#nope nope i dont care if this is seen as ‘cancelling’ or calling out a person
spicybylerpolls · 6 months
cafe anon here, coming via willbyershandmoles! i didnt see the negative responses here but looks like my post got deleted?
so just to clear up:
i know not everyone will understand or empathise with what i said, but some responses seem to be that i, at age 20+, had a 'crush' on young teen finn and noah. NOPE, incorrect. I said there was a fleeting moment of confused attraction. that is very much not a crush. this moment of attraction lasted literally as long as what, a few minutes while we discussed the photo? we then moved on with our lives. we enjoyed the show but didnt engage in fandom of any kind, and only years later, when s4 arrived, did i even become interested in the show itself again. in what way is this a crush lmao? my heart didnt skip a beat. i didnt follow finn and noah on instagram. i did nothing. i simply acknowledged something with my friend, and honestly, it says more about the psychology of human attraction that it does about finn or noah themselves. it also says a lot about this kind of internet discussion, and i'm writing this post now but im aware it'll probs fall on deaf ears. ah well.
2. when my friend said they looked 'hot' she meant Hot with a capital H in the context of THESE PHOTOS ONLY. Hot as in 'Hot Girl Summer'. Or the 'Hot Girl aesthetic'. She meant that they looked like the stylists/PR/photographers were trying to make them look Hot. Just like MBB's stylist did for a long time. Our response to that realisation was THEN confusion, as I said, because not only did we not expect these young teens to be posing as such, but we did not expect to find ourselves inexplicably and uncomfortably attracted to these two people because of how they looked in THESE PHOTOS ONLY.
This is not crush behaviour. A crush is not looking at one still image of a person and acknowledging a weird attraction, and anyone that thinks so is revealing either their emotional or actual immaturity.
(i also did not mean that them 'standing there' was sexualisation or adult-coded, as willbyershandmoles pointed out, but rather everything about their stylised expressions, poses, attitude, styling, and the photography itself gave us that INITIAL instinctual impression. and this is proven by the fact that if you look at any other photo shoots of them at this age (or any age tbh) the vibe is not replicable. they look like the same people but different. it was why this shoot was shocking, and perhaps also why noah chose to single it out in his birthday post for finn just last year, despite the fact that it's been literally years and they are now grown up? something about this shoot's vibes was standout.)
thanks to the few who supported my post though - they understood the nuance of being human in a non-judgy way.
of course you dont need to agree with everyone here - that would be absurd - and i dont even care if people are trying to find out who i am and cancel me because the internet doesnt matter that much to me, tbh... but making a nuanced situation black and white is nuts, especially when i described in such detail the psychological depth of that situation. i don't feel ashamed about it, because it was a thought, and out of my control - but it was certainly interesting to reflect on. it happened, and i observed and analysed it. you wont be able to make me feel ashamed about it. i posted it becuase i find it a fascinating phenomenon, and i even thought some people might relate or feel seen. i certainly didnt post it for acceptance or approval.
condolences to any youngsters who were disturbed by it. i hope for your sake you extend better empathy to your own dark thoughts than you did to mine. cheero!
thanks for clarifying your story!
I didn't delete your post? It should be there somewhere. There were a lot of anons rushing to call you a pedo, and they really weren't in good faith. For the most part, they were one-sided attacks without any nuance or empathy, not really adding to the conversation. It's obvious why people are on guard, but we should all be quick to listen and slow to speak instead of rushing to make sweeping allegations.
some were also wondering why I posted your message, saying I shouldn't "give a platform" to "weird anons." But one shouldn't come to the anti-censorship blog and wonder why anti-censorship is being practiced. I think all should be allowed to share their story, no matter how potentially controversial. That doesn't mean endorsement, and it doesn't mean the opposite either. It just means freedom! We should all be able to share things without getting attacked or cancelled. And when we disagree, we should be able to do so civilly. so again, thank you for clarifying things!
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pocmuzings · 4 years
[1] hi, i’m the anon that was in your inbox. i’m so sorry, but i can’t come forward. i’ve had enough trouble with her in the past and i’ve just gotten to a point when her drama doesn’t make its way to me on a daily basis. honestly i’m not sure what to do because of how popular and “beloved” she is within this community.
[contd] she was thrown out of the group i was in for trying to make an OC who would purposefully make poc and female characters uncomfortable, as stated by her, because he was a white male politician. when confronted about this, she made herself out to be the victim and would not apologize. she was explicitly told that her actions and speech made people uncomfortable, not just other poc muns, but really everyone in the group, and she didn’t care a bit. she instead turned the conversation around and made herself out to be the victim in the situation, but the worst part of all of this is that she just didn’t care that she was making us uncomfortable, and totally didn’t understand how her actions and speech were racist. i’m scared that she is going to do this again, and i don’t want anyone to enter a space that she has control of (her roleplays) and feel that hostility, too. i don’t want them to be gaslit. i honestly thought that her being kicked would make her recede from the rpc, but it seems like she just waited for things to die down to return. she is evil, and nobody goes up against her because she has influence. i’m so sorry to put this on you, i’m just scared and needed to vent
ok holy fucking shit . i cannot believe this person has a place in the rpc . with your permission, id like to publish the asks you originally sent including this persons name and url . however , this is completely up to you . if you don’t want me to post those asks , that’s understandable ! i have put out some feelers about this person in general and have discovered even more horrifically racist things they’ve done just last year . this is unacceptable. this person somehow has a repeated history of being awfully racist and finding non-whites as not “ conventionally attractive “ ??? i don’t care if this person is “popular” or makes good graphics for the rpc . i don’t care and i don’t want to use their resources , and honestly i don’t think anybody else in the rpc should either . i don’t want to read their performance of pretending to care about poc and especially black people right now , when i’ve gotten this slew of information utterly disproving everything theyre now apparently trying to do and prove .
also please please know it’s so understandable to be scared and to not want to come off anon . i commend your bravery in speaking out . i want to thank you for coming to me and informing me . i want to thank you for feeling a safe space within me and my blog . i want you to know i see you and i recognise your feelings and you are so utterly and completely valid . if you don’t feel comfortable speaking out — that’s so fine ! you have done more then enough already ! i am more then happy to take this on and shut this person and their bullshit down but i won’t do it without your permission . from what i’ve now since found out though - they’ve done this sort of stuff repeatedly and it is Unacceptable and they’ve never had any repercussions for their actions . that has to change now . and it will . i promise you it will because i for one will not fucking allow it . i won’t allow for anybody else to feel what you have felt or gone through what you’ve gone through because it’s disgusting and Unacceptable in every damn way . basically : i’m sorry. i’m sorry you had to deal with this . i’m sorry somebody treated you this way . i’m so sorry to hear and know this person and have followed them . im sorry theyre “popular” and seemingly inescapable in the rpc . i’m sorry for the abuse and racism you suffered at their hands . you didn’t deserve that . nobody deserves that . in the meantime — again, if you’re comfortable — if people message me for this “popular persons” url , i will give it out because i don’t want anybody following them or giving to their resources when there’s plenty of OTHER non-racist resource makers who make amazing graphics and stuff , so let’s direct our attention to them . i will be deleting this persons content off my blog, too . i thoroughly encourage everyone else to do so too, if you wish to have the url . i strongly suggest people do ask me for the url . i know a lot of us follow this person . that stops now . i love you anon . i’m proud of you . i hope this helps lessen the weight on you. take a deep breath , you did the right thing and i’m in awe of you for everything you’ve gone through to now message me and make sure people are aware of this person .
