#normally wouldn’t be posting this kind of thing but goddamn i just feel awful rn
the experience of feeling several years older and younger than you are at the same time in the worst way possible
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nodesiretogrowup · 4 years
alright y’all, time for a Melissa play-by-play. I have a theory about this episode but it will get it’s own post:
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And we dive right into spy time
That statue in the fountain was very upsetting :’)
I like that LP says spiffy because I use the word spiffy
DEW-ble O Duck
“What I Dewey best” God I love Dewey and his love of puns
Ben is a really good singer
I like how the song was foreshadowing things to come
How is she wearing earrings?
A ham on cheese sandwich sounds really good rn
“I can’t remember when I’m hungry” A man after my own heart
Ok, that game is WAAAAAY too advanced. It has the whole building mapped out and those glasses are WAAAY to small and lightweight to handle all that. Is it all through wi-fi? Am I overthinking the logic of a video game in a cartoon? Probably
“I had a sassy quip and everything.” He has the makings of a superhero in him
“It’s a little too real.” FORESHADOWING! Or the game was already REALLY immersive. OR BOTH
“Haven’t you ever wanted to plug into a high-stakes, thrilling adventure?” He’s already done the spy-thing. Though it would have been cool to see Scrooge in a sexy suit
Then an Uncle Scrooge from Webby. TOO CUTE!
There is A LOT of winking in this episode ;)
Aw, Launchpad
I didn’t notice it the first time, but I love that Steelbeak is using one of those plastic swords to pick his teeth. It’s the little things
Is the theme song gonna be the short version for every episode this season?
I really dig Jason Mantzoukas’ take on Steelbeak. He’s just so cocky yet insecure at the same time. I like his voice cracking when he gets embarrassed or excited 
And I ADORE how UTTERLY STUPID he is. I think he’s dumber than Launchpad because Launchpad is aware that he’s not exactly the smartest guy but Steelbeak GENUINELY thinks he’s smart. Plus he feels the joke. That’s just dumb and unfunny (in-universe at least. out of universe it’s great)
“The Sat-a-Lighthouse. Classic villain lair.” Well we know that’s gonna show up
Bradford’s neck bothers me. It makes my neck hurt looking at it
Intelli-ray. You guys are a bit on the beak nose when it comes to naming things
“Rat’s are dumb, right?” YOU STUPID BEAUTIFUL MAN
THE OTHER RANGERS! And Monterey already has his mustache
Ok how did her hair grow so fast? And did she shave her fur? How did she get a more human-esque figure? I NEED THIS INFORMATION
They Secret of Nimh’ed her!
Heron acts like an annoyed/done mom with Steelbeak and he acts like a snotty kid. It’s great
“Did that rat make that jumpsuit on a regular sewing machine, or did it build its own tiny sewing machine?” STEELBEAK ASKING THE REAL QUESTIONS HERE
I legit thought she was about to pull off his beak
“I’ll go. Not because you told me.” He’s such a punk-ass kid, I LOVE IT
“I pay for the privilege of doing someone else’s yard-work?” THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT YOU’D SAY, YOU RICH, PRIVILEGED MAN. Whack-a-Mole is actually about expressing all the rage and fury inside you
Video graphic adventures
That kid didn’t even take his tickets
Ticket-rich. I love it
“Can’t let Dewey down. Gotta be smart, gotta win the game.” OH LAUNCHPAD, SWEETHEART
“Calm down, LP. It’s only a game.” Dewey is SUCH a GOOD friend!
“But don’t overthink it.” That’s just good life advice in general
I love how tiny Dewey is when compared to LP. It’s ADORABLE
“THEN WE GET PIZZA.” “Yes, pizza.” I don’t know why, but the way Ben delivers that line is hilarious to me
“Pad. Launchpad. McQuack. My name is Launchpad McQuack.” I love you so much
Ok, was there an actual dude there? How could’ve Steelbeak thrown a digital person?
“Yes, I do as well.” YOU DUMB HOE, I LOVE YOU
That card game was great. Truly a battle of wits. And Dewey just being like...what. Beautiful
“Well played.” “It was?”
“Look’s like you’ve been out-smart guyed.” The dialogue in this episode is top notch 
I too do not understand smanzy card games
“But how about a game of 52 pickup...YOUR TEETH!”
The sound Steelbeak makes when Dewey pulls on his...hair(?) is great
One day you’ll get to quip Dewey, one day
The cuts between the game reality and actual reality are so great
Is that the Phantom Blot or the normal Funzo? Is there even a normal Funzo?
