heal people. Maybe it can heal any living thing— plants included
(I'm ngl I typed all this out then kind of squinted at my screen and went wait isn't this what Karin does? I don't actually know the details of her powers no one tell me if I'm right, I don't actually care)
2) Wound substitution
Here's an incredibly in character ability; He can take on the wounds of his comrades. They get hurt but he takes the hit. It'd so fit his self sacrificing ass too.
Maybe he can have advanced healing from the wounds he steals from his companions, maybe he only inherits them by halves, maybe it's the full deal.
Maybe it's involuntary or maybe he can only do it on purpose. Involuntary could be interesting and offer serious consequences down the line.
I'd love to see a dog themed magical girl Kakashi I think it would cure all of my mental illnesses and give me like 30 more.
3) Sheilds but make them zappy
Thunder shields could be interesting. Maybe he can use the shields to encase his limbs to deliver an extra oomf or smthn, just for funzies.
4) Something to do with eyes
You know I gotta at least consider smthn with eyes, like cmon. Whether it's because his wish was phrased in a way that could catch on it, or it's just how the magic interacted with his sharingan, I wanna see some eye stuff!!!
Maybe whatever healing ability he has is all centered in the eye or smthn, or maybe if it's like a self healing ability he regenerates eyes first or smthn idk.
4) Time powers ✨️
You know I had to.
In the route where he wishes for a second chance he so gets time powers. It's very cool. It's also very very fucking OP so it'd be tricky to work around in giving him a fr obstacle. Maybe if Obito comes back with him, the sharingan somehow makes him immune? Like, whenever Kakashi stops time, Obito isn't stopped.
I'm ngl Im running low on power ideas rn so let's move on, but like leave that open ended
Would Kakashi's magical girl outfit be something that adapts to his style and is created by his subconscious desires, as I'm pretty sure is accurate according to Madoka Magica lore? Yes. But do I think it would be funny to put him in a fluffy magical girl skirt? Even bigger yes, put that man in a dress and heels immediatley.
For Kakashi's soul gem, I think it'd be really fun if instead of taking the form of a ring, it was instead either an earring or— hear me out guys, lip ring or tongue piercing
It's perfect! He already hides his face, no one would even know it was there! Also both lip rings and tongue piercings are so cute
His soul gem is red with a silver case and we all know why. When he transforms it doesn't glow red tho, it glows white because something something hatake white chakra or something, idk
Anyways this has been sitting in my drafts for like 2 weeks now, so I'm gonna go ahead and hit post even tho I'm not totally satisfied with what I have here. Better to put it out for the few who'd enjoy it than keep it in the trunk bc I'm unsatisfied, right? Maybe I'll come back to it later, idk.
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zombiepuke · 11 months
Thinking about Valentina tonight. Thinking about how she was a poor sex worker just trying to make it in the world and got manipulated and conned into Cecilia’s scam because, come on, it’s just pretending to be a nurse for a little while and she’ll definitely split the money with you and it’s easy, easy cash and she was probably desperate
And how she literally got sexually assaulted right fucking before being thrown into a torture trap - already seen as trash by the masses just because she’s a sex worker. It probably wasn’t the first time she’d been attacked like that, either
About her waking up, tied to a pipe-cross, terrified, confused, sitting in a dirty room with people she hardly knew, especially the blonde “doctor” who had claimed her share of the easy cash would change her life, give her at least something. But instead of that, she gets tossed into a trap by a man who claims to have this insane moral code as if he were God, but is so easily transparent and is so obviously full of shit. You cannot judge a person’s entire morality on one mistake, one act of desperation. John would know best, even good people do gray things when backed into a corner
And then, she’s up first - her trap was arguably the most brutal, the most painful, the most dangerous - she had hardly any time to think before the timer is clicking down, Cecilia is screaming at her to “just do it! Just saw your leg off! It’s fine you’ll be fine! Save yourself save yourself save yourself!!!!” as if she were some goddamn cheerleader at a game, as if it were her hands that held a piece of metal that was about to cut through her own femur
She’s a crying mess, just a woman who wasn’t all good but certainly not all bad, certainly undeserving of this fate, at least. She doesn’t think she can muster the courage to do it, but the proximity of the saw to her exposed neck makes her understand - she doesn’t want to fucking die.
Then she manages to do it, actually fucking do it - force a braid of wire right down the meat of her thigh, right through every artery and vein, every ligament and muscle, right through to the bone, and then some. Blood literally gushing like a hot spring, and she’s screaming nonsensically, the pain incomprehensible, unlike anything she, or any normal person, had ever felt before. And Cecilia is still yelling at her to not think just do it, but her hands shake and tremble, her brain screaming at her to stop mutilating herself, and all the while the timer is continuing to tick down.
And she moves the saw back and forth and back and forth and back and forth until pop
Her leg slides clean off, right at the dotted line.
And still, through all of that trauma and excruciating pain, she’s able to take her bloody, shaking hands and attach the suction to her exposed femur as steady as she could, like she was supposed to, crying and sniffling and probably so pumped full of adrenaline and terror and feelings no human should ever have to feel. And she’s sit having to watch the timer tick down to zero, panicking, screaming for her life, but the goddamn tube was too long, took too long, didn’t pump enough of the liquefied marrow into the strainer—
And she gets a saw-wire through her neck at a painfully slow pace, and her head on the floor.
