#normal behaviour over a piece of fiction ofc
ayrennaranaaldmeri · 2 months
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why are tb stans genuinely so fucking disgusting
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sarahmadpeople · 1 year
Family Dinner
Summary: Halstead’s sister thought that this time, family dinner would be peaceful but boy was she wrong.
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Hailey Upton, Will Halstead x Halstead!Reader, Jay Halstead x Halstead!Reader
Characters: Halstead!Sister Reader (OFC), Dad Halstead, Will Halstead, Jay Halstead, Hailey Upton, Jay’s daughter (OFC)
Tags: light angst, fluff, brother love, family dynamics
Warnings: none
Word count: 1101
Disclaimer: i don’t own any of the characters and this is purely fiction but based on true event ✌🏼
a/n: first chicago med fic although i’ve been watching the series since forever,, jay and hailey have a daughter in here (they deserve so much),, sorry for any mistakes and hope you enjoy this short fic ~~
There’s no Halstead family dinner that’s uneventful and that includes tonight. Everyone’s here at dad’s home for our weekly dinner. Will was the one who insisted on having dinners like this to spend time together after dad’s narrow escape from death in the apartment fire (and to watch dad’s diet once in a while, not that Will would admit that).
Dad’s seated at one end of the table and Will at the other end while Jay and Hailey sat at one side of the table and Alina and I sat at the other side of the table. Alina is my niece, Jay’s and Hailey’s daughter, who’s turning 8 years old in a few months.
Our plates were all loaded up with food that Will and I cooked since we’re in-charge of dinner tonight.
“The mashed potatoes are so good! I’m guessing Evie cooked it?” Jay said, in between mouthfuls of mashed potatoes. I laughed, “That’s right, big brother, and it’s mom’s recipe so can’t go wrong.”
There’s a pause of silence after I mentioned mom but that’s normal, we all miss her. Trying to cheer the moment, Hailey complimented the pasta that everybody knew Will made because it was his go-to dish to cook (and his most famous in the family). Dinner resumed and everyone made small talks with each other.
“I want to eat bread with nutella,” whined Alina and I glanced over to see that her dinner was already half-eaten. “Go and take the bread and nutella from the kitchen,” I instructed and Alina smiled cheerfully, skipping to the kitchen and back to the dining table with said items.
I helped Alina to spread the nutella on the bread and continued eating my dinner. Not even 5 minutes later, Alina called out to me, “I want more,” so I said, “You can do it yourself, Alina”. I pushed the bread and nutella to her. I was about to continue eating when dad voiced out, “Why can’t you just do it for her? She wants to eat it.”
Before I could even answer, he continued, “Sometimes, I think that you don’t like Alina. The way you treat her at times is just uncalled for.” I looked at dad, was he being serious? Was he really going to talk about this during dinner? Granted I’m not the kind of aunt who’s lovey dovey with their niece but that doesn’t mean I don’t love her. I’m rough with her because she’s like my younger sister who can tolerate and even return that treatment to me. It was like your typical sister siblings behaviour. Regardless, it was a mutual agreement that we don’t upset each other while eating and dad being dad, went straight to break it.
“Dad, Evie’s in the middle of eating, she hasn’t eaten since lunch and was busy the whole evening, besides, Alina’s old enough to spread the nutella on her own.” I heard Will saying. I felt myself shut down, which usually happens when I’m upset.
“Yeah dad, Alina can do it herself, don’t be mad,” Hailey started before turning to me and apologised, “Sorry Evie”. I shook my head and smiled (more like grimaced) at her, whispering a short “it’s okay”. Then, before Alina could reach the bread, I took it and made one for her. My eyes got teary and I knew if I talked I’d cry so I whispered to her, asking if she wanted more. Alina nodded so I made another piece for her.
I went silent the entire dinner. Having lost appetite after what happened, I ate slowly and ended up picking half of what’s left on my plate. I felt Will nudging my leg from under the table and I looked up to see the concern in his eyes. I smiled and continued picking at my food.
One by one, everybody finished their dinner and I carried my own plate together with what’s left on the dining table to the kitchen. Tonight, it was also mine and Will’s turn to clear the dishes and clean the kitchen. So while the two of us were in the kitchen, the rest were in the living room watching tv.
“I’m sorry about dad. He shouldn’t have said that, especially when we’re eating.” Will said, starting what he hoped to be a conversation that I honestly was not in the mood for. I shrugged and replied, “Whatever, not the first time and i’m sure it’s not gonna be the last. Let’s just clear all these so we can go home.” My tone giving Will no room to retort or continue the conversation. So we cleaned in silence and soon dad’s kitchen was back to its original state, clean and tidy.
‘Hey dad, I’m gonna go home first. See ya around,” I didn’t bother to wait for any replies before heading out the front door.
“Evie!” I heard Jay called out and stopped. I felt Jay approaching before he entered my line of sight. “I want to apologise for dinner, about Alina and Dad. I know you love my daughter, no doubt about that. It’s not fair for dad to say that to you, after what you’ve done for Alina ever since she was a baby. I’m not excusing him but it’s not like you don’t know him, right. Please don’t let this be our last family dinner.” Jay said.
I scoffed because yeah, I know what dad is like, but I thought he could’ve at least spared my dignity over dinner. “Don’t worry big brother, I’m not gonna disappear just because of tonight. I’ve faced worst than this, and I’m sorry too about Alina, I could’ve just prepared more than one piece of bread and no drama would occur. It's my fault too.”
