reality-detective · 2 months
David Ingram along with many others have accounts and stories of Norumbega. A Mighty City possibly established by Lief Erickson or someone before his time. 🤔
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"Norumbega Tower. Newton Mass."
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luchadorbard · 8 months
The Fallen Angles of our better nature (An OC short story)
(EDITORIAL NOTE: I've made various changes to this story after first posting it, mostly grammar and spelling. I have also changed a key aspect in the story itself to move away from a real world organization. Primarily to keep with the 'out there', fictitious nature of the sci-fi. I also no longer wish my story to be associated with a hyper-litigious group that has ALLEGEDLY many bad actors within it. I've made this change a while ago however this information has been brought to my attention recently and has further validated my decision. Please enjoy.)
"Guess who got tickets to the art expo!" Evelyn practically sang the question as the door to her apartment shut behind her. Her wife's head slowly peered around the door frame.
"Finally! It's not like I'm in that damn exhibit." Amanda smiled as she moved out of the study to stride over to Evelyn. Her hanging black Mohawk swaying slightly with each step, before quickly tamed with one of her large hands running through her shaved half of her head.
"With all the confusion in the wake of the director resigning, it's not that surprising honey." She leaned up and exchanged a quick kiss with her wife before she pulled back.
"Will Ame be there? They're kind of the whole reason for that piece in the first place."
"Amethyst will be there, don't worry about. It's they're translator drones that'll be the big question." She tossed her things on to the near by couch. "Got an outfit ready for tomorrow night?"
Amanda shook her head. "I'm torn, the suit and tie still calls to me but we'd both look great in clashing dresses."
Evelyn smirked as she let her fiery hair down. "You'll look good in anything dear."
Her partner sighed and dragged a hand over her face. "You always say that to avoid picking one. It can't be true all the time!"
Evelyn chortled as she made her way upstairs. "I'll stop saying it when it is!" She started the process of decompressing after a day of work as reflected on what drew them to this new milestone.
She remembered when she first met Amanada, the memory so vivid it bordered on a vision. One of the many mass planet wide protests that rocked Norumbega after the planetary governor announced another round of crippling austerity, another round of new measures against the Xalens aliens on world and another round of empowered security forces.
New Holguín was one of the epicenter of the push back, and her local parish had been key of not only providing support and logistics for the protests themselves but also helping the strange abstract aliens protect themselves from local authorities pointed ire.
She was there, a pale siege tower of a woman. One of the many members of local branch of the Chapel of Baphomet united in common cause with Evelyn and her congregation. Her aura seemed to have a natural command to her fellow protesters.
When the line of contact had grown more rowdy, her and her fellow believers were injured in a security line push, her group was the closest street medics they access to and urgency outweighed there reservations about there presentation.
"Let me get a look at it." Amanda readied the med kit without even looking at it, her attention laser focused on wound itself. "Hopefully it's just a shallow cut."
Droplets of blood from the scrap on Evelyn's arm were staining the larger woman's fingers, her black nail polish and her jacket. Evelyn shook her head. "It was just an awkward fall during the push. I got lucky, Matthews needs the help more than me."
Amanda raised an eyebrow as she sprayed a sanitizing solution on the cut before quickly wrapped it up. "You won't be so lucky if it gets infected. I'd see a doctor proper just to be safe."
"I'm not leaving until this is done." Evelyn stared back up at the woman, quiet defiance burning in her green eyes, the subtle implications of her removal not lost on her.
"This isn't a game. That could have easily turned into a stampede or a crush." Amanda tone wasn't confrontational or hostile, but it did carry the weight of a warning.
Evelyn remained unmoved. "I'm not leaving my congregation or the Xalens out there." An edge crept into her voice she didn't know she had, catching Amanda off guard. She nodded in response as more injured came in, demanding attention.
Once the days protest finally settled down, the pair had crashed at the Amanda's chapel branch with many of the more badly injured of Evelyn's congregation needing to stay there. Once the initial awkward introductions and opening questions had passed, the pair seemed to relax and words came more freely.
"Evelyn O'Sullivan and Amanda Saarela, with the contribution of 'Baphomet's grace'." The announcer's proclamation was met with a smattering of polite applause. Evelyn practically hung off her wife's arm and broad shoulders as pair gave respectful waves to the rest of the galley before the next artist in attendance was pointed out.
The obsidian statue gleamed in the gallery lighting to an almost mirror polish, the goat head figure shielding several Xalens with his wings and arms. Many of that species in attendance as well, hovering between exhibits as crystalline rock orbited there stony cores.