After all of that, she still fucking dies a horrific death. She saws her own goddamn leg off, and she still dies - and if she had literally a second more time, she would have survived - the trap at least. Who knows if she could have lived any sort of trip to a hospital, the amount of blood lost, shock coursing through her veins.
And then to have her deceased body disrespected and mutilated by the woman who had claimed to help her, provide for her, talked her into the scam in the first place, her stomach torn open haphazardly and her intestines pooled around the room like some dirty rope. Her decapitated head used as a prop piece.
I’m just thinking about Valentina and her last moments so full of pain, how scared she was. How she didn’t deserve that, at all, how the woman who was the mastermind behind it all got to walk with hardly a scratch. How Valentina’s punishment did not fit her crime and how skewed John’s logic was.
And for Amanda to then rattle on about how Valentina didn’t harbor the will to live - bitch please. I’d like to see anyone else slice their leg off at the thigh in a matter of minutes after waking up confused, scared, unknowing of what was about to happen to them. And to be the first one up to bat? If anyone had the will to live that night, it was fucking Valentina. My girl went through the wringer and she got absolutely nothing in return.
She should have lived she should have lived she should have fucking lived
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yuikomorii · 10 months
Heya! In which of the boys route do you think Yui was broken/hurt the most?
I always wanted to know which would be the worst scenario (route) for like.. an avarage girl irl . I know most girls would not survive there😅 but just wanted to know your opinion which of those 6 doors you would never open. Or 13 if we count all the characters.
// Since it's an otome game, it goes without saying that there will be a lot of plot armor and that the love interests can't really harm the heroine seriously throughout the route, regardless of what she does, because the plot would go nowhere like that. Most characters are jerks but not really that hard to handle, since they were known for scaring Yui rather than letting her get genuinely hurt. However there were certain Diaboys who were very scary, as it felt like they had no feelings of remorse or empathy.
Can’t say that his HDB route is the worst thing Rejet has ever written (because it’s definitely not) but it baffled me how he was so okay with Yui breaking like that to the point where she lost all her will to live and only wanted to be set free from him. I mean, she literally tried to commit and he was just there not even intending to stop her bleeding veins despite being the one who cut them?? It’s true that in the Vampire Ending she doesn’t turn out that bad but after all, this is just because it’s fiction.
He was easier to understand than Laito because at least you were able to know that he had a soft spot for sweets and Teddy. Nevertheless, it was a bit too much how he kept stabbing Yui with the fork and a few chapters later, I’m pretty sure he stabbed Yui with a knife in more places as well. Still, it’s surprising how she turned out worse in his route, considering the fact that in the afterstory she kills innocent people—
I love Kou but he was a literal demon in MB. I really hated how he made his fans bully Yui JUST FOR FUN. It wasn’t even any sort of punishment, he merely wanted to make her suffer. Another thing I couldn’t stand was how he kept putting Yui’s life in danger, only to make her prove her love. I understand wanting to test someone but it would have been way better if he actually saved Yui after seeing her do something dangerous. That way it would have proved that he cared for her yet he continued to watch her get hurt for him over and over again, without feeling any empathy. He was sorta redeemed at the end but yeah, most of his route was big yikes, especially since you wouldn’t have expected a cheerful and friendly idol like him to be such a wicked person.
I like the Tsukinami family's desire to preserve their lineage but sorry, I must say that I find it repulsive that a 17-year-old would be forced to become pregnant out of the blue with strangers. I understand that Yui was partially to blame for Carla's anger and subsequent dungeon scene but that moment grossed me out sooo bad. She lost her will to live but Carla literally jumped on a depressed girl and was on the verge of rap€ing her, if his Endzeit didn’t kick in. He gets gradually better throughout his route but this scene left a sore taste in my mouth.
Look, Kino is a great villain and a lot of fun, but his LE route was trash. Kino killed a child, mistreated Yui, abducted both Yui and Ayato, planned to sell Ayato to the church for execution, manipulated Yui and tortured Ayato. The pain he caused them both was immense and although I appreciated Yui calling him out, it's so sad that she was brainwashed. While it's true that Kino can be quite cute when he wants to, their romance was so rushed and forced because they didn't give us any reason why Yui would fall for him other than manipulation when Ayato, who was seen to care more about her than for himself, was right there. I wish they developed Kino’s feelings better, given that he straight up blackmailed Yui to become his, otherwise Ayato would had been killed, therefore Yui had no other choice but accept the situation. That’s why his CL route is way better.
I only mentioned 5 instead of 6 but that’s mostly because no other character came closer to them in terms of bad scenario. The rest of them felt decent in their routes for a game called Diabolik Lovers, lol.
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xecutivecucumber · 5 months
Executive Cucumber's Thoughts on The Bad Batch 03×12!
Spoilers under the cut
Let start out by saying holy heck that was the cool down episode I needed. My sister watched it before me and was able to tell me that Tech/CX-2 wasn't in it for a significant amount, so I was able to get past my disappointment and not be stressed out during the episode. Yes, I'm still on the 'Tech is CX-2 Bandwagon.' I do think they should have revealed him to the audience earlier, because I have to actively avoid Bad Batch social media (*cough*reddit*cough*) for my own mental health because of the negativity around the idea. It's really draining.
