#not adding tags so this doesn't get nerfed
notgonnaedit · 2 months
Healer's Care
Summary: Eight months after the destruction of Tipoca City, and the Bad Batch are starting to question where they truly belong
Pairing: Bad Batch x Teen!OFC (clones being good brothers/dads)
Chapter summary: On an expedition with Cid, Wrecker, Omega, Althea, and Tech find themselves in a peculiar and perilous situation
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, gambling, gangs, illegal racing, Tech being Tech, brother/sister moment (If I miss a tag LMK)
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Taglist: @covert1ntrovert @clonethirstingisreal @dreamsight73 @nottwonerdy777 @delicioustacocollector @hugmekenobi
In Cid's parlor, Althea leaned over Wrecker's shoulder as he played Dejarik with Omega. The demo man chuckled as he moved one of his pieces. "I got you this time."
Omega looked at him, her expression perfectly neutral. She pressed a button and swiftly won the game.
"Oh! She gotchya!" Althea laughed.
"What...?" Wrecker groaned as Omega started to laugh.
"Now you owe me two cartons of Mantell Mix." She said.
"Me too, since I bet against you." Althea said with a smirk.
"Not so fast." Wrecker said hastily. "One more game. Double or nothing."
Before either girl could reply, Cid walked out from her office. "Hey! Quit running up the power bill. It's time to get to work. I got another job for you."
Althea frowned, standing up straight. "Hunter and Echo aren't back from the other mission yet."
Tech looked up from his datapad from where he sat at the bar. "I would not call transporting 50 cases of nerf nuggets a mission. Nor is it a proper use of our skill set."
"Yeah, well, your skill set will come in real useful on this one." Cid said. "Especially you, Muscles. You're gonna be my security crew."
"We will require a more detailed briefing than that." Tech said.
The Trandoshan walked towards the door. "No time. The shuttle's waiting."
Althea met the eyes of her brothers and sister, contemplating on what to do.
"Maybe it'll be fun." Omega said as Wrecker tossed her hat to her.
"Works for me." The demo man added as they walked out.
Tech let out a sigh before hopping off the bar stool. Althea noticed and walked beside him. "Just 'cause Echo's not here doesn't mean you can replace his attitude."
"Cid isn't providing nearly enough intel in order for me to have an accurate assessment of the mission." The pilot said.
"True, but when has she ever?" Asked the medic.
"Last time we went on a job for her, it resulted in me, Echo, and Omega trapped in a cargo container falling through Serrano's atmosphere. I would prefer to avoid a similar situation."
Althea nodded, humming in understanding.
As they walked through a dark path through a city unfamiliar to Althea, the medic took notice of the type of crowd they were going to be working with. Everyone either had alcohol or a blaster in their hand, sometimes both.
"I am beginning to understand the need for added security in a place like this." Tech noted.
"Safa Toma can be a little rough around the edges if you don't know what you're doing." Cid said as she lead the way. "But lucky for us, I know my way around. And if things get dicey, that's where you come in."
She lead them out of the dim road into a sunny area with a large crowd. There was a barrier that prevented people from going over the edge into what looked like a track. Omega and Althea leaned against it and looked down into the dusty area. Vehicles zoomed past, shooting at each other and deflecting blasts.
"Whoa!" Omega breathed.
Cid smiled at her excitement. "It's called Riot Racing."
More vehicles rushed by, one crashing into the wall after it was blasted.
"Wow!" Wrecker said. "Did you see that?"
Althea grinned. "Now this is podracing."
"It appwa anything goes out there." Tech commented.
Over the speakers, an announcer played the events over a large screen. "The smoke's cleared, and TAY-O's taken the lead from 'Hyper' Rod!"
Cid pointed up at the screen that showed a racer in the lead. "That's my new racer, TAY-O. He's a real ringer. He's gonna make me a lot of dough."
The racers flew past the finish line and the crowd roared. "And TAY-O wins!" The announcer declared.
The crowd sounded with cheers and groans, depending on what each individual bet. Cid turned around and walked away from the stands. "Follow me."
Down in the pits, the racers were just coming to a halt. Cid walked up to a blue one with a interesting looking droid in front of it.
"Greetings, Boss Lady." He said. "Did you enjoy the show? It was impressive, wasn't it? Did you see me out there?"
"You're ringer is a droid?" Tech said with a note of surprise in his voice.
TAY-O turned to him. "Oh, I'm sorry. You have a problem with droids, human? You think you can make the split-second calculation to win out there. You want to challenge TAY-O?"
"I do not have enough information about this sport to determine that at this time." The pilot replied cooly.
TAY-O stood tall over him. "Then take a seat, spectacled spectator."
Wrecker chuckled and punched Tech's shoulder lightly. "Spectacled spectator."
"Alright, alright. Save it for the course." Cid ordered.
TAY-O backed off. "You don't have to say that– That's– I was about to save it for the course. Excuse me." He said before walking away. "I can't talk right now. It's time I prepare for the next race. Which I'm going to win. TAY-O."
As he walked away, Althea folded her arms over her chest. "I've never known a droid with such an interesting personality."
They walked over into the sheltered area of the pits, observing as TAY-O began to work on his speeder. Althea took note of several oddities that wouldn't have been on a normal speeder. "This is a series 12 speeder." She said. "They weren't built for racing at all."
Tech gave her a small nod and tapped her hand lightly, indicating she was right.
"Which is why we modify them." TAY-O said in an exasperated tone. Althea was not impressed with him at all. "Behold and be amazed. Impressive, is it not?" He asked. "TAY-O is and artist."
Before Althea could roll her eyes, a deep voice rumbled through the pits. "Ciddarin Scaleback."
Everyone turned to see a tall Dowutin with two horns jutting out from his chin. With him was an aggressive looking Nosaurian. He let out a low chuckle. "It's been a long time since I've seen your shiny claws around Safa Toma."
"Millegi." Cid said with a glare. He was over twice her height, but that didn't seem to intimidate her. "I'm busy. Get out of my pit."
"Not gonna introduced me to your new crew?" Millegi asked, his gaze flickering to where Omega and Althea stood. Tech and Wrecker quickly stood behind them, glaring up in case he dared to think about hurting their sisters. 
Millegi chuckled again. "They're not gonna help you win."
Cid got closer. "Oh, I know I'm gonna win."
"You think your droid can beat my champ?" He asked, gesturing to his aggressive racer. The Nosaurian hissed something in his native language.
"What's he saying?" Wrecker asked Tech, who had his visor down to translate.
"You do not want to know." The pilot replied.
Millegi smirked down at Cid. "If you're so confident, how about our standard side wager? Let's see who's the better racer."
Cid's eyes were narrowed into thin slits. "Deal."
Millegi chuckled. "Just like old times." He said before walking away.
"The familiarity between you two suggests this race is personal." Tech noted.
"This is business." Cid retorted. "And we've got a race to win."
In an empty part of the stands, Wrecker ran up to the others with a kebab in his hand. "Wh-wh-Whag did I miss?" He asked.
"Jet Venim and TAY-O are in the lead." Tech said as the girls took turns looking through their binocs. "Given the unpredictable nature of this course, I cannot determine who the victor will be."
Althea handed the binocs to Omega as the sound of blaster fire reached her ears, followed by the sound of the crowd cheering.
