incognitajones · 4 months
For the birthday bash - 8: shielding the other one with their body for rebelcaptain, please! (And of course HAPPY BIRTHDAY!)
Here you are, lovely! Thank you for the birthday wishes and for your patience - I started a much angstier version of this prompt before deciding it should be more fun.
(I'm especially pleased I managed to get this done under the wire as I'll be pretty much gone for the next six weeks. I have big plans for my return, though!)
Cassian turns, pushing Jyn back until she’s up agains the rough cement wall. Her breath rushes out of her lungs in a hard, shocked gust. What the—?
She cranes her neck to look past him but he lifts his right arm, resting it on the wall beside her to casually block her sight line to that side of the cantina. The motion also makes his body lean toward her, his head tipping down to hers, creating the illusion of a couple flirting on the fringes of this dim bar.
[ read the rest on AO3 ]
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astromechs · 9 months
how about 💕 kissing somewhere other than lips please and thanks
this takes very non-specifically in my college AU because i missed them; jyn and leia share an apartment and that's all you really need to know for this one :) from this list; also on ao3!
The creak of her bedroom door opening might as well be nails on a fucking chalkboard right now, with the way that the sound absolutely grates on every single one of Jyn’s last nerves. On top of all the congestion in her sinuses causing so much pressure that she can’t think straight and the fact that more trips out of her bed leave her falling to the floor than not, she doesn’t need this. Hadn’t she told Leia to leave her alone? Even if she hadn’t, even if she’d literally fever dreamed saying that, Leia should know better than to barge in here.
She groans, and refuses to open her eyes. Says to the door she’s not looking at, with all the strength she can muster:
"Fuck off —"
"Is that how you say hello to everyone who comes to bring you soup?"
Well, that isn’t exactly the voice she’d been expecting to hear cutting her off.
Jyn cracks one eye open and lifts her head to find Cassian standing on the opposite side of the room, just barely through the doorway, holding a bag that, she can see through the plastic, contains various tupperwares of food. It’s not that she isn’t glad to see him, because there’s always a part of her that is, but there’s: one, the obvious, and two, the fact that the small smile just barely visible on his face is too amused for her liking, which remains even as her scowl deepens.
Still, though, he has the decency to let it drop as she starts the slow process of propping herself into a sitting position. Considering the past few days, she considers it a victory that she manages to get three pillows standing comfortably behind her back while only wanting to flop back down to the mattress once, and the ringing in her ears actually manages to stop after a few seconds.
By the time she’s settled, her head feels clearer than it has in days.
“After I didn’t hear from you for a while, I figured things had to be bad.” He lifts one shoulder in a shrug as he gives his explanation, dropping his eyes to the floor and awkwardly shuffles on his feet. “So I texted Leia. She let me in.”
In that moment, it feels like all the breath has been knocked out of Jyn. Not in a way that means she’s about to start coughing, but — this is such an incredibly kind gesture that she doesn’t know what to do with it. Even her lingering anger at Leia fades. Her mouth opens, once, to let some form of words out that she never finds; she sneezes before she ever gets the chance, and by the time that’s dealt with, she forgets what she’d even been trying to find in the first place.
Eventually, all she manages, in a soft voice, is, "Don't get any closer." She sniffs, emphasizing a point that really shouldn’t have to be emphasized, just looking at her. "I'm a biohazard."
He shrugs again. "I'll take my chances."
"You're a f—" she starts, but then that’s when the coughing attack comes, the fifth one she’s had in the past half an hour, with really shitty timing this time. And fuck, she thinks they’re getting longer and longer every time.
"What was that?" Cassian asks when it finally subsides, a twinge of mischief in his voice that she can also see returns to his smile. "Didn't quite catch it."
"I was going to say —" The last of her coughs sputter out, and she’s forced to reach for the water bottle beside her bed before she can continue. "That you're a fucking idiot. But now I'm adding asshole to that list, too."
