Blackpinkpill Pride Flag
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Blackpinkpill or pinkblackpill: a metaphorical slang neologism for someone who takes both black and pink pills; a pill that combines both pink and black colors; someone who considers oneself as both blackpilled/blackpiller and pinkpiller/pinkpilled. It can be used in a reclaimed sense, or in any other way for any reason.
Context: pinkpill is often used as the femcel counterpart of bluepill but it's also used by those who "queermaxxed". Blackpill is the nihilistic interpretation of blue and red pills.
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star-synth · 7 days
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Cursed Commission for @1-800-hellyeah
Behold,  The Nonceler Commissions are still open! You can find more info over on my Kofi! 
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ghostlycoyote0 · 4 months
Imagine a family where the names are structured like Roman names, where each child’s name comes from a number in the order they were born, but it’s the Onceler
Onceler, Twiceler, Thriceler, but then there are no more words in that sequence. Will that stop me? No, I will change to a slightly different number prefix sequence
Quadler, Quinceler, Sexler, Septler, Octler, Nonceler, Decler
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vape-bot · 1 year
i'm such a hugpilled noncel, i'm in my forehead kisses arc, going cherished mode, giving [REDACTED] vibes
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sullustangin · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @starknstarwars and @eorzeashan  -- Thanks!!
Tagging @magicallulu7, @velvetsunset, @sheyshen, @tiredassmage, @davidoodles, @zabrakghoul annnnd @thaniraslegacyswtor​   -- no pressure, and apologies for anyone who’s already been tagged!  This can be for art or writing, whichever you prefer
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
The Yavin Fic
The Taste of Ashes
The Man Who Lived For Tomorrow
carth trash
Theron Shan and birthdays
Thing I’m working on for the SWTOR fic exchange (not its actual title, but the actual title is a giveaway)
Other stuff
west wing
Assorted dead fics (probably not going to do anything with them but I can’t bear to send them to the recycling bin; some of them I have cannibalized for plotpoints or details. 
nonceles vincent
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celflags · 5 years
Aestheticel Flag
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Aesthetic celibacy, also labelled as aecel, aesthecel and celsthetic.
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sun-3-160 · 3 years
The nonceler. Is that something
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Request : Yes or no, it’s not a hard question.” w Sonny
It’d been going on now for close to three months. Closer to five really, if you counted the first few isolated … incidents. But three months now regularly.
You and Sonny, your partner, your coworker, and technically your superior had been sleeping together for three months. You weren’t dating or anything. You were just friends who also sought each other out when in need of some relief from the stressful job you both maintained.
Your work days were long, and your work weeks were longer; it left very little time to forge personal relationships outside of work. And you both needed it, the release that is. Not that Sonny wasn’t handsome and dateable, of course he was with all that Italian charm of his. But dating would complicate things too much.
At least that was what you told yourself over and over as you got deeper and deeper into your ‘friends with benefits’ with Sonny. But now that you were nearly three months in things felt murkier than ever before.
He was just too damn nice and was making this very hard on you. How were you not supposed to fall in love with the big oaf when he did things like bring you coffee in the morning, and knew your favorite songs and what your usual order was from the little Chinese kitchen around the block. The way he looked at you sometimes made you want to pull your hair out by the roots. And you weren’t even sure if he knew he was doing it.
It was another one of those long work days where you and Sonny ended back at your apartment for dinner and well, dessert.
Being with Sonny wasn’t like being with anyone else. It couldn’t compare to any one night stand you had ever had, nor hold a candle to any short or long term boyfriends. He ran his mouth in bed almost as much as he did in the squad room and you loved it.
Sonny collapsed down on top of you with his full weight briefly, before rolling himself only partially to the side panting. You both laid tangled in your sheets laughing and catching your breathes. Sonny, mostly still on top of you looked down with a goofy smile and you laughed again.
“What?” Goofy smile broke out into a proper grin and he shook his head.
“Nothin’” You rolled your eyes still smiling and Sonny let out a sigh before completing his roll off of you, laying next to you in your bed. You curled up on your side and faced him watching him stare at your ceiling fan. Neither of you moved or spoke for sometime before Sonny slowly pushed himself into a sitting position before swinging his legs off the side of the bed; your stomach dropped.
“Leaving?” You asked trying to hide some of the disappointment you always felt when it reached this point in the night. Sex? Sure. But had Sonny slept over? In your bed? Absolutely not. That was one of those unspoken lines that you were beginning to loathe. Who drew those anyway? Sonny looked at his watch briefly before looking down at you still curled on the bed.
