#not as fun as the holo one but I love the color
sl-walker · 1 month
Color Cards for sale
Or: Custom nails!
There's now an updated post with more color cards here!
Want some professional looking stick/glue-on nails on a budget for yourself or someone else? Since I am still unemployed and my wife makes these stunning creations as art therapy, we're looking to sell them to keep us afloat and do things like buy food until I have a new job. (She already owned all the nail stuff.) So, if you want a set of truly gorgeous nails, take a look and contact me here or on that one chat app starting with a 'D' where I am also sl_walker.
Nails will be sent in a padded envelope with cardboard to protect them, though I might clip the longer color cards in two for mailing. Shipping is free! Probably you'll also get a handwritten note and maybe even a sketch from me. Several of these nail sets are three hours or more of work! And as you can see, they really are beautiful. Just ignore my very amateur photography, Tumblr's assholish image compression and the occasional cat hair. I promise I won't send any kitty dna with the nails. And you can also contact me and ask me for a set of pics emailed without compression.
As they're sold, I'll update this post by striking those through! And YES! SHE DOES CUSTOMS! If you want a custom color card (or loose nails once you know your sizes! I'll try to write the sizes on the color cards when I can see them), just contact me with a description and we'll let you know if she's able to do it. She can do cat meme nails, no joke. Or like-- fandom themed. So please do feel free to ask after that.
Also, if you request it, I'll throw in a little tube of nail glue, too.
1.) Autumn's Coming - $40
Stunning set of thirty nails, which means that you'll be able to find your exact size, but you might be able to wear a couple different sizes and have nails enough for two sets, too! Amidst the gorgeous fall-themed colors, you have cats eye magnetic metallic nails, plain color, blossom decals and a gorgeous coppery metallic crackle. They're shorter and with a blunt tip; in fact, I'm wearing a set right now, albeit in a different color theme.
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2.) Midcentury Modern - $26 (sold!)
A fun and lively set of thirty nails, including three half-sizes for more granular sizing. These stand out with flat orange and teal meeting beautiful holos in turquoise, navy, red-orange and orange! These have a sharper tip and look elegant as hell, no joke. Great for anyone who really wants to draw people's eyes to their hands or, if you're like me, just stand under bright light and stare at how pretty they are.
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3.) Good Omens - $30
This is a set of thirty nails. My wife's a huge fan of Sir Terry (sorry about the other guy) and so she came up with a Good Omens set! The red is metallic and magnetic cats eye with silver and white decals, while the white nails are themed in gold. I can definitely attest to how pretty these are, since she also made me a set of my own; I'm wearing them as I type (badly because I'm not used to wearing nails) and they're pretty enough for me to learn how to type with nail tips. LOL! She said to warn whoever bought them that she had to glue one back to the card. Sorry about that! It doesn't affect the nail itself.
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4.) Thinking of Spring - $36
Another set of thirty, this time more spring-themed! With some popping magnetic metallic green cats eyes interpersed with some softer pink/orange metallic magnetic starbursts, cats eye and be-dazzled, you also have the lovely decals adorning the white nails, too. This is another beautiful set that reflects a similar quality to the autumn themed nails.
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5.) Dusky - $26
A set of thirty, these are relatively simple by comparison: Done in a dusky metallic magnetic cats eye on one side and a brilliant, eyepopping holo on the other, they're classy and beautiful.
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6.) Better Call Prince - $24
This fun set of twenty-four is absolutely sparkly; with metallic purple on one side and purple holo on the other, all of them also have holographic decals on them! They're busy, but if you're a redneck like me (or just really love sparkly things!) they'll make you oooh when you see them live!
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7.) Pride - $18
This is a set of twenty-four. My wife actually made these for me, but they're too long for me. But boy, they sure are pretty. With the silver cats eye magnetic metallic on one side and the glittery rainbow on the other, this is a great set for you if you want something pretty with a relatively low price-tag!
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8.) The Art of Subtlety - $18
This set of twenty-four is actually more gorgeous the brighter the light. All one set, all the same, these beautiful cats eyes in a sedate blue actually have a subtle holo effect on top of the loveliness that is that magnetic metallic polish; I wasn't able to capture it, but it's there! These are great for business people who like to have pretty nails to tap on a table top as illustration for their annoyance while still having that whimsical underlying hint of color.
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9.) Slightly Better Than Business Casual - $16
This set of twenty-four is what my wife calls 'scratch and dent', not because they aren't pretty, but because there are a few minor flaws in the finish of the tips on the teal side. Despite that, they're a damn pretty set and will feed the cats for a few days!
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10.) Where There's Smoke - $26
The first set of matte nails on offer! This set of thirty (eleven regular, three half-sizes) is three different shades of matte gray, one more silvery/metallic and two more literally smoke-colored. Perfect for someone looking for that bit of elegance, no reflective topcoat necessary!
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uzumaki-rebellion · 18 days
"King Killmonger: The Golden Jaguar" Chapter 13
Masterlist HERE.
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"I know that I'm anointed
My light will travel wherever
My spiritual garden flourishes
No matter the weather…"
Doechii – "Sunday Best"
N'Jadaka woke up with the weight of Yani's thigh sprawled across his naked backside. The heat made him feel sticky all over but he was quite comfortable with his wife's limb keeping him close to her.
The children's voice's drifted through the open window and he heard plenty of splashing to match the exuberance of their combined laughter. He glanced at his kimoyos. The neon yellow holo alarm floated the time. It rang two hours ago and he missed it. He tried rolling over but Yani groaned and reached out to keep him in place.
"Baby, the kids are already up and outside," he whispered in her ear.
Yani squirmed and grumbled in her sleep.
One of the perks of being the king and queen of a nation was having nannies and other staff look after the children's needs before they even woke up. They'd been spoiled not having to do anything but love on their children all day without the responsibities of doing laundry, cooking, or cleaning. Because of that, they'd both slept through an alarm reminding them that they had to feed, bathe, and take care of their children while on their own. Childrearing had them both exhausted. They'd forgotten what it was like to care for three active kids all day without help or breaks. Even between the two of them, their days ended with them dropping dead on their loft bed wondering how they could keep going the next day despite all the fun they were enjoying together.
"Yani…baby…wake up. The kids are already out in the water."
Yani's eyes popped open then.
"Already in the water? Without supervision?"
She jumped off the bed nude and grabbed a fresh pair of bikini bottoms. He watched her struggle to get her bikini top on.
"C'mon, get up," she ordered, throwing a new pair of swim trunks to him.
He shuffled off the bed and pulled on the pale yellow trunks.
"We have got to do better. This is the third time we've slept through the morning forgetting about them," Yani gently scolded.
"Most people don't take their children on a honeymoon."
He rubbed on her backside and kissed her to cheek to calm her down.
"People will think we're neglectful parents. They know they're not supposed to be in the water without adults around."
He followed Yani down the stairs and out onto the back of the boat. The children climbed and bounced from a giant island inflatable attached to the portable deck they added to the back of the houseboat. The inflatable had three big sections: a slide that Joba was going down head first, a wide walkway section to dive from and that connected to a giant round rubber trampoline that Sydette jumped into the water from doing backflips and cartwheels. All three were in a child's paradise of fun. Yani couldn't keep them from all the extra water toys they had, especially the bright colorful big-wheeled water tricycles, one of which Riki pedaled around on passing the mini island. There were also hover surfboards that kept them all occupied for days on end.
None of their kids wanted to the leave the lake, completely changing the other outdoor plans she and N'Jadaka made to take them back to all the wonders they experienced on the first half of their honeymoon. The little Udaku crew was content to spend an entire two weeks on the cove, disappointing a slew of Wakandans who wanted the rare opportunity to see the royal children up close throughout Birnin D'Jata. However, N'Jadaka was insistent that they all spend their last two days in Ekuqaleniso they would know the place where their people started.
Yani had to admit, she shared the best days of her life with the children and her husband those last two weeks. A part of her wished they didn't have to go back. Time away and alone gave her perspective and time to reconnect to her babies who were becoming something else with their individual personalities and pursuits. Birnin Zana was fast-moving and organized chaos compared to life on the water.