Anyway, on to the actual episode!
Today I realized that I might be triggered by Omega being trapped at Tantiss because of some past experiences. (And yes, if you've read my fics you know that I've done it to her too, but I have control over that and I think the problem is the lack of control I have)
Hi Tech! I love you! Please be un brainwashed soon!
I want to murder Hemlock. I don't know if I've ever hated a Star Wars villain like this before. It feels so personal.
It devastates me that they're going to take Omega's clothes away. Clothes that were given to her by people who love her. Ow.
Also you're playing a dangerous game, not keeping those binders on her, Hemlock.
'Is everything all right, Dr. Karr?' 'No, the Jango parent gene got awakened in me and that does not go away'
Why does Emerie think she HAS to do this?
I'm a little disappointed we didn't see Hunter find out about Omega. He's probably just in 'go' mode, honestly. Adrenaline and all that.
Crosshair is so proud of Omega oh my gosh.
Oh my gosh Tech told Phee about Crosshair. That implies that had more time than we saw. That makes me so happy and sad.
Phee talks about Tech with such fondness. You can tell how much she cared about him. I feel like I'm watching a widow who's processed her grief but still talks about her husband because she loved him.
Also, looking at Phee, she doesn't really have any implied make up on. She's very natural. Good for her.
...Rampart looks kinda good with a beard.
Okay Tech would find the stunt Phee pulled extremely attractive.
This is the closest we've gotten to the original Batch we've gotten in a very long time. It feels good to see them go mission mode with Crosshair.
This is reminding me of Eriadu and I don't like it.
Crosshair asking Wrecker if he remembered whatever plan and then patiently waiting for him to remember lives rent free in my head he's so sweet.
Also, Crosshair's theme is played in this really fun way?
Crosshair should be allowed to kick Rampart in the balls. As a treat.
Rampart you snake. Crosshair should have shot him in the leg instead of stunning him.
My sister pointed out that the juggernaut represents how the Batch is right now. You cannot stop them.
Man, it's nice to not to be as conflicted when the TK troopers die, as opposed to when clones were sent against them. Quick thought though, does Wolffe have all the remaining clones?
Man these guys get BRUTALIZED.
Them throwing around passed out Rampart is amazing and should continue to happen.
Okay Wrecker has his knife out HE IS READY TO TORTURE A MAN.
Frick you Rampart. He is the worst replacement for Omega.
Aww they probably didn't bring Batcher on the mission to protect her. (Plus she a half trained dog and it was a stealth mission)
And then the boys spent the next hour arguing over who has to call Echo and tell him.
Hemlock you FOULE you're giving Omega ALLIES. Also why are you telling her all this. She will use it against you.
Gall, I hate Hemlock.
Again, I really needed this cool down episode. Though I'm afraid the final three episodes are going to hurt. THIS IS MY FAVORITE SHOW WHY IS IT STRESSING ME OUT SO MUCH. ALSO WAITING A WEEK FOR EPISODES ALSO SUCKS. A LOT.
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sinbinfamiliar · 11 months
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So… hear me out.
I’m horrible at timelines so bear with me on this, I know as much as I know, and I couldn’t find anything that was super solidly concrete for timeline placement of events per say, so I’m making a bit of wiggle room for myself here.
But when Enver dies by the hands of Tav and you use speak to dead on him, you see that basically his soul has been yoinked by Bane, and is going to internally be tortured for failing.
And while I know that Enver is considered a chosen, much like Orin and Ketheric were, both of them had transformations. Both of them had another form to take on thanks to their deities/gods they were chosen by. Enver never truly does, he stays as himself.
And while I know that it’s outdated information, but since Bane was known in the past to grab someone as a vessel, a avatar, and puppet then around while the original resident of the body couldn’t only watch, what if this is either fully or partially the case?
What amazing context that could add to the events of the story for Enver, and added angst and sadness as well. What if not all the actions of his were his own by choice? Perhaps selling Karlach off wasn’t 100% his choice at the time if he was chosen by then, and being push to do what Bane wanted, maybe even controlled in a sense. How painful would that be to know he was there, watching when he did things that even he wouldn’t do?
Imagine the utter anguish it would cause, and the tragedy it makes. The moments he does have control of himself he is still trying to maintain a semblance of control over his life as always, in the same situation he was in the past. Wanting power sure, but at these costs? Even he may not have stooped so low. What if Karlach was right? That she didn’t know what happened and he just up and sold her, and it was actually out of character for him. Because it wasn’t him. What if most of what we see in the game isn’t fully him? Or him at all? How utterly intriguing would it be then to bring him back somehow, to see how much of a different person he could be when not controlled, and able to try again to make better choices.
To have the option your companions did.
How utterly fascinating would it be to relearn a character again that you thought you knew, but didn’t perhaps know as well as you thought? To know not all of those horrible i choices weren’t all his.
