#not anti merthur lol
ramblingmerlin · 1 year
i love merthur but i hate how hard it is to find fanfics that aren't centered on them,, like sometimes i just want some centered morgwen but half of the time they end up as a background pairing i swear
and once u filter merthur out the number of fics goes down DRASTICALLY
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punkxcalibur · 2 years
man. i don't know, but to me it seems like some of y’all see everything merlin does as a reflection of his love for Arthur or another character? this is an issue for various pairings, but primarily merthur.
just, whenever merlin does something, those shippers act like it is an act of love for this particular character, everything is proof for merthur/the other pairing.
just take into consideration that merlin is a grown man with full autonomy, who has other interests besides romantic relationships, other people he cares for and maybe, you know, he does things just because they’re of benefit to HIM. to quote @sneakyboymerlin, merlin is his own person, not just an extension of arthur. (or another character on that note, because it’s not just merthurians that do this)
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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okay so just did some quick googling and those anime dudes didn't even have a forehead touch and meanwhile samdean and merthur did so those anime tennis 2d boring asses can suck it
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steveybucky · 6 months
Here’s a little about me and what to expect
I’m Anna, she/her, 27. Welcome!
I’m on AO3 as kingandlionheart
I’m currently going 16 years strong with my love/hate relationship with the MCU (I was obsessed with Ironman after watching it lol)
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes have a special place in my heart and I cry over them daily. I have an arsenal of headcanons about them in my drafts that I’m sometimes brave enough to share.
I don’t ship much else in the MCU except Clintasha. You may see the occasional bitterness I still harbor over AOU.
This is not multi shipping blog. Personal preference is that it HAS to be Stucky or nothing 😂 If I reblog other ships (where Steve/Bucky are concerned anyway), it’s platonic because I love friendship.
I am very anti Endgame. I am not anti Peggy, but I am anti Steggy. Expect a lot of Endgame rants until further notice.
Other fandoms I love:
Star Wars
Legend of Zelda
Harry Potter
Other random things idk
Anti JK ✌️
Here are the other ships nearest and dearest to my heart:
Jily and Wolfstar
Zelink (BOTW/TOTK mostly)
Other things may appear but not frequently. I love broadway musicals so there may be some of that here and there.
I went dead on tumblr in 2018 but recently reappeared after I found a fanfiction on Reddit called These City Walls that absolutely destroyed my life and made me come crawling out of my grave. Seriously read it. Amazing.
Expert fanfic reader but novice fanfic writer. I am working on getting back into writing fanfiction so I talk/post a lot about writing. I want to finish my stories first before posting because I know from experience that when I post a WIP, writing becomes more of a chore than for fun.
Minors DNI/DNF
Feel free to talk to me about anything! Cry about Stucky, share headcanons, or just rant about whatever.
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ladyofthelake · 8 months
Might offend some people but eh Im pissed lol
but every single time I see a rude ass post about merthur or merlin AND IT IS IN THE ACTUAL TAGS with no anti prefix or whatever
I think that they must be an anime fan lol
they're rude and annoying af plus have zero taste plus were the most obnoxious and rude people in that dumb ship poll from a while back
and Im so tired of seeing hateful and unwanted posts about my beloved boys and show come up IN THE TAGS
Like spend your time hating and being critical if ya want, sounds dumb to me, but im begging you to tag it as anti or critical so people who just wanna bathe in the joy of the things they love (like normal fans) don't have to read your stupid ass 'opinion'
it was so good here yesterday every post was banging but now this just bums me out
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light-lanterne · 1 year
Honestly coming from being heavy in the Sterek fandom for years we THRIVED on AUs. like, sure, werewolves, fun. But also Merthur, Destiel, Malec, etc. big name ships (with their own fandom problems, but that's not the point lol) with heavy supernatural content very specific to each source materiel. That's fun for a while, but it gets stale QUICK. Usually fandoms live and die off of AUs. It's one of the most fun and interesting and creative parts of fandoms. I've also literally never seen this happen in any other fandom and it is the weirdest, mind boggling situation. I can't fathom why anyone would WANT to stunt themselves from being creative. From asking, 'What if?' That's one of the best parts of fandoms. Just speculating and pondering. ESPECIALLY if the source material lets you down, you always have the what ifs to fall back on for entertainment. It used to be, honestly, fandom could create such interesting content that the show commonly failed in comparison. It just couldn't hold a candle to how people can create such beautiful, interesting things out of virtually nothing. Maybe it came with the death of weekly releases, where we spent a week each episode hypothesizing. IDK I wish there was a way to change it but. Shows almost over so. IDK maybe when the show is dead people will get off everyone's back and move to a new show, so the ones who are interested in being creative will be able to create in peace.