Settling down to nothing but family and fun, she and N'Jadaka observed how much the children had changed. Not just physically with Riki and Joba about to pass Sydette up in height in another year or two, but also their speaking voices. She barely heard the familiar lilt of the island patois in Sydette or Riki anymore. Even Joba started speaking with a Wakandan inflection with her English. Most days the children spoke nothing but Wakandan amongst themselves and switched to English just for her sake. Yani learned the language better each day, but she was no match for the fluency of her kids. It saddened her a little that they were comfortably shedding their accents. The more Wakandan they became she had to learn to accept there would come a day when St. Thomas and America were foreign and not really home to them anymore.
She'd noticed it in herself and Twyla too. No one could tell her cousin she wasn't a native Wakandan. From the fashion and food she indulged in, to the way she walked and muddled through her learning of the language, Twyla was a Birnin Zana citizen down to the bone. Period. She shed ties to home easily unlike Yani. St. Thomas, Our Lady's Manor in particular, was always going to be home for her and N'Jadaka.
"Hey, you guys shouldn't be out here by yourselves," Yani called out.
Riki paddled by on the big wheel kicking up a spray of water as he passed the houseboat. Sydette climbed back onto the trampoline and Joba sat at the top of the slide staring at them.
"But Mama," Sydette said squinting from the sunlight, "we tried waking you and Baba up for over an hour. It was too hot to wait for you. I'm watching Riki and Joba. I even made them breakfast and sprayed them down with sunblock."
Yani sucked her teeth at her own self. She was trying her hardest to break Sydette from the idea of taking on a mothering role for her siblings. Her eldest had been accustomed to doing that for Riki back in St. Thomas while Yani was attending school and juggling a tight schedule and Yani pushed back on it then relying on her Auntie and Twyla to mind that gap when she wasn't around. However, Yani remembered the pressure she was put under to be a second mother for her own younger sisters by force. Her parents hoisted that job onto her little girl shoulders when she was six years old and it never let up until she fell pregnant and was thrown out of her home. From the age of six through nineteen, Yani was often in charge of her sisters and working odd jobs for days at a time as her mother dealt with an errant philandering husband who she ran after to drag home to pay for bills he neglected. When things were good between them, her parents partied and drank too much, leaving Yani to feed her sisters hoping the adults didn't kill themselves from overconsumption of alcohol. Once they cleaned up and became holy rollers in the church, a new hell was bestowed on Yani. She had to become the perfect working daughter who contributed to the family household employed under the table by Aunt Leona once she turned fourteen.
Unlike herself, she wanted her children to have real childhoods and to not be responsible for anyone other than themselves. Without even questioning the role, Sydette took on the eldest daughter syndrome behavior and didn't even blink. Yani was going to break that pattern.
"Sweet Pea, thank you for feeding and watching Riki and Joba. Me and Baba are here now. No need for you to look after them. Hear mi?"
"Yes, Mama," Sydette said. "Did I do something wrong?"
Sydette's pinched face probed Yani's expression.
"No, you did wonderful. I don't want you missing out on your fun worrying about them.'
"Show us how high you can jump."
Sydette wiggled her hips and bounce-walked to the center of the water trampoline and began jumping. Yani followed N'Jadaka onto the separate portable deck where lounge chairs with umbrellas and a mini fridge that held cool drinks and chilled fruit waited for their usage. N'Jadaka sat down and reached for sunblock on the side table. He sprayed himself and helped Yani by spraying on her front and back. She reached into the fridge and pulled out cold strawberry mineral water for them.
"Living good Mrs. Udaku-Stevens," N'Jadaka said.
"Yes we are."
He reached over and patted her hand.
"Don't beat yourself up. The kids are fine. Okoye and Ayo have an eye on them in the sky too."
"I don't want Sweet Pea…she's a little girl—"
"Yani…baby…I understand your concern. They will live as children for a long time unlike you and me. We both had to grow up fast and take on a lot at early ages. Relax and enjoy them, alright?"
He kissed the back of her hand and she nodded, turning her head away so he wouldn't see her eyes water up. His immediate comprehension of what she was feeling gave her comfort.
"I'll do the cooking tonight with the kids if you want to take a longer nap today.'
"Thank you."
"Baba! Mama! Watch!" Sydette shouted.
Their eldest jumped high in the air three times before flinging herself backward into the water. Yani and N'Jadaka clapped.
"Lemme see you fly, Joba!" N'Jadaka called out to his youngest.
Joba grinned and crossed her arms in front of her chest before leaning back on the high slide. She slid down the wet plastic launch ramp that curled at the end, shooting Joba up into the air about four feet before she splashed down into the water. They clapped for her and settled on Riki zooming past on the water big wheel chasing after water fowl that lingered to catch scraps of uneaten snacks on the sunbathing platform.
Peace settled on Yani and she indulged in the safeness of that feeling. A ticklish nudging came to the back of her mind, like she was forgetting something important in regards to their children. Her mother hen instincts prevailed and she simply loosened up her shoulders and kept a watchful eye on healthy happy little Udakus. N'Jadaka sipped on his drink and put it down. He stood and flexed his arms.
"Wait…what are you doing?!" Yani screeched.
N'Jadaka snatched her up over his shoulder and jumped into the water with her. Their children hooted and hollered. Yani wiped water from her eyes and laughed with them.
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"…so I thought the logical thing to do was to invite her to our pool/slumber party in order to show her that we were regular people too," Sydette finished with a sigh in her voice.
N'Jadaka helped supervise the children chopping up vegetables for their cranberry and glazed walnut salad.
"Maybe break up a few more walnuts Lil Man," he said to Riki.
Riki nodded and reached for a bag of walnuts and used a small hammer-shaped nut cracker to break up the nuts and place them into a bowl. Joba rinsed her hands and helped N'Jadaka cut up cooked and chilled lemon chicken cutlets into cubes. Sydette stopped breaking up butter leaf lettuce by hand and studied his face.
"Baba, can I ask you something serious?" Sydette asked.
"Go ahead," he said.
Sydette waited for him to look into her eyes.
"Does everyone outside of Wakanda think you're a bad guy? Is that why they talk so much about you by spreading lies?"
"Baba is a hero," Joba said.
"We know that," Riki said tossing walnuts into the bowl near his fingers, "but those people are stupid."
N'Jadaka paused his movement.
"Where are you hearing this from?" he asked.
Sydette glanced at her hands.
"Grandpop's vid screen. We spent the night with him before we left to come here. He fell asleep on the couch and we were looking for something to watch and we go onto the outer-net and saw all these news people talking about you," Sydette said.
"I see."
"Why are they so afraid of you? One lady said you would become a tyrant. That's bad, Baba."
"When people are afraid of more powerful people doing good work in the world, it interferes with their hunger for influence and use of that same power. They'll tarnish your reputation. It's a trick to get other people not to follow your example. Other leaders will say all kinds of horrible things about me to influence how others interact with my leadership around the world. The three of you should never worry about what those outsiders say about me."
"What about the people inside?" Sydette asked.
"No country is perfect. Neither is a king, queen, or president. Everyone has their own opinions, as is their right about how I run things here."
"But everything is perfect here. Who wouldn't like you?" Joba asked with a fretful tone.
He touched the beads at the bottom of her braids.
"People here are still getting used to us…me. Some things happened in the past that many are still not over—"
"Like your Baba going against his brother? And you trying to kill Uncle T'Challa?" Sydette asked.
"Or you being king?" Riki added.
Three pairs of inquisitive eyes clocked his expression.
"Those are things you three shouldn't even know about right now, but there was no way to keep it from you. That was all my fault."
"Umama said it's always best to know the truth to keep us from repeating the past," Joba said.
"She's right. But young children shouldn't know about murder and death so soon. Especially within our family."
"How were you able to forgive Uncle T'Challa for hurting you?" Sydette said.
"He tried to save my life and show me that we didn't have to go down the same path as our fathers who lived in fear of each other. Plus I had you three in my life, and your Uncle loved you all so much. He took care of you until he and Shuri found a way to save me. So you see, we changed our behavior toward each other and used love to heal our family. Your mothers pushed me to do better when I was lost."
"Did you have to kill Uncle T'Challa when you came back here?" Joba asked.
Her dark eyes watered and her lip quivered. He put and arm around her.
"I was in a bad place when I first came here. All I had was revenge and justice on my mind. Now when I think about it…had I known I had all of you…maybe I would've acted different. There were so many secrets and lies back then. But it's over now."
Sydette stared at him. Her eyes were shiny and she wiped a lid.