"A friendly reminder to all our spectators," said the announcer. "be mindful of blaster fire. Safa Toma is not liable for any injury, death, or disintegration. Thank you."
"That's not comforting." Althea said.
"And speaking of injury and death, the lead racers are approaching Gambler's Gulch."
"Do not take the left tunnel!" Cid ordered into the comm.
"TAY-O knows what he is doing." Replied the droid.
"What's wrong with the left tunnel?" Omega asked.
"It's a death trap." Cid replied.
"This whole race is a death trap." Wrecker grunted.
Althea turned her attention to the big screen where the racers flew through the tunnel.
"Final lap and Jet Venim remains in the lead, but– Uh-oh. The challenger is closing in fast!"
"He's gonna do it!" Cid said as she watched on her datapad. "TAY-O's gonna do it!"
But how the tides changed when two racers boxed TAY-O in.
"Get out of there!" Cid yelled into her comm.
"Come on, TAY-O!" Omega said encouragingly.
But the racer in front cut the engine with a saw blade, sending TAY-O crashing down the track.
"TAY-O takes a tumble! And Jet Venim wins!"
Althea looked over at Cid. She had never looked so distraught in all the time they had known her.
Down in the track, the team rummaged through the remains of the crash. 
"This speeder is in bad shape, but some of it is salvageable." Tech said optimistically.
"That's the least of my problems now, Goggles." Cid said worriedly.
"Hey! I found TAY-O!" Wrecker said holding a broken bit of droid. "Or most of him."
"Maybe we can put him back together." Omega suggested.
Althea frowned. "I don't know, kid."
Cid opened her mouth in a retort, but was cut of by the sound of Millegi's voice.
"I'm here to collect, Cid." He said. Behind him was Jet Venim and two Gamorean guards.
"You'll get your credits." Cid said with a glare. "Just give me some time. I'm good for it."
"That's not how this works. You are out of time."
Cid looked back at Wrecker, Tech, and Althea. "Wanna step in here? I didn't bring you three for the company."
Althea's hand hovered over her blaster, her eyes narrowing at Millegi's guards.
Omega furrowed her brow. Althea recognized that look. It meant she was about to say something either really smart, or something that was going to get them killed. 
"Wait!" She cried. "How much does she owe?"
Millegi smirked. "More than you got, kid."
Omega pursed her lips "Well, we're not done yet."
Millegi chuckled. "Looks like you're done to me." He signaled his guards to lower their weapons.
"One last race." Omega purposed. "If you win, we pay you double. If we win, we get Cid."
"You don't know what you're getting into, kid." Millegi told her.
"I'm inclined to agree with him, Omega." Tech whispered.
Wrecker nodded. "Yeah, I'm inclined too."
"We don't know anything about racing." Althea pointed out.
"They're gonna hurt Cid if we do nothing." Omega told them. She turned back to Millegi, craning her neck to look up at the tall alien. "Do we have a deal?"
Millegi seemed to consider this. "We race tommorow. And I keep Cid for collateral. For you're sakes, you better be able to pay up." He walked off, Cid under the watchful eye of his guards, and left them to wonder how they were ever going to fix their problem.
Althea grumbled to herself as she looked over the speeder. Omega did the same, her face and curls streaked with grease. The medic had her goggles over her eyes as oil dripped on to her face. "This speeder's in worse shape than I thought." She said. "How's TAY-O?"
"Partially operational." Tech said as he worked on the droid's body. TAY-O currently only had his head and part of his shoulders attached. Tech was working on the torso. "With a few more adjustments, he may be capable of racing."
TAY-O's eyes flickered to life. His head looked around. "Uh, that is hilarious. Hahaha. I am more than capable. I am ready to.... Where are my arms and legs?!?"
Althea huffed a laugh before turning back to her work. Wrecker walked into the pits, more pieces of TAY-O in his arms. "That should be all of it." He said setting them on the table.
Tech grabbed an arm and began to reattach it to the droid, who watched intensely. "No, that's not how you connect the servo." He scolded. "Let "TAY-O instruct you on how to do this properly."
Even though he wore his helmet with his visor down, the look Tech gave him could only be described as the mother of all deadpans.
"You know, instead of repairing him, we should be taking out that gangster." Wrecker said.
Althea grunted as she stood up, pushing her goggles onto the top of her head. "We can't use our military skills in this situation. Millegi probably has tons of connections way more powerful than him."
Tech nodded. "Even if we extract Cid and escape, they will seek retribution."
"Rumor has it," TAY-O said. "the last sponsor which failed to pay Millegi is now taking a permanent pit stop in the eastern sand dune."
"Which is why we have to win the race and save Cid." Omega said with vigor.
"This is not the first time she had required our assistance due to her dealings with individuals of questionable integrity." Tech said. "It is a problematic pattern."
There was a moment of silence as the siblings mulled the problem of Cid over. How long would it be before she got herself into a situation they couldn't get her out of?
"Uh, hey, yeah." TAY-O said, snapping them out of their thoughts. "Did you forget that you were working on me? 'Cause it seems like you're just having a conversation about nonsense over there. How about a little less chatter, a little more spanner?"
Althea rolled her eyes before pulling her goggles back down and crawling back under the speeder. As she worked, she noticed there was something missing. "Hey, Wrecker," she said. "did you happen to find the fuel intake line?"
"The what?" The demo man asked.
Althea looked over at him. "It's essential to the speeder. Without it, it won't function."
"It's probably back at the crash." Omega said as she hopped down from the elevated platform and grabbed her hat. "I'll help you find it."
As the two walked out, TAY-O continued to micromanage Tech's repair job. "No, no, no. You have to recalibrate the –ugh– would you just let me do it?
"You do not even possess the means to do so." Tech retorted, gesturing to the detatched limbs around him.
"I could still do a better job than you, human." The droid insulted. "In fact, TAY-O is so–" He was cut off suddenly, and Tech looked up to see Althea standing there, her finger on the droid's activation button.
"That should shut him up." She said before moving back to her work.
Tech nodded his thanks before returning to his work. After a while, a soft hum reached his ears, followed the the mumbles of a few words. He looked up to see Althea singing softly.
"Some bright morning when...." Her words faded into hums.
"I am not familiar with that melody." The pilot stated. Althea never sang very often, only on the rare occasion when Omega would request it. It was safe to presume he wouldn't hear many of her songs. But the ones he had heard had not matched to anything the medic sang now.
"Oh." Althea's cheeks turned a rosy pink. Was she embarrassed? "Yeah, I guess it's something that I've had in my head."
"If you don't mind, I would be interested to hear it."
"Uh, yeah, sure." Althea obliged.
Even if he didn't show it, Tech enjoyed hearing her voice. It wasn't like any female's that he had ever heard. She didn't sing loudly, yet the emotion behind the words was still present. It fascinated Tech, and he would often listen when his sister sang to Omega.