"There's still too many mistakes in it." Amanda said unprompted as she sighed. "The wing span is all wrong and those horns..." A groan of disgust escaped her throat.
Evelyn turned to face her wife. "Or, you've just been looking at it for too long, honey. Just let other people enjoy it." Amanda eyes remained fixed on her creation, forcing Eve to turn her head to match her eyes. "It's -fine- Amanda."
Her wife sighed and clearly fought back the urge to contest and just accepted it and shook her head.
"A concordance of address flows from gates of purple." The robotic voice startled pair, there full attention to the approaching newcomer. Amethyst hovered with several robotic translation drones orbiting the angular center speckled with purple crystals, along side the more mundane rock fragments.
"Amethyst! Hello! I'm so glad you could make it." Evelyn let go of her wife as the pair walked over. "Enjoying gallery so far?"
A sound like grinding stone as well as quick flashes of light between the gems followed as the translation drones whirred to life.
"The stimulation of senses harmonize to create an eruption of potent thought. We assume this is the efficacious outcome."
Amanda couldn't help but chuckle under her breath. "I mean, that's one of way to look at it. I guess." She gestured with her head back to her own work. "You helped make that happen, Ame. Thank you. I mean it."
There was silence as the orbiting objects realigned and swapped positions before the rumblings and translations resumed. "We are ebullient that our form could help produce harmonization of potent thought. Should you required furtherance in concordance or even, a hymn! We shall be willing to render utility."
The Xalen shuddered before it then floated away leaving the pair alone as Amanda seemed to un-tense as Eve stroked her broad shoulder. "Told you it was fine."
Amanda quickly snagged a drink from one of the automated refreshment carts and downed it in a single swig, before she took a sharp inhale. "I'm going to need a few more of these."
The pair settled on the roof top of the gallery, Evelyn pouring the pair of them another glass of wine as Amanda folded her suit jacket to one side.
"I'd wager somewhere in the pirate fringes, no way he could show himself in Gaia aligned space or any of Earth's allies." Evelyn pointed to some of the distant stars in the night sky.
Amanda took another long sip. "Hah, I doubt its so dramatic. Former Governor Bjelke probably just bought a domicile-barge and is skulking between grey ports. Sadly, justice for people like him is a very rare thing. Likely he'll slink away with his stolen fortune and fade into unearned obscurity." A long sighed followed.
Evelyn reached over to squeeze her wife's hand. "We saved our world, at least for now." Amanda returned the affection but clearly didn't seem soothed by that prospect. Sensing a lull in the conversation Evelyn smirked and leaned back on her palms.
"Remember our wedding?"
Amanda looked at her before she chuckled. "How could I forget. That ordained Father of yours was unflappable! I couldn't even get him to raise an eyebrow no matter what I said about the theological relationship between our Gods."
Evelyn sipped her wine. "Father Gutiérrez does confession. You'll have to work a lot harder than that to phase him." The shared laughter flowed as easily as the wine.
"I remember my niece taking so much sugar she was trying to climb the Baphomet statue before my sister stopped her. God Emma's was menace when she got going."
The painful snap of current events shattered the memory like a stone in a pond. Amanda looked over to her wife who had suddenly gone quiet.
"Any more news about San Riccardo?"
"Lots of news, most of it bad. Both governments in orbit are jockeying for a fight and terrorists strikes on the ground are growing in frequency and size."
Amanda didn't let the silence linger. "We could sponsor them out of there. I'm sure they'd be happy to stay with us."
"They would be, but my sister is trying to get her family to Naxian space for asylum but that's a bureaucratic nightmare." She sighed and hugged herself. "I pray it'll be enough, that they can get out before it gets any worse."
Evelyn poured the last of the wine for the pair of them as they downed the last of it. Amanda shifted over to bring her wife into a hug as she cupped her face in her hands. "Then let me pray with you. And when we're done, let's fight for them. For everyone. Together."
Evelyn could feel tears stain her eyes as moved closer, sharing a kiss under the stars.
(This was an idea that started out kind of as a joke. 'What if a Catholic Christian and a Atheistic Satanist became a couple based on there mutual interests of social/economic justice.' But the more I sort of mulled on the idea I wanted to make it a more serious idea so I kept working on it and decided to set it in one of my original Science fiction settings. I might write more about these two. Hope it comes across the way I intend it to and I'm open to feedback!)
