#not because im trying to be rude or picky
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yingren · 6 months ago
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fakeusernamelol · 3 months ago
Bad ending would actually be good ending for Fiddleford I think, because Stanley knows and is fond of Fiddleford so would probably try to stay friends with him and help with his addiction (unless he's transphobic 🔫🔫🔫) but that might just be me shipping fiddlestan (Stanley still being in love with the Ford from his childhood that he hadn't seen since they had moved to this damn town but Fiddleford is his friend and Fiddleford loves him and doesn't hit him or call him fat or a girl so maybe he can learn to love him back-- but then Ford is back and he's happy and silly and playing ddnmd with Dipper and helping Mabel dress up Waddles and he hasn't raised a hand or his voice to Stan even once and Stan loves him, he's almost like he was and Stan loves him even after all the hurt but Stan's been with Fiddleford for 30 years--)
So first of all i honestly didn't know if fidds would be or not transphobic, in one hand ITS THE 80S AND HE'S A HILLBILLY I MEAN WHY WOULDN'T HE (no offense to anyone but we need to get real, Trans people were treated more like an attraction than like people and trans men were more like a myth than something visible on the eyes of society of the time, as much as i know you would like to I don't think it could be that easy 🤷) but on the other side as much as i love suffering i don't see fidds like a rude person, hes a coward come on 🙄 and stanley even as a woman as a tough voice and is stronger and anchor than him and could give him a good punch if he wanted so i don't think he would even dare to tell him something lol. Best answer i could give would be that no fidds not transphobic, but he's quite ignorant on the subject, respect stanley and calls him accordingly to his identity but he's still kinda confused about that. 🙇🙇
Second, I'm not into fiddlestan but who cares, the real problem is HOW MUCH OF A GOOD ENDING CAN YOU CALL THAT 😅😅😅???? I MEAN Yes ok i get it that its good in the way that fidds didn't become crazy thanks to stan helping him getting out of his addiction but how good is it that he and stan become a couple and get together for 30 years if the only reason stan accepted him was because he remembered ford when he wasn't an abusive man and when ford semmed to have changed he would be interested in giving him a second chance leaving aside their 30-year marriage 😅😅😅😅??? That sounds like a very long way to break his heart lol but on the bright side fidds would do the same (we all remember you emma-may 😔) so its like karma but way worse for him lol
Anyway jokes aside i still honestly dont know i we should make stan and ford came back together, they still love each other but again i don't think stan could forgive all the abuse that easily. Ford's not transphobic anymore and he can accept his brother as a man but again after weirdmageddon he probably though of nonconning him while hes having amnesia so some things haven't changed lol
I mean its the bad ending au yes we could make them get together again and fuck everything but im a picky person and i need a logic reason of why stan would forgive him help me 🥲🥲🥲
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yummycrummy · 3 months ago
omg I'm relatively new to the fandom but I've been SOOOO nervous posting my p1dude x f/o art because the f/o in question is a transwoman and I don't want to be labeled as one of the weird ones trying to "fix" him. ;w; i hate to generalize but even as a transwoman myself some parts of the community I've seen and heard from my moots experience that are vaguely misogynistic and rude when they ship him with f/o's for FUN. i understand that preferences are just that but it cant be if people have been discouraged on making p1 dude art because of enjoyment-ruiners and stigmas. idk it's just SO WEIRD seeing fans being relatively normal about p2/3 etc. at times shipping but idk why the fandom is so weirdly antagonistic and picky about p1dude. was that always a thing here??
anyway I'm sorry for dumping this on you my moots got me into postal and I've felt sooo welcomed here ever since and im here to have a good time. i hope I'm not pushing my views onto you or anything🌸🌸
my friend selfshipping is fun and you should enjoy yourself,, I do that with the dudes, mainly other dude and I still get nervous to even post f/o content with him but id just say do whatever you want because life is short and you aren't hurting anyone I promise you
If people are uppity about it with P1 then that's their problem, they don't own the character, but I'd say to be respectful about how you go about it as well. And It doesn't matter what gender they go by, love is love !!! I honestly think P1 wouldn't care, he'd just need some lovin and to have someone to care for because he doesn't have that himself
You aren't pushing anything onto me dw :] I'm not the best with words and I'm deeply afraid of saying the wrong thing so I'm just suggesting that you just have fun, be mindful, and just go wild, you're doing nothing wrong as long as you know how to, yknow, interpret how the character would be i guess? But i think you know that already (id hope so) but yeah go crazy
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honeyviscera · 6 months ago
oh my god okay. so im like very picky about the things i buy for myself so like. even if someone knows what im interested in, they wont necessarily be able to get a gift for me that i will actually like because i have such specific standards.
so whenever my birthday or a holiday rolls around im always in mental turmoil bc i feel like its rude to tell people the exact items that i want bc i feel like. entitled or whatever. but then if i dont say anything, chances are people are going to buy me something i wont actually like. and when i receive a gift i dont want i acc feel sick to my stomach bc i dont want to be "ungrateful" so i just say i like the gift, but then im stuck with something i dont want. if they give me the gift receipt then its all good bc then i can return it and put the money towards something i actually want but most ppl dont do that so then im stuck with something i dont want and i always feel super bad about it bc ik that person was trying really hard AND when i dont like a gift i feel like a spoiled brat and i feel bad about THAT, too. so i dont want to get rid of a gift i dont like because i feel like if i do im an ungrateful piece of shit.
ocean, you might say, why not save yourself the trouble and just send ppl a wishlist? it might look a bit rude but then you wont be in this position, right? and to that i say. ive tried that too. and yet people still deviate from it and get me things i dont want. i have so much junk that every time i look at it i feel sick because i DONT like it but i feel bad about not liking it and idk what to do.
sorry for the rant idk what to do. like im actually crying irl right now bc i got another gift i dont like and i dont know what to do about it.
