#nor is it me asking you to tell me to “git gud” i fucking hate that
irbcallmefynn · 8 months
I love how I'm always wanting to play survival minecraft but when i actually do I just don't fucking do anything. I can't build very well I'm terrible at redstone, I don't like pvp, you can't adventure for more than 5 minutes without filling up your inventory or using the (frankly op) shulker boxes+ender chest. Playing with friends has helped, and I've had fun playing with them. But when I have nothing to do or not many people are online I get so fucking bored and it kinda kills my mood a bit.
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synoviid · 4 years
dirkjohn first date. whats it like :]
do you mean official date or pseudo date. neither dirk nor john are coordinated enough to plan an actual date within the first 3-6 months of their relationship.
i imagine an Official dirkjohn date would go something along the lines of: john asks first not because dirk hasnt thought of it/is too chicken to, but because dirk has been planning the post ass backwards elaborate plan for a date since they first (accidentally/hastily) kissed.
meanwhile john just comes up to dirk in the kitchen and sits on the bar counter while dirk is cooking like "jsyk i booked us reservations at this restaurant karkat said 'wasnt half as atrocious as he thought itd be' because i think youd like it, it has horse pictures on the walls :B" and dirk of course, who is washing dishes, nearly burns himself turning up the water temp too much before letting out a "John, you had me at horses." and is now planning outfits in his head and consulting roxanne over the phone even though he has a week to do so.
dirk is ready half an hour earlier than john, which is very funny to think about since they live in the same house, and john is used to this by now but still makes fun of them, and then they head out and let me TELL you dirk doesnt really do restaurants. to be fair neither does john, but im 99% sure the only real restaurant dirk has ever been to is like, a fucked up olive garden so he's out of his element.
(he was already out of his element the second he put on a button down shirt and took his glasses off entering the building, but i digress).
anyways john is a picky eater and dirk would eat literally anything so theres a whole mini debate over which foods to get (NOTHING with olives. dirk would rather choke painfully on tiny fish bones and thats the only thing he'll really stand by). john gets something pretty filling and dirk is like fuck this actually this is a restaurant lets see what they have and orders the most expensive thing off the menu for funsies, which john precedes to make fun of him for by saying, and i quote "that looks worse that horseshit dude, are you gonna be able to stomach that?" and dirk just scoffs and is like "are you going to be able to stomach your triple combo platter that im pretty sure just invented a new rung on the food pyramid?" and they leave it at that :3
john doesnt get dessert because haha john doesnt like sweets get it. just like in homestuck. and dirk is like holy shit they. they have boba? and john just gives him the most disgusted look, because what would YOU do if your s/o washed down a Very expensive meal with bubble tea. also john hates bubble tea the texture makes him upset and dirk is just like "git gud" and orders some very cool and epic bubble tea to go. overall its a very enjoyable experience and they make fun of the rich white people sitting at certain tables by putting on accents and pointing out their dysfunctional looking families, its a fun night.
they get home and immediately rid themselves of their uptight clothes and chill out in shorts and t-shirts playing mario 73827 or sumn and before calling it a night they head up to their roof to chill out and look at the city lights in the distance and then they kiss :) and call it a night.
anyways thats an official dirkjohn date <3 remember to like and subscribe and thank you for indulging me in my dirkjohn addiction
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