#nomu!mic au
dgalerab · 1 year
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they've been at this all night. their apartment is in shambles. the sun is coming up. progress has not been made. people have been chomped.
(my personal penance for nomu!mic au is that nomu!mic just has to be having the time of his FUCKING life in every art)
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decarbry · 2 years
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sing me to sleep +bonus
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jellyviscious · 9 months
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A new take on nomu zashi. I love him a lot.
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cheshiresartblog · 1 year
The Kurayami AU
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The Kurayami au is a nomu Aizawa au that takes place in a Ranking AU scenario. I live to mash together aus.
As with all of my ranking au scenarios, the Commission is the real villain of the story, which leaves AFO in a spot where I can make him the better of the two. This is an au where AFO grows a heart basically due to taking in these two kids rip.
Shouta was experimented on, brainwashed, and trained by the commission to track down the now vigilante/villain rooftop squad. He failed multiple times, so they decided to start using him for spare parts by the time AFO decided to raid the Commission Facility he was in. No name, no memories, no hope, Shouta was only known as Null then. AFO had to pull out some recessive quirks in his genes to actually get his body funtioning again. Hence the nomu part of all this. Gave him the new name of Kurayami and tasked him to watch after Tomura as well as other tasks.
At the time of this au taking place, Shouta and the rooftop squad are 20ish, and Shouta was Null from 16 to to 18, so he's been in AFO's care for 2 yrs.
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MHA x 'Splosion Man Crossover AU
A Nomu!Mic AU with a twist.
Kayaku, also known as The 'Sploding Hero: DJ 'Splosion, isn't your typical Pro Hero.
He was a specialized nomu designed to be a living explosive for the League of Villians, hence his name. However, Dr. Garaki made a slight miscalculation when designing Kayaku. Unlike his other nomu creations, Kayaku was more independent and aware of what was going on.
As much as he could be, at least.
But the experiment and the instability of his new quirk left his mind worse for wear, as Kayaku hardly remembers anything before he was kidnapped.
He does know that he was friends with Kurogiri though, and broke him out of the facility.
Which leads us here.
Kayaku/DJ 'Splosion
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Hehehehe! 'Splode!
Modified Quirk: Combustible
Base Quirk: Voice
Smells like coal and amber
Was experimented on for years before he escaped.
He is a bit of a Cloud Cuckoolander because of the experimentation he went through and his unstable new quirk.
Despite his unstable mind, Kayaku is smarter than his looks.
Wired with an instinct to create chaos wherever he goes.
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Unlike his canon counterpart, Kayaku doesn't hold back and will create problems on purpose.
He got his hero name from Kuroboro, who said that Kayaku reminded him of this video game character he liked.
Speaks in gibberish most of the time. Kuroboro often has to translate for him.
Has a weird obsession with cake and meat. Shouta has to hide any cakes he has outside of his and Kayaku's apartment.
Kayaku also tends to eat any power sources, such as batteries and uranium. He says it tastes like citrus candy.
Doesn't mix well with water. Luckily, his quirk allows him to self-clean by disintegrating any dirt or bacteria, so he doesn't need to bathe.
His hero costume allows him to release any excess energy into the leather. Each part of his hero costume has a different element infused into the leather, causing it to release a different color glow as a result.
If his hero costume is glowing brightly, that's your only warning that he's going to explode.
Despite how many times he has exploded, Kayaku is surprisingly still alive.
Kayaku tries to remember his past, but he never was successful.
He can't even remember his own name.
Why can't he remember?
It started with an 'H', right?
Why couldn't he remember?
Why why why why why why why why why why why why why-?
What was he thinking about? Oh yeah! Cake!
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
As if you weren't loud enough before.
He was the one who found both Kayaku and Kuroboro after they escaped from the facility they were held captive in.
Shouta helped Kayaku get well-adjusted and even let him stay at his apartment.
Over time, Shouta realized that he still had feelings for Kayaku despite the fact that he was no longer Hizashi.
