#normally i do the bats but hey I wanna switch it up a bit
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bluerosefox · 2 years ago
Of Godsons, Fruitloops, and Lois 'I will drag all secrets out into the sun' Lane
Danny loses his parents due to their own lack of safety in the lab (death? Coma? People finally putting their foot down about the Fenton's endangering their kids? Idk pick). Jazz can't take him in due to being in college and living on its campus (and he didnt want to force her into an apartment just to keep him, he saw the prices and knows she'll have to work to make rent) and Danny fears the only place he can go to is... Vlad. (Sam's parents would never let him live with her and Tucker's place doesn't have the room)
Vlad's been lording it over Danny, smug about it all, after all he IS Danny's godfather and he has the space and money to provide for the boy in his time of need.
Only, when digging into Danny's files, his social worker discovers Vlad isn't Danny's godfather, he was meant to be but the Fenton's forgot to send/sign in the final paperwork (even if those documents were the only contact they had with Vlad over the years before the reunion)
No Danny's godparent, the person to take him should anything happen to the Fenton's is....
Lois Lane.
His mom's childhood friend.
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comical-croagunk · 13 days ago
[well we started writing this from the perspective of "this was a video taken" and it fought us the entire five minutes, so we're instead writing it how I'd normally write]
Three people exit Solaceon Town's shelter, accompanied by a couple of Pokémon. Two of them break off immediately; one of them is sitting atop a Stoutland and smiling with a bag on their back, while the other is being followed by a Toxicroak.
The man who stayed in the Shelter's doorway calls out to the other two. "Thank you very much! As I said, if they bring you any unnecessary trouble, you're welcome to bring them back - but with how closely they bonded with you right off the bat, I think all of you will be just fine. Have a nice day, and take care of yourselves!"
The person on the Stoutland turns to wave at the man, who waves back. "I'll do my best! Thank you, hope your evening goes well!"
After a moment of silence, they elbow the person standing next to them. "Hey. Don't be rude."
"Wh - oh." The other stops glances backwards, offering a half-hearted wave. "... Uh. Thanks. Take care."
The man nods with a smile and walks back inside, closing the door behind him. Almost immediately, the person who was elbowed sighs heavily, pinching the bridge of their nose. "Deklan. How does this shit keep happening?"
Deklan blinks. "... Elaborate? A lot happened in there."
Their companion sighs again. "I go do something with you, and it winds up turning into a bigger thing than anticipated?"
"You signed up for this, you clown."
"Don't you put this entirely on me, you also played a very big part in convincing me to actually take those two."
Deklan laughs, patting their Stoutland on the side a couple of times. The Pokémon makes a rumbling sound, starting to walk again. "Sterling, we both know if you don't wanna do something, you won't. You would've adopted those two with or without my input."
Sterling grumbles something under his breath as he starts to follow his partner, Toxicroak right behind him.
"What? Huh?"
"I said meh meh meh meh."
Deklan smiles warmly at the familiarity of his antics. He's nowhere near upset, but they opt to switch the topic anyway after a few moments. "I still can't believe that guy tried to say you were a dangerous criminal seconds after we walked in."
"Definitely not from around here and only watched the news." Sterling grins, voice becoming mocking. "Oh, I'm so sorry, sir, did you happen to forget to replace your calendar from six and a half years ago?"
Both of them burst out into laughter, and they all stop until Deklan can breathe without cracking up again. "I still can't believe you had that one ready."
"It would've been better if he had a retort. I've gotten so many people to shut up just because they can't quip nearly as well as I can." Sterling shrugs. "Eh. I can start preparing for the downfall of the next guy to think I'm an irredeemable asshole instead."
They snicker. "I hope I get to be there for it."
"I know."
The small group walks in silence for a bit. They're only three steps from leaving the town when a loud croak sounds out from behind them, and both Sterling and Deklan turn to see Tox crouching a few feet behind them. The Pokémon stares at them for a moment, then closes its eyes, tipping its head sideways a bit.
Before either of them can ask, a cool breeze blows by them, carrying the faint scent of grass with it. Deklan closes their eyes and hums in appreciation.
"Agreed." Sterling inhales deeply. "The temperature's nice today."
As he exhales, one of his arms brushes by the two new Poké Balls he has at his waist. While Tox comes over, he takes one in his hand. "... You know? We should let our new guys out. I think a nice, calm walk back to our place would make for a good memory with new people."
Deklan beams. "And it's such a good day for it too - yeah, hell yeah, let's!"
They slide their bag off their shoulder, unzip it, and pull out an Ultra Ball, holding it up to release the Pokémon inside - a Honedge. It looks around briefly before turning to face Deklan.
"Hey, buddy," they greet. The Honedge waves with its cloth, and they smile. "We're walking home. Wanna join us?"
"Sssssstill haven't thought of a name?" Sterling asks.
"My mind is so empty you could fit a Snorlax in there, man. I'll figure it out eventually," Deklan replies with an exasperated tone.
Sterling snorts, then jerks his head in the direction of the Honedge. Deklan takes the hint and looks over, smiling when they see their new Pokémon is giving them a thumbs up with its cloth now. "Great! You're allowed to explore a bit along the way if you want to, but don't go where we can't see you, okay?"
Their Honedge seems to understand and goes to float at their side. They look to Sterling. "Your turn!"
"Yeah, yeah." Sterling takes one Poké Ball in each hand. "I assume you're leaving Shiinotic in her ball?"
Deklan nods. "I want to bring Spotty out, but they said she fell asleep right before they put her in her ball. I don't want to disturb her rest."
"Checks out... You'd know a thing or two about getting rest." With that, Sterling releases the Pokémon he got with a practiced motion; the Mightyena that comes from one ball sniffs the air briefly before standing at attention, while the Dunsparce that comes from the other looks around somewhat wildly before making a beeline for Sterling's shoes. He bends down, holding his arms out, and the Dunsparce wiggles into the space.
"It's cute that his name is Lucky," Deklan comments. "Some people consider it to be lucky to see a Dunsparce... I think he's also lucky to have you, now, since they said he's much smaller than he's supposed to be."
When they don't receive a reply, they look over to see that while Sterling has stood and Lucky has gotten comfy in his arms, he's staring at them with his how the fuck do I respond to that look.
"... Okay. First of all. I'm breaking your favorite mug when we get home," he finally says.
Sterling turns his attention to his Mightyena, ignoring Deklan as they howl with laughter. "You want to walk home with us, Hunter?"
Hunter barks, which Sterling responds to with a firm nod. He then turns to Deklan. "Oi. Can you take their Poké Balls from me? I'd stick them in your bag myself, but my arms are..." He holds up Lucky a bit higher for emphasis.
"Oh! Yeah." Deklan grabs them from him, sticking them in their bag and zipping it up. "Okay. Uh." They check the zipper again, then nod. "Yep. Home time?"
"I thought you said you wanted to go to Johto after this, though."
The group of seven leave Solaceon Town in good spirits, ready to make new memories with each other.
Unbeknownst to any of them, a woman with orange hair, tending to the Pokémon of the shelter that need space outdoors, watches them leave.
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fanficsandfluff · 4 years ago
Being the Tickler
can we pretty please normalize casual discussions of tickling???? this is so special for me in fics, i rarely see it. it's always 'don't wanna say the word' and I'm kinda sick of that trope. enjoy! (this is for @bigirlgiggles ! i hope you accept this crumb of serotonin!)
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Characters: Bruce Banner, Thor
Words: 921
"You don't enjoy it?"
"What? Me? No," Bruce Banner flattened the hair on his arm after rolling up the sleeves of his buttoned shirt.
Thor eyed the man, head tilting in a type of admiration.
Bruce felt the eyes on him and he glanced Thor's way, squinting in the evening sunlight, "What?"
"Nothing," Thor chuckled into his word, reclining himself on the lawn the two shared, riverside, in this busy outskirt of the city they were missioning in.
"No, what? You think that's weird."
"Not weird. Just..." he sat up again, "I enjoy it. The act, the feeling, the experience. And based on people I've interacted with, they seem to like it, too," he saw the confused look on Bruce's face and he added, "Or not mind it, rather."
"I think it's like a losing control thing for me."
Thor nodded. On a top list of fears for the decorated doctor, he would've put losing control up there.
"What about the other side of it?"
"Being the tickler?"
Thor nodded, observing in deep interest as Bruce seemed to ponder the idea.
"I don't know. I guess maybe? I haven't really done it before."
Thor was smiling now, "Try it out."
"On you?"
Another nod. Now Bruce laughed. It was short and maybe a bit condescending, but it came out. When Thor wasn't also laughing, Bruce realized the god meant it.
"O-Oh..." Bruce cleared his throat.
Within the silence, a few children could be heard screaming and giggling down by the river, in the very far distance.
"You're afraid."
"Am not."
Now Thor giggled, "Oh, I see. You need some instigation. I can provide," he cleared his throat in an overly dramatic way and Bruce was already grinning despite himself, "You can't do it."
"Thor, this isn't going to work--"
"On the contrary, doctor, I see it already taking root. So, go on. Prove it to me."
"You're ridiculous," Bruce adjusted the glasses on his face, smiling at this lovable hunk of a guy.
Thor squeezed Bruce's side when he leaned over to further pester, and Bruce jerked away, "Hey!"
"You need provocation! Go on! Get me back!"
"I just told you I hahate--Thor!" Bruce chuckled and batted away the god's fingers from reaching his stomach.
"You never said hate, Dr. Banner. I won't tire of this, you know that, right?"
Bruce wasn't laughing, holding back much of the reactions he was sure Thor was looking for. But... I mean, the guy was asking for it, wasn't he? Like literally asking for it? What crime would it be to not give in? Hmm...
Bruce tackled the god. And Thor actually felt fear running down his spine for a split second. He didn't know what Bruce would feel like. He's experienced his mother's, his brother's, Jane's, and some other Avengers' tickling before, but Bruce appeared a very formidable force on the outside. It's just never actually come to fruition.
"Woah! Ohoho--!" Thor was already laughing, mostly exclaiming in surprise.
Bruce leaned over him knees planted in the grass on either side of Thor's torso. He didn't need to be the Hulk to exude power at this moment.
"Still like this?" Bruce asked as his hands fit the meat of Thor's sides and pinched, fondling the skin in them. That quickly switched to a pulsating of fingertips along the back bottoms of Thor's ribs.
The God of Thunder arched his back and threw it back into the ground in repeated up and downs, "Nohohoho wahait!"
"Switched that quick!?" Bruce beamed.
"No I wasn't-- hahaha! I wasn't saying no!" Thor spit out, giggling some more when Bruce scraped his fingers on his belly, "You're cruel!"
Bruce chortled, his glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose. He used one hand to plant a finger in Thor's shirt-covered bellybutton while his other tossed his glasses to the side. He really didn't want to get new frames. Not again.
The scientist in Bruce took in every ounce of Thor's reactions to being tickled because it fascinated him to no end. How could someone not fight back to the tickling sensation? It's literally proven that the body reacts in defense to it. We clamp up, curl inward. Maybe because he's a god... maybe the nerves are different. Bruce watched as Thor moreso clutched his hands to his chest than try to push Bruce's away, laughing loudly and openly. He was squirming back and forth. He welcomed this.
Bruce's fingers danced up the god's very prominent ribs and Thor's laughter jumped to a squeak for a half a second.
"You gonna let me in there?" Bruce was poking around Thor's closed-off armpits.
"Sh-Shohould I?"
Bruce shrugged, "I dunno, you're the one who wanted this."
Thor was catching his breath during this conversation, where Bruce pulled his hands back to rest on his own thighs.
"Got an answer yet?" Bruce poked both of Thor's hips a few times. Thor jumped and giggled again, "Come on, I don't have all day."
"Yes," Thor answered quickly now, smiling like a big bearded puppy, "Since it makes you happy."
And that's when Bruce Banner blushed. He did kinda like this side of the tickling. Probably because of who he was doing it to. Yeah, that definitely helped.
"I don't have all day, doctor," Thor cheekily teased.
Bruce's face split into a grin and he tickled his way up Thor's ribs into his armpits, booming laughter resounding once more. Bruce was chuckling with the god, finding out that yes, he preferred being the tickler.
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13uswntimagines · 5 years ago
Baseball Showoffs (Rose x baseball Player!Reader)
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Request: reader x rose, maybe the reader is a baseball player and is up against the Braves aka Mr. pugh and then maybe the team hosts a watch party for the game
Authors Note: Hey dudes, so I might have gone a bit crazy with the baseball terms. I also happen to be a big Yankee’s fan, so if you don’t like them, you can totally switch the teams. I hope you enjoy! Feel free to send me feedback or just hit up my page if you wanna say Hi! 
Team bonding was a normal occurrence for the national team. It was typically a time filled with movies, stupid games like truth or dare and Dawn approved snacks. But today, it would be centered around a different kind of game. 
It was the Atlanta Braves taking on the New York Yankees, or as far as the team was concerned, you verses Dansby Swanson (more like Rose vs Mal, but everyone was too afraid to say it).
“I didn’t think you two liked baseball,” JJ muttered from beside Rose, tossing a handful of popcorn into her mouth. The woman in question rolled her eyes. 
“We don’t, but Y/n looks hot in the uniform, and her little celebrations are adorable,” The midfielder smirked, wiggling her shoulders as if to prove her point.  The two of you had been dating for 4 years, and in that time you still couldn’t convince her that baseball was remotely interesting. She only watched to see your bat flips and dance moves. You had recently been traded to the Yankees in the hopes that you could bring them the winning spirit from the Nationals (which they had lost after Jeter retired, or that at least what you told her).
“Y/n has been killing it this season. She has like a .370 batting average”  Ashlyn snorted, shoving popcorn in her mouth. She wasn’t a giant Yankees fan, but after the Braves defeat of the Marlins, she couldn't support them in good conscience. 
“Dansby isn’t bad either though, it’s like a .33,” Kelley argued. She wasn’t a huge baseball fan, but she had to rep for her state. 
“Yeah, but y/n has 16 home runs, and it’s only their 12th game, Mr. Pugh is going to have his hands full for sure,” Alyssa countered with raised eyebrows. Sure she didn’t like the Yankees as much as she liked the Cubs, but almost anyone was better than the Braves. 
“No offense to y/n, but my money is on the braves,” Kelley said nudging Rose, who nodded in understanding. 
“That’s right, gotta rep our home team,” Emily nodded back, giving the frat daddy a high five. 
“Aren't they away this week?” Mal asked with furrowed eyebrows. . 
“Y/n isn’t in grey so yeah,” Rose nodded. The only reason she knew that was because she thought you looked sexier in the blue pinstripes than the ugly grey one (though she much preferred the red uniform of the Nationals).
“Is that how it works?” Megan questioned, suddenly interested now that the fashion choices were the center of attention instead of batting averages or whatever. 
“Yeah, the home team wears white pants and bats 2nd” Kelley nodded, returning her attention to the TV where the 1st inning came to an end after a strikeout. 
“Y/n has got a damn good batting average and home team advantage, so she’s going to crush Dansby,” Rose mumbled and Mal rolled her eyes. There was no way that you were going to beat her boyfriend. 
“Well Dansby’s up to bat, so we’ll see just how they match up,” JJ laughed, enjoying how riled up the team was getting for a sport that everyone claimed to not like. 
The New York sun was bright as you paced back and forth in the area between 2nd and 3rd base waiting for the next batter to be ready. You were frustrated that Dansby had managed to get into first, and with Riley up to bat, you were sure you were going to be getting some action soon.
You squared up to home plate, crouching slightly as Garrett got ready to throw the next pitch. The ball came off the bat like a rocket, slicing towards you as Dansby ran towards 2nd. Just as he rounded the base You caught the ball and tagged him as he passed you for a double play. 
“Couldn’t have given me that one?” He winked at you after the 3rd vase umpire called him out. The two of you were pretty close considering you hung out at lots of USWNT matches. 
“Not a chance, now stop trying to impress your girl and play smart, shoulda stayed at second,” You smirked back, tapping his chest with your glove. 
“Ooh, like you aren’t doing the same thing,” He laughed back.
“Never said I wasn’t, but it seems to be working out a little better for me, I just made an amazing catch” You held up the ball to prove your point. 
“Maybe you should go for something a little less subtle,” He shrugged back good-naturedly. Your girls weren’t big into baseball, but you were sure that your leaning catch would at least draw you a “good job” from Rose. 
“We’ll see, there’s a time and a place for everything,” You smirked at the man, shoeing him back towards the dugout. 
The team watch with bated breath as you edged your way off of second plate. It was the bottom of the 7th and your team was still frustratingly tied with Dansby’s (as your 2 run homer had been matched by 2 individual runs from the other team). 
“ the braves better be careful, Y/l/n has the highest stealing average in the league,” Ashlyn chimes in, and right in cue you made a break for 3rd base. 
The pitcher had been onto you, sending the ball towards Dansby, but you were already one step ahead, leaping over the man and landing safely on the plate. 
“God she so cute,” Rose sighed dreamily as you stuck your tongue out at Mr. Pugh. 
“She just stole a base and that’s what you say?” Kelley snorted. Yes her team was losing, but she had to admit that you had some serious skill. 
“She’s got dirt in her nose,” Rose shrugged, smiling wider when you did a little happy wiggle as your teammate stepped up to bat. 
The team crowded around the TV, far more interested in the outcome of this game than they thought they’d be. It was the bottom of the 9th, the bases were loaded and your team was down by 2. You needed to hit a run to win. 
The women watched as you tightened your fingers on the bat, the commentators mentioning how your famous left-handed swing was similar to Rose’s. 
“They should change the names on their jerseys, none of the fans call them by their own last names anyway,” Julie snorted, as the commentator went on about how this matchup was ingesting because you and Dansby were dating USWNT players. It didn’t help that you and him kept interacting every chance you got. 
“Y/n and I have the same number, so they don’t wanna confuse the fans,” Rose retorted with an eye roll. 
“She’s batting lefty?” Sam asked surprised. Every other time you were at-bat, you had hit righty. It was strange to see you switch it up. 
“Yeah, she’s a switch hitter. It’s probably to trip Soroka up,” Kelley shrugged. Their pitcher was known for having issues with lefties, and you guys needed a hit to win, so that was most likely your motivation. They just switched Anderson for him, so you changed that is too. 
“Soroka is solid. There’s no way she’s getting another hit off of him,” Emily fired back. The dude had one of the highest strikeout rates in the league, there was no way you were going to get anything more than a double. You were dangerous at-bat, and had already scored big, it was probably why they put him on the mound. 
“10 bucks?”  Kelley asked with a raised eyebrow, holding her hand out for a shake. Emily snorted, slapping the hand. 
You tightened your hands on the bat, your eyes taking in every detail of the pitcher. The bases were loaded, you were down by two, you needed a hit to keep your team alive. Soroka nodded at the catcher, winding up for the pitch. You had watched enough of his games to know what that windup meant. The ball seemed to move in slow motion as it left his fingers and screamed its way towards home plate, right down the middle in his famous fastball. You took a deep breath and swung the bat, a crack resounding throughout the stadium when it made contact. 
You watched the ball as it sailed towards the wall, standing frozen on home plate as it went. The fans roared when it came to a stop on the second deck of the stadium, a wide smile breaking across your face. You flipped your bat high and began the long trot around the bases, the fan’s cheers and the stadium’s fireworks the soundtrack to your success. 
“Now that’s how you impress,” You smirked cockily at Dansby as you rounded 2nd base. He was a good friend to you, but scoring a walk-off grand slam in the bottom of the 9th was the ultimate euphoric moment and it totally deserved a little bit of cockyness. 
“Whatever Y/L/N” The man smiled back shaking his head and low-fiving you as you passed him. You had beaten him in your competition to out show off to your girls this time, but he’d get you next time. Somehow, some way. 
As you jogged towards home plate, the camera zoomed in on you. You tapped your number, and blew a kiss towards it, hoping that Rose knew that you had hit that grand slam for her, to impress her. (unknown to you she caught the kiss through the T.V. and put it in her pocket). Sure she didn’t like baseball, but she loved you. 
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beomglocks · 5 years ago
unlikely allies ; txt x reader
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part: zero, ,,,next chapter
plot: when a zombie apocalypse breaks out in your town, you're forced to team up with a group of boys from very different social standards in your school.
genre: fluff, angst, horror i guess?, not really that scary but alright, some funny moments
w/c: 3.3K
warnings: blood, gruesome scenes (kind of really detailed), cursing, everyone hates each other, definitely some major injuries, zombies duh, everyone kinda pining for mc
"yeonjun you're late...again," your history teacher sighs. you watch as choi yeonjun strolls into class like normal. "sorry teach, i didn't really wanna come."
yeonjun is the school's heartthrob. everyone likes him, at least you think everyone likes him. you wouldn't say you like him but you can see why people would. he's an asshole but a cute asshole. he really doesn't care for his studies and treats people like they owe him something.
you roll your eyes at his answer and decide to focus on the roll call for when your name is called. "choi soobin?" you see a boy with purple hair raise his hand silently. you hear yeonjun snicker from the back of the class. you watch soobin turn around to glare at the other.
"something funny choi?" he seethes. yeonjun raises an eyebrow at soobin, leaning forward in his seat, "yeah something sure is funny."
soobin gets out of his seat and strides up to yeonjun's seat, easily towering over the boy. he grabs the collar of yeonjun's hoodie and lifts him up so that he's standing face to face.
"why don't you laugh in my face then?" soobin challenges. yeonjun looks bored, not even the slightest intimidated by the taller boy.
"ha. ha .ha." he annunciates each word mockingly, smiling in soobin's face.
the next thing you know the two boys are the floor fighting one another. "hey hey hey!" your teacher runs from the front of the class to the back to break up the fight. there's already a small crowd around them and no one seems adamant on helping break the fight up.
the thing is, choi soobin and choi yeonjun are known to fight a lot. you're not sure why they hate each other so much but every time they're near each other fists start flying. who thought putting these two in a class together was a good idea.
soobin was a quiet boy, everyone knew that. somedays he'd come dressed like the fluffiest cat you'd ever seen and sometimes he'd dress like a total greaser. he could just switch up like that; just like his attitude. he was nice, from what you knew he would always participate in extracurricular activities and charity events around the school. however, because people thought he was soft they would always mess with him. he was always able to hold his own though.
"hey break it up!" you hear your teacher shout. the two boys were in their own minds continuously throwing punches at each other. you were still sat at your desk, not really caring for fights between two stupid alpha males.
your teacher somehow manages to pull soobin from yeonjun and hold him back while a friend of yeonjun's holds him back as well. both boys have a good amount of blood on their faces so you can't really tell who won.
"you're fucking weak soobs! that shit barely hurt," yeonjun teases. he has blood trailing down his hairline from when soobin pushed him to the ground and blood on his nose and around his pouty lips. "bold talk for someone who just got their ass beat," soobin spits. he too has blood on his nose and lips but he's also sporting a cut on his cheekbone, yeonjun must've scratched his face.
"enough! yeonjun go to the nurse's room to get fixed up and soobin straight to the principal's office, you'll go to nurse after he's done, you hear me!" your history teacher orders. you watch her look around the room for someone suitable enough to escort yeonjun to the nurse's office.
you silently pray that she doesn't pick on you but seeing as you were the only one not interested in the drama, her eyes fall on you. "y/n please escort yeonjun to the nurse's office, i frankly don't trust him to actually go there on his own."
you curse at her in your mind but stand up anyways. "no problem," you force a light smile.
you and yeonjun leave the class ahead of soobin. as you're walking down the hallway, you glance at yeonjun. he doesn't look angry, if anything he looks calm. "i know i'm hot but stop staring at me," he looks down at you.
you roll your eyes at him. "do you not talk? come to think of it... i didn't even know you were in my class," yeonjun looks at you quizically but with curiosity in his eyes. you know that if you don't answer him he'll keep pestering you. "we've been in the same class for the past four years," you mutter.
you can feel his eyes on you but thankfully he doesn't say anything. while you two are walking through the halls you see a boy on the floor playing with something. "what's that kid doing over there?" yeonjun asks. he's already starting to walk away from you but you grab his sweater.