Althea worked on the speeder, her soft voice filling the air as they worked.​​​​​​
Some bright morning when this life is over I'll fly away To that home on the celestial shore I'll fly away
I'll fly away, oh glory I'll fly away, in the morning When I die, Hallelujah by and by I'll fly away
When the shadows of this life have gone I'll fly away Like a bird from these prison walls I'll fly I'll fly away
I'll fly away, fly away, oh glory I'll fly away, in the morning When I die, Hallelujah by and by I'll fly away
Oh, how glad and happy when we meet I'll fly away No more cold iron shackles on my feet I'll fly away
I'll fly away, oh glory I'll fly away, in the morning When I die, Hallelujah by and by I'll fly away
I'll fly away, oh glory I'll fly away, in the morning When I die, Hallelujah by and by I'll fly away
Just a few more weary days and then I'll fly away To a land where joys will never end I'll fly away
I'll fly away, fly away, oh glory I'll fly away, in the morning When I die, Hallelujah by and by I'll fly away
I'll fly away
Althea swallowed when she finished, turning her focus back to her work.,
"Why would one be glad for their life to be over?" Asked Tech.
Althea looked over at him. Behind his visor and goggles, his eyes shone with curiosity. The medic shimmied out from under the ship, pushing her own goggles atop her head. "Well," she grunted as she sat up. "the person is glad because they don't have to suffer anymore."
"How would they know that? There are no records to inform us of the afterlife and–"
"It's just a song, Tech." Althea said through a sigh. "Do you have to disect every part?"
Tech stopped short, mulling his thoughts over. "Very well. What do you purpose the song is about?"
Althea huffed in thought. "My people believed that when we die, our souls become one with the stars. I guess nobody really knows if after death is better or worse, but I know that it means we can be free."
"Free?" Tech repeated.
"No people to hold us back. No bodies that feel pain. No stress or worries." Althea looked at him, her golden irises meeting his earthen ones. "To truly be free."
Althea regretted ever shutting off TAY-O. She wanted him to be racing now more than ever instead of Tech. He was racing in place of the droid, who got crushed in a pit accident, and was zooming through the left tunnel; the death trap.
Althea knew she could fix droids, but if Tech crashed she didn't know if she could help him. Omega's warnings were numb to her ears. She still couldn't believe Tech was racing. She didn't believe it when he volunteered in place of TAY-O, or even when the announcer had to double check his name. Tech was a skilled pilot. Althea didn't doubt his skills for one moment. It was the other racers she worried about. 
But it wasn't until Tech hot himself out of a pickle and destroyed two speeders without any weapons that she felt herself relax. And the relief turned to the utmost joy when the announcer declared Tech the winner.
"Here they come! It's going to be close. And the winner is....Tech! Tech, right? Tech wins!"
Althea laughed with joy as she, Omega, and Wrecker ran down to the track to greet their brother.
"You did it!" Omega cheered.
"You sound surprised." Tech said as he pulled off his helmet.
"Of course we are!" Althea laughed. "You've never raced in your life!"
"Yeah!" Wrecker said through laughs. "I thought you were a goner."
The crowd erupted in deafening cheers, every single person in the stands cheering one name. "Tech! Tech! Tech! Tech! Tech!"
The pilot turned to face the crowd, raising his hand in a relaxed salute. A small smile made it's way to his face.
"We're here for Cid." Wrecker announced as they walked into Millegi's tower. The guards snarled, prompting the demo man to crack his knuckles.
Millegi signaled for them to stand down. "A deals a deal. We're square."
"That was some racing, Goggles." Cid said as she walked over to join them. "I, uh...I-I.." she laughed nervously. "I guess I owe you one."
Tech adjusted his goggles. "Yes. I would agree."
Cid's nervous expression dropped to her usual grump. "I'll make it up to ya. Come on. We're outta here."
As Cid left, the others were stopped by Millegi. "Hey, you four."
They turned to face him. "You could have walked away. That loyalty is admirable, but with Cid, it doesn't always go both ways. Watch your backs."
Althea frowned. Tech placed his hand on Omega's shoulder as they walked out. Despite Millegi's warning, nothing could wash away the excitement of racing.
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bisexualnerd · 4 months
Hii i wanted to tell you i loved that last chapter you dropped, I saw the tag major character death and immediately went ah. so it’s one of those fics. where jay dies and it’s just hurt hurt hurt as the last note. Ahhh just—they haven’t acknowledged each other as brothers yet your honor 💔 and Tim knows now (great pretending your found family aren’t also vigilantes acting from him) and Jason never knew, like peak potential. I can imagine he’s gonna go ??? who the fuck pulled my baby bird into the vigilante business and uh why?? without knowing (if this goes like we all know) that Tim was the one who wanted to honor him and keep Robin’s legacy alive. Also I can imagine the whole imaginary friend think goes back to a box at the back at his head?? Timmy was just getting warmer to the truth and Jay goes out to pull this stuff. classic. (me being annoyed) — Aww but really poor Jay I can imagine he’s never felt more spiteful of the fact that his powers don’t extend to phasing through things and not just walls. jay in my head: cursing under his breath how he just gets partial danny phantom adjacent abilities, i mean if he’s gonna have a power why not have it full pump I-can-walk-through-walls-disappear-and-fly package.
really just really excited where u take the fic, hope u don’t mind my rambling, just wanted to drop my thoughts 💜💜 also like take your time, i hope im not adding pressure or anything
Ohmygosh it's been so long since I've got an inbox on Tumblr!! And of course I don't mind because I'm ecstatic!!! I love hearing you guys' thoughts about my writing!!!
And Jay's death is like, such a constant in the fandom (and when he doesn't die, he still gets injured and traumatised so severely). And there was no way Tim would have let the Waynes know because if he had done that, they would have never, under any circumstances, let him go out to photograph anymore 😂😂
I actually did initially draft up his power to be able to phase through everything, but then I remembered all my evil plans for the series and I was like, skrttt~ STOP! And I had to nerf him 😅 Now I can picture a side story, or a small part of a fic of him cursing his power in Ethiopia 😈 (and why is partial danny phantom adjacent abilities so freaking funny 🤣)
Thank you so so much for the really fun and lovely inbox!!! I hope the direction of the series in the future will keep you interested 🥰🥰
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MCC Teams for QSMP Guys
Disclaimer: These aren't official teams or even official predictions or anything. I have no idea if the QSMP guys who aren't in MCC already want to play or even know it exists. I'm just autistic.
RED RABBITS: HBomb94, Philza, Forever, Cellbit
This was the first team that came to me and it all spiraled out of control from here. H is the master of teaching new players, which is good if it's not a whole event of new people (spoiler alert: it is). Philza is also a solid player who knows the Brazilians well enough to teach them how to do MCC and also hold his own just fine. I expect Forever would hold his own just fine. A lot of the games that are hard for newcomers are hard because a lot of MCC guests aren't Minecrafters. I expect Forever to be able to handle himself with an elytra, for example, and H is the SOT king and also a Buildmart enjoyer so he can pick up the slack for the rest. Cellbit may be an unexpected popoff in Parkour Tag with his Esconde-Esconde experience. I'm not sure if he's ever touched an elytra.
Sorrel Assigned Sandkeeper: Cellbit. He can have red puzzle too though, as a treat. And the rest of the spawn puzzles will actually get solved for once!
ORANGE OCELOTS: Roier, Tubbo, Quackity, Punz
Roier is Good At Minecraft but he's also shy about the fact that he's good at Minecraft and not particularly interested in tryharding. He would most likely be looking for a team that isn't throwing on purpose, but also doesn't mind if he's not doing homework for the video game. Pairing him with known goofball Tubbo and good buddy Quackity makes sense for that. Punz is a very versatile S tier. He's fully capable of being a sweaty little bastard, but he's good at not being toxic about it and especially at not getting toxic towards his teammates. I think he could do well with just hanging out with a couple old friends and making sure a new one has a good time.