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nachotrash · 3 years
ft: @catchmewiddershins @lilikags and @paradise-creator // no haikyuu boys this time
Pauline: No more making fun of me when I misuse dated cultural references, alright? Are we cowabunga on this? Wid, sighing: Fine. We're cowabunga.
Pauline: We're having a baby. Shiyu: Oh, congradu- Wid, slamming adoption papers onto teh table: It's you, sign here.
Pauline: Why are there little handprints all over the walls? Shiyu, whispering: Why are there little handprints all over the walls? Wid, whispering: Because I have little hands. Shiyu: Because they have little hands.
Wid: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.
Lili: Life keeps fucking me and I can't remember the safeword.
Wid: Pros and cons of dating me. Wid: Pros. You'll be the cute one. Wid: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
(cons. you're the smart one😔)
Shiyu: Sure, you're verified on twitter, but are you verified in the eyes of god?
Pauline: Theater kids are just choir kids who joined forces with the band and strings kids.
Shiyu: Did you just call me a shrimp, you asshole?! I'm still growing, dammit!
(*lipbites in 166 cm*)
Wid: I don't dab. I stab.
(nOw WhEarE HAvE i SeEn ThIs BeFoRe)
Shiyu: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me.
(t-pose to assert dominance)
Shiyu, as a child, reading their school assignment out loud: I love my library because... Shiyu, mouthing words while writing: I love reading, fuck you.
(lmao baby nacho really be bold)
Shiyu: The ‘how the fucks’ and 'why are you so dumbs’ don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a new gun.
Lili: It's not ugly, just aesthetically challenged.
Pauline: The last time I went to an urgent care clinic, I checked off 'excessive crying' on the symptom list, and then the nurse got really confused and said that was meant for babies.
Pauline: All of your existences are confusing. The Squad: How so? Pauline: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
(we are the squad now)
Lili: Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool.
Wid: Real life should have a fucking search function, or something. Wid: I need my socks.
Pauline: New year, same me. Because I'm perfect.
(yes yes you are how dare you)
Shiyu: Yeah I'm LGBT. Shiyu: cuLt leader. Shiyu: God hates me personally. Shiyu: cowBoy hat. Shiyu: *sniffles* Trying my best.
(my asexual ass be like;)
Wid: *plays shreksophone* Wid: Woo. Wid: Time to listen to this on loop for all eternity. Shiyu: ...Genius coping mechanism my friend
Shiyu: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. Pauline: Killed without hesitation.
Pauline: The next time I open up to someone, it'll be my autopsy.
Pauline: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
Pauline: I hate Lili. Shiyu: "Hate' is a strong word. Pauline: I have strong opinions.
(oh no)
Wid: How does that even work? Shiyu, mocking them: hOw dO yOu UsE a cOmPUteR aNd KnOw wHaTS GoiNg oN iT DoEsNt mAke SeNSe?! Wid: Your face doesnt make sense.
(...fair enough)
Pauline: Get in, loser, we’re committing vehicular manslaughter!
Pauline: My stomach growled super loud in French. Pauline: I would like to clarify, my stomach did not speak in French. It growled during French class. Shiyu: Bonjour. Lili: Le growl. Wid: Hon hon hon, feed me a baguette.
(reminds me of the 'ill speak french between your legs' tumblr legend and im wheezing)
Shiyu: *tapping fingers on table* Lili: *taps fingers back furiously* Wid: …What’s going on? Pauline: Morse code. They’re talking. Shiyu: -.-- ..- .-. / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … - Lili: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
Shiyu: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely. Wid, Lili, & Pauline: Okay. Shiyu: If you don't want to die, give me all your money. Wid: Bold of you to assume I have money. Lili: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die. Pauline: Bold of you to assume I can die.
(pauline is a goddess. goddesses cant die)
Lili: If I punch myself and it hurts, am I weak or strong? Wid: Strong. Shiyu: Weak. Pauline: An idiot, is what your are.
(as long as you dont flinch or scream youre strong. unless you get punched in the gut by someone like ushijima ofc)
Shiyu: Those darn tall old people. Wid: Darm em' indeed. Pauline: Don't worry, they'll be gone soon enough. Lili: *sharpening knife* Yes. Dead. The Squad: Lili: Hahaha. Lili: ...Is this self-destructive behaviour?
Wid: Oh god, they texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Pauline. They're mad at you. Pauline: No, it's Shiyu. They're just being gramatically correct! *meanwhile* Shiyu: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them. Lili: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'. Shiyu: I stand by my choice.
Wid: What do we think of Shiyu? *pause* Lili: *sighs* Nice pal. Pauline: I think they're gay.
Wid: Where is Shiyu? Pauline: I'll do you one better, who is Shiyu?? Lili: Here's a better question, why is Shiyu?
(i dont know man. ive been trying to figure it out for the last few years)
Wid: On the count of three, what’s your favorite cake? Wid & Lili: One, two, three- Wid & Lili: Chocolate cake, peanutbutter frosting, and chocolate chunks! Shiyu: Our turn, Pauline! One, two, three- Shiyu: Vanilla! Pauline: I’ve never had cake before. What is cake?
Pauline: I am darkness. I am an power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am- Wid: A doll. Shiyu: A cinnamon roll. Lili: A sweetheart. Pauline: Pauline: ...stop it.
(cant deny the truth bby)
Wid, Pauline & Shiyu: *screaming* Lili: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Shiyu?! Wid: Wait, why are you asking Shiyu that when Pauline and I are also here? Lili: Because Shiyu wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.
(i mean... its true )
Pauline: What’s wrong? You look 10 seconds away from ripping someone’s throat out. Wid: Fucking Shiyu and Lili were trying to invoke one of the minor gods again last night. I didn't get an ounce of sleep, thanks to their bloody chanting.
(manifests dvalin cause i wanna ride on their back and fall off)
Lili: Wake me up- Wid: Before you go go Shiyu: When September ends Pauline: WAKE ME UP INSIDE
(cant wake up- WAKE ME UP INSIDE)
Shiyu, watching Pauline & Lili panic : What's going on? Wid: Pauline is having a midlife crisis and Lili is just having a crisis.
Lili: *Gasp* Pauline: wHAT?? Lili: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish? Pauline: *inhales* Wid, in another room with Shiyu: Why can I hear screeching?
(shiyu: same shit different day)
Shiyu: Christmas is cancelled. Wid: You can't cancel a holiday. Shiyu: Keep it up, Wid, and you'll lose New Year's too. Wid: What does that mean? Shiyu: Lili, take New Year's away from Wid.
Pauline: So, are they your friend or... Lili: They’re like Wid, but if Wid was ordered to be around you. Pauline: Oh, so Shiyu. Lili: Precisely!
(if its about how annoyed i always look then you ahve a point)
Wid: You’re just being paranoid. Again. Pauline: When have I been paranoid? Wid: Um, when you first met Lili you thought they were an undercover cop…? Pauline: No one has a wart that big, I thought it was a surveillance camera! Wid: And last year you were sure Shiyu was a mermaid! Pauline: They hate wearing shirts! COINCIDENCE?! *Later, when Pauline’s theory is proven wrong* Wid: Do you have anything to say for yourself? Pauline: I still think Shiyu is a mermaid.