Jay laughed and shook his head, “Don’t blame yourself, we’re Halstead, what’s life without drama,” he paused, then continued, “Okay, not gonna keep you here any longer than you’d want, so see ya around kiddo, and wait for Will, you live with him,” Jay ruffled my hair and went back in. Seconds after, Will was rushing out of the house.
“You’re so impatient, lil sis, left me high and dry in there to explain to dad why we’re rushing back home,” I heard Will and rolled my eyes. As Will turned the car engine on, he looked at me and said, “Dad said he’s sorry for what he said just now,”
I nodded. I looked at the house dad stayed and thought about the people inside and knew that I wouldn’t change this family for anything, even with the baggage it comes with.
thankss for reading!! ❤️
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szollibisz · 1 year
please explain your catholic owen ideas i am interested
Basically I think he was raised in a very proper, fancy religious and wealthy household, but he's always been at odds with his faith.
Catholicism was an important part of his life yes, but the pieces just didn't fit together for him like they did for his parents and sister. Basically he was weird about god ever since he was a kid.
He was always unsettled by the idea of a higher power rather than comforted by it, and growing up in London during ww2 only made it worse. All the bombings and drafts made him question why he should feel eternally thankful for god and guilty for worldly enjoyments when horrible things like war are supposedly an all-good all-knowing god's will who'll feel no remorse for it.
He more and more started resenting his faith, but the fact that he couldn't just cut it out of his life and his subconscious stubborn attachment to it made things even more complicated.
Besides ww2 the other thing that made his faith absolute hell during his teenage years was realising he was gay. Keeping it a secret from everyone he knew was one thing, but completely shutting off that part of himself for a god who has never once answered his prayers was ridiculous to him. (Ofc that doesn't mean that many of his early experiences weren't ruined for him by it)
As he moved away from his family and started training to be a spy™ he engaged with his religion less and less. He likes to think he has completely ripped it out by its roots but that's very much not true.
His mercilessness, fucked up view of relationships, abandonment issues, deep deep seated anger, views on governments and surveillance and of course god complex are all things that in one way or another stem for his religious trauma. And as much as he very strongly resents feeling guilty, he will often find himself wallowing in guilt, which then makes him so mad it quite literally cancels the guilt out.
Sometimes when things get really horrible in life he'll still visit a church to brood or to get so angry he throws up (normal behaviour), even though he swears he's not religious anymore. He very much is, he does believe in god, a very catholic interpretation of him at that, he just thinks he's better than god and therefore he can just try and ignore him.
Anyways yeah i could explain more but I'm very tired so <3
Bear in mind this is not my personal opinion on catholicism or religion in general, this is purely how i think it would affect an already very fucked up fictional character's life ok disclaimer over!
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Forever
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Duo Shot: Stendhal Syndrome Part 2: Daddy
Intro: Steve feels the aftermath of his reaction to Katie’s behaviour. Rogers by name, Stark by nature.
Uh Oh indeed.
Warnings: Bad language. NSFW (SMUT!) No under 18s.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: This was a one shot. I got carried away and wrote 24 pages. So now you have a duo shot thanks to the original photo sending me to a dirty place.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Forever Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Part 1
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Katie stood in the quiet of the lounge, watching the door that Steve had walked through, her mouth dropping open. He had never turned her down like that before. She prized herself on normally being able to get what she wanted when she wanted it out of Steve, either by using her words or other means. Of course, Steve always put her in her place when she needed it, which she took on the chin, and there were certain things she would never sway him on but she respected that and heeded it when needed.
But pulling her up like that over some stupid blonde bimbo who couldn’t keep her hands to herself? Really? Why was he defending her? Was…was there…
She shook her head, brushing away the thought as quickly as it came.  Steve wouldn’t do that to her, half the time he was fucking oblivious to the way other women looked at him anyway. No, this was just him being his old-fashioned, chivalrous self…
Wasn’t it?
“Fucks sake Katie…” she grumbled to herself, wiping her eyes before she left the lounge. She checked her face in the mirror in the hall and, happy that her make-up was ok she headed back into the kitchen. Decided she wanted something stronger than beer she walked into the utility room where Steve had built her a Gin shelf to house her various bottles and glasses. Selecting the bottle of Aviation she poured a heavy measure before stalking back into the kitchen. She pushed the glass under the ice dispenser before she grabbed a bottle of tonic and topped up her drink. Taking a long drink she leaned against the counter looking out at the garden. The tables were pretty much empty of party food now, the kids and adults having inhaled it through the afternoon. Pepper and Jennifer were busy sweeping empty plates into large bin liners and Katie knew she should probably go and help…
“Mom?” Emmy drew her from her thoughts “You ok?”
“Yeah, was taking a moment.” she nodded “What time is it?”
“Almost 4:30…”
“Ok, can you tell your dad we’re gonna do the cake now then.” she smiled, setting her gin down.
“Sure.” Em nodded, before she cocker her head slightly “You sure you’re ok? Dad came out before in a foul mood. Nearly took Sam’s head off when he made a joke about that being a definite ‘quicky’” she framed the last words with her fingers and Katie snorted.
“We just had a disagreement, don’t worry about it.” Katie shook her head “It’ll work out it always does.”
Emmy nodded and left her mother to it. She headed back out into the garden and made her way over to her father who currently had two kids hanging off his arms as he playfully swung them through the air.
