#not a drag nothing but respect for my loves Lost and The Wilds etc etc
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nataliesscatorccio · 2 years ago
personally I find that Yellowjackets succeeds where other plane-crash-stranded media falls short. and it's because if you peel back the layers of other shows in this genre, the story is basically the same: people will do what they have to in order to survive, roles will reverse. Yellowjackets does this too, but Yellowjackets isn't about a plane crash and it isn't about survival. it's about the singular, violent, inescapable wilderness of girlhood, not nature. the wilderness is a backdrop and though the girls use it to tell their story (literally Van beginning an origin story in the season 2 trailer), it isn't... really that important. before they crash they were already icing their teammates out, betraying one another, surviving brutally through youth. being a girl is just like that. yeah, the setting and the strange magic helps reveal that story to the audience in a shocking and palatable and larger-than-life way, it brings to view what that complex inner world of girlhood really felt like. but it has something to say other than "people will do horrible things to survive". if you were ever a teenage girl, you already know that.
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dreamties · 5 years ago
Slashers W/ a Punk S/O
T/W- q*eer is used a few times- in a positive, self affirming kind of way. But I can add other trigger warnings if needed. :)
A/n- Literally no one asked for this, but I wanted to make more HCs like the soft pastel one...so I just went wild and made them. 
I included a little bit of punk culture into this as well, because it’s not just about the fashion, but since there’s such a vast variety within punk culture I mostly stuck with my experiences in the community, and some bits and pieces from documentaries(mostly live footage from “The Decline of Western Civilization”).
Characters: Billy/Stu, The Lost Boys, Norman Bates, Michael Myers
Will make one(s) for Brahms, Amanda, Helen or Daniel if asked
Billy Loomis + Stu Macher
so early 90s, the Riot Grrrl movement emerges
bands like Bikini Kill, Bratmobile, Heavens to Betsy or Sleater-Kinney
it’s a very female-powered oriented movement, but I notice that a lot of minorities tend to be drawn to this music and community (LGBT folks, people of color, etc).
both boys, and yourself, being outside of the norm and all (polyamorous relationship, gay/bi) are sort of drawn to it!
and sure there’s a lot of really great queercore/homocore bands, and there’s probably a good LGBT+ punk scene out there somewhere, but in a little town like Woodsboro? Hell no. Sticking with this fem punk movement, while again mostly a space for women in music- it’s the most accepted the three of you have felt outside of you’re relationship. 
you’ve always been pretty into the music, stuff like Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, or the short-lived Germs- but it wasn’t until you stumbled upon Riot Grrrl that you really got into it. 
the music, making zines about local-ish political issues(probably not so much Woodsboro stuff, more Cali in general and neighboring towns) and a few ones with queer themes and hand-drawn illustrations of your partners, and DIYing all your clothes
since you’re so experienced with DIYing your clothes and sewing on patches, you’ve helped repair the Ghostface costumes on numerous occasions. they kind of adore this(Stu is the only one that will- and does, frequently- admit that)
Let’s face it, the three of you do everything together- but you especially enjoy when Stu tags along for thrift dates. 
he’s the more fashionable one, and he makes the whole experience more enjoyable- cracking jokes and just being his all-around goofy self.
Woodsboro is a very little town, so they don’t have much...but they do have a few small stores- usually you’ll make a whole day/date out of it though. driving to the next town or so over, since they have more stores and a better selection, and spending hours looking for cheap, old t-shirts, belts, clothes with funky patterns. heading out for pizza after.
Billy’s more likely to get into the music and everything with you(he’s kinda,, angsty, no offense to him)- will definitely go to shows with you.
just- imagine Billy in ripped jeans. and he’d have like one or two patches sewn on to it- one of them is your all time favorite band, and the other is a band that he found on his own time, and actually really enjoyed.
Stu is dragged along with you guys, you can’t just leave him at home- he’s gonna feel left out and sad. :(
He’s mostly there to keep y’all company- he really likes the energy of the shows though!
the two of them are such a chaotic duo though, so much so that you have definitely been kicked out or banned from a few venues. all for varying reasons. good grief these men can not be tamed.
The Lost Boys
as we all know, these vampires are total punks. so they’re gonna appreciate having a s/o who’s also into that whole scene.
How you meet:
you’re a baby punk, and it’s your first show ever, and you look so nervous. you’re dressed up in pretty plain clothes, a single homemade patch for your favorite band barely hanging to your jacket side(you were mid-way sewing it, when you realized you were gonna be late if you didn’t leave asap).
it’s a few local bands, ones you’d never really heard of really. you look anxious. but when they start playing? you look so unapologetically yourself, you’re so in the moment dancing- it’s completely mesmerizing to the boys. the music isn’t even that good, but you seem to be having the time of your life.
they greet you after the show, and you’re a tiny bit flustered- cause gosh, heck, they saw you. dancing. so embarrassing. 
David is the one that introduces himself and the group, and initiates conversation. Dwayne’s a pretty quiet guy, so he just listens to what you have to say. 
Marko’s pretty excited about you, and initiates in some small conversation, he may have complimented your little patch(Marko- patch jacket KING, complimenting your jacket?? more likely than you’d think) 
and oh, oh- Paul is out there being a total chatty-cathy, and is absolutely bombarding you with questions. like, okay, Paul is pretty talkative, but the other vamps are a little worried that he’s scared you off. and you had seemed so cool :(
you end up pretty engaged in your convo with Paul though, even if all the attention is overwhelming. He ends up snagging a date for the five of you the following week.
once you start hanging out/dating:
y’all just hit it off so well those first few days. they all love how sweet & shy you are- but also how much of a badass punk babe you are.
Marko helps make your patch jacket(collecting ones for bands you enjoy, how to make your own, sewing them on, etc). you probably could have done it w/out his help, but my gosh- you weren’t going to pass up this opportunity. Marko gets really soft around you sometimes, since he doesn’t really do this activity with anyone else, it’s saved for you. 🥺🥺
Dwayne likes listening to you talking about the local scene(outside of the shows you go to- mostly about stuff he can’t attend, protests and meetings during the daylight.)
all of them(especially David) are very protective of you. I mean, generally. but also when you go to shows. they let you do whatever the heck you’re gonna do, but the mere second that someone even thinks about starting shit w/ you?? well, y’know. those vampire instincts kick in.
the four of them obviously share a lot of similar tastes in music- but they all have different favorite bands, & fave parts of the community. which, they can’t even fully participate in,, but it’s okay.
they, individually, introduce their favorite bands to you. and they get it in their head that oh, they said they liked it. they must like it as much as I do. and awkwardly coming out to the four of them, as they argue about your favorite band, “Well, actually- this *insert band they’ve never heard of or barely listen to* is my favorite.” and their just kinda like, oh, okay. please tell us more about them. 
so it’s sorta like,, you’ve been learning all this cool knowledge from them, now you get to share cool knowledge with them.
idk. I think it’s cute. 💕
Norman Bates
so first off- let’s just pretend Psycho was in at least the 70s/80s for a moment. because realistically- the punk subculture didn’t really exist back then.
baby boy is absolutely fascinated by the way you dress (mother is less thrilled though)
imagine your jacket is getting a bit weathered, and needs some repairs- so he helps you to sew edges closed, and make sure the patches aren’t on too loose, etc
he enjoys hearing your stories of all the past shows you’ve gone to. you always get so excited about them, and he finds that so endearing. But he pretty much leaves the actual punk scene to you because of these stories.
he was already worried from the stories, and made sure you were well prepared for any trouble every time you left for a show.
but one time, you were able to get him to join you. never again though. he was so nervous!
the music was too loud! and he could hardly understand what they were saying- it was so confusing!
you stayed with him most of the night, standing near the back, holding his hand. he’d gently bob his head to the music occasionally. 
but you accidentally found yourself swept into the crowd, but you looked so blissed-out in the moment, that he figured it would be okay for you to dance* over there for a little bit...right?  
*Norman is still unsure if you’d even call that dancing.
Thankfully, nothing bad happened in the mosh pit.
you gotta give him lots of attention and reassurance afterwards though- you almost scared Norman half to death D:
He’s happy enough helping you out and listening to you though- and that’s okay for you, too. you still love each other lots, even if this particular interest doesn’t overlap.
Michael Myers
he thinks you’re outfits are pretty interesting. 
he’s a little worried at first, when you start experimenting with putting things like safety pins in your ears. cause like- that’s not supposed to be in your ear, Y/n, what the fuck
if you make zines at all, Michael really enjoys watching you make the illustrations for them(not that he’ll admit to it though), and helps to find newspaper and magazine clippings to incorporate into the spreads.
you always show michael the final booklet before distributing it
he doesn’t talk a lot, so he doesn’t ask questions- but he often does the little head tilt once you give it to him. since he’s not very privy to current events, and a lot of your zines are political, you spend a lot of time explaining them in depth.
he has no use for any of this knowledge, but he listens on, intently.
Important note:
dear god do not bring this man to concerts and local shows with you.
it is a nightmare, to say the least
Michael is sort of,, emotionless sometimes, doesn’t really care for people at all, and if he does? definitely not in the same way most people do. 
so imagine combining that part of michael, the fact that he’s also a giant stabby man, with super loud, energetic- almost aggressive- sounding music and a bunch of strangers that aren’t respecting any personal boundaries. 
you need to keep him at the back of the venue- lest your local scene may go missing.