“It’s late,” He commented and you let out a small hum and shrug. You watched him get up and pull on his boxers before turning to look at you again, eyes soft. “Do…” He paused sitting back down on the bed facing you, “Do you want me to leave?” He asked and you felt your pulse speed up to something similar to what it was moments before.
“Whatever you want,” You shrugged trying to seem more noncelant then you felt. Sonny staying the night, in bed, all night, with you felt like change. Felt like one more way to blur up the lines of what you were doing and God you wanted him to.
“I asked if you wanted me to,” Sonny pressed and you merely offered him a small shrug, diverting your eyes and finding a loose string from your sheet to play with. Sonny was quiet for a moment before standing off the bed again and pulling on his undershirt with a small huff. You looked away from the string to him and frowned. Sonny caught your eye and frowned at your frown. “Do you want me to go?” He asked again. You opened your mouth before shutting it again and sitting up slightly.
“Sonny…” You started but he shook his head at you.
“Yes or no, (y/n)  it’s not a hard question.” he sounded more pleading then he did angry, “Do you want me to stay-” “Yes.” You nodded, “Yes, Sonny, stay.” You scooted further from him on the bed and pulled the duvet from where you’d kicked it to the bottom of the bed. When Sonny was still just standing there you reached a hand towards him, “Sonny, please. I want you to stay.” And you meant it. Sonny’s serious look quickly melted into one of boyish charm once again as he jumped into the bed causing you both to bounce and laugh.
Sonny turned off the bedside lamp on his side plunging you both into total darkness and scooted his way towards you in bed until his body was flush with yours.
“This okay?” He murmured and you nodded, allowing yourself to relax into the man beside you. “Good, I love to cuddle. I’d love to cuddle you, more, if that’s something you’d want?” He asked and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Yeah,” You smiled closing your eyes and settling into the warm embrace, “Yeah it’s something I’d want.” Sonny grinned to himself and pressed a kiss to the side of your head before tightening his grip on you. And so you both slept, probably one the best sleeps in recent history; all lines blown to shit just how you liked it.
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Noncelibate Pride Flag
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Noncelibate (noun: noncelibacy; adjectival: noncelibatary; abbreviation: noncel): someone who is not celibate; not practicing celibacy; engaging in sexual activity; an individual with an active sexual life; or a person who is NOT celspec (on the celibatary spectrum).
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celflags · 5 years
Celspec positivity
Unlearning wrong concepts of the term “incel”
Femcels exist
Queercels are valid
Inspec nonmen, cisn’ts and unstraights resist
They are not fakecel or noncel
Incelbians are incredible
Incelbies are stunning
Gaycels are marvelous
Transcels are amazing
Bincels? Striking
Acecels/acels are mellifluous
Other marginalized incels I didn’t mentioned? Gracious
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celflags · 5 years
Celspec Flag
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Cel-spec or celo-spec is shortening of celibate spectrum, standing as an umbrella term for identities related to celibacy, abstinence, chastity and virginity, covering synonyms and hyponyms, specially terms word rooted with -cel-, encompassing both inspec and volspec (incel/volcel spectrums).
Colors from chaste flag. As being virgin is a social construction, everyone could be included within celib spectrum, depending on the interpretation.
Traditional definitions of celibacies would say “not married” or “the practice of abstaining or refraining from marriage, sexual relations and pleasures”, as you see it has to do with act not essentially desire, so it’s not the same as nonamory, sologamy and agamy.
Alana is possibly the creator of -cel as a suffix standing for celibatary (with invcel), however it’s unrelated to celibatarism/celibacism/celibatism (a doctrine). Celo- as in incelospheric.
As for the abstention part, it’s not necessarily affectional or social, i.e. aestheticel (for example, not keeping up your external appearance, counting as an aesthetic celibacy), although it could be temporary, that’s why some people draw the line between celibate and abstinent, even though they are synonymous. However celibacy has more to do with singledom while abstinence could be related to monoamory/coupledom where people abstain from sexual relationship until officially married, whether the couple is formed or not (as in classical monogamy). But as we stated two paragraphs ago, celibacy is unrelated to -gamy/-amory in this sense, even both having to do with marriage or amato-relationships, because there are celspecs within conjugal and amorous relationalities.
Reminder celosphere does not require cishet manosphere, celospec folks are not necessarily involved with man rights activism (MRA). Also only modern incels invalidate many in-spec people as fakecel (slur) or noncel if they are LGBTQ+ or woman. But we are in favor of unlearning these cisheteropatriarchal concepts.
Celospecs are not always aspec. Alternate names: celispec, cspec or cespec (and incspec, incelispec, incelospec, incespec, ispec, vspec, volcspec, volcelispec, volcelospec, volcespec, involspec, invspec, volinspec…).
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