(id gladly be one)
*Wid drunkenly wanders around the manor and Lili is drunkenly giggling* Shiyu, completely sober: *sighs* Well, looks like it's just me and you against the wold, Pauline. Pauline, going to their room: Nope, just you. *shuts door*
Wid: We need to distract these guys. Lili: Leave it to me. Lili: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss. Pauline & Shiyu: *immediately begin arguing*
(*pulls out dictionary*)
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle. Shiyu, with Wid and Lili behind them: Wait, what do you mean THREE?! Police: Yes…three. Shiyu: Oh, my God— What the fuck!? Police: Wha- Shiyu: Pauline FUCKING FELL OFF!
Wid: What is love? Pauline: An emotional minefield. Shiyu: A neurochemical reaction. Lili: Baby don't hurt me.
Pauline: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no idea what to put in them. Any suggestions? Wid: Put spaghetti in it. Pauline: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you. Lili: Put spaghetti in it. Pauline: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you two. Shiyu: Put spaghetti in it. Pauline: I am no longer taking suggestions.
Shiyu, pointing to the wall: What color is this? Pauline: Gray. Lili: Grey. Shiyu, turning to Wid: Now tell them what color you think it is. Wid: Dark white.
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Time To Change // Benny Weir X Reader
A/N: Hey loves. Please forgive my sorry ass for not uploading anything since the summer, I am very tired and things are not going as well as I wish it was right now. I would post a rant post or anything but I know you guys wouldn’t wanna read that and that’s why I try to keep my blog only as a writer one instead of making random posts that no one wants to read. 
I just wanna say that the old show “My Babysitter’s A Vampire” was one of the greates shows out there on Disney, probably one of the last. I loved it a lot growing up and the cancelation of the show still pisses me off. I always loved Benny, he was my favorite character and to practice my writing since I dont even post anymore lol, I decided to go along with this. You’ll get something better one day but I will probably keep writing for MBAV (even tho the fandom is probably dead sdkjfnskjd)
Requested: nope
Warnings: angst and a bunch of tears bro
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You and Benny were a known dynamic duo. The two of you were often never seen apart. Being best friends, along with Ethan, since grade school and becoming a couple only a few months ago, life seemed great! You and Benny had never been closer and even with all the supernatural afflictions in Whitechapel, your relationship with him was almost perfect.
Until you started to notice Benny’s wandering eyes.
Even before you two dated, you loved each other. You loved and cared about Benny more than you ever though you could about someone. He was your best friend, how could you not care about him? But you always noticed you weren’t the only girl who caught his eye.
Sure you weren’t the most beautiful, gorgeous girl in the town. You considered yourself average and you were one smart cookie, clever and geeky. But just not like the other girls that Benny seemed to glance at.
It started out with the girl from the movie theater he kissed out of nowhere, the girl with the undead dog, then the cheer squad, and hell, even Erica got longing looks from him!
Benny wasn’t even the one to make the first move, you were the one who asked him out after hanging out at his house. You confessed to him, he told you he thought the same of you and later on, you two started to date. Ethan and Sarah were more than happy to support your relationship, it was bound to happen someday, they said. Your worries and insecurities slowly crept away and you were happy for a while.
A little more than three months into the relationship, you noticed out of the corner of your eye Benny’s looks and smirks towards other girls. He didn’t think you would notice, but of course you did. A lot of times while on a mission to stop a supernatural creature, if there was a hot girl involved, Benny would be flirting and staring.
Now, Benny wasn’t the worst boyfriend. If anything, he was great! You knew he loved you and he treated you like a queen. He wasn’t exactly...distant but as time went by, he stopped giving you the morning kisses and hugs you loved so dearly much and eventually stuck with a forehead kiss or a cheek kiss. And even those would be pretty rare during the day, not just the morning.
He would give you attention, but his focus would usually move right away to something else. You first just brushed it off as casual Benny, but not it was getting annoying.
You never stopped loving Benny, your love for him never lowered but didn’t exactly grow either. Sure, couples grow out of the ‘honeymoon phase’ and can grow apart but you didn’t want to believe you and him were growing apart, you wanted to grow with him in the relationship.
“But if he loved you as much as you loved him, he wouldn’t be flirting with so many girls while in a relationship.” Erica and Sarah had told you many times.
But you always brushed them off.
Benny wouldn’t hurt you, right?
Today was the last straw, for the past week, even when you were around, your so called boyfriend had made comments about other ‘hot babes’ in the school and you were not having it this time. Ethan, Sarah and Erica noticed your off mood today, but didn’t question it. They all knew what it was about, you told them about this weeks ago.
Everyday after school was over, Benny would walk with you on both of your ways home. You would walk back to your house and cuddle with him until he was forced to go home. Now, he barely stays for 15 minutes before going home. You really wished he stayed longer.
After school today was the same, you and the group would talk and discuss somethings for a while and then leave, Benny usually following behind you.
You waited in front of the school with everyone (including Rory) except for Benny. He mentioned something about needing to find a ripped page from his spell book. While you all waited for him, Sarah finally spoke up.
“So (Y/n), are you finally going to talk to him today about...you know?” She questioned. Everyone’s eyes turned to you as you nodded your head.
“Yeah...when he walks me home, I’m planning on just talking things out with him. It’s not what I had in plan before but maybe it’ll work!” You lightly smiled at you friends.
“I’m really sorry he’s been treating you like this. Of course it’s Benny and all but this is low even for him.” Ethan butted in.
You gave him a thankful smile and couldn’t help but silently agree. Erica gave you a comforting pat on the back and smiled at you. You weren’t the best of friends, but you still cared for one another.
“I’ll bite his head off if he continues to do it.” Erica ‘joked’ as she showed her fangs while winking at you. Sarah smacked her other hand and yelled in protest, causing Erica to whine.
“Oh please, as if you wouldn’t do it either-“
“Do what either?” Erica was interruped by a familiar voice, causing all of you to turn your bodies toward the man himself, Benny.
“Erica was just saying that she’ll bite your head off if you-mph!” Rory’s words were cut off but Sarah and Ethan covering his mouth.
The lot of you smiled awkwardly as a silence brushed you over you all. You just looked down at the ground, pretending as if you just saw something interesting.
“Right...well guys and gals! Guess who has two thumbs, a spell book and a soon to be newly mastered spell by yours truely?” Said Benny, carrying the first letter of the first word while pointing his thumbs toward himself.
“...who?” Ethan asked, although he already knew the answer. He and Sarah already uncovered Rory’s blabbering mouth by now.
“Your favorite spell master, me! Remember that I mentioned that ripped page from the book,” everyone nodded. “Well I just found a new spell that could be the best thing since Star Wars. A changing appearance spell! Think about it! I could change into any hot guy I want and all the hot babes would be after me!” Your head snapped up at the words coming out of his mouth.
Is he freaking serious? Right in front of his OWN GIRLFRIEND RIGHT NOW?
Everyone else, besides Benny, in the group stayed quiet for a moment, looking away awkwardly as they noticed your face change from a sad expression to an angry one.
“What? Look, I won’t actually do the spell but c’mon, you get to be whatever you want-“
Benny turned his finally turned his attention towards you, you hadn’t realized that he wasn’t even paying attention to you this whole time.
“Can I speak to you, alone. Right now.” You asked him, gesturing for him to go to the other side of the courtyard.
He nodded and headed over there with you. Benny glanced back towards his friends, but they all seemed to be slightly glaring at him or shaking their heads.