Sorrel Assigned Sandkeeper: Quackity is the best choice as the full bilingual and least likely to survive in the tunnels.
YELLOW YAKS: Shadoune, Etoiles, Aypierre, Baghera
The French Team. Frankly, I think the chance of Etoiles getting into MCC is pretty slim. He is simply too powerful. Scott has talked before about having enough S tiers and needing more mid and lower tier players and Etoiles would Not help with that. Adding Shadoune and Aypierre to that is honestly a bit ridiculous. Baghera is not a nerf to this team either. She doesn't have nearly as much Minecraft experience as the others but she is learning very quickly. I did nearly switch her out to try and balance this obscenely powerful team. Their big weakness though is their MCC inexperience. Shadoune is the only one who has played MCC before and he hasn't even been in a handful of events yet. Late games with high learning curves could seriously hamstring them.
Sorrel Assigned Sandkeeper: Pierre. I was super super impressed with Pierre's comms with Foolish when they broke into the Federation and I want to see him do comms more.
LIME LLAMAS: Illumina, Spreen, Slimecicle, Mariana
Yeah, okay, this is Pink17 with a twist. This is the only chance we're gonna have to pair Spreen with another S tier though so we gotta take it. To be fair, I don't actually know how good Mariana is at Minecraft. That being said, I do know he's not super comfortable in his English abilities. This is essentially two teams speaking two languages wearing a giant trenchcoat, so I figured it would be best to give them Illumina, king of minding his own business and showing up at the end of the game with half his team's coins.
Sorrel Assigned Sandkeeper: Slime. The Spanish speakers know more English than the English speakers know Spanish and asking someone to sandkeep in their second language in their first MCC is cruel.
GREEN GECKOS: Jojo, Vegetta, Maximus, OllieGamerz
The Spanish Team. I really tried so hard to pair Vegetta with Foolish, but ultimately I think he would just be most comfortable with people who all speak his own language. This is another scary powerful team, by the way. Jojo and Ollie were half the team that got the first canon team with two new players a win since MCC 6 and Vegetta is widely considered to be a Minecraft god. I'm not sure his skills transfer to MCC, but it can't hurt! Maxo is here instead of Mariana despite being more comfortable with English because I couldn't deprive the people of their Slimeriana crumbs, however he's another one whose MCC skill I'm not sure of. He's known mostly for his RP like Quackity Slime and Wilbur, but he also has an extremely dope Create mod house so he's definitely more cracked at the craft than them.
Sorrel Assigned Sandkeeper: Ollie. He's trained for it and studied for it before his first MCC and Vegetta and Maximus should both be able to at least survive dungeon conditions.
CYAN COYOTES: Mike, Pac, Fruitberries, Cubfan
Obviously, Tazercraft come as a duo. Do not separate. For them, I wanted people who matched their energy. Specifically, strange, bewildering, and staggeringly competent, while still making the most baffling decisions you've ever seen in your life. Fruitberries was an obvious choice. I think introducing them to Cubfan might be dangerous lest they give each other ideas for projects, but hopefully they'll be too focused on the games for any old projects to come up. I sure hope none of the games resemble any games Tazercraft have previously designed!
Sorrel Assigned Sandkeeper: Cubfan. He is like the Only guy in MCC who I trust equally as a runner and a sandkeeper which means that I trust him to sandkeep here.
AQUA AXOLOTLS: PeteZahHutt, Jaiden, Fit, CPK
This is just a pretty regular MCC team. Pete and CPK is a very strong combination and I don't expect Fit to be bad at Minecraft, but given the absolute powerhouses that are the French and Spanish teams, I think this is probably fine.
Sorrel Assigned Sandkeeper: Fit. Pete has a habit of making risky plays that don't always pay off. I think the scary teacher voice could check that impulse.
BLUE BATS: Badboyhalo, Krtzyy, Smallishbeans, Grian
Here's a PG team for you, king. You've earned it. Yes, Dave can be PG when they need to be. For the record, I'm deeply curious about what Bad puts down on his sign up sheet for his PGness preference. Either way, this is a team of all around strong players without a standout star. We're looking at a repeat of Aqua29 here.
Sorrel Assigned Sandkeeper: Krtzyy. Everyone on this team can run but Dave enjoys it the least and actually had their first decent time ever playing Sands of Time as a sandkeeper for Aqua29. They've been playing since MCC1 by the way.
PURPLE PANDAS: Scott, Shubble, Foolish, Purpled
This is the part of the teams list when I went "okay I guess I'm making a full ten teams now, so I have to get the guys with standing invitations in". For the record, that's Scott (it's his event), Shubble (she's Scott's bestie), and Wilbur (he was one of the earliest believers). Purpled is here instead of Wilbur because he's Ever So Slightly More Cracked At The Craft, however this team is actually impossible and would never happen in canon. Scott Smajor has made it very clear that he would never put Purpled on the Purple team. Anyway, Foolish is also here!
Sorrel Assigned Sanddaddy: Scott.
PINK PARROTS: FireBreathMan, Felps, AntoineDaniel, Wilbur Soot
Y'all remember everyone wailing and gnashing their teeth about Blue29 because FBM was being unfairly nerfed by being saddled with three "bad" players and it was so incredibly mean to those players he was with and also like they got 6th overall and did Literally Fine? No? Only me carrying that grudge? Anyway, here's a perfectly fair and balanced team that no one would complain about at all. No but for real, this is the team I couldn't switch Antoine and Baghera on because that would break it.
Sorrel Assigned Sandkeeper: Wilbur. Sorry Scott got to the daddy joke first.
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bikwin5 · 1 year
pikmin 4 thouts
i haven't actually posted that much about pikmin 4 now that i think about it but i finished it a while ago. as close to 100% as i think it can be. i don't have the drive to make a complete review so i just wrote down a list of things i liked and didn't like. there are no huge spoilers in this until the very end
THINGS I LIKED -adding a marketable dog is usually a sign of getting desperate. the simpsons did a whole episode about it. even in the ask the devs interview they were like yeah we added a dog to create appeal. but despite all that i ended up warming up to oatchi not just as a character but his gameplay as well. letting him swim, carry, attack, and act as a second leader all works very natural in pikmin's world and he basically acts like a very big and powerful pikmin. it takes a bit of getting used to learning the new mechanics but i think it was a good idea overall. still kind of wish they went with the playable bulborb idea instead. -the biodiversity is kind of ridiculous in this one. pikmin 4 has 100+ different creatures and a piklopedia to interact with them all, making for endless hours of fun without even playing the game. in fact there are so many creatures it felt like some had a pikmin 3 problem where they weren't used enough even though this is a big ass game!! i also like the return of pikmin 2 styled bosses in contrast to 3's where most of them felt very scripted. -the selection of things to collect is no doubt the best in this one. i like that completing a set of treasures lets you look at everything at once. -i like the hub area. its nice to walk around a bit. -having 8 pikmin types is a bold move but they pulled it off pretty well. the 3 types limit on the surface actually works well. i like that each area has "recommended" types but allows you to swap out others regardless. it makes it so advanced players can do more tag barrel switching if they want to. -the level design feels a bit of a departure from past games with how expansive each area is but i do like it, it keeps things fresh. there's still a lot of depth to clearing out each area and cave efficiently. -it was at least harder than pikmin 3!!!! yippee!!!!!! -the gwafics are goregous in this one. pikmin is one of those series that only looks better with visual fidelity. -i like the equipment upgrading system. i enjoy how it allows certain equipment to be optional even after you already make it. this lets me get rid of the power whistle because i don't like it.