“Dad.” she said, stopping a little way away. He stood still and turned to face her.
“You ok Em?”
“Yeah, Mom’s gonna do the cake now.”
“And I don’t know what you said to her but she’s really upset.” Em levelled him with a look and before he could reply she turned and headed back towards Brooke who was stood next to her mother and Bucky.
Steve let out a sigh and untangled himself from the kids before he started to move around, roping the other parents in to helping him shepherd them over to the tables by the side. He hadn’t meant to upset her but her attitude was ridiculous. At the promise of cake the kids were fairly obedient so it seemed, and it wasn’t long before Katie came out of the kitchen, followed by Jamie and Morgan, the candles lit on Rori’s cake. Their little girl squealed in excitement and Steve chuckled and lifted her up as Katie set the cake down on the table and the chorus of Happy Birthday Started.
“Make a wish princess…” He said, kissing her cheek as he held her over the cake so she could blow the 5 candles out. She scrunched her eyes closed and then opened them.
“Ok, wish done!” she beamed and Steve laughed, setting her down. He turned to his wife but she had already moved away from him slightly to begin carving the large pink and purple unicorn cake into pieces for everyone.
“What is that?” Bucky asked, looking at the piece she had given him.
“Cake.” she narrowed her eyes.
“I need more than that.”
Katie looked at him, but before she had time to reply Jennifer had seized the piece of cake and shoved it straight into Bucky’s face. There was a slight pause before Sam let out a bellow of laughter and Katie’s hand flew to her mouth as started to laugh at the look on Bucky’s face.
“Oh you didn’t…” he said, before he reached out and gripped Jennifer around the waist and rubbed his cake covered face against hers. She shrieked, wriggling in his arms and eventually her shrieks turned into giggles as he pressed a soft kiss to her lips.
“KISSY!” Harry yelled from his spot in Emmy’s arms and Bucky turned his head to look at him, pink and purple icing and butter cream spread through his short stubble.
“You want one pal?”
“Don’t you dare!” Katie pointed at Bucky who began to laugh as Steve handed him a pile of napkins, chuckling. He slid his arm round Katie’s waist and dropped a kiss to her cheek.
“Love you.” he said softly.
She turned to look at him, shot him an icy glare and then turned away, moving out of his reach to begin handing the various pieces of cake to the kids as they all ran around her.
“Ok what did you do?” Bucky looked at him as he rubbed at his face with a Princess themed Napkin.
“Told her I thought her attitude was shitty.” Steve sighed “In a roundabout way anyway.”
Jennifer looked at him, as Bucky handed her a napkin so she could wipe the cake from her face “Her attitude?”
“Yeah, towards Dani.”
Jennifer shook her head “Steve, the woman was practically climbing you like a tree.”
“No she wasn’t…”
“God you can be a real idiot at times.” Jennifer shook her head. Giving Bucky another peck she looked at Steve again, before she made a tutting noise and left.
“Nice one Punk…” Bucky moaned as his girlfriend walked off.
“Don’t start Bucky.” Steve said, shaking his head.
“What did you actually say to her?” Sam looked at him.
With a sigh Steve told them exactly what had gone down in the living room, well, almost everything, he skipped the part about the camero and Katie admitting she was wearing no underwear…as he came to that bit he trailed off blushing slightly and scratched at his neck.
Bucky and Sam exchanged a look “Man, we thought you’d go in there, have angry sex and then that would be it.” “I think she thought that too.” Steve said, his cheeks now even hotter. “I told her no..”
“Wait, wait, let me get this straight?” Sam looked at Steve “You went in there, had a row with your wife because she was pissed off some woman was hanging off of you, and then when she offered you make up sex you said no?”
Steve groaned “That’s not…”
“Jen’s right.” Bucky shook his head. “You are an idiot…”
Steve watched as Bucky sauntered off across the lawn and he turned to look at Katie who was now stood talking to one of the other mothers. Sam shrugged and clapped him on the shoulder.
“Think you might have just earned yourself a night in the spare room…”
Steve groaned and let his head fall backwards, looking skywards for a moment before he head back to the garage. He needed another beer.
It wasn’t long following the cake that the party began to filter out. Katie and Steve made sure Rori thanked everyone for coming as they left and soon they were down to the last 2, a little boy called Ryan and Aurelia. As Ryan’s dad shook Steve’s hand and thanked Katie they waved him off and it came to Dani. Steve noticed his wife stiffen slightly besides him and made sure that he didn’t offer the woman a hug or anything, simply nodding to her politely as Aurelia hugged Rori.
“Mommy…” Aurelia asked, and Dani looked down.
“Yeah honey?”
“Can Rori come play tomorrow?”
“I errr…” Dani looked at Katie who inclined her head slightly. She turned to Steve.
“We don’t have any plans do we?”
He shook his head.
“Then, yeah, it’s fine by me.” Katie nodded and the little girls both gave a squeal.
“Ok, well, erm…” Dani looked down slightly before she took a breath and looked back up “Do you want to drop her off at say midday ish?” “Sure.” Katie said.
With that she watched Dani lead Aurelia out of the garden and down the side of the house.
“Want me to make a start on clearing up?” Steve asked.
“Yeah, ok.” Katie nodded, before she turned and headed back into the house. She shot through the hallway, cursing herself that she was actually going to do this. She opened the front door and caught Dani just as the woman was climbing into her BMW.
“Can I have a word?” She asked. Dani hesitated slightly before she nodded and closed the door making sure Aurelia was strapped in.