Finally, when you both were alone with no one around you two, you turned to him and spoke up.
“Are you kidding me, Benny?” The brunette looked at you with a confused face.
“Am I kidding about what?” He answered. You couldn’t help but roll you eyes at him, was he really this clueless or did he just not care at all?
“You! You, Benny and the spell! Actually, not just the spell! Are you even still aware that you are in a relationship?!” You spat at him.
Benny just scoffed.
“Babe, of course I do! That whole spell thing was just something I found and was trying to tell you guys about. It’s not a big deal!” The boy defended.
“Not a big deal? Well maybe not you to, but to your girlfriend it does! Your girlfriend of three months and yet here you are, talking about these hot babes and spells you could use to get them! I am your girlfriend, Benny! You seem to be forgetting that.” Benny started to grow annoyed with you and waved you off.
“If you wanna fight about your stupid jealousy, then I don’t wanna hear about it. I still care about you but there’s nothing wrong with-“
Benny flinched in shock after you screamed out your words. You were always the quiet and shy person of the group, a badass but yet still quiet. You honestly couldn’t care less at this point if someone heard you guys, you needed to get your boyfriend’s head straight.
You didn’t even realize the growing tears in your eyes until one fell from them. Benny’s face formed into a guilty and sad expression.
“Benny...as your girlfriend and best friend, I have my own things and you have yours. We both have our own lives and I’m not going to control yours. But when you talk about other girls like that, like they’re a piece of meat and I’m just off to the sidelines like nothing then you can’t expect me to not be upset about it. I love you, Benny Weir. But clearly, you don’t love me enough to focus your attention on the one you’re supposed to love.” You finished, tears rolling down your face.
“Okay, okay, I get it. I’ll stop with the comments, I’ll stop looking at girls and I’ll show you that I do love you! I love you so much, (Y/n)! I-I can’t lose you!” Benny practically begged, holding your cheeks as the waterfall of tears continued.
“Please don’t cry...please don’t cry.” He said, trying to wipe your tears away, not even noticing the tears running down his face either. You pushed his hands off of you and backed away from him.
“P-people need time to change, Bens. You can’t change in just a few minutes. I-I...” You contemplated your next words until they finally came out. “I think we should break up. Or just...t-take a little break.”
Those words nearly tore Benny Weir’s heart in half. He loved you, he had loved you so much but didn’t show it. Benny had made the worst mistake in this life and he felt so guilty, more worse than when he messed up on his spells. And now he was paying the price for it.
“No...n-no no, please no. Anything but that, please, (Y/n)! J-just one last chance!” Benny begged.
He didn’t want to lose the best thing in his life, he wanted to stay with you. He wanted to love and cherish you for the rest of his life.
But he ruined that.
“I’m sorry, Benny...but both of us clearly need more time to change.” And with that, you left him behind, tears still falling buy slowing stopping while Benny’s only grew.
He had lost the love of his life. His best friend his childhood. His partner in crime.
Benny sulkily walked back to his friends, seeing that Erica and Rory had left, leaving only Ethan and Sarah behind.
He wiped his tears and tried to smile but his bloodshot eyes gave him away. Ethan and Sarah knew right away what had happened. Ethan walked up to him and rested a hand on his shoulder.
“Benny...I’m sorry.”
Benny didn’t say anything though, he was still trying to process what had just happened completely. Finally, he fell to his knees and sobbed while Sarah and Ethan watched pitifully.
She was right...he needed the time to change.
Let me know if you wanna be tagged in any of my stories!
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Quarantine Q&A!
Tagged by @primasveraas <3
Are you staying home from work/school?
Yee, the VA Governor closed all schools and recreational businesses for a hot few months, so my junior year is technically done. Online schooling til hopefully just August!
If you're staying home, who's staying with you?
I'm actually hosting one of my close friends, an exchange student from Serbia, for two weeks while her main host fam's under a strict quarantine themselves! Without her here I think I'd be mad by now, I love my parents to death but god, seeing the same ANYONE everyday for weeks on end would drive me crazy!! So while she's here I'm sane, but with the exchange programs constantly changing due to Covid-19, she could be sent home any day :(
Are you a homeboy?
Nope. Don't get me wrong, I love weekends at home and spending time relaxing alone, but I'm an extrovert and get cabin fever suuuper easily, so yeah I'm dying. Send help, please, just one movie night, I beg anyone 😭😭😭😭
Any events you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
Gosh, where to begin. The W&L University Singers and my dad (the conductor)'s home performances of Considering Matthew Shepherd, my SAT's, my AP tests, prom, the Equality Gala, my opportunity to sing for a local restaurant, voice lessons, a friend's soccer game I was gonna cheer him on at, my dance recital, my choir concert, the talent show, SO. MUCH. STUFF, LIFE GOT CANCELLED ALL IN ONE DAY AND YES I AM MOTHER FREAKING SALTY!!!!!!!!
Movies/Shows you've been watching?
New Movies!
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Shrek (YES, IK, DONT @ ME XD)
Knives Out
Jojo Rabbit
Frozen 2
The whole LOTR trilogy + our ultra nerdy 11+ hours of behind the scenes content Dad got cuz we all neeeeeeerdz
To Be Seen!
Your Name
New Shows!
Schitt's Creek
Gravity Falls
Star Wars the Clone Wars
To Be Seen!
Killing Eve (got to see ep 1, def want more!)
Lots of the same old stuff, happy Dodie songs, og Steven Universe, Six the musical and anything Broadway, anything that's upbeat and not such a downer in these downer times :)
Also lots of lofi, for studying :)))
New Reads: the Crazy Rich Asian series (1 million outta 10, its SO GOOD), Good Omens finally, Call Me By Your Name, and lots more on my ever growing reading list :)
Rereads: I want to read Red, White, and Royal Blue again, the Virals series (by Brandon and. ) which is legit my favorite book series and the greatest one out there fight me, Crier's War, and Resistance Reborn because I want to forget Rise of Skywalker happened.
My top TBRs: Bonds of Brass (GAY SCIFI/CYPERPUNK FINNPOE I LOVE IT) and The Savior's Champion fiiinally
(All of these lists also have so much AO3 fanfic on each of them but we can't get into that or we'll be here til the virus leaves)
What are you doing for self care?
Video calling friends, volunteering at my local food pantry, staying active online with internet friends while avoiding toxic or anxiety-inducing news. I've been baking a ton and trying lots of fun, weird drinks using coffee and matcha just cuz and I've found so many I'd die for. I've started working out more regularly, I drink far more water than I did during school, I pulled out sixth-grade-me's hidden MASSIVE BOX of Bath and Body Work's hand sanitizers and am slowly going thru those. Overall I'm trying not to loose myself or let myself go right now. It's hard, and my mental health is taking a lot of hits right now, but just finding one thing a day to do, no matter what it is, and doing that thing, makes me feel so, so much better. This whole thing is hard. The world is scary and downright weird right now, in a limbo between fragments of normalcy and emergency. I don't know what's gonna happen, no one does. The best we can do is keep our chins up in the face of it all, keep taking deep breaths when it gets too hard, and keep living another day, even when that seems like the worst thing you could do.
We'll all get through this, together. I know we will.
Humanity is kinda batshit crazy. Our collective single braincell by some diety survived this long.
We can survive now too.
I'm not tagging anyone bc I legit know no mutuals here who'd do this who haven't already, so hey @scifigrl47 I love your work and you are my inspiration so uh... if you wanna, try this?