THINGS I DIDNT LIKE -my #1 complaint is the auto-lockon feature. i desperately wish i could turn it off. i think they intend you to have motion controls on for more precise aiming but i don't want that. i just want to aim with the stick. the lockon makes some things trivial and some unnecessarily frustrating. there's a FUN to be had in trying to get perfect aim with pikmin! it's a BALANCE!!!!!!!!! but maybe nintendo doesn't realize that… nintendo if you patch this game to give me an option to turn off auto lockon i'll be a good kid and buy your new mario. -pikmin 4 has the best pikmin AI in the series but there some small changes are so frustrating. in particular they REALLY hate the idea of using more than the minimum number of pikmin to carry something. they physically stop you from throwing for a bit and then pikmin that are already idle don't even bother. it's a small thing but it's persistent and it drives me insane. -balancing 8 types of pikmin is not easy. that being said i think pikmin 3's types in particular got shafted a bit. rock pikmin have a weird nerf where they can die from crushing but only on hard surfaces? i guess it's to prevent trivializing certain bosses. winged pikmin don't act much different but they feel like what blue pikmin were to 3 in that they barely get a chance to shine. it's fucked because all the earlier areas probably have winged pikmin paths programmed in that most people will never see… it breaks my heart just thinking about it -ALSO the white pikmin damage nerf was totally unneccessary. as a result all the poison themed enemies are so weak and oatchi can dispatch them easily with the poison upgrade so its like why are these guys still candypop bud exclusive -the controls might be almost TOO tight. particularly the oatchi bunchup is really OP when it comes to fights. i think this game throws a lot of tough situations at you but jumping on oatchi trivializes them a lot of the time. -enemies not respawning is really weird. particularly on the surface where they NEVER respawn. it kind of strips the organic feeling of pikmin away. -everyone says this but too much tutorial. please stop making the characters talk to me every time a pikmin dies on screen. i'd say it feels like nintendo is regressing to the skyward sword era but not quite, if they did then then there would be a cutscene every time you break down a wall.
looking back at this section i sure did CAPITALIZE a bunch of arbitrary words. i think shepherd was right when she said bernard's speaking style rubs off on you.
VERY MINOR NITPICKS -i wish my man hajime wakai was still doing the soundtrack cause you can tell he didnt. pikmin 4's soundtrack isn't bad it's still pretty "pikminlike" but i think you can tell its not the same as it was -for having a "dandori" theme pikmin 4 doesn't feel nearly as incentivized to be efficient as much as 3 or even 1. the fact that night expeditions take up full days bothers me and i can't help but wonder how much replays will be affected with how much stuff they crammed in the main game.
BIG SPOILERS AFTER THIS POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-i think olimar and louie got a lot of fun exposition but the new characters not so much. it feels like they got disregarded later in the story. -final boss was the easiest in the whole series. yes even more than hey! to me. i lost like maybe 5 pikmin total. i think what makes it so easy is that there is very little risk in engaging, you throw 2 purple pikmin on the tail and when it falls over you rush with oatchi and that's it. the one scary thing about it is the final phase where it can do the roar that scatters pikmin into death pits but i didn't get hit by it because i'm epic and awesome like that. even then having one difficult thing at the end of an otherwise easy final boss just feels kind of cheap. -i wish the lineup trumpet wasn't a secret late game upgrade because i would have liked to play the rest of the game with it.
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illustromic · 1 year
Hi I saw your au idea please feel free to ramble as much as you want 👀
Happily! This got a bit lengthy but bear with me haha
For future context, this ask is referring to my tags on their post, where I suggest that the Hermits are all minecraft supercriminals that got dumped into a server together because nobody knew what else to do with them, and at least this way they can't do any real harm to the rest of the world/server universe/however you wanna explain it.
I just think this is funny bc you have these characters that know a shit ton about minercaft and exploit that knowledge constantly, all hanging out in the same loose anarchic community. You have a guy called Doc who's so good at breaking the game that he's forced dozens of patches to be added specifically to nerf him (and by extension, his vast organization called the Hivemind). You've got a little bird guy who seems to only find joy in starting wars---his idea of a prank is a normal minecraft citizen's idea of an apocalyptic event. You have a seemingly innocent moss-covered builder who always seems to help the worst megalomaniacs rise to power (looking at Bdubs playing the minion for s9 Ren and s7 Scar lol)
Anyway you get my point. These people are crazy, and there's no way to truly stop them from causing trouble, so the powers that be (Xisuma? Watchers? Minecraft police? idk lmao) eventually just...gave up and decided they'd be better off in a big group where the only people they can hurt are each other---and it was hoped that the challenge of going up against equally criminal players would keep them entertained enough to never bother escaping. And so far it's mostly worked, with the exception of a few containment breaches (empires crossover event for example). I like to think the Life series was the Hermits' idea and doesn't count as an escape attempt, but it gets used in minecraft schools as a textbook case showing why to never associate with these people lmao ("A death game in Hardcore mode? For fun?? No sane player does that")
Thanks for letting me ramble lol, I guess I mostly like this idea bc they're not being punished or imprisoned for their 'crimes' per se---more like swept under the rug in an Area 51-style server where they can be their funky little selves as much as they want and everyone's happy xD
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otakween · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 - Disc-2
Aww, no more full-color chapters this time around :'( it was fun while it lasted. I wonder why this manga never came out in America? I know Digimon didn't make it as big as Pokemon, but I would think it's big enough, no? Maybe they thought the alternate-world Taichi would be too confusing for kids which...fair.
Ch. 11
-This chapter was pretty creepy. The premise (a village going crazy and everyone killing each other) was already low key creepy pasta worthy, but the way the artist draws Zeromaru in crazy/brainwashed mode was pretty unsettling. Not to oversell it, in the end it's a pretty standard "teammates used against each other" plot.
-Something about an evil Patamon is pretty funny. He's too cute to be evil!
-I don't like Demon's design (didn't like his anime design either). The only part that's kinda cool is the "missing data" on his arm and mid-section.
-Seems kinda messed up that the digivice can make a digimon full instantly. Depriving your friend of the joys of eating :'(
Ch. 12
-Another Digimon World-like reference where Taichi talks about force feeding Zeromaru and not cleaning up his poop. Ah...so glad I never have to play that game again lol.
-Is Taichi wearing loose socks? Very 2000s of him. I miss that fad...
Ch. 13
-Digivice abilities so far: scan enemy digimon, transmit data to partner (commands, food, abilities). Seems pretty OP. I hope they don't over rely on it.
-There's a lot of Engrish in this manga ("deep saver," "wake up combination"). I wonder if the random "cool" English in manga motivates kids to learn at all...
Ch. 14
-This chapter was basically all gags and no tags. Just as useless as the Starmon episode in the anime!
-New digivice ability: it can scan books and then upload that info to your partner's brain. Again...kinda OP. Of course, they nerfed it by making Taichi's doodles cause trouble, so I guess it's fine.
