#not beginner friendly at all i was overwhelmed 😭
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diwns · 2 years ago
hello friends, this is no longer just a sims blog so do what you want with that information 🫡
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loafbud · 6 months ago
Hiii!! How do U model in blockbench, are there any tips you've got for beginners because I really like the stuff you've made in it!!! <33
Thank you so much, anon!! 🥹🥹🥹
I'll probably go around to making a beginner-friendly blockbench tutorial in the future haha (im still a beginner myself)- but I do have two video recommendations (both around 15 minutes)!
If you're just starting off, I highly recommend this one, which models a pokeball while going over basics + model texturing (they use the "draw directly on 3d model" texturing method, which I use for all my blockbench models)
And for model rigging, I recommend this video made by the same person! It's a super quick modeling process video that goes over tips w/ how to create models specifically for rigging/animation!
As for beginner tips from me, I'd definitely say that if you're just starting off using blockbench, start with something simple- like a few simple-shaped meshes & texture whatever you like on it! Just to get a feel with how everything works before modeling characters, items, backgrounds, etc
And what helped me a lot was that block's interface/layout was a lot easier for me to focus on the essentials that i frequent - in other words, the interface feels i lot more in-your-face/easier-to-read for me than complicated ones like blender or maya that makes me feel overwhelmed & going "omg what is what and which is which??? WHERE DO I START??? 😭😭😭" by the layout asdfghj-
The parts circled (squared?) in red are the only things I use (in Edit mode):
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himawari-candyy · 10 months ago
update on milgram map:
i went through the video and ended up with 31 parts 😭 i definitely need to chop it down since idk if i’ll get enough people, but i’m worried that it might be overwhelming if i make each part over 10 seconds long.
i’m planning on letting everyone pick between 1-3 parts (i’m taking two because i want to do the outro— it does a rewind of all of the prisoners so i want to edit the frames from other people’s parts to make it look cool 🫡) and i also want to make it beginner friendly + let people do animatics if they want because i understand that animation is tough 🙏
if anyone has suggestions or anything, please let me know! it would be the best if i got input from everyone so that i can make it more easy and fun 😊
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durgewyll · 1 year ago
ok so i'm going to ask: is pwotr worth playing? i'm asking as a huge bg3/da fan - what's the character creation like (if any), how is the story and are the npcs good? is the battle system comparable at all?
hello ^_^ if you like CRPGs, it's likely you'll enjoy pwotr too! the game often goes on sale on steam so i'd advise you to wait or perhaps visit fitgirl if you wanna try it out first. i wrote a spoiler free Gamer Review™ here but i'll also answer your specific questions:
compared to da and bg3, the character creation in pwotr is massive. there's sooo many choices from the class selection alone! that might be overwhelming, but there's also indicators for which classes are beginner friendly and there are pre-generated builds/characters you can use so you don't have to think about all that.
pwotr is isometric in graphics, like hades and disco elysium, so your character's appearance is more simplified than bg3/da. you'll also choose one of the provided art portraits to represent your character or you can use your own.
the game is text heavy with minimal voice acting so there's definitely a lot of reading. the story itself is compelling to me. the main premise is: you gain mysterious powers and become in charge of an army to close an interplanar rift called the worldwound. you don't need to know much about pathfinder lore to understand what's happening, and there's also a feature where you can hover over certain terms in dialogue and it'll give context as to what it means.
there's 5 acts and a prologue. act 4 has a tonal shift which i personally like. act 5 kiiiinda falls off in terms of pacing, but it's still not as egregious as bg3's act 3 lol.
the companions and NPCs are great! i like most of the companions, they're all complex to me. i might not care for maybe one or two of them but there's also like 12 companions so that's still 10 out of 12. the companion quests are done well imo (except for nenio's, but that's a problem with puzzle design and not her story), and your choices and actions actually matter and have consequences throughout the game. decisions made in earlier acts can and will impact later acts as well as companions' endings :-)
as for the combat -- it's a mix of real-time with pause (dragon age) and turn-based (bg3). you can switch between the two modes with the press of a button, so if the battle is going too slow, just go real-time, and if a fight is too hard, go turn-based for better strategizing. pwotr is based on the pathfinder system, and it has some similarities with dnd so certain terms may already be familiar to you if you played bg3. it's still worth reading what the spells do because they can be different at times.
the enemy encounter/level/puzzle designs leave much to be desired though, and that might be my biggest criticism of the game. there's quite a lot of random encounters that don't really matter. some encounters are way too strong for the current party level so i got into the habit of saving before entering a room just in case my party gets fucked by some optional boss mob 😭 i played on normal difficulty and i fared well up until the end of act 3 where there's a difficulty spike and i turned it down to casual. it might also be helpful to look up guides on youtube so you don't end up like me lol.
this got long so uhh i'll wrap it up by saying i enjoyed pwotr and like i said, if you like CRPGs you'll probably like this one too! :-)
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risingsunresistance · 2 years ago
Agreed with anon, I really struggle getting into Skyblock, I get so overwhelmed with all the options. So I don't understand much, but I love seeing you talk about it!! Its a lot of fun to see people enjoy things, imagine being rude when someone is having fun, couldn't be me.
