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orientaltribe · 2 years ago
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Reposted• @dit.boligmagasin ▪️t h e l a s t d a y s of november… the golden tones from orange to brown - found in falling leaves, aged leather, wood and in low november sunsets Credit: @the_burrows_swansea @runeaas @mycityhideaway @thelittleblackshack @slow_design @honeysucklefarm_ #nordiskehjem #nordicinspiration #nordichome #nordicliving #nordiskahem #nordiclifestyle #nordiclife #interior #simpleliving #slowliving #interiordesign #goldenhour #scandinavianstyle #scandinavianhome #nordiskindretning #nordiskstil #boligindretning #countryhome #countrystyle #countryhomeliving #autumn #slowandlovely #wabisabi #novemberdays #storytelling https://www.instagram.com/p/Clk6irjPkQ8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soniafragadias · 4 years ago
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Nesta bay Window a vedete é a fibra natural. Ela aconchega e aquece o ambiente. No Rio você encontra a fibra na @arteemvime ,preço design e qualidade. Entrega em todo Brasil. ________________________________ _______________________ . . . Follow 👉@soniafragadias👈 . . . @mybigwhiteoldhouse . . . mybigwhiteoldhouse Favoritrummet på vår sommarstuga! 🤎 Vi har spenderat större delen av helgen här på stugan för att måla om några väggar. Inte i detta rum men väl i hallen och i stora rummet som hänger ihop med hallen. Inget märkvärdigt alls men ändå ett litet lyft från helvitt till greige. 😊🤎 Vi valde verkligen rätt helg för inomhusjobb med tanke på vädret som här i norr varit under all kritik med både snö, regn blåst och bara någon ynka plusgrad. 🥶 Verkligen urdeppigt majväder men nu skiner solen så nu vänder det förhoppningsvis även här! 🤗☀️ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #inredningsinspo #skandinaviskahem #uterum #uterumsinspo #sommarstuga #uterumsinspiration #inglasning #stugliv #inglasatuterum #verandadörrar #lantliv #spröjsadedörrar #skönaheminspo #lantställe #nordicmood #pålandet #rottingmöbler #15kvadrat #nordiclifestyle #soniafragadiasdesigner (em Onde Mora A Felicidade!) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPQ2ToEJDKR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cozymilwaukee · 5 years ago
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This slow, rainy, cozy Sunday at home seems like a good-time-as-ever to present to you the first zine we’ve made as CM- the Cozy Milwaukee Almanac! This 55 page zine features essays and musings from our first year in Milwaukee, as well as tips and tricks to call more coziness into your lifestyle and see more coziness all around you. The Almanac is divided into four sections: spring, summer, fall & winter- and includes recipes and fun ideas for living your best slow life. If this interests you, please venmo $10 to $cozymilwaukee including your name & mailing address 💌 I’m really excited to share this with you, it’s been really fun to work on and think about and I hope you enjoy it as much as we have 🥃🧡 #cozy #Hygge #americancozy #milwaukee #414 #cozymilwaukee #zine #quaranzinefest #quaranzine #wisconzine #wisconsinlife #scandinavianhome #nordiclifestyle (at Riverwest, Milwaukee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CATgFSSHILN/?igshid=1oylcab9n8nll
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loverevini · 7 years ago
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Ein Pflichtlektüre für jeden Tee-Liebhaber 🍵 danke @mejulie_91 für dieses tolle Geschenk #igdaily#igersaustria #igersvienna#igerswien #tea #buch #teebuch #dasteebuch #teaaddict #tealove #tealovers #instatea #whatigotforchristmas #christmasfeelings #instamoments #instagood #instahygge #nordicsoul #nordiclifestyle #hygge (hier: Favoriten)
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thatscandinavianfeeling · 6 years ago
Our lives can be so busy that it can be difficult to find time to relax and unwind. Here are 10 tips for finding hygge in your everyday life, little things that can make a big difference 
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Impressions from Oslo #minicruise #nordiclifestyle #oslo #norway (at Oslo, Norway) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsV4HsQnMa4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19gb73jsdtt5t
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moderncraftcouncil · 8 years ago