The neck cracking also made my neck hurt
All the kids gathering around Scrooge is too cute
“Not now lass, I’m on a roll.” SKEE BALL IS A GATEWAY DRUG TO GAMBLING
“I think they just have nachos.” They have pizza too
Steelbeak pecking at Launchpad...brilliant
The little pug/bulldog kid is so cute
The scream when he’s hit with the pizza is gold
That ballpit is terrifying
Yet again Launchpad falls on someone
Those jumpsuits are pretty nice, ngl
Launchpad had the right idea, he just fumbled on the execution
Rubix cubes-shorthand for intelligence levels
She is so done with him it’s great
“We can make Scrooge SO HUNGRY, he’ll EAT all the toys!” Solid logic
“Duh, that ain’t smart.” OO, BURN
Whenever anyone/anything grabs Steelbeak’s beak I feel like it’s gonna come off
How did the others get smart? Where did THEIR clothes come from?! I NEED ANSWERS FRANK!!
Launchpad is always ready to lend a helping hand
“The answer was to build a tiny plane and teach a mouse to fly it?” “Yes, I figured that out.”
Is Gadget a rat or a mouse? She looked more mouse-like before she got smartified but Heron called her a rat. EVEN MORE UNANSWERED QUESTIONS! She’s probably a mouse though because that’s what she was in the original show
I don’t know why but I love when people call Launchpad LP. Maybe it’s because he has nicknames for everyone else so him having a nickname is cute
So Steelbeak was in prison in St. Canard. Perhaps he had a run in with a certain terror that flaps in the night? That would be hilarious if the two had met before but now Steelbeak is more focused on Launchpad. That would be a blow to DW’s ego
I kind of feel bad for Steelbeak. Sure he’s dumb but that was uncalled for. No wonder he snapped
“You bird-brained...” Aren’t you ALL bird-brains though? You are birds and you have brains therefore you have bird-brains. That almost feels like it could be a racist comment in this world
“I’M THE RICHEST DUCK IN THE ARCADE!” You were the richest duck in the arcade the moment you walked in
I love when Scrooge gets obsessed with something and loses his goddamn mind
“Ticket bin?” “YES!”
Launchpad just LEEROY JENKENS’ed his way in
His hand is as big as Dewey’s HEAD
LP and Steelbeak have great fight dialogue. It reminds me of Megamind and Metro Man
LAUNCHPAD PUSHES DEWEY TO SAFETY! At that point he didn’t even KNOW what the ray did! But he heroically saved his best friend, not matter what would happen to him! WE STAN! 
 This episode cemented my headcanon that Chris Evans would be the perfect human LP
This scene, the climax, and the end of the episode gave me a theory, but it will have its own post
British accent=smart?
First thing he does is slick back the hair. Classy
“That cad, Steelbeak” We should call more people cads
How did LP fit into that much smaller man’s uniform? Are they extra stretchy? Because I can totally see that being something FOWL would do. It’s practical
“I don’t know what any of those words mean.” Same
“Heavens, you don’t want them to think you don’t know what you’re doing!” My constant struggle
The supersious guy is adorable
“Well, it’s certainly proving to be bad luck FOR YOU!”
He still calls him Mr McDee. I just think that’s cute
Dear Dewford. Aww
“I won’t let him down again.” AAAAWWWWWWW
“Can’t go out there looking like this.” You can’t fight crime if you ain’t cute (or sexy in LP’s case)
That is an old-ass phone you got there, LP
Scrooge is 2 for 2 in missing important calls. Probably should turn his ringtone on
Webby is just so done
“Ah yes, you’d like that wouldn’t you, sonny.” God, Scrooge can get downright FERAL
Blink-and-you’ll-miss-it DW cameo. It looks like Drake’s DW. Does he have merch now? Does he get a cute of the sales? Who makes the merch?
Dewey is SO precious this episode. His cute little bounces
“I’m actually afraid and a little dehydrated, this game is AWESOME” GET THAT BOY SOME JUICE STAT
I love when shows realistically portray sound
“No time for a...crash course” YEEEEEAAAAAAAH
How’d he get a grappling hook?
“How is he doing this?” The power of sexy? I don’t know either, bro
“There goes your pal LURCH-POUND! HA! You know, because he just got lurched into that POND OVER THERE?!” “That’s technically a bay.” “I’M NOT STUPID!”
“Classic villain lair!” I can appreciate a man who knows what he’s about
Why do villains alway jump INSTANTLY to the world? You gotta take baby steps. Start with a city, then a state, then the tri-state area a country, THEN the world. Gotta pace yourself
“And Uncle Scrooge only gives us like a nickel each week.” Do they do chores to earn that allowance? I mean, probably. Do Donald and Della have to do chores as well? Give them at least a dime, Scrooge!
“Waaaaiiiit a minute, is that my suit?!” “It suits me better.” DAMN STRAIGHT IT DOES! LP fills the jacket out
I like Steelbeak adding on his fingers
“Your fancy speak won’t work on me, Dummy-O-Duck. Ha-ha, classic.”