"I sometimes feel sorry for Uncle T'Chaka. He was so scared of Grandpa N'Jobu that he ruined the chance to have a bigger family and more happiness in his life. He did a bad…no…he did an evil thing to our grandfather. He kept Uncle T'Challa from growing up with you. You two could've been besties like you were before he went away with Umi Disa and Baba Z and all of our family who are gone now. Why couldn't he talk to Grandpa N'Jobu instead of killing him? Why didn't he bring you here? Everyone would like you then."
Sydette burst into tears and Joba joined her. Riki tried keeping it together but tears streaked down his cheeks too.
"Hey…hey…alright you guys…let's not talk about sad things on our family trip."
Sydette whimpered and rubbed the back of her hand across her eyes.
"I don't want people hating you," she said.
"Me neither, Baba," Riki huffed.
N'Jadaka took a deep breath and let the children feel what they felt without pressuring them to stop crying.
"Not everyone is going to like me or what I do for this country. But it's my job to worry about that. Understand?"
They gave him dutiful nods with wet eyes.
"Look at me. Do I act like I care what haters think of me?"
"But we care," Sydette said.
"It's why we want the pool party when we get home. To show our friends that you are a good person," Joba said softly.
"Are they saying stuff to you?" he asked.
"They hear things from their parents. So I figured we'd do some PR stuff to help your reputation," Sydette said.
"You guys should have a pool party because you want to hang with your friends."
"We do want to hang with them. I just thought it could help you too," Sydette said.
N'Jadaka clapped his hands and rubbed them together.
"I tell ya what. You guys are going to have the best pool party and slumber party gathering ever. Those parents are going to pray to Bast that they always get invited to anything you three plan because they're going to be so impressed with my swag!"
Sydette giggled from the tone of his voice and her glittery eyes had a smile in them too.
"Okay Joba?" he asked patting her hair.
Joba nodded and her face became calm again. Riki's chest shuddered, but he was back to himself.
"Me and Mama will handle all the bad press fine. Remember, they're just bullies who want me to stop helping people. Now… let's put this salad together and set the dinner table outside."
He assisted three little wet faces in tossing all the ingredients into the large salad bowl, and Joba poured a light cranberry balsamic over everything and he tossed it with big wooden spoons cracking jokes and cracking smiles back on his children's faces. By the time he placed buttered slices of whole grain bread on the table, the stressful conversation had been left behind.
"Go wake Mama up," he told Riki.
Riki zipped across the platform and jumped onto the houseboat. Joba and Sydette sat in their seats and watched his face.
"We good?" he asked.
Sydette leaned forward.
"Riki wrote a song and he wants to sing it for you and Mama. But he's shy about it," Sydette said.
"Riki shy? Since when?"
"It's his first song and he wants you to like it."
"We'll like anything he sings."
"But parents always say that. For real, Baba he wants you to like it because it's good and not because he's your son."
"Have you heard it?"
The girls both nodded.
"It's good," Joba said.
"We keep telling him to sing it for you, but he ignores us. If we pressure him, he'll never sing it. But if you ask about it…"
Sydette's eyebrows danced up and down on her forehead and N'Jadaka grinned.
Yani and Riki walked toward them and his wife looked rested and relaxed.
"Everything looks so nice," Yani said.
She sat down next to him and Riki climbed onto his chair. N'Jadaka served everyone their salad and bread and they said grace together holding hands.
"This is so delicious you guys!" Yani said stuffing her mouth with diced chicken and cherry tomatoes.
N'Jadaka watched Riki interact at the table and he wondered what kind of song Riki made. Their dinner meal was slow paced and he laughed a lot at all the ways his children delighted him. In his mind he bottled up the moment to reflect on later whenever the politics at home got to him. His time with the family was more important than fretting over the world.
By nightfall they went for a night hike offshore and gazed at the stars above the trees and ancient mountain ranges that were around before Wakanda even existed. They pointed in the direction of Ekuqaleni. His children walked in awe as shooting stars zipped across the night sky and admired the magnificence of the Milky Way galaxy bathing them in starlight. He held Yani's hand and squeezed it when the children squealed at seeing a meteor shower. Riki craned his neck to study the light show and N'Jadaka rubbed his son's hair.
"Riki, how is your songwriting coming along? Do you have anything we can hear yet?" he asked.
Sydette and Joba pretended to seriously be interested in the mountains and Riki touched his cheek with nervous energy.
"Dumpling you make a song? Oh, sing it for us," Yani encouraged.
Riki rocked on his heels and thought about it for a moment. He then hummed part of the tune finding his way into his creation before his sweet clear voice sang a song about Yani and N'Jadaka and how much he loved his parents. The lyrics startled N'Jadaka. He expected some boisterous interpolation of Riki's favorite band with Pemmy Yengeni. Instead it was an earnest original song with a catchy melody. Not only did the lyrics startle the king, but his son's strong voice caught him off guard too. Riki could really sing and not in the cutesy way children sang, but with the confidence of a seasoned pro. The singing genes bypassed N'Jadaka entirely and went directly to his son. The girls sang the chorus with Riki and their voices sounded lovely blended with their brother.
When Riki finished the last note, Yani cupped his cheeks in her hands and kissed him all over his face.
"That was beautiful Dumping, thank you for sharing such a special song."
N'Jadaka wiped at his eyes not expecting to get emotional about his child singing to him about how much he loved him. He could only hug Riki as his daughters clapped their hands with joy. They saw something amazing in their brother and wanted them to hear it.
The king treasured the night hike with his family and braced himself for their return to Birnin Zana. His honeymoon with Yani had been another trip of a lifetime and closing it out with his little ones had been icing on the cake.
When Okoye and Ayo met the family with the Royal Talon Fighter for their return trip home, N'Jadaka finally turned his kimoyo beads on all the way in-flight. The first two calls to come through right away first was a joint call with Mpilo and Tlotliso.
"We look forward to seeing you in person Kumkani," Tlotliso said.
Mpilo looked like he was ready to burst in his excitement at seeing the king for the first time in over a month.
"I need to reschedule some things my first week back. My kids have convinced us to have a pool and slumber party at the palace."
He sent over the date he needed free.
"I will take care of that. Shall we expect you in the office on Tuesday?" Tlotliso asked.
"Late afternoon. Mpilo, how's it looking on your end?"
"No major changes thus far, kumkani. We are just really pleased to see you again," Mpilo said.
"Okay. Until Tuesday. Thank you for holding it down."
Their images winked out and he walked over to the nearest viewscreen window where Yani and the children watched the skyline of Birnin Zana come into view.
The king and queen were back.
Chapter 14 HERE.
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askzloyxp · 2 months
i'm 55 minutes into your mega-episode and i remembered how cool your timelapse music is. sooo could you drop a playlist pretty-pretty-pretty please? not even just TB6, i am humbly asking for a Sloy music-dump. please🥺?
Okay, let's rock out! Here's a wastly incomplete list of stuff I recently used in videos, with a playlist I should keep updating later for your convenience
Pluffaduff - Ain't Nothing Like A Funky Meme (used a the Let The Bodies Hit The Floor bit from here in the TB6-0) Shaxicula by DjCummerbund- This is where the "Dig through the ditches" joke came from, not the original Dragula XD Bendy And The Ink Machine Instrumental by The Living Tombstone - It pains me whenever I use this tune, but it's possibly the best intro song I have! We Are Number One But It's Electro Swing Remix by The Musical Ghost - Kinda same, but it's absolutely my favorite gag. Served me well through the Create series, cause Electroswing is real steam-punky feeling Show Your Style by Miracle Of Sound - Mostly is here as a reminder of the fact that all Miracle Of Sound music is safe to use in streams and stuff. They're just really cool like that Papercut Machete by Pluffaduff - Honorary mention, it's just a really cool sounding mash up I'm listening to right now. Can't use this one in a video but daang
Punch Deck - The Sound Consumes - Very groovy, love this one Punch Deck - Can't Stop - Epic, Rocking, if you want AMV music? this is it! Punch Deck - Fluid Dynamics - Pretty sure this is a Use With Attribution, but I had it flag on my vids a few times?? Must've been me messing up and not crediting right. Either how, a banger. Punch Deck - Night Shift - Nice melancholic melody, very lovely
Minerva - Colors - I really enjoy editing ANYTHING to this song! Wontolla - Holo (Ampyx Remix) - Unofficial theme of Truly Bedrock Season One. Apyx Holo and its remixes served me super good in that time. But this one is by far the best version of that song! Wontolla - Lighter Than Air - One day I will create a build timelapse worthy of this song, until then, I will keep trying DOCTOR VOX - Paranoid Empire - massive and evil sounding tune. Great for timelapses of anything with skulls on it, really No Escape (Ft. @T_en_M and @LaudividniYT) - bouncy and Minecrafty sounding music meant as a fan-made music disk Digital Math - The Musky Thrust - fun and pranky music I keep reusing whenever things go completely off the rocker More to come some time in the reblogs, and thank you for trusting my taste in music! And remember: if all else fails, simply listen to Linkin Park Hybrid Theory on repeat for 10 to 15 years!