"sorry yeonjun but our only destination is the nurse's office," you say to him. he looks at you with his eyes narrowed down at where you're grabbing him. you stumble back as he yanks his arm away from your grasp, striding towards the boy. you huff following him.
"hey loser, what you got there?" yeonjun looks down at the boy. the boy turns around with confusion laced on his features. he sighs, "what do you want?" he pouts.
when you reach the boy you recognize him as choi beomgyu. the kid is smart but only when he wants to be. he's in your science class and is always messing around and not actually ever doing the work. either that or he skips class to run off and experiment with random things. he's a nice guy and you sometimes ask him for help during labs since he's probably the smartest kid in your class.
"hey beomgyu, what's up?" you greet him. he turns towards you and smiles warmly. "hey y/n," yeonjun looks between the both of you and rolls his eyes. "what the hell are you doing with one of the baseball teams bats?"
beomgyu moves the bat behind him and glares at yeonjun, "i was just curious as to what makes it so hard-hitting. i've been craving my way into it but can't seem to get too far."
you crouch next to him, "maybe you should've picked up one of the metal ones. i'm pretty sure the wood ones only have wood in them. though i heard they're made with bamboo so," you shrug. beomgyu stares at you silently.
"y-yeah you're probably right...thanks y/n," beomgyu snaps out of his daze and pockets the butterfly knife he was previously using. yeonjun tsks, "cmon y/n, let's go i already lost interest." yeonjun pulls you along as you watch beomgyu wave and head to the auditorium.
"god why did we have to take the long route this is fucking boring," yeonjun complains. you sigh, hoping he'll shut up already. "do you ever not talk?" you ask him. you both are too busy glaring at each other that you don't see when someone bumps into you.
the person drops the pile of books they were holding in their hands. "ah shit," they mumble. you snap out of glaring at yeonjun to see a boy on the floor with books scattered around him. "shit im sorry! i should've been looking at where i was going," you apologize kneeling down to help the boy pick up his books.
"oh don't worry i shouldn't have taken up carrying so many books to the point where i couldn't see!" the boy's voice is so cheerful it makes you smile. you're glad he's not mad at you.
the boy is really cute too. his boyish features suit his face well and his hair is messy but looks like he stylized it that way. he's dressed comfortably in a huge sweater and baggy jeans with a molang keychain attached to one of the belt loops.
"where are you even going with all these books?" you ask. "i offered to take these back to the library for my english teacher, in hindsight i really should've just taken two or three not the whole stack." he chuckles sheepishly. he gets up, picking up as many as he can.
you pick up the rest and set them on top of the already tall stack lightly. "well good luck," you pat the stack in encouragement and it makes him lean forward a bit. he thanks you and makes his way down the hall once again.
you turn to yeonjun who was leaning against the wall watching you. "seeing you being nice to everyone is making me want to choke," he grimaces. "take notes choi."
it felt like forever since you arrived at the nurse's office. walking with yeonjun was really torture to you since he wouldn't shut up about how amazing he thinks he is.
once you walk in you both notice that the nurse isn't at her usual place at the front desk. "she went out to get more ice from the cafeteria," you hear someone speak. you both turn around and see a boy sat on one of the cots the nurse sets up for people who injure themselves.
the boy is kang taehyun, member of the baseball team. "hey tae!" yeonjun greets. taehyun raises his brow and moves the now melted ice bag from his wrist. "what's got you in here?" yeonjun asks sitting on the cot across from taehyun.
"i'd rather you not act like we're friends," taehyun states calmly. "but if you must know, i was practicing my swings and got a little too caught up. i barely noticed that i sprained my wrist." he looks down at his wrist which is slightly swollen.
kang taehyun was the baseball team's most prized possession. they really did cherish him because he was the ace of the team. he always scored home runs and when he was pitching, he always managed to get the batter to strike out. he was really talented no one could deny that. despite his hard work on the field, he was dedicated to his studies and was always at the top of all his classes. you wondered how he felt about spraining possibly the most important part of his body.
"damn, that must suck," yeonjun states, he doesn't sound apologetic at all and you wonder how that guy could have any friends. "im just here to get patched and cleaned up because that dickhead soobin decided this was fight club," he tsks. taehyun chuckles, "hope he knocked some sense into you." yeonjun rolls his eyes.
taehyun finally notices your presence by the front desk and motions you over to them by the cots. he's friendly but not someone you'd normally hang out with. "you don't look hurt?" he chides. you point to yeonjun, "i was asked to bring him here since our teacher didn't trust him to come here and well, actually arrive. since the nurse isn't here im guessing I'll have to stick around in case he tries to escape."
taehyun chuckles, "makes sense."
the room is quiet for a couple of moments, save for the ticking of the clock on the wall. you feel awkward being around two of the biggest names at your school. yeonjun is sprawled out on the cot and taehyun is still cradling his wrist. "uh...when do you think the nurse will be here?" you ask quietly.
taehyun looks up at you, "well when you got here it had been about 15 minutes since she left. she probably took a detour or something?" you nod looking at his wrist once again. "you should probably wrap that in a gauze, it'll help with the swelling," you suggest. he smiles at you, "thanks...uh?"
"right thanks y/n," he stands up and walks over to the cabinet to find the gauze wrap. in the meantime, you turn to yeonjun. it looks like he's sleeping but being in a class with him for 4 years has taught you better. "yeonjun."
he doesn't move. "yeonjun get up, i know you're not sleeping," you try. he sits up with a groan, "what do you want? i barely know you." for some reason you feel rage bubble up inside of you. you're not sure why either. usually, you were fine with not being noticed by the "so-called" popular kids but because of yeonjun, you were stuck in the nurse's office watching over him like a babysitter.
"why the hell did you fight soobin? if it wasn't for you i wouldn't be here talking to you right now," you say through gritted teeth. yeonjun raises an accusing brow at you, "were you not watching the fight? he threw the first punch for fucks sake." "you provoked him," you retort.
"it's not my fault he's dumb, god do i have to take responsibility for that too?" he groans laying back down on the cot. you eye him but decide to leave the conversation at that.
after your mini argument with yeonjun, you see taehyun return with the gauzes already wrapped around his wrist. "this is much better," he smiles down at his wrist. "glad i could help," you smile at him.
silence falls upon you three again until you hear a groan from outside. it doesn't really sound like a groan a human could possibly make, it sounds way to pained and low. "what was that?" taehyun asks. you shrug, "it might be the nurse." you walk over to the door and take a look outside.
the hallways on both sides are dimly lit and desolate. you can't really see down the hall because it just fades to black. you walk back inside the nurse's office. "there's no one out there and honestly, it looks way too cree-," you're cut off as a shrill scream rips through your conversation.
yeonjun sits straight up this time, "what the hell was that?" taehyun's eyes are wide with alarm, "that scream did not sound like a happy scream."
your eyes dart back and forth from yeonjun to taehyun. "i swear when i looked outside there was nothing," you say hurriedly. you're not sure why you feel panicked but you do. "check again," yeonjun tells you. you want to tell him 'no' or 'do it yourself' but you were the one to check first so you figure a second check done by you is only fair.
sighing, you walk to the door once again and look into the halls. for the second time, you don't see anything except for the darkness of the long hallways but you peer further and notice something.
all the way near the end of the hallway you see the nurse running towards her office. "hey i see the nurse," you call out to the boys. they make noises of acknowledgment and you hear yeonjun mumble a 'finally'. you keep watching her but you notice that she's running quite frantically to be considered normal. you don't say anything watching her run towards the office with confusion laced on your face.
that's when you see it. you see a figure running almost at the same speed as her but with more of a limp in their step. that's when you can hear the groaning more clearly but it's not coming from the nurse, its coming from the figure behind her.
the nurse makes the fatal mistake of tripping over her heels because she's running so wildly. her body slides a couple of feet from the door but she struggles to stand. she looks up at you and you can see that she has sweat and blood all over her face and her hair is unruly and matted.
"h-help me please!" she calls out to you. your heart is beating intensely. you don't know why she looks like this but you want to help. "y/n?" you hear taehyun call out to you. "what's going on out there?"
you bite your lip and decide to help her but as soon as you step out of the office the limping figure lurches forward and pounces on the nurse's idle body on the floor. you let out a horrified scream and step back. you can see the 'limping figure' clearer now and it seems to be one of the lunch ladies.
the only thing was that she didn't look the way she did when she served you breakfast this morning. her skin was pale and her veins were strangely very visible throughout her face and arms. her uniform was tattered and ripped as if a struggle of some sort had taken place. her face had deep scratches that had drying blood pouring out of them. her eyes were not warm, they seemed to be greyed out and she seemed very rabid.
you stood there, horrified, as the lunch lady tore through the nurse's clothes and body. you wanted to throw up as a bit of the nurse's blood was unintentionally launched at you. the lunch lady dipped her head down to use her teeth to devour the nurse's flesh in cold blood. you couldn't even rack up a sob.
it was like something out of a horror movie. except this was real life.
before the lunch lady could even finish eating the nurse, you watched as the nurse's body convulsed and thrashed violently before standing up on her own. her head was hung low and she seriously smelled disgusting.
you felt stuck as you watched both women stumble towards you before breaking out in full sprints. you flinched and shut your eyes tightly as you waited for your life to flash before them. it really felt like at any moment you would find yourself being eaten alive and convulsing into whatever monster that was.
but the feeling never came. instead, you felt your body crash against taehyun's on the floor. the only thing you could hear was the door slam shut and the screeching and groaning of whatever the hell those people were outside as they tried to get through the door.
you opened your eyes slowly and noticed that yeonjun was to one to slam the door shut, it seems like taehyun had pulled you inside.
taehyun groaned, moving to stand, "what the hell was that?" you shook your head, now having time to process what you saw. "she ate her...s-she- her body," you couldn't even finish explaining as you broke out in tears. taehyun ran a soothing hand up and down your back.
yeonjun moved away from the door. there was a tiny window on the door so you guys could see that the monsters were still trying to get in. "what the hell are we gonna do! if we go outside they'll tear us to shreds!" yeonjun too had tears streaming down his face. you have to admit you'd never seen him so vulnerable.
taehyun was the only one not crying. you could see tears in his wide eyes but they never fell. you figured he was trying to be the strong stable one in the group right now. "ok guys lets calm down. we don't know if we're the only people alive so we need to be careful." taehyun explains.
you do really feel bad for him right now. you know he's a year younger than you and yeonjun and him having to be the 'leader' at this moment must be tough.
he sighs looking at the both of you. "if we wanna make it out of here alive...we're gonna have to fight."
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years ago
Billy's Birthday Bash part 1 (DC)
Billy yawned and sat up in bed, reaching over and turning off his alarm clock which was blabbering away about how the justice league had saved the day last night, again. from alien attackers, Again.
"Like I don't know that." Billy muttered, swinging his blanket off and twisting in his bed so his bare feet could hit the floor. "I was only there."
Billy Batson after all was the secret identity of the world's mightiest mortal Shazam, gifted with gifts from seven gods and one of the league's heavy hitters.
Just thinking about that brought a smile to the 13 year old hero's face and he turned to pose in in the mirror in his bedroom, and then his face fell as he saw his reflection.
while once he said his magic word he was a 6'9 muscled beefcake, the image looking back him with it's scrawny arms and chest which were covered with a faded flash themed PJ top while around his hips was a semi bulky and again flash themed overnight diaper, that was drooping from being used many times (Thankfully only wettings though, something he confirmed with a quick pat to his padded rear and a sniff of the air) despite Billy having only made it to bed at around 3 am.
He hadn't of been worried about getting in trouble for being out so late though.
the once orphan had been happily adopted and taken in by one Barry Allen and got alone great with his new dad and tried to be pleasant around Miss west, Barry's girlfriend who came over often enough to have her own key.
It wasn't that she was unpleasant or anything, it was just with Billy's 'problems' acting up bad enough that he needed his diapers basically 24/7, she insisted on diaper checks, even in front of her nephew Wally who'd come over sometimes with her and was like the coolest guy ever!
The reason why he hadn't of been worried about Barry finding out though was because Barry was also a member of the Justice league, ironically the Flash who's symbol had been on the front of the bulky diaper at one point.
"You'd think he'd be mad these things even exist since till Bat's set up that account for us there was no way to collect royalties." Billy grumbled to himself.
But when asked Barry admitted if he could help kids like Billy who had potty issues feel big and brave like superhero's, He was fine with the diapers being made and mostly didn't touch his share of the royalties.
though as Billy's legal guardian Shazam couldn't touch his share either without permission and was irked that Barry would use some of Billy's money to stock up on his diapers.
"I'm teaching you to be reasponable. if you have to pay for the diapers you'll be less likely to rip them up like that first pack Iris got you." Barry had reminded Billy, with a smirk on his face but a slight stern tone.
"I said sorry..besides they had stupid ponies and stuff on them." Billy had whined back.
still he fell in line and even if he had wanted to just blast the diapers with his lighting some times and suck up the wasted cost, with his new day's symbol on it he just couldn't do it.
Since he was only wet Billy was allowed to change himself, there had been the great carpet incident a few days after he'd moved in trying to change a dirty diaper on his own and Barry had made him pinky swear to ask for help with those.
since Billy was on the family plan and had his own cell phone he could just discretely call Barry when he was smelly, though thankfully his daytime accidents were few and fair in between.
Snapping the tapes off Billy had a minor moment sulkiness again since his budding pubic hair had been shaved clean because of his diapers, though he had to admit Barry had been right, he was getting a LOT less rashes.
balling the soggy diaper up and holding it out with one hand, Billy took a deep breath and pinched his nose with the other one as he stepped on the foot petal for his diaper pail and dropped it in, not wishing to smell memories of diaper past.
with that done he walked around enjoying the lack of a waddle in his step for the precious few moments he would and tugged opened his version of a underwear drawer, stocked full of daytime and overnight flash brand diapers.
"Gee, what's a boy to wear, flash themed disposable undies or flash themed disposable undies?" He asked, tapping a finger on his chin and smirking a little."the struggle is real for 13 year old pants wetter."
"heh, Oh really?" Came a voice from the doorway and Billy yelped and tugged to tug his shirt down, even though he knew Barry had seen everything.
"B-Barry knock!" He huffed, and blushed, hands over over his crotch now.
"I did, someone was off in his own little world.. in fact so off he forgot what today is." Barry said and smirked, pointing over to a Shazam themed calendar on the wall, with the dates date circled in red."Your not 13 anymore silly. Happy birthday~"
Billy, who normally was ignored on his birthday either by choice or lost in the shuffle while in foster care really had forgotten and now grinned big time.
"That's right! I get a real party, with cake, and ice cream an-" Billy was saying and was cut off as Barry zipped over, a little bit slower in his blue jeans and denim shirt but not by much and was ruffling Billy's hair.
"And you get a birthday spanking." Barry teased, but winked to let Billy know he was joking.
"Try it and I'll saw you know what." Billy giggled and blew a raspberry.
"Hmmm flash vs. Shazam in a spanking fight. we could sell out areas. But At last, your butt's just too cute to mare." Barry chuckled and gave the boys chubby cheeks a soft pat before zipping back to the door frame.
the pat while gentle, was unexpected and Billy yelped and a little trickle of pee came out, something Barry missed but the now hard wood floor of Billy's room could handle it.
"Finish getting dressed buddy and I'll get this cleaned up in-"
"Don't say it!" Billy groaned rolled his eyes.
"A flash!" Barry said, zipping off as Billy snatched a pair of daytime diapers out.
'He's so corny sometimes.' Billy thought.
Dressed in a red t-shirt and a baggy pair of black shorts that did a good job of hiding the bulk of his padding (there there was a tell tale crinkle for those listening for it) he made his way to the dinning room and grinned ear to ear as the table was loaded with chocolate pancakes, blue berry waffles, fried eggs, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages and a pitcher of chocolate milk and a pitcher of orange juice.
with how fast Barry's metabolism was he was always making big meals and was part of the reason Billy had put on some much needed wait, but even so, this was above and beyond.
with drool trailing down his chin he grabbed a plate and looked over the feast, almost at a lost of where to begin.
"heh, Did daddy do good or did daddy do good?" Barry asked, zipping into the room.
"This. Is. Awesome!" Billy squealed. "Was this all you or did Iris help too?" Billy asked.
"She's out of town on a assignment for a news papers, she's sorry she's gonna miss the party." Barry said, looking sorry.
"Well it's ok." Billy said, starting to load up his plate, a impish grin coming across his face. "we can just have anther party with more cake when she gets back. It'll be hard having all that sugar and getting double presents, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make." he said, topping off his plate and plopping his butt onto his special chair.
with his bulky diapers and the fact he leaked sometimes, Barry had gotten him a dinner chair with sides coming up to the middle of his tummy so Billy wouldn't lose balance and fall off, and it had a plastic cover for a easier clean up instead of the stained oak that the rest of the chairs had.
Naturally Billy had been least then pleased at the fact he had a toddler chair but after falling off of the other chairs three times he'd finally bit the bullet.
"Oh, your willing to have two party's huh? truly, your a saint among men. We'll see what happens." Barry said, coming over and getting his own plate while taking a second to mentally gush at just how adorable Billy looked, his legs kicking under the table as he scooped food in his mouth like he hadn't eaten in a month. "Heh, wow, and I thought I was fast..slow down before you choke buddy."
Billy as normal, took that warning as a challenge and sped up.
After 4 helpings Billy just sat back in his chair, burping softly and groaning as he put a hand to his belly, not even offering a fight as Barry came over with a cloth to wipe his face and hands.
"Did somebody maybe eat more then he should of?" Barry asked sweetly, as he helped the groaning boy out of the chair, and after a second picked him up, setting him on his hip and patting his back.
Billy's reply was a loud blench and Barry winced, glad he'd had the foresight to get Billy's head over his shoulder.
"well put. any follow ups?" Barry chuckled, and kept patting, this wasn't Billy's first semi food coma and he doubted it would be the little thunder champions last.
Billy went to open his mouth to say something then a loud booming fart blasted out of his bottom and for a split second Barry wondered if his arm would of been burnt if not for the padding.
"I-I didn't..I.." Billy whimpered and buried his head into Barry's shoulder and Barry could feel the heat from the boys face.
"Hey..hey..it's ok. fart's happen. besides you've gone uh-oh in my lap so this is hardly worse." Barry said, tilting his head and giving the poor blushing little guy a smooch on the head.
"N-Not helping!" Billy whined.
"Ok ok, I'll drop it.. here let's get you sat down and watching some carto-" Barry started to say but anther thunder poot from the champion of lighting cut him off.
"gawd! that stinks!" Billy whined.
"...Or Maybe you wanna go and sit on the potty." Barry said trying to be nice, but the boy wasn't wrong.
"I know when I have to go poop Barry!" Billy huffed and two more loud farts came out and the boy switched from huffy to shocked. "..and that would be right now. Potty daddy!"
Any other daddy wouldn't of stood a chance in the world, But Barry Allen didn't call him the fastest man alive for nothing, but even then it was a close call as he barley got Billy's shorts and diaper down and got him on the toilet before the boy started to unleash hell.
Knowing how Billy valued some privacy, Barry left almost as quick as he'd gotten him in there, though not before bringing a few room freshers into the bathroom and opening a window.
'don't want him to pass out form his own stink.. man..I wonder if there's anther god powering.. skunkculues, champion of stink.' Barry mused as he waited outside the bathroom door just in case he was needed.
Billy groaned as he hunched over and pounded a fist on the sink's counter, wondering if maybe he had a natural power over lava because that's what this felt like as he made use of the potty.
His own stink was assaulting his nose though thankfully daddy had set it up so it would be as bad, though he still ended up having to flush a couple of times just to help with the smell.
Sweating, Panting and feeling drained, he barley had it in him to wipe himself when it was all said and done, and swore he'd never cram that much food into his tummy again all at once.
(of course since he swore that once every three or so days the oath may of fallen on deaf ear.)
which his cheeks wiped, Billy went to stand up on shaky legs and plopped back down, then noticed the shart stains in the back of the diaper and signed.
"Dadddd..IUh...I need help." he called out. huffing and slumping, elbows on his knees and waiting.
when the door opened up and his cousin/cool bro via adoption opened the door Billy yelped and in vain tried to cover up the diaper around his ankles.
4 minutes earlier...
Wally who had retired from the superhero game while going to collage and trying to be a CSI like Barry, had surprised Barry by showing up for the party.
"Wally! good to see you!" Barry had said, shaking the younger mans hand, but then, ever the good daddy/uncle had narrowed his eyes. "Aren't you suppose to be in class right now?"
"The professor for the only class I had today had a family emergency, so the class was called off, and I was gonna try and make it anyways." Wally said, keeping his voice down and Barry picked up on it and kept his down as well.
"Ah, a birthday surprise for Billy." Barry said and smirked. "you know he thinks the world of you right?"
"I might of picked up on that. hence why I pretend not to notice his little problem." Wally chuckled and ran a hand though his orange hair. "you'd think he would of linked how Aunt Iris doesn't do bum checks when I'm around with it buttt.."
"Heh, Well he see's what he wants to see. He's on the potty right now though so maybe if you hi-" Barry started to say when his com beeped.
it wasn't his JL com, but the one he'd given the Meta human crimes department for central and Keystone city, being the hero of the twin cities.
dashing over he answered it, and frowned, then dashed back to Wally but even as he did he was in costume.
"I hate to do this, but Weather wizard and Captain cold are causing heck in Keystone. could you stay with Billy? he might need a little help." Barry said and gestured his head to the bathroom.
"Of course. Listen, if you need any back up.. I might not have my costume, but after Billy gets out.."
"Hey, I'll handle it. I'll be back.."
"in a flash. I know I know." Wally groaned, having the same opinion as Billy about the phase.
Barry just smirked like it was the worlds greatest dad joke and took off.
"W-Wally!? Get out! I-" Billy was whining and had actual tears welling up in his eyes, making Wally just wanna hug him.
"Billy, Billy listen to me, Barry had to go and fight the rouges, I came here for your party..and I've know about your diapers since Barry adopted you." Wally said, cutting right to the chase.
"..No you haven't! I was super careful and someone as cool and awesome as you wouldn't wanna hang out with a diaper wetting baby!" Billy whined, in denial even as Wally sighed and shook his head.
"Really Billy? I'm training to be a CSI, so I'm learning to notice little things, I move at super speed, not as fast as Barry but still, and you crinkle lots." Wally listed off on his hand, raising fingers, then giving Billy a hurt look. "Also, you think SO little of me I wouldn't wanna hang out with a awesome and cool little guy like you just because you have accidents?"
"But..I.." Billy whimpered and sniffled, and went to wipe at his tears with his arm but Wally was there, with a wad of tissue.
"Hey, it's ok Billy. Truth be told, I wet the bed for 3 years after getting my powers. But My Parents weren't as nice and Uncle Barry and aunt Iris. they were the ones who looked after me like they're looking after you now. so no more tears alright? let's get you dressed and then we can play some video games." Wally said, and ruffled the boys hair.
Billy gave him a smile and then hugged Wally's waist, and the 19 year old almost melted and patting his head.
Tossing the dirty diaper, Wally got Billy in a clean over night diaper, and added powder, though Billy whined a little he was pacified by Wally saying he thought those looked cooler.
Going off of that logic Billy when offered a pair of baggy pants to go over the thicker diaper went all shy.
"uh. well..I mean.. if you wanna see this diaper because it's cuter.. and we're not going out anywhere.." Billy said, squirming and shifting all around.