Don't like don't read is a very common statement but it shouldn't be needed for just everything ever in a specific ship. Why are you even in a ship to begin with if you're gonna hate on every possible thought. It's as if people can't separate fact from fiction? Canon from fanon? There's nothing wrong at all with making stuff up for the fun of it. If you only want source material content... go watch the show? Why are you participating in fandom if everyone is suddenly not allowed to change one fraction of an inch of it? I understand appreciating the source materiel, but I also don't see why it's a problem to take that source materiel and flip it on it's head. Why do people care so much...? IDK. I don't even publish my stuff (this might be partially why lmao) but it's still super frustrating. Sorry for ranting in your inbox lol Sorry you get so much flak for literally no reason
hello ! i've got nothing to add to what you said; i've been in a lot of fandoms too and you're completely right !! au's are the way things survive in periods of inactivity / after the show (movie, manga or whatever) ends !!! so it is indeed frustrating when people actively sabotage this huge aspect of fan media :\
please don't apologise for ranting, and thank you for being so kind ! i hope you have a great day or night (and that this anti-au wave passes at last >.< ) !!
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comradekiwi · 3 years
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my deepest. darkest secret
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emrys-merlin · 3 years
Season 5 is hilarious.
Gwen is literally possessed by Evil for weeks.
Merlin instantly notices it.
Arthur: Eh, nothing weird here, whatever.
Merlin was too serious for a few days.
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bellamyblakru · 2 years
Merlin (I’m not in the fandom but based on your blog you seem to love it, lol)
OH MY GOD I DO LOVE MERLIN😭😭bro i 10000% recommend it!! ive been thinking of doing my first rewatch as well🥲thank you for askin🥰
my favorite female character: gwen🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️
my favorite male character: merlin🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️
my favorite book/season/etc: oh god s4?
my favorite episode (if its a tv show): so so many but top all time has to be the finale
my favorite cast member: colin🧎🏼‍♀️
my favorite ship: MERTHUR BC ♥️💙 (but i have so so so so so many other ships i love with my entire heart. for example, arwen, gwencelot, merlance, merwaine, mergwen, etc etc)
a character l'd die defending: every single thing merlin did. dear god i will go down to my final breath defending him.
a character I just can't sympathize with: mordred🥲sorry i know a lot of people like him, i just ✨dont✨ but!!! the actor!!! 10/10. oh and agrabitch but i dont think anyone sympathizes with that slimy asshole LOL
a character I grew to love: ohh interesting ig it would be kilibitch!! he pissed me off at the start but he did grow on me🥺
my anti otp: oh jesus i dont think i have one. maybe merlin/mordred? i honestly ship merlin with literally everyone else LOL
give me a show/movie/fandom and i’ll tell you:
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thegreymoon · 3 years
Waiting for You
I’m finally watching this movie and, look!!
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I missed his soulful eyes!! 💙💙
Dad is shady, shady, shady.
He wanted to be an architect? Good job getting out on time, lol. Hell career. 
So... he’s just going to pick up and, what? Go treasure hunting? Debt collecting? That will end well 🤣🤣
LMAOOOO, oh cutie, you are not suspicious at all 🤣🤣
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He’ll be lucky if he doesn’t get sacrificed to an ancient pagan death god or something similar here 🤣🤣
I also want to go and get myself into trouble in south-western France 😭😭
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Wait, is this a ghost story again? Or is he the kid he keeps seeing? Wild guess here, he too is BJ, aka Before Janet, and Mum is not Mum after all. 
