directorul: multi copii vin in scoala noastra special pentru doamnele A și H
restul: adica doamna imi-insusesc-munca-altora si doamna rupta-de-realitate
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storm-coax · 1 month
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nervousloveheart · 1 year
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shadowpuppetteer · 6 months
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Happy Autism Month! Saw a post about monsters and nondivergence, so I thought I'd share this theme in my life, lol. Love to all those who are just finding their way to their found family. As of posting this I am a few episodes into Delicious Dungeon and it's so good!
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flaresanimedump · 1 year
Ok so. I was gonna make a post that Ranpo technically didn't go to school. So I went to look at the Origins novel and I checked the raw because of all the omissions in the TL (Ranpo was kicked out of the police academy 6 months before the start of the plot not "less than a year ago" it's very explicitly 半年 "half year"). And uh. Well so on that topic they kicked him out when he was 13, but a police academy isn't considered a real school in Japan so while his education in Japanese language continued he didn't have the core subjects from the age of 12 on. But also.
The English line when Ranpo talks about the school is: "The rules were a pain in the ass. Don’t leave the dorm after curfew, no buying sweets, wear these clothes, follow these rules. And the classes bored me to death."
These are all relatively common restrictions for Japanese schools (snacking is only prohibited at stricter ones), though a couple of wording things stood out. One, the "pain in the ass" rules is 規則 (actually rules) and "follow these rules" is 規律 - ominously "discipline" (this line being more like "not to mention X, Y, Z, Z being the discipline). "Discipline" isn't "punishment," it just has a strictness vibe, but it's a creepy thing to say imo. I hear this and think Trunchbull from Matilda.
So I went to check out the Wikipedia page on "Police Academies" and I see "脱走及び逃走の防止" - "escape and escape prevention" which is an immediate red flag for any live-in institution. "Escape" could also be translated as "desertion" but what followed was a short paragraph saying "there's no barbed wire like a prison but coming and going is strictly controlled" so I'm going with "escape." Ranpo attended something like those kiddie marine bootcamps that were all the rage in the 2000s. I don't know about anybody else but growing up nondivergent camps like that were my absolute worst nightmare.
So I'm already Distressed at the thought of this - but thing about "no buying sweets" is it's age-focused. "No buying sweets" is like "no snacking" but it's specifically "[a child] buying and eating sweets [while away from home thus spoiling their appetite]." This is against the rules because "they should eat food prepared by their parents" and the,,, incredibly sad irony isn't lost on me there even though the academy was feeding him. Which begs the question: can you really train a 12 year old to become a detective?
So I went to the Japanese National Police Agency website because I wasn't sure what the age range for attendance at these schools was. And I found it.
Eighteen to thirty.
Ranpo lasted eighteen months in a military academy for eighteen to thirty year olds until they kicked him out.
*I'm not going to claim this is all 100% right since Japanese prefectures set the lower age limit at 18, which could mean Asagiri was just makin' shit up or there's some lesser-known police middle school that calls itself the exact same thing as the one for adults. You're only supposed to stay at them for 10 months so there's already some other suspect things here. But I think it's pretty on-brand for Ranpo to think college-level classes are boring. Also his dad was connected to the principal so he could probably bend the rules a little to get Ranpo admitted.
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thenightling · 2 years
One of those impressively bad “You went to woke you became a bigot” moments
I am so pissed off right now I’m practically shaking.  On a post about the show Wednesday someone said that the school for Outcasts should not have had supernatural creatures and children with powers in it but INSTEAD should have had disabled children, autistic children, indigenous children, and LGBTQ+ children and someone else AGREED with this... “Kind” and “progressive” person.  This is a very false version of being Woke.
Please tell me others understand what is inherently WRONG with this idea!  Please!  I say this as a visually impaired woman who who is not straight.  A segregated rural Gothic school for...  ethnically diverse, nondivergent, children with disabilities and LGBTQ+ children should not be treated the same way as a fictional depiction of werewolves, vampires, sirens, and gorgons.    Metaphorically sure, yes, fine.  But not literally.  You do NOT tell young lesbians or young trans kids or young autistic kids, or kids in wheelchairs that they belong to a category of literal Outcast that will never ever be accepted or loved by “normies.” When I was in kindergarten they wanted to send me to a school for children with visual impairments. There were teachers who tried to talk me into it and thought I’d “feel better among my own kind.”  This was in America in the 1980s.   