"..I do think it's cuter, and Barry said he'd call if he needed us. Uh.. " wally trailed off and then blushed himself, and put a hand behind his head. "I have ONE question that's been bugging me."
"heh, what is it?" Billy said, holding up his arms for the older boy to pick him up.
"when you change.. do you have to take the diapers off first or..how does that work?!" Wally asked, picking him up and gushing as Billy cuddled in.
"heh, Nah, the big guy isn't padded, and as to how that works.." Billy paused and let wally hold his weight as he spread his hands, wiggling his fingers.
Wally snorted and smirked.
"your such a dork sometimes you know that?" he asked playfully, carrying Billy at normal speed down the stairs.
"Pffft please, I've seen you marking out over dad's cases when going over them with him, and not his stuff as flash, but as Barry Allen,CSI."Billy teased back.
Wally huffed and blushed himself and then smirked.
"You're lucky your cute or I'd super speed your butt to central park right now."
"heh, you wouldn't do that, A) because I'd say the word and leave, B) because Dad would kick you butt and C).." Billy said and tapped Wally's chest as he listed off his points. "You'd made me cry and hate yourself for it~"
"..Dang, guilty as charged."
Getting into the living room, Wally sat Billy on the couch and then went to look though the selection of games they had for two player.
"Super monkey fury 5 good for you?" He asked, looking over his shoulder.
"Um..whatever YOU think is a cool game!" Billy said, and gave a big grin.
he might of been 14 but in his diaper and t-shirt, and all eager to please his 'big bro' figure, he looked like a toddler.
"Heh, it's YOUR special day Billy, whatever YOU wanna play we'll play it." wally chuckled.
"W-Wellll.. Dad doesn't let me play Duty calls a lot because it's so violent.." Billy said, poking two fingers together.
"..I think Barry will understand." Wally smirked and put the game in, coming over with controllers for both of them.
As Wally sat down he was surprised as Billy moved from his spot next to him to sitting in his lap.
"heh,What are y-"
"it's MY Special day right?" Billy asked, flashing his imp smirk. "So I can sit anywhere I want.. rightttt?"
"heh. of course."
Barry hated how long it took him to deal with the rouges, they had gotten reinforcements from mirror master so it took longer then he would of liked to finish up, plus then he had to deal with the police over and handle the press, all part of keeping up the hero image and while any other day it wouldn't of irk'ed him, knowing he was missing out on Billy's big day, he was short tempered
he had almost snapped at Detective Morro, a long time friend on the force in both identities but caught himself.
"you ok Flash?" his friend asked.
"I..I'm missing out on my kid's birthday party for this." Barry admitted.
"heh, didn't know you HAD a kid. go on, get." the heavy set cigar chomping hard ass said. "We'll try to manage without you for the rest of the day...Oh, tell yer kid happy birthday."
"heh, Will do!" Barry said and after a trademark flash salute, was off and running.
Getting back to the house Barry found Billy in Wally lap and whining a little, sucking his thumb and a kiddy cartoon was on the TV, much younger then Billy usually liked to watch.
"Hey guys, I'm back, whats going on?" Barry asked.
"Oh well see, I was a jerk and tried to make Billy play a game I like an-" Wally started to speak up but a whimpering Billy cut him off.
"Noo! it was me! I made Wally play duty call's with me and it was way more awful then I thought and I know I've done worse as you know who but but..I dunno and I started to cry and and-" Billy whined and whimpered.
"..Billy when your Shazam you have the wisdom of Solomon that let's you work out why you have to do the things you do. not so much as yourself. that's why I didn't want you playing that, you're not in trouble, either of you but I think we're gonna keep it to cartoons or silly games for the day." Barry said, coming over and as Wally hugged the whining Billy in his lap, Barry did too and Billy sniffled and smiled.
with Billy calmed down, they sat down for a few episodes of different baby shows, with billy giggling and clapping alone even if Wally and Barry were bored out of their skulls. trying to break it up they pulled out a few board games but after having to watch Billy do his 'i won you lost' diaper booty shake 4 times in a row (which admittedly was pretty cute with his diaper butt on display) they switched from candy land to clue, where Wally won 2 out of the 4 games.
Barry technically could of won the other two but played bad on purpose for the last game where billy was getting all huffy.
After that they played pay day and once again were subjected to Billy's singing about how awesome he was and how much they sucked, while wiggling his padded rear in their faces but compared to the sulky silence that losing brought, Barry and wally put up with it.
Or at least they tried to till in the middle of shaking his butt in both their faces Billy froze and then let out a muffled poot.
"Really Billy?" Barry asked, waving his left hand at super speed to blow the smell away.
"I-I didn't mean to.d-do that! I'm Sorry!" Billy squeaked and turned around, blushing and starting to tear up. "P-Please don't ha-"
Before Billy could finish his thought, Wally and Barry were on either side of Billy, hugging him.
"Hey, hey, It's alright, Fart's happen." Wally was saying, rubbing and patting Billy's back.
"And I'm 90 percent sure you wouldn't fart on me after winning a game. Now if you lost.." Barry said and winked, patting billy's bum.
"Hmmm, Feels like it was just a fart, do you wanna sit on the potty just to be sure buddy?" Barry asked.
"Daddy, I know when I have to po-" Billy started and let out a long fart, one eye half closing and a leg coming up. the fart went from a normal sounding if massive one to wet and muddy, then Billy's leg came down and he was popping a squat.
Of course either Wally or Barry could of gotten him to the bathroom, but honestly, they had both agreed wordlessly to just let him fill his diapers.
"D-Daddy I'm Pooping!" Billy whined, as if Wally or Billy couldn't of told, and they just hugged him tighter and went double time with the bum and back pats as he whimpered and put his face in either shoulder, bearing down and finishing up even as whimpers of 'stinky' came out of his mouth.
As the diaper drooped in the back and Billy finished up, he sniffled a few times then pulled back.
"D-Daddy..Wally..Diapie change?" He asked in a voice that made him sound like a toddler.
"Of course buddy. I'll have you clean i-" Barry started to say but Wally moved his hand over and closed Barry's lips.
"I'll change him it means I don't have to hear that pun again." Wally said and winked to Billy even as Barry's eyes went wide from shock then a little glare.
Billy meanwhile was giggling like crazy and hands coming up his mouth to try and hide it.
Barry got Wally's fingers off his lips and smirked.
"oh, you think that's funny little man?" Barry asked, looking to wally and giving a evil smirk.
"I mean.. Kinda.. sowwy.." Billy said.
"Oh come on Barry, it WAS funny." Wally said and smirked.
"..Not as funny as this is gonna be." Barry said and Wally saw what was going to happen but could never beat Barry's speed, so was too slow to stop what happened next.
His hand moving at a blur, Barry smushed and squished the mess in the diaper around, making sure the boom boom went EVERY where as Billy's mouth formed a O and Wally groaned.
Zipping up to his feet Barry smirked.
"Have fun cleaning that up.. Oh and you can't use speed speed for cleaning up a poopie diaper, it'll hurt billy's bum." Barry said and went off to go and start working on lunch.
"wait what?!"Wally yelped.
"I..Poopie all over..I.." Billy was mumbling, looking out of it, and swaying back and forth on his feet, too out of it for Wally to ask if that was really a thing.
"DICK MOVE BARRY!" Wally yelled, then cradled Billy, the smell was even worst now and Wally gulped, wondering if he was strong enough to do this.
Billy mewed softly and wrapped his arms around Wally's neck and nuzzled his head into Wally's chest.
"I Sowwy. I stinky." Billy mewed, eyes semi glazed over.
Looking at how much Billy needed him, Wally found the will power needed and dashed billy off to the bathroom, though he did a slight detour to get a clothespin for his nose.
'maybe it won't be as bad as I think.' Wally thought, getting Billy on his back on a towel in the bathroom, sliding the little guys thumb into his mouth and gushing at how cute he looked.
opening the diaper, Wally realized it wasn't as bad as he thought.
it was worse, much much much.
Wally wasn't a stranger to changing diapers, as big of a family as he had and baby sitting jobs but this was the record for longest and grossest he'd ever handled.
going though a whole freshly opened box of wipes, he got it done, going at normal speed and taking time to comfort billy and talk softly to him.
it took the better part of 15 minutes, and then just to be safe Wally gave Billy a quick bath, semi worried as Billy had apparently slipped into a baby mode of sorts and was playing with some rubber duckies while Wally washed him, at one point offering one of the duckies he had been chewing on to wally.
"Uh..No thanks. you keep chewing." Wally said with a sweat drop.
Billy just giggled and nodded, noming on his ducky and letting wally wash him, only fussing when his hair was being washed, though thankfully Barry had gotten no more tears shampoo.
with Billy washed up all nice and clean, Wally got him dried off with a big fluffy towel and was walking him back toward his room to get him dressed when Barry cut him off, holding one of the presents under one arm.
"Thought I heard the tub running.Lunch is ready downstairs, I'll get the birthday boy dressed. go get something to eat." Barry said.
"Heh, Sure, now that I've handed all the smelly stuff you wanna tag in." Wally teased, and Billy giggled.
"What can I say, Perks of being a daddy and honorary uncle." Barry said.
Wally just shook his head and headed down the step while Billy toddled along side Barry, wrapped up in the towel and then just laid back his bed, willing to let Barry do all the work.
"heh, your being pretty cute kiddo. maybe you should poop your pants more often." Barry teased, tickling billy's tummy and getting a fit of giggles out of him.
Deciding with how little Billy was acting and the bigger accidents he was have, Barry got billy into a daytime diaper but cut slit in the front of back of it first, while Billy watched with a confused look and a finger on his bottom lip.
"Ummm daddy, what cha doing? I'm leak all over now." Billy pointed out.
"Well, if that was your only diapie you would, but daddy figures since we're not going out and you're having lots of accident's.." Barry said and pulled out the bulky bed time diaper.
"Sheesh, I'll be waddling like a toddler with both of these on!" Billy said and stuck out his tongue.
"I know! I don't know why i didn't think of this sooner!" Barry gushed and got a raspberry from billy.
with the bulky diaper taped up over the thinner one, Barry helped billy stand up and gushed and coo'ed at how Billy's legs were forced apart.
"Sheesh, One more and I think I'd be stuck crawling!" Billy said, rubbing the back of his head.
"Don't temp me." Barry said then handed Billy the present. "Here, open this up, it's from Iris and I thought it might be useful right now."
Warning bell's were going off in Billy's head as he took the present and he had to suppress a groan, it was a flash themed diaper shirt.
"Well what do you think? Iris noticed that your diaper sag a lot when you got pants-less and this will help! Heck, might even get you a few of theses if it works out. but for now,you can be the fastest pamper butt alive!" Barry asked.
"..I think I'll save it special occasions." Billy tried and Barry just laughed.
"Silly boy, this is your birthday, that IS special, here, I'll help you get it on." Barry said taking the diaper shirt from Billy and dashing around the boy. in seconds he was snugly fit in the diaper shirt.
Despite how humiliating it was to need the shirt for his saggy diapers, Billy had to admit it felt right, even if his bulky diapers semi showed.
"Soooo?" Barry asked.
"..I could get used to it. " he said and started to head for the door, realizing just HOW bad his waddling was now as Barry squealed behind him. "..I'll calling it in. carry me."
Billy sighed then giggled, holding his arms out.
"Well if I HAVE to." Barry laughed, coming over and picking up Billy and heading for the dinner table.
So far the day had been fun and cute, and it was only gonna get better.
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akirameta84 · 4 years ago
Warning: This is VERY LONG. i got carried away.
"hey don't you have a wip fic for another au?" yeah shush i have a new idea that's not as fleshed out (after writing that turned out to be a lie) as the chunibyo one but i had to share it.
its in every fandom, but Saiki K Pokemon Au time. it's always cliche but who cares its amazing.
Kaido is the mc. for sure. he chooses a froakie because the professor (its kusuke, he's totally it) said it was a dark and mysterious as him. at first he's disappointed by the frog but once it evolves he starts loving it. him and greninja wear matching outfits. he tied red wrist wraps on its arms and he wears a pink scarf.
nendo is his rival lmao. he met him when kaido left with his first pokemon and challenged him to a battle, immediatly. he said loser has to buy the other persons ramen. "but i dont even know you??" "oh. well lets be friends, runt!" "you just asked to fight me???" nendo uses an eevee because his mom gave it to him when he was young. kaido wins because nendo didnt use a single attacking move. he just used sand attack and growl. the battle lasted 10 minutes because kaido kept missing.
now with his newly self proclaimed rival, after going to eat ramen, kaido sets out on his journey. i like to imagine a region with just every pokemon cause its cool that way. kaido mainly looks for fighting type pokemon, and a few dark types, and it takes him a bit to realize that this is probably a bad strategy and that he isnt finding anything, as cool as they are. he catches a shroomish, not knowing it became a type he wanted, because he was impressed with it's "battle capabilities" because it survived an attack that had fainted others. he names it doomslayer cause he's such an edgelord.
somewhere along the way nendo finds him and says that he's going to challenge a gym, and that kaido should join him. kaido agrees because "oh yeah, thats why im on this journey" and they go to the first gym.
The first gym is ghost type, run by toritsuka. why is he first? cause he's prolly not very good at battling and he knows it. the gym itself would be very foggy, and kaido has to traverse it to get to toritsuka. along the way toritsuka has spirits tell him where kaido is, and he'll release a pokemon near there for him to battle, and this happens 2 times. Torisuka himself uses 2 pokemon, a Litwick and a Galarian Yanmask. both are female, obviously. kaido absolutely demolishes these two pokemon, with his water and grass type, seeing as they're part fire and ground. first badge complete.
surpsingly, nendo also beats this gym, mainly because eevee can use bite. guess he figured out how to use attacking moves lmao. also yes ik bite is learned at 25, and rn they're at like lv 12 but shh. he found a tm or smt. it also helps thst toritsuka could barely hit nendos eevee due to the ghost and normal type thing.
nendo tries to travel with kaido, but kaido usually manages to worm his way away from him. he usually gets away whenever nendo challenges someone else and they have to tell him that he can't catch someone else's pokemon.
second gym is chiyo's gym. she uses grass types, and her gym is covered in flowers, trees, and it looks like a forest. the puzzle itself is rather simple. the floor is covered in large flowers, and you have to step on the correct ones or get sent back to the start. i like to imagine a giant vine yeeting kaido. chiyo also forgot to write clues over which ones are correct and ends up helping kaido, and winds being endeared by his determination. chiyo uses a Fomantis and a Petilil, because she thinks they're cute. kaido actually struggles quite a bit because he brings a water type and a grsss type. he wins in the end though, because chiyo ends up lovestruck and forgets to attack. she daydreams about inviting him to run the gym with her because he's so talented in her eyes, but he leaves before she can ask, grass badge in hand.
after chiyo's gym, kaido's froakie evolves into Frogadier, and he cries. in-between gyms again, kaido catches a rockruff because it was cute and it whined when he tried to walk away after battle. again, kaido catching types he likes without even knowing, provided his rockruff evolves at nightime. he names it Decimator. at this point i place kaido's levels at 19-21 ish, and close to rockruff and shroomish evolving.
next gym is hairo's and surprise surprise, it's a fire type gym. his gym his very, very intense. he has actual jets of fire lining his gym. there's no puzzle because he believes in just battling for victory or whatever, kaido didn't catch it behind the roar of the fire jets. kaido just walks along a pathway and gets challenged to battle by 3 randoms. i like to imagine one of them is nendo, and its never discussed. he has a fire type and everything, and its just not brought up. he's back to his single eevee after this too. kaido also wins with relative ease, considering he has a water type and rock type, although he makes the mistake of sending shroomish out at some point, but makes a clutch switch after it survives a flamethrower. fire badge obtained.
right after this, his shroomish evolves into breloom and he cries again. he gets very happy when his pokemon evolve. and also, after a few random encounters, his rockruff also evolves. its day form because kaido is a clueless baby. he still loves it all the same. at some point nendo challenges kaido with a single pokemon again, but this time it's a leafeon. kaido asks how he knew to evolve it, and he just says he battled next to some funny looking rock and it changed. of course. it actually manages to oko Frogadier because kaido wasnt expecting anything other than an eevee, but his breloom deals with it easily, because nendo kept using not very effective grass moves because it worked once. how does he have 3 badges again? nobody knows. level 25-27 now.
next gym is saiko's, and he uses normal types because all the other types were "too needy for someone like him." he's got 2 Persians and a Toucannon. he tried to use 3 persians but he was told that he needed something else just in case someone brought a fighting type by his dad. so he grabbed the first wild bird he found and evolved it. saiko doesnt have a puzzle, and instead just has an elevator that you can pay 5000 Pokedollars to use, otherwise you have to take the stairs like a pleb. Kaido takes the stairs because he's keeping his money dammit. its only 3 stories until saiko's floor, so it's really not much. Kaido sweeps easily with breloom until toucannon comes out. breloom gets slaughtered by a flying type move, and he sends out lycanroc to finish it. normal badge complete.
when he next sees nendo, he has a meowth with his leafeon. kaido asks where he got it, and nendo says he found it near the rich looking gym. kaido concludes that nendo accidently stole a pokemon and they go to return it. saiko says that the plebs can have it as a reward for defeating him, and dismisses them. levels 30-33.
5th gym! mera runs this one, and there isn't a type. she has an Alcremie, Appletun, Cherubi, and a Vannilish. what can i say, girl loves her food. kaido is genuinely concerned that she is gonna eat her pokemon though. the challenge is cooking. kaido has to cook curry, and if its bad, he fights a trainer, up to 3 times. if its good he gives it to mera and moves on the next curry. the actual battle goes okay, but its fairly difficult due to not having a single type, and being unpredictable. obviously he wins in the end, and the badge is a bowl of curry.
frogadier evolves into greninja finally, and they have the matching outfits going on. nendo laughs at it. somewhere nendo also got an applin. kaido is fairly sure he took this one from mera as well, but he decides to let it go, and tell nendo how he can evolve it. he doesn't think nendo understood, but he tried. kaido also realizes he only has 3 pokemon, and decides to find two more. he finds a braixen, which he evolves into delphox. her name is Lucifer's Eternal Flames. Lucy for short. he also catches a noibat. the noibat was caught because he got lost in a cave, and the noibat was leading him out, so he decided he couldn't just leave it there. he names it the Jet Bat Wings. yes im doing that and yes its hilarious. levels 37-39.
gym 6. fighting type, and its kuboyasu. he tried to leave behind his violent days behind him, and become a poison type gym, but eventually gave in and did fighting instead. after he had already dyed his hair purple for the colorscheme. he kept the fighting gym purple because he already commited dammit. 4 pokemon, and hes got Toxicroak (yes ik the irony), Lucario, Grapploct, and Pangoro. greninja faints quickly, and so does lycanroc, but after some paralysis tricks with breloom and delphox sweeping the rest, pangoro comes in and ko's delphox. noibat pulls through in the end, with flying type moves. fighting badge earned.
next battle with nendo, and it turns out he actually evolved applin, and now he's got a flapple. kaido is midly impressed. kaido catches his 6th and final pokemon, an absol. he was overjoyed when he finally got another dark type. he names it Fluffy. yes, the dark type doesnt get an edgy name. levels 44-46, there was a longer gap in between the 6th and 7th gyms. oh also, you may be wondering about an evil team in this au. and my answer is....¯\_(ツ)_/¯
gym 7. Fairy type. Teruhashi. you knew she'd be coming eventually. and yes i saved the characters people prolly wanna know about until last haha. and because i think they fit the more difficult gyms. girl's got 5 pokemon, Mimikyu (i think it fits her fake perfect girl personality), Slyveon, Gardevoir, Florges, and Magearna. how does she have a legendary? prolly cause she's perfect and just asked for it, and someone actually found one. No puzzle here, but having to find his way through the mobs of teruhashi fans is prolly hard enough. Kaido actually has to try this gym several times due to him lacking anything good againist fairies. he gets it eventually though, and teruhashi has to reassure her fans that it's okay that she lost before they murder kaido. fairy badge down.
at this point kaido has no clue how nendo keeps getting gym badges. he has 3 pokemon, and one isn't even evolved. especially considering how easily Kaido himself can beat him. kaido I shrug it off as the plothole it usually is in pokemon games. levels 47-50. Noibat evolves into Noivern, and kaido has himself a pretty strong team. Greninja, Delphox, Absol, Lycanroc, Noivern, Breloom. although he has just been choosing based on personal preference, it turnes out nicely. and yes I'm padding this out cause y'all know what gym is next.
Gym number 8. The psychic type gym, run by Saiki and Aiura. It doesn't get more cliche than this. The challenge in this one is a maze. There's no extra trainers here, instead Kaido fights Aiura everytime he encounters her. She only uses 1 Pokemon in these battles because they happen a lot. Kaido wonders how she keeps finding him, let alone getting through the maze so easily when there's walls everywhere. He brushes it off as her just knowing the layout. battle itself happens, and it's a double battle. they each have 3 pokemon. Saiki has a ditto, espeon, and an alolan raichu (because he thought it was cute) Aiura mainly runs the support side of the team, and she's got a female meowstic, alakazam, and reuniclus, and wishes she had a cuter team, but she makes it work. This is prolly Kaido's second hardest gym. not harder than teruhashi's because he had no advantages, unlike this one where he's got several dark types. the battle is hard because they know exactly what kaido is gonna do. the minute he sends out his breloom to get a cheap paralysis, out comes ditto. the breloom ditto nearly wipes out both dark types, but noivern takes care of it, only to meet a sad demise at the hands of raichu, despite the dragon advantage. he's able to win on his second try, after he refused to send out breloom due to the fact that they just seem to know his next move. it creeped him out. Psychic badge done.
nendo tries to take saiki out for ramen with him and kaido after his gym fight, declaring him his best buddy, and it's not explained why nendo decided this. nendo eventually wins the argument and they get ramen. kaido notices saiki looks disturbed everytime he looks at nendo, but brushes it off as "yeah he disturbs me too." they part ways and onto victory road because im still mourning how there wasn't one in sword and shield. after victory road, kaido is nearing level 60 on everyone.
elite four? eheh i don't know who'd make it up. prolly 4 previous gym leaders with fully evolved teams and more pokemon. not tlo worries about them tho.
Kaido bests the elite four, and marches on to the champion.
Champion Akechi. Full team of 6 Pokemon, and he's a formidable opponent. He's able to easily predict what moves are going to be used next, and always has type advantage. Although, unlike before, while difficult to do, it is possible to do something unpredictable to trip him up, which is the only way Kaido is able to win. His team consists of Serperior, Glaceon, Gyrados, Ninetales, Togekiss (it's just there to be annoying, it can barely attack, and akechi did this to be a nuisance so he can't be clean sweeped), and Mew. Again, I love unexplained lengendaries on teams okay. To Kaido, it seems like with enough switching, he could easily defeat Akechi, but Akechi is very good at predicting. So againist Akechi, it's like the team as been catered specifically to beat Kaido. But, knowing him, it likely was. It takes him ages to beat Akechi. Like literal ages. The only saving grace is Akechi can get tripped up if Kaido is unpredictable enough. It's likely a mixture of that and para hscks that lets him win, and Kaido is champion. Nendo did try to challenge him (somehow beating the elite four) but was beaten. I love how the rivals always beat everything but then get horribly beaten by you.
Holy shit this is longer than i thought it would be. I have been writing this for literal hours. Hope you enjoyed. This is what my brain had inspiration for today apparently, instesd of the fic im working on.
Hadn't seen too much Pokemon stuff for saiki k yet, so tada. and yes, i came up with most of this while writing. the only idea i had before i started writing was the saiki and aiura gym
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davids-cartoon-corkboard · 5 years ago
Y’all know my theory at this point: when Raph was little he got separated from his family somehow and had to survive on his own for a while; the trauma from this caused him to develop DID.