Cassian, the asshole, actually laughs at that, and he makes no attempt to hide it. Granted, she must look as pathetic as she sounds, so any threat or otherwise coming out of her mouth has to be hard to take seriously, but that doesn't make him any less of an asshole. That doesn't make her less likely to scrunch her stuffed-up nose and purse her lips into the best approximation of a pout that she can manage right now, which, of course, doesn't make him less likely to just laugh harder.
But she's been stuck in this apartment — this room, specifically — for days now, and the way that she can see his eyes light up from that laugh even when he's still barely through the doorway has her heart skipping a beat and her congested chest suddenly light with a stupid sort of feeling that comes close to something that might be described as giddy.
Ugh, she really is pathetic — for all the obvious, and for reasons that have nothing to do with the collection of empty Kleenex boxes strewn all over her bedroom floor.
That doesn't stop him, though, her patheticness. He does, in fact, take his chances, stubborn fucking idiot that he is, stepping across the room until he's by her bedside, close enough to set the bag of food he's carrying onto the nightstand. Kicking his shoes off of his feet, he sidesteps the Kleenex boxes to climb up onto the bed, settling comfortably just beside her as she shifts, unconsciously, to make room for him; he’s warm and soft, filling every desperate need for comfort that she hasn’t even bothered to acknowledge.
He presses a gentle kiss to the top of her head, and she closes her eyes and rests her head against his chest, too tired to fight anything at all, much less the one thing she wants most in this world.
There's no question that he'll end up sick, too, within the next three days, if that; maybe she’s never been great at biology, but even so, Jyn is positive that she has to still be actively contagious, and cuddling a sick person definitely isn’t going to do him any favors.
But there’s also no question that when he inevitably is, she’ll be returning the favor.
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pfirsichspritzer · 2 years
Rebelcaptain trees for @oh-nostalgiaa (AU, fantasy AU/magic AU/dragon riders and elves AU)
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Here is a little AU idea for you, I hope you like it 😊
The moment the stranger steps into the dingy old tavern, all eyes are on him. He is human, tall and imposing, face drawn tight. His clothes are made from the finest fabrics one cannot find in this part of the realm and the sword strapped to his hip, forged from rare metal and emblazoned with precious gemstones, speaks of trouble. Patrons, regulars and travelers alike, muster him with suspicion and barely concealed hostility. They all know what he is. Dragon riders, Fire bringers, Sorcerers, they are called, their kind feared and admired across the lands, even though few have actually seen one in person. Guardians of the queen, keepers of peace, soldiers, flying on their fiery beasts to administer justice throughout the realm. Wherever they go, war isn’t far.
His gaze sweeps over the patrons, seemingly without a care in the world, until it lands on her. Jyn involuntarily shivers.
His footsteps seem to echo through the room as he slowly walks towards her, and they resonate in her very soul. When he stops in front of the counter, studying her with deep, dark eyes, she knows that her destiny has changed, if she wants it or not. He is here for a reason and the reason is her.
“A glass of your finest ale, please”, he orders and puts a handful of coins on the counter, that are more than she makes in a fortnight. He leans closer, and she involuntarily does so as well. His mouth is only mere inches from her ear when he speaks. “I’m here on behalf of the queen. She is looking for a powerful sorceress that is rumoured to live in these parts of the woods.”
Jyn scoffs. “Who told you that nonsense?”
He only musters her intently as an answer and she crosses her arms defensively, after placing the ale in front of him.
“There are no sorcerers in these woods, and we certainly do not need those magic dwelling scallywags here.” She waves her dirty rag dismissively in his direction. “So, do yourself and us a favour and be on your way again as soon as possible”
When she turns to serve the other patrons, she can see his bemused expression in the corner of her eyes. It vanishes as quickly as it appeared.
He waits for her when she leaves the tavern late at night through the backdoor. Leaning against a tree trunk, she almost doesn’t see him in the dark. But her senses have always been better than those of mere humans.
“What do you want?”, she asks, in equal amounts concerned and annoyed.
“I think you haven’t been honest with me before.”
“About what?” He doesn’t answer. Irritated, she turns around to leave.
He follows her.
“I can’t help neither you nor your queen.” She says over her shoulder without slowing her gate.
“Ah, but we both know that isn’t true, is it?”