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lunawindsor · 4 years ago
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⌜ABIGAIL COWEN, CIS-FEMALE, SHE/HER⌟  welcome to chatsworth academy, LUNA WINDSOR. it says here, that you are TWENTY ONE, in THIRD and that your parents are A LONDON MINISTER AND OLD MONEY HEIRESS? is it true high school you were voted most likely to HOLD THE MOST SECRETS, well, that’s interesting. ╱  ROSY CHEEKS, SWEET SCENTED PERFUME ON A SILK DRESS & HEELS ECHOING IN A BALLROOM GALA  ╳  ◤ mar, 24, cst, she/her. ◢
hey everyone, im mar & finally posting luna’s intro. ill have a full bio out for her soon but for right now im just showing a little background about her & what she’s like. i’ll also list some wc,so if youd like to plot or you’re interested in any you can always slide in the dms !!
so, luna is from london -- born & raised. she’s apart of the british royal family, her mother (opal) was raised in the Windsor Castle which is infamously known as the residence for the royal family. opal had an inheritance from her great grandmother which is considered old money. they’ve always lived a prosperous & very respectful life. luna was always held to very high standards; dress and act like a lady, keep any and every secret to yourself, have great mannerisms, etc. 
sadly luna’s mother is ill, she’s been battling cancer for the past several years which has took a toll on my poor baby luna. she lost her father ( gerald ) when she was seventeen, of course it was hard for her & the family, especially when she didn’t have her dad there for her high school graduation.
a year pasts after gerald’s death & her mother married the minister of windsor, a 20 year age gap, that bothered & hurt luna to the core but as she got older she understood that her mother was happy again & that’s all that she wanted. 
now luna is the one to stay out gossip & drama as much as she can even if she’d dragged into it. she’s a very kind, outgoing girl with a heart of gold but that doesn’t mean she’s easy to walk over. she has a sharp tongue & stands strong for herself -- she might be sweet but  she can be just as sour.
her favorite color is periwinkle and she loves moon flowers, although she’s up early to always dress for the best she’s very much a night person. overall, luna is an easygoing person who wants the best for herself & everyone around her as long as you’ve never crossed her over.
the ride or die-- bffs forev 
lost in touch-- best friends that faded away from each other but miss & remanence their past 
the one who left-- her first boyfriend & the first boy she ever loved that broke her heart
i like you but i also dont-- frenemies, you know how this one goes
are you busy tonight?-- the fling, they like to hook up and genuinely enjoy each others company but it’s nothing more ... unless ??
secret crush-- this can go both ways, luna secretly has feelings for her friend, vice versa or both
time to get wild-- a really close friend that always gets luna to party no matter what occasion & mood
i can think of so many more, if you have any other connection in mind that you’d like please let me know bc im open to anything !! 
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percyscourt · 5 years ago
imagine the movie Wild Child, but Silena Beauregard as Poppy Moore...
silena beauregard was born and raised in Malibu, CA. she lived with her mom, dad, and little sister until her mom died when she nine years old in a car crash. before the crash, silena was quirky, respectful, sometimes even quiet. but after the crash, she was like a totally different person. as soon as she hit middle school, she became a party-girl, and her nights weren't complete without drinking, dancing, or trashing somebody's house. of course, it also didn't help that her dad owned a million-dollar chocolate company and was rarely home
the last week of the summer before her sophomore year, silena's dad announced that his new girlfriend was going to move in with them. naturally, silena reacted with nothing short of a large ball of rage. when the moving trucks arrived, they were greeted by more than 100 teenagers that silena had invited over to take, trash, and torch all of her father's girlfriend's belongings
as if this wasn't enough, silena herself wanted to participate. silena scooped up a handful of clothes and started running full speed to the pool in her backyard. instead of jumping in the pool like everybody assumed she would, silena didn't stop running, but instead ran behind the pool to where the cliff looked down into the ocean, and dived in
right as she came up from the ocean, her dad arrived, and he immediately started kicking everybody out
flashforward to dinner that night, silena's dad tells her that she's going to boarding school.
in new york. and not the city new york, no, the countryside new york.
after dinner, silena stormed to her room. her younger sister, Lacy, came into her room and spent the night. they didn't get any sleep, though, but instead talked about their mom. "i've already lost her. i can't lose you too, S."
the next day, silena began packing. her friend, Kelly, helped her while lacy sat on the bed, talking about new york. "What if your school is like in Gossip Girl? That'd be awesome!" when lacy stepped out, silena and kelly looked at the school's website. the school showed a lacrosse field, outside dining pavillion, horse stables, a lake, and dorms. "could be uglier, I guess." kelly left, promising to call silena every night
the next day, silena and her father left early so silena could see the campus before classes started, and they drove all the way from california to new york; "S, it's like a roadtrip! Fun, right?"
it took them about two days to get there, and when silena and her dad finally get to the campus, it's two hours till dinner. as soon as she stepped out of the car, silena was met by the school's dean, Professor D. who introduced her to the school's head girl, Drew, and her friends
silena immediately takes an instant disliking to Drew, which is only increased when drew looks at silena's phone case. "'Pink is powerful?' Ha! Pink is weak- like you, I'm assuming." when drew tried to take silena's hand to shake, silena pulled it back roughly. of course, drew was taken aback. "You shake the head girl's hand out of respect." she yanked silena's hand
silena pulled it back. "When the head girl has earned my respect, then I'll shake her hand..
after drew and her posse stormed off, silena was introduced to Clarisse, her "big sister." while clarisse was nicer than drew, you could tell she didn't like silena either. all silena wanted to do was go home.
clarisse told silena to get any bags she needed and follow her to their room. when they got there, silena was introduced to her other roomates; Katie, Thalia, and Annabeth, though everybody just called Annabeth "Wise Girl"
when she got to the room, silena found out that technically she wasn't allowed to have her phone, except for sundays, and during the week it would be with her dorm's RA
silena hated this. this rule. this school. this whole thing.
two weeks pass, and silena wasn't any closer to liking this school, but also not any closer to finding a way out of it, either. her and her roomates barely talked, and when they did, it was snarky remarks or arguments
one night, silena ended up sneaking out after lights-out. she went to the school's computer room and logged into her email to write to kelly. after she wrote and sent the email, silena looked for the log out button so she could get back before anybody realized she'd left. right before she was about to log out, she saw somebody else sneaking around, just out of the doorway
it was annabeth.
silena left the computer to investigate. she walked out of the comouter room on her tippy-toes, looking this way and that for signs of anybody else. a thought popped into her mind, maybe she's meeting a guy, but as soon as that thought came, it was gone. silena creeped behind her and saw annabeth walk into a doorway. silena waited, counted to ten, then followed and peaked inside the room. it was the school's library. ugh, lame. silena left and started heading back to her room
when she was on the second floor on the way to the third, a fire alarm went off. scared of getting caught sneaking around during lights-out, silena hopped out a window and onto the fire escape. she walked on the fire escape until she got to an apparently empty bathroom. she hopped through its window
when she gets into the bathroom, she realizes it's actualky occupied. a voice calls out from her from behind the shower curtain. "may I help you?" it was a man's voice. holy hell, i've walked into one of my teachers taking a bath! "Uh maybe. I'm Silena Beauregard, sophomore, room 308. How do I get out of here? without getting caught, I mean." the faceless voice gave her directions and she ended up getting out without getting in trouble
a couple days later, silena is in pe class when she gets in a fight with drew. it starts out with a witty comment from silena, as it always does, but then drew threw the first punch. soon, both girls were rolling around on the ground, equally pulling hair and punches. "Silena Beauregard from 308?" it was the voice. silena looked up, but instead of coming face to face with a professor, it was a boy. a boy her age. "Charles! Hey, Charles! Hi, how are you?" Drew was quickly on her feet, rushing to shake his hand.
"Uh, well. Goodbye, now." Charles left, and silena found out that his full name was Charles Beckendorf, and he was the Dean's nephew. "How do you know him, fresh meat?"
"Aww, are you mad because you have a crush on him, old meat?" Drew's friends had to drag her away before another fight ensued
as she walked to her dorm from pe, a bucket of sewer water was dumped on silena's head, courtesy of one of drew's minions from seventh grade. silena wasn't alone, though, and turned around to see clarisse. clarisse laughed for several seconds before composing herself. "Okay, let's say we get yourself cleaned up, alright?"
after they had cleaned back up at the dorms, clarisse handed silena her phone. "We gave Mr. Brunner decoys; some old flip-phones. Go ahead and call your friend if you'd like."
silena calls Kelly but it goes to voicemail, and she texts her a simple "imy girly <3" instead
when all the girls are in the room, silena opened up about her mother's death and how hard it was at this new school. partly because they liked her, and partly because they felt bad for her, they all agreed to help Silena get expelled from school.
over the course of several weeks, the girls pulled a series of pranks; dying the lake blood-red, re-recording over Mr. Underwood's lectures, etc. they never got in trouble though, and the only thing the pranks were successful in doing was bringing the girls closer, though they didn't know it
after she realized their pranks weren't working, clarisse suggested a different approach: silena would seduce charles, and the dean would be so mad that he'd expel her immediately
their plan was put into motion at the school dance a week later. the girls were allowed off campus, and they went shopping for dresses in NYC. while they were shopping, clarisse suggested they all get their hair done. Silena went along with them, then even ended up swapping her platinum blonde curls for her natural raven-black waves. when the hair stylist was done, she realized with a shock that she looked exactly like her mother. she liked it
the girls showed up twenty-five minutes late to the dance, per silena's suggestion to be fashionably late. they were by far the most dressed up and stylish there, also due to silena's large interest in fashion and design
when they got there, charles was standing in a corner, awkwardly talking with drew
"Hey, Charlie, wanna dance?"
They danced, though it was more like Silena danced and Charles just standed there and watched. "Nobody ever calls me Charlie, y'know. It's either Charles or Beckendorf. I like when you call me Charlie."
in the middle of dancing, Silena tried some new move she had seen on one of her shows, but she tripped and fell on her head. charlie picked her up and took her outside to sit down. when she assured him that she was okay, charlie just started looking at silena instead. he leaned down to kiss her but they were interrupted by drew's followers
just as she was leaving, charlie asked silena on a date
the next day at school, silena was called into Professor D's office. he scolded her for not only for behaviour but also the fact that she had brought alcoholic beverages on to the school campus. silena sat silent through the whole stretch of this talk, waiting patiently for Pr. D to finish up and expel her. instead, her punishment was joining the girls' lacrosse team
after a good two weeks of lacrosse, silena had started to like it. she found out her mom not only went to the school when she was young, but also was the team captain to lead them to nationals, and silena was determined to do the same. somewhere along the way, she found herself actually falling in love with the sport. and something somebody else.
silena and charlie's first date was the day after her talk in the dean's office. charloe took her off campus to an underground bunker. silena was surprised to see that while it was a little packed, it was very neat and fresh-looking. "welcome to bunker 9." they had a picnic then went on a drive. the date ended with a kiss that made silena feel as if she was floating
when she got back to her room, she found Clarisse, Thalia, Katie, and Annabeth crowded around the computer. "What're you reading?" the girls turned around, faces mad and hurt at the same time. "Your email."