Mmkk that's enough rambling today, wash ya hands and stay safe out there, mates :)
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staycatcher · 5 years
Hi!!! You're absolutely right about day6 and fall. Idk what it is but they're perfect for fall walks and bike rides. Colors is like ten times better when I'm standing in the crisp air surrounded by fallen leaves. You just reminded me that I should start going on bike rides again. I had a (more than) slight incident in spring so my parents made me stop "what if you DIED?!" :( Have you ever done anything that kind of stupid before? 1/2
Oh my god!! And colors is so applicable since it’s fall and all the pretty colors you get to see :D🥰 when I was in the car the one that stood out the most was letting go~~ idk just the chill mood~~ and I usually need to hear that kind of message anyways but hearing it that time was really good and healing for me😌🍂🍁✨
Oh no what happened?!?! Are you alright?!! :O I hope so that sounds really scary!!
Oh and definitely!! Too many to count lmao I’m very clumsy and prone to accidents but somehow I’ve never broken a bone but last September (2018) I did something super stupid!! It’ll make you feel better lmao so I’ll tell it 
STORYTIME!! Blood warning!! (I have hEmophobia so shout to all my fellow hEmophobes out there I get you I hate it so this story was even worse for me) Waste of time to read warning!!😂😂
So basically!! Last September I was just WALKING home okay. Nothing crazy at all, just walking on the sidewalk in between this car dealership parking lot behind my school and this place where you turn in to get to the Walgreens and other shit, with my best friend from school to home (that was the plan at least)
But!! I fucking tripped OVER MY OWN TWO FEET. Though the sidewalk did actually have cracks or unevenness or something could be the fault. But no. I was the one at fault.
My ankle just decided to idek what but I tripped over my own two left feet and immediately!! BAMMM!!! My face onto the concrete. I bit my lip when I was trying to regain balance, thus when my face hit the ground I bIT MY LIP !!OPEN!! Blood!! Pain!! Embarrassment!! bc this is just ~right~ by the school okay like half a block so all the kids in their cars saw, the people walking far from us saw, hell maybe even god saw too if Woojin wasn’t too busy.
Anyways!! I get up immediately!! I’m like fuck, no one can see me fucking do that!! I get up fast as I could!! My bestie helps me is like “omf are yoU OKAY BREWGIE (but she said my irl name ofc) WHAT WAS THAT!???!” Bc she fuckin knows me very very well. She’s seen me fall before and vice versa too but it’s never been like this and I’m just !!!!!!!!
I’m just like ‘it’s fine, it’s fine, this is okay, this is fine. I’m not gonna think about it let’s just carry on it’s not a big deal, it’s not a big deal at all’. BUT CLEARLY, IT IS A BIG DEAL!! I MEAN I BIT MY LIP OPEN!! But I just told her it’s okay let’s not call my parents or yours let’s just walk this off and I’ll stop by my mom’s salon that’s on another block!! BUT!! I’m hypoglycemic and ate a very small lunch and nothing since then which was hours ago so like I’m already in a bad place and then I just threw on an injury on top of that and said ‘it’s fine, let’s go.’
So the entire way there I’m a fuckin soldier okay. I skinned my knees also but who cares I’m limping myself with my comforting best friend that I barely pay attention to bc I’m just! Goin’! Can’t stop! Limping our way to the Walgreens and making jokes the whole way there bc that’s how I cope with things. Then we make it to the intersection at where the Walgreens ends then we wait for the light for us to cross. And it was so humiliating walking past 5 lanes of traffic that I just know is full of people I go to school with and are probably underclassmen who have a car and I don’t. So I don’t even look at them!! Eyes on the prize, cracking jokes trying to get me and my friend to laugh everything away.
So it felt like it took four years to cross those lanes of traffic and now we’re on the other side where this gas station is, then a fast food place then after that is the building of my mom’s hair salon but on the other side is where our neighborhoods are.
On this day, I usually would go with her cuz I didn’t work for my mom that day but. There’s no way in hell I’m gonna walk up to the apartment where my friend lives and have to nurse me back to health or some shit and then raid her food when she barely has any food for herself so no!! And I can’t walk four times that to my house so the only option is the salon.
I said, “I’ll wait for your light then I’ll go to the salon!!” And she argued with me but I’m a stubborn Taurus so I won and she went but she wasn’t happy about it then I limped all the wayyyy to the salon; which is like a long way for an injured hypoglycemic gal such as myself at the time but I did it like a champion and went on in!! And played it cool~~~
I see my mom is in the middle of dying someone’s hair so I just say hi and brush past her and luckily I was fast or something cuz she didn’t see me and I waited for an. Entire. Half an hour. At the reception desk and each second my body is like ‘!!! HELLO !! YOU NEED HELP RIGHT NOW!!’ But I’m like nope, nope I will wait this out when i can be helped bc I’m too embarrassed and ashamed and hangry and in pain and grumpy to do anything else.
So once the half an hour or more waiting ends, somehow I’m in the aesthetician’s room who’s not there that day and I finally!! Breathe!! Let it out!! And tell my mom!! And she flips and gets her friend to check out my lip and she’s like ‘ohhh man!! its super deep but not deep enough to get stitches’ and i was like hallelujah!! I could not deal with that whole ordeal. 
The ending is basically me canceling on my dad’s dinner with them all making fun of me and I got really pissed at them and then for like two weeks coming to school with an ice pack to my face and joking around with my friends which led to me making one of my graphics design projects about my big swollen lip. 
The end!! 😂😂😂 dont feel bad for me at all I find it hilarious and ridiculous now so don’t like feel bad for me or anything, laugh with me!! 
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turtle-steverogers · 6 years
Ralbert for #20 please?
hi i asked for these requests like a week ago and then ignored them til now so yeah
anyway this sucks, sorry.  
warnings: hospitals, implied suicide attempt, scars mentioned
ship: ralbert
word count: idk, a fair amount
20.  ...On a scar
“Pull in there.”
Albert frowned, pressing on the brake briefly and putting on his turn signal.
“Into...that train station?” He asked, turning a questioning eye on Race.
“Yes,” Race was staring pointedly out the front windshield, his eyes flickering over the parking lot wildly.  His hands were drawn in close to his body, nimble fingers fiddling anxiously with the buttons on his jacket.  
Albert pursed his lips, easing the car into the train station and cruising around the empty parking lot for a moment before pulling into a space.  
The train station itself was outdoors and held a strange sort of energy, the usually hectic vibe completely absent in the late hours of the night.  It was peaceful and if it weren’t for the events of that afternoon, Albert would have turned on some music and enjoyed the atmosphere.
“I owe you an explanation for earlier,” Race was speaking firmly, as if it had taken every ounce of willpower he possessed to talk.
Albert swallowed, glancing at him, but Race’s gaze never met his.  He was ashamed.
“If it’s too much…” Albert began.
Race shook his head, “No, I...I should.”
“Okay,” Albert nodded, “Yeah, what happened back there?”
Race took a deep breath, finally looking at him.
That Afternoon
“I think we need to get you to a hospital,” Albert murmured, kneeling in front of Race, who was sitting against a grimy brick wall, heading hanging low between his knees.  Blood was dripping smoothly from his nose and a gash on his temple, where glass could still be seen poking from the wound.
