ladejemonadee · 21 days
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shopcat · 6 months
How do you go about writing such good meta?! when i think about my favorite characters my thoughts are just ILOVETHEM or THEYRECOOL
OH well that's easy that's what my brain does too LOL ^_^. We are the same you and i... though i don't think anything i say ever is actually good at all it's just like stream of consciousness of sorts and i agree with everything i say of course and think i'm constantly cooking etc BUT i don't think it's anything like new or revalatory and probably not interesting unless you're as crazy as i am about it it's just fun and i like it. strokes my chin.
i think i've said before somewhere on this blog that i actually really struggle with ummm articulation and putting my thoughts to words as well as identifying symbolism and themes and character motivation a lot just like critical analysis in general and i DO NOT understand like, the social or psychological minitiae of it all on top of it so i guess like it just doesn't come easy to me at all. but i guess at a certain point the static in my head when i think about the characters and stories i enjoy solidify into SOMETHING or other, even if it's just from seeing someone get it Wrong so at least i can then go "okay well if that's wrong and i don't agree then i must know what's RIGHT even if it's like just a feeling or w/e".
i do generally just go wowwws i love this guy so much for long enough that i can then be like okay well it's for a REASON, and what are those reasons, and what's the significance of those reasons, and then it snowballs from there, and why did they act that way, and how did it affect them, and why are Did He do this...? Does he know...? and so on and so forth. also reading what other people who are likeminded think is 90% of what i do and helps me form my own thoughtspace around it and i can chip away at it and choose what i agree with and what i don't i supposssssse. at the end of the day what you think about a character at all is dependant from ur own experiences too and everyone's got their own perspective due to that. i don't think there necessarily IS a like Truly Canonical Characterisation we as the audience can conform to bc we just did not create it and only those who did can ever know so i think clawing at each other like rabid animals over smaller scale characterisation and stuff is ultimately going to get us no where bc we're all in the dark and working off of what we individually know anyways. sorry i got possessed.
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yao1-sex · 2 years
guys no its ok come into my forest its ok i'm not a mushroom 🙂
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shellbells-things · 1 year
So, I was chatting with some friends and we were discussing how, lately, the ASKS on Tumblr have been plagued with a bunch of “people” coming into our space, trying desperately to convince us that Jikook are basically estranged. It’s crazy how all over the place these ASKS are!
For example: “They have always hated each other and now they don’t have to hang out anymore. They are brothers and work friends only. They used to be a thing, but they aren’t anymore. They are cover for a real relationship. The company forces them to mention each other on social media. And my personal favorite….They’ve only seen each other a couple of times this year, they just aren’t close”.
What?! Are they stupid or something? Do they honestly think that the ONLY time Jikook (or any of the members actually) see each other is when they talk about it or post about it on social media? The rest of the time, nothing? Oh Lordy, I need something pretty to calm my nerves.
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Phew! Thats better! Do these people really live in such an isolated world that they believe that the litmus test for a relationship is the number of posts on Instagram? Because that’s the standard they are holding Jikook to. Heck, I checked my own personal social media pages and saw that I’ve posted things about the people I actually LIVE WITH or that I see every single day…only a handful of times this year. So clearly, social media posts aren’t necessary for maintaining (or proving) a relationship.
We all know why that specific group of people are here. They NEED to try and disprove Jikook because if Jikook exists as a couple, then their fantasy is just that, a fantasy. And listen, they KNOW. They see it. Images of Jikook, in all of their Jikook glory, are burned on their retinas. They wouldn’t take Jikook moments and alter them (badly…oh so badly) by replacing Jimin’s face with, well, someone else’s, if they didn’t see the moments as romantic. Oh the second-hand embarrassment I get when I see those edits. Yeeeeshhh.
As for the so called “insecure Jikooker”, I can see how it happens. Listen, we used to basically LIVE with BTS. We saw them during practice, at concerts, eating together, backstage, on RUN BTS, Bon Voyage, Bangtan Bombs, In the Soop (1&2), during special content, at music shows and awards shows, photoshoots, commercials. They were much more active on social media, posting selfies on Twitter, talking in Fan Cafes, doing vLives regularly. I mean dang! It was constant. During all of that, from day ONE, we saw Jikook together. Sometimes they were quiet, sometimes they were loud. Regardless, they were always together (Satellite Jeon saw to that). Now, during solo era, we rarely see any of them together. And there is no “natural reason” for Jikook to be joined at the hip in the public eye. Before, they had reason, they had “cover” so to speak. But now? Suddenly, they share very very little about themselves. It’s quite the adjustment for fans to make and I can see how it leads to “discomfort”.