“Look, I erm. Well, I wanted to say that…well I was out of order with what I said about your husband before.” Katie said softly. “I had no idea about what had happened between the two of you.” Dani shrugged her shoulders. “It’s fine.” “No, it’s not fine. It was cruel. I shouldn’t have said it. I know what its like to be cheated on and…”
Dani looked at her, raising an eyebrow.
“It was, well it was a long time ago.” Katie shrugged as she continued. “I just wanted to apologise because I know what you’re going through and..” Dani scoffed “You, with your perfect life and…” “You think my life is perfect?” Katie snorted “I’m as fucked up as the next person. I’ve seen and been through things you couldn’t possibly begin to imagine.” she took a deep breath, levelling out her voice “Somehow I wonder how I came through the other side but…”
“Sorry “ Dani looked down, “I know, I just…” she looked at Katie “Forget it, apology accepted.”
“For the record, I’m not sorry for what I said about snapping your hand off.” Katie levelled her with a look “I meant that. You touch my husband again and I will kick the shit out of you.” Dani sighed “Look, I didn’t mean anything by it. Honestly, I was just being friendly…but, I’m sorry. For what it’s worth, however, I don’t think you need to worry. Even if some woman was throwing themselves at him, he wouldn’t look twice. That man only has eyes for you, it’s plain to see. It’s nice. I hope one day I find that.”
Katie looked at the woman and nodded curtly, contemplating what she had said, her earlier stupid wobble completely pushed from her mind.
“I’ll see you tomorrow Mrs Rogers.” Dani said, turning to head back to her car.
Dani looked at her, frowning as Katie spoke again “Katie’s fine.”
With that the blonde smiled softly and nodded again, before she climbed into her car and drove off Katie made her way back inside, poking her head into the den to check that Jamie and Morgan were ok before she headed into the kitchen and poured herself another gin.
“Hitting the hard stuff?” Jen asked as she appeared through the back door.
“Yup.” Katie popped the P “Want one?”
Jennifer nodded and Katie set about pouring her one in silence before she threw a slice of lime and a few blueberries into each glass and topped them both with ice and tonic water.
“I’ll probably get bitched and moaned at for breaking it out so early but…” Katie shrugged as she slid the glass over to Jennifer.
“Do you care?” Jen asked.
Katie snorted “No.”
Jen laughed as she took a sip of her drink. “So you two had a bit of a disagreement..”
Katie snorted “Something like that. He told me I was being a fucking brat.”
Jennifer arched an eyebrow “Well, maybe a tad but…well, she deserved a warning.”
“I didn’t just warn her.” Katie sighed “I said something about her husband leaving her. I had no idea she’d been cheated on. I felt a bit shitty when Steve told me.”
“Doesn’t excuse her climbing all over your husband” Jennifer said.
“I know, I said that to her when I apologised.”
“You apologised?” Jen arched an eyebrow.
“For what I said about her husband.” Katie nodded “For the rest of it no, I told her I’d kick the shit out of her if she touched Steve again but she insisted she was just being friendly…anyway, it’s done, don’t wanna talk about it anymore.” “So how long you gonna give Steve the cold shoulder for?” Jen asked.
Katie shrugged “Until I feel like it. He shouldn’t have been a prick.”
Jen was about to reply but they were cut off when Peter walked into the kitchen.
“Hey Pete!” Katie beamed at him and moved to give the tall kid a hug.
“Sorry I’m a bit late Mrs R…” he smiled “the traffic on the way back was awful. Hey Mrs Bucky…”
“Stop calling me that!” Jen rolled her eyes as Katie laughed.
“I saved you some cake and a plate of food…” Katie smiled at Peter, and moved round Jennifer to the fridge.
“You’re the best!” he smiled at her as she handed him the foil wrapped packages and he retreated back outside.
She grabbed her gin and looked at Jenifer, who smiled at her and they headed back outside.
Now all the guest were gone and they were down to the close friends and family, the plan being the adults to have their own party and toast to Tony later on, everyone was sat on the large decking. Jen perched on Bucky’s knee and Steve sat up, making his lap available for Katie but she brushed past and took up and empty seat next to where Pepper was sat, taking Harry off her with a thanks. She turned to Rori who was perched on Sam’s knee to her right as Sam was chatting to Peter who in turn had one arm round Emmy, the other eating his food.
“You had a good day?” Katie asked her daughter gently, brushing her hair back off her face. She was filthy, covered in cake and all sorts of other food and dirt form the garden but Katie didn’t care. She loved it when her kids got the chance to play and be normal.
“The best!” Rori reached up to give her mum a hug. “But can I put my other clothes on now?”
Katie smiled “of course you can…in fact…I think momma wants to get changed too.”
Rori wriggled off Sam’s lap and Katie held out Harry to the man “Trade ya.” she smiled. Sam let out a grin and took the tot from her with a huge smile, one he reciprocated and she noticed him reach out to Peter’s plate and snaffle a sausage roll. He held his little finger to his lips as he looked at Sam who laughed and gave him a wink.
Katie led Rori past Steve who looked at her with a questioning glance but she ignored him and headed inside. Once upstairs Rori picked out her green dungarees and a sweater and Katie supervised her as she changed, then wiped her face clean laughing at her protests. When she was ready Katie let her head down the stairs, “Hold the rail…” she said, watching before she retreated into her own room, kicking off her sandals before she set about getting changed herself.