Well, this brings back unpleasant memories, LMAOOOO 🤣🤣
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The amount of times I went knocking on people’s doors for stupid school shit with this stupid line 🤣🤣 It left me with a weird kind of trauma where, on the one hand, I have so much anxiety approaching strangers for things I need, and on the other, being able to transpose myself to a headspace utterly devoid of shame and just do whatever. 
Documenting and drafting old houses definitely ranks among my most miserable memories.
I quench my thirst for him with my tears 😭😭 
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The groundskeeper seems like a good person. I don’t trust him at all. It’s always the nice ones!! 
I am watching this movie purely for intellectual reasons. 
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For the *cough* architecture 😋
All this sneaking around he’s doing is giving me so much anxiety.  Also, he is 100% being set up. 
Is this where those dead bodies that girl mentioned are buried? Is this why the ground is so fertile for vegetables? 
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Like I said, I trust the groundskeeper not at all. 
I can’t believe he shut the door behind him and left the key on the other side 😫😫
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Espionage is just not his strong suit, is it. 
Anyway. Disturbing photos are disturbing and Daddy is a war criminal. But that’s OK, you see, because he left all that behind him and made a new life for himself 🤮
Don’t listen to your father, Hassan, there is no need to be polite. Bring some truths to the table! 
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One of the best things about this movie is how many sleepy shots of Colin we got 😋
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Oh, he came clean to Madeline of his own volition. I was expecting it to go so much worse. 
If he doesn’t dig up some dead bodies in this garden, I am going to be so disappointed. 
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Also, I like the anti-war commentary in this. She’s right, there is no divide between the heroes and evildoers, it’s all the same war. 
My attention span is in the toilet. I can’t believe I’m struggling so hard to sit through an entire movie that I’m even enjoying. Oh, well. Now is a good time to stop, then, and continue tomorrow. 
Second sitting!! This is why I rarely ever watch movies nowadays. I struggle to sit through a full-length film. I don’t remember the last time I finished one without breaking it up into episodes. 40 minutes is my limit, I have to fight through anything longer (unless I’m binging a drama, then all bets are off). 
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I too want a view of Colin doing physical labour 😋
“You look absolutely brilliant!”
“Thank you. You look better than usual.”
These Merthur vibes right here 🤣🤣
I’m not a fan of the girl or him being willing to mess with her without the boyfriend situation being cleared up. If she’ll cheat with you, she’ll cheat on you. No excuses, just end things and then move on to other people. 
Finally, a gun makes an appearance. 
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Wait, is that a baby coffin?? 
Well, this was anticlimactic. With the exception of the father being batshit insane, it’s just a run-of-the-mill human tragedy. No conspiracy. No murder. 
This was such a good movie, way better than I expected from the online ratings. I feel like it deserved more and I totally blame the false advertising here. Thanks to the summary, I got into all this expecting a thriller and it’s not one at all, so I see how people might be disappointed. With that said, this movie is just my niche and I prefer it by far to any older femme fatale bs that they were suggesting instead. It’s such a quiet, human movie, very hopeful, all about healing from a grim past and the sins of our parents. If you are looking for action and mystery, this is definitely not for you, but if you are a fan of Colin Morgan, gorgeous scenery, soft music and human stories, then this is a full win. Colin is fantastic, as always, and I warmly recommend watching. 
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dragonlord-emrys · 2 years
hello! hope you're doing well! I keep seeing that parallel gifset on my dash tagged as merthur - apologises if I've missed something but I'm confused - it reads more as anti-merthur or at least merthur neutral to me? Am I missing something?
I guess that depends on individual tagging behaviour. Lots of people tag anything that has Merlin and Arthur in it as Merthur, regardless of whether it's romantic or not because it still relates to the relationship between those two (regardless of how you view it or how the scene depicts it). So, no, something tagged as Merthur is not necessarily romantic or seen as shipping crumbs by the tagger.
That said, I'm sure people still manage to read something romantic into those scenes ? Something about Merlin's devotion and sacrifice, something about his love for Arthur as a (self-)destructive force, something about Arthur learning all of this and falling in love with Merlin ? But you'd have to ask Merthur shippers about that lol, opinions and interpretations vary a lot.