when she looked at a screen, silena saw an email from her account, though she hadn't sent one. it went on for more than a hundred words, with the summary being that she was only pretending to be their friend so they'd help her get expelled
silena checked her account to see that a similar email was written to charlie. both charlie and her roomates shut her out and refused to talk to her
upset and alone, silena decided to call kelly. when she did, she found out that kelly had been sneaking around with Silena's on-and-off-again boyfriend, Luke, since the first week of them dating in eighth grade. silena deleted both their numbers. she sat there, feeling almost as alone as she had when her mom died
poppy was in the common room after lights-out when she really started to feel depressed. absentmindedly, she started playing with her lighter. the flame accidentally touched the curtain and scorched the corner. though she put it out before anything else happened, silena was so spooked that she decided to retire to her room. as she walked, she heard footsteps, and her slow pace turned to a fast sprint
a few minutes later as she laid awake in bed, silena turned her head to see that outside of her window the common room was on fire. silena got up, started yelling, and slammed down the fire alarm to wake everybody up
once everybody was evacuated, the teachers started doing head-counts. silena and her roomates quickly realized that one of their own was missing. "ANNABETH!" silena pushed past the crowds, ran past the firemen, and made her way to the library. when she got there, she saw Annabeth trapped behind a fallen bookcase. silena, dizzy and bleary-eyed, led annabeth until they reached the kitchen, and the firemen carried out the collapsing girls.
after the fire was successfully put out, charlie pulled silena aside. when she tried to talk about the email, he only shoved her lighter into her hands. "I believe this is yours." he refused to listen to her explain and walked away, fully believing that she was the one who started the fire
the next day, silena sat in the dean's office awaiting his decision. ironically and cruelly, she found herself wishing not to be expelled. though she held off for a while, she started crying. she couldn't tell if the tears were because of the fire, or her friends, or even her mom, but whatever the cause they didn't stop. until somebody called her name. "Silena"
silena looked up to see charlie staring her right in the face. "I believe you. It was an accident, wasn't it? Tell me everything."
later that day, silena was set to attend a hearing concerning her future at the school. at the hearing, she told her side of the story, starting from when she first got to the school, and her roomates realized she didn't send the emails
they quickly left the hearing, and silena was convinced they hated her
they returned after several minutes of investigative research and took the stand in favor of silena. they defended her against drew and debated back and forth until drew let it accidentally slide that she had saw silena put the fire out, then started it back up herself again
of course, the case was immediately resolved, and silena was cleared while drew was expelled
silena spent the next weeks preparing her team for their nationals game. when the gameday came, silena was surprised to find her dad in the crowd with the rest of the parents. mr. beauregard was equally surprised to see silena's new natural, happy appearance
silena and the rest of the team ended up winning their nationals game by a landslide, and afterward they had a party at the beach by camp
silena ended the schoolyear completely different from when she arrived. she was now officially dating charlie, her team was staying with her for three weeks in the summer, she learned more about her mother and became closer with dad, and she was finally, truly happy.
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another-bloody-multimuse · 5 years ago
Leon, Dragon, Werewolf, Kraken, Banshee
Mythical creature ask meme! 
Dragon: How does your muse connect to fire?
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‘...Does being bad at cooking count? Because, uh, I’ve set a couple things on fire before...’
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‘But there’s also me and Blaze! Fire’s one of me favourite types, Blaze is the team’s ace, and Kabu’s one of me favourite gym leaders. Second to Raihan, of course!’
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‘I kinda associate the feeling of flames with winning another bout, to be honest. Blaze in the stadium, Gigantamaxed, finishing off another opponent and winning together...’
Werewolf: What makes your muse lose control?
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‘I’m... not sure. I’m pretty chilled and easy going. I mean, some things get me mad, sure, like the way Bede treated Hop, but outright lose control? Hasn’t really happened yet.’*
Kraken: What haunts your muse?
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‘...It’s no surprise that’s gonna be the Darkest Day stuff, is it? The whole thing’s had me freaked out. Worried for Galar, worried for Mam, and Hop, and Dad.’
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‘It was a messed up thing to do, but I know him. I know he wouldn’t have done it if he didn’t feel like his back was against the wall. And if some anonymous psycho was mailing me pictures of my loved ones saying “do this or else”? I dunno how I’d hold out, either.’
Banshee: Has your muse had a close call with death?
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‘Probably Eternatus. Looking back, I could definitely see how that could’ve ended up a lot worse. ...Scary thought.’
*((There was actually a scene where Leon lost control that happened in a non-Tumblr RP, but in the context of this blog, it doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense, so I’m including it as a little non-blog canon bonus thing.
TL;DR: Team Skull went to Galar and met Leon, Shehroz Rose (courtesy of @nats-rp-world), Bede etc and befriended them, and they went as a group back to Alola to deal with the Rainbow Rocket takeover. Leon met RR Ghetsis.
‘Children these days have no matters, no respect. It’s like these modern parents can’t be bothered to raise their offspring properly.’
‘I don’t even have parents, so my opinions are all me,’ Bede retorted, and Ghetsis nodded understandingly.
‘Aahhh, of course. It shows.’
‘...You what?’
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ Billie said.
‘Another mistake, left to gestate before being dumped on somebody’s door or left at the hospital. Surrendered to the state, and dragged up like a wild dog, ultimately becoming little more than a burden on society,’ Ghetsis replied, smirking, as Bede appeared to be ready to get violent. He glanced from Billie to Bede with his next words. ‘Unwanted, unloved and quite frankly, unnecessary.’
‘You take that back!’ Leon angrily demanded.
‘What the hell is wrong with you?’ Shehroz spluttered, as Billie’s eyes went wide. He got in front of Bede, turning to look at him. ‘Come on, let’s get you away from this waste of space.’
‘Can’t I punch him first?’ Bede asked through gritted teeth.
‘Ah yes, violence will definitely make this situation better, won’t it?’ Ghetsis laughed. ‘No surprise, such a primitive response does tend to come from such primitive people -’
Bede stopped in his tracks when Leon advanced, pulling back his fist and driving it directly into Ghetsis’ nose.
‘Holy shit,’ the teen muttered.
‘Whoa,’ Cole blinked, and Billie’s hands flew to her mouth.
‘Leon!’ Shehroz exclaimed. ‘I know, he deserves it, but he isn’t worth your energy. Are you alright? Hurt?’
‘Y-Yeah,’ Leon replied, nodding, though held his hand. He was shaking slightly, expression stunned. 
‘And to think you’re allowed to be a champion,’ Ghetsis continued. ‘Your league ought to be ashamed, you’re nothing but a brute.’
And that’s the first and only time Leon ever threw hands.))
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creme-meme · 6 years ago
Some Many headcanons about Akihiro
- I feel like any growth he experiences will have to begin from him looking back on his childhood, but specifically examining his relationship with his adoptive parents. We get about 4 pages of that when he’s first introduced as a character and nothing more (pls correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think we ever see Akihira and Natsumi beyond Akihiro’s introduction). I mean he spent something like a decade (I’m assuming?) with them, surely there’s more to think about here.
- imo the most logical way to start is to delve into why only Natsumi seemed to hate him and yet not Akihira. Natsumi says something along the lines of ‘only when he is happy are we happy’, and she seems to be the only one receptive to this (i.e. Akihiro’s subconscious pheromone manipulation at the time).
- it makes a lot of sense for Natsumi to bear the brunt of insults of her cheating  on Akihira, thereby giving birth to a child that’s very obviously mixed race (like I’m sure that most people knew Akihiro was adopted but I can see rural town gossip going wild over this). Continuing on from this, it’s obvious Natsumi would view Akihiro differently than Akihira.
- I think what needs to be shown is that over the course of ~10 years Akihiro spends with his adoptive parents, the rift between Natsumi and Akihiro worsen, and she begins to take out her anger at the rumours of her cheating on him. He over hears her talking ill of him to the servants, directing the servants to call him Daken, to bully him etc. I think it should go so far as to show her wanting to kill or grievously harm Akihiro as well.
- sigh... so while this is an overdone ‘villainous step-mother trope’, I feel it is much in line with a lot of details of the minuscule back story we get for Akihiro. It makes no sense for Natsumi to be the only one to notice the change in her mood when Akihiro’s pheromones affect everyone, let alone how he had no control over them when he was that young. I think it’s a good idea to show Akihiro being constantly scared of his adoptive mother, and that every time in her presence he only wishes for her to leave him alone, subconsciously strengthening his pheromones when this happens. That’s why Natsumi notices the mood fluctuations and Akihira doesn’t.
- contrast to this, I think there should be happy memories with Akihira. Akihira fits into the ‘doting parent’ stereotype, and I can see him being aware of the other kids and servants bullying Akihiro and trying his best to protect his son. I also think there should be a scene with the two where Akihiro tells his father that he’s terrified of his mother, and starts crying. Akihira is torn, as he doesn’t really know who to believe - his wife, or his child.
- I want Akihiro and Logan to have dialogue where Logan once again tries to be his father, and I want Akihiro to tell Logan that he already had a father, and that was Akihira. It makes less and less sense for Akihiro to be as hung up over Logan as he is the longer the comics drag out this storyline. Imo a good way to explain this and wrap up this damn character arc is by showing how Akihiro wanted to project the adoptive father who he loved and lost onto his biological father. However, Akihira being kind, elegant, well-spoken, and well-mannered is a far cry from... Logan. Despite Akihiro secretly thinking Logan was a second chance (after Itsu’s death had been cleared up), Akihiro ends up despising Logan because he is nothing like the father he had while simultaneously feeling guilty for hating this ‘second chance’, hence conflict, and hence resulting in his moronic decisions.
- when Natsumi’s finally pregnant with Junichihiro, there should be a scene where Akihiro overhears her telling a servant to kidnap Akihiro in the night and kill him. This is the motive for Akihiro killing Junichihiro - because Akihiro isn’t like, say, Cletus Whatshisname; he’s not so psycho that he just stabs everyone. Imo he’s a character that has reasons for his actions (except when he gets a bad writer).
- I want to see Akihiro afraid and sobbing, lying in his room at night, and when he hears footsteps one night, he races out of his room, grabs a knife to defend himself, and ends up in Junichihiro’s room, and (as a non-premeditated crime) kills his baby brother, because he’s only ~11, tortured and abused, and believes this is his only way to guarantee his own safety
- I also want to expand on Akihira’s last words to be ‘I failed you, I failed my family’ denoting how he’s realising that, in not listening to his son, he did not do enough to protect everyone.
aaaand finally that’s why Akihiro calls himself Daken. Because he has zero self-respect and he doesn’t think himself worthy of the name his father gave him.