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m4g0rtz · 10 months
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Today's polish goes out to @julcheninred for her birthday!!! 🥳🎉✨🎁🎂🎈🎊 Not only is she the reason I started making these manicure posts last year, but she's also the reason I got involved in fandom to begin with. She also happens to be one of the best friends I've ever had. 💖🐄💖🦖💖 I picked this color pink cause I know it's one she loves and this style of holo glitter reminded me of the crystals she has hanging in her window. This manicure was so much fun to do! It took a couple nails to get the hang of how to place the glitters and then I was in the zone. This definitely has me excited to do more involved glitter placement manis in the future. The glitters are Midge from Abomination Cosmetics, over The Last Hugs from Great Lakes Lacquer.
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stitching-in-time · 3 months
Voyager rewatch s3 ep9: Future's End pt 2
Another episode where I sit there twirling my hair, kicking my feet, and grinning, having my happy Star Trek fun time. It's truly got it all: epic adventure, silly hijinks, time travel paradoxes, phaser shootouts, a cute romance subplot, heck, even a car chase! You could not ask for more.
It's also the ep that introduces the Doctor's moblie emitter, which is a huge deal for his character, and the show in general, now that he can leave sickbay like everyone else. It was honestly a genius move to have a villain use stolen 29th century holo technology to kidnap the Doctor, because not only do we have a workaround for how it can technically be accomplished, in spite of established limits of holodeck technology, we get to keep the emitter and use it forever without any temporal prime directive red tape. Slow clap for that one!
Also, what is up with Chakotay doing flirty flirt all the time in this story?! First with the Captain in the first part (typical, tbh), but then with B'Elanna in the second part! Was this a direction? Or just Beltran spicing things up for his own amusement? Idk, but it's a lot, and it feels weird with B'Elanna, especially when we straight up know he's down bad for Janeway.
And I gotta say, no alien on Star Trek has ever inspired me with visceral terror the way those flannel wearing white guys with guns in this one do. Even the Borg are pretend at the end of the day, but gun-toting rednecks are very real, and even though I know they're not going to kill off main characters, I still sit there thinking "get them out, get them out now!!" when they capture Chakotay and B'Elanna. Having the Doctor phaser those guys was a huge relief tbh!
This story feels more like a TV movie than a regular episode- being able to go to actual locations makes everything seem so much bigger. I mean, they drive past houses! They never just go down random streets on alien planets, because it's too expensive and time consuming to build just to be in the background, and here, we get all the little details of real places, atmosphere, sunshine! It's so great! All the colors look really saturated too, it's almost cartoonish, but not in a bad way. I honestly wonder if they used some kind of filters to make the trees greener and the sky bluer, or if LA really just looks like that. Star Trek tends to be very grey and beige, and I just love all the colors we see in this one.
There's so much here that's nostalgic- the flip phones! Rain Robinson's entire wardrobe! (Girl looks like she stepped out of the pages of Teen Vogue- every girl wanted to dress like her, she even had a VW van, which was very cool at the time.)
I really do like the little romantic subplot they gave to Tom and Rain. It was sweet that they bonded over being nerdy, and it was so lovely that they let Tom be genuine and not cheesy, finally. I love that they gave Rain a little speech recognizing how selfless and dutiful Tom actually is. (I think this episode is where little 10 year old me started to develop a crush on him- and here we are, 27 years later, and I'll still fight anyone who doesn't respect my cringefail nerd blorbo. I'm fine and normal, I promise!)
One thing I noticed on rewatching this, though, is that after the big car chase, when Tom and Rain have their little goodbye kiss, Tom walks away, and gets beamed back to Voyager, but, um... how is she supposed to get home?! Her van just got crashed into, and they're in the middle of the desert! You couldn't just get an Uber in those days! They left her stranded out on a desert road with no car, no food, no water! She's gonna die y'all! The least they can do after she helped them is beam her the hell back to town!! Lol wtf?!
This is one of those eps that's so much fun that you don't want it to end. But of course, our plucky Voyager crew stops Starling from taking the timeship back to the future, and prevents him from destroying the solar system. It's very satisfying knowing his greed is what gets him killed- if only billionaires always got what they deserved lol. And then they get to go back to their own time, but they have to go back to the Delta Quadrant- that pesky temporal prime directive! But we get treated to a final scene of all of the crew together in the mess hall, for the first time ever! I'm not sure if they're celebrating the Doctor's mobile emitter, or getting back to their own time, or what, but it's cute AF. Tom then calls Tuvok a freakasaurus (affectionate), and I'm just about to keel over from warm fuzzy feelings as the credits roll. I love this one so, so much!!
Tl;dr: A conclusion that lives up to the first part, this is an epic time travel story with all the fun, nostalgia, and excitement you could ask for. One of the series best, a true classic.
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fulgurbugs · 9 months
doll unboxing 6: the final box
the last doll i have here is a dreamlike antu teaparty, from the daydream series
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as you can see, i was exited to see which one i got and opened the box already lol.
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here’s the one i got! checking the kikagoods website, this one is called gorgeous dreams. i couldn’t quite tell until i pulled the dress out, since the hair color is a bit similar to eccentric and light dreams. also, trans colors. slay :D
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here she is freed from the plastic prison, and also, disassembled so you can see all the parts. this one has an additional headband piece with the hair and face plates
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her little holo character card…
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here she is all dressed up! absolutely gorgeous, and i really love her. the centaur body is just so unique and fun
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.5 shot as usual. she’s very iridescent :3
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and that’s gorgeous dreams! i’ll have to think of a real name for her later, and i’m exited to put her with laurel, my other cute centaur girl you guys helped me name!
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impostorsshow · 1 month
Honestly, I just kinda wanna hear you talk about this Pokémon line. I’m really interested to hear why you love it so much. I don’t really think about this line too much, and honestly, would not have attributed this line to you first try.
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(Man, I lowkey feel bad, the article I pulled this image from was called something like Top 20 Worst Pokémon Designs which is honestly just foul considering the context of this ask.)
1. Klink klang :] fun words Klink klang klinklang :]
2. I just like the metallic /object ones, my other favorite Pokemons include the chandelure evolution set, magneto/magneton, etc. my other favorite pokemon are usually water pokemon starters that I can never remember the name of since I always rename my starters and then forget THOSE names, whooper because no shit, ghost types because no shit have you seen my Tumblr page, and ditto when I was 7 because who didn't like ditto when they were a little kid. Also mimikyu because I'm basic I have a build a bear mimikyu and her name is hamburger. All of them are my favorites since I can't really choose, I also have some favorite pokemon cards but my mom has my collection since they're in our animal crossing amiibo card holder and she's playing totk rn, but I know I have like 3 copies of chandelure and my favorite card is a shiny lady trainer card, ill put a picture at the bottom of her
3. The design is cool and fun and the colors are pleasing and it's easy to understand. Any large pokemon [watching the anime episode of gyrados KILLED ME when I was a kid] or ones with bright colors really hurt my eyes or confuse me, probably because of my astigmatism/shit eyesight, but all of my favorites have muted colors, are small, or have a large amount of black or white [litten and gangar are good examples]. I also just tend to not like fully evolved Pokemon, in my rarely played Pokemon yellow and Pokemon Violet files none of my Pokemon are evolved and I only ever catch copies of Pokemon for the evolution on the pokedex and then release them.
But yeah as far as I'm aware, most of my favorite pokemon are absolute shit strategy and moveset wise, ESPECIALLY because I refuse to evolve them <3
This isn't MY card, I got this off of Google but it's the same card, i also have a version of her that's not shiny and i have a kind of old shiny pikachu with special art but i cant be bothered to find it since theres like 50 pikachu cards. I don't collect Pokemon cards, don't know anything about it but people just keep giving me pokemon card packs so I have quite a few special arts/shinies. No holos I think tho
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ghoulysaphomet · 1 month
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Meet the artist... Finally finished this lol.