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hyugaruma · 1 year ago
hi!! can i please get a matchup (original series if that’s okay)
personality wise, id say im pretty bubbly and excitable. i’m an isfj & cancer, & i try to look on the bright side and try to listen to/help when they’re sad. im very affectionate with the people im close to, and i tend to cling onto my friends arms and hug them a lot. i love anything soft or cute, especially animals!! im kinda scared of bugs though, but i still always try to take them outside. i get distracted pretty easily, and have a hard time dealing with change. i tend to be a bit bossy and unreasonable when it comes to something i’m interested in. i also really like going for walks, shopping, yoga, baking (even though i’m dreadfully awful at it), and reading. i like complimenting strangers, and i try to see the best in everything & everyone! though i can’t really tolerate it if somebody is overly cruel or rude to the people i care about. i have a very “do no harm, take no shit” mentality :)
Thanks for the req :-))
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I match you with… Seki Kotaro!
Seki would like a partner who sees the joys in life and who tries to brighten the world around them. He would appreciate someone who is willing to show affection openly, especially any form of physical affection, and would absolutely melt at you holding his arm or embracing him. He’s the type who would love to show off his partner, because man he feels like the luckiest guy in the world. He likes to act tough so he’d be willing to dispose of any bugs (live, if you insist) for you, but lowkey he is actually kind of jeebed by them too. He’d take you on lots of cute dates and would try any and all of your baking, no matter how “awful” you may be at it (he isn’t picky, either, so he’ll eat anything you make and love it).
Alternate Matches: Pho, Li
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year ago
two things
actually, three
i think i might do some requests early after i do some prepping for dinner tonight; just need to mince n dice some veggies so! shouldnt take too terribly long!
depending on how im feeling after the above i think im going to try to get on my computer and tackle the paused character based readers! i still feel bad for having them paused for so long but still answering peoples non-character ones
this seems to be an issue thats becoming more... prevalent but i think it should be known that i can deny your request for any reason; namely i will deny it due to any discomforts because i generally dont like being picky; requesting can be nerve wracking and i dont want anyone to feel like theyre being weird or demanding or what have you. however, if you are rude to me be it in my inbox or dms regarding your request, you will receive a warning. failure to control yourself (cough cough as in stop being an asshole) then your request will be denied. AGAIN i want to stress simply asking if your request sent through or even asking for statue is FINE!(/gen) but i have had people be down right atrocious entitled to me and i am not about that
that said, i hope you are all having a lovely day/night, stay hydrated!
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wilted · 1 year ago
idk the situation obvi but i ate small burger w only ketchup for yearssss and enjoyed it greatly it was my autism comfort food... i can stomach toppings now but the idea of ingredients touching used to gross me out so bad i couldnt. idk. food can be enjoyed even if it doesnt sound good to u like even in the years i only ate plain burgers i still loved them👍 but i guess like i said idk the situation maybe i misread ur post and his mom is forcing him to eat like that out of malice
this anon pisses me off a little bit like how did i know i would get someone saying this to me. “food can be enjoyed even if it doesn’t sound good to you” THATS WHAT IM SAYING!!!!!!! why are you flipping my OWN point back at me 😭😭😭 i was also saying jsut because you’re picky doesn’t mean there’s not gonna be more than one food available to you like shit i have autism too and i still believe in the “don’t knock it till you try it” saying because i’m not trying to be rude! like my wonderful mutual said, if you get food that someone has made for you and don’t even bother to try it because it “grosses you out” how are you ever going to truly know that you like it, how are you going to explain to the person who spent time making your food that you’re not even gonna eat it because it’s not a plain tiny burger with only fucking ketchup on it. just have a little adventure i’m begging
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aurora1040 · 1 month ago
I would like to second the fact that corn is absolutely EVERYWHERE and in EVERYTHING. My mother is allergic to corn AND ALL ITS DERIVATIVES. She also has a massive food sensitivity for GLUTEN which causes her fibromyalgia to flare up painfully.
Please please PLEASE JUST TELL US WHAT IS IN THE FOOD. People dont ask to be rude. They ask so they can know what is safe to eat.
Red 40 used to be snuck into absolutely everything, a food dye that I'm allergic to. Chocolate cakes would have it and so would some vanilla cupcakes. They used to feed salmon red 40 pills to make it look pretty and inject strawberries with food dye so people would be more likely to buy them. They used to be able to get away with including it under the catch all term "spices". Me eating something with red 40 was guarunteed to give me a nasty migraine and an emeto reaction. If I ask if something has red dye, im not being needlessly picky. I'm trying to not spend a whole night miserable in the bathroom with a splitting headache.
Pork products are ALSO snuck into all kinds of foods like hot dogs and meatballs. And the number of people who dont realize that ham and bacon and sausage all count as PORK is very disheartening. I cannot tell you the number of meals at potlucks i'd have to refuse because no one knew if the hotdogs or meatballs had pork in them that they brought. Many times, all i could eat were the sides as a result.