And now in 2022 I’m seeing people praising the “Good idea” to swap out the supernatural creatures of Wednesday with LGBTQ+ characters, characters with disabilities, and non-white characters as if that’s the same thing!
Here’s a thought- a genuine one, let the supernatural characters have those mundane / normal traits that you see in most high schools in America.   
And to those who want us in a school for outcasts fuck you.  Fuck you with something hard and sand papery.
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thatacefuckboy · 1 year
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ever-ive-been · 2 years
hello this is my into post I guess
hello you can call ever, I'm a minor, and i used all pronoun's/mixed (he/him, she/her, they/them, it/it's, neos, and anything ease) im ace/biromantic/genderfluid, and im probably nondivergent
homophobes, transphobes, aphobia, racism, and proshiping, dni
I do not like sexual stuff, rude people, spiders, and many types of bugs
i like minecraft, animals, owl house, goblincore, steampunks, and trinkets!
idk what to put here so yea. feel free to talk to me because if you found me we probably have something in common. if your talking to me tone tag are a nice help for me. I'm very new to tumblr so be nice. oh and im not good at spelling so be aware of that.
if i talk to or reblog someone who is bad or mean let me know.
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lynxlite · 2 years
I'm ambitious with no drive,
I'm driven with no meaning,
I mean something without something to strive for,
But I'm funny, and that's gotta' count for something.
From: Your local nondivergent.
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eroticcannibal · 3 years
Yanno - honestly? Those shipping fandom fuckers need to shut the fuck up. ON BOTH SIDES. Like, honestly, fuck both parties because I stg, they are so terminally grounded in fantasy they fucking don't know when to separate their stupid make believe arguments from real life shit.
Here is you, talking about how you are tired and fed up of hate-anons involving YOUR REAL LIFE CHILD in their violent fantasies because of their Contempt Towards You. Those people will never be safe around real children because anger and hatred towards a person are very real reasons child abusers have chosen to abuse a child.
You have EVERY RIGHT to talk about how Those People need to fuck of and that there's More Wrong with Them than you because they think you being disabled, nondivergent, queer, kinky/sexually active (WITH YOUR GF), use your child's nickname & pronouns, homeschooling, AND refuse to divulge further and inherently more private information about your child (I've been following you long enough to remember how such "but think of the children! we must protect the children" anon were obsessed and upset when you would not discuss your child's agab or name with them) makes you "unsafe" around your kid because they're "clearly safer"...
And those fandom fucks look at that and decide, "How can I make this about my blorbos? How can I take these very real problems against real people, with real harassment of violent fantasies involving real children, and use it for my side about what two fake and unreal characters from fictional writings should and shouldn't be shipped together?"
Read. The. Fucking. Room.
(Sorry, I'm very angry with how your discussion of real behavior towards real children was entirely derailed by stupid fake fictional bullshit. Anyone who participated in that should be fucking ashamed of themselves. So detached from reality you cannot even understand the gravity of the situation because for once it involves real people!)
Agree 100% and the disregard for real shit (yes on both sides, I know I tolerate more proshippers than antis but I've seen how plenty of ppl behave and I am not picking a fucking side) is why I just can't stand this discourse. Like cool I know fandom is important but GOD shut up for 5 minutes please. There are real life things that I care far more about.
And it happens on so many posts. Anything important will get derailed with bullshit fiction discourse eventually. I'm tired of it. Between making this shit about kid shipping and every fucker making the loss of trans rights in the UK some fandom shit I am gonna unplug tumblr until ppl can BEHAVE.