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colitisandme · 6 years ago
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Yesterday was a bad day. With IBD, some days are bad days, some really bad days and yesterday was the equivalent of your shoes getting stolen whilst having a nap on a train having to leave the station to find it’s raining, stepping on poo, then have a driver throw a rancid burrito at you out of a car window whilst pigeons watch nearby. Now you are being chased by pigeons who think you resemble a wet, walking, snack. So you run bare foot and screaming through a group of people, Knocking them over like bowling pins. You run and run, still screaming, trying in vain to get back to your house, only to find you’ve dropped your keys somewhere between stepping in poo, losing your shoes and getting attacked by wild hungry birds. And so wet, bitten and smelly, you sit on your doorstep, looking like you’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards, until a nice neighbour invites you in to their house. Once inside, he makes you stand on kitchen roll in his hallway, and shoes the rest of the family away from you into the lounge, until the locksmith comes out and lets your shivery, embarrassed, bedraggled self into your own house, eyeing you up with a mixture of suspicion and horror as you squelch up the stairs. Yep yesterday was like that.
It started out okay. I hadn’t slept for the 3rd night in a row and so was starting to resemble something from ‘the night of the living dead.’ I fed our bunnies, who looked slightly alarmed when this swamp like creature appeared at their hutch door, and to show their disgust at my bedraggled, bloodshot eyed appearance, scuttled off into their bedroom area and did not re-appear until I filled up their food bowls. In the process of doing this and leaning down to give them some affection, I proceeded to fall over and nearly break my leg on one of their toys, which in turn, caused me to yell out loudly, scrabbling to keep myself upright. After I tried to gain my balance, they proceeded to thump at me in chorus for disturbing their peaceful breakfast time, ignore my cries of pain and rebuff my attempts to pacify them with pieces of dried fruit. I then hobbled back inside, groaning and cursing my need to make sure our bunnies were stimulated by making our shed into the equivalent of the ‘Toys R’Us bunny sanctuary’ proclaiming war and future destruction of all cardboard tunnels, fed our doggy guest then tried to start my day.
My body was being a D**k! A true arsehole. Firstly it spent the first hour convincing me I needed to go to the loo, (hadn’t been for 3 days) and so I spent that hour running backwards and forwards to my bathroom like I was on a travelator, sweating, swearing, grunting, in pain and nauseous before finally forcing myself to go. My poor bum was in tatters and my hands became red and sore because I had clenched my fists so hard, there were nail marks imbedded into my palm. The dog didn’t understand my pain, as I limped over to the freezer and put ice on my paws and just wanted strokes and belly rubs so I nursed my paws and stroked the dog, thankful she too didn’t love cardboard tunnels. As well as now dealing with leg injury and ice paws, I had been, for the past few days living with a bite on my arm, due to some demon insect deciding it would fuck up my week by taking a chunk out of my arm. This might not sound like much, but my immune system is shot and I am also really helpfully, allergic to the one bug that chewed on me, so it’s a big deal.
It picked on me when I was trying to be a good fur baby mum, and clean out my bunnies shed. He flew up out of the hay and sank his little insecty fangs into my poor unsuspecting flesh. Although bumpy and itchy, I put some cream on it, wrapped ice around my arm and hoped for the best. Well my arm ballooned. My whole left forearm resembled a cross between Popeye and the Michelin man. After rubbing my arm, then cursing myself for scratching myself into a stupor and declaring war on all things insecty and bitey, ( I never harm any animal including spiders, snails, bees wasps etc but I draw the line at fly’s and horseflys because they find me perfectly delicious) I instructed my husband to get me some hydrocortisone cream and I found some Anti itch cream nestled in my bag to slather all over it. But it was too late. I once watched a documentary which stated, that a bear will travel hundreds of miles to visit his favourite ‘scratching tree’ and I now understand the extroadinary travel time and distance he would go to, just to happily scratch himself for a few hours. I was so bloody itchy I was rubbing myself on anything to relieve that itch. Anything. And if anyone would have seen me, I would have looked demented with my tongue on one side, trying to rub my arm up and down the wooden beams in my house with a look on my face that resembled madness and sheer euphoria. Of course this was a mistake, and soon all the antihistamine coursed through my body and hundreds of hives had popped up, so I knew I just had to grit my teeth and wait it out. 3 days later, hair on end, sleepless, eyes wide, hungry and my bum in tatters I had lost a lot of my reserves.
You would think that my body, at this point, would take pity on me. Give me a cuddle, send me up to bed with a warm drink of peppermint and liquorice tea (god I miss hot chocolate) and shush me to sleep with the southing sounds of whale music, but no. It was mean and refused to comfort me or lull me to sleep using soft tones or the sounds of the sea. It really wanted to scream obscenities at me and serenade me with symphonies that sounded like the music was being played by an irate toddler who would use a combination of drums, violin and cymbals to piss me and my ears off. And so right at the moment I sat itchy, cold pawed, bruised and tattered, sore, hair on end, achey, with my eyes on stalks... I got my period. (Sorry to all the guys reading this)
The pain smacked into me like a freight train. An absolute punch to the gut and then reversed and slammed into my back to make doubly sure it really hurt me in my tender spots. Already in quite a lot of pain, It absolutely took my breath away. IBD makes me feel like my whole body is full of stones. I personally feel like I am never empty, and stones take up a lot of bloody room in an already swollen, angry, raw space that doesn’t appreciate more visitors. Yesterday the IBD was rampant. Now this. “NO COCKING WAY, “THERES NO MORE ROOM” I yelled out. “I AM FULL” My body didn’t listen and ignored my screams and my protestations, and continued to fill the already cramped, raw, ragged and heavy space with what felt like shards of glass. So with itchy skin, clusters of hives all down my arm, sore hands, sore bum, sore stomach, bags under my eyes and now dealing with agonising pain searing throughout the lower half of my body, I lost it. I cried. I didn’t want to cry, because the sobs made my body hurt. But right at that moment I lost it. I hated my body. I didn’t understand why it was hurting me so much. I staggered to the kitchen, made myself a water bottle, got some water, and lay down. I knew I couldn’t get through this with meditation, I knew I couldn’t solve this with mindfulness and I couldn’t take painkillers. I just had to ride it out. It got to afternoon and I was in so much agony I couldn’t have a wash, cook or get myself upstairs and so I ate a banana to keep me going until the pain subsided.
It didn’t subside. It didn’t let up at all. Not for one millisecond. Every time I moved it felt like my whole body was being squeezed by a boa-constrictor, every time I breathed, I would cramp. Every time I took a small bite of banana or a sip of water, my whole body reacted with venomous anger. There was nothing I could do. Nothing except to wait, and stroke the Dog’s ears who laid next to me and looked at me with concerned and loving eyes.
My wonderful, caring husband came home and saw my sad blotchy face. He listened to me as I cursed IBD, my body, being a woman, nasty insects and the perils of bunny toys, wiped my tears, gave me a huge cuddle and helped me to have a shower. It hurt. Getting out of the shower hurt. Getting dried made me yell out in pain, putting fresh PJs on caused me pain. He then tucked me up, got me 3 water bottles, and put on Masterchef Australia whilst he sorted out dinner, bunnies and general household ness. (My Husband is awesome.)
The pain went on and on, like Dante’s seventh circle of hell. It was during this time I (mistakenly) put a post up on FB about what a shit day I was having. So because I have been out of work, I have spoke to a couple of at home type businesses for possible income ideas, and I couldn’t believe it but during my extreme pain episode, one messaged me privately, and started up a conversation trying to sell me their product. Now, I am hugely respectful of anyone trying to make a living online, from home or in any capacity, and had already had a few conversations with this particular lady explaining that I couldn’t afford her ‘start up package’ nor her products, and so when she messaged me again I was surprised.
Through the haze of my groin splitting pain, I again explained I couldn’t afford her high costs, and I thought that would stop the conversation but no, she pushed it. She was trying to use the fact I was in pain, discomfort and misery at that moment to get a ruddy sale. I was appalled. What the hell did she expect me to do or say? “Sure, I would love to gab away with you like gal pals while I cross my eyes, grind my teeth and chew my fist in pain due to an angry gremlin gnawing away on my intestines and womb! I would definitely love to hear about all the exact uses of wuffle dust, and how it will cure all my aches and pains as I try not to swear, vomit or hurl myself into the bathroom. No sodding problem. Let me just get my cocking credit card”... I couldn’t believe she used that moment to try and make me a customer. I got really angry. I couldn’t believe she would do that, in that way, at that time. I honestly truly was stunned that someone would try and take advantage of me like that and so, once I could focus through the pain, I told her so. I explained politely that what she did was wrong, how shitty it made me feel, and although I had huge respect for her and her product, I no longer wanted to have any contact with her. I then proceeded to erase her from my social media. I do not want to associate with anyone who would use someone’s vulnerability to get a sale. It’s disgusting.
It was way past midnight when most of the world was quiet and I had uttered every swear word I could think of, that my body finally relented to sleep. And as I staggered, exhausted upstairs, feeling used by my body, manipulated by people and generally hacked off at the world, I reached out to a few others who were also having a shit day. As we all experienced our own pain, we lifted each other up, laughed, chatted through tears and cursed our irrate and unco-operative bodies. Just before finally drifting off to sleep we all wholeheartedly agreed that sometimes, on days like this, there really aren’t enough swear words in the world to make the minute, the hour, the moment or day better, but yelling out or whispering through gritted teeth, the most creative and bizarre ones we could think of to ourselves, definitely helps.
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diveronarpg · 6 years ago
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Congratulations, JENN! You’ve been accepted for the role of CRESSIDA Admin Rosey:  I had never expected Cressida to give me a reckoning. I expected her to be soft, malleable, somewhat broken by what her father has done to her. But you have given me all of that, Jenn, but ten thousand times more. You’ve given me her brokenness and made it iron, her kindness and made it gold. This was not at all what I was expecting when I thought of Cressida, but it’s much, much better than that. I am on the edge of my seat when it comes to the wild card that is this Madam Duval. I know I won’t be disappointed. Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Out of Character
Alias | Jenn Age | 21+ Preferred Pronouns | She/her Activity Level | With work, I’ll probably get around to writing a couple replies at lunch and in the evenings when I’m home. So, that’s a few hours each day which is like a solid 6/10 for me :) Timezone | GMT+8 Current/Past RP Accounts | Both are inactive @lcarian & @littleflvme
In Character
Character | Cressida // Celeste Duval
You look in the mirror. Your bloodied mouth twists into a frown, and your eyes shine with disdain. What a damn waste of space. Yet again, you disappoint. “What wrong have I done? How much better would I be if I had been born a son?” It is unjust, unwarranted that your sex is deemed inferior all because you can make babies and not be the one who held a cock. “They are fucking wrong.”