PLEASE know whats in your food when you give it to someone. PLEASE be honest if you dont know or never thought to check. We NEED your honesty so we KNOW what we can SAFELY consume versus what we should probably steer clear from.
lying about whats in the food is a vile thing to do.
“Meatless alternatives are getting so good, you should try them! I bet you wouldn’t even be able to tell the difference! In fact….”
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Please stop trying to sneak-feed me meat alternatives.
I am willing to prepare and share a vegan meal with you, I’m willing to skip animal products in our group spaces.
Stop trying to sneak-feed me meat alternatives.
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foxyexelove · 3 months ago
I'm thinking of sometimes posting about my day as a form of journaling without any commitments. Be warned that I'm 18 and I like yapping about nothing important. My family situation isn't the best and I'm a little tired of just not talking about it, this isn't to send a message or try asking for help.
Today I woke up late, ate chicken nuggets and took my phone off the charger. Played with my little sister (4?) and brother (15?), me and him pretended to eat her because she stole a chicken nugget. I called my auntie to check up on her and my brother (9?) who went to visit her. She told me to call the eye doctor (I'm not looking up the name) to see if they have my new glasses (My current ones I've had for 3 years and are broken and scratched up).
My mom showed up (she doesn't live with us), she told us about how she woke up to a random crack head sleeping next to her. I called the eye place and got told they had my glasses, so I got ready to go and my brother (15?) wanted to come with me, so we got on the bus and went to Walmart (the eye clinic is inside).
I went inside the clinic area and waited, when it was my turn they couldn't find my glasses and said they'll call me on Monday. Decided to walk around Walmart and get some things for myself, My brother and I went to get him earphones, I had some Christmas money left over so I bought myself some too. I felt bad because the earphones were in the glass case, when we asked a worker to open it he asked which one I wanted, he grabbed the wrong one (not his fault Im just bad at communicating) so I grabbed the one i wanted. I felt bad because I'm not sure if I was rude (my brother said I wasn't but still).
After getting the earphones, we got in a small argument because my brother wanted to wonder while I wanted to go look for top ramen. Decided to be a good sister and not get lost, so I followed him, we looked at a few DVDs (might go back to get some).
We then started looking around the food aisles, we grabbed: a soda, lemonade mix, top ramen, and a few mini pies (they were less than a dollar!!!). At the register he got a small soda and gum, I saw the werthers Candy (it my addiction 🥺) so I had to grab it. It all came to about 16-17 dollars, we sat outside for a while before heading to the bus. Went back to the motel we are currently staying at, found out my other aunt (I don't like her she's a crazy bitch, not the one I called earlier) and grandma bought a pizza from dominos (a little upset because we are struggling with money and it's cheaper to walk across the street for a pizza), the ate a little bit of it but my brother couldn't because he's a picky eater and didn't want to pick the chicken off (I don't blame him, the only ones in our family that like chicken pizza is my aunt and grandma (so they pretty much bought it for themselves).
My little sister was acting up, my brother spanked her on the hand, my crazy aunt Started yelling and claiming he hit her on the head (he didn't, he would never hit her hard or on the head, he even gets mad at me if he thinks I spank her too hard). I got into an argument with her because she wasn't even looking when he spanked her, just heard my sister yell/cry (she's very stubborn and fake cries when she doesn't get her way, my sister doesn't cry when in pain only when she's mad or gets her feelings hurt.)
And that's about it right now. Might continue to yap online if I feel like it. Might not, I'm not very consistent, if you are waiting for more of my fanfic 'A Very Bad Dragon', don't worry I'll post more chapters in the future and I'm sorry if the writing and art suck.
Also here is a picture of a DND OC I made, his name is strike, he is a gnoll inspired by a stripped Hyena. He looks edgy but is a sweet guy who is very submissive and loving to his girlfriend (I wanted to make her big and stronger, I'll post her later).
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yourelosingme · 8 months ago
was eating in a group so i didn't take much food because arfid equals anxiety to eat with others around. then someone started screaming at me for not taking that much food, causing me to shut down and not want to eat even more. then when someone else asked if i was offended and i said i was a little frustrated by her comment he got angry and said "its not a big deal. you shouldn't be so offended. you really need to do some self-reflection on what you get offended by. She was just concerned. are we not allowed to be concerned anymore?"
i tried to explain that his comments were manipulative and not helpful esp since i hadn't even said anything in the first place and he just kept going at me until i cried.
i dont even know why i fucking talk sometimes.
i’m so sorry that arfid makes it hard for you to eat around others. i find it the same way because there is so much pressure to not be rude and eat every bite but sometimes a texture or flavor can one bite in stop me from eating even my safe foods and explaining that to someone is always a challenge. i think you need to surround yourself with more understanding people which i know is easier said than done. try to always have your few safe foods with you and if anyone questions the amount, type or “health” of the food you’re consuming you have every right to tell them it isn’t any of your business. im so sorry that people can’t understand and don’t even seem to want to understand - that arfid is so far beyond just picky eating.
i wish people wouldn’t ever comment on anything anyone is eating ever with the exception of “i hope you’re enjoying your food because you deserve to be satiated” <3
ily anon and im always here for you if you need to talk to someone who understands.