Ch. 15
-Edgy rival guy appears! He kinda looks like a discount Killua. He doesn't appear to be brainwashed like Ken? Who knows though...
-TWO digivices!?
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No but really, what's the point in having two? That's stupid.
-Another OP power added to Taichi's digivice: It can unlock any electronic lock
-So Etemonkey was wholesome all along!? :'( poor guy. Rival dude said his lifespan is like 120 hours!? Geez I didn't know we were going by game logic THAT much.
-Wow, Jogress evolution! I'm glad I'm reading this after Digimon Adventure 02 or else I might be confused by some of the stuff they're throwing at me with zero explanation.
-Rival guy's name is...Neo Saiba. How am I supposed to take that seriously? Makes me think of Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh!
Ch. 16
-Well that got dark pretty quick. Neo sacrifices a Metal Greymon for the sake of collecting data. The fact that the Metal Greymon's only reason for existing was to prove himself to Neo was really sad. RIP.
-So I realize that "Neo Saiba" isn't a first name but a first and last name lol, Idk why I thought otherwise. I guess I'm just so used to hearing digimon with two names at this point.
-Another digivice ability. Apparently you can use it to straight up kill a digimon? (Or "delete," as they worded it). I wonder if it's a real kill or if MetalGreymon gets to turn back into a digi-egg...
Ch. 17
-This chapter got a little violent with Zero bleeding from the nose and mouth and then ripping off Skull Satamon's arms. I bet if you were an 8 year old reading this that would be really intense!
-Apparently anger can give digimon a power boost. I wonder if other emotions have any effect?
-The official release actually ends here for volume 2 which seems weird, but it's because there's a huge chunk of omake materials at the end including C'mon Digimon! I've been reading the scanlations, but I think I'll have to buy the real deal to get that sweet bonus content.
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roadkiii · 1 year
Entry 1.4.7-2 - The Long Grind
Welcome to my blog. I’m not tagging anything but entry #, so sorry if my unrelated mess somehow ends up in your search.
There are so many features I'm excited for, I think I'll also add a couple of planned intermissions waaayy down the line just for me to look at and look forward to. Life stress is getting to me, but I want this world to be my kind of happy place so that A) I continue to work on it, but more importantly B) I'm doing something productive (to me anyway) with my time and not doomscrolling. If I'm going to stare at a screen for several hours straight I'd much rather give myself the space to think for myself and the opportunity for a creative outlet than mindlessly swapping between tumblr and youtube to idly kill time.
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I'm also excited to build little lore tidbits into this world, I just had a creeper explode and reveal this cave to me, I might just dig around and make this into some kind of excavation site when bone blocks are added.
I kind of like the idea of a crater-ridden desert (who knows, some future update may change it into something else anyway) and I could probably do some cool fossils, they'd be massive. maybe just partially exposed sometimes in the sand.
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???? what genie magic have I activated can i please just get mellohi--
Also side note, I've been messing around on a creative world and I think if I just eat a gapple and get Smite V I really only need like two Healing II potions and a bucket of milk and I could probably kill the wither more than 3 times. The reason I think this is so doable is because I've been building the wither with the obsidian end pillars. The wither typically doesn't get very far so a bow isn't even needed.
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[Pic from creative world] I'm basically getting more obsidian AND a star. plus I think I read that the pillars regenerate when you respawn the dragon later. Though maybe that won't happen here. I'll have to see.
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I need more EXP to try for Smite since I already enchanted my bow (Power IV BD I'm okay with it tbh) and I still want carrots, so I'll create a zombie exp farm. I'm following this tutorial so I hope it'll still work.
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Okay, seems functional. I do hear thunder though, so I'm a little nervous about what's happening on the surface.
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I couldn't quite follow the instructions of his tutorial since soul sand doesn't exist yet, but I got lucky with my bedrock and they fall to 22 blocks right here. This will be so fucking nice. As I sit and idle though, the zombie sounds make me so anxious while I'm looking away from the screen lol
I'm hoping to get a full set of chainmail at some point as well, so this should be helpful.
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One annoying part of this grinder is that I keep having to run back and forth, if I sit at the bottom and wait I think I'm out of the function distance for the spawner. I'm also not certain how many zombies I can have at a time down there, I see the number 24 thrown around a lot, but I don't know if that's a recent update. I do have two carrots though, so I guess I'll run up and plant those, maybe use some bonemeal (before that gets nerfed in 1.5 (or maybe I'll just wait until i hit 30 xp)
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gdi again with the sharpness >:/ I'm happy to have looting now but this may take A While. I'd take Smite III at this point, but all I ever seem to get is sharpness.
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okay I guess I can consider the farm done, the pigs and cows haven't been escaping from their pens so I'm not focused on getting [edit from months in the future: this was just left incomplete. dont work on your projects high kids.]
Now I guess I need to start putting this sword to use and get some skulls so I can actually summon the wither.
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Okay. I got Very lucky, none of my enchanted tools or the single skull I have fell. I'm going to take a break because that wasn't good for my blood pressure.
I think I'm genuinely going to need to grind for a while, so [letsgameitout voice] hold please
next (1.4.7-3)
0 notes
candiedblueberries · 2 years
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I posted 6,647 times in 2022
That's 5,921 more posts than 2021!
412 posts created (6%)
6,235 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,558 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#rb - 5,796 posts
#art - 1,427 posts
#queer queue - 1,380 posts
#hc - 797 posts
#dsmp - 519 posts
#mcyt - 409 posts
#blues nonsensical ramblings - 298 posts
#dl - 258 posts
#fav - 224 posts
#&lt;3 - 181 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#this.this is exactly how i feel llike. i spentsome of my happiest moments in this fandom but now it leaves a bitter taste when i thnk back o
My Top Posts in 2022:
tired of people reducing techno's accomplishments to just the dsmp, so here's some of his none dsmp achievements:
absolutely destroying minecraft ultimate by killing everyone and singlehandly helped raise about 1/3 of the money for charity. he also set a record for the most amount of kills and turned noah pikaclicks in a copypasta.
him & his community raising 1/3 of the money for mcc pride, which is about $100,000
1,000+ bedwars winstreak
his flawless ace race run in the mcc sky map, which is still unbeatable to this day i believe
the potato war. need i say more
the fact that he would be able to win/outsmart people in every way that was humanly possible. like no matter what he played, he would always manage to win. (see: every video with techno & skeppy ever) he was such a clever and witty guy and his brain is truly incredible
that one buildmart where he figured out every possible build and counted the blocks needed for each one and gave each member of his team a shopping list. he was insane in the best ways possible
the fact that he was so good at minecraft monday that they nerfed him so much (inexperienced teammates, bad teammates, that fucking bounty, etc etc.) and he still managed to stay positive and have a good time. he also still managed to win sometimes. his patience and kindness truly has no bounds
he raised over $157,000 for sarcoma research. (if you want to contribute, you can donate at curesarcoma.org!)