So now, I’m finally to my point! Jikook has been close for 10+ years, closer than close. They’ve risked a LOT to be together, worked through tough and scary times together. After all of the risk, hard work, and commitment, do we really, really think that different schedules would cause them to throw in the towel? Do we really think that having different work priorities would make them suddenly fall out? Really? I call BS on that. Out here in Normalville, people in relationships manage to go to different jobs daily, have sets of friends that do not crossover, even go on work or pleasure trips without each other, and still maintain a healthy, happy relationship. Couples in Normalville don’t have to post about each other regularly on social media, nor must they FaceTime all of their family, friends, and coworkers just to give them an update or their relationship status. Yet, this is the standard people are holding Jikook to. If they don’t prove themselves, they aren’t real? Wow. Harsh.
I saw this tweet and I thought it went well with my Ted Talk today. All you have to do is look at them and you know they have something special. And just because we can no longer see them as often, it doesn’t change the fact that their special relationship still exists. Just look at them. LOOK AT THEM. I feel confident, based on what we HAVE seen during this solo era, that Jikook are the same as ever. They are just having to travel down a new path together. And an actual BONUS for them, I think, is that they are getting to have a lot more privacy than they have had in the past. Anybody who says different has their own agenda and I, for one, don’t plan to give them any of my attention.
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marshberri · 1 year
i'm 😁 so normal 😁 😁 normalville 😁 😁 normaltown 😁 😁 city of normality 😁 😁
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went on mapcrunch for inspiration and when i was closing in on the area where the normal school takes place it landed me at a place called fucking normalville which is most likely within the fictitious boundary i drew for trumble county. lawn chair for size
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Name: Normalvillic
Derived from the words: "Normal", " Villager", and the suffix "-ic"
Definition: A gender connected to the normal villagers from Animal Crossing
Requested by: No one
Coined by @MuddyBoyWithTheMuddyBoots at ... Dec 29th
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bet aklright. ill do my best to focus jdhfdf
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fterersrew · 1 year
What's happening
Today, me and my friends are having a sleepover and its going well. Im kindve bored, i also am writing this stupid book called Furry Hunters. Here it is.
Jackson spotted the furry from afar in the woods. He was hunting for deer until he saw a teenager with a wolf mask prounce into a small clump of leaves. Jackson hated the outsiders from the furry capital Furryson. His mom and dad were from Furryson but Jackson fled to Normalville. Normalville was more rich and Furryson was ran over by Normalville rebels part of a group called the Rebel Force. They would kill Normalville residents on the border of the city. Both of the cities were on an island in the middle of nowhere called “The danger zone”. This zone was dangerous because people would go missing by it and end up becoming furries. That;s what happened to Jackson and his family. Him and his family were going on a plane ride to Mexico for Summer Break, until the plane crash landed on the island from a gravitational pull. For some reason though, they didn’t die. They got rescued by a couple of people from the Rebel Force. The teenager’s mask was ugly and they were doing a very ugly job at prouncing, so Jackson did it. He shot his sniper. And instantly killed her. Little did he know, that was the Rebel Force’s leaders daughter.
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puppyeared · 2 years
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Moth to a flame
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Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Therapists, Mental Health Services - Connellsville Counseling
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belle-keys · 3 years
bruh watching euphoria and hearing these teen children swear at and around their parents like it’s a normal day in normalville?!?!?!?!?!
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bogleech · 4 years
I bet someone could be the normiest normie in normalville when it comes to animals, thinks a “weird” pet would be like having a turtle or a chicken, just thinks “bugs” are icky little pesky things, and could still take one look at the “Brazilian Jewel Tarantula” and be completely unsurprised that it’s worth around $700.
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spnsummergen · 3 years
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Fic on AO3: ‘welcome to normalville’ for AmyPond45
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m4gp13 · 4 years
I was rereading the sword of Hades and Ethan can’t have used Melinoes cave to get into the underworld because Sisyphus is the one that told him about Melinoe when Ethan asked if he knew a way out. So he either payed Charon at DOA records OR he played a ditty for a rock HOWEVER what does the titan army have? They have Hecate AND children of Hecate and what is Hecate known for? A lot of things actually but one of those things is being able to travel freely between the underworld and the upworld (does it have a name? or is it just normalville). So maybe Hecate or one of her kids opened up a passage for Ethan but couldn’t follow because it was a stealth mission and they needed as few people as possible so they wouldn’t be detected which is how Ethan got in but couldn’t get out (on his own).
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Trash It | Normalville Pennsylvania
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