Angrily she stops on the spot and whirls around, a familiar rage flaring up in the pit of her stomach.
“Let me phrase it differently: I do not want to help your queen. I have left your order years ago, when they decided that my heritage was too much trouble, that my mother’s blood was too dirty for them and the connections I have to the elves because of it, was too dangerous. I had to start my whole life anew, build everything I have here with my bare hands. They would have been glad to leave me for dead and suddenly they decided they want my help?”
He has taken a step back, holding up his hands in an appeasing manner. “Things have changed. The queen recognises that mistakes were made under her predecessor, and she wants to formerly apologize to you.”
Jyn scoffs and shakes her head in disbelief. “Why now?”
“The empire has become a threat in the eastern regions again and apparently, they have a new ace up their sleeve. It is rumoured to have something to do with your father, that he is working for them.”
“My father?” Jyn is barely able to keep her voice from shaking. “My father is dead.”
“We all thought so too. But it seems that he isn’t”
Now he is looking at her with something akin to pity and she hates it.
He seems to notice it too because he is quick to continue: “The queen wants to build an alliance with the elves, against the empire. Both our folks would benefit from it.”
“And she wants me as what? A token? A leverage?” Jyn feels horribly cold all of a sudden.
“She wants you as a diplomat to talk with them.”
“Do you think I would be living here in the middle of nowhere, if the elves cared even a little bit about me?”
It is all so laughable to her. That this new queen, barely a year on the throne, has now apparently decided to uproot her life and throw her back into a conflict she has sworn to take no part in ever again.
He musters her for a second, seemingly unsure if he should continue, but soldiers on, nevertheless “Your mother was the heir to their throne after all, before she ran off with a human.”
The fact that he does know this about her makes her heart clench painfully. So that’s what he meant before when he said she hasn’t been honest. Because she isn’t just a half-elf, but she is the daughter of an elven crown princess that fell from grace. Her tainted heritage that has resulted in her loosing so many good things in her live. Is this the next thing she will lose?
There is no time to focus on her fears now, though, when her blood is still burning with rage. Without another word she turns around and marches on. She hears his quiet sign behind her.
Wordlessly he follows her once more. They walk silently, side by side through the woods until her little hut becomes visible between the bushes and trees.
A giant, dark scaled lizard is napping next to it, his wings as wide as the meadow around her house if unfolded. He lifts his head when they approach, his glowing yellow eyes mustering her critically and he breaths out a puff of smoke.
Jyn involuntarily chuckles and steps forward, lifting her hand to pet his scaled snout. “Hello, Kay. It’s good to see you again. Please don’t set my home on fire, ok?” He just exhales another gust of hot air that ruffles her hair when she scratches his chin.
Her anger has disappeared now, she feels nothing but hollow.
“Let’s go inside”, she says half over her shoulder and doesn’t wait for an answer.
Her little home is cramped, filled with herbs and potions she sells to the villagers around. The money they are able to spare on this medicine is barely enough to get by.
Rogue greets her, jumping up and down, wanting to be held in her arms, even though he is too big for that now. She found him as a little kitten, a half-breed between a housecat and a mountain lion. Abandoned by the lions because he was too weak, feared by humans because he was too wild. Just like her, a part of two worlds but belonging to neither.
A hand gently touches her shoulder.
Slowly she turns around. His eyes are full of so many things: Regret, hut, betrayal.
“Do you despise me now? Because of my mother” Her voice is small, like the scared child she was when her mother died, when her father left her at the doors of the dragon riders order.
He looks vaguely sick even thinking about it. “Jyn, no, of course not.” He takes a deep breath. “I’m hurt you didn’t trust me enough to tell me.”
“I haven’t told anyone in a long time, Cassian. But if I would have trusted anyone enough to tell, it would have been you” She mumbles.
He doesn’t look completely appeased, but holds up his arms and she steps closer, sinking into his familiar embrace. It always makes her forget the world around her for a minute.
After a while where no one says anything, she finally asks: “The queen is determined to find me, isn’t she?”
“Yes. But she doesn’t know where you are. Doesn’t know about this, us.”