**** In the mean-time the conversation had taken a grim turn, a turn which the men decided they didn’t really want to be a part of anymore, so when Bucky announced he was going to get a beer Sam, Steve and Pete all jumped at the chance. Harry toddled in front of them across the grass, settling down in the sandpit near the jungle gym. Steve watched him for a moment before he turned back to the conversation.
“Why do women feel the need to talk about childbirth?” Pete said with a shudder and Steve laughed.
“Yeah, well, be thankful Katie wasn’t there…Rori’s birth was quite traumatic.” Steve said, the memory ingrained on his mind forever. She’d arrived so fast, and Katie had done it all with no pain relief. Frankly, she’d been astounding. He looked up as Rori came running over the garden to join her brother and frowned when he realised Katie wasn’t with her. But before he could think about it anymore, a line that Bucky spoke to Peter jerked his attention back to the men round him.
“It’ll be your turn soon enough.” Bucky winked, patting Pete on his shoulder.
“What?” Steve wheeled back round, turning his head to look at Bucky then Peter who’s face had drained of all colour.
“I…what? Why would…” Peter stumbled as he glanced from Steve and Bucky then back again. “I don’t know why he said that Captain, I mean Rogers, Steve…Mr…Mr Rogers…”
“Practicing Safe sex Pete?” Sam nodded, continuing the teasing whilst Bucky was fighting the urge to laugh at the look on Steve’s face “Good man, wrap before you tap…” “I’m not, I mean, we are but I don’t…because Emmy’s…well I …oh god…” Peter flushed and turned and fled, Steve spinning to watch him.
“Did he…did he just admit to having sex with my daughter?” he spluttered, looking at Bucky who laughed loudly, slapping his friend on the back.
“They’re 21 man.” Sam smirked “What do you think they get up to on alone time? Netflix and Chill…Amazon Prime and Sexy Time…”
“Yeah, not everyone was a virgin into their mid 20s…” Bucky quipped.
“Shut the fuck up.” Steve pointed at his friend, his face bright red.
“Wait…” Sam paused “Did Katie pop your cherry Cap?”
“No, she did not…”
“A chorus girl called Lottie did.” Bucky answered and Sam laughed even more.
Steve glared at Bucky “One more word I swear to God…”
“I’m just fucking with you Steve…” Bucky smirked “A bit like Pete is with…”
“Jerk.” the word was little more than a snarl as Steve gave Bucky a hard one-handed shove in the chest. To anyone else it would have sent them sprawling, but Bucky merely stumbled back a few steps, his laughter louder than ever.  Steve shot him another look before he headed inside to find Katie. As he walked into the hallway she stepped off the bottom stair and it became apparent why she’d taken a little longer than he expected.
“You changed?” Steve looked at Katie, frowning. Gone was that gorgeous maxi dress and in its place she wore a pair of jeans and a long sleeved oversized chunky pink sweater that hung slightly off one shoulder, giving him a flash of a baby blue bra strap and her hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail. He loved that sweater on him, exposing her neck and shoulder to him, enough of a flash to make him think about running his lips over her skin. God, even in her casual clothes like this she looked effortlessly gorgeous.
“Yeah well Rori wanted to get changed and I figured I may as well too as it’s gonna start getting chilly.” she shrugged.
“Is there a problem?” Katie asked looking at him.
“No, I just…well, you looked amazing in that dress…” He stepped towards her, reaching out to take her by the waist but she stepped back.
“And I don’t now?”
“Oh stop being ridiculous.” he said, shaking his head as she pushed past him and headed into the kitchen “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
“Well add it to the list of the many things I’ve been ridiculous about today.” she said, her tone a little icy as she grabbed her drink off the side and headed outside.
Steve let out a groan of frustration as he watched her go.
**** An hour or so later Harry crawled onto Katie’s lap and nuzzled into her neck, hand winding into her hair as he gave a yawn. Katie let him sit where he as for a moment before she stood up and said she was taking him to bed. Steve offered to go with her but she shook her head and said she could handle it, carrying him inside. Steve watched her go before he felt a hand on his arm and he turned to look at Jennifer.
“You know she apologised to Dani before.”
Steve frowned, he hadn’t been expecting that. “What? When?”
“Just before she left.” Jennifer said, sipping her drink “Although it wasn’t a full olive branch, more like an olive twig…”
Steve snorted “Let me guess. She apologised for the dig about her husband but still threatened to snap her hand off if she came near me again?”
“Something like that.” Jen said. “Listen, Steve, I wasn’t going to say anything but the last few years or so…you know you guys draw a lot of attention since everyone came back from the Snap, and you only have to look on social media to see the things that people post…” “We’ve always had public interest but I don’t read it.” Steve frowned, not sure where she was going with this. “I know but Katie does and, well, there are some pretty…how do I put this, dirty things written by females about you on there, especially since you started teaching at the University. Maybe she feels a little bit more insecure about stuff than she lets on.” “She’s no reason to be insecure.” Steve shook his head “Jen, I’d never do that to her. Hell I don’t even want to think about any other woman in that way…” “I know that, I just wanted to make you understand why she reacted the way she did. I’d do the same and I’m not sure you’d appreciate another man fawning over her either.”
Steve looked at the woman, he knew she was right. He glanced at the door to the house and stood up, nodding.  He headed up the stairs, the sounds of soft laughter hitting his ears.
“Harry,  Momma doesn’t want a bath…stop splashing me!”