I am cheering when your RNG is good
skyblock is rlly hard to get into 😭 it is genuinely only worth getting into if you sink a few HUNDRED hours into it. which i'd never done with a game before, my max (on games that record time) was 200 tops. but here i am. it just hit The Interest Zone perfectly for me and i got way too dedicated lmao. glad everyone enjoys from afar tho hehe
if you WOULD ever wanna try again, there are a lot more beginner-friendly guides now, both in the game and online. and the official wiki has been a huge help. ever get ahold of an item and dont know what it does? /wikithis. you can pull up the wiki directly from the server. rlly neat :D
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stinkrascal · 9 months ago
i've been thinking about elden ring, watching videos abt it but I usually don't like soulslike games. NOW YOU SAY IT'S GOOD HELLO WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW😭
it is soooooooo good but if you don't like souls games idk if it will be for you, it wasnt for me for a while either. to be honest it took me many attempts before i got into it bc it feels extremely complicated and overwhelming when you first start, theres so many stats and numbers and keybindings etc it's a lot. but once you get the controls down it's really fun!! the story is so interesting, the characters are fascinating although it's a lot harder to learn stuff ab characters bc this game is very sparing with spoonfeeding u info, the enemy designs are SOOO GOOD, learning the combat is dynamic and fluid and lots of fun, the world is suuuuper rewarding to explore with lots of small details, the music is great, seriously i could go on. it's just a learning curve coming from someone who plays rpgs like dragon age bg3 skyrim etc that hold your hand and also actually feel like... rpgs... and not Combat The Game lol. but yea all this 2 say i try it out if u want! if you've never played a soulslike game before this is the most beginner friendly, so if ur interested i say go for it
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rorah · 2 years ago
I ADORE THE WAY YOU PAINT AND RENDER SO MUCH!! 😭 if its alright to ask, could you please share some tips or tools/tutorials related to painting that have helped you? thank you for sharing your amazing art!! 💕
🥺💖 Thank you so much~ And of course, i would love to (if you don't mind me replying late :'D). Currently, my technique is way too messed up, need to practice and relearn all over again bc i feel like i have developed tons of terrible habits that i need to ge rid off first. But, first thing first. The way you draw and pursue art is your unique language, the way you want to express and the general feelings you want to share. So perhaps my approach may be not so ideal for you, but you'll have the last word on that.
The way I try to approach is by trying to mimic traditional media or the general feel of it at least. So, I usually like to work in one layer as a traditional painting. If it has lots of elements, i separate each element on each layer. I use the pen pressure function a lot with brushes that has this element activated, and that's it. Everything else heavily relays on fundamental knowledge (figure, form, anatomy, color, perspective, etc, things like that) and hand control. I've learned a lot just by watching lots of timelapse videos from several artist, and the process i follow varies tons depending of the clarity of my mind and the concept.
This timelapse video from Shal E. It's a process that's close of what i generally do.... sometimes.
But there's also this one. Honestly, there are tons of methods i've been trying to apply. Digital art is a versatile language it would be so overwhelming for you if i share everything I know. It'd be ideal if i know your current level, the direction you want to give your art, and the way you approach things (in this case, art). If I could remark the skills, you should be focus on to improve, are these:
Observation ability
Understanding ability
These two are linked to one another. The understanding ability will help you to break down the information in your surroundings, and that's how I've been able to digest the timelapse videos or the screenshots process like the previous examples i provided. There are a bunch of good information out there on the internet. I can recommend Marco Bucci for color understanding, Marc brunet for more friendly beginner artist (?), and a bunch tons tbh, i don't wanna overwhelm you, but Sinix, Trend Kaniuga, among many others are big, experienced artists that will provide you valuable information of any art related topic. Even the info you find on tiktok, the short post on twitter or pixiv from Asians, can be a big help. Or you can find all of it on Pinterest. Just be careful with the quality of the info you consume. Didn't nail what you specifically asked for but once again: to help you better i need to know where you are (in terms of art skill level and such). Still, hoping this could help a little.
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thrill-seeker-vn · 3 years ago
N theorist anon here! Sorry to clutter your inbox once again, but I just wanted to let you know that I think I might give writing an IF a go. This game is making me itch to write one, ever since I read the demo it lives rent free in my head. Your characters feel so multi layered and just so human. I love them all so much and your writing,is fantastic. The way I can't stop looking away from the page whenever I reread it. I can picture it all so clearly in my head and it's so incredible. Your game has inspired me to give writing if a go. I've only ever outlined stories but never actually written one, so since Nanowrimo and the Twine frenzy is coming up Iight give it a go, but I'm terrified of coding. It looks so overwhelming. Inky looks pretty beginner friendly though, but I can't find any resources about it. I just want to thank you for creating this amazing game, its one of my favourites, I've reccomended it to a friend who doesn't know what IF is and they've really enjoyed it. Your game is honestly so underrated, so I just wanted to come on here and give it all the love and a appreciation it deserves. I cannot wait for more to come, I'm so excited for its future!! . 💗
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This is so sweet😭😭 I’m genuinely speechless!! Also, don’t worry about cluttering my inbox, I’m so happy you’re here!!
If you want to write an IF: I am here for you 100% of the way. If you need a beta reader/tester, just message me!! Any tips with inkle you need, just let me know!!
I’m switching my game over to twine, to allow for saves and viewable stats. I would recommend it as well, so you can put it on other platforms like itch or steam or various app stores!! Again, any questions you ever have, feel free to message me or send an ask!!
And thank you so much for the compliments on my writing, I literally feel like I’m about to cry with how amazing they are😭😭😭 and also, you recommended this game to a friend???? I’m literally so happy you have no idea😭💗💗 I want to thank you for being such a lovely person, this has really been such a wonderful thing to see and it’s so encouraging!!
I once again want to say I hope you’re having an amazing day. And if you ever need anything, I’m always here to answer any questions you have💕💕
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