No one knows about them. They would have thrown him out of the order as well, the moment they knew. The thought of him losing everything like she had is unbearable to her.
“I can prolong the search for a few more weeks and you can flee, hide somewhere, until it dies down.” His voice is full of determination, he has always been lying on her behalf and if she asks him to continue, she knows he will do so untill his dying breath.
“But she will send someone else, won’t she? She won’t rest until she finds me, I’ll always be on the run.”
His heartbeat in her ear has always been her favourite sound. Though every moment listening to it has been borrowed, stolen time all along. She has the painful fear it is running out.
“And you will be fighting in this war, nonetheless. If my father really is helping the empire, who knows what they will be capable of doing. I can’t protect you from the side-lines.”, she mumbles into his chest.
He chuckles softly. “I don’t need your protection”
“Oh, yes you do, don’t you remember that I always beat your ass in a swordfight.”, she grins up at him, remembering the little boy with the shaggy hair and lanky arms.
“I’m not 12 anymore”, he scoffs indignantly.
“I know”, she says sadly, studying his face, trying to imprint every laugh line and every little winkle into her memory.
She wishes they were twelve again, without a care in the world, just two stupid apprentices in the order, before everything went to hell.
Jyn signs. “I will accompany you to her queen’s court. Listen to what she has to say.”
Cassian pulls her tighter into his embrace and kisses her forehead gently. She knows he feels it too, that their time is running out.
But she cannot run anymore, she has to face the world again and her parent’s legacy with it.
“Will you stay for the night”, she asks him, because if this is their last night together, she might as well enjoy it to the fullest.
“Of course. Always.” He mumbles against her skin and for now it is enough.
Who knows what the future will bring.
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andorerso · 2 years
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Rebelcaptain Trees for @oh-nostalgiaa​: Single Parent AU (with bonus first times? sort of? a little bit)
For a moment, Jyn didn’t remember where she was.
The brightness of the room was unusual, as well as the birds chirping outside like in some sort of Disney movie. Not to mention the arm around her waist, the warm chest against her back, and someone’s soft breaths on her neck.
This wasn’t her bedroom. Nope, not even a little bit.
All at once, last night came flooding back to her.
The bar, the unexpected but familiar face she ran into, the drinks, the jokes, the laughter... The flirting.
Jyn grinning at him shyly as she tucked a lock of her behind her ear. Cassian watching her with a warmth in his eyes she wasn’t prepared for.
Whose idea was it to go back to his place? It didn’t matter. She remembered Cassian pushing her against the wall as they stumbled to his bedroom, his lips hot on her skin, his breathing ragged in her ear.
She remembered all the things they did afterward too.
Shit. Shit shit shit.
Jyn resisted the urge to bolt out of the bed and flee. It wasn’t that she regretted it, no, not even a little bit. It was that she should. He was her student’s parent, one of her favorite students at that, and yes, he was single, and yes, she’d fancied him for the past three years, but it was never supposed to be more than that. It was unprofessional, it was unethical, it was downright irresponsible.
She shuddered to think what people would say if they found out. All the single (and not-so-single) moms who’d want her blood...
There weren’t technically any rules against dating a student’s parent, per se, but she doubted anyone, including Principal Mothma, would look kindly upon it. And she liked her job. She liked the school, the neighborhood, the students, even some of the co-workers. She worked too hard for this degree to throw it all to the wind for the sake of one man.
Even if said man could do absolutely mind-boggling things with his tongue.
Focus, Jyn.
Jyn squeezed her eyes shut, wondering if she could slip out of his embrace and make a hasty but quiet escape. Cassian had said last night that his daughter was with her mom, so he was the only one she needed to not wake, and she’d be free. Then they’d hopefully never talk about this again, and she’ll go on to admire him from afar, like always, while probably being unable to ever look him in the eye for fear of remembering how he looked when glancing up at her from between her legs.
Perfect. It sounded like a perfect plan. In theory.
But as soon she implemented said plan and slid out of his embrace, onto the cold floor, Cassian stirred, letting out a quiet groan.