It’s pretty clear Savage Raph formed specifically out of that isolation/survival trauma, but we met a third alter in “Pizza Puffs”, who I am calling “Red” for now. What’s his deal? When did he form and why?
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Raph: These guys are lost without me! Maybe I should help them.
Red: Make them do it themselves. It’s the only way they’ll learn.
Raph: But they’re just kids!
Red: And you can make them men!
Raph: I gotta get in there!
Red: No. They’ll never learn if you always help ‘em, Raph.
Raph: But I can’t just sit here.
Red: This is for their own good.
Raph: I knew you guys could do it.
Red: No you didn’t! I did!
Raph: Oh, you wanna go?
Red: Bring it.
While Savage fronts when Host can’t handle being literally alone, Red spoke up in “Pizza Puffs” because Host was struggling to deal with being sort of... metaphorically alone? In that his brothers were dying a little bit and weren’t taking him or the situation seriously. Normally “it’s not good to be too dependent on others”, “kids need to grow up” and “sometimes you have to do things you don’t like” are good life lessons, but in this particular situation the life lessons should have waited until after the boys weren’t poisoned anymore. Sure, they pulled through, but Raph staying behind added an unnecessary level of risk. There’s a level of disjointedness between Raph and Red that I’m hoping will be explored and resolved in the future.
New alters form when preexisting alters are unable to handle whatever is going on in their life. What situation would Raph have been in for Red to form? When was “be independent/grow up/do something you don’t like” important? "Pizza Puffs” was the first time we’ve seen Raph do a solo mission, but it’s not the first time something like that has been mentioned.
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“You went out on your own when you were [Mikey's] age.”
Thirteen is a very lonely age to be. I’m thinking events went something like this: Raph started hitting puberty at around 12/13 and Everything Was Awful. He was suddenly a lot bigger and stronger than he was used to, so he would accidentally break things around the lair more often, or get a little too rough when playing. I know we tend to poke fun at the “nobody understands me and everything sucks” mindset teens fall into, but as a mutant, Raph’s world was so, so small. Disconnected from his brothers, whose minds hadn’t hit the same milestones yet. Disconnected from his father, who would be passed out in the middle of a “Scorpion Treadmill” marathon whenever Raph needed guidance. Disconnected from April, a normal human girl who lived a normal human life he could never have.
Raph’s temper is relatively mellow now, but back then? Under those circumstances? He went too far.
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And then he ran off topside, shame and nausea biting at the leftover fury in his heart.
In previous iterations, this is when he would run into a certain masked vigilante. But not in this universe. Not on this night. Casey wasn’t out pummeling pickpockets, she was training at the Foot dojo. They wouldn’t meet until “Hot Soup: The Game”, a couple of years later.
So Raph curled up on a roof somewhere with only his awful, awful thoughts for company. His little brother had been so scared of him... he couldn’t go back and face his family after what he had almost done. But he couldn’t stay up here alone either. What could he do?
Grow up.
He’s stronger now, and he has to be braver, too. He knows the way back home and there’s nothing out here that can hurt him. He can stand to be alone for a bit.
But he can’t stay here forever. He’ll have to go back home and do what he can to make things right, no matter how much it hurts.
So Red breathed in the cold night air for a while, and then retraced his steps back to the lair.
But how are Raph and Casey going to properly meet? We saw her get kidnapped by that shadow thingy at the end of “Always Be Brownies”, so the resolution to that whole situation should be involved somehow.
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Draxum gave Big Mama an orb covered in clawed, three-fingered hands. Then we see that Big Mama’s new assistant has such hands, as does the entity that took Meat Sweats and Casey. Clearly Big Mama is having her assistant kidnap people to fight in her “Fantabulous Battle Nexus Wizbang”. The turtles will be pulled into this because you can’t just not have your protagonists participate in the tournament arc.
We have yet to see Casey go well and truly Apeshit, because her previous fights have always had a certain level of shenanigans to them. Mikey fought her with an umbrella and a beach ball. Leo shoved a portal under her feet. She accidentally slashed up a corpse flower and fell into the goo. Her bonding moment with Splinter made her less willing to fight. The FBNW will give her the opportunity to show us what she can really do by pitting her against an opponent who is no-nonsense, one hundred percent ready to throw down.
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Who could possibly be a better opponent for her than Savage Raph? (Perhaps Big Mama’s shadow captured the Sando Brothers, and they gave Big Mama information on a better fighter in exchange for their freedom?)
The two are evenly matched, of course, but the fight gets interrupted by the other turtles causing a mass breakout thanks to Leo’s emergency leader skills. Savage runs into his brothers amidst the chaos and they get Host to switch back in again. They defeat Big Mama and her shadow together and head home, yay huzzah plot concluded.
Casey, forgotten, also escapes and sneaks off to brood somewhere.
A few episodes later, Red slips away to cool off for a bit (a habit that formed when he did, a way to decompress whenever they felt their temper getting the better of them) and happens to see some hockey mask-wearing lunatic picking fights with pickpockets. He hops down and holds her back, letting the would-be thieves get away with their skulls intact. “Listen, I get that you’re mad, but you can’t just go around-” And then he gets a baseball bat to the head.
"Back for round two, are you?!”
Red shakes the stars out of his eyes. That voice sounds familiar. “Hey, I don’t wanna fight you! Pops told us you left the Foot, we don’t have to be enemies anymore! Your heart’s in the right place with this whole crimefighting thing, but you’re going too far.”
Casey laughs a laugh that’s more taunt than humor. “Crimefighting? You think that’s what this is?” She gestures at the direction the thieves went with her scuffed and bloody bat. “This is training! You ran from our fight in the Nexus and I have been itching to beat you ever since. Die, coward!”
Red just barely manages to dodge the second bat swing. “What are you talking about? I never even saw you in the Nexus!”
They trade blows for a bit, Red’s attempts to calm her drowned by Casey screaming and cursing out this “lying turtle scum”. “Where is your fury? What happened to your viciousness? Why won’t you give me a real fight this time? Why are you holding back?!”
Her voice fades and all Red hears is the high shrieks and low roars of a crowd, harsh lights dulling the twin moons set in the green sky above as she lunges towards him and-
The bat hits his side with such force that the wood cracks a little, knocking the wind out out him despite his sturdy shell.
Casey stops bludgeoning him to better focus on gloating. “That move didn’t work on you last time. Did the first hit scramble your brains?”
Red kicks her feet out from under her and bolts, running back to the lair as quickly as he can manage with his head full of sights and sounds he can’t quite grab onto.
Leo had stayed up to wait for his brother to return, so he grabs the first aid kit the moment Red emerges from the sewer tunnel. He starts to ask what happened as he unspools a roll of bandages, but Red asks a question instead. "What happened at the Nexus while I was... gone?"
Leo knows what he means, and the sun starts to rise as he fills in the gaps in his brother's memory.
Casey’s ankle is twisted from Red's kick, so she can’t run after him for more than a few steps before falling over. Limping back home, she puts on her motivational Lou Jitsu playlist and begins to scheme.
For the record, I do think Raph and Casey will eventually become friends. But in the meantime... what kind of superhero doesn’t have a nemesis? :)
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goddamnitdazai · 5 years ago
first time with tachihara scenario? bonus points if s/o is a virgin and has no idea what to do
This took me so long I’m so sorry ;;;;  n.sfw | smut                                              _________Downpour paints Yokohama silver. Rushing, heavy drops of rain continue to pelt the city as the night drags towards morning. Bars close down, the sound of final call ringing through the streets until the crowds dissipate quickly looking for shelter from the cold raindrops. Tachihara watches from his window one leg thrown up on the sill elbow wrapped over it. His other foot taps off beat on the wooden floor. He always found a subtle calming aura in the rain and the silky mist it left on the city’s floor. Hordes of black umbrellas disperse over the sidewalks like little floating orbs stuck in a misty grasp. Eventually the street below clears and his only entertainment falls to the neon signs going out one by one.
His apartment should be considered small by the standard of which he’s paid, but it doesn’t bother him. His money is sunk in shit that shouldn’t matter but it does to him. A decent baseball bat; two of them. A guitar that cost too much for the brand. A bed far too big for just him and he was rarely home to use it anyway. It’s why he purchased a studio apartment to begin with. He didn’t plan on staying long and with the way things turned out….he somewhat regrets not buying a bigger place now that his permanence in the mafia was sealed. The one thing that makes the apartment worth staying in (other than his lack of enthusiasm to move again) was the location. The view of the city from his window took his breath away. Dark evenings like this, early in the morning when he was just coming home in the stench of blood and gunpowder. Nothing beat the view. Tachihara finishes his cigarette slowly holding on to the nicotine longer than usual.  He liked the dizziness that sometimes fell over him when he hadn’t slept enough or eaten yet. It helped him sleep. In the time that passes he wonders if you’re back yet. You always complained about going on missions outside of Japan. Missing home; he’d tease you for it. Tell you to quit whining. You said once a few months ago you liked the sound of his voice--muttered it into your crossed arms at the bar, actually. But it stuck with him. Now, after everything, he could finally admit to himself that his true personality had flourished in the mafia. With the Black Lizard. The barrier could be lifted, but where would it lead? He wasn’t entirely sure and he’d never let himself think in that direction. But now.. His head snaps to the door when he hears an inconsistent knock. Habitually, he picks up one of the guns strewn on his nightstand and walks to his door. Sweatpants hanging low at his hips. Nobody outside the mafia knew where he lived, and the others wouldn’t bother coming to his door now. They knew it would be bad for both parties. Tachihara exhales loudly and drops the gun from your head, opening the door a bit wider to lean on. “Shit ____, you could have warned me it was you. I almost blew your head off.” He huffs resting the gun on his thigh. It takes a few seconds for your appearance to hit him properly. Pale, more tired than usual, you looked like you’d been through shit. “Hey...what is it?” There is no hesitancy when you lean your full weight into his body arms scrunched up on your chest. Tachihara walks two steps back and shuts the door, tossing his gun on the small table with his keys so he can wrap his arms around you. “______, are you okay?”  “I almost royally fucked up..” you mumble into his chest. You’d been thinking about him since it happened. Out of all the people you’d grown close to in the mafia Tachihara was the single individual that kept running circles in your head. He left a permanent mark on you from the moment you two met. The way he spoke, his deep voice and commanding authority, the way he didn’t take shit from anyone. There was an endearing and conflicting attractiveness to his street attitude. One that normally didn’t work well in the middle ranks of the mafia. Especially with his habit of talking back to Hirotsu. “I’m such a fucking idiot.” Tachihara sets his chin on the top of your head wondering where this affection came from. If he remembered correctly you hated him when you two first met. Called him an opinionated asshole. It wasn’t wrong but fuck it made him wanna throw you to another section of the mafia all together. You pissed him off. Always rolling your eyes when he told you the plan was changing and reminded you that you were an add on to the Black Lizard when needed. Your skill was useful but combat wise he was far superior. Secretly, or not so secretly to Hirotsu, he liked throwing that in your face because of the scrunched look you got. It was cute. Like two children fighting on the playground as Hirotsu called it, his version of flirting, he supposed he could admit that’s what it was now. “Well you didn’t so you’re fine right?” His voice vibrates against your chest. You shiver, but not from the cold rain that had drenched you on the walk over. You already felt his shirt soaking but he didn’t seem to mind. Yet. Tachihara keeps his arms around you as he walks further backwards, getting you more into the apartment to feel the heat and step away from the door where the draft came in. “You’re soaked.” “No shit.” Tachihara frowns and pulls back a bit to look at your face. Realizing how close he was has your heart leaping into your throat. He looked tired, but the frown on his face was making the outline of his lips much more obvious. A pout without meaning to appear. Shit. You shiver a second time and tug at the collar of his shirt. “You’re soaked now too. I didn’t meant to interrupt..your..whatever the fuck you’re doing I just...felt like a fucking moron.” You exhale through your nose shoulders slumping a bit. Tachihara snickers, lips curling into a smirk that has your heart jumping up to your throat. Moments of silence inch by. The echo of raindrops surrounding the tiny apartment. Tachihara keeps your gaze as his head tilts. You watch in slow motion. The subtle movement draws him closer. Your heart begins to pound in your ears.  His hand secures itself at the base of your neck fingers spreading to thread in your hair. They were softer than you’d imagined. with how often he handled a gun you expected something much more rough. Your eyes flutter shut. He’s gentle, at first, but the rivalry persists even in this moment. You kiss back, sinking your teeth into his bottom lip. Fuck, Tachihara thinks, feeling the goosebumps that trail the sensation of your teeth in his flesh. It’s a pleasure that drives him to pivot and push you against the wall, slotting his knee between your legs pinning you against it and his body. Despite the soaking wet clothes you felt warm. Smelled like rain and gunpowder with a hint of vanilla. Tachihara groans hands roaming under your shirt exploring the soft skin over your ribs as his tongue rolls against the roof of your mouth. He smirks when the vibration from your moan tickles his lips causing him to pull back just enough to let you breathe. Addicting. That’s what this was going to become. He could feel it in the way you launch at him pulling him back into a rough kiss that has his knees turning to puddy. Almost taboo given he was technically a higher rank than you and both of you butted heads during working hours. Strict but merciless. Like this, though, you were anything but rigid. There is a fervent, feral desire that drips from your skin bleeding into his making it impossible for you two to separate from each other. You tasted like whiskey and burned like a shot down his throat that warms his entire body from head to toe. You grip his shoulders forcing the white t-shirt to stretch around his collar before you rip it in half at the back. The laugh that echoes from his throat makes your skin tingle. Moan soft as it leaves your lips and his mouth travels down the hollow of your throat. Red marks. Love bites. Dark bruises. Your chest arcs head tilting back to give him more access, more of the biting you craved. Tachihara teases the spots that make you tense and jolt. Little nips that blossom to hard bites. Your nails leave crescents in the round curve of his shoulders down to the blades. Toned muscle tightens under your touch. The drenched shirt on your torso ends up in tatters along with his and the brick is cold against your back. “Fuck.” Tachihara groans as his hands make their way up to your chest grabbing the supple flesh and rolling his thumbs over your hardening nipples. Electricity zips up your body. Impatience grows. You push off the wall and walk Tachihara backwards towards the bed nearly getting him to fall but he twists at the last minute letting your back bounce off the mattress before he ends up on top of you. His hands are back at your breasts squeezing the flesh, pinching your nipples into hardness as his mouth descends. Your fingers wind up in the sheets twisting crimson fabric up into bunches that rise off the bed. His sweatpants end up tossed somewhere in the corner, hands gripping your hips with rough ownership, mouth finally reaching you nipple to suck and bite just hard enough to have you moaning as loud as the rainfall. Your legs lock around his ribs tight enough to feel the heat from his body seep through your wet pants. Drops of water soak the sheets beneath your hair, thunder rattles around the small apartment but the only vibration you feel is Tachihara’s teeth moving on your skin. He switches to the other nipple giving it the same attention as one hand slinks down to flick the button of your pants open. When he raises from your saliva soaked nipple to give a smirk you shoot up and shift your weight on to his torso using the muscle in your legs to flip him beneath you with ease. You return his smirk. Tachihara feels his cock twitch. Seeing you on top of him, hair wet and falling along your shoulders dripping cold water onto his bare chest has him never wanting to leave this position. His hands remain on your hips, thumbs digging into the bone holding you still as he ruts up rubbing his hard cock between your legs. A groan of pleasure escapes your mouth, breath hot and heavy despite your attempts to cover the growing arousal in your body. Bending your torso brings you close enough to taste his skin. Smooth, soft. Red blossoms under your teeth and his neck becomes adorned with ruby marks framing crescent edges. Tachihara’s back arcs off the mattress pressing his chest towards yours. His moan sends goosebumps racing down your spine. “Shit..” Tachihara moans again, voice deep and smoky. His quick fingers pull at the soaked material clinging to your legs but his impatience gets the best of him--a pile on the floor somewhere in tatters. You laugh at his haste and he returns a smirk that shoots your heart into your throat. A flick of his wrist and your panties meet the same fate. Tachihara kisses you roughly but lazily. Biting at your bottom lip just to dip his tongue back in your mouth during the surprised gasp, the moans that follow his playful kisses. His hands drag circles up your back starting from the center of your spine to the expanse of your shoulders. Had there been paint on his fingertips there’d be angel wings left on your skin. Thunder claps loudly, brilliant white light flashing right behind it brightening the navy sky for a split second. You break for air and to watch the sharp outline of his face snap with halcyon. He’s breathless, a tint of pink on the high points of his cheekbones. Enchanting--fuck he made your knees weak. A simple movement has your chest flush with his kissing him hard fingers tugging at the thin red strands framing his face. Tachihara groans against your mouth arching into your touch, using one hand slapping around one of the nightstands barely reaching into the drawer with the tips of his fingers. “Already?” You ask, holding his bottom lip between your teeth. Tachihara chuckles and sets the condom on the pillow flipping you onto your back planting both hands on either side of your head. “I’m not that fuckin’ selfish.” Tachihara grins, sliding his hand between your leg, thumb pressing down on your clit rubbing it in soft circles. Electricity snaps up your spine as he drops smooth kisses down the side of your throat. Laying on your back like this, though, wasn’t enough. Your knee lands on his hip keeping you open for him but letting you have some control as your bodies flip to the side. Hands in his hair he follows your tug with a devious smirk before your teeth meet his lips. Sweat and beads of rainwater mix along your skin, heavy downpour becoming forgotten under the sound of your moans and his. His thumb continues to circle your wet clit middle and index finger sliding inside you to scissor and stretch your walls. Tachihara’s rhythm picks up in speed once he’s found that spot deep inside that makes you see stars. The pads of his fingers rarely leave the bundle of nerves until you’re cumming on his hand with a wanton moan of ecstasy. Tachihara smirks against your throat nipping at the skin wanting to feel the vibration of your moans against his lips as you cum. He works you through your orgasm with slow thrusts of his fingers ensuring you’re wet enough--enjoying the results of his work dripping down your thighs. You exhale feeling your fingers tighten around his hair unable to stop the twitching of your hips. The consistent friction of his fingers inside you during the fallout was making your head spin. “Fuck--tease.” You grit through your teeth. Tachihara laughs and flicks your clit with his thumb murmuring against your neck that you seemed to like what he was doing. Fucker. Before you can flip him Tachihara already has you on top of him one hand holding the condom wrapper so he can rip it open with his teeth. Your brow arcs in question, to which Tachihara merely shrugs. “I like the view.” He states with a bit of his smirk returning. You adjust and rise up so he can roll the condom down his hardened cock watching the vein pulsate, fingers digging into his chest in anticipation. “Seems you do too huh?” Tachihara licks your arousal off his fingers, eyes flicking down between your legs then back up to your face. “Shut up.” You huff, hovering over his cock and dropping down slowly. Eyes rolling back when his cock slowly stretches you out, the burn always felt so fucking good, and Tachihara was no exception. “Ff--fuck.” You raise up and down on your knees before completely letting him bottom out inside you. Tachihara’s hips rise off the bed to meet your drop, his own moan hitting the air, hands cementing themselves on your hips as he begins to thrust up hard. You gasp and cinch his chest with your nails not expecting him to retake control so quickly. The pace has you breathless and unable to do anything but try and meet his rhythm. The mattress creaks beneath your knees sound succumbing to the moans echoing in the small apartment. Tachihara’s right hand follows the new curve of your back to bring your body closer to his, the other keeping it’s place on your hip. He flattens his feet on the bed changing the angle to pound into you deeper, harder. Crimson lays in stripes over his shoulders, in petal shapes on his neck. Marks of lust, of control, that won’t be easy to hide at work tomorrow. Tachihara can’t keep his lips off you, treats your skin like an addiction he can’t fight. Between the sound of skin slapping skin and the bed pounding into the wall the thunderstorm outside is all but muted. You moan into his neck pushing your hips back to meet his thrusts toes curling when the swollen head hits your g spot with expertise. Your hair twists in his fingers, his hand keeps you low enough that he can suck on your lips, bite down on your neck, whisper dirty words in your ears. “Fuck, fuck ______.” He pants, pleasure clear in his voice and the way he can’t catch his breath. “You’re--fuck, so good.” You pull off a smirk that Tachihara catches, his teeth dig into your bottom lip roughly and in a split-second move he has you flipped completely on your back again. “Oh?” He pants cinching his hands around your thighs pushing your legs down and apart. “I know that fuckin’ look. You’re good, but I am too. Look at your pussy.” He slips his cock out fully letting the tip rest at your entrance before slamming back inside you watching your face twist from shock to pleasure. “Soaked.” Tachihara throws one of your legs over his shoulder wanting to keep the distance minimal and the angle deep. He stares enamored with you for a moment under another enormous clap of thunder and lightning, admiring the way you looked completely breathless. Covered in sweat and rain. In his bed. The kiss to your ankle catches you off guard, sweet, before he begins a rough pace that has your hands twisting the sheets near your head. Your back bows off the mattress moans growing in volume and pitch as your high draws near. Tachihara holds your knee over his shoulder keeping the other leg spread open near your ribs letting him hit as deep as possible. He tilts his hips to stroke his pelvis against your clit and the sensation has your voice cracking between curses and praises. You clench when his balls taps your ass making him choke and stutter between your legs. “Fuck _____.” He hisses rolling his hips into you. You smile up at him and clench again watching him shiver and bite at your ankle. “Like that?” You purr, pulling him forward with the leg now wrapped around his neck. Tachihara lets himself fall forward, catching his weight on both hands, bending your leg back down with him. That smirk, again, shoots your heart to your throat. Tachihara presses into you deeper, rubbing against your g-spot with quick snaps of his hips. Your hands return to the back of his shoulders gripping them hard as he starts to pound you into the mattress. His forehead rests atop yours sweat clinging to his brow and rolling down his toned arms from the back of his neck. His abdomen rubs your clit in rough jolts sending shocks of pleasure through your body. You moan against his lips kissing him sloppily feeling the knot in your stomach tighten with each hard thrust. Tachihara keeps his pace rough and fast snapping the chord in your stomach with a few more thrusts. Your entire body tightens lower back arching high off the bed head thrown back in pure ecstasy. Tachihara dips down biting and licking the middle of your throat, fucking you through your orgasm hard and chasing his own high. Your body shivers thighs shaking around him, the tingling from your orgasm drawn out from his cock pounding into your g-spot. “Fuck!” Tachihara moans loudly pounding hard into you twice before he cums. Face falling into the crook of your neck more moaning and curses falling from his lips, breath short and heavy as his hips stutter in the fallout before he completely collapses on top of you, flipping to his side shortly after and letting your leg fall around his waist. The apartment is quiet, rain tapping in gentle drops on the glass fogging the city lights into splotches of gold and white. He gently kisses your cheek then down to your lips, eyes fluttering shut arm draped loosely over your waist. “Fuck….” he murmurs. “Yeah..fuck..” you repeat, curling up a bit against his chest. What was supposed to happen now? Despite the comfort of his arms the thought still steamrolls its way into your head. Tachihara pops one eye open watching you under the gentle shadows of the night. Even you knew that he could read you despite the control you had on your features. He always said it was in your eyes and the micromovements of your lips, the twitches, the subtle frown. “Don’t worry about it right now.” He knew what you were thinking, at least the line of it. He wondered too for a brief moment but it was easier for him to let shit like that go in the moment. You had a habit of clinging to stupid shit. “Stay if you want.” He says with a yawn reaching down to pull the condom off and tie it in a knot before tossing it into a trash can across the room. “Practice?” You quip. He sighs and flicks your shoulder but pulls you in tighter to his chest. “Shut up.” He grumbles back tugging the covers up over you without bothering to open his eyes. You watch him for a bit--he could fall asleep anywhere. Standing up against a wall waiting for an order, curled up in a box before an ambush, literally anywhere. And quickly. He looked peaceful when asleep, not bothered by Gin’s odd actions or irritated by Hirotsu’s slow build up of attack. Timidly your finger traces the line of his jaw then up to his cheekbone and to his lips. Gentle. Soft, softer than you’d imagined. Supple. Talented. The rain’s sound lulls you to sleep wrapped in Tachihara’s arms, tapering off leaving only the sounds of soft breathing by the time the morning light begins to set a warm glow along the city’s surface.