468 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
okay so
mumbo presses shift with his thumb
joel plays windowed/not full screen
ranboo plays with his mouse inverted
jimmy doesn't use a mousepad
why are all these minecraft youtubers insane
726 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
the mcyt enjoyer (any fandom) to gtws enjoyer pipeline is real and true
1,972 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
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everyone shut up and look at him
2,137 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
scar's light broke, his mic fell off the wall and he's holding it, grian tango bdubs cub scar podcast, scar gets 1 year added to his age every time someone mentions his bday, scar swore twice, what the FUCK is going on
2,830 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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catboy-dysphoria · 3 years
Rarely do I ever see posts for sex workers outside of the blogosphere of sex work blogs, that aren't thinly-veiled judgments, or vague affirmations written by someone who has never participated in sex work, so as a former FSSW/cam worker, I'm sending out some reminders to current sex workers, as well as anyone interested in starting <3 Below the cut bc it gets kinda long, and bc I can't properly tag without getting smacked by Tumblr.
Feel free to add if you have experience.
Learn to do your own taxes as a self-employed person (if applicable)
Learn to spot signs of a scam (connecting with other sex workers is harder than it used to be, but can be very helpful for this!)
Find a place to get tested regularly that you trust. LGBTQ centers often offer free testing, even if you are not LGBTQ yourself. Most also are sex-worker-friendly, in my experience. Be honest about what sex acts you're participating in.
Bring your own protection and lubricant, and make sure they're compatible.
Learn how to practice sex safely. This goes beyond Health Class 101. This includes learning how to clean your toys, how to use lubricant and signs you need to re-apply, how to acquire and use PrEP/PEP (which I recommend for everyone, if you're able to get it and have sex with multiple partners. There's a number of resources out there for aquiring low/no cost PrEP) contraceptive use (beyond just condoms!) and more.
Search yourself (both your alias(es) and real name) regularly. Try to send takedown notices for stolen content. You may even be able to pursue legal action. If you don't want your sex work alias connected to your real identity, this can also help you keep tabs on that. Reverse image search on some of your pictures every so often (but keep in mind RIS works...less well for pictures of naked ppl)
You don't need to be your full, authentic self for clients. This seems obvious (or should,) but also remember that you are not betraying your identity/community if you choose to closet yourself to clients, use buzzwords that may be offensive for better search results, etc.
Money 💰 first 💰 always 💰. Especially for FSSW. Negotiate any additional fees beforehand.
Re:money, be careful what apps you use, if any, and what information is tied to them. Learn about how much cash you can deposit at once into your bank account, and stay far enough below that number so as not to arouse suspicion from your bank. Sex workers are the best friend of a new money service and the worst enemy of an established one. Have backups. Established/long-time sex workers will remember what happened to Venmo, Cashapp, etc.
It can be easier to lower your prices than raise them (often, but not always.) I liked to have a range that I kept to myself, so I can offer cheaper rates to people I liked, and more expensive rates to people I didn't. Don't undersell yourself. This is SO much harder now with OF etc being in the mainstream and cheaper than before, but remember that you are the only one who can offer your specific body and services. Don't sell yourself short.
Remember that as a gig worker, your money will not be consistent. You may hit a strong cash flow at some point in your career, don't bank on it always being as strong. If possible, have enough saved for at least 1-2 months of crickets.
Be nice, be friendly, but don't be a doormat. If you're new to in-person sex work, practice ways to say no politely but firmly. There are people who know that you have fewer resources to report them for bad behavior.
^ Related, take safety measures. Learn what self-defense tools are legal for you to carry in your state/city/country, and how to use them. Pepper spray requires a firearm license in some states, and the last thing you want in a worst-case scenario is to be hit with a charge for defending yourself. Learn some form of weaponless self-defense, ideally more than one.
Additionally, have a way to check in with a safety person/trusted friend. I used to use Kitestring, but it looks like that's being shut down. Asking a friend to send you a text 5-10 minutes past when you think you should be done, and telling them what you want them to do if you don't respond would be a good alternative, as well as telling them where you're going and who you'll be with.
Learn the laws in your area, as specifically as possible. Take advantage of loopholes. Have a cover story. This applies extra the more marginalized identities you hold.
Have a cover story for friends/family you don't want to know about your work. This can be as specific or vague as you feel comfortable, but make sure it's consistent.
At least one person you know will find out, almost guaranteed, especially in the age of the internet/for internet-based work. Be prepared.
Remember to sometimes have sex for your own fun, if you want to. It can be nice to not have to focus as strongly on a partner as a client, or associate sex purely with a transaction.
Know your limits/boundaries. I advise not having any "first times" with a client unless you have an established relationship. If a client suggests something that you've never done before, I advise practicing with a trusted friend/partner before doing it professionally. If you don't want to be contacted on short notice or during certain times, be upfront.
Risk reduction! It's a huge topic. Many of the things we do are not free of risk. Learn how to practice things safely, whether that includes substances, kinks (especially kinks including impact play and bondage,) etc.
Have a plan for the future. Have more than one. Maybe that includes shifting genres (if that's the case, know at some point you'll need to shift from focusing on the loyalty of clients to getting new ones,) making more niche content, or getting a "vanilla" job. A lot of sex work (but not all!) depends on staying pretty, and people don't stay pretty forever. If your line of work is illegal or grey-legal, it may involve switching to a more protected line of sex work, like working in a dungeon, or a line of work that is adjacent, like some non-profit work. To reiterate from a few points ago, a good safety net is making sure you have enough savings to keep yourself afloat for at least a few months.
SW is in a weird position of being something many people want, but also something many people (including the former!) don't want to respect. Something endless participate in to different degrees, but something still not protected by the law in most places. Highly desired and largely shunned. Sending all SWers of all varieties lots of love and support.
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agentofmischief · 2 years
So, I played the high school pack all day yesterday (and we'll into the evening. It's a lot of fun, but I built a high school before I even played because every sim youtuber said the same thing about the size of the school. And while my school is bigger, the necessary stuff is kept to 1/3 of the lot. So, I haven't had any issues of my Sims taking too long to get places.
I'll post pictures, because I was using this to start a basic legacy. But this post is mostly for a few bugs I came across. I'm playing on Normal lifespan, because I know of the autoaging bugs on both long and short.
1. Incest bug:
So, this one was doubly weird when it popped up, because it was my main sim's sister, who was in a full bars relationship at the time with a guy, developed a want to ask her sister out on a date. I obviously ignored it, but that leads into my next thing.
2. Ignoring wants randomly gets you Sims incredibly angry:
So, I ignored the incest option, and the sim got pissed because of "unrealized dreams." They've all been getting incredibly pissed because I'm obviously ignoring bad wants that will hurt my sims. Like, my Sim's brother, who I'm putting through university, got engaged to Angela Pleasant and had her move in. Then, after being in a flirty mood with him, she decided she wanted to flirt with their mother. Again, I ignored it because Angela being a good sim wouldn't cheat. It added to her anger moodlet.
That needs to be nerfed quite a bit. I don't want my Sims dying of a heart attack because I've decided not to let them cheat.
3. CAS LGBTQ add-on
Now, I don't know if this is a bug, but it does cause some problems. Once you're in live mode, the LGBTQ stuff locks. So, if you realize, "Oh, I forgot to set preferences," too late. Or if your sim marries someone, and you want to toggle your new sim's preferences, you can't.
I originally didn't think this would be an issue, until Angela started to want to flirt with my mother, or my sister wanted to ask me on a date.
With how the new wants/fears mechanic is operating, that CAS toggle needs to be open throughout the Sims life. People change their minds about their sexuality in reality, at any time. Not just when they're teenagers.
4. Social Bunny don't give a F*** about age, apparently.
So, I didn't mind this, because it works plot wise in my game. But I know a lot of ppl if they did see this would get upset.