His eyes were screwed shut, pained hums escaping his lips every few seconds.  Apparently, picking fights with random assholes in bars wasn’t a good idea and might end up with one getting hit rather hard in the temple with a bottle, several times in a row.  Race swore he hadn’t blacked out for a couple seconds, because really, he hadn’t, but Albert wasn’t convinced.  Just like he wasn’t convinced that Race didn’t have a concussion.
Race’s state turned from barely conscious to wildly alert in a matter of seconds as his head whipped up at Albert’s words, eyes widening for a moment before scrunching up again.  Albert’s eyebrows furrowed, Race’s sudden change in demeanor sending a shocked pang through his chest- as if warning bells were ringing resolutely.
“No,” Race slurred, resting his head against the wall, “M’fine, Albie.”
“You’re bleeding from several places and probably concussed, I wouldn’t call that fine,” Albert reasoned, grabbing Race’s forearms and hoisting him up, much to Race’s dismay, “C’mon, there’s one a few blocks away.”
Race struggled in his grip, pulling away clumsily.  He opened his eyes completely, fixing Albert with an unsettling look, fear glistening just beneath the surface.
“No, Al, I don’t wanna,” he whined, taking another step back.
Albert frowned, shaking his head, “Race, it’s alright.  I’m sure you’re okay, I just wanna- whoa,” Albert stepped forward to steady Race as he swayed, head lolling for a moment, “Okay, yeah, we’re definitely getting you to a hospital now.”
“Don’t need to,” Race said, “Don’t want to.”
“Well, you don’t have a choice,” Albert said, a certain authority taking over his tone.
Race seemed to weak to fight it any further, and Albert held him upright as he hailed a taxi, knowing they were too far from their own car to walk.  Besides, the parking garage they’d parked in was in the opposite direction from the hospital.  
After a few minutes, a taxi drove up and helped Race in.  Race immediately rested his head against Albert’s shoulder and Albert watched as he covered his ears, no doubt to block out painful noise.  He was definitely concussed.  
When they arrived at the hospital, Albert tapped Race’s chin, reluctantly rousing him.  Race blinked his eyes open and he looked around, confused.
“Where’re we?” He asked as Albert unbuckled him, helping him out of the car.  Race’s head lifted and he winced when he took in the bright sign at the head of the hospital doors.  Immediately, his grip on Albert’s bicep tightened, “No, no, no.  I told you I’m fine,” he rushed out, turning to climb back into the taxi, but whimpering when he discovered it was no longer there.
He turned back to Albert, unadulterated panic in his unfocused eyes, “Please, Albie, don’t make me.”
Albert huffed, “Okay, but- shit,” he swooped forward to catch Race when his knees buckled, “Nope, okay.  I’m once again convinced that this is strictly necessary.”
They made it as far as the waiting room before Race tried to run for it again, fighting as fiercely as he could against Albert’s hold around him.  
“Race, stop,” Albert hissed, wrangling him into one of the crappy chairs and kneeling in front of him, “You need to- Race?”
Race wasn’t looking at him.  Instead, his eyes were transfixed intensely on a spot over Albert’s shoulder.  He was shaking violently, breaths coming out short and strangled and for a moment, Albert entertained the prospect of calling it a day and taking Race to urgent care in the morning.  But one hurried glance at the abrasion on his head cancelled those thoughts.  
“No, no, not again.  I don’t wanna do this again, not here.”  Race was mumbling hysterically to himself, hands finding their way to his forearms.  He gripped them tightly, tears making their way down his cheeks as he began to cry.
“Jesus, what’s gotten into you?” Albert mumbled, lifting a hand to brush away some stray tears, but quickly withdrawing it when Race jerked away from him violently.
“Higgins?” Albert cursed to himself when the nurse who had checked them in called them back.  Race was in no state to be looked at right now, but he was getting paler by the second.  From pain or panic, Albert didn’t know.
Race looked dazedly from the nurse to Albert, shoulders sagging, “M’gonna throw up,” he mumbled, lurching forward.
“Shit,” Albert bit out, turning to look for a trash can and humming thankfully when the nurse, who had been hovering nearby, handed him a plastic bag.
Albert held it in front of Race, wincing when his sick piled into the bag.  He retched for a few moments, sobbing uncontrollably as he did so.  Albert forced himself to remain neutral, speaking absent-minded comforts to Race as he finished.
“Let’s get him back,” The nurse said, making to help Race up.
Race pulled back, ignoring the nurse and looking at Albert, “Don’t make me,” he gasped, “Please, don’t make me.”
Albert and the nurse exchanged confused glances, a silent question between them.
Albert shrugged, turning back to Race, “Why?  Talk me through it, love.”
Race shook his head, “I- no.  No, just- don’t.”
Albert sighed, refusing to lose this battle, “It’ll be super quick.  In and out, right?”
The nurse nodded, “We just need to make sure there’s no serious damage.”
Race curled further in on himself, “Can we do it out here?” He asked, weakly, “don’t wanna go back.”
The nurse considered for a moment, “Alright.”
“When I was in...tenth grade? Yeah.  When I was in tenth grade, I, uh, fuck,” Race looked to the side, clenching his jaw.  He open and closed his mouth a few times before swearing and turning his body to face Albert.  He kept his eyes down as he tucked one leg underneath him and held out his left arm, palm facing upwards.  He seemed to steel himself for a moment before sucking in a breath and slowly inching his shirt up.  
Albert’s eyes traveled from Race’s face to his arm and he swallowed, the blood draining from his face.  Starting at his wrist and traveling to the middle of Race’s forearm was a long, vertical white line.  The skin was raised, and although the scar itself had faded, the outline was stark and jarring against Race’s smooth skin.  Oh.
Race heaved in a breath, “It didn’t work, obviously,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.  Albert watched him intently, waiting for him to continue, “And when it didn’t, of course I had to go to the ER…” he trailed off, lost in thought, “Worst night of my life.  Ever.  Swore to myself as they stitched me up that I’d never fucking go back.”
“Race I…” Albert felt numb, scared, unsure of what to do.  In place of words, he reached down and carefully lifted Race’s arm, pressing his lips to the scar.  
Race held his breath as Albert sat back up, “I’m so sorry you went through something like that and I’m sorry that I put you back there today.”
Race seemed as a loss for words, glistening eyes moving from his arm to Albert.  Albert’s fingers skimmed down to clasp their hands together tightly.
“Today was scary for you, I know,” he said, gently, “But I promise to keep you safe,” he squeezed their hands together, “and if there’s anything I can keep, it’s my word, right?”
Race nodded, squeezing back, “Right.”
mmm yeah my writing ain’t the best in this lol
i’ll try and get the other requests that i abandoned done soon
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too@spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @felix-loves-albert-and-ralbert@axolotlwhizzy
@andthewoildwillknow@the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog@sunshine-e-cigarettes @have-we-got-news-for-you@musical-shitposts@thebroadwayaesthetic
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Bitter (Biadore) - BiadoreWhor3
A/N: Guess who can’t stop writing one-shots. It’s me. Enjoy this angsty piece of shit. Is Roy overly-harsh in this? Yes. Do I condone it and actually think he’d ever be this mean to Danny? No. It’s fanfiction, fight me.
Danny furrowed his eyebrows as he read over Roy’s text again.
Nevermnd. Dont come overr
The spelling errors made it easy to assume that Roy had already started drinking, but Danny didn’t understand why he suddenly wouldn’t want him to come over anymore.
He’d only been back in LA for a little over an hour, and he’d made it his top priority to see Roy. It had been almost a month since they’d seen each other, and it was definitely out of character for Roy to cancel; especially last minute.