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artificialqueens · 5 years ago
And I'll Be Here (Lemon x Priyanka) - Mumu
A/N: For the two anons that requested a Lemon sickfic! I’ve been meaning to write something for these two, so thank you for the excuse to do so :) Also on AO3.
Summary: Lemon is sick, and Priyanka takes care of her.
To be honest, Priyanka isn’t totally sure why she is doing this. Or what she’s doing at all, really, driving over to Lemon’s house. She’s fought with herself the whole 20-minute trip, not super sure how the girl would take it if she just randomly showed up.
Lemon had shot her a quick text a few hours ago, saying that she didn’t feel so good and that they’d have to reschedule their date.
Priyanka would be lying if she said she wasn’t a little disappointed by the cancellation— okay, maybe a lot disappointed— but any selfish feelings were largely ruled out by the overwhelming sense of concern and sympathy that Priyanka had felt for the other girl.
The fact that the text wasn’t punctuated with Lemon’s regular string of yellow hearts made her even more anxious, and so here Priyanka was, 20 minutes later, sitting outside Lemon’s apartment building in her car, debating whether or not it would come across as creepy if she went inside.
It wasn’t like she wasn’t comfortable with Lemon.
They’ve been official for a week and a half now, not counting the 1 month’s worth of dates before that (awkward, but sweet) and the two weeks of clumsy flirting in between university classes. Not that Priyanka’s counting, except she totally is.
Priyanka’s been to Lemon’s apartment twice before, just enough times to have the address bookmarked in her phone but not enough to feel completely comfortable in the space yet. She really likes this girl and cares about her, and she knows that goes both ways.
She’s just… nervous. Nervous about turning up unannounced to the girl’s apartment, nervous about what to expect, nervous about her first attempt at playing the caring girlfriend.
The last point brings a light smile to Priyanka’s face, and she feels a little bit of the unease dissipate. She corrects her previous thought, taking on an air of confidence. This isn’t a chore or an act; her feelings for Lemon are real, and that means she’s there with the other girl through thick and thin. She can do this. Priyanka grabs her phone, riding this new wave of boldness, and types out a hasty text.
Priyanka: hey lem
i’m outside ur apartment
can you buzz me up?
She waits a few minutes but gets no response. The thought makes her worried, as Lemon’s practically glued to her phone on a normal day. A well-dressed man in a suit lets her in the building anyways, and Priyanka throws a quick “thank you” over her shoulder as she hurries up to Lemon’s floor.
Priyanka slips the spare key to Lemon’s apartment out of her purse, thanking her past self for having the good sense to exchange keys with the other girl. These fancy apartment buildings have crazy security. The whole buzzing intercom system had confused Priyanka the first time she visited, and the other girl had to walk her through the process.
The door opens with a click, and Priyanka steps through, eyes already scanning her surroundings for a familiar shock of bright yellow hair. Nothing.
“Lem?” Priyanka calls.
A faint “in here!” sounds from the general direction of the bathroom, and Priyanka heads in search of her girlfriend. She finds the girl slumped on the floor, head hanging over the toilet bowl in the dark.
“Jesus, Lem, are you okay?” Priyanka flicks the light on, only to turn it off as soon as Lemon’s hands fly up to cover her eyes.
“Too bright,” Lemon groans, batting her hands in the general direction of the light switch. “Hurts.”
Priyanka rushes towards the girl, gently gathering her hair and holding it out of her face. She rolls a ponytail holder off of her wrist, putting Lemon’s hair into a ponytail for her.
“How long have you been like this?”
“Since I texted,” Lemon mumbles.
Priyanka clicks her tongue, tucking a few stray strands of hair behind her girlfriend’s ear. “You should have told me, I would’ve come sooner.”
“Didn’t wanna bother you,” comes the reply. “You didn’t have to come, I’m sorry.” It’s punctuated by dry heaving, and Priyanka winces at the sound.
“Don’t apologize, it’s not your fault,” Priyanka says, soft but firm.
It twists her heart up to know that Lemon has been suffering like this for a few hours, all alone. It’s just like Lemon to not want to disturb Priyanka, even when she’s sick to the point of throwing up. It’s stupid and sweet at the same time, and Priyanka doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry, to hit her or kiss her. She settles on brushing a hand over Lemon’s forehead, as gently as she can, not missing the way the other girl grimaces at her touch. She’s burning up, a lot.
“When was the last time you ate?” Priyanka asks, trying to be helpful.
“I don’t know,” Lemon struggles to get words out, breathing heavy. “Uh, I had coffee.”
“So, breakfast then?”
“Kept throwing up,” Lemon gets out. “Wasn’t worth it.”
“I brought Khichdi? It’s um, lentils and rice. My mom used to make it when I was sick,” She offers.
Lemon shakes her head. “Maybe later.”
Her words are clipped, voice unusually weak and cracked. She grips the edge of the toilet tightly with both hands, knuckles turning white at the sheer force of the action. Priyanka thinks if she squeezes any harder, it might crack and send shards into the Lemon’s palms.
“Don’t hurt yourself,” Priyanka says, peeling her fingers off of the porcelain. Lemon just hums in response, tongue trailing over her chapped lips. “Does your head hurt?”
A light nod confirms her answer. “And my stomach.”
“Okay, do you think you can stand up?”
Lemon tries to push herself up, only to have a wave of dizziness knock her back to the ground. She lets out an involuntary whimper and Priyanka feels her heart drop.
Lemon’s clearly way sicker than she had first thought, and it hurts her to see the typically bubbly girl in this state.
“Sorry, that was a bad idea.” Guilt worms it’s way into Priyanka’s stomach as Lemon presses a hand to her forehead, letting out a sound that’s somewhere between a cough and a sob. “Alright, uh, I’m gonna try and get you into your bedroom. Just lean on me, yeah?”
She manages to get Lemon up into an awkward sort of lean against the wall, the girl gripping onto her so hard Priyanka is sure her veins might pop from the bright yellow nails digging into her wrist. The cheery color is a sharp contrast to the current atmosphere, and the irony of it all would have made her chuckle if not for the groaning girl that the nails belonged to.
“Babe,” She hisses, her tone coming off sharper than intended from the pain. “Your nails- loosen your-”
“Sorry.” Lemon seems to get the gist, adjusting her hold on Priyanka so that it’s less painful.
“It’s fine,” Priyanka flashes her the brightest smile she can given the situation, trying to reassure her. Lemon’s eyes are shining with tears, probably from a combination of the pain she’s in and guilt at hurting Priyanka. Being tired always made the younger girl more emotional, and it looks to be the same for when she’s sick as well. “Think you can try to get to your bed for me?”
“Uh-huh,” Lemon says, sounding unconvinced.
Priyanka goes with it anyways. “Great, okay. Let me know if you need to stop or anything.”
She guides the girl towards the bedroom slowly. Lemon stumbles along, pausing a few times to take shaky breaths in and out. She nearly falls into the mattress as soon as Priyanka pulls the covers back for her, curling into a fetal position.
“Well done,” Priyanka praises. The gentle encouragement seems to send Lemon over the edge, tears slipping down her cheeks.
“I don’t know why I’m crying.”  She sniffles, curling even tighter into herself. Her hand goes up to cover her face, the tears leaking out through her fingers.
“No, Lem, don’t, it’s okay,” Priyanka says. The other girl’s pout tugs at her heartstrings, and she feels helpless, not knowing what to say to make her feel better. “Do you need anything?”
Lemon turns her head to look at her, offering a small, watery smile. “Stay?”
“Of course, baby.” Priyanka kneels by the bed, playing with her hair idly. “I’m not gonna leave, don’t worry.”
Seemingly reassured, the girl lets out a small yawn. Her eyelids flutter, and she makes grabby hands at Priyanka’s free hand. “M’kay.”
“You must be tired,” Priyanka says, mostly to herself. “You can rest. I’ll be here.”
Lemon drifts off, her foggy mind making it hard to concentrate on much. She does manage one thought before sleep pulls her under though, a mess of mushy feelings and flushed skin. Priyanka’s hand is still stroking her hair gently, and the rhythmic motions are calming.
She’s so lucky to have her.
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wasteitonserendipity · 5 years ago
Be Kind (Lee Hoseok One Shot)
Tumblr media
Paring: Hoseok x reader
Genre: all of the angst, I’m not kidding 
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: toxic relationship, swearing, mentions of alcohol consumption
a/n: When I was writing this I was aware of the fact that this is not a very healthy relationship. I’ve personally been through something like this and it was almost therapeutic for me to write it. 
You wished you could say that this was something new. 
That it was a total shock to you when you walked into the premiere party and the man that you absolutely adored was sitting near the bar, one hand resting on the leg of another girl, his other hand resting on his chin, clearly flirting. 
But it wasn’t.
It wasn’t like this happened often, but it was something you’d come to expect when things were starting to get rough for Hoseok, when it felt like the world was getting the best of him. Whenever he started to doubt himself he would try to prove that he was “still the man”. Not that he needed to prove it to anyone. He was so loved, not only by his fans, but by his brothers in the band and by you. No matter how many times he’d put you through this you always stayed. Simply put, you’d made a promise to each other when the band debuted that no matter what you would always be there for each other. That you would be the one to ground him and he to be the one to get you out of your shell. And you intended to always keep that promise.
Of course there were times that you wanted to walk away and leave the drama behind but only you and the boys knew the real Hoseok. The loving and thoughtful Hoseok who put everyone else first, never really leaving enough space for himself, causing him to act out. 
You took a deep breath and rolled your eyes as he spotted you in the doorway. You were happy to ignore him, especially when he was acting the way he was. You handed your jacket to the girl at the coat check and made your way towards the side of the bar opposite of Hoseok and the girl. 
“Vodka on the rocks with lime, please,” you asked the bartender, “little rocks, lots of vodka.”
She giggled at your joke a little before handing you your drink. You squeezed the lime into the glass, took a deep breath and downed the entire drink.
“You know,” a deep, familiar voice said from your left, “I think you’re supposed to sip that.”
When you turned you were faced with Hyungwon, a light smile on his face and a dark drink in his hand.
“Well, when you walk in and see that,” you pointed behind you to the offending couple, “sipping isn’t really an option.”
“Fucking hell,” Hyungwon mumbled, shaking his head, “when is he gonna fucking get it?”
“When I actually leave for good,” you said cooly before ordering another drink. 
The tall man only blinked at you, his eyes wide. The boys knew how Hoseok got, and they all collectively chastised him, warning him that the day would come when you would get fed up enough and leave. Out of all of the boys though, Hyungwon was your biggest proponent. He’d actually known you the longest out of all of them having met you in dance class prior to debut. He truly was like a brother to you and you were forever grateful for him always going to bat for you.  
You sighed as you downed another drink.
“You know I love him with all of my heart and soul,” you said quietly, “but I wish he would open up to me. I know he doesn’t like to show weakness but this is never going to work if his bruised ego is always getting in the way. I’ve stayed by his side through everything since we started dating.  The rumors, the saesangs, the insane tour schedule. And I know this isn’t the real him. I know that he’s built to love, but he’s broken and he doesn’t know how to let me in. But I don’t know how much longer I can do this.”
You didn’t realize you were on the verge of tears until Hyungwon was handing you a napkin and setting his drink down. 
“Ya know what?” he said, his voice clearly upset, “fuck this.”
Before you could respond he was stalking towards Hoseok, pulling him from his seat by his arm and dragging him out the door. To say that everyone was a little taken aback was an understatement. Usually Hyungwon was the most calm in confrontation, almost to the point that it was scary. So when he was visibly upset you knew it was about to get ugly. 
You hurriedly made your way to the door they had exited out of, followed closely by Hyunwoo. Whether anyone knew it or not, the eldest always had his eye on his younger members, usually acting as mediator or stepping in between confrontations if need be. 
You opened the door to Hoseok mid sentence, back facing you, “If she doesn’t like it, she can just fucking leave then!” 
Hyungwon’s eyes went wide as he saw not only you but Hyunwoo as well. They went even wider when he saw your face shift from sad to straight anger. 
“You wanna say that again, Lee Hoseok?” you stated, the door shutting behind you with a bang. 
It brought you just a little twinge of joy to see his surprised expression when he slowly turned to face you. You knew that if this was it, if this was really the end, that you were going down fighting. Fighting for him, for your relationship, for the one that you loved, even if he made it damn near impossible sometimes.
“I think everyone needs to take a step back and cool off,” Hyunwoo said, the seriousness in his voice evident.
“Stay out of this, hyung,” Hoseok snapped, surprising everyone.
“Come again?” Hyunwoo said hastily, his eyebrows raised.
“This isn’t your business,” Hoseok hissed, “so stay the hell out of it.”
“I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, or who you think I am, but I know you did not just talk to me like that.” Hyunwoo spat, a rare moment of him losing his cool. 
“Stop,” you demand sternly, your eyes never leaving Hoseok. 
All three of the men around you froze, waiting for your next words. Hoseok was the first to move, looking like he had built up enough gusto to open his mouth again. You held up a finger to stop him, shaking your head.
“Let me say my peace before you start.”
You took a deep breath.
“I love you Hoseok, with everything that I have and everything I am. I truly want to believe that you don’t have a bad bone in your body. You know I think you are one of the sweetest humans alive. But your ego gets in the way sometimes. I believe you every time you apologize when you pull shit like this because I know what kind of headspace you’re in. But can you explain to me why it’s always me you try to push away? Do you really think that I would just abandon this? Abandon you, after how many years? Is that what you think of me?”
You were physically shaking but your voice never wavered.
“I know it’s hard for you. I know it’s hard for you to open up and just let me in, but it is not fair anymore. I’ve been trying to get you there for so long and you still don’t trust me enough and that’s what hurts the most. Not the girls, not the partying but the fact that we’ve been together this long, shared so many things with each other and I still feel like you keep me at arms length seventy five percent of the time. The twenty five when you do let me in? Those are our best days and I fucking cherish them. So, I’m gonna give you the choice because it’s clearly not up to me, do I stay or do I go?” 
It felt like the world was holding its breath with you as you waited for his response. Your mind raced but you remained steady, feet firmly on the ground, your breath calm and even.
And then you saw it. The crack in the hard exterior that Hoseok always put on when you would fight. Gone was the puffed chest and look of pure defiance. The man that normally towered over you fell to his knees, his head in his hands, his shoulders shuddering.
“Can you guys go back inside?” you asked the two other men. They shared a look with each other,  nodded to you and walked back up the steps and into the party.
You kneeled down in front of Hoseok, taking his hands in yours trying to move them from his face. He tensed up immediately, refusing to move them.
“Hey,” you said softly, catching his attention, “just let me in.”
Slowly he let you bring his hands down but fixed his eye line on the ground in front of him. You hunched down a bit to catch his eye, giving a small smile.
“What can I do to help you?” you asked quietly, bringing a hand up to his cheek. 
“You already do so much,” he choked out, his voice cracking with emotion, “I don’t deserve you and I know that.”
“Don’t talk like that,” you sighed, your heart breaking into a million pieces, “you’re working on it.”
“But why should you be subjected to my shitty behavior while I am? I know it’s not fair to you, I know that. I don’t know why I get like this.” he whispered as he shook his head
“Because you’re used to people leaving you. You’re used to having to figure it out for yourself and that can make it hard for you to let people in.” you answered, “I want you to know that you can always, always confide in me. You can cry to me. I will gladly be by your side every night. But you have to want it. If you don’t, we can go back to how it used to be, when we were just friends. But know that I’ll still be here for you. I’m here for you no matter what.”
He grabbed your hand in his, shaking his head, “Please don’t leave. I absolutely want this. You’re right, I keep waiting for you to leave me and I know I wouldn’t be able to handle it. You deserve the world and sometimes I feel like I can’t give that to you because I’m gone or because of my career.”
“I’ll be better, I promise you.” he says with a little more conviction, “but it might take me some time.”
“I don’t expect you to be able to flip a switch, love.” you say making sure you catch his eyes again, this time both hands are on his cheeks, your foreheads pressed together lightly, “I know it’s still gonna take time. But I know little by little you can do it. I’m here for whatever you need.” 
He nodded gently before catching you in a tight hug.
“I promise, I’ll be kinder to the one that I love.”
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bluefirewrites · 4 years ago
Sky High Mall!AU
Hey, this is an excerpt of something I started for Sky High a while ago but never got around to finishing. I’ve been thinking about this particular work because I might rework it for Julie and the Phantoms one day because it has so much potential. Thought it would be cool to share. 
So this is an AU where the kids don’t have powers and they all work at the Sky Shopping Center. It’s a Zach/ Magenta centered story with side Warren/Layla.
It would be Rated T and there is use of language in here. Enjoy! 
Magenta didn’t hate her job. But she could admit that it gets pretty tedious at times.
She really shouldn’t complain. It was a huge step up from working at the pet store. At least, here she didn’t have to clean up after guinea pigs and trying to stop kids from eating dog treats.
But it was a summer afternoon and here she was rearranging the wacky greeting cards at the mall book shop when she would rather be at home, maybe catch whatever’s on TV- really anything to keep her mind off of a certain someone...
“Why the long face, Maj?” The purple haired girl snapped out of whatever daze she was in when all of the sudden her best friend, Layla, bounced into the shop, donning her signature pigtails and wide smile.
“Did you scare a customer again?”
“No,” Magenta scrunched her face, taking the excess cards in the box and moving it to the register, “Why does that happen often anyway?”
Layla trailed behind her, maneuvering through the shelves and a couple of customers, “Maybe it’s because you just creep up behind them before you ask if they needed help.”
“Oh good, I thought it’s because I dress like this,” She gestured to her combat boots, ripped stockings, and well of course her half-dyed hair. Magenta knew her outfit didn’t scream, ‘Customer Service’, but she was always down to help a customer find a book. She had pretty much devoured half the books in there, and had reccs from her fellow book-nik friends in case she encountered the other half.
“You’re lucky though. At least, you’re not forced to wear a uniform,” Layla worked at this organic juice bar in the mall food court so of course they would have made her wear something to prepare whatever smoothies they make. The redhead did a little twirl to show off her all green attire, from the shirt, to the pants, and even her blueberry-stained apron tied at her waist.
“But you look so cute,” Magenta  tilted her head and pinched her friend’s cheeks, “Like happy broccoli.”
Layla gently brushed away her hand, pouting, “If I wanted to be patronized, I should have stayed at school. But come on, I’m off now. I just wanted to see when you’re on break,”
“Got another hour,” Magenta normally would have been off by now, but she ended up taking the evening shift this week. She wanted to change it up, for reasons that may or may involve avoiding someone who she knew worked the mornings.
“I’ll wait,” Layla leaned against the counter for a second before jumping up, eyes wide, “Oh, did it come in yet?”
Layla was referring to a gardening book that she had put in a request for some weeks ago. That girl had a green thumb through and through. Ever since they were younger, Magenta had the pleasure of sharing her strawberries that her family had grown in their backyard garden. Always the freshest, sweetest thing she had ever tasted and Magenta refused to eat any other strawberry to this day.
“Oh yeah. I think Warren got them in this morning,” She threw her head back to yell at her coworker who was stationed on the opposite side of the register, “Yo, Peace?”
If Magenta scared the customers, then Warren Peace straight up terrified them. The older guy was somehow wearing a long sleeve red shirt, slashed at the elbows, and leather, fingerless gloves on this June afternoon and seemed to glower over at everyone who would dare interrupt him from his latest reading.
At least, Magenta would smile at the patrons and actively tried to assist them. He mainly stayed behind the counter and rang people up and would occasionally restock the shelves that were a little too high for either Magenta or their manager, Jeannie, to reach.
She liked working with Warren. He knew just as much about books as her and it was fun to go on and on about their favorite authors, which of the classics were just over-glorified insights of the white man’s mind- stuff like that. Also, she was pretty sure that Warren had her beat with snarky remarks and could keep up with her sick sense of humor.
The long haired dude looked up from the book he was reading, eyes squinting at the two girls. “Purple. Hippie,” he addressed, annoyed to be ripped away from George Orwell.
Layla waved, dismissing his souriness, “Where’s the stuff from this morning?” Magenta asked.
“In the back. Where it’s supposed to be,”
Magenta pursed her lips, “Oh sorry, I mean, can you be a doll and get it for us?”
Layla leaned over to rest her chin on the counter, “Please, Warren?” she batted her eyelashes for good measure.
Warren looked into her brown eyes and Magenta knew it was over. The boy growled before uttering out a “Fine!”, slamming his book on the table and stalking off to the back room.
Magenta whistled, impressed, “How do you do that?”
“Get him to do stuff,” This hadn’t been the first time Warren did something un-Warren like for Layla’s sake. Magenta could count with one hand how many times Warren would actually do what was asked of him, and most of those times involved Layla in some way.
“I ask nicely. You should try it,”
“I didn’t think Hothead over there responds to nice,” Magenta noted a customer waiting to pay for their books and hopped over the counter to reach the register, 
 “...Has a stick so far up his butt that if you’d lip lock with him, you’ll get splinters,” she winked in Layla’s direction, “And I’m pretty sure you wanna do that regardless,”
Her friend flushed instantly at the insinuation, “Shut up.”  
“Make me, Broccoli,” 
She took the books from the customer and began ringing them up. The man looked to be a regular so she knew he was used to her weird antics around the store. Magenta thought for sure the stick up the ass comment would have repulsed any other old man. He merely chuckled at their interaction.
Magenta was beginning to catch on that Layla was crushing on her coworker, but figured that what was stopping her from pursuing it had been the fact that Warren is friends with her ex, Will. Her and Will were on good terms, of course, having known each other longer than Magenta had known Layla. But like, Bro Code and everything- she didn’t want to make it weird.
“Okay, someone has a bit of an attitude today. Something’s up,”
“Have a nice day” Magenta bid the customer a goodbye and handed him his bag of books before turning to Layla, “and no, I’m fine.” She shut the drawer till harder than intended which earned a side eye from the red head.
Warren emerged from the back room with a big book, sliding it over to Layla on the counter, “Here you go, Hippie. One, Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture, 2nd Edition.”
“Thank you so much,” Layla sent a grateful expression his way and Magenta swore that the brooding boy’s lips almost quirked into a small smile… like a real one.
Layla pulled out her wallet and handed the money over to Magenta, rattling off ecstatically about this book she was dying to get, “Been trying to get a hold of this forever. Trying to do a more polyculture type of gardening because I learned it would soon develop an environment where there’s no need for pesticides,” she glanced at Magenta, “You know how I feel about pesticides.” At which, the purple-haired girl nodded.  
“I heard the whole, line by line, neat way of laying down crops is just Euro-centric, colonizer bullshit anyway,” Warren remarked which made Magenta raise an eyebrow.
“Since when do you know shit about gardening?”
Her co-worker waved her off. Layla appeared to be surprised and a bit impressed that Warren knew something about her field of interest, “Warren is right though. The whole polyculture gardening is much more sustainable and we do look to Indigenous cultures for that technique.”
Then, Magenta watched as her two friends were engaged in some sort of awkward stare-off, with one of them breaking the gaze to either tuck a hair back or just to switch between looking at the other or looking at the floor. It was cute.
It made her sick.
She groaned out loud, “Do you guys have to do that here?”
That brought them out of that, Warren hurried off to his side of the counter, back to his book and Layla turned to her friend, exasperated, “But seriously though, Maj- what’s up with you today?”
“Nothing,” she gave Layla her change and the receipt for the book, making a move to get away from the register.