He's honestly hesitant to call Kayaku by his old name, worried that it might trigger some bad memories.
Shouta often has to use his quirk on Kayaku so he doesn't cause problems.
Shouta once came home to find Kayaku stuffing a whole 3-tier cake in his mouth. He barely slept that night.
He likes to cuddle up with Kayaku sometimes when he's cold.
Shouta feels guilty for how Kayaku ended up like this.
The last time he saw Hizashi Kayaku was during their high school graduation.
And he had used his quirk to silence Hizashi Kayaku before leaving him alone.
Shiragiri Kuroboro/Thunder Cloud
Cool! You're like a video game character!
Kuroboro is high school best friends with Kayaku and Shouta.
Kuroboro isn't a full nomu like Kayaku due to the latter interrupting the nomufication process.
He kept most of his memories but is still a bit fuzzy here and there.
He's the only one who can understand Kayaku's gibberish due to being part nomu.
Kuroboro often feels conflicted about his identity, hence why he combined his human name and nomu name.
He tried to get Kayaku to remember his past, but it didn't end well as Kayaku became distressed...and exploded.
The first time Kayaku exploded, Kuroboro thought he was dead.
He took care of Kayaku while they were still on the streets.
Kuroboro was relieved when he finally found Shouta and begged for his help.
After getting reinstated as a hero, Kuroboro became UA's gym teacher and biology teacher.
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kore-arts · 2 years
New Uquiz!!! What Nomu are You! The Multiverse Server Provides the Nomu ;3
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clustercatalyst · 2 years
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I know it’s another drawing, but I was expeirmenting a ton of times for a nomu!mic.
Speakers in the chest? Side? Maybe down his whole body to increase range and sound. I wanted to try and mix in the mythological creature siren in so I tried what I could for the second version.
In his eye is like this volume, recording thing, I forgot the word honestly. This is still a huge wip, but so far some things that will stay is the longe neck and most likely the speakers.
That’s about it, for now.
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sapphic-agent · 4 months
One last autistic rant from me and I'll be quiet, but the way Horikoshi treated Mic? My god! Brace yourself, because this will be long.
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He's one of the few competent adults in the series but his opinions are always dismissed. Over and over again. And he used to be a prominent character in the series before being shoved into the background. I feel that was intentional because Mic was one of the characters that debunked some of Horikoshi's plot points.
"Bakugou is being a bit aggressive towards a girl I know is sweet and doing her best." Don't care. Get smacked in the face by Horikoshi's self insert, even though you were thoughtful enough to watch over him while he was in A FULL BODY CAST!!!
"Hey, this guy might be abusing his son. Shouldn't we do something?" No one asked. Just keep on commentating, commentator. So nosy.
"There might be a traitor in UA." That’s stupid. We will start losing trust in each other if we start pointing fingers, says the guy who is supposed to be a sharpshooter.
"You're obviously favoring this kid because of Oboro." Shut up, Mic. No one asked you. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to neglect my actual students in favor of this self-victimizing kid.
"Our friend is a nomu and we found out who the culprit is." I'll only go if you do, but don't really want anything to do with it.
"Our other close friend died." Shut up, Mic, and tell me about the students that I've neglected up until this arc.
"I was right! There was a traitor!" Yeah, but he still can be a hero. See, even your friend who was negatively by the traitor is siding with him. You're just a jerk, Mic.
"I went to the hospital to save Oboro, who I've known longer than Aizawa, and he isn't there anymore." Shut up, Mic! You're just being negative.
"I'm sorry for crying. I'm supposed to be a man." I wasn't asking you, Mic. I was talking to our friend who is more so your friend because I only ever use him as an excuse for how I treat my students.
It's so frustrating that everyone, even his own 'friends', doesn't listen to Mic. And don’t get me started with how he's written in fanon most of the time. This is another thing that I rewrote for my AU. Sunny Day (Mic's counterpart) is based on Fanon!Mic, but I expanded more on her character and have her be more than just a blonde ditz. I gave her the support that Mic never really gets in canon, but she still supports others in turn. Sunny's arc even plays into Shoto's arc in my AU, where she helps him escape Endeavor's grasp.