First picture;
Meet the artist Saphomet.
"Holo there! I'm Saphomet, most call me Ghost. I'm mainly a writer/fanartist who enjoys creating dark, gothic or humoristic work. I've been sharing my writing since 2013, same-ish with my art."
Fun facts:
My favourite season is winter, I hate summer.
I don't really watch movies, I prefer books.
I love saving small trinkets in a chest I keep on a shelf, one of my fave things is a bday card I got on my 21st bday from my grandma that reads; "I don't know what's wrong with you. Love grandma".
I collect bones and teeth. I keep the teeth in a jar on a shelf.
Fave TV show?
Depends. Live action? Probably spn or hannibal. My fave anime is Shiki, and has been since 2013.
Fave Game?
LOZ breath of the wild and Pokemon legends arceus.
What kind of music do you like?
Yes. (lol jk)
My music taste is very broad. I really enjoy choir music and listen to OSTs a lot. I don't know if there's one specific genre I listen to more than others.
Other hobbies?
I like to read (Like, actual books) a lot. Most, okay all, of my books are non-fiction or text books. I'd like to read more fiction books, preferably horror books. I read carrie once and I really enjoyed that. My fave fiction book is se7en (yes, like the movie).
I also watch gaming videos a lot, mostly horror games. I occasionally play games myself too.
Second picture:
As a writer....
I started out on deviantart in 2012, moved to ffnet in 2013 and then to ao3 in 2014. I do have an ffnet acc still, but I don't use it.
Has your works changed since you started?
In some ways yes. Of course they have, it's been more than a decade.
In other ways? No. Many of my first works were.. Dark. Similar to what I write today honestly, just a lot more dramatic somehow.
I would consider transferring those first works to ao3 if I could delete my ffnet account, if only as a reminder of how far I've come in terms of quality.
First work?
My first still published one-shot is an Ao No Exorcist fic. My first multi-chaptered still published fic is a Homestuck fic. Both from 2013.
Fave thing to write?
Angst. I love grief, angst, tragedy and death. I love exposition. I love hurt. Dark works::)
Fave tropes?
Hmm... Platonic cuddling and intimacy. Forced cannibalism. Fuck or Die. Pain-sharing. Body-swapping. Secrets & Exposition. Codependency. Enemies to family/Enemies with benefits.
Fave works?
As of August 2024;
It's better when you're with me (but that's better left unsaid) &
Bacterial Contamination
Ever thought about rewriting a work?
Oh yeah. I'd like to rewrite my first Aoex fic one day to be more tragic. I would also like to rewrite my GF fic 'Boiling Blood' to be less... blegh.
Last pic:
And as an artist?
I've drawn fanart since I was a kid. I started doing digital art on mspaint in 2013, then got Ibispaint x on my phone in 2014.
On picture of Joker Miku: Trad fanart from 2012
On picture of Natsuno: Mspaint art 2013
On MLP anthros: Ibispaint art 2014
On Allen painting: Pictured is a painting i made in 2013. My grandma loved it so much she decided to hang it in her living room. She still has it, and has no idea who that is lol
First art handle?
GoddammitGabriel. My current handle is Saphomet/SpleenJuice
Fave colors?
Bright neon colors! Especially greens, blues and yellows. I love most colors tbh. Except for purple, I really don't like purple honestly
Fave thing to draw?
Monsters! Character design. Taurs. Symbolistic art.
Depends. Usually I just doodle on my phone. If it's a planned thing I will sketch it out on paper first in my sketchbook and take a pic. My go-to pen is the dip pen (bleed). I don't use a stylus.
Where do I post my art?
On Tumblr @GhoulySaphomet and on Furaffinity @SpleenJuice. I do not have other social media.
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bylightofdawn · 3 months
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It’s also been a hot minute since I did any my nails but this color combo I came up with yesterday is so fire I have to share it. It’s Subset Simulation with a gold flaky top coat gradient from holo taco.
This base color is just magical. Honestly, everything from that collection is magical. It was a multi chrome shimmer one off collection and I love it so much. I cannot get the gold shift to show quite as well as the pink but it blends in well with the gold flake top coat so well. I’m mentally calling it my Jem and the Holograms manicure. And if you got that reference, welcome to my blog my fellow internet elder. 🤣
It’s definitely one of those ‘let’s stare at my nails for five minutes and please the monkey part of my brain with the shiny colors’ kinda manicure and I’m definitely going to be exploring more with the other colors in the collection + various top coats. I did a combo of the blue+green+ the blue iridescent top coat a few weeks back and it was soooo good. I wish I’d thought to get pictures.
I’m definitely getting back into playing with my nails now that I’m leaving the house and seeing other people at work sorta mindset. It’s a fun Sunday day activity to do while I’m catching up on YouTube videos as well.
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cloneshipping7567 · 1 year
Romantic Confessions Part 14
Part 14/30
14. "I dream of you. All I do, is dream of you."
Pairing: Rex x Cody
Rating/WC: G/1602
Warnings: None :D
Cody comes to consciousness slowly, and peacefully. He almost doesn’t notice the difference, with how smooth the transition from sleep to awake is. 
He blinks his eyes open and lets out a content sigh. The curtains are drawn mostly shut, but a small sliver of light cascades across the bed. He lazily tilts his head to the side and hums softly when he sees the time. 
They never get to sleep this late. The mere fact that they are sends another wave of content peacefulness through Cody. 
He turns over and fights the urge to pull his partner into his arms, lest he wake him. Rex is so adorable when he sleeps; his lips part just enough that his exhales make the softest noise. His face is always so relaxed, so unlike when he’s awake and worried about this or that. 
Cody feels his own face split into a dopey grin; the kind that would get Fox or Wolffe laughing at him, making fun of him. The kind that, when Rex catches it directed at him, makes him blush such a pretty shade of pink and duck his head. 
Cody’s so in love it hurts. Rex is just so perfect, in every single way. How brave he is, how smart he is, how selfless he is. How honorable, how reliable and trustworthy he is. How loyal, how kind, how loving. 
The way he adores his shinies, putting as much time and effort into training them as he can spare without compromising his other duties. How, even when he isn’t actively involved with the shinies, they always know how much they can look up to and trust him. 
Rex makes a soft noise and scrunches his nose in his sleep. Cody breathes out a silent laugh, and wonders what’s happening in Rex’s dream. Cody himself doesn’t dream very often, and when he does, it’s usually memories. 
He hopes Rex is having good dreams, at least. Maybe he’s dreaming about the time they snuck out of base on that speeder and drove as fast as they could around that planet Cody can’t remember the name of. It was a gorgeous planet; there was so much green everywhere, and flowers of every color littered about. The path was twisty and full of bumps, and Rex had had his arms wrapped so tightly around Cody’s waist he had trouble breathing deep enough to whoop as he had been. It had taken several twists and turns to convince him Cody wasn’t going to crash; but when he finally let himself relax and have fun, Rex was laughing and yelling right there with him. 
Or maybe he’s dreaming about the time on Kamino when they were still cadets, and Cody snuck him out on one of the platforms in the middle of the night. Rex had been so nervous at first, always looking over his shoulder and waiting for them to get caught. But Cody knew better; he wouldn’t have risked bringing Rex out past curfew if he wasn’t 100% sure of their route. But once they were outside, and he saw the ocean-that was it. The look of pure awe on his face, the way his smile slowly crept up on his lips like he couldn’t control it. It was one of the few times Tipoca City wasn’t in a storm, and the calm waves were shimmering in the moonlight. Cody had started with the intention of watching the waves as well, maybe see one of the creatures moving under the surface. But he couldn’t take his eyes off of Rex’s face the whole time, too enraptured by his best friend’s joy. 
Rex’s lips twitch, breaking into an almost smile. He snuggles into the pillow, getting just  that much closer to Cody. Cody lifts one arm and gently rests it on Rex’s chest, smoothing his fingers over Rex’s chest. 
It must be a good dream, if Rex is smiling. Maybe something to do with his ARCs, Echo and Fives. He and Cody were both so proud of them when they came out of ARC training, even convincing Colt to take a holo for them. Rex had been physically incapable of dropping his smile that day, his pride radiating off of him. He had honestly been more full of pride that day than when he graduated ARC training himself. 
