#not a lot of it but all fics mentioned are pussdeath fics
edwardpinestar · 1 year
1 (In All Fairness), 3, 14, 18, and 20 for the I’m Bored and Anxious So I Slapped Together a List of Fan Fic Writer Asks?
1. Share a song that makes you think of 'In All Fairness' 'I Hear a Symphony' by Cody Fry comes to mind- but I don't typically have songs that make me think of fics. Sometimes I do, but a lot of the time I don't. Generally songs come to mind for specific scenes they help inspire rather than the entire fic itself.
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? This is tough. This is really tough- I love pretty much all of my fics very much, so picking a favourite is hard. 'What To Do If Your God Propositions You (A Guide)' and 'Puss in Boots and the Shadows of Life' are competing for the very top spot- though Shadows of Life has a lot to do with the plans for the fic rather than the written chapter itself. While I enjoy the chapter, everything I've planned is what has me really excited about it.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick? Ohhh this is a toughy. Hmm... 'Puss in Boots and the Shadows of Life', as well as the rest of Light Life AU. I adore that AU, its my pride and joy, and seeing it in a comic, or even animated, would be amazing. Perhaps I should learn to make comics someday. However, I am planning on doing a painting of one of the locations in the fic! It's a long process, as I'm doing it the proper way with an art journal, practise paintings and all, but sometime around the end of the year, I'll try to remember to post some pictures of it all.
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic? Of the things I've posted, it would be;
Was this what grief felt like? It hurt, it hurt so much Death did not know what to do. How was he here? How had he not crumbled to nothingness under its weight? If this was grief… Death understood now, why everyone hated death. Death hated death.
And yes, I know its not one line, but I love this part a lot. Of the stuff I've yet to post, I would say that this is my favourite;
As he opened his mouth, no doubt to snap at Puss, the tabby grabbed the other bottle of soap, labelled to be used by everyone else, and hurled it at Death’s other head.  It hit Death dead on, pun completely intended. The wolf made a yelp of pain, and dropped the soap bottle in his hand, keeling over at the waist and cupping his groyne, which had just been hit by a mostly full soap bottle hucked at Puss’ full, rather impressive, strength.
Again, I am aware this is more than a line, but I haven't really written any lines I think are really good. Just paragraphs. As you can see, this one is a favourite not for any profound reasons, but just because Death got hit in the dick by a soap bottle.
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written? 'Of Spilt Wine and Forged Ledgers' is a big favourite of mine, though I haven't posted the fic for it yet! Of the ones I've posted, 'A Guilded Cage in Which Thee Stands' is my favourite.
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