Danny frowned before calling Roy as he walked out of his house. He was taken aback once he was sent to voicemail after only 2 rings.
He didn’t recall doing anything to upset his dear friend. He hoped he was just in a mood and not mad at him specifically.
After sighing to himself, Danny got in his car and made his way to Roy’s place.
In all honesty, he wasn’t even sure if Roy was home. For all he knew, he’d gone off drinking alone at a bar; Danny wouldn’t put it past him.
Not long later, Danny stood in front of Roy’s front door, rolling his eyes to learn that the door was locked. He rang the doorbell before looking around casually. He stood in silence for a few moments before his phone vibrated with a new text message. He fished his phone out of his pocket before scanning over the new text from Roy.
Danny couldn’t help but roll his eyes again before trying to call another time. Once it went straight to voicemail, he angrily jammed his finger against the doorbell.
“Let me in and stop acting childish.” He left the simple message before ringing the doorbell again.
He could hear Sammy and Dede barking on the other side of the door. He knew Roy’s lack of patience wouldn’t leave him stranded out there for too much longer. Considering the older man’s short temper, Danny relentlessly began to ring the doorbell repeatedly; losing patience quickly.
He only got away with ringing the doorbell for 12 seconds before the door swung open, revealing an angry looking Roy.
“I know you’re slow sometimes, but I was pretty sure you could at least read at a first-grade level,” Roy snapped at him.
The younger man pointed directly at him, “Ok, you know that I love you, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna let you be a dick to me for no reason. You got a problem with me? Fucking say it to my face,” Danny retorted, angry at Roy’s greeting.
Roy stumbled away from the door, disappearing back into the house. He scoffed loudly, “Problem? Why the fuck would I have a problem with you?” he challenged dramatically before reaching for the bottle of vodka he’d been nurturing.
Danny crossed the threshold into the house, closing the door behind him. “I don’t know, you tell me,” he bit back.
The older queen laughed before taking another sip of the bitter liquid. “Nope. No problem. I love missing you when you’re gone. And even better, when you do come home, I absolutely love being another meaningless fuck to you. I don’t have feelings. I’m not bothered by it,” he rambled with an over-exaggerated, sickly sweet tone.
Danny’s look softened as he watched his dear friend take another sip from his drink. “You said you were okay with this…” he reminded him softly.
Roy scoffed again, “Of course I told you I was okay with it. God forbid I can’t bring myself to ever do anything that would affect your happiness, even if it’s tearing me apart,” he continued before clumsily setting the bottle back down on the counter, stumbling back as it tipped over. He watched it as it spilled onto the counter and onto the white tile, but he couldn’t bring himself to care.
“Roy…I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize…” was all Danny could muster, not sure how to fix his friend’s pain.
The brown-eyed man laughed again before averting his gaze from the spilled liquor. “Of course, you didn’t. As long as you’re having fun, nothing else matters. Party! Pizza! Chola! Fuck you,” he spat harshly.
Danny scoffed at him, “Stop it. I realize you’re hurt, but if it was such a problem then why the fuck wouldn’t you say anything? We would’ve stopped whatever this is a long time ago.”
“Because unlike you, it’s not just a pointless sex-based relationship to me. It’s not something that I just wanted to stop, because I care too much. I knew that if I said anything it would go away completely, and I didn’t want that,“ Roy continued ranting before running his fingers through his hair.
The younger man threw his arms up in the air, “I don’t know what you want from me here,” he pleaded.
“You! I want you, you idiot!” Roy snapped at him, startling Danny, slightly.
Danny sighed softly before looking down with the shake of his head. “We went over this back when this started. If we were to be…together, and it ended badly then things would never be the same between us. I thought we agreed on that. I don’t wanna lose this friendship,” he explained. He wasn’t surprised when Roy chuckled humorlessly and shook his head. The young man sighed again before reaching for Roy’s hands, comfortingly, “Roy…”
“Don’t fucking touch me,” Roy spat sharply as he backed up, raising his hands at his sides, avoiding the latter’s pleading gaze. “Just…leave me alone,” he demanded before turning to go hide in his bedroom, overwhelmed by Danny’s presence.
“Roy,” Danny repeated. He wanted to reach out and grab him by the arm, but he knew it would only make matters worse. Instead, he stood and watched Roy disappear into his room and slam the door shut, struck with a sense of defeat.
He trudged forward, stopping in front of the closed door. He rose his fist to knock, but let it fall just as fast. He looked toward the floor unsure of what to do.
With a soft sigh, Danny turned and made his way out of Roy’s house.
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Make My Millennium Shirt
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Make My Millennium Shirt
Apparently this is pretty stupid according to Make My Millennium Shirt. Obviously, but it’s a prop so I doubt we’d be using a loaded weapon on stage. I’ve seen peole do dumber things with actual guns, but I will admit that the pic made my heart skip when it came up on news feed. I say your name 3 times and you magically appear and we eat pizza in our pajamas and get fat, right?  I really need to start using that quote more than I have been, thanks for reminding me it still exists. Oh and great job on it. Look amazing. Im sure it was murder getting all that paint off.
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Looks crazy good! Be better than my beatlejuice! So if I say your name 3 times could you help a guy out? It’s raining neon, it’s raining neon, it’s raining neon!!!.” … Nope nothing. I thought you were supposed to appear in my living room or something. At Mercer Raceway park, night one of the little guy nationals. Racing is still on track is being ran in and hot laps now. Still got time to come on out and enjoy yourself. We were lucky enough to pull off the win tonight both heat race and feature. We are very happy for Jerry and crew getting thier first win. Tomorrow night is the big show hopefully we can fine tune a little more things and get some luck also.
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A few weeks ago I want to cut all my hair off was so unhappy didn’t like it anymore and a old friend called me up and said before you cut it off let me do it well Ladies as you can see I’m happy again she made my Millennium so if you want the best inbox me she’s good at what she does lady she is the best. thank you all i didn’t know so many people would see it but i love you all for your beautiful. Post y’all. Made my year thank you all so much words can’t say what. My heart is feeling as i read all the post just thank you have a blessed day.
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Just another useful idiot. The ACA is collapsing. Perhaps if you watched actual news you would be aware of this. By 2018 many parts of the country will have no coverage at all. What we have is not health care. It barely constitutes insurance. Premiums are skyrocketing and deductibles force you to pay for most services out of pocket. The “24 million people will lose their insurance” is a lie. If you choose not to have coverage you didn’t lose anything. If GM sends you an offer to buy a new car and you don’t buy one did you lose your ability to drive?? Start thinking and stop feeling about everything… and find a source of real news.
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what are the odds I just got this today. If this is the last wave, then it was a fun ride. Thanks for creating such a masterpiece. You’ve got kind od problem with quality of these videos. The first half is a bit unfocused like it was played on YouTube on 240p, the other half is fine. So can you guys make an announcement of a wave 10 or a cancellation? Us fans want to know if you will keep going. We had more dlc gold bricks than year 1 and this is what we get. No unlocks. No cheats. No bonus. Nothing.
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I was excited to see what I would get. And this felt more like side questing in skyrim for how repetitive it was. Im starting the xbox one port now so I can earn all achievements there. If you have been to the @belgiancafe at Grand Millennium Dubai Hotel before – comment on this post by sending us a picture at the venue to a get a chance to Make My Millennium Shirt!  I dont agree with number 25…the dinner party…there were 7 people sitting at the table…Mr. Deetz, Delia, Otho, Lydia, the lady with the long braid, Dick Cavatt and the lady who played his wife. When they started dancing…Lydia got up from the table and was standing behind her chair.