Well fuck. Now she’d be forced to have the awkward conversation she wanted to avoid.
“Jyn?” he said, voice bleary, rubbing his eyes.
On instinct, Jyn grabbed the sheets and pulled them over herself to cover her chest while she turned to face him. Except that was a stupid idea too. Because now he was completely uncovered, blinking at her in sluggish surprise.
“Hey, everything okay?” he asked while she kept her eyes firmly on the wall above his head.
“Yes,” she said, voice higher than intended, “I just really have to go... I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“No, it’s okay.” Cassian sat up, apparently oblivious to her inner turmoil, but at least he grabbed his boxers from the floor and pulled them on. Thank God. “Do you wanna stay for breakfast?”
Stay for —
Jyn’s gaze snapped to him in shock. He cannot be serious. He really saw nothing wrong with the situation?
“I can’t. Sorry. I have — I have something important.” She didn’t. And that was probably painfully clear to Cassian as well who finally stopped to really look at her. She just wished he’d put on a shirt as well...
“Is this... Is this gonna be awkward?”
“Not unless we make it awkward,” she said, forcing some cheer into her words.
How often did teachers and parents really meet anyway? Only at parent-teacher conferences, at best. But Cassian had always been an involved father. It’s one of the first things she grew to appreciate about him, besides his glaringly obvious good looks. He was good with his daughter.
Jyn didn’t typically fawn over men with kids, but even she had to admit that he was pretty cute with Cali. He often came to pick her up from school, ruffling her hair, asking about her day, bringing her little surprises sometimes, like the tiny handmade wooden horse that Cali then brought with her to school for months on end. He stopped to ask her teachers about her progress in school, paid attention when he was given advice, made sure she had everything she needed.
There was no way Jyn could avoid him forever; she’d seen him weekly, even just in passing, for the past three years. It could be awkward.
She could see Cassian come to the same conclusion, and his face twisted into a grimace.
“Listen, Jyn... I know we were both a little irresponsible last night. And maybe I should feel bad. But the truth is, I’ve liked you for a long time and I can’t feel sorry about this.”
Jyn’s eyes went wide as his words sank in, his face open and earnest. He’d liked her for a long time? Him? Cassian Andor? Yavin’s number one DILF who was basically all the single moms’ most self-indulgent fantasies come to life?
There was no way.
“You... you like me?”
A soft smile curled on Cassian’s lips, his eyes amused but kind. “Is that such a surprise?”
“Well, uhm...”
“Why? You have a big heart. You’re funny, you’re intelligent, you’re passionate, you’re dedicated…”
And mean and aggressive and stubborn and closed-off... But of course, he wouldn’t know that. She usually reserved that for the adults, not the kids, but Cassian was one of the exceptions. He hadn’t seen the worst of her bad side.
“Not to mention you’re Cali’s favorite teacher.”
Now her eyebrows rose even higher. “I am?”
“Well...” She didn’t know what to say to that. All this was so unexpected. She stood there like a deer in headlights, clutching the sheets to her chest, heart beating unsteadily against her ribcage. Did he have to make this so hard? “I like you too,” she admitted, her voice quiet and wistful. “But...”
“But we can’t do this,” Cassian finished for her, taking her by surprise. Wait... he agreed? Seeing the expression on her face, Cassian let out a small laugh. “Don’t get me wrong, I’d be happy to have a different choice. But you’re my kid’s teacher, and even if you weren’t her favorite, I can’t risk this impacting her negatively.”
Of course. Jyn’s smile was fond, if a little sad. He put his daughter above all else, as a good dad would. She wouldn’t have liked him so much otherwise.
“I know,” she nodded, eyes soft, letting him know that she harbored no hard feelings for his decision. “And I can’t risk my career so...”
“But,” Cassian began, and for the first time, he sounded unsure of himself. His eyes dropped to the floor, his throat moving as he swallowed. “This is Cali’s last year of elementary school.”
For a moment, Jyn only blinked at him. It was true, Cali was a fifth grader, a thought that hadn’t even occurred to her until now. Was this their loophole?