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eyedrateanatomy · 5 months ago
wait i wanna explain all the seat numbers because me n my partner made this together and we had So many ideas during. like. a Lot
ignacio is easy to sit with at first but it is Tense. he doesnt tell you to move out of the way when he needs to get up to use the restroom so god forbid you have a tray down lest he just knocks everything on your lap. roy bugs him a bit with his incessant talking so he leans over doing that whisper yelling thing going "if you dont shut your mouth right now i Will shoot you. im not fucking around. i have a gun." and roy almost pesters him again until he sees a bump in his pocket and decides to shut up for the rest of the trip. ignacios already picky with the treatment he gets on the plane but everyone just assumes flights make him cranky. about two hours later though when everyones getting their food ignacios order is wrong, so naturally he crawls over your lap to make a scene in front of god and everyone about how inconsiderate and rude the flight attendants are and pulls out his gun. ignacio has to be strapped to a safety seat for the rest of the flight.
ross is chill and easy to sit with. the two guys in the back, not so much, neither are the guys in the front. roy keeps trying to annoy susie. hes bored, hes tired, he doesnt know how long the trip will take, he wants to know what shes listening to, etc. after like an hour and a threat from an old man does she finally decide to give him a part of her earbud. they listen to dark edgy vocaloid music on her ipod for the rest of the trip and roy wont admit that he likes it. susies in her own little world imagining her ocs in animated music videos to the songs shes listening to. jaune and radford in the front? god awful and annoying. just the worst. they have energy for days and they Can and Will talk for 8 hours straight. ignacio got up at one point to yell at them about it. like "you know the whole plane can hear you right? THE WHOLE DAMN PLANE?" and skiddad, whos Piloting The Plane, pulls out the radio to go "yep i heard the whole thing +:)" so jaune and rad decide to shut up out of fear... but they only last five minutes. jaunes always reaching behind her to ask if ross needs anything, and checks on the other kids and lila every so often. its only when the plane lands do jaune and rad finally ask for each others names.
patty is actually chill. if youre able to ignore the yappers behind you, you wont die around her. she does smell funny and watches weird opera movies on her screen, but at least shes not radford who decided to pull out his massive computer to watch the most shocking, fear inducing, gorey horror film on the planet. good luck trying to talk to patty though shes really got nothing to say.
lila is fast asleep for the whole 8 hour trip. she was awake for the first 30 minutes giving skid and pump some food and candy and setting up a cartoon for them to watch before putting on the noise canceling headphones + neck pillow and conking the fuck OUT. skid and pump are Naturally little hooligans, theyre rummaging through lilas purse trying to find more candy (that woman has a Lot in her purse. its like its bigger on the inside) and they accidentally get their wrappers everywhere. pump is reaching over to the seat in front of him to get it and it interrupts dexter n gregors little argument for a second before pump goes back to his seat. he then runs over to susie to give her some candy, and of Course he prepared for roy to ask as well so he got him some too before blowing a raspberry at him and walking away. at some point skiddad walks over to wrap lila in a blanket. bundling her like a spiders prey in its web... and pump keeps trying to get skid to turn around going "isnt that your dad??? skid turn around isnt that your dad. SKID. THATS YOUR DAD. SKID HES THE PILOT" and skids like "nahh my dad wouldnt wear the pilot hat, he always said hats mess up his hair" and this keeps going until skiddad leaves and skid only then turns around and goes See.
dexter and gregor are having the worst argument of their life, and its not Yelling (at first), but its really easy to eavesdrop on their bickering. dexter cannot stop going "i bet you like my mom. everyones waiting for you to admit it." every five minutes, and gregor has to keep putting down the bible hes reading (for fun) going "Listen. we just see each other every sunday and thats it. theres nothing more to it" and theres probably more to it but he is a Righteous Priest and hes literally in the clouds right now like. what if god hears. so dexters just really pissy the whole flight until he gets distracted by the chips given to him by the flight attendant. good luck being between all this. gregor and dexter also Constantly yell at skid and pump for being rowdy and loud. the whole plane is yelling at them, ESPECIALLY roy and ignacio. lila sleeps through all of it.
kevin is in his own personal hell right now. hes scooted all the way to the window trying desperately to avoid frank and it is Not Working. frank is too big. he laughs too loud, hes always moving in his seat and bumping into everyone elses, he eats like a pig, and when kevin Finally thinks he gets a break once franks tired, he finds out frank snores so loud it shakes the plane. kevin cant even leave hes literally trapped. if you wanna sit near kevin, you gotta get past the giant immovable object first. frank isnt the chattiest though so youll have some peace.
roberts stupid ass brother accidentally got him a seat away from his friends, and even though radford got them all wifi to text each other, rob still has to put up with Child Murderer Bob right next to him who keeps trying to ask Questions that robert keeps trying to Ignore and its not Working. at some point robert tried sneaking over to where ross is until skiddad showed up out of nowhere to go "nonono, you cant do that +:)" the plane started tilting a bit cause skiddad forgot he was piloting it so he had to speed up the process by picking rob up by the back of his shirt and placing him back to the proper seat. youre his only hope. please entertain him. at some point, robert asks streber to let him sit at the front with him, so strebers trying to ask the uncle if its fine if rob sits with them. the uncle isnt responding. streber just turns back and is like "uh sorry thats all i can do. haha" which is probably for the best.