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blackmidsummers · 3 years
i’d love to re-watch merlin but god damn the anti blackness.
i was someone who like both merthur and gwen x arthur and lemme tell u a lot of y’all were just short of calling gwen the n word lol
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sasukelandia · 2 years
I haven’t thought about BBC’s Merlin since like 2014 but I’m appreciating the anti Merthur propaganda lol, I always thought Merlin kind of deserved better
i was 12 years old watching merlin thinking okay i get that arthur means a whole lot to merlin and all but is anyone going to point out that he has a much healthier thing going on with like lancelot? gwaine? hell, even guinevere?
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shana-rosee · 3 years
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I posted 60,553 times in 2021
317 posts created (1%)
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For every post I created, I reblogged 190.0 posts.
I added 4,754 tags in 2021
#merthur - 2626 posts
#😂😂😂 - 410 posts
#merlin - 343 posts
#adding to my reading list - 317 posts
#arthur pendragon - 226 posts
#shadow and bone - 193 posts
#😂 - 190 posts
#supernatural - 152 posts
#arwen - 151 posts
#merlin emrys - 146 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#it says maybe your right i could have but it wouldn’t be the same my life won’t be the same *i* won’t be the person i am today if we hadn’t
My Top Posts in 2021
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Day 1 (May 17): Favourite main or minor character
I'm looking at a life unfold Dreaming of the green and gold Just like the ancient stone Every sun rise I know Those eyes you gave to me That let me see Where I come from
-Lianne La Havas
75 notes • Posted 2021-05-18 14:19:26 GMT
Arthur finds out about Merlin's magic while coming back from Morgause in The Sins of the Father AU for the headcanons
Ooooo this is such a cool idea!
Merlin actually tells him in angry! He didn’t mean to it just sort of happened.
Merlin is trying to explain why he shouldn’t trust Morgause as they travel back to Camelot. That she clearly has an agenda and is using him! Arthur states that Merlin doesn’t know what he’s talking about and he’s just anti-magic and it sort of slips out.
The look of horror on Merlin’s face as he realizes what he’s just told Arthur is how Arthur knows it’s true and suddenly he forgot his father entirely. All the anger is gone and only shock is left.
This leads to a very long night of Merlin trying to explain well, everything. His magic, why he came to Camelot, the dragon, their destinies, all the magic stuff that’s happened, and why he doesn’t trust Morgause. Arthur going through a vast amount of emotions: he’s angry, sad, hurt, guilty, and back to furious. It’s a very long night.
Finally Merlin asks what Arthur is going to do with him.
Arthur is quiet before he asks, “what would you do if I sentence you to death?”
Merlin has wondered this himself many times, sometimes he thinks he would escape, run far away, other times hid in the shadows to fulfill his destiny, and sometimes, sometimes he thinks he’d let Arthur kill him. That one scares him though.
He replies honestly, “I don’t know… but I know I wouldn’t hurt you. If it came down to it, hurt you or die, I’d chose you.”
Arthur stares at him a minute before quietly answering, “well then it’s a good thing I could never sentence you to death, couldn't hurt you either.”
Merlin laughs there. Teasingly reminds him of all the times Arthur thrown goblets at his head.
Arthur scoffed, “those don’t count Merlin.”
Merlin asks what he’s going to do about his father.
Arthur is still so confused about everything but learning Merlin’s secret has calmed him. “I don’t know.”
83 notes • Posted 2021-06-06 13:50:48 GMT
tagged by @stargazerdaisy thank you so much for tagging me <3
📣Rules: answer the questions and tag people you want to get to know better or catch up with
❤️Three ships: Merthur (Merlin), GertxChase (Runaways), & SloanxDon (Newsroom)
🎶 Last song: lol You’re Nobody ‘Til Somebody Loves You by Dinah Washington 
📺Last movie: Oh god I do not want movies very often so I had to think about it but I watched a cheesy Hallmark with my mom under Christmas called How To Fall in Love. It was cute 😊
📚 Currently reading: lots of fanfictions and a mercy by Toni Morrison.