Alrighty. That's all from me. I'll leave you be now. I just wanted share my one final tidbit.
It's funny because Fanon Dadzawa is actually Canon Mic. He's intelligent, attentive, and actually shows concern for the students. It's sad that he's just support for Aizawa's character, he really has potential as a standalone character.
Your asks have been great, please feel free to send more whenever!
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kyurilin · 1 day
👀 for the fanfic ask game!
👀- Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
I have a collection of a few pre-Crumbled Rooftops Oboro Comes Back stories that I started so long ago that I think Midnight's death still hadn't been confirmed yet
I have a story where SOMEHOW Nemuri became a Nomu and Kuroboro (calling himself Kurokumo in this because I went a different route with Kurogiri and Oboro coexisting) had to track down Nomu Midnight
Then there's the poly rooftop gang urban explorer au for some reason that the document is """finished""" which really means I got bored and didn't like where it ended up so put an end on it and left it at that
AND very early stuff
I had a vigilante Aizawa AU I kinda worked on before I started even my long ass mic story that had a really cool plot going for it that I just didn't work on enough
A villain au of my own oc from the mic story that got to 48k before I gave up on it
and the ultimate never see the light of day apparently, the cloud control au aka the When You Die Your Soulmate Gets Your Quirk AU that I REALLY want to do because the whole concept was built for Aizawa to have gotten Oboro's quirk BUT I just didn't ever write a version I liked
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pocketramblr · 10 months
For the five ask game: how about an au where each holder of one for all are able to swap bodies?
This was previously unknown because, y know, most of the other wielders died pretty much instantly after they handed the quirk over. So a fun surprise for Yagi and Midoriya
1. Ok, so the trigger to swap needs to be something that Nana and Toshi didn't activate it in their years together, so I've decided the users have to mutually want to be where the other is. That's the only reason Toshi didn't switch into Nana's body at that last flight with AfO, because Nana was standing her ground there.
2. So decades later, as Izuku stares down a lake full of villains, he really wishes All Might were here. Back at UA, as Nedzu continues his lecture to Toshi, the hero really wishes he'd had any time and could be at USJ. And then suddenly he is, in a tiny body with a broken hand flying through the air with two of his students.
3. Izuku gasps in pain and tilts over, Nedzu asks "All Might, are you alright?" Izuku gapes at him in his two wrong body, but then says "USJ is under attack, they- we need help!" With a few more shakey breaths, he manages to stand and adjust to the pain. One For All feels far away from him now, Nedzu immediately gets one of those giant robots to carry them to the USJ, while the rest of the teachers hurry over too.
4. All Might is extremely confused as they land, and wonders if he's dreaming until he sees the Nomu over Aizawa and moves, One For All flowing through Izuku's body naturally under his order. Shigaraki is extremely taken aback by a tiny green kid as strong and as fast as All Might.
5. He's even more taken aback by the robot lifting part of the roof off the USJ itself and telling the villains to surrender before Nedzu asks something to All Might while the mic is still on. Toshi realizes what's happening and that he needs to be back in his body, and Izuku wants to be in his too, so they swap back in a blink as the other teachers burst through the front door.
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circledotdestroy · 4 months
AU idea: Nomu!Aizawa x Reader
You were there the day Oboro lived and Aizawa was tragically killed saving kindergartners from a villain attack.
Many years later, you reluctantly start teaching class 1-A. You were ready to start the reaping process when villains attack the USJ, one of them being an eldritch horror who made quirks go haywire and disappear.