You seethe at the sight of your name written in tasteless, serif font on the header of your journal. You strike it out, wanting to be rid of your family’s dictation and those dull letters, C. DUVAL. Instead, in the center of the page you put down these words in pink marker—permanence above all else. Your script is bold—vertical strokes, both straight and rounded, penned thickly in the cursive hand of not a child but a budding woman who, underneath it all, radiates conviction.
What drew you to this character? | We’d love to hear what about this character’s bio caught your attention! Make this as long or as short as you desire!
Celeste is a law unto herself. What she is made out of is nothing short of sheer will power—a storm with skin, a sun capable of razing whole kingdoms. She breathes the lethal combination of initiative and annihilation and perhaps that’s what her parents were too stupid to realise before branding her useless. She is, in fact, malleable and they lacked the faculty and interest in moulding her due to superficial beliefs. But blessed by the Fates, she had the propensity to be great and she knew that. She knew it in her very bones. I can’t help but find that she is an independent character with a complex engineering capable of masochistic deeds which she alone has accomplished. Because like Cressida, Celeste is painfully aware that in this very masculine world her sexuality is her advantage and power and acts on the fact.
But for all her cunning and edge, her fetters come in the form of family and a nauseating amount of obligation. In that sense, I feel that she’s very relatable—that gnawing feeling that compels you to make your parents proud. She doesn’t care for anyone’s feelings or reputation but her family’s, and even then it’s not out of love but necessity despite how contradicting it might come across. Take into account that she’s been born and bred in an environment that constantly exhorts her to seek the validation of her parents. Celeste is a commodity, a subject of the machinations of her father and she knows it well but she’ll be damned before she repeats the tragedies of Cressida (or her own father, for the matter). She won’t be dragged into the gutter the same way.
In short, I choose Celeste because she is a growing mastermind. I choose her because she is a woman capable of pushing past her boundaries, her liabilities—of brandishing her arsenal of wiles and manipulation at the most opportune moments,—of brilliant intellect and drive. I choose her because her family underestimates her, that she’s merely a chess piece to be moved then tossed aside, yet she protects them and I find that very admirable. I choose Celeste Duval because she bore the bitter cost of being sold into a loveless bargain—because she has long lost her rose-coloured glasses and has in its place adopted a more cynical view of the world, a world in which she is determined to be a wolf among dogs.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? | Where do you see this character developing, and what kind of actions would you have them take to get there? 3 future plot ideas would be preferable.
FAREWELL, BASTARD // The biggest thorn in her side now is a slippery one. Easton. Craven. Deplorable Capulet scum. It’s a dynamic I am much too excited to explore. The angst will be one to speak of for centuries. Celeste wants to make him eat his words. He never much concerned her before but he made things personal, so she’s out for blood. A Duval isn’t offended without meeting out consequences. While I am pretty much open to anything regarding this unfortunate duo, I would love to write about the challenges Celeste will face in overcoming this villian in her story. Whether she fails or succeeds…I imagine it’s just a matter of moving the right pieces at the right time. “My turn.”
FOR TO BE WISE AND LOVE EXCEEDS MAN’S MIGHT // “Do you take Tomas Sabello to be your lawfully wedded husband?” The gods must have spared Celeste no mercy shackling her to Tomas. She is nothing if not fiery but with Tomas she feels…well, that’s the problem. She doesn’t feel anything for him that she wouldn’t feel for a mosquito. “I do.” At this point, she isn’t sure if he’s in love with her (perhaps, more the idea of her) or in love with love itself. If Tomas is smart, he’ll figure out that Celeste won’t be falling for him anytime soon. But when life gives you lemons…you make the best out of Tomas Sabello. To me, this connection is rather intriguing because I can see Celeste exploiting Tomas the way she has been exploited, to steer him to gain whatever it is she wants given his connections to the mob and his industry. But I can also see him threatening her happiness more than he already does. He unknowingly wields a double-edged sword—destroy her happiness and save her reputation, or destroy her name and let her grapple at whatever contentment she can seize. Cressida’s only odds stacked in her favour is that Troilus is ill informed on the subtleties of war.
THOU LAY'ST EVERY GASH THAT LOVE HATH GIVEN ME // And take those gashes she will, willingly. I want to say their love is the type that moves mountains, that swallows whole oceans, that transcends all time and space. “Alas, I cannot. Not yet, mia bella.” Isabella Gagliano—she’s smart, she’s beautiful, resourceful and most importantly, she’s honest. She brings out the best in Celeste (when they’re alone). Being together in Verona is a challenge Celeste did not see coming. On one side, a Capulet maw is waiting to devour her. On the other, Cupid’s bow struck true. And around her, the world watches. To be in love with Isabella is to be caught between a rock and a hard place. It’s only a matter of time before Isabella becomes tired of hiding. The truth will out and when the time comes, then there lies their final test—will love triumph over all? Or will power and respectability?
DO TO THIS BODY WHAT EXTREMITY YOU CAN // Wolves are known to trick guard dogs by sending out a female wolf. In the same manner, Celeste’s sexuality can be put to good use when brokering deals or negotiating an accord. I can see this being more than the stereotypical plot where a woman uses her allure to get what she wants. This touches on sexual extortion/exploitation in a very real way. There is so much space for flexibility with this plot and subplots where I can see her forging alliances, making enemies, making more promises she doesn’t intend to keep, etc. But overall, I see this as a very developmental plot for her character in that she will have no choice but to finally see herself for who she is and decide if she likes what she sees.
ONE TOUCH OF NATURE MAKES THE WHOLE WORLD KIN // I’m pretty sure she isn’t the only one in the mob to have been coerced (or “gently pushed”) into the position she’s in right now. This plot is not just about making friends—it’s about making friends in the right places be it Montague or Capulet. Celeste is ironically very much like her father. She’s ambitious. “And ambition can take you to very dangerous places. Better you cease your nonsense than fail.” Thanks, dad. But obviously, it takes more than words to deter her. Celeste is set on climbing out of her father’s shadow and making a name for herself but she can’t do it alone. I’m talking bribes, underhand dealings, secret arrangements It’ll be a nice bonus if they take out a few people on their hit list on their way up. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?
MEN PRIZE THE THING UNGAINED MORE THAN IT IS // Is the grass greener on the other side? Cressida’s whole story revolves around her being traded to the enemy. If shit does go down, this will be an extremely, 100% intense story driven plot device that can be used to spin a new tale for Celeste where she, like Cressida, is forced to or willingly betrays the Montagues to save herself. However, like all the plots I’ve listed so far, I’d love for this to be an organic progression for Celeste’s character especially in the choice she makes if she chooses to stay loyal to or double-cross the Montagues. Her sense of loyalty and obligation is an integral part of her identity and while I can see her evolving as a person, I wouldn’t want to force or distort it.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | I am, yes! Though Celeste promises she won’t go down alone, if at all.
In Depth
In-Character Interview: The following questions must be answered in-character, and in para form (quotations, actions written out if applicable, etc). There is no minimum or maximum limit for your response - simply answer as you would if you were playing the character.
(tw: death mention)
There are two ways to end this interview—one where she spares a man, and another where she damns him. Won’t you stay to find out which you want more?
What is your favorite place in Verona?
Anywhere but home, if that’s what you can even call it, Celeste wants to say. The words were already poised on the tip of her tongue but the hearsay that will plague her hence promises too much displeasure especially if word were to come back of her less than picture perfect life. Nevertheless, she lets her lips part as if secrets were to be spilled that instance but the words were different from her thoughts.
“Oh, you know what? I’m thrilled that you asked,” she says, an answer already taking form, waiting to be divulged. “My bath,” the tilting of her lips and closing of eyes as she inhales paint a picture of scented candles and a soaked body. “It’s very relaxing in the water. We’ve just had our house renovated. Tomas has such an excellent eye for design, you know. It’s never looked better.” The lies drip like sugar—sticky like a spider’s web and she at the center of it, a black widow waiting to strike. “You should come have a look one day.”
What does your typical day look like?
Now that was a question worthy of the likes of Lawrence Vernon—borderline prying, equal parts intrusive and dubious. But the limelight demands blood and that was the only currency that really matters. So, she bares her teeth with a grin, sweet as the devil and even slicker still. She, a darling of Verona, has more to say with a smile than with talking when she employs her perfect blend of truth and deception.
“Well, as you know I’m rarely on vacation here. Work takes up most of my time. Actually, we just did the photo shoot in the heart of the city—it’s for my next fall collection. So, it’s mostly just replying emails and finalizing edits with the photographer before the big showcase. A business cannot run itself, no?” she laughs, pausing to ascertain his satisfaction with her answer. He laughs with her. “But I find that taking a walk around the city after lunch helps with inspiration.” And allows time for a detour certainly. Emissary work always came first even in the middle of a work day. “We’re planning on launching in August. I can’t tell you much more than that I’m afraid. Or else my publicist will have my head!”
What has been your biggest mistake thus far?
Allowing mediocrity to run through my veins. The fear of failing is so ingrained in her that it only takes two seconds before she registers her heart beating harder ever so slightly. It was a disgusting flaw, one she finds nearly impossible from which to separate. But she does. She stops, her mouth pouts in ponderance as if she isn’t waiting to end the interview already. “I love my fashion line. I love it, I do. My only regret is that I hadn’t started it sooner.”
What has been the most difficult task asked of you?
Her whole life has been a task but one that takes the cake has to be pretending she wasn’t in love with Isabella, especially now when she was so close. The woman is life itself and without her, Celeste finds it hard to breathe. No, impossible. But pretences must be upheld lest the Fates be too tempted to lay waste to her even further. “Two things. One, building this business from scratch. Two, outgrowing my father’s shadow,” she laughs again though this time it doesn’t reach her eyes. As intended, the man fails to notice having been distracted by the way she folds her bare legs one over the other, the slit of her skirt riding up a small degree. “You know how it is. A woman with her own business is rather a challenge in itself, isn’t it? Thankfully, I’ve got all the support I need.”