I dunno, maybe I’m woobifying a villain again, but the idea that maybe not every action and choice was all Enver’s seems so much more in depth to delve into then someone as easy as “evil cause evil” in a basic sense. Not that there’s anything wrong with that of course. But I’m a sad sap who likes tragedy in heaping layers of pain lol
The redemption arc that could come from somehow saving Enver’s soul, using true resurrection, and giving the actual true second chance he needed, just hits different ya know? Living with all the memories of the things he didn’t have control over perhaps as he was second passenger in his body, and now needing to live with them and face those consequences and perhaps get better(much like your companions, who aren’t perfect either even during happy ending style routes)
Bah! Just food for thought though!
Perhaps my own personal theory/headcanon I may work with though. Cause I just truly love the tragedy of it all. BUT I’m just rambling at this point!
Also here ya go! @houseofhopeofficial ^w^ tagged ya like you wanted!
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iridiss · 1 year
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So I really like the concept of MCD Aaron & Laurance being friends. If you moved some stuff around in the timeline, like delaying Laurance’s shadow knight transformation to WELL after they meet Aaron, and match things up in time for Laurance to travel to the VP timeline, die to the Alter at the very end of season 1 a la Garroth’s sacrifice in the Irene Dimension style, and become a shadow knight either before or during the time Aaron becomes Shad’s vessel, I think it could bring about some juicy character dynamics and scenarios
(character and story analysis/ideas/headcanons below, content warning for ptsd and in-depth discussions of trauma)
I like the concept of them meeting in life, before either of them have died, when Aaron has closed himself off from the world and become hardened by the pain, fear, grief, and vengeful fury that came from watching his wife, son, and entire village die. When they meet, he’s stoic, he’s living off of vengeance alone, he’s miserable. The feared and infamous Werewolf Killer gets picked up by Aphmau, Garroth, Laurance, and Dante and brought into the Phoenix Drop Alliance, likely because he’d have much better chances at finding and killing High Priest Zane with them than just by wandering the icy wastes on his own. But the boys take him in as one of their own, they become friends, and Laurance is an especially big help to Aaron’s progress. Laurance is the comedian, he’s the playful clown, he’s the competitive spirit getting others fired up and shining their brightest, he’s the hype-man, he’s the one who cracks the jokes that keep you going in the midst of the horrific terrors of war. He’s like a dog, he brings infectious laughter wherever he goes, laughter Aaron is in dire need of. Laurance teaches Aaron the value of being light-hearted and genuine. He teaches him how to unwind, how to relax, how to have fun, how to play again. Through him, Aaron learns how to recognize when he’s safe, when he doesn’t have to fight. He can put his sword down and kick back for a while, join in on the games. He can forget about the pain for a little while. He’s the one who teaches him safety—which makes it all the more impactful when that’s the very thing that later gets torn from them.
I like the concept of Laurance being a Shadow Knight at the same time his old friend has been warped into his Shadow Lord. Aaron fights Shad and tries to heaven and back to protect his old friend from all the torture and the beatings and the brutalization designed to crush, but there’s only so much he’s capable of saving. You can have one version of their dynamic that’s much less angsty, where he does actually manage to protect Laurance from Shad’s wrath and control, preventing him from spiraling from the trauma and Shad’s influence later, and Laurance gets to keep his old, bright self through his escape and rebellion—but you can also make some delectable angst from the two of them, and I think I like that concept a little better ;>
I like to imagine that though there is a magical aspect to the Shadow Lord’s control over his knights, and he is able to possess and “puppeteer” them and send them into a blindly violent state that can be signaled by the Knight’s strong emotions, most of what makes a Shadow Knight a Shadow Knight is purely psychological. Every one of them is a person that went through a literal and emotional hell so viscerally traumatizing that they’re just…broken. They have to follow his every order, they can’t speak for themselves, they can’t do or think anything else, because God only knows what would happen to them if they did, and that gets programmed into their bones so deeply that the terrified little animal in their brains isn’t capable of even thinking of anything else—because he’s in their thoughts too. He’s in their minds, he can read their thoughts, he knows how they’re feeling, he’s in their bodies, he’s in their veins and their guts and their bones, like a terrible leech. And what thing is more horrific than losing your own autonomy and self-agency, what thing is more traumatic than having someone else, a writhing parasite of an untouchable, unstoppable man, taking your body as his property and using you, breaking you, controlling you, making you do everything you never wanted to do, like a million cockroaches inside your innards, that you can never, ever, ever get rid of, no matter how much you fight—until it’s just not worth fighting anymore. What’s the point? He’ll always be there. He’ll always find you. And that’s what happens to every Shadow Knight, that’s the fear and trauma in each that drives them to do everything they do. Laurance, Gene, Zenix, Sasha, Vylad, Zane (especially Zane since he happened to piss off Aaron too), they all have it. It’s horrifying.
But when Shad is defeated and his soul moves on to become the Judgement we see in When Angels Fall, all of his prior magical control over his Knights is lost. Laurance and Aaron are freed, all their enemies are gone, they get their happy ending, and the war is finally won. But the two are still left with the grievous scars, physical and psychological, and the question of “What the hell are we supposed to do now?” They can finally be normal now, if “normal” was ever salvageable.