A Young Adult tagged my teenage sim in a flirty post.
Now, it works for my gameplay because he was supposed to be a teen, and the guy I made specifically for my sim to marry. She was supposed to meet him in high school, go to prom, and decide to run off and start a legacy together. That was the original plan, but neighborhood stories aged him up 7 days early, and he never showed up at school. Sister met his cousin at the first prom, fell madly in love, and took my sim with her when she met all the family. It took a while to befriend him because he's a loner, and also...
5. Everyone gains celebrity status willy nilly.
Sometimes it affects gameplay interactions. Sometimes it doesn't. With him it did.
So, by the time I got around the celebrity interactions to normal interactions, I was surprised to not see flirt, because he was supposed to be a teen. But he'd aged up between visits. So, I settled for best friend, and as soon as they aged up, her sister would marry his cousin, and at the wedding my main sim and the guy she's supposed to end up with would decide to run away together (as friends at first) to start a rags to riches legacy.
So, of course I smiled when I saw the guy make a post about finding my sim incredibly attractive. But he is a YA and she's a teenager (19/20 to her 17). A bit questionable. Since it was a public post, it didn't affect their relationship bars at all. DMs also don't affect the bar, and flirty DMs don't happen between ages. But still.
6. You can't just sneak out.
I've fixed the windows to let my sim sneak out, for her aspiration. But you can only sneak out if you have an invite to a college party. Seems counter intuitive. In the Sims 2, you could sneak out in your car whenever. But not the case for 4.
That's it for bugs I had yesterday. Going to play again today. I think have my sim drop out.
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I posted 30,860 times in 2021
11 posts created (0%)
30849 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2804.5 posts.
I added 13 tags in 2021
#fuck off op there's absolutely supposed to be cereal in meatloaf - 2 posts
#mutuals - 2 posts
#when will techno's pov return from the war - 2 posts
#tong dong - 1 posts
#it's not for lack of trying i just don't have brain space for human interaction after working in customer service - 1 posts
#also hi - 1 posts
#remember when we talked a lot for like two months before i dropped of the face of the planet for a while because tumblr is hard sometimes - 1 posts
#before i disappeared for a while because tumblr can be hard - 1 posts
#that was nice huh - 1 posts
#sorry we don't talk much - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#so that's how i spent like a month testing the faux fur trim of the bottom of a cape and hemming it by like 3 inches and putting it back on
My Top Posts in 2021
I'll return the favour, five things that made you happy this week?
Ok uhhh
I found a skeleton horse trap in my survival Minecraft world for the first time, and it was super cool
My siblings and I went to the airport to pick up our sister, and just spending time singing along to the music in the car was delightful
I got paid today, and that was nice
I found a leather jacket at the thrift store for $4 and it's super comfortable
You in my inbox! I missed actually interacting
3 notes • Posted 2021-07-31 09:01:53 GMT
beloved mutual!!! my friend!!!!
3 notes • Posted 2021-07-31 08:53:47 GMT
Get you some mutuals who check on you when you make a breakdown post in the middle of the night (thank you guys ily)
8 notes • Posted 2021-03-17 08:18:12 GMT
I crave interaction someone give me an excuse to overshare
13 notes • Posted 2021-03-16 08:56:17 GMT
You really have to pick one or two streamers to watch in order to not get overwhelmed trying to keep up with the dream smp, but God did I nerf myself by picking TECHNOBLADE, the man who NEVER PRODUCES ANY CONTENT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES as my main pov to follow
I only know about what's happening with Tommy through memes because everyone else only streams when I'm busy, but with Techno's pov I don't have to worry about that because he doesn't stream lmao
14 notes • Posted 2021-03-03 11:37:04 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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mybrainproblems · 3 years
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I posted 6,254 times in 2021
1350 posts created (22%)
4904 posts reblogged (78%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.6 posts.
I added 4,221 tags in 2021
#spn - 2235 posts
#destiel - 844 posts
#q - 271 posts
#castiel - 210 posts
#dean winchester - 185 posts
#trueform!cas - 133 posts
#jackles - 113 posts
#trueform angel - 91 posts
#prev tags - 72 posts
#:') - 67 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i've also discovered that i have a feelies album on cassette that is not available to stream outside of one youtube video of the whole album
My Top Posts in 2021
I love that jackles is JUST AS CRINGE as the rest of us are and it's why I'm convinced he's the one on Tumblr and not Misha
Cringe is in
175 notes • Posted 2021-06-28 22:31:40 GMT
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Top is the trueform version of honey!cas. I wanted to do more bees but they’re time consuming since I’m collaging the wings and bodies etc together by hand.
Bottom is a trueform!Cas I did a week ago but when I posted it originally I cut off the hand holding the apple which is one of my favorite parts...
I plan to do one or two more; definitely a consumehimnatural version of trueform!Cas and possibly a trueform!Raphael because I have an Idea.
Close-up photo for size comparison below the cut.
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For reference, each canvas is 8″x10″ and it takes ~6 hours for me to do one of these. Most of the time is just me cutting out stuff this small. I did give up on getting perfectly smooth edges when cutting out the eyes since there are so darn many of them and they look fine from a distance. Also adds some sort of jagged weirdness to it that I like. For all that this is kind of fiddly work I really love making these!
However... now my apartment looks like a serial killer lives here with all of the cut outs of eyeless faces
213 notes • Posted 2021-04-26 18:19:39 GMT
"Just because I like being right doesn't mean I have control issues. I can't help that I'm right."
Jeremy Bradshaw, I am fucking dying.
265 notes • Posted 2021-08-20 15:46:42 GMT
I still can’t believe they just totally dropped the whole “boy king of hell” thing with Sam like... powers just went poof! Gone! That he was supposed to rule hell is barely mentioned again!
Supernatural where Sam kept his powers but majorly downgraded so he only has vague premonition dreams because yeah, I get why they nerfed his powers for plot/logistics reasons. Maybe like, he’ll have a dream and see someone’s face and a road sign which gives them a tiny hint but isn’t make or break to a case. Telekinesis on the level of turning the pages on books. Magic becomes much more intuitive for him though and Rowena teaches him.
I just keep thinking of that scene with the low level angel and demon at the bar where they’re bitching about how they’re just cogs and nobody in heaven/hell gives a shit about the guys on the ground doing grunt work. So a bunch of these demons get together and are like “I mean... yeah Sam Winchester is a hunter but he was Lucifer’s vessel and maybe that’s the kind of out of the box thinking we need.” Cue a bunch of low level demons kidnapping Sam but they just want to sit down and talk about his potential candidacy for being king of hell. And he’s just like “you want me to what?”
So then there’s just this whole running gag where they run into really low level demons and some of them are like “so have you given it some more thought? because Crowley/Lucifer/Asmodeus has really been making things difficult for the little demon.” This only stops when Rowena takes over.
Dean is really unhappy about it at first but since it just keeps fucking happening and all the demons are just so weirdly earnest it ends up just becoming a running joke.
486 notes • Posted 2021-03-16 13:25:10 GMT
goodbye stranger crypt scene was a confession cas just didn't know goodbye stranger crypt scene was a confession cas just didn't know goodbye stranger crypt scene was a confession cas just didn't know goodbye stranger crypt scene was a confession cas just didn't know
695 notes • Posted 2021-09-04 22:19:32 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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