The night went on as most interviews would go—a meeting at a nice restaurant, dinner, a drink, maybe two and that was it. But when they were the last two to leave, Celeste couldn’t help but feel something amiss. “What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?” she asks the man instead. Sharp eyes turned up at the question—a final question. It was what she had been waiting for. The perfect opportunity. “Ah,” she finally realises what was wrong, “We’ve run out of wine.”
She reaches up for the bottle and begins to pour. “Are we friends, Signor Henri? You know friends don’t lie. Let’s pretend we are. So, I’ll be honest for the first time tonight.” The glass is almost full by then and the bottle all but vertical like the hand of a clock at midnight—his time was nearly up. She answers her for him. “The Capulets are the dirt beneath the gold, a most unwelcome stain on this city. And you, dear friend, have been propagating their agenda despite our…propositions that you don’t.” The war will forever be a pissing contest, she cannot deny, but what does it matter if she plays for the winning side? “You should have done your work better. Damiano isn’t happy with what you’ve been publishing about us.” She says the words with pride. Us. The Montagues.
The glass brims with wine—scarlet overflows, crimson spreads and stains the white cloth beneath. His time was up and black clad men entered the room, the harbingers of his end drew near. All she had to do now is tell them whether to spare him or doom him. Celeste holds the bottle in her hand like the life she now holds between her fingers, tenderly, eagerly. Was this not what she wanted? Power. She sets the bottle down, signalling the men.
“Lucky for you, you won’t need to do any more damage control. We’ll say your last piece for you.”
The devil take thee, indeed.
Extras: If you have anything else you’d like to include (further headcanons, an inspo tag, a mock blog, etc), feel free to share it here! This is OPTIONAL.
PLAYLIST // a measure of ascendance
MOCKBLOG // ttitaness
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brigdh · 7 years ago
A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzie Lee. A YA novel starring Monty, eldest son of an Earl in mid-1700s England, his childhood neighbor/best friend Percy, and his sister Felicity. The three of them are just about to begin a Grand Tour of Europe, their last summer of freedom and fun before Monty has to buckle down and behave like a noble heir, Percy starts law school, and Felicity is shipped off to a finishing school. Unfortunately none of them are particularly looking forward to their futures. Monty is very cheerfully bisexual, and has engaged in romps, gambling, drinking, and drugs to the point of being kicked out of Eton. Percy is mixed-race (the son of a plantation owner, though raised by his aunt and uncle, minor gentry) and though he's tolerated, his existence isn't always well-regarded in their circles. Felicity is pissed off about being doomed to learn embroidery and manners instead of going to medical school to become a doctor. Oh, and Monty is desperately in love with Percy, but is afraid to tell him and lose his friendship. This is just the beginning – as the book gets going, there are also revelations about epilepsy, child abuse, insane asylums, and more. It's not all serious, though. In fact, most of the book is light-hearted fun: there are encounters with highwaymen, battles with pirates, parties at Versailles, Carnevale in Venice, villas on Greek islands, operas, fortune tellers, hostage exchanges, escaping thieves, and basically every adventure one could imagine in 18th century Europe. There's even a plot about alchemists and an elixir of immortality which, to tell the truth, felt a bit out of place in the otherwise historically-based book. And, of course, there is lots and lots of pining as Monty and Percy engage in the most excellent sort of romantic-comedy suspense, yearning and avoiding telling the truth about their feelings. A++, that bit. My main complaint with the book is that Lee tries very earnestly to handle appropriately the issues of social justice she includes (racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia), but every one of the ensuing conversations feels very 2017-approved, with every term the correct vocabulary, every checkbox checked, every privilege painstakingly unpacked. Not that such views couldn't – didn't! – exist in the past, but the way Lee portrays them doesn't seem to relate to the characters or setting at all. They don't arise out of the environment of the book, but are dropped in wholesale from an outside perspective that wants to be sure we know the right way to think. And then there's the moment where one character tells another about how the Japanese mend broken pottery with gold seams, see, so that the broken places end up more beautiful than the whole, and it's meant to be a profound moment but it's just so embarrassingly like this person in the 1700s is reading off a tumblr post. But nonetheless it's a funny, sweet book, if not quite as good as I expected when I heard "Gay Roadtrip through 18th Century Europe". What it reminds me most of all is reading an AU from a fandom you don't know. Maybe the characterization and setting isn't always that great but you don't care because it's not your fandom. It has the tropes you love and you can't wait to see the couple get together at the end, so you stay up late reading it on your phone. A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue is that experience in original fiction. Seven Surrenders by Ada Palmer. The sequel to Too Like the Lightning which I absolutely LOVED. However I really should not have waited seven months to read this one, because I'd forgotten some of the characters and plots and this is a series jam-packed with multitudes of characters and plots, and you better have every miniscule bit of such details ready at your fingertips to have a chance of following the action. To briefly summarize the plot (a task that's probably impossible, but I'll try to hit the main points) in the 25th century the world has more or less become a Utopia. Nations have been abolished, religion banished to the private sphere, and gendered distinctions made it illegal; to all outward appearances, it is a world with no reason to go to war. Unfortunately it turns out that all of this has been made possible through carefully targeted assassinations, picking off key individuals to guide the world away from war, riots, major economic downturns, etc. Not many – about nine a year, on average, for the last two hundred years. This information sets off a flurry of activity as the characters take sides, variously trying to figure out the conspiracy behind it, hide the perpetrators, uncover proof, keep the public from finding out, and broadcast the secret to as many people as possible. When several world leaders turn out to be involved, chaos breaks out worldwide. It's not just drama, though; behind the action scenes is the frequently repeated question of if it was such a bad plan after all. Is it worth losing a few lives to prevent the millions of deaths that would happen in war? Seven Surrenders is all about the philosophical dilemma. In addition to the one above, we get multiple debates over the riddle, 'would you destroy this world to save a better one?', and 'If God has revealed proof of His existence, why did He chose you above every human who's ever prayed to believe? And, more importantly, why now?' There is speculation about the power of gender, of sexual attraction, of the effect of raising children as experiments, of the role of Providence in life, of what it would mean for two Gods to meet, of how one conducts a war when there are no living veterans to teach the next generation. But there's plenty of action too – the book includes revelations of secret parentage, long-lost loves, a revenge story worthy of the Count of Monte Cristo, bombs, murders, resurrections, suicide attempts, cute kids, so many disguises, sword fights, gun battles, horse chases, and more. Ultimately I didn't like it as much as Too Like the Lightning. It just didn't feel as deep or as grand, possibly because so much stuff was happening that none of it got enough exploration. One of the most best character arcs (Bridger's) happened mostly offstage, and many of the other characters were too busy reacting to the constantly changing political winds to have a real arc. I still recommend it, because it's just so different from everything else and I have to support an author who mashes up transportation science with Diderot's philosophy. But if you read it, definitely don't wait months between books. The Cater Street Hangman by Anne Perry. A murder mystery, the first in a series set in Victorian London. Charlotte is the middle daughter of a middle-class family, believed by all to be firmly unmarriageable but happy enough with her staid life. The book opens with the murder of a young well-off woman, then Charlotte's maid is also murdered, as are several others. There is no apparent connection between the victims except that they're all young woman, all live nearby, and all were strangled. Inspector Thomas Pitt is assigned the case, and he begins to spend a great deal of time talking to Charlotte – first just to interview her regarding the murders, but then for her own sake. But will Charlotte's family allow her to marry a... policeman??? There are several interesting things about the book. Set very specifically in 1881 (which is to say, before Jack the Ripper) the very idea of a serial killer – as opposed to a thief who murders for money – is new and shocking to most of the characters. So is the concept that such a criminal could appear "normal", that rather than being a dirty, lower-class raving lunatic, it could be a respected neighbor or even a member of their own family. These are such self-evident ideas to modern people (and most characters in mystery books) that seeing Charlotte and the others wrestle with them, discuss their ramifications, and feel guilty for suspecting their husbands and fathers was pretty fascinating. I also liked that the family was so solidly middle-class. Historical fiction has a habit of gravitating toward extremes: everyone is either upper aristocracy or enduring the most grueling poverty. A family of boring bank clerks actually made for a refreshing change. Unfortunately those are the only good things I have to say about the book. The middle 2/3rds of the story drags along interminably, as nothing happens except for characters having the same few discussions over and over again. Charlotte suspects her father! First she must have a conversation about it with her mother. Then her younger sister. Then her older sister. Then her mother and the older sister talk. Then the older sister talks about it to her husband. Then... Well, you get the idea. And it's not as though each new character was bringing a fresh perspective and insight to the issue! No, we just get the same few protests and agreements recycled over and over in slightly different wordings. It's such an awful slog that I nearly abandoned the book. However, I stuck it out to the end, only to be rewarded with the reveal of the killer (warning for spoilers, I guess): a lesbian who has been driven mad by repressing her sexuality! You know, I don't think I've ever actually encountered this awful cliche in the wild before. It would almost be exciting, if it wasn't so offensive. Though there's not a lot of time to be offended, because the reveal, motivation, attack on Charlotte, rescue, and arrest all happen in the last two pages (literally) so none of it is exactly dwelt on. It's probably all for the best that I disliked this book. It's the first in a 32-book series, and now I don't feel any desire to read the rest.
(DW link for easier commenting)(Also goddamn, I am so far behind on putting up my book reviews, you guys. So prepare for a lot of that.)
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xluckytheninjax · 7 years ago
Watch Dogs: A closer look at an OC of mine
So,basically,I’m bored.I was looking for an excuse to draw,and looking for one of those 10+ character/OC memes with the randomass questions,but found this instead.It’s an OC meme/bio template,found here by Mister-Saturn on dA.
This thing is long,but it covers a lot.So,yeee.
Who better to go depth about than WD!Kayla,since I’m all about Watch Dogs these days?A lot of this stuff is copied from the original post I made...i also removed some of the things since I have not thought about it as far
Full Name: 
Kayla Horizon
Hacker allias/screename:
N1nJ4 {Ninja}
23 years old
Birth Date:
03/03/1995 {if the WD world took place in 2018}
In Gauteng,South Africa
Current Residence:
Close to San Francisco,a great damn house
“Not every day you see someone with heterochromia.”