But when she didn’t answer right away, Cassian rushed on to add with wide eyes, “Of course it’d be presumptuous of me to expect you to wait. I only meant —”
“It’s only two months, right?” Jyn cut him off. Two months until the end of the school year. That was easy, almost no time at all.
“Right. So if you’ll still want to... I’ll take you out on a date.”
“I’ll still want to,” Jyn said without thinking, then winced. She needed to take down the enthusiasm a notch. But Cassian didn’t seem to mind, a smile still lingering on his lips.
“So...” He quirked his eyebrows at her, a playful look on his face. “Do you still have to go or do you wanna have breakfast with me?”
Jyn grinned. She supposed there was no harm in breakfast.
As long as they both kept their hands to themselves.
(And it was a good thing they did when Cali and her mom showed up twenty minutes later.
“Hey, Cass,” Cali’s mom, Bix was saying, “I hope you don’t mind that we came earlier —”
She stopped talking when she noticed Jyn sitting at the dining table, her eyes going wide as saucers while Cassian let out a quiet groan and Jyn wished for the ground to swallow her up.
“Miss Jyn?” Cali gasped in childlike delight, a wide grin breaking out on her face.
Well, shit.)
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carenius · 10 months
Käärijä tehdessään rituaalin japanilaisessa lukiossa ystäviensä kanssa, jonka takia joutuu toiseen todellisuuteen, missä kuolleiden oppilaiden kummitukset jahtaavat heitä
It’s corpse! It’s party!
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shrewmingledotcom · 2 months
my mom bought me ball :DDD
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harryisthelilspoon · 7 months
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thechildisgone · 1 year
i used to post pll edits/icons on tumblr in 2010/2011 adsjklg
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folklore-girl · 9 months
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frostbitepandaaaaa · 1 year
listen ... i can't just ask for ALL the prompts, now can I? i WILL ask for breeding kink, but if that does not spark joy I will gently suggest praise. thank yooouuuu.
ooooooo INTERESTING. what a challenge for rebelcaptain! it's not necessarily my thing, but I do love a challenge. i'll give it a whirl, dear moot, but if i can't make it work i'll go with plan b!
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incognitajones · 2 years
Trick or treat! Would love Rebelcaptain + ghostly. But if that doesn't inspire, please feel free to write whatever does. <3
Here it is, the last Trick or Treat ficlet! Thank you for being patient, @oh-nostalgiaa, and I hope you enjoy a little dark chocolate angst with your prompt...
[Note: elements from the Andor series canon up to episode 10]
The vague white blankness blinding Cassian solidifies into the sterile walls of his cell on Narkina 5. An alarm shrieks in his skull and Melshi is standing outside the doorway, staring at him—standing in the hall—
“Melshi!” Cassian shouts. He lunges to pull him inside, off the floor, away from the flashing red lights striping his face with blood. He reaches out and his fingertips claw at the sleeve of Melshi’s uniform but he falls, convulsing in a broken arc, and Cassian screams his throat hoarse—
Get a medroid in here, we need restraints on him
Whiteness broken by a thin black bar that wavers and stretches into the silhouette of a woman bending over him, long dark hair falling down around her face. Her eyes are ringed in bruises and her lip is split. Cassian blinks. “Bix? That you?” 
His skin burns, his bones ache. He’s curled around himself under the scant shelter of her house wall and it feels like he was dragged there through the streets of Ferrix. 
“Bix?” He struggles to sit up, reaching for her. She spits blood at him and turns away, fading into shadow. 
The fever’s not breaking
Light and darkness, a flash of motion ahead of him: someone running away through the unending forest of Kenari. Cassian races after the small fleeing figure although his pulse is pounding in his head and his breath is tearing his lungs in ragged gasps. He has to catch up with her. 
A root yanks at his foot and he trips, falling headlong into the dirt. “Wait! Kerri, wait!” 
But she doesn’t pause, doesn’t turn back—the last he sees of her is a flicker of dark hair vanishing into the trees.
