#not a fan of horror or true crime 😅 never was
minecraftdog · 1 year
More podcasts 😊
Help I've texted my boss: again very funny, answering agony aunt type questions
Off Menu: no idea if you know them but comedians James Acaster and Ed Gamble interview people about their Dream 3 course meal
Shagged Married Annoyed: Rosie and Chris Ramsay talk about their life. Again funny podcast Chris is a famous British comedian
Scamfluencers: I really loved true crime podcasts but recently with the discourse about them I no longer feel comfortable listening but this gives the true crime fix but with financial crime instead of murder
Normal Gossip: it's just pointless gossip about people you'll never know and never meet. Just stories from complete strangers
Celebrity Memoir Book club: what it says on the tin, they discuss Celebrity Memoirs so you don't have to read them
I have other podcasts but don't think they're the vibe you're looking for but if you ever want more recommendations I have some more niche ones or horror ones etc.
thank you thank you thank you!!! <3333
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windsweptinred · 11 months
hello. You are ill and I’m trapped on a four hour road trip, so fandom malarkey. Have you ready any good books lately and what set off your current corinthiel craze?
Oh @zorawitch! A FOUR HOUR road trip!! I hope it flies by for you! ❤️ I'll do what I can to help entertain you in the meantime.
I have not in fact read any good books lately... Most shamefully. Mainly because I've been inundated with other forms of amazing media these past few months. TV wise I would highly recommend The Fall of the House of Usher on Netflix, Bodies on BBC IPlayer, Loki series 1 and 2 on Disney Plus and I've recently got round to watching True Detective series one. And honestly it's one of the most phenomenonal pieces of television I've ever watched! Also, if you can access it and you like a bit of eldritch comsic horror, I'd recommend the Lovecraft Investigations Podcast on BBC sounds. It's a modern take on some HP Lovecrafts tales and it's superb.
Oh no, you've asked about Corinthiel... What have you done? Run.. Run now. 😅
My Corinthiel obbsession actually isn't as sudden as it appears. It began in May with @ibrithir-was-here 's most beloved Endless Heirs/Corinthian Bros AU. In that Dream raises Daniel as his heir and the first and second Corinthian coexist.. And well, young Dani and Cori 2.0 are 'very' friendly 😏. That got the wheels turning in my mind. Later that same month I wrote and posted 'Dandelion Wishes' (Now 'Turn of the Wheel' ) here on Tumblr, which revolved around the canon relationship between Daniel and the second Corinthian. And I've been in love with the pairing ever since. I also remember planting the seeds of Corinthiel incredibly unsubtley in my dreamling fic Metamorphosis back in June 😅. It was always my plan for that to be a huge part of the sequel.
As with most rare pairs though, (and Corinthiel is one of the rarest in the Sandman fandom.) With lack of content and no one to play with, your attention drifts to other places. That was until I met @bobbole 🤍💚. My Corinthiel partner in crime, and we've been bouncing off each other creatively and feeding each other's obbsession ever since. 😅
Why Corinthiel? Articulating it with my head full of cold and cough syrup may not be the best time, so bear with me. 😅 But oh this ship is so layered and beautiful. Both the Second incarnation of the Corinthian and Daniel are 'reborn' so to speak at a similar time. In a period of immense change and turmoil, with everyone else around them mourning what has gone, they two symbolise renewal, a restart, the second chance, the next generation. They both share the journey of being both a remnant of the past, and yet their own individuals. Old and new. And it's an understanding and experience that binds them so poetically. That's a path they can walk together, rather then alone. Not to mention their shared history. The second Corinthian was created to find and protect Daniel Hall, that was his purpose. And I like to think he never stopped, even when Daniel became Dream. Plus, to the Corinthian, he was Daniel first, and there's a sense of self there, seperate from Dream and Morpheus that must be so valued. Reflected in Daniel seeing the second Corinthian as a different entity to the first... Something only they can see one each other.
I could go on, but honestly though, like any ship, it's something that just clicks. Something that calls to you that says, these two are my beloveds. 😅 But thank you for asking and giving me a chance to rant on insanely. ❤️❤️
May your journey be a fast, enjoyable one @zorawitch. And I can't wait for your next fic whatever it may be. If you're a fan of Desire, the Twins or Desunity, please go check out their work on A03. I couldn't recommend it highly enough!