“Maybe it’s because she just saw her ex walking around with a new girl,” Warren casually remarked as he turned a page.
Magenta whipped around to glare at him, but alas he was too preoccupied with Big Brother at the moment.
Layla’s eyes widened, mouth gaping, “No,” she turned to Warren, “Where?”
“Food Court,” he replied, sounding disinterested but Magenta knew he was taking some sick pleasure from this.
“Are they still there?”
“Jesus, Layla. I don’t know!” Magenta threw her hands up in the air. 
Thankfully, the store was clear for now. They honestly didn’t get a lot of traffic around this time. She wouldn’t be too stoked for everyone in the store to know her relationship woes. 
 “I’m fine though. It’s no big deal.” she tried to assure Layla, but her friend was not having it.
She placed her hands on Magenta’s shoulders, “I know it’s been months, but you don’t have to be over it just yet. It’s gonna be hard seeing him with someone else, of course,”
“It’s not hard seeing him. Just annoying,”
“When Will and I had ended things, of course it was good and it was for the best, but like seeing him with his girlfriend was weird at first. But I got used to it,”
Magenta sighed, getting where Layla was coming from but it was different, “Yeah, but you and Will played out differently. Lash and I… we crashed and burned.”
She had dated Lash for a good while, like around 5 months. It had been the longest relationship she had been in, and it had started off so well. They had even met here at the mall when she had first started working at the book shop and he started at the skate shop. 
They had a lot in common back then, never minding getting up to mischief and always doing spontaneous things with him. Things that she certainly was not proud of and had earned her a certain reputation at school.
But Magenta could admit that she had been a different person back then when she was with him. Someone she didn’t want to be again. But still, seeing him again after the breakup, with another girl still stung. Even though it was her who broke it off.
She should have known what it was gonna be like, dating an older guy- an incoming senior now- but she thought it meant he was gonna be more mature and that he was gonna be more upfront with her. It unfortunately had meant the exact opposite.
“You can’t help it. You like bad boys. Been that way ever since I met you,”
“I just like people who don’t take shit from people. They just happened to be wearing chains on their jeans and maybe sporting a juvie record,”
Magenta seemed to have a preference, but all for good reason. If she ended up with some goodie two shoes, it was gonna be this morality contest where he would end up judging all the shit she had done, like her own couple stints with the law. She’d rather hang with people who didn’t judge her, and that meant those who have done things just as bad or even worse than her.
“Then how come you haven’t hit up Warren yet?” Layla asked, with mild curiosity.
“He reads Hemmingway, And likes it,” Magenta’s face scrunched up in disgust, “Also, there’s a thing as being too on brand. I just know that it’s not gonna work. We’re too much alike.”
“Nah. Warren’s so much nicer,” Layla’s hands were still on her shoulder and she playfully swatted them away, “You know what? I’ll catch you later. I don’t wanna sit in here for an hour in my own stickiness.” she gestured to all the fruit stains all over her clothes just as a family came in to browse the store.
“Ew, Layla. There are children in here,”
The redhead gave an unamused grin at the innuendo before walking out of the store, calling out to Warren,“Make sure she doesn’t do anything reckless while I’m gone!”
“Not my job,” The long haired boy called from his seat, “Not like I can stop her.”
‘Fuck you,’ she mouthed at her coworker before going off to see if Jeannie needed her to do anything else around the shop. It was only 4 o clock but she knew it was gonna be a long rest of her shift.
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georgia-jereau · 4 years ago
Endings & Beginnings
TW: mentions of drinking, drugs, violence and theft
TLDR: Georgia remembers meeting Mal again and marrying him after 5 weeks, leaving her old life behind to make something new with him
Georgia drummed her fingers against the steering wheel as she drove home from a meeting in New Orleans. She’d dropped Mal at the airport a few days ago, so hopefully he’d be back soon. It was a long ride, and a little bit of her wished she could have gone with him, but she couldn’t be in that house again with him. Still, maybe in a few months, they could take a trip like they’d used to. It would be nice to go and get lost with him again. Georgia had always liked herself better when she was with him, and recreating herself for the past seven years into a woman who could survive being alone hadn’t been easy, not when she knew the truth.
The song on the radio switches to something older and familiar that makes her think of crowded bars and Mal’s smile. God, they had been so young. Twenty years ago, she’d just flirted with a guy she liked... thrown herself at him a bit, really. Now here she was, waiting for him to come home to her, his initials tattooed into her skin, and his ring on her finger. A part of wonders, as she sometimes did, if she had known everything that was going to happen if she might have made different choices. A small smile pulls at her mouth. No. The answer was always no. If she was going to hell, she’d go with the comfort of knowing Mal would be right beside her.
Dallas, TX - August 4th, 2000 
Georgia checked her reflection in the motel bathroom’s mirror, fluffing her hair and turning slightly to see how she looked. Her hair was getting long again, nearly reaching the middle of her back even when it was all wavy from the Texas heat. She’d turned an oversized red bandana into a top, which was something she was pretty sure she’d stolen from a music video but she couldn’t remember which one. Paired with daisy dukes and red lipstick, she thought she looked pretty good, good enough that the bouncers wouldn’t give her fake id too thorough of an inspection anyway. Reaching into her backpack, she moves aside her dirty laundry to get at the stacks of cash beneath. Fifteen thousand in cash. God, her last ‘boyfriend’ had been a special kind of idiot, always talkin’ about conspiracy theories and how he’d been prepped for Y2K even though nothing had actually happened. It had taken practically nothing to starting convincing him that banks couldn’t be trusted. She’d hoped to wait around for twenty thousand, but she’d lost her patience with him. This would last her for a good long while. Peeling a few twenties away, she tucks them into her pockets and then stuffs the whole backpack into a hole she’d made in the boxspring.
The bar was just a few blocks down from the motel and Georgia didn’t mind the walk after days spent driving all the way from Kentucky. There were a few shouts, a few catcalls, but she ignored them. She was definitely not looking for a new mark tonight. Tonight, she was happy just to drink and listen to music and not have some man hanging all over her. Some people would probably think she was awfully cynical of men for being just 19 years old, after all she’d only been dealing with them for five years. Still, those were years she’d spent dating morons who she only entertained because of their money. That didn’t even cover all the other jobs she’d begun taking up on the side. If she became good enough at being a thief, maybe she could even drop the whole ‘boyfriends’ thing. She was very good at it though. Most men were very stupid, hell they didn’t even ask her how old she was half the time. For a brief moment, Georgia’s mind flickers to a moment a few years back, where a boyfriend had mentioned her ‘twentieth’ birthday was coming up soon and one of his, for lack of a better term, ‘friends’ had snorted quietly to himself, clearly laughing at the number.
“Somethin’ funny?” she’d asked, pulling herself up from where she’d been draped all over Tim, her latest, unwitting victim. The man just looked over at her and shook his head once.
“Not a thing, darlin’.” he’d said, at least that’s what he’d said out loud. His eyes had said ‘bullshit you are turning twenty’. That man had made her uneasy. Handsome, but he saw too much. Dark eyes, sweet smile. Trouble. 
She liked trouble.
As she’d suspected, the bouncers didn’t have a problem letting ‘Georgia Lyonett’ into the bar tonight, or whatever the hell ID she’d grabbed. The only stipulation she had with her fake identities was to always use the same first name. If she started creating fake personas every time she went somewhere she’d never remember who was supposed to call her what. Hopping onto a barstool she flashed a smile at the bartender, glancing briefly behind him at the array of liquor bottles. “Hey there.” she said brightly. “Jack and coke, please.”. The drink was delivered promptly, and she immediately turned away from the bartender, not interested in small talk. Across the room, on a small raised platform, a band was finishing setting up and the place was really beginning to fill. After downing the first drink pretty quickly, she ordered another and hopped off the barstool to wander around. 
The band was good, local guys covering the classics so nothing fancy, but fun all the same. A few guys asked her to dance, but she slipped away before they annoyed her and asked twice. Georgia preferred to just stay on the edges of the action tonight, in her own little world as she bobbed and nodded along with the music. Maybe she was thirsty or just getting tipsy, but the drinks were going down smooth. Navigating her way through the crowd, she made her way to the bar, squeezing herself between a couple and some guy in a biker’s cut so she could order her drink. “’Nother jack and coke please. Tall, double.” she added, figuring she might as well save herself a trip. The man beside her laughed quietly and she froze, recognition flaring to life in her mind.
“Of all the gin joints in all the world, huh Peach?” Mal asked. Of course it was him. She didn’t even need to turn her head. He was the only person who’d called her that, as if ‘Georgia’ was too many syllables or something. The smile that appears on her face isn’t a conscious choice. She feels... nervous wasn’t the right word... excited maybe? Adrenaline was definitely happening. Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she rested an elbow on the bar and finally looked at him. 
“Mal Winters.” she said, fighting to control her smirk. “The fuck are you doing in Dallas?”
“Visiting. Where’s Tim?”
“Haven’t seen him in years.” Georgia admitted casually as her drink was handed to her and she took a sip. Mal adjusted himself to face her a bit more and Georgia felt her heart rate quicken. It wasn’t fair for a guy who looks this good to look at her like that. Normally, if she were looking to find a new job she’d be a bit more sober and a bit less, well, herself. Luckily, she had enough money right now, that she didn’t have to pretend to be anyone but her which was good, because she had a feeling Mal could see through her bullshit a little too easily for her liking.
“Really?” Mal said, and his eyes raked over her in a way that made her flustered and proud at the same time. Reaching out, she poked at the cut he was wearing, something she definitely hadn’t seen on him two years ago when they’d met.
“What’s this?” she asked, tossing her hair over her shoulder, her dime store hoops dangling from her ears. So he was a biker now... or something like it. A little smile pulled the edge of his mouth up and her eyes got stuck there for a moment.
“It’s nothin’.” he said easily. Georgia rolled her eyes and moved slightly to get a better look, running her hand over the patch.
“Doesn’t look like nothin’. Looks to me like you like trouble.” she said, biting her lower lip as she smiled at him. Mal shook his head and lifted his beer a bit.
“Yeah, well, I’m drinkin’ with you, aren’t I?” he asked. Georgia laughed and shook her head a bit, taking a sip of her own drink. She liked that he thought of her as trouble. She’d have been insulted if he thought less.
“If you want to see real trouble, you should ask me to dance.” she offered, leaning a bit closer. It was nice to flirt for real. It had been a really long time since she had, hell, it might have even been the last time she’d seen him. Though that flirting had been accidental. Plus, there was the bonus that they already knew the other wasn’t exactly an ‘upstanding citizen’. The lack of bullshit was refreshing. She didn’t need to bat her eyes or pretend that she was a waitress or a student or something innocent and innocuous. 
“Don’t tempt me with a good time, Peach.” Mal said.
“Don’t tell me what to do, Mal.” she countered, flagging down the bartender who made a motion to say he’d be right there.
“Yeah? You not into bein’ bossed around?” he asked, sounding amused.
“Not when I’m standing.” she said with a playful smirk before turning and ordering two shots of whiskey, handing over some money as she did. It was getting to that time in the night where she had to lean forward and practically shout to be heard, but she didn’t mind. 
“So when you say you wanna dance, d’ya mean the horizontal fuckin’ tango?” Mal asked, and Georgia couldn’t help the laugh that burst out of her, glancing over her shoulder to look at him.
"Maybe I mean both. Jesus, there's no fuckin’ subtlety to you, is there?" she asked, tipping her head and studying his face. He tipped his in return and narrowed his eyes a bit.
“Would ya’ like me more if there was?”
“Who says I like you now?”
Mal shrugged his shoulders. “Guess I’m just being optimistic. I mean, if you wanna prove me right, go ahead.” he offered.
Georgia rolled her eyes and grabbed the shots as they were delivered. "Drink with me. Dance with me. Then I'll decide if I like you or not." she said, handing one of the shot glasses to him, her heart rate only increasing when her fingers grazed his. Mal nodded his head.
“Yes ma’am.” he said. They both knocked the whiskey back easily before Georgia took his hand and pulled him towards the dance floor. She was pretty sure he knew it was just an excuse to have his arms around her for a bit while they drank and pretended like they both didn’t know how this would go. There was no doubt in her mind that she was gonna try to take him back to where she was staying tonight. Crushes weren’t things she had often, and couldn’t remember the last one she’d had, but she had a feeling thats what she was feeling. As his hands settled on her waist and she wrapped hers around his neck, pressing her body closer, she could feel blood rushing to her cheeks and her breath hitched a bit as she remembered to breath. “You good, Peach?” Mal asked, smiling down at her.
“Do I not look good?” Georgia asked, wondering if there was going to be a point tonight where she stopped answering his questions with questions, but it probably wasn’t going to be anytime soon. She was having too much fun.
“I don’t recall sayin’ otherwise, sweetheart.” he said, tightening his grip on her as they swayed to the song. It was one of those old, country classics that she usually didn’t care for but everything sounded good when it was mixed with Mal’s laugh and the way he spoke to her. They danced, they drank and eventually she took him back to her motel. It was just going to be one night, maybe two, and then she could savor the memory of it the next time she was lying beneath some idiot, letting him pretend he was rocking her world while she planned how she was going to rob them blind. 
Somewhere in Arizona - September 4th, 2000
Georgia paced a bit out front of a gas station, stretching her arms above her head and rolling out the knots in her back from the hours on the back of Mal’s bike. She’d abandoned her piece of shit car back in Dallas, technically. It hadn’t exactly been on purpose, since she’d made the choice after a night of drinking and blowing lines with Mal. Georgia had only meant to get him tangled in her sheets for a night, but then that had turned into breakfast, and another roll around at his place, then more drinking, then some drugs. She kept waiting for him to leave, or for herself to get bored... but it hadn’t happened yet. It had been four, shit almost five weeks since she’d run into him and now she was somewhere in Arizona waiting while he went to get cigarettes. They were nearly inseparable. Her backpack with all her things and all her money were latched securely to his bike. They spent the days driving around and the nights at whatever motel they wound up in, drinking and laughing and kissing. It felt like freedom.
It was safe to say they were obsessed with each other. Georgia smiled to herself as she tried to detangle her hair a bit with her fingers while she waited for him. The tangles were as much from the wind as from Mal’s hands and the bed they’d crawled out of this morning. Distracted with her own thoughts her eyes lingered on his bike and the smile just widened. She didn’t notice someone approaching her until they were in front of her.
“You like motorcycles?” the guy asked, looking her up and down. Georgia’s smile tightened and lost some it’s sparkle as she looked at the guy.
“I do. Yeah.” she told him. The guy rested his hands on the handlebars and grinned at her.
“I could give you the ride of your life.” he offered, his eyes more focused on her body than the bored look on her face.
“You want me on that bike of yours? With you?” Georgia asked, playing dumb and tipping her head to the side. The guy laughed a little.
“Baby, I-” the guy said, but he stopped suddenly, his eyes moving off of Georgia to someone else. The strong arm that slipped around her shoulder and pulled her in closer had her struggling not to burst into laughter. 
“He botherin’ you, Peach?” Mal asked, his voice far too casual for her to believe it. Georgia knew if she said ‘yes’ Mal would probably lay the guy out and God that excited her. It was like having her own personal gladiator by her side at all times and she was getting far too used to it. 
“Baby, I think we stole his bike.” Georgia said, blinking up at Mal with wide eyes and feigned innocence. Behind his dark sunglasses, Mal’s eyebrows raised and his mouth twitched into a small ‘huh’ of surprise.
“This - this is your bike?” Mal said, his voice coated with a mocking disbelief as he took off his sunglasses and then pointed to Georgia. “So this - this must be your old lady too?” he asked the guy, who was holding up his hands and stuttering out some kind of excuse. ‘Old lady?’ Georgia thought. She was hardly his old anything seeing as they’d been doing this just about a month. Georgia leaned up and said softly but still loud enough for the interloper to hear, 
“Wasn’t his name I was screamin’ last night, baby.”
She then took the sunglasses and smokes out of Mal’s hands, knowing he was probably just gonna drop them in a minute anyway. He was already stepping forward. 
“It wasn’t? Ah. So that means this is my bike, and this jackass is hitting on my girl?” Mal said. The guy had gone from apologizing to talking shit, like an idiot, and Georgia just shook her head and smiled as Mal slammed his fist into the guy’s face. The rings on his fingers glinted in the Arizona sunlight with each movement. A thought popped into her mind just then and she shoved the sunglasses onto her face as she ran into the nearly empty shop.
“Help! They started fighting! Someone is gonna get hurt! You have to stop them.” she shouted pleadingly. The guy behind the counter and some guy that looked like a trucker rushed outside to help. Georgia moved to let them pass and then walked around the counter and popped open the register. Jesus, the lack of security in these places was astonishing. People thought they were only going to be robbed by dudes in ski-masks with a gun in their face. Clearly a shotgun behind the counter was not a fail-proof method against having your shit stolen.
A few moment later she was walking over to Mal who was finally done with his fight. There was some blood on him, but she doubted much of it was his, and he wore it well so it didn’t matter much anyway. Georgia waved a finger to signal they needed to get the fuck out. Now. He listened but quirked an eyebrow at her.
“They call the cops?” he asked quietly as he threw a leg over the bike.
“No but they’re gonna.” she said, climbing on behind him.
“I just loosened some teeth, maybe broke his nose, nothing that bad.” Mal grumbled. Georgia leaned up so she could whisper directly in his ear.
“I just robbed the till.” she admitted. Mal burst into laughter as he started up the bike and peeled away, and didn’t stop laughing until they were miles away from the place.
Later that night, outside a motel they’d rented with the stolen cash, they sat on the curb and split a cigarette and a six pack, watching the traffic and the stars. Georgia’s hair was once again a mess of tangles and her face was a bit flushed from what they’d just done. 
“You know earlier today, you called me your ‘old lady’.” Georgia noted, glancing at him only briefly as she took a drag and passed the cigarette back to him.
“Mhmm.” Mal hummed as he finished the cigarette and stubbed the end of out beneath his boot. He took a moment to exhale before turning to look her over, curious. “Somethin’ wrong with that?”
Georgia smirked but rolled her eyes. “I’m not your old lady ‘til there’s a ring on this finger.” she said, wiggling the fingers on the hand that wasn’t currently holding her beer bottle. Georgia liked the idea of keeping Mal, but that didn’t seem likely. So she just wanted to wring every drop of happiness out of this time while they had it.
“Yeah?” Mal asked, his tongue running over his teeth as he looked out at the highway and the empty fields beyond it. “How’s about I put one there?” 
Georgia snorted and shook her head, and then glanced at him, waiting for the punchline but it didn’t come. Her eyebrows pulled together and she blinked at him for a moment before finding her voice. “Quit fuckin’ around. You don’t want to marry me.” she said, shoving him lightly.
“Why not?” Mal asked, taking a sip of his beer. Georgia opened her mouth to tell him exactly why, but she couldn’t think of any reasons. He knew basically everything already, maybe not all the details, but enough. Mal knew where she’d come from, and how she’d survived and how she worked. He knew how she liked her coffee and that she always liked to sleep with one leg out from the covers and that she finished her showers with a blast of cold water. If he already knew all that, and asked anyway...
“I don’t know.” Georgia admitted. Taking a moment to have another sip of her beer she shrugged a shoulder. “Are you sayin’ you want to marry me?” she asked, her heart beating a bit harder as she tried to act calm.
“Maybe. You sayin’ yes if I ask?” he asked with an impish grin curling the corner of his mouth as he turned his head to look at her. Georgia turned and smirked back at him.
“I think I might... just to see if you actually have the balls to follow through.” she told him. Mal set down his beer and turned to her, running his fingers through her hair and then trailing them down to hold her chin as he looked her in the eye. 
“Alright. Georgia - whatever your real last name is. Don’t matter. It’ll be Winters soon.- Fuck the formalities. Marry me.” he said. Georgia just blinked at him for a moment, waiting for him to laugh or to say he was joking but he didn’t and she smiled.
“Yeah. Okay. I will.” she agreed. Mal smiled and kissed her hard. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, forgetting about everything that wasn’t him
Las Vegas, NV - September 9th, 2000
Five days later, she was standing in front of Mal wearing a white sundress she’d picked up the day before, slipping a gold band onto his finger and promising she’d love him forever. It was the first time she’d told him that she loved him and she meant every word. The life she’d had before him felt like a bad dream and she’d woken up to find herself safe in his arms. A life without him in it wasn’t something she ever wanted to experience ever again. Georgia Morgan was long gone now, along with all the other identities she’d taken. She was Georgia Winters and it just felt right, like this is who she’d always been meant to be. Someone said to ‘kiss the bride’ and Georgia pulled Mal’s head down with a stupid grin on her face. No more cons, no more faking being in love. Whatever came next, she and Mal would do it together.
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connorspiracy · 4 years ago
Don’t Let The Street Bugs Bite || Connor & Shiloh
Timing: Current Location: Downtown Parties: @connorspiracy & @evanescentform Content: Bug monsters, insects, their skittery little legs Summary: There’s cracks in the ground with insect monsters in them. That sucks. 
Strangeness in White Crest was par for the course, so much so that the absence of strangeness would in itself be strange. Connor kept his proverbial ear to the ground, always on the message boards looking for news, rumours, or anything that might prompt him to investigate. December had itself on overboard already and they weren’t even a week in. He’d heard of cracks opening up around main street and strange insects appearing. Connor had brought bug spray and thick clothing, but he didn’t know how much that would help matters. Rio wasn’t able to film right now, thanks to the recent werewolf attack and hospitalisation, so he was alone, narrating to the camera and switching between shots of himself and the cracks. “Hey,” he called, waving at a nearby jogger with a friendly smile. “Do you wanna do a vox pop?” 
Early morning was the best time to go for a jog given recent events. Lately Shiloh has been a bundle of nerves anytime she’s in public. She hardly wanted to revert to a hermit so she would more or less take control of that and go out for a short amount of time and then come home. This time she would spend the outing on a jog. She hadn’t done much exercise since she came home and she knew that had a toll on her mental well-being as well. She hadn’t expected anyone to really speak to her and had to do a double take when she noticed someone waving at her. She slowed to a stop, pulling her earbud out. “What was that?” She wasn’t sure she heard him right. In the case she did, “I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.” She did notice the camera however and she hardly wanted to be on camera at the moment but maybe it would be something quick. She didn’t want to be rude after all.
Connor didn't let himself get embarrassed by filming. Yeah, people would look at him weird when he was out there talking to his camera, but he just figured that was their problem. He did get a little embarrassed when he had to approach people though. He'd wanted to head out early so there'd be fewer distractions for the video, but that also meant fewer people to talk to. "Oh, bugger, you were wearing earbuds. I didn't mean to bother you," he said with a polite chuckle. "A vox pop is like... the opinion of the public. Like when you see Joe from Sweansea being asked what he thinks about the club's new mascot on the news." He'd put the camera down for the moment, not wanting to film her unless she agreed. "I'm making a video about the cracks. Have you heard anything about 'em?" He gestured to the strange space in the ground where the road should have been connected. 
As he explained what a vox pop was, Shiloh wondered what he could be asking for. Then she turned to look down at the cracks. Come to think of it, she had seen them around town. She just assumed they were normal cracks but… anything in this town was far from normal. “Uh, I - I dunno. I think maybe an underground tree root sprouting out or… or just long overdue maintenance on the streets.” She chuckled, hoping he would find her normal reasonings satisfactory. She pulled out her other earbuds and put them away, giving him her attention. She looked down at the cracks once more, wondering what could have caused it. The way it kind of jutted out made it seem like it was something underground and god knows what might be underneath the city. “What do you think it might be?” She asked, curious of his opinion. 