A tight grip on his hand drags him back. The room is stark white again. Exhausted, Cassian closes his eyes and lets his head loll to the side, away from whoever’s there this time. Who is it: Kino, Nemik? It doesn’t matter—he’s a coward, who can’t stand to see another of those who are dead thanks to him. 
“Cassian? Do you know who I am?”
His hand is still engulfed in a warm grip, the fingers strong and rough. He doesn’t want to look, but he has to. She shouldn’t be here, she can’t, she was supposed to live…
Her face is pale, and under matted bangs, her eyelids are nearly translucent with fatigue. A scratch on her temple is still seeping blood. She doesn’t look ghostly, but then neither did any of the dead people he saw. 
“Jyn,” he rasps through cracked lips, staring at her. “Are you real? I mean, are you here?”
“I’m here.” Her hand tightens around his. “And I’m staying.” 
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astromechs · 11 months
🖤 kissing while crying / goodbye kiss / desperation for jyn x cassian plssssss
a little follow-up/coda to this fic! we're recovering from whumptober, one happy ending at a time from this list; still accepting!
She's gone, they say. They've done all they could. The antidote was a shot in the dark, not a guarantee.
Intellectually, Cassian understands the words, and he numbly nods to acknowledge them without so much as glancing in the direction of the medical staff — but he doesn't hear them. Not really, because how can he actually hear something that can't be real?
Death has been a constant in his life, shadowing him, dealt by his own hands; he knows it better than he knows himself. And it's not Jyn. No, Jyn is a fire that never extinguishes, one that had sparked something in him that had long gone cold, and he's never encountered anyone more alive than her. She'd stare death in the face, give it an unwavering "Fuck off" before she'd ever let it take her.
No, the flat tone of the monitor has it wrong; she's just sleeping. Resting like she should be, regaining her strength, but at any second, she'll wake up, and her hand in his will be as warm as it always is. Watching the light fade from her eyes won't be the last time he ever sees them.
It'll be any second.
A hand grasps his arm, tries to tug, and he forcefully wrenches it away. Otherwise, he remains completely still; he'd promised, hadn't he? That he wouldn't go anywhere. That, no matter what, he wouldn't be another name among a long list of them to leave Jyn behind. She won't open her eyes again to an empty medbay room.
The monitor stops. Her hand is still cold; she's still not breathing.
It's as if some invisible hand is wrapping around his throat, choking him. His vision blurs. Well out of his control, tears fall, hot, onto his face.
This isn't real. It can't be real. It —
A hand squeezes his, warm. In the deafening silence of the room, a sharp intake of breath grabs his attention as effectively as the roar of a U-wing's engine would.
Green eyes stare up into his.
They're as pale as Jyn's face, shining with tears. She's still weak, barely just able to lift her head, but she's here. Alive, after he'd so nearly lost her.
He squeezes her hand in return, and leans in to press his lips to hers. It's shaky, clumsy, desperate — and it's everything.
When he pulls away, he doesn't have in him to go far. Reaching up to her face, gently wiping tears away with the pad of his thumb, he whispers, "You came back."
"Of course I did," she tells him like it's the most obvious thing in the galaxy, in a voice that's still hoarse, but gaining strength. A soft smile tugs at the corners of her mouth. "Did you think I'd ever leave you behind?"
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woahpip · 2 years
@oh-nostalgiaa i’m so sorry it’s late, but i’m your discord secret santa!!! <3 here’s a ficlet where our two faves take care of each other. happy new year!! *insert cassian heart emojis*
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read my ficlet here on ao3!
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andorerso · 5 months
As far as I can tell, it's all Matt Bomer and one Henry Cavill. But then, I just woke up from a nap so I could be mistaken. 😅
okay good, that means we're all in agreement!! good job tumblrinas, we cracked the code <3
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sasukeibu · 2 years
capatalism is a failure bc bandai  won’t re-release the tamagotchi connection
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fulcrumstardust · 5 months
15: Which genre(s) are your favorite?
I mostly read scifi and fantasy. I used to be really into high fantasy when I was younger but I got bored of the genre conventions I guess (and stopped trying lol). I tend to gravitate toward space settings or urban fantasy, anything with an exciting world building! 🥰
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