He gently opened the bathroom door and leaned against the door frame, smiling as Harry was in the bath, Katie attempting to scrub him down.
Honey…” he said softly. She turned to look at him “I’ll do that, you go sort his pyjamas.”
Katie nodded and stood up, passing by Steve in the doorway. He gently reached out, hands falling to her hips.
“Steve…” she said softly.
“Look, I’m sorry for before.” he said, his hands squeezing her hips “I shouldn’t have spoken to you the way I did.” “No you shouldn’t” she said, before she sighed “I probably was a little OTT though…”
“That you admitting I was right?” he asked, arching an eyebrow.
She narrowed her eyes and pushed him in the chest gently “Don’t push it.”
He chuckled as he let her go and turned to his son. Once he was suitably cleaned and Steve’s shirt was suitably wet thanks to his splashing antics he lifted him out, wrapped him in his little teddy bear towel with the hood and carried him through to his bedroom. Katie had laid out the pyjamas on his bed but wasn’t in there. Steve set about towelling the kid off, gently grabbing his arm as Harry made a break for it, stopping him from running out of the room in all his naked glory. After a few more giggles and wriggles Steve had him wrestled into his pyjamas and was just smoothing his light brown hair down when Katie came back carrying Gerald, his stuffed giraffe that he point blank refused to sleep without.
“No sleep.” Harry muttered, his eyes heavy as he gave a yawn taking the toy off his mother.
“Yeah whatever pal, I give you 30 seconds tops…” Katie said, sitting on the side of the bed as he gave another yawn as he laid back on the pillow. She gently kissed his head and stood up, as Steve did the same and they both made towards the door. When Katie looked back his eyes were already shut.
Steve stood behind his wife, his hands wrapping around her, chin resting on her shoulder as they watched their youngest for a moment before Katie moved back and pulled the door too.
“Come here…” Steve said gently, pulling her to him and she went willingly, her arms wrapping around his back, face pressing into his chest.
“I did what you wanted” she muttered, her voice slightly muffled from the fabric of his jersey, “apologised.”
“I know, Jen told me.” Steve replied, “Doll, I didn’t want you to apologise just because I asked…”
Katie shrugged, her cheek still against his chest “I didn’t. It was the right thing to do. Well, about her husband. I will break her face though if she touches you again.”
Steve sighed and pulled back slightly to look down at her. “You know you really have nothing to worry about don’t you?
She looked down and he gently reached out and with his thumb and forefinger tipped her head up to look at him.  “I don’t want anyone else” “I know and I don’t worry as such, I just…well I don’t like people…”
“Touching your stuff, yeah I know…” Steve chuckled as he finished the familiar phrase with her.
“If I’m such a brat why did you marry me?” she rolled her eyes.
“Because I love you, brat tendencies included.” he smiled, his lips dropping to hers in a gentle kiss as his hands slid down to cup her ass. He looked at her cheekily “You still not wearing any panties?”
“Sorry Soldier…” she smirked “Should have took me up on the offer before.”
He gave a groan “Do you have any idea how much self-control that took to say no?”
“Serves you right…”
“You’re being a brat again.” he said, and she grinned.
“Say it in the way I like…” she whispered and he smirked, pulling her closer, his fingers digging into the flesh of her behind. He bent down so that his lips were by her ear and when he spoke his voice low and sultry.
“Such a fucking brat…”
She practically purred as his lips brushed her ear. “What you gonna do about it, Daddy?” she asked, looking up at him from under lidded eyes.
“Oh I’m gonna show you…” Steve said, and quick as a flash he had hoisted her up, drawing a soft squeak of surprise from her lips as he carried her into their room. Kicking the door shut he deposited her unceremoniously on the bed, causing her to bounce slightly on the mattress before he crawled over her.
“You know…” he said, a soft kiss to her exposed collar bone “This has been driving me crazy all evening, you know I love this sweater on you.” “Why do you think I wore it?” she shot back and he gave a groan as he pushed down harder onto her, the now very present bulge in his trousers pressing against her spot, causing her to moan softly.
“Fucking little tease…” he said, his lips trailing up her neck to her jawline. He gave a little nip before he reached her lips and slotted his mouth onto hers in a deep, needy kiss. Their tongues tangled furiously as he reached down between them, gently grabbing the hem of the offending sweater. With a tug he pulled it over her head and gave another loud groan as he saw the baby blue lace bra.
“You see something you like?” she asked as his hand trailed the edge of the lace.
“Oh I like it, very much…” he said, his hand giving her breast a squeeze as he kissed her again. His mouth moved down her neck and he kissed her sternum then across her chest over the swell of her breast, pulling the cup of he bra down to tease her nipple gently with his mouth. His hand grabbed at the other cup and he pulled it down, roughly and then he heard the tear of fabric. Katie sat up, leaning on her elbows and looked down.
“Seriously?” she deadpanned. Steve winced and looked at her, sheepishly before he shrugged.
“In for a penny…” he quipped as he reached up with his other and with a sharp tug he ripped the garment completely open.
“You’re a fucking jerk.” she shook her head, laughing
“I’ll buy you a new one.” he muttered, his head once more returning to her chest, lips latching onto on nipple as his fingers gently tweaked at the other. Her hands gripped at the bed covers as the heat began to grow between her legs and Steve felt her push up against him seeking friction, anything for relief.