this is the worst seat at first and its Not because of the uncle, but because streber is such a godawful annoying little shit. if you sit next to him, you Need to be prepared to put up with him rambling incessantly for hours on end about his inventions and books he read and friends and accomplishments and his entire life story. he doesnt listen when you tell him to stop Multiple Times, because everytime he tries to be quiet its like theres an itch inside him begging him to just keep telling you Everything. you cant ask the uncle for help if you tried, hed just chuckle and keep watching his telenovelas. even if he did tell streb to stop, it wouldnt work for long. but there is One thing that stops him, and that is the hungry motherfucker right behind him. bob just drools on him at first which definitely snaps him out of it. so its like... ok he'll be less distracting. he'll just doodle on his napkins. Now hes just hearing bob breathing heavily. so hes up going "i gotta take a whiz" and he hears footsteps behind him AND ITS BOB. hes not walking. streb turns back around after walking a bit more and bobs still standing there, but just a Little bit closer this time. and this keeps going till theyre up to the door, strebers like "ehm. can i help you." bob just says he needs to use the bathroom next and doesnt wanna wait for someone else to take it first. bob basically shuts streber up for the rest of the trip, and hes way too fixated on him to prey on you. the other guy? busy watching tv. congratulations! you now have the best seat on the flight.
Rick- hes the flight attendant. just before this he worked as a security guard in the airport and was fired for letting ignacio bring a gun on the plane because he didnt care. he was then hired as a flight attendant twelve minutes later.
Skiddad- hes the only pilot and only god knows why hes doing this or where hes taking everyone.
Evermore + Garcia + John + Jack- theyre on a private jet, evermore and garcia are lounging it up while john and jack are trying to ignore captain and shotgun man bothering them and keeping them from working. this was deliberate on evermores part.
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choose wisely
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pyonzzz · 2 years ago
ooooh my gods okay look i have nothing against the old dollieguts art style but recently the dollkin angelkin yamikawaii etc tags have been flooded with people who are just using that art style and its just ...
as an artist ? inspiration is okay but please make it your own , its so obvious that youre trying to perfectly recreate the old look and i dont even think that artist would want that from what i know
and as a nonhuman ? STAY OUT OF THE TAGS ? PLEASE ?? i know thats the feel you want for your art but thats not how its being seen . ive seen a few posts about this too so i know im not the only one whos upset by this ..... the " creepy cute " tags and things similar to that are more your thing with this kind of art if thats really what you want . angelkin and dollkin etc have very specific vibes and its largely not anything similar to the art youre posting , and its only starting to bother us ..... for your sake and ours , please leave the tags
and just as someone being picky and a bit rude ? tagspamming is against tos . you really need to look into the tags and the culture around them before using them because if you use them wrong people arent gonna be happy . and i know tumblr has a really pessimistic userbase and i dont want anyone getting bullied or harrassed for trying to show their art
find or make your own tags and let us have ours .
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spyoikawa · 4 years ago
still on that saiki k brainrot so hear me out-
metori, saiki, teruhashi, aren and hairo with an s/o who really loves to bake/cook-
no thoughts just Reader learning how to make coffee jelly for saiki (like maybe they make him a tower of coffee jelly for an anniversary or his birthday-). no thoughts just Reader cooking something for metori who pretends to not want to eat it cause it’s ‘peasant food’ but ends up really enjoying their cooking. no thoughts just cooking/baking date with teruhashi. no thoughts just teaching aren how to cook/bake and having a food trade with him, bringing him lunch/a snack to school. and no thoughts just hairo hyping Reader up while they cook/bake and making stuff for him to bring to class rep meetings-
thank you! <3
the excitement I got got I saw teruhasi- i don't see a lot of writing for her and I get happy when I get to do less than common things! Thanks!
I'm running low on creative juices, so please I hope you don't mind if I use the exact scenarios you suggested 💀
Note: some of the things I wrote felt really rude so please don't mind the tone tags in parentheses, also i have not edited this yet
Saiki, Teruhasi, Hairo, Aren, and Saiko with an S/O who can cook/bake
Saiki Kusuo (italics = saiki telepathy)
Although it was undeniably tasty, your boyfriend's obsession with coffee jelly was not only getting out of hand but also quite expensive-
I mean he spent 3,000 yen for one serving-
But yanno what it's ok, coffee jelly is easy to make, and this gives you an excuse to hang out (not that you need one)
"Ok Ku, i had an idea"
I like it, just make sure you teach me how to do it too
"Rude. I wasn't finished"
You did in your head
As endearing as it could be sometimes, Saiki's mind-reading could be a pain occasionally
You wound me.
"Good. (/j)"
After a long debate over recipes and serving sizes, there it was, in all its glory, your first batches of coffee jelly
it was heaven
You did end up sharing the recipe with him, but it still became a little tradition to make the coffee jelly together
It just tastes better that way :)
Kokomi Teruhashi
In the midst of your TV and cuddles date, Kokomi huffed and turned off the TV
But of course it was rude to just turn off the TV, so she offered to play a board game instead
You did play with her, but your curiosity was begging as to why she wanted to change the activity
"Hey Kokomi, this game is fun, don't worry... but why'd you turn off the TV so suddenly?"
"Oh, it was nothing! I just thought you would like this game, and I wanted you to enjoy yourself more!"
Now, that's the answer the most perfect girl in the world would give
But Kokomi is still human, there's gotta be something wrong
You spent a while thinking to yourself about what you were watching, you two agreed on a documentary, then after the documentary, the channel played a cooking show with a guest baker/cook Makoto Teruhashi- oh.
So that was it
At the end of the round, you stood up and offered your hand to pull up Kokomi with you.
"Hey, wanna make a bet?"