Aaron remembers his old friend. He still held on fiercely to everything he learned when he was with Aphmau and the boys, he held on to his gentleness, to his care, his heart, his yearning for the joy of times long past. He feels terrible for everything Laurance went through under The Shadow Lord’s command, and he wants his friend back, he wants to make it up to him and fix it somehow, even if it may be impossible to ever fix something like that, he still cares enough to try.
Laurance remembers too. To the very end, he held onto his heart and everyone in it with a shaking hand. He also understands pretty well what it’s like to be forced to hurt the people you love and do terrible things against your consent, he knows what it’s like to have someone horrible control you. So he holds an empathy for his old friend, he doesn’t blame him for any of his hurt. He knows it was all Shad, he knows logically that Aaron would never hurt him, he knows that Shad is dead and the threat is gone. But that kind of fear and pain doesn’t go away very easily, and certainly not by the scorn of “reason and logic.” A part of him has been killed, and it’s going to take a very long time to get it back, if he ever does.
He still cares for Aaron, he certainly doesn’t want to fight him or hurt him, and there’s a significant part of him that wants to keep him close. But there’s also a lot of him that’s still pretty fucked up, that still sees his Lord when he looks at Aaron. And that brings up…a lot of things. Self-destructive things, violently defiant things, furious things, crying things, hopeless things, hopeful things, comfort things.
Aaron tries his best to be gentle and reassuring and comforting, he tries his best not to spook him, but they have good days and bad days anyway. It’s all very messy, very angsty, very sopping-drenched in pain, and very much a struggle. They’re working towards getting through it.
I like that concept.
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takami-takami · 6 months
More venting, sowry. Actually embarassing to be doing this with this pfp, bye. Interact (like button) if you read.
Trauma, grief, sui threats, animal harm, abuse (not going to label it. Just assume it's in there). This is kinda long. It's honestly just a trauma dump but I'm just tired of holding it inside. Anyways.
Hiiiiii i'm so fucking stressed ^-^ Re: the situation with my dadddd. ^-^
Uragh. There was a huge argument last night. It's very harrowing living in this house. One day, you spend 2 hours talking someone through "dude this is literally wrong" and they're just... Chipper. Smiling into the phone, "uh, yeah. I know? Why do you think I did it?"
They detail to you exactly how much they want another person to hurt, to suffer, over a slight against them. Over "disrespect." You spend careful effort not to tell them how their actions made the other person cry, in case they find sick satisfaction in that. You listen to them detail the way they feel absolutely no remorse because they are incapable of such remorse. They only cry when recounting their own pain. They never cry for another. When another person cries that's sport, that's "games."
And a few days later, he's smiling asking you how you're doing. And everyone else is "trying" with him. I don't blame them, it's self protection.
Honestly. I think part of the problem here is that I'm just describing This week. Instead of a lifetime. You know?
Because I've sat through my dad telling me how people are pawns. Faceless. I've watched him boast with glee about how manipulative he is, how he wears the title "master manipulator" with pride. How he's the smartest person, how he's above everyone else. Don't mistake this as praise for him. In one of the hundreds of times he's talked to me about this he got six times seven wrong.
But anyways. I've seen how his face morphs into a smile slowly, crawling up his face as he gets me upset.
I'll give an example. One of the many times he basically tried to kill himself in front of us or said he was going to, he explained that the reason why is because he's personally experienced grief, and that's why he chose to do it as a punishment. Specifically so that we could feel the overwhelming experience of pain and anguish. He likes that kind of shit. Makes him feel all vindicated, ya know?
But he provides for us, cuz he cares about us or whatever. I mean, we're "extensions of him and he owns us" and all, if I'm being cynical; but he definitely is capable of love. At least, love the emotion, not the action. The problem lies in that he is physically incapable of feeling empathy, remorse, or guilt. Not having empathy itself is fine, by the way, like tons of people don't have empathy and are perfectly chill people but the problem lies in that he really doesn't have that "off" switch to stop him from doing sadistic things. It's a really bad combination.
I mean I guess there's fear. Of god, of being a bad person, of being like his father. I honestly don't know what's holding him together at this point.
It's just... A lot. Dealing with someone like this as your dad. But things are "better" now. Right? He just terrorizes mom now. He just picks fights now. It's not like "before." When he threatened to slice my pet rabbit up. When he threatened to [redacted] me. When he did something to me I don't want to talk about that I read is actually a war crime. Torture. You know? Stuff like that.
I feel... So much disgust in my body. I feel so much rage and shame. I don't even know why I'm posting this. But anyways.
It'd be an insult to call this "my story" or whatevs because it's nothing like that. I'm just... Tired. I thought I'd be happier not talking about what happened but I'm not. I probably won't feel any happier saying this either. But who knows.
I haven't been able to do my schoolwork. I'm supposed to get it done by tomorrow. I have to leave wednesday for my trip. Haven't done shit all day.
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merakiui · 2 years
BRO I FEEL STARVED! I love Azul and the way you write him but you know what I love a lot more? THE WAY YOU WRITE IDIA!
I need- I need more thoughts for Idia aka.the ultimate discord mod™(affectionate)
—can I be the Eel anon?
Omg I’m happy to know you like the way I write Idia! He’s so filthy and shameless. orz I’ll share some very scattered ideas!