As you nearly bled out on the floor of USJ, the Nomu wreaking havoc on your bones you see the horrifying man scratch at his glowing eyes. In a brief moment of clarity, you think ‘huh, Shouta did that when his quirk bothered him too…’
The rest of what happened that day was a blur. You saved one of your students, the man leading the attack got shot in his arms and legs, you were on dark cloud, Mic used his yell…
When you woke up in the hospital, after your friends reassured you the students were alright, you remembered your last thoughts before passing out. It was insane, but a hero can’t help but speculate sometimes
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dgalerab · 1 year
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when the zombie of your best friend's best friend who was also your best friend is still in love with you after 15 years and now you live like this (the knife is just for the principle of things)
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decarbry · 1 year
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getting help to break habits
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cheshiresartblog · 26 days
About the The Kurayami AU I'm curious as to mic and oboro in the au mic is a villain right? Like story wise how did mic get to that point what happened? And oboro what does he look like? What is mic villain name? I'm just curious as I find this au super interesting!
Boy, it's been a while since I thought if this au ngl. I'm not really part of the MHA fandom anymore.
Though i will have to say this au was one of my favorites.
It's a mash of my ranking au and a nomu Aizawa au. Mic and Oboro got to the points they did through the treatment they endured at the hands of the commission. Mic has a red ranked quirk and was subjected to inhumane and cruel treatment at UA due to the "danger" he posed to society. Oboro got less of that but he's a ride or die kinda friend so.
Also, Oboro and Kurogiri are two separate ppl in the au, with Kurogiri being the eventually villain name of his brother, Kirisame.
I actually forgot what we decided Mic's villain nake was ngl. It's been a long time. Banshee or something, probably. Oboro look is somewhere in my posts.
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ladycry19 · 9 days
Villain AU ramble.
Im not fully caught up with mango yet but based on what I've seen ima write my thoughts on where Morgan is through the final fight.
I think she ends up getting pushed with Toga. This may be subject to change the more I catch up with the mango. Either way, she's separated from Tomura but that's fine, they've got important matters to tend to.
Background: Oboro and Morgan are childhood friends. That stays the same in both villain AU and Canon. Shes dropped out of UA after their first year, so she isn't around when he actually dies, but she does hear about it, and it tore her apart. She goes to his funeral and everything, and it all just Makes her hate the hero system more now that it has rejected her and killed her best friend.
But she has NO idea about Kurogiri. After the PLF attack, Morgan gets arrested. since her, Aizawa, and Mic all were in the same class together in their first year, the police ask them to help interrogate her, hoping they can get her to talk. But she refuses, and if anything she says spiteful and mean things at them.
After some time, Aizawa tells her about Kurogiri. About how he's a Nomu, with Oboro, their friend, her childhood friend, is the base for the the Nomu, created by Garaki and AFO
And Morgan is distraught and disgusted and horrified. Horrified that her dear friend couldn't rest properly, horrified that she's been WITH him this whole time, and she never knew...
It tears her apart, and she spirals. But eventually Tomura saves her from police custody, and she focuses on the matter at hand, Helping and support Tomura.
So back the current fight, when Kurogiri suddenly appears, he asks Toga what she wants, and he asks Morgan what she wants.
As soon as she sees him, she feels that disgust and horrid feeling come back, and she remembers everything Aizawa told her.
She KNOWS she should ask to be taken to Tomura. She should be supporting him, by his side and helping him in the fight... She should be helping her friends in their fights, helping Toga.
But instead, she let's her anguish and despair and desire for revenge choose for her.
"Take me to Garaki." She says instead. To everyone it seems like she plans on rescuing the good doctor. Even Kurogiri doesn't question it.
And when she appears, the doctor is all smiles and joy and he's like "Morgan, my dear! Come to save me? Did AFO send you? How kind of you guys to think of me during your big fight."
And she doesn't say anything to him, but she has this look of utter malice in her eyes. As soon as she sees the good doctor, she attacks him and just starts stabbing him, multiple times, harshly, practically torturing the man and k!lling him slow and in the most painful way possible.
For Kurogiri. For Oboro. Her dear best friend who couldn't rest properly because of Garaki.
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clustercatalyst · 2 years
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Just casually trying to debate wether it now I want siren ears to Hizashi, I also am debating if the eye is a good idea. I might try to change it similar to a flat line that moves up and down kinda like old radios?
Still unsure
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