“That was totally my plan the whole time” Sweetie, just...no
“I guess you’re not as smart as *voice crack* ME.” “Not as smart as I.” NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR CORRECTING GRAMMAR!
Again, I thought Steelbeak’s beak was coming off
I like that Steelbeak went into pray position while being shocked
I’m gonna pretend the Rangers were off on their own adventure the whole time’
“No person could survive being that stupid”
Launchpad, always willing to take one for the team
“There’s so much more I could accomplish! Stop the evil conspiracy out to get us! Solve world hunger! Land a plane!” No matter how smart he is, Launchpad still can’t stick the landing
“Launchpad, why are you overthinking this?” “Because I want to be good enough for you!” SOB
“Of course you’re good enough for me. You’re my best friend.” SOOOOOOOOOOB
“For Dewey, and Duckburg.” He put Dewey first, daaaaawwwww
First thing LP does after things go back to normal? Fix his hair. Hair is very important to your state of mind, I guess
“Was it all a game?” Life is just a game
“Wait until I tell Huey I...YOU beat the game.” AAAAWWWWWW
“I’m not playing with anyone but you.” MY HEART!!!!
Scrooge is so broken. And the ticket to prize ratio, too true
“How much money did you spend to get those tickets?” Don’t play skee ball, kids. It will ruin your life
“I don’t think we should bring you here anymore.” Donald should probably be the one picking you up because Della would TOTALLY get hooked on a game/get too aggressive and I could see Beakley falling into the same trap
The comb just sticks there
The subtitles call him Suave-Pad, I LOVE IT!
“I like purple. A lot. Ha! Man, I’m glad I got that off my chest.” A DW reference or a CODEWORD?
“WARM THEM, YOU OLD FOOL! WAAAAARN THEEEEEM! Oh, dash it all, I’m going for a soak.”
“Restoring your ‘intelligence’ as it were.” BURN
She’s on a first-name basis with him...interesting
“OR ANY KINDS OF RAYS!” No mad sciencing here
“Who’s stupid now?” Gloating is very unbecoming
There are...certain people I wish I could force to shut up like that
His muffled screaming is great
Again, Rubix cube solving proves intelligence
How did he not notice it was wet when he picked it up?
This one was super fun and emotional. I was not expecting this to be the episode that the Rescue Rangers would make their debut in but I’m glad they were here. Dewey and Launchpad’s friendship is so pure and adorable. I almost wish there hadn’t been a b-plot but it was fun. I know other people are upset over Steelbeak/the Rescue Rangers being different but I like them. This show is different from those shows. Steelbeak was repurposed into being Launchpad’s nemesis so he needed to match him. Plus we already have a bunch of smarties in FOWL. And this Steelbeak seems younger and less experienced so it would make sense that he’s not as clever. The Rangers didn’t really change that much from their show, just got a new origin that helps them fit into the world that has already been set up. I think this episode is going in the top 5.
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cw: ??? Paranoia, parents, down talk, uh suicide and death comes up, it’s A Lot? Oh specific mention of Cancer. I’m suddenly exhausted and struggling to tag. Also, typos. Read this @ ur own risk, there’s a disclaimer inside re: that and if you mention this post to me I’ll be upset. Especially as I’m going to try and forget I made myself internet-vulnerable by posting it. G’night tumblr.
My like, negative monologue and paranoia found their way back to me with strenght instead of being mostly hushed whispers instead of weird moments or almost more like, speaking in faint images, vague feelings - they weren’t real and sharp and present and it’s been to the point where until recently with the flare up i was pretty soundly thinking some of my diagnosis must be wrong or i was weirdly in super recovery, and if everything felt like, still off, weird? That’s just real life? If BPD like goes away, somehow, magically, I would just feel less.
Everything would be. Less.
Also it’s just weird because I’m comparing all my friendships and shit to my ex who was my FP and close friend and then gf and then ex but like keyword in some of that if FP so everything was more constant and intense so no wonder other friendships don’t match it, fuck, will other romantic relationships?
Like I’m still not bothered too much, I am ultimately okay with being single I think but also like.
I dunno!
But like friends. friends friends friends.
