fictionkinfessions · 4 years
Oh are we crawling out from the depths of tumblr? Hi, my name is North, I dated Simon and Markus, and I love our tiny half adopted daughter. Only half because Nines and Gavin already decided to steal her as their own. Gotta love being fictives and being protective of the host. -North (dbh)
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it's so awkward when so many people hate the character u kin lmao please i'm just vibing here dudeskis. especially when ur tl was canon divergent send help -a mildly disconcerted north dbh kinnie
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kinhelping · 7 years
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Agent North Dakota : Red vs Blue - anonymous
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primerjohn · 8 years
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Two units of Northkin Fire Eaters. It's been a few years since I've tried my hand at fire. I'm happy with the results, and I wouldn't mind making my next attempt much sooner. Get a bit more practice at it.
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equinoxts2 · 2 years
Back to posting Kulo Seeri gameplay! And after Kira’s done swooning over troublesome arkal, she makes her way to the tavern for the closest equivalent to a night on the town that Kulo Seeri can manage. Most of the night is spent hanging around with her northkin, the zan-Ku clan. (”Northkin” in KS means “related on the father’s side” - only matrilineal ancestry counts for family ties in Nuidya culture. The implication is that paternal relatives are a quirky custom of the northern cities.)
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She discusses her recent transformation to and from a werewolf state with her cousin Zera, who double checks that Kira has in fact turned back while trying to act casual and joke about it. Kira has inherited the zan-Ku temper, and no one wants to get on her bad side when she doesn’t have fangs.
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Kira’s uncle Sophos, a hunter who’s nearly sixty moons old and stubbornly refusing to hang up his spear, also comes over to talk with her. I think he might be trying to mooch something off her, going by the thought bubble. His brother Melchol, Kira’s father, is waiting in the background...
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...and when he gets a chance to speak to Kira, their shared experiences of being pulled into the Spirit World and returning pregnant are the main focus of the conversation.
Melchol’s pregnancy is further along than Kira’s, and he remembers nothing about the experience except a vague warning that someone in the village was an agent of the Beguiler, which popped into his head midway through preparing a meal. He still doesn’t know who the warning referred to, and it’s making him feel anxious most of the time. (Kira, who’s done this before, reckons that’s just a pregnancy thing.)
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plamojunkie · 7 years
Hordes Trollblood Northkin Force Box
Hordes Trollblood Northkin Force Box
It’s been a while since I played Hordes and Warmachine. I started a few year ago when the Khador Starter box set came out and played in a local Journeyman League for a few weeks. Then Convergence of Cyriss came out and I was all in. I bought every model available up through Aurora and the Clockwork Angels. Then I kinda fell off… I managed to assemble and play an Everblight force for a brief…
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mouldiemoulton · 8 years
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Man I love my #airbrush Working on some #northkin for my #trollbloods #hordes army. The air brush is so good at helping to create a light source. Once I get some ghost tints I'm going to attempt to do paint in grey scale and then apply color through glazes but for now I use my base color, in this case green, to trace out my other colors such as the browns. All I have to do is basically paint dark browns over the dark green and the lighten up the browns as I get to the lighter greens/yellows. It makes the whole process super fast.
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bloodybenjamin · 6 years
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Tonight I played my Kromac 2 list into Grim 1 in Storm Of The North. This didn’t feel like a great drop but I’m on a data collecting mission! 10 games is 10 games.
This list is currently 3/1.
Grim 1 (Grim Angus) - Trollkin Runebearer - Dire Troll Bomber - Dire Troll Mauler Fell Caller Hero Valka Curseborn Gremlin Swarm Max Krielstone Bearers - Northkin Elder Bear Handlers Bear Handlers Max Northkin Raiders Max Trollkin Long Riders
Scenario was Recon 2. I won the dice roll and choose to go first. Opponent took a healing objective and I took a pathfinder objective. Only one unit of Bears was set to ambush.
I hate the Bears and I hate what they do to the game and it was somehow even worse that only one unit was ambushing. So I put up my markers and kept ‘em right the hell there until I knew they’d be coming in.