“So needy tonight baby girl…” he muttered, his mouth trailing back upwards to claim hers again in a searing kiss and he pushed down, giving her what she wanted. He swallowed her soft moan and pulled back slightly so he could pop the button and then the zipper on her jeans. He began to pull them down but he got so far and then they stuck, tight.
“Fucks sake…” he muttered and Katie gave a little giggle as he started to wrestle with the damned skinny jeans. “Doll, you look great in these but…”
His frustration built as Katie could do nothing but laugh at the annoyed look on his face as he tugged and pulled ad the fucking irritating denim.
“I’m sure this used to be easier.” he grumbled.
“I wasn’t as fat then.”
“Shut up.” he said sharply. He gave another sharp pull which jerked Katie further down the bed causing her to laugh again, and he was just debating ripping them off as well when she tugged at his hair.
“Don’t even think about it.” she narrowed her eyes “They’re Armani…”
“They’re fucking annoying” he mumbled, as he continued to pull and eventually worked them down over her ankles and tossed them to the side.
“You know if you’d have done me when I said before then the jeans wouldn’t have been an issue.” Katie said as he ran his hands up the side of her thighs gently.
“Actions have consequences…”he muttered, his nose skimming the waist band of the matching baby blue French knickers she was wearing. He kissed his way along her tummy, gently flicking a path up to her belly button with his tongue and she arched her back slightly, letting out a soft sigh. He moved back down and his lips found the apex of her thigh and kissed their way upwards until he nuzzled softly at her panty clad entrance, drawing a keen from her mouth as he took a deep breath, the garment was soaked.
“You’re fucking drenched sweetheart…” he purred as he slid his hands up and pulled her panties down,  kissing back up her leg as he threw them over his shoulder, and set to her with his mouth. His tongue lapped, swirled, a well-known practice as he knew exactly where to pay attention to and in no time at all he had her right where he wanted, a writhing mess, one arm thrown over her mouth to stifle her, frankly, filthy noises for fear of waking their son. The other tangled in his hair and as her pleasure mounted her nails dug into his scalp and he gave a groan.
“Stevie…I’m…” she wined and her back arched, her legs trembled and she uttered a soft “Fuck” as he felt her let go. He took the opportunity whilst she was coming down to shuck off his jeans, he didn’t even bother with his sweater, he was too far gone and needed her now. Grabbing her hips he pulled her further to him and sliding his hands under her back he knelt up and easily lifted her onto his lap. Her legs wrapped around his waist as she gently slid down onto him, her head falling to his shoulder with a groan as he began to thrust up wards.
“Off…” she demanded, tugging at the bottom of his sweater and he moved his arms so she could pull it over his head, not once breaking his rhythm.
“Fuck baby you feel so good” he groaned as he pushed up harder and harder. Her teeth bit into his skin and he hissed at the slight bite of pain increasing his pace until he was relentless, driving into her as deep as he could, hands on her hips, pulling her down to meet him. Her face tilted towards his and she pressed her lips to his, the kiss sloppy and desperate before she groaned again into his mouth.
“Come on doll…” he whispered, “I’m close…tell me you are…”
“Yeah…” she stuttered, her head falling forward again before it looked back, and he dipped forward his mouths swirling at her breast again. At that she let out a low keen and he felt her tightening before her mouth parted in a silent scream, her eyes flittered shut as she pulsed around him. The feeling of her coming undone was enough to tip Steve over the edge and with a few more deep thrusts he spilt inside her and then collapsed backwards, taking her with him.
They were both silent for a while, Steve’s fingers gently tracing up and down Katie’s spine as she hummed in satisfaction, her head resting on his shoulder.
“You good?” he asked, pressing a kiss to the side of her head.
“Yeah…” she said, and she moved and looked at him, sliding her nose against his “We should get back downstairs.”
“Do we hafta?”
“Yes” She chucked, and she rolled off him and Steve pouted at the loss of contact as she headed into the bathroom to clean up. When she came back Steve passed her and gave her a soft kiss before she dressed again. Once they were sorted and she had straightened her hair out they both made their way downstairs. Steve gently kissed her cheek before he reached into the cupboard in the kitchen and pulled the Wakandan Spice out along with 2 glasses and headed outside. Rhodey had arrived and Steve placed the items he was carrying on the table and reached over to shake his hand.
“Kissed and made up?” Bucky asked from his spot on the chair, Jen still on his lap, as Steve poured them both a good measure of the amber liquid.
“Something like that.” he said handing Bucky a glass. Bucky smirked as Steve looked at Rori who was sat on one of the chairs with a tablet in her hand, earphones in her ears as she watched whatever was on the screen. He crossed over to her and gently tugged an ear phone out and she pouted, making her look just like her mother when she did the same.
“Baby, it’s time for bed. You cant watch that upstairs ok?”
“I can stay up and watch this in my room?” she said, eyes wide. They very rarely let her do that but it was her birthday party after all.
“Yeah.” Steve said.
“Ok.” she nodded. She paused the programme and Steve picked her up whilst she said goodnight to everyone. Making his way back into the kitchen he paused as Katie was filling an ice bucket for the champagne she had just opened.
“Rhodey’s here.” he said and she smiled, nodding.
“Yeah he said he was gonna stop by, he misses Tony as well.” she said gently.
“I’m going to bed Momma” Rori said “Daddy said I can watch my film in bed.”
“Well it is your special day baby” she smiled, kissing her cheek. “See you in the morning.”