She looked up with a bit of curiosity.
"I bet you, I can make your favorite dish, far better than Makoto can"
She smiled a bit, "sure!"
Her favorite food was simple, so you taught her to cook it and added in some other things just for fun (and so she can't recreate it without your secret ingredients)
Now you guys have cooking dates often and always find ways to spice up foods (and beat Makoto at whatever he was doing on tv)
Hairo Kineshi
my thoughts and prayers go to you
we all saw what happened when he tried to make crepes
but in his mind, it was a learning opportunity
You guys were taking an after-school stroll, the weather was really nice, it would be a shame if you two just went home and did nothing. Walks like these tend to get sentimental and nostalgic, so your conversation subconsciously started to drift towards school life.
"And do you remember that time we had to get kuboyasu, kaido, and nendo to play on a baseball team? Oh my god thank god it didn't go too poorly, that one player really pulled through at the end..." you laughed out
"Haha I do remember that, I can't believe we got them to play, it really could've gone worse" He smiled as he remembered that day, but then his eyes drifted up to a bakery across the road. "Speaking of poor experiences..."
after he explained to you he and kaido's crepe disaster, you couldn't help but tease fun at him for a bit
but you did agree to teach him more about cooking and baking
he's a bit too passionate about cracking eggs, but hey, at least you can work faster
after many, many burnt crepes and pans, there it was, a fallen appart, incorrectly folded, but still a properly cooked crepe sat there in all its beauty
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it kinda looked like this
Although he does learn many different things with you, crepes will be the thing he makes over and over again, even when he has it down to a science, just because it's the first thing you taught him, and he will keep that sweet memory forever (get it. sweet? Cause crepes? Im funny i swear.)
Aren Kuboyasu
He actually knows how to cook pretty well
He's not really sure when he picked up cooking, its kinda just stuck around, but he enjoys it, it makes him seem more goody
and he can treat you :)
I will die on my "aren lives for the most basic/domestic activities hill"
cooking with him is always an experience, he will play music in the background, and pull you aside to dance at random times
also does that really hot thing where he stands behind you, reaches around to hold your hands, and basically has you in a cage while showing you how to do something
it's one of those spontaneous things to do, if there's nothing else to do, might as well make something to eat
firm believer in "if you have to eat to live, you might as well eat delicious foods" so he will always try out new things with you if its healthy and tasty
"bab look at this show" you called out from where you were sitting, there was a cooking show/food documentary on, and it was showing a special food. "it says this chicken has a secret sauce they dip it in"
he walked over to the tv and watched it for a couple seconds, thinking a bit.
"...wanna figure it out?"
"yes. I'll make the chicken if you figure out the sauce?"
will you ever know if you got the secret sause? Nope, but you did figure out a chicken recipe that is good as hell
he probably writes down all the recipes you "invented" together for safekeeping and so he can return to it later, but he refuses to show it to anyone
Saiko Metori
as much as I love him, we all saw in that one episode how picky he is while eating, and is probably a bitch to please while cooking/baking
so after a lot of convincing, you got him to sit in the kitchen with you so he can watch you bake for the two of you
in reality, all you have to do is give the dish a fancy rich-sounding name, you just have to be really careful with what you say
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like this 💀
you decided to bake for him today, baking is a lot more "by the book" than cooking, so you thought he would take a bit of comfort in knowing it was done in a professional way
"alright tori, so I think I'll make a heavy pastry made with fine cacao and extracts, baked into a rich dessert for a fine sweet palette"
"you're making brownies aren't you"
Told you, you have to be as specific as possible
He does eventually get interested in what you're doing though, as he never really sees his personal chef cook, and wants to help you by the end
He really did enjoy it! It quickly became one of his favorite treats
But funny enough, no matter how many bakeries he tried or how many times his chef tried, they never tasted the same
(you put in special spices as your own little mark on the treat)
so he ends up having you over for more cooking dates
Which he really does enjoy btw
as a tsundere he will look all annoyed and probably call you a plebe, but these are his favorite types of dates
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erodasfishtacos · 4 years ago
hii! i love your ceo harry universe so much! i was wondering how one of the incidents that was mentioned before when a worker talks back to him ?
here’s to hold you over while im working on the next one shot :)
warning: harry is an asshole to everyone but his baby and wife, language, breastfeeding.
Well let's just start off by saying that there have been tons of instances where there was a disgruntled employee. Heres one.
It was six in the morning and Harry was supposed to be out of the house thirty minutes ago.
As soon as he'd stepped out from the closet that held his suits and professional attire, he had heard a squeak from the baby monitor mounted to the wall.
He steps over to see his little seven month old daughter wriggling around unhappily in her crib, kicking out her chunky legs with a pinched expression.
The smacking of her pouty lips telling everyone that she was hungry.
Harry looks over to his sleeping wife, who was on her stomach with her face buried into the side of her pillow. Her feet were peeking out from under the comforter and she was peaceful.
There's no way he would wake her, his job can always wait, he's is own boss for fuck's sake. That has him trailing into the dim nursery, sun barely peeking through the closed curtains.
"Oh, bub," Harry hums, hearing short, irritated whimpers from his demanding daughter. Just like her daddy. Wanted what she wanted, when she wanted it.
When Ivy hears her father's voice, she's gripping the railing to pull herself to sit up. Her displeased babbling begins between huffs of breathe, telling him all her complaints.