Left eye is blue,right eye is green 
Original hair color is dirty blonde Currently ombre:Brown - Dirty blonde - Blonde
Long hair,shaved shorter on the right side.Leaving it loose or tying it in a ponytail or something depends on how she’s feeling,and whether it’s mission time or not.Can’t work if you’ve got hair in your face.
Physical Flaws/Birthmarks/Scars:
Huge scar through her left eye,and a small one through her lip on the right.There are some other faint scars here and there,nothing too major though.
Lots of freckles
Usual Attire:
{I’ll post the clothing rambles from the original}
Has a variety of beanies,snapbacks and caps
Has one pair of sunglasses,aviators,as the rest got broken
She wears glasses,unless out on missions
Has a lot of t-shirts and hoodies
Has a fair amount of long sleeved shirts
Has a lot of jeans,shorts and sweatpants
Owns a few pairs of sneakers and track-shoes,and two pairs of combat boots
Has a few bandannas/masks
Has literally one fancy shirt she wears with a vest,bowtie,black pants and sneakers
Went to Swelter Skelter as some sort of glow in the dark Matryoshka-fied skeleton
Doesn’t wear any jewelry apart from her piercings and some random bracelets
Carries a shoulder bag which is clearly bigger on the inside {otherwise,how would you fit a laptop,drone,RC rover,and some other stuff in there?} With some badges and Dedsec decals
Hoodies are 60% of the time oversized
PJs are a random t-shirt and boardshorts {Onesie in the winter over that}
Has a hoodie that says 'Ghost’ and '07’ on the back {Aka my favorite Mystery skulls song and lucky number}
A lot of ear piercings on both sides,and a tongue piercing
A bunch of stars on her left wrist,a small ‘x’ on top of her right wrist,and a ’=D’ on her back {right shoulder}
Other Accessories:
She wears a lot of bracelets ‘n stuff,and glasses
Personality Traits:
Cares a lot for her family,friends and workpals {who’re also friends}
Loyal to DedSec
Not easily influenced
Overthinks everything
Not easily intimidated {Or so she claims}
Happy with what her life is,even between all the stress and overthinking.
Has some trust issues.The type where she gets this feeling in her gut telling her whether a person can be trusted or not.She trusted her workpals immediately,she trusted Ray immediately…as an example of who she didn’t trust,Horatio’s co-worker.And she wasn’t even on that mission.
Usually keeps things that wouldn’t be important to the current objective(s)/mission(s) to herself
It’s a good thing her face is blurred out like the others’,cause she’s camera shy.She hates getting photos taken of her,she hates looking at the camera…unless of course,she’s the one taking a photo of scenery or of friends.If you’re gonna point a camera of any sort to her face,she will not hesitate to break it.
Very protective over the things and people she cares about.So,you wreck her car? You insult DedSec or target her pals? You mess with Sitara’s artwork? You kidnap other DedSec members? Mess with DedSec’s systems? You mess with her dog or drag her family into things you shouldn’t?  You better start running then,pal.And make it fast.
Trained herself to not cry in front of people.It’s harder than it looks.Anger also gets bottled up.One day she’ll snap….probably.Then all chaos and hell will break loose.
Loses a lot of sleep thinking
Stresses over nothing
Reckons anything can be solved by an asskicking
Takes her job seriously,but,in between she likes messing with people
Claims she doesn’t care,but she cares too much
Honesty,loyalty,respect and trust are big things to her.As explained before,she follows her gut on who to trust and who not.If you’re gonna betray DedSec,you might end up dead.Everybody lies,it’s human nature,but that’s where trust and loyalty comes in with honesty.The three walk hand in hand,really.Respect? You respect her,she respects you,as easy as that.
-Because she keeps a lot of things to herself,a lot of her personality remains a mystery.
What annoys her?
A lot of things,don’t worry about it
What makes her happy?
Again,a lot of things,like animals {especially baby animals and dogs} and games,no worries.
Greatest Fears/Phobias:
Fear of needles and a slight fear of tight spaces and heights
Patience Level:
Really patient depending on who she’s dealing with
Might seem really confident,and she really does seem to be that way,but in reality,her self-esteem is pathetic   
Collecting Vinyl/pop figures
Color - Purple/Blood red
Food - Pizza
Animal - Giraffes/dogs of all types {including wild ones like wolves and hyenas}/rhinos
Clothing - Hoodies/t-shirts
School Subject -  “When I was in highschool....IT and Life science/Biology“
Music (genre) - Punk rock/alternative rock/rock n roll/pop music
Books (genre) - Adventure,mystery,action,comedy
Movies (genre) - ^^^
Season - Autumn/Fall
Time of Day - Night time
Least Favorites:
Color - Pink
Food - Bananas/Onions 
Animal - Doesn’t really have a least favorite animal...except if humans count
Clothing - Skirts ‘n dresses
School Subject - Health Class/PE
Music (genre) - Classical/Rap
Books (genre) - Romance
Movies (genre) - ^^
Season - Winter
Time of Day - Early morning
A brief description of your character’s history:
Born South African,moved to San Francisco.Parents also in SF,while sister moved to South Korea with a friend.Been living there for 5 years.Hacking’s been a big hobby since she was younger.She kept it a secret from her parents,to avoid being lectured and banned from her computer.Big gamer since she was a teenager.Became an intern at a police station while still at university.It doesn’t make sense why an IT student would decide on working at a police station,but eyyy,whatever.Got promoted for solving some huge computer related cases through hacking.Two years back she was called to investigate something not even closely related to hacking computers.They reckoned she would be able to handle it.Went undercover.Had to take on dangerous 'jobs’ and compete in races in order to infiltrate and take down a ruthless international crime smuggling syndicate, consisting of illegal street racers and car thieves.She ended up leaving her temporary job because of the amount of times the police chased after her for street racing,resisting arrest and all the property damage.Y'know,going too deep undercover.Wrecked a lot of cars,got rid of a lot of thugs,hacked a lot cameras,streetlights and other things to finish her job and to get away.After that was over,she made sure to erase all of that off her profile on the ctOS database.Had to do a lot of things,a lot of dangerous things,to get noticed by DedSec,and eventually got in.It wasn’t really necesary that she put her life in danger like that,but she did anyway.Go big or go home…I won’t go much into detail about that because I haven’t thought as far.
{This mess….I’ll fix eventually.It’s random,it doesn’t make sense,it isn’t how real life works,but whatever.}
Political Preference:
“Anything’s better than where we are now,honestly”
Darkest Secret:
“All of ‘em are the same amount of darkness.I’ve done a lot of bad stuff,killed a lot of people...bad people of course....I think the worst thing I’ve done is probably causing a huge car crash during one of the races while I was undercover...”
Guilty Pleasures:
Does she keep a diary or journal?
Yep,shockingly enough,she has a journal.She doesn’t use it as a diary,to write the day’s happenings,not always.She uses it to write notes down,draw scribbles,and to write down thoughts,things she has to do,etc.
Family Living With:
She lives with her dog and a lot of house plants.Yeah.
Family Situation:
Her parents live in close range to her,which was just luck,honestly,and her sister {21 years old} lives in South Korea with a friend
Former Friends:
She had a group of friends back home,which she slowly lost contact with after high school...well,after the one’s wedding anyway.
Current Friends:
The main DedSec crew {Marcus,Sitara,Wrench,Josh,Ray} and some of the other DedSec members in the area.Was friends with Horatio too...but as we know....he’s gone.
Former Love Interest:
A guy from school...we’re not gonna go into that
Current Love Interest:
Former Enemies:
Former racing buddies...the bunch from when she went undercover...police,kinda?
Current Enemies:
The same people,plus the gangs,Blume,etc
What do his/her friends like about her?
She’s a good firend and teammate,who cares a lot more for them than herself,she always sticks to mission orders while still having fun
What do his/her friends dislike about her?
The fact that she cares more for others than herself {it’s good and bad},always getting into trouble and almost gets herself killed somehow
Why do his/her enemies hate her?
That’s some streetracing history
The fact that she’s a hacker/DedSec member
Always ruining plans with her pals
She’s a member of DedSec,so,she’s a hacker.
As a cover/dayjob she works at a huge gaming store on some days {Every second day except for weekends}.It’s just a temporary job for now.She ended up applying for some programming job,like her parents wanted.Just waiting to hear back.
Relationship Status:
Single,no crushes or anything of the sort. “Had to leave everyone behind since we moved here….went to uni,didn’t find anyone that’s my type…and some things that happened in the past leave me in this state where I am against romance I guess? Not like an abusive relationship or heartbreak or anything like that…just things I’m not gonna talk about.”
Hate anyone?
Obviously - can’t have enemies for nothin’
Killed anyone?
Again,that’s obvious
Would you and your character get along?
Yeah,she’s my persona after all
Would you like to hang out with your character?
Hell yeah
Would your character like you?
Not sure on that one
Took down that whole group of people stealing cars ‘n stuff {those NFS:U shenanigans}
Finished high school and she finished studying at the university too
Became a famous gamer {No hacking/cheats}
Still being alive is also an achievement
Got innocent people killed
Almost got Marcus and the others killed a few times
That’s part of the ‘other’ section I’m adding to the thing
How strong is she?
Fairly strong
She follows a healthy diet {she ain’t no vegan/vegetarian though},but she doesn’t mind eating sweet things now and then.The girl lives on Pepsi,some other sodas,lots of water and energy drinks.
She likes exercising to keep herself in shape for missions and such - jogs from time to time,goes to a gym,ye.
Physical Health Problems:
Nothing major or deadly...nothing as far as I know?
Mental Health Problems:
Does being a bit of an insomniac count?
Amazing hygiene,very important to this human.She isn’t one of those extremely clean freaks though,who are afriad of germs ‘n getting their hands dirty.
Situations (What would they do or how would they react?)
Your character is called up for an award and is congratulated.
She’s be happy and accept,but she won’t go bragging about it or anything.
Your character didn’t win any awards and watches as someone else is congratulated.
She’s be really damn happy for that person,unless it’s someone with a hidden agenda/someone of evil nature.
Your character is winning at a game of some kind.
Again,she’d be happy,but doesn’t brag or go and insult the other team {if it’s a multiplayer game}
Your character lost at a game of some kind.
You win some,you lose some.She shrugs,and encourages her team that they’ll do better next time {again,if it’s a multiplayer game}.
Your character has a crush on someone and must find out how to tell them.