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Turn 1 (Me)
I run max speed on the left, and just under max speed on the right to avoid direct Raider shots on the Stalker. Kromac gets his corpses from the Cauldron and puts Awakened Spirit on the Feral, and Vengeful on Ghettorix. He advances towards the wall, where he intends to get and remain for most of the game due to the unfortunately looming assassination threat from Grim and the Bomber.
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Turn 2 (Opponent)
The opponent made one crucial deployment error, and Grim had to swing left to put Weald Secrets on the Long Riders, who were behind a forest. The opponent intentionally revealed to me after the game that they had put them on that side because of my right loaded beasts, which makes sense. But Grim is a little further back than he should be, which is important. Kriel Stone loads up and advances, and everything else runs to outside of my charge threat ranges. A bear runs right into Ghettorix’s face to jam him up.
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Turn 3 (Me)
I decide it was best to feat defensively, which I realized doesn’t feel bad when you don’t need the STR bonus. The Feral inches to the left to give Kromac room to project feat range and Carnage from behind the wall. The Stalker tramples straight up through the forest, berserks through 3 raiders and the Bear Handler, and sprints back into the teleport triangle. The Gallows Grove Strange Growth forward to put the frontline of Raiders under Entropic Force. The right Wayfarer charges a raider, kills it, and sprays down 3 more Raiders, but one on the backline toughs. Chef gets on the flag. Rip Horn creeps up to be ready to charge centrally or fight Bears on the right.
The left Wayfarer gets a spray on 3 Long Riders, spiking into one but it toughs. The Cauldon moves up, puts Puppet Master on the Pureblood, who gets a spray into the same 3 Long Riders, killing the 2, but one toughs. Not great. Pureblood and Wayfarer are going to get ambushed, so I put a Shifting Stone in the way (which didn’t work). Ghettorix casts Spiny Growth, kills bear in his face and overtakes back a bit but still in zone. The Wilder takes a fury off the Pureblood.
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Turn 4 (Opponent)
Bears ambush on the left. Grim advances as far as he can and feats, but doesn’t hit the Rip Horn, Feral, or Kromac. This is where the deployment error hurt, although it didn’t make a big difference ultimately. He pops off a Stone, and the Bomber pops off another, then takes a shot Ghettorix, putting a couple points into him. Ghettorix then hyper aggressives forward 3 inches as he’s already in everything’s charge threat. 2 Long Riders charge Ghettorix, putting some damage into him. Ambushing Bears charge the Pureblood and the Wayfarer. Wayfarer goes down but Pureblood barely doesn’t due to Feat ARM, so final bear from other unit finishes the job. Right Raiders charge Wayfarer and a Shifting Stone, and takes out Wayfarer but not Stone. 0-1, opponent.
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Turn 5 (Me)
Feral gets Pathfinder from Objective (can’t fuckin’ wait for this to not be necessary anymore). Kromac puts Vengeful and Primal on Feral, and casts Carnage. Feral warps SPD, charges Mauler, and barely kills it. Shifting Stone teleport Stalker into a beautiful position behind remaining Raiders, and berserks through them all before slowly sprinting under Grim feat into a position to charge backline next turn. Ghettorix kills 2 Long Riders and overtakes into a bear, uses the rest of its fury to NOT kill it. Rip Horn creeps centrally a little more, staying in the teleport circle to back up the Feral, who will frenzy next turn but is safe from the Bomber short of a pretty big movement commitment from backline (or so I though). The Wilder charges the bear Ghettorix couldn’t kill and of course doesn’t even hurt it.
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Turn 6 (Opponent)
A few Kriel Stone bearers get out of the way so Valka can charge the Feral, and turn on STR aura. Valka does about 24 damage to the Feral, which isn’t at all infuriating, and the final Long Rider kills it with its impact attack. The Bears cripple Ghettorix and the Bomber charges out to finish the job.