"I know, m'sorry. Daddy's s'mean," Harry coos when he picked her up and pops her onto his hip. She was a little space heater in her flower covered white onesie. ***
Ivy pats happily at her father's chest as he takes her down into the kitchen, keeping herself entertained by tugging at the collar of his dress shirt and trying to pull the decorative hankerchief out of his breast-pocket.
Harry goes about heating up a pouch of breastmilk in the bottle heater while humming to his daughter with soft kisses on her silky little curls.
He hisses when he pulls it back, goes to test it, and it drips onto his grey suit jacket. A splotch of breastmilk, the joys. He didn't have time to change, didn't really have time for any of this logistically.
Then Harry's trying to convince his picky daughter to take the bottle between her lips but she's refusing, letting out a wail and pushing it back towards him.
"Little love, know y'hungry," Harry murmurs, bouncing her on his hips in a soothing moment, "Need y'to eat f'me."
Then she's full on crying because Harry knows exactly what she wants, "You can't have it from your mumma right now. She's sleepin', we need to be nice, yeah?"
Harry swears his wife must have an extra sense for her daughter because she's stepping into the kitchen in just a tank top and pair of panties.
Ivy's cries pick up and she twists for her mum when she sees her. Y/N obliges and slips her out of Harry's arms before cradling her into the crook of her elbow.
She's tugging off the shoulder of her top and guiding Ivy until she's latched and goes completely quiet, eyes already lidded and heavy as she feeds.
Harry grunts, leaning in to give his wife a goodbye kiss, "Can't blame her, y'tits are amazing."
Y/N rolls her eyes at him but they soften when Harry reaches down to kiss his daughter's head.
"Don't be too late," Y/N asks, sleep still thick in her throat.
"Never, be home as soon as I can, my love," Harry assures her before stepping out.
He had a magnetic pull, it took strength and effort to be away from his two ladies for any amount of time. It made working that much harder, a struggle he'd never dealt with before.
It has him already in a sour mood when he steps into the conference room and one of his employees makes a comment under his breath to the person next to him.
"So we can't even be a minute late but he can be twenty, that makes sense."
Harry is usually never in the mood for bullshit. 
But he was especially not in the mood for it today. He wanted to be home with his sleepy wife and baby. Let her sleep and take care of Ivy.
"It actually does make sense, Todd. It makes sense because I'm the fuckin' boss," Harry replies with a sharp edge, slamming his briefcase onto the oak table loudly.
"Shouldn't you be setting an example for everyone?" He shoots back, not sure where the courage had been building from but everyone else is giving him bewildered looks.
Harry barks out a rude laugh, "I need to set an example of being punctual to grown arsed adults? Do I need to show you how to fuckin' tie your shoes too?"
Todd grimaces, “No. I’m just saying...it’s good to do that.”
“I am setting a good example, I’m a fuckin’ self-made billionarie. Is that not a great example to set?” Harry asks with a raised eyebrow.
 It was crazy how intimidating he could be with a stain of breastmilk on his suit.
The employee doesn’t know what else to say, awkwardly he looks down at his hands in surrender to the man who was still standing in front of his chair instead of sitting.
“Now,” Harry cuts through the tension, “I believe you had a report for me.”
He was quite surprised his boss didn’t fire him right then and there. He’d fired people for a lot less than what he just did.
Todd did indeed have a report for him. It had taken him three months to finish the project. He’d put his blood, sweat, and tears into this three-hundred page report with analysis, graphs, and charts.
He slides the fat stack of paper towards Harry, ‘A Summary of June Sales in All Corporate Offices’.
Harry takes on look at it and smirks at the man, “You know what? I’ve changed my mind. I think I’d like a summary for July instead of June. Get back to work on it.”
Todd and the rest of the workers look with flabergasted expression, they all knew how long this took to complete. 
So when Harry picks up the packet, carelessly tosses it in the trash bin, and walks out - well everyone is a bit in shock for a moment.
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portraitsofguilt · 2 years ago
Heyyy! If matchups are still open can I get one for arcane or overwatch!
20 nb lesbian ESFP. artist, entertainer, artist, musician. I'm pretty butch, goth, I use they/them, I'm short and have dark short black hair, gauges and multiple tattoos, people compare me to Wednesday, Sevika, Ruby (Steven universe) and Toph. I tend to dress in all black, purple or red. When I'm not working Im drawing writing or playing guitar. I'm a chill person, who prefers to listen to people talk, or just being able to relax around people. However with specific subjects I can get more talkative. I have a small friend group cuz I'm really picky, people say I am friendly and inviting, but I look intimidating or unapproachable due to my rbf and alt style. They also describe me as easy to talk to, chill, nonjudgmental, protective and a bitch to people when I need to be. I'm not easily angered, but I used to get into fights, and I'm very protective of the people I choose to be around. I exercise every night, I love interacting with new people, listening to hard rock or metal, partying, drinking smoking, or spending the night inside. It honestly depends on my mood, I like cooking, long car rides and adventures. Honestly kinda just a stoner in scary clothes. Scary and cool till I open my mouth then I'm more of a lovable idiot.
your match-up and star messenger is . . .