Well, that answer was pretty boring. Connor scrunched his nose, a little disappointed. He wanted to get out here and film something, and this jogger was trying to convince him it was some kind of tree with its roots under the ground. “It’s happening in places where there aren’t any trees around. And people have reported… things coming out of them.” Connor leaned down a little, holding up his camera again to see if he could see anything down there. “White Crest. Pretty much the only explanation anyone needs, isn’t it?” he said with a low chuckle, narrowing his gaze. He was sure he saw something move down there. “Do you see something in there?” 
At his rebuttal, Shiloh just looked away and half-listened. She wasn’t sure who he was trying to convince - Shiloh preferred not to let just anyone know she believed in anything other than the normal right off the bat. “Honestly, White Crest nonsense is the reason for just about anything that happens here.” However, she hoped that wasn’t caught on camera considering it seemed a rather harsh thing to say about things like the many deaths and kidnappings that happened within town lines. As he called for her attention she leaned forward, wanting to see if she did catch anything inside the cracks. She didn’t seem to see anything in there. Seeing a piece of upturned gravel, Shiloh kicked it, sending it toward the crack, seeing if that would show that nothing was really down there. In retrospect, it was a completely stupid idea to poke the unknown and she should have known that. The cracks grew bigger and she saw something poke out of the ground. Was that--? Spider leg? She backed up, motioning Connor to do the same until whatever it was emerged.
"Glad you understand," Connor said, only half-joking as she returned his words about 'White Crest Nonsense'. He looked over at her with a small smile, testing the waters. You couldn't exactly blame the Cresters for being so bloody serious, but sometimes they were sooo bloody serious. He watched as she kicked some gravel into the hole. This time, he did have the camera rolling, strapped on a chest holder to leave his hands free. "What the fu--" He scrambled backwards as the long, hairy leg made its way out of the hole, followed by the rest of its insectoid body. "ARGH!" He continued to back up, trying not to trip over his own feet. After seeing people's photos and videos online, he'd opted to bring bug spray, and he unleashed it, which only seemed to irk the thing. It made a strange, skittering sound and its mouth clicked. "Stomp on it or something!" 
Shiloh hardly was one to get worked up over a bug but the sheer size of it was more than enough to rattle her. When she saw him spray something in its direction she wondered what it was - either way, it didn’t seem to have any affect on it. Maybe made it a bit angrier. “What was that?” She asked, hoping he got the hint not to use that again. It darted to them which made her back up in reaction. Maybe now was a good time to run. “I didn’t bring my huge spider stomping boots on my run today, sorry.” Shiloh didn’t know how he would even expect her to stomp on it without at least a jump and a spider was much too fast for that. As Shiloh continued walking back her feet got caught on something and she almost tumbled down but caught her footing. Yet, the ground continued to rumble. As she thought about what to do another spider leg shot out of the ground, this time much larger than the one before. “Oh fuck.” She muttered. “C’mon we gotta move out of here!” As she spoke, a larger spider emerged from the ground, kicking up chunks of asphalt.
“Bug spray!” Connor answered, as if that was completely fucking obvious. Ghosts he was completely fine with, but ants the size of hamsters were another matter entirely. He sprayed it continuously until the bottle was empty, then he threw the bottle at it, none of which helped. In fact, it was bringing friends. “Shit, shit, shit, shit--” Connor cursed as he fled from the creatures. “This what you had in mind when you went for a morning run?!” His camera was strapped to his chest in a secure harness, but he still felt it moving and hitting the top of his ribs due to the sheer speed with which he ran. The other creature that had emerged was the size of a small dog, and several more of varying mass skittered behind them. “My car--we can--” He gestured vaguely towards the Jeep Renegade that was parked at the end of the street, scrambling for his keys as they grow closer. 
“I was being sarcastic!” Shiloh explained, although was now really a good time to be arguing with someone? Shiloh could just as easily push him into the spiders and save herself! But she wasn’t going to do that because that’s kind of an awful thing to do. “You want to make a run for the car?” Shiloh asked him because if they were going to run now would be the time to do it. They were gaining on them and Shiloh didn’t want to be spider food. Or any kind of food today. “C’mon then!” She urged as she bolted off in the vague direction he gave. Even if she wasn’t heading for it, she’d still outrun them. She had been running for a few seconds before realizing she should have made sure he was right alongside her. She turned to look for him, hoping he was right behind her.
Connor was way too concerned with getting to the vehicle to come up with any kind of snappy response. The insects of varying shapes and sizes had emerged from the hole and were gaining distance on him. Six legs apparently ran faster than two. Shiloh had already been running before he’d even met her, so Connor supposed she must have been pretty good at it, because she practically left him in the dust. His car keys were pressed into the palm of his hand, and he lifted his arm to unlock it as Shiloh grew closer, only to yelp as a pair of pincers or teeth or whatever these bloody things had clamped itself around his ankle. “OW! Hey! Get off!” He tried to hit at it, but his muscles felt heavy. Something was wrong. “He-hel..” He couldn’t even finish the single syllable. 
Shiloh’s eyes dropped to him - on the floor. Oh no. No, no, no. She darted back towards him without a second thought, her mind immediately knowing she had to help him. Her own concern for her well-being and safety out of her mind. She tried to help him get up but the spider’s grip on him was strong and it seemed like Connor was going limp. “A-are you okay?” She asked knowing it was stupid considering he wasn’t speaking. She looked down at him and they met eyes. Something was wrong. Knowing she wasn’t going to be able to yank him away from the bug without causing further injury to him she set him down. The large one was coming closer and Shiloh wasn’t going to try and fight that one. Clenching her fists, she swung her leg back and then kicked forward into the spider’s abdomen, sending it flying away. The other spider seemed concerned with its fellow spider’s well-being and started to scurry off in the direction it flew. She looked down at Connor who remained unmoving.  “Okay, I’m going to pick you up, alright?” Squatting down, she picked him up (with ease) and continued to head toward the direction of his car.
Connor was fully aware, but he couldn’t move. He couldn’t speak. He was just frozen, completely helpless as the creatures continued to swarm. This was it, he thought. He was going to fucking die, eaten alive by insect monsters. He heard Shiloh asking him a question, but he couldn’t answer it. He simply hoped the movement of his eyes and the desperation in them said that yes, please, please pick him up. She did, and he felt himself being moved at what seemed to be an impossible speed. Thank god she was one of those buff girls. The world faded into the back interior of his jeep as Shiloh hurriedly placed him there, doors slammed, keys turned in the ignition, and Connor felt himself breathe a sigh of relief as they sped away. If he was the cat, curiosity had nearly killed him. 
Shiloh didn’t know where she was going. To the hospital? Was he still breathing? She glanced over before remembering she was driving and should keep her eyes on the road. “I can take you to the hospital, if you’d like. I really don’t know what else to do.” She spoke aloud to him, not expecting a response. “C-Can you grunt or anything? Anything at all to let me know you hear me and you’re okay?” Shiloh asked this time, turning once she was at the light. She looked him over, happy to see he was looking around which meant he was more or less conscious? Shiloh could only hope the hospital might be able to help him in some way. Somehow. Shiloh woke up from her thoughts with a honk from behind her. She looked up and continued driving.
Connor could, in fact, breathe. His eyes and his mouth could barely move, but not well enough to be able to speak. He just closed his eyes so they didn’t get dry and so the movement of the vehicle didn’t make him sick. He let out a sound in response to what Shiloh was saying, a grunt, a grown, a death rattle? He just hoped Shiloh could hear whatever it was over the sound of the road. He didn’t know where she was taking him, but time seemed to drag on and on, as if he’d been this way for hours. By the time the vehicle came to a stop, he thought he could feel his finger starting to twitch. The flashing red and blue lights told him they were at the hospital and he whimpered as the doors opened and medics started talking to him. 
“Hey buddy, can you hear me? It’s gonna be alright. Hang in there.”
Bloody hell, this was embarrassing, but he couldn’t do anything to argue. He felt himself being pulled onto a stretcher and his car, and the person who’d been in it with him, faded from view. 
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ofgoldenangel · 4 years ago
Rocking Around the Christmas Tree
SUMMARY: Gabriel Meets Wally West at the Christmas Tree lighting and they spend a wonderful time together. With Snowball fights and Hot chocolate  TRIGGERS: None WRITTEN WITH: @fasterthanl1ght​
Gabriel: loved all these lights and happy kids faces he passed while walking through Rockefeller It was amazing to see how the humans celebrating the holiday season. He found a nice spot in front of the tree on a park bench smiling softly hearing the sounds of happy kids and movement of people. He felt eyes on him as he gave them a soft smile "Hello, Enjoying the Holiday fun?"
Wally:  Wally was having a blast. Christmas in Rockefeller. It didn't get much more iconic than that. He passed by a family making a snowman, some kids having a snowball fight, a couple taking a romantic walk. As he approached a park bench he got a look at the guy sitting on it and was slightly floored. Damn. He'd met some good looking folks in his time, like the Titans or the Justice League, but this guy was like on another level. It took him a second to realize he was staring and he turned away a bit just to avoid making it super obvious. "Hm me? Yeah man I love this time of year. It's my favorite!" Wow did he always sound like such a nerd? He coughed a bit feeling the need to clear his throat suddenly before turning the question on the other man. "What about you? Are you stoked for Christmas? Or you know, whatever you celebrate?"
Gabriel:  Gabe chuckled softly feeling eyes on him as he sat near the hub of all the activity, he'd briefly saw Sam and Charlie dancing feeling extreme happiness to see them enjoying themselves when he turned his attention to the boy with bright red hair something he'd yet to see in this new world. "Same, I love the idea of bring families closer and sending everyone good will." He mused looking at the other chuckling softly "I'm very stoked for it, this will be the first year in awhile I've got all my siblings close enough to spend time with them. We celebrate Christmas, well I suppose some of us do either way I'm super excited."
Wally: Family. It was a little hard to think of that with Barry gone and his parents...well he just didn't really want to think of them. Hell he hadn't even decided if he was going to visit Iris yet. He smiled lightly and decided to join the guy on the bench to look at the tree. "I was an only child but I can imagine it must be pretty great having your siblings around for Christmas. In any case Christmas is the best for sure."
Gabriel: Looked at the other wondering if he had someone to spend the holidays with, he'd learned that many people were sometimes without family which made his  heart hurt for those. "Really how interesting, I'm sure my youngest brother wishes he was an only child. But I rather like it, we sort of had a family falling out years ago this the first time we are all in the same city together. I'm sort of working up my courage to see how he is doing at the Lux club."
Wally: "Ah. Sibling rivalry. I've heard tales of it." The Titans were probably the closest thing to siblings he had and they had their tiffs for sure. Dick probably had the best examples of sibling rivalry of anyone he'd ever met. But that didn't mean the Bat Fam didn't have each other's backs when it counted. Mostly. He pat the other on the back in encouragement and grinned. "Hey man don't sweat it. I'm sure your brother will come around. If ever there was a time to patch things up and start again, this is it. That's what Christmas and New Years is all about right? Peace on Earth and goodwill and stuff."
Gabriel: He smiled nodding his head "it can be quite crazy but lucky I'm pretty close to the youngest group so I i admit its hard playing both sides." He mused looking at the other he was hoping to move forward with his fallen brothers, especially  Lucifer, he really missed his younger sibling and hopped maybe with everything happening they could get on better terms. "Thank you that's very kind of you to say, currently he is going through a rough patch and I want to be there for him but I don't want to come off overbearing. Its hard being the elder brother at times especially when once upon a time we were so close. I miss that closeness we used to share."
Wally: "That is a fine line to walk. Wanting to be closer but afraid to push them away at the same time." He'd done the same thing with his friends. It had taken him so long to decide to come back to them but he did and they welcomed him without question. He knew not everyone was so lucky but he had hope. "I think you'll be close again. You're his brother. That has to count for something." Wally was sometimes too optimistic for his own good but during Christmas he felt it was justified. His specialty was bringing some cheer to where it was needed most and as he watched the kids playing, some he even recognized from F.E.A.S.T. an idea came to him and he grinned. "You wanna join a snowball fight?" It was totally random but this guy sounded like he could use some good old fashioned winter fun right about now.
Gabriel: "You are right very fine line so far the last time we saw one another it was nice, we didn't beat each other up like before." He mused smiling softly he missed Lucifer and fighting with him in the Veil only made that feeling so much stronger if he was honest with himself.  "I love your optimistic not maybe people have that gift , I think you are right clear all the negative from my head and we should get close again. I never stopped caring about him I'll just have to show him." Gabe's smile returned almost tenfold when the other mention a snowball fight. "I'd love one! its actually be my first in a long time promise to take it easy on me? OH I'm Gabriel by the way, Gabe for short." He replied hopping off the bench holding out his hand.
Wally: Alright that just wasn't fair. No one should be allowed to look that good. The dude, Gabe's smile was practically blinding. Holy hell. Wally did his best to shake it off and laughed as he held out his hand to shake the others. "Wally West. Optimism is kind of my thing. There's always a bright side somewhere if you're willing to look." He grinned happily and started towards the kids calling to them. "Hey guys, this is my new friend Gabe! Mind if we join you?" They kids all looked at each other before agreeing excitedly and separated themselves into teams. Having a grown up on their side gave them a great advantage after all. Wally turned back to Gabe nearly buzzing with his own excitement. "Alright if this is your first snowball fight I'll try and go easy on you. The kids might not though so just, heads up. Basically there's two teams right. And you just run around pelting each other with snowballs until the other teams give up! Easy!" Ok so maybe those rules were oversimplified but that's how he used to play with the Titans. Only they used super powers. Which reminded him of one other thing Gabe should know. "Just remember when you're making a snowball don't pack it too tight. And make sure there's no rocks or ice in it. We don't want anyone getting hurt you know. This is strictly for fun. No tears allowed. Unless of course you feel the need to cry when my team wins. I promise I won't judge." Cute or not Gabe was so going down and Wally couldn't wait.
Gabriel: He was quite happy for the distraction in the form of Wally the male seemed to be just as fun as he was plus it gave him an excuse to not wonder into the Lux too early and set Lucifer off. He walked a rather thin line when it came to his youngest brother but he was still happy to be close to him once again. "Sounds like great advice to live by when one thinks about it" he mused letting the other talk giving the kids a slight wave of his hand. He looked at his teammates smiling before being pulled back to Wally. "That sounds amazing, I hope you wont cry if I get you a couple times then?" he teased nodding his head he'd seen the other making the snowballs enough to get the hang of it plus it will be fun either way I'm sure" he mused before nodding is head chuckling at the other "I promise no tears or pain, but try not to cry if If my team takes the win after all I could be some snow chap" he mused moving over to his team to help make some snowballs for the starting fight.
Wally: Wally was glad he could provide a distraction if nothing else. Christmas time was no time to be down when you could be getting that holiday cheer. He grinned a cheeky grin at the other's words, before switching his tone to one of mock sympathy. "Listen Gabe you're a cool guy and all, but you're not going to hit me. Not even once. But don't feel too bad though. I was the dodge ball king back in high school." Or he would have been if he'd been allowed to use his powers. He totally let those jerks pelt him back then.The kids had built up two snow barricades to act as bases for their teams and Wally went to the one closest to him to plot with the kids on his side. Once their strategy was set he picked up a snowball and made a show of stretching out in front of the enemy team and Gabe. "All right kiddos let me show you how a pro gets things done." With that he sent a snowball flying straight at Gabe. At normal speed of course. He didn't want to crush the poor guy on his first strike. Not in his first snowball fight ever. With the first ball in the air the game was on and with a yell it began. "ATTACK!" The kids behind him all screamed and let their own snowballs fly. Wally was smiling like a loon as he peppered the other team as best he could with going over board.
Gabriel: Gabe had to admit he was beyond glad that he could spend time with Wally he seemed like quite a fun person plus his bright red hair had captured Gabriel's attention almost immediately. He decided it was best to not go over using his strength and powers less the other feel he gave them an unfair advantage. "I bet I can hit you just once during this little snowball fight, Loser buys the Hot chocolate what do you say? We both come out a winner." He mused holding out his hand winking at Wally. He smiled watching the kids excitedly get ready for the fight, it was times like this he loved humanity, things were so simply to kids compare to adults. "Okay now we are going to not only win but have an amazing time okay?" He told the kids smiling at their cheers before he ducked to move away from the snowballs flying "Cheater!" he chuckled out loud throwing his snowballs "Let them have it."
Wally: "Alright hot stuff, you're on. I'll take that bet. That hot chocolate is going to taste so much sweeter when you buy it for me." Wally wasted no time and once the game started he was off like a rocket. No super speed yet but even his normal fast was crazy. He made snow balls in record time and his team now had an endless supply. When he joined the fray he targeted Gabe specifically. Mostly because he didn't want to go for the kids because that seemed kind of low but also because it was the best tactical option to take out the strongest asset first. He almost missed the snowball coming at him from the side but his speed kicked in just for a split second, lighting flashed across his eyes as he moved imperceptibly fast just enough to doge before time slowed again and he was going at the kids pace. Any normal human wouldn't have seen that be he was unaware of who the person was that he had actually challenged.
Gabriel: He couldn't help but chuckle at the other he could tell he was going to like Wally alot, they male had similar energy to him which made wanting to be friends with him quite easy. He wouldn't even mind paying for Hot chocolate if his team lost after all this fight was the most fun he'd had in ages. He didn't know Wally had powers of course had he been human maybe he wouldn't have noticed the sudden super speed. He couldn't help but smile using some of his strategy to up his aim a bit trying to get a snowball and hit the red haired male moving to dodge anything coming his way. "is that the best you've got Wally?"
Wally: The kids were dropping fast now as one by one they started to get tired or took one too many snow balls. Wally was laughing and running around making more snowballs and generally having a great time. He might as well have been a kid himself for all the fun he was having. There was a reason he got along so well with the kids from F.E.A.S.T. It was also why the Flash helped deliver presents on Christmas Eve. This was what the holidays were about and Wally loved it with his every fiber of his being. The challenge from Gabe only made him grin wider. "You wish. You haven't seen even half the things I can do." The battle was slowing down as the kids gradually began to sit on the side lines. Of course his energy reserves were doing just fine and he wasn't waning at all in his onslaught. He saw the snowball Gabe threw at him coming and caught it mid air with a smirk. He pulled his arm back and sent it flying right back at Gabe, certain that it was going to hit.
Gabriel: Gabe was enjoying himself itd been such a long time since he'd  be this free and happy. Lately he'd been feeling a tad off but after spending time with the kids and Wally he felt rejuvenate in a way he couldn't explain. The holidays while not all of his siblings favorite time still was great because they once again were all together.  He could tell the kids were getting tired with their snowball antics which was fine because his subject was Wally. He chuckled at the others reply looking back at this attempts he enjoyed the fun that came with fight. So when wally caught his snowball only to throw it back he let it hit him. " ahh I've been hit" he fell to the ground pretending to die " how cruel the world is did you see how vicious he was in his attack kids?" He chuckled making the kids laugh.
Wally: Wally laughed and did a victory lap as Gabe went down, moaning about his epic loss. "Woo! That's right! Team Wally for the win! Heck yeah!" The next moment he was gobsmacked as the kids proceeded to ignore him in favor of going to check up on Gabriel to make sure he was ok. His heart melted at the sight of them checking Gabe's forehead and trying to see if he was hurt. They were such good kids. He shook his head smiling lightly as he went over to help. He held out his hand to help the other up out of the snow. "Looks like victory is mine. These kids are shaming me pretty good in sportsmanship though so what do you say. Truce?"
Gabriel: Gabriel chuckled softly watching Wally do his victory lap before he had all the kids rush to him checking him over. This is why he loved kids so much, they were always so kind and loving before the world or people molded and changed them. “I’m okay I shall struggle with this loss” He teased the kids tickling a few before waving his hand “I will say though I have all these candy canes, and it's only fair to share them huh?” He mused handing each kid from both teams cane telling them how great they played as they ran off to their parents who were waiting. He smirked at the hand Wally held out to him taking it without any issue hiding a little bit of snow in his other patting through the others bright red hair. “Oops” he smirks laughing nodding his head “quite so, they are brilliant at sportsmanship and I do accept that Truce. How about that Hot Chocolate I promised?”
Wally: The scene was heart warming really. The kids obviously loved the candy canes and he loved seeing them so happy and carefree. However his own happiness was tinged with a little bitterness as he watched some return to their parents, and some to their chaperones from FEAST. It wasn't fair that those so young had to go through something as terrible as growing up without a home or family. But that was why he did what he did. If no one else would love them then he would. Just like Barry did for him. He was smiling as he helped Gabe up until something cold ran through his hair and down his back. "ha-ah! AH! COLD!" He jerked back and shook his hair out as best as he could but the damage was done and his usually bright red fluffy locks were now damp and limp as they hung down into his eyes. "Well that was cheap! So much for sportsmanship!" He shivered and made a show of shaking off the cold. It might have been a little exaggerated but that smirk of Gabe's left him even more flustered than the snow and he had to play that off. "You do realize this means I have to get you back at some point?" Despite his words he was still grinning like mad at the other. "But later. Right now I'm going to need something to warm up after all this cold."
Gabriel: He had greatly loved hanging out with the children and spending time playing a game he'd only seen from Heaven. He had fun, enjoying the laughter of child who seemed to wish him and Wally all good will before they left.  Gabe chuckled at how well he'd managed a sneak attack on Wally if anything Michael would be proud of how well he'd played things. "sorry Wally but you know its only fair I was cold now we both can be." He chuckled happily looking at the other before smiling " I suppose so but either way I planned to warm you up with some nice Hot Chocolate so maybe you'll find it in your heart to forgive me" He gave a rather cute pout before nodding his head pulling the other towards the Hot Chocolate tent "They have a couple kinds, Mellow Hot Chocolate, Mint Hot Chocolate or Regular what do you feel like?"
Wally: Ok. Saying something like 'i was planning to warm you up' should not have sounded sexy at all. And yet here he was, having those kinds of thoughts when clearer that was no the intention. Then Gabe hit him with a pout that should not have been as cute as it was and Wally was even more confused. He was freakin hopeless. He was also really good at being in denial so he just laughed and shook his head. "Your bribe is tempting, therefore I will forgive you. This time." He was grinning ear to ear as he followed the other into the tent, sighing as the warmth and scent of chocolate filled the air. "Mmm you know I think I'll go for the mint. I like switching things up."
Gabriel: Had to admit it was nice having Friends even if their was something quite new between them it felt nice to have someone to hang out with that wasn't his family. He chuckled softly "Yes I told you I can be quite convincing, plus I've just thought to share the snow with you since you shared with me" He teased the other before nodding his head "perfect I'll get a mellow one" He mused ordering their hot chocolate and paying for their stepping to the side to wait for it. "smells good doesn't it?"
Wally:  Wally had severely underestimated just how convincing his new friend could be. hell it's not like the guy was actually doing anything particularly convincing in the first place. Wally was just weak. That was it. He rolled his eyes still smiling. "How generous of you. We should get you a medal to commemorate your generosity." He stood beside Gabe as they waited for their drinks, the other people happily chatting and milling about around them. He took a deep breath and slowly released it, taking in the smell of chocolate hanging in the air. "Mm it does. Thank you. I know we tease and all but I do actually appreciate it. The drink and the snowball fight. People underestimate what a little fun can do you know." Wally may not have admitted it to himself or anyone else but he also had a lot on his mind this season and a snowball fight with a perfect stranger turned friend had been just the distraction he needed.