Sometimes Cody feels like he can’t possibly fall in love any more than he already has, when it comes to Rex. It feels like it should be physically impossible for Cody to love Rex more than he already does. Every single cell in his body, every atom that makes up Cody, was made to love Rex. Every breath he breathes is for Rex, every time his heart beats, every move he makes, every second of every day is devoted to loving Rex. 
But then Rex will do something like ask Colt for a holo on the domino twins’ graduation day, and Cody is smitten all over again. Every time he looks at Cody, every time he smiles at Cody, every time he breathes, it’s like Cody’s heart simply grows just to be able to love Rex even more. 
Rex laughs softly, his lips twitching into another smile, and he shifts closer to Cody. Cody feels yet another wave of love and adoration overwhelm him. His fingers flex on Rex’s chest, and he finally gives into the need to wrap his arm around his lover. 
Rex lets out a sleepy sigh, his nose nuzzling under Cody’s jaw. For a second, Cody is worried he woke his lover up, but Rex simply settles again and his breathing evens back out. 
Cody closes his eyes, resting his chin on Rex’s short hair and taking a deep breath. Leave is so rare for the GAR; having a leave scheduled at the same time as the 501st is nothing short of a miracle. Or Skywalker wanting to see his not-so-secret wife. Either one. 
Maybe that’s what Rex is dreaming about. His crazy general, and the shenanigans they get up to that give Cody’s general (and, okay, Cody too) a heart attack. While Skywalker’s plans are borderline suicidal, and often far more dangerous than necessary, they are thrilling and exciting. He knows Rex enjoys going on missions with his general, loves the adrenaline high he gets every time without fail. 
Maybe he’s dreaming about the padawan, Commander Tano. Cody knows how fond of her Rex is, how much he adores her. Heck, half the 501st adopted her as their honorary little sister. It’s not difficult to convince her to help them annoy Skywalker in one way or another. It’s also not difficult to feel protective over her, with how willingly she jumps head first into danger. Kenobi calls it payback for his own padawanship, and all the heart attacks Skywalker gave Kenobi over the years. 
Rex sighs softly, his lips pressing softly into Cody’s throat. “Time ‘s it?”
Cody hums softly, pulling Rex into a deeper embrace. “It’s still early,” he promises. “And we have nowhere to be.”
Rex makes a noise halfway between annoyed and placated. “You been ‘wake long?” He asks instead of arguing, pressing another kiss to Cody’s throat. 
Cody shivers softly, kissing Rex’s hair. “Just a bit. I didn’t wanna wake you up.”
Rex hums and leans back, finally blinking his eyes open. His cheeks heat to a soft pink, and he smiles lovingly. “Hi.”
Cody chuckles deeply, leaning down and connecting their lips in a chaste kiss. He deepens it slightly when Rex makes a happy noise, nothing rushed or heated, but deep and full of love. He pulls back after what could have been minutes or hours, and watches Rex blink his eyes open again. “Hi.”
Rex smirks, kissing Cody again once before resting his head back against the pillow. “I haven’t slept that good in a long time,” he mumbles. 
Cody gets up on one elbow, resting his head on his wrist and smiling down at Rex. “Yeah? What were you dreaming about? You looked happy.”
Rex blushes again, smiling up at Cody. “You were watching me sleep?”
Cody nods, unashamed. “Just a little.”
“Creeper,” he accuses lightly, rubbing his fingers up and down Cody’s free arm. 
Cody laughs, running his own hand down Rex’s side until it rests on his hip. “What were you dreaming about?” He asks again. 
Rex hums softly, curling his fingers around Cody’s bicep. “The same thing I always dream about.”
Cody raises a brow, squeezing Rex’s hip. “…And? What do you usually dream of?”
Rex flushes just a bit, and his shy smile returns. “I dream of you. All I do is dream of you.” Rex moves his hand up Cody’s shohulder until he can cup the back of his neck, and pulls him down for another kiss.
Cody sighs happily into the kiss, leaning over Rex and moving his hand back up Rex’s side. If there’s anything in this galaxy better than sleepy kisses shared with the love of his life, his soulmate, his bet friend; Cody has yet to find it. 
Cody pulls away and huffs out breathless laughter, making Rex smile and chuckle back. “What?” Rex asks, squeezing the back of his neck.
“I just love you,” Cody says, kissing Rex’s nose. “So much.”
Rex blushes again, pecking Cody’s lips. “Sap,” he accuses, in between more soft kisses. “But I love you too.”
Cody chuckles and lays down again, pulling Rex into his arms and kissing the top of his head. They have no where to be, after all. They can spend all day in bed if they want.
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sl-walker · 21 days
Color Cards for sale
Or: Custom nails!
*updated 9/3/24*
Want some professional looking stick/glue-on nails on a budget for yourself or someone else? Since I am still unemployed and my wife makes these stunning creations as art therapy, we're looking to sell them to keep us afloat and do things like buy food until I have a new job. (She already owned all the nail stuff.) So, if you want a set of truly gorgeous nails, take a look and contact me here or on that one chat app starting with a 'D' where I am also sl_walker.
Nails will be sent in a padded envelope with cardboard to protect them, though I might clip the longer color cards in two for mailing. Shipping is free to the continental US! (Though if you wanna toss me a couple bucks towards it, I won't turn you down. It's about 4.50 per package. LOL!) Probably you'll also get a handwritten note and maybe even a sketch from me. Several of these nail sets are three hours or more of work! And as you can see, they really are beautiful. Just ignore my very amateur photography, Tumblr's assholish image compression and the occasional cat hair. I promise I won't send any kitty dna with the nails! And you can also contact me and ask me for a set of pics emailed without compression.
As they're sold, I'll update this post by striking those through! And YES! SHE DOES CUSTOMS! (We just finished a set of Boba Fett nails and we're working on Maul ones!) If you want a custom color card (or loose nails once you know your sizes! I'll try to write the sizes on the color cards when I can see them), just contact me with a description and we'll let you know if she's able to do it. She can do cat meme nails, no joke. Or like-- fandom themed. So please do feel free to ask after that.
Also, if you request it, I'll throw in a little tube of nail glue, too.
1.) Autumn's Coming - $40
Stunning set of thirty nails, which means that you'll be able to find your exact size, but you might be able to wear a couple different sizes and have nails enough for two sets, too! Amidst the gorgeous fall-themed colors, you have cats eye magnetic metallic nails, plain color, blossom decals and a gorgeous coppery metallic crackle. They're shorter and with a blunt tip; in fact, I'm wearing a set right now, albeit in a different color theme.
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2.) Good Omens - $30
This is a set of thirty nails. My wife's a huge fan of Sir Terry (sorry about the other guy) and so she came up with a Good Omens set! The red is metallic and magnetic cats eye with silver and white decals, while the white nails are themed in gold. I can definitely attest to how pretty these are, since she also made me a set of my own; I'm wearing them as I type (badly because I'm not used to wearing nails) and they're pretty enough for me to learn how to type with nail tips. LOL! She said to warn whoever bought them that she had to glue one back to the card. Sorry about that! It doesn't affect the nail itself.
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3.) Thinking of Spring - $36
Another set of thirty, this time more spring-themed! With some popping magnetic metallic green cats eyes interpersed with some softer pink/orange metallic magnetic starbursts, cats eye and be-dazzled, you also have the lovely decals adorning the white nails, too. This is another beautiful set that reflects a similar quality to the autumn themed nails.
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4.) Dusky - $26
A set of thirty, these are relatively simple by comparison: Done in a dusky metallic magnetic cats eye on one side and a brilliant, eyepopping holo on the other, they're classy and beautiful.
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5.) Better Call Prince - $24
This fun set of twenty-four is absolutely sparkly; with metallic purple on one side and purple holo on the other, all of them also have holographic decals on them! They're busy, but if you're a redneck like me (or just really love sparkly things!) they'll make you oooh when you see them live!
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6.) Pride - $18
This is a set of twenty-four. My wife actually made these for me, but they're too long for me. But boy, they sure are pretty. With the silver cats eye magnetic metallic on one side and the glittery rainbow on the other, this is a great set for you if you want something pretty with a relatively low price-tag!
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7.) The Art of Subtlety - $18
This set of twenty-four is actually more gorgeous the brighter the light. All one set, all the same, these beautiful cats eyes in a sedate blue actually have a subtle holo effect on top of the loveliness that is that magnetic metallic polish; I wasn't able to capture it, but it's there! These are great for business people who like to have pretty nails to tap on a table top as illustration for their annoyance while still having that whimsical underlying hint of color.