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Mx. Aoibheann;
This is Mr. Pretty Prosecutor, reporting in from a boat heading for Norumbega. All is well - although I do have a rather odd sensation in my bloodstream; as though the very wind itself has made my veins their involuntary playground. It is not uncomfortable per se... However, I would be remiss to ignore such a strange occurrence, under the circumstances. Perhaps you might know more?
Yours in elegant flight,
you made it to norumbega?! you know, if you dipped out of there to the human world, youd be in NEW YORK. in AMERICA. thats so far!!!!!
but hmmm... the wind itself, huh? try focusing that energy into your hands, and forcing it to rest just outside your palm. if it does magic stuff then it might be that you hit some scraps of magic and absorbed it??
magic definitely feels all fizzy if youve got too much of it. i mean if it isnt that it could be something you ate that had way too much caffeine but i didnt pack anything stronger than instant coffee so i dunno!!
i hope it's going well!! cant wait for you to be home again!!!
yours always always,
aoibheann <3
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july-19th-club · 1 year
years ago (i still have a copy of it) i read this book about a couple boys who go on vacation to vermont and wind up playing an eldritch/enchanted living board game for the fate of a fey society and all this stuff happens with twists and turns that i wont spoil in case anybody gets the hankering to read the game of sunken places, which is not a perfect book but still a pretty good one for those who like their fantasy to come flavored with parody, the exact kinds of weird jokes that middle schoolers make, the tiniest pinch of spiderwick, and appendices with fake history books in them . also to feel like on of those intricate puzzle picture books they had when i was a kid like MAZE or graeme base books or whatever. anyway. point is because of that book i have had the phrase "The People of The Mound of Norumbega" stuck in my head for probably close to fifteen years. and if sentences like "thus vanished the people of the mound of norumbega. the earth was lighter for their passing" and "the chronicler fails. we are always at the end of history, no matter when our lives begin" tickle you in any way then you too can join me in this world
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romanlightman001 · 1 year
Old World Washington DC(NORUMBEGA?)
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US Constitution is from TARTARIA: Legendary city of Norumbega
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A weekend of firsts
My first Airbnb, using the Google to find the place in the dark, and taking public transit to get most of the way there from the airport.
Going, it was one transfer, and returning, two transfers, at a time when I was anxious about riding on a Sunday when the buses run hourly.
This was my third Tucson Memorial that is scheduled around my birthday. There are other cities who participate in this event, but so far,  this is as far as I went. It was the first in three years, due to the Pandemic. What can I say about the singing? It was great. About 45 people were there, but not all of them joined in.
In case I haven’t written about this, Sacred Harp/fasola/shaped note is what I am talking about (fasola.org) and it’s a capella four-part social singing. The book is named thusly, no strings. There are several books, and they have different names: Columbia, Shenandoah, Norumbega, Christian, and two have the same name (because they were in competition--long story), so they are the blue book and the red book. Different regions use different books. The blue one is White (after someone by that name) and the red one is Denson. There is a setup of chairs, in which all four sections face the Hollow Square, where you give a ‘lesson’ and experience ‘surround sound’. The parts are named Treble (top line) so both men and women sing, and Tenor, the main melody. Each tune is written on its own line and repetition helps practitioners to become familiar with and able to sing with aplomb. The other two parts are Bass (for men) and Alto (for women with lower voices). The motto is ‘loud is good.’ Voices cross, and it’s like vocal weaving. It can bring chills, especially to people who have a religious bent.
After the singing concluded, I donned by hiking boots, packed the book in the suitcase, and rolled on down to the bus stop. On the first leg, there was a young man with a guitar that had a broken strap. He was sewing it as we rode. I took pity on him and offered my red book, which was in as disreputable shape as the nylon softside case. Maybe he and his girlfriend will get interested and join in. This was also self-serving, as it relieved me of a couple pounds of weight!
On the advice of the drivers, I transferred at one point, and then another, and arrived in good time to the airport, which was not assured if I took the usual route (two buses). Oh, and the transit system isn’t charging right now!
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roadtripnewengland · 2 years
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Norumbega Tower (Weston) Newton, Massachusetts
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Goat Spirit.
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80yrscap · 4 years
Deep Ones? No, fascism is the greater evil
This retelling of classic Lovecraft story “The Shadow over Innsmouth” challenges the reader with the question: Who are the real blasphemous fish-frogs overflowing with the ultimate quintessence of unknown and inhuman evil? (Answer: Nazis.)
The setup hews close to the source material. First, a warning from a ticket agent about a mysterious New England town.