Steve carried her out of the room whilst Katie grabbed enough glasses and carried them outside before she gave Rhodey a hug. Back in the kitchen she pulled out the pre-prepared trays of crudites, cold meats and cheese which she had done for the adults and carried them back outside along with a few packets of chips, olives, dips and crackers, all of them giving a groan of delight.
“You’re a legend you know that?” Sam grinned up at her and she smiled, popping back inside for the Champagne.
“She ok?” she looked up at Steve. He nodded.
“I told her she could have a bath tomorrow.” he said, pulling his wife to him and giving her a long kiss. She smiled against his mouth and patted his chest before she grabbed what she had come for and headed outside. Once she had stopped fussing and made sure everyone had a drink she sat on Steve’s knee and his arm curled round her waist.
“I know it’s not actually his birthday until Wednesday, obviously, same as Rori’s, but…” Katie smiled at Pepper who returned her gesture “Happy Birthday Tony.” she said, her head looking up to the now darkening sky as she raised her glass as her eyes filled with tears. She still missed her brother so much it hurt. “Love you, to the stars and back.”
There were mumbles of toasts as everyone raised their glasses and Steve gave her hip a little squeeze.
They settled into a comfortable chat, memories of Tony being shared, namely by Pepper, Rhodey and Katie, everyone laughing along and as an hour or so passed Steve looked at his wife as her cheeks grew flushed the more she drank. Mind you, he was getting that way as well, that Wakandan shit was strong, not to mention the Asgardian ale he had been drinking all afternoon. He really should send another thanks to T’Challa and Valkyrie for keeping his stocks up.
“No,no,no straight up.” Katie laughed, drawing his attention back to the conversation a his wife wiped tears of laughter from her face “He thinks he’s getting lucky right? So he’s sat in his Audi flirting with her…”
”And then she served him a subpoena.” Pepper reached over to top her glass up, spilling some on the table as the alcohol made her aim sloppy. “God he was moaning about that for days.”
“And then he realised he was in love with you.” Rhodey smiled.
“What was it you said to us?” Pepper hiccupped and looked at him “You called us 2 seals fighting over a grape…”
“Get a roof.” Rhodey smirked and Pepper laughed, leaning back and closing her eyes with a nostalgic sigh. “I don’t care what anyone says, you’re never gonna beat the time he got Stern to tell him to go fuck himself.” Rhodey continued with a snort “That will forever be my favourite Tony memory of all time…”
“God he was an idiot.” Katie said fondly.
“But he was our idiot.” Pepper smiled at her, and she nodded. At that point Katie’s attention was taken to Jamie who popped his head out of the door to ask if he could take the potato chips into the den. She nodded to him and he gave a satisfied fist pump before disappearing again.
“What are they doing in there?” Katie asked.
“Making a space station out of Lego, apparently.” Emmy said. “We’re not allowed to go in there apparently, and the door has to stay shut once it’s done…” “Looks like Peter’s on the couch then not the fold out.” Steve said, looking at her “Pepper’s in the spare room.” Peter flushed and Katie dug Steve in the ribs with her elbow “Stop teasing him.”
“I’m being serious.” he said, looking at her before he shot a look at the young man.
“Dad…” Emmy groaned “I’m 21.”
“I don’t care…” Steve shook his head, draining his glass before Katie took it from him and poured him another generous measure, doing the same for Bucky. Jennifer took the glass from him and sniffed at it, pulling a face before she handed it back.
“Yeah leave Spiderling alone…” Sam quipped “You two have no room to talk…”
“Don’t…” Steve pointed at him.
“You know they once did it on a mission against a wall?” Sam looked at Emmy whose face arranged into a look of horror “That was what made Rori…” “Sam shut the fuck up…” Steve glared at him.
“Yeah that’s what I was saying when I heard you.” he shot back and Bucky gave a snort “school boy error leaving your comms on.”
“That’s disgusting.” Emmy groaned.
“That’s what Natasha said…” Sam quipped.
“You know Jamie was conceived between the toaster and the fridge.” Katie said snorting into her glass, “There’s only Harry that came from a bedroom…” “Jesus Doll…” Steve groaned as Bucky sniggered besides him. Sam grinned and was about to reply but Pepper piped up.
“Morgan was an Audi front seat Baby…” she hiccupped and Rhodey choked on his beer as the rest of the adults sniggered, well most of them.
“In thought you were gonna say Iron Suit baby.” Sam looked at Pepper
“Come on Pete, Brooke… I’m not listening to this…” Emmy said as she stood up, tugging on Pete’s hand.
“How the fuck would that work?” Bucky looked at him.
“Docking station.” Pete said as he allowed Emmy to tug him up. There was a moments paused before everyone bar Emmy started to laugh. She groaned and tugged on his hand as the 3 younger adults headed away from the table, Peter nodding to Steve nervously as the soldiers eyes watched them leave.
“Stop it.” Katie said gently, turning Steve’s head to face him.
“Did you know they were…you know?”
“Having sex?” Katie snorted and Steve rolled his eyes “Yes I did,I took Emmy to see Dr Kellet.”
“She’s 21 Steve…” “I know I just…” “She’s grown up.” “I just…oh I don’t wike it…” he whined, his head falling to her chest and she laughed, her hands tangling into his hair.
“Could be worse.” Katie teased, her nails scratching her scalp “You could have walked in on them like Tony did to us…”
“Doll,” Steve looked at her, shaking his head, “just don’t.”
 **Original Posting 1 2 **
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