✧ Idia feels like the type to be a danganronpa mastermind (he would be a Tsumugi fan). He gives me Mikan vibes—someone who is shy and always anxious but becomes bolder when pushed to the edge. I think he’d subject everyone to a death game if it was an au in which that happened. It would be run and funded by STYX, but all anyone knows is that if they can survive a few days and escape death they’ll be rewarded in more ways than just monetarily. Maybe you’re the prize or maybe you’re forced to participate. Magic use is not allowed, but most of NRC’s students are little cheats so someone’s going to break that rule eventually.
✧ I remember how wild the Japanese side of the fandom went when book 6 was just beginning (when STYX had kidnapped the students) and I remember seeing so many theories and art about what he might do to study and torture them. Thinking about how clinically detached Idia might be if he’s studying you. Maybe you’re a creature born from Overblot, but you take on a human appearance and seem to genuinely think you’re human. Dangerous creatures like you have to be contained and properly observed, but for some reason you act just like a harmless human. Idia knows blot is dangerous, but he can’t help slowly falling for you the more time he spends on the other side of the glass.
✧ Idia but he and Azul swap personalities, so now you have a very confident, silver-tongued Idia and a very gloomy, sleep-deprived Azul who thinks everyone is a normie. >:)
✧ Idia who, when he finds out you’re a female, decides to kidnap you alongside the NRC students. But he keeps you in a separate enclosure and it’s not to study you. It’s to train you to be a perfect housewife for him, starting with chores and working the way up to pregnancy once you seem more willing. Idia definitely has a breeding kink, but it’s more that he just likes the concept of filling you up until you’re so cock-drunk and watching your body shape itself around pregnancy. The trio’s breeding kinks are more rooted in mer instincts because the goal is to have children with you, whereas Idia’s not really a big fan of that. But if it’s you he can try to do his best.
✧ Idia has a voice line about how he wouldn’t be able to live with another person, as having a roommate was terrible enough (very paraphrased from his ghost marriage home screen lines). So imagine being his roommate or housemate and he rarely leaves his room, only contributes monetarily (he probably pays for the entire apartment because he’s rich), and you never truly get to talk to or connect with him. But unbeknownst to you, Idia is watching you through the cameras he’s situated in your room and he’s been stealing things from you (undergarments, jewelry, makeup, a shirt, a sock, etc). He’s so creepy, but he becomes even creepier if you bring someone back to the apartment, whether a friend or a hook-up.
✧ thinking about fwb with Idia, but it’s online. So lots of phone sex, lots of exchanging of explicit images (imagine talking to this guy who calls you his kitten and has the smallest dick energy, but when he finally sends a photo back he’s massive. T-T), and even occasionally playing online games together. Idia becomes obsessed with you and quickly gets jealous if he knows you’re out actually living your life when you should be spending it talking to him at all hours of the day.
✧ something something apocalypse au and you take shelter with Idia, who becomes very obsessed with you and won’t let you leave because it’s so dangerous out in the real world.
✧ Idia who is researching a mer darling! He keeps you confined and finds that interacting with you is much easier than interacting with others. Maybe it’s because you don’t speak much of his language or it’s because you never seem to judge him critically. Either way, he loves his mer and wants to keep you forever.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Can I ask for dear-yandere’s yandere alphabet for Pharma (Transformers)? Hope you have a good hiatus Panther! ^-^
Of course! I think I've read enough MTMTE to know how to write him so here's your insane doctor :) I'm on some Transformers brainrot so here I am to gift content about Cybertronians. I apologize if he's OOC :( I think I made him too unhinged compared to the comics?
I'd like feedback to learn how to write him better! He is a genuinely scary character.
Yandere Alphabet - Pharma (MTMTE)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Sadism, Torture, Violence, Restraints, Kidnapping, Energon/Blood mention, Darling is Cybertronian in this, Pharma is insane and cares little for the lives of others except you, Forced relationship, Mutilation, Dismemberment, Death, Possessive behavior, Manipulation, Murder.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Well... Pharma is intense to say the least. He's become a sadistic doctor ever since Tarn started asking him to harvest organs.
He's dangerous, he was able to create an entire epidemic, send T-Cogs to the D.J.D, and honestly takes gleeful pleasure in tormenting his "patients" at times. He's deceptive and often thinks of how he can benefit from situations.
Showing his love includes a lot of spilled Energon and restraints if you ask me. He likes to have control with his darling and promises not to hurt you too much.
Pharma's intense because he could most likely hurt you and others around him easily. His love for you is dubious at most.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Very messy. Pharma's a mad doctor. He'd kill anyone for you. His motto is that they're more useful dead than alive. He actually likes the idea of covering himself in Energon just for you.
Hopefully you return his feelings in one way or another.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He probably wouldn't fully mock you, more like tease you. If he abducted you, which he most likely will, he's restraining you to an operating table for the time being.
He feels this gives him control over you and prefers it this way until he can trust his darling. Pharma would surgically remove any weapons you have to keep you from retaliating against him.
Pharma would probably be sickeningly sweet towards you, all the while ranting about how much space you take up in his mind.