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Sale Item for Nordic Life Style Market Old Karimoku ヴィンテージアームチェア
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mondlylanguages · 5 years ago
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Quick and colorful - start learning Swedish today! 🎨 🍭 🖌️ 
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#mondly #languages #languagelearning #didyouknow #swedish #learnswedish #colors #colorful #speakswedish #svenska #sweden #nordiclanguages #nordiclifestyle #nordiclife #learnlanguages #learnonline #learnathome #education #languageapp
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re-kagu · 7 years ago
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納品事例 #midcentury #nordiclifestyle #北欧インテリア #北欧ビンテージ #wegner #papabear
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orientaltribe · 2 years ago
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Reposted• @dit.boligmagasin ▪️W A B I S A B I V I N T A G E▪️ Caption in english | below Den handler om at finde skønheden i det, der ikke er perfekt, som er midlertidigt, og som er ukomplet. Det er en æstetik, vi kan dyrke i vores hjem, i forhold til vores krop, men først og fremmest som en tilgang til tilværelsen. Læg mærke til disse detaljer på billederne her, hvor det oprindelige og uperfekte, får lov at leve og træde i karakter. Kredit | @mon_coin_broc | English | It is about finding the beauty, in what isn’t perfect, what is temporary and what is incomplete. It is an aesthetic we can cultivate in our homes, in relation to our bodies, but above all as an approach to life. Notice the details in these images, where the original and imperfect is allowed to live on Credit | @mon_coin_broc • • • • • • nordiskehjem #nordicinyspiration #nordichome #nordicliving #nordiskahem #nordiclifestyle #nordiclife #interior #simpleliving #slowliving #interiordesign #interiør #scandinavianstyle #scandinavianhome #nordiskindretning #nordiskstil #boligindretning #countryhome #storytelling #countryhomeliving #simpleandlovely #slowandlovely #wabisabi #wabisabiinterior #wabisabistyle #wabisabinordic https://www.instagram.com/p/CkF0aN7vTZv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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skandiastyle-blog · 7 years ago
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FEBRUARY LOVE STORIES: PHILIP ❤ MARIKA ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ To say that Marika and Philip are "meant to be" is somewhat of an understatement. The couple met via an online dating site. To read more about their stories, please click link in bio. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #skandiastyle #lovestory #lovestories #skandiastyleforeveryone #myskandiastyle #nordic #nordiclifestyle #nordiclife #scandinavianlifestyle #myvalentine #valentinesday #valentines #valentine
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lifeinscandinavia · 7 years ago
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had a stormy kickstart into the year 🌊🌧❄️ 2018 will be badass! #beachwalk #friends #lifeinnordics #storm #toughweather #kattegat #north #nordiclifestyle (at Hornbæk Strand)
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loverevini · 7 years ago
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Das erste Kerzchen brennt 😍😍 #igdaily#igersaustria #igersvienna#igerswien #adventzeit #advent #weihnachten #winterseason #instamoments #instagood #instahygge #nordicsoul #nordiclifestyle #hygge#christmasfeelings #love #instalove #adventkranz #daserstekerzchenbrennt (hier: Vienna, Austria)
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nordicstoriesart · 7 years ago
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Good morning Stockholm. #nordic #stockholm #stockholmmorning #vasastan #nordicliving #nightout #earlybird #friendsinhighplaces #nordichome #nordicarchitects #nordichome #nordiclifestyle
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hokuolab · 8 years ago
日本に初来日含むフィンランドブランド13社の展示会&レセプションが桜の名所中目黒からほ���近いTHE WORKSにて開催されました。
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フィンランドで��価された写真集などもてがける COZY BOOKSは、自社のデザイナーがいることから、アパレルも手がけて質の良いリネンのワンピースもデザイン。
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movask-blog1 · 8 years ago
Take a moment to relax
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