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you are the "annoyingly loud, tall and their scary sweetheart short s/o" couple
maybe it was your similar style that convinced odessa there was no better person for her, or that she had to think twice to talk to you when first meeting you because you looked like you were about to murder someone. either way, she was attracted to you the second she had laid eyes on you.
odessa has much to say and even more wild stories to tell you and that requires a pair of patient ears. she is glad you like listening to her tales, that no matter how horrible it may sound you answer to her without poison on your tongue. the two of you would have only small kinks when communicating, phrasing your sentences too emotionally or overly poetic would confuse odessa, setting up an awkward silence session between the two of you.
the two of you are rarely resting, odessa always has a new adventure for you two to go on. both of you have the type of personality that doesn't like to sit around, do pointless routines or tasks, and rather be creating new things, building new connections, and going to concerts, parties, or hang with your friends.
junker queen will try to learn at least one of you hobbies, most likely playing the guitar. she never really had the opportunity to learn an instrument and would like to expand her skills and open herself up to new possibilities in smaller ways. to think she would make a bad student is completely wrong, odessa can be patient she just needs a bit more encouragement to handle such things as music. in fighting you need to throw big punches, and the guitar needs a delicate touch.
some aspects of your relationship would be:
her constantly teasing you about the height difference, she is 7ft tall, and nobody tops that
drive-in cinema dates! there is a place that still does this thing, a little far away but neither of you is complaining about the long road ahead
talking shit about those rude people for no reason is one of your ways to connect and suddenly start a deep talk
odessa can't help but find it adorable how you stand up for her or yourself if somebody is bothering either of you
version 1
the night was still young but you were just getting started with your laps around the abandoned block in the town. if there was any reason why you took your exercises in the night remained unanswered, you didn't remember, it has been going on for so long. so wrapped in your own thoughts, trying to figure out why was it so relishing to work out in the night you missed the person coming towards you and the two of you bumped into each other. falling ass first on the ground, a groan left your throat. it took you a second to regain control over your shaken body, that's when you first saw her, offering you a hand with a troubled look on her face.
"are you alright there? i didn't expect anyone else around this turn of time, this place in town. i'm odessa."
version 2
you were part of junkertown's enforcers, serving directly under the queen herself which was a surprise for you too since you haven't been in the line of duty for too long. you have never seen the queen personally, only on the papers that were put up around the town and her commands came through your squad leader. on the night junkrat, a former resident of the town claimed that he found a 'treasure' and you along with your comrades were sent out to take a look at said 'treasure' only for it to turn out to be a trap set up by him and his partner in crime, roadhog. in the fight, you were incapacitated, and by the time you woke up your queen's face was the first thing to greet you.
"i'm sure the two of us can talk about compensation privately... a queen cares for every one of their enforcers."
can't feel my face by the weeknd !
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cyxnidx · 3 years ago
Fruit Salad
pairing: izana x reader
warnings: none i guess?? soft izana? is that even a warning......
note: i wanna write more for izana, so request smt i guess. just no smut - i dunno his age and it says hes 18 but i refuse to believe that 😭 (if he is just correct me) also, hc that izana loves fruit salad????
summary: you and izana just discussing fruits and shit. basically hcs i have for him put into a scenario. fluff i suppose.
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unlocking the door to your home, you saw Izana in the kitchen with fruits. apples, blueberries, kiwi, watermelon, grapes, cantaloupe and pineapples.
he looked up at you, a smile growing as he watched you close the door behind you. “helloo” he sang in a happy voice.
a soft smile formed as you walked toward him, analyzing the fruit on the table. “zana, where’s the honeydew?” you asked him. he looked at you dumbfounded. “i ‘ont like honeydew.” he said blankly.
you sighed. “but it tastes good in a fruit salad?”
he shook his head reluctantly. “it tastes kinda plain.. like bananas.” he said, thinking of the fruit. he didn’t like a lot of things. whether it was honeydew, bananas or the simple smell of cinnamon, which gave him a headache and led to him disliking the scent.
you hugged his side, smiling when you heard his heart beat. “you’re so picky.”
“no im not,” he whined. “s’ just my opinion.. i can’t help bananas taste so.. weird.” the disgust was heard in his voice. he despised bananas.
“yeah, well, how about coconuts?” you asked him. he hummed. “ive never had them.. ive heard they’re good though.”
“have you had dragon fruit?” he took a minute to think. “i probably did. isn’t it like a green and pink-ish fruit?”
you nodded, removing yourself once he stopped moving so he could get a fork for his salad. “yeah-” you said, stopping yourself mid-sentence.
“you use a fork for a fruit salad?” you asked. he looked at you sideways. “how many times are you going to seem,, different, today?”
you looked at him wide-eyed. “rudeness!”
he chuckled. “no,, is it not normal to use a fork for a salad?”
“for a normal salad, yeah. not a fruit salad.” you said, arms crossed. “why not?” he pushed. “because it’ll be hard to get the grapes and blueberries!” you pouted.
he blinked at you and picked up the fork, stabbing one of the blueberries. “are you sure its just hard for you to pick it up?”
you felt yourself heat up under embarassment. “well try the grapes! they’re harder!” you fussed. he ate the blueberry, stabbing a grape and holding it up to show you.
“y/n,, do i need to teach you how to eat grapes and blueberries with a fork?” he asked. you were at a lost for words, almost ready to make another suggestion, only for him to deny it.
“if you tell me to try it with chopsticks, im just gonna laugh at you.” he stated, eating a watermelon.
“i give up!” you complained. he watched as you left for your room. “you sure you don’t want any??” he asked, watching you leave.
“... do you want me to make you one?”
“please!” you replied through the door. he only smirked, setting his bowl down to make you a fruit salad as well.
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