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i-am-a-social-experiment · 8 years ago
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17.5, the end of my first open and also the most DUs I've ever done in my life because it's not a consistent skill for me yet. Still did RX and it took me quite some time to finish (36.46), but I wasn't quitting. • It's not just the end of the open, but it's saying a longer 'See you later' to my Crossfit family at @crossfitkalamazoo. I've traveled home the last three weekends so I could finish the open where I started Crossfit just this last November and also the only place that has felt like any sort of home in some time. I'm going to miss my family there, but look forward to coming home for the @festivusgames in April. • I RX-ed four of the five weeks and while it was tough, it was always fun. #intheopen #OpenGo #progenex #crossfit #crossfitopen #crossfitkalamazoo #cantstopwontstop #workfuckingharder #neversettle #fitness #fitnadic #fitstagram #sweatequity #nooneeverdrownedinsweat #reebok #reeboknanos #nano7 #takingropeburnstoawholeotherlevel (at CrossFit Kalamazoo)
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i-am-a-social-experiment · 8 years ago
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Drove up to @crossfitbeverly to get some work in on the fourth. First off, THANK YOU for being so welcoming and for having such a gorgeous facility. After doing my prescribed training from @legion.sc I decided to do the hero WOD my very first crossfit gym @crossfitkalamazoo did back home. Women's weight was 95-lb for the cleans and I did them all and have the broken blood vessels in my thighs to prove it! • And no, I don't have abs but it was hot and the shirt needed to go. Fight me about it. @grrrl_clothing #buildingabetterme #strengthandconditioning #strengthtraining #legionsc #weights #weightlifting #olylifting #olympiclifting #olympicweightlifting #embracethepain #embracethesuck #EMLN #grrrlarmy #grrrlpower #workfuckingharder #sweatequity #cantstopwontstop #igotgoals #andtheywontreachthemselves #fitness #herowod #happyfourth #fourthofjuly #hotshot19 #crossfit #nooneeverdrownedinsweat (at CrossFit Beverly)
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i-am-a-social-experiment · 8 years ago
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Little jog in the fog and drizzle. #workworkworkworkwork #fitness #fitnadic #fitstagram #511tactical #platecarrier #runner #runstagram #runnergirl #itsallbeentraining #workfuckingharder #wtm2017 #americanasfuck #chicagoland #lakemichigan #lakeshoredrive #riseandgrind #noexcuses #nooneeverdrownedinsweat #crossfit (at Lake Michigan Lakefront Chicago)
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