noorhelm-drabbles · 7 years
Imagine if we got to see William move in with ‘Kollektivet’ like him being happy with all three of them. They all become best friends. William cooks food (eggs and bacon) for them as Noora helps him. They have movie nights together (like maybe every friday is movie night). Eskild and Linn always agrue about which movie to watch. When Linn wins the argument, all of them think her movie choices are unique. When Eskild wins all of them can’t take him serious. Like Eskild said they play board games. William and Noora agrue about what games to play. Noora likes sorry, candy land, etc. While William likes monopoly, scrabble, etc. (William actually being a sucker for hungry hippos but never admitting it). They share each others stuff. Maybe Eskild will steal William’s clothes or colognes because he smells good. Noora finding it a tad weird but mostly hilarious. She joins Eskild taking William’s favourite clothes because there also her favourites. William still wonders why he can’t find his favorite shirts or hoodies. Linn being happy because Noora didn’t move out. All four of them setting up pillow/blanket forts in the living room just to hang out and let their inner kid come out. William and Noora getting more adorable bed scenes together (Eskild walking in on them sometimes, maybe he’ll even try to sunggle between the two). Eskild and Linn even help William when he wants to do something special for Noora like her birthday, their anniversary, proposal etc. They all just have a fun and good time all living together.
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noorhelm-drabbles · 7 years
Road trip
Imagine Noora and William going away on road trips, just to get away once in awhile. Not really having a destination, the two just leave (but not before leaving a note for Eskild and Linn) traveling the world together in their car. Despite it being cold (but remember Noora likes the cold) Noora loves to let the breeze of the day or night flow through her blonde long (or short) hair. William has a huge genuine smile upon his face as he admires her feeling the wind through his tinted sun glasses. They have a ridiculous soundtrack playing, that they both felt was suitable for a cross country road trip. William glances bewteen the road and Noora as she sings to him, he chuckles when she plays with his hair singing at the top of her lungs trying to get attention from him. When night falls Noora insists that William pulls the car over so they could do some star gazing upon the car hood. William complies bringing a blanket (and some cocoa) as they cuddle, both amazed by the bright shinning stars. Noora has suspicions that William has changed some routes on their map (could you blame him though that he just wants to spend more time alone with the love of his life) but she doesn’t mind, it makes it all the more exciting and fun to find out what the world has in store for them. Most of the time William treats them to interesting restaurants, sometimes it’s amazing and sometimes it’s bland but at least they could say they tried most of the food the world has to offer. Along the open road Noora makes up games for the two of them to play for example one of them being souvenir hunting, (scavenger hunting, karoke, card games, etc) which ever one of them finds the most unique souvenir wins. When they stop to admire beautiful artifacts William somehow never gets a picture of the subject alone but with a blonde, blue eyed girl being really interested in said artifacts. She is annoyed when she finds most of the pirctures not even including the amazing artifacts but her. William shrugs playing dumb with a guilty smile uplifting his soft tender lips “I don’t know how that blonde mysterious beauty got in the pictures, my hand must’ve slipped”. Noora rolling her eyes, responding with a “Your hand sure did slip a lot, William. I only have four good pictures without the blonde beauty in them” she let out a breath before laughing. William is still iffy if she’s mad at him or not but when she plants a huge kiss upon his lips he knows. Noora usually is the one to make William attend local events when they find a flyer in a small town. Sometimes the events consists of carnivals, firework shows, dancing parties, etc. They loved to know where they’re going but when they get lost that’s the most exciting. Being lost consists of more adventures and memories for the two. When they past by old western bars both go and make friends with the bikers that hangout there for directions. The bikers are surprisingly nice and offer them new locations to visit. They can’t take up the offer so their road trip extends for awhile longer. When they stop for gas, William smiles to himself when Noora purposely gets the snacks, coffee, drinks that she knows he hates (but actually likes) just to annoy him. Noora giggles when William dances to the songs of her choice, sometimes joining him, sometimes filming him just for the fun of it. William laughs himself when he finds out most of Noora’s guilty music pleasures like Justin Bieber (even though he kinda knew). When things get a tad more steamy the two go for the back seat, (William still remembers the time they both suggested it at Sana’s party so why not) cozy hotel rooms, or just sneaking off anywhere that they won’t be caught. The drive back to Oslo is even more interesting and exciting as when they first left. Taking a different route the way back. William loves it when Noora shoots him her beautiful smile and holds his hand. Voicing his thoughts he tells her “Listen, Noora Amalie Sætre you’re a smart girl. You have to understand that everytime you kiss me, hold my hand, lock eyes with me, or just give me that amazing smile of yours I only fall in love with you more and more.” Noora replies to him with a meaningful kiss whilst remembering the first time he’s ever made her speechless. After that despite them already being extremely affectionate they become even more so. When they arrive back in Oslo they’re all greeted by their friends with warm hugs and a welcome home party. Both pestered with questions about their trip, William confidently shows them pictures, half of them groan when they see most are of Noora, the other half swoon at how cute they are together. After everyone returns home Noora and William spend the remainder of the day in their bed at the Kollektivet. Both being so content and happy to be with each other even if they spent about three weeks alone together they couldn’t get enough of one another.
Bonus- If during the road trip William proposes to Noora stating stuff about their journey to finding each other. More than Words is playing in the background as he gets down on one knee. Their in the middle of a grassfield ontop of a cliff with a beautiful view. Noora tears up in happiness as he pulls out the ring. She couldn’t believe they were finally gonna be together forever (like she had thought).
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noorhelm-drabbles · 7 years
Pizza delivery boy
Imagine William being a pizza delivery guy, that hates his job. His dad was pushing it down his throat though at how good it was all his kids were employed so William endured it. He starts to hate his job less though when he starts delivering to a cute blonde, blue eyed girl and her flat mates that always order every other day. He hates his job even less when he gets that one fleeting moment alone with her sometimes when she pays for the food. He hates his job even less when her hand lightly, maybe innocently touches his as she hands him the money. He hates his job even less when she gives him that amazing beaming smile with her full red colored lips. He hates his job even less when she simply nods and says “Thank you. Have a good night” William replying to her with a “You’re very welcome. You too” before she closes the door. William hates his job even less when he finds himself smiling as she opens the door again just to tell him “See you next time”. He hates his job even less when he realizes there actually will be a next time. He hates his job even less when he finds himself thinking about the mystery blue eyed blonde haired girl that he will soon be delivering too again. William just didn’t know anymore, if he hated his job or not?
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noorhelm-drabbles · 7 years
Since Skam has ended we wanted to leave everything on a good note. Obviously none us on this blog can give up this amazing show, none of us are quite ready to say our goodbyes. We all love Skam deeply and we’re all gonna continue loving it and this is how. So since there is so much hate in the noorhelm tags and believe me all of us here hate it. To spread love for the ship that we love, we decided to make this blog. We are basically a blog that gives you ideas that will inspire everyone to do amazing things with their creativity. So if you love Noorhelm as much as we do, give us a follow. We assure you, you will not regret the follow. We’re here and still sailing the ship of noorhelm all the way.
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