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8.) Slightly Better Than Business Casual - $16
This set of twenty-four is what my wife calls 'scratch and dent', not because they aren't pretty, but because there are a few minor flaws in the finish of the tips on the teal side. Despite that, they're a damn pretty set and will feed the cats for a few days!
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9.) Where There's Smoke - $26
The first set of matte nails on offer! This set of thirty (eleven regular, three half-sizes) is three different shades of matte gray, one more silvery/metallic and two more literally smoke-colored. Perfect for someone looking for that bit of elegance, no reflective topcoat necessary!
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10.) A Touch of Class - $34
This set of thirty includes three half-sizes on the end for better sizing! A gorgeous set of nails with white, decorated nails meeting silvery gold magnetic metallic meeting a gorgeous deep green glitter! This is a really lovely set, my cat Ajax really wanted to see them up close. LOL! You can't beat that endorsement. (But we're selling them anyway to help feed Ajax. XD)
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11.) The Denver Mint - $30
Oh man, I actually gasped when Erin showed me these. Just the richness of the metallic silver and copper looks awesome in person offset by the plain beige nails interspersed through the set. This is another set of thirty that has the three half-sizes, too! A really lovely and elegant set of almond shaped nails.
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12.) Please Forgive Ajax - $36
This is another stunning set, this time with printed decals and some custom hand-drawn art on them! Please ignore the stray cat hair, they will not come with; the culprit is sitting on my lap right now completely unashamed. But anyway, beyond those lovely green nails, the silvery-gold magnetic metallic nails will absolutely transfix you in the light. Heck, they transfix me and I can't even wear them. This set of thirty also includes the three half-sizes.
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13.) Tropical Daydreams - $30
With the deep teal and the gold metallic and an almond shape, this set's sure to invoke the tropics; same as the others above, a set of thirty with three half-sizes! They're a relatively straight-forward set compared to the rest, but no less beautiful in person.
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14.) Is Star Sapphire a Villain? - $34
If you're a DC Comics fan, you might giggle. But for everyone else, this particularly cute (and even conditionally chunky!) nail set is a lovely group of pink, dusky sorta violet, and actual violet magnetic metallic flake! So they're especially interesting in motion, and the bling on them are a whimsical kind of fun, too!
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15.) The Spider-Gwen Special - $34
Protect Trans Kids. (Like my nephew!) And thank you, makers of the Spider-Verse, for having that poster on Gwen's wall and inspiring the name! Anyway, the theme of this set of thirty (no half-sizes on this card) is obvious; short nails, they'll look good and probably not interfere too much with typing! And the jewels are supercute, too.
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16.) Cool Colored Chameleon - $40
THESE ARE SO DAMN COOL! Ahem. ANYWAY. Several of these are actually temperature-reactive! So, they change color with the temperature. Like a mood ring, kind of. They're also really super pretty in-person, not gonna lie. I can't tell you how many of the nail sets Erin shows me cause me to go O.O and oooh. This was a big one, I think I might have squealed. A set of thirty, with the three half-sizes, this one's just ridiculously fun.
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17.) Pretty in Pink - $32
Another one of those sets with some breathtaking magnetic metallic, this time in a soft silvery pinkish color! Mixed with the flat nails and the occasional bit of bling, this delicately colored set nonetheless has enough flash and flare to make your average redneck (meaning me) happy. Hopefully they'd be able to make you happy, too!
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enchantedaloefics · 1 year
Hobie x Spider-Person Reader (Chapter One)
Hey, this is Aloe! This is like, my second time posting a fic online ever and I'm a little nervous, but I'm having fun writing this. Also I'm super hyperfocused on Hobie :')
Some notes on the fic: Reader insert is mostly referred to with gender neutral terms, but I might slip up and use feminine ones occasionally. Also the MC has chronic pain and migraines because I'm projecting, and is autistic because, again, projecting. Anyways, I hope you enjoy, love you!!
(Also Hobie takes a little bit to show up, like, end of next chapter/start of chapter 3, I'm so sorry :'))
~~Chapter One~~
You pulled your mask down, making sure it was secure over your face before stepping through the portal, your mind foggy and body aching, though you knew your wounds wouldn’t take too long to close- one of the many perks of being a spider-person. And not the only one, as you’ve just learned. 
Spider-Woman–or Jess as she introduced herself– tried to explain the basics, but her words flew right over your head. You were still reeling. The multiverse was real! All those theories you learned about in high school were true! But not only that- you weren’t alone anymore. There were others just like you.
The noise immediately hit you like a truck, sharp pain quickly blooming above your right eye, but you’ve learned to push through that pain. You adjusted and looked around, and saw hundreds- no, thousands of other spider-people, in and out of masks, drinking coffee and chatting, working on holo-screened computers, eating in food courts, all in an impossibly large multi-floored building. Your impulse to explore was beyond strong, but your attention was caught before you could wander off.
“Here, put this on,” Jess said, handing you some sort of… watch looking contraption. “Your molecules won’t like being outside of your home dimension, this keeps them in check. Plus it’ll let you open those portals we used back there.”
You nodded slightly, mumbling a quiet “thanks” under your breath as you slid it on, the colors not quite matching with your suit. You didn’t like the idea of letting your molecules get out of whack- you dealt with enough pain already, so you didn’t put up any fuss.
“Um, is there like… housing?” you asked, glancing over your shoulder, hoping to see your universe one last time, but the portal was long gone. You figured it would be a long, long time before you went back.
“Not here, this is more of a central hub. Almost like an office building, if that makes sense,” she turned and smiled at you, her yellow goggles enhancing the happy glisten in her eyes. “But some of the folks here would be happy to open up their homes for you if they knew your situation. You’re, what, nineteen? Pavitr!” She yelled to someone else before turning back to you. “I gotta run, but you two are about the same age, you might get along.” 
And with that, she thwipped away, and a boy you guessed was a year or so younger than you ran up after her.
“Yes, Ma’am- oh, she’s already gone. Well, you look new!” he said, a grin evident in his voice, even if you couldn’t see his face. “I’m Pavitr, you can call me Pav.” He stuck out his hand for a handshake, which you quickly returned.
“I’m Sp-” you cut yourself off. Everyone was Spider-Man here, you were supposed to trust these people with your real name. You cleared your throat before trying again. “Y/N. Nice to meet you, Pav.”
“So, how long have you been, y’know?” he mimed shooting webs, making quiet thwip noises as he did so, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Since I was sixteen, so about three years,” you said, glancing over his shoulder. The group he was talking to were making their way over, and you felt your anxiety spike. You were having to meet so many new people, and reverting into your hero persona wasn’t working, your mind too foggy from what happened less than an hour earlier.
“Nice, nice,” Pav started, interrupting himself with a “Gwen! You have got to meet this dude!” and before you knew it, you felt his arm over your shoulder. You tensed up slightly, something both he and this ‘Gwen’ seemed to notice.
“Woah, hey, you alright?” the girl asked, and Pav quickly moved his hand. You nodded, though you knew it wasn’t convincing. 
“‘M fine, I just have a migraine. And, um, I’m sort of…” You tried to find words, but tears bubbled from your eyes, and you were beyond thankful they were covered, though you couldn’t hide the wobble in your voice. “Overwhelmed. This is all too much. Too many people.”
Pav and Gwen shared a look, and Gwen quickly pulled out her phone, typed for a moment, and nodded. You dug your palms into your eyes, both in an attempt to block the tears, and to ease your headache, but it did neither.
Within a few moments you felt a gentle tap to your shoulder as Gwen tried to get your attention.
“Hey, my friend has a great place, he said you can swing by and chill there. We’ll come with, and I can show you how to get there, okay?” Her voice was somewhat soft, and you could tell she was genuinely trying to help. You nodded, and she held out her arm, her wrist tilted so you could see. She typed in a number-138- and a moment later a spotty, hard to look at portal appeared. 
Pav was the first to step through, then Gwen. They looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to join them. This inter-dimensional travel was still very new to you, but you knew you’d have to get used to it. You took a deep breath and stepped through, the sound quickly dying our, replaced by quiet radio.