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konansgirlfriend · 2 years
We are now analyzing each others body language during last night is this nondivergent dating
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digimon-posts · 3 years
the types of gays each of the adventure Digidestend are
Sora: adorable *picks feral pigeon off of the ground* I’m keeping it
Mimi: mushrooms, frogs, clown inspired makeup, those really cute bead neckless that always look kinda old for some reason, and extravagant kandi cuffs
Izzy: *scrolling through the internet* uh oh *looks up am I gay quiz*
Joe: I’m gonna ignore this for as long as possible *sees Izzy* shit
Tai: everyone likes men dipshit.... I have just been informed I’m bisexual
Matt: his teen scene phase is still to this day being used to catfish people, he is currently in a band that’s trying to revive Punk jazz
TK: nobody knows what exactly his sexuality is and most think he’s an ally before learning he’s married to 4 people, two of which are men
Kari: Fosters kittens and understands them on a elaborately deep nd way
Davis: Bi himbo, any person even slightly queer immediately clocks them as bi
Yolei: Hello welcome to my lizard room, yes it’s venomous
Ken:  him being nondivergent effects his identity so much no nerotypical  understands what the fuck he’s talking about
Cody: “hey what are your pronouns?” “uuuuuuuh psh mmmm huhuh ya know...’
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spacelessbian · 4 years
The thing about Happiest Season (and it’s not the lesbians)
So as many of us wlw I had huge expectations for this movie, especially because the trailers where the cutest thing ever. In hindsight I should have expected less, or nothing. And I’m not here to talk about the lesbians (my favourite is Riley, than Abbey, than Harper, for undisclosed reasons) but about Jane. 
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For those of you who haven’t watched the movie and are here just for the lolz – Jane is Harper’s older excentric nerdy sister, she still lives at home and her many quirks and interests seem to make everyone around her either ignore her, laugh at her or downright dismiss her. At first I found it amusing, not gonna lie, but with every additional scene I felt more and more uncomfortable.
Why? Because Jane seems very nondivergent-coded (they never specify any diagnosis or anything like that, so “coded”, not just neurodivergent outright) and her family treats her like shit, actually the only people who are not horrible to her are our outsiders (Abbey and John). (And even if she wasn’t neurodivergent, that doesn’t change the fact she is lowkey bullied the whole damn time.) 
And yet it seems like the movie wants us to find this funny??? They never once acknowledge that this is not ok (or if they do, I must have blinked and missed it). She has that one speech about not being ignored anymore but like... good for her but the people around her didn’t do shit.
Am I overreacting?
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idgafsfo · 3 years
Im nondivergent so lets do this!  Characters in fruits basket who i think are nondivergent / what I think they are.
Akito sohma: Borderline personality disorder / Bpd Yuki Sohma: Autistic  Kyo Sohma: Adhd   Hatsuharu Soham: Gay
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Hey can someone please explain to me the phrase “tall glass of water” I get that it’s like a complement and something sexual but like... Does it just mean attractive?  Becuse I can’t imagine that fits well with some people. Um so yeah please tell me. -a nondivergent ace/aro individual
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arxt1 · 3 years
Nondivergent deflection of light around a photon sphere of a compact object. (arXiv:2201.01946v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
We demonstrate that the location of a stable photon sphere (PS) in a compact object is not always an edge such as the inner boundary of a black hole shadow, whereas the location of an unstable PS is known to be the shadow edge notably in the Schwarzschild black hole. If a static spherically symmetric (SSS) spacetime has the stable outermost PS, the spacetime cannot be asymptotically flat. A nondivergent deflection is caused for a photon traveling around a stable PS, though a logarithmic divergent behavior is known to appear in most of SSS compact objects with an unstable photon sphere. The reason for the nondivergence is that the closest approach of a photon is prohibited in the immediate vicinity of the stable PS when the photon is emitted from a source (or reaches a receiver) distant from a lens object. The finite gap size depends on the receiver and source distances from the lens as well as the lens parameters. The mild deflection angle of light can be approximated by an arcsine function. A class of SSS solutions in Weyl gravity exemplify the nondivergent deflection near the stable outer PS.
from gr-qc updates on arXiv.org https://ift.tt/yhpVD7E
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