I’m struggling what to do with any of all of them and if you’re a friend I talk to with any goddamn regularity see your way out of this tumblr post. Or like proceed at ur own risk I’m not trying to @ any of y’all I’m just like. verbalizing (textualizing? sure. whatever!) my paranoia and struggles in Friendship TM rn so like please either don’t read this or don’t make it weird because it’s not you it’s me 
God god like i I just can’t find the fucking balance and I think it’s partly because I am constantly bouncing between trying to invest more (too much) into friendships or isolating, or not having the energy, or trying to do both, or all three, I need so badly to be liked but also why thr fuck do you all like me
I’m fake, I’ve got so much imposter syndrome I can’t fucking see straight. Some of my friends think I’m cool and kind of goth??? Think I don’t like people (oh shit), that I’m like, tough, but I’m a fucking goddamn powder puff who is constantly on the verge or crying or emptiness or undesired anger which i then feel guilty about and channel into anger at myself. I hate myself so much that it’s normal, that until something pushes it it can kind of just become background noise and isn’t that sad? Isn’t that sad. I act and say that I don’t, insist I’m cooler and better and sometimes think I do but it’s because I feel so goddamn bad about myself but I know that won’t make me more likeable, saying it won’t make things good, just makes things back and awkward so I have to like fumbling try and like myself or at least fake it.
I’m not cool. I’m fat and ugly and broke and can’t keep a job or do anything right or get my shit together even if i’m goddamn trying.
I try and forget my mother so that missing her will stop. I can’t miss her if I forget her. She won’t exist to forget. I won’t think about her, so I won’t have to miss her, even if every fucking cell in my body carries her, from her genetics and everything that entails (death, mostly, likely from colon cancer) to her finger prints on my brain neurons (my mental illnesses aren’t something to lay at her grave and blame her for but her finger prints and markers are in all of them, I am my mother in so many ways I hoped I wouldn’t be).
I try and forget my father so I won’t miss him either. He’s just a disappointment or a hurt when he’s around, just something else to feel bad about (I can’t make him happy, i’m too gay, too fat, too much like my mother, too much like the sister he’s always abused and treated wrong). He’s not worth the energy.
I try to just... put on a face and exist minimally around my family because they aren’t perfect but they try and do a lot and I love them and I will never be truly one of my aunt and uncles children, a sibling to my cousins, my uncle won’t just give me casual affectionate contact and i’m too hold and don’t have the history to crawl into my aunts bed and just cry with her about how awful and broken I feel and they love me so much even if I’m not quite these things so why isn’t it fucking enough?
my ex is an essay i don’t want to do because every time i fucking reach some further progress and closure i lose it and I hate it, I hate it, I hate how part of me still aches and misses her but do I miss her or just the idea of her, what she represented?
That someone could love me, that someone could get me?
But like. Ha, the more you know me, the less you know me, right?
I think it’s a lot like that.
Everyone leaves eventually.
Like my friends, fuck, like everyone is good and fine and I’m the goddamn problem ultimately?
Because my brain just cooks shit up like
Don’t respond to them.
? I’m tired so I will later but-
Don’t, all they do is x. They only talk to you about x. When have they talked to you about anything else, they don’t deserve you, they only want want you can do for them and don’t actually care about you, fuck them, fuck this, this always happens--
or well shit you can be more attentive and still just get same shit different angle,
You now y is just using you to ease their own loneliness and depression.
I am 99% that’s like most human interaction, we’re all supposed to try and help one another-
They don’t actually LIKE you, not really, they don’t know you and how garbage you really are. They wouldn’t like that Logan. They’ll go when you stop being useful, stop being enough, the first time you mess up, and you will, you try so hard, so goddamn hard but you will
I want someone to like the garbage parts of me but also I don’t, because, I can’t even like those parts, why the fuck should they, why, why, people will go if I show those parts or want me to change them and I want to change them too but also some shit doesn’t change and some shit is just me, maybe some of this isn’t just garabage or stuff to learn or unlearn, some part sof me just suck, though who even knows which ones, which parts are real, because i’m so fucking fake you can poke holes through me, at least half of my happiness is even fake but if I don’t at least try and fake it it won’t exist and people won’t want tp interact and i’ll be a drain and i can’t have that, I can’t stand owing people or being a burden even if that’s all I ever do, i don’t understand human interaction and friendships and i hate how i can’t disappear - a few weeks or months - and come back without it being a thing, but also i want people to worry, not to Worry but to give a shit but also WHY SHOULD THEY and I expend all this energy on friendships but sometimes I’m not sure why, if i even want them, but i also know i need friends and like friends and am a friendly person and just
i hate. this. Being so many different pieces and conflicting feelins and reactions and i just want to start over. I want to die and have another playthrough. I want to run away and cut ties with everyone and just... live a different life.
Guess I’m actively suicidal again for the first time in awhile. That’s sort of new.
I think I’m finally tired. I’m... going to post this and try and forget I did.
It will feel like too much of a backstep to just delete it, but I can’t edit this either.
if you read this: none of this is @ or about you, again, this is my bullshit brain and me struggling. You’re good friends, some of you are even wonderful friends, I do. Love you. As much as I can love anyone. Which is a lot sometimes, and other times it’s.
Not? I dunno. I’m broken, I don’t know what to tell you.
Also like don’t talk to me about it because I can’t handle that and will very seriously get mad. 
i’m going to sleep.
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