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Second, a creepy bus ride.
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Third, a terrifying hotel.
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 Fourth, fabulous monsters, half ichthyic and half batrachian! 
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Our hero is intrepid federal agent Betty Ross, in Valley Port to investigate a rash of missing person cases. Betty is snatched from her hotel room and marched down into the tunnels under Satan’s Reef to be sacrificed. (They got Bucky too.)
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But wait! Here’s the true leader of the deep ones, chained and left to die by a Nazi officer.
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He tells Steve a story that spans centuries. Long ago, in their ancestral homeland below the far-off island of Lai-Son, the deep ones had the misfortune of receiving a visit from European sailors. The sailors plundered their riches and behaved indecently, then slipped away.
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The deep ones set out in search of the sailors’ home. Finally they came upon Valley Port. There, in an upper-earth town built on stolen wealth, the sailors’ descendants still prospered. The deep ones stormed the town and took these descendants beneath the waves as sacrifices for their goddess Lai-Son. 
Justice served, the deep ones chose to stay where they were. For a hundred years they have lived peacefully and without incident off the coast of Valley Port. 
This pretender is a Nazi officer in a convincing mask. He’s the one responsible for the recent accidents and disappearances. His plan is to use Valley Port as a Nazi base and the deep ones as a monstrous invasion force.
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Steve frees the deep ones’ leader, who then frees Betty and Bucky in turn. Everyone agrees that Nazis are the worst.
But all is not well beneath the reef. Deep one society has been thrown into turmoil.
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In the end, the reef gets blown up, which is exactly what happens in “The Shadow over Innsmouth.”
Valley Port is Innsmouth, but it’s also the legend of Norumbega, a fabulously opulent ancient Viking settlement located just outside Boston. Norumbega theory was once popular with people who wanted a white colonial history for North America that didn’t begin with the vile Christopher Columbus. This story does not let them off the hook: Valley Port was also founded on Columbian principles.
If you think it’s unlikely that Nazis could rule over deep ones, old Zadok Allen has the explanation.
“The [Pacific Islanders] told 'em as haow folks from the other islands might wanta wipe [the Deep Ones] out if they got wind o' their bein' thar, but they says they dun't keer much, because [the Deep Ones] cud wipe aout the hull brood o' humans ef they was willin' to bother—that is, any as didn't be, sarten signs sech as was used onct by the lost Old Ones, whoever they was. [...]
“S'pose [the other islanders] must a had, after all, them old magic signs as [the Deep Ones] says was the only things they was afeard of. [...] 
“They didn't leave nothin' standin' on either the main island or the little volcanic islet excep' what parts of the ruins was too big to knock daown. In some places they was little stones strewed abaout—like charms—with somethin' on 'em like what ye call a swastika naowadays. Prob'ly them was the Old Ones' signs.”
source: “The Shadow over Innsmouth”
Captain America #16, on sale April 1942.
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orderjackalope · 3 years
For years, archaeologists have searched for the location of Leif Eriksson's Vinland. They should have just asked the good people of New England, who kept finding it everywhere they looked.
Key sources for this episode include the writings of Carl Christian Rafn, Eben Norton Horsford, William Brownell Goodwin, and Frederick Julius Pohl. And also Edmund Berke Delabarre's Recent History of Dighton Rock, Kenneth Feder's Archaeological Oddities, David Godward's The Westford Knight and Henry Sinclair and Douglas Hunter's The Place of Stone.
Script, full sources, links and more at: https://order-of-the-jackalope.com/westward-huss-new-england/
Discord: https://discord.gg/Mbap3UQyCB Instagram: https://instagram.com/orderjackalope Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/orderjackalope Twitter: https://twitter.com/orderjackalope
In 1884 the Fletcher runestone was "translated" by Henry Phillips Jr. Two decades later, Phillips brother-in-law, J. Bunford Samuel, used that translation to justify erecting a statue of Icelandic settler Thorfinn Karlsefni in Philadelphia's Fairmount Park. We recounted the contentious story of the statue's erection in Series 5's "The Icelander", and also discussed its ultimate fate, being thrown into the Schuylkill River by either militant anti-racists or drunken Eagles fans. Philadelphia!
The second Yarmouth runestone appears to have been a hoax created by a hotelier to drum up business. For an earlier instance of hoaxing and hotels, check out our bonus episode "His Royal Snakeship."