0 notes
constantgamer · 8 years
Missing Out on My Good-bye
I spent my entire youth in the company of close friends. My family moved from city to city chasing my dad's dream. He did very well for himself and he made sure that I was fed, safe, and educated. I was such a good boy, In every picture I see, because I honestly cant remember that far back, I am smiling like a goofy kid. As they years go by in photographs I can see my smile fading. I dont know what started it, but I can remember the first day I went bad. I was 17, it had frozen and school was canceled. My dickhead boss that paid me $1.75 per hour called me and said I had to come to work. I knew I was supposed to go in, but for the first time I chose not to do something I was supposed to do. I didnt call or try and make up an excuse, I just didnt. We didnt have cell phones then so getting a hold of someone who wasnt at home and didnt show up to work was impossible. I sat in my beat up ford escort in the parking lot next door to my job and smoked cigarettes and listened to the radio for about an hour. Then I went home, and on the way I felt anxiety about how much trouble I would be in when I arrived and my dad had found out I didnt go in. Walked in the door, mom said some greeting but didnt look mad, walked past the office and dad didnt say a word. I went upstairs and sat down at my desk and I remember every time the phone rang, Pins and Needles. But my boss didnt call. I ate dinner, showered, talked on the phone, and then went to bed. I remember thinking, man that was sooooooo easy, I got worked up for nothing. That was I guess the beggining of my downward slide. There is this mental structure your parents can discipline into you, a fear of failure. If everytime you fail they yell at you, the anticipation of being yelled at prevents you from giving up. However, once you cross that line and you realize that there isnt really anything wrong with saying fuck it, its all a social mind fuck, failing isnt scary. And boy did I test the limits, the next day I just didnt go to school. I left like I was going to school, but stopped in a neighborhood nearby and smoked cigarettes and listened to the radio. Wrote myself a doctors not and signed it with my own signature, and then walked into the school, gave the note to my assistant principle and then walked out. The note said I had contracted a serious illness of a personal nature and that I would require an undetermined number of days off school, and that my school work and lessons were to be collected every week and that I would study from home. And they fucking bought it. Both my folks worked so all I had to do was waste time until they would be gone come home and get on with doing what I wanted. Fuck me, what a dumb ass thing to do. The longer I didnt go to school the more difficult it became to go back. Sure I was picking my work up but I hadnt done any tests or in class work. I kept up in all honesty every few days I would hit the books for an hour and get the basics. About 2 months went by, I was stressed every day I was sure my house of cards would colapse, but it didnt. Not because I was a genious, which I sure thought, but because nobody really knew or remembered me. A transfer kid from another state, no friends, no memories. I remember the day it fell apart, I did what I had done for 5 months, school was going to be out for summer so I needed to get back in. I had already thought about how to rejoin the school, I was just going to go to class early one day and sit down like I had been going the whole time and wing it. But every day came and went and I just hid from my own stupidity. So I left, drove around wasting time, parked my car in the driveway, walked in the back door and up the stairs and I heard my dads voice and froze. He was home sick, and I was busted. He looked at me and asked why I wasnt in school, I said something like I hate it or I dunno. My dad looked at me funny, like I wasnt his kid, shock I guess. So he grabbed me by the arm and said your going to school. I knew it was going to be bad, I tried to have my dad drop me off, and he just drove right up to the front door and said that we had to explain the situation. I will admit for a teenage fuckup I was sharp. I told my dad that I went to the nurses office and that I had an illness of a personal nature and got a pass to leave for the day, and that if he said I was better and returning that I wouldnt get in trouble. We walked into my principles office and he looked at me like I remember you, but I dont at the same time. My dad said my son is feeling better and can go back to class. Principle said okay, well we are glad he is feeling better, thanks for letting us know, dad said is there anything else that needs to be done, principle said nope, I got up started to walk out thinking I was the greatest schemer of all time. And then my principle remembered who I was. He said wait, how many days have you been absent and started punching keys, my dad said oh he was just out for the first class today , hes feeling better, and that was that. I fessed up before they delved any deeper, I remember feeling so calm as I explained everything. Loosing my job, thinking I would just take a week off, and the days turned to weeks and then to months. The strangest thing happened, my principle got up and calmly shut his office door and pulled the blinds closed. He sat down right in front of ne and my dad and said.. This is not going to work out well for me, for you, or you. Thats right, there is a law that says I had to go to X number of days in a school year and I was way short. I hadnt really thought that when I sold my principle that lie that it was his job to catch me. And that he failed to notice or check back on the situation. He was trying to be a board member of education or some crap. He blatantly spoke of how he would not get the spot if word of what I had done got out. He then asked to speak with my dad alone and I was happy to get out of there. I ran out front and started chain smoming cigarettes. About 20 mins later my dad came out. He said alright, you are supposed to go to class, if anyone asks you were sick and are better now. And I thought to myself wow thats it. My dad must have seen me smile and said, your going to be sorry. I had to stay at school for 5 hours every day after classes. I had to do anything they asked, like clean desks, or log books, fill oyt paperwork, clean stuff, repair stuff, paint stuff. Anything they could think of I had to do. I had to take a series of tests for each class to prove I knew the material. And then after school got out for the summer I had to do so much work. I became an indentured servant to the school from 8 to 8. I managed to fullfill the requirements my principle laid out and they gave me a diploma and let me walk. At home it was more of the same, grounded no phone, no tv, no outside. I had no friends, and a sense that I was separated from those around me. After that I was never the same, I fucked up every opportunity I was given and nobody cared. I failed out of college, wasted a lot of ny dads money,. Tried to go back and wasted my own money. I jumped from job to job, never really got any respect, I have never owned a home, found a girl worth marrying wbich almost saved me but she died in a car wreck, and we had no kids. In the fall of my life I just now realized how far from the beaten path I strayed. I have no friends, or love interests, no skills, or education. I am addicted to drugs, and lieing, staying up late and good at going unoticed. I cant go back and fix my life, and I cant move forward in my current situation. I try and get a job that pays enough to support myself but nobody will hire me, its as if they can see through my paper lies and dont want me. I think I am going to end my terrible run of things soon I am so tired of being a failure. My dad looks at me like I am not his son, he stopped trying to motivate me a long time ago. Everyone that is a part of my life wontvlook me in the eyes. I see pity and sorrow in the faces of my life. This situation is of my own doing, and I blame nobody but myself. I honestly just dont want to be alive anymore. Watching everyone around me getting married, and promoted, becoming a dad, creating something, matterung to someone. All I feel is pain and remorse, and a feeling that I missed out. I think its time for me to depart this hell my life has become and get some answers to some questions I have been wondering about for some time. I thought about something today which I think is what will give me the strength I need to accomplish what I am planning to do next. Its been over 3 years since I felt the touch of another human beings skin on my own. No hugs or kisses, no hand in hand, no arm around the waist. I go to sleep alone, wake up alone, and the only people I communicate with are on the web and dont know me. My biggest regret is that I really wanted to be someones dad. I wanted to provide what my father gave me to a copy of myself like he did. But that time has cone and gone too. My advice to anyone who reads this is to make sure anyone you love knows it. You can never tell if you are saying your last goodbye or not.
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