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gaphic · 10 months
That collection post reminded me that like, years ago I asked you about your nail polish and I had completely forgotten. Which brings me to my question: Got any personal favorites or otherwise affordable brands you'd recommend? Now that I'm out and actually presenting how I want, I've been considering picking some up. Sure, I could look it up myself, but I value your opinion above all else on this matter
aaaw c: <3 sorry for letting this sit in my inbox for a month lol
so, unfortunately my 'personal favorites' and 'affordable brands' are not super overlapping categories 😅 i pretty much exclusively buy indie polishes bc i indie brands tend to do more fun/unique colors and finishes and those are more expensive
LA Colors - i only have one collection from them, the neon jellies, so i can't speak to their other formulas, but i LOVE the ones i have. price range about $2-$4 per bottle
Cirque Colors - my absolute favorite! they never miss. especially good neon cremes. $12.50-$16.50 depending on finish
ILNP - THE best shimmer polishes, bar none. they have an unusually good selection of dramatic, vampy, goth shades imo. so few plain cremes that you can't even filter search for them though lol $10.00-$12.50
Holo Taco - the best chunky holo glitters. their range is still pretty small but they have a really good mix of showstoppers and daily staples. Never Tide Down is maybe the single most impressive polish i own! $12.00-$15.00
I Scream Nails - some really spectacular polishes + fun bottle design but hit and miss bc their swatch photos are pretty unreliable. also expensive af for cremes tho $13.50-$14.00
Mooncat - most of their colors are not really My Thing but their quality is good $13.00-$16.00
Superchic Lacquer - some REALLY cool glitter combos and effect polishes like crackles and magnetic toppers $14.00
Glam Polish - now we're getting INDIE indie, mostly limited releases, not everything ships to the US, but these are the kind of flaky blends and color combos you won't find anywhere else. lots of fandom-themed collections $13.00
Candy Lacquer - etsy brand focused on confetti glitter mixes. small bottles tho $6.40
POP and Polished - etsy brand, reigning queen of multichrome i think? i only have a couple of their 'slick' polishes but i'd love to try more $10.00-$21.00 (i know)
that's all i got off the top of my head, but kelli marissa has a buuuunch of really good reviews for a huge variety of brands so i'd recommend checking her out too!
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m4g0rtz · 9 months
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Today's manicure is a cool toned skittle! This finish, which is holo flakes with a contrasting shimmer, is a really popular one by this maker, so they've done it (and I've bought it 😂) in every color of the rainbow. @lesmotsdemoi and I thought it would be fun to do a skittle with some of them. ☺️ I really love this combination of blues and purples and now I want to see what other skittle combos I can make. This is (from thumb to pinky) I Want to Peel You Like a Potato, A Lion with a Thorn in It's Paw, Liar, You Can Bury Your Own Nuts, and It is My Punishment all from Bee's Knees Lacquer.
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firstofficerwiggles · 6 months
Wiggly!!!!!! More then 1200 followers????? Kriffing Sith Hells, that is A LOT !!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!
Yes, yes, I know I am not around ( just yet) , but ofcourse I will add to the requests!
I am not going to go for the guys I usually go for, but will go for someone different this time ( though I think it aint as different as I still love em all hehe ).
I would love a message from: Sinker! This guy, his hair color, him being him... Yupyup he is hot ! And well, any message from him would be awesome ( unless he breaks my heart, I then will have to break his nose for sure ! )
I will leave it up to you if it is romantic, spicy or an, oh my is it getting hot in here message *grin*, humor or just a hiya how are ya message.
Loadsa hugs! from your friendly galaxy stalker.
Thank you so much, sweetie! 💗 Ah yes, Sinker, another one of our handsome blonde clones, good choice!
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Hey babe,
How’s it going? It’s another day here with the 104th. You’d be laughing if you were here because Boost just discovered the idea of pranking and somehow he managed to fill Comet’s foot locker with meiloorun fruit. Comet wasn’t perturbed in the least though, he merely washed them all off and gave them out as gifts to the rest of us. So I’m sitting here, munching on one and looking at all the new holos you’ve sent me. You look so pretty in all of them, but that sexy silver dress, ooh, that one is my favorite. You better wear that one when I see you next, I’ll take you out for a night you won’t forget, showing everyone my beautiful sweetheart. Maybe we can even go dancing. Did I tell you a bunch of us are learning how to dance so we can impress our girls? It’s been pretty fun, but I have a feeling it will be much better with you in my arms instead of Boost, for one thing you smell a hell of a lot better. That nitwit still thinks bathing is only for special occasions. But enough about my stinky brother, I want to think about you instead. After dancing, maybe we’ll take a nice nighttime stroll, perhaps somewhere with secluded little benches where I can pull you close and show you just how much I’ve been missing you. When I’m lying here at night, the memory of your kisses keeps me warm. And not just your kisses, I think about getting to touch you and feel those perfect soft curves of yours. Maybe next time you send me a photo, you could do a racy one? My memories are great, but a little extra inspiration is always a good thing. Tell you what, I’ll send you one with my shirt off, you know, in case you missed seeing the tattoo on my chest. I’ll take it now and send it with this message, after all I’m sure you want to see that your guy is doing fine. 
Hugs and kisses,
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There's a few more days to send in an ask
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shuckinbeanz · 2 years
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New pinned image! 😇 me: *passive aggressive keking noises, i dont need to see a random's "vinegar shrug"*
Am I using your artwork and you want it removed? HMU with the post title and I’ll remove the art ASAP.🙏
If you are under the age of 18 and have no age in your bio, head on over to @candybowbeansies to read my SFW posts!!
I can't help but notice that a majority of my blog is unaccessable from the mobile app!
So let's fix that, shall we?~
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As of August, 2023...27!
Don’t be rood, doods, please refer to this old person as forever 21 😂
In manga/manhwa/anime? Isekai, shoujo, music, horror. Literally just ab anything except watersports, noncon, incest, yuri and scat 😂 my guilty pleasure is yaoi even tho i can’t write it to save my life
I love zombies, wargames like Enlisted, Heroes and Generals plus Mount and Blade(an oldie but a goodie), paranormal stories/movies/games, and I freaking love ROBOTS and Arnie’s the only rl dude I simp for ngl <3
I love holographic colors and holo in general. (blame the nailpolish channel on yt) 
Ass😉ass😉in’s Creed, They are Billions, 7 Days to Die, Kynseed, Among us, Phasmophobia, the Dungeons series(i love slavedriving my minions and milking heroes of their ✨cash✨), Surviving Mars, Stranded Deep, and My Time At Portia to name only a select few. Aadit’s route needs to be completed!!11! 😭😭😭
Don't be afraid to hmu fellow simps! I don't bite. Much. 💅
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I’m slow as molasses, so keep an eye or two out for awhile if you send an ask! 💅 If the limit does not update within 12 hrs, it's safe to assume Tumblr ate your ask! I'm still figuring this stuff out. Thankies!~
Meet my new ✨S!NFULLY INDEXED!✨
Please keep in mind I only do this for
So ask with a grain of salt, I may or may not submit our thirst, and the list of things I refuse to write may or may not grow. But still, try me! I’m pretty kinky. 🥴 THANKIES!~
My rules and info:
All Underage characters are aged UP!
No scat!
No (spit/piss)watersports! Willing to try cumplay.
No noncon or dubcon unless the character(s) specified and reader are consenting to yummy RolePlay. 🥴 (Don’t be shy to request Monster!ManxReader, including Incubi[they need Reader consent in dis hous]!)
No drowning, mummification, or full-on public nudity! I'm willing to try semi though~
I don’t write reader skintones(white-POC-other). I will always endeavor to keep this sort of stuff neutral so readers can insert themselves. This blog is safe for everyone over 18, no matter ur ethnicity sweeties! 🥴 Also, to note; this ✨does not✨ expand to certain species!reader or species!character for obvious reasons-as an example, the typical fantasy orc is usually green, after all!
Who I write for!
Jujutsu Kaisen!
My Hero Academia!
Demon Slayer!
I Was a Teenage Exocolonist!
Trigun Stampede!
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I am taking part in Tumblrs new community labels update, and as of the day of this post, I've added labels to my corresponding pieces!
I write violent pieces(canon-violence and yummy yanderes), sexual content, and one or two(maybe more!) of my pieces include the use of or imply drugs and alcohol. If you are fine with these topics, and are the legal age for sexual content, please read this, it shows you how to tick everything! 💞
And please understand I live in a place where people under 18 are considered minors! Please respect this, as my works will forever be up and readable, so please wait until you are 18 to interact with my nsfw stuff in any shape or form! THANKIES!~
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