And, of course, while we’ve never actually been to Vinland, we’ve made several trips to its namesake, Vineland, NJ, to check in on its eccentric residents, including eugenicist Henry Herbert Goddard (from last month’s “Common Clay”) and chromotherapist Dr. Dinshah Ghadiali (from Series 5’s “Normalating”).
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Norumbega and Hadlock Ponds
Difficulty: Hard
Standing at 852 feet, Norumbega Mountain is located along State Route 3 in Acadia National Park. Parking is off of Route 3 and there are three parking lots in this stretch that are walking distance to the trail. Look for the Goat Trail head to begin your hike.
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You will start your trek on the Goat trail which has very steep steps, but no iron rungs or exposed edges. Although it is a short hike to the peak, these steps can be exhausting to get up and go directly vertical nearly the entire trail to the summit.
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After a strenuous hike to the peak, you may be disappointed that the tree line is in your way of a view...
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Keep going past the elevation sign and you will find the view coming back down the opposite side of the mountain. Continue down this way if you don’t mind a long hike or turn back around if you were looking for a short hike. 
If you continue down the other side you will find a view....
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as well as interesting trees....
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At the bottom of the trail you will find the Hadlock Ponds Trail, which circles around Lower Hadlock Pond. At the clearing, passing a little brick building, you will go across a bridge and find yourself looking over the Lower Hadlock Pond Dam. 
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Continue to make your way back around Lower Hadlock Pond, adventuring over little bridges and a waterfall where you can rest your legs to enjoy the view. Eventually this path will bring you back to where you parked on State Route 3.
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titleknown · 7 years
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Also, I might as well show off this, it’s that Blood Pudding design I made, but DeepStyled into stained glass!
I think it came out shockingly well, helped of course by the fact that DeepStyle always tends to play nicest with repeating full-image/non-transparent patterns!
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palliddata · 7 years
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Tags: Group, Small, Amorphous, Organized
HP: 4 Armor: 4  Constancy Damage: 1d4 - 2
Attack: Horror Spectacular Show (4d4 - 4)
Attack Tags: Close, Forceful, Stun (Optional)
Special Qualities: Flying, Illusion, Regeneration, Becomes insubstantial when sufficiently damaged, Can become insubstantial when not in combat.
Instinct: To Spook, To Revel
Scare with ghastly tricks
Taunt the fools for their foolishness
Kill them gruesomely if they are a legitimate threat
“Well, well, well, somebody’s lost now, aren’t they? Just you, me, and the thousands of cicadas crawling out of your face. Hee hee. Just kidding. Only one of my little tricks. I’ll lead you out thataway. What, don’t you trust me? Hee hee. Well, that’s to be expected, I guess. We’re not all bad ghosts you know. We’re not even really ghosts, so we can’t be. But, if you don’t trust me, I’d suspect those feral helixsteeds would thank you, they look positively ravenous…
Only kidding again. Hee he. We do love our jokes around here.”
-Testament of naturalist lost in the woods for a week, quoting his interaction with a pseudogeist. The geist’s path was indeed a correct one, though it did come with an unsettling “surprise”...
A massive ancient castle lies outside of an otherwise backwater town; inhabited by what is practically a miniature commune of pseudogeists. It is said that they have an amazing reward on offer for those who stay the night and survive without being scared to death, but there is a reason that only outsiders to the town actually take them up on this; and it may all be a massive excuse to wrangle fleshly creatures into doing their dirty work regarding something in the castle that; by their very nature; they cannot handle...
In a city plagued by the pseudogeists as a recurring nuisance, the deacon of the place is surprised to find one of them at the foot of his bed one night begging for aid for his species. Seems like one of the creatures in the nearby woods who they tormented has gained some source of unspeakable power and has began devouring them whole. Said creature may even be invincible, though rumor says that it may have a secret weak spot separate from its body…
A blacklisted playwright has found an unlikely but useful theatre troupe to perform his latest play in the chaotic; illusion-producing pseudogeists, who are delighed by the prospect of putting on a show before an actual willing audience. Of course, unbeknownst to the geists,the reason said playwright was blacklisted may be because it’s almost an open secret he is a member of the Order Of The Twin-Sun Shepherd, a group dedicated to a being of decadence and decay that operates through stagecraft; and the playwright has unprescedented plans to use the pseudogeists’ unique abilities for that dark purpose...
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fourfurlongs-blog · 7 years
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Bummed to hear about the passing of Norumbega. I quite liked him.
Pics are mine… grazing ones are cell shots from Fair Hill, galloping shots are from Saratoga.
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