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blastkat · 1 year ago
Unreal Chocolate covered Coconut
I ordinarily purchase Unreal dark chocolate nutbutter cups. They’re my favorite. I was resupplying when I noticed @unreal.snacks dark chocolate coconut bars. I love chocolate covered coconut bars. I picked up a bag to try it. What I love about Unreal dark chocolate coconut bars is they’re not bitter and not too sweet. There’s a nice balance between the organic coconut and the dark…
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mashirodayo · 9 days ago
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obligatory tree joke
I headcanon / speculate that the Rochas313 we see in Forsaken is actually a clone Nosoi made hence why it has tree features; basically, the virus has already spread its way into other games via cloning.
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darkergrey · 5 months ago
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ghost hunting for Pharasma in the most haunted places
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fandomandangstlover · 2 days ago
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gives y'all the ARG Trio's Killers counterparts. they're getting jumped by the horrors, like usual lmao. time to info dump /silly
"BRANDON" - NOT Brandonworks. Manifestation of Ozolog1's Guilt from being unable to save his friend. He thinks that he's playing Heli Wars with people n' his fren :'). He's a killer similar to c00lkidd's vibe!
NOSOI - The Tree that I hate. A parasitic Virus that has completely ruined Rochas's life. Can disguise itself as whoever it sees, but chooses to mostly use people Rochas knew(Cappy, 1Dash, 1Dash's friend who i can't remember the name of— i am so sorry, etc) and will only turn into other survivors if they're chasing said survivor/in a round. It's piloting that NPC around like a Toyota. It's a Killer that is heavily based on deception and traps, growing ever stronger the more it kills.
JX1DX1 - BITCH. A Virus that aims to make FaceLULZ's life absolutely Miserable. Egoistic ass motherfucker who i would love to punch in the face. Looks like a Roblox character even when not in that style. The Eyes on his scarf thingy will always be facing the camera, facing you. He's a killer that aims to isolate and disorient his victims, picking them off one by one.
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one of his moves... run gurl runn
enjoy!! i. hope
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astravires · 8 months ago
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i know of sin by the things momma prayed i know of heaven by the line at its gate... ...so come drink the water if you want to be saved.
just some of nosoi the necromancer spellcaster in @aniraklova's latest cc because it is amazing (as if all their cc, imo since nosoi is wearing LOADS of it)
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 4 months ago
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The nosoi is a psychopomp, the beings who guide you to the afterlife when you die. These are the scribes, messengers, and clerks, directing the freshly dead and witnessing the judgement. Most are really chatty and like talking about all the cool things they're doing. They can turn invisible, read future omens, and turn into a different type of songbird or raven. Thier song is also supernaturally fasinating, keeping your attention solely on them.
Oh, and they're the size of an actual songbird or raven. Probably assumed but you never know with these things.
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c00lkiddsteam · 14 days ago
"The- The tree? With a heart??"
-> He tilts his head, confused.
"Um.. That sounds really cool, and I don't wanna hurt anybody else, but... Can I bring my dad, too? And Mister 37?"
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pizza-party-support · 18 days ago
"No." -> He lifts up his middle finger before walking away. He's done with you freaks.
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the-lost-guest · 18 days ago
“Touch her and we have issues”
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silversiren1101 · 2 months ago
Our party of level 18 4/5 undead has entered the Boneyard. What could possibly go wrong.
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honeybee2807 · 2 years ago
Forgotten Memories: The Hidden Oracle
Chapter 2
Lester let out a high pitched shriek.
Turning around, he sprinted to the nearest apartment but it did not deter the nosoi, who just moved faster. As he rushed inside the building, he collided into someone. The man he ran into had black hair and sea-green eyes so mesmerising that you could be sucked into it. The man furrowed his eyes and frowned, "Dude, what..."
"Nosoi!" Lester interrupted, his hand frantically waving at the direction of the monsters. "They have been following me all the time."
Scowling, the man pulled out an unremarkable pen, which had turned into a giant, gleaming sword while he uncapped it, and muttered angrily, "Monsters won't just give me a break."
Lester stared at the sword-pen and mumured, "How...?"
"Oh that?" the man looked unfazed. "That's riptide!"
'As if that explained anything' Lester thought sardonically.
The man sliced one of the Nosoi and Lester dared to hope that that would stop the Nosoi. At least until Lester noticed that the Nosoi had reformed.
"How did that not work?" the bewildered man was stumped. "That usually works!"