When he has you he subjects you to long-winded rants about his obsession, all the while telling you what he's done to you.
He won't mutilate you too bad., he loves you too much for that. Yet he will remove your transformation cog and weapons, keeping them all to himself.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Yes. He'd pick parts of you off to keep to himself. As this concept/alphabet has a Cybertronian darling it is possible.
It's disturbing to see pieces of you kept in a box, all while Pharma gleefully looks through it like a child with a new box toys.
There may be moments where Pharma gets vulnerable with you enough to chat spark to spark. Although he quickly covers this up when others are around. Truthfully... as much as he's a sadist... he hopes he won't have to hurt you too much.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
You can try but Pharma will learn from it. He's taken away your weapons and transformation cog for a reason and he's still armed himself.
If you still fight him then Pharma tries to see what else he has to remove. Should he remove just your hands or the whole arm? That or maybe your legs?
Up to you, sweetspark.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
It can be. He prefers you to obey him or scream a little but seeing you try to escape is fun. Pharma is sadistic in nature and would gain pleasure in watching you try to leave.
Especially if you have no arms or legs!
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Worst experience with PHARMA?
That could be a number of things, it would be the same with Tarn too.
This is the same Cybertronian who created a virus and killed patients for transformation cogs.
If I had to say your worst experience with him, it has something to do with dismantling you.
Pharma doesn't mind removing your arms and legs so you're just a torso and head. Why stop there? Why not make you just a head?
Pharma also seems like the type of yandere who'd keep your spark all to himself. As in he'd remove it, killing you in the process to keep you to himself.
But you won't have to experience the last one, as you'll be dead.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He wants to make you his partner. It's not uncommon for Cybertronians to date each other. He wants this more than anything with you.
He may also want to do some experimentation, yet he'll put you back together afterwards!
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
I'd say he gets jealous but hides it. He vents such frustrations by finding some poor Cybertronian to brutally mutilate. He hides it until then though... so he doesn't really lash out.
Everyone else is scrap compared to you.
Don't associate with such garbage, dear....
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Eerily affectionate at times despite his controlling and sadistic behavior. He manipulates you and tries to encourage you to behave around him so he can remove the restraints.
Pharma is able to be affectionate yet there's an underlying tone to it that feels like a threat. He'll trace his fingers across your shell, muttering about how you make him feel while he pokes and prods at you.
I'm not well versed in Cybertronian affection but he tries to be gentle with you at times, especially if he's already put you through enough trauma already.
He'd kiss you (if he can) and hold you despite your awkward position with the restraints. He coos to you, treating you like his most prized toy. He says he loves you... but you can't trust it based on what he's done.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
You most likely meet him as Delphi station and work under him. He starts relatively normal except for being a control freak. He's very... uptight.
He doesn't truly lose it until D.J.D makes him start harvesting organs.
For the most part he respects you for working with him and trusts you. He seems to genuinely care about you and soon you become close despite his behavior. He's a skilled doctor who's great to be around.
Then he creates a virus... loses to Ratchet... and loses you.
By the time you meet him again he's working for someone else. He's excited to see you and encourages you to come with him! If you don't... well...
He'll just take you.
Most likely. Everyone soon knows he's sadistic as all hell but he's soft around you, In his own demented way.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
... I think I've covered this with your worst experience.
Anything ranging from removing body parts to possibly even death.
All of them once he has you in his care.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He's patient at the start, but as his mental state dwindles it's less and less.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
It would be a long time but yes. If you died he may try to bring you back unless he is unsuccessful. In that case he mourns for a long time.
If you escaped, he's impressed, but tracks you down eventually. (He still has your t-cog and weapons)
Maybe a little bit but it quickly fizzles out. He would not let you go.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
When he started harvesting organs.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He'd try his best to comfort you despite your situation. He doesn't care if he's the one who's hurt and traumatized you. He still loves you and tries to show it through soft touches.
It goes about as well as you'd expect.
Experimentation and dismemberment?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Not many. Probably distracting him somehow or gaining his trust?
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
I want to say he does worship you in a way. He worships your existence and your build. He'd go to great lengths to keep and have you.
Including mutilation.
Up until working at Luna 1 I want to say? He meets you on Delphi but doesn't become desperate until after.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Yes. Yes he would and he may even like it.
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crowncrown · 1 year
Generation loss’s ending is so incredible I can not STAND IT OH MY GOD I need to write out my thoughts before my brain explodes because I haven’t been able to think about anything else since.
The first episode was an absolute curveball to everyone who’s been keeping up with the spooky ranmail and everything and I’m not gonna lie I was a little nervous about what this show was really gonna be when I was watching it. But the thought process it took behind every detail to make something so goofy actually be horrifying once you understand the context of the next two episodes WAS BRILLIANT. Every piece of the puzzle just adds more and more to the storyline and it makes me want to dissect every detail of the vods for hours.
But I think the most bone chilling part of this-very intentionally I must add- is the final sequence. We witness every one of the characters sacrifice themselves for GL!Ranboo and GL!Slime isn’t any different spending his last breaths being killed by the wire creature (for lack of better words) to make sure Ranboo hits the finish line. But as soon as you feel any level of triumph you realize that Slime is just like Sneeg in the episode before sacrificing himself to ensure the show goes on.