Whelp,like me,she’s probably not gonna tell the person.Fear of getting rejected ‘n all.
Your character tells that person and they agree to go out with them.
She makes sure to get enough advice so she doesn’t screw up.Real nervous and flustered.
Your character tells that person and gets rejected.
That’s why we don’t tell the person in the first place.
Your character is asked out by someone they like.
Very blushy and flustered,speaks gibberish,and would probably say yes.She wouldn’t trust it at first,but if she knows the true intentions of the person,she’d agree.
Your character is asked out by someone they don’t like that way.
To spare feelings,she’d still agree,but if it goes a bit too far/awkward,she’ll explain.
Your character’s crush is revealed by someone else.
She doesn’t have a crush at the moment,so ha
Your character loses a family member or a close friend.
That actually happened...losing Horatio was a painful time,full of sadness and crying.She wasn’t as close to him,but,yeah.
Your character loses a pet.
Crying for a million years
Your character loses a very important personal belonging.
If it was stolen,she’ll track the person down and kick their ass.if it was lost through anything else,she’d be sad,mad,and probably see if she can replace it.
Your character loses something that they were borrowing.
“Well shit” Time to go on a crazy search for the item.
Your character is stolen from.
Track ‘em down,and kick their ass
Your character is offered drugs/alcohol/a cigarette.
Hates alcohol,smoking and drugs.Thus,she doesn’t drink at all,she has never smoked,never done drugs or vaping or anything of the sort. if you’re gonna give her alcohol,she’s not gonna drink it.If you’re gonna give her a cigarrette,she’ll throw it away.If you give her drugs,she’ll give them right back.
Your character is publicly humiliated in front of a lot of people.
Wouldn’t be the first time.She shrugs it off,but,it’ll haunt her thoughts for quite a while.
Your character killed someone.
She’s killed a lot of people...bad people,so,nothing big.
Your character witnessed a murder.
She can’t handle death of the innocent,so usually when witnessing the murder of an innocent person or animal,she’ll murder whoever did it.She gets this weird feeling inside,like a mini heart attack or so.
Your character is being argued with.
She’s stubborn,so don’t think she’ll give up on arguments so easily.If it’s someone she cares about,she’ll accept their statement rather than arguing.
Your character trips and hurts herself.
Welcome to clumsy R us.Since she was little,she tripped a lot and hurt herself.Scraped knees ‘n legs,scraped elbows,arms and hands.It’s happened so much before,that she doesn’t even feel the pain anymore.
Your character is given a gift they’ve always wanted.
Really thankful,thanks the person a million times,makes sure what she’ giving is put to use.
Your character is given a gift they couldn’t care less about.
She is still thankful,and still makes use of whatever she’s given.
Your character arrives home after a bad day.
She just showers,eats,then goes to watch TV,play games,listen music or whatever,and goes to bed early.
Your character arrives home after a good day.
Pretty much the same thing...just less angry/sad and she goes to bed whenever she feels like.
{self added section to repost the rest of the stuff}
Working for: DedSec,what did you expect? She was going to go work for those dumbass monkeys,or the rat cult? Pff,nah.
Personal car is the Ford Ranger truck she got ported in from home. It’s white with black decals and raptor kit.The thing’s a beast.
Other car she keeps in the garage is the Lotus Elise she used to streetrace with.Purple with a white stripe down the middle.This thing is upgraded to the max {of course what garages can do,plus some things only a hacker can pull off}.Best part is,it doesn’t look like it belongs on the /shittycarmods subreddit.
During the day,while on missions,she has some randomass car/truck/four wheeler/motorbike she 'borrows’ or the one car she’s been putting some DedSec decals on {Sitara’s design,of course}….Then there’s the DedSec police cruiser too.
Pets: She has a Great Dane named Trompie.Her parents watch the dog during the day {or night depending on missions} and if she has to stay at the Hackerspace/work on missions all day,she takes him along.He behaves,and doesn’t annoy anyone…unless he sits on the couch.He’s got his own little space,with food,water and a blanket to sit on,plus newspapers.Even got toys.He’s 7 months old,and like his owner,he has heterochromia.The name’s Afrikaans,since well,can’t forget your roots,can ya? Wears a DedSec bandana over his collar.Pretty smart,but he has a thing for chasing after the drones and little RC rovers.Was not a big fan of Wrench Jr.
It took a few weeks for Wrench to get used to the dog.He didn’t even notice it until it was lazing on the couch next to Mickey while she was working.It was a scene to experience.
He doesn’t go along on missions for obvious reasons {Micks doesn’t want him to get hurt/killed…and she’s pretty sure he’d be in the way…or set off an explosive or something}.
Random shiz:
Main hangout is the main Hackerspace from the game.Second being the Silicon Valley one.
Has gone on some missions with Marcus {the ones where multiple things need to be done or where it’s going to take more than one person to do,but it’s only one thing that needs to be stolen/hacked}.
When looked at with the profiler her profile says
ctOS.exe has stopped responding
Memes 'n Dreams
How 'bout nah
Also does the parkouring,climbing high buildings and messing with cranes
Likes the skeleton Dedsec paint on her cars/motorbikes
Almost shot Lenni quite a few times -  too many witnesses stopped her from doing so
Finds it entertaining to help Wrench {he’s a really amusing guy to be around,alright?}
Graffiti is great
Reckons a 'Josh protection squad’ should be made {Don’t harass him,pls}
Sees Ray as some sort of cool hippie uncle
Doesn’t smoke but always has a lighter to set stuff on fire if needed
Named her drone and rover she printed.Harvey for the rover and Zippy for the drone.Why,you might ask? Why not? Their names are painted on the sides of them.
“There’s another reason I get called Ninja.It’s not just the screenname.“
Sneaking/Stealth skill +100
Parkour skill +90
Agility +87
Speed +85
Martial arts and self defence +90
Even with skill,she’s really damn clumsy
Is sometimes going out on missions instead of Marcus,if Marcus needs to rest or recover.Goes on own little side missions as well
“First day on the damn job and I get my hoodie stolen by my workpal.”
When out on missions during the day,she wears a range of shirts/hoodies.On nightly missions she wears all black.
Weapons of choice are:
*SVD/other snipers {Including the Stun sniper}
*Baseball bat
*Knives,especially flip knives
When hanging out at the Hackerspace {with nothing else to do} she’s sitting with her laptop or working on a PC.Either hacking,working stuff out,or searching useful stuff.
Her phone has a little charm hanging on the side.It’s a mini Deadpool logo
Always there to lend a hand
While she has told the others about the street racing stuff after first joining,she literally never talked about it again, hoping they’d forget
Isn’t one for cursing too much,but in some situations it’s needed to calm a person down…will not hesitate to swear in another language.
Doesn’t drink coffee or tea,or hot chocolate.
Always carries one of her flip knives with her.
Never reveals location of her house or her parents’. Usually kills the cameras temporarily in the area when she’s driving home.
Night owl/always exhausted pigeon
Likes fire and setting things on fire {Do you know how great it is to set gangs’ supplies ablaze just to spite them?}
Also a fan of explosives.Don’t give her any though….she’ll probably blow stuff up she’s not supposed to.
Not that good a swimmer.She can swim well enough to keep herself from sinking,but she ain’t no olympic medallist.
Likes camping
Probably became part of the team a bit before our boy Marcus.A few weeks before,probably.
References to movies/games/songs and puns 100%
Loves animals,and pets every single dog she can
Doesn’t have the cleanest resume.Street racing,property damage,murder,hacking,breaking into private property,stealing {data,high-tech weapons,etc},car theft,resisting arrest,the list goes on.
Wishes grappling hooks were actually a thing {simlar to those of JC3 or spy movies}
Loves Deadpool
Always has earphones in the ears if not listening to others talk or on missions,and still hears everything she’s supposed to around her. {I own this skill,so it ain’t impossible}
Loving the zombie apocalypse/post apocalyptic stuff
Loves drawing,that’s why graffiti is also great
While she dresses like a hipster/geek {with some badass Dedsec stuff in between} most of the time,she’s an emo/punk soul.
Can’t dance to save her life
Reckons that her haircut is shit,and that it’s the product from getting drunk with friends.Thus,the hate for alcohol grows stronger
Likes Vaperwave and Retrowave stuff
Avoids clubs of any sort
Mosquito magnet
Can program and reprogram a lot of things,such as robots,drones,hell,if she tries hard enough she might be able to do the same to cars,but building/rebuilding/re-engineering things…that’s difficult.The only building related skill she has is upgrading and modding her drone and RC rover,along with fixing up/upgrading/modding cars.
Learned a lot about cars while undercover.
Did some graffiti work for Sitara.Got a badass galaxy DedSec design on the side of some building,and a little DedSec-fied Undertale reference one too.
Was very disturbed when that whole thing with the DedSec parody and strip club owner went down.Almost had a heart attack when Marcus told the bunch that the Bratva threw him in the trunk of a car that’s in the process of being crushed.
When threatening people {Bad people,'course} she likes saying that she’s going to snap the person like a stick
House isn’t as big a mess as one would think {Compared to Ray’s old place/the silo and the motel room where Aiden lived before it got blown up}.The hacking related things,such as her computer,laptop,at least nine monitors,a ton of harddrives,etc,are in her room,and there’s no sign of anything of the sort outside of that.
Parents still oblivious,still don’t know she’s a hacker,still don’t know about her street racing ways.She prefers it that way….that’s why nobody sees the garage or bedroom.
Not a fan of attention,would rather keep a low profile and let her workpals get the fame.But of course,when there’s some bad stuff on DedSec,she won’t be afraid to show off her opinion and stick with the others
It’s great being sometimes-partners with Marcus
It’s also great going off on missions on your own
“Screw you,you son of a bitch.”
*Proceeds to flip person off as it’s the worst she’ll do before it switches to violence and knife threats*
“Viva La Resistance/Rebellion” in a really bad French accent
“You see this knife? It’s my knife. What I’m gonna do with it? Shove it down your throat if you don’t shut the hell up.”
“The name’s Dead Inside.How ya doin’?”
“You look like a terrorist.”
“I promise you,I am NOT a terrorist.”
“What are you then?”
“A ninja.”
“Are you some kind of weirdass goth person?”
She has abandonment issues,that’s why she prefers doing missions solo.Means she can’t lose anyone while on missions or get betrayed/left behind.
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