Tagging: @treeni @devotedwaywardangel1 @broadwaybaggins @camelotsheart @witchmd13 @shut-up-merlin
84 notes • Posted 2021-01-11 22:51:19 GMT
Arthur: For heavens sake Merlin, I’m not asking for much! Just your undivided attention for every second of every day for all of eternity!
201 notes • Posted 2021-03-13 14:29:08 GMT
Okay so I just had a THOUGHT. In fics there are often scenes where Merlin steals bites of Arthur’s food (and I think there is a scene in the show where Arthur comments that Merlin does it besides the Freya episode) but what if the reason Merlin does it isn’t because he feels like it or is fucking with Arthur but actually because he’s checking to make sure no one’s poisoned Arthur’s food.
Like what if sometimes in S1 Merlin catches or suspects someone bribing the royal food taster to poison Arthur’s food after he taste it.
Everyone knows Merlin is kind of a disaster/overworked and sometimes is late to pickup Arthur’s food. The taster uses this to his advantage and after everyone sees him taste the food he “watches the food” while waiting for Merlin to come pick it up and poisons it while the cooks are busy/not paying attention.
Merlin unsure when and which food the taster is poisoning just starts taking bits of all of Arthur’s food until a few days after he starts tasting Arthur’s food he collapses because YUP that was poison all right!
Gaius thankfully gives him the antidote and because this is fucking BBC Merlin, they tells Arthur that Merlin had a simple cold. Arthur complains that Merlin should have told him earlier but let’s him rest up, saying he expects Merlin back to work tomorrow.
Merlin gets rid of the taster (tells him he knows what he did and gets him to leave Camelot) & the briber but after that incident becomes paranoid about the royal tasters so keeps tasting all of Arthur’s food.
As time goes on though he stops trying to hide the fact that he’s doing it. Arthur just rolls his eyes at Merlin and kind of goes ‘ugh whatever’ because he’s Merlin.
Years go by and then one day Arthur finds some delicious treat in his room and smirks thinking he finally beat Merlin to the food and takes a bite then promptly collapses (idk how fast poison works y’all).
Arthur wakes up in his bed with a furious Merlin sitting at his side who after calling for someone to get Gaius and checking to make sure Arthur is okay starts yelling at him for eating the food before Merlin’s check it. And this is how Arthur finds out, that all these years Merlin wasn’t being a terrible servant and just Merlin, but has been putting his life on the line for him every fucking day.
Arthur knows that Merlin is a worrier, after all Merlin was always trying to talk him out of tournaments and quests that had any potential danger in them but he hadn’t realized Merlin would go this far. He is immediately horrified and furious.
He yells at Merlin that that isn’t his job and Merlin ends up telling him about the time he caught one the royal tasters getting bribed starting his whole tasting career.
Arthur of course is furious that Merlin didn’t tell him back then and Merlin just shrugged and said he didn’t think anyone would believe him back then.
This leads to Arthur feeling guilty for thinking that Merlin was just being a terrible servant and wonders what else has Merlin been doing silently in service to him that he hasn’t noticed?
518 notes • Posted 2021-05-24 16:13:10 GMT
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johanna-swann · 3 years
you really think sterek makes no sense? huh, i mean im not delusional but i dont think it’s that out of the blue. there’s like wayyy weirder stuff on the show
anyway just letting you know, even when you tagged "anti sterek" that post appears in the sterek tag 💔 but thats tumblr’s fault really
Lol, I had the same experience going through the "anti sterek" tag and finding sooo much pro stuff. I feel you there. 😅
What I mean is that of course the queerbaiting was there and real, I just don't get why so many fans jumped on the ship so early on that the queerbaiting even became a thing.
I understand a lot of other queer ships like merthur (bbc merlin), johnlock (sherlock) or hannigram (hannibal) without shipping them myself, but sterek just came out of nowhere for me. They hinted at Stydia endgame from season 1 episode 1, there are other side characters than Derek who are CANONICALLY queer and then there's the whole pedophilia thing. [Derek is an adult who graduated high school years ago and Stiles is a 15 year old. Just saying.]
Hope this clears things up.
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