Because it was never about the hero.
Ranboo isn’t special. He’s just another pawn in the game with the illusion of being the protagonist to make it more interesting for the desensitized viewers watching these people die over and over.
He was never meant to win.
And then that leads to us.
The audience.
Given the illusion of choice.
Do you publicly execute this man? Or do you let him live to be tortured the rest of his miserable existence until he is inevitably killed by Showfall for breaking the rules. If you spare him, is it a fate worse than death? We fight with this moral dilemma, trying to decide if it’s our decision whether people live or die.
But he’s a murderer! He killed people and showed no remorse! Showfall metaphorically whispers in our ear that he earned this fate for the terrible actions he committed. But was it him? Did he have any control over the actions he committed throughout the show or is he a victim?
He begins begging to be let go. To just escape from this snare he never asked to be trapped in the first place. The audience heavily leans towards letting him live because maybe being alive in this horrible show is better than the execution. But he knows that was never an option for him. He watches as a cartoony figure jokes about his demise and a audience poll decides his fate. And in that moment he realizes his choices were never his own.
So he gives up.
Begs to just be put down because being part of the cast means he will hurt more and more people the way he’s been hurt. That he will be the cause of more and more pain, and very likely more murderers.
And the audience decides death is the best route for him to take.
Maybe he died believing this is his fault. That the audience decided he should be dead for the horrific things he chose to do. But did he ever really choose?
His story was a tragedy before he could even pick up the pen.
And then there’s Showfall. Once again the ever present voice in our ear. Whispering that we are just the same as he is.
You just chose to murder a man. Is that not any different than him killing the innocent to progress in this game? Showfall now has the audience in the same grip as the man in the guillotine.
Your story as an audience is a tragedy long before you will ever pick up the pen.
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Hi Maven!! Same q to everyone this week: what are your top 3 wincest episodes, and why?
ok im gonna cheat and do this in 2 ways hehe
a) top 3 sam/dean episodes
3. A Very Supernatural Christmas: has the samulet (their engagement ring, obviously!), you can palpably feel the isolation, the neglect, it's very two-children-in-a-motel-esque. and of course, the final scene, where i think, if there was any point in the series aside from the barn scene in which they would have said "i love you," it would have been there. the deep long stare, the watery eyes, the fact that they both know dean will be gone within the year, and then... "do you feel like watching the game?" ahhhhhhh drives me nuts
2. Swan Song: their love literally!!!!! saves the world, i mean come on. it has the whole wincest montage that you could literally set a richard siken poem to, or a taylor swift song to (look i know those are vastly different things but. bear with me), and it would just feel right. dean finally lets sam do things on his own. he lives because sam tells him to. sam manages to revoke his possession consent because of how much he's in love with dean, even as his fist is smashing dean's face into a pulp. ok i have to stop or i'm going to start crying in this goddamn airport.
Playthings: obviously. gothic horror episode of all time. picture-perfect family in the outside, secret sibling hidden upstairs. the way sam and dean's codependency is paired with that of the grandmother and her ghostly sister. the face-stroking. the almost kiss. god i swear it always looks like they're gonna kiss. sam writhing on the bed. dean staring at him like that. the subtext was about to bust through the screen, what with the acting and the way the plot and the meta-plot fit together perfectly. catherine tosenberger said it much better than i can, go read her article in TWC about wincest if you haven't!
b) top 3 family-horror-what-the-incestuous-freudian-fuck-is-going-on-here episodes
2. Devil's Trap: azazel uses john's body in a sexual manner against both sam and dean--primarily the latter but sam gets it, too. it's a chilling scene and really cements that this is what spn is about: never being able to escape the family. sam learns partly of azazel's plot, dean gets his daddy issues flayed onto him, and all through the eyes of the father. it's so well done.
3. Skin: imo the most damning thing the shifter says is, "i will be sorry to lose this skin. your brother's got a lot of great qualities. you should appreciate him more than you do." uh...what? the way he ties up sam and plans on torturing him also aligns with the shifter's pattern of turning into the husband and beating up the wife. another HMM moment actually comes from dean himself, when he tells sam that none of his friends will ever understand him and that dean's the only one who can...it's very isolating, kind of abuser tactics, and just. whew. this was episode SIX!!
In the Beginning: come on you knew i was gonna say this. aside from the obvious moments of "mom is a babe" (and remember, dean invokes sam into this moment as well..."sammy, wherever you are..."), samuel!azazel leaning over dean and smelling him, and samuel!azazel kissing mary--passionately returned(?), may i add, the plot itself sets up the winchester family as this enclosed, inbred unit. mary's kiss with her possessed father seal's sam's fate as part of azazel's army. the sexuality she shares with her father makes her son's blood diseased and cursed. the family line is tainted by incest. her kiss is what allows sam and dean to grow up that way, to become so codependent, what allows the moments of avsc, swan song, and playthings to happen! in the beginning. this begins the cycle of selling and saving souls--mary for john, john for dean, dean for sam. it's literally THEE spn episode, perhaps even more than playthings. even though sam's barely in it, his fate hangs over the whole episode, and this is full house of wincest at its finest.
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