#not because there are queer characters in a series that always had queer characters ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘
deadlylittlemiho ยท 2 years
Really annoyed at all the homophobes review-bombing this show and making it harder for those of us with genuine criticisms -_-
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bloodstained-ballgowns ยท 2 years
For the ask game: 1, 20, & 23
(kinda wanted to ask everything tho XD)
Sorry I'm late anon. Life gets in the way but I really don't have many excuses. Please do ask everything!
Favourite comic series of all time?
I've read some real bangers, but I think it would be a bare-faced lie to say anything other than Winter Soldier (2012) by Ed Brubaker due to the sheer amount of times I've read it. I keep my physical copy in my bedside table, can quote passages of it, and it really acts as a sort of comfort book for me (sort of excluding the last volume ๐Ÿฅด) considering it's probably the closest we'll ever get to a Mr. and Mrs. Smith BuckyNat series, and in today's comic library where to me it feels like wading through mounds of not-so-great stuff to occasionally find a gem, I love coming back to a series/writer that was always reliably good. Engrossing, all the way through, both the art and writing, the wonderful grasp on the characters, I love it all.
2. Do you have a favourite single panel or page?
Yes :) Several :)
I mean, anyone who has ever studied or watched ballet can see that the proportions are...interesting...in this panel, but you know, it's the thought that counts. (Artist Chris Samnee in Black Widow (2016))
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Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same...Need I go on. (Artist Stephan Mooney in The Web of Black Widow (2019))
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My favourite BuckyNat scene in any comic. Gorgeous. Adorable. Heartbreaking. (Artist Butch Guice (??) in Winter Soldier (2012))
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3. If you could change one thing in comics, what would it be?
This one is kind of hard to answer because what's being asked about, the fictional canon in comics? The American comic book industry? I thought about this one for a while but I think I've come up with something.
I would maybe like a little more consistency with writers and characters. Like I don't find this to be a MASSIVE problem but I do find that with the characters (for example Black Cat) who have had most of their solo history hashed out over the last few years by one writer/team (here Jed Mackay) the stories tend to be more enjoyable simply because there's always natural continuation between series, consistent characterisation, and acknowledgement of events past. I feel like sometimes I've been reading a series and then I jump to the next one and there is zero acknowledgement, or even erasure or overwriting, of things that happened under the last writer's reins and that's super irritating (*cough cough* Black Widow lmao, nobody can agree on anything in Natasha's past because the same details have been explained in a different way 5 times by 5 different people).
And then there's the obvious stuff of removing the white male domination and increasing the representation of queer/female artists, writers and characters of colour.
If we were going with one thing within comics canon, I would change the fact that Natasha's memory of her relationship with Bucky was wiped. Apart from it hurting my shipper heart, I truly believe that it decimated and stunted most possible character growth for both of them in the years since then. At points (Kelly Thompson ๐Ÿ˜‘) I even thought we were regressing.
Did you say just one, haha?
Thanks anon, this was so fun once I got around to it, thanks for asking and feel free to send more!
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