Gabriel:  Gabe smiled at the other he was quite glad to have run into someone new while hanging out by the tree, he'd known plenty of his siblings were off doing whatever made them happier so it was nice to have something of his own. "I wouldn't mind one, I bet I'd look very dashing with some medals" He chuckled softly looking around everything smelled heavenly and he could still hear the sounds of happiness filling the air. "You are very welcome Wally, I appreciate you hanging out with me after the game, its been quite along time since I've had this much fun" He replied honestly smiling when their drinks were done passing Wally's his. "So what other things do you like to do for fun? I'm curious"
Wally:  Dashing was definitely one way to put it but Gabe didn't need a medal to look good. He did that just fine with his stunning smile and those blue eyes and that curly hair and, oh wow. Wally really needed to stop. He was getting way too ahead of himself here. He chuckled and nodded. "Yes dashing. I'm sure you would. And you're welcome too. Though It's not like I was going out of my way or anything. I just like having fun. Especially this time of year." He was more than happy to spread the love and cheer with someone who needed it. The last question had him pondering for a second. "Well, I play video games and watch movies, jam out on my guitar or bass, go running, swimming, basketball, I volunteer a lot. That's actually how I knew those kids. Most of them were from F.E.A.S.T. I don't know if you've heard of it but it's a great place. They do a lot of good there and i'm happy to be a small part of that." Was he speed talking? He didn't think so but when he got to rambling it was harder for him to tell. Shockingly he wasn't used to talking about himself this much. Which meant it was time to switch subjects. "What about you? What sort of things do you do when you're not getting utterly destroyed in snow ball fights?"
Gabriel:  Had to admit this wasn't his first time being called dashing, there were entire artworks detailed to his face taking on his beauty unlike his brothers who looked more like a hot mess then anything real. Yet hearing it from wally made him smile a bit more chuckling "it's still was quite the first meeting, it's been awhile since I've had fun like that, things have been rather strange since moving here to New York. Much like everyone else its been a rather up and down year." He replied honestly he hadn't felt this happy since before he arrived here and learned the truth of his father's cruelty towards his siblings. "That sounds amazing, i mean not many people volunteer much here I've noticed and I have heard of F.E.A.S.T  I love their work and often working towards doing more for them. Sort of a pet project of mine, i have quite the soft spot for children." He mused enjoying all the new information he'd gotten from Wally he was quite a wonderful person. "Well not at completely exciting as everything you do,  I enjoy reading all types of books really you'll often find me with a book in my hand compared to gaming controller but I still can hold my own thanks to my elder brother.  I also love cooking and baking so i like finding and trying new food to create, spending time with my family is always a plus in my book. It never fails to make me smile finding activities that will make my siblings smile and laugh. " He mused honestly smiling softly as their drinks were given to them taking a sip. "Mhmm its soo good isn't it?"
Wally:  "Tell me about it. New York ain't like Kansas that's for sure. It's a whole other animal." New York City was probably three times the size of Keystone City and eve for a guy who could see it all in seconds, it was a lot. He listened, nodding along and smiling as Gabe explained his own interests. They had a lot in common but some differences as well. Wally for example, couldn't cook to save his life. It took WAY too long for a speedster. "A love of books we have in common and also a love of food. Though I am probably the worst cook you can imagine. Big ups to you for learning how to cook. I usually make due with fast food and hot pockets." He sipped his hot chocolate admiring the way he talked about his family. No wonder the guy was excited to see them this year. By the sound of it they seemed very important to him. He was about to answer Gabe's comment about the drink when he tipped it back and got nothing. "Huh. It was. Must have been better than I thought since I downed that in no time."
Gabriel:  "I take it you are from Kansas then? I've never been there I hear its a lot of farm land is that true?" Gabe questioned wondering about other places outside of New York.  He was beyond happy to be making friends with the other boy it wasn't as if he had plenty and enjoyed having people around after coming from so many siblings "Yeah? food is amazing and sometimes a good book is enough to keep me entertained all night, I've never had a hot pocket before does it taste good?" he asked wondering if the other wanted to grab some food later with him given that he seemed to like food as much as he did. "I enjoy cooking it does take some time though If i ever cook for you I can just invite you over when it's done, then you reap the reward of my cooking" he mused smiling as he sipped his drink till the end before looking at the other. "That's cute Wally, I'm glad you like it, you know we don't have to end our company if you'd like, maybe we could look around together and grab some more treats?"
Wally:  "Put it to you this way. If you like wheat, corn and cows...and nothing else, than Kansas is a great place for you." He wasn't joking either. Outside of the cities that was pretty much what Kansas had. "Oh and tornadoes. But you get used to it." They didn't mean anything to him but even for the rest of the Kansas populations it was a normal enough occurrence that it didn't faze them too much. Wally was a little taken aback by the offer to cook for him. Out of the blue. They'd barely met but Gabe seemed so, open. More so even than him and that was saying something. "Well, I mean sure I'd love to hang out some more. And I'd love to try your cooking and show you what a hot pocket tastes like, not that it's anything to write home about. But...I don't know I'm just not used to people liking me so quickly. Are you sure you really to want to do this? I'm asking now so you don't make a mistake you might regret later." Wally winked and laughed but there was an undertone of insecurity there that he couldn't mask if he tried. It was just a habit of his to make light of things that worried him or things that he was unsure of.
Gabriel:  "I have to admit I've never seen a Cow up close are they cool animals? though I have to wonder what place you like more New York or Kansas" Gabe asked curiously things about Wally keep getting more and more interesting as he chatted with the other. "Tornadoes quite the thing they are destruction and beauty if you believe the whole eye of the storm thing" He mused He smiled softly at the other "I love cooking for people....that offer was odd huh? sorry I'm quite new at this whole making friends thing.  I'd like to try a hot pocket especially if you give me tips. I like you Wally you are fun to hang out with...I'm sorry if I'm too strange" He mused running a hand through his hair, humans were so hard to understand but then again he did like Wally. "I want to hang out more with you and get to know you, if you'd be willing to get to know me?"
Wally:  "Oh Kansas for sure. Don't get me wrong, New York is great and all. But in the famous words of Dorothy Gale, there's just no place like home." Keystone would always be his city and even if he was currently stationed in New York City he still cleaned up the Keystones streets any chance he got. Central too if Barry was busy. "I've seen tornadoes and cows up close and personal so I can say for sure that cows are cute and that tornadoes are awesome. The destruction isn't, but nature is incredible in it's own right." As Gabriel began to apologize Wally was quick to ease his worries. "No no you're not odd at all. I'm the one who's odd. Frankly I was just surprised you hadn't gotten tired of me yet. I'm not exactly everyone's cup of tea you know." He chuckled a little at the quip and smiled. "Of course I'd be happy to hang out with you. And if you really REALLY want to, I'll even get you a hot pocket. Though as a cook you might want to brace yourself. They're not exactly five star quality haha." This whole meeting felt incredibly serendipitous. Almost like it was too good to be true. That didn't bother Wally at all. He'd always been of the mind set that you roll with the good times and the bad. He was going to enjoy this new friendship as long as it lasted.
Gabriel: “Sounds like a nice place, maybe one day I can go visit down there, at least see where you came from and how cool it sounds.” Gabe replied smiling softly it was nice to see other places and he thinks he might have seen Kansas once upon a time but he hardly remembered anymore. “Cows and cute and tornadoes are awesome just so long as the destruction is kept to a minimum, Got it” He mused chuckling. Gabriel wasn’t sure if he mis-stepped but he was grateful when Wally told him he hadn't and he didn’t want to ruin his friendship. “Oh good I’m so glad to hear that you don’t find me odd. I don’t think I could, you are very fun Wally, I mean what about you makes people tired?” he questioned curiously what about Wally made people upset he couldn’t understand at all. “I don’t mind, My other siblings are huge snack lovers, they might have even fed them to me and I don’t remember every new thing they like to show me in terms of food there is a lot. But I can get some good ideas from them about food related fun” He mused happily chuckling softly before wrapping his arm around Wally’s shoulder. “This is going to be the start of a great friendship just you wait Wally.”
Wally:  Gabe definitely made Kansas sound a lot cooler than it actually was. Obviously Wally liked it because that was where he grew up and that's where his home city was but most people didn't really care for it. Especially people who were used to huge metropolitan areas. But Gabe seemed really interested so, why not? "Maybe I'll take you sometime. Show you the sights." Even if there weren't too many sights to see. This whole whirlwind of a friendship was fast even for Wally but he didn't mind one bit. Gabe was kind and generous and easy on the eyes. Wally wasn't surprised they hit it off so well but he was surprised at how quick Gabe was to defend him when they had only just met. The insecure part of him knew it was probably only temporary and that one day Gabe would grow tired of him but the optimistic side didn't really care. If that was what happened then he'd cross that bridge when they got there. For now he was just happy to get to know the guy. He smiled hearing him talk more about his siblings so fondly. "You're family sounds like a great bunch. Complicated, but still great. I'm lucky to find people who can tolerate me." He felt a warmth that had nothing to do with the hot chocolate cover him as Gabriel put his arm around him. For a second he wanted nothing more than to just stay like that, warm and safe and happy. He didn't know how long this would last, whatever this was, but he intended to enjoy every moment of it. "I think so too Gabe." A great friendship indeed. Whatever came next Wally was going to embrace it for however long he could. /END
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war-sword · 5 years ago
what can i get you? (3)
part 3 | index | masterlist
draco x female reader [muggle AU, slightly aged-up]
summary: One handsome Draco Malfoy is the only boy you trust at your new job to tie your ties. words: 3,196 a/n: thanks y’all for supporting & enjoying this lil self-indulgent moment of mine! ♡ playlist: here taglist:  @clockworkherondale @accio-rogers @mayorofzillyhoo @diademofdraco @drawlfoy @ladybuginthetardis @silversslytherin @lushlavenderskies @socontagiousimagines @acciodracoo @eltanin-malfoy @maceyisntcool @newhopenessie​ @hp-slaps
On Saturday morning, you wake up to a horrible sensation at the back of your mouth. You get out of bed and chug a glass of water, but your throat still feels as dry as a piece of paper. You think about texting Gabrielle and asking for the day off,  but remember how you need the money… that, and you’d been snapchatting Draco all week and knew he would be there tonight. It’s only just past nine, you can rest all day and save your energy for work later.
You nap on and off, nursing a glass of water and a couple bowls of hot cereal. You don’t feel bad otherwise, and by midday your throat is actually feeling a bit better. Around 4 you get ready for work, and decide you can walk. You’re lucky Gabrielle scheduled you so close to your flat, some fresh air will probably do you some good. The crisp fall air helps you feel refreshed, and you make your way around to the back door of the event space at exactly 4:30. 
As you walk towards the kitchen to put your bag down, you see the catering truck pull into the alleyway. Even so, you’re not the first person there. Draco is sitting in the kitchen on his phone, eating a container of takeout.
“Hey, Y/N.” He looks up when you walk in. “I like your hair.”
Your fingers reach up to touch your meticulously mussed bun. “Thanks.”
He reacts immediately to your raspy voice. “You haven’t got the lurgy, have you?” He asks, giving you a wary look.
“Just a sore throat,” you assure him, boosting yourself up onto the counter. “Maybe allergies or something.”
Draco still looks skeptical, and you just roll your eyes. “I don’t have the lurgy, thanks. If I thought I was contagious, I wouldn’t be here to serve people food.” 
“Good thing you’re not on kitchen,” he points out, closing his now empty container. 
“C’mon, the truck just pulled up,” you say, sliding off the counter.
Draco follows you out to the back, where the truck is backed up to the loading dock. Everyone else starts to trickle in as you help Michael, Gabrielle’s husband who she owns the business with, unload. Racks of plastic covered food go to the kitchen, bins of dishware and glasses stay in the back room. Theo is there, and so are Astoria and her sister Daphne, but Pansy is nowhere to be seen. This will be your first time working without her, so you open your phone to send her a Snapchat as the boys grab the last few things off the truck. You snap a photo of you giving a thumbs down captioned “can’t believe we’re separated”.
Michael puts Theo and one other boy you haven’t worked with before in the kitchen with Draco, and sends the girls off to set the tables. The event space is an open industrial-looking room, with a dance floor and lots of tables draped in pale blue and yellow. Signs across the room say “LIA”, and at first you wonder if it’s an acronym for something.
“Do you know what kind of party this is?” You ask Astoria while you set out forks.
“I think a mitzvah,” she responds. “That’s Mary Anne, the event planner over there. We’ve worked lots of mitzvahs for her in the past.”
“Oh, cool.” You look around at the space in a new light. These people certainly are spending a lot of money of their daughter’s bat mitzvah. 
You finish setting the tables and filling the glasses with water. There’s multiple food stations set up along one wall of the room for the adults, and the other for kids. You all join Michael in the back room for a quick meeting. 
“We’re limited in buffet space, so around ten we’re going to flip the pasta station for dessert. The family is going to have a long horah, so that'll be our best chance to bus all the dishes and silverware before we set that out.” Michael explains. “We’ll set up bussing back here so we can load while the party is still happening. If you’re working the floor, go ahead and get changed.”
Astoria and Daphne grab their uniforms and disappear off towards the bathroom together. You think about following them out, but realize it’s only you and Draco in the back room now. Last weekend comes back into your mind. He’s in the other corner of the room, not even looking at you as he pulls on his own dress shirt. Fuck it. 
You turn your back and strip your t-shirt off, slipping into the stiff fabric of your dress shirt. You do up the buttons on the front before turning around. Draco’s staring at you, now fully dressed. He’s got his arms crossed and is observing you with a smirk on his face while you button your cuffs. 
“What?” You taunt.
He just beckons you over with a single finger. 
You cross the room seemingly too fast and find yourself just inches away from his chest, looking up into his grey eyes. The slight blue tinge in them is set off by his sky-blue tie. Draco slips the silky strip of fabric from between the fingers in your outstretched hand, looping it around your neck and pulling you just slightly closer.
You can feel his eyes on you as he does your tie, while you pretend not to notice and busy yourself with buttoning your cuffs again. He takes his time tightening it against your throat, the tips of his fingers brushing against your skin. 
“Do you always forget this button on purpose?” He dips a finger into the collar of your shirt to fish out the button to fasten it. You look up at him as he concentrates.
“No,” you lie.
Draco finishes with your tie and takes a moment to study your face. His captivating eyes burn with something unsaid. “Let’s get out to the floor.”
Michael puts you behind a table on the side of the room, in charge of making overdressed twelve-year-olds Shirley Temples. Your coworkers mill among them, passing appetizers of miniature soft pretzels and mac ‘n cheese bites. It feels strange to be serving and treating such young children like adults, who are all across the room sipping real cocktails and having normal horderves. The nice thing about your standing station is that you can sip water to soothe your throat, and check your phone for messages from Pansy. After about two hours, Draco comes over to check on you.
“How are you feeling?”
You shrug, snatching the last pretzel off his tray. “It’s not any better, but I’m fine.”
“Wanna switch? We’re starting bussing, you can sit in the back and scrape plates if you want to sit down.” 
You’d be fine to keep standing, but sitting and taking a break from the loud music does sound nice.
“Sure, thanks.”
You take his tray from him and head to the back. You sit on the tables that had been set up, and scrape plates into the giant trash can and put them into their designated bins. MIchael comes into the back and enlists you to help set out the desserts. You pass Theo, carrying a large tray of squash ravioli, as you head to the floor. “Don’t put it away just yet, I want some!” 
“Gotcha,” he acknowledges, before toting it into the kitchen.
You help Michael and Astoria carefully arrange brownies and waffles covering in chocolate and sprinkles on sticks on what was once the pasta table. The children all gather at a safe distance, waiting for you to finish. As soon as the three of you step away, there is a slightly terrifying primary-schooler stampede.  
Michael makes eye contact with you and looks disgusted. “I’m never having children.”
You and Astoria burst out laughing and you all head to the back. As promised, Theo has left the extra pasta out for you, and you pack your takeout container with ravioli and roasted vegetables. Michael finds a tray of waffles that didn’t make it out, and after swearing a little decides there’s no way he’s going back out there and lets you all eat them. Draco is still out on the floor, and you go out to relay the information of the waffles. 
“We can switch again,” you say, but your tired voice doesn’t carry over the music. 
He leans a little closer. “What?”
You repeat what you said before and add the part about the waffles. Your throat is killing you, and you make yourself a new cup of water. Draco looks at you sympathetically, and heads back to the kitchen. 
At eleven, it’s time to break down. Guests are finally leaving, and you bring your leftover sodas and mixers from your station to the back along with your trash. Michael sends Astoria and Daphne to check the floor one last time while the rest of you change and pack the truck. They return with a few stray silverware pieces and the event planner trailing behind, who hands you each an envelope with forty extra euros in cash inside. 
You pretend to busy yourself with putting your tips in your wallet, but in reality you’re just buying a few extra seconds so you can shamelessly watch Draco slip back into his jumper and ruffle his hair. It still doesn’t make sense to you that he can look so good under the unflattering fluorescent lights, and you’re too busy contemplating his hair to look away when he catches you staring. 
Instead of a teasing quip, he asks, “Still not feeling any better?”
“Honestly? My throat feels like shit right now.”
He waves a hand in the direction of the door. “Come, lets go get tea.”
He’s already walking, and you have no choice but to follow. “Draco, you know I can just go home, I have tea in my own apartment.”
“Oh, come on now,” he says, turning around and walking backwards. “Where’s the fun in that? Let me buy you a tea.”
You roll your eyes, but then jog a few steps to catch up with him. “Would you mind dropping me off at my flat after? I walked here.”
“You walked to work? While sick?” He looks down at you, shocked.
“Uh, yes?”
“You are crazy.” He leads the way to a parking deck around the corner from the venue, and up the stairs to the level his car is parked at. Draco pulls out his keys and clicks the button on the fob and you see lights flash up ahead, but when you catch sight of the blue and white checkers you almost stop in your tracks. “...You do not drive a BMW. This is not you car.”
Draco pauses, hand on the driver’s side door. His face crumbles as he struggles to contain a massive grin, and he just bites his lip and gets in the car.
“No!” you yell as loudly as you’re able, heading for the passengers side and sticking your head into the car. “No! Draco, I thought you were a student! How the fuck can you have a car like this and work as a server for a catering company.”
The luxurious car lights up as he puts in the keys. “Um… that’s for me to know, and you to never know, how about that?”
“Bloody hell,” you mutter, slipping into the car. The leather seats are like butter beneath you. 
I can’t believe this, he’s one of those rich boys. I have a crush on a rich boy. You shake your head in disbelief and buckle your seat belt. Post Malone starts to play over the speakers.
Draco does the thing where he puts his hand on your headrest as he turns to look out the rear window while backing up. How can boys make such normal things so hot? His eyes momentarily flick to you and he catches you watching him. You both let slip tiny smiles.
“Let’s go fast,” Draco says, putting the car into drive.
“What? Draco, we’re in a parking deck- AH!” You screech as he floors the car for a second and you speed down the aisle, and he laughs. He takes the turn down the ramp fast, too, and you grab onto the handle above the door. “DRACO STOP!” But you know your high-pitched screams are just encouraging him, his deep boyish laugh filling the car. 
Once you’re on the road, you take in the lights of London as you drive, enjoying the cozy interior of Draco’s car and it’s wonderful sound system. It feels slightly wrong to pull into a curbside parking space outside Balans. 
“Looks busy,” you muse, peering through the window.
“I’ll bring it back here. What do you want?”
“Green is fine.”
“Make sure no one steals my car, please,” he says as he opens the door and slips out. 
You watch him go around the back of the car and make sure he’s inside the cafe before you cover your face with your hands and rest your head on the dashboard. You let out a long, close-mouthed screech. I. Cannot. Believe. This is happening. “The one time be decides to take me out I’m sick… BECAUSE I’m sick,” you say out loud to yourself. “Stupid fucking thoughtful, cute boys.”
Draco returns with your teas after a short while, and you relish the warmth radiating from the cardboard cup. “I had them put honey in it,” he says.
Your chest does that stupid thing where it feels like your lungs stop working. “Thank you. How much…” but you trail off when you catch sight of his calculating look.
“Y/N, a tea is like two quid. You don’t have to pay me back,” he says with a chuckle, taking the lid off his cup and blowing on his drink.
“Yeah, yeah, I realized that as I remembered we’re sitting in a series 5.”
Draco snorts into his cup. He sets it down for a moment in the cup holder and kicks off his shoes, turning in the seat so he can face you. “I know, it’s embarrassing,” he says, picking his tea up again.
You remove your shoes and mimic him, wiggling your toes in your socks. “Okay, seriously though. Now I need to know the reason you work at a bloody catering company.” You sip your tea, enjoying the relief it brings your sore throat. A sprinkle starts outside, dotting the glass of the car with water like glitter.
“My mum always told me everyone should have experience working in service,” he says. “Also, it’s stupid to go your entire student life without any work experience.”
You nod. “Okay, fair, fair.”
“Why are you working at a catering company?” He counters.
“Because I have a flat to pay rent for,” you snort. “And it pays better than working at a place like this.” You job your thumb behind you at Balans.
“Mmm, do you have flatmates?”
You shake your head no. 
“Double edged blade,” he says, sipping his tea. “No help but at least you’re alone.”
“Yeah. And it’s better than living on campus.” You pretend to gag. “I did that first year, and never wanted to again.”
Draco wrinkles his nose in understanding. “I agree. Where do you study? I guess not too far, since your flat is nearby.”
“Bernel. You?”
“Kings College,” he answers. “Pansy, too. Did she tell you that?”
“No, actually. So do you know each other from school or work?”
“She’s a family friend, actually.” He says. “Theo had the job first. He told Pansy, Pansy told me. My ex used to work with us too, but he quit a while back.”
You can’t help but stiffen a little at the word ‘he’. Oh no. This boy could not be gay. You’d been so sure he’d been flirting with you all this time! All those moments, all you texting and talking on Snapchat...
Draco seemed to sense your sudden energy shift. “I’m bisexual,” he expands.
“Oh,” you breathe a sigh of relief.
“What were you thinking?”
“Nothing. Nothing bad! It’s just... good to know you like girls.”
“It is?” He cocks an eyebrow. “Why?”
“No reason.” You busy yourself with examining the stitching on the car seats, but you can feel his gaze burning into the side of your head. You look over, and he has the most disgusting smirk on his face.
Oh, he knows alright.
“Do you want to hang out?” He asks, leaning towards you. “Outside of work.”
“Then what are we doing right now?” You peek over the lip of your cup at him.
He pauses, then practically purrs, “I think I’d prefer it if you weren’t sick.” 
A tingly sensation spreads throughout your body, this time not from the tea. You’d never wished to be well more in your entire life. “Well, believe me when I say I’ll let you know as soon as I’m lurgy-free.” 
You and Draco talk until the rain is coming down hard, and Balans goes dark at midnight. He starts the engine again and follows your directions back to your flat. By then, your voice is starting to go, leaving you speaking a good two octaves lower than normal.
“Sorry, I keep making you talk,” Draco says as he pulls up across from your building.
You gather your bag from the floor and push your shoes back on. “And scream for my life.”
“Hey, but you have a sexy sick voice.”
You squeeze your eyes shut bite your lip to keep from making another involuntary screech. “See you later, Draco.”
“Get well soon.”
You close the door of his car and leap across the sidewalk under the awning of your door, when your heart skips a beat and sends you flying back to the passenger side. “DRACO!”
“What?” He looks at you slightly alarmed as you start to get soaked by the rain.
“I forgot to clock out!” You cry.
His face goes from blank back to alarmed. “Fuck, so did I!”
You can’t help but start laughing, and he shoos you towards your apartment again. “It’ll be fine, just text Gabrielle. Please go inside!”
Rain is rolling down your face and into your eyes. Instead of turning back around, your dive back inside the car. Your knees dig into the passenger seat and you lean across the center console, one of your hands making contact with the glass of the window behind Draco’s head. Because of the awkward angle, your foreheads collide a little more forcefully than you anticipated, but the feeling of his warm lips against yours is worth it. You pull away and relish the look of surprise on his face. 
“Have fun being sick,” you say with a grin. You slide back out of the car and slam the door.
You run up the stairs into your flat and close the door, leaning back against it. Strands of wet hair are plastered all across your face, but you’ve never felt happier. Inside your pocket, your phone buzzes.
Draco Malfoy is typing…
Snapchat from Draco Malfoy
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