Turn 7 (Me)
Now is when my dice go freezing cold. Kromac charges the Bomber and barely kills it with 9 attacks. The Rip Horn charges a bear and uses all of its fury to kill one, but not the adjacent bear that refuses to die to everything in the world. The Stalker walks into Valka, whiffs 4 attacks, and I clock. Additionally, I flip the table.
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Trollblood victory via clock.
Final Thoughts
The game collapsed on me pretty hard in turn 6; I don’t think the full health Feral should have died to Valka and 1 Long Rider. The extraordinarily resilient Long Riders and Bears suppressed Ghettorix in a very serious way, and the assassination threat from Grim and the Bomber prevented Kromac from participating for most of the game, which really hurts the list. I was too conservative with the Rip Horn, as I was trying to protect the right rectangle and flag and keep the Rip Horn actionable, but the Stalker kept getting in there and doing incredible work. So it’s a mixed bag regarding that flank.
The game plan at the end was to eliminate the Bomber and choke out Grim, but immortal warriors handcuffing Ghettorix for 2 rounds prevented this. Ultimately, I don’t think it’s an auto-lose, but do feel like it wasn’t a great data point, because I’m generally good at managing my time, and obviously wasn’t expecting the brutally cold dice at the end. I wasn’t able to transfer, use spiny growth or sprint, and Valka remained alive.
It’s worth a re-rack FOR SURE and I’m curious to see what happens with more experience pilots on both sides of the table.
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boardgametoday · 7 years
Privateer Press January Wave 1 Releases
Privateer Press January Wave 1 Releases #Hordes
Privateer Press has revealed the first wave of releases for January 2018. Check out what you’ll find on shelves soon. TROLL BASHER – TROLLBLOOD LIGHT WARBEAST Wielding enormous maces made from salvaged scrap metal, the ferocious troll basher is the favored warbeast of many Northkin. Troll Bashers are quick to anger and enjoy crushing enemies before devouring them. Northkin warlocks often let…
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comparativegeeks · 7 years
Trollin' all through Winter - Warmachine Wednesday
The first Northkin models should be out today! My pre-order should be on the way, so I’ll have some Bears soon, and maybe I’ll even get them built and painted at some point…
With us going on hiatus soon, I thought I would round out my thoughts for what I’ll be up to in the coming months around Warmachine. Get some thoughts out now while I can, right?
With the Nerd Baby on the way, I’m at least…
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
I have to get this off my chest. I'm a DBH kinnie (I kin Connor, North, AND Kara) and I will say. I love my Connor canon! Nines was my brother!! (pretty sure I converted him myself), Hank was my hubby, Markus and the crew were my best friends!! And yeah there's the bad memories (that I've gone into panics over before), but it was great!! But my North and Kara canons... I'm pretty sure I'm my own canonmate in those (1/2, #💙🎮 if it isnt taken)
(2/2, #💙🎮) In my Kara canon I remember Alice dying on the bank of the river on the Canadian river. I remember Rose trying to console me, but I was never the same. And in my North canon, I remember Markus going the pacifist route and... in the end.... I remember everyone surrounding us, and Markus setting the bomb off... It was horrible. We were free, but in the worst way possible, and I realized that. I feel bad for that, even if I didnt influence him. -Connor, North, and Kara in a trenchcoat
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The dbh fandom see’s me and simon as enemies when we weren’t, he was like an older brother to me. I trusted him so much,,,I love you simon, I’m sorry for being reckless all the time heh. — North💥
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kinhelping · 8 years
Im kin with Agent New York from Red Vs Blue ! I'm looking for North really badly, and wash wouldn't be bad to find either! I was in a relationship with North and York. I really miss my boyfriends! Contact me please if you are rvb kin looking for a york!
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primerjohn · 8 years
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Worked these Northkin Shaman into my painting queue. The sculpts are pretty darned awesome.
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wrow I love that the whole dbh fandom hates me because me and markus get together :/ — north
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shoutout to me for being kin with north and daniel from dbh and questioning markus life’s great and i am so many androids
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