Lester let loose a sob as the feelings of panic and shock had grown until they were a sea that he was drowning in. "I don't know! We got to run!"
Stumbling as he ran, Lester followed the man up the stairs until they were outside a door which the man opened.
"Get in!" he yelled out.
As they both hurried in, they saw an attractive woman in her fourties bustling around with a plate of blue cookies (blue?). She grinned when she saw the man. "Hello, Percy! Who's this friend of yours?"
The man, Percy, grimly stated, "Monsters are here, mom"
Speak of the devil and he shall appear! At Percy's words, the Nosoi came speeding in and snarled, "Yooo will nooot escape. What shall weee give yooo? Perhaps, ebooola?"
Percy's mom paled. "Oh dear."
As the nosoi swarmed around them, Percy attempted to strike with his sword to no avail. One of the nosoi let loose a fog which encircled Percy, who fell down to the floor.
In a fit of desperation, his mom grabbed the nearest thing she could find to attack the nosoi. Swinging a vacuum cleaner in full power, she demolished one of the nosoi.
The other two backed away in fear of this creepy automation but an enraged mother whose child was attacked is an incredibly scary creature. With a loud roar, she charged at the nosoi and killed them.
Lester looked at her in admiration, awe and apprehension. Relief had started to pour into him when he heard a wheeze behind him.
Percy was clawing at his throat, croaking, "I.... cannot.... breathe..." before letting out a hacking cough. He was increasingly getting paler and his body was slowly getting limp. He was infected by the smoke released by the Nosoi.
"Percy!" exclaimed his mother, rushing towards him.
Limping towards Percy, Lester tried to recall anything that might have been of help. His newest companion couldn't die, not right after victory! Desperation seized him as gripped Percy tightly, hoping against hope that they would be able to reach the nearest hospital before things got too late. Suddenly, golden light flew from Lester's hands and encased Percy before being absorbed by the man. Colour began flooding Percy's cheeks and light reached his sea green eyes. Percy and his mom stared at him.
Lester stammered, "I don't know what happened either!"
Percy's mom hugged him tightly, "Thank you....."
"Lester," he replied.
She asked, "How did you see these monsters?"
And so Lester started from the beginning. He recounted of falling from the sky, his memory loss, the voice...
"...I don't know what I am being punished for..."
...him running and encountering the Nosoi.
By now, adrenaline swept off him and he was acutely aware of the pain in his chest. He looked down to see red in his shirt. Feeling suddenly dizzy(Was blood supposed to be red?), he gripped the nearest table and his feet buckled. The world started spinning and everything went dark.
Previous Chapter:
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blastkat · 1 year ago
We're getting ready for Halloween with Unreal Snacks
We’re getting ready for Halloween with @unreal.snacks dark chocolate almond butter cups and dark chocolate caramel peanut nougat bars. When we were little, I remember my parents sorting our Halloween Haul after trick or treating. My dad was particular. He let us have the “good snacks”. Good being subjective to less bad than the rest. These days, my little group of trick or treaters aren’t…
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opalkire · 8 months ago
Goddess makes local dragon very sick, sends her halfway across the country with a bird and a waffle iron to deal with demons.
in the tags describe your ttrpg character's backstory as badly as possible in one sentence. i'll start: local woman who has lived next to the ocean her entire life sees an extra tall wave one time and immediately decides to become an anarchist nun.
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divine-swordsmaster · 19 days ago
"That's great." -> Sprays you with weed killer.
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astravires · 8 months ago
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Hoard of bones and chest for stones We shall not stay awake through nights of darkness...
yet another CAS challenge - this time @j3lly-fish's one with the stars challenge
also, thank you for helping me with your CAS poses!
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nosoi athan...spellcaster (necromancer)
11 - green 1 - odd number - unnatural colours 3 - red 12 - moles / 13 - scars 19 - your sim has connections to the dead / 5 - your sim is overly fond of jewels/jewelry
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 14 days ago
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Living whirlwind! It's normally like 8 ft (2.4 m) tall but bigger versions exist. Do I need to keep talking? It can shove you and knock you down, anywhere near it is high speed wind, it's sentient air. pretty straightforward.
The nosoi is a psychopomp, the beings who guide you to the afterlife when you die. These are the scribes, messengers, and clerks, directing the freshly dead and witnessing the judgement. Most are really chatty and like talking about all the cool things they're doing. They can turn invisible, read future omens, and turn into a different type of songbird or raven. Thier song is also supernaturally fascinating, keeping your attention solely on them.
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