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thatmomwitchfriend · 1 year
Hiiii <<<3 I just saw your slumber party post and thought of requesting something
Reader being a huge horror fan and wanting to do a Scream movie marathon (her favourite franchise) for date night but the guy being scared yet wanna look like they aren't.
"You've fought of *insert major threat* and you're scared of this?" (She asks but in a funny way, not at all demeaning)
"Ay! Serial killers are a lot more common than you think okay!"
Kinda the type of scene I had in mind and maybe the guy snuggling up to reader and her playing with his hair 👀👀
I couldn't choose between the moon knight system and Santiago García so was hoping you wouldn't mind writing this 💖
Sorry if this request is kinda long this is literally my first time requesting anything and overthinking got me here 😅😅🥲
I love this, having just done a good solid Scream marathon myself. I'm gonna go ahead and pick Santiago, here. I can't help myself 🤤
Also, please don't worry about long requests, I LOVE detail like this babe 🥰
I feel like once he's comfy, he's the type to enjoy a good snuggle with hair plays. Just seems like the kind of guy that fronts big and tough for his buddies and then is all sweet and romantic at home.
Also, he is ABSOLUTELY the type to be more scared of something based on an actual true crime case than a paranormal flic and I love that you chose him as one of your options for this franchise!
By the time you got home from work, the streetlights were already on and the house was lit up from the inside. You and Santiago had talked about a movie marathon, since you didn't have to work tomorrow. Neither of you were really sure what franchise to pop on, but you had convinced him that it was horror.
Little to your knowledge, Santiago was perfectly fine with horror. Under certain circumstances. The man was utterly skeeved out by true crime. People in the real world were the scariest thing to him. He was fine with creatures and the paranormal, though; fuck, he hoped you wanted to watch some spooky bruja shit. He busied himself in the kitchen, prepping a drink bar, baskets of chips, bowls of candy, the air pop machine, and even a coffee and cocoa bar. The living room was set up for an overnight with all the blankets and pillows making the room look like a conversation pit. He had drawn the curtains and put up softly glowing fairy lights that cast a spooky glow from behind the tv and curtains. Candles were lit and smelled like your favorite time of year. This man was a keeper.
"Babe, I'm home!" you called into the house, making your way down the hall towards the kitchen. There, you leaned against the door frame, smiling as you watched this ex special-ops agent prep snacks for a movie night at home. Santiago was the equivalent of taking a military dog and taking him home after his tour of duty. This man was domesticated, and he liked it (thought he would never admit it). "Hey, Mami, how was work?" You shrugged, snagging a chip from the first bowl he walked away from.
"Well, Sarah was -" you droned on, spilling all the shit from your day. He was listening, nodding and inserting little sounds of approval or disgust when the moment called for it. "Did you decide what you want to watch?" he asked. A devious smile spread across your face, and he did NOT like it. A chill went ups his spine as he followed you into the living room and over to the DVD rack. You ran your finger down the spines of all your favorite movies, you only collected DVD copies of your top favorites, and stopped at Scream. His nose scrunched and he groaned softly behind you, and not because of your leggings you presumed.
"What's wrong with Scream?" you asked, straightening up and reaching to get it set in the player. "You know it's an actual murder case from not all that long ago, right?" he asked, a single eyebrow arching in slight disdain. "Oh, come on. You mean to tell me that the man who brought down Gabriel Martin Lorea with three shots just for 'insurance' is scared of a movie based on a true crime event?" you scoffed, putting air quotes around his favorite excuse for shooting more than once.
His eyes rolled, "Si, Mami, but real people are still out there doing that shit." he sighed, sitting into the comfortable nest he had built for the two of you. You followed, putting the remote on the side table and settling in. "But there are people whose jobs it is to make sure they're not like they used to be." you tried to reason, patting your empty lap. He pursed his lips, laying his head over into your lap. He would watch your movies with you, but he wasn't about to admit that he was actually scared. "people still kill people." he grumbled. In return you shushed him softly, fingers twisting through his hair as the opening credits started on the screen.
As the movies played on, and the night continued around you both in your beautiful little home, safe and sound, he was still right